#lily the exceed
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bumblebeehug · 5 months ago
The dragon slayers and exceeds duos are so funny like
There's natsu and happy
There's Wendy and Carla.
There's Rouge and Froshe
There's Sting and lector
All exceeds that are child like
Then there's gajeel and his grown ass man Pantherlily.
There's laxus and freed
There's Erik and Kinana
gajeel and his grown ass panther man is hands down the best duo ever. mans saw a furry twice the size of himself with a sword 10x the size of that and was like "yeah i'll take this one"
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Some trio shots!
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gruviaa · 8 months ago
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beargyufairy · 1 year ago
They look so good and just for an opening?!
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Every single character cooked!! Absolutely devoured their looks!!
And why is it that Natsu looks the best (in my opinion)?! I love how he’s just casually standing on the seat!! And the glasses with the suit ugh I love it
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squareksks · 11 months ago
FT Exceeds !!
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Been drawing so many FT human cast members, decided to shine some light on the ones who carry them 💪💪
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mainlysarcastic · 2 years ago
One of my favorite parts of Fairy Tail is when Gajeel realizes that Natsu and Wendy both have cats and he complains that he doesn’t have one
And I also love how he sees Panther Lily and is just like- that one, That one is my cat
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erzasimpbitch · 6 months ago
Happy: Would you slap your best friend for a thousand bucks?
Panther lily: I would slap gajeel for free
Gajeel, tearing up: I’m your best friend?
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mashimaarts · 2 years ago
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2013.07.11: 暑中見舞い。
Summer greeting card. (Google Translate)
(⬇️ after all the other tweets & their repetitive captions under the cut)
2013.07.15: 暑中見舞いシリーズはひとまずここまで。本誌の方がFT祭り中なので、さらに楽しんでもらおうと一週間連続シリーズでした。明日発売のマガジンも一挙3話!よろしくです。
That's all for now for the Hot Summer Festival [greeting] series. Since the magazine is currently in the midst of the FT Festival, this was a one-week series to make you enjoy it even more. Tomorrow's magazine will also have three episodes at once! Yoroshikudesu.* (DeepL Translate)
*it's been a pleasure/best regards/etc?
2013.07.12: 暑中見舞い2
Summer greeting card 2 (Google Translate)
2013.07.13: 暑中見舞い3
Summer greeting card 3 (Google Translate)
2013.07.14: 暑中見舞い4
Summer greeting card 4 (Google Translate)
2013.07.14: 暑中見舞い5
Summer greeting card 5 (Google Translate)
2013.07.15: 暑中見舞い6
Summer greeting card 6 (Google Translate)
2013.07.15: 暑中見舞い7
Summer greeting card 7 (Google Translate)
2013.07.17: 暑中見舞いラスト。
Summer greeting card last. (Google Translate)
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lisannastraussisanangel · 2 years ago
I love your Levy and Pantherlily headcannons. Do you have one where Lucy, Levy, Happy, and Pantherlily go on a job together? It's just so funny to see that they like the girls better than their dragon slayers.
This will be fun!
Natsu and Gajeel are super offended and jealous that they are being left behind
The job requires them to search a huge library so the girls brought the cats to fly them around instead of climbing a million ladders
Happy tries to make it a competition but Lily is not having it
Happy sulks about this and Lucy has to cheer him up
The difference between the two duos is hilarious. Like Lucy and Happy are bickering the whole time while Levy and Lily are just chillin
Btw Happy does get bullied for being the only one in the group without a L name
Levy and Lily find the book first. And Levy brags about it for the entire trip home
Lucy and Happy both pout about it forever
Regardless of that, the four actually really like working together and do it several more times
Happy tends to bring out Levy's mischievous side and they tease Lucy (Lily tries to back up Lucy but he is ignored)
Lily is the only chill one in the group. It's usually a bunch of lunatics running around and Lily nursing a headache
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phoenix-before-the-flame · 1 year ago
Do you have any pantherlily headcanons? I really enjoy how you write him
You got it boss😎👍
Had to constantly remind everyone in the first few months of his time at the guild that despite his appearance he is quite literally a grown ass man, older than a good chunk of the guild members who keep babying him.
It took a while for it to sink in properly. Mirajane especially had a hard time remembering. She refused to serve him drinks at the bar for the longest time, thinking he was the same age as Happy n co.
Despite sticking with Erza due to her being a familiar face initially (lookin like Kinghtwalker) , he does eventually build up a genuine friendship with her. They spar and go on missions fairly often, and Erza also expands his horizons by introducing him different types of magical weapons and armours.
Apart from swords, he has good proficiency with knives and halberds. He has good hand to hand combat skills but largely stuck with weapons most of his life. It wasn't until afterwards when he came to the guild that he started to appreciate it more into how he fights. No one can resist a good brawl :]
Loves Happy, really he does, and he knows that customs on earthland are wildly different from back in Extalia, but he's still so fucking horrified that Happy doesnt wear clothes. He just wants him to put on some pants, please, he's not asking much.
Refused to spar with Gajeel until would accept a few pointers from him on how to use the iron dragon sword like an actual sword instead of just swinging it around.
Won't visibly show it but is deeply fascinated by the fact that magic is naturally occuring in people on earthland. He studies up on history and the different types of magic whenever he encounters a new one.
He's sorta a big deal still with the exceeds. Hailed as a hero for his efforts all those years. If he's out traveling and encounters another exceed they usually treat with deep respect or just straight up awe. Happy and Carla dont get it. It's just Lily? Yeah he's cool but again. It's just Lily.
Has relaxed considerably since coming to earthland. In his mind he's retired from his old life and was given a chance to start fresh, so allows himself to take it easy as much as possible.
Realized that it jumpscares new people when he talks in his small form. No one looks at a 3ft tall cat and expect a deep grown ass mans voice to come out of it. Its super funny to him to throw people off like that and he tries to do it as much as possible when he gets the chance.
If he was human he'd be black what
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greeneyedsigma · 1 year ago
Can I just say, I love how excited Gajeel is about having his own Exceed, even calling Panther Lily “My Lily”
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Why are you so sweet, Gajeel?!
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bumblebeehug · 6 months ago
gajeel's first words to panther lily was "that cat's got a major sword!" and i think that's beautiful
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Something’s of Panther Lily! 🐈‍⬛
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gruviaa · 8 months ago
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love---mandy · 1 year ago
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So this month I’m participating in Goretober on my Instagram so that leaves litterally no time for new art, which stinks cause I’d like to draw some more NaLu, however I’m determined to complete Goretober this year, in the meantime I forgot to post my Exceed drawings here
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sakurakitsume-art · 9 months ago
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