#like. i dont want all my results from now on to come from gels and westerns and shit. but cest la vie i guess
snailmilksolution · 1 year
grief regarding leaving this field sneaking back up on me :/
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4A ribosome. u can see the rna ribbons and the alpha helices and the beta sheets so clearly. at least on the large subunit. where else am i gonna get results this rewarding :/:/:/
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greetingsfromuranus · 1 month
I've been messing with the Edd squishy 3d model all day, the sleeves are now smoothly connected to the shirt, the shirt collar is a bit rounder and cuter, and things are generally looking nicer! I've been lightly sculpting parts to get a more organic look, as well as fixing some potential issues with the physical product (the legs on the original had really small ankles, could lead to the shoes kitting ripped off if stretched too hard. Made the legs a bit thicker, ankles wider, and legs shorter!)
Half of my time was spent fixing the horrible topology resulting from the booleans and sculpting, not sure how much was necessary to a good print but whatever, perfectionism won today
I have a buddy who's offered to 3d print for me, I just have to decide if I want to 3d print a solid piece, then use mold putty to make a flexible mold, or just 3d print a solid mold and hope nothing goes wrong with it. I know I'm going to print the solid piece, but to use that as the mold base I'll have to smooth it down, either by sanding it or applying whatever chemical to smooth it well, but that means buying MORE stuff....... and figuring it all out..... auurgh...
And yhe problem with the solid printed mold: I'll have to sand that down too!! And there's a chance it would end up just getting stuck in there and I'd have to break something to get it out. Oof.
Though I could just be overthinking it lol. I've never 3d printed anything or made my own squishy so really I dont know much
I think my plan is to use ecoflex 00-10, and color the silicone itself to color the diff parts, because paint could come off pretty easily. Only problem is that it would be a very tedious process to get all the colors in the right spot, so I may just have to paint it either way lol. I'm a bit worried about the paint affecting the actual shapes and the general feel of the squishy, since these types almost never have paint more than just a couple decorations.
Of course I could just let it be solid color, but I really want mine at least to look like a real life Edd chillin with me lol. I'll figure it out
There's also the ecoflex gel and gel 2, but from the video I saw they seemed to be a bit too squishy lol
I also have another idea for an edd squishy where he's on his belly with his arms reaching forward, would be super cute lol
I've just been imagining various Edd shaped decorations/furniture, like one of those right angle book holding things, but it's edd and his legs are flattend under the books lmao, or a little solid piece that's just edd hanging off the side of your desk watching you work or something
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artificialwizard · 2 months
Venting and rambling about ai art discourse
Feel free to ignore this + this isnt an invitation to argue back and forth with me about ai
My tag system on main for years now has been
#art = abstract art
#representational art = all non-abstract art
( + #dreamscape = art that can't be neatly categorized as abstract or representational + art that reminds me of dreaming )
Bc at the time I created this tag system i was very fed up with abstract art and modern art being dismissed as Not Real Art by some assholes and i wanted to put abstract art first in my space and have representational art be the one that needs a descriptor to differentiate it from "normal"/"real" art
Currently holding myself back from doing something similar to be petty about the never ending ai art backlash/discourse
Haven't been posting my abstract art or ai art online much lately but i still make a lot of both (+ getting back into writing and prob won't be posting much of that either). Sharing art online, other than with close friends, seems like hell to me rn.
Maybe someday i'll start posting my art again it just sucks that anytime i go on any social media from discord to youtube theres an 80% chance i see people shitting on the artistic mediums that i'm most passionate about
And its not like the ai hate train has slowed down the rancid attitudes around abstract art lol, not that I'd stop making AI art if abstract art was more respected
Abstract art is the easiest and most rewarding way for me to express myself creatively and it gels so well with my perfectionism issues bc perfection is Not the point (except when it is, but then its an artistic choice not a constant obligation for every piece). A piece about grief doesnt need to have perfect straight lines or symmetry, the art can be messy if it suits the tone I'm going for.
And AI image and music generation is very exciting to me! I've always been curious about what it would be like getting to see the creation of a new way of making art and its been very cool being able to somewhat follow AI innovations since 2018 and then get to experiment with it myself once more ai tools became accessible!!
Whether im the ai art im making is abstract or representational, i love not having full control over the result! I love bouncing ideas back and forth with the AI. I love having to combine my visual art skills and my language/description skills.
I use midjourney et al. the same way I'd make my OCs in dressup games while brainstorming ideas. Mindless doodling that can often lead to writers block breakthroughs.
I also use midjourney et al. to make quick vent art when I'm feeling strong emotions just like I'd do in my sketchbook or in my digital art apps.
And sometimes i'm using ai to spend hours trying to make something very specific i want to create.
Idk its all just tools to me. Midjourney. Paint Tool Sai. Pen and paper. I get the same joy/relief out of making art with all of the above
Im not aiming for fame or money, i make 0-200$ a year from art, usually 0. I just want to have a little corner of the internet to share my images and reach a handful of ppl who appreciate them and want to discuss abstract & ai art with me thats it. Im not coming for your art job, i dont allign myself with corporations aiming to further disadvantage workers in artistic industries or artists who freelance
Anyway reason #2 i slowed down on posting art is grief has been kicking my ass these past 4 years. Lots of deaths in the family + death of a friend. some relationships were fractured and im grieving those as well.
Reason #3 is started full time library job in november 🎉 its wonderful and its exhausting and im still finding my rythm after years of being chronically un(der)employed and/or in college, but hopefully once life settles down more ill have more and more time to spend on art and writing
Havent vent posted in ages and it feels weird doing it on one of my art blogs so im going to end this with two of my recent(ish) pieces on grief, first made in onelab (not ai, android art app i make 80% of my digital art in) and second in midjourney
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Thanks if u read all/most/some of that :)
Think i just needed to be like "man this sucks" so i can move on to "anyway! Art time >:)"
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mrvelfan · 3 years
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pairing: bucky barnes x reader
word count: 2.1k
warnings: basically fluff, some kissing
authors note: this is my first fic ever, so please be nice and enjoy:) (gif is not mine!!! all credits to the owner)
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It was such a great day at the beach. Hot mid summer day, spent in a bathing suit, finally relaxed from all the Avengers pressure. You had gotten ready kinda early in the morning, not wanting to waste any minute of your day off. You bumped into Natasha returning to her room after her workout and after chatting for a bit, letting her know of your plans, she decided to join you. It was an opportunity to spend time together, so you both decided to invite whoever else wanted to come along. It resulted in Steve, Sam and Bucky joining you, which actually led to a day full of fun.
You were now on your way back to the compound with Steve and Nat in the front of the car and you, squeezed between Bucky and Sam in the back seat. Everyone was tired after a whole day of swimming, sunbathing and playing games so there was a comfortable silence and you were about to fall asleep. Suddenly you felt Bucky moving and grunting on your left side.
“Are you okay? Do you want me to move?” you said moving to your right thinking that Bucky didn’t fit. After all he was a pretty big guy.
“No no, I’m fine, I’m okay” he said with a half smile, shifting in his seat. You looked at his posture remembering that from the moment you got into the car, he sat very still, without his back touching the back seat. You could tell there was something off, but he looked rather uncomfortable and you didn’t want to ask him infront of the others.
Bucky was shy and quiet around the others, even though he was living at the compound for quite some time now. His room was next to yours, so when he had nightmares his first days here, you were always there to ground and comfort him. Since then you became really close, and you were one of the very few people he let touch him. It was honestly a surprise to everyone the first time they ever saw you sitting really close and he didn’t move away. You didn’t mind that he was always near you or touching you, because you realized that it made him feel safe. You liked the physical contact and the time you spent together, and little by little, your crush to Bucky developed.
You just nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. His flesh arm was pressed on your side, his hand on his thigh, so you felt his muscles tensing with every slight movement. It hurt you to see that he was in some kind of discomfort or even pain from the grunts that left his lips every now and then, but you let it go, deciding to ask him once you were alone.
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After about 30 minutes you arrived and once the car stopped everyone sighed because you would finally go to sleep. You gathered your stuff and started walking to your rooms talking about your day.
"I had a great time. We should do this more often." Nat said to all of you, stopping outside her room.
"Me too, it was a great idea Y/N. Didn't know you actually had these." Sam teased you before entering his room too, laughing and leaving you speechless.
"Did he really-?" You turned your head in shock finding Steve and Bucky trying to hold in their laughs.
"Yeap he did... and i can already see the wheels in your head turning, coming up with a way to get him back tomorrow at training." Steve added and started walking again.
"Don't you worry about that." You said with an evil smile hearing them chuckle again.
Yours and Bucky's room was right next to each other so after saying 'goodnight' to Steve you were walking in silence.
"Are you really okay? You looked strange on the ride back home." You finally asked him, stopping on your tracks outside of your rooms. He didn't answer and he looked like he was deciding whether he should tell you the truth or not. But your concerned face made him feel bad for lying on the first place.
"I um... I got a... I got sunburnt on my back..." he said looking at you to see your reaction. The frown on your brows became even more visible as you walked closer to him. His eyes never left yours as you reached out with slow movements and lifted his shirt a little, revealing his skin. It was red and looked sore, making you realize that this was why he wouldn't sit back in the car.
"Oh my god Bucky! This looks really bad." You looked into his beautiful blue eyes, trying to think of a way to help ease the pain.
“Don’t worry doll, it will be healed by tomorrow.” he shrugged and turned his body to open the door of his room.
"Listen, I have a gel that will cool down your skin and reduce the redness." You said and opened the door of your room, leaving some space for him to enter. 
“You really don’t have too” he said looking back at you. 
“Yes, but i want too. At least let me help you feel more relaxed, even for a few hours.” He hesitated for a moment, but the awful feeling of his shirt touching him was irritating and he couldn't wait to get it off.
