#like why is there so many 😭
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mysweetkuromi · 4 months ago
x female reader fics on my fyp: day = ruined
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palarien · 4 months ago
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sketched this out at jury duty actually
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abnomi · 5 months ago
been trying to get back into animation
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original gif below ^^ teehee!
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kimmkitsuragi · 5 months ago
oh my fucking god i don't have any clothesssss
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ashleyloob · 1 year ago
this can't just be me but do you ever hear a YouTubers voice and immediately click off because you just can't stand how they sound and don't know why. even if the content itself is fine
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jazzically · 2 months ago
okay but imagine you are a researcher at the magnus institute looking through the archives for a paper you're writing and one of the statements you're using as a source happens to be on tape so you put it into the tape recorder and this absolute THEATRE KID of a millenial starts girlbossing his way through a spooky story about a soldier being slowly hypnotized by a supernatural mythical representative of war and at the end he abruptly switches off his dramatic voice and returns to "snobby scholar" disses the account entirely and throws in a random but clearly gay snide remark about one of his coworkers for good measure and the tape clicks off after a dun-dun-DUN and at the end of it all youre just sat there completely baffled at this chad of an academic who is apparently so annoyed at the disorganization of his new position that he must mention it seven times per sentence (along with the side comments about that other case with the guy who was haunted by an immortal spider and ended up wrapped in spiderweb post-death TOTALLY COINCIDENTALLY) like "well i can sure use this in my research because it has lots of useful verified information in it and definitely does not exist just so a man can spout his poorly disguised homoerotic yearning out loud into an outdated device full of lo-fi charm"
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anbaisai · 2 months ago
Has Mayu met Najma (Jamil's sister) yet? How did/would that interaction go? (I love your content. Please don't ever die❤️)
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I haven't figured out if/when they'd meet in my canon timeline yet, but they definitely would meet during the Al'ab Nariya event! Honestly I think they'd get along quite well given how both have :3 energy, meaning Jamil really will be terrorized by 2 cats once they meet...
He'll be fine though, he's basically a cat himself 👍
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(Also that last sentence I'm- 😭?? Anon really came into my inbox to give me eternal life and leave-)
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ninjasmudge · 2 months ago
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i couldnt stop thinking about the idea of a toww whos *extremely* manipulative. ive always seen narinder (when he was toww) as a prick, yeah, but fairly straightforward with lamb.
this version (mahendra, a genet) seems very nice on first meeting, and goat (ezra) was completely taken in, but he considers all his vessels to be his playthings. its a big shame he started falling for this one because they make him SO mad just by existing.
ezra is basically the opposite to lamb, hes not a natural at managing a cult, he uses fear to keep people in line but quitly finds it kind of distasteful, and he was completely duped by mahendras story of being the victim.
ezra cant help but let her live once defeated, and she wastes no time getting back to being smarmy. the two of them have a horrible but hot situationship going on
songs for vibes include grenadine by dreadlight for mahendra and used to the darkness by des rocs for ezra
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lixel-5 · 1 month ago
hi hello just because the narrator has a posh accent doesn’t mean he speaks fancy, he swears and stutters and doesn’t use many big fancy words ok goodbye
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psin314 · 23 days ago
Young Murat looks like a Disney prince
you know, i actually want to talk about it haha. so! here's a little chart
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over the past few months, i've learned that murat looks like a lot of people (actors mostly). at first it was my bestie (she said he looks like liam hemsworth), then people from tumblr (pedro was mentioