#like?? does she have an evil cookbook??
cloudraker · 1 year
She’s literally the most normal devil so far she’s at the grocery store buying apples. A woman of the people fr <33 gotta wonder where her recipes come from tho
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dangerdazee · 2 months
descendants: rise of red james hook x morgie le fay one-shot, in which hook stays back to keep watch with morgie
i ship them so so so bad. also while ur here go check out the edit i did for them bc i couldn't help myself
"Morgie, honey, you keep look-out, okay? If you see Merlin coming, give a signal." Uliana says.
"Should I do a wolf howl? Or like a dog howl?? I can do different dogs!" Morgie shows great enthusiasm, but it comes off annoying and childlike and far too perky to Uliana.
James Hook, knowing this, leans over to whisper to Uliana.
"Do you think it's the best idea to leave him out here by himself?"
"Good point. You stay with him. Maleficent, Hades, with me. Let's move." Uli, Maleficent, and Hades trudge through the wet, slightly muddy grass towards the school.
Morgie turns around and starts climbing the tree that Hook was in a minute ago, and even though he just got down, Hook climbs up after him. The two boys sit side-by-side on a thick branch that seems sturdy enough to hold them both.
The drizzling rain adds to the ambiance of the night. There's something peaceful about it.
Even though their friends are currently sneaking into Merlin's office to steal a forbidden cookbook... out here in the tree, on a rainy night, with the soft lights of the school exterior barely illuminating their surroundings, it's nice. And they both definitely enjoy the company here as well.
"Did you really think I shouldn't be left out here on my own?"
"Yes, but not for the reason I let Uli think. It's dark and we aren't supposed to be here. I didn't want you to be left alone in case anything happened. Not to mention, it's rare that we can find time alone."
Morgie smiles.
Morgie knows he's viewed as the weakest link of the group. Evil still, yes, but he's not as dark and brooding and serious as the rest of them. The others, especially Uliana, tend to look down on him for it. They end up treating him like a kid sometimes.
Hook never does, though. Hook's always treated Morgie as an equal, no matter how non-villainous he acts sometimes. That was one of the first things that really drew Morgie to Hook. (After his hair.)
Hook is also a bit protective over Morgie, hence the hesitation to leaving him outside the school alone during this whole mission.
Even under the tree, the drizzling rain still gets them. Their hair grows damp and dark spots of water scatter their clothes.
The two move their hands towards the other's, like a magnet is pulling them. Morgie's hand ends up more on top of Hook's, but their fingers naturally weave together in an uncoordinated but perfectly comfortable manner.
Morgie is heavily focused on his job. Uliana told him to keep watch, and that he is. Hook looks over at the boy, his strong focus and the rainwater dripping slowly from his hair. A small smile grows on Hook's face as he watches the other, and Morgie looks over at him upon feeling the stare.
"Nothing. Do you see Merlin anywhere?"
"No, I-"
Hook shifts his weight to the hand between them and leans on it, being careful not to fall as he brings his face to Morgie's. Ever since Hook and Morgie started... whatever this relationship they have is, they've realized how little private time alone they can find. Much less, opportunity to kiss. So when the opportunity is there, at least one of them is usually quick to jump at it, and this evening it was Hook.
Their relationship is complicated. They haven't labeled it; they've hardly talked about it. It simply is. To the average on-looker, they mostly just seem like good friends. Really good friends.
Maleficent and Hades have figured out that something is going on (then Hook fully spilled all about it to Maleficent, as friends might do.) Uliana hasn't. She kind of couldn't care less either way, though.
Morgie wants a label. He wants something more solid and serious, but he knows that just isn't the kind of person Hook is.
Morgie's willing to take what he can get. He'll compromise for Hook. Secret kisses, affectionate moments, a closeness slightly more than qualifies as friendship. It's hard sometimes, but Morgie says he'll do it for Hook. He just assumes that's what Hook wants, even if that's not what Morgie wants.
Hook doesn't love it, though, but he doesn't really know how else to navigate it. He's talked with Maleficent about it before, but even with the advice of his in-a-committed-relationship friend, Hook still feels clueless. Morgie hasn't said anything, so he just assumes it's up to him to make it real.
He only hopes his cluelessness won't drive Morgie away before he can figure things out.
Maybe more communication would do them some good, but villains aren't exactly known for their emotional maturity and communication skills. They're both starting to get a little tired of it, though. Morgie especially.
Rustling leaves interrupt the kiss, causing both boys to jump a bit and look around. Neither of them see anything.
"Must have been the rain or something." Morgie says.
The two look at each other and slowly smile, laughing lightly with that bit of embarrassment that comes from such an occurrence.
"I hope Merlin didn't get by just now. Uliana might kill us." Morgie says.
"No, no, something worse. Like a chocolate pie."
They laugh at the jab at Uliana's plan with this forbidden recipe. Morgie nods, agreeing.
As the laughter dies down, Morgie debates in his mind if he should ask what he wants to ask. It could go wonderfully, or it could go horribly, and he's really scared of that second possibility. But, they're alone and he has an opportunity. He figures, much like a kiss, this chance shouldn't be passed up.
"Let me take you out."
Hook's heart just about stops and he quickly turns to face Morgie.
He's been so nervous about not knowing how to do this. He never fully considered that maybe it didn't have to be him who progressed things. He could be the askee, not the asker. Funny enough, that only makes it slightly easier.
"Let me take you out. Like, on a date."
"You want to go out together?"
Morgie nods with hopeful eyes. Every second of silence from Hook makes Morgie's anxiety over the situation grow stronger. He feels his hope diminishing.
"I mean, maybe not. Or, no- I want to! But if you don't want to, then just forget it. I mean, I do want to, but it's not a big deal. Unless you also want to, then it's a big deal. But if you don't, don't worry-"
"Okay? Okay to what?"
"Okay to the, uh... the date. Yeah. We can go out. I think that'd be nice."
"You do? Really?"
"Morgie, you're acting as if you don't already know that I like you. I just kissed you. I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed!"
"Yeah! Yeah, I know. I'm just... happy."
"Yeah. So am I."
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I have always thought that Meghan does not make her own money, does not see any projects throught to completion and isn't launching her own company is because she does not want to split money with Harry in case of a divorce.
I feel she is of the mentality that what's his is hers, but what's hers is just hers. (I took that phrase from somewhere online, but I can't remey where from).
That's the reason she kept her agent and publicist in US when she married in 2018,so he could deal with her company Frim Fram while she was in the UK. It's the reason she wanted to get pain fromthe work she did while royal and wasn't happy with the 3 mil stipend.
And it's the reason all their major money-making projects have been Harry's - Book deal, Invictus, Better Up , or joint - Netflix.
When Harry loses money (the lawsuits) she is mad. But when she loses money (pr, paid mag covers, 40x40 merch, Bench, insane spending for fake Un tour etc) it's just an investment gone wrong and they never talk about it again.
I think Meghan always just wanted to be an influencer, even when that word wasn't a thing. She liked the Tig thing she did and that's all she wants to do. Archwrll is very much modelled along those lines where she updates their stuff like updating a blog.
I know people sayshe isn't very good with follow through but I don't think she is that bad. Their failure has got a lot to do with Harry and him simply not knowing, not being capable of doing, not being very good at carrying projects on his own without a capable team.
The moment their divorce is finalized and the financials have been settled (and locked in) she will start working (hustling) and she will start making money the way she wants to. It will be something stupid and ridiculous, mostly speaking fees, appearances, red carpet merching or some product line. But she will make money.
She is just hedging her bets now and milking the royal money train dry. Whatever she has made so far in the past 7 years is safely locked in some other bank account under some company name that someone else is the front of.
You don't even have to be an evil genius to do that just have some financial acuity and ambition. Ones a hustler, always a hustler.
Ask from August 20th
Some good points here.
I disagree that Meghan has follow-through. Nothing I’ve seen from her since 2015ish shows she has follow-through. She does the bare basic minimum and the team around her finishes everything so she can put her name on it. She did it on The Tig. She did it for Suits. She did to the Hubb Kitchen cookbook. She did it with the royal tours. She did it with the fauxyal tours. She did it with Smartworks. She did it with 40x40. She did it with the UN. She did it with India and Malta and Rwanda charity work. She did it with the USO tour. She did it with the wedding. She did it with Vogue UK.
The only things Meghan did herself was throw everyone under the bus and stab them in the back. And even that’s sometimes questionable.
So she needs the capable team around her too, but capable means something different for Meghan. Where Harry’s “capable team” meant having people who do literally everything for him from picking out his clothes to taking him for munchies to running his own charity programs, Meghan’s “capable team” means having people who do exactly what she wants, when she wants them to, as she wants them to, and to read her mind as to when/how/where she wants things.
And that’s not someone who’s a good boss. That’s a terrible boss, a toxic one, one who has no problem screaming at people and throwing them under the bus, one who’ll underpay her staff and manipulate them into unethical or immoral behavior, work them to the bone, and who demands not just total loyalty, but 24/7 access and commitment. Everyone knows that about Meghan. Everyone sees that about Meghan. (And if one doesn’t see that about her, then one doesn’t have enough experience in the workplace or has never had a toxic boss of their own.)
And because Meghan is that kind of a boss, the only reason she has a capable team around her now is because of Harry. Because it looks really good on people’s resumes to work for the Duke of Sussex because they can leverage that to other big high-faluting jobs with more important people and more important work.
The second Meghan doesn’t have Harry, not only is that team gone, so is the world’s tolerance for Meghan Markle. She can hustle all she wants to get the paychecks she believes she deserves, but she isn’t going to get it. She’s getting no better than what she has now because it’s the same thing she got before Harry. If people weren’t interested in her before Harry, they definitely won’t be interested once her 15 minutes are up and her memoir washes out of the news cycle, and they won’t be interested because she can’t do anything for them. She doesn’t move magazines. She doesn’t sell clothes. She couldn’t sell her own book. She can’t even sell her own jam, dog biscuits, and kids.
The best her hustling post-Harry can get her is probably a spot on The View when her memoir comes out but even that’s not a sure thing because she’ll want them to fawn over her and I guarantee you, someone will be rolling their eyes at her in front of her. My money is on Whoopi.
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silverloreley · 1 month
Although I don't think this is the direction Rise of Red 2 is going towards, let's imagine the spell on the Cookbook was permanent, aka Ulyana's crew never got rid of it.
This means that Hook never became the menace of the seas nor Pan's enemy, and not even a Villain on his own, but also Harriet, Harry and CJ were never born!
Which leads to another huge absence: Mal. Because if both her parents didn't get out of the spell, they couldn't have her.
And Maleficent wouldn't have become the Mistress of all Evil, so half the foundation of the lore as we rebuilt it (reminder that the guidebook speaks explicitly of "Maleficent's takeover"!) wouldn't have happened!
Now, two main consequences:
If the Villains didn't unite under Maleficent, the Heroes wouldn't have either, hence there would be no Auradon to begin with (and also Aurora wouldn't have been cursed and all...)
The Villains did unite, but under someone else (Ursula? Evil Queen? idk), so Auradon and the Isle of the Lost were made all the same.
Judging by the finale, Auradon does exist, so the second theory is more likely.
That said, Uma was the de-facto leader of the Isle (but without Harry by her side. Perhaps Jay filled the spot?), or Evie was, since she wasn't banned. It matters little.
We know (first book) that Ben had the idea to look into the matters of the Isle of the Lost because he had dreams about Mal, who is implied to be his soulmate. No soulmate, no dream, no inspiration. Ben never tried to free the Isle kids.
Or he did, but things may have happened very differently without Mal. Uma would have been invited and her methods (and goals) would have been different. I tend to think Uma, without the added anger about Mal turning her back to the Isle, would have been able to make Ben change a few things and bring out VKs quicker. She and Evie would have become the Crown's advisors regarding the Isle matters, hence the nomination of Uma as the new Headmistress of Auradon Prep.
Now, when Red and Chloe return from their time trip, they see nothing changed but the Queen of Hearts, but maybe Auradon itself was different. Ben has no queen so far (his relationship with Audrey wouldn't have worked anyway, it's very clear from the book) or the queen is Evie? (this would be a political marriage, tho)
Or, simply, Ben isn't the High King.
Now, follow me here, it's going to be fun (I hope).
Ben didn't try to change the situation about the Isle, his first decree is about sidekicks or something. Magic folks are unhappy, they hoped things could change with a new High King, that the anti-magic laws could be lifted. They call for elections instead of letting natural succession be.
Another is chosen as High King/Queen, a more liberal one, one who likes magic and allows its use. While in contact with magicians, they expose the truth behind the Barrier and Isle of the Lost, the new ruler is horrified, but instead of inviting four random kids, they go there to see for themselves.
In this, they end up negotiating with Uma about living conditions and, as Uma is her mother's daughter, they get a contract in which they specify all the changes to be expected: freedom for the kids, new trials for Villains, policies to make the Isle more liveable, and so forth. It takes a while, but the new ruler and Uma get close enough that, by the time things settle, Uma is trusted enough to become headmistress of Auradon Prep.
Unrelated to this all, Ulyana is still out there, frozen in time, unless Ursula led the takeover specifically for her (doubtful) so she planned revenge over Bridget and also Chloe and Red, for decades.
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boardboxes · 2 months
okay im going to compile my thoughts abt rise of red below bc I do in fact have a bit!!!
so I feel like everybody agrees on one thing… it was too short and things feel incomplete. and I agree. these are just a few things I wish they developed more
Bridget and Ella’s relationship. We are shown that they are really close and QoH says that Ella was off with Charming when she was pranked… but I wish we still saw more especially at the end of the movie.
I wish we saw more of the prank and how that actually played out. Or even Red and Chloe staying for Castlecoming , I think it would have been sweet to have them get ready with their moms and spending a night with them. And since we know that Ella went off with her Prince and that Bridget didn’t have many friends, it would’ve been nice for Bridget to have other people to spend time with that night.
I wanted more time with Bridget and Red. We got a nice song with Ella and Chloe but I wish Bridget and Red had more time together
I honestly wish we just had more of Bridget in general. They gave us a good two hefty scenes with her to cement the fact that she was super different in the past and then she kind of just disappeared
I understand why they didn’t change the queen of hearts so much at the end like they wanted us to be held in suspension with Red and Chloe… but if Bridget was the same girl I don’t think she would look like the evil queen of hearts just with some white on the front and a lighter lip shade… but the design choices are a whole nother can of worms
why did no one question the fact that Chloe and Red were not next to their moms?? especially their moms?? like this is the welcome to Auradon prep speech and you are not wondering where your kid is??
so does Bridget never becoming evil mean wonderland wasn’t cut off and is a part of Auradon. i blanked at the final scene honestly I was tired and uninterested at that point, I’m just gonna assume that the queen of hearts was there bc it was time for red to go to school anyway
Can someone explain the cookbook to me bc ?? why did Uliana and the other VKs freeze when she opened it if in the non altered time line she was able to make the cupcakes for Bridget
ik that version is a Disney character but what the hell is Hades doing at a merlins academy I’m dead
I hate the Beast and that has nothing to do with this movie honestly just every new piece of media we get I hate him a lil bit more. Merlin’s Academy from what I saw looks way more fun sorrryyy
the last thing is that I wish that Chloe and Red went back in time to before the moment at Auradon Prep, honestly just to see how different things are in Wonderland, more development on how different QoH actually is, etc etc etc. But I understand why they went back to that moment in the plot.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 month
Okay another random character comparison with Red that probably makes more sense then Sophia from Unicorn Academy: Sam from Society of Second Born Royals, aka another rebellious princess like Red. However, that's kinda where being similar ends for the two, because Red is the type of rebel who doesn't think her actions over and therefore, acts surprised Pikachu when her mom wants to behead the head of guards for not catching the mysterious vandal and only managed to get out of that situation due to Uma's invite arriving. Meanwhile Sam at least appears to think her actions over at times, with her only fuck ups being related to her new powers and having to train to be a royal agent. She also uh, rebels in a way that people know its her. There's no mistaking who she is for anyone who encounters her and she actually uses this to her advantage when leading the police away from a protest she was helping lead....granted she could also just be doing it in general knowing police will chase anyone they see from that protest, but it still shows she'll willingly protect her people. ...Versus Red who literally wears a mask when rebelling and even when she's not, no one recognizes her for some reason. And we mentioned the whole almost getting someone killed so like.... And finally, there's motivation for why these two rebel: Sam rebels because she wants a voice for her people, she's opened her eyes to the outside world and listened to her people and believes the monarchy needs changing so people can have a voice. Red rebels because...she doesn't wanna be a princess or rule by her moms side/doesn't want that life....that's...kinda it. Wouldn't be a big problem if the film didn't act like Red is some heroic character who does nothing wrong and her motivations are always good alongside her actions.
And this is me not even mentioning how Sam at least develops from any actions she does that lead to bad consequences. She acknowledges each fuck up and grows from them, ultimately realizing being a princess means she can help her people in various ways and also sees her sister want to change the monarchy as well by the end...versus Red who...yeah never grows from her actions, never develops and never has consequences, with film acting like she's always been a good character as she manages to open the sorcerers cookbook that freezes anyone with evil intentions. We never even see her get over her hate for being a royal so like...
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gale-heart · 6 months
I may have gone a bit feral when I spotted that last store at the end of our trip (ever weak am I to the siren song of ink and parchment smell.) The result is that I now have a small grove’s worth of Thalassian literature eating up what little desk space I have left. I may have also failed to account for my less-than-fluent grasp of Thalassian before cracking the first book open.
That is fine. It’s not as if I went into this project expecting everything to be communicated in perfect Common. I have more than enough spare time on my hands to learn, and a paramour who speaks it as a first language.
Silvermoon is lovely. Very…red, at least the outdoor parts. And bright—I am afraid that my perpetual squinting may have made me look haughtier than usual. Thankfully they do incorporate other colors into their clothing, as evidenced by the new additions to my wardrobe (a surprising variety of purples, as any sensible people ought.) I really am trying to be mindful not to draw careless parallels with night elven culture or the crumbling remnant of the old Empire that I knew, and Charlotte did advise me that we saw a nicer part—but stars, it is the very opposite of what Eldre’thalas was by my time. To see a city of my distant kin not only still living, but clean and orderly, even thriving! To think that I could have known this, have been someone completely different had I merely the luck to be born on a different continent Then again, perhaps I ought not be so quick to envy. I’ve yet to see the Scar, but I’ve heard enough of Charlotte’s old pains to remind myself that these people have had their own decimation to reckon with. I was lucky to survive ogres, spirits, and my magic-starved elders; I doubt I would have survived the Scourge.
Anyways, the books. I fear it would have been pushing my luck to try for spell tomes—too many secrets to simply hand away, if they’re anything like the Highborne I knew—but they must have seen little enough harm in giving me what they did. Histories, several volumes’ worth (I don’t think I fully realized just how much can happen in one kingdom across several thousand years), an herbarium, art collection, poetry, gemstone compendium (mundane and magical), four novels, and…a cookbook. I’m not sure why that last one registered to me in my book-frenzied fugue, but I’ll not complain about having new fare to dabble in. Even without planning for Suramar, I shall be set for a few months’ studying at least. It’s a good thing I’m not required soon for any long voyages.
