#like. this poor guy oh my god. i love him. fantastic character design he needs a break
spark-ocblog · 4 months
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Zena's latest design that I've been working on for zir participation in the @just-some-guy-joust !! It's her Generic Work Outfit that she wears to her multiple uninteresting Normal Guy Jobs. Its latest one, and the one that sticks for the longest, is as a server at a small cafe on the shady side of town (it does not have a concept for what "shady" means in this context, either).
(I honestly meant to have this ready by the time the polls started (over a month ago?) but now it can just be propaganda art for her (she's in round 3 right now, teamed up with @cyikess's Levi)!!)
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 9 months
small things on my second (third?) unsleeping city rewatch, pt 1
truly nothing compares to that first episode. I've never seen characters and a world so deftly introduced in such a perfect tone, setting up so much of the reveals down the line in everyone's first goddamn scene
I ADORE Margaret Encino, I really do. I still think that TUC1's Pete is my favourite Ally character of all time. Watching him stubbornly refuse to accept that this is not just a bad trip is so good, and honestly good on them for introducing their character with a fake name to half the party and keeping that going literally until Brennan forced them to drop it. They're playing the trust issues so well and it bringes such a fantastic crunchy tension to the group dynamic, bless them for going so hard on this character
the dynamics on the right side of the table have my entire heart:
Ally still being occasionally overwhelmed and Murph hovering at their shoulder like an excited dad teaching his kid to drive
the brutal and beautiful clash between Misty's and Kug's vibes at all times
whenever Pete is doing anything blatantly illegal and Kug the character is taken over fully by Brian 'Lawful Good' Murphy the person. It'll always be Ally doing their scene and Murph being So Scandalised beside them
Siobhan and Murph low-key egging each other on whenever it's about playing the Party Elders
"Do you want me to roll for you?" "Yes, I do, actually! I might make Siobhan my designated roller."
Siobhan and Ally just absolutely shattering at the Wally reveal
honestly so in love with how endlessly polite Ally and Murph are about trading their dice back and forth, every combat there's just a pleasant background chatter of "here you go" "oh thank you" "you're welcome", it's a very small thing but it's so pleasant to see
all three of them being SO nosy and sympathetic about each other's rolls
god I love the Pixie wedding so much. The atmosphere, the endless Godfather references, the massively creepy intro to Robert and co, the silly dancing, poor Sofia struggling hard (and Murph and Ally commiserating even harder), "It's my special day so, if you're gonna cry, you should leave", Ally's face when Robert mentions the bubbles, the absolute perfect suspense move of casually going "Kugrash you know this guy" when even Misty didn't, it's all SO good
honestly the perfect episode maybe?
Zac, Murph and Emily's reaction to La Gran Gata is so funny. They're truly The Most Cat People
also Murph's long-suffering but extremely fond "...always needs a familiar"
Emily and Murph are SO tuned specifically into each other all season (can't help but suspect this is a natural consequence of the seating arrangement tbh), but narratively it makes so much sense! Kug was Sofia's intro to the Unsleeping City so she turns to him for everything, and he knew exactly how miserably she was doing and how new this is for her so he's looking out for her and trying to cheer her up in his trashfire ways (and also probably feels some kinda way about seeing someone so shattered by their husband's abandonment). This friendship forever and always
I'm outspoken absolute trash for Sofia and Kug, but the first Dream Team's party dynamic overall is probably my favourite ever party dynamic. There's so much respect and admiration and history and mistrust and fondness and protectiveness and perfectly calibrated power imbalances in terms of knowledge of the word vs. actual magical power, every two characters together have individual conflicts and connections and dynamics, it's just. Perfect.
"Hey Pete, I... bless you with the blessings of um, uh... some pidgeons who died... near a church..."
coming from Twilight Sanctorum where Murph was on an unreal lucky streak for his standards, seeing Kug and his abysmal rolls is truly so funny
given that this is the season that spawned "I'm all the bad guys", I always forget how benevolent a DM Brennan is in TUC. Like, Zac is rolling badly in Ricky's first real talk with Esther? No dude you were funny, take some inspiration (is this literally the only time Brennan gives inspiration on D20???). Emily is disappointed when she doesn't find cool shit in the Bodega? No, you just saved the cat, it's giving you advantage!
the whole weird sexual energy happening between Sofia and La Gran Gata, special shout-out to Murph's face when Sofia says "I'll be waiting, but not in an impatient, desperate way" and "You are not the first woman to turn to a cat when her marriage has fallen apart"
Ricky, Ox and Kug the busted mutt having a jogging sesh will never not be funny, "It's fine, fuck me, go! You stupid kid! You goddamn beautiful boy, you fucker! You absolute asshole!"
"Animal control has decended on you"
Ricky being canonically too hot to stealth
"Just another perfect day for the luckiest, hottest man in New York"
Ricky's selfies and texts to Esther, my beloved
"Misty goes in, word-perfect, note-perfect-" "Please roll low, please roll low..." and Murph's absolute delight at someone else rolling a nat three
Misty and Alyssa tho. Siobhan is ice-cold. "No, I know you're sorry." "This will never happen again -" "No, it won't."
Kug in David's home, just. That whole scene. Crushing. The letter?? Everyone around the table bracing for impact before Kug even opens it. "I leave the letter... because I'll remember it."
we all know this, but Kingston and Liz's talk at the precinct is ICONIC. "Because of you I live in a fucking cartoon now!" lives rent-free in my head
Sofia's tiny meltdown in the drugstore is so funny. Also, her reaction to a random man getting all up in her business is an immediate "Okay! I fight him!" I love her so much
Spaghetti's Bakery, my beloved
The Cry Booth (and half the table cracking up at Pete’s incredibly quick “oh yeah he mistimed the pour over” excuse)
God I love how hateable Priya is. I love nuanced characters a lot but occasionally. You need a villain. Who is just a raging manipulative bitch. For the catharsis
The Talk About Pete?? Incredible. Kingston's devotion gaining such a dangerous edge, like damn, Lou, out the gate with "if things get out of hand, we put him down. Straight up." Kug, searching for a way to explain why he hates this whole situation and landing on just interrupting this extremely serious discussion by yelling "I have kids! I have kids! I fucked up raising my kids!". Misty wanting to lock everyone that bothers her in a cave (it can be a nice cave!). Ricky, the goodest of good beans, pointing out that if they're protecting all of New York, that also means protecting Pete.
All Hail Kug's rat swarms, I love them so much! "Our lives suck anyways!" "We prefer death!" Truly just a LotR girly gifting another some sewer Rohirrim (aka, "sorry i made you play superheroes buddy, can i interest you in some tiny high fantasy dynamic to make it better?")
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Brennan revelling in his players outrage will never not be funny
Kingston continues to go so hard, casting heat metal and taking equal damage himself, "What do you say to her?" "Nothing."
the idea of some poor train driver hitting a mounted cop in a subway tunnel
"Live like a rat, die like a rat." !!!
The LOVE for the city radiating off of Brennan and Siobhan in particular is so so sweet
Pete opening the mind link and then just being silent on the line, ultimate power move
god I fucking LOVE this fraught dynamic so much. Always give me groups that have secrets!!!
just a reminder that Sofia has pictures of Kugrash hugging his son :(
Nod is so fun. The talking cherry tomatoes, the mobsters literally sleeping on the bottom of the river, the dreamworld literally receeding from Kingston, Brennan's mind is just incomprehensible to me
"Ricky, you're gonna get a clue one of these days!" "I know, I think I'm close!"
Siobhan reading The New Colossus!! Also, Emma Lazarus as a Vox Phantasma!
"She's gonna kill you." "Only if she can get here, and I have her goddamn shoes!" God, I love Misty so much, what a pompous little old savage
The Hell scene is SO GOOD though, with the coked-up rat men all scrambling for a finite amount of money!! Murph's "Oh no, this isn't subtle at all!" will always make me crack up. Also can I hear a hell no on the concept of "you weren't so much transformed as made to take the form of your soul"?
Ricky being complimented by the Statue of Liberty
"the danger, of course, is losing the dream in the pursuit of your ability to obtain the dream"
Sofia's (and Emily's tbh) RAGE at the Dale revelation, GOD
also "He's got a job to do on earth! He has deer in the backyard to watch!" Emily!! She cannot keep getting away with this
I really love Pete's evolved wild magic mechanic so much
The Kingston Brown biographical exhibit :(
Goddd Sophie and her brother!! The most tense of scenes!! My love for Sofia knows no bounds
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queenlua · 3 years
Ace Attorney case tier list
so, in the past year, i finished replaying games 1 through 5 for the first time in forever, and also played game 6 for the first time ever
so here’s where i ruthlessly rank each of the cases based on that most scientific metric of all, My Opinions:
S-tier: Turnabout Trump (4-1).  I already knew this case, and I still gasped with surprise when Phoenix showed up, and when Kristoph showed his true colors, and when Apollo realized OH SHIT OH FUCK I REALLY AM ACCUSING MY BOSS OF MURDER HUH... what a wonderful, splashy, shockingly concise case to open up the post-O.G. trilogy world.  Marvelous.
A-tier: Turnabout Memories (3-1).  Seeing Mia Fey (finally!) in action is a long-awaited delight; seeing Phoenix being a total dumbass was an unexpected-yet-perfect and fitting delight.
B-tier: The First Turnabout (1-1).  Solid lil’ case with some conventional-but-well-executed humor.  I’ve got a soft spot for Larry Butz.
C-tier: The Lost Turnabout (2-1), The Foreign Turnabout (6-1).  The former’s fine but a little forgettable; the latter has some fun gags (Payne’s ridiculous new outfit, dude absolutely shredding on the mandolin, etc) but is marred by how uh... kinda silly the game’s core conceit is, lol
E-tier: Turnabout Countdown (5-1).  The context surrounding this introduction is just sloppy (badly handled in media res + let’s lowkey retcon game 4 isn’t a great setup), and also the case itself is just. irksome. ted tonate is just fundamentally irritating to look at
S-tier: Bridge to the Turnabout (3-5), Turnabout Goodbyes (1-4).  No explanation needed.  God they fuck so hard
A-tier: The Cosmic Turnabout + Turnabout for Tomorrow (5-4 + 5-5), Turnabout Succession (4-4).
The former two cases are what makes AA5 worth it, and they make for a tremendously fun ride.  It fumbles the execution in some notable ways (Apollo’s sudden j’accuse moment feels a little forced/awkward/inadequately foreshadowed, and damn it sure would’ve been nice to know Clay Terran at all before he died, and also The Phantom’s final meltdown could’ve used a bit more emotional heft)... but okay let’s be real, I’m here for Simon Blackquill, and this case gives me so much of him so who gives a shit.  (And Aura!  Condescending obnoxious engineering queen!  I love her!)  
As for Turnabout Succession... while I earnestly wish the game had explored more of Klavier’s feelings about this whole setup, and some more emotional beats for Apollo, the case still makes for such a satisfyingly twisty and fun investigation overall (the poison stamp! what a ridiculous murder method! I love it!) that it’s a more-than-worthy finale.
B-tier: Turnabout Revolution (6-5), Farewell, My Turnabout (2-4).
The former does some cool stuff—I particularly like the opening half, where Apollo’s being real snippy and coping with Frankly Bizarre Dad Feelings, and giving Apollo a chance to finally throw down against Phoenix is a blast.  The latter half of the case starts feeling a little... ridiculous? cramped? idk? like, they didn’t do nearly enough foreshadowing about Nahyuta’s whole deal for me to care about his drama, this justice system is so obviously silly and the manner in which the revolution is playing out strains my already-suspended-sky-high disbelief... fun, and flashy, but more noise than signal in the last part, I guess.
As for Farewell, My Turnabout: of course I love Edgeworth rolling back into court goin’ through SOME kind of bizarre emotional arc of Hey I’m Totally Healed Now and obnoxiously preaching about Truth TM.  And it’s cool that the game set up a case where you want to lose.  But the net result is a bit strange tonally—it’s trying set up some kind of message about It’s Not Just About Winning, It’s About Pursuing The Truth, but it feels really muddled when that’s combined with Okay But Maya’s Literally Being Held Hostage Like Right Now, Surely A Reasonable Justice System Has A Process For Dealing With This Obviously Complicated Situation, Right?
but also Franziska takes a fucking bullet (how did I forget about that) and then gets to roll in like Ms. Save The Day so, really, lots of good shit here
S-tier: Reunion, and Turnabout (2-2), Turnabout Beginnings (3-4).  Look, the first one gives me all the Fey family drama a girl could ask for, and the latter gives me young Edgeworth being a total shit in an obnoxiously shimmery outfit.  The whole enchilada is here
A+ tier: The Magical Turnabout (6-2).  DELIGHTFUL!  MAGICIAN!  SHENANIGANS!  Like you get to guess the trick behind a magic act as part of the case, how fucking fun is that, and also the Apollo & Athena duo’s chemistry is perfect, the villain is a FANTASTIC bastard, and even the bit characters you meet during the investigation are total delights... Probably the best “standalone” case in the series, in that it doesn’t rely on any emotional connections to previous cases (unlike 2-2 and 3-4) to still totally and completely rule.
A tier: Turnabout Samurai (1-3), Turnabout Reclaimed (5-DLC).
For Turnabout Samurai, I remembered before this replay how delightful the TV SHOW STUDIO investigation and actor-fandom stuff was; I had TOTALLY forgotten Vasquez calling in her mob connections to try and wreck you.  What a fantastic villain; what a fun case.
Turnabout Reclaimed is just good solid goofy nonsense.  Probably receives a boost for me in particular because, yeah, Simon Blackquill.  But then again who isn’t giving cases a boost on that account; they are MISSING OUT
B tier: The Stolen Turnabout (3-2).  Ron and Desirée are so great sighs into hands
C tier: Listing roughly in order of preference: Turnabout Academy (5-3), Turnabout Serenade (4-3), Turnabout Sisters (1-2), Recipe for a Turnabout (3-3), Rite of the Turnabout (6-3), Rise from the Ashes (1-5).
Four of these (5-3, 4-3, 1-2, 3-3) are perfectly solid cases; I just don’t love them quite as much as “thievery hijinks” or “Hollywood hijinks” or other such particularly delightful flavors.  Everyone has a favorite flavor of Jolly Rancher and all that.
Rite of the Turnabout is interesting and connected with the larger themes of the game in a cool way, and makes good use of the divination mechanic.  However, the last bit gets twisty enough to actually be kind of confusing, and said larger themes of the game are... kinda hard for me to take seriously... which, yeah, leads to it feeling a little stilted when it really should be singing.
Rise from the Ashes landed awkwardly for me.  I know it was added well after the first game’s release, and it does a good job of continuing some of the cool stuff from that game—it’s neat, in isolation, to see Phoenix and Edgeworth working together (while still sniping at each other!), and some of the DS-specific mechanics are neat.  However, I just didn’t feel like I learned quite enough about Ema and Lana to care about them like I should, and retconning “(almost certainly true) rumors that Edgeworth was involved in Shady Shit TM” into “actually Edgeworth was totally ignorant of Shady Shit TM, like at worst his crime was willful ignorance / incuriosity, he was just been manipulated by the Police Chief”... makes Edgeworth less interesting to me!  Like, it’s cool to see Edgeworth caught off-guard and under pressure, but I wish the circumstances had been different?  Also Gant’s theme song is annoying as shit, which is petty but hey this is my blog post so
D tier: Turnabout Storyteller (6-4), Turnabout Corner (4-2), Turnabout Big Top (2-3), The Monstrous Turnabout (5-2).
Turnabout Storyteller has some fun gags with My Dude Simon and also Taka, but was heavily marred by Everyone Talking Down To Athena The Entire Fucking Case Oh My God Can You All Just Shut Up.
Turnabout Corner has... lots of fun elements but... look the fucking stolen-panties setup just grates ok
I don’t think I hate Turnabout Big Top the way most people seem to, but I did find the final murder setup more annoying that I remembered this playthrough—bro you were really sure the dude was going to conveniently stand right there and the heavy statue was definitely going to strike a killing blow and not just give the guy a concussion?  ok lol
The Monstrous Turnabout suffers mostly from poor puzzle/investigation design, being too hand-hold-y, and also having a core gimmick/setting that just wasn’t really my thing.  Alas!
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leia-imogen · 3 years
aaron & the family he's found all by himself; vol. 2 // vol. 1
( ft. short jokes, a belated birthday shopping trip, & an ultra-chaotic winter break )
( for @criswisstuff & anyone who enjoyed the first one <3 )
savannah, who is 5'9, is constantly teasing aaron and cleo for being short. katelyn's good at 5'6, and also a bit impossible to tease bcs she's the actual best, so she gets to escape this
cleo ( 5'2 ) is perfectly delighted to have someone shorter than her for once in her life, even by only 2 inches
aaron: guys, just try and see this from my point of view
sav: [ collapses ]
katelyn: [ crouches down ]
cleo: [ sits cross-legged on floor ]
aaron: dude you're literally 2 inches taller than me
cleo: 2 and a quarter
sav is so smug about this but in a good-natured way, in that she and cleo call aaron "kid" or "kiddo" or "pipsqueak" and he doesn't mind bcs they always say it w such a huge smile and he likes to respond to sav with "how's the weather up there, tall-ass?"
and katelyn thinks it's ridiculously adorable how tiny aaron is and obviously she uses him as an armrest all the time
katelyn, petting aaron's hair: guys guys omg he's like an angsty mini blond kitten and i would kill for him <3
sav, popping up between them: mini-yard :))
before i get super distracted, i just wanna mention that aaron met sav and cleo towards the end of november, so they missed the twin's birthday
but sav still insists that she must take him shopping bcs sure his fashion sense is fine but there's always room for improvement, isn't there, aaron??
he relents, so long as she and cleo and katelyn ( who already gave him a birthday present?? why's she doing this??? ) don't spend too much money
sav drags him all around south carolina to the best thrift stores she can find and cleo and katelyn are amazed that she can get such fantastic deals on the supermodel clothes she wears
fr she's literally a fashion design major ( + minoring in business management ) and she shows up to class in skilfully done drugstore makeup and an absolutely killer outfit for like 15 bucks
she grew up poor, and she's still poor now, even if she ( thankfully ) managed to scrape a cheerleading scholarship
sav, flicking through a rack of dresses labelled $4 apiece: RIP to little miss rich bitch reynolds but i'm different ;)
no hate to allison she's awesome but she grew up in the lap of luxury surrounded by designer brands so she knows NOTHING about thrifting and rationing money in general
oh and sav and allison have kind of a frenemies thing going on bcs they're both fighting for the top spot of their fashion design course
they spend the whole day shopping and aaron ends up with a highly upgraded wardrobe that contains a lot of cute pastel stuff and sav's promise to do his makeup
aaron insists on paying for dinner at the really nice pizza place a short drive from campus even tho they all protest
and andrew knows he's found new friends, but has no idea that it's the vixens and he's dating one of them. nicky does tho, but he's sworn to secrecy
nicky thinks his new clothes are adorable and is stunned when aaron tells him the total cost
"oh my GOD that girl sounds like a genius."
