#like with addiction to games like candy crush
powerfulkicks · 4 months
fucccccckkkkkk i really need to write that octet video essay that's been percolating in my head for years
#i totally get when tumblr users say a piece of mid media can fucking change your life#like there are parts of octet that are SO FUCKING GOOD.#and there are parts that are okay#and there are parts where i'm like really man#like i'm relistening to some of the songs rn#and this one portraying a conspiracy theorist that includes snippets of qanon drops#it's so good#and such an interesting glimpse into the mind of someone who believes that stuff#in a way that i think was done really well#and solo the song about both incels and being addicted to dating apps#the contrast between the two of them#and the way the girl expresses at the end her fear that if she rejects these guys that might be the final straw#and they might go on to commit mass murder#it's something i've worried about!#and it makes you feel for the incel guy without justifying his world view#and fuck the music is just so so fucking good#but there are some areas that i think are really shallow critiques about virtual signaling#and online activism#and some things that just make me roll my eyes#and there are areas that i think he didn't really go into or didn't really give the full explanation#like with addiction to games like candy crush#there's no discussion of the way these games are intentionally designed to become addictive#same with social media#and i think that would've been great to include and it's a little disingenuous actually to not include it#gives an air of blaming addicts for being addicted without exploring all the factors that might lead to it#and mental illness is discussed a little bit but again pretty shallowly#man i'm basically writing the essay in the tags lmao
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beecampbell · 1 year
people ask me what games i play besides the sims and it's always like... listen i play a lot of games, but you expect certain things that i cannot give you. never touched stardew valley, but have you ever heard of mahjong?
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 year
If you’ve never been addicted to mobile games it’s difficult to understand why someone would spend money on that.
As someone who used to spend money on mobile games to the point where I couldn’t afford soap once, those people don’t want to be spending that money.
Before I quit I spent a lot of my time thinking about idle games and spending money on it made me feel like I was making progress and it felt like I was escaping the mental trench I’d fallen into. In reality I was just digging myself in further. It’s a lot like gambling. You’re chasing the hope of good brain chemical releases even when you don’t get it.
Eventually I had to erase all games on my phone and take a break from video games altogether. I’m in a much better place now and I no longer play idle games and I can safely play candy crush without spending money now.
But like. I see people asking how someone could be stupid enough to spend money on candy crush. I know. It’s a compulsive behavior you can’t stop doing even when you want to.
It starts with thinking I’ll just do it this one time. And then that mental barrier is broken. It’s a lot easier to spend money then. And these apps work really hard to wear down your impulse control.
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lemonswriting · 2 years
hi hello
i am in need of mobile app game suggestions. (preferably some that don’t take up a lot of my phone’s storage.)
i will literally try anything, just suggest it to me pls :”)
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lvnleah · 30 days
010. | Insomnia and cravings
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word count: 1.4k
find the masterlist here!
February 22nd 2024 | 34 weeks pregnant.
The clock on the bedside table glowed beside you. You looked over to see it read 2:00 AM. You tossed and turned, breaths coming in restless huffs. At thirty-four weeks pregnant, sleep had become a luxury.
After your sickness had calmed down at around week twenty-five, you thought that the rest of your pregnancy would be smooth sailing but it wasn’t.
You’d had a few weeks of bliss but they soon ended once you turned thirty weeks. Insomnia had kicked in a few weeks ago and ever since it has stopped you from sleeping.
Every time you tried to get comfy your body started to ache. You’d get comfy, your legs would then cramp meaning you’d have to roll over, then you’d start to sweat and then you’d need to get up for a wee and repeat the vicious process all over again.
You envied Leah for the amount of sleep she was managing to get.
Frustrated, you grabbed your phone from the nightstand, its light illuminating your face as you tapped at the screen. You opened Candy Crush, your new game that you were addicted to, to quiet the relentless nudging from your baby. The light from your phone, however, was not so discreet.
Leah stirred from her sleep. She blinked groggily at the bright screen, "Babe, what are you doing up?" she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep.
You sighed, laying your phone on your chest. "I can’t sleep. Finley just won’t stop kicking. It’s like he’s trying to play football against my bladder."
Leah propped herself up on one elbow, "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I don’t know," you admitted. "I’ve tried everything. I think I need to rearrange these pillows again."
Leah nodded, her movements slow but deliberate as she adjusted the pillows. "Maybe if we angle these differently? Or try another wedge?"
After several attempts, Leah sighed and slumped back against the headboard. “It’s not perfect, but how’s that?”
You shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position. “It’s a little better, thank you. But now I’m really craving a Five Guys burger.”
Leah’s eyes widened in the dim light. She knew how intense your cravings could be, and when you mentioned something specific, it was often non-negotiable. Leah’s stomach grumbled in agreement; she hadn’t had Five Guys in ages and the idea seemed appealing, even at this hour.
“You’re serious about that burger, huh?” Leah asked with a half-smile, knowing you’d talked about five guys right before you’d fallen asleep.
You laughed softly, “I don’t know what it is. I’ve been thinking about it for hours.”
Leah sighed, as she got out of bed and slid her tracksuit bottoms on. “Okay, okay. I’ll go get you one. Besides, I’ve been craving their fries myself. They’re so addictive.”
“You’re the best, Le.” You smiled, leaning up to kiss her lips. “I really appreciate this. It’s just... I don’t know if I’d be able to sleep if I didn’t get that burger.”
“Do you want anything else with it? Maybe a milkshake or some extra fries?”
You considered it for a moment. “Actually, a milkshake sounds great. Maybe salted caramel?”
Leah grinned, already reaching for her jacket. “You’ve got it. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Try to get a little rest if you can, pretty girl.”
You nodded. “Thanks, Le. I’ll try to rest while you’re gone.”
Leah leaned over and kissed your forehead gently. “Don’t worry about it. Just relax. And if Finley starts kicking up a storm again, just think about that burger coming your way.”
With a final glance and a reassuring smile, Leah grabbed her keys from the dresser and stepped out into the cold night. The quiet streets of the neighbourhood were bathed in pale moonlight as she headed to the 24/7 Five Guys.
The trip was quicker than Leah anticipated. Soon she was back at your apartment, the scent of freshly cooked fries and a grilled burger wafting through the door before she even entered. She placed the warm bag on the nightstand with a flourish. “Mission accomplished.”
You sat up, eyes widening as you set your phone down. “You’re amazing. I don’t know how you do it.”
Leah chuckled as she sat beside you on the bed. “Just lucky, I guess. I didn’t even think about it until I was halfway there, but I actually wanted a burger too. I guess cravings are contagious.”
You took a bite of the burger, savouring the juicy flavour. “It’s perfect. Thank you. I didn’t realise how hungry I was until now.”
Leah laughed, “I’m sure you’ll be out like a light once you’re done.”
You nodded as you took a bite “I hope so. Finn seems a little calmer now too. Maybe he just needed a midnight snack as well.”
Leah laughed softly. “Maybe. You should try to get some sleep. I’ll be right here if you need anything.”
You nodded, settling back into your nest of pillows. Leah laid beside you, as you closed your eyes, and sleep came easily to both of you.
A few hours later, you were woken up by a little foot kicking you in the ribs. You groaned in frustration, growing uncomfortable once again, as you glanced over at the clock. This time it read 4:30 AM, meaning you hadn’t been asleep for very long.
You sighed as you looked over at Leah who was fast asleep on her stomach, jealousy fired up inside of you as you watched her sleep undisturbed.
She had it so perfect. She didn’t have two tiny feet trying to karate chop her insides keeping her up. She didn’t have the back pain and boob pain that you had. She could sleep perfectly fine.