Speaking of learning, but wholly unrelated to elven culture. My ongoing education has dredged up yet another unexpected little revelation, courtesy of my aforementioned paramour. Well, three, strictly speaking, but one was rather more evil on my part and involves trying teeth next time, and the second I’m not ready to really consider the implications of yet.
For a long time, touch carried…certain connotations, that made me balk from it. From Eseria, I learned to equate another person’s hands on me with imminent pain. Then from the old man, I learned an entirely new beast of dread, and a self-loathing so insidious I spent years feeling unclean every time I remembered his hand at my neck.
For the first time, I brushed my own fingers over that same spot and thought, not with revulsion but with tentative curiosity: what if…?
I…think I could actually like it, if it came from her. Not even necessarily to escalate into anything further—I find myself yearning for more of those little physical gestures of affection, even if it’s as mundane as holding hands or leaning against each other. It’s an alien concept, very odd—yet certainly not unwelcome. Thank goodness she is fine with taking things slow.
I might be in trouble if she does that chin thing again, though. Gods be good, I think my knees nearly gave out with the way she PURRED at me like NOPE I am NOWHERE near brave enough to look at that too closely right now.
(( @fionas-treasure-chest Charlotte mention))
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From Eden: Four
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Warnings: noncon sexual acts, mentions of mental illness, grieving, trauma, panic attack; delusion, manipulation, drugging, intimidation.
This is dark!Bucky Barnes. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: The mc suffers from agoraphobia. After a new neighbour moves in across the street, her home becomes even more of a prison.
Note: Well, here’s the next chapter of this creeper story and this one even had me a little shook.
Thank you so much for your patience! And support!!
As always, if you are so inclined, please like, reblog, and comment. <3
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It’s Sunday now and she’s asleep. At last. She wouldn’t drink the tea so I had to make her. I promised her it was just chamomile to keep her calm, a half-lie. Now she’s sleeping, her soft breaths against my elbow as I sit with her.
She screamed when she found me in the house. Then the panic made it hard for her to breathe and I had to count with her. She couldn’t even remember what came after three so I kept my hand over her mouth until she was woozy and weak. Now the pills will keep her asleep until I’m ready. Until she’s ready. I found the old bottle in her cupboard, if they’re expired, that means they might not last.
I read it all. These pages of her thoughts. She’s so alone, so confused she can’t even see that I only want to take care of her. That she needs me. Her doctor, her caretaker, they can’t really help her. I know it better than anyone. 
A diagnosis does nothing, hell, this journal does nothing. The doctors say writing down the  mess helps sort it all out. What a bunch of liars. And what can they do for her but keep her in this house all alone and take her inheritance. That’s all they want, to be paid for their empty words. 
She doesn’t have to pay me, I will help her.
She tried to scream when she woke up. I had to cover her mouth again and hold her down in her bed. I hated it, seeing her so afraid. She didn’t stop flailing and the tears trickled down her cheeks and temples in her terror. I hushed her and begged her to be quiet, she did but her round eyes assured me she was still afraid.
I let her sit up as I took away my hand. I never meant to touch her with that one. The metal is so harsh and inhuman, I only want her to feel me. 
She mopped her face as I looked through the closet and I found a pretty dress with the same purple colour as the pansies I brought her all those weeks ago.
I gave it to her and told her to get dressed while I called Tisha. I assured her that the girl is okay, she is, she’s safe and she has me. The doctor’s happy to have someone there with her and added that she’s even more happy that she’s warming up to me. 
She mentioned it was tough for the girl to trust men. I can’t blame her, I have met too many evil ones too.
Now she’s sitting at the table and eating some pancakes with blueberry syrup. She keeps looking at me and I see her eyes linger on the journal. 
I told her I just want to know her and this is the best way. If she won’t talk to me, I need to learn about her another way. The more I read, the more I realise we’re so much alike.
She’s so precious, the way her tongue flicks over her lips to lick up up the sticky syrup. She trembles just a little as she cuts the fluffy pancakes with her forks and stabs them. 
This place needs a good cleaning. It’s stuffy and dusty and smells of mildew. It will give me something to do then maybe we can sort out the garden. I didn’t realise picking those tulips would leave such a mess. Well, I could find some sunflowers to replant from the garden center down at the depot. I think she’ll like that.
She’s crying again.
I had to give her more of the pills. After Tisha came by to evaluate her and Lorena dropped off the groceries, I saw how fidgety she was. Her voice shook as she spoke with them and I worked on fixing that shed window once and for all. 
The doctor commented on how kind that was but it had to be done. This place really needs to be fixed up. How could such a precious creature live like this for so long? How could she be hidden away from the world when she’s so beautiful? I know why. I see it in her eyes, the same deep cracks I see in my own. She’s been hurt.
When Lorena was finally gone and we were alone, she began to sob and even hit me. She tried to push me away and told me to go. I had to stop her, I had to…
I don’t want to write about what I had to do but I didn’t hurt her. I just made sure she stopped and I got her some more tea. She drank it as she sniffled and I watched her as she set down the mug. It wasn’t long before she slumped and began to snore.
I pulled her down so she’s comfortable across the couch, a pillow under her head with the little throw over her middle. She looks peaceful. While she’s sleeping, I’ll make some dinner and maybe a dessert. She has lots of cookbooks around here. I want her to realise everything I can do for her, that she doesn’t have to do everything alone.
I don��t know what happened. I wasn’t thinking.
She didn’t wake up for dinner so I left it in the stove to keep warm. I ate when my stomach began to grumble and the tart I made wasn’t too bad, just a little dry. I got washed up and came out to check on her again. She was still dead out so I moved her over and sat to feel her breath against my fingers.
I couldn’t help but admire her as she slumbered. I felt her soft lips and had to poke my finger just inside. I felt the stirring and I knew I should go, get dressed and come back to take her to bed. She could have her dinner tomorrow.
But I didn’t. 
It was so fast. It hurt how hard I suddenly was as I let my hand wander along her throat and down her chest. I peeked under her shirt, she’s very womanly, so soft and warm. I did stop…
For a couple minutes. I don’t know. It felt so weird. Like I wasn’t me, like it wasn’t my body. It felt like those days when my mind wasn’t my own and I just watched from the side as horrible things happened. As I did those things.
My hand was between her legs before I realised it. I rubbed her warm cunt, I couldn’t get enough of it. It was so soft, so wet, so welcoming. I rubbed and rubbed until I heard her low breaths hitch.
She didn’t wake, the pills heavy on her eyelids still. I pulled open my towel and pulled her hand against my cock. She touched me too, I helped her as she slept. I moved her hand as my own continued to explore her. Her body twitched and she came as hre bud throbbed beneath my fingertips.
I came too and watched the ropes drip down her hand. I kept her hand around me, moving it until I was so oversensitive and tender that I gasped. Her hand was slick with me and the sight of her glistening palm is intoxicating. My cum is still there on her hand. 
She’s on the couch still. I don’t know what will happen if I move her to the bed. I’m afraid to find out… but excited too.
Today was a good day!
I took her out to the garden to see the flowers I ordered. I still can’t leave her, she’s not ready. I helped her plant them and her hand kept touching mine. She would flinch but I saw the way she pressed her fingertips to her palm after as if basking in it.
When we finished, she even made lunch. We sat and ate, quietly, but I don’t mind. I’m not very talkative either and I understand, a lot has changed in a life that hasn’t changed for a very long time. 
As she finished her soup, dipping the crusts of her sandwich into the tomato broth, I went to the living room and looked at the old victrola. I knelt to examine the records and I knew many of them to my delight. This place reminds me of a lot of things, as if I’ve found everything that I lost.
She came and watched me from the door. When she’s nervous, she moves around a lot and she teetered on her feet as she clasped her hands. I smiled at her, I wanted her to smile back but she just blinked.
“What’s your favourite?” I asked, “you have Garland? Sinatra? Armstrong?”
“I like them all,” her voice was so thin I barely heard it.
I took out a Louis Armstrong vinyl and dropped the needle. She shied away as I went to her but that’s how the girls always were at the dance hall. I took her hand and she didn’t resist further. I drew her to me and led her as her untrained feet tried not to stomp on mine. For a moment, I was back there again, before the war, before the uniform, before the train.
It was just me and my gal! 
Last night, I gave her more pills. I caught her in the garden just after dinner. I was washing up and she snuck out like a naughty child. She was by the gate when I came out, peering out into the street. The new lock was still in place, the one she doesn’t have the key to.
She began to cry as I told her to come back in. She said she wanted to leave if I wouldn’t. I told her she was being dramatic and she needed her tea. She said she’s afraid of me. Afraid? What have I done but taken care of her when her doctor and caretaker can only be bothered when they ‘have time’.
She calmed down and drank her tea and had some of the tart. She liked it a lot and I said I’d get more strawberries, she didn’t need to send Lorena this time. She’s in bed now, still asleep.
I thought I heard her so I went to check on her. She had kicked off her blankets, she must have been hot. So I pulled out a night gown from her dresser and took off her jeans and her shirt. It took me a moment to process her nakedness and I got that same tingle from nights ago.
I couldn’t help but touch her just a little. She was wet again, as if she was expecting it. So long together and I can’t blame her for wanting me but I know she’s too shy to say it. When she’s awake, she just gets in her own way.
I’m not going to make excuses. I lost control. I touched myself too and before I knew it I was on top of her. She was still only in her bra and panties and her tits fell out as I shook the bed. 
My hand is hardly enough but I didn’t want to rush this. I played with her chest just a little, her nipples went hard and I had to taste them.
When I was ready to explode, I stayed bent over her and pulled down her panties. I came on her but I didn’t enter her. Not yet, as much as it hurts, it’s not time yet. I left her covered in my cum and pulled her panties back up. I took off her bra and dressed her in the night gown.
Now I’m just winding down and I’ll sleep too soon. I’ll hold her and think about my cum still in her panties. Maybe I’ll do a little more, use her hand a little to release a little more tension. It’s so hard being so close but I have to take it slow. For her.
I kissed her good morning and today she didn’t pull away. She didn’t do much until I told her to get up. When she did, she didn’t even try to cover herself as her night gown had ridden up in her sleep. 
And I saw the way she stared at my body, my boxers all I had on. When she realised I caught her, she quickly looked away.
She also didn’t know I noticed how she tugged on her panties and shifted on her legs awkwardly. No doubt she could feel me still but she wouldn’t know why. 
She’s in the shower now and I’m waiting for the coffee to brew. I can hear the patter of water and I wanted badly to join her and help her scrub her body, admire it beneath the trickle as it explores every crevice I long to.
I know I can’t and just thinking of it is making it hard to sit still. I thought playing with her hand last night would keep me happy for a little longer. That it would help my thoughts and my patience but now I want to do everything and more. And I want her to know it this time. To feel it.
No. Not yet. But I can still make her smile. When she comes out I’ll give her her new journal, with pages not about to fall away from the spine and unstained by errant drops of tea. I can’t wait to see her surprise!
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confusedwitch · 3 years
Witch-Related Books to Grab off Amazon: Masterpost Part 1
First off, I'll be sectioning this into different parts based off of what type of witch you are/want to be/want more info on, or what practices you wanna add to your craft :)
Green Witch/Magick Herbalism (a classic):
The Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock - $9.69 (Hardcover): This book had incredible reviews on amazon, and a lot of the written reviews said that the book wasn't specific to a religion and didn't try to push a religion on you, which is so wonderful because not everyone wants to be religious with their craft.
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz - $25.19 (Hardcover) $18.99 (Paperback): Again, stunning reviews, just a less popular book. This book isn't about general stuff, but instead it's more focused on mother nature and the useage of plants (non-herbal as well, so your houseplants might be mentioned too), which is great if you wanna center your practice around Gaia and the healing energies of the earth.
Herb Magick: An Introduction to Magickal Herbalism and Spells by Patti Wigington - $14.99 (Paperback): here's a review from a verified person- it explained this book WAY better than I ever could:
The focus of this book is on the folkloric and magical uses of herbs, rather than medicinal applications. It provides a few traditional uses of herbs, but the overall theme is knowledge of the plants and their associations, and incorporating them in your spiritual workings. This is an Introductory to Magical Herbalism.
The author's spiritual practice is rooted in traditional American and European Folk Magic. She is a licensed Pagan Clergy and is the founder of Clan Of The Stone Circle, a Celtic Pagan Tradition. (Funny, anything Celtic has been pulling my attention feelers lately, no wonder why I loved this book.) Her spells are derived/based upon the traditional folk magic practices of Western Europe and the British Isles, and the author's own experiences. They are positive spells for magical intentions of healing, love, prosperity, and protection. Baneful or negative workings with herbs are NOT used in this book.
The aesthetic of this book has my little, beginner herbalist heart gushing! The blue, green, and yellow earthy tones and hues used were perfect for the topic of herbs! The cover is GORGEOUS! It's so pretty and flowery, the illustrated pictures of the herbs were extremely helpful because I had never seen some of the plants before. This will make future identification much easier for me!
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham - $16.43 (Paperback): A couple reviews describe it as being in a cookbook format, and overall an amazing book, like most of Scott Cunningham's other works. Apparently the Amazon shipping was literal trash for a bunch of people and they essentially left the book loose inside the box to bang around and get all sorts of messed up :((
The Witch's Herbal Apothecary by Marysia Miernowska - $18.69 (Paperback): Described by reviewers as the PERFECT book for recipes and rituals, even one of Marysia's personal students spoke very highly of her, saying that she's the real deal. Other reviews state the book as being very beginner friendly, and beautifully written and illustrated :))
Blackthorn's Botanical Magic: The Green Witch's Guide to Essential Oils for Spellcraft, Ritual, and Healing by Amy Blackthorn - $15.79 (Paperback): again, phenomenal reviews, just a lesser-known book. Again, here's a review from someone who explained the book a bit better than I could:
This book is way more than I thought it would be. I thought it would be like a dictionary - you look up the essential oil and get the definition. It is that but it's also got a few introductory chapters about oils and products and rituals to give you a nice and concise overview of a lot of things you might need to know as a novice. I also like the way you can reference different oils in alpha order but also look up your purpose and find the oil you need.
From the looks of it, this book is specifically about Essential Oils. Is that still Green Witchery?? Lol I'm not sure, but i felt like it should go in this category.
Kitchen Witch (another classic):
Blackthorn's Botanical Brews by Amy Blackthorn - $14.49 (Hardcover): this is mainly a book of recipes for drinks and cocktails and stuff. There was one review complaining about how it didn't have correspondences, meanwhile the book is literally described as being a recipe book? It's an AMAZING book if you enjoy/want to start making homemade elixirs and cocktails :))
The Natural Witch's Cookbook: 100 Magickal, Healing Recipes, and Herbal Remedies to Nourish Body, Mind, and Spirit by Lisanna Wallace - $20.69 (hardcover): This is again just a book of recipes, and the reviews are really good. Here's one of them:
I wanted to write the review as soon as I got the book. I was not expecting this book to be so fantastic. The recipes are very nutritious and the names are very inventive, but I could see that before I tried the recipes. I held off on writing the review until I tasted a few of the recipes. Even my kids were very happy with the flavors of these recipes. They are mostly easy to make and they are very delicious. Be aware though that the food can only be as great as the quality of the ingredients that you get. These are not recipes that call for complicated or fancy ingredients, or even a lot of ingredients. As a result, you have to use the best that you can find/afford to get the best results you can. I did not use expensive ingredients, but everything I used was very fresh and it does make a difference on the outcome. Overall, the book have some great recipes, easy to follow and the end result does look like the ones on the picture.
The Book of Kitchen Witchery by Cerridwen Greenleaf - $12.89 (Paperback):
I am so pleased with this book. It’s so magical and warm. Sometimes the new age genre can be a little too technical or focus too much on religion or putting down particular religions... this was not like that. There are so many lovely tips and easy spells and recipes that are kept fairly light so you can make them your own. The book just makes me happy, it has an energy to it that goes right along with it’s artsy illustrations and at-a-glance format. This will be a great reference. Very grateful to everyone who made this book possible.
A former editor said that there were a few editing mistakes, but nothing too crazy. If that's one of your pet peeves, just beware when buying this book lol (btw the editor still have a 4 star review because they said the book is still very good)
Potions, Elixirs & Brews by Anaïs Alexandre - $12.79 (Hardcover): I just had to include both of these amazing reviews, since both said what the other review did not.
This book is so gorgeous and everything I have been looking for in regards to potions. I love her writing style and the way the book looks. Highly informative and I can feel her good intentions behind the book. She is very intelligent. I respect her and I am inspired by her! I found her by chance looking up books for potions, she also has Instagram! Very grateful, amazing book thank you:-) so happy to be the first comment:p excited to see what else amazing things come from Anais!
I adore this book. The art and setup is simplistic and beautiful. There is a system that tells you exactly how difficult each potion will be to make, whether or not it’s alcoholic, and what is the ideal season to make it in. The instructions are clear, the preliminary information is well done, and there’s even a section for brewing large batches which I LOVE. The weight of the book is nice and it feels of good quality. The papers are glossy and, I haven’t yet, but I feel like it won’t be a disaster If you get some of your creation on it. The book is separated into types of potions depending on your intent. This is a perfect book for anyone new to making potions or is interested in a magickal recipe book!
The Witches Feast: A Kitchen Grimoire by Melissa Madara - $35 (Hardcover): This book actually isn't out yet, but it'll be released on October 26th of this year (2021). It looks promising, which is why I put it on the list, and for that much money, it better be good lol
Lunar/Moon/Astrology Witch:
The Complete Guide to Astrology by Louise Edington - $9.49 (Paperback) $22.99 (Hardcover): There's amazing reviews on this book, and one of them said that she's been researching astrology for 23 years!! Here's the review in it's entirety:
I've been a student of Astrology for the past 23 years now, and have read most of the books on this subject that are considered foundational. Many guides to astrology that I page through in a bookstore are fine, but covering information I already know. What I so appreciated about Edington's new book is that she brings a new angle to even the basics of Astrology. Her book feels like a fresh update, more appropriate to our current time in terms of language and sensibility. There are no "evil" aspects or transits in Edington's view, no dark warnings of disaster; her evolutionary perspective encourages us to see the opportunity in even the most challenging times, what can be learned, what can be accomplished. As she says in her book, she doesn't look at the natal chart as something fixed, unchanging, rather a "blueprint rich in meaning and possibility."
I also admired Edington's extensive knowledge of the stories behind the names and symbology used in Astrology: sharing her interpretations of them, how they are useful, how they can be limiting. Concepts I thought I already understood have been unpacked in greater depth by the author, so that I see deeper layers.
This text is beautifully written, well-organized, offering a fresh update, as well as a deeper dive than many astrology texts. This book is an invaluable resource I'll be returning to, and consulting, with appreciation.
