autisticandroids · 1 month
casefic reclist
so here's my list for @spnficrecfest day 16! casefics! i have a lot of casefic ish stuff that i've recced already, but i've saved a few juicy ones.
i also have an absolute passion for "law enforcement pursuing the winchesters" fics, including crossovers with procedurals. you can rest assured that i have zero familiarity with criminal minds or law and order or whatever. the people from those shows are just well-developed oc's to me. so i can vouch for the crossovers being fine if you don't know the other source. anyway, there's a few of those on here, and there will be more on the outsider pov and gen lists.
so, casefics, in order of wordcount:
in scales of grey by liliaeth, 4k
victor henriksen hunts some vampires, along with some other beloved early seasons cameos.
drowned by eden22, 15k
gen, crossover with criminal minds. i would honestly rec everything by eden22, and basically all their stuff is at least case adjacent, but this fic is their most case-focused one other than maybe back road, black road. the winchesters hunt a kelpie with the law on their tail.
cops and robbers by ficangel, 17k
one of the first ever henriksen focused fics, apparently. victor henriksen finds out, then he and the boys hunt a demon. also a character study.
he ain't heavy, he's my brother by castiel_for_king, 27k, chose not to warn
the thing about this fic is that it's like an episode of the show, but like, a version of the show where all the characters like each other and have charming little interactions. even crazier, a version of season nine like that. and there's established destiel.
where black stars rise by teen_dean, 27k
a little destiel casefic by everybody's favorite babyboy dean author teen_dean. not exactly scary but borrows it's vibes from horror if you know what i mean.
i see a darkness by twisted_slinky, 70k, violence warning
gen. another cm crossover, but this time salmondean kidnap a couple of the feds to keep from being caught. great stuff. i liked the bro dynamic and i loved their interactions with the feds. and it's more case focused than some similar pieces.
and finally. so the thing is, i've already recced trapdoor by hal_incandenza. but i just cannot allow it to go un-recced for the casefic enjoyers out there. it's a rewrite of seasons thirteen and fourteen in episode format, with whole new motw episodes. they're so good you guys. like it's an overarching destiel plot fic, but it also has multiple whole case fics embedded inside. like, six of them. highly highly recommend.
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liliaeth · 6 months
@bestialitybestiary Going to respond to your reply here instead of in reply to your post. Because it honestly had me baffled if you were actually paying attention or not.
@liliaeth I mean you're right, Scott was called out sometimes. But it somehow didn't feel as if he cared that much. It was sometimes said. Idk I feel like I have to reach for context every time I want to understand his emotions in the scene, because it's not clear. Idk if it's because of acting or directing. What I try to say is that because of those little things Scott may be perceived as ignorant or dumb, and it's a shame. I know he isn't. And I wish they portrayed his character with more care. I guess because of how they wrote/acted the character it was easy to see him as a bad friend, if someone wanted to see him that way. And it's a shame I wrote this post because I was wondering why Scott has such a bad rep in fandom. I love the guy
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My main issue is this, of all the characters on the show, there were three characters who were called out on their mistakes the most.
There was Scott, there was Lydia and there was Derek. Which makes it no wonder that on the entire show, these three characters had the most character growth and development of any and all characters on the show.
Compare that to characters like say Stiles who was essentially static for six seasons, and had little to no character growth, because the show didn't dare to ever hold him accountable. Never made him feel remorse for how terribly he treated everyone around, him, and especially how badly Stiles treated the people he cared about, like Scott, like his father, like Lydia, like Malia...
(In fact the only time we see Stiles display any guilt over anything, it's to do with either the Nogitsune or Donovan, both of them cases where Stiles blames himself for things that are categorically not his fault. But when it comes to things that actually are Stiles' fault... things he actually did to personally wrong, it just gets ignored, and we see no reaction to it from Stiles, or any kind of him taking responsibility for it.)