"yeah, her name's sav. you guys,, would get along, i think."
okay now for the winter break part!!
i think that you can get permission to stay at dorms if you're an international student or something??
anyways since sav's super upset bcs her father straight-up told her not to come home bcs he has a new girlfriend ( god i hate sav's father )
katelyn would stay with her, but her dad can finally have her home in new york for christmas and she really doesn't want to miss it
cleo, the only one with a properly functional family, is going back to her big family house and loving parents and grandma and aunt and siblings and cousins. love that for her.
so aaron and sav are stuck at psu for 2 weeks and aaron's surprisingly cool with this. and sav's excited bcs for the first time since her mom died, she can spend her christmas with someone she actually wants around instead of her shitty-ass father and his constant stream of bitchy girlfriends
they spend a lot of time together, stealing food from the athlete's dining hall to make their own weird combos, which usually ends with aaron making something Cool and Interesting and sav gagging and spitting out whatever strange concoction she had previously insisted would taste good
i literally can't bring myself to give a shit about the twinyards' deal bcs andrew literally became best friends with renee?? and hooks up with guys at eden’s??? idk what's going on there but it's like andrew is trying to control aaron's life while he can do whatever he wants??? and honestly wtf????
also let me just make it clear that i ADORE andrew so so much he's one of my favourite comfort characters ever but i'm not gonna make excuses for his shitty behaviour. i fully believe he heals and puts away his pride to apologise to aaron, nicky, and kevin for his treatment of them
that's definitely not to say that aaron's internalised homophobia isn't eww, but with so many important people in his life gay, he makes a huge effort to get over it
so andrew just thinks that aaron is spending a lot of time in the library or out with nicky or something
and when aaron tells sav about this deal, she's kinda horrified, but it's pretty clear to her that aaron so desperately wants to fix his relationship with his brother, and she's not in any place to discourage him, is she?
the only thing she can do is hope that he won't come out all the worse for it
and stare at the boy curled up on the other end of the pale pink sofa cleo's parents had gotten, wonder just how much shit he'd been put through, and decide she was going to be his best friend
aaron's face has gone entirely impassive. sav nudges his fluffy-socked foot with her own, then reaches out to smooth the crease between his eyebrows. "careful, you'll wrinkle your pretty little face."
aaron is very caught off guard by this, and very promptly flushes bright red, which contrasts with the pale teal hoodie he stole from katelyn
"okay, enough talk about depressing crap. wanna go make christmas cookies now?"
so they make christmas cookies. well, it was supposed to be christmas cookies, but it turns into double chocolate fudge cookies somewhere along the line. neither of them knows how
them baking together is the definition of chaos. they're still blasting songs, and sav is singing along terribly
"yOu'Re A mEaN oNe, Mr. GrInCh," while poking aaron's cheek as he tries to mix something. he throws a handful of flour at her. "yOu ReAlLy ArE A hEel."
anyways obviously sav retaliates and that ends in a flour fight. it only stops when aaron deadass cracks an egg on sav's head and she smears chocolate into his hair
she also tries to make him sing along to baby, it's cold outside
"i'Ve GoT tO Go `wAAyyy~" she holds a spatula up to his face
"go away."
they video call katelyn, who takes one look at the mess in the cramped dorm kitchen and sighs so loudly and dramatically that her dad pops in and asks if everything's okay
aaron freezes up at the sight of him and sav quickly turns off the camera, bcs they both want to make good impressions on him, and being covered in various cookie ingredients just won't cut it, ya know?
the cookies turn out delicious and sav sends all their group chat various photos of the process, most of which consist of selfies with her making goofy faces while aaron is simultaneously baking and flipping off the camera
plus a several videos of sav enthusiastically dancing and mouthing the lyrics of, as follows, all i want for christmas is you, let it snow, and santa claus is coming to town and aggressively pointing a spatula at aaron
"c'mon aari, just sing! please??? please???? please you can do it i believe in you!!"
finally he just. gives up. "okay, you know what? fine, i'll sing to ONE and then you will STOP bothering me you insolent dumbass."
sav beams. santa baby starts playing. aaron is very clearly going through five stages of grief in 0.5 seconds
"go on," sav says sweetly as she slides in next to a pouting aaron, "i'll sing with you."
sav slings an arm around his shoulder and sways with him, so it's just her doing that and him grumpily mumbling the lyrics
and when the cookies are cooling down, they start cleaning the kitchen up. aaron rubs some spilled egg yolk into sav's hair but it goes pretty okay otherwise, since they're just listening to more christmas songs and chatting about light stuff, like aaron's biochem course, sav's fashion course, and their dumb classmates
aaron mostly listens tho, and learns that sav kind of hates allison reynolds for giving up her inheritance when she would do ANYTHING for even the tiniest fraction of that money
but she still thinks allison's gorgeous bcs c'mon
and that sav's dream is to one day open her own boutique!!
aaron spends most of the actual christmas day with the monsters at eden's bcs nicky and andrew wanted to
he spent a lot of the time texting on their group chat
doessavvyisgay: so u just go to a nightclub every week??
unaliveme: i mean yeah, i literally worked here for a while. we needed money and nicky was already working 2 jobs night and day
actualblessing: babe ur backstory is so tragic
unaliveme: i'm a fox for a reason ig
cleo.magda: Yes but-
doessavvyisgay renamed this conversation "aaron miniyard support group"
unaliveme: oh ffs
unaliveme: sav subject change go
doessavvyisgay: i'm at the clothes store what should i get?
actualblessing: something pretty :)
doessavvyisgay: sorry, i can't buy the cashier
cleo.magda: Wow.
doessavvyisgay: I DID GET HER NUMBER THO
unaliveme: lmaooo what's her name?
doessavvyisgay: uh
unaliveme: savannah istg u don't even know her name??
actualblessing: s a v
actualblessing: damn u really do be turning on the Charm tho
actualblessing: respect i didn't even talk to aaron till i asked him for notes bcs he has rly pretty notes and also a rly pretty face
actualblessing: and even then i was like :0
doessavvyisgay: u 2 = the only valid heterosexual couple
actualblessing: rt
unaliveme: oh shit i'm getting super drunk
cleo.magda: Aaron, you drink? That's not legal, get out of there right now. Kids these days-
unaliveme: cleo u have literally seen me get drunk af,, the first time we met,,, and anyways this is how my family bonds ✌🏻
doessavvyisgay: that's. so damn weird kiddo but go off ig
actualblessing: no go find better things to bond about other than alcohol and weird sweaty dancing
cleo.magda: Yeah, go watch some Christmas movies!
unaliveme: nicky makes us watch die hard every year
doessavvyisgay: see u in hell, kiddo ;)
cleo.magda: I meant things like The Polar Express and Home Alone.
actualblessing: merry christmas ya filthy animals!!
doessavvyisgay: merry xmas y'all i'm gonna go to that christmas party bcs i'm super bored
unaliveme: merry christmas mothers and fuckers
cleo.magda: Merry Christmas, you guys!
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with-love-anu · 4 years
Over a cup of coffee
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: Sirius falls for you as you start coming to their coffee shop regularly 
Warnings: A fluffy one-shot! No warnings to give ;)
Word Count: 1,912
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Sirius groggily started to set up the coffee shop. As much as he loved making artisan coffee, getting up at 6am was always a nightmare. James was beside him, wiping the counter and Remus was gone to the market to get fresh whole milk, bacon and eggs.
Their college time had been amazing but they all had come to the conclusion that they liked the simpler things in life. James had the money; Sirius made the most excellent coffee, Remus baked mouth watering pastries and James had been making the best sandwiches for them since childhood. They opened up a small barista located at the peak point of the city (near colleges, offices) named the “The Marauders’ Eatery”; which had become quite famous through the years. The store opened at 8 and by 9am it bustled with life.
As the day progressed, the crowd got thinner and the boys finally got the time to breathe. Sirius sighed cleaning the mixer.
“Think Marlene will drop by today?” James asked wriggling his eyebrows and Sirius groaned. Over time, the shop had gained quite many patrons. That included some girls who would gush at one of them so very obviously. Marlene was one of the girls who constantly flirted with him. He did not know how he could ever make her understand that he was not interested in her. She couldn’t take a hint.
“Shove off James, go back to thinking how you would impress Lily because we are not giving her any more free coffee!”
“Ah-“James started but someone came to the counter.
“Hello, what can I get you?” Sirius asked with his customary smile. Shit, she was beautiful.
“Can I get a large iced-coffee. Dark. And the banana walnut muffin?”
“Of-course, your name?”
“(Y/n)” she said smiling and Sirius felt his heart flutter.
“Please have a seat, and we’ll call you when your order is up.” Sirius said, moving to do the order.
“Thank you.” She said and moved to sit down.
James raised an eyebrow at Sirius.
“You find her cute, don’t you?” he asked and Sirius rolled his eyes.
“She’s okay.” He said, pouring the iced drink in a big cup and placing it on a tray with the muffin and some napkins.
“(Y/n)!!!” he called out as she paid and took the tray from him, thanking him again.
Sirius bit his lip. He constantly sneaked glances at her as she continued to work on her I-pad. She had her headphones on and worked in utmost concentration. She would bite her lip or run a hand through her hair occasionally. Remus snickered at him and he told him off and couldn’t help but blush. (Y/n) looked utterly adorable. She would come up a few times to order something and was incredibly polite each time.
It was almost 8 and James and Remus dealt with their last customers. Sirius straightened his apron and went towards (Y/n), gently patting on her shoulder. She looked up and removed her headphones.
“Can I get you something else? We are closing soon.” Sirius asked. She looked down at her watch and gasped.
“Oh my god! It’s almost 8. No, I don’t want anything else. And thank you for being so welcoming today, your coffee’s the best!” she said and Sirius smiled widely.
“Thank you and you’re welcome here every day.”
As she left the store he heard a clap and turned around to find his best friends smirking at him.
“The girl who Sirius thinks is ‘okay’” James said as Remus grinned.
“Oh and she is ‘welcome here every day’”
“Shove off both of you! That might be the last time she came here, she was just being polite.” He said and James scoffed.
“Doesn’t answer our question.”
To Sirius’s pleasant surprise that was in fact not the last time you came to the shop. You started coming to their barista every day, sitting at a corner and working. You drank coffee and tried different bakery products and some of the weirder sandwiches too, much to James delight.
“So, what prompted you all to start this barista?” you said as James worked around.
“Basically we used to be those college students who needed coffee to survive and whatever baristas there were, were either too expensive or the coffee was just too poor. Sirius bought a coffee machine after some time and started making way too excellent coffee.”
“That’s me!” Sirius called out and you giggled.
“Yeah, and I used to make all these midnight snacks for us three, so we just got the idea and did it.” James said as he handed you his newest bacon sandwich.
“Well, I am glad you did, because this place is amazing. The sandwiches too!” You said to the three of them bowed dramatically. You laughed shaking your head at their antics and went to sit at your spot continuing to edit the cover for the new comic.
You yawned and stretched taking a break from drawing. There was a tap on your shoulder and you looked to see Sirius, who offered you some coffee. You raised your eyebrows and he shrugged gesturing towards the seat in front of you.
“Yes, of course.” You said and he sat down in front of you.
“So, I always see you on your I-pad, what do you work on?”
“I actually design comic books for the Bachpan’s convention.” You said taking a sip of the coffe. God it tasted good.
“So basically that’s an organization that researches on child’s behavior and how to help them build better personalities. The comics I make are based on the very same research.”
“Oooh. That’s cool. How do you do it?”
“Subtle references. Most children are driven by desire; they want something or the other. So, we create a very innocent character, which is seemingly just like them and starts to do things their parents warn them against. It helps with the ‘learn by making mistakes’.  And then we show them the consequences of doing that. I try not to incorporate a character speaking out the morale directly, so as for the children to figure it out themselves.”
“Can I see some?” he asked. His eyes were so bright right, you were sure you could have said yes to anything he requested.
You showed him your latest work and he laughed at how funny the characters were. Slowly, the conversation shifted and you talked about yourself and your life and Sirius told you how he had a temperament for arts before. You found yourself smiling and listening attentively as he rambled. He was charming. You couldn’t deny that. Those people whom you saw gushing over him had a reason. But there was so much more to him. He was extremely perceptive and intuitive. He was funny, in a very natural way.
“Oi Sirius!” you looked over to Remus who smiled at you. “Get your ass over here; you’ve been talking for over an hour.”
Your eyes widened. Did you really? Your cheeks flushed and you looked at Sirius, who slowly got up.
“Pretty, how time flies, right?” he said and you nodded.
“Well, I had good company.” You said as Sirius’s face erupted in a loopy grin.
Sirius and you started sitting and talking every day after that. Sometimes James and Remus joined you two, sometimes they didn’t. You got to know more and more about them. They may think they were they cool and stuff, but according to you, they were the sweetest, nerdiest group ever.
“So, like Sirius used to be the bad boy, playboy-“ James said as you all sat together on one of their breaks.
“Wait, playboy?” you said cocking an eyebrow at Sirius. Sirius flushed.
“Well, I liked sex, don’t blame me!” he said and you giggled.
And somehow, you saw yourself falling for Sirius. You couldn’t point your finger on when or how it happened, it just did. You found your heart fluttering when he flirted with you, your stomach bounced when he winked at you. You couldn’t help it.
Sirius was frustrated. He had started liking you, a lot. He had no idea how to tell you. ‘(Y/n) I love how cute you are and want to take you out on a date.’ Well, that did sound quite okay, but how was he to ask? He always became a blubbering mess whenever he came close to talk to you about liking you. You made him nervous.
There was a ring behind him and he turned enthusiastically, expecting it to be you. He couldn’t be more wrong. Marlene. She came to him with an extra sway of her hips and he winced. He forced a smile.
“Good Morning! What can I get you?”
“Oh Sirius, don’t act like we don’t know each other. Okay, what about you make me whatever you want to today? You know I like everything you do.” She cooed and Sirius stopped himself from rolling his eyes.
He went to work on an espresso and heard someone else come in.
“Hey, Sirius!” your voice came and he turned around excitedly. “Can I get my usual coffee and the cake Remus said he’ll bake today?”
“Of-course!” he said as you sighed, standing at the counter. You did not notice the woman standing beside you glaring at you.
“So did you guys watch it?” you asked referring to the movie, you lent them a day before.
“Oh yeah, it was fantastic! Thank you for recommending it.” he said placing Marlene’s order on the counter, giving her the bill. Sirius noticed how she hadn’t her eyes off you, judging your every move.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Marlene asked and you turned.
“She’s my girlfriend!” Sirius interrupted and you looked at him wide eyed. You weren’t the only one.
“What?!?” Marlene demanded. Sirius pleaded you with his eyes and you huffed. Fine, you’d play along.
“She’s my girlfriend. Marlene, (Y/n). (Y/n), Marlene.” He gestured between the two of you and you gave her a smile. She shot daggers at you in return. She paid Sirius looking at him in a sickening sweet smile and huffed out of the store. You raised an eyebrow at Sirius.
“She wouldn’t leave me alone!” he whined and you let a little smile play on your lips.
“And the only way to get out of it seemed to be calling me your girlfriend?” you mused and Sirius blushed.
“Well, I mean we two would be quite believable a couple. You are cute and funny and smart and you are someone I want to take out on a date. I mean I LOVE TO. I MEAN I WOULD. HYPOTHETICALLY. I-” he ranted and you found yourself loving the red mess he had become into.
“SIRIUS!” you said and he finally stopped.
“There’s a new restaurant open just down the street. I hear the food is mouth watering. Would you like to go with me there tonight?”
Sirius’s eyes widened and you regretted the bout of confidence you were overcome with.
“Like on a date?” he asked and you nodded, gulping. Please don’t say no.
“I would love too.” He said as he started making you a big cup of dark iced coffee. As Sirius gave you the drink and a muffin the two of you smiled at each other. And years later, when people asked you two about your love story your reply was, “Over a cup of coffee.”
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A/N: This was written for Riley’s ( @wreckofawriter ) Cliched Month Writing Challenge. Let me know what you think!
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readyplayerhobi · 5 years
Favourite Fics of 2019
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So...I thought that I’d give you all a list of my favourite fanfic’s that I read in 2019! I’ll include the description that was given by the author and then give a brief commentary of my own! Please make sure to not only read the fic, but give it a like and reblog! Give it some of your own comments and too, and follow/tell the author!!
Authors - I’ve got some authors repeated so you might have more than one fic here!
Readers - ...there’s a lot of fics here lol
Welcome To The Underworld by @spookitokki​
; Demon/Radio Show Host!Jungkook x  Human!Reader
; Synopsis: In a dark little second-hand shop downtown, stuffed in an alleyway you only stumbled into because you were lost, you found a charming antique radio. When you turned it on, it began to play what would become your favorite radio show, “Welcome to the Underworld”
; My Thoughts: I rec’d this fic very recently but I still remember it well. Demon Jungkook is weirdly caring for her despite her being human and him being demon from the Underworld. The reader...well she has no sense of self-preservation honestly haha. I enjoyed everything about this; the smut, the world building, the characterisation and so much more!
Matters Of The Heart by @hobidreams​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: it seems not even the passage of half a decade can diminish the hold of Mr. Jung’s charms on your heart. but the rumors that welcome you home speak of his imminent marriage to an heiress, one who bests you in every infuriating, ‘ladylike’ fashion. just how, then, are you meant to interpret the undeniable sparks of desire in his eyes?
; My Thoughts: I maintain that I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH. I think it’s probably like...in my top list of fics all year. It’s just...amazing. The writing feels authentic to the era and the reader is a delightful rebel that we all love from Victorian eras after all. And of course...Mr Jung is just a ridiculously attractive man that I would like very much. Rain is apparently making a follow up drabble AND I AM EXCITED!
An Abundance of Scrunchies by @jhspetitegf​
; Single Dad!Hoseok x Kindergarten Teacher!Reader
; Synopsis: ❝hoseok is a hot single dad and you’re the new kindergarten teacher that likes to piss him off❞
; My Thoughts: This series of drabbles has completely stolen my heart. Dae is adorable and the reader is delightful in how she loves her kids. And then there’s Hoseok, the grumpy businessman who’s incredibly rich yet adorably dotes on his daughter and doesn’t get mad at her. It’s just...fluffy and angsty softness. I love it so much, and the smut was...oof. I can’t wait to read more!
Polaris by @junghelioseok​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: somehow, someway, he always returns to you.
; My Thoughts: I MAINTAIN THAT I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH AHHH. It’s so unique and beautifully written, such a delight to read and I enjoy it every time I do. The mixing of the ages throughout the years and how Hoseok evidently has knowledge of their future together but doesn’t tell her. It’s so sweet and yet so organic how they come together. It could be weird and creepy given the difference in ages continuously but it’s not. He’s always a gentleman and it’s just...it’s just wonderful honestly.
Faded Love by @jamaisjoons​
; Jimin x Reader
; Synopsis: he doesn’t need to say it. because you can feel your husband, park jimin, falling out of love with you.
; My Thoughts: Okay but like, I still feel the pain and sadness when I read this fic the first time :( the reader’s confusion and pain at being abandoned so thoughtlessly despite her efforts is so hard to read. I still hate Jimin for doing it, and I’m glad that he stopped and realised that he was making a mistake. But poor reader will never be able to fully trust him again and always be worried to some degree :(
Lost And Found 01: Tick Tock by @fortunexkookie​
; Peter Pan!Hoseok x Captain Hook!Reader
; Synopsis: The only hope you had at ending your exile and earning your life back came in the form of an infuriating and uncatchable man: Hoseok. He seemed to love the endless game of cat-and-mouse you two played - so much, in fact, that you were unsure if you were the cat or the mouse. What he failed to realize was that there was a third player, and this one wasn’t after him. The Crocodile hunted you with an intensity that rivaled the way you chased Hoseok, but with one difference: the games he played were deadly.  
; My Thoughts: Okay so like...a lot of my favourite fics ever this year have been Hoseok based. You’re not surprised, I know you’re not. But this fic is just...I cannot WAIT for the second and third parts of it. The world is so richly realised and the characters have such phenomenal characterisation and development in just this one chapter. It’s so...involving to read, you just get lost in it. It’s truly a beautiful work of art that I can’t wait to see how everything goes!
Jungle Park by @jimlingss​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: The equation is simple. Hoseok needs to hire someone. You need a job. Except like any actual equation, it’s not fucking simple at all! Not when you have to add the fact that he was forced to hire someone he doesn’t want in his office, he has little respect for your job in general, and oh yeah…once upon a time you might have—*CENSORED*.
; My Thoughts: I looooooved reading this fic. Jimlingsss is basically why I made Flower a once a week thing, because when I was reading Jungle Park, I was always SO EXCITED for Monday’s because it meant I got to read a new Jungle Park! It’s such a slow burn romance but it’s so delightful and rewarding watching this cold and moody lawyer warm up to his bright and bubbly HR person. And then you learn the backstory between them and...I just loved it all!
Magic and Mysteries by @jimlingss​
; Jimin x Reader
; Synopsis: Everything’s okay….EVERYTHING’S OKAY, YOU’RE FINE. Look, you just have one tiny problem. It’s an itty-bitty issue. Not that big of a deal. So what if you don’t have a familiar and you’re about to take on the ENTIRE family business. Oh, you have a name to uphold? Everyone’s depending on you? Great. That’s just fantastic. But it’s fine. You’ll get your familiar and you’ll run the best damn potion shop the world has ever seen. Everything will be fine, right?
; My Thoughts: Again, another Jimlingsss story but honestly, they’re always golden. I particularly remember this fic because I read it when I was in Korea. It’s so delightful and fun, reminding me a lot of Kiki’s Delivery Service. Jimin is a little rascal but I love that he teases her because he genuinely cares. It’s all just a truly wonderful fic and story put together in one delightful package.
Love, Guaranteed by @gukyi​
; Taehyung x Reader
; Synopsis: with the celestial ball quickly approaching, kim taehyung is horrified to find out that you, his best friend, are dateless. to remedy this, he initiates The Match Project, a matchmaking service designed to find the most optimal date. to you, it’s an opportunity to meet someone else so you can stop pining after your clueless best friend. to him, it’s an opportunity to finally, once and for all, tell you how he feels.