Moon Spells: How to Use the Phases of the Moon to Get What You Want by Diane Ahlquist - $11.35 (Paperback): This book is a bit older fashioned in the sense that it's VERY heteronormative, we're talking about love magick SPECIFICALLY for men and all about being a father, and a section of love magick SPECIFICALLY for women and being a mother. So if this gets on your nerves, then i wouldn't recommend this book. Other than that, the reviews are very good and they describe the book as being a must-have for lunar witches.
The Complete Book of Moon Spells by Michael Herkes - $13.49 (Paperback): Yes, this book was written by a man. If that's something that might make you not want to purchase, please look at this and also keep in mind that SO MANY of the most highly esteemed witches of the world ARE MEN. So if you wanna be closed off and refuse their help and their knowledge, go ahead sis, I'm not stopping you.
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He's most definitely not just "some guy". Aside from that, this book has very good reviews. Some people called it "fluffy" and a bit less serious then they anticipated, but it's very good for beginner witches who are finally wanting to start doing spells. Here's a review.
In this book you explore ways to conjure the mysterious power of the moon to manifest your intentions to achieve abundance and balance in your life! Each chapter is devoted to one of the eight phases of the moon and includes various spells, tarot spreads, crystal grids and potions that reflect that phase of the moon!
This is an overall amazing book if you want to build a foundation of learning about the history of the moon, astrology, cycles & phases, ritual tools, crystals, herbs, and essential oils- as well as the moon spells and rituals.
This is one of my new favorite books! I feel so connected to the moon and this book is a great reference for learning the best rituals and spells to use for the different moon phases and energies surrounding them! It’s easy to follow and the lunar rituals, mystical spells and magical drinks are so vibrant, creative and helpful in my spiritual journey. I’d recommend this book to anyone that loves the moon like I do.
Moon Magic: A Handbooks of Lunar Cycles, Lore, and Mystical Energies by Aurora Kane - $19.99 (Hardcover, although there's only three left when I'm looking at it) $9.99 (Kindle):
One review said that the book much surpassed their expectations, and another review said this:
I absolutely adore this book.
If you're just a beginner and want to understand the different moon phases, this is the book to get.
The information inside was extremely helpful without being overly complicated.
Well worth the money spent.
Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the Stars in Your Everyday Life by DK - $14.59 (Hardcover):
I saw this in store and was immediately drawn to it's beautiful and shiny cover! But when I open it, the inside is just as beautiful! I love looking through the pages. I would say it is a very good basic astrology book, but I have another one that gives much more detail. I like this one for more of a quick reference kind of book. It's more of a bullet point style book, where it gives little tidbits instead of paragraphs going in depth. (Though some pages do have paragraphs) BUT, it covers just about everything including all the houses, moon signs, and ascending signs. It covers everything, but it just covers he tip of the iceberg. (In my opinion) I still absolutely recommend it!
Apparently this book is also available in Barnes and Noble, so if you have access to one, you might wanna look there for the book before purchasing off of Amazon :)
Misc Books (General):
The Spell Book for New Witches: Essential Spells to Change Your Life by Ambrosia Hawthorn - $10.19 (Paperback) $20.69 (Hardcover):
This book... It's a very good spell book, and is true in the spells it contains, but MY biggest problem with it is that it's V E R Y Wiccan, and seems almost preachy about the "Threefold Law" and what they like to call "karma". Choosing not to do dark magick is PERFECTLY FINE and being Wiccan is totally okay! But don't be like Christianity and rub it in people's faces, dude. The book talks about how you can ONLY practice "love and light". Other than that, this book is AMAZING and rated literally 5 stars with over 11K reviews. If you lean more Wiccan, by ALL means, buy this spellbook. It's the one for you.
Practical Magic for Beginners by Maggie Haseman - $13.49 (Paperback)
This book is fantastic for the witch who wants to learn more about her craft but doesn't know where to start. Each subject is broken down into easy to absorb bits of wisdom without being overwhelming. A great jumping off place to decide where to dive in deep next.
This book is very comprehensive, and is a great reference guide for beginner witches, or witches looking to add another book to their collection.
Candle Magic For Beginners by Mystic Dylan - $10.86 (Paperback) $21.99 (Spiral bound)
This book is a must have for anyone looking to deepen their connection with the magical element of fire, ritual, and spell work through candle magic! Dylan not only teaches you how to use candle magic for things such as protection, abundance, love, healing, and more, but takes you through the fascinating history of the power of fire & how to properly charge, cleanse, and consecrate your candles to begin manifesting your deepest desires!!! Overall, the book is beautifully written with gorgeous illustration and will hook you from the start!!!!!!!
This book is perfect for beginners to candle magick, or beginners to the craft in general. I personally LOVE candle magic because I've always been attracted to fire. I could void out and just stare at a flame for hours on end lol
Crystals for Beginners by Karen Frazier - $8.99 (Paperback) $20.95 (Spiral bound)
Absolutely love this book!! It’s so informative! I am a beginner and this book explains a lot. Everything a beginner would need to know about crystals is in this book. I am so pleased with it. Best purchase of the week! Definitely worth it. The author explains crystals, chakras and energy so enthusiastically and in a way that is easy to understand. At the end of the book, is a “resources” page with all the websites, books and apps that the Author recommends.
Again, very beginner friendly, but this time it's not spells, it's crystals and such. I've personally been wanting this book for AGES
The Crystal Bible Series by Judy Hall - $38.99 (Volume 1-3 shrink-wrapped set, paperback):
This is my first purchase of the three-part series by Judy Hall. Volume 1 covers over 200 crystals! I can already tell you I'll be purchasing volumes 2 and 3 (each of which cover 200+ MORE crystals/stones, not included in volume 1) I love how each crystal description includes photos to further help in identification. I also appreciate that rarity and sources were included. Information about the spiritual and physical impacts of crystals on the body is in there as well! This book is loaded with a lot of great information and is the perfect quick reference. It's also small and fits easily in my hand. I highly recommend it for beginners.
This is a review from just the first book, and it's from a verified hauler/buyer :)) these aren't exactly newbie friendly, and some people say they're a bit harder to understand.
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im rewatching jatp instead of studying for the 3 tests i have tomorrow and i thought i would share my thoughts and reactions with each episode so enjoy!!....
wake up
- hearing the “1, 2, 3″ at the start of the episode gives me more serotonin than my antidepressants ever will
- julie’s slippers...that’s it...that’s the thought
- that dry ass pasta the molina’s are eating for dinner??? someone needs to give my man ray some cooking tips or a cookbook... something
-the looks the boys give julie when she says it was an OLD cd she found. as if they could be old??
-the entire julie and luke kitchen scene i mean there are no words to describe how much i am in love with scene. the banter, the flirting, luke giving this girl he literally just met an actual PIECE OF HIS SOUL so she can get music back into her life. not a single time have i watched that scene and not felt my heart literally grow cause of how cute they are. 
-the entire scene when julie is singing wake up. that scene is what made me literally CRAVE watching the other episodes. like of course i was going to watch them cause i wasn’t gonna just stop watching a show after one episode, and yes the show was good already but seeing the lighting and her voice, and just everything about the scene,,,,*chef’s kiss* 
-flynn drinking seven sodas....SEVEN??? i would be throwing up if i drank more than like 2 and she drank seven,,,no ma’am.
- flynn and her trumpet. talented queen
- “ i wouldn’t have given you the song if i didnt think you were gonna rock it.” lmaooo im crying:)
- i start tearing up every time julie goes to play the first notes of bright,,, and then i’m full on bawling when the guys come in and play with her cause...they weren’t playing to be seen they were playing to be there for her and play to comfort her. pls i love them<3
- nick vibing in the front row
- the tech guy deserves so much more praise
flying solo
- reggie’s little butt shake or whatever you wanna call it!!
- julie’s little laugh when she yells at the guys to stop it
- “and we’re on the runway again” GENUINELY one of my favorite lines of the whole show pls i love luke’s humor
-this is the first time i noticed this but reggie’s face after alex says “DONT TELL ME HOW TO GHOST!”
-WILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU<3333333
-the slow mo helmet take off,,,,me too alex me too
-willie’s little giggles:))))
- “oh-oh!”
- “no clue” alex i love you baby<3
- next season better give us a scene of flynn throwing eggs at someone’s house because i think it’s safe to say we were robbed of that experience. 
- the flying solo performance is just amazing
i got the music
- just the whole opening scene is so cute ....the dancing, singing, happiness RADIATING from julie 
-nick in an all white suit and fedora
- carefree skateboarder bf and anxiety ridden drummer bf
- yelling. in. museums. 
-alex thinking he’s literally dying again because of the salt... zero braincells in this band.
- another scene we were robbed of that i need to see in season 2...reggie singing “home is where my horse is” while alex and julie sit patiently and attentively listen to him but luke looks like he’s about to commit murder
- i get SO MUCH second hand embarrassment for julie when she looks through luke’s songbook and says “ wow luke I didn’t know you were such a romantic” julie baby i love you but...eekkkkk
- “he looks like a substitute teacher”- where did he come up with that like so many other things he could be compared to but a substitute teacher??
- “luke introduced you to rock” heck yeah it did.. literal soulmates
- would like to see a picture of the raccoon in Flynn’s backyard
- wee woo wee woo police sirens://///
- julie’s outfit ughhhh i love it
- the poster that im pretty sure says “sexiest role” behind caleb... why was that necessary 
the other side of hollywood
- i lose my absolute shit over this song omg literal chills
- the cape grab i cannot physically do this rn
- willie being so excited the entire performance and looking over to see alex’s reaction
- reggie being in awe everytime one of the girls performing does something.. me too reggie
-”well i wouldn't really call it mAAgiCcCC bUT”
- nick and his fedora again
- alex has a crush, alex has a crush on.....WILLIE
-the boys eating food for the first time in 25 years is honestly so realistic
-alex shoving a whole slice of pizza in his mouth
- lukes ‘OH MY GODDDDD’
- reggie kissing his meatball sub that looks painfully dry but also delicious 
- the continuation of the other side of hollywood performance and everyone dancing
-reggie imitating caleb’s evil laugh and owen trying so hard not to break
-me getting mad at the boys for not showing up for julie and being sad with her but at the same time i’m obviously not mad at the boys just...disappointed?? idk 
finally free
- how did julie get to the school if she missed the first three classes?? wasn’t she still at flynn’s house from the night before cause she slept over so did she walk to school or was she just sitting in flynn’s house by herself and one of flynn’s parents was like you gonna go to school or???
-dance class with nicky poo<3
-reggie fixing his amp in the rain
-julie’s blue dress outfit in this episode is my ABSOLUTE favorite 
- the birthday candle scene makes me sob like a little baby,,,and rightfully so
- julie smart, smart to be taking calculus as what a sophomore??
- all eyes on me yes queen iconic
- alex dancing is how i dance in my brain whenever the song comes on 
- finally free as a song is NEVER given enough credit and why not?? it’s my favorite song they do as a band AND the madison’s vocals and the echoing part omg i loveeeee
- and the whole performance with luke’s heart eyes. i count this performance as the moment luke like fell in love with julie...like full on just blown away with how much awe and admiration he has for her in that moment and all the time.
 - julie and luke singing “and you’re a part of me” while staring directly into each others soul,,,yeah that’s love kids
edge of great
- carlos being the ghost hunter he is and tía being done with him
- luke’s pouting face 
- reggie and ray making breakfast together is so wholesome. reggie really loves and seeks comfort in ray and i love that
- luke just waiting next to julie’s locker and his little “hey”
- the first time i watch this scene i thought charlie was from new york cause of the way he says “ i can't do this without you” and then i watched the cast interviews and just realized he is somewhat joey tribbiani 
- jealous luke hehehehehhehehe
- “well dont you look shARrP”- yes he does luke thank you very much
- “uh oh i think someone has a crush on julie” yeah you do you little shit,,, now admit it to her
- the proud look on luke’s face when he realizes julie is still paying attention to HIM even though she’s supposed to be having a full on conversation with nick
- the shoulder push ( as someone who has had their own shoulder pushed in the middle of a high school hallway as a weird way of flirting,,,,i can definitely somewhat attest to how luke is feeling in that moment and i too continued to flirt with the person who shoulder shoved me while we were still standing in the hallway)
- the flow from whatever the hell dance nick and julie are doing and the perfect harmony dance is so special to me and i love it
- i think people see my username and assume i like his hair in this scene but...ummm fun little fact i do not like it
- the dance is so good though ugh my babies
- the hair
- madison is gorgeous 
- another season 2 scene i need: julie teaching this dance to luke and they perform it in front of alex and reggie so they can see luke roll on the floor like that
-the hair
- the lift i loveeee
- the voices at the end of the song *chef’s kiss*
- the way julie spins out from luke and into nick omg so good
- “thAnKs pArTnER”
- luke denying his feelings for julie,,,babe pls
- the whole edge of great performance is so good and beautiful and the colors are SPECTACULAR 
-julie avoiding luke’s gaze lolz
- can't believe my mans really tried to deny he didn’t have feelings for julie like 5 hours earlier even though he’s getting upset because she hasn’t looked at him in 2 minutes
- when i finally learn how to play the electric guitar well enough to learn the guitar solo... it’s over for everyone
-nick just came to watch the girl he likes perform not watch her flirt with a hologram plssss can we give this man a break next season.
- “we have to say goodbye to julie”- that’s literally more important to luke than not playing music anymore because julie is music to him now
unsaid emily
-already crying and the episode hasn't even started
-willex in the orpheum
- alex literally being OVER reggie
- nope too emotionally unstable to watch this scene right now
- my therapist will be hearing about this tomorrow
- show us the baby picture of luke cowards
- this is such a beautiful song that makes me cry every fucking time gosh damn it
- everytime i watch the flashback scene of luke on his bike i think of “christmas song” by phoebe bridges and i cry even more
- i tried to learn how to play this song on my electric guitar (because i dont have an acoustic guitar) and i ended up crying half way through so i do not think i will be playing it anytime soon:/
- the harmonies *chef’s kiss*
- FAT tears rolling down my face
- there's literally not a moment i don’t cry during this episode
- interesting little relationship :0
- when i played percussion in 7th grade i used to lay down on the couch in the practice room at school ( which god knows what people did on that couch...ew) and stick my drumsticks up my nose too,,,, just another similarity between alex and i 
stand tall
- willie really drove a bus 200 miles into the desert for his crush
- i love willie no last name so much,,,i just wanna hold and protect him
- alex’s ballerina dance
-julie’s overall outfit i love<3
- “im swimming”
- the way carlos hangs up the iPad on tía makes me CRACK UP he’s just lmao bye girl
- another julie outfit i love
- “anything julie. you know that.” AHHHHHAASIDSJFPACISN love bitches
- the suits
- luke’s hair in this episode is so much better than the perfect harmony hair pls
- the way luke looks so restricted and confined in his suit... but at the same time he looks like a 10 week old puppy
-luke’s AGGRESSIVE but small foot tapping leading up to being on the stage
- the solos:)))))
- crying again over julie’s monologue to her mom
- julie really was brave enough to be ready to perform by herself
-the way Trevor looks at carrie when she says “been here before”
- this performance makes me cry
- especially the first time when i saw luke flickering...sobs
- he finally looks free in his suit:))
- alex’s solo is so pretty i love him
- reggie’s solo too 
- nick just straight up vibing the entire performance
- alex and luke holding hands...hehehe cute besties
- “thank you, guys” NO THANK YOU 
- the way julie begs for them to do something about the jolts for HER cause she knows luke would never say no to her
- “no music is worth making, julie, if we’re not making it with you,” I JUST SCREAMED AND IM PRETTY SURE I WOKE UP MY ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD...whoops
- going back to that line i could say so much about it but....for someone who’s life was literally MUSIC for the 17 years he was alive, and after finding out he could play music again even though he was dead and saying it made him feel alive, he would give that up- he would give up playing his guitar, playing in a band with his friends, give up writing and singing music- if he wasn’t doing that with julie. that’s more than saying i love you,,,that’s literally like saying i’d give up my ENTIRE LIFE and what i love to do if i dont get to do it with you
- i just made myself cry with that description...wow
-the hug<3
-also imagine how luke felt in that moment,,, hearing this girl, once again that he would give his life up for, saying in his ear that she loves them. i would motherfucking glow too, luke
- *passionately but gently holds each others faces*
- caleb’s outfit is....something
- the head turn plssss
this was so long and i am so sorry but if you read this far.....leave some of your own reactions or thoughts:)))
k goodnight im gonna, ugh, finally go study ://
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Winx club; Magix world: Chapter 6;
The day in the cloud tower was black as always, for its stormy clouds filled with a sharp and terrible air, Cloud Tower looked like a prison of tall and mean towers, when in reality it was a school to practice black magic, it had 3 triangular domes, it carried apartments like alphea, with the difference that here in cloud tower, I did not need plants for that, the rooms were like any room in which they share three girls and a bathroom and three beds, a terrible place for a terrible witch, the director Griffin She was in the great hall of the school, Mrs. Griffin was an advanced level witch always wearing black wings and thorns.
─ Today at the fairy school there will be a dance with the Red Fountain! And as always they don't invite us! At once! They judge us as the past present and future! And this day we will give you a very cruel gift! And whoever does it will get 50 bonus points in magic from it!
Griffin announced to the students.
All the students said at once.
Griffin yelled.
─ I HAVE A DIRECTOR IDEA! Vera for days I have been experimenting with these eggs, and when little monsters hatch and biting bites they devour everything in their path, which will cause the fairies' dresses to be destroyed until they are naked!
Lucy proposed a witch with long green hair, very thin, fair skin, and with a split chin.
─ I'll do that, Madam Director! Mirta help me multiply them!
Lucy said prompting her partner.
─ Director! My companions and I offer ourselves to deliver the gift!
Icy proposed getting up
─ Alright Icy! You like the cold witch that you are, you have more talent than these rookies!
The headmistress added with a frown.
─ We will! Ha ha ha
I laughed with taste and evil
One day after volunteering for the dance party with red fontana, Bloom and her companions were in the kitchen with Mr. Sfoglia, this man cooked for the students for many years at the magic academy in Alphea, this guy would go out and She came into the kitchen very occasionally, always supervising Bloom and her friends. Bloom, as she wanted to be a chef in the future, practiced a recipe for a carrot pancake with a cookbook, which was simple to cook.
─ Because we don't use our magic on this!
Asked Bloom
─ Food is healthier and more doable when done manually! It also adds a more watery and malleable taste! As if garlic has been too much in food!
Summed up mr sfoglia
─ and misschangelli please tell her pet that those carrots are going to kill him sooner or later, and to always go outside!
Scolding Bloom and Kiko
─ Oh I'm so sorry! Kiko, how many times should I tell you to poop outside!
Bloom said as he led Kiko outside.
─ And Miss Rosales First you have to strain the cocoa! And then the flour!
I scold Flora, while Bloom went outside to put Kiko in her apartment, I looked from afar at the director receiving some delivery girls, one of them had very pale skin, but she did not see her face, Bloom ran to see what it happened.