You carefully shifted your weight, trying not to wake her, and reached for the phone you had set aside. As you tapped through your notifications, the gentle light from the screen made you wince.
Leah stirred again, her eyes fluttering open. “Pretty girl, what’re you doing awake again?”
You smiled tiredly at her. “Sorry, Finley’s just being very active. I’m trying to get comfortable, but it’s a bit of a struggle.”
Leah stretched and blinked at the faint glow from your phone. "Maybe you should try adjusting the pillows again to get comfy?"
You sighed and tried a new arrangement with the pillows, but it didn’t help much. You found yourself tossing and turning, unable to escape the discomfort. “It’s just not working! I’ve been trying for hours, and I’m so tired.”
Leah’s voice was soft. “I’m sorry that you can’t get comfy, pretty girl. I hate it when I can’t get comfy so I can’t imagine what it’s like for you while pregnant. I love being comfy and cosy”
You snapped, frustration boiling over. “Will you stop repeating the bloody word 'comfy!' It’s not working! I’m exhausted and nothing seems to help!”
Leah’s eyes widened, and she looked taken aback by your outburst. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make things worse. I just want you to be comfortable.”
You let out a shuddering breath, trying to calm down as a few stray tears slipped. “I know. I’m sorry. I’m just so tired and frustrated. Nothing seems to be working tonight. I’m aching all over, Finley’s kicking my ribs and I just want to sleep properly!”
Leah reached out and gently rubbed your back. “Okay, let’s try something different. How about I adjust the blankets and we’ll see if that helps?”
You nodded, feeling the tension slowly start to ease as Leah worked. Gradually, you found a more tolerable position. Leah settled in beside you, softly whispering, “Just breathe and relax. You’re doing great.”
“It’s just so annoying!” You groaned as you settled down into Leah’s side. “I just want to be comfortable! That’s all I want.”
“I know darling,” she whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple, “I so wish I could help somehow but I can’t. Only a few more weeks and then he’ll be here.”
You nodded, “I’m also banning you from the word comfy. You need a new word, woman!”
“Keira would agree,” the blonde laughed, “She hates when I use that word!”
With the new arrangement of pillows and blankets, you finally felt a sense of comfort. Exhaustion took over, and despite the restlessness, you found yourself drifting off to sleep, Leah’s arms wrapped and you and your bump.
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rachalixie · 1 year
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a/n: min told me that he had nightmares so i had to write about making him feel better
it takes you longer than you want to admit to notice it - the fact that minho doesn’t sleep in front of you. 
you don’t get it at first. you’ve slept together, in the same bed, and yet as you comb through your mind for any memory of a sleeping minho you can’t find any. 
he’s always awake when you wake up. either he’s propped up on one elbow, watching the planes of your face as you slowly rise from whatever dream you were having of him, or he’s up in the kitchen making breakfast. sometimes you catch him playing a game on his phone next to you, but he denies it and says he was reading the news. i can’t be seen getting addicted to candy crush again, he would claim, locking his phone so fast that you couldn’t catch more than a glimpse. 
but it stands - you haven’t seen him sleep. even with the amount of times you’ve laid over him and fallen asleep pressed against him, he’s never done the same. and you’re only realizing this now because his head is on your lap and he’s drowsy from the way you’re scratching gently at his scalp with your fingers and all you can think about is that it’s happening. 
his brown eyes are hidden by his rapidly lowering lids, the slivers of white getting smaller and smaller until they’re completely covered. his breath evens out and he slumps that much further into your lap and you don’t even want to move just in case. you keep your breathing even, you don't let your legs twitch even when they begin to fall asleep under his weight. you don’t want to ruin this blatant display of trust that he’s showing you. 
but as it turns out, you don’t have to. it happens on his own, starting with a hitch of his breath and the frantic movements of his eyes under his lids. it’s when he lets out a heartbreakingly small whimper that you realize - he’s having a nightmare. 
you tentatively move your hand back to his hair, hoping that the action that comforted him before would do it again. he relaxes almost immediately at your touch and you sigh, both in relief and worry. 
he wakes not long after, wide eyes opening and pink lips parted in a yawn that is so cute that you can’t help but coo at him. he scrunches up his nose in distaste, but his pink ears betray how much he likes it when you find him cute. 
“is that why you don’t let me see you sleep?” you ask, keeping your voice soft as if he’s a cornered kitten that you don’t want to spook. “you don’t want me to see that you’re having nightmares?”
“yes,” he says, surprising you with how readily he provided an answer. he never stops surprising you like that, you really don’t know what to expect from him until he acts. you love that about him. 
“baby,” you smile down at him to where he’s still curled up in your lap. “you know you don’t have to hide these things from me. i want to know everything about you, i’m selfish like that. let me.”
“i didn’t want to worry you,” he starts, trailing off a bit. “but you. being here. it helps.”
“then i’ll never stop being here.”
and so it happens again. and again. until it becomes kind of a routine - he’ll curl up on your lap like the cat you know he wishes he was and will blink up at you until your hand moves to his head. at some point it becomes second nature for you, your fingers gravitating towards his hair before you even have to think. 
and every time your fingers still, he whimpers a little in his sleep, stirring just enough for you to realize and start your ministrations again. every time he wakes up it’s with a smile, and he mumbles a thank you and presses a kiss to your fingers. 
you don’t know how to tell him he doesn’t need to thank you. you don’t know how to show him that you’re not doing something for him, you’re doing it for both of you. you don’t know how to reveal to him that the way he trusts you with his vulnerability makes your heart catch fire. 
so, you just keep up your routine. he’ll learn, eventually, what it means to you. 
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
How the Men Of Love And Deepspace Would Be On Being Fathers
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fathers, daddys, pregnancy, baby daddys, babies, baby rooms, morning sickness, fluff, love and deepspace, zayne, xavier, rafayel, lamaze, birth, pregnancy test, flirty, kuudere
Word Count: 2,292
Feature: x Fem! Reader
That moment when you show up at the hospital and he is in between surgeries. He has been there for over 24 hours now with all the wrecks of recently but you just can't wait to tell him. You let his nurses know to tell him that you will be waiting in the cafeteria until he has a moment. A couple hours have gone by and your play candy crush or one of your other addictive mobile games this week it might just be the new game that came out "Love and Deepspace". ;)
After time has passed you happen to look up yawning its nearly 9pm cafeteria hours are almost up but you see a shadow out of the corner of your eye. He is grabbing a few croissants and a few sweet treats then walks over at the table and sits down in front of you. Same Zayne you have always loved even though its hard to know what he is thinking you know he loves you in the little things he does for you. Like the fact he had already slid across the table your favorite pastry and coffee and he didn't even ask, he has been with you long enough to just get them now.
You take a deep breath then look at him "You're going to be a daddy!" You are so used to no expression so you expect it you just happen to tell him when he was sipping his coffee and he started coughing, it had gone down the wrong way because the moment he heard that he breathed in the liquid. After a few moments it took and he got his composure he looked back up at you. "I thought we been using protection and pills, you been on pills right?" You nod yes "Sometimes they aren't all full proof, you're a doctor you should know that."
He looks at you then sighs, "Well you know we financially can afford it but we will have to look for a bigger place and then balance our bank account and see what we need to take out each month on what we are going to buy for the baby's room. Then there is the care after they are born......" He trails off on this logic train you lean over put your finger to his lips "Shhh, honey lets take one day at a time. For now its to be happy that we are going to have a little one together. Tomorrow on we can think about the logics but for now lets just be happy. I mean you are happy right?" He nods yes, you know he is just freaking out under it all but you wouldn't expect it any other way than him trying to plan ahead to make sure you and the baby is taken care of.