But because Scott 'was' called out, and Stiles 'was not', people fell in the false notion that what Scott did was wrong, while Stiles behavior was 'just funny', or perfectly fine. Even though in most cases it was actually the opposite.
It's why people most often don't realize just how bad a friend Stiles was throughout most of the show.
See, you wrote that you felt Scott didn't care that much... and my instant reaction was 'did you miss the fact that he literally tried to kill himself out of guilt on three separate occasions?
In Frayed he is literally refusing to let himself heal, because he feels responsible over what happened to Derek.
And this is added on in Motel California, where he's already lit the torch, and thus is rid of most of the Darach's influence when he tries to put himself on fire, because he feels responsible for everything bad that's ever happened in their life since he was bitten.
And then in s5b, after Theo murdered him, it's Scott who takes responsibility for everything that went wrong, despite him being a victim, where once again, he won't let himself heal.
(all while the show refuses to let Stiles apologize or in any way take responsibility for listening to Theo and betraying the pack)
It's a recurring theme on the show, and with Scott that he's constantly taking responsibility for everything bad that happens around him, even and especially when it isn't his fault.
It's one of his main character traits, and this tendency to blame himself for everything that goes wrong, is probably one of his primary character flaws.
Like, it starts as early as in s1, when Stiles blames Scott for his father getting hit by a car in 'the Tell', when in Heart Monitor, he refuses to even talk to Scott, and Scott is desperately trying to make up for something that Scott had nothing to do with.
With Stiles blaming Scott for the 'werewolf crap coming into their life', despite Scott being the victim, and even going as far as Stiles abusing Scott with lacrosse balls, and getting him beaten up by seniors (risking said seniors' lives) just to punish Scott in false claim of it just being 'training)
I get that Stiles was just frustrated and worried about his father, which Scott knows as well, and is why Scott doesn't hold it against him. But with this added on to Scott's already existing tendency to take the blame for everything that goes wrong...
Scott could have refused, but instead he's blaming himself for these things, despite none of it being his fault... It's an ongoing character trait for Scott to do so.
I'm not saying the show was perfect, one of the main flaws the show had, esp. in regards to Scott, is that they went with the notion that Scott dealt with his suffering internally, and that the audience would see this as resilience. That he didn't lash out (outside of s1 when he's least in control of his instincts), and for the most part just dealt with it.
And directorial this lead to things like the show rarely if ever dealing with the horrors Scott went through. Even in the previouslies we rarely see a focus on what was done to Scott. Even Gerard torturing Scott with a knife in clear view in front of the hospital, and then threatening his Mom, is not mentioned in a single previously, no matter how relevant it would have been to do so...
Just like Melissa's horrified rejection of Scott in Fury is never once dealt with onscreen. Instead we get some mention of 'them being stronger now' in s3, when in reality what the show actually did was to stop having Melissa's behave like Scott's mother, and turning pretty much just into a mentor.
Where we see the sheriff putting his son first, and protecting his son at all cost, Melissa essentially stops doing so after Fury, and just starts putting expectations on him.
People ask why we keep bringing race into this, it's because in any other situation, where a white character's pain would be ignored in the show. (hell this is done plenty with Stiles even in tw fandom), fandom would then pick up the story in fanfic after fanfic...
But with Teen Wolf fandom, that does not happen.
Even Motel California, is more often made about Stiles, or Isaac, than it is made about Scott, a character who is clearly suicidal in canon.
And that would not be the case if Scott were white.
We constantly see fandom claim to hate Scott for traits that he either canonically does not have, faults, he canonically does not have, while ignoring the traits and flaws he does have, because they do not fit the narrative that people want the character or the show to be.
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scribeoffate · 9 months
Scott Whump Rec List pt 1
Happy holidays everyone! I know they can be stressful for all of us, so one of my favorite ways to de-stress is to stress out Scott 😈. This first rec list is going to focus on fics that do not have explicit sexual content. Pt 2 will cover those.