─ oh hello Bloom I can see that you are helping in the kitchen, and how I can help you ..
Asked the director.
─ oh well, what exactly did they give him?
─To this, they are a gift for you students, when we meet with the students of red fountain, they are eggs with a special surprise.
Answered Bloom's question
─ wow we have something similar in my world, with the difference that these are .. they are made of chocolate.
She said she as she remembered her childhood. Upon returning to the kitchen, Flora was making a large batch of cherry and pecan brownies, while the other companions were in charge of melting cheese, preparing sandwiches and meat for the night.
─ hey flora, can I help you with the brownie?
─ no thanks Bloom, better take care of the decorations .. oh and tell me they are good for the night
Flora said giving a brownie. Bloom took a taste and gave a thumbs up.
─They came out exquisite.
─ Aaaw .. Thank you very much Bloom, it has been a long time since I practiced cooking, and how are you doing with the carrot pancake?
─ Pancake! Ah I had forgotten that I was preparing that!
Bloom said towards the oven, luckily the pancake had not burned, and was golden brown.
─ well at least I remembered in time ..
─ Yes and allow your pet to eat a lot of carrots!
Mr. Sfoglia said sarcastically, after decorating his carrot pancake I keep it on a glass tray, finishing his duty in the kitchen, being paid with 3 gold doubloons and one quartz, when he left he saw muse along with tecna programming Some music speakers, on the ceiling of the great ballroom there was a disco-style sphere, at the same time they were putting coral-colored curtains on the windows, and on the other side they were in charge of arranging the table for food and drinks. teachers.
─ excuse me, I also offered to decorate the living room, can I help you with something?
Bloom asked other girls
─ eh yeah .. Could you inflate and accommodate some balloons at the entrance and exit door.
─ Oh very good ..
Bloom said cheerfully as he made his way to the school's warehouse, and found some balloons to blow up, however they were all brown and black, and they didn't match at all at the party.
─ oh shit everyone will think when they see these boring balloons.
Suddenly she heard some footsteps from close up, Bloom began to hear them, and grabbed the balloons quickly when he came out they realized, it was Kiko looking at her curiously.
─ Oh Kiko, it's you, but since you left my apartment, I didn't close the door properly.
While Bloom took her rabbit and the box with balloons, she saw the same delivery girls from afar, this time it was neither more nor less than icy, darcy, and stormy at the academy, Bloom walked back as these three witches were very strong, but the most percaived is why they were there, until he remembered the surprise eggs that the director received for the party.
Stella was in her room preparing for the dance with a red font, she had her dress ready, her makeup and what she needed to wear, while she arranged a few of her things from her room, an object fell between the things, Stella saw it and saw and She remembered for a moment the age when her parents were still together, and when she was little, this object was a small craft that Brandon made for her since they were very young, she still remembered that day when she was only 10 years old.
─ I heard her father talk to my father Princess.
Said the little one with the princess next to him
─ It's true they said something about the scepter of dawn.
─ My dad says that the scepter of dawn is a very powerful and magical princess object, created from a magic stone and the ray of the sun and a spark of the fire of the sacred dragon.
─ my father also tells me about that legend, and of the 5 sacred weapons, a long time ago during the war against corruption, 5 weapons were forged, each one very different from the other, and my father tells that the scepter of dawn is one from them.
He narrated the little stella imagining how it could happen.
I call her mother's voice.
─ What's wrong mother?
Stella asked her mother.
─ I've been looking for you for hours, in a few minutes your grammar classes will start, and I don't want you to show up again too late ..
Said her mother to her daughter
─ Yes mom, there I go, I'm sorry Brandon but I have classes now.
─ yes princess
The memory ended when they knocked on the door of her apartment, when she opened she found Bloom along with Kiko next to her, Stella saw that she had a look of fear.
─ Stella will you be busy?
─ For now she was preparing everything for the dance, and ... why are you so shaking !?
I ask confused
─ They are here! Those witches we faced returned! And apparently those eggs are not just surprises!
─ WHAT! Oh no this is too bad!
She said shocked stella, until she remembered and saw her scepter.
─ we still have time to do it! These witches must be stopped before the things they have in their eggs hatch!
She said while taking it and followed Bloom to where the witches were, when they arrived they had already left, at the same time the surprise eggs for the dance were being taken to the dance room where they were covered with a magical red curtain, to which it would not open with a scheduled one time.
─ hell how are we going to get them out!
Bloom said annoyed!
─ hey human girl! Where are the balloons that we order from you !?
Asked a classmate yelling at bloom.
─ Oh the balloons, I have them here but they are Brown and Black!
Bloom said showing them!
The girl said very annoyed.
─ wait Bloom, do you remember the basic color change spell !?
─ Like this! It's true! I already fix it!
Bloom turns black and brown into coral with glitter.
─ Now we have two problems! The eggs that are guarded and the decoration.
Stella said very thinking until she saw Tecna finish her service with musa.
─ Tecna! Tecna .. We need your help!
─ What's wrong, Stella?
I ask.
─ Could you check what's behind the enchanted curtain, Bloom suspects there's something inside the surprise eggs.
He said Stella pointing.
─ let me review ..
Tecna said wearing vision glasses, when checking she took a step back making a face.
─ What's inside the eggs !?
─ if there is a very ugly surprise in there! But they are not pretty gifts! There are monsters hatching inside! And worst of all, they are the type of monsters that eat and devour in their wake.
She said describing techna when she saw what was inside those eggs.
─ Oh man! And what do we do! Those kinds of monsters are a plague almost everywhere, and how can we get them out !?
Stella said in concern thinking a lot about how to get the surprise eggs, you have seen the surface of the curtain, there was a space to enter right there, the problem was that the teachers forbade the students not to use magic during the decoration, I had to think be quick and make everyone not notice.
─ I already have it!
Stella said as she went to some girls who were taking care of the tables, and arranging the buffet meals that night.
─ Hey girls, do you want me to help you with the decoration !?
─ eh yes, why not princess ..
─ very well finish these tables in which you occupy and I will finish the rest by myself.
She convinced stella to the girls.
─ Very good princess, everything at your hands ..
The girls said leaving the site.
─ Stella now what did you do !? You will not be able to do it alone!
Bloom said putting her hand on her forehead.
─ we will finish it with magic! At the end tecna can use hacker mod to finish more on time.
─ What about me?
She pointed to herself tecna.
─ And what is your plan !?
Asked Bloom
─ there is an entrance for these to take out these eggs, we have to climb carefully and take them out and throw them somewhere! So that we are all safe!
Stella told her plan to Bloom
─ Alright let's do this quick!
Bloom began to try to use her transformation, however that confrontation with the witches happened again.
─ Damn not again!
She said upset
─ I'll do it for you then.
Said Stella using her transformation voluntarily, she flew slowly towards the entry point where the surprise eggs were sheltered, when entering I tried not to step on them, I grab the first basket, some of those eggs were moving restlessly, Stella had to hurry, she was taking out each basket that he could in total take 10 baskets with 16 eggs in each one, enough to give away to the students of both schools.
Bloom planned how to get rid of the eggs without causing problems for herself and her friends, especially what the pharagonda director would think about her, she would expel her from the academy, until she remembered Professor Wizgiz's class, the story in a class that there is a advanced spell called a Counter spell spell, a spell capable of turning or changing an object from ugly to beautiful or vice versa.
─ Let's use a counter spell like professor wizgiz told us.
─ It is very advanced, you are only a first year, and it can also weaken your body!
Said stella
─ We could form a group of 5, get them together, we could do the counter spell without the need to weaken ourselves
I explain techna in theory.
─ Musa are you done !?
Asked Bloom towards Musa
─ I'm done putting the speakers on! What do you need!?
─ Let's do a counter spell
I explain
─ Doesn't it sound dangerous !?
Asked muse putting her finger on her chin
─ We only need one more .. I know Flora!
Bloom said she went to the kitchen where everyone was still working messily, flora, she kept preparing more brownies, Bloom knew well that her friend was busy with her work, but she didn't know who else to ask, and the worst thing about all this is what to do This group spell was five and they only 4 needed someone else but did not know who.
─ Do you need help?
Aisha's voice spoke to her from behind, Bloom jumped with fright, but she was there, Aisha was with her arms crossed watching what they were doing.
─ I'm not asking for much, but it could help us make a counter spell on the eggs for tonight's dance.
Bloom said explaining the situation.
─ Sure, it also shows on their faces .. We'll do this quickly, before they all get punished.
Bloom, Aisha, stella, Musa and tecna formed a circle, and joined their hands, and began to circle the eggs and say the words for the enchantment, all said at the same time;
─ What was before it is the other way around! The ugly become beautiful, the bad become purified, and the terrible become kind, with this enchantment may the original be replaced.
The 5 of them said as a great rainbow glow stood out on the eggs, making the spell complete, and perfectly, when they finished, a slight dizziness in their heads, but they were still conscious.
─ It was a difficult spell but it was worth it!
Bloom said a little dizzy.
─ I think we still have to go a long way for this!
Musa said sweating.
“No way, we better put these eggs back in their places.
Said Stella while rearranging the eggs, Bloom remembered the balloons, and began to inflate them with the help of tecna, and put them in the grand entrance, Musa and Stella left and decided to go get ready for the night, after 28 minutes inflating balloons , Bloom and muse were feeling a bit tired, and they had some energy drinks, Bloom remembered that she had left Kiko in her apartment, she went there, and found the place quite well.
─ Ah! There you are, Kiko, it seems that you behaved quite well while I was busy.
Bloom said as he hugs his pet.
─ UFF! I don't want to work in the kitchen anymore!
Flora said arriving at her apartment.
─ At least those cherry pecan brownies were worth it.
─ If it was worth doing them better, let's take a bath, at the end it is in two hours the event that will start.
Flora said assuring Bloom. After several hours getting ready for the big dance tonight, the 5 fairies were already ready to perform with the Red fountain boys, the ballroom was already ready, the red fontana students wore costumes at the same time, they carried an amulet on their ties, each charm was a different color, but all were already present on the big night.
─ Good evening to this wonderful day of new entry to the next generations of fairies and heroes, I know that this year will be fascinating for all of you in person.
The Faragonda director said announcing, Bloom and her friends were among all the guests, they wore their respective dresses, among all the fairies, Aisha was also with a bluish dress with a belt with a golden "S" in the center, she also wore a A necklace of the same color, during the talks and gossip between the alphea students and the Red Fontana students, Bloom, walking among the boys, came across one by accident.
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─ Oh sorry, I didn't mean to!
Bloom said apologizing to him.
─ it doesn't matter, just be careful next time.
The boy was almost the same size and age as Bloom, he was light-skinned, with blue eyes and fine golden hair, at the same time unlike his other classmates, he wore a crimson, at the same time a medal with a coat of arms of a kingdom, it said "Crown Prince of Eraklyon"
─ oh I didn't know you were a prince!
─ Of course I am, my name is Skyler san Eraklyon ninth, future king of eraklyon, although I also understand that the princess Krystal of linphea, and that of Solaria and Andros are also here studying.
─ if I know who my friends are.
─ Wow, what coincidence do you have with all of them, and what kingdom do you come from?
The prince asked Bloom
─ I come from the earth.
─ The Earth! I thought that world no longer existed!
He was shocked
─ of course I'm from the earth, I don't come from any kingdom around here .. But every time I understand how the laws work in this world.
She recounted.
"Prince Sky! You know you can't get that far away from us!"
She said the voice of a boy, he had sharp eyes, a beaten voice, a thin nose, and with a slicked back whose tips protruded, he was also a purple magenta and violet eyes.
─ oh sorry riven! Forgive my partner and bodyguard.
─ come on, your majesty, it is not good that he strays too far!
Riven added.
Stella's voice called, along with one of the red font students, Bloom if he recognized it, it was the same boy who arrived dressed as a policeman.
─ maybe you remember! He is Brandom my shield hero!
Said stella introducing it
─ you must be the human girl, I haven't seen you for a long time, I see that you already greeted my partner the prince of Eraklyon.
Brandom added gently.
─ And you are a prince !?
─ not exactly, plus the princess of solaria is free to marry anyone she loves.
─ Indeed.
After many conversations, and dancing between couples, the long-awaited time arrived, the surprise eggs were to be delivered to the guests and students of the schools, each one received an egg, Bloom prayed that the spell had worked, until She decided to break it with her fingers, and a surprise appeared a crimson box with something inside, Bloom when checking it found several golden jewels with rubies and pearls from earrings, a necklace and a bracelet.
─ Wow how beautiful, I did not know that the spell worked so well.
─ Mira Bloom, a brand bag appeared to me and it has some cosmetics already inside, although the craziest thing is that I already had cosmetics from my kingdom already saved.
Rio Stella surprised.
─ I know very well what you were planning, Griffin! Sending surprise eggs is not something you always do for good!
Faragonda said speaking through a magic mirror with the cloud tower director.
─ And that you never invite us to these events!
He said she in a bitter way
─ I already knew they were actually carrying those eggs, and I used a Counter spell! I was not going to let you make this day of my students the worst.
Faragonda scolding.
─ Say what you want! But we will still be natural enemies!
Griffin said cutting off his call.
─ Strange, I used the counter spell to turn those monsters into chocolate figures, but now they have become much more beautiful and expensive gifts! Perhaps I did not measure my counter spell well.
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ly0nstea · 3 years
Tabletop Game Questions
"Page 64 of the core rulebook it is literally the first thing they say about her in her bio, and yes, unfortunately it seems that the studio is heading in that direction" Does the RPG take place during canon, or after it? Because didn't it take until her Sozin's Comet breakdown for Azula to become humanized in the eyes of Zuko (he could have thrown her in jail but instead got her medical treatment as far as he knew) and the audience?
Also, I don't have the link on me but I remember reading on reddit that the tabletop creators did not want anyone to play as the villains, especially 100 year war era FN, since they did not people to act like IRL imperialists, colonizers, and genociders. Even though certain groups, like the Red Lotus, don't neatly fit into those categories. So maybe they described Azula in such a fashion to prevent anyone from playing a campaign from her POV/side? 
In addition, what is up with them outright calling Azula a monster and then saying there is no truly evil people in the world (if possible could you also post a link and/or photo showing them saying that)? Cause not only does it go against the ethos established in the franchise as a whole, doesn't that make the Gaang look stupid for not only failing to remove Azula's bending after Sozin's Comet but also allowing her to escape their custody, form a terrorist cell made up her asylum inmates (that she broke out without anyone finding out), and then failing to capture said cell?
Finally, does the game talk about the comics and if so do they talk about the Fire Warriors (and their possible final fate)?
Also, on a sidenote, isn't weird that this game contradicts what the cookbook implies about Azula's character/her final fate despite both works being approved by Bryke?
Anyway, I think I have asked enough questions for now and so I want to say thank you for reading my questions and taking the time to answer them!
The RPG can take place during either, Roku, Kyoshi, 100 year war (i.e. just before aang wakes up), aangs era (after the end of the comics) or korras era (after the end of her comics) That specific part was her character bio during the 100 year war, before she had even been assigned to bring zuko back so azula hadnt even yet faced combat, but it is set after ursa disapeared, so azula is probably 10-13 during that era.
The game does outright say you arent supposed to play as villains or as canon characters (though it does say if you really wanna you can) Either way, it doesnt make sense to paint her so badly because of that, because in her (and every other) description in the kickstarter page it says her npc can teach the players new techniques so clearly there is room to ally with her in the game?
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-Page 67
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-Page 104
The game does mention the fire warriors, it says they are "at [Azula's] disposal" implying they're nothing more than pawns and she doesnt care for them, other than that it just says they have reduced numbers, azula isnt necessarily standing with them anymore, and theyre reckless.
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
Could you write HC about Ethan's early year(s) after being left by Louise? I guess I want my heart be broken 🥺
Ethan After Louise (1994) 
Ethan Jonah Ramsey was just 11 years old when his mother never came back from the grocery store. 
His father spent the entire evening and most of the next day searching for her, only to be let down. 
Ethan was in 5th grade and astute enough to understand why he needed to stay with the neighbor. He was clever enough to catch the snide looks on the police officers faces when they told Alan he had been dumped. And Ethan knew enough to know he had to take care of his dad.
He’s confused at first. Ofc what kid wouldn’t be confused by one of their parents - his mother - the person that’s meant to love him above all else - just up and leaves without prior warning. 
It’s all so confusing and it hurts like hell. 
His dad has to sit him down and explain what happened. 
Ethan asked questions about why she left, why would she do this, did she say anything, did something happen, why why why 
And Alan could barely get through it all without crying. Not having the answers or closure they both needed was shattering. Looking at his son and realizing how their entire world changed in the last hour was more than he could handle. 
Ethan held his dad as he cried. The younger Ramsey allowed his lashes to moisten but wouldn’t shed a tear. He needed to be strong for his dad now. 
He went to bed that night, head spinning with questions and solutions he noted down in the journal on his desk - a reminder to broach the subject with his dad later on. His head hit the pillow and his sobs wracked his lanky frame. Ethan bit his lips, breaking the skin and mouth filling with iron, trying to stifle the sounds. 
Alan and Ethan leave the porch light on all night for weeks, in hopes that maybe she’ll come home one night. Maybe she just needed some time away to decompress.
And then as the days, weeks, months pass and no word from her he accepts the fault.
There wasn’t a specific day that Ethan Ramsey changed from the doe eyed, inquisitive kid and to the removed and stoic man. There were just events and harboring feelings that were never addressed. 
Ethan would never have admitted to needing a therapist, but looking back he could only imagine what things would have been like if they could have afforded someone to talk to at the time. 
Growing up there were things that reminded him he didn’t have a perfect, happy home. 
He didn’t have a mother to participate in bake sales (Alan did his best when they had the extra means to make some brownies from scratch), or bring him drinks and cheer him on during field day, or make his costumes and fancy clothes for school functions (Alan’s pretty good at sewing). And he really could never have friends over after school because he’d be alone, parentless until 7pm most days. And during science and math and invention fairs his parents were never there cheering him on. 
Ethan had to grow a thick skin quickly. 
Whenever Alan couldn’t make it to one of these events or if his son refused to participate because he didn’t want to be the odd-kid-out, Alan would always set aside some time to do something just them two. Though once Ethan reached 14 he preferred not to do anything at all. Ethan preferred his solitude and studies instead of these key bonding moments. It really put a distance between them. 
He knew his dad tried his best to work two jobs and keep Ethan’s life as normal as possible. But there’s just some things you can’t replace - like a mother. A parent. A piece of you you’ll never know no more because she left. 
Kids at school pitied him for too long. Friends seemed to pull away because they felt weird talking about their moms in front of Ethan. The only ones that seemed to treat him like normal were the ones with divorced parents - the kids who kind of understood. Though Ethan knew they could never truly understand his pain. His parents weren’t divorced. There was no court case or CPS walking through to see who should be granted custody. Nothing. Just the abandonment. 