; My Thoughts: I do quite enjoy reading Hogwarts fics, and I particularly enjoying reading Hogwarts fics with BTS as students as long as there’s no smut in it. Gukyi’s Hogwarts series was such a delight to read and I remember reading this fic with a smile on my face. Wanting to scream at reader because POOR TAEHYUNG OBVIOUSLY LOVES YOU. Poor guy trying so hard despite everything :(
Lovers’ Fuck Rule by @prolixitae​
; Jungkook x Reader x Hoseok
; Synopsis: jungkook is still new to your established relationship with hoseok, which means he needs a little help feeling competent sometimes. especially when it comes to sex. alternatively, the span of a poly relationship over inaccurate amounts of fucking.
; My Thoughts: Okay look, I don’t do shipping or anything but Junghope is one of the best friendships/combinations there is. And this fic encapsulates why. Jungkook is so nervous with her whereas Hoseok is just...so unbelievably calm and dominant about it all. He knows exactly what gets his girl off and it’s sweet how amused he is by Jungkook. You can feel the slight insecurity almost off Jungkook because Hoseok has been with her for years but you can also feel the genuine love the reader has for him, along with the friendship Hoseok obviously has too. I really enjoyed it all!
Get Wet by @prolixitae​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: sitting in on your boyfriend’s dance practice is probably your biggest kink. it’s also the reason you asked to be so shamelessly fucked in the locker rooms of his dance studio, in spite of the pending consequences. note: this is not an idol-verse fic
; My Thoughts: You know I love Hoseok, and this smut was just...oh my god wow. Bizarrely, I explicitly remember reading it while in the cinema waiting for a film to start haha. TNS Hoseok is amazing though and I really love him. In this fic he’s even more amazing though and I just...god I want him so badly. Urgh, 10/10
Eating For Two by @park-moomin​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: He’ll have a Large
; My Thoughts: ARGH GOD I REMEMBER READING THIS. URGH, what is it about Hoseok that makes the idea of oral sex with him just so...amazing? Actually just any sex. Any at all. I love the idea of him being so...eager and desperate to go down on his girl, particularly when she’s pregnant so that she can still get some pleasure and fun out of it. Also, him cumming in his pants is just...the cherry on top haha
The Devil In His Details by @park-moomin​
; Jimin x Reader
; Synopsis: Evil comes in many forms. In this instance, it's a 5'8" pretty-boy with an even prettier dick. And you're the form you want him to come in.
; My Thoughts: Lawd, I remember this being one of the hottest smut’s I’ve read in a while and I still stand by that statement. It does make me laugh that this was supposed to be a 1k drabble cos...girl...this length reminds me of me haha. Still, I think Jimin got the blowjob of his life...probably every man’s life here. Well done Jimin, go back for more.
Hot Rod by @kinktae​
; Greaser!Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: a 1950′s inspired fic where greaser hoseok can’t keep his eyes, or hands, off the new waitress at his and his boys’ favorite diner.
; My Thoughts: The whole Rewind series that Rose has been doing but you all know I’m a Hoseok hoe and HOOOOO BOOOOOY GREASER HOSEOK IS SOMETHING ELSE. Everything about this fic was just...wonderful and it felt delightfully 1950s. The lingo and outfits, the cars and everything. It was hot and Hoseok deserves everything. I still kinda hope there’ll be a drabble or something in the future but either way, read this as it’s soooo good!
The Boyfriend Concept by @kpopfanfictrash​
; Pornstar!Jimin x Reader
; Synopsis: Win a Date with a Porn Star! You saw the sign when you walked in, of course, but you had no idea your friend dropped your name into the raffle. Fast-forward to later that day, when you actually win. You are horrified, of course, with no intention of accepting and setting yourself up for embarrassment. But then you meet Jimin, and decide this might be worth a shot. 
; My Thoughts: Shanna always writes some of the best fics on tumblr and this is definitely one of them. You’d think with it being a ‘win a date with a pornstar fic’ that he’d be a little weird or something about it (there’s nothing wrong with pornstars but you can imagine it’d be odd) but Jimin is just...so sweet and kind and polite! He’s just...the perfect boyfriend honestly. It just so happens he does porn too...I honestly loved this so much!
Beneath The Boughs by @gimmesumsuga​
; Dryad!Namjoon x Reader
; Synopsis: For almost as long as you can remember, the tree stood opposite your apartment has been a part of your life. Countless memories have been made under the shade of its supple branches, but when its existence comes under threat, you soon discover that your favourite tree is more special to you than you ever could’ve known.
; My Thoughts: I still maintain that this fic is just basically Steph gushing about her love for Namjoon all over the page. It’s just...so sweet and soft. Namjoon makes the perfect dryad and I can easily imagine him being one. He’s such a delightful character who you just want to protect and teach about the world because he has that kind of delightful innoncence. I loved it so much!
Sweeter Than Sweet by @gimmesumsuga​
; OT7 X Reader
; Synopsis: You never would have expected someone like Park Jimin to notice you. As handsome and beguiling as he is deadly, you’re enthralled from the very moment you meet. Addicted to his kiss and his bite, Jimin opens up your eyes to a whole new world of love, lust and seduction.
; My Thoughts: This is like...the OG OT7 fic. The one that EVERYONE should read. It’s so close to finishing and I’m kind of mind boggled that it’s going to finish. It’s just...perfection. Jimin is delightful and Yoongi is sweet, it’s just so perfect, I love it all. Namjoon is still a dick, sorry Steph. I also maintain that I’m secretly marrying Hoseok. Everyone go read it and strap yourselves in for a long ride!
Bump In The Night by @fortunexkookie​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: You’d spent countless nights terrified of the beast that lurked in the shadows, but as it would turn out, the monster haunting your home wasn’t a monster all. He was just a boy, and the only crime he’d ever committed was daring to love a girl from a different world.
; My Thoughts: Arrrrghhhhonaeouthnoetahnouenth this fic is just....perfect. I love it SO MUCH. Hoseok is a genuine monster in this, not just someone who thinks he is. He looks like a monster. But he’s a monster who gets a best friend in the reader and who slowly falls in love with her. I SWEAR MY HEART DIED WHEN THE THING HAPPENED :( Poor Hoseok, my sweet boy. But then...the end! And I was like ‘waaah’ I mean, I don’t know how she’s gonna live there but...I have hope for this odd couple because their love survived a lot <333
One Thing Right by @hobios​
; Jungkook x Reader
; Synopsis: “i’ve been wrong about a million times, but i’ve got one thing right.”
or, desperate to get your ailing mother into the best care possible, you ask your childhood friend turned enemy to marry you for his health insurance benefits. the only problem is it’s illegal. and he’s the sheriff. and you swore to hate him since the day he broke your best friend’s heart.
; My Thoughts: Ahh...this is such a well written fic and I enjoy it so much. Jungkook has such good characterisation in it and you can feel that the readers heart is in the right place! I really like it and it reads so well, like it actually reads like a legitimate novel tbh!
Wall To Wall by @winetae​
; Pornstar!Hoseok x Pornstar!Reader
; Synopsis: Temporary popularity is the biggest threat to your career right now. Without a solid core fan base you’re doomed to be forgotten. If not now, then in a month or two, and if not then, surely by the end of the year. That’s how quickly the adult film industry cycles through their actors, especially when you’re a woman. Your agent comes forward with a proposition to help put you back on the map.
; My Thoughts: Okay look...this fic is just great. I’m eagerly anticipating the second part because the first was just written so well. It’s so unique in that the readers already has a boyfriend, Jimin, who is not only okay with her being a pornstar but is the one who films her! But then you’ve got Hoseok, the new guy on the block who’s ridiculously good. The sex is just...it feels so realistic and like it’s two people in a relationship having sex and not just being filmed on camera. God I want them together lol
Club Zombie by @floralseokjin​
; Seokjin x Reader
; Synopsis: In a world overrun by zombies, you’d think everyone was a goner, but the reality is much different. A steady diet of brains lets a zombie exist as a fully functioning human. Just ignore the part where they’re technically dead… In fact, these days, the amount of zombies outweigh the humans. A lot jump at the chance to be turned. Beg for it.
Kim Seokjin controls the underground of Seoul. No one would dare cross him. That’s how most of the world goes these days. You wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of a zombie now, would you? However, you don’t quite see it like that. Spending most nights dancing at the club he owns, you catch his eye. It’s never the wrong side if you’re underneath him, right…?
; My Thoughts: Look...I still can’t believe I read a fic with zombie sex and that I actively WANTED to read a fic with zombie sex lol. But disregarding that, it’s still phenomenally written and the world is built up so well! I loved reading this and it didn’t feel as long as it’s word count. The characters were interesting with little tidbits being thrown out there that made you a little more interested in their history.
Defining Heaven by @akinnie75​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: “If I try to fly, will I make it to heaven, or will I fall straight down? But what exactly is heaven?” It’s a question that’s been in Hoseok’s mind a lot after cutting ties with his parents and ending his relationship with his ex-girlfriend. Dreaming is his fear, but you tell him that it’s not as scary as he thinks it is. Even in the depths of his own despair, you reach your hand out, but will he take it?
; My Thoughts: At this point, I think I just love anything by this author. But this fic was so...real and beautiful. The connection between two people who want more from life and deserve from life, who are both stuck. Hoseok’s story is heart breaking and getting to see him slowly come to life and learn to care for himself again was beautiful, while seeing the reader getting to care for herself by caring for him was just beautiful as well.
Florescence by @jincherie​
; Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader x Hybrid!Seokjin
; Synopsis: Okay, so maybe you’re lonely, and maybe there is something missing in your life, a void that you maybe want to fill with a companion that may or may not be of human origin… You’re perfectly content not doing anything about it though, until your best friend calls you in desperate need for your help and you suddenly end up coming home with not one, but two hybrids that may or may not have been on the way to the chopping block had you not taken them in. They’re more than a little rough around the edges, and the situation is less than ideal but… maybe the best things don’t always come in perfect, shiny packages. Maybe they just need a little time to bloom.
; My Thoughts: I love this story so much :333 it’s such an interesting twist on hybrid’s in that there are ones who get discarded because they’re ‘defective’. It’s horrible to think about and I just want to love both of them. Jin is so...sweet and he tries so hard, being the one to put himself out there with the reader because Taehyung is just a sweet and shy bub. Seeing them come to life slowly is so rewarding!
 Moon Magic by @jincherie​
; Merman!Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: You’ve never paid much mind to the moon, but you quickly learn that even though you’ve never really thought of the her, she has always watched over you. What better to heal an grieving heart, than the luminous, rippling magic of the moon? And maybe a merman, or two. You know, for good measure.
; My Thoughts: I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH AND I KNOW THAT YOU WROTE FOR ME AND I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I STILL LOVE IT. Hoseok is such a sweetheart and it’s adorable that you can see he’s falling in love much faster than she’s falling in love with him :333 the world is so realised, even though it’s just an island and everything is just...so perfect!
We Float by @lamourche​
; Massage Therapist!Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: Might as well get this over with. You sigh and raise your hand to knock, steeling yourself for patchouli and shell necklaces. The door opens. A face peers out at you. There’s no beard, no long shaggy hair. For a moment, you wish he did walk around shirtless. He’s handsome. He’s taller than you, with brown hair that almost falls into his eyes and undercut on the sides. Warm brown eyes and a cute nose. It’s fucking cute his nose. He’s wearing cargo shorts, a Hawaiian shirt and white crocs. Well, that’s better. He’s still handsome and his kind eyes make you want to confess some prior sin, but it’s easy to scowl at a guy in white crocs.
; My Thoughts: This is still such a wonderful and beautiful fic. Hoseok’s agoraphobia is dealt with tactfully and he’s not magically cured by the end, but it’s so lovely to see that he’s willing to try and combat it a little more because he loves her. And she loves him, accepting him as he is and not pushing for more than he’s willing to give!
Tip 143 by @minflix​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: Even though he is everything you find attractive in a man, your friend and co-worker Jung Hoseok is just exactly that - a friend and co-worker. For some reason, you have never found yourself attracted to him even though all the girls and guys around you go absolutely crazy for him.But that all changes for you one night while scrolling through Heart2Heart, a sex live cam website…
; My Thoughts: AHHHHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCHHHHH. THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE HOSEOK FICS ON THIS WHOLE SITE. It’s so wonderfully written and I adore reading it, even re-reading it. Hoseok is so funny and just...so light hearted. He’s not hugely bothered about anything and the way he goes along wtih the reader and even helps her to film her videos, even going so far as to...well going for her ;). And yet they both just think that they’re friends when nope, you’re idiots because you LOVE EACH OTHER. I genuinely love it so much, always a favourite and will remain close to my heart <333
See Both Sides Like Chanel by @minflix​
; Namjoon x Reader x Hoseok
; Synopsis: You, Namjoon, and Hoseok are inseparable. Three best friends that grew up together since you were all in diapers.But lately, Namjoon has been drifting away…
So on his birthday, you and Hoseok remind him just how inseparable the three of you really are.
; My Thoughts: This couple...is perfect. I love them so much, they’re so well suited to each other. Rich brats who despite being rich and snobby, all genuinely love each other so much. Poor Namjoon when he felt like he’d been left out. <333 it’s okay Joonie, they both love you. I read this while I was in Korea and it just...made an impact. I want them all to live happily ever after with each other x-x
Euphoria by @btssavedmylifeblr​
; Jungkook x Reader
; Synopsis: At the end of your life, you are given one day to live again with the man you loved. A lifetime’s love story told in a single day. 
; My Thoughts: THIS IS THE SADDEST YET SWEETEST FIC EVER. Oh my god, it’s just...it’s so unbelievably bittersweet. Their love for each other and how she KNOWS that she’s dying and she’ll never see him again. How much she throws herself into the day with him and how much he clearly loves her. She knows they have their whole life set out for them and it’s just...wonderful...honestly.
Off The Deep End by @boymeetsweevil​
; Merman!Yoongi x Reader
; Synopsis: Your new mermaid friend, Yoongi, helps you navigate the treacherous waters of love, sex, and National Geographic.
; My Thoughts: Ngl, the main thing I remember from this? It’s beautifully written and also fish dick lmao. But seriously, it’s a great fic to read and watching Yoongi get to experience the human world is a delight. It’s very unique in how it’s written and the biology and culture of merfolk. A definite recommendation for everyone!
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kaediisarchive · 3 years
Final thoughts on the 2021 Mortal Kombat movie.
LOTS of spoilers under the cut! Do not look at this post if you don’t want to see spoilers!
And remember, this is all just my opinion. It’s not like an actual in-depth review because I’m not a film student; this is just my perspective on what I saw as a fan of this franchise.
Sub-Zero and Scorpion were great. Opening fight was great.
“Eddy Tobias” namedrop lmao
I love the snow preceding Sub-Zero’s attack. Very foreboding.
Score is AWESOME. My favorite soundtrack is probably the one that plays when Sub-Zero is attacking them in the city towards the beginning.
Sonya rigging her house with a secret bunker and trap doors is smart and fits her character.
I like that the dragon logo has an integral meaning to the story.
Loved Jax vs Sub-Zero. Not mad about the origin change of Jax’s arms. I like that he had to work through his feelings of inadequacy and failure; people don’t just immediately bounce back after something that traumatic. I also like that his arcana manifests to protect Sonya rather than in the heat of battle. It shows his emotional priorities and what separates him from people like Kano who manifest their arcana in a fit of rage.
Sonya “Throw Hands on Sight” Blade lmfao. They nailed her fighting style too and I am happy.
Kano is the best thing about this movie. No competition.
Kotal reference!
Nightwolf reference!
Shang Tsung’s soul magic being black and wispy and foreshadowing Noob Saibot.
I love Liu Kang in this. He is 1000000% a Wholesome Boi. I like that he’s younger and unhardened and not the fully realized champion version of his character yet. Let him grow into it so it feels earned later on. I like that he’s the underdog, and I like what they’ve set up for him in the future. Also, the casting for him was perfect and they nailed his fighting style, too.
That little “the FUCK” that the Kano actor improvised(?) in the middle of Liu Kang’s lines made me laugh more than it should have. I don’t know why that moment got to me so much but it did.
I love Kung Lao. And they nailed his fighting style, too! Great to see variation that represents the characters (though there were less shining examples, which I’ll touch on later).
Egg roll scene is best scene.
Kabal! I love his dry humor. And his voice reminds me of Duke Nukem, which I’m not mad about. It complemented his dialogue well.
Not mad about Kung Lao’s death because it was meaningful. His fatality on Nitara was sick, too.
Liu Kang taking the ribbon from Kung Lao’s hat and wearing it in his honor, giving an origin for his signature headband is FANTASTIC.
Sub-Zero was a GREAT final boss. They really built him up appropriately to make him feel like it.
Scorpion’s fatality! And his skull face!
Not sure how I feel about Sub-Zero being wholly evil and there being no involvement from Quan Chi. It’s more straight forward for sure. It makes him an interesting (and badass) character, and I’m really behind this portrayal in that he is one of the most believable characters in the movie, but I’m not sure if I like the implications for later films in how this has simplified the dynamic in the entire Shirai Ryu vs Lin Kuei plotline. Having Quan Chi be the Machiavelli was always one of my favorite MK twists. And how do we eventually end the feud now? If Bi-Han / the Lin Kuei were wholly responsible, why should Hanzo EVER make peace with Kuai Liang down the line? The complexity feels like it’s been stripped down a bit, but I do love this iteration of Sub-Zero. I truly do. That’s why this is in the neutral category and not the negative XD.
Why didn’t Jax tell Cole when he saw the mark? Why wait until his family gets attacked? Maybe he didn’t want to do it in front of his family to keep them out of it, but that ends up endangering them more. Not a gripe, just a curiosity.
Sound editing was a bit too intense at times for my taste. I have tinnitus, so...big boomy bass with very mild voices is a chore for my ears to switch between. My ears were ringing within the first twelve minutes.
Torn between “fuck you Reiko” and “Reiko deserved better”. He deserved just a little bit better, but Skarlet says “get fucked” anyway.
I don’t like the “shaky cam” used in the fight scenes. Not my cup of tea. Very hard to visually process at times.
Whatever cosmic force is picking the champions for Earthrealm is doing a shitty job at it.
Why did they change the location of the Sky Temple to a desert? Again, not a gripe, a curiosity.
“We will not see another full moon before the tournament begins” THEN WHERE IS THE TOURNAMENT BUDDY???
Not sure how I feel about the “arcana” concept. It’s an okay plot device but kinda hammy.
Kitana’s fan! But why? Why is it there? I could understand the Kotal and Nightwolf references because Sonya has been researching, but why is Kitana’s fan randomly in an Earthrealm temple? Purely cheap fanservice.
Nitara was really cool. Shame she had to die, but her death was cool and there have to be some characters that get killed off. Wish she had more screentime though; feels like another instance of fanservice just having her show up basically as a namedrop and a quick kill.
The phrase “Are you okay?” was said WAY too much in this film. So much that I actually notices how often it was said, and I usually don’t pick up on these things.
Pretty sure a camera operator fell at one point in a Sonya scene because the camera jerked around violently all of the sudden then stabilized. Whoops.
How did Sub-Zero know to take Cole’s family to the gym? WHY did he take them there?
Opening scene was awesome, but it’s emotional impact felt stunted. I feel like the order of events should have been twisted a bit. Hanzo find his wife and son should have been the big emotional climax of the scene, but it felt like a passing moment and gave him no time to mourn and no time for the impact to truly set in with me. It was an “oh no they died” moment instead of an “ OH MY GOD THEY DIED THIS IS SO FUCKED FUCK YOU SUB-ZERO” moment. I dare say that the Legacy web series did it better in spite of their lower budget and overall quality; the series of events had better pacing and gave more emotional impact because of it. I said what I fucking said don’t @ me.
Wish we got more Scorpion. I love Sanada, I love him as Scorpion, but they didn’t give us the time we needed with his character to truly get a grasp of him.
Cole Young is like white bread in a parade of decorative cakes.
Raiden, a normally passionate and protective character whose fatal flaw is that he involves himself too much in events because he cares about the people in his realm and ends up fucking things up because of it, now seems to not care in the slightest. He feels completely uninvolved save for an occasional pop in to give a nod of disapproval. I don’t like this unemotional take on one of the most emotional characters in Mortal Kombat.
Small complaint from my perspective as a martial artist but uh...”Throw your uppercut!” was a bullshit line in a bullshit scene. If you’re locked up with someone like that and the guy has his arms around your neck, you physically cannot uppercut. You cannot fit your arms between his arms because they are cinched tightly around your shoulders/neck. YOUR HEAD is between your fist + bicep and HIS HEAD. In that situation, the guy has also left his body completely unguarded, so the most logical thing to do since you CANNOT reach his head is to go for BODY BLOWS. Beat him until he lets go to protect himself, catch his floating rib with double strikes, or punch the dude in his fucking liver as hard as you can to DROP HIM. Cole is supposed to be an experienced fighter, yet he makes one of the most rookie mistakes a fighter could ever make. Normally I wouldn’t care to point out mistakes in fight choreography or whatever because it’s MK and I expect ridiculousness, but this is the WRONG kind of ridiculous. It’s just NONSENSE.
