#true alpha
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 1 year ago
I'm a feminist, obviously.
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But I wouldn't really mind HIM saving me..
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aesthetictw · 3 months ago
— scott mccall
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rowinablx · 1 year ago
This is absolutely iconic
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louisbxne · 1 year ago
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TEEN WOLF 3x12 - "Lunar Ellipse" (2013) Dir. Russell Mulcahy
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celestialvoid-fanfiction · 1 year ago
Hot take: Scott only became a true alpha because he was fighting for his mum. The Durach was threatening the lives of all the parents (Melissa, Noah and Chris), which put Scott’s only family (his mum and his surrogate father) in danger. Because of this, he pushed himself farther than he normally would. That’s how he became a true alpha.
Hotter take: Had Cora been in danger, or had Talia or Laura still been alive and in that scenario, Derek would have done the same. He could have just as easily become a true alpha, because it’s not about power or how pure-of-heart you are; it’s about protecting those you love and fighting for others.
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wolffellerblog · 21 days ago
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A MoodBoard Request of Scott McCall ❤️🐺 (1)
#teenwolf #scottmccall #werewolf #wolf #truealpha #alpha #tylerposey #moodboard #moodboards #teenwolfedit #lacrosse #quotes
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gege-wondering-around · 11 months ago
Why Derek has the best 'Alpha arc'
Basing this on the show and the movie too Derek had been all the 'types' of werewolves, going through at least once all the eyes colors.
Yellow: is the base color werewolves get when they are first turned or when they are born
Blue: after he 'accidentally' kills Paige in his teenage years after trying to turn her into a werewolf
Red: after he kills Peter and steal the power from him to avenge Laura who had been killed by Peter to get the Alpha status
Blue: he loses the alpha status after he heals his sister Cora form a mistletoe poisoning (he takes so much of her pain that not even the Alpha strenght can keep up and 'dissapears' in order to save Derek's own life since if they take too much pain from others they could die)
Yellow: when kate de-aged him and he was left with his eyes from before he met Paige, but he slowly regain his blue
Evolved omega: altho his eyes don't change colors he can now fully tunr into a wolf
Red: during the movie in the last scene, when Parrish burn him and the nogitsune he turns into a True Alpha
Derek went from your typical bad guy that wants revenge, power and blood to your tough gentle guy who is very wise and considerate of others.
He started off as probably one of the worst Alpha on the show and became one even for the wrong or worst reasons:
He went around biting teens to build himself a pack to help him fight the Alpha pack and two of the three he bite ended up death (yet he still care for them all but his way of teaching them their 'new nature' wasn't the best and despite it was the only way he knew he could've done something more, but since they are his betas he inevitably cares about them and from a simple pack bond it becomes something more personal, cause in the end he cared for them for who they were and loved them for just being themselves)
He killed his uncle to gain the Alpha status for getting revenge and to fulfill his greed for power (that he thought maybe could help him heal or feel fine again but it never happened)
He put others in danger to achive what he wanted (like when he got Scott and Stiles to help him kill/hunt Peter)
But from being this big crappy man he lost his powers - that he literally made a bloody bath to get - to save his sister, to save the little family he had left.
He started to understand more the people he had around and who they were, he started to care for them genuinely. He was worried sick for Stiles bein possessed, cared for his betas (whoever was left) and had more interest in ensuring his friends' safety. His FRIENDS!
He started to see people - Scott, Stiles and the others - as his friends and not someone that would eventually betray or use him and that somehow cared for him too - even if most of the time he was thrown around like a fighting doll.
And then he remained an omega and evolved into a wolf, an actual wolf and saved the day - generally speaking.
He went from 'I'm gonna kill you' to 'I care for you' which is a lot for a character like Derek. Someone who went through years of pain and sorrow, having almost no one at all to rely onto and left to deal with whatever Kate did to him and with the guilt of getting his family killed - which isn't is fault!
And then we got the movie:
He has a son, Eli, whom he loves and cares for throughout the entire movie and I'm sure he was a great dad, maybe a little strict and traditional-minded on a few things, but definitely a good and caring father
He almost get killed and when he's fine and the wound on his neck is sealed, he 'dies' protecting his son - or better to say, stepping in the way of a sword
He helps the Sheriff with cases when at the beginning he was one of the few who wanted Derek in a prison - whether supernatural or a simple prison cell
Ans then, at the end, he sacrifice himself to save everyone and gets burned alive which turns him into a TRUE ALPHA!
This whole build up of events, of development and changes, going from bad to good, from a reckless and greedy man to someone one would look up to, a wise man who had seen enough and doesn't want others to live what he lived.
And like the Sheriff said
I have never seen anyone take the kind of punishment that Derek Hale took… And kept taking… In order to protect the people he loved.
He died burning alive, he died like his family did. Burned alive.