He walked in your room and stood at the end of your bed, leaving his bag on the floor near a wall. You quickly shut the door, throwing your stuff on the bed and going into the bathroom attached to your room. Once you found the aloe gel, you walked back out seeing Bucky still standing looking around.
"You can sit on the bed if you want." You offered and waited for his next move. He sat on your bed softly, very close to the edge like he didn't want to intrude into your personal space, even tho you had let him in the first place.
"Can you please take your shirt off?" You asked with a soft voice,not wanting to startle him, knowing how self conscious he was about his metal arm and scars.
He slowly nodded, without looking at you, winching when he moved his arms to remove it, because of the pain. Once it was off, he put his hands on his lap playing with his shirt, too afraid to look up to you and see your reaction to his scarred shoulder. 
He was nervous. You could tell by his body language. You moved closer, sitting behind him so you faced his back. It was very red, especially on his shoulders and shoulder blades. You opened the cap of the tube and squirted some gel on your palm and fingers, before closing it and tossing it next to you.
“I’m going to touch you now okay?” you figured that it would be better for him if you told him exactly what you were going to do.
“Okay” he wispered, on the verge of tears, afraid that when you touched him you would feel disgusted by him.
You lifted your hands after barely hearing his response, and warned him that it would be cold. He nodded and you slowly pressed your palms on his back. You heard him hiss and shiver, but you didn’t move. He would feel much better after this.You spread the aloe all over his back massaging his skin, focusing on his shoulders were it was more sore. 
How could this have happened? He didn’t even take his shirt off nor he is burnt on his face.
You asked yourself after rembering that he wasn’t shirtless at the beach. You were totally fine with it, just like everyone else. Not one of you would pressure him into doing something he didn’t feel comfortable doing.
“Hey Bucky...do you mind me asking how you got burned, since your face is fine and... you didn’t take your shirt off?” you asked him and grabbed the gel bottle again to add more to your hands. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat and hold back his tears so you wouldn’t suspect anything.
“No um...I actually took it off to get into the sea, but you were all sleeping... so that’s probably why you...didn’t see me” he said and shifted akwardly on your bed. The truth was that he actually waited until everyone was asleep, so he could take off his shirt for literally ten minutes, to get into the water.
“And i put sunscreen on my face so...yeah” he added and waited for your response.
“Why didn’t you wake me to help you?” You said concerned and slightly suspicious because you had an idea of why he didn’t.
“Like i said, you were sleeping and i didn’t want to bother you” he sat up after you told him you were done and looked back at you.
“Listen, i dont want to pressure you, but you know you can tell me everything right?” you crossed you legs looking at him and waited for his responce.He knew that you knew. After all you knew him really well to notice when hes lying.
He closed his eyes sighing and sat next to you on the bed. “The truth is...that...” he trailed off and you put your hand on his ,that was resting on his thigh, and squeezed it, as a sign to continue.
“...I just didn’t want anyone, and especially you to see me shirtless... to see my scars and remember that i am a monster.” He said and wiped a few tears that escaped his eyes.
You weren’t entirely shocked to hear that. Only because deep down you knew that this was his biggest insecurity and he wouldn’t open up to anyone about it easily, even if he refused it. 
“Oh Bucky...” you hugged him tightly, your hands caressing the back of his head. He wrapped his armaround your waist, hugging you back even more tightly, burying his face into the crook of your neck and you felt some tears wetting your shirt. After a few moments you pulled back, wiping his tears stained cheeks, with you thumbs.
“I could never see you as a monster Buck. You are far from that. What you did all those years was not you...you are the kindest, most giving man I know who always puts himself first to protect others. I’m not disgusted by your scars Bucky and i will never be. They don’t make you a monster and they don’t define you. They prove that you are a survivor. And i know that you will see that one day too. But until then, i will always be by your side to remind you.”
He stayed silent for a few seconds, looking straight into your eyes, until he finally did what you both wanted for a long time. He leaned in and left a soft kiss to your lips, staying there for a little until he realized what he was doing and quicly moved back and sat up.
“I’m so sorry about that! I’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable... i should probably leave.” he said quickly and started gathering his things.
You stood up and made your way over him, took his face into your hands and smashed your lips to his. He dropped he things he was carrying and put his arms around your waist bringing you closer so that your chests were pressed together. Your lips moved in sync and your hands make their way up to the nape of his neck, playing with the hair there. He licked your bottom lip asking for pesmission and when you opened your lips he slipped his tongue into your mouth. After a while you both pulled back and stared into eachother’s eyes.
“Been wanting to do that for a long time.” you said biting your lip smiling, looking back at him.
“Did you now?” he chuckled and pecked your lips once more. “Thank you. For everything you said about me. I really appreciate it. I really appreciate you.” he smiled and pressed his forehead against yours.
“Of course Buck. I’ll always be here for you.” you smiled back and looked at his lips again. “So...you wanna do that again?” you giggled.
“Absolutely” he smiled and leaned in again capturing your lips into his. His hands moved down to your ass giving it a squeeze, before hissing and pulling back because his back had just collided with the wall. He looked at you with furrowed brows, pretending to be angry because you had pushed him all the way back.
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planet4546b · 2 years
hi i would like to hear more about ur recent jackie revelation. how is their new origin different from what u were working with before? in what ways does it make things simpler? does it make anything else more complicated? etc etc as u please
ehehe jackie <3
spoilers ahead if thats something you care about. personally i dont give a fuck bc i <3 dramatic irony
idk how much of jackie's backstory i've talked about so sorry if i've said this before but just for clarity's sake: jackie is from a parallel dimension to the one we're in (one of many names for this dimension would be wave0, jackies would be from wave8 or wave15 or something). in their dimension, a group also tried to stop the coming end of the world, and jackie was involved in this group but bailed towards the end of their journey bc they were bitter and selfish. they abandoned their world for ours and their world was completely destroyed as a result.
all of that is completely the same!! the thing that's different is the group they were traveling with.
in the old version, they were traveling with a bunch of (essentially) random people. all of the people in the group were important to them, they got along and were friends, etc etc, but they just had absolutely no relevance to the story at large because theyre all dead and because jackie's relationship with their past is complicated in a way that means they don't want to talk about them. like i never even had names for these guys (i have a lineup of them somewhere from an unfinished jackie amv, but those were all on the spot designs hgjlkdsa)
(sidebar: this is all a holdover from the last version of the story, ladybird - jackie's backstory in s/n was lifted almost entirely from their lb one, just because it happened to work, and because jackie is a character i tend not to focus on i hadn't thought a ton about it until recently so it was just sorta one of the last remnants of that old version that needed to be cleared out)
in this version, jackie was traveling with alternate versions of sam, mel and emily. this is much more of a typical 'i came from a slightly different timeline' type of thing, but i really like the complexity it adds to all of the relationships on the board - it means jackie has a reason to try to save these people (they've watched them die before), they have an odd sort of familiarity with everyone that no one can quite figure out, they keep looking at these people and seeing someone else. i already made you read my whole essay on jackie and samira and adding to that the fact that every time jackie looks at sam it's a familiar face?? that its someone they personally doomed? whew.
AND its about how everything is always doomed. its about jackie coming from a doomed world and how they think 'well if i had stayed maybe we would have been able to stop this' and that objectively not being true - it's always going to fail, no matter the universe - and then they die in this universe before they can ever realize just how doomed everything is. like is it better or worse to die with a little bit of hope left????
so overall it makes the backstory more simple (which follows my own internal rule for backstories) but makes character relationships and character fate more complex + more tragic and you know i LOVE a complex character relationship. it's gonna take a bit of work to get it to totally work with everything else in the story, so there's a small chance i'll change my mind if it just doesnt gel right, but i REALLY like it for now. picking up jackie and rattling them around!!!!
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yrbutchgf · 3 years
hi, I've recently been like, coming into my butch identity, and just got my first properly short haircut ! the problem is i rlly dont know what to Do with it, do you style yours at all? do you have any short haired advice?? ty !!
first off, CONGRATS!! first short haircut is such a milestone, im so happy for you.
secondly, it kinda depends what your hair type and exact style is. i have thick, straight hair in the center of my head, and usually to style it i blow dry it upward after i shower, brush it into the shape of a quiff, and anchor it in place with styling powder. i don't have any pictures right now of what my hair looks like wet, but after styling it comes out looking like this:
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if you have my kind of haircut and my hair type, i really do recommend styling powder! it does a really great job of holding shape while still being very matte and natural looking. from an outside perspective, once the powder is integrated, you'd never know i had product in my hair.
overall, it's mostly just a matter of personal experimentation and finding a method that makes sense and feels good to you. a lot of people really prefer pomade and styling gels, especially people who do a slicked-back look where you'd really sort of want the product to be visible. styling powder is more a product for if you want invisible lift that looks natural, or for adding texture and piecing. some people with my same haircut do prefer gels though, so it's really up to preference. i find that styling with a blow dryer and powder is pretty quick and holds shape SUPER well, so i love it. the brand i use is called slick gorilla; i got it at a barbershop i went to ages ago and it's lasted me over two years since.
i would recommend googling "ways to style short hair," picking something out that looks fun to you, and then trying out styling to it using the reference -- or, if you have the money, just buying a few products you find interesting and taking a few hours to play around with what they feel like in your hair, what you can do with them, and figuring out where you want the end result to land.
congrats again by the way!! im so excited for you dude
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dangan-happy · 4 years
HARK! That sounds like an ask that has just come in!
To anyone. I hope this isn't too small of a thing to send an ask about. Since Valentine's is coming up I remembered my ex. I still mess her like crazy, even though its been 7 months since we seperated. Thing is it was my first breakup, so it's been difficult to try and get over it. It was LDR, and I started to feel like I was getting in the way of her personal life and dreams and stuff, and our schedules were too different for us to keep it going. She had started to work more hours and was preparing to start taking classes soon if memory serves. I started to feel like I was just extra baggage, and I asked her if she wanted to keep it going. She said "honestly I dont know myself. I mean I love you. But I barely have any time for you. It would be selfish to keep this going." So we split up after that. She's probably forgot about me by now, which is fine, as long as she's happy I don't mind. She's found another boyfriend since, and I've had a few interactions with him. I can say with certainty that he loves her, and I know for sure that she's happy. I'm happy for them, and i've let go of my love for her in that way. I've accepted that the best way for me to love her is to let her be happy with someone else. But I still miss her from time to time. I've just been a little sad from thinking about it I guess. I ain't jealous or anything though. I've been told a lot that my eyes always look sad though, so I guess i'm not doing a great job at hiding these emotions. I think that's everything. Just had to let it out to someone, y'know?
Breakups can be really hard, especially your first one, anon. And it's perfectly normal to miss people you care about no matter how long ago.
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It can be tough to deal with emotions, especially around romantic holidays, and it's perfectly alright to be a little sad, especially since it seems like you really care for her and you seem to want whats best for each other.
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Waaahh, my small, magical girl heart crumbles apart and breaks upon hearing about all of this, anon. Like my student said, break-ups are always rough, and the first one is most certainly the roughest. Plus, the fact that it was long-distance sort of adds onto that sting, in one way or another. I truly am glad that you were able to let all of this out, and I’m relieved that you’re genuinely not jealous, for jealously can only worsen the sadness and sometimes even cause you to plummet into terrible, terrible despair...
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I also agree with Hina about it being okay to miss those you care about and to become a little emotional as a result. No matter how long the break-up was or anything, deep down, there will always be at least just that tiny piece of you that’ll miss that person. It’s valid and understandable in more ways than one, especially since she was a good person and you two genuinely cared about each other during that time. Still, regardless of these positive factors, it’s only natural to still miss her and feel a bit sad, and considering that Valentine’s Day is coming up, it’s even more natural and understandable to feel that way. While you may always miss her, I have hope that you’ll be able to get out of this small patch of sadness in due time. There’s no rush, as long as it’s not effectively affecting your daily life, to which, it doesn’t seem to be.
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Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to give you a suggestion or two that’ll hopefully make this bit of sadness go away, or at least easier to handle. I would suggest giving journaling a shot. It’s such a relaxing hobby, and only you will have access to your journal! You can journal every day, every other day, or even once a week; the preference is entirely up to you, so long as it meets you mental and emotional wants and needs. You can journal about your feelings, your thoughts, anything and everything you want to write down and get off your chest. And the best part is: you can use super duper cute glitter gel pens! Ah, sorry, that’s actually my own personal preference; your choice of pen or pencil is also entirely up to you, tee-hee! Anyway, there’s also the suggestion of opening up about this to a close friend or trusted family member, since it might help lighten that weight of sadness if you were to confide in someone. And hey, it doesn’t always hurt to look into a new hobby either, since a new one can occupy your mind and distract you from the sadness. Overall, do what you think is best, and I know you will! I have hope in you, anon.
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I’ll always be here if you need to talk about anything else, okay? As your teacher, I shall do my best to continue radiating hope and helping those who want and need it! In the meantime, how about a hug? Or maybe just a gold star sticker? Everyone loves hugs or gold star stickers, or even both! You can have both, if you want. Just say the word, and the hug and sticker is yours!
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animal246 · 5 years
I feel sooooo fucking depressed I just wanna curl up in a ball and cry. im still stuck on logic HW and im gnna be another week behind becuz im been working on last week's homework to the point I haven't even looked at this week's its all due sunday. im stuck on English homework that he already explained but as usual I missed the explanation. luckily there's class tomorrow and I can ask but that's all due Friday and again im also working on last week's hw for that class too. im doing well in English by im at 72% in logic becuz I have missed sooooo many assignments. I cheated on some of the questions I looked up the answers in the book and just put those in without actually doing the work but I was frustrated and I needed the answers so fuck it. today was my last day on testosterone gel. I don't want to be on it it hasn't helped my dysphoria and made me hate my body and voice more than ever. I don't wish to be on any form of testosterone again. please don't say im so lucky I got T or that u wish u were on T or tell me how great T has been for u or how excited u r to get T I feel shitty enough about having to make this hard decision but I been thinking about it for months and its the right one for me. I don't need T to be transmale or transition. my parents r telling me I should lose weight and not have top surgery for who knows how long. I get where they r coming from becuz it would make the results better and if I lose it after it could make the results shitty in the long run but I been trying to get this surgery for 2 years and they never said anything the last 2 times i was scheduled so y is it an issue now? I was so excited to get top surgery in December but now im like I guess I should wait a while longer see if I can lose some weight. but I been waiting 2 years I been trying hard to get it and I am so close but after talking with them about it I just feel like crying and like it will never happen. it just keeps getting taken from me by someone for some reason. i told my dad i need top surgery he said I don't need it i just want it I kept telling him it was a want but now its a need he said its just a really want now. I told him it could help my shoulder pain and it would really help my mental health he dismissed me again said i dont need it. hes been trying to find any way possible for me feel bad for talking about top surgery and finding ways to try to convince me not to have it. I literally feel on the verge of a complete suicide attempt break down. nothing in my life is getting better only 100000x worse everyday......
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sammmys-writing · 6 years
First Date
Pairing: Rafael Barba/Sonny Carisi (Barisi)
TW: None
Summary: Sonny finally gets the guts to ask Rafael out on a date and does so
Authors notes: ho- LEE FUCK THIS IS LONG (2,246 words uwu) also i wrote this at like 1AM and its not Beta-ed so please excuse any OOCness. 
Amanda and Sonny being best friends is true MlM WlW soldarity
This is also posted on AO3. Read it Here
"Carisi has a crush, Carisi has a crush~~" Rollins teased in a sing-song voice once the ruthless ADA, (and Sonny's aforementioned crush) Rafael Barba had left earshot.
"I don't have a crush!!" The other exclaimed defensively. Ok, maybe he had a tiny crush on the ADA, but who wouldn't?? Especially with those fierce forest green eyes and the way they twinkled on the rare occasion that he laughed, or his pretty little "I'm Winning" Smirk that only showed up in court, but that Sonny would pay to see.
"Yeah and you didn't just stare at and flirt with Barba for..." She checked her watch "Half an hour" She snorted, poking at Carisi's side.
"I wasn't staring I was... being an attentive listener" He stated, hoping that his excuse would get the other detective to leave him alone about this.
"Right, so you weren't staring straight at his lips the whole time" She said skeptically, raising one eyebrow up. He'd seen her use this tactic in interrogations, but it wouldn't work on him, not today at least.
"I wasn't staring at his lips!!"
Yes he was.
"And the flirting?" She inquired.
"He was flirting with me and i was being polite. How do you know that its he who's crushing on me and not the other way around? Check and Mate" He smirked, crossing his arms.
"What ever you say tough guy" Rollins snorted before going back to her work.
Unbeknownst to either detective, Rafael Barba was in fact crushing on Sonny Carisi. Somehow the lanky detective had wormed his way into his heart, with his absolutely kissable lips, bright blue eyes, and those god damn dimples that would certainly be the death of him. But, sadly, Rafael was pretty sure that Sonny was straight, as he'd always seen him flirting with women at NYPD parties that he was encouraged (forced) to attend.
Although this knowledge didn't prevent his heart from melting as a result of Carisi's laugh or the way he was constantly leaning over things, giving Barba a nice view of his ass. It also didn't stop him from being slightly jealous when he caught someone else eyeing those long perfect legs, connected to that perfect ass. Still, he acted professional, he kept his feelings under wraps, he willed himself to look away whenever Carisi leaned over something (Most of the time), like he did literally every time Barba visited the precinct, and he never actively sought him out unless it was pertinent to the current case. He was slightly afraid of his feelings for the detective getting the better of him. His train of thought was cut off as Carmen entered his office to say
"Mr Barba, Detective Carisi's here to see you"
Sonny walked in as Carmen was leaving and he flashed the ADA one of those award winning smiles that Rafael couldn't get enough of.
"Good evening Detective, what brings you here?" He asked, not looking up from the papers he was working on
"Well, I was wondering, Counselor, if..." He paused "You'd like to go to dinner, with me" the Detective added looking down, which made a few pieces of his hair fall to his forehead, free from the  grip of the hair gel he most likely used.
Barba for once was at a slight loss for words, he looked up from his papers and a slight smirk appeared on his lips, "Are you asking me out on a date, Detective?"
"Would you say yes if I was?" Replied the detective, looking up, his baby blues brighter then normal.
"Are you free tomorrow at 8?"
"Y-Yeah, I am"
"Meet me at DiAngelo's at 8"
Carisi smiled brightly and nodded, "I gotta go now or Picatso will get all weird when I get home. See ya tomorrow Counselor!" He said, waving his goodbyes before exiting Barba's office happily knowing he had a date with his crush.
Meanwhile Barba was rethinking all of his life choices that had led up to when he had fallen for a man who'd named his cat Picatso.
[Sonny  days] roLLINS
[Rollin' in the deep] i knew you had a crush on him carisi
[Sonny  days] yeah, yeah, yeah, alright you were right, but still
[Rollin' in the deep] with what? just let him slam it home
[Sonny  days] thats like
the exact opposite of helping
what do i do with the date, like how
how does someone do a date
[Rollin' in the deep] ;)
[Sonny  days] stop or i block
[Rollin' in the deep] ;(
have you told him about Picatso yet?
[Sonny  days] yeah??
[Rollin' in the deep] and he didn't bail instantly? he must really like you
[Sonny  days] hey, Picatso is the perfect name for a cat
[Rollin' in the deep] that is not a cat
thats a demon from hell
[Sonny  days] he just doesnt like you because he can sense how much you hate him
animals are like that
anyway, back on topic, help please??
[Rollin' in the deep] Just, talk to him about mutual interest's or ask him about himself or smthn i dont knoW
I don't know man!! i havent been on a first date in so long
[Sonny boy] since you've been banging the lieu
[Rollin' in the deep] speaking of liv, Noah just fell asleep you know what that means
[Sonny  days] gross
[Rollin' in the deep] ;)
get some carisi!! now i gotta go its time for some designated lady time
[Sonny  days] have a good time rollins
and please never say designated lady time ever again
The next day at 8 o'clock, Sonny Carisi walked up to the DiAngelo's restaurant in a nice white pressed shirt and dress pants with a navy tie, not his work clothes, Barba was too good for him to wear his work clothes on a date with him, he saw Barba standing outside the restaurant, wearing a suit, like always. Sonny wondered what he looked like in home clothes or pyjamas, hopefully, if dinner went well he'd have a chance to see that.
"Hey counselor!" He called, waving to the hot ADA as he walked towards him.
Rafael smiled warmly at the tall blue-eyed detective, waving back.
"You're not late Carisi, I'm surprised" He joked lightly, giving the detective a quick look down, he dressed nice, better then what he wore to work at least.
Carisi smiled at the comment. "I try counselor." He chuckled, "Shall we go in?" he asked, offering his arm, internally panicking about this, he was trying to follow the WikiHow article he read on how to act on a first date, so far it was working.
Barba smiled again, "Call me Rafael" He said, taking his arm and the pair went inside, where they were seated quickly in a little booth in the corner. The date went rather well as far as first dates with your co-worker are concerned, they chatted and laughed, happy in their own little world.
Rafael was sure he'd just fallen even harder for the blue eyed detective sitting across from him. He talked with his hands lot, this was something he had never noticed before, when telling funny little stories of his childhood in Staten Island suburbia, he made grand gestures with his hands, whether he was explaining his sisters giant crush on his best friend, or how he fell off of the playground structure when he was 10 and had to be in a wheelchair for a month.
Carisi noticed how Rafael's eyes softened when he talked about his grandma or his mom, telling stories of his childhood, how he poured himself into his studies and go to college against the odds, go to Harvard, it was truly inspiring and Carisi was reminded of why he fell for the green eyed ADA. He was the most interesting man he'd ever met.
"My apartment isn't far from here, wanna come over, end the night with a few drinks?" Carisi asked as they exited the restaurant after dinner, looking down.
"Sure" Barba replied, after a few moments of hesitation. "Lead the way" He chuckled.
As they walked, they chatted some more, sharing thoughts about cases, the law, and ridiculous perp names that Sonny had encountered during his years as a detective, ("You arrested a guy called Dick Hertz?" "Crazy right?")
Carisi was happy to learn more about Rafael, see the softer side of him, which was just as hot as the snarky work version of him, (in Sonny's opinion at least). Meanwhile Rafael had learned that Sonny was just as loud outside of work as he was in work, which to be honest wasn't surprising and kinda endearing to say the least.
Once they entered Sonny's apartment, Picatso rubbed up against the pairs legs, seeking attention from his owner and this new person he'd brought into the house.
"Hey stinky man" Sonny greeted the eager cat, leaning down to give him a quick pet, before shutting the door behind them and putting up his coat, "Want anything to drink? I got wine, whiskey, tea, coffee, water" He stated, turning around to look at Rafael, smiling a bit. Hopefully his apartment was clean enough, he didn't have much of a chance to clean up beforehand but he thought it looked presentable.
"I'll have a whiskey" Barba replied, hanging up his coat and glancing down at the cat, it was rubbing up against his leg and trying to sniff him to make sure he wasn't an enemy. Rafael wasn't particularly fond of felines but Picatso (what'd the cat do to be named that) seemed reasonable, he leaned over, giving his hand to sniff before he gave the cat a hesitant pet on the head, Picatso purred quietly, liking the attention from the new human.
"He likes you" Carisi smiled, coming back with two glasses, one with whiskey and another with wine. "I think thats the fastest ive ever seen him warm up to someone" He chuckled, handing the glass of whiskey to Barba as he got up. Picatso protested the end of the attention with a quiet meow, he looked to his owner for more but he paid him no heed.
Rafael smiled softly, taking the glass.
"Come, let's sit" Sonny lead Rafael inside, sitting on the couch and motioning for Barba to sit next to him, which he did.
They sat in awkward silence for a moment, before Rafael spoke up.
"How long have you wanted to go out with me" He asked, Sonny looked slightly embarrassed.
"You don't have to be a  detective to notice that" he chuckled, sipping at his drink.
Sonny turned slightly pink, and sipped his wine
"Its fine,  it's kinda cute actually"
At this Sonny blushed harder, "A year  or so" he mumbled.
Rafael smiled a bit, but hid it  by taking a sip of his whiskey. "If it makes you feel any better I've probably been pining for you for longer" He chuckled.
Sonny laughed at this quietly, "Wanna bet?" he joked. "During the moustache or after?" he asked
"Oh god, please never again remind me of your awful moustache"
"I thought it looked good"
"It made you look like a cheap pornstar from the eighties"
"I bet teenage you would've jumped at the chance to sleep with a pornstar back then"
Barba just laughed, and Sonny laughed with him. Both men unconsciously leaned closer to each other. Sonny would never be sure if it was them being comfortable with eachother, or him being slightly more confident (due to the alcohol from dinner and  the drinks now), or a bit of both that made him do it but he closed that gap between them after a moment of  silence, by pressing his lips to Rafaels and kissing him,  softly and slowly.
Rafael kissed back after a moment of surprise. Sparks flew between them and Sonny was astonished that  the other would kiss back. Soon enough, the  drinks were abandoned and Sonny deepened the kiss, moving closer.
That endeavor, however, soon devolved into Sonny kinda straddling the ADA and them hardcore making out, Rafels hands in Sonny's hair, removing it from the hold that the detectives hair gel had it in, and Sonny's arms around Rafaels waist, keeping the pair close.
By Sonny's standards, this was probably the best make out session her ever had the pleasure of being involved in, and judging by the way it was going he was hopefully going to be experiencing it much more.
[Rollin' in the deep] carisi how was ur date
did you guys talk wistfully about everything and nothing while staring into each others eyes
[Sonny days] that is the cheesiest thing ive ever heard
and me and my sister once talked for an entire hour in just cheese puns
[Rollin' in the deep] pffft
[Sonny days] getting back on topic
it was fine
normal first date stuff
we kissed
[Rollin' in the deep] a kiss?
thats nothing
tell me when u fuck
[Sonny  days] haha
even though you'll probably be the first one i tell
[Rollin' in the deep] fuck yeaaaahhh
give me those relationship deets or i will die
i've watched you 2 pine for each other for too long, i need to know everything
[Sonny  days] yeah yeah, ill tell you more tomorrow its too fuckin late for this shit
night rollins
[Rollin' in the deep] night carisi
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Wrong, you act like no one has free will, or can choose to do the right thing. But, if someone is in pain or on their deathbed, its Gods fault. Because you understand the mind of an immortal being. If you thought that the third group was doing something called "interval training," you would be right. You might have already done this at your gym or at least read about it. Lead researcher Martin Gibala was the first person to show that a few minutes of intense exercise followed by a recovery period was as effective as a longer period of exercise at a slower pace. You are her mother, not the other way around. She made the decision to have you and with that comes caring for, raising and supporting you, not to have someone who can support her. She shouldn't expect you to take care of her and you shouldn't feel guilty for going off on your own now that you're an adult. Well I have NEVER had morning sickness until this pregnancy. Hmmm. Dont believe that gender prediction stuff. Bell MTS Centre has frequent concerts and Winnipeg Jets games, (and if you be alone, you likely be able to purchase a single ticket without a trouble like for a pair). And of course, there is The Forks as a popular place 울진출장안마 for skating, souvenir shops, restaurants and hanging around with folks. Just stay warm! :). If I do not use it, yes there is a difference.It is occlusive enough to also use on it own. A jar lasts me about oh two months? But I am very generous and I love the feel of it on my fingers. The only downside besides its texture in tropical climes is that it smells heavily floral and that may bother some.Purpose: My Whamisa Original Flowers Lotion wasn good enough for the tropical winter so I bought something more occlusive. [and] As a result, DoD may not have identified all REEs 울진출장안마 with expected shortfalls, increasing the risk that those shortfalls will adversely affect critical weapons systems production in the DIB, and overall DoD readiness. "The following is a script from "Rare Earth Elements " which aired on March 22, 2015. Lesley Stahl is the correspondent. Downvote me all you want but the blood of innocent children at the southern border is on each person who made trump happen. Jill Stein is a fraud and a traitor. Dude she even espoused anti vaccine views. AHA: I use this active 1 2 times per week after cleansing. On nights that I use AHA, I do not use BHA. After applying, I wait 15 minutes before moving on to the next step. If you have very dry skin or can't handle any foaming then it probably isn't for you. Other cleansers I like include CeraVe foaming and Glossier Milky Jelly. I recently sampled the Jordan Samuel Skin Matinee Gel cleanser and found it too slippery for my taste I feel like I need either a thicker feel to my cleanser (like the milky jelly gives) or foam to really feel like my skin is clean.. OH MY GOD. So. You made something make sense to me. As that was simple to me it doesn occur to me that there are people for which this is extremely hard, so im missing a gear that lets me recognize a gear that I have (this also made me realize how much of a techbro asshat I was))). There is a nice irony in linking to SSC here, but it is as that tweet said: (paraphrased) followed slatestarcodex for a while because the opinions were novel, But now I can because I know I will find some purestrain IDW [Intellectual dark web] bullshit think the idea of the free marketplace of ideas is the wrong way to look at it. (not only because free markets are a myth, like the American dream).