He always goes out of his way to make sure you are safe and secure and he wants to do the same for you during your pregnancy right on into having the baby. You two think differently however this ride you will be on having a baby you will teach him to breathe and feel the baby kick, and he will be there making sure your lined up for the best daycares and have just enough diapers when you come home from the hospital. He doesn't always tell you how he feels but the next 9 months he will be the man who brings you home lotions to give your feet massage from where they are swelling due to water weight in the pregnancy. He will pick up you prescription on his way home for lunch for your prenatal. He is there holding your hair out of the way when you have morning sickness in the toilet. He helps you decorate the baby room with a more clean look to it but not to childish but with name brand stuff in the room.
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The day the baby is born it will be induced earlier since he was able to get one day off the clock to be there for you in the emergency room. He will be there holding your hand as you push. Because he is a doctor you won't have to worry about him being squeamish. He is there when they cut the ambilocal cord and he is the first one with his baby in his arms. Its a little girl looking up at her daddy in that moment you see a smile curl up on his face. If no one else can get an expression from him the moment he sees her she melts his icy demeaner and thats how she will always be wrapping her daddy around her little fingers.
You show up at his art studio day and you wanted to surprise him with lunch because he has a habit getting caught up in his artwork and sometimes forgets to eat. You step inside and see him painting away and don't want to startle him so you go sit on the couch and set up a little lunch picnic on the table for him. He happens to look back at one point sees you there and heads over to you walking over leaning in and kissing your lips first as he gives you a playful smile. "This looks amazing, also you look absolutely radiant today. Something new about you darling?" No sooner than he says that you think your sweet Raffy has been in tune with your emotions and feelings from the very start so doesn't surprise you that he can already tell your pregnant even though he doesn't know he can still notice the differences in changes in your appearance.
You nod yes as you pull out a box from your purse and hand it to him. Well Raffy loves getting gifts from you but he hadn't expected what was to come. Its a longer box so he is kind of surprised but smiles wide at you as he opens the box. He pushes the paper aside to see a pregnancy test sitting in the box. He flopped down in the chair and has a shocked look on his face. He starts to smile and looks up at you with tears starting to form in his eyes. "You.... Y-ou mean......I'm..I'm going to be a d-daddy?" His cute stutter was precious but with his actions, the tears in his eyes you knew you had picked the perfect partner to have a family with and spend your life with. You reach over wiping his tears out of his eyes and kiss him softly. "Yes my love, your going to be a daddy." He starts to chuckle a bit then gives you that sheepish smile he knows he did well to get you pregnant and you can see that gleam in his eyes he is proud of himself.
He is there every step of the way, you thought he was clingy before you haven't seen anything. He will make sure everything is done though, he will make food for you and keep the house cleaned up. Even though he is normally a messy person he refuses to be the reason you fall and get hurt or hurt the baby. He is sitting beside you in morning sickness wiping your face with a cool rag and handing you water in between getting sick so that you are keeping hydrated. He is all about going out shopping for baby stuff like cute rompers, and he will find little baby paint brush sets that look like paint brushes but are rattles instead. He will decorate the baby room by painting cute baby stuff all around the room. He will paint a underwater theme he did it with more of a kid friendly feel to match the rest of the baby room.
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He is set and ready to go. Those 9 months are just not gonna go by fast enough for him. He is super excited and can't wait to meet his offspring. You will go to lamaze classes with him and sign up for a midwife to do a water birth. So the day you go in labor he will have the midwife on speed dial on his phone so that she can get over there and give birth to your child in the garden tub you have in the bathroom. No matter how much Rafayel tries to keep it together he gets dizzy at one point and looks away but refuses to leave your side. He holds your hand through it all no matter how much you scream at him he doesn't leave. When his daughter cries for the first time he is in tears looking down at his sweet little baby. First words out of his mouth is "I love my baby girl and thank you darlin for giving us such a beautiful family." Now its time for selfie time he will take a 100 of photos of you and him and the baby before the nights even over because he will be so proud. He will take care of everything while you recover after birth for the next couple weeks.
You sent him a text seeing if he was home and awake. When you got a response back he asked you if you wanted to come up and make them some pancakes. You agree because you know he is better on a full stomach and well rested so this would be the perfect time to tell him. You get up to his apartment and even though normally he doesn't get too excited when it comes to food he is all in ready for it. So you decide to get creative and after you make the pancakes you draw with the syrup the word daddy on the pancakes well that didn't work. No sooner than you sat the plate in front of him he jumped right into eating didn't even notice the words in syrup. You sit across the table and you sigh of course now you have to go a different route.
"Honey, have you ever thought about having kids?" The moment he hears you say this he almost chokes on his pancakes then looks up at you like you have got to be kidding. I mean sure have you ever thought Xavier would be good daddy material, probably not but hey its going to happen your pregnant and he is your boyfriend. He gives you that curious stare he likes to give like he is trying to figure out if your pulling his chain or if your serious. "I can't say I have." He says in a hurry but then goes back to eating like you had interfered with his enjoyment. You look directly at him put your hand on his hand as he looks up at you. "Well we are going to be having a baby, I'm pregnant!" He just stares at you like he is trying to figure out how to address this.
He sits there eating as he does so in silence like he is trying to figure out what to do next. You sit there uncomfortable thinking that he doesn't want you and the baby now. After some time he finishes his breakfast then grabs your hand and walks you to the bed. Pulls you onto it and into his arms where he wraps his arms around you. "I'm not prepared, nor am I ready. I have never wanted kids or even thought about them. However I feel for you like no one else, so lets see where this takes us." He made you happy in that moment, yeah sure he isn't over the moon but he is also still staying by your side through it all. He goes to the doctors appointments with you and finds out you are having a girl he had no performance thought.
You two went to appointments and he asked alot of questions. Went to help you get baby stuff for the house and he asked you to move in with him so that you two could be there through out the pregnancy. Whenever you got sick with morning sickness he would teleport you to the hospital. When it came to picking out baby furniture he just wanted the items to either be accented in stars or lights or both. He strung all the lights himself so that you dont have to do alot of work he wanted you to lay low while he did most everything so that your pregnancy stay healthy.
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When it came the day you were to give birth you woke up from a sound sleep. So as he realized you were in labor he teleported you to the hospital. He wanted to be in the room with you but the moment they told you to push and the baby was crowning he got nauseated and passed out. When he woke up the baby was already laying in your arms. He crawled on to the hospital bed cuddling up to you watching you talk to you two's little girl. He looked down at her "She is so precious". you could tell he was interested in her even if he acted like he wasn't. When you got home you realized he had someone there cleaning up so you could focus on you and the baby. He still couldn't believe he was. He cuddled you two for a few hours and then he went and laid his head against you as you both snuggled up and pulled a bassinet next to you to put your baby in as he held you the rest of the night so you could get rest after the long day as well you felt safe.
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slippinninque · 4 months
🍬Sweet Tooth 🍫
Fontaine develops the sweetest addiction
Fontaine x blackfemreader
Content: fluff, crushing, cursing, mentions of smoking weed, long fic, ramblings, supersoft!fontaine maybe?
It was a way to get closer to you at first. You were a little skittish, but genuinely sweet in a way that was almost fascinating.
Every morning and every other afternoon he would run into you at the liquor store. Your arms filled with bags of gummies, chocolates, sour-stripes as you whispered a greeting to him as you slipped past him.
If speaking with others you knew, your melodic voice drifted over the rows of junk and juice until it hit him. Fontaine often lingered in a nearby section to listen to the clear ring of your voice.
He'd see you often walking the Glenn. You had a good, confidant stride but he hoped you carried some heat on you since he's seen you wandering at just about all hours.
He wanted to know who you were, what you liked besides all that damn candy and juice. Fontaine liked the way you laughed, he respected the easy banter you had with Frog and how you always happen to have a Milkyway waiting for the old head.