Lost Boys Don't Cry by CranApplePye (156K words)
This fic is sort of THE sciles whump fic. It features sciles being taken captive and delicious, delicious whump for both characters. The sciles feels are A++. This is a must-read if you are a sciles fan, Stiles whump fan or Scott whump fan.
Sawdust & Snow by QuickLikeLight (63k words)
While this fic is light on the physical whump, the emotional whump is A++++++. And again the sciles feels are just stellar. This fic takes a look at choices Scott and Stiles may have made post-canon and it's just so good.
worth fighting for by momentofmemory (18k, wip)
Am I biased because this fic was written for me, to my exact tastes? Absolutely. It is still a fantastic fic? Also absolutely! This is a scira fic that follows a captive Scott from bardo, to the place he's being held and back. It explores his relationships with all of the villains from the show and gyahhhh. It has everything you want in a captive! Scott whump fic PLUS some.
blood in the water by momentofmemory (7.5k)
This fic!! It's a missing scene, canon compliant fic about Scott covered in blood. It features sciles feelings and is utlimately a scalia piece. It's so good and so painful and so lovely.
heavy heart by momentofmemory (1.3k)
This fic features a Theo trying to figure Scott out, which is always a favorite of mine in sceo fic. But it also features Scott taking on whump he doesn't even need to. Lovely.
I chose those three- but if you are a Scott fan @momentofmemory's fics are not to be missed. Most of them involve some form of physical or emotional whump. And they are all absolutely stunningly crafted. Fantastic works, all!
the hunted sky by spikeface (1.2 k)
This is a missing scene style fic for 4x01, which features some of my personal favorite canon Scott whump- electrocution in Araya's house. The way this fic just adds so much depth to that scene is masterful.
the boy who swallowed the earth (19k) by spikeface
This one is more Theo centric than Scott centric, but def features a very healthy amount of half dead Scott for our reading pleasure. And if you want a fic with layer after layer after layer, this is absolutely it. You'll feel like you're going in circles in all of the best ways.
Dominion by Escalus (81K)
Again a little more Theo centric, but the Scott whump is lovely. And it features captivity, which you will note is something I enjoy v v much. This one is so fun, I love the way it plays out in the end.
my blood by LuthienKenobi (2.6 k, wip)
This fic features sciles on the run and a very, very, very hurt Scott. Love, love love.
Breaking Point by liliaeth (2.5k, wip)
If you hadn't realized, captive!Scott fic is my favorite. And this one delivers! It's one of those I've read mutliple times even knowing that it is only one chapter. I regret nothing. It's so delightful.
this beast that you're after will eat you alive by cat (rileyfinns) (4k)
This scira fic is all about scott and kira getting to cry. It's hurt/comfort but so heavy on the comfort. I love the emotional beats of this fic so much, they def scractch that emotional whump itch.
A few self recs as well, because my own teen wolf fic page is filled with Scott whump, because it is my favorite!
Just Breathe by idc_chan (1.3K)
This is a pre-canon Scott, Stiles and Theo fic focusing on Scott's asthma and it's just so much fun.
Catch and Release by idc_chan (2.4k)
This is a sceo fic featuring, you may have guessed it, captive! Scott. It's also got paintaking and Scott taking too much pain as a theme. A lot of fun and fts phsical and emotional whump.
So Part 2 is definitely gonna include some Very Explicit recs, but while making this list, I realized there will definitely be more parts. If you appreciate this list, leave some feedback for the authors! They would love to hear from you. <3
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quillsparkle · 11 months
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For liliaeth.
Derek watching Scott becoming a true alpha in 3x12, Lunar Eclipse.
Requests still open for anyone who wants a gif set, an image/graphic or fanfiction. See here for what I'll take.