I have SO MANY issues with Mileena. I’ll make this as short as I can. I don’t like the design of her mouth. I don’t like her weird stacked voice. She shows NO personality, not in her acting or even her fighting style, just an evil minion that got angry because she almost got her ass kicked. The turned one of the principle characters of the entire franchise and a fan favorite into a GRUNT. There is NO mention of Kitana outside of literal “fan”-service. Not even a reference to one of the most important plotlines in all of Mortal Kombat. And then they KILL HER OFF!!! When they do inevitably bring in Kitana WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY GOING TO DO SINCE THEY KILLED OFF MILEENA???? I’m heated and biased and they did my girl dirty.
Speaking of doing characters dirty, poor Reptile. They turned him into an actual animal. What a waste.
Why are they so mean to Sonya if she doesn’t have a mark? She wouldn’t be as much of a “liability” if they would take the time to prepare her and teach her how to defend against fighters that have unlocked their arcana. Mind-numbingly stupid logic.
This movie relies A LOT on prerequisite knowledge to work. It’s like they want fans to fill in the blanks for them. But not everyone watching is already a fan; this isn’t an obscure release, this is a blockbuster movie released worldwide. These gaps in lore and prior knowledge don’t make sense for such a broad audience.
Cole Young literally could have just been Johnny Cage.
Where was Raiden when his temple was being assaulted?
No but for real that’s the most boring decision they just ripped off Jax’s MK11 heater effect and Baraka’s blades (I know they’re tonfa and they aren’t attached and I DON’T CARE). Also, now he’s suddenly good at fighting again? After being dog shit this entire movie??? And tanks Goro?????
If Raiden is an Elder God in this continuity, why is he allowed to help Earthrealm AT ALL? It seems like favoritism and bends the rules that the Elder Gods are supposedly bound by way too much. They really just shouldn’t have made him an Elder God; I honestly think they just said it to introduce the concept without a fuck given towards the actual lore of the Elder Gods.
Cole REALLY should not have been involved in that last fight. Especially not after Scorpion shows up. It should have been Scorpion vs Sub-Zero ONLY for the final fight. Cole tag-teaming Sub-Zero with Scorpion cheapens Scorpion’s revenge.
Camera work in the final fight was not good, especially in the first portion. At one point Cole gets thrown into a fence, but it cuts to an awkward inverse angle that makes him look like he’s bouncing off of a trampoline. This continues to happen and ruins several shots for me.
Honestly Scorpion should have just possessed Cole. Permanently. No switching back and forth. No more Cole, only Scorpion.
Lots of dead characters come back as revenants and / or with upgrades.
Kano comes back with cyber eye.
Mileena comes back with full teeth.
Liu Kang becomes MK champion, wins tournament, and kills Shang Tsung. As it should be.
Cole Young helps Liu Kang become champion somehow idk maybe he sacrifices himself or something just please don’t make Cole the champion I will start a riot.
Next movie will start IMMEDIATELY at the tournament since there was supposedly less than a month until the tournament starts in this movie.
New characters coming in will be Kitana, Shao Kahn, Jade, Quan Chi, Kuai Liang, Noob Saibot, Ermac, and Johnny Cage.
This movie was good, bloody fun! It’s not an A++ Oscar-winner, but if you expected that going into it, you played yourself. It was Mortal Kombat; it was stupid, it was gory, and I had a blast watching it. Kano and Liu Kang were the best parts of the movie for me, with Scorpion and Sub-Zero tied for third. Also I popped a lot for the cheap nostalgia hits. I’m overall satisfied with what we got in spite of my complaints, and I only complain so in-depth about the things I love lmao so trust me when I say I’m not actually mad, just nitpicky. I’ve watched it twice now, and I would watch it again. It’s like a 6.8/10 for me.
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op-law · 3 years
Charlotte Kato x Reader {I Need You} Ch 1
(Y/n)'s Pov
"(Y/n) we're leaving now! Hurry up or else you'll have to crave a watermelon this year!" As my sister threw my bedroom door open, I practically tossed my laptop across the room but I somehow managed to stop myself before that could happen. Though as I tried to get my heavy breathing under control, I replied to the girl that had barged into my safe space. "G-Geez Yuki, don't you know how to knock? Just let me find my socks then I'll be right downstairs"
"Hehehe. Alright but don't take too long~" Once she had left the room, I quickly found a dirty pair of socks before I did the smell test and slipped them onto my feet. "I hope the corn maze is ready now it's the best part of visiting the pumpkin patch" After I found my favorite Halloween sweater from my closet, I left the room and started down the steps.
"Perfect now that the whole family's here we can head out! Oh, and good news sweetheart I called ahead and they said the corn maze is open for business as of today" Hm, that was good news indeed. "That's great Frank but don't call me sweetheart again you're not my Dad so stop pretending that you are" I didn't intend to sound so hostile towards the man but I was sick and tired of him trying to replace my Dad.
"Sorry (Y/n) didn't mean to upset you... Let's all head out now it's a bit of a drive to get there though that's alright since it will all be worth it to see you kids happy" After the six of us had piled into the old caravan I refused to speak to anyone as I popped my earbuds in and started up my One Piece playlist.
'As a kid, I never stopped searching for a great treasure'
45 Minutes Later...
I was lost in my music though when someone pulled out my earbud I was brought back into reality. "(Y/n) we're here. Come on I can even see a candy apple stand and I know how much you love those" Since it was only Yuki I gave her a pass as I unbuckled my seatbelt and followed her out of the van. "You're crying again (Y/n)"
Thankfully the others had already left so I quickly wiped my tears on the back of the sleeve of my sweater before I looped my arms with Yuki's. "Where should we go first, Yu? I hope you brought cash since I don't have a penny to my name" When my little sister brought us over to the candy apple booth, she brought us each one. "Dad gave me some cash so I'll take care of buying our stuff for the day"
As the word 'Dad' rolled off of my sister's tongue I felt a sharp pain shoot through my heart but I tried to ignore it. Sure, Yuki didn't have the same relationship with our Dad that I had though it still upset me to hear her call someone else Dad. She was only three when he died and I was seven but I was the one who watched him take his last breath. Even though ten years had passed since that day I still thought about him every day.
"Oh, look (Y/n) there's the corn maze! How about we have a little bet? The first one to find their way out gets to boss the other person around for the rest of the day. Which path are you going to take Sis?" As I looked over the map, I finally decided I would take the second path on the right. "I'll see you on the other side Yuki and if I'm not out by the time you finish just head to the pumpkin patch since I wanted to go there next anyways"
"Okay! See ya (Y/n)!" Once the girl had disappeared into one of the other paths, I started down my own though I was a little surprised to see how tall the corn was since it was still early in the season but I wasn't about to complain about it. "Now to find the exit~ Hehehe. I love October so much~" There was just something about this month that sent shivers up my spine but I just loved the feeling it brought to me.
"Boy and girls of every age wouldn't you like to see something strange?~" While I was making my way through the maze I had come across multiple dead ends and so far I still couldn't find the exit. It was a little strange since usually, I would have found my way out by now though maybe I just picked a bad path.
"Hm, Yuki is that you?... Yuki?" When I didn't get a response, I figured that I must have been hearing things or maybe the girl was celebrating her victory over me. "I need to find the exit so I can go hunt down my pumpkin" I took the next right in the path but something blocking the path had caused me to trip. "What the hell was that?... Hm, who in the hell would put a pumpkin in the middle of a pathway like this?"
As I picked up the medium-sized pumpkin in my hands, I gave it a once over though something about it felt familiar to me. "Hehehe. You kind of remember me of the sweet adorable Kato from Whole Cake Island. I wonder if the staff will let me buy you... I'm going to ask since I'm sure they'll be fine with it" When I stood up from the ground I continued on my way and as fate would have it, I finally found the exit. "There you are (Y/n)! You took forever in ther- where did you find a pumpkin?"
"I tripped over it before I found the exit though I think I want to buy this one. It's super adorable just like Kato don't you think?" As Yuki started to reply I could already see the frown on her lips but I didn't care since this little guy was coming home with me. "The pumpkin freak? Ha. Ha. Ha. Don't tell me you actually have feelings for that character (Y/n) I mean I can understand some of your other 'crushes' but that guy is just weird"
"Don't you have a crush on Basil Hawkins? I'm pretty sure that guy has a cult and he enjoys torturing poor innocent people like my baby Trafalgar Law" Sure, Hawkins might have looked like a normal guy but he just seemed like the type that would bathe in the blood of his victims. "Yeah... we're not going to discuss that (Y/n). Though at least my man actually looks like a man unlike the weirdo Kato"
I knew this wasn't going to end well but I couldn't help when a reply spilled from my lips. "At least Kato doesn't have any face tattoos" Yuki's face started to turn this bright red color as the insult war went into full swing. "At least Hawkins wears pants" When the next insult poured from my lips Yuki's cheeks had started to turn pink. "At least Kato smiles"
"Hawkins can smile and when he does it sexy as hell... Oh shit, thank God no one was around to hear me say that... Let's go to the pumpkin patch so I can get myself a pumpkin" As I started to giggle about the girl's outburst, I held my pumpkin closer to my chest though when something wet slid across my thumb I almost dropped it. "What was that?"
When I turned the pumpkin around, I didn't see anything that could have caused the wetness on my hand but I chalked it up to just being a drop of water from a nearby tree or something like that. "Weird... Yuki wait for me!" The girl didn't stop running towards the pumpkin patch though I easily caught up to her before she could get very far. "Slow down Yu! I'm going to end up dropping my pumpkin at this rate!" Thankfully this time Yuki did as I asked. "I'm sorry Sis. What are you going to crave on your pumpkin this year? You always do something different each year and they always come out looking fantastic"
"I'm not sure yet"
"Oh, look at this pumpkin (Y/n) it's huge! Do you think it will fit in the van? I don't want to take up too much space but I also really want it" I took a good long look at the pumpkin she wanted though I didn't think it would be a problem since it would fit perfectly fine in the backseat between us. "We can put it in the empty space in the back seat. If you can find Frank ask him to carry it for you since I'd rather not speak to that man any more than I have to"
"Alright (Y/n) I'll go find him but please try and at least be nice to him for once. He really cares about us like we're his own kids" That might have been true but there was no way in hell that I was going to get along with Frank any time soon. "No, it's not going to happen Yuki and you know that. I need to clear my head for a minute just text me when we're ready to leave" Why couldn't Yuki just keep her thoughts to herself for once? I didn't mean to get as upset as I did at the girl but it was far too late to turn back now.
'That wasn't very nice (Y/n)'
"Hm, who said that?" I had definitely heard someone speak though when I looked around, I didn't see anyone. "Hello?" There was a moment of silence as the sound of birds chirping met my ears but when I got no response from a person, I only shrugged my shoulders and kept walking. "Must have been the wind"
The rest of my walk was quiet and uneventful but I still didn't feel like going back to the others just yet. "This looks like a good place to sit" Since there wasn't much out here to use as a seat, I ended up just sitting on the slightly wet grass while my back leaned against the tree behind me. "It's so peaceful out here... Too bad I can't stay here forever"
I knew there wasn't going to be much time to myself today but I was at least going to enjoy every second that I had right now. "Hm, I wonder what kind of design would look the best on you. Any thoughts small pumpkin?" As my fingertips started to trace along the ribs of the pumpkin's hard shell, I felt a pleasant feeling start to fill my chest. Though I wasn't exactly sure what had caused me to feel this way.
"My Dad helped me crave my first pumpkin when I was just two years old. We had to use those silly plastic craving tools since I was too little to use the regular kitchen knife. It became our tradition to carve a pumpkin every year together but... now he's dead and it's all my fault" I couldn't stop my tears from falling any longer and I just sat there as they hit against the shell on the orange object within my lap. "H-He never would have been driving that day if I hadn't dropped the pumpkin b-but I did a-and it cracked. H-H-He just wanted me to be happy. I killed him!"
'It wasn't your fault (Y/n)'
End Chapter 1
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purrfectstrangers · 4 years
One of these days you'll have to make a proper account, Gamzanon~ Or just eat mine~ ♡
Running commentary will be in brackets~
Favorite Preds Per Caste ~ Lowbloods
Consider this my Valentines Day special. Alternia is filled with predators of all shapes and sizes. Today we'll be listing all of them. All preds from all castes listed from most favorite to least.
With special exception to Wanshi, Tirona, Karako, the Soleil Twins, and Amisia. Most people on this list will be aged up, but these characters are literally toddlers. No amount of aging up will make including them not feel creepy. Keep kids out of vore. [Damn right. I knew you were a decent sort]
And, finally, this will be divided into three parts. Lowbloods, Midbloods, and Highbloods. Here's part one.
With that out of the way, let's get on with the show~
Red Bloods
Karkat Vantas [♡♡♡♡]
Starting out strong with everyone's favorite cantankerous carnivore. 
He's easily a top ten pred. His layered personality means you can make him into whatever kind of pred you want him to be. He can smugly trash talk a pleading prey like no other or fret over over a willing meal just as well as any jade blood. He's often underestimated by his friends, which makes him ideal for snacking on smug Serkets or devouring delicious Daves. Plus, a God-Tier getting digested by a lowly mortal is A+ material and Karkat lends himself especially well to that. With an appetite to match his anger, Karkat gives a whole new definition to the term "hangry".
[It helps of course that I find Karkat so fucking hot. Padding out his ass after weiggling enough yo make his cherry red bulge shoot hands free is perfect, especially if you work him into a tizzy with some teasing from inside~]
Kankri Vantas
Kankri's a particularly condescending carnivore and I think that works wonders.
His stuck up self righteous attitude makes him magnificent at smugly putting prey in their place and the fact that no one takes him seriously makes him ideal for taking down apex predators. You know damn well he's got a speech prepared about why you should be prey. Unlike Karkat, he isn't quite as versatile and his celibacy makes it hard to contrive alternative vore scenarios for him. That said, he's still a smug snake who'd be more than happy to swallow you whole and lecture you about his #predrights as you digest.
[Maybe the mun is just a slut, but being reduced to prey for Kankri and told I'm nothing but food, like a lower class built to digest for him is... so fucking good... #predrights]
The Signless
He who fights monsters risks becoming one himself. Nevermind what happens to he who eats them...
Yeah, poor Signless kinda finds himself falling in last here. Not his fault. The Voracious Vantases are stiff competition. Having said that, he works fantastically for one scenario in particular. Corruption. The image of this perfect paragon who only ate people as a last resort slowly decending into a sadistic predator who gleefully churns up the Condescension is just beautiful. You can do a lot with a corrupted Signless. He just can't quite match his counterparts in the realm of berating those in his belly. Still, this predatory preacher is more than happy to continue spreading his message. All trolls are equal... equally delicious~
Rust Bloods
Aradia Megido
Oh, hell yes. Whether it's the cold cruelty of Aradiabot or the playful predation of her God-Tier counterpart, Aradia is a goldmine for gluttonous scenarios.
Her adventurous attitude lends her well to any kind of vore you can think of and her powers give her all the time in the world to act out your fantasies. The worst I can say about her is that she's more teasing than she is sadistic, but that's hardly a problem given everything she can do to you. A gluttonous goddess with an adventurous appetite, Aradia will always gobble you up with a grin~
[Aradia strikes me as a well of alternative vore potential, especially with how kinky her ancestor is. With her eager attitude she could make you happy to vanish from under her~]
Xefros Tritoh
You know what I love? Shy, spineless preds embracing their predatory nature. And Xefros is perfect for that. He'd go from eating people to protect Joey to eating people because he was feeling peckish. It all culminates in him digesting Dammek while Joey rubs his gut. Looks like bad moirails make great meals. You want a good pred? X gon give it to ya.
[Preds with loyal gut rubbers are the best, especially if said gut rubber gets off on feeling prey get softer. Some Pale pailing while Xefros' gut is still squiming wouldn't go amiss]
Diemen Xicali [♡♡♡♡]
This pudgy little pred hits a lot of good notes for me. Awkward, polite, and utterly gluttonous all in one. I can easily see this boy stuffing his face with hotdogs while already having a squirming gut nearly twice his size. Underestimated preds are my jam and I guarantee no one would see it coming if this guy gobbled someone up. Not to mention, his hotdog motif lends itself well to vore. Food transformation and cock vore scenarios practically write themselves. Around him, everyone's just another oblong meat product.
[Real talk, I just love chubby guys~ He can turn me anyto anything after sliding his hotdog between my buns~]
Marsti Houtek
Another favorite of mine: indifferent preds. These preds couldn't care less about who you are. If they're hungry, that's it. You're gone. Quite a few heckling highbloods learned this about Marsti the hard way. I love the image of her casually going back to scrubbing the floor after eating someone, casually cleaning up whatever she belches out like it's another piece of garbage. Her tight suit would beautifully show off every little bulge as her meal struggles and squirms. It's only after she's done that she sits back to enjoy her meal. She likely became a more active predator thanks to the influence of a certain gluttonous goldblooded girlfriend. What can she say? She loves to break down trash.
Fozzer Velyes
Whether he's a carnivorous comrade or an imperial predator, this burgundy has quite the appetite. He's outside digging holes and sweating up a storm all night, he's going to be hungry pretty often. I like to imagine all the ghosts he doesn't believe in are the ghosts of his former prey, which honestly just adds insult to injury. They had to listen to his cheerfully jingoistic rants for hours as they digested only for him to not even acknowledge them after the fact. He's a deliciously sadistic pred without even trying to be. This ravenous rust has certainly seized the means of predation.
Damara Megido & The Handmaiden
I'm putting these two in the same spot because, well, they just don't do much for me. I don't find their design that attractive, the whole sadistic dom thing is done better by loads of other preds and the whole Japanese Waifu stick is frankly a bit oversaturated. They just don't appeal to me.
Bronze Blood
Tavros Nitram
Rare opinion but... Tavros is wholesale one if my favorite Homestuck Preds. He is the absolute king of getting corrupted into a domineering predator. After everything he's been through, he deserves to cut loose. Let him feast to his heart's content as his prey wallows in the humiliation of getting eaten by Tavros of all trolls. And don't even get me started on revenge vore. Anyone can become a great pred. That's something the Serkets learned the hard way~
[Apologetic preds are pretty great too, like "sorry but you were so good... guess I'm gonna keep you, sorry" while they churn and digest, having to think about being pudge on his ass forever~]
The Summoner
Oh, hell yes. This experienced pred is an outright cassanova. He's got enough skill to swallow up soldiers mid fight and enough charm to talk their comrades into joining them. Take Rufioh's chick magnet charm and temper it with some maturity and experience and you've got the Summoner. He's added dozens to his thighs already and he'd be happy to invite you to join them.
[Especially with how tall adult trolls get. Color me needy for some size difference, especially when I stand exactly bulge height. Worm it down my throat to work up an appetite~]
Chixie Roixmr
On the topic of revenge vore. Chixie is great for this, whether it be eating Zebruh or eating those highblood knock-offs who stole her set. If you're lucky, you might even see her on stage with a huge gut. Granted, those loud belches tend to interrupt her flow. On stage or off, The Mask gives a whole new meaning to the term "Eat the Rich".
Skylla Koriga
She's a dominant pred if there ever was one. You don't get thighs like that without a balanced diet and her scrappy older sister attitude lends her well to all sorts of voracious scenarios. You can easily picture her eating up willing prey or devouring thugs who think they can steal her lusus.
[That country girl aesthetic fits well with lewd gassy moments while the prey is gurgling insude her. She probably revels in it, and having her belch in my face would be such an instant game over for me...]
Rufioh Nitram
Rufioh can easily be talked into being a pred in bed. I mean, the guy has dated Damara and Horuss, he's used to weird kinks. Ask him to eat you and his response will be "Sure, doll." He'd quickly develop a fondness for predation, especially after a few partners "accidentally" pad out his thighs. With any luck, you'll be one of them~
Vikare Ratite
This guy would be positively giddy to have you gurgling in his gut. His perpetually optimistic attitude would have him gushing over you as gurgle in his guts, his rambling string of compliments only interrupted by an occasional crass belch. Only problem is prying him away from his flying fantasies. He's liable to have his head in the clouds more often then he has you in his guts.
I mean... we know practically nothing about this guy. Everything we do know comes from second hand sources so.... yeah. At least the Ancestors have Mindfang's journal to go off of. Can't make any calls until we actually meet the man.
Gold Bloods
Folykl Darane [♡♡♡♡]
Predation isn't just a dietary choice for this one. Until she met Kuprum, she had to eat people to survive. She needs her energy and she's likely to taunt whatever poor shmuck she has to get it from. Kuprum would totally endorse Folykl's predatory habits and I can easily imagine him lowering a struggling prey into her jaws with telekinesis, mocking her victim all the while. Nothing personal. She needs her energy. But that doesn't mean she's going to be very nice about. Her casual cruelty lets her edge out some fairly stiff competition. Golds are easily my second favorite caste for preds overall. And this gremlin is the most gluttonous gold blood of them all.