He spent weeks trying to figure out what the best way to approach you until it hit him one day at a red light.
"You got somthin' sweet?"
He was sure to ask the next time he saw you. Fontaine held his breath as you stilled, eyes darting around before settling in his face. He caught you when you down the street from the corner store, the sun just beginning to lay down for the evening.
"Um, do you like, um...gummy worms? Or-or maybe...here."
Fontaine held out his hand and you jerkily deposited a few Werthers hard candies into his palm.
"I hope they don't stick to your teeth, um, they're very nice lookin'," You cleared your throat before scurrying past him, "Haveagoodone!"
Watching you hurry off, Fontaine tucked the candy away for later as his mind wandered.
As time moved on, the more Fontaine engaged with you the more at ease you became. Candy wasn't the only middle ground he could meet you at, turns out.
The day he asked to give you his number was the same day he smelled the horrible grass he caught you smoking during one of your encounters
"I don't care if I gotta meet you by a dumpster, call me and I'll come drop it off to you. Smokin' that shit like it's okay..."
You mostly had him meet you at the grocery store or when you're going for a walk in the park. These interactions quickly became the highlight of his bi-weekly schedule.
"I can give you a lift." Fontaine offered in a familiar fashion once the exchange was done, already knowing your answer.
"No thank you," You said, faithfully, "I like the walk."
"And how is the walk today?"
"I think there could be a few more clouds, but it'll do for now."
Fontaine tsked as he joined you in looking up at the sky, "I bet they're waitin' up ahead on you--I ain't gonna keep you, so here..."
He reached out slowly and while your eyes watched his every move, you didn't stop him. Fontaine pressed a few strawberry Creme Savors hard candies into your palm and folded your fingers down with his own.
"I don't know if you tried this flavor, but I saw 'em and thought you'd like 'em."
Fontaine gave your hand a gentle squeeze before leaving you to your evening walk. You stared after him and then continued on, just wondering how he was so spot on.
Wasn't long after that when Fontaine came out the Coney to a bag of peppermint squished beneath his windshield wiper. It was then he knew the game was on.
He wriggled a long stick of Laffy Taffy in the spokes of your bike's wheels when he saw it outside the Post Office. You hung a bag of cotton candy from his sideview mirror while he was paying for gas.
Once you asked him with complete seriousness if he could hold something for you. Before Fontaine's mood clouded and he could ask what you've gotten yourself into you pressed a baggie of Frooties into his hand.
Fontaine stared down at it in shock. He only looked up when you could no longer hold in your snickers and started laughing into the crook of your elbow.
It felt good to play. Fontaine was already convinced that you had no angle, there was no game. You were a woman with a pretty smile and an iron stomach. It was then as he watched you take yourself out with your little prank, that Fontaine felt something right click into place.
Fontaine is with his homies when a familiar urge rises. He began patting his pockets, looking for his phone to check the time.
"You good, man? I got a light right here is y'need it?"
Fontaine declined the lighter, "Nah, just want somthin' sweet now."
"You heading out?" Big Moss didn't look away from the game but wore a knowing grin, "Wouldn't mind it if ya brought back some backwoods..."
Specs tsk from the corner of the couch, "Y'all ain't gonna be happy 'till your lungs burn the fuck up huh? C'mon over to the papers man, they got aaaaalll sorts of flavors..."
Fontaine's focus was on his phone as he opened up a new message.
[Got a craving, you got sum sweet?]
Lil'Bit: [not yet but i'm on my way to get somethin'.]
He frowned at his phone and stood up.
"Gonna make a run real quick, I'll hit you up on the way back."
" 'Fo sho!"
Fontaine didn't wait for any responses, only grabbing out his keys and heading out. A quick little turn down a few side streets and he came up on the familiar sidewalk that he'd see you taking to the corner store. You turned at once when you saw the headlights but offered a wave when you recognized the car.
"Now what I say about walking around so late at night?" Fontaine narrowed an eye at you when you closed yourself up in the Grand Prix with him.
"Somethin' about you not preferring it, but what did I say about what you had to say?"
He grunted, "Somethin' 'bout you not particularly caring."
You aimed your smile down at your lap. Fontaine sighed and decided aloud that he couldn't stay mad at you.
"Witcho sugar addiction and all that, can't hold it against you too bad."
"You say that to me as of we don't be checking out at the same time with the same stuff!"
"My junk is more crunchy shit like chips and peanuts." Fontaine defended as he pulled up in front of the low-lit corner store, he enjoyed the sound of you fumbling to parry.
"Oh, so what about all the Chick-O-Sticks you owe me then, hm? "
Fontaine parked the car and looked at you as if you grew another cute nose next to the one already on your face. You stared back at him, growing more visibly curious at his silence.
"Oh, that wasn't me."
And with that, he got up and out the car. Fontaine didn't have to wait long to hear your yelp for him to wait up and explain himself, he just waited until you were fluttering out the car and fussing at his fib.
The best way to make you comfortable, he found out, was to rile you up. Nothing serious, and he did nothing that could honestly hurt your feelings. Little teases and prods to make you repeat yourself louder or to push back against his obvious bluffs.
As you reminded Fontaine of the several times he specifically asked for your mini Chick-O's despite him having the chance to get his own, you both browsed the shelves.
"I recall that happening differently," Fontaine sucked his teeth, "You looked at me and said, 'here 'Taine, I got these 'specially for you'. Probably 'cause I'm cool as fuck. "
"Did not ," you laughed, "And why'd you make me sound like an alien? Was that on purpose?"
The both of you went back and forth over the shelves. Fontaine grabbed the bag of gummy bears you were targeting, adding them to his arm-pile as you humpfed.
When Fontaine went for the peppermint sticks--you snagged them quick and batted your lashes at him innocently. He narrowed his eyes at you but you paid him no mind, grabbing a bag of plain-wave chips and trotting along.
After grabbing a few more essentials, you both went up to the counter. Fontaine watched you expectedly and you placed your bounty to be bagged and rang up.
"It's bad luck to let a lady pay for her Sour Patch Kids." Fontaine mumbled with all the seriousness in the world as he dug out his wallet.
"Y'know that's what happened to Tobias."
You rolled your eyes and humored him, "What happened to this Tobias-person?"
Fontaine handed a twenty to the cashier and turned to you with a straight face,
"Dawg let his lady pay for her nails and he woke up missin' a leg. Damn shame. Was gonna go pro' and everything..."
"Ooh, so you're just saying stuff now?"
"Girl, what you mean? I got nothing but the truth."
"This is me."
Fontaine's brows lifted as he pulled to a stop in front of your home. A street he passed on the way to your regular drop-off, one you asked him to turn down for the first time of him knowing you.
It was intentional, being allowed to know where you were. Fontaine didn't take that lightly at all but it did make him very hopeful.
You gestured to the porch, "I wasn't gonna do nothing but sit on the porch and smoke, if you want to join. I have some iced-tea to bring out too."
There was a flare of excitement in his chest so great Fontaine had to tamp down his smile. There was a hesitance in your voice that made him want to reach for you.
"A'ight, bet."
He turned the car off. He gave you a head start and waited for you to open your front door and get inside before getting out himself.
He put the bags of snacks onto the low, wooden table in front of a porch swing of a similar fashion. As he made himself comfortable, he took in his surroundings. You faced an emptied lot of over grown grass and unruly trees, where there could have been a house.
If one were to walk in a straight line from your porch and into the bush. Fontaine knew a few streets beyond were your favorite corner store and the shawarma place he wanted to take you to.
The plants keeping him company varied from the long-vined and bushy-tipped. A small jungle that was could very well be ever growing, he'd bet you'd get chase into the house by bees often. There were no two matching pots and he could spy little figurines and statues of black fairies and cheeky gnomes peeking back him.