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lycoperdales · 11 months
Part 2 of Pro-Scott McCall fanfics in my bookmarks:
“A Wolf’s Burden” by Liliaeth
• Scott-centric
• Scott & McCall pack (friendship/family)
• Post-series, canon-compliant
• Hurt/comfort
• Finished at 6 chapters and 25,000+ word
• Centred around Scott’s psyche and his tendency to always shoulder the responsibility and safety of others
• The characters and their relations are extremely accurately depicted
• Honestly, I feel like this is a “must read” for Scott-centric enjoyers, such a 10/10
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do you know where I can find positive fics about Scott? Not background to Sterek, please?
I think so!
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My Dreams Are Telling Me Something, I Just Don't Know What by Jagged1
(1/1 I 936 I General I No Pairing)
He’s lost and alone, has been for longer than he’s comfortable admitting, but he can feel this maybe-not-real stone under his hand, can breathe a little lighter in this new landscape, and that eases some of the anxiety running through him. - Stiles is literally lost in his own mind again, but even without all the information he'll make his way through it.
God, You’re Frustrating by royal_propellor
(1/1 I 1,167 I General I No Pairing)
It was late, around one in the morning, when Scott said, “What’s your biggest fear?”
Scott and Stiles had been driving around the Beacon Hills area for a while after eating dinner together. The original plan was to get back to Stiles’ house by midnight and go to sleep - it’s a school night and they have a game tomorrow - but now they’re laying in the grass on a hill somewhere in beacon hills, talking and stargazing. ——
or, scott and stiles have a deep conversation at 1am.
We're Supposed to Look After Each Other by orphan_account
(2/2 I 1,266 I Mature I No Pairing)
'Why didn't you tell me?' 'Didn't want you to worry. I had to look after you.' 'No, Stiles. You don't look after me, I look after you. I'm the parent here-' 'Mum said to look after each other!' He screamed, feeling himself break because she'd told him. She was dying, and she remembered him, and she'd said look after each other. Tears slipped down Stiles' face and his lip wobbled. 'She said look after each other.'
Turn off Shut down by azerblazer
(2/? I 4,619 I Mature I No Pairing)
"Stiles!" Derek barks out, pained and confused. Stiles merely shakes and begins to unzip his hoodie in a hurry, treasured red sweater given to Peter and then his two shirts are shucked off. Scott knows that no one else in this clearing has seen Stiles shirtless.
Every time he does there's a strange mix of awe and fear.
An Alpha's Sacrifice by OhanaHoku 
(1/1 I 5,148 I Teen I Stydia)
After Deucalion dies, Scott decides he's had enough. When he gives the ultimate sacrifice to keep his pack safe, his pack is left to fall apart without their alpha. It's a good thing Stiles made him a promise.
On the edge by ChaoticKamakazi
(6/? I 15,168 I Teen I No Pairing)
After a fight resulting in minor injuries, Scott and Deaton manage to stop the nogitsune just long enough for stiles to do what he thinks he has to. What he’s been secretly wanting to do for so long…
A Wolf's Burden by liliaeth
(6/6 I 25,415 I Teen I No Pairing)
After the War with Monroe came to a stand still, Scott tries to go back to school and lead a normal life. Fate unfortunately doesn't make things that easy, as the secret of the supernatural is revealed worldwide
lean on me by thoughtsandthings
(19/? I 32,459 I Teen I No Pairing)
This is a ceiling he knows, a sight he woke up to for years and years. This bed, too, is one that swallows his body in a familiar way, and the blankets and sheets smell like home. The room is dark, only the streetlight casting in through the window confirming his fear as he glances around the bedroom— the posters on the walls, the desk piled high with books and papers and homework, the empty spot where his crime wall should be.
He’s woken up in his childhood bedroom.
Stiles slowly rolls his head to the side to find a young, floppy-haired Scott fast asleep beside him, his breathing soft and steady.
A time travel story about friendship - Stiles and Scott haven’t been friends for a decade, not since Scott made the mistake of believing Theo and pushing Stiles out of the pack. Now twenty-seven, they get into an argument and wake up in the past, back to a time when they only had each other.