And this is worthy of a True Alpha. He sacrificed himself for everyone's sake and after his whole life was hell he wnet through with yet again another round of pain and tears. He had to leave his son alone to save him!
And he could've just let Scott get burned and stayed with his son but Derek was so selfless that he decided to take the burden upon himself once more.
Derek is the best Alpha in teen wolf - show and movie - and he's actually worth of being called a true alpha cause he earned it over and over and over again, he learned and become better, he healed and become a better person and leader. He earned his title as True Alpha.
Derek deserved, earned and is worthy of the True Alpha status and it costed him his life and his time with his son, and for what?
The people he saw as his family and he chose them above himself.
He did it for the people he loved.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years ago
What’s one of your favourite things about Scott McCall? 👀
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This is going to be complex, but one of my most favorite things about Scott McCall is something that might cause many people to scratch their heads.
Scott McCall's moral courage is personal yet universal.
When Scott takes a stand, from Season 1 to the Movie, he never seeks out an evil to defeat. It always comes to him. His desires are to be a vet, play lacrosse, and have a romance. He doesn't identify himself as a 'hero' or 'protector'; it's others who label him as such. When it all starts in Season 1, it's Peter, Derek and Chris who seek him out and insist he get involved (repeatedly). When he does feel the need to involve himself in later seasons and the movie, it's not for an abstract principle that he he is seeking to uphold. While he does have principles and while he fights according to those principles, his involvement always comes about because he knows the names of the victims.
Yet, almost paradoxically, those principles -- the most important one being that all life is valuable -- are extended to everyone, even the villains, even minor antagonists like Donovan Donati. He has to defeat Jennifer Blake, and he will, but he will give her a chance to surrender no matter whom she threatens. He has hope for Peter, who has mutilated and violated him repeatedly. He approaches Tamora Monroe and Gerard Argent alone, not because he's stupid or naive, but because he doesn't want anyone on either side to die. The only villain on whom he chooses to pass final judgment in 100 episodes and a movie is the parasitic ghost of a serial killer who died two-and-a-half centuries. ago.
To me, that's remarkable. I am sure there are other heroic protagonists who meet these standards, but they are not what I see on my screen most of the time.
He's not a crusader or rebel leader, answering injustice across the world for those who cannot defend themselves.
He's not a gritty superhero, protecting a city form the shadows to put the fear in the hearts of malefactors.
He's not a police officer, soldier, or highly-trained spy enforcing the laws of the society in which he lives, tempted to bend the rules to see true justice done.
I'm not saying there's something wrong with these types of heroes. It's just refreshing to see a heroic protagonist who isn't. He's a teenage boy (or a well-tempered adult) who has the power to save others thrust upon him and, for good or ill, seeks to do just that. I can't identify with Scott; I wouldn't have acted the way he did when faced with the choices he made. I just wish I would be able to.
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quillsparkle · 1 year ago
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For liliaeth.
Derek watching Scott becoming a true alpha in 3x12, Lunar Eclipse.
Requests still open for anyone who wants a gif set, an image/graphic or fanfiction. See here for what I'll take.
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charmed-redemption · 2 years ago
UW: Defying Gravity
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acinematicworld · 11 days ago
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🐺 — 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐦𝐜𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬 — 🐺
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[𝐭𝐯 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:] 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟏
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 1 year ago
You with the dark curls,
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You with the water color eyes.
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voidof-all · 2 months ago
Void of all Doubt, Teen Wolf
When the only chance at saving his and his friends' parents from Jennifer's ritual is to get through a mountain ash barrier, Scott has to let go of all the doubts and fears he has surrounding his future as a werewolf and what becoming a true alpha could mean for it.
Basically, what's going through Scott's mind in the moment he accepts his place and power and becomes a true alpha.
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candymatch · 1 year ago
I have a theory about when Scott McCall became a true alpha.
What if Scott didn’t really brake through the mountain ash circle. Hear me out! Deaton said in season two that you have to believe [the mountain ash] will work, that spark of belief is what activates the magical properties.
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When Jennifer threw the mountain ash she believed it would work so it activated the mountain ash as we can see by the glowing blue force field around her when Scott tries to break through.
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Scott could have just scared Jennifer into not believing that the mountain ash would work so it stoped working and Scott broke through the barrier.
This doesn’t mean that Scott didn’t earn his alpha status. This is just me spit balling at 11:00 at night. Don’t take it personally. I just was putting the idea out there. It’s probably not true and Scott really did break through mountain ash. It’s just an idea.
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colduaire · 2 years ago
Teen Wolf: The Movie proved one thing:
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wolffellerblog · 21 days ago
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A MoodBoard Request of Scott McCall ❤️🐺 (2)
#teenwolf #scottmccall #werewolf #wolf #truealpha #alpha #tylerposey #moodboard #moodboards #teenwolfedit #lacrosse #quote #bike #beaconhills
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