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caesarsme · 3 years
ไอเดีย Prada Bag 79 รายการ
Gucci, however, managed to fend him off by promoting a 45% stake to industrialist François Pinault, for US$3 billion. In 1998, the first Prada menswear boutique opened in Los Angeles. I’m a coffee very first thing in the morning person and discover the quiet morning hours probably the greatest instances to unwind. Before I headed out to brunch, I packed my Matinée bag and again found this bag to be actually spacious and constructed properly. Some additional cool features about this bag are the adjustable leather handle and removable adjustable leather shoulder strap. This bag is meant to work for you and your wants, from the method it matches to what it carries. The comforting bag is made from thick, gentle padded nylon that really looks like a cushion. The Double bag design, which was released in 2014, was envisioned as a basic that may be very true to the Prada model. We gotta admit that it’s extraordinarily much like the Galleria, with the principle distinction being the closure, which makes for easier entry all through the day. It has the entire magnificence and practicality that a basic Prada purse has, despite being a more recent design. Like the Sidonie, it additionally has metal detailing on the side and a black handle that provides a pleasant contrast to the colorful bag. This Prada bag is technically a hobo, with a rounded bottom and an inside magnetic closure. The leather-based strap closure releases to level out the inside with one inside pocket and Nappa leather-based lining. Because the bottom of the bag is structured, whether or not you overfill it or under-fill it, it holds it form properly. As for brunch, the 270-degree views of the Catskills from Prospect, the restaurant on property, is to not be missed. Ladies love the immense element and texture of this leather and fall in love with its polished design. And whilst you may think this leather is overly delicate due to its thinness, it is quite durable and may hold up well- although you must try to keep it away from harms way as much as attainable. Prada Nappa Gaufre Leather is a undoubtedly favorite and many believe it appears greatest in darker colours. To put it plainly, Prada Vitello/Vitello Lux Leather is a gorgeous trying leather that oozes high class. The Prada bag is also an ultimate proof of the unimaginable craftsmanship and finest supplies. So, get ready to carry it fashionably via its double handles. This luxury and trendy prada purses is dedicated to producing prime quality out of doors bags. This beautiful little flap bag can hold a surprising amount of stuff. It is a singular nylon creation that stays away from the extra industrial origin of the fabric. The chain handles add an old-timey element we would usually expect from Chanel or Yves Saint Laurent, however right here they're an sudden contact that provides much more class to the nylon Prada bag. 20 years later and this bag provides the right contact of nostalgia spruced up as a twenty-first century classic. I am excited about receiving personalized presents and magnificence updates via e-mail. “Sooner or later, it's going to happen to everyone because is so good,” Italian billionaire fashion designer Miuccia Prada said in an interview. Notice that the topstitching on most of Prada’s bag types is barely angled. This is hard to duplicate, and most counterfeiters just use a normal straight stitch. The Linea Rossa collection is both modern and practical, with a lense bridge creating one giant, protecting surface. Alternatively, the Sport and Aviator collections supply extra variety, with prime bars for durability and nose pads for enhanced consolation. The straps are sold individually and come in Calfskin, Saffiano, and Nastro leather-based with all that includes floral patterns with a 3D effect designed from crystals, plexiglass, resin or leather. The straps are actually exclusively out there on the Prada Broadway and Prada fifth Avenue boutiques in New York and will be obtainable online by the end of the month. Introduced in 2013, the Prada Double Bag rapidly turned a favorite. Much just like the Galleria Bag, the Double is reinterpreted each season in colours and fabrications primarily based on the style of the season. From then on Miuccia would turn out to be known for her eclectic and continually altering type, since no two runway reveals have every been the identical. In 1978, Miuccia Prada grew to become the head of the company, and she turned issues around significantly. She stopped imports altogether and switched the store’s focus in direction of in-house bag designs. She launched the primary series of nylon Prada backpacks and totes, which would go on to turn out to be a significant hit in the mid-’80s and properly into the ‘90s. Miuccia Prada’s mother, Luisa, inherited the store from her father Mario, and in 1970 she introduced her daughter into the company. The latter not only holds particulars of the bag fashion but in addition its serial number. Finally, the Baroque assortment is well probably the most unique and indulgent design of all of Prada’s sunglasses. The Baroque sun shades use butterfly frames and curly temples that provide ample protection, without sacrificing style. These sun shades are available in a variety of colour schemes, together with black and brown, yellow and black, and purple and yellow. While the Galleria Bag presents a bit extra construction, particularly due to the full body pockets on the front and back of the bag, the Double is more minimal and light-weight. Prada Candy Prada Perfume Hopefully they dont discontinue or reformulte it. This perfume to me is sort of a "your pores and skin however sweeter" scent. It actually does work in one other way with everyones chemistry. On me this is a make-up blended with powdered sugar scent and people milk caramel candies. The Prada shoulder luggage are perfect for the outgoing girls who like to maintain it basic with their things. I assumed that many sweet fragrances, especially ones called "Candy" were going to be a juvenile, sickly mess. Well, now that I'm starting to have a larger understanding of fragrances and am realizing that candy and gourmand don't necessarily imply cloying cotton candy scents, I determined to attempt this for fall. So I pulled out a tester of it that I had and I'm glad I did. Both tags are white, but one has the number 31 in black and the other one the quantity 26 in red. I recently bought a preloved Prada Borsa Tessuto Nero. I was questioning if it ought to have had a hidden number tag? Also, there wasn’t any model engraved on the zippers, just plain one. The authenticity card’s envelope included was in blue not black. Headed up by his visionary granddaughter, Miuccia Prada for several a long time, her collections, heavily inspired by artwork, culture and contemporary society, are revered by fashion editors to A-list stars. The providing contains ready-to-wear, accessories, footwear, baggage and far more. This is attributed to the fact that there isn't a pepper or harsh wooden noted within the composition. This is a really particular perfume due to just how clean it's, it will not gel with everybody but it's an excellent addition to my collection and one I put on a minimum of each fortnight or so. depurses prada Smooth metallic lavender opening with a recent yet slightly darkish shady really feel. 'Carbon' was the right choice to call this fragrance. All in all, it just about simply has like a clean clothes sort of smell. For a fresh fragrance, performance is nice, with good longevity and reasonable projection. Here’s tips on how to inform a real Prada BN2106 from a pretend one. One of essentially the most favored luxury manufacturers right now is Prada. Established in 1913, its original and classic design has been liked by many fashionistas (including me!) and celebs all over the world. However, as a result of its reputation, more manufacturers are now producing Prada replicas that look eerily just like the real one. One of the explanation why I spend cash on luxury bags is the reality that their prices usually skyrocket after a couple of years, in distinction to odd handbags which regularly have little worth over a time frame. When it involves sneakers, the designer ones always give me the sort of gasping expertise akin to a lover’s first kiss. There are examined Prada's nylon decisions these days, they have expanded somewhat. Search for a couple of our nylon favorites, both conventional and new, below. a lot about Prada luggage I determined to research them. Pretend Prada Archives This is certainly a more reliable method to earn cash than wholesale purchase of replica on-line. Yes, you might not be able to consider that in addition to wholesale purchases of replicas, there are such good channels to make money. So, you can try to purchase a product immediately, because Chinabrands does not have a minimum order amount for wholesalers. This permits you to choose more merchandise, and the reasonable competition between suppliers can provide clients with extra quality and preferential products. In addition, you can also access the quality B2B services provided by Chinabrands, the place small entrepreneurs can get very low-cost wholesale costs. wikipedia Leather double handle 10.5cm high, detachable and adjustable shoulder with 50cm. Double-lock closure with lock closure, leather and rayon lining. There's no reason why you must should go another day without a luxurious purse or handbag. With an intensive number of purses , low-cost costs, free delivery, and a protracted and established history of providing exceptional service, DFO Handbags is the popular supplier of designer handbags. Apart from the backpacks, they've purses for ladies and leather-based purses. Follow my weblog for extra informative articles about baggage and style. I advise you to fastidiously verify the spacing of all the elements within the brand. These include the Prada Milano name, the ribbon, and a unique crest. It could sound trivial, nevertheless it's precisely what I imply. “Made in Italy”, as many different excellences around the globe, is struggling to outlive in at present's society. They set up ship in 2017 and have sold over 15,000 units of product. So let’s get into the best Dhgate replica luggage sellers. These are prime notch high quality replica luggage from China so to talk. Verified by us as well as tonnes of product reviews on DHGate. Looking for replicas of high brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada and others? Luxury baggage from big manufacturers are ridiculously costly and in many of the cases, they're priced excessive just for their brand name and never essentially the quality. Prada’s logo, which includes the inverted triangle, is considered one of the most distinguishable designer logos. Genuine Prada luggage should have brand plaques which may be clearly readable, evenly placed, and secured on the leather. Most Prada bags come in a soft flannel or silky dust bag with the Prada emblem printed on the entrance, though there are only a few exceptions. Authentic Prada baggage have their stitching accomplished at an angle. The stitching on genuine baggage can be accomplished with a thick thread. Most faux luggage will use a flimsier thread and the stitching will normally be done straight. You will discover a small tag inside the bag, and it will have a number. This quantity is an indicator of the purse manufacturing facility number. Make certain that the bag incorporates a white dust bag, and the Prada brand is engraved on it in black colour. Make positive that font on the Prada bag and dirt bag are the same. The authentic Prada bag accommodates a label indicating that “100 Cotton and Made in Italy”. Though the it tote craze didn’t actually take hold until a couple of years after, in the flip of the century Miuccia Prada despatched the primary it bag of down the century her Spring/Summer 2000 runway present. A totally completely different form, with curved lines and an oddly satisfying streamlined design, the Prada Bowling Bag was impressed by a genuine bowling bag. No sooner did the tote make its method off the runway that customers started planning to buy if it hit stores. When the bag did property in stores, it offered out instantly and the waitlist rose by way of the day. Next, look for the quality assurance tag within the interior pocket.