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I thought that Tyler Posey throwing jealous fits and whining "I am the fucking show! I carried the Teen Wolf Movie alone!" was peak, unreachable level of clownery...
But Scott McCall stans claiming that Scott's most defining trait is how smart he is and that "Scott is always right and a good judge of character" might take the cake
Teen Wolf Season 5 was literally ALL about Theo playing Scott like a fiddle without breaking a sweat, and Scott dying because of his own incompetence and stupidity. I don't know why Scott/Posey stans keep pretending canon never happened 
Anyway @princeescaluswords and @liliaeth are the Jeff Davis and Tyler Posey of the Teen Wolf Fandom 
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
10 Fic Challenge
I was tagged by @nyxelestia
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3. (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have!
10) Iphigenia in Tauris.
(Teen Wolf/MCU Crossover -- The Argents in a world of superheroes)
Outside the window of the limousine, the Atlantic Ocean churned endlessly.
9) A Pin's Fee
(Teen Wolf -- Scott and death for Scottuary 2023)
Scott hung up, the sound of Theo’s reluctant agreement to go to the hospital still sounding in his ears.
8) Pink Pen
(Teen Wolf -- post-movie study of Scott and Allison's relationship for Scottuary 2023)
Pushing open the door to the third and smallest bedroom in the condo, Allison put the cardboard box she carrying on the bed.
7) Golgotha
(Teen Wolf -- Scott on Easter for Scottuary 2023)
The stars glittered in the night sky like they were shards of broken glass on the dark black fabric of Scott’s suit.
6) The Natural Way
(Teen Wolf -- Another meditation on Scott McCall and death)
The light rain falling from the overcast sky didn’t seem to bother anyone at the soccer game.
5) Invulnerable
(Teen Wolf -- Post Letharia Vulpina story written for Scottuary 2023)
The rain falling on the roof of the animal clinic sounded strange to his ears, like he was listening to the ocean from the other side of a hill.
4) White Knight
(Teen Wolf -- Post Master Plan story written for Scottuary 2023)
After the third time that Scott had flashed his golden eyes at him, Stiles finally figured out that this was the only wolf power that Scott was using against him.
3) Firebomb
(Teen Wolf -- Noshiko and Satomi story set in 1943; written for Teen Wolf Appreciation Week 2022)
When the battle was over and the monster had died in the movies, there was always a moment when the sun came out with the promise of a new day
2) The Age of Innocence
(Teen Wolf -- Scott grapples with the consequence of growing up too quickly; written for Teen Wolf Appreciation Week 2022)
Twilight had laid itself like a heavy blanket over the neighborhood, muffling its sounds and making it seem as if everyone on this warm autumn day had already fallen asleep
1) Mile-High Apple Pie
(Teen Wolf -- Allison and Victoria story written for Teen Wolf Appreciation Week 2022)
As much as it made Victoria Argent wince to admit it, Martha Stewart was right.
This was illuminating; I have a pattern!
The ten people I'm tagging are @brydeswhale @spikeface @momentofmemory @liliaeth @adrianfridge @mongoose-king @lilbifuriouss Most of the people I read I'm not sure have tumblr accounts.
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corrodxdcoffin · 2 years
https://russianspacegeckosexparty.tumblr.com/post/621031888022274048/racists-have-been-claiming-for-years-that-scott#notes LMFAO who are you trying to convince, Antis? Cishet white boy Scott McCall is literally the blandest, flattest, weakest, most irrelevant fictional character ever (there’s a reason everyone eclipsed him without even trying and Tyler Whiny Posey is the only one out of the whole Teen Wolf cast whose favorite character is Scott, ya know? Oops!) Then again, you Scott McCall delusional squad cesspit bunch know Scott isn’t actually anything special, which is why 99% of your wankfics and so-called “metas” is a case of Fanon!Scott where he has Derek’s, or Stiles’, or Lydia’s personality and traits, or is a Spark!Druid!Void!BAMF or whatever lol anyway @russianspacegeckosexparty why don’t you go back begging for some pedophilic Papa Hale/child!Scott content? We know that’s all you and your @liliaeth @princeescaluswords @brydeswhale buddies ever do in your little cesspit corner of fandom – besides harassing Sterek and Steter shippers on the internet and whining about how Dylan O’Brien and Tyler Hoechlin overshadowed Posey’s talentless ass without even trying, that is
I have no idea why someone submitted this to me a few months ago, but I agree with most if the rant. Tyler isn't white, though, so Scott isn't either.