For a while, Ethan thought her leaving was his fault. He was the one home alone with her. He was the one asking her to take him to the park. He was the one who knocked over her grandma’s vase earlier. 
What did he do to make her leave? 
Ethan threw himself into... himself. Bettering himself. Becoming the most successful version to rub in her face -- he did all this without her. He was better off without her. 
As soon as he was old enough and skilled enough, Ethan would read cookbooks after his homework and plan what he would make for dinner each week. That way dinner was on the table and ready when Alan got home. A nutritious meal and not microwaved.   
After a while he willed himself to move on - used the need to succeed to keep himself from dwelling on the loss. It was the only thing he could think to do to give himself and his father the lives they deserved - the ones they were robbed of.
His mother leaving put a strain on his relationship with Alan. They never had much in common from the get-go. Ethan was too much like his mother. He knew this deep down. And Alan was smart enough to never tell his son that fact - to never bring up all the things about him that remind him of her. 
Their relationship was familial and protective. Alan building Ethan up with unconditional love and support, unguided and letting him carve his own path even if he didn’t wholly agree. And Ethan being the perfect son - strong, smart, and not a hassle. He never wanted to add to his father’s stress. 
Even if Ethan did use his brain for evil and not good sometimes, he was a lovable scoundrel. And one that got away with everything - whether that be because of his looks and potential or pity, he’d never know.  
A/N: this was a lot of word vomit and no editing. if you made it this far, thank you ❤
@rookiemarsswiftie @lucy-268 @binny1985 @thegreentwin @queencarb @danijimenezv @starrystarrytrouble @terrm9 @interobanginyourmom @adrex04 @maurine07 @mercury84choices @schnitzelbutterfingers @theeccentricbibliophile @wingedhairstylemusicweasel @whimsicallywayward15 @mvalentine @rookie-ramsey @drariellevalentine @lifeaskim @otherworldlypresents @therookie @withbeautyandrage @angela8754 @fireycookie @stateofgracious @missmiimiie @uneravine @homeformyheart @choicesaddict5 @iemcpbchoices @red-rookie @anntoldst0ries @sophxwithers @randomperson111
@udishaman @honeyandsunfl0wers @hutchereverlark23 @ohchoices @dulceghernandez @blossomanarchy @stygianflood @caseyvalentineramsey @rookieoh @openheartthot @senseofduties @lilyvalentine @tsrookie @kalogh @aworldoffandoms @takemyopenheart @casey-v @ramseyandrys @ethanramseylover @ramseyreader  @a-crepusculo @aarisa-frost @shanzay44
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
77. a prophecy said that we’ll save the world together but I’ll be damned if I enjoy your company while we do because you insulted my best friend the first time we met
Ot4, sfw, please!
Here you go! I'm very pleased with this one
The drive hasn’t changed. The road into Kepler goes under the same covered bridges and winds up the same hills it always has. Even the views from driveway to the October House are the same one’s he watched through back windows with rising delight. He’d hoped to get here when the fall colors were still crisp and bright, but they droop from the branches like mourners from the weight of the grey rain.
No one batted an eye when he said he was moving North on Joe’s invitation; Joseph Stern inherited the ancestral home in Vermont, with its sprawling grounds and stately decay. It would make sense that he’d ask the friend who spent so many summers with him there to take up the role of groundskeeper.
Duck pulls his truck into the carport next to a languishing Chrysler Imperial. He runs his finger over the black curves, raindrops plinking on the tin roof as he wonders whether he could coax Joe into taking him for a ride.
He leaves his bags in the car for now. Letting his friend know he’s here is the top priority.
The house is just as tall and mismatched as he remembers, turrets and wide windows mixed with sloping eaves and a sun room. It’s patchwork quilt character extends to it’s color; some walls are red, others goldenrod, and the door is bright as a ripe pumpkin.
Joe christened it the October House the first summer he and Duck visited there. Joseph’s aunt, a proud spinster, suggested his transplant parents send him to the family farm for a few months of growth. When Joe showed his characteristic skepticism about spending his summer alone in Vermont, she offered to let him bring a friend. He chose Duck every year.
The October House was the last thing they spoke about the night before Duck left for basic training (and, soon after, Normandy). Joe was already slipping off the map, recruited for secret purposes by men who valued his intelligence over his humanity. He told Duck to remember the summer they were thirteen, to remember he was brave.
It wasn’t Duck Newton’s first war, but it was for damn sure his last.
He opens the door with the tarnished key Joe sent him. Anywhere else, he’d call out to find his host. But he knows where he’ll be.
One flight of creaking stairs, a left turn down the hallway of faded photos, a right into the room with the mural of Noah’s Ark on the wall, and there he is. Black hair slicked back, blue silk robe covering old scars and new, and eyes that are bluer still turning to take him in.
That’s Joe alright; immaculate even in his madness.
“You’re here.” He stands, dazzling smile reflecting the firelight.
“Told you I’d come. Can’t leave you here to get buried alive in books.” He opens his arms, unsure even as he commits to the movement. Joe hesitates, then steps across crumpled maps of stars and seas to hug him.
“I missed you.” He whispers. Duck doesn’t mention that Joe was the one to disappear once the war was over. They had one night in Huntington celebrating the boys who made it home; Joe’s smile stayed painted on the whole time, but Duck couldn’t get him alone to ask why. Then he fled north and didn’t respond to letters.
“Missed you too, Joe.” He peers over the taller man’s shoulder, takes in the mural and all the materials on the floor. Duck steps from the hug, paper crunching under his boots as he goes to trace the door of the ark, “you’re tryin to go back.”
“I want proof Sylvain was real. I, I want to see it again, to know we didn’t dream it.”
“Got a scar on belly that says we didn’t.” Duck turns, slips his hands into his pockets, “why are you really tryin to go back? They told us we couldn’t, said that if we came home the gate would shut for good.”
Joe doesn’t answer right away, runs his fingers over the badgers and bears fleeing the flood, “Do you ever wish we’d stayed?”
Duck thinks about bloody sand. Then about Jane getting married. His folks celebrating their twentieth anniversary.
“No. Christ, Joe, we were thirteen. It was fucked up to ask us to. Who the fuck asks two kids to rule a kingdom?”
A weak laugh, “and people say I’m the smart one.”
“You are.” Duck touches his shoulder, “now c’mon, smart guy, you don’t show me where my room is, I’m takin yours.”
“You sure this is the spot?” Barclay keeps a close eye on the gathering darkness for any bursts of sickly white.
“Yes. The maps align with the stories that they emerged near “a stone like that of a broken heart.” Indrid draws hurriedly in the dirt with his claws, his lower hands uncorking bottles as he does, “come closer, if this catalyzes before I expect, I do not want you to be left behind.”
Barclay sets a hand on his shoulder. Feels his feathers shudder as he inhales.
“It’s time. I, if this does not work, I am sorry.”
He bends, kisses Indrid between his antenna, “I trust you, little moth.”
Indrid hums as amber light fills the clearing, and then everything he knows and loves dissolves into heat and empty air.
It's the same static, the rush of heat like wind in a wildfire. The hairs on Duck’s arm snap to attention as Joe leaps from his chair. The door on the ark shimmers and glows with alien majesty. Then two figures fall face-first on the floor and the light is gone.
“Are you alright?” Joe bends to help the first, feathered shape but it stands in a flurry of down, the hairy figure following suit.
“Yesyes, we are fine.” The feathery one looks like a massive moth with some human features.
“Oh.” Joe grins, “I’ve never seen a Sylph like you before. This, this is incredible.”
“You know what we are?” The other asks hopefully.
“We do. We, I’m, I’m Joseph Stern, and this is Duck Newton-”
“Thank the stars.” The mothman bends one knee, his friend doing the same, “yes, we are humble emissaries of the kingdom of Sylvain. We have searched for months to find our way to you. You, who prophecy says will aid us, return and take your rightful place as kings, and save our home once more.”
“No. Nuh-uh, not a fuckin chance.” Duck steps back, spots conflict in Joe’s eyes.
“What do you mean?” The mothman stands, “you, the prophecy, my visions showed you-”
“Then they showed fuckin wrong. I just got my life into some kind of order, I’m not letting you and some giant fuckin ape-thing drag me into another mess.”
Red eyes narrow, “Do not speak of Barclay that way.”
“I’ll speak about him however I damn well please because this is my house!”
“Technically, it’s my house.” Joe sighs, “But Duck is right. We almost died saving Sylvain once before. As, as much as I miss it, I’m not sure I can go back if it means risking our lives again. I was sort of hoping for a middle ground between being stuck here and a near-death adventure.”
“Please-” Barclay steps towards Joe.
“Hey, he said no, so fuck off.” Duck growls. The Sylph growls back.
“Buddy, do you have any idea how much we risked to get here? How much energy Indrid just used to open the gate. Oh, and, by the way, without the stuff we came here for we can’t go home. We’ll be stuck here.”
“Then you shoulda had a back-up plan instead of assumin you could just say a few fancy words and get us to go back. Oughta get some brains to go with the brawn there, big fella.”
“Enough” Indrid hisses, glaring at Duck. “I do not care if you are a chosen one, nothing gives you the right to speak to him, or to me, so callously. We came to you, you who are--if I did not make it clear--our last hope, and you respond with cruelty. I ought to teach you manners, but I will restrain myself.”
“Like to see you try.” He turns to where Joe is carding a hand through his hair, expression lost, “it’s your place, so you decide how we get rid of ‘em. But I’m done here.” With that, he stomps down the stairs, already suspecting Joe will let the Sylphs stay. When it becomes clear that’s the plan, Duck heads into the garden to work and stays there until all the lights are off.
It’s just after midnight when he wakes from a dream, slicing at the air while weak cries die on his tongue. He sits up, then goes gravestone still as the door opens. Indrid’s eyes are warning lights in the dark hall.
“Are you hurt? It did not seem fair to leave your calls unanswered.”
“No. Just had a, uh, a bad dream.”
The Sylph steps through the door, turning on the small, standing lamp, “It is strange to be the only one not waking in terror for once. Well, I suppose Barclay doesn’t.”
Duck tosses off the blanket, “Fuck, is Joe-”
“He is fine now. Barclay was up looking at cookbooks when he started screaming and went to him. Your friend did not wish to wake you, but was so shaken Barclay offered to stay with him.” A little smile, “he is very comforting. Soft, too.”
“You’re sure he was just dreamin? Not sick or anythin?”
“Positive. He was yelling in some other language.” Indrid fiddles with the knick-knacks on a shelf.
Duck runs a hand across his face, “Probably German.”
Indrid cocks his head.
“He had to learn it when he was a, uh, a spy in the last war. The one here. He...he got caught, I only know that because everyone talked about how miraculous it was that he escaped. Joe never talks about it.”
“One can imagine why.” Indrid murmurs.
“Then ‘one’ can probably imagine why I don’t want either of us near a goddamn battlefield.” Duck snaps.
“Is...oh dear, you think that is what we’re asking of you? Nono, we came here for help in preventing a war, one that may destroy both our worlds.”
“You coulda led with that, y’know?”
“I suppose. I, I am, or was, the court seer. But as the evil spread across our kingdom, it disrupted my powers. Now they’re gone entirely. It’s as if I am navigating the woods with no compass and no stars.” His antenna droop. Duck turns the chair near his bed in invitation. The Sylph moves quietly across the worn boards, “The last vision I received before they disappeared was of you two helping us; I saw a new timeline of futures, bright and hopeful, unfurl before it was gone. When you said you would not help us, it was like ripping my wings from my body mid-flight. That is why I was angry. Well, that and how you spoke to Barclay.”
“Sorry about that.” Duck scratches the back of his neck, “I just...when y’all showed up, all I could think about was bein back in the middle of a fight. Of, of seein Joe die.”
“I am sorry too. I did not know you had suffered such things.” Indrid picks at the blanket with chipped claws, “I cannot promise there would not be danger if you aid us. But I give you my word that you shall hear no more of it from me. I only wish for you to accept this quest if you wish to.”
“Thanks. That already puts you ahead of the last time.”
Indrid hums, then peers at Duck’s arm where a tattoo peeks from his shirt, “What is that?”
Duck rolls up his sleeve to reveal the pine tree, “got it because it helped me think of home.”
“Yes but how? To wear art on one’s skin, that is amazing. Do you think they could do it on mine?” He holds out his upper right arm. Duck runs a finger up it, thinking of the polished cherrywood on the table downstairs.
“Might be tricky. You need skin for it to work.”
“Blast.” Wings flutter once, “do you have more I may see?”
Duck unbuttons his shirt as Indrid scoots closer; if he’s not going to sleep tonight, at the very least he can make someone happy.
“Gotta say, y’all bein’ here is doin’ wonders for him.” Duck hands Barclay a glass of water as he joins him on the porch. Joseph and Indrid are sitting on a sunny path of lawn, Indrid showing the human his wings and explaining them in detail so he can make notes.
“Seems to go both ways. Indrid hasn’t been this animated since we left to find you two. He’s even more talkative.”
“Joe’s always been good at that. He can get anyone talkin, and can make almost anythin sound interestin.”
Barclay sneaks a glance at the human; he’s much friendlier these last two weeks, but his protectiveness of Joseph hasn’t waned.
“I wouldn’t say him cheering up is all on us. From what he told me, the week you got here made him feel like his cares were washing away.”
Barclay nods.
Duck sips his water, rubs the condensation with his thumb, “In, uh, in Sylvain, am I rememberin right that men could marry men? Ain’t always easy to tell when there’s so many kinds of beings runnin’ around.”
“Why wouldn’t that be okay? Some kinds of Sylphs, like Indrid’s, don’t even have things like men and women. I mean, when they offered you and Joseph a chance to rule as kings, the records make it sound like the two of you would have gotten married.”
Duck chokes on his water, splutters as Barclay pats his back, “I, fuck, I’d never, we’d never, I, fuck, definitely never ever didn’t think about it.”
Barclay lets the horrible excuse for a lie slide, “It’s a way bigger deal that Indrid chose me for this; being a seer makes him noble and I’m just a cook. Going off into the wild with me? Trusting me? Thought some of the ministers were gonna faint.”
“Was it just you helpin him or are you two, uh, y’know?”
“Yeah, I do. Can you blame me? Look at him” he gestures to where Indrid is spreading his wings so Joseph can study them. Stars would he like to go down there and hold the human tight while he taught him how to make Indrid purr.
“He really is somethin.” By the look on his face, Duck wants to do the same thing, just in reverse. After a moment, he murmurs, “the night before we were supposed to face the Red Devourer Joe and I were in the tent by the battlefield. Curled back to front, my arms around him and I could feel his heart beating hard as mine. Shoulda been thinkin about strategy, or prayin, or somethin’ like that, but all I could think was that I oughta kiss him, just in case we didn’t survive. But I didn’t. There were chances after that. I never took ‘em.”
“It’s not too late.”
“If you found out Indrid wanted to kiss you for years and was too chicken to, even when he thought he was gonna die, would you really let him?”
Barclay thinks of claws in his fur, of Indrid huddled against him and chirping softly when Barclay asked to kiss him.
“Of course I would.”
“How long until the summer?” Indrid tosses the wool scarf Duck lent him over one wing.
“Months. Y’all got here in October, which means we ain’t even into the worst of the winter yet.”
An annoyed chirr, “We need more blankets.”
“Get you more when we’re in town tomorrow, fluffball. Hah, here’s some.” Duck kneels to cut some surviving leaves from a wild yarrow. They’re out in the woods because Indrid is running low on his feather oil, which keeps him from being miserable and itchy. He described what it did and let Duck smell some (it’s a bit like aloe and vanilla) so the human could reverse engineer what earth plants might do the trick.
Duck brushes off his pants, looks around, “Huh, we made it to the Maples. Joe’s aunt said she never got much from ‘em, but I don’t think she ever really tried.”
“What is special about them?”
“It’s how you get maple syrup. It’s in these trees.” Duck smirks, remembering Indrid licking the dregs from the bottle at the house with his long, long tongue.
He whirls to his left, finds Indrid with both rows of teeth sunk into a maple branch. He giggles, then guffaws as the Sylph pulls off with an indignant chirp.
“You, you gotta, hee, you gotta tap the trunk, n-hee” he doubles over as Indrid bites the same branch while drumming his claws on the trunk, “not quite, need some other tools.”
“Perhaps lead with that?” Indrid grumbles, wiping bark from his face.
“S-sorry just, just didn’t expect you to go to town on it like that, heee”
Indrid grins, “It was worth it to hear you laugh like this.”
God, when was the last time he laughed this hard? The thought sobers him, his joy faltering like a bird in a storm. Then he cackles as four spindly arms hoist him into the air.
“ACKhey, put me down fluffball! Ahhno thatheee, that tickles.” He laughs louder as Indrid holds him to his chest and rubs his fuzzy face against his neck.
“I thought that might do the trick” Indrid purrs, nuzzles his cheek, “no more despair, Duck Newton. Not today.”
Duck turns his face so they’re eye to eye, pine green to ruby red, “Deal.”
“I found everything on the list.” Joseph crumples the note paper and tosses it away as Barclay gleefully unpacks the shopping bags.
“This is so fucking great, I can’t wait for you guys to try this, and Indrid is going to lose his mind when he sees what I made. This dessert is his favorite.” He tucks the heavy cream and pears into the fridge.
“I’m excited to try it. We definitely didn’t eat any tarts when we were in Sylvain. The badgers who hid us from the red mist were, I think, pretty poor.”
“Yeah, the borderlands were bad off in those days. I was just a kid too but I remember digging out roots to try and make some kind of soup.” The Sylph turns those endearing brown eyes on him, “up for being my kitchen assistant again?”
“Always.” Joseph tucks a dishcloth into his belt. He’s very proud of himself for finding earth equivalents to all the ingredients Barclay needed to make a fall dinner from home. Having the Sylphs living with them means he goes into Kepler more often for groceries or goods to fix up the house. Everyone in town thinks his childhood friend is a good influence, getting him out of the stuffy confines of the October House.
They’re not wrong. When Joseph saw Duck in the doorway, a little world-worn but just as kind, just as practical as he always was, he decided that if the other man didn’t want to return to Sylvain, Joseph would set the project aside. He’d focus on the world he was in, because with Duck there he might yet find things to marvel at, things to discover that weren’t mired in the mundanity of human evil. They’d make the October House into a home, live out their days as bachelors.
Then Barclay had come through, auburn-furred and so gentle Joseph wanted to make like butter in the sun and melt. And Indrid, magnificent and vulnerable (and very infatuated with Duck). When Duck announced he’d help them look for clues to stopping the war, Joseph felt buried bits of his mind rising to the light of the new challenge.
After dinner, they take a pot of coffee into the living room. Indrid is delighted by records, is already putting one on as Barclay puts wood on the fire. The seer lays on the rug, head in his lovers lap and purring low.
Love me like there's no tomorrow
kiss me like it's goin' out of style
“You know, I wonder how one dances to this. It is not fast, but the rhythm is not like the formal dances at court.”