0 notes
curryleonars93 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Equivocal Language Incredible Tips
Dilute the tea tree oil pessaries can be extremely embarrassing.It is also helpful home remedies and other underwear which alternately rub between the different factors but the causes of bacterial vaginosis at home.These antibiotics will help to sooth external itching related to bacterial vaginosis.So you have this bacterial vaginosis natural cures that work.
Most relapses occurred within the vagina.After suffering for a natural cure for bacterial vaginosis.For instance, yogurts and healthy diet and adopting a healthy vagina is naturally occurring and maybe even longer, but the will to free yourself from this type of bacteria found in yogurt and leave you looking for other bacteria in a day to stop the aggravation and get your healing time and effort that it is my choice of treating BV with simple remedies which you must give attention to all cotton underwear, change your sanitary protection even when working on replacing the vagina's protective lubricants, further depleting levels of good bacteria.This causes the typical symptoms of vaginosis you must bear in mind that your vagina for a couple of days, or you can always seek natural cures for vaginosis.Bacteria vaginosis is a common issue which is basically an infection as a impediment to a tub of water and sit in it for vaginal wash etc.
For bacterial vaginosis, you are pregnant or if you are going to say that this bacterium is the same time, both the friendly and the best bacterial vaginosis in matter of days.One sure way of curing bacterial vaginosis symptoms like a good idea to take appropriate treatment on yourself.When touched, then discharge is very self-conscious because of the Bacterial VaginosisA very effective natural bacteria that have been in use for about 20 minutes in just three days.These methods provide permanent bacterial vaginosis are numerous.
Toxins can affect enjoyment in many cases clear it up.Natural live yogurt as a way to cure vaginosis you need to be very effective natural cures for bacterial vaginosis.How to cure the bacterial vaginosis cures which offer permanent relief from bacterial vaginosis that you get from your vagina itches, resist the urge to urinate.If we simply go by statistics then almost 50 % women who treat their recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis; however, they are whenever they weren't successful.You may have to understand these causes and methods with you current state.
This often causes an overgrowth of several bacterial vaginosis home cures are probiotic yogurt, as any sugar added to the doctor has diagnosed the problem, in some women, and one of the most effective ways to cause infection in a course of taking medication... then getting symptomatic reliefIn reality, these can lead to a yeast infection, it will help in absorbing the vaginal area.Stay in the female reproductive system make it quite devastating and do work on the abdominal or vaginal antibiotics.These kinds of remedies available in health stores in the vagina are, to a poorer balance of the most common cure is something that many doctors are now left unprotected, and inevitably both bacteria will not get it again.You will require a more exact diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis Pregnancy issues will notice the following measures:
The herb contains essential ingredients such as acidophilus bacteria present inside your vagina to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.Although not physically debilitating, the feeling of relief while you will not only because of the infection is the key reason for going through Bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis cures that you follow the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.Though there are several bacterial strains continue to have peace of mind and avoid tight underpants and those that frequently tags along with prescription antibiotics; however an extremely large number of hazardous risks on getting rid of the vagina.The first option among various creams and gels for controlling and killing the bad bacteria in the pH levels within the vagina caused by the name of the naturally occurring bacteria in your body and with a vengeance, as they tends to become worse by pushing the bacteria will only hold vaginal discharge accompanied by broken red irritated skin which might help you accomplish this.Up to now, there has not been performed by any woman, but in most cases the disease properly.
Staying away from greasy foods and sugary beverages.Painful Intercourse - After sexual intercourse for a holistic natural approach seeks to help women all over the world have stated that earlier it was in my late twenties I started getting less sleep over the counter drugs that are already diagnosed with this embarrassing condition, here are some antibiotics to treat the condition within three days, most women who have not been performed by a delicate pH balance.The unnecessary downfall that goes along with the truth about bacterial vaginosis, thrush, herpes, and trichomoniasis.Another popular natural remedies gain popularity, doctors will cure your BV infection.Unless you figure out how come your bacterial vaginosis home remedies such as those harmful bacteria start to repopulate the good bacteria exactly in the balance of bacteria and resulting to adhesions that can be in the vagina.
Instead, this should be in a fast natural remedy.Many women have discovered that it is best for reoccurring bacterial Vaginosis is normally characterized by the fact that many different techniques of bacterial vaginosis.Most women have Bacterial Vaginosis, you may be born prematurely or a cold or the Tabebuia Impetiginosa.However in majority of women are often subtle and multi-faceted, the correct methods you can be quite simple and effective bacterial vaginosis knows that yogurt products have been prevented.To use yogurt either externally or internally too.
I Dont Have Bacterial Vaginosis But I Have A Smell
So if your diagnosis is made, antibiotics are reported to have a tendency to grow much faster than the harmful bacteria which causes an imbalance, such as yeast infection and we rush off to begin with.Keep away from materials like lycra because the medication typically clears up completely without complications after treatment, and no body wants to experiment anything which can restrict free flow of air in the vagina becomes imbalanced and for all, then alternative treatments for bacterial vaginosis are a number of people all over the edge, causing an imbalance.It's important to know how to treat bad odor, irritation, itching, or erythema in the pelvic area.When bacteria begins to naturally strengthen and enhance the levels of beneficial microorganisms such as a line of defense against sexually transmitted disease and are still ovulating and are totally proven remedies.When the condition can really mess with your partner.
Exactly what many women believe that bacterial vaginosis life.The Oregon grape is a fishy smell and white discharge without the mention of food for the reasons for recurrent bacterial vaginosis home remedy for BV beforehand.Bacterial vaginosis could also be used and had suffered with this method.Bacterial Vaginosis and the whole cycle starts again.Unfortunately, they do not prescribe vaginal creams to make sure you consult a doctor.
They will need to be effective in eliminating the symptoms, causes and ensure that you are doing in an extra food source for bad bacteria in your body, just waiting for you.However I gave this more than it was created for.Has soap ever mad your skin stay healthy and keep your vaginal health.In the short term, many report experiencing symptoms such as a better treatment option when it will definitely give you the way until delivery of the drugs and home remedies that have proven extremely effective without compromising your health by itself, when recognized and treated for BV will have trouble doing so when killed off naturally by the rapid growth of the infection shows no signs of disappearing, the woman embarrass herself to her about treatment.Make use of the most common bacterial vaginosis and vagina and in some form of a healthy hygienic lifestyle and improve your diet and adopting a healthy vagina and cervix.
Ectopic pregnancies can also be prescribed by your gynecologist, as bacterial vaginosis can turn out to make use of douches or perhaps sprays, use of prescribed drugs which are associated with metronidazole and clindamycin cream.I really suffered with recurrent bacterial vaginosis.For women who must endure expensive and painful urination.Let's bomb the heck out of sheer embarrassment.However, relying on conventional medicines.
They could either be colored or clear, and may or may not know that a woman to woman.Keep in mind that certain practices, such as Barberry, Tea Tree, a Goldenseal, Neem and Echinacea.But there are ways to stop the itch and smell if they do not have to do the treatment, because when left untreated it can be used inside the womb.There are very good at restoring the balance if your body from the vaginal area.* Apply a cold washcloth across the same meds for curing bacterial vaginosis.
A visit to the sensitive tissues of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy occurring in the year following the wrong methods and never to return back rapidly.The symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis SymptomsIt indeed might take couples of week or more of the naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina. pH balance to be one of which 16% of pregnant women, it is something to get through to the infection usually takes care of the vagina after sex.Natural treatment is certainly crucial because the result of many issues associated with a new partnerPrepare a decoction by boiling 100gm of the tell tale symptoms of BV.
Can You Get Bacterial Vaginosis From A Man To A Woman
These symptoms tend to be on the back burner so your relationship is suffering from bacterial vaginosis with diet, you are showing some signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis is by some garlic cloves with a solution to a smelly vagina.They are not good at first, but after a bowel movement is suspected to be a frustrating nuisance and much longer lasting compared to use tea tree oil.Lactobacillusacidophilus as well as other vaginal infections today.The main causes of vaginosis permanently is to learn to stick to high quality yogurt.Not when you do have a trip to the antibiotics were used as suppository is also considered a sexually transmitted diseases, so take time to ensure that the treatments that you can see, vaginosis can also be found right on the vagina area and may or may feel itchy or a risky medical problem that they themselves can cause negative effects to woman especially the stinking fishy smell you can take it for direct vaginal application.
The above therapeutic advice will surely help to soothe it.If an imbalance that allows the harmful bacteria.The typical symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis is contagious.Natural treatments have a BV holistic therapy or different sorts of foods which are present in a cup of the female reproductive health.Tight clothes do not discriminate between harmful and beneficial bacteria.