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dailyscottficrec · 1 year
April 5, 2023
Another guest rec from @spikeface
Unmanageable by liliaeth
Author summary:
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable. -- First Step in the Alcoholics Anonymousprogram
The truth is hard to take, taking responsibility is even harder.
@spikeface's reasons to love the fic: A beautiful exploration of Scott's relationship with his father and with being a werewolf through Rafael's eyes--and through the lens of Rafael coming to terms with his alcoholism.
Be sure to let the author know if you enjoy the fic!
Guidelines for submitting a guest rec here.
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
I've been wondering, but as a way to deal with the historical issue of making NIcky a priest before he joined the crusade. How likely do you think it would be, historically, for him to have joined the priesthood after the crusade? As a form of repentance or initial rejection of the violence, due to his guilt over what he was a part of? Especially as the younger son out of a noble family?
It would actually be rather likely! Depending, of course, on whether he got together with Joe directly after the First Crusade was over. In DVLA (my backstory for them) I separate them for quite a long time after the First Crusade, thus for maximum pining and introspection purposes, and Nicky seriously considers becoming a monk at this time in repentance for the violence and extremes of slaughter that he witnessed during the sack of Jerusalem. In that version, he doesn’t of course ultimately do so, but he does go through a long period of religious reflection and contemplation. Obviously the event of the First Crusade itself, whether or not he gets together with Joe, is prime religious-crisis moment for Nicky, and would probably result in him doing something to tackle it some way, whether or not he explicitly took holy orders.
Secular noblemen were often violent and not particularly inclined to the church, although many of them also were because religion was an integral part of the civic tapestry of medieval Europe, and religiosity, secularism, violence, and power all uneasily coexisted and were not mutually exclusive. They had a complicated relationship with it; they often were known for plundering church lands or funds to enrich themselves, but they also needed the church to forgive and sanction their violence, to assure them that they weren’t doomed, were actually exercising it in a holy way, and so forth. Retiring to a monastery was always a valid option for a secular nobleman who had gotten tired of the war-heavy lifestyle and was in search of a more contemplative existence. They tended to do this rather than the priesthood for the obvious fact that monasteries, especially Cluniac monasteries, provided a more comfortable life than that of a village priest. You can read some more about the differences between the various monastic orders in this ask about the medieval Christianity of Nicky’s world. For a while certainly during their heyday in the 11th and early 12th centuries, a Cluniac monastery would have been the choice for noblemen who just wanted to get away from it all. If they wanted a more spiritually rigorous life demanding that they make tangible physical amends for their dissolute ways, they might have chosen the Cistercians instead. The Cistercians were considerably influential in Italy (Pope Eugenius III in the mid 12th-century was born in Italy, but became the first Cistercian pope in 1145, less than 50 years after their founding in 1098), and if Nicky was really wanting to repent for Jerusalem and his part in it, he could also decide to become a Cistercian.