[Real talk, Folykl can own me x///x A dirty, sweaty, crass girl who will insult me as likely as fuck me with that coiling, golden bulge? Hell maybe both at the same time if I'm especially lucky. Gassy from all that junk food, and lets you stew with it while she idly jacks off in the middle of the living room, blowing a load all over the floor... Then just laying back in her sweaty after glow.]
Zebede Tongva
In a caste filled with cynical assholes, Zebede stands out for his unwavering optimism. What makes him stand out as a pred is the side that affability hides. His pudge already gives him away as an experienced pred but that just makes him seem friendly. Of course, that same friendliness lets him lure prey back to his hive. Not to imply that it's an act, mind you. He's just as happy to meet you as he is to eat you. His enthusiasm is contagious even as he's happly melting you into padding and that's what sets him above so many other preds. He's a great friend to have, but be careful when he invites you over. You might just find out why he lives alone~
[*claps my hands in time* Chub-by boys are too good! I feel like he remembers every inch on his body as a troll, and still squishes them lovingly from time to time. He'll introduce you to every single one, mashing your face into his warm gut, his plump thighs, and his generous ass over the course of ages. He'd want to to stay forever, and after sweaty, heavy sex, getting ground into his mattress and learning to love his curves like he does, he adds you to them, to be with him forever~]
Azdaja Knelax
He's the self proclaimed prince of all predators and he does his best to live up to that. His pride makes him great for demeaning his prey and his sheer raw power means that there are few prey he can't handle. He's eaten plenty of prey over the course of his career. He claims he's eaten over 9000! Whether that's true or not... well, how about you stick around and find out. You can count his prey after you've joined them on his thighs.
The Psiioniic
How do you become the most powerful Psionic of all time? By eating lots and lots of prey. This carnivorous Captor was eager to eat any troll who got too close to the Signless and he was strong enough to keep anyone from really stopping him. He's one of the most powerful preds to ever walk on Alternia and he's got the thighs to prove it. His cynical Captor attitude makes him great. But the idea of him getting revenge on the Condescension and gobbling her up? That makes him gold.
Cirava Hermod
Lazily hedonistic and casually cruel, Hermod has all their bases covered. Whether they're churning up fans on stream or spitefully digesting smug highbloods, Cirava is all too happy to enjoy their position as a predator. If you're lucky, you might hear their prey screaming as they incorporate their gurgles and burps into their track. It results in some surprisingly good music and a lot of unsurprisingly good vore scenarios. You'd be hard pressed to not end up in this nonbinary's belly.
[They strike me as a loose lover. Let's get high and what happens happens! They'll take or give, and probably adore scents and tastes, in their hazy state, after a 69 session, or after returning your oral favors, the munchies kick in. With you digesting, they just don't get the struggling. "You loved my body right, I mean you even licked... there... You should totally be part of it lmao~"]
Sollux Captor
Casual preds are seriously underrated and this Captor is the king of that court. He's powerful enough to nonchalantly ragdoll you into his maw and he'd have no problem trash talking some digesting prey while playing video games. That's not even getting into his dual bulges. It's hard to compete with the image of him sucking two prey into his cocks at once. That's all just when he's being casual. He's an even better pred when he's feeling spiteful. There's a good reason he has the nickname Carnivorous Captor.
Kuprum Maxlol
This future battery is just as mean as his moirail, with a hunger that fits. A battery has to make sure it's fully charged after all and there's no better source of energy than people. The problem is that that's really all he brings to the table here. Sure, he's mean, but so are most over gluttonous goldbloods and he's just as likely to feed a prey to his moirail as he is too eat them himself. In which case, might as well go with the moirail, because she's one of the best preds out there. He's still powerful, mean, kinky little gremlin who makes for a great predator. He's just got too much competition in this caste. Still, all good battery's need recharging. You just might find yourself in this battery's belly.
[Like his friendsim entry, he works best with Folykl. Think hedonistic orgies with those two greasy trolls zapping anyone between them into an orgasmic haze. Spitroasting would be like acting as a copper wire from your prostate to your tongue, and after they bust their respective nuts, you're all salty and tenderized, blissed out from the electric rut they were in. A perfect snack~]
Mituna Captor
Oh, Mituna. Poor, poor Mituna. There's nothing really wrong with him as a pred. His attitude is great, the way he flip flops between nice and mean can lead to a lot of fun banter and situations, but he just doesn't have anything that makes him stand out. His best strength would be accidental vore, which can be really fun, but he doesn't have much else going for him. I was debating even putting him in this list, given his heady injury, but he has shown he's perfectly capable of saying no when something makes him uncomfortable. He's cognizant and capable of consent, but he's still not much to write home about. Every other goldblood has him beat out in terms of pred potential. Sorry Mituna. Maybe you'll find your sentient meals someday
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Please Don’t Leave Me (Sammy and John)
Warnings: Major character death, mentioned smut
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John didn’t know what he expected when Sammy came along on the Summer Camp Mission. He stood by the Wave-rider door, the counselor outfit he had been forced to wear extremely uncomfortable against his skin.
“John!” Sammy laughed, hopping on his back and wrapping her arms around his neck. “I can’t believe we’re going to a summer camp!!”
John laughed, wounding his arms around Sammy’s legs and holding her against his back. “Bug infested ranches filled with horny teenagers.” He hummed, “Don’t see the appeal, luv.”
Sam ruffled his hair, tugging at the blond locks before kissing his head. “Oh cmon, a whole summer to get away? Nothing but you, the woods, and a bunch of potential friends??” She rested her cheek against his hair. “It was my favorite part about being a kid..”
John sighed, rocking around with the angel latched to his back. “Though, the poor counselors had to endure those ‘get away summers in the woods’ with these..” He pulled uncomfortably on his collar, “Uniforms.”
Sammy kissed the back of his head, “Don’t be a knob, Johnny.” Sam noticed the tie, “And for god sake loose the tie, hon!”
“You may take my coat,” John groaned, “But you’ll never take my tie!”
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John stood at the entrance of the camp, Sammy standing next to him. John took a cigarette out of his shirt pocket, popping it into his mouth. “John, no!” Sammy snagged the cig from his lips, tucking it into his pocket. “This is a summer camp, not the backyard of a high-school!”
John groaned, “You’re gonna be the death of me, Angel...” He leaned over and snuck a cheeky kiss. “One time, for the kids.”
Sammy hugged his arm, “Attaboy, John!” She kissed his cheek, “My brave boy, going into war without his precious cigarettes!”
“Oh shut up, luv, or I’ll make you...” He swooped in, and right before the snogging could continue, the rest of the crew strolled up.
“A-are these uniforms necessary?” Ava asked, looking uncomfortable in the blue polo shirt and light tan shorts.
Sammy glanced at Ava, and whistled “Girl, you look badass!!”
“Cmon, Gideon made these for us!” Ray smiled, “The official Camp Ogawa Counselor uniforms!”
“What are you guys doing just standing around?!” Sam jumped, taking every last bit of strength in her not to grab onto John. John noticed, and easily slipped his hand into hers.
Sara, who was just catching up, smiled, “Hi, we’re the new camp counselors! Sorry to show up unannounced..”
The old lady sneered, “Well, Freckles, I’m Paula Cooper. I’m the director here.” She glanced at John and Sammy’s joined hands, rolling her eyes, “Welcome to Camp Ogawa, where intermingling between counselors is strictly forbidden.” Sam glanced at John, and the two slowly took a step away from each other. Paula sighed, “Chad Stephens’ll show ya around. CHAD!”
A boy ran over. He looked a little older than Sammy (Her being 140 and looking 24), with brown hair and a perfectly chiseled face. His shirt was snug around his chest and arms, and Sammy couldn’t help a glance. “What’s up?”
The camp director must’ve felt the same. “Chad, you marbled cut of prime beef... Give the new counselors a tour!”
“Cool.” He turned to the group, locking eyes with Sam. With a grin, Chad winked, “Lets bounce over this way!” He started to lead Ava, Ray, Sara, and Sammy down the path. John rolled his eyes, following a second later. Sam could hear him talking to Ava, but couldn’t make out much of their conversation.
Chad on the other hand, stopped abruptly, making the angel bump into him. John practically almost jumped out of his sneakers to strangle the lad. “Oh, sorry.” Chad grinned, “As everyone can see, Camp Ogawa is a miserable place. Paula runs it like a POW camp...” His smile widened, if that was possible. “NOT!” That sent Chad and Ray into giggles.
“Oh god...” Sara muttered, “A 90′s ‘not’ joke...”
Ray sighed, “It’s like comic comfort food...”
Chad noticed something, and grinned widely, “Couldn’t help but admire your lanyard!” He said to Ray. “Make it yourself?”
“Oh..Yeah, thank you!” Ray said, “Along with 21 other merit badged I also went on to get certification in nuclear science and dentistry.”
“Oh snap!” Chad laughed, “Got some competition for coolest counselor this year!” He turned to Sam, “What about you? Got any special skills?”
John cut in, “Sammy’s very creative.” He motioned to her leather bracelet, which had gems sewn into it for protection, “She made that herself!”
“Oh,” Chad smiled, “Artistic...Fantastic, the girls in your cabin’ll love you.” He clapped, “Anyways, lets get you all assigned to your cabins! It’ll be a heck of a summer.”
As the others marched on, John stayed back with Sammy. The angel crossed her arms, “What the hell was that, John?”
“Lad’s clearly flirtin’ with ya.” John deadpanned, putting his hands in his pockets, “Was only being polite and not telling him to piss off.”
“That was not nice, John.” Sammy rolled her eyes, “Cmon, lets go before the others get suspicious.”
She didn’t hold his hand on the way.
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The girl’s cabins were a surprisingly fun place to be. Sam had gotten assigned to the same cabin as Sara and Ava. “Whats up, Franklin cabin?!” Sara went around, giving the girls high-fives. The girls cheered, laughing happily. “I am Sara, this is Ava, and the short haired one is Sammy!” Sammy waved cheerfully next to a stone frozen Ava. “We are your camp counselors! Now, I was thinking...We need a secret handshake.”
The whole cabin murmured with agreement. “Something cool, that only we know!” Ava pulled Sara aside, and Sammy was dragged into the fun.
One girl pulled her aside, “Hi, I’m Sophie!” She smiled, “You’re counselor Sam?”
“Please,” Sammy said, engaging in making a handshake while chatting, “Call me Sammy.”
“Sammy,” Sophie smiled, “I like that!”
“Thanks...” Sam sighed, “I was named after my uncle Samuel. He changed his name, sadly, so my mother wanted to keep the name in the family. Where’d you get your name from?”
Sophie sighed, “My grandma..”
“Ok, listen up ladies!” Ava called out, “Change of plan. Today we’re going to celebrate your first day of camp by using safety and discipline.”
“Who hurt you?” Sammy muttered.
Ava just growled at her. “Now, when I blow this whistle, I want you to run to your assigned bunks.” She blew the whistle, the entire cabin racing to their beds in fear.
Sammy just stood there in shock, willing her wings not to jump out. “Again...Who hurt you as a child?!”
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When the night rolled around, Sam couldn’t help but go see John. She missed the blond bloke, and was desperate for his hugs. John must’ve felt the same, because half way between their cabins the two bumped into each other.
“John.” Sam sighed.
“Sammy...” The warlock smiled, “H...How are you, luv?”
sam shrugged, “Ava’s running our cabin like a military bunk.” She leaned against him, smiling widely as his arms circled her waist.
“Hmm...” John hummed, kissing her forehead. “Ray’s running our cabin like a bloody Cub Scout leader.”
“Why am I not surprised?” Sammy brought him in, kissing the warlock softly. Softly slowly melted into roughly, hands gripping at each others uniforms. They pulled away, “John, we’re in the middle of a camp ground surrounded by kids...” Her hand caressed his cheek, pants leaving both their lips.
“Oh, they’ll bloody learn it all in about a year,” John grinned wolfishly, “Let’s just give ‘em a head-start if the little bastards catch us.”
“Ok.” The angel pulled John back in, and in a few moments the two dropped to the ground by the camp-fire area.
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Sam sat on a bench with John, the two holding hands and smiling like idiots as children raced all around them. “Oh if only they knew what they were running on...” John joked.
“Ooohhh, now I wanna tell them...” Sammy grinned, “You evil little bastard...” John spotted Ray, and with a gentle kiss on Sam’s cheek the warlock walked over to see his cabin mate. Sara stomped up to Sam, looking pissed.
“Where were you last night?” She demanded.
“Uh...With John...” Sammy blinked, “Why?”
Sara dragged her up, and watched up with the boys and Ava. “One of the girls in our cabin is missing.”
“What? Who?” Sammy strode next to John, their fingers intertwining.
Sadly, the angel was ignored as the group approached John’s salt circle he had made around the came. “Obviously theres something wrong with John’s booby trap.” Ray suggested, seeing the slight dent in the circle.
John scoffed, “You off your trolly, mate?!” He snapped, “My spell was designed to keep the monsters from gettin’ in, not kids from gettin’ out!”
“Maybe they snuck out?” Sara suggested.
“Why would they have snuck out?” Ava asked, dumbfounded by the possibility.
“To make out, duh!” Sara filled, “Like Sam snuck out last night to make out with Constantine.”
“We may have done a bit more than a good ol’ fashioned snog, luv.” John grinned, Sara’s face scrunching in disgust. “Lets go notify the camp director, yeah?”
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“WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE’RE NOT SENDING A SEARCH PARTY AFTER THEM?!” Sammy practically screamed at the camp director.
Paula didn’t back down, “They’re perfectly fine. This happens every year!”
John stood back from the scene, knowing full well not to mess with a pissed off angel. Especially his angel. But he couldn’t help a grin at Sam’s response. “Oh, so you loose kids every year? What do you tell their parents?!”
“They always come back,” The director waved it off, “Sooner or later they’ll get hungry and come crawling back for food.” She glared at Sam, “Now go out there and do some counseling!”
Sam groaned, turning on her heel and storming past the Legends with a furious look in her eyes. “Sam,” John called, catching up with her, “Where ya goin’ luv?”
Sammy turned on him, snapping, “To find those kids!”
“No!” he gently grabbed her wrist, “It’s to dangerous, Sam. Your wing isn’t healed fully and you can’t fly if you need--”
She pulled her hand from his grasp, and sneered, “I don’t need you to tell me what to do, Mr. Constantine.” She could see the hurt in his eyes, but she didn’t stop, “So back off...If you won’t help me find those kids, I don’t need you.” And with that, she turned on her heel and stormed away.
Leaving a very heartbroken John in her wake.
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John started to worry when the sun started to rise the next day and Sammy hadn’t returned. He and Ray walked in the woods, holding up one of John’s many magical totems to find the missing kids.
And Sam.
John wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he wouldn’t know what to do if he lost Sammy. Dez had been a hard hit to his heart, but Sammy had patched it up, making it twice as strong. He loved her, more than anything. “How are we gong to find the kids with this dangly thingy?” Ray asked, snapping John from his trance.
“You know, this ritual usually works best when someone isn’t yammerin’ in my ear hole...” John snarled in warning.
“If you wanna find the kids, gotta do it the old fashioned--”
“I DON’T CARE ABOUT SOME BLOODY KIDS!!!” John roared, getting into Ray’s personal space and pushing him. “I CARE ABOUT SAM...I need silence...” He backed up, “I need to find her...Please,” He bit his lip, “Let me find her.”
“Why do you care so much about finding S?” Ray shrugged, looking down at his compass, “She’s an angel, she can handle herself.”
John grabbed his stupid compass, chucking it into the woods. “Now you listen here, Raymond...” He growled, “I know Sam can handle herself. Oooh believe me I know. But I...Care for her. Deeply...So stop your dilly-dallying and lets find the angel, yeah?”
The two marched into the woods, and came across something...Disturbing. Goopy skin. John leaned down, gently touching the goop before wiping the goop on the ground. “Left behind by the creature.”
“Who sheds its skin after eating the kids?” Ray tilted his head, “What kind of monster are we looking for?”
“The answer to that,” John took out a book from his coat, “Is in this book.” He handed it off to Ray, who flipped through the pages whilst John inspected the skin.
A second later, there’s a ding as Ray puts everyone on the coms on the channel, “Guys, we might’ve ID’ed our monster. It’s a Shtriga.”
Shtriga. No. No no no... John grabbed the book, “A-a Shrtiga feeds off the life-force of children..They eat angel life-forces like golden liquid to.”
“Angels?!” He heard Sara yelp over the coms, “That means...”
John began to panic, “We need to find Sammy. Now.” The warlock raced off, leaving Ray to catch up on his own.
John searched the woods well into the night. “Shritga’s lair can’t be to far...” He said to Ray absently.
“John.” The scientist stopped him, holding up a pretty blue feather in the light of his flash-light. “Isn’t this...”
“Sam’s feather.” John sighed, “She must’ve tried to fly away from the Shtriga...Bloody brilliantly stupid angel...” He cut his finger, letting the blood drip onto the feather. He recited a spell, taking the feather and lighting it with his lighter. As expected, the blue fluff combusted, a spark flying around. “Ah, Will-o the Wisp. Little bugger to lead us to my luv.”
“Your luv?” Ray questioned, raising an eyebrow with a grin. “I knew you two were a thing!!”
“Shut your mouth.” John snapped, rushing after the wisp as it darted away.
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An old witches hut. Of course. John slowly creaked open the door, peering in wearily. “Sam?”
“No more feathers...You’d thing she’d struggle all the way here. Leave a trail for us.” Ray said, walking over to the cloth covered crates. Grabbing the edge of one, both men were frightened when a little girl gasped. “A-are we to late?!” Ray panicked, grabbing all the cloths to reveal the lost kids.
“No.” John sighed, “Their all tip-top...”
“C-c-counselor John...” One of the boys whimpered, “T-theres one more.”
John kneeled to be face to face with the lad, and let out a shaky breath. “Ok, do you know where the monster put the other one?”
“In the back...She was really pale...” The boy whimpered.
John let out a sigh he didn’t know he’d been holding. “Thank you so much, lad!” He raced around the back, “Sam?!” He jogged forward, looking around when he tripped on something. He looked down, and quickly started to dig into the rubble.
A wing. Bright colors blending against each-other. “Sam!” He yelled, tossing trash and planks aside. “Sammy!!” Panting, he pulled the rest of her out of the pile, her wings limp as John held her close to his chest.
Her face was ghostly pale, and John franticly searched for her pulse. “Cmon...Cmon Sammy...Come back to me, Sam! Come back to Johnny...” He kissed her forehead. Sammy didn’t respond. “Sam...PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!”
He screamed, holding her head to his chest as he begged and begged. “I can’t loose you to...”
“John...” Sam croaked, her eyes barely opened. Her wings shifted, gently tracing his back as sobs racked his body. “Johnny, I got you...”
John sniffled, “You’re gonna make it.” He brushed one of her hair’s behind her ear, “Just gotta hold on a little longer for Johnny...” Another kiss was pressed against her temple, “Little longer, My Angel...”
Her head lulled to the side, and in the dark John couldn’t make out the change in her wing’s colors. “Jo..n....I....Lov....You...”
John rested his forehead against hers, “I love you to, Sam...” He noticed how she fell limp against him, her eyes dull to the world. “Sam.”
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thirteenthspirit · 5 years
ESG Investing in the Pokémon World
As a financial advisor (aka professional bank pimp), it seems the concept of “Sustainable Investing” has really taken hold this past year, despite being around for quite a few years. I was pondering new investment ideas and recommendations (so they can sit patiently on my desk waiting for my boss’s approval) and noticed that most of them are ESG-focused. Of course.
As a Millennial (like that means anything), imagining that your investments might go towards helping someone or doing some good for the world is a key motivation. I don’t mind even sacrificing some additional returns, if that means my money is being put to good use. Unfortunately, I don’t really have a lot of like-minded people as Clients, so raw returns still dominate the investment sphere. But we’ll get there!
I want to explain a bit what it is we call ESG – Environmental, Social and (Corporate) Governance Investing. It is a very studied and elaborated research topic that has become so convoluted that virtually any company can be qualified as ESG-passable (sigh). A company with a high ESG score means it Excels in all or one of these three key areas. The ESGest of them all, try to integrate in their daily practices some of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which range from ending world hunger to reducing inequality, climate action, etc.
I’ve also been replaying Pokémon Platinum (ayyy you see where this is going don’t you?) – probably not, since you haven’t read my previous newsletters. But anyway.