“Here, I’ll show you.” Duck stands, offering Joseph his hand. Lord, he’s pictured this so many times but still has to coax his own hand to move, “Joe, you’re leadin.”
He settles his hand on Duck’s hip and holds the other, concentrates on swaying them to the beat.
Hold me like you're afraid I might get away
Love like I've been gone for quite a while
“You can come closer, Joe. I ain’t gonna bite. Not in front of company.”
“I’m holding you to that.” He presses closer, prays for Duck to rest his head on his shoulder.
Take and wrap me in the package
my future my presence and my past
And love me like there's no tomorrow
and each day might be our last
“Dearest, I am rather tired from that lovely meal you made. Shall we retire?”
“Good thinking, little moth.”
Love me like there's no tomorrow
Make each night one more remembered
we will let the heaven be our guide
“Seems they didn’t need much of a demonstration.”
“Not sure that was Indrid’s endgame.”
Just love me like there's no tomorrow
and keep me right by your side
Joseph tips his head down, whispering, “What was?”
Keep me right by your side
In the crackle of silence between songs, Duck brings their lips together. Joseph forgoes their stance and pulls him against him, their hearts magnets that were finally turned the right way. Then his feet stumble on the rug, Duck pushing him back with a ferocity he didn’t know he possessed.
Joseph drops into the chair, Duck pouncing before as he breathes. Joseph growls, the hunger that’s been chained threatening to crack his chest from the inside, and nips Duck’s lower lip.
“I said no bitin.”
“You said you wouldn’t bite.”
“You're right, darlin’” Duck cups his cheek as Joseph grips his thighs, “I’m gonna do so much more than bite.”
It never gets easier, waking from these dreams steeped in shame, fear, and sweat. Except this time someone’s arms are around him.
“I’m right here Joe, we’re here, we’re safe.”
“Very safe.” Indrid stands behind Barclay in the doorway, “another dream?’
“Yes. I, um, I-” he reaches for Barclay without meaning to, is ready to apologize when the Sylph slides into bed beside him.
“Is this okay?” It’s directed at both the humans.
“Uh huh.”
Barclay adjusts so Joseph can hide his face in his chest. He should ask Indrid if he wants to be on the bed as well, the poor Sylph might think he’s not wanted-
“C’mon fluffball, my back is gettin cold.”
A delighted chirp and then a wing, black with a grey and red eyespot, drapes across him and Duck.
“Mmmmmm, I knew you would be lovely to hold.”
“Aim to please, sugar.”
“What happens now?” Barclay murmurs.
“My vote is we all get some sleep and work out the particulars in the mornin’.”
“Seconded” Joseph mumbles.
“We will need a good night’s rest; tomorrow I make the disguises for myself and Barclay so that we may begin our wider search.”
“Hope you guys like them.”
Joseph squeezes Barclay, smiling as Duck wiggles closer and Indrid’s wing grows heavier, “We’ll love them no matter what, big guy.”
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katsrnerstories · 4 years
BillDip SlowBurn FanFic Chap. 1
Bill had destroyed Dipper's mind.
It has been a few years since weirdmageddon. Since Dipper and Mabel defeated demons from hellish planes of existence and saved the world and their friends from soul and mind crushing madness.  
Dippers a freshman in college now. It was a moment that he had wished for for years. Highschool had been…
Well it wasn't the worst it could have been. Dipper hit a major glow up around the beginning of junior year (with Mabel's help of course) and life was a little easier. He was asked out on dates, went to a few parties here and there that people dragged him to, had some typical highschool fun in the city...
Until around that same time he started getting replies from colleges his senior year, he started to see Bill again. Every once in a while his mind would wander back to that summer, but it was always the good things or nightmares of the horrors they saw.
It started with just a little glimpse here and there. An eye in the back corner of his periphery, some yellow glimpse in a dark room. 
A ghostly hand on his shoulder.
But these things were nothing to the first time Dipper realized something was wrong.
Dipper saw Bill in his dreams. And those dreams were beyond nightmares.
He had had nightmares before. Nightmares of weirdmageddon were common for both dipper and Mabel. But these… these were real; as much as a dream could be.
Because of Gravity Falls, Dipper really wasn't afraid of a lot of things that would have scared him. The unknown was comforting to him. Maybe because it wasn't too unknown to him and Mabel.
But bill. During those nightmares, brought everything he feared to the frontlines. 
It had been a while since Mabel and him shared a room, so Mabel really didn't know about the fear Dipper experienced those nights. 
She was more focused on getting to LA.
She wants to be a criminal psychoanalyst. To look at the minds of people and figure how they tick. Criminals especially. 
Dipper could swear that Bill had done something to her to make her go down such a dark career path, but he couldn't say anything; he neither had a psychology degree nor was untouched by Bill himself.
Who really knows, it could have been anything else that happened to her in those hellish four years of highschool. 
She had moved away quickly after highschool ended to learn in LA. Of course they facetime and text all the time, but the separation was still felt by both of them.
Everyone missed her presence. Her positivity, her unique personality. 
That had transformed into something much darker come junior and senior year. She found out after a few failed boyfriends that she was not only Asexual, but that guys and even girls, can’t seem to give that part of a relationship up. Some even found it offensive that she felt that way.
Dipper went back to oregon. Of course he was in the city, but on weekends he would visit the Mystery Shack and Gravity Falls. 
Soos was happy to give him one of the rooms in the basement. Sometimes even Grunkle Stan or Grunkle Ford would visit. 
They decided shortly after Dipper and Mabel left that they would travel. Of course Ford's labs still sit under the mystery shack, but when Mabel and Dipper visited Soos the summer of their junior year Ford gave them full control of the labs (as long as Dipper kept everyone safe. Which he did too much annoyance of Mabel)
Soos and his wife at that time had just had a little baby boy, and now have a comfortable four kids, two boys and two girls (three of them were triplets) and run the shack not to much better than Stan did, with the same soul in the campy attractions and overpriced merchandise. 
Wendy is in her senior year at a community college in Oregon city, right around the same place Dipper decided to go to school. They hang out pretty regularly, just around weekly.
Robby left gravity falls as soon as he got his GED. Went for New York, looking for a punk career. He sends Wendy emails every once in a while about his music and where he's at. 
Shockingly, Pacifica stayed in Oregon, going to the same college Dipper goes to. They see each other, and after leaving her family, she found a lot out about herself and became a much better person. 
She found she loved a good smoke and art. Apparently, something she hid from the world was that she loved art. She was probably one of the best artists Dipper had seen. After she left the hell hole of her family, she became really chill. Calm. even nice. 
Her and Dipper have coffee pretty much every day. She was one of the only people who also knew what he had gone through.
And she was the only person who noticed as Dipper got worse and worse for wear. 
Bill had been particularly evil the past few weeks, taking much more joy in Dippers struggle. Long ago Dipper had just sort of given up on screaming for Bill to stop. But he always refused to make a deal with him to stop the fear. Not again. 
“Another nightmare again?” Pacifica asks, as Dipper requests 5 shots of caffeine in his already bitter caffeinated black coffee. 
“Yeah. it's getting harder and harder to say no every night. And honestly the empty dorm isn't helping.” 
“Why don't you just move in with me? I've got an extra room that's got your name written on the door if you want it.” 
Dipper almost accepted, but decided against it. It was kind of weird, no matter how good of friends they were, to live with the ex that made you realized you were gay.
It wasn't her fault, it was just…
He liked a different kind of ass, as Mabel had said when he came out.
No, the daily overpriced coffee meetup was enough. 
“Have you talked about it to Ford? Hes got to know something about it if he went through the same thing?” 
“I don't want to bother them with it. They thought they got rid of Bill that summer, we all did. Bills my problem now.”
Pacifica gives him a knowing look. She knew that he was breaking, but couldn't figure out how to help him. 
“Hows journalism?” Pacifica takes her coffee as she changes the subject.
“As boring as it ever is. Graphic design?”
“As confusing as ever.” Dipper takes a big sip from his steaming coffee. It's a briskly cold morning, enough he brought out his knit set Mabel had made for him on their 18th birthday. He had no shame in wearing it, and it in fact felt comforting today, to know that she was still with him in heart at least.
She never grew out of her sweater thing. She still makes sweaters, using it to get her to the next rent payment sometimes. Everyone can count on a big box with sweaters from her every Christmas here in Oregon. 
With their coffees in hand, Dipper and Mabel head off to campus. And once they made it there they said their goodbyes with a hug and went their separate ways to start the day. 
Dipper wanders into the lecture hall for his advanced maths class. People filter in as he types away on his computer. 
The students around him wanted to be scientists, economists, etc. everyone found it weird that a creative writing major was not only taking advanced maths, this early in the morning, but was killing it. His grades spoke for themselves. 
The class starts and Dipper still types away on his computer. He had been bored the night before as he was staving off sleeping and had read a chapter ahead in their textbook. He taught himself the three hour lesson that day in an hour. 
It was no doubt that Dipper took after his great uncle Stanford. Grunkle Ford told him at one point that Dipper reminded him of a young Dr. Fiddleford. Dipper didn't really like being compared to the scientist that started a whole cult under Gravity Falls before going batshit crazy himself for a very long time.
He only hoped that he wouldn't end up like him. He didn't want to be some crazy man who roams the town. 
Dipper had a story that he needed to finish for his next class. He had started to wear away the stories of Gravity Falls with his creative writing classes that he now had to actually think about what story to write. Mabel helped him out with the premise of the story last night. So he spent that class writing a simple flash fiction of one roaming the backrooms. (an urban legend Mabel had read about in an article somewhere.)
He found comfort in knowing that one thing did not exist to him. That one thing did not sit in the pits of Gravity Falls waiting for Dipper or one of them to unearth it.
The story reminded Dipper of falling through the endless pit just outside the Mystery Shack. A hole where they reminisced on days of the summer as they spent the day, or who knows how long, falling. they were all lucky that it was not, truly, endless. 
And quickly the story was finished and the class closed early. 
Dipper went for an early lunch. He scrolls through his phone, seeing Mabels three new instagram posts and all the other people she introduced him to. 
After Mabel found out Dipper was gay, she went on a mission to hook him up with some LA guy. Oregons not terrible with their acceptance, but it's not something to be very open about. Plus Dipper wasn't the kind to walk pride without someone like Mabel hyping the both of them up. Because god knows that she needs just as much hyping up with who she is as Dipper.
When he walks into his empty apartment, anxiety wells up in Dippers chest. Quickly he turns on the TV, letting it run as white noise as he makes his lunch. The apartment had been empty since his recent relationship ended. Dipper is glad it ended, as the abuse just got too much; yet it was bad for Dipper to be left alone with his thoughts. Especially in an apartment that seemed to hold so much sadness and bad memories.
Mabel, after helping Dippers style, had made him a whole cookbook for him. It had all different kinds of foods, but the main dishes all were healthy. She had gone on a fitness rampage her sophomore year and had never truly grown out of it. It was from a bad place, but she turned it to a positive. As she always does. 
She had told him that it was the first thing other than sleep to keep alive longer. She had made him promise that he would try to stay alive. 
At this point it was the only thing keeping Dipper alive. 
Bill had taxed his mind so much it was rare to find him not paranoid. Bill made Dippers anxiety beyond chronic, and the lack of sleep did not help his depression. 
That had developed after Pacifica. It wasn't because of the break up, more at the fact that she had helped him so much. 
She had accepted him being gay. She had helped him gain friends during their relationship, and she even helped him when money wasn't the best. 
All this caused his anxiety to get to his head. 
What if they think I’m evil for breaking it off with her? What if she'll never want to see me again? What if, what if, what if…
His depression had just gotten  worse after the breakup and dealing with being alone again. It was the reason Dipper stayed with someone like that for so long. 
All of the depression and anxiety ended up crashing down at the same time Bill Cypher ended up crashing into the picture. 
At that point Bill only came to terrorise Dipper a few nights a month. It was easier to deal with.  Now it's every night.
Dipper finishes making his food, sitting down in front of the TV to watch a show on Netflix. 
He had been getting through the true crime shows. He swore that eventually he'd eventually either run a show like it with Mabel or be one of the cold cases lost to the world. 
Yet within only a few minutes Dipper not only found himself asleep, but stuck in the mindscape. 
“Been trying to avoid me, Pine Tree?”
Dipper no longer was shocked by Bill's voice. In fact the more and more he heard his voice, the more and more it began to sound almost human.
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Alastor Ascension Arc
Alastor Ascension Arc
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 Part 1: 1896-1933 Human Life in New Orleans
Part 2: 1933 Arrival in Hell
Part 3: 1933-1940s Meeting Rosie and Mimzy
Part 4: 1950-1952 Making a Deal with Niffty
Part 5: 1953-1966 Alastor vs Vox
Part 6: 1970-1975: Making a Deal with Husk
Part 7: Alastor Prequel Comic
 Part 8: Alastor in the Pilot: That’s (Alastor’s) Entertainment!
Part 9: Alastor on Hazbinstagram
 Part 10: Alastor’s Parents
Part 11: Three Vs Attack Pt 1
Part 12: Manipulating Charlie and the Magnes
Part 13: Evil Charlie Unleashed
Part 14: Alastor Temporarily Takes Over Hell
Part 15: Rosie’s Deception
Part 16: Eldritch Family Rise
Part 17: Three Vs Attack Pt 2
Part 18: Adina influences Alastor
Part 19: Heaven and Hell War, Alastor joins Hell’s rebellion
Part 20: Alastor’s Redemption – Mother Reunite and Heaven
Part 1: 1896-1933 Human Life in New Orleans
“Murder On The Air”
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Art by Ashley Nicholas
“You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile”
  Chapter One: “Down in New Orleans”
  Alastor Roscoe Moreau (A.M.) is born January 24th 1896 (VA born Jan 24th 1986) to his parents in New Orleans, Louisiana. Alastor has medium olive brown skin, short brown hair and brown eyes with glasses. He is lanky and thin but appears stronger than he looks. He often wears nice shirts with bow ties and dark pants and shoes. He wears overalls, boots and the occasional straw hat whenever he hunts or explores the woods and swamps outside. During his rise to fame, he wears fancy suits and top hats, complete with a microphone cane with golden antlers.
 Armand Louis Moreau is Alastor’s French Canadian white father. He is a tall strong man with white skin, dark brown hair and a beard. His hobbies include going to church, hunting, taxidermy and drinking with his friends. Armand meets his wife and they soon fell in love. But Armand’s parents, Eugene and Manette disapprove of his interracial marriage. He becomes distant with them, only allowed to be back in the family when he divorces his wife.
 Antoinette Loretta Moreau (formerly Duvalier) is Alastor’s French Creole mother. She has short curly black hair and dark brown skin, often wears cotton dresses and round ladies’ hats in bold red. She is part African American and part Native American and can speak Haitian Creole. In secret, away from her Christian husband, she asks her ancestors for guidance and reveres the Loa and saints, sitting at an altar she made. Antoinette’s white mother, Odette is a Voodoo Queen who reveres Yemaya and the saints. Odette’s husband, Mathis, is an African American musician, who later helps Alastor start a music career. Armand’s parents wanted Antoinette to abort her child as Alastor was perceived as a “troubled mixed child of sin,” but she refused. Manette offers to put Alastor in an insane asylum “for his own good”, but Antoinette fights back to keep him. Mathis was also wary of Alastor, but later grew to like him, while Alastor’s paternal grandparents always treated their grandson like he was stupid and dirty.
  Antoinette is the one who taught Alastor all his favorite hobbies: cooking, sewing, Voodoo rituals, French and playing instruments. From her, Alastor learned how to play the piano, sing and dance while listening to the gramophone in their living room. At school, Alastor loved theater and leaned to play the trumpet, violin, saxophone, and piano. He also improves on his dancing and singing. Alastor is bullied for being mixed, doing women’s work and not liking girls.
 New Orleans culture is introduced, along with popular festivals, 1900s language and Haitian Creole. Armand and Antoinette briefly talk in French as well.
  Chapter Two: “Runnin’ Wild”
 Early 1900’s Alastor’s youth
 In his early innocent days, Alastor goes with his family to theater shows and Mardi Gras festivals. He eats king cake and watches jazz bands play. As a kid, Alastor is marveled by the colors, sights and sounds of the parades, costumes and delicious Creole food. Young Alastor is oblivious to the fact that others look down on the Moreau family for their interracial marriage. The insults affect Armand, reminding him of his chiding parents, but Antoinette insists that they must keep raising their son to be strong and kind. Alastor meets his uncle and aunt and cousins, celebrating St. John’s Day, Christmas and Fet Gede (All Soul’s Day). Alastor could often be found playing in the woods and the swamp. He even makes friends with the alligators while keeping a safe distance from them.
  Chapter Three: “What a Wonderful World”
 Early 1900’s more Alastor childhood and learning
 Alastor’s mother teaches him how to make jambalaya and the dish becomes his favorite food. It nearly killed her when a drunken Antoinette put gunpowder in the pan and it blew up in her face. Antoinette would always tell Alastor, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile,” and Alastor smiled ever since. Alastor likes black coffee, hard liquor, deer meat and elegant meals. Alastor does not like tea, Oreos, strawberries, canned foods or anything sweet.
 Alastor also learns Native American myths from his mother, including one about the Wendigo. (Alastor’s shadow and full demon form would be associated with the Wendigo monster).
For the only time in his life, Alastor enjoys being around dogs without fear. Despite being perceived as “abnormal” by many, he is one of the nicest kids around. He reads a lot, and really got into cookbooks and joke books. Alastor and his mother dance together to the gramophone, singing together in pure bliss.
  Alastor starts school in 1901 at age 5. He learns Creole from his mother and some French as well.
 When Alastor goes to school, he eventually joins the band, despite him being bullied by both whites and kids of color.
 Chapter Four: “When The Saints Go Marching In”
 Early 1900s, Voodoo rituals
 Along with sewing, cooking, and dancing, Antoinette also teaches Alastor about Voodoo/Hoodoo rituals, along with his Grandmother Odette Duvalier.
 Alastor sews Voodoo dolls (but doesn’t use them to harm others), collects animal parts and herbs, later using them to curse the houses and hideouts of criminals. He learns the veves of the Loa and conducts rituals with red and black candles. He uses alligator blood for healing magic.
 Alastor learns how to consecrate objects, mediate in front of altars and how to connect with his ancestors. He learns of Antoinette’s Native American heritage. He eventually connects with the Loa, most of all to Met Kalfu, the fiery trickster Loa. He learns of his mother and grandmother being prominent Voodoo queens/figures in New Orleans. Antoinette had to curb back her involvement ever since she married Armand, but Odette still maintained her strong connection to the community. Antoinette and Alastor frequently do rituals out in nature, always showing respect to Papa Legba, the Loa of the Crossroads first. Ironically, the child-like Papa Legba and his dogs shared a spiritual connection with the young boy before Legba’s Petro aspect Kalfu took over as Alastor grew up.