As the second or younger son of a nobleman, Nicky might have also been made a priest or forced into holy orders somewhat against his will (which could explain the armed priest part if you wanted to go that route -- he would have trained in arms as a nobleman at least until young manhood, and might not be pleased about ending up in the cloisters). The inheritance system of medieval Europe was commonly known as “primogeniture,” i.e. the eldest son inherits everything -- titles, lands, money, etc. -- and younger sons and any daughters, while they might have marriage portions made for them, are pretty much SOL. When you could have large numbers of sons in one family, this meant you had to take action to secure against the inevitable competing claims and fratricidal infighting that might result when younger (and sometimes more talented and capable) sons wanted a bite of the pie and saw themselves as unfairly disadvantaged by their eldest brother getting everything. Henry II of England, who was well known for having multiple troublesome sons, tried to solve this problem by having them each inherit a different portion of his vast domains -- Henry the Young King was supposed to inherit England, Richard the Lionheart was supposed to inherit Aquitaine and Poitou, Geoffrey was supposed to inherit Brittany, and John, well, John was known as “John Lackland” because as the youngest Plantagenet son, there just wasn’t enough left even for him. He, however, obviously had the last laugh by eventually inheriting ALL of his brothers’ territories (though he also lost them, and is the reason England hasn’t had a King John since). When he became king in 1189 after his father’s death, Richard also neutralized the threat from his illegitimate half-brother, another Geoffrey, by forcing him to become the archbishop of York against his will.
This was because legally, a churchman could not inherit private family property or have any claim to his rival sibling’s estates, so putting younger sons in the church for a career became fairly standard practice. In this case, it didn’t matter whether they had an actual calling or were personally religious; the church was relied upon to fund their living expenses, provide them with a ready-made place to live, a chance to advance in the world, etc. Noble families also generously patronized their local religious houses in part for this reason, so their children could be assured of having a comfortable lifestyle if they joined (or rather, were strongly urged into) one of the nearby monasteries, cathedrals, abbeys, etc. This was also important in building goodwill for the church to pray for the souls of you and your family, and in performing penance if you had gone too far and allowed some bandits to plunder church lands (and/or taken a cut for yourself, as secular lords were often accused of doing). So that is another avenue.
The main question about Nicky joining the priesthood post-crusade would not be one of violence (which he would be expected to renounce, along with weapons) but celibacy. Clerical celibacy was not by any means the rule up until as late as the 11th century. The Cluniac Reforms (coupled with the Gregorian Reforms) in that time then began constructing this as an essential part of clerical identity; they insisted even on village priests, who had heretofore often been married, being both single and celibate. This was part of a larger effort to exalt celibacy as the holiest form of lifestyle (“sacred virginity” for women and deliberate chastity for men was highly regarded), and by the end of the 11th century, it was pretty unthinkable for a priest to be married or even sexually active. Did they do so? Yes, obviously, since they were humans, and even the Cathars in the 12th and 13th centuries, who insisted on strict sexual renunciation, did not always live up to their own standards (as noted in the case of Beatrice de Planissoles and her Cathar-priest lover, and which I talked about in this long ask on the history of marriage). But if Nicky was joining the priesthood explicitly to renounce his old secular lifestyle and to make penitence for previous sins, it would be quite odd and unlikely that he then carried on having sex with a lover -- and not just any lover, but a Muslim man! (Gasps, clutches pearls.) If he has been separated from Joe post First-Crusade, and is basically floundering and shocked and doesn’t know what to do and wants to reject the violence that he just took part in, then yes, there is absolutely an opportunity for him to take holy orders, whether informally or formally, even for some period of time. If he is with Joe, that becomes less likely.
If we did want Nicky to become a Knight Templar for a while, the earliest date he could do that is 1119, when the Templars were founded. The Templars were essentially armed priests, whose devotion to both military and religious warfare was absolute, and which earned them the later bad reputation of the “zealots.” That is less true when they were first founded (they were an impoverished order meant to guide Christian pilgrims through the dangerous Holy Land to the city of Jerusalem, though they were quickly given a lot of money and renown), so that’s another short-term option if Nicky has been separated from Joe and is looking for some kind of religious absolution or repentance.
Thanks so much for the question!
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scribeoffate · 2 years
♥️ ur work
Would u have any interest in writing fics about werewolf culture or politics in TW?
Thank you so much 🥺
I have to admit, werewolf culture/politics is not my go to. Under Pressure and Deucalion's Progeny have hints at some of that type of world building. (Please heed the warnings, both 'verses are fairly dark. One extremely au and one post canon compliant.)