Sinnoh could really benefit a lot from some ESG-focused investing, especially in the Environmental aspect of it. The first thing that popped into my mind was the Fuego Ironworks. No, it is not related to the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest runner-up’s song of choice, but rather a big warehouse-like facility harboring a huge furnace in the center of it all. If you manage to get past the arrow-one-direction-thingies leftover from the renovation of the Viridian Gym, you eventually reach this massive incinerator. Ok, so, fossil fuels are a big no-no in the battle for climate change. Hydrogen plants and renewable energies trump coal mines and similar facilities. So I would take that big chunk of investor money and shut down the Fuego Ironworks. I know what you’re thinking – WHERE ELSE AM I GONNA CATCH A POKÉMON WITH FLAME BODY THIS EARLY IN THE GAME so I can hatch that perf Togepi (because what else) – but fret not, those Magmar can relocate to Stark Mountain. But uh… maybe I’d try to throw a couple of Slugma near the Lost Tower or something, so you can still hatch them eggs early on. Need a motherboard-frying Magnemite? You can now catch them in Iron Island! Have fun.
But shutting down a massive energy-producing (assumption here assumption there la la la) facility like this is BOUND to have an effect on the residents, especially for the people who live in the nearby towns – I mean where else are Floaroma residents supposed to work? Smell the flowers in the floaroma medow (which is somehow located DANGEROUSLY CLOSE TO THE IRONWORKS but ok)? Serve as night guides to wandering girls and their Chansey in Eterna Forest? Or sweat away in the Valley Windworks?
Huh? Windworks? Like an actual wind power farm? Grab ‘em Pachirisu and let’s go!
Seriously, the Valley Windworks would be exactly where my inflows would go. From any residual money gathered from the sale of the Ironworks, my investors could provide a massive overhaul of the windworks. We could bring specialists in from Hoenn’s Weather Institute and build a ton more Teletubbies (my boyfriend’s endearing nickname for those huge fan-thingies). Maybe we could even expand to hydraulics, what with that huge river flowing alongside the facility. Just imagine the drifloon! One for each doom-bearing child.
Ok great! We’ve managed to take action by remodeling the energy supply from the area, effectively diminishing its carbon emissions while preserving the citizens’ quality of life. For me that qualified as a big E investment! And maybe our work wouldn’t stop here, if you’ve got a few cents in your pocket imagine if we could harness the energy from Mt. Coronet! With cares not to disturb any dimensional beings or pseudo-gods. Just a thought.
Miss Moving On is a song by Fifth Harmony. Next we have the “Social” aspect of ESG investing. This would be the category where you would find the community-improving or demographic and populational aiding aspects. Infrastructures, accessibility, any and every thing that could better a population’s daily routine and ensure its sustainability for generations to come. So which issues plague Sinnoh residents? I can think of a few – weird people with bowl-shaped haircuts stealing Pokémon, people-swallowing marshes, freakin’ SELFDESTRUCTING ROCKS (née Geodude) and the occasional time/space distortions from the odd attempt at creating new universes.
Well let’s not go overboard with our intervention, we cannot hope to solve ALL problems plaguing our beloved residents. Let’s start with a simple issue. Little Timmy loves everything related to boats. Boats boats boats and sometimes ships – so he loves going to Sunyshore City, to see the Lighthouse. He goes whenever he can - he swears one time he even had a date with a girl who was visiting with her Ampharos! Legend has it for him it was love at first sight. But she had a ship to catch, bound for her hometown region. So they agreed to meet that very night, before she departed. She waited and waited, but Timmy never came. With tears in her eyes, the girl was last seen boarding the ship, never to return…
Dang it Timmy! Why did you do that?
Well… the thing is, Timmy tried. Timmy lives in Solaceon town and works for the local newspaper. So on that afternoon, after collecting his heart scales, he cheerfully got on his bike and began pedaling, heading to meet his lover. But there is no direct route from Solaceon to Sunyshore – Solaceon is pretty much isolated where it stands, one has to either go North trough Veilstone or face the marshes of the south through Pastoria, to finally traverse route 222 to the city.
Since a bike would sink pretty hard on the bog, Timmy rode North. He got drenched in rain before reaching Veilstone, though – forcing him to change clothes in the city before carrying on. Oh and he claims to have also had an encounter with a couple of Psyduck which seemed pretty checked out… I assume Misty rammed her bike into one. After leaving the city, he just had to face – I’m sorry, am I reading this correctly, inexistent participant – “hellhounds”. Um… ok… Timmy is a BIG Supernatural fan (Destiel FTW). But he finally made it to the Hotel Grand Lake – the last rest stop before reaching Sunyshore. His legs were already tired, and he was sweatin’ bullets, but his spirits were high as a Staravia!
“I’m sorry sir but Route 222 is closed until further notice, due to the occurrence of a blackout”.
Aaaand that was the end of Timmy’s love story. Don’t feel bad for him, I hear he went on to win a Pulitzer from his work on exposing the Ditto sex trafficking scheme.  
Maybe if Timmy had been a little faster on his route, he could’ve avoided the blackout altogether, it is just such a long stretch of Sinnoh to traverse…
Like Timmy, many residents who work in East Sinnoh face this issue in their daily commute – the lack of viable connections. So where could we begin to tackle this subject?
Well I heard of a guy who has been trying to dig a tunnel from Route 2014, to Solaceon Town, all by himself! Must be tough, Excadrill weren’t even invented back then…
Maybe our kind investors could give him a hand with their funds! We could make the efforts go faster and more smoothly, maybe even establish some underground ferry mechanism to aid in the crossover. Create a separate entrance, so people wouldn’t have to disturb the Unown. The newly crafted pathway would sure come in handy for travelers, maybe even helping in dynamizing Solaceon or Celestic Town with tourists staying at the Hotel Grand Lake! Seems like a somewhat simple-enough project for us to tackle.
So we basically identified a necessity, designed a way to overcome said necessity and then implemented it – thus creating sustainable impact!
Fantastic! Stunning!
Speaking of stunning – hrm, our efforts might be a bit derailed if these “blackouts” continue. Maybe someone could go have a chat with Volkner, to stop experimenting with the power grid? Perhaps Flint could help, I hear they get along quite well… Does he even have a license to tinker with the mechanisms? What, imaginary voice? You don’t need one in Sinnoh? So you mean I can just connect my Raichu to a generator and power my entire 12-story building?
That seems… unlawful. Couldn’t we do something to change that? Well, we could write a strong-worded letter to the lawmakers of Sinnoh, urging them to pass legislation on these activities. Maybe even use our leftover funds to raise enough awareness on this issue, so we could enact this change in policy! Wow, that’s what I call putting the G in Governance.
Random segway aside, that is exactly what the last letter in ESG is meant to state – policy, rules, means of internal conduct and culture that an organization runs with. And apart from Volkner’s constant need to reinvent his contraptions, there is a topic on which we can praise Sinnoh – gender equality.
Now, we recognize that we don’t know the details, but let’s assume Gym Leaders are paid equally, as not to have poor shivering Candice earning 70 cents on the poke-dollar, compared to Byron’s wage. 4 female and 4 male gym leaders comprise Sinnoh’s gym challenge. 50/50, nice message to relay. Ok fine, if we only look at the number and don’t analyze much else, we can give Sinnoh a passing grade on this one… what about the Elite Four?
The Elite Four is also comprised of 2 male and 2 female members. Wow, nicely thought out. And Cynthia is given enough screen time to actually be a fleshed out character, even appearing in several generations. She is, after all, in my opinion, the toughest Champion the Player is required to face.
But other generations don’t really follow suit – the list of League Champions or Elite Four members is comprised mostly of men… In these regions perhaps some gender diversity or inclusion metrics could be put in place, starting with getting each of them to affirm their stance and compromise with ending gender inequality in the League Challenge!
For that, I guess we’ll have to take that same ship and sail away to another region, with the sure knowledge that (maybe) we managed to help Sinnoh inch a little closer to a sustainable future!
Your ESG-type Trainer,  
                                                                                                 -João A. (Pachiren)  
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Gonna write my scatterbrained Spicy Hot Takes on Agartha before the news is stale and I delete this annoying and boring chapter from my mental landscape, so bear with me:
I think Agartha’s main issue was just straight up poor writing. The Japanese direct translations being as downright offensive as they were is one thing - but overall, the chapter is just one plot contrivance after another. It tries so, so hard to go for a certain tone but can’t seem to stick to any one thing or idea. Disregarding themes about sexuality probably would have been the very best way to go about this chapter, since I think the most interesting part was the theme about storytelling and in-authenticity - we all know that That Line was annoying af in a game like FGO, but it CAN work in a series like Fate as a whole. I had a helluva long day at work so allow me to explain in the least scatter-brained way I can manage right now:
Here’s what I’m thinking: Scheherazade, whose name I guarantee I will spell wrong/differently every time I write it even though I’ve been able to pronounce it properly since I was thirteen (I was in a speaking competition and told some of the Thousand and One Nights using her framework as the opening monologue, long story short ANYWAY -) is traumatized by her ordeal with the king. This is a really good and interesting thing to explore! Fitting it in with the theme of storytelling - Scheherazade is deeply afraid of dying and will do whatever it takes to live, so she makes a fantasy world and fills it with legends, and feeds their energy to a Holy Grail. With this, and the power of a Demon God at her side, she plans to reveal magic to the human world in the most destructive fashion possible, allowing the fantastic to become ordinary, and destroying the Throne of Heroes itself in the process. Fate is a series were stories have power - but Scheherazade survived basically by telling the most fantastical, interesting tales she could and never finishing them. She always would pause in the middle, and say, “That’s all for tonight.” I think this is the kind of thing we can run with in terms of setting.
Dahut is the weirdest example because it’s the one story in the chapter that I know next to nothing about. At one point it’s mentioned that Dahut is impossible to summon as a Servant, and so Drake was “forced” into the role of the Pirate Princess. Ys is probably the weakest part of the chapter for that, but I did like the idea of her being “Drake Alter,” where Drake vibrantly pursues her goals and desires but takes nothing for granted; Dahut gives into her every whim and takes absolutely everything for granted. The conflict between “Drake” and “Dahut” should have been emphasized more instead of having the player/Da Vinci dismiss her as “Oh, it’s not Drake, except when she conveniently comes back to delivery us the MacGuffins Ex Machina in the eleventh hour.” Dahut has little connection to Drake - it’s not her story, but a role she was forced into because Scheherazade was building a very specific kind of world. Therefore it is inauthentic. Perhaps that’s all it needs to be in this context. 
This can also work with the Amazons. Scheherazade never told stories of the Amazons, but she has access to basically all stories in the world through her Noble Phantasm - she learns that they are a society of warrior women who live without men, and so decides that they will be a society which oppresses men due to her fear/bitterness towards men after the ordeal she suffered through. The “oppressing men” plotline was honestly dumb all around but using the Amazons as a mechanism to explore Scheherazade's trauma would’ve been more interesting than just having them be the Big Bad before the Big Bad Columbus Reveal: Scheherazade doesn’t like fighting, but wishes that she had been strong enough to protect herself. Because she views herself as a coward and her ordeal with the king has complicated her view of sexuality - “I’m better suited to a bedchamber than a battlefield” - she uses the Amazons of Agartha as a mechanism to cope. 
This brings us to Wu, whose design I’m still not happy about even though I think the in-story justification is somewhat fair. (Let Helena and Wu be gray-haired grannies together or so help me!) Wu was absolutely an authoritarian ruler who did, in fact, invade and conquer several nations and institute a terrifying network of secret police. In her later life, she was given to decadence - but her tenure on the throne showed her to be a highly competent administrator. Notably, she ruled over an era of religious tension and balanced matters quite well, and though she was accused of undoing meritocracy to put her supporters into power, many of the men she appointed held positions in government long after she’d died because they were actually good at their jobs. Wu has been heavily mythologized over the years - later Tang emperors and Neo-Confucian scholars wrote her off (Wu founded her own dynasty under her own name, so they kind of had to legitimize it somehow), she became associated the nine-tailed fox spirit thanks to a few popular novels and poems, etc., etc., etc. The crazy thing is that Wu actually left very few records of herself behind, apart from some poems. Even the inscription on her tomb is blank! People can say whatever they want about her - it’s extremely difficult to know the full truth of the matter without any objective observers in the field (and without Wu’s own words to give context/another story), especially if you don’t read any Chinese. 
BTW - the first thing I learned history class is that when you’re dealing with primary sources, you must always remember that translators have agendas. Every word is a deliberate choice, and it changes the meaning from the original text. When dealing with historical documents, this is not always a good thing. 
Scheherazade reads some, but not all of these stories, and integrates Wu into her world as the sadist empress with an iron grip on her decadent mythical city. 
Do you see what I’m getting at here? It’s a lot, but I’m not done. Now we have to deal with Columbus - there’s “In Defense of Columbus” video is floating around in the Agartha tag, but I haven’t watched it in full and haven’t done like, any intensive research on Columbus in particular, so I’m going to apologize right now for any historical inaccuracies/misconceptions that I’m about to write. The point I want to make here mainly is that Columbus, like Wu, has been heavily, heavily mythologized for both good and evil at various points. The thing about Columbus that is also interesting is that the authenticity of his journals is or was apparently a subject of debate. The man who published most of them actually happened to be Bartolomew de las Casas - one of the founders/first vocal supporters of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The reason de la Casas supported this is because he believed that using African labor would be an improvement over enslaving the native populations of the New World. Soon after, he had a change of heart and devoted the rest of his life to fighting against slavery in all forms. De la Casas went on to be named a saint, and was possibly the first person in history to propose the idea of universal human rights - which is how I had heard of him until literally just this afternoon; I had no idea he’d ever supported the slave trade until I was looking up basic info about Columbus’s writings so I could write this long-ass post. History is full of complicated people. 
But as I mentioned in Wu’s bit, it’s very important to note that in many ways, Columbus is literally just whatever people decide he is. Like, he never even set foot in any land that would become the United States, and yet he’s a huge symbol here! Along these lines, his amnesia would fit the theme of inauthentic storytelling, choosing what to read and what to believe in. Columbus regaining his memories was an understated moment, which is actually fucking fantastic because it could be used to really emphasize the choice that is being made here. He’s a Heroic Spirit who can choose to be whatever he wants. He can choose to be the simple hero-explorer that schoolchildren sing about, or he can choose to be the Big Bad, the first and perhaps most infamous conquistador. And he chooses to be the bad guy. That is so fuckin’ fantastic, y’all! I honest to God love that not only did FGO portray Columbus as a villain of history but that the bad reputation is something he chooses to maintain! I can write a list of Servants who were less than stellar people and got a makeover for Fate. Nero is probably one of the worst examples but like - Ozymandias absolutely owned slaves in his life as a pharaoh. Hercules and Medea murdered their own children. Asterios literally ate humans as the Minotaur. Gilles de Rais exists as a playable character. Jack the Ripper is your daughter. Hell, Nobunaga burned temples with the monks still inside - but she feels bad about it now! Enough digressing but I a hundred percent get why Japanese fans found Columbus “refreshing” at his introduction. He owns his cruelty, his desire to exploit others - he challenges the narrative that everyone is redeemable because he doesn’t even want to be redeemed, he just wants to get rich and famous, and he doesn’t give a shit who he steps over in the process! Like, Columbus said, “I’m just doing what comes naturally,” at one point when he still had amnesia, so when he got his memory back and turned on the player, I really would’ve liked for him to say is something like, “You’ve already decided that I’m the bad guy, right? You know my story, and I’m nothing if not a man of my word.”
These kinds of questions/debates could have been used to emphasize the themes of Agartha. Legends are what people decide they are. People make choices and history decides whether they were good or evil or important retroactively. Can you know what someone is like by reading a translation of their poetry? Can you judge a king’s reign by the words of their successors or their rivals? Does the context of a story matter? This all could have been super interesting to explore!
Like I said, the main theme of Agartha being “inauthentic storytelling” could have been hella, hella good considering that this is a world created by Scheherazade’s fears and trauma feeding into her escapist desires. But Minase’s incompetence as a writer made everything so hamfisted and awkward that everything just suffered under his desire to insert his fetishes at every moment. It was so obvious that he didn’t read any material for old Fate characters - like Astolfo you poor sweet thing, you deserved so much better! - and even the new characters that he clearly did research on, like Columbus, fell flat because he couldn’t figure out what he was trying to say beyond mildly-to-extra offensive sex jokes.
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margridarnauds · 5 years
I don't know if you're still doing the musicals thing but I HAVE to send you death note the musical (both japanese and korean) (did you know the korean one is finally fully subbed)
Probably, dead serious, the best, or at least one of the best musicals Frank Wildhorn’s ever created. And I put a lot of it on him having the source material basically holding his leash there. It’s hard to really SELL to people because it’s such an inherently ODD concept, but then you see it on stage and you’re like “Oh. Okay. This works. This works REALLY well.” Personally, I think it’s a HELL of a lot better than the source material, given that it condenses a lot of the filler into two hours, focusing purely on the L/Light conflict. (SORRY NEAR, MATT, AND MELLO FANS. And RIP Takada. I love you, but you were never going to be adapted fairly anyway.)
And it also does a really, really good job of expanding the characterization of the characters that it DOES choose to focus on. Rem in particular is a STANDOUT, since they really go all in when it comes to her conflict with mortality and her feelings with Misa. While a part of me is obviously going to wish that the first piece of explicit queer rep that Wildhorn did wouldn’t be one where one of them DIES, it’s still fantastic to see and HEARTWRENCHING, and Rem gets what I personally consider to be the best number in the show. It also really goes in DEEP as far as showing that, just because L is opposing Light, he is not A Good Guy. He is someone who’s willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, even if that involves people getting hurt, even if that involves people dying or being tortured. “The Game Begins.”
I DEEPLY appreciate that they kept the ending of Light begging and crying as he dies, because on top of being a personal moment of catharsis for the audience, it’s also a BIG moment as far as showing that there IS no glory in Light. All his pretensions, all his plans and his intelligence (even if his intelligence always was “That one dude in the philosophy class who interrupts the teacher and quotes Dawkins every five seconds”), “[He] still kicked it like any other mortal,” begging and screaming for a life that had already run out. I REALLY like that this production allowed for Soichiro Yagami to live and to have that one moment of HORROR in the end, as his own words from earlier must be ringing in his head. There’s really NO closure, even though Light’s dead, and I appreciate that it showed that, as well as the fact that the victims of what he did extended WAY past just the names he inked onto the page.
So, now on for the individual productions. I’m not as well versed in the Korean as I am with the Japanese, so bear with me.
Personally, as far as the L’s are concerned, I am VERY pro-Teppei Koike. I wasn’t particularly fond of his take at first, but seeing how he puts on the mannerisms, the crouches, the little tics that make L **L**, I really grew to appreciate him, especially after seeing his Ronan in 1789 and realizing “HEY. HE’S GOT *RANGE*” He might not have Junsu’s vocals, but his voice has a certain coolness to it that lends itself really well to the role, and he doesn’t take a lot of the lazy shortcuts that Junsu does (See: His Der Tod, where he apparently thought that growling = menace.)
Obviously, for the Lights, it’s gotta be Hong Kwang Ho. The man is PHENOMENAL and tbh is probably one of my favorite male vocalists. He does a FANTASTIC job showing Light’s descent in Hurricane, capable of going from scared, a little tentative, to taking a FIRM slide into darkness, with his voice completely overpowering the audience by the end. I actually LIKE the other Korean Light, but the poor guy REALLY had big shoes to fill.
On one hand, I LIKE how strong the Korean Misa’s voice is; I’m always here for voices with substance, but on the other hand, I REALLY like how YOUNG the Japanese Misa is, and she has a lot of energy in her performance. Misa, at least to me, isn’t a character that NEEDS to be overpowering, she’s YOUNG, she makes questionable decisions, and there’s a sense of deadly innocence about her that masks the dark side that I feel like the Japanese Misa does better with.
No opinion on the Rems. All Rems are Good and Valid and I love them. Though I did nearly do a flip when Korean!Rem turned out to be Elsa. I thought that it was hilarious, personally.
I’m constantly torn on the Ryuuk designs. On one hand, I LIKE the whole “drunken uncle” look of the original cast, but I also like the Korean for the relative attempt at accuracy. I REALLY like the 2017 take on Ryuuk, though, because it really shows him as kind of drawing the line at Rem’s death. Like, it’s all fun and games, and then she dies, and he’s like “Yeah, the kid’s stopped being fun.” Which adds even MORE to the sense that Light managed to dig his own grave. He got cocky, he thought that he could cause a shinigami to turn to dust and he wouldn’t face any consequences, because he’s The God of the New World, but he forgot that Ryuuk wasn’t loyal to HIM. And, as ODD as the relationship between him and Rem was (I personally lean towards “Weird siblings”), he knew her for a LOT longer than he knew Light. Mortals are expendable, but I think it becomes Real after that.