Fontaine imagined you on this porch and watching the clouds go past, popping gummy bears and sipping Arizona. Falling asleep beneath the growl of a storm, wrapped up in a throw.
"Sorry for the wait!"'
You gingerly backed out of the front door, a holding a tray with two glasses filled with ice and a pitcher of iced-tea. Fontaine chuckled when he saw a neatly rolled joint settled on an ashtray between the cups.
"This better be me." He said, pointing the blunt at you warningly. You scoffed at his tough-guy voice and made a point of snuggling, unbothered, into your throw.
Fontaine lit up and breathed in satisfaction. He knew his own product and was more than pleased to see you liked it enough to have it pre-rolled.
"Can I ask you somethin'?" He passed you the blunt.
"Of course!"
"How many cavities do you get?"
You laughed, used to the question, "I've had the normal amount, lets say that. I make my appointments, okay? I'm sure I paying for all the free floss and mini-mouthwashes there, anyway."
Fontaine snorted and accepted your offer of honey-glazed almonds.
"These are so good." you murmured, "Better than what they look like."
"Trick is that you gotta get 'em fresh." Fontaine winked at you, "This is the part you say, thank you 'Taine -- wit' yo' considerate ass' ."
"There we go with the alien voice again--is that how I sound to you?"
"Well, listen--not all of us can speak angel, a'ight?"
Your mouth dropped open and Fontaine actually winked at you. You choked on the laugh you tried to hold in and shook your head. No one would believe you if you told them Fontaine was so playful.
Yes, you knew about him and how explosive didn't even begin to cover how Fontaine could be. You've see him switch right before your eyes, dabbing up Junebug but glaring over his head at lingering unknowns.
Previous to him coming up to you and asking for some candy, like he wasn't the biggest man on the block, you believed that was all he was. Then again, you should have known better than to judge a candy by it's wrapper.
Now, you shared candied nuts and flirtations. Delicious moments where you found yourself hankering for more .
Conversation flowed as errant night-clouds grazed past the moon and you could swear you could smell rain. Open came the chips and candies, the blunt's cherry tip a ping-ponging third between you.
Worst movies ever seen, best albums ever heard. Places never gone and people you'd love to meet. Food preferences and how long is your 3-Second rule, really? Yes, you carried and no you had nowhere as many as Fontaine.
It was every little thing the both of you can think of, leading to big long side-tracks and deep dives. It only left you both wanting more to figure out.
The conversation lulled as you both listened to the cicadas and crickets that spoke up. It was quiet in your little pocket on the street and Fontaine could see why you liked sitting out so much.
He looked over at you. Your head lolled back and aimed up at the sky, a little smile on your face as you waited for the clouds to move out the way. Locs loose from the low pony tail now from your moving and the wind moved them in a way Fontaine ached most to do.
This was a sight he very much wanted to see again. He'd buy you every single Frootie in the nation if every night ended on a porch swing with you.
"Jus' beautiful."
Above you, the cloud excused itself from in front of the moon and Fontaine was suddenly thrown in silver when you turned to look at him.
Moonlight glinted off his teeth as he grinned at your staring.
"The moon...is beautiful." You said to him, understanding and agreeing all at once.
Seeing Fontaine nestled in the porch swing, one foot down to rock you both--it made you feel...tender. It felt nice having Fontaine be there and the possibility of it all had you moving closer to meet him in the moonlight.
Fontaine moved closer in turn, not making you wait. His focus narrowing in your face as you both were close enough to touch.
He smelled so good up close and enamored with the freckle at the corner of your eye. Your hands found each other and just when you wondered if the moonlight could make you warm--it was gone.
As if a curtain fell shut, the moon was gone behind another cloud just as Fontaine placed one of the softest kisses you've ever received onto your slack mouth.
You both tried again, when you weren't caught off guard, and it was even better.
Fontaine kissed you, hand coming up only to brush his knuckles down the side of your jaw, your neck, to your shoulder. You put a hand to his chest and toyed with the hoodie strings hanging between you.
You were kissed and kissed and kissed again. Fontaine helping himself to more and more as if you were his delights in his candy dish. You returning soft noises of encouragement. It was an exciting thought, being Fontaine's favorite taste...
A rough vibration burst your bubble and you made an protesting noise when Fontaine hurried to silence it.
You put a hand over his, "No, no, its okay. I'm keeping you. You have your boys waiting for you to come back--they probably thinkin' something's wrong..."
Fontaine's nose bumped your as he shook his head, "I'm where I wanna be, trust....but you work tomorrow, don't you?"
It was true. The late hour was in danger of turning into morning but the thought of parting made you want to whine. Still, though, there was a better time and you wanted to savor.
You kissed him again and licked your lips to chase the honey flavor.
"Go and catch up with your boys," You said softly, "You can come see me tomorrow. The back porch will be better, it has a really nice hammock."
Fontaine visibly perked up, "Tomorrow night?"
"Tomorrow night." you affirmed, "I'll have something heavier than candy and stronger than iced-tea."
He hummed swayed closer still, "Well, I'll be sure bring you something sweet."
Fontaine was going to say something but his phone vibrated again. He grunted, annoyed, and you stood. Fontaine followed begrudgingly.
He helped you gather the chip bags, wrappers, and other trash into one of the plastic bags. Adding that to your tray, he watched you go back inside as he made his way down the porch stairs.
You came back to the door and waved as he pulled off, haloed by the light you turned on.
That image that followed Fontaine all the way back to the liquor store to get papers and a few more apologies for the homies.
ending notes: this was a looooong time coming 🫣and I'm so sorry for the wait lol! this was good to come back to when I needed a lil' pick me up. I just wanted an excuse to have Fontaine eat some damn candy lol!🤭
Please let me know what you think and throw me some fluffy prompts of you feel like it! thank you so much for reading!
✨taglist: ✨@megamindsecretlair @thadelightfulone @mag1calenchantr3ss @cocoeffects @wide-nose-and-wonderful @8ttached @thadelightfulone @hobiesmain @thickeeparker @longpause-awkwardsmile @ms-angiealsina @educatorsareslutstoo @mysterychick93 @sageispunk@hunnishive@notapradagurl7@mcondance@longpause-awkwardsmile@ms-angiealsina@educatorsareslutstoo@miyuhpapayuh@mogul93 @kindofaintrovert@blowmymbackout @mcondance @kindofanenigma @eggnox
(forgive me if I forgot anyone I love you I swear🙏🏾 lol)
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icarustypicalfall · 1 year
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how cod men would use their phones
this is my first time doing head canons lmao if its bad just forget it 😭 i tried to be realistic but that was extremely dump lmaoo
warnings: none, totally sfw and maybe funny? 😀
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captain john price
honestly, i see him as the type of people who'll lecture you when they see you using a phone, while he plays candy crush and similar games on a loop when he's alone. he isn't much interested in social media, maybe he'll use Twitter for infos and What's up to talk with his team. Otherwise, he'd be a Facebook dad watching videos with that annoying laugh on full volume while cackling. Gaz tried to  convince him to use other platforms but it resulted in Price giving him a 10 minutes lecture on how bad social media is.
(john secretly watch tiktok video complications on YouTube)
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simon ghost riley
he doesn't use his phone much, he knows how it can be addicting and he has much things on his mind to worry about being social with others. although, he looks for dad jokes and have a laugh at them when he's alone. his camera roll is full of blurry pictures he took by mistake and screenshots of recipes.