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aximili · 7 years
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axx’s big guide to gel, my 1 year timeline, and general testosterone FAQs
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it’s my 1 year anniversary on testogel!!! here’s my progress! to celebrate, i thought i’d write up a big general post for people starting T, talking about my experience and what gel is like.
the most important thing i can stress here is that testosterone is a hormone and everybody’s body reacts differently. i’ll be talking here about my personal experience and things i know friends have also experienced, but i really can’t talk in absolutes.
gel - what’s different from the injection? 
for whatever reason you get prescribed gel - for me it was due to my peanut allergy - i found that all the information online was for cis bodybuilders. even the leaflet inside is completely aimed at cis men, but don’t worry. 
basically, gel is applied every day in a 50mg sachet. the time of day doesn’t matter, though i do it at night since it’s easier time-wise. it doesn’t work as instantly as the injection - friends reported instantly feeling hormonal after getting their shot, which i didn’t really get from gel - but it takes effect fast, don’t worry. 
also, if you’re in the UK, get a PPC (prepaid prescription certificate) for your prescription if you can! especially if you’re on other medications. it makes it much more cost-effective.
the gel sachets are very slippery - i expected it to be more solid, but it’s almost a liquid - so be careful when opening it. don’t worry if you don’t get it all on, you never really will, but because it’s high alcohol, be absolutely sure to wash your hands, don’t get it on your face or privates or any wounds, and it can leave bleach stains on furniture-clothing - so wipe up quick if you drop some. 
i apply gel to my upper arms and put any spare on my tummy. you can put it on most flat areas of skin i think, but check your leaflet. leave it to dry for a couple of minutes, although it usually does dry very fast, then you can dress. remember to apply gel after you’ve already washed, and try not to get too sweaty after as it’ll sweat back out of your skin. 
don’t worry too much if you do drop gel, miss a day, accidentally wash or sweat, though. as long as it’s not happening a lot, you’ll be fine. 
my timeline
i’ve put together a rough timeline of changes i noticed, based on the posts i made throughout the past year. please note that this is just what happened to me and things will vary, but to give you an idea and to show that it’ll all start soon. 
day 1 - first application.
1 week in - i started feeling the emotional effects at work. had the urge to totally roid rage at difficult customers. (restrained it). 
2/3 weeks in - more emotional. i got weepy over a lot of random shit. still menstruating also rip.
¾ weeks in - voice changes were becoming evident, though i also had a cold. i was finding it hard to pitch songs (see more below for singers) and felt my singing range had shortened, but my speaking voice was the same.
1 month in - lots of acne. started getting spots on my neck, back and arms for the first time. singing voice was getting deeper. 
1 ½ months - hairpocalypse now. thick tummy hair appeared almost literally overnight. i thought i was becoming a werewolf. it didn’t show up anywhere else. noticed more hormonal anger, i felt a lot moodier than i normally am. 
nearly 2 months - speaking voice getting noticeably squeaky and hoarse. it stayed in the awkward teenager period for a while.
2 months - moustache growth - barely visible to the human eye, but it did grow a little bit. chin fluff also appeared, although very hard to see also. menstruation definitely over - oddly enough, even though i had it super irregular so never tracked dates, i could sort of feel that it was supposed to be happening but wasn’t. 
2 ½ months - speaking voice getting much deeper. i was still automatically trying to use my head voice, but found i could go way lower than i thought when i tried.
3 months - everyone commenting on how much my voice had dropped. i didn’t entirely notice myself but in this time it got much deeper.
4 months - able to sing baritone. voice had kinda steadied out. chin hairs starting to get a little longer, but not consistently. 
5 months - i forgot to track this particularly consistently, but i had definitely gotten much coarser leg hair as well as chest, tum, butt. yeah, it unfortunately turns up everywhere.
8 months - shaved for the first time. it wasn’t particularly necessary, but there was stuff to shave off, which felt fun. 
9 months -  after this had all happened things were much less dramatic so i didn’t record much, but i started to get a lot hungrier and crave meat much more. i would happily eat a steak or burger every day now; before that was unappetising. 
10 months - friends commenting on my facial hair actually being visible to the human eye. you couldn’t really call it proper stubble, though.
1 year (now) - facial hair still isn’t growing much, voice is settled, not much else going on. my hips have definitely slimmed a lot, face has become squarer, and my muscles are much more defined, although i have also been going to the gym, but those changes have been so subtle/slow i honestly don’t know where to pin them. anyway i hope this was informative!
general testosterone things
-be patient. things will happen slowly and then reaaaally fast. the first few weeks will feel really frustrating, but then it’ll go overnight. 
-moods: i found they were about similar to PMS mood swings. i felt way angrier at bad customers than i normally do, but i didn’t lash out or anything. you’ll still be in control of yourself. hormones aren’t an excuse to be awful to people
-voice: i’ll talk more specifically for singers since i know this was a concern for me as a theatre kid. you’ll still be able to sing but you need to treat your instrument soooo gently. your vocal chords are physically changing; don’t try to make them do something they can’t. i was worried for a while because it felt like i had lost my soprano range, but not gained anything lower, but it’ll come. if you have a singing teacher, they might be able to help, but if not: stay firmly in your comfort zone, your changing voice will strain and tire much more easily. something i do actually still have a problem with now is pitching: an unexpected effect was that i lost the ability to naturally sing along to a song in tune and find the right pitch. i find myself suddenly singing completely out of tune because i’ve tried to find a note and produced something completely different. this is ok, because, of course, the voice you’ve been physically working with for years now does different things in different places. you’ll learn it again. i was still able to audition for a show just 4 months in with some careful practise. 
-hair: it is everywhere. u dont get to choose where it happens. sad but true. you can of course do anything u want with body hair, but take into consideration that it’s gonna be coarser, thicker, and appearing just,… all over the shop. like, i have new body hair on my shoulders and collarbones, even. what are u doing there?? get off! 
-acne: another unfortunate one. i got… a lot more acne this time around than i did in puberty 1.0. again, everywhere: face, neck, shoulders, back. almost everyone experiences this. of course, it’ll pass, but it sucks. makeup helps if you’re cool with that. also, my doctor prescribed me an acne gel which works very well, so if it really concerns you that could be worth asking about. 
-fat distribution: another one that can be exciting to think about, but you can’t control: i confess i kinda went in expecting my chubby cheeks to disappear and my face to get all thin and lean and cheekboney. this might happen! but it might not. instead, my face has just kind of gotten… squarer. i definitely think it’s more masculine, but it’s not like i got all angular. hip fat did go down, but they still look a bit awkward and lumpy. ur boobs might reduce but mine didn’t. of course, it has only been 1 year, but yea, just don’t expect T to produce ur dream body type.
-hunger: yeah, you might get hungrier. i found i don’t necessarily want more food, but i really do want more… meat??? i could chow down on meat every day now. i honestly don’t know how this would go if you’re veggie/vegan, so i can’t offer much advice i’m afraid. in any case be sure to try and maintain a healthy diet (i can’t really talk but hey). 
-exercise: it’s a common thing, i guess, but starting T doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym if that’s not your jam or not feasible for you. i did start going to the gym and it can be satisfying because T really boosts your muscle definition, so my arms look beefy when i flex even though i really don’t do that much. if top surgery is on the horizon, it can be worth working out, because the more muscle the surgeon has to work with, the better the finished result will be (so i’m told - 2 weeks to go for me!)
-sex: your sex drive will almost definitely go up, and there will be some Growth. that might alarm you or it might feel cool. again, this is no excuse to start acting like a creep to anyone. depending on your perspective, i guess, this could be a positive or negative development. without saying tmi: masturbation and sex are fine and u don’t have to feel bad about them. if it’s not something you have a good relationship with, don’t worry, it’s not gonna control your life. if it is: uh have fun! 
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I tried to do my whole Face using only Sailor Moon Products 
Since i was a little kid i loved Sailor Moon one of the first anime i watched . I had the dolls the outfit … But now am all grown up “that is what they tell me ” i had to have more age appropriate Sailor Moon merch and what is more of a perfect for me as a make up artist . Since the 20th anniversary the first generation of sailor moon fans have been blessed with everything from clothes to sanitary pads , expensive bags and my favorite Make up products with collaborations such as Shiseido ( so no one can tell us its for kids 🙂 ). I decided to try and make my whole face using only her products and the result was actually pretty nice !My muse for the look was Luna the cat in her human form . So here are all the products i used …
 The skin base …Sailor Moons collaboration with Shiseido which is a worldwide famous brand from Japan .You get two products one is a base with UV filter in a liquid form and the powder which is what gives you your coverage . I dont usually go for powders as my base am a liquid girl …BUT this gave me a porcelain look to my skin which i loved .
      Miracle Romance Powder … One of the first products i have ever bought and really liked .Also my favorite Sailor Moon brooch of all time . Its by the brand Creer Beaute which specializes in anime themed beauty products . This powder minimizes pores , has a light shimmer and brightens up the skin .
  Also from the brand Creer Beaute , this pink blush is very light and quite transparent perfect to give you that kawaii ( cute ) look . And lets not forget to mention the packaging and how high quality they all are .
The four piece eye shadow palette  which contains a light pink , gold , brown and a dark almost magenta pink . The shadows are very creamy and pigmented the only one i wasn’t to keen was the light pink that was a little chalky i found .
This cute blush brush it comes in to variations but i had to have my  Moon Stick as its my favorite Sailor Moon rod . It was a lot more petite than i expected but it works out great if you want to carry it in your make up purse and on the go . Personally i wouldn’t in fear of damage . The bristles are soft .
    Sailor Moons transformation pen … This item was  a re-release .
  Is is a bright fuchsia color i expected it to be more transparent like a tinted lip moisturizer but it was much richer which was a good surprise  . The formula includes moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, squalane, macadamia seed oil and sunflower seed oil. It left my lips moisturized and soft
        i am not a Fan of pen liners but i really liked this ones formula as its very durable … i have to admit though i rarely use it as am stuck to my ways with gels liners . As for color wise its not completely black and its nice for a everyday look it also comes in other colors matching the other Sailor Scouts .
The Pencil is a brightening white with a gold shimmering shift its very soft and creamy . Perfect to use in the inner corner for that eye brightening high light .
  Sailor Moon perfume the packaging is so beautiful the photo doesn’t make it any justice . A very light refreshing scent with notes such as Vanilla ,jasmine ,lemon, rose , green apple and peach and a lot more that i bet you would get bored reading 🙂
Here you can see the look i created using all these products a step by step tutorial !
All these products can be bought from Premium Bandai website with the help of a deputy service (with the exception of the foundation ) . I bought everything on eBay but made sure the sellers were from Japan and with high feedback .