That, and Ryuuk is genuinely getting bored.
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 2X17 - Welcome to Storybrooke
Hey everyone! Say, if Regina cast the curse and made Storybrooke, would that make her a...StoryCROOK?!
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Shut up! You know it was funny!
Anyways, onto the review!
Press Release Emma, David and Mr. Gold must protect Mary Margaret against Regina, who is out for revenge and has made it her mission to kill Mary; and Henry, fed up with all of the feuding, devises a plan to put an end to magic. Meanwhile, Regina discovers that a father and son have somehow found their way into her allegedly undetectable town as she and the fairytale characters deal with the effects of the newly cast curse 28 years prior. General Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness Past The past has an interesting style to it. It’s not as overt as The Land of Black and White or The Underworld, but there’s a filter that for me is reminiscent of “The Wizard of Oz” movie’s first ten minutes. We don’t see this with other Storybrooke flashbacks, but it feels so nostalgic and nice and pairs well with the idea of going back in time specifically in Storybrooke’s history. Given how the present segment is also in Storybrooke, it makes for a nice symbol of distinction.
The story is really delivered cleverly here. It doesn’t feel heavy on exposition for something that really could’ve easily done so by sheer fact of the details that needed to be established, the reintroductions that needed to take place for Regina’s sake, and the visualization of the monotony of everyone’s day-to-day cursed lives. It’s handled reasonably quickly, especially because of the latter factor, but doesn’t let the novelty take over for the real story, but serves to instead enhance it.
That having been said...I don’t really know if I like the story. The narrative is trying to do two things: Make Kurt and Owen’s situation sympathetic while also doing the same (to a granted lesser extent) for Regina’s situation. The first half genuinely works. Kurt is a genuinely nice guy and Owen is just the best. He cracks me the fuck up and is probably one of the most unique kid characters I’ve seen in some time. He’s flawed, but likably so!
Regina’s situation is...a bit more difficult.
This is Regina during the first days of the curse, and as expected, she’s all too happy to enjoy her victory. Because of that, it’s hard to sympathize with her boredom and desire for her subjects to want to like her. That would be all well and good, but this isn’t played for comedy where it would work like in “Megamind.” As a result, while I like Regina’s bond with Kurt and Owen, it’s barely explore and is so little (She helps get their car fixed before the bond is formed so they’ll leave and when the bond is formed, she hosts dinner) that the steps that she takes in the latter half of the flashback don’t come across like the second chance that she missed out on.
For this to work, Regina couldn’t have withheld Kurt from Owen. It’s so horribly cruel, especially when we know from hindsight that she kills him. Her reign is in no danger by letting them go and Owen wasn’t able to come back as a boy because of the curse’s magic, so instead of sad, because Kurt’s detainment is explicitly Regina’s choice, Regina comes off horrible here, but the narrative is trying to frame it as something closer to what Zelena did in the “Chosen” flashback. Present Henry’s story in this segment is awful. It’s an instance of miscommunication in drama that doesn’t even have the added reason for why the parties can’t communicate. Henry’s very clearly misinformed about the reasons for the conflicts in his life, instead projecting the blame onto magic, and despite the adults having the ability to decry his points by simply talking about the roots of these issues, they more or less refuse to for some reason, causing Henry to spend the episode instead spouting out platitudes to the legitimate tactical decisions his family is making while being framed at least partially in the right for saying them. My least favorite of these is: “You used to be heroes. What happened to you?” Henry’s major conflict and current source of antagonism with Emma concerns honesty, and it frustrates me how when finally given some honesty at the beginning of the episode, deflects and is never corrected.
I found Regina a little up and down in this episode. I really liked her development until Mary Margaret visited her at her house. I felt that the development was earned and it came from a real place, well founded on her love for Henry and her distance from Cora after her death. From there though with the house call, the momentum that was building poofed away. I can somewhat argue it because Regina has been gunning for Mary Margaret form literal decades and it was just a matter of temptation, but she even brought up Henry, the very person who she held back for, so I can’t really buy that! And it makes Henry’s schpeel at the well even more meaningless because the one thing he accomplished there was basically taken back through that action!
That having been said, there were things I straight up liked about the segment. Mary Margaret’s growing guilt in the background allowed for a subtle bit of tension, it was great to see David and Rumple working together again (especially with David’s “family” power move), Emma’s developments with both Neal and Henry felt like genuinely good developments to their dynamics, and as I’ll get to later, Rumple’s interactions with Regina were fantastic! Insights - Stream of Consciousness -I’m pretty sure if you’re in an electrical storm, you should sooner go into a car than a tent! -”You’ll be alright, kid.” Not if you don’t close the tent! -Okay, the reveal of Graham was shot really well! I didn’t notice that the first time around, but the way he’s introduced is such a great buildup with an equally great payoff (And that’s coming from me!)! -It’s so interesting how Regina’s bedroom is predominantly white. To me, that comes off as two things. First, Regina gets a clean slate in Stoybrooke, and that’s something that Storybrooke gets its acclaim for in later seasons. Second, it’s Regina’s constant reminder of the nemesis the curse punishes, Snow White. -Regina, I love how you took to fashion so quickly (And you rock the pj’s), but where is some inkling of a freakout at modern technology? Like, the carpentry alone would be a shock! -”Good morning, cric-- Dr. Hopper.” I will say, I like how she knows the identities of everyone almost instantly. -I don’t feel bad for Cora at all, but damn, is Regina’s grief and even Rumple’s respect really powerful. It makes for a great moment of bonding between them. Like, it gets pretty dark as they talk about Cora’s death, revenge on Snow, and the emptiness inside of Regina that Rumple knows revenge can only starve off so much of. Rumple’s talking to is just awesome. You can tell he respects Regina and is only talking to her as a means of helping her (especially in the wake of Cora’s death -- yes, the pun is intended). -I want the Charmings to cook me breakfast! Yum! -”But she’s Snow White. She wouldn’t hurt anybody.” She hit her husband on the head with a rock and turned a band of trolls into bugs! “She wouldn’t hurt anyone,” my fanny! XD -Way to go David and Rumple: Rumple for warning them and David for making sure he does more! Good job! -Who claims a seat? What are we in, grade school? -”Home of the boss.” Does anyone call Jersey this?! -Poor cursed Mr. Gold. He’s working in his shop and everything all hunky dory, and suddenly, the mayor shows up and starts ranting. -I actually really like how even cursed, Gold is designed to be something of a friend (or at least, someone to talk frankly to) that she can get advice from. It’s pretty meaningful that even though she altered all of her dynamics in Storybrooke, while also altered, hers and Rumple’s remained more or less the same. -Also, with the series finale in hindsight, Regina’s talk about her subjects having to do what she says and not wanting to is just so well put together! -How did Regina get a locket of Cora?! -SHEEP BROS ON THE CASE! -Snow, I get that you’re depressed, but you are being hunted! Get the fork out of bed! -”Not to mention, your grandson’s [life].” “Well, wars have costs.” Fuckin’ hell, Rumple. Emma, your sarcastic “nice” was very much warranted! -”Regina’s even more dangerous [than Cora] because she does [have a heart].” Rumple knows Regina so freakin’ well! -”I know I’m not the greatest cook.” Good on you for improving, though! -Regina’s really funny in the dinner scene! -”They’re almost done.” You just put them in! -Kurt’s attractive. I’m just gonna say it. -”One large sundae. Extra everything.” I acknowledge that that’s bribery, but that’s how you do bribery right! -”You think I don’t know a bribe when I see one?” Henry, eat the sundae! -”Someone should find a way to get rid of magic here.” Give it a few seasons, Henry! Also, I know that there’s no way they set it up this far, but I like that this is brought back later! And Neal’s the perfect character to have this conversation with him! -”My family wouldn’t want to kill her.” No, but chances are they’d still imprison her. -Oh my God! They got Billy! I love this show!!!!! -This Greg and Henry encounter is just the best thing ever! -WHY DO I FEEL SO INTENSELY ABOUT A CAR CHASE WHERE I KNOW THE RESULT? ...I DON’T CARE! IT’S SO COOL! WOOOOO-HOOO! -Regina! Don’t let the kid run out of town on his own! At least let his dad go! -”But it’’l [Henry’s fake love] will be something.” ...Fucking hell, Regina. -How often did Regina come by the town line to wait for Owen? -I’m well aware that this is the furthest thing from true, but as I DO think Snow was in the right to kill Cora, I HC that Snow’s dark spot came from what she and David did to Maleficent. -”And once you blacken your heart, it only grows darker.” ...Suuuuuuuure, Regina. -Regina’s final speech to MM is really well delivered, but it doesn’t come up again (Snow’s darkness destroying their family), so it’s kind of pointless. -Awww! “Growen’s” “I’ll find you” to his [dead] dad is so freakin’ sad! Arcs - How are These Storylines Progressing? Snow killing Cora - I like how Snow handles Cora’s death at the moment. It builds off the unpreparedness that Snow exhibited during the last episode. Emma’s lie to Henry - It was good to see how Emma continued to make an effort to do right by Henry after lying to him. Regina’s Redemption - While undoubtedly shaken by Cora’s death, Regina shows that she can still come back from the brink of evil beyond evil. Seeing her destroy that forced love scroll was such a powerful moment! As I said before, it definitely is brought down a lot by the Snow/Regina scene at the end of the episode, but it still counts for something! Favorite Dynamic Rumple and Regina - Throughout both segments, these two were just great together! In the past, I think just the fact that Regina, even after knowing that Mr. Gold is also cursed, still talks to him in this fairly honest and frank way, more or less retaining what they had in the Enchanted Forest is just great and is a testament to the slightly warmer aspects of their dynamic. And that is even furthered by their interactions in the present! The scene where they’re laying Cora to rest is just such a good show of what these two mean to each other. There’s antagonism on Regina’s part, of course, but also a certain softness on Rumple’s part. All throughout the scene (And later as he guards Mary Margaret), he’s trying to convince Regina to abandon her revenge for her own sake. In this moment, we catch a glimpse of the dynamic they could’ve predominantly had and only occasionally did. Writer Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg are writing here, and thankfully, they did a better job here than in their previous endeavor. I still felt like there was a bit of shakiness as to the foundation of their story, but they were a bit more solid here. These guys are good at individual moments when they put more effort into their dialogue than simple platitudes. As I stated before, Rumple and Regina’s scene by Cora’s grave was well written, but also Regina, Kurt, and Owen in both of the diner scene was great as well as Emma, Neal and Henry in the diner (Apparently, these guys just need to write diner scenes) and Rumple and Snow in the bedroom. I feel so much more effort there, Darker Aspects - TW: Mention of rape I get that at this point, the writers were trying to convince us that the Graham/Regina relationship was more consensual than it actually was, but no. It does not work ESPECIALLY when she pulls out his heart in the office. Fucking hell. I’m glad that they stopped after this with trying to prove this particular point, although they did poorly with other points. It’s especially not helped with that love curse that Rumple and Emma discussed. While it was used to discuss Henry, having it in the same episode just makes me associate it with Graham! Rating 7/10. This episode is a bit up and down, but it was genuinely a fun watch with a lot of great character interactions. Seeing the beginning of the curse and what life under it was was a real treat and the novelty of the experience was fun, but not overpowering to the detriment of the rest of the episode. While I took some issues with the stories in both the past and present segments, I truly liked them more than I didn’t. Flip My Ship - Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness” Golden Heart - “We may have had our differences, but Cora will always have a place in my heart.” And the rose! What can I say? I love them! Swanfire - The teamup here is just really great! Emma strategized Neal pretty decently and her trust in him to take Henry to New York really shows how in their few days together, mending has been taking place between them. ()()()()()()()()() Thank you for reading and to the fine folks at @watchingfairytales!
I’m sorry this review took longer than they usually do. I guess my laziness (And relative business) caused me to be...selfish.
Maybe the next episode can help me with that. ;) See you next time. Season 2 Tally (149/220) Writer Tally for Season 2: Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis: (39/60) Jane Espenson (35/50) Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg (31/50) David Goodman (24/30)* Robert Hull (16/30) Christine Boylan (17/30) Kalinda Vazquez (20/30) Daniel Thomsen (18/20)* * Indicates that their work for the season is complete
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redscullyrevival · 6 years
Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
I’m preserving here all my liveblogging and commentary from twitter because this is the better space for keeping track of my self discussion. Yeah, no one cares, ANYWAYS
Gundam IBO Episodes 1-3
Gundam IBO: *puts main characters in a flashback in the first episode* Me: 
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Ah yes, the political girl who understands nothing of the hard man life. Good old Gundam.     
I love Biscuit.
So far I'm a big fan of this shows policy on showing angry boys teeth.
Orga's hair is genius. No hats for dramatic flare, just that pointy bang. So good.
Millennial vs Boomer vibes, haha, love it.
Oh GOD Biscuit has sisters named Cookie and Cracker I am so happy.
I giggle every time I hear "Lieutenant Crank" because I am a idiot.
Did the Gundam nerds whine about Barbatos' tiny waist? Seems like a hill some would die on.
Surprisingly fine with Atra's crush on Mikazuki. It's cute! Not played weird or funky, so far. They seem like they'd get along really well actually - similar temperaments and background and all that.
Oh shit these kids are about to do a bad ain't they? Go get 'em.
I'd keep the accountant too - I don't wanna do any fuckin' math either.
Hate Beer-gut-Hitler-stache, when does some kid kill him? Soon hopefully.
His full name iS CRANK  Z E N T  
Political girl admires strong tiny boy for being coerced into dangerous life choices and options. Good old Gundam!
Mika isn't a victim so it's fine. This is fine. He is fine. They're all fine. Everything is fine. It's fine.
These poor babies. They're not gonna be okay. 
This is gonna be a big old thing ain't it? I've seen enough Gundam to know this one is going to hurt and in all the ways other Gundam titles try to tragic but fail. I can see that from way out here in the boondocks.
Mikazuki is incredibly concerning and he and Orga are gonna probably tear each other a part. That's the shit thing about existing in a constant mode of survival. They don't have time for inner reflection and they don't know how do even do that. These babies are already slipping.
Which gives the less-than-palatable title a lot of weight. "Iron-Blooded Orphans" sounds cool I guess but mostly it's sad. What a sad thing to see from an outside perspective. It's strength for them, it's pride, I get that, but I don't think as the viewer I am meant to buy in. Or shit, lol, maybe I am but I'm just a reserved asshole. I like to think I'll be hurt less later if I point out I can see the plot trembles now but we all know that's not true.
Very interested to see what Kudelia grows to do in all this. She'll remain political and maybe teach the Orphans about talking about their feelings - I dunno. She'll do something, obviously, I just have no clear idea /what/ so far. Which is fair, only episode three.
The handsome kid with the earrings (don't remember his name, too scared to search it) is definitely bisexual though. That's facts. Sorry.
Looks like this series will forgo the expectation of some pilot screaming about peace while blowing absolutely everything up. Ending of the third episode is a bit on the nose with the thematic line IBO is choosing to walk but I dug it.
Lots to look forward to! Lots will change! I adore the cast which of course makes me very fearful lol. They're hardened kids, they're stuck in survival mode, I can connect with that. What's interesting is their bonds and comfort with each other.
It's safe to assume they're gonna see some wild shit but they will have each other (until they don't) and whose a sucker for found-family feelings? THIS BITCH. 
Gundam IBO episodes 4-7    
McGillis Fareed is a creep, you heard it here first folks. 
This guy is gonna have some wild backstory. He is the unmasked Char dude so. His hair bang is out to rival Orga's. 
I love Akihiro is literally the guy from Beserk. He is pulling an AU role. Good for him.
The children are out here trying to change space future. I love them.
Ohhhh. She is here to teach the lost boys to READ.
Yeah, Orga and Mika's relationship keeps them alive but it can't last. They're gonna get hurt my babies are gonna ndndndnnsn
It's a judging love, a push and shove ya know? They're great protagonists, very compelling. Their relationship is bueatiful in it's own way but a honest writer knows they can't maintain that status quo if the characters are to grow. Especially into adulthood.
Hello cute pigtailed woman doing her nails in space! How can this one show keep treating me so well? Haha! 
 *famous last words, probably*
Okay there is some background mechanic guy and I haven't caught his name yet but he is blonde and styling a swoop do over one eye and his voice actor is so friggin familiar even just the like few lines he has had so far. I'm going on a search wish me luck.
Ahh! Character's name is Yamagi and the voice actor is Soma Saito who was Twelve in Terror in Resonance!  Phew. Okay, back at it go time.
This power couple in the hat and shapely tummy scar, jeez. This show thrives on contrasting character designs but this one is, heh, this is new. Seems out of place almost. 
PS>> Handsome bisexual earring boy is KILLING IT. 
A+ pop into more scenes please thanks
It may be still too early to declare but I think Eugene is in the running to join my idiot son collection. He's got those expressive reactions that I just *clenches fist* that I just love so damn much.
lady pilots lady pilots lady pilots
I know ladies sitting at space computers in bikini tops isn't for any (good) reason but I need people to know that ladies in space would be hanging out in bikini tops for their own fantastic reasons and because I know this I shall accept events.
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Atra x Kudelia WHEN?! Don't you let me down Mari Okada - I know what you're like!!!
Yamagi the cutie is gay. I'm filled with so much pride. *wipes tear*
These reckless bastard children are gonna be the death of me. 
 I adore how anyone with any kind of heart is moved by these kids. By their shared known history, by their current situation, their guts and their clever gambits.
There is such potential for wonderful storytelling when adult characters are made to stop and consider kids - not as lesser but as whole people in their own right.
So McGillis Fareed is a creepo. Why do I think this? Well he didn’t bat an eye at accepting a child bride, I consider that a big friggin' tip off. Also, he exudes way too much effort.
I’m still early in the series so I may end up making a fool of myself surrounded by people who already know everything I don’t, but I’ll go ahead and try to explain my thinky thoughts anyhow.
I was only partially joking when I said CINEMATIC PARALLELS.
Pretty sure McGillis is being positioned against Orga and I say this because of their opposing character design and traits. McGillis consistently pulling on his bang was the tip off - hear me out!
The visual language of animation works differently than live action. Naturally by the medium what characters are bottom up designed to do are often times filled with more thematic intent than an actor forming characterization in collaboration with a director/a production. Plus, McGillis and Orga’s designs are intentional echos of one another within their stark differences, which is smart. This is a big cast that has varied character designs which have opposing tying traits (MORE ON THAT LATER) so their differences are what makes them similar.
I think these two leaders are more alike than what I’ve seen so far. I think the point is that Orga’s trials and struggle are more outright visible by his own choice whereas McGillis’ are hidden by him.
Orga never touches his wack hair even though he has a massive killer bang blocking his vision half the time. He isn’t seeking to change what lot he has been given in life and he isn’t trying to hide behind a fake persona. As orga states, “I am who I am.” A child.
McGillis constantly touches his hair while visibly contemplating. This guy is all calculated effort and performance. He isn’t who he presents himself as. Quite the adult.
Moving on to Orga and Mika and this show's brilliant use of opposing character designs: Jeepers Creepers, check out them Peepers edition.
Mika has big eyes. They're great. Because his eyes are so wide all the time it isn't shock we need to worry about with him. It's when he narrows his eyes. We saw this when he tried to choke out Gaelio (which, can I just say, noice).
You know who knows this better than anyone? Orga.
More and more we see Orga turning to Mika for approval, for motivation, for inspiration in his choices and push for whatever the hell it is Tekkadan is going to become. Orga has the smallest eyes of the cast, they're beady and cunning, even more so than McGillis (yikes). I think it's safe to say that Orga observes more than Mika, that Mika just watches things impassively as Orga ascertains what he assumes are Mika's wants.
And it's that type of thing where... The system works. Mika's wide, waiting, eyes keeps Orga on his toes. Keeps him thinking ahead, keeps him and everyone else relatively safe. But! But. There is a undercurrent of disproportion happening. I don't doubt these two love each other. I doubt that they understand their own dynamic. Any shift or change in this system and shit goes south very quickly. So naturally, I worry.
In lighter news OH MY GOD YAMAGI HUH?! Shy mechanic boy loves earring boy as much as I do - we are forever bonded in this way. He is my friend and I want only happiness for him. Ganbatte Yamgai, fuckin' get it boy.
Gundam IBO episodes 8-11
Yes, recap my idiot son Eugene's skills! If Akihiro is the guy from Berserk then Eugene is AU Makoto Tachibana from Iwatobi Swim Club, btw 
The nonchalant babes at the controls are my BFFs.
I love the bit the in opening that's right away during "with all your voice" where Mika and Orga turn pause turn pause turn - what a simple but effective emotional pull, right? gurgle
Oh, it's his harem. Yes. Naturally. Of course. I don't hate this. Am I broken?
ohmygod I think it's because Naze Turbine looks like Ryoji Kaji. I will never be free.