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kyle gaz garrick
he's the youngest and the one who convinced price into buying a phone. i think Kyle is the the type of people who'd be popular on every platform, twitter, Instagram, you name it. he's funny (also really handsome 🤭) which makes it easy for him to have much moots and friends. He watches streams or horror stories at 2 am. (spoiler: he got scared more than once)
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johnny soap Mactavish
he watches shitty shows on Netflix to complain about them. he loves, and i mean really loves annoying people with stupid meaningless Messages when he's bored. if you are texting him, god be with you, this man makes 20 typos in a single word. he'd make comments on random posts to fight people for months.
"jus fer fun lass/lad"
(sorry if this isn't how Scottish people actually talk I've seen it around in fics 😭)
he looses arguments most of the time and asks Alejandro for some back up.
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Alejandro vargas
he uses his phone to call only, he despises texting and if he did, it'll be like this
you:"when shall i meet you tomorrow?"
although, he takes lots of pictures, sends them to you most of the time. rudy forced him to make an Instagram account and he ended by liking it.
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rudy parra
this cute man 🤭💕 he might be a military man, but he has a soft spot for cute videos of pepole taking care of animals. he'd watch them for hours. he doesn't use his phone much due to his job but he's keeps up with the trends and explains them to you if you're confused.
i can see him using this one a lot :3
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Phillip graves
he hates social media, he uses what's up to send to his shadows shirtless pictures of him. he'd drop the most heart wrenching pic ever and say"what's for dinner" (you sir 🤭)
he secretly loves watching those videos of reddit stories, he knows it's probably fake but he lives for the drama and enjoys it.
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i hope y'all like it, it's shitty and short lmao.
i Just got up from a nap lmao can't believe people actually liked my other work
shall i do other operaters from like Kor-Tac and ghosts? (and yes i know König is in Kor-Tac)
*just realized I didn't add tags im
✨d u m p ✨*
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manicplank · 6 months
What kind of phones do they usually use???
Phones (modern day)
Peppino: Probably has one of those phones you'd get in a box that comes with the prepaid plan. He's too broke to be picky.
Gustavo: Probably has an android of some sort. He's not a brand snob. If it makes phone calls and plays a few games, he's happy.
Mr. Stick: Now HE'S a brand snob. iPhone or nothing. He always has the newest one. He's definitely a phone addict, too.
Pepperman: iPhone. He likes expensive things and popular brands. He also has an iPad he uses for art.
The Vigilante: He probably has a cheap Motorola or something. He's not too keen on technology. He always needs help finding the weather app.
The Noise: Samsung kind of guy. Has the newest and most popular one. He'd get an iPhone, but every time he gets one, he drops it, and it shatters. He's too clumsy.
Noisette: iPhone. Has a cute case for it plus a screen protector. She probably even has a cute popsocket for it.
Fake Peppino: Has an iPad. No one knows how or where he got it. He doesn't use it for much other than playing games and watching videos.
Pizzahead: Another Samsung guy. He likes that he can play around with developer options and tinker with all the settings.
Pillar John: He has a Samsung, but definitely one of the Plus phones since they're bigger. He has big ass hands and needs a big ass phone.
Gerome: He probably has a Motorola. It makes calls and plays games. That's all that matter to him. (He's one of those people that's on level 1000 in Candy Crush).
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morurui · 4 months
Re: this post
I’ve pondered what games the nublar six would play and here are my conclusions (of course if you would like to add on to this post with your own ideas please feel free to do so!)
Darius: As my lovely mutual @albino-parakeet pointed out, Darius would be addicted to tycoon style games and I couldn’t agree more. I feel that while he was into more action oriented games when he was younger, but he gained a strong love for management sims as he grew older…has played YouTubers life and Zoo tycoon for more hours than he would like to admit.
Ben: Man this one was kind of hard, but I lowkey think he would love resident evil. Don’t even ask me why, he would he just would okay. Don’t ask him to describe the plot of resident evil to you, he will info dump all the lore to you (is this me projecting because I also know a lot of the resident evil lore…no…). (His favorite character is probably Chris Redfield.) Other than that he probably occasionally dips his toes into life sim games like the sims (Yaz put him on to it).
Kenji: I lowkey think he would be a Candy Crush god. I don’t really have a solid idea on what kind of games he would play, but I just know he loves mobile games, probably like geometry dash or something. Whenever he’s waiting for his next lesson to arrive he’ll just open whatever mobile game he’s addicted to that week and play it.
Edit: HE DEF PLAYS THE PAPA’S PIZZERIA STYLE GAMES. Wingeria is his go to game
Yaz: She loves life sims. She’s extremely knowledgeable when it comes to the sims and has played every single mainline sims game. I think she would also love animal crossing and stardew valley (stardew reminds her of Sammy), but she also dips her toes in indie games whenever she finds one that interests her.
Sammy: To be honest, I don’t really know. I don’t think she would be a huge gamer, but she would probably play Stardew Valley per Yaz’s request (they have a farm together). Oh and she probably loves the cooking mama series!
Brooklynn: Ace attorney. That’s it. Ace attorney. She has played every single game in the series (again is this me projecting…no…). Loves the investigation and courtroom aspects, but grew to love the world and characters. I can also see her playing some of the Nancy Drew games as well as older point and click investigative games.
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kittsenss · 5 months
⤷ crushing on b
how I grew closer with b
A lot of people have been messaging me asking how Ive gotten so comfortable and close with b, I’ll give you some things that worked for me and our relationship in general!! Keep in mind B has been teaching me for two years! So we weren’t close off the bat.
﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ 1ST YEAR ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
In my first year of him teaching me, I was very reserved and quiet (i’ll admit I only thought of him as just another one of my teachers, i wasn’t attracted right off the bat) We grew close after I helped B with a school event, during the breaks of our school event i chatted with him personally about school and personal life.
I am very talkative especially in person so I can have convos with anyone without feeling awkward!! After this school event, I felt more comfortable to break out in convo with him in the halls or during class! It also helped that our spare periods lined up so I would often bump into him or help him with his next period prep! Allowing us to initially get closer, during our spares I would help him with tasks such as cleaning up the desks, sweeping and even organizing worksheets!! To fill the silence I would always ask him his plans for the weekend or he loved to hear me ramble a lot since he found it endearing!!
I also really enjoyed the subject he taught since it was my strong suit!! So i often would get praise on my work and assessments! IF YOUR FAILING YOUR TC CLASS TRY TO STRENGTHEN YOUR KNOWLEDGE IN THAT SUBJECT!! THEY HONESTLY NOTICE AND IT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE YOU CARE ABOUT WHAT THEY ARE TEACHING YOU
I didn’t see him as much in my second semester so we weren’t as close before the school year ended!! What I do know though was that he was going through a divorce with his wife
﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ 2ND YEAR ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
This is the year where our relationship would take a turn!! We got more closer and our relationship turned more intimate and personal (no I didn’t sleep with him) i had this class where we were allowed to study any topic we want and by the end of the sem present it! My topic was really personal! So when he would proof read my work he would asks questions about my struggles and I opened up to him ( which allowed him to open up about some struggles he went through when he was younger and his divorce WHICH HE HAS NEVER MENTIONED TO ANYONE ELSE ) these intimate talks kinda built trust between us and in moments if i ever were to cry or get slightly emotional he would comfort me by rubbing his hand on my back or anything to calm me down! I’m not going to lie i would pretend i needed extra help just to spend more time with him which I do not regret since that help me find more ways to talk and be around him!! ( DO IT!! NOT TOO OFTEN OFC ONCE IN A WHILE)
This is kinda random but I love to bake!!! B loves sweet treats and candy so I would always carry a chocolate bar or any type of candy to give to him and he would even buy me gum or give me some of his!! ( gum addict right here!!) and for special occasions when i made cookies or brownies for my friend i would make one for him and package it pretty and give it to him!! He was very appreciative and gave me loads of compliments and always asked me to bring more!! ( if you have a interest in baking try finding out if your tc likes sweet things or his favourite dessert!!)