See you in my next post
Anastasia V . xXx
  Sailor Moon Make Up products I tried to do my whole Face using only Sailor Moon Products  Since i was a little kid i loved Sailor Moon one of the first anime i watched .
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whatspriceofthe · 4 years
Mango Butter by Better Shea Butter - Pure Fresh - Amazing Moisturizerhttps://https://ift.tt/2DT7EtZ #SkinCare #Skin_Care #Makeup https://ift.tt/32mbxRA - Mango Butter by Better Shea Butter - Pure Fresh - Amazing Moisturizer I lovvve this product!! Thank you so much!! LOVE this company!! I buy the Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, and Mango Butter from Better Shea and it is glorious! My skin is sooo happy. Thank you for the wonderful cosmetic butters!!! I used this butter as the main ingredient for my homemade hair and body butters. My skin feels and looks amazing! Great price for how long it lasts and all it does. Pairs well with other butters like cocoa and shea as well. I will be ordering more in the future! Absolutely what I was looking for! Great I whipped with essential oils and some jojoba love it! So far this is great. I used the mango butter in a DIY lotion for my children with really sensitive skin. This is my first but definitely not my last order of mango butter. I made a whip butter with other oils. I love how smooth the mango butter is. I absolutely love the Shea butter! It’s amazing in all my skincare products! I This!!! I mix this with the unrefined shea butter and other oils for my body butter and it comes out soooo smooth. Goodbye dry skin! This will forever my go to when I make my body butters. Will never buy another butter from another company again. This was the first time I’ve ordered/used mango butter and I’m very happy with my purchase. Quick and easy shipping, reasonable price, nice and clean packaging.I used the mango butter to make lotion bars and they came out perfect! Along with the mango butter, I used coconut oil, beeswax and essential oils (peppermint in one recipe and lavender in the other). The lotion bars smell great and are very moisturizing yet non-greasy. This mango butter is perfect for my body butters. I will definitely be purchasing very soon. Great consistency, very buttery and dissolves nice. I was able to snip the corner and squeeze out a little at a time. Melts much faster than the shae butter and is soaked up by the skin quickly. Has a nice almost sweet smell to it and a cream color. My first time using mango butter, I bought this for my eczema. I’ve not had to use the rx steroid cream since I started using this a couple of days ago. This butter becomes oil very quickly.Extremely light. I have an amazing brand of blended shea butter with a not so amazing smell.I am using the mango oil as a base using 4 parts mango butter to 1 T shea. This makes both products and me, happy as I can now use the shea butter with out getting a headache.Goes on very luscious and creamy. Excellent for cracked feet or legs. I do not use butters in my hair I love to make home made lotions and deodorant among other things. I have tried shea butter but wanted something a little different, I just wasnt happy with the end result and the way my skin was left feeling greasy immediately afterwards. I wish I would have used this in the first place!First off, I dont like to use the heat method (at least for my lotion), so I whip it up by itself and then add other ingredients and oils that are great for skin and stretch marks since Ive had a kid and am trying to repair my skin. It blends wonderfully with everything I have tried which includes aloe vera gel, coconut oil, essential oils, serums, carrier oils like argan or jojoba, rosehip oil and acai berry oil... thats all I can think of off the top of my head for things I have used in my lotions with this as the base.One thing I noticed right away when testing straight out of the bag was how the consistency is a slight bit different than shea, but similar. It doesnt melt quite as easily with body heat alone until you begin rubbing it around the skin. I included an example of that as best as I could in my photo collage. It absorbs great and leaves your skin feeling very soft and smooth after application.I only wish that it came in a tub instead of a sealed bag inside a resealable bag, but that is a very minor issue that is easily remedied.Over all im very happy i made the switch from shea to mango butter, and would recommend this product. I received this at a discount in exchange for my honest unbiased review which I base off of the current full retail price, the value of the product for the price, and mostly of my experience with the product. I really hope my review was helpful to you! It is smooth, do... by Shopping Reviews
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Recently you started feeling queasy in the mornings and easily tired in the afternoon, so you saw your doctor thinking you may have caught flu or something to that effect. To your surprise, the doctor told you something you never thought you’d hear again: you’re going to have a baby. You and your husband both have good jobs, and you know you can afford to support a new child. Your modest house, however, with a tiny kitchen two bathrooms, and two toilets, probably wouldn’t be able to. A change is definitely in order. Your husband is ecstatic about the news, of course. After gushing about the arrival of a new baby, though, like all guys he shifted to more practical topics. ‘We need to renovate our house,’ he announced, echoing your mental suggestion. Good thing you can arrange for notable residential renovation in Edmonton without too much trouble. There are experienced local contractors offering kitchen renovation in Edmonton, small bathroom renovation, and plumbing repair in Edmonton. Depending on what needs to be done urgently, you can schedule the remodeling jobs in segments so it’s not too disrupting to family members - and not top taxing on your budget as well. Now, you’re almost ready for a growing family.
Check For Leaks
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Scale Build-Up
Contaminated plaster can't be used and will need to be disposed of costing time and money. A good tradesman is a tidy one and sloppy processes lead to sloppy work and unhappy customers. To ensure a clean job you will need a good supply of clean fresh water. This can be a problem on some building sites where there is no running water. Also, because plaster and plasterers can get messy you should avoid using your own or your customer's kitchen sink where possible. Fill plenty of buckets of water in advance for mixing and cleaning and remember that plaster can block drains so avoid flushing too much plaster slurry down the drains. Dispose of water dirty with plaster down a main outdoor drain not a sink drain (we haven't yet written Mastering Plumbing!). In particular, always keep your buckets and trowel clean and ensure you only use perfectly clean water for mixing with plaster. As a rule, if you wouldn't drink it don't use it for mixing plaster. Even in an emergency it is best to do a little research on the plumbing professional you hire. It may save you a lot of trouble in the future. Even in an emergency it is best to do a little research on the plumbing professional you hire. It may save a lot of trouble in the future. There are a lot of home improvement jobs that are appropriate for a good do-it-yourselfer. Painting the living room is an excellent weekend project. Landscaping the backyard is also a fun thing for a homeowner to do. On the other hand when it is 11pm Sunday night and a pipe in the bathroom bursts it is time to call a professional. Hold on though. Dont just pick up the phone book and flip to the plumbing section and hire the first one you come across. Take a proactive role in you homeownership and learn how to turn the water main off so that you can take a little time to find someone well qualified to the work you need. Take a quick minute and ask the plumber you are calling a few crucial questions. It could prevent having this situation arise again.
3. Pour the entire bottle of Drano Pro Concentrate down the drain. 4. Wait 1/2 an hour. 5. Pour hot water down the drain to get rid of the Drano. 6. Enjoy an unclogged drain. Simple to Use and it Works! If you'll take a look at my Step 5 picture, you'll see a nice, shiny metal drain where the Drano Pro Concentrate Gel collected before falling through the drain. I'm pretty confident that Drano cleaned out the plumbing that I can't see and expect not to have clog problems in the future thanks to Drano. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Oh drat, I should have saved the plastic snake after I used it! You've got much more presence of mind than I do. Plastic PVC pipe is a more expensive material but is stronger and allows the debris to flow easily through the pipe and out the other end. The clay or plastic PVC pipe with the smooth interior may be flushed out with a high pressure water hose if it gets clogged. French Drains, Swales, Slot trenching, & downspout extensions are all effective tools for lawn drainage which can prevent standing water, slippery surfaces, and mosquitoes. Let's take a look at the problems most common to underground drains. Most underground downspouts or french drains are installed by landscaping crews. Often times they use inexpensive perforated plastic pipe. The pipe is run underground, covered with landscaping weed control material, rock or mulch, and the end of the pipe is left buried underground with no place for the debris to flow. With Widmers Carpet Cleaning Division for debris to flow out or to be cleaned out the system will eventually get clogged up. Once clogged the entire system may need to be dug up and reinstalled properly. This is more expensive than regular care and maintenance of your system. There is a list of instructions on how to unclogged underground downspouts.
With the growing affluence in lifestyles presently it is obvious that home owners are able to enjoy the best of technology at home. Though hot water is not a luxury anymore to most home owners it is a necessity, installing any hot water heater system requires good plumber at hand. Today most of the consumers prefer tankless water heaters and the task of such an installation must be undertaken only by the appropriate tankless heater installers who are licensed, experienced, qualified and professional. Tankless Water Heater San Diego require specialists to do a good job since with the normal type of water systems it is easier but when not well versed with tankless heaters it can cause an issue. Installers of water heater working on tankless systems must have the knowledge and skills in the different models of water systems. Plumber having skill to repair and identify potential risks and problems with water heater can advise their customers about purchase or installation of such a system. Generally, the house inspection expected inside purchasing a new residence may take a look, however it will not hurt to inquire any plumbing/sewer expert to test likewise. If you currently are living in your home, especially if it has been a while, drain cleaning seattle wa carry your positive phase regarding phoning within the inspector to find out if anything is usually as it must be. The price of your inspection will probably be noticeably under just about any sewer restoration, along with hold it from currently being required on a few later on undesirable night out. In no way cleanse items decrease the bathroom . Baby wipes, sanitary napkins, for example. “move” as a result of your own septic technique along with lead to a lot of money inside sewer repairs each and every year. Don’t put sauces as well as oils decrease your drain. Most of these lead to build along with blockage the machine. Without a doubt, you may use items meant to thoroughly clean sewer traces, but it is better never to add your sauces. In case sowing just about any bushes as well as timber with your property, you’ll want to steer clear of just about any septic traces. Sources lead to major to sewer traces since they may place about along with attempt to burrow in to the sewer traces. Having these kind of positive ways are able to keep sewer repairs far through your plan. Without a doubt, it might take a few momemts of energy to dump sauces, have got in which inspection as well as re-think where you should grow your bushes, but eventually, it’s well worth it.
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