HahahHAHAHAAHAAHAHA! Babies in space! Planting those seeds! HAHAH PLANTING SEEDS okay calming down. What am I to make of the editing in this scene? We've got Atra grasping her Mika charm then we're cutting away to Kudelia I'm freaking out right now.
B-b-b-budget episode! My favorite kind! Play with those jump cuts, yeaaaah!
Naze has a sweet spot for kids and wacky found families. Loves it.
This guy is defiantly space Marlon Brando in The Godfather right? That's intentional right?
This is a really awkward dinner time conversation. :D
Party time! Have fun kids, be safe, you make me very nervous.
Drunk Orga!
Yamagi is jealous oh no oh my sweet little man oh it's okay!
I need everyone to know I'm deeply emotional about this family of lost boys and their big day and everyone is dressing up and JESUSSS
For a dude with a hat fetish and a harem Naze Turbine is a pretty good father figure so far, huh? He best hope it stays that way. *Whispers* It really is Kaji all over again...
I haven't praised the Old Man yet but Nadi is best and I would kill for him.
Hey, psst, hey in the opening Gaelio bending up into frame while McGillis slyly looks on is some really high quality queerbaiting. Top notch stuff.
These two fuckers hate each other but they like don't care? I don't know. I hate them. I love them. They're stupid make them stop.
The accountant is now like some magical loving math grandpa to all these rowdy boys my heart is so full!
Norba Shino, my love, your insecurities are great and many. Boobs this, boobs that! ... He isn't wrong actually. 
Go team bisexual d i s a s t e r
I'm getting Takaki's back story, he is off to train in the simulator I DO NOT LIKE THIS 
Flustered Orga is just, well it's very good. It's great. It's so sweet I'll put in my tea so I can drink it and get warm fuzzies forever. 
Atra and Kudelia are so good together, they're another pair of characters with contrasting yet corresponding character designs that are just so fantastic!
DING DING DING figured out the editing of the baby scene and yes oh boy seeds were planted! Ecstatic. Don't be a coward show! 
Haha, yeah right.
...Maybe though. Maybe. I think the biggest problem would be Mika because he's, well he is him isn't he? 
Now Takaki is tagging along on patrol and I’m getting Akihiro’s backstory. Great. That’s not ominous.        
BEEP BEEP BEEP an Ahab Reactor duh doy oh jeez oh come on kids 
Thanks for the save Mika! HAHA I was worried. They got me. 
Yes, the set up for Akihiro's brother is lazy but whatever I'm invested. 
 "Come on, come on, come on!" lol this fork tongued pirate kinda looks like a human Momotaros. I'm digging this creep. 
Azee is my wife. We're very happy. 
Friggin' Ein standing around muttering and holding Crank's pin like lolol do your job or something.
"All I want to do is kill those boys" like come on Ein no you don’t, just go do some fucking paper work. I'm sure you've been ignoring plenty. 
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No. Nope. NOPE. Absolutely not.  
This show knows this isn't okay. It's showing us it isn't okay. Flowers in the Attic is over here touching hot tea pots, like??? McGillis is a creep and he has some junked up plan or scheme or whatever. Blerg. 
Pfft, McGillis is touching that hair bang all "A powerful piece that could shake up the regime" HUH HERR I wonder who?   
These kids are too good and too well adjusted - it's great. I mean, it's sometimes a bit much like in this instance with Akihiro and his bro, but that's also what makes it nice. What makes the show compelling. You trust these characters to trust each other at this point.   
The dominoes are setting up and we're getting to that point where almost all the pieces of mystery in the show's opening are all out on the table. Very exciting.
Can't wait to learn what the hell McGillis is up to. He is the exact kind of character I actually really like, because I'm the worst. The child bride is, you know, shitty but I don't think the show is (so far) trying to display it as anything but A Situation™
Frankly, the entire thing with Almiria is (so far!) a play on how these characters are still kind of kids in their own way. Obviously Almira, but McGillis and Gaelio are still at the whims of their own parents and forever will be at the beck and call of their "families".
Tekkadan are more overtly children but they're wiggling out from under another's thumb and carving a space to move around and have some self definition. McGillis is, I can guess, is going to try and do the same for himself (especially after his little chess speech).
McGillis' extreme acceptance of Almiria is partially gross and partially understandable. It's both. Because it is both! Being shitty to Almiria won't gain him any points and he is going to use her, his parents already predetermined that. Eeehhh. Wait and see I guess.
I adore the dynamics of this big cast of characters, the boys feel so real and I live to see them acknowledge one another's strengths and hopes and fears. ;_;
Like most Gundam properties (other than GWing, yeah I said it!) the female cast is a bit washy, a bit too reactionary towards an thus defined by the male ensamble but I don't dislike anyone.
There is a divide between the female characters and the male characters, they share the same physical space but their narratives are not aligned and that's okay but it is a little frustrating. I'm a patient soul and I love (and know) the Gundam franchise so I'm good but maaaan. I really want the ladies to get through on this one. I really want them to want things for themselves beyond being pulled by their boy peers. They don't need to fight. They don't need to yell. Who they are now is good, there is a good foundation. They just need a gear shift, especially in the realization that they're not just along for the ride. And I am mostly thinking of Atra at this point. I love her because she is easy to love but I also know that's through careful positioning and not due to anything inherent in her.  
We will end this bout how I think many of these will end; YELLING ABOUT YAMAGI.
Yamagi is a sweet boy who deserves the world! Norba Shino is a human disaster who (headcanon) is going through a lot of confusing emotional and hormonal stuff right now so please be strong Yamagi.
Gundam IBO episodes 12-14
I love Ms. Merribit. Anyone will tell you I'm a sucker for responsible ladies in pant suits. 
I love these Man Rodi the Brewers use. A good chuby boy in heels.
They made Mika's lunch TOGETHER.
My man Nadi knows what's up.
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That's what I'm talkin' about! Mari Okada I trust you so much girl.
At some point Orga's tough guy smirk is going to be used in a way that pains and hurts me and I will probably die.
space battle space battle space battle I am a nerd space battle!
The ladies are covering for Akihiro. They want these brothers to reunite. *crying*
Masahiro's voice actor is giving an amazing performance.
Aw damn it.
Episode 13's opening is straight forward but rough: Norba's search crew find Brewer's human debris, passes them over, but those scared kids shoot which causes the Tekkadan kids to react and return fire. It's played straight as being it is what it is - a shit cycle of getting out.
The child solider/space rat stuff is, I feel, primarily used by the show to explore various forms of abusive fallout (which is why the Tekkadan kids fairly well adjusted existence is a little weird but deeply appreciated) and this quick moment punctuates Akihiro's goodbye.
A guest compliments Almiria, "She is like a doll!" 
She is, isn't she?
Kill me.
UH OH she has realized she is nine. 
Let me guess, McGillis is going to be a white knight oh yep here he comes. Great.     
I'm hitting pause and I'm going on a wild ass fuckin' tangent:
I feel younger kids having crushes on older people all depends on how it's handled by the older character, much as in life. Kids crush on adults. They do. That's not like weird or strange. What's important is how adults are made to handle those feelings (if known) and a story can go in so many different directions for so many different reasons and that's fine. That's storytelling. I shall judge all stories individually as they cross my path with whatever elements they have within them. That's how I do it.
So McGillis being charming and nice towards Alimaria is, again, fine and a little icky simultaneously. We know he is stuck. He is not out to ruffle any family plans. He is cucumbering this shit and being as smooth as possible alternative motive I don't know yet.
Alimaria is at the utmost disadvantage here. 
Within their specific scenario the only character we've seen consider her as a person who is also stuck in a hamster wheel of shitty parents is McGillis.
Obviously McGillis is a total shit-bird who is simply being nice because that's what is advantageous for HIM but the show is still (barely, mind you) straddling that line of "This Is Just A Situation™, we'll rip the Band-Aid Later"
McGillis is going to do something absolutely terrible to this girl and I am weary as fuck.
The series is being very manipulative with McGillis' actions here with Alimaria. He is being considerate but he is also stepping over a line.
McGillis is presented as being understanding and seems to genuinely care about Alimaria's feelings which makes him come off as, well, nice and princely. Which is undoubtedly what he wants. Which is what kind of makes him a monster, ya feel me? 
Eh, okay, incoherent late night ranting done. Back to sad boys and robots. 
This funeral is hitting me in my soft bits I can't deal
And it's followed up by Yamagi x Shino content just rub salt in my wounds JESUS 
UHHHH PARDON ME?!?!?!? I hate this episode! Deaths? Kisses? UGH. Mika is an dummy. He is full of dumb.  
They're making sure to show Atra sneezing though, as if someone mentioned her name explicitly which is just more weird ass editing choices I don't know how to take. What are you trying to tell me?! 
I'm stupid and a low life so I don't actually hate all love triangles. In fact I tend to rub angst all over my body so I can smell like disappointment and unresolved sexual tension but Mika is still a total dummy end of discussion. 
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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ┻━┻        
New opening has got it all! Just absolutely everything! We've got a masked pilot; we've got some new looking girl straight out of CLAMP's X/1999 or some shit; we've got sad boy's angry teeth; did I make this? Is this a dream?
Fumitan ain't gonna rat Kudelia out! At least... I don't want her to anyways.
Kudelia is straight up asking this lesbian about men I can't believe her.
Hehheh heeh heh hehe "Dort" hehe 
I adore the weirdness and chafing of Merribit and Orga's working relationship.
Oh my god guys, they're at Fantasy Costco! These girls are gonna clean these stinky boys and make that there ship sparkle. It's girly manifest destiny. 
"So no matter which planet you're on, the bossy ones are scums" - That's my idiot son Eugene who is actually one of the smarter of the idiot boys. 
I love the juxtaposition of these colony adults drinking the juice on the political Mars girl and her mighty teen protector warriors out to save them when it's really them asking lesbians for advice on men and trying to survive and crying when no one is looking. 
I'm serious, Orga is borderline terrified of Ms. Merribit. She's just another pair of waiting judging eyes for him and he doesn't know how to deal with her because she actually SAYS STUFF. 
Biscuit you be careful baby, watch your back. 
Loooooove the juxtaposition of these colony adults being super psyched to get blown up and these kids are like "Christ almighty, put that down!" 
Shino helping Yamagi escape (~˘▾˘)~ 
These boys are out here doing their job, doing their best, they're on their best behavior and they've been set up. My precious children! They've done nothing wrong, ever! 
"Maybe I'll change the way I talk, huh? ... No, I will not do that." Goddammit I love McGillis and I'm sooooooooooo mad about it.  
We've had Snake-Man-Pirate suggest to Mika that he enjoys killing but we haven't really been given any evidence of that. I'm sticking to my self-made theory on Mika's eyes!
He has that big wide stare most of the time, Mika doesn't actually have much personal investment in most of what he does. He doesn't love killing, but he doesn't have any real opinion on it either way. It isn't like when he choked out Gaelio or, now, kissing Kudelia.
I'm full power launching myself into deep fannish space because that's how I media but like, I'm not crazy right? Mika's eyes are IMPORTANT. They're about all we're given in understanding him, which is wild for the main Gundam pilot protagonist. The emphasis on Mikazuki's eyes within his design and being the only markers the audience is given when it comes to inner choices is a big gambit. We're 14 episodes in and don't have much of a grasp on Mika and I think that's because he has never once self defined. He is the ultimate of the poor sad robot boys. Akihiro is struggling with his humanity and the label of his existence ("human debris") with all the characters starting to find space and time to turn inward and then there is Mika.   
I don't think he knows how to live life while not only trying to survive. So, what's going to boot his self defined existence online? Piloting Barbatos? Kissing girls? Familial love?    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
McGillis being a masked pilot this late into the game with no charade about "Who can it BEeeeEEeE?!?" is my favorite thing. Haven't even seen him in an episode yet just a preview but oh, it's my favorite thing.
We'll end this short thoughts binge on the beauty that is Yamagi and why I am somewhat upset:
IBO has a very tight turn around of set up and follow through. There is (I'm assuming) a longer, slower set up with end game (probably tragic) follow through happening in concordance with the two episode story arc rhythm the series has going so far.
Quick simplified examples can be
Akihiro mentions his brother > we meet his brother > his brother chooses to die/save him > kids learn some on how to handle grief. 
Turbine has a harem > everyone accepts this > kids learn some on how to handle a found, self defined family.
The pattern is "If the kids meet a thing, that thing becomes possible."
We ain't seen no men loving men. We've not come across a viable example in the narrative of that being a option or choice or possibility. 
There are a lot of episodes left and this isn't like a make or break situation for me, but we are inching up on the set up stage being over with and if there is no example, no proof, of men being able to love men then...? I'm hesitant to invest.
I still will invest hook line and sinker, this is Gundam and damn that’s what I do 
That's also just so frustrating and sad as well as being, haha, believable. If there is no example encouraging Yamagi to approach Shino and no example for Shino to see acceptance then they're just gonna run out of time or figure their shit out too late.
Which is so very extremely stressful and masterfully manipulative how dare you I'm so impressed but mad and hurt and god I hope I'm wrong and off and have not tapped into this show's core of foreshadowing or whateverthehell.
Yamagi is a sweet boy who deserves the world and Norba Shino is a human disaster and I suffer for them.
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calliecat93 · 3 years
ST: The Next Generation S4 Watchthrough Episodes 2-5
Family: I fully expected the episode after the whole Borg thing would just be another typical episode that maybe brought it up, but otherwise be business as usual. Thank God that they didn’t go that route. This was the follow-up needed, a calmer, more introspective episode. No aliens. No politics or social issues. No heavy action. Just a cool-down, character-driven episode to let the audience breathe and allow character development. Picard of course is the big plot, going back to France (is this a joke because Patrick Stewart is British?) to reconnect with his family and deal with the trauma of the Borg assimilation. Robert is kind of an ass… but he does care about Picard and does ultimately help him open up about the trauma. Seriously, Patrick Stewart’s acting in that scene? 100% perfect. I like his sister-in-law and nephew as well and I liked finally seeing Earth outside a Starfleet base/an area not technologically advanced. We also met Worf’s adopted parents! While they’re a little much, they clearly love Worf, did their best to adjust in properly raising a Klingon child, and I’m just glad to see some actual competent/caring parents in something. Crusher and Wesley’s plot isn’t much… but not gonna lie, if my mom hadn’t been in the room I’d have likely cried. Wesley watching the hologram of his deceased dad… while Wil Wheaton’s acting was a little underwhelming… yeah God that hit far too close. My dad died three years ago and I still get choked up about it sometimes. And when Crusher was going through Jack’s belongings and picking up his uniform? Just… damn. I’m so glad to see an episode that just… lets the characters develop and grow without having to add a whole bunch of melodrama or an over-complicated plot or anything like that. It’s about family, and it was freakin’ perfect. 5/5.
Brothers: Well… I should have seen this coming eventually. Lore is back folks. Oh but it’s not just him. After three seasons, we finally meet the infamous Dr. Soong. Guess this is why Data wasn’t in the last episode, his family issues needed one all their own. So first… Brent Spiner deserves every freakin’ acting Emmy ever because he played all three of these characters. Yep, all three at the same time in the same episode. And he plays all three with great distinction and character and… the man is freakin’ good. The whole episode was just… damn. The first half where Data essentially hijacks everything.. yeah if Data ever went evil, everyone would be screwed. That was legit horrifying… though why they left Data alone on the bridge when something was clearly wrong with him I’ll never know. As for Dr. Soong himself… I’m not sure how to feel about him. Oh as a character he’s great. Brent Spiner really put a lot into him. I’m just not sure whether to call him out or feel bad for him… but maybe that’s part of the point. And Lore? Well… while he’s certainly evil… I actually felt bad for him? I can’t blame him for being angry and resentful because… yeah him being deactivated/disassembled while Data got to live out a life and shown clear favoritism is very understandable. He truly feels like the angry older brother whole Data is the younger, more inquisitive brother not quite sure what to think. Soong does seem to regret decommissioning Lore, especially now that he’s dying (which Lore’s actual emotional reaction… it was possibly an act but IDT it was, again excellent work by Brent Spiner), and it does feel like he summoned the two (even if Lore was unintentional since he didn’t know he’d been reassembled) to make some form of amends, but IDK if it’s legit regret or some form of ego. It really feels open to interpretation or perhaps a mix of both. Despite that, Soong being killed by Lore who escapes with the emotion chip not designed for him implanted to wreak havoc again in the future… yeah him accepting that it’s over and his and Data’s goodbye with Data calling him ‘father’… again, just perfect. This whole episode was perfect, Event the subplot with the two kids was done well and served as a good parallel to the Data and Lore situation. Those two were able to forgive… but I don’t think it will be that simple for Data. I’m still hoping that Data gets happy things later (WHEN DOES HE GET HIS KITTY?! I WANT HIM TO GET HIS KITY!), but still a fantastic episode. 5/5.
Suddenly Human: So in this episode, we have a human boy who was raised by an alien culture known as the Talarians. Due to being raised among them, he acts and views himself as a Talarian moreso than he does a human. Well… that’s certainly an interesting episode topic. It’s kind of like with Worf, a Klingon, having been raised by humans, albeit they did try to keep his Klingon heritage intact as much as they could. I think that this may be the first tme we’ve had a human being raised in an alien culture? Spock may have kinda counted, but he was half-Vulcan, half-human, and still had both parents so that’s still a different situation compared to someone born and raised human until his parents died and was taken into the very group that caused their deaths. I guess the title character in Charlie X back during TOS may have also counted, which I do get similar vibes from especially the whole ‘captain super awkwardly stepping up as a father figure against his will’ part… albeit I feel more sympathetic towards Jono than Charlie who went thoroughly power-mad, plus Charlie very clearly didn’t want to go back to the aliens. Jono just wants to go home. Honestly… IDK how to feel about the situation. I get wanting to have Jono connect to his human roots and being concerned about him being among the Talarians who have a… rather ruthless, very patriarchal lifestyle. However, the man who took him in does genuinely love him and it does seem like he’s been accepted into their world and he’s content with that. It’s where I get the crew’s concerns and while a little too excessive Crusher’s concern about Stockholm Syndrome does make sense somewhat… but I’m also like ‘this is his choice, if that is what he wishes then grant it to him.” . Trying to make him get in touch with his roots as though they know what’ best for him when they absolutely don’t, no matter how well-intentioned… yeah don’t agree with that. Even if he has remaining family on Earth, then as sad as it is, he gets to make that choice for his life no matter what the consequences may be. IDK is they intended to bring up the moral complexity of these kinds of situations because there are solid arguments that you can make for all sides here, but I do think it’s there and is very much a relevant topic in today’s world. I’m very much on the ‘make the choice for yourself and allow one to make that choice’ opinion. Allow them to learn about their heritage and the truth about how they ended up where they did, and let them decide what they’d like for themselves/how they’d like to lead their lives. Ultimately that’s what Jono did. He understands what happened and he finally expresses missing his parents and the trauma he endured due to it… but he also chose to remain with his adopted father and those who raised him, but maybe now more open in getting in touch with his Earth/human heritage. IDK if it was the right or wrong choice, but it was his choice. 4/5.
Remember Me: 🎶Though I have to say goodbye. Remember me, don't let it make you cry.🎶 Sorry, the Disney/Pixar nerd in me required me to do that XD Okay in all seriousness... guys they did it! They made an episode centering on a female character (Dr. Crusher) aND IT WAS ACTUALLY GOOD! So we have huge chunks of the crew disappearing and everyone’s memories of them wiped… except for Dr. Crusher. So… I won’t go into the plot twist here. Like with The Survivors it is really something I’d rather not spoil. But damn, I already liked Dr. Crusher… but this made me love her. The poor woman keeps questioning her sanity because of all the disappearances/memory gaps. To everyone else, nothing is out of place. To her? Everything is breaking down. I do like that the crew does listen to her and take her fears seriously. No one questions her going insane, Troi even telling her that if she thinks that something is wrong, then she’s acting as she should. Even when it’s only Crusher and Picard, despite clearly getting tired of it… Picard still listens to her and trusts her word. With how in both this and TNG they sometimes have dropped in common sense, it’s just so nice to see them treat this situation seriously and carefully and not act like Crusher is just a hysterical woman. Which she is not. While she understandably is freaked out and upset, she acts competently and intelligently especially when it’s only her left. Again, without spoiling anything, the way she gets out of it shows just how freakin’ awesome she is. Just an overall really good episode and Thank God that Dr. Crusher finally got the focus that she deserved. Sorry Pulaski, but them ditching you was worth it for this~! 4.5/5.
Wow we are off to an excellent start! Brothers may be my favorite episode in the whole show thus far. Much more to go, so hopefully the quality remains consistent. We shall see~!
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