One thing that definitely changed the game for me was our music taste!! Our music taste is similar and he is a big music fan during class he takes song requests when we have work periods so when I asked him to play a song from this certain band, he was really happy to hear someone else knows that band and we began to recommend each-other different artists!! I started visiting him during lunch and show him a ton of playlists introducing him to different artists i liked and he would always pull me aside and recommend me bands he think i would like!! Atp i made a move and offered him to follow me on spotify so he can check out all my playlists instead of going through that process of trying to share it through bluetooth ( thankfully he accepted and we both follow eachother! )
I’ll create a part two on this ( its getting lengthy) and some of the situations we’ve had incase any of you guys are curious!! send me questions abt anything, i’d love to answer!!
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milijanakomad · 1 year
Product design and psychology: The Role of Grinding in Video Game Design
Keywords: Grinding, Video Gaming, Game Design, Player Engagement, Psychological Manipulation
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This paper scrutinizes the utilization of "grinding" as a technique in video game design, particularly as a method of psychological manipulation that affects player engagement and behaviour. Case studies are explored to deliver a comprehensive understanding of the practical application of grinding and its implications, all from a product design viewpoint.
The design principles governing video games frequently incorporate mechanisms intended to stimulate player engagement and prolong interaction time. One such prevalent mechanism is "grinding," defined as the practice of executing repetitive tasks within the game environment to achieve specific objectives. While grinding can evoke a sense of achievement, it also carries the potential to induce exhaustion and frustration among players. This study endeavours to explore the intricacies of grinding, its role in game design, and its influence on player experience.
Coined from the concept of persistently "grinding away" at a task, the term "grinding" in the gaming context implies the undertaking of repetitive actions by a player to attain certain results or to advance within the game. In numerous instances, such actions may not directly correlate with the game's primary storyline or objectives but are aimed at accumulating experience points, in-game currency, or specialized items.
Grinding is an omnipresent component across a vast array of game genres, with its prominence notably manifested in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). In these games, the player's progression and performance are often gauged based on their character's level, skills, and available equipment.
From the standpoint of game design, grinding assumes several roles. It serves to extend the game's lifespan by instituting goals that necessitate substantial time investment. Additionally, it fosters a sense of accomplishment and progression and can encourage social interaction in multiplayer environments. Despite these advantages, critics contend that grinding can lead to monotonous and ungratifying gameplay experiences. The considerable time commitment required by grinding may propel some players towards purchasing in-game enhancements using real-world money, thereby generating additional revenue for game developers.
Further, there is an ongoing discourse concerning the psychological implications of grinding. Its repetitive and rewarding nature might precipitate addictive behaviours and excessive consumption of time, mirroring the effects typically associated with gambling disorders. Through the exploration of these aspects, we aim to shed light on the complex dynamics of grinding in the context of modern video gaming.
Grinding in Gaming: Conceptualization and Design
Grinding typically refers to the act of performing repetitive actions in a game to attain a specific goal, often associated with levelling up, obtaining items, or advancing in-game skills. Although it can give players a sense of progression, it can also serve as a roadblock, encouraging players to consider alternative paths to progress, such as microtransactions.
Case Study: World of Warcraft
Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft (WoW) extensively employs grinding. Players often engage in repetitive tasks like fighting the same enemies, repeatedly battling against non-player characters (NPCs), or completing the same quests to increase their character's level, to gain experience points, in-game currency, or rare items. This grind contributes to a sense of achievement but has also been criticized for sometimes leading to a tedious gameplay experience.
Case Study: Candy Crush Saga
King's Candy Crush Saga uses grinding as a monetization strategy. As players progress and levels become harder, the option to grind through the game becomes more attractive. Alternatively, players can buy power-ups and boosters to surpass the grind, effectively translating grinding mechanics into revenue for the game developers.
Case Study: Destiny 2
This game provides an example of a 'loot grind.' Players repeatedly complete activities like strikes, raids, or public events to earn 'engrams' – randomized gear drops. The goal is often to collect more powerful gear to increase a character's power level.
Case Study: Old School RuneScape 
In this MMORPG, players might grind by repetitively performing tasks like mining, fishing, or woodcutting. These actions, though monotonous, boost the player's skill levels, enabling them to perform new tasks, quests, or create new items.
Implications for Game Design
Grinding, while a tool to extend game playtime and potentially drive monetization, must be thoughtfully implemented to avoid player fatigue or burnout. Game designers should strike a balance between meaningful progression and repetitive grind, ensuring the game remains engaging and satisfying.
Grinding, as a mechanism of psychological manipulation in video game design, can greatly impact player behaviour and engagement. Striking a balance between challenge, satisfaction, and repetition is vital to ensure a rewarding gameplay experience. As the video game industry advances, it will be intriguing to observe the evolution and refinement of grinding mechanisms and their psychological impact on players.
Sicart, M. (2013). Grinding in Games: Understanding the Appeal. Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, 8-11.
Hamari, J., Alha, K., Järvelä, S., Kivikangas, J. M., Koivisto, J., & Paavilainen, J. (2017). Why do players buy in-game content? An empirical study on concrete purchase motivations. Computers in Human Behavior, 68, 538-546. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.11.045
Blizzard Entertainment. (2004). World of Warcraft [Video Game]. Blizzard Entertainment.
King. (2012). Candy Crush Saga [Video Game]. King.
Bungie. (2017). Destiny 2 [Video Game]. Activision.
Jagex. (2013). Old School RuneScape [Video Game]. Jagex.
Yee, N. (2006). Motivations of play in online games. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 9(6), 772-775. doi:10.1089/cpb.2006.9.772
Johnson, M. R., & Woodcock, J. (2019). The impacts of live streaming and Twitch.tv on the video game industry. Media, Culture & Society, 41(5), 670-688. doi:10.1177/0163443718818363
King, D., Delfabbro, P., & Griffiths, M. (2010). Video game structural characteristics: A new psychological taxonomy. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 8(1), 90-106. doi:10.1007/s11469-009-9206-4
Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R., & Nacke, L. (2011). From game design elements to gamefulness: defining "gamification". MindTrek '11: Proceedings of the 15th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments, 9-15. doi:10.1145/2181037.2181040
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apesarecuul · 8 months
Oscar Isaac characters and video games/gamer!reader
Anselm one was inspired by @reallyrallyauthor
Steven Grant:
I know what you’re going to say. Cliche but he 100% plays animal crossing. It’s cliche but it is RIGHT. He loves digging up little artifacts and seeing them in the little museum. You will have to try hard to get him to play anything else. He’s not much of an action game guy. One night he’s watching you play Red Dead Redemption 2 and decides to give it a try. HE LOVES IT. Does he make any progress? absolutely not. Does he make you watch him play? absolutely.
Marc Spector:
Believe it or not I don’t see Marc as a first person shooter guy. He’s seen more guns and death than you can imagine. Why would he play a game about something he’s already seen first hand? I do think that once he finally gets comfortable he’ll secretly play games like Stardew Valley or Firewatch. He likes experiencing lives he hasn’t had. He won’t tell you that’s the reason for it. He is going to tell you that he plays them ironically. That’s why he romanced every character in Stardew…. To be ironic.