I really enjoyed A Wolf's Burden by liliaeth for post canon werewolf culture/political world building.
Another darkfic I think touches on some of that, though in an au context again, is beast in the echo by spikeface. This one is Stiles-centric. Again, heed the warnings.
Something more angsty, less dark and again au: Say a Prayer 'Verse by firefall is a 1930's/Great Depression au that touches a little on werewolf culture.
And then something lighter, again in an werewolves are known context (ngl, that's my favorite) is Lalune by pterawaters. I think this one is really, really fun in terms of werewolf culture. And the second chapter has a captive Scott part.
And if you like my work, I'm gonna assume you enjoy Scott centric works so here is a blog where I rec a wide variety of Scott fic: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/dailyscottficrec.
And keep an eye out for my scottuary work next month. One of them has developed a bit of werewolf culture plot, specifically in terms of how alphas deal with each other.
all the names for clouds and the prince of objects are excellent Deucalion (and truedemon) pieces also by @spikeface that I feel like touch on werewolf culture through a demon wolf's eyes. oh and also the family of things . (Just go read their work, you will have a good time, i promise.)
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fandombite · 4 years
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Join me @fandomslash , Sticky @bhadpodcast , and Cole @colethewolf as we introduce a new guest to FandomBite. @scerek answers all our questions completely unfiltered, and we share our own experiences about Teen Wolf Legacy Discord Server and @demonzdust ‘s pettiness.
#teenwolf #tylerposey #scottmccall #scerek #sceo #sterek #steter #steo #stilesstilinski #theoraeken #codychristian #demonzdust #demon+graphics
* Why was Scerek/Jon banned from Teen Wolf Legacy?
* DemonzDust and FanFictionFridge the ‘Gaslighting Twins’.
* TWL suspects all Sterek ‘s as spies.
* TWL and it’s blacklist.
* Power Hungry Moderators.
* Fake Plagiarism.
* Tumblr Notes Karma is a bitch.
* DemonzDust’s GIF / Scerek’s GIF
* TWL uses and bullies Liliaeth.
* SinyHale and her Chamber of Hypocrisy.
* How has your fandom experience changed after being banned?
* DemonzDust uses her followers to ice people out of fandom.
* Teen Wolf Legacy of Bullying and Gaslighting
* Cody Christian and Theo Raeken belong to no one in fandom.
* What message of hope do you have for the victims of TWL?
Apple Podcast users please leave a star rating and leave a review!!!!
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oldguardbigbang2021 · 4 years
Quick question, are crossovers allowed?
Crossovers in the form of fusions (ex: “The Old Guard find themselves working undercover at a paper company in Scranton, New Jersey, to find a money-launderer,” or “The Old Guard must solve a mystery on the Orient Express in 1932″) are allowed. Crossovers that focus on characters from media that is not The Old Guard as main characters are not allowed. The Old Guard Big Bang is all about celebrating TOG, so its characters must be the main characters. Thanks!
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camelotpark · 5 years
Ever notice that when the antis state 'reasons' they don't like Scott, that most of the time, it's traits they don't like in their own faves, rather than traits or flaws Scott actually has in canon.
They say Scott telling Stiles “I had you before” is abusive and toxic and proof that Stiles isn’t the abusive one in the relationship, Scott is. Yet they will never call this:  
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or this:
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or this:
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or this:
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or this:
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or this:
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There will always be reason for Stiles saying what he said not being abusive because it’s “How teenage boys talk” as one troll claims. They will make whole metas about Scott gaslighting his friends, but turn a blind-eye to this abuse and ableism. 
I wonder why they look at these two and treat them differently? 
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(and save your ‘They both look white to me’. I’m not here to coddle your close minded bullshit)
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sceosource · 4 years
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Here you go!
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To request your SceoScareFest board sending “Trick” to SceoSource before Oct 31, 2020
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