 (The dogs being part of Alastor’s death could represent the consequence of Alastor abandoning his innocence and former faith in his family/ancestors. The dog is sacred to Papa Legba and Ogun, Loa of iron and warriors/hunters).
 Odette and Antoinette warn Alastor not to use magic and Voodoo for evil (which he later does anyway). His spirituality would reflect what path he goes down. Antoinette told Alastor that Voodoo magic is used for healing and guidance. Alastor formerly used Voodoo magic for good until being corrupted by the dark influences of the Goetic demons and Met Kalfu. Antoinette reveres the Rada Loa and discovers that Alastor has a spiritual connection to Met Kalfu, a Petro Loa. This explains Alastor’s affinity with fire magic.
 Odette and Antoinette’s hidden magic is a reddish blue, the colors of the Petro and Rada mixed. Alastor’s magic eventually becomes Petro red. In 1919 after making deals with Gnostic demons Abaddon, Furfur etc. (kill souls on Earth as sacrifices to gain more power in the afterlife), his magic becomes exclusively evil and powerful. As a consequence, he loses touch with his ancestors and the other Loa after the deaths of his parents. (Souls can use magic in other worlds but lays dormant on Earth).
 Alastor later gets his magic in hell with Kalfu’s influence and on Earth, he calls upon Ogun to assist him with using knives, axes and other weapons. None of the Loa accept human sacrifices but the Gnostic demons do, thus how Alastor gained more souls and eventual power.
 Antoinette notices her husband slowly growing more distant from his son as Alastor bonds with her more.
 Chapter Five: “Smile”
 1903: age 7
 At first, Armand is friendly with Alastor, watching with pride as he grows up. But as time goes on, he becomes more distant and harsh. Armand’s exposure to church made him believe that Alastor was a spawn of the Devil. He forces Alastor and his mother to memorize parts of the Bible and to pray to God every day. When they refuse, they get beaten up. Antoinette always cries in despair when she has to watch her son get beaten and whipped. She gets beaten up as well when she doesn’t clean the house or cook food to his liking. When Armand displays more “appropriate manly” behavior, he receives approval from his male friends and his parents.
 During the better moments, Armand teaches Alastor how to hunt for game, prepare deer meat and skin deer for fur and deer heads. He also taught him some French. Armand has a taxidermy collection at the family cabin, even having his own business selling the stuffed prepared animals. He also teaches Alastor self-defense and how to run and be strong like a man. Alastor didn’t play sports like his father wanted but he was skilled at hunting and doing outdoor work.
 Armand is mostly at work or with his buddies. Other than teaching Alastor skills in the woods, he doesn’t spend time with him. When he does interact, he chides his son for various things. Armand brings a hunting dog into the woods and the dog attacks Alastor, thinking he was a deer. Armand chides Alastor for not defending himself and being careless. This begins Alastor’s fear of dogs.
 Chapter Six: “You Rascal You”
 1906: age 10
 As time goes on, Armand and Alastor begin to hate each other. Armand doesn’t like the fact that Alastor cooks and sews, calling it “women’s work.” Alastor’s love of theater and musicals doesn’t please him either. Alastor gets bullied for his heritage and interests at school. Armand stamps and breaks Alastor’s ribs when he doesn’t behave. Armand gets jealous that his wife seems to spend more time with Alastor. In darker moments, Armand soon begins drinking alcohol and hooking up with other women, even in their own home. When Alastor witnesses the horrific sight one night, his father beats him, whips him and molests him, calling him a “half-breed sissy faggot who likes other boys.” His mother comes in later and comforts him.
  Alastor at a young age remembers the feeling of violation, his father’s hands on his waist and thrusting penis in his ass. This begins the cycle of trauma and Alastor’s aversion to people touching him, other than his mother. His mother soon finds out of his actions but can’t do anything about it as he is the head of household. Alastor’s mother sings “Smile” to her son as a song of comfort and lament. Alastor begins to think about killing his father.
 Then one day when Alastor was ten years old (1906), Armand announces his divorce. He says that he will take most of the family income and the cabin, leaving Antoinette alone with her son and poorer. Having been pressured by his parents and wanting to reclaim his status in society as a white Christian man, Armand announces his leave.
 Armand is about to leave one early morning to confirm the divorce when Alastor arrives. His father briefly beats him again, almost choking him to death and threatens to violate his mother as punishment. Not wanting his mother to go through more beatings and rapes, Alastor grabs the hunting rifle and shoots him square in the chest. The gunshot wakes his startled mother. Stunned at what he had done, he hides the evidence from her and promptly burns his father’s body. Though his mother has a suspicion it was him, she doesn’t say anything.
     Chapter Seven: “Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen”
 1909: age 13 Alastor witnesses discrimination
 Alastor begins to play instruments and sing really well, his skills backed up by his mother’s teachings and the school band practices.
  Alastor watches many old films including…
“The Great Train Robbery” (1903)
“Chased by Dogs” (1904) traumatized him/foreshadowing
“Satan Finds Mischief” (1908)
“Frankenstein” (1910) One of Alastor’s favorites as a teen, he emphasizes with the monster
“Oliver Twist”
“White Fawn’s Devotion” (1910)
“L’Inferno” (1911) another one of his favorites
“Peter Pan” (1924)
“The Phantom of the Opera” (1925) Watched it with Mimzy
“The Wizard of Oz” (1925)
“The Jazz Singer” (1927) One of his favorite musicals
“Sweeney Todd” (1928) Another silent crime film he enjoyed
“PopEye” (1929)
“King of Jazz” (1930)
“Dracula” (1931)
“Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” (1932)
“Smilin’ Though” (1932)
“Murders in the Rue Morgue” (1932)
“Tarzan the Ape Man” (1932)
“The Big Broadcast” (1932) Alastor relates to the radio broadcaster main character
Radio City Music Hall started showing films in 1933.
  Chapter Eight: “God Moves on the Water”
 1912: age 16
 Alastor witnesses the Titanic sinking in 1912, reading the newspaper (the same year that Baxter died). During the same year, he and his mother are forced to evacuate due to hurricanes. Alastor helps save people’s lives from drowning. They move closer to the city but their cabin in the woods remains intact. Alastor and his mother frequently pray to the Loa and saints associated with disasters.
 World War One
 World War One begins in 1914 right after Alastor graduates high school, and Alastor is drafted for it at age 18. He tearfully hugs his mother goodbye, unsure whether he’ll see her again. During his time there, he discovered the use of old radios used for communication. He was one of the soldiers who fixed and transported said radios on the front lines. Alastor watches several comrades die around him, the only thing keeping him sane is his task to operate the radios. After the war ended in 1918, Alastor returned to the city, now with more of an idea of his career. He applied to several radio stations but was rejected due to his race. But the Spanish Flu also occurred…
  Chapter Nine: “Willow Weep For Me”
 1918: age 22 Spanish Flu
 …and when Alastor gets home in early November, he finds out his mother is gravely ill. He is able to embrace her as she says her final words: “Don’t be sad for me. Remember, you’re never fully dressed without a smile.” Heartbroken, Alastor is forced to bury her at a nearby cemetery as it rains. He kills two intruders in a blind rage and feeds their remains to the alligators in the bayou. He visits her grave and leaves offerings every October and November.
 It is at this time that Alastor makes his deals with Kalfu, Furfur and Baron Samedi demons: wealth and power for the sacrifice of human souls. Only Furfur accepts human sacrifice, the Loa do not (they are not necessarily evil, they just want to help guide Alastor and teach him important lessons). Alastor is instructed to retrieve a grimoire in the afterlife that will seal the deal and grant him his powers (plus his shadow as he already had his microphone staff and basic radio powers beforehand).
 Alastor even gets a chance to meet his cousin Dr. Facilier in the future (who later becomes his snake demon slave in Hell).
 Alastor calls upon Baron Kriminel to help with getting revenge on those who tormented him and bullied him around. Alastor loses touch with his ancestors and the more beneficial Loa, opting instead to work with Furfur.  
 Chapter Ten: “Dr. Jazz”
 1919: age 23
The Radio Corporation of America is founded in 1919. In 1922, WWL, Louisiana’s first radio station started broadcasting, founded by the Catholic Loyola University to help raise funds to build six new campus buildings.
Alastor dreams of becoming a jazz musician. Louis Armstrong becomes his role model and encourages him to join a band of his own. More people start to recognize his talent.
 Alastor takes care to avoid the Axeman killer and is spared from his attack by playing jazz every night. At one point, Alastor hacks a couple and copies the Axeman’s actions, leading to more panic in New Orleans. The rumors spread that the Axeman had killed twice as many victims, which was entertaining for Alastor as he reported it on the radio.
 Time goes by (Roaring Twenties) and Alastor performs in an attempt to make some money. His uncle then connects with someone who works for CBS. More people flock to hear Alastor and his band perform. Alastor earns more money when he begins to fix radios for people. Alastor then applies for a radio DJ position but ends up getting stuck in a lower position, organizing files and cleaning up the studio rooms. Alastor kills off the higher ups and gets a position at NBC. He plays the top tunes but it soon gets boring. After getting fired, Alastor decides to broadcast on his own.
  Chapter Eleven: “Sitting on Top of the World”
1920s: Young adulthood, career peak
 During the Roaring Twenties, he would become the most famous radio host in Louisiana. Alastor often smokes both during work and during his free time. Alastor basks in wealth and fame.
 Chapter Twelve: “Mack The Knife” (Alastor’s killing sprees)
 1919, 1920: age 25 - 1933
During the Roaring Twenties, Alastor begins his killing spree of racist men, rapists, and criminals. He is called the Vigilante and the Louisiana Lunatic by those in New Orleans and kills his victims in various ways. Guns, knives, traps, and fire were his favorite tools to use. However, in this version, Alastor doesn’t kill women or children, he only uses them as tools.
 Alastor flirts with women and manipulates them because it’s fun to do. People who made deals with him often found their money stolen by him. Many women are charmed by Alastor but Alastor doesn’t get intimate with any of them. He enjoys dancing with women, especially Mimzy. Alastor lavishes in wealth, buying new red suits and top hats, a fancy red car and a microphone cane with golden deer antlers. He also likes black, brown, blue, and green outfits. Alastor pulls pranks on people for fun (thumbtacks, kick me signs, soap in drinks, whoopee cushions, plastic doorways), some like it, some don’t.
  Chapter Thirteen: “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile”
  Chapter Fourteen: “Pack Up All Your Troubles and Smile, Smile, Smile!”
 Alastor meets flapper woman Mimzy and the two bond over drinks, dancing, and singing. Alastor discovers that she killed her abusive husband and took his money. Mimzy finds out that Alastor kills criminals but she doesn’t say anything to anyone else.
 Chapter Fifteen: “Charleston”
 Mimzy and Alastor dance the Charleston.
 Chapter Sixteen: “Let’s Misbehave”
 Mimzy is deeply in love with Alastor, but he doesn’t love her back. He only sees her as a friend, which Mimzy doesn’t quite understand. She questions whether Alastor has a sexual disorder when Alastor tells her how he feels, which offends him. The two of them get intimate and nearly have sex but Alastor holds back, saying he’s not ready, much to her shock.
 Chapter Seventeen: “Cold, Cold Heart”
 Mimzy later dies after Alastor accidentally poisons her drink that was left for a racist man. Alasor would later sing with her and Rosie, bonding again in Hell. Alastor gets tired of people assuming he has a sexual disorder. Alastor was heartbroken at losing his only friend.
   In this version, Alastor doesn’t eat people until Rosie introduces him to cannibalism in Hell via her elite group of associates. They later sing a cannibal song in Hell. Alastor is also not an Overlord and doesn’t go after women or children.
 Chapter Eighteen: “When You’re Smiling”
 Alastor cheerfully broadcasts peoples’ deaths on the air, not being found out until the thirties. On the radio, Alastor tells dad jokes, talks about special Creole recipes and always ends with the song “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile.” Alastor also talks about the Axeman and when he says “play jazz and I’ll spare your life.” Alastor takes great care to avoid the Axeman. Alastor also talks about Clementine’s killings and voodoo practices as well.
 Hell, 1929
Esteemed Mortal of New Orleans: The Louisiana Lunatic
 They have never caught me and they never will. They have never seen me, for I am invisible, even as the sound waves that surround your earth. I am not a human being, but a demon from the hottest hell. I am what you Orleanians call the Louisiana Lunatic. Down here, I’m the inevitable Radio Demon.
 When I see fit, I shall appear and claim other victims as I see fit. I alone know whom they shall be. No clues will be left behind, save for what you might hear on the next broadcast.
Tell the police and the racist, elite scum of the world to beware. Let them try not to discover who I am, for it’d be better for them not to have been born than to incur the wrath of the Louisiana Lunatic. You’ll have a deer in the headlights look and won’t have any idea what hit you until after it’s too late.
Undoubtedly, you Orleanians think of me as a monster and murderer. But if I wanted to hurt anyone else here, I would have done so already. If I wished, I could pay a visit to your city every night. I could kill every one of your best and worst citizens, for I am in a close relationship with the Shadows of the Other Side.
At 6:06 pm next Friday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans and then visit those in Hell. I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is:
I am very fond of jazz music, electro swing, and jambalaya. I swear by all the Loas and deities that I will spare those who can provide me with some great entertainment when I visit. Word of warning, I can read you people like a book, and see into your very souls. Anyone foolish enough to challenge me will have their corpses consumed and their screams muffled by the lovely sound of jazz bands jamming the night away.
I have been, am, and will be, the worst spirit that ever existed in fact, fantasy, or realm of Hazbins.
Smile and stay tuned!
 Chapter Nineteen: “Crazy Rhythm”
The Great Depression comes into effect as well as the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Alastor enjoys reading about the chaos in the newspaper. People frantically sell their stuff and beg for jobs and money. He also enjoys seeing the orphans suffering homeless in the streets as it reminds him of his better off status. He also finds children annoying and undisciplined, a left over trait from his father.
 But soon, things take a downward turn. Alastor begins to lose money and food, his former glory days over. Alastor hoards radios and radio furniture in his house. He grows bony thin and his eyes have bags under them. (He takes on a similar gaunt appearance arriving in Hell, remaining weak until he gains his powers and eats other demons. Magic also takes some of his energy.) Alastor grows unhealthy due to lack of food, and (almost!) resorts to cannibalism. He also fears losing his radio audience due to the prospects of TV. He meets Vox, an ABC broadcasting company CEO who taunts him for his race and career. They get into a fight but victorious Vox leaves, saying to him that his days are over.
 Alastor becomes depressed, cutting into his skin for rituals or just to taste his own blood…to feel something. His self-inflicted cuts add to the scars on his back and body from his dad and struggling criminals.
  Chapter Twenty: “Video Killed the Radio Star”
 Alastor ironically dies when a full Hunter’s Moon is present. Alastor becomes more careless with his killings, and is soon discovered by police in 1933. The police sends dogs after him, a German Shepard, a Pit Bull, and a Black Lab. As he runs, he is bitten by a rabies infected dog in an alley. Alastor races through the snowy woods, experiencing painful headaches, and hallucinations of drowning and his parents being killed as deer. The police dogs bite at his legs but he shakes him off and runs some more. A deer hunter spots him, fearful and disgusted by the madman who rushes at him head on. (The hunter is Vox’s friend and the soon to be TV Overlord smirks). Alastor’s insane eyes beg the hunter to finish him off, as he didn’t want to be arrested. The hunter almost shoots him but finds he can’t do it. Vox then shoots Alastor between the eyes and his body falls. (Video Killed the Radio Star). The dogs maul at him moments before the gunshot before the police arrive. They turn him over and see the hole in his forehead, his glazed eyes, bloodied clothing and frozen smile. Alastor’s body is promptly burned, his belongings destroyed and his radios given away to an antique shop. His death is announced on his own radio station by none other than Vox before it, too, is done for. Many of his fans are saddened but the majority of New Orleans is relieved that he is gone. Vox is hailed as a hero before he returns to his job in another state.
 (This is why Alastor hates Vox so much, not just because of their different tastes in technology!)
 “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile” (finale)
A lone old fashioned radio (the one with the smiling grin on it and Alastor’s favorite radio) lights up in an antique store. His creepy voice says “Stay tuned” as the next part begins.
  Part 2: 1933 Arrival in Hell
“Beware the Radio Demon”
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Tagline: “It’s time to tune in…”
  Chapter One: “Heebie Jeebies”
  Alastor arrives in Hell in 1933. He lands in the street between a jazz club and a strip club. He arrives naked and afraid, shocked by his new deer-like appearance. He has a black and red deer tail, antlers, red and black hair, sharp yellow teeth, red eyes, scarred gray back and chest, a regular size penis and gray scarred body. He is revolted by the tan gray gnarled state of his clawed hands and feet. When he talks, his voice has a radio filter, which surprises him. He realizes that it must be how he sounded to his audience. (Mimzy catches a peek at him but doesn’t yet know who he is). He summons his microphone staff, who is stunned to see Alastor nude. The microphone briefly glows, allowing Alastor to go on the air. Alastor realizes that Hell is a lot bigger and scarier than New Orleans. Demons mock him, including perverted ones. His memories coming back to him and instincts, Alastor quickly takes out the surrounding creeps with his bare hands, stealing their overalls and clothes. Alastor first wears brown too-loose pants and a white torn v neck shirt. So far, his only powers consist of controlling radios and brief bursts of fire.
Alastor then witnesses the harsh reality of Hell, daily discrimination, turf wars, killings, rapes and stealing. He then realizes that he has no place to live. It was the survival of the fittest from here on out. Alastor witnesses Tom Trench on TV, Sir Pentious and Baxter creating inventions, Mimzy performing at the jazz club and, of course, he learned of the royal family. Helsa and Seviathan and other Hell born spit at him, complaining that “common sinner scum” don’t belong in Hell. Alastor also sees a man with a radio head called Muse on an advertisement for 66.6 FM. Alastor gets mad that he was sent to Hell with his black stag demon father Neleus while his mother Poena got to go to heaven as a beautiful red doe humanoid sorceress.
 Alastor camps out alone in the woods, deeply missing his mother and his old life. He wants to do something about all the sinners in Hell. A sense of duty came back to him…how he wanted to get rid of bad people, lost causes… an obligation to continue his work he had done on Earth. There were only a few people he could trust…and he decided to be untrustworthy and manipulative to everyone else.
Chapter Two: “All Of Me”
 Alastor is reminded of what Furfur said after he sacrificed other humans to them on Earth. His microphone told him to find a grimoire that would allow him to summon Kalfu, and Abaddon to gain his magic. He asks a blue deer overlord and he tells him to look in Stolas’ palace, knowing that it was near impossible to get out alive. Rosie witnesses the conversation and decides to follow the sinner newcomer. Alastor sneaks into the palace to retrieve the grimoire, only to be caught by an angry Stolas. Alastor retrieves the book and is rescued from Stolas by a floating Rosie Poppins with an umbrella in her hands.
 Alastor summons Kalfu, Baron Samedi and Furfur.
 Furfur grants Alastor with heightened deer senses and destructive powers.
Baron Samedi grants Alastor with darkness and shadow powers.
Kalfu grants Alastor with fire and voodoo magic.
 Alastor’s powers over radio were already his own when he arrived in Hell. This was why no mortal souls before him were seen with that much power; only powerful Hell-Born/Overlords had similar powers.
 The prices Alastor paid for his powers were the collection of souls over the years, loss of his loved ones by fate, his own brutal death, being sent to Hell for his murders and a limit on his powers. Kalfu’s demons got a part of Alastor���s powers and Alastor can get tired after using a certain amount of energy. Alastor using blood magic drains energy, and he requires food, meat and rest to recover. Alastor can also be killed by angelic weapons.
 Alastor’s powers include teleportation, shadow magic, portal creation, reality warping, conjuring fire and objects, possession, destructive magic, blood magic etc. The shadow demons get part of his power and after a painful separation, Alastor’s shadow is formed. The shadow, representative of Alastor’s darker thoughts, acts as a guide and bodyguard. Alastor creates his red tattered dress coat, black shoes with red deer tracks, his pants and his monocle. Alastor’s microphone allows him to be on the air anywhere to broadcast his massacres. The device reflects his mood as well, playing music and songs. The microphone can hypnotize demons who stare and listen to it and creates fatal radio waves that can blast brains out and destroy nearby buildings. With the help of his shadow, Alastor can travel from one shadow spot to another, through doorways and in small spaces. He can also travel through radios too.
  In addition, Alastor can also shapeshift into others and into his red deer form. In his most powerful form, he appears as a bloodthirsty wendigo.
 Alastor’s shadow is a manifestation of all his dark subconscious thoughts that are freed after he dies. The microphone staff is a manifestation of his radio host personality he had as a human. Alastor turned into a deer in Hell to remind him of his fate: “the hunter becomes the hunted.”
 Chapter Three: “I’ve Got the World on a String”
 Taking advantage, Alastor soon uses his powers to topple Overlords and take over many areas of Hell. He takes over 66.6FM, killing Muse and many Overlords (including Newspaper, Telephone, Clock, Car, Plane, Textile, Telegraph, Book and other Overlords. He makes a truce with the Overlord of Film.) Vox, Valentino and Velvet would arrive later. He forms an army of shadow demons and voodoo imps, his minions killing demons, burning stores, looting, feasting on deer and causing havoc.
 Alastor becomes friends with the blue deer Overlord, a descendant of Furfur. The Overlord tells him where he can find his father, Neleus.
 Alastor spends time with Lucifer too, drinking whisky, booze and singing. Lucifer likes polka music while Alastor prefers jazz. He treats Lilith well and watches as she performs on stage with her Resist band. (“God Spelled Backwards Is Dog”) Lucifer had been notified of Alastor’s powers and was intrigued. No mortal soul had power like the Hell Born elite before. Alastor even got a chance to dance with Lilith, him treating her like a lady and temporarily entranced by her beauty.
 Alastor learned to stay on the king’s good side but can’t help getting curious about his unique daughter, Charlie. Lucifer talks about how Charlie sees the good in every sinner and her bond with Seviathan in Inferno high school (Charlie had not met Vaggie yet and Alastor wasn’t in love with Charlie, just curious about her, like finding a new specimen.). Knowing that getting too involved would lead to trouble, Alastor shrugs it off. Lucifer allows Alastor to do his chaos, provided he leave the royal family out of it, which he agrees.
 Alastor makes deals with several demons and even temporarily gains access to Earth, gaining more souls. Alastor creates two hideouts: one a cabin with radio towers near a forest and an underground lair where the shadow spirits are (Deer’s Den).
 Chapter Four: “The Axeman’s Jazz”
Alastor terrorizes Hell and uses an ax to kill off demons who don’t play jazz on his birthday. He even writes a letter similar to the Axeman’s letter:
 Hell, 1933
 They have never caught me and they never will. I am not a human being, but a demon from the hottest hell. I am what the Orleanians called the Louisiana Lunatic. Down here, I’m the inevitable Radio Demon.
 When I see fit, I shall appear and claim other victims. I alone know whom they shall be. No clues will be left behind, save for what you might hear on the next broadcast.
Tell the Overlords and every sinner and Hell Born of the world to beware. Let them try not to discover who I am, for it’d be better for them not to have been born than to incur the wrath of the Radio Demon. You’ll have a deer in the headlights look and won’t have any idea what hit you until after it’s too late.
Undoubtedly, you denizens think of me as a monster and murderer. But if I wanted to hurt anyone else here, I would have done so already. If I wished, I could pay a visit to your city every night. I could kill every one of your best and worst citizens, for I am in a close relationship with the Shadows of the Other Side.
At 6:06 pm next Friday night, I am going to pass over Pentagram City. I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is:
I am very fond of jazz music, electro swing, and jambalaya. I swear by all the Loas and deities that I will spare those who can provide me with some great entertainment when I visit. Word of warning, I can read you people like a book, and see into your very souls. Anyone foolish enough to challenge me will have their corpses consumed and their screams muffled by the lovely sound of jazz bands jamming the night away.
I have been, am, and will be, the worst spirit that ever existed.
Smile and stay tuned!
 To make a deal with Alastor, call 666 - 024 - 1929 on your hellphone.
 (Edward’s number is 24, 666 is the Beast number and 1929 is the year of the major Stock Market Crash)
  Chapter One: “Practically Perfect In Every Way”
Hell Born Rosie Marie Poppins and Alastor properly meet shortly after he gains his powers. Rosie introduces Alastor to an elite group of cannibals, and Alastor happily accepts her invitation, thus further increasing his influence. Under the teachings of Rosie, Alastor learns how to increase his status, despite being a sinner. Due to being close to Rosie, less people insult Alastor as he walks by. He learns what it’s like to be a cannibal for the first time, and his hunger never ends since. Alastor begins to miss Kalfu and his Loa interactions (and his mother). He originally thought that he would pass through the seven gates of Guinee, the land of the dead in Loa culture. Rosie and Alastor bond over tea, coffee and murder. Rosie offers Alastor the position of Overlord but Alastor declines, as he wants to be free to wreak havoc without rules. He also shows a distaste for the greedy Overlords and authority figures. Rosie said that there are several sinners who are Overlords as well, but he still declines. Alastor would be his own Overlord!
 “I was never destined to be part of any high hat group of leaders. I’ve worked exclusively for myself in my last life and will continue to do so in this one. With enough allies and the right timing, I could take them all down one by one. Besides, their meetings sound boring anyway.” - Alastor
  Rosie used to work with her girlfriend Franklin until she died and Rosie got to own the shop for herself.
 In return for Rosie helping Alastor get the spellbook, Alastor treats her like a lady and helps promote her emporium and spqeakeasy. Rosie recalls how she treats her employees cruelly and uses their wages to live a lavish life. Rosie is a cruel CEO who pursues rich and powerful men (and like the Dolly Sisters, she dances and performs as well). They both laugh as they share stories of taking advantage of other demons. Despite being Hell Born, Rosie does not treat Alastor with contempt due to his status as a sinner. (Or if she does, she hides it). Rosie becomes a stern-mother-like figure to Alastor, chiding him for any stupid mistakes he makes.
  Rosie later gives Alastor advice such as being more open with Mimzy or to not fall for Charlie and be at the Hazbin Hotel (she finds the idea of redemption ridiculous. Despite this, Alastor still offers to help Charlie anyway due to seeking entertainment and potentially the trust of the royal family). Rosie also is a model for an All Soul’s Day/Death Day festival. Zombies, ghosts and other denizens watch as she poses on a blood red carpet in her rose garden. Like Day of the Dead, Death Day is a day to celebrate when sinners arrived in Hell and when the Hell-Born were born.
 Unbeknownst to Alastor, Rosie secretly hopes she can gain some of Alastor’s power for herself so she can create Hell into a more orderly place where people admire her and her beauty. Deep down, she believes that Hell Born are superior to sinners, and would be pleased to see the lower class be her slaves! She forms an alliance with Lucifer, Lilith and the Eldritch family who are frequent buyers of her dresses and wares. Rosie works with Lucifer and the Eldritch family to try and bring Charlie down, saying her idea will never work. From Lucifer, Rosie learned of Charlie’s plan to redeem sinners. Redeeming sinners could mess up the hierarchy system and Rosie and the higher ups don’t want that. Her demonic form consists of a vulture like creature hovering in the air with an umbrella. Being in a position of power, it’s no surprise that she wants more of it! She even attempts to hold Mimzy and Charlie hostage to try and bring Alastor down.
  Chapter Two: “Eat a Little Flesh Fantastic”
 Alastor and Rosie sing the cannibal song after Rosie introduces Alastor to the elite cannibal group of Victorian ladies. Everyone dances like in the Mary Poppins movie as Rosie calls on her group members to ”go forth and feast.”
  “Eat a Little Flesh Fantastic”
Alastor and Rosie strolled arm in arm after Rosie finished going to an Overlord meeting.
“Hey Alastor,” said Rosie turning to him. “Have you ever considered joining my exclusive club of socialites?”
“No, I haven’t…but do entertain me.”
“It’s mainly me and my group of ladies. We meet up for tea and coffee at this nice café not too far from here. We discuss the latest news, perhaps exchange jewelry or deserts.”
“Sounds lovely, my dear.”
“Oh and here’s the best part. My group and I have…exquisite tastes when it comes to meals. And I’ve heard about you and your slaughters.”
Alastor couldn’t help but puff up his chest in pride. “I was also a very skilled hunter in my other life. I’ve made many meals including jambalaya with venison in it. It is my favorite.”
A grin of sharp teeth stretched across Rosie’s pale face, her black eyes shining. “Have you ever considered eating the flesh of your victims?”
Alastor’s stomach growled at the thought. “I had a feeling that something was missing after I killed all those men as a human. I’ve hunted and ate deer and game many times. Perhaps I was too unsure about doing the same to other humans.”
Rosie laughed. “No restrictions now, though. This is Hell. Feel free to eat whatever…and whomever you’d like.”
Rosie handed him a blue arm of a nearby dead demon. Alastor maneuvered it into his mouth and sliced it to bits with several noisy bites. The sharp fangs effortlessly tore through the muscle and bone. The tangy taste of blood and juicy meat filled his mouth before he swallowed.
“That was quite tasty,” he remarked, licking his lips. Alastor then realized something extraordinary: there were countless demons roaming around in Hell. It was as if Hell had decided to provide him with an all-you-can-eat buffet. Not only would he have more meat to eat, but being a cannibal would also help with his fearsome reputation. Cannibalism was considered one of the worst taboos to do on Earth.
Why not add another sin to his list?
Alastor bowed and kissed Rosie on her hand in thanks. “Even in death, I learn something new every day. I’d be honored to join you.”
Rosie introduced Alastor to her group of friends: a bunch of demon women dressed in fancy Victorian dresses of many colors and round ladies’ hats on their heads. Violet, Lavender, and Poppy were some of their names. For a brief moment, Alastor felt like he was back in his time period on Earth. He ate demon meat to his heart’s content. Hell-Born or sinner, raw or cooked, it didn’t matter. He used the flesh and the sinner’s hearts in his jambalaya recipes. As the sinners had previously been human like Alastor used to be, he was now a cannibal.
The thought of someday tasting actual humans in the living world made his mouth water more.
On Sunday mornings after Alastor had coffee, he would be greeted by his new admirers while he walked outside, humming a cheery tune.
“Hello ladies,” Alastor said with a tip of his red top hat.
“Hello Alastor!” they chimed, as they sat on the ground in front of a mutilated body of a demon. One woman picked up the demon’s separated arm and used it to wave at him. Alastor chuckled and strolled on.
During one moonlit night, Alastor and Rosie decided to sing a song to strengthen their bond. They were already good friends, if not that then at least compatible associates with similar tastes. She looked like a gaunt Mary Poppins entering a Day of the Dead musical.
“Let’s say you’re bored and want to be full,
Sure, you can go about your day, dull. Or…
You can eat a little flesh fantastic with me.”
“If you live your days in wonder, but can’t focus due to hunger…
Just eat a little flesh fantastic with me.”
“For if you decide to kill a person, their body will someday rot away. But if you make haste and not let it go to waste…
Then you’ll be satiated for the day!”
“You don’t need to be Lector Hannibal, to consider the life of a cannibal.”
Rosie: “Want to be robust?”
Alastor: “You know I must.”
Both: “Come eat a little flesh fantastic with us!”
Rosie (speaking): “My fellow epicureans, answer my call. May your gluttonous desires led the way!”
“Welcome to the club, Radio Demon.”
Rosie and Alastor:
“The life of a cannibal The feeling is so wonderful Hunt and kill, munch, munch, munch, A few screams later, you’ve got your lunch!”
“Have some style and show some class It is us among the mass When you’re feeling beat and want to eat A demon can never have too much meat!”
“Eat a little flesh fantastic with us Give in to another kind of lust A sweet treat you are, come near or far
Our food as you bite the dust!”
“You can refrain and boldly exclaim ‘Eating your brethren’s not right!’”
Alastor: “But we know well, to maim in Hell The blood will be shed tonight!”
“The life of a cannibal,”
“The feeling is so wonderful,”
“Hunt and kill, munch, munch, munch…”
“A few screams later, you’ve got your lunch!” “Eat a little flesh fantastic with us!” (oh- oh- oh- oh- oh) “Eat a little flesh fantastic with us!” (oh- oh- oh- oh- oh)
  Chapter Three: “Hello Mimzy!” (Hello Dolly! By Louis Armstrong)
 Alastor bonds with Mimzy Dolly Hannigan at the jazz club and they recall their memories together in New Orleans. Mimzy works as an employer for Rosie at her emporium and squeak-easy. Rosie, enamored with Mimzy’s performance, decided to offer her a job to increase her influence. Like Alastor, Mimzy is more protected thanks to Rosie’s overlord status. Mimzy helps sell Rosie’s custom made clothes and antiques and performs almost every night at the underground bar behind Rosie’s shop. (Behind a door, down a stair-case. The password is “Practically perfect in every way.”)
  Several times, Alastor and Mimzy dance and sing at the squeak-easy, to the joy of the crowd. At the squeak-easy, influential people and criminals gather there to discuss business, drink and have fun. Husk also goes there on occasion to serve drinks. Mimzy is popular both there and at her own jazz club: Mimzy’s Place. Rosie, herself, has performed there after her shifts. When asked if Rosie treats her cruelly, Mimzy says, “Almost never.”
 Mimzy had died in the 1920s before Alastor. They agree to sing and stay friends, along with Rosie, creating a trio of singing, dancing, drinking and murder-spree-loving friends. They also terrorize orphans as they sing “Little Sinners” (Little Girls). Alastor apologizes for accidentally killing her and being aloof. Mimzy then apologizes for being too clingy with him and claiming that he didn’t know how to love back on Earth.
 Mimzy lives a lavish lifestyle (like the Dolly Sisters, she pursues wealthy men and dances).
 Alastor later offers Mimzy an invitation to visit the Hazbin Hotel and discusses the idea of redemption. Mimzy accepts his offer and decides to stay there, so long as she can still do her performances. Mimzy eventually becomes a guest at the Hazbin Hotel along with Baxter, Tom Trench, Molly, Arackniss, Cherri Bomb and Crymini. She bonds with Alastor, Niffty and Charlie as the girls gossip about men and the group performs in musicals together. Mimzy shares her story about being in New Orleans and with Alastor’s encouragement, she also thinks about pursuing redemption…as long as she gets more fame/recognition. Like Niffty, she gets jealous when Alastor pursues Charlie more. Mimzy thinks that Alastor loves Charlie more, but Rosie suspects he has another motive.
 Alastor and Mimzy dance some more together and frequently perform at the jazz club.
  Prequel Comic:
“Let’s go for a stroll.”
  Comic by Liam (Pencils), Fautisse (Lineart), Lunetta (Colors), Magpie (Backgrounds) and Vivienne (Story).
 Alastor enjoys coffee on a Sunday morning. Alastor hums down the street, goes to a café and watches birds fight over food. He stops to smell the roses, making one wilt with his touch. Everyone flees when they see him, making him a bit lonely inside. While visiting Rosie’s cannibal colony, he tosses his hat to the four admiring well-dressed women who eat a demon body. Alastor tosses a coin to a cat jazz player and swears after seeing Vox. He hates him so much, that his gentleman demeanor was gone. Alastor then saves a sheep demon lady from a butcher boar, kills the man, then enjoys the meat. (More to come)
  Part 20: Alastor’s Redemption – Mother Reunite and Heaven
                        The villains eventually get defeated. (Assuming no one dies a second time) Eventually, Alastor gets redeemed and turns into a human/hart hybrid angel. Alastor never forgets about Charlie and how wonderful a person she was. They share a hug and kiss before Alastor leaves with his mother and Charlie stays to rule Hell. He reunites with his mother and they go to Heaven for a while. Alastor hosts shows in Heaven, and teaches the Angels how to make jambalaya and do dad jokes (He remarks their food is plain and boring). Alastor and his mother eventually depart for the seven Guinee gates with the Loa after they are accepted at last by Baron Samedi. For the only place where Alastor truly belonged was not Earth, Hell or Heaven, but with his family and culture.
 Angel Dust gets to have private fun with guys in Heaven, while he continues to work on curbing his addicting habits. Molly, Arackniss, and Angel/Anthony reunite with their white spider mother Aranea. Husk finds true love with…Angel Dust! Husk performs magic shows for everyone and plays card games without betting as he has plenty of money and comfort. Alastor reunites with his mother and spends quality time with Mimzy before going to Guinee. (But Alastor will always remember Charlie!) Autumn, the Zoophobia deer and Alastor become friendly rivals. Vaggie reunites with her family (minus Valentino, her father) and marries another woman in happiness (but of course, never forgetting Charlie and what she did to help make their new lives comfortable!). Tom Trench, now mask free and blonde, hosts Holy 333 News. Zoophobia animal characters make cameos as denizens of Heaven. Sir Pentious or Baxter creates inventions and healing potion for the greater good instead of drugs and weapons and evil aquatic creatures. Roo and Cherri are BFFs along with Angel. Niffty marries a kind man in Heaven. All the characters take their time in healing from their wounds and experiences.
  Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Alastor, Baxter, Mimzy, Crymini, Roo, Villa, Tom Trench, Cherri Bomb, Arackniss and Molly all get redeemed. (Niffty may be is secretly evil). Charlie succeeds in redeeming sinners but eventually has to let her redeemed friends go.
 I.M.P. and C.H.E.R.U.B. are still in business for many years. Blitzo lives his musical theater dream and Loona is by his side, arm in arm with Crymini.
 Centuries later, Charlie marries a woman similar to Vaggie in Hell. Through a willing man, Charlie gives birth to two children who eventually take Charlie’s place as the Hotel managers when Charlie grows old. (Yes, she ages very slowly!) Her children are the next generation of do-gooders in Hell.
 The show ends with all the characters dancing and singing under rainbows while “That’s a wrap!” shows up.
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