Jake Lockley:
We all know that Jake is an old man on the inside. He’s never been able to indulge in anything that really takes time. So when you got him a tablet for Christmas he didn’t really know what he was supposed to do with it. It was ok at searching up things but not as convenient as his phone, you couldn’t use it to call people but it was good for searching up cooking tutorials behind your back. Once when you got bored on a long car ride you borrowed his tablet and downloaded a few of those games that are riddled with ads. Merge Mansion, Candy Crush, Dragon City, etc. Once he gets it back he’s like ‘what the hell is this?’ And now he’s addicted like an iPad kid. Congratulations. I bet you feel proud of yourself 😠
Anselm Vogelweide:
He’s not exactly a ‘gamer’. Sure he has all the fancy equipment, VR, PC, haptic suit, tracking, etc. He bought it for you before you two even really started dating because you mentioned wanting a VR headset one day. He doesn’t deny that he was attempting to seduce you and you don’t deny that it worked. What made him start using it however was when you mentioned something called virtual reality porn. Look at what you’ve done. He now has access to even more porn. As if he didn’t have enough. When you’re gone for more than a day he pulls it out and tries to pretend it’s you. He wanted you to make a VR porn game just for him. You had to break it to him that you had no idea how that would even work. Don’t you worry. He will find a way.
Cecil Dennis:
Call of Duty. He has a ratty taped up controller that his cousin through against the wall. He loves the Story mode way better than online. He doesn’t like online because he enjoys the plot more than the competition. (he’s bad at the game and gets bullied) He doesn’t rage. He cries when he dies too many times on a hard segment of the game and either makes to sit in his lap while he tries to get past that segment or he flat out lays ontop of you. Face buried in your neck sniffling.
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blaintism · 9 months
headcanons about glee characters i think are gamers and what kind they are bc sometimes ppl talk about it and i have insanely complex thoughts about this
blaine: canonically plays a shooter game in season five. i think he’s a casual non toxic enjoyer of them, but really enjoys anything action adventure. keeps up with new releases and plays what interests him. has a ps5.
kurt: would’ve had some mobile game addiction like candy crush or cookie clicker type in the 2010s. likes more casual games like animal crossing and the sims but is the type of player to have extreme beef with some townie. hits villagers he doesn’t like with the net
tina: if you’ve ever seen that tweet about how girls will commit wars crimes in video games this is tina. devises terrible things for sims to go through. fucks around and ruins things in multiplayer games on purpose.
sam: canonically plays the shooter with blaine. i think that’s mostly the type of game you’d see him playing. has gotten really into fortnite and makes blaine play the fortnite festival with him.
artie: canonically plays the shooter in season five as well, probably likes those a bit. i can see him being into overwatch lmaooo. plays a lot of niche indie games on the side because he’s artsy too. huge steam library.
santana: gay little story games. life is strange type beat. visual novels. i peg her for this bc of the mention of her being on lesbian subtext blogs.
puck and finn: average COD bros LMAOOO. they play zombie games together. and in a current day au fortnite, apex, what have you
brittany: rhythm game extraordinaire and that’s it
everyone else: video games are mostly foreign to them (unimaginable to me haha). i imagine rachel having a weird hatred of them even.
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The music gets more intense — heavier bass, faster drums, and the shrill screech of an alien instrument he can’t name.
Lance smirks. Oh, hell yeah. He is going to crush this level.
Heh. ‘Crush’. Because this dinky game is an alien version of candy crush, basically.
Lance takes a deep breath, narrowing his eyes and squaring his shoulders. He sweeps critical eyes over the shining little animated pictures of alien plants, carefully assessing which ones are all lined up, ready to make his final winning move and —
The game freezes.
A loading symbol turns for a couple seconds, and then a green pop-up covers half the screen — preventing Lance from playing the game, but not from seeing the timer in the corner of his phone tick down to zero.
He lost.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
Now, losing a game to a pop-up is annoying. Be it for an operating system update, a text, whatever — all frustrating.
But this particular pop-up?
Oh, this popup is a thousand times worse.
It’s bright green (like, in-your-face, kelly green), with dorky black typewriter font, and a very familiar, bespectacled icon siting proudly to the left.
Lance grabs the pillow next to his head, shoving it in his face and screaming as loudly and for as long as he can. Of course it’s one of Pidge’s dumbass pop-ups, and of course it came up in the middle of his game. Because Pidge has an uncanny ability to know when she can be as annoying as possible, at any given time.
After screaming himself hoarse, Lance whips the pillow at the wall, sighing. He’s already lost, and it’s not like he can out-hack Pidge. The only way to get the damn pop-up to go away is to fucking interact with it. Ugh. He glances back to his screen, reading the stupidly persistent thing.
Your phone just got hacked, loser. LOL.
Lance scowls. God, she is so fucking annoying. He angrily presses the ‘okay’ button at the bottom, because it’s the one and only option. It clicks to a new popup.
However, I have just one question for you…
Lance hits ‘okay’ again, trying to get this shit over with. He wants to go back to his game, so he can finally beat the level. (It’s humiliating, but Lance is kind of addicted to candy crush-type games. There’s something about the deep, gravelly voice that plays when a level is cleared successfully, praising you for a game well played…well. There’s no action in space, okay? Lance is deprived. If a sexy disembodied voice telling him he’s doing a good job is the only action he’s going to get, then he’s damn well going to take it.)
(In fact, when he first was blasted into space, after the whole Sendak debacle, he was bored as hell in the stupid MedBay cots for a checkup that he played the game for hours, just to hear the voice. Of course, his phone eventually died, and then he realized that even if he did bring his charger to space, there was nowhere on the stupid space castle to charge it. He now had, in place of a phone, an electronic brick, basically, and that meant no photos of his family, no texts to look back on, nothing. And he didn’t know when he’d see them again. He’d cried for hours. Thank God for Altean mind-meld helmets that doubled as memory projectors, or Lance would have cried himself into space sans helmet.)
(But, anyway. Back to Pidge’s annoyance.)
Just one, teeny-tiny, baby question… the stupid popup reads.
Lance presses ‘okay’ for what feels like the millionth time, wondering what the hell Pidge needs so badly that she’s being a shit about it.
…Can you please bring me a sandwich?
Oh, Lance is going to kill her.
He’s going to kill her dead.
With a fury he didn’t know he was capable of, Lance slams the ‘no’ option as fast as he can, and continues to slam it when it just leads him to more pop-ups that ask the same question.
“For fuck’s sake, Pidge!” he shouts, after several minutes of unsuccessful refusal.
Ugh! Little sisters are so fucking annoying. Lance hates not being the youngest anymore. How dare the universe punish him for being an annoying younger sibling for so many years.
Gritting his teeth, he finally concedes, clicking the ‘yes’ button and scowling as a stupid happy face pops up. He stomps over to the kitchen — he knows damn well that if he doesn’t bring her a stupid fucking sandwich then she’ll keep sending pop-ups because she is a jerk — and assembles the most mediocre sandwich he could possibly make, taking care to pick the only plate in the kitchen that Pidge hates (it makes a horrible screeching noise if you accidentally scratch it with your nails) to place it on. Then he stomps over to Pidge’s workshop, kicking to door open and practically slamming the plate on her workbench.
She grins at him sunnily, placing her hands under her chin and tilting her head as if she is the picture of innocence.
How dare she. How dare she use the move that Lance uses when he’s being intentionally frustrating.
“Thank you,” she says sweetly.
Lance glares at her. “Texting is an option, you thick-shelled cockroach.”
She shrugs. “You would’ve ignored my text.”
“You could always — oh, I don’t know, make your own damn sandwich!”
“Not a chance, Lance-pants,” she says, turning back to her laptop. “Not a chance.”
Lance mimes strangling her when her back is turned, Homer-Simpson style. It makes him feel marginally better.
As he stomps back to his own room, he resolves to get her back. He may not be a tech genius, but —
He smirks.
He has four older siblings. Pidge only has one. Lance has been perfecting he art of driving siblings insane since he could walk — longer than she’s been alive.
He’ll get her back.
based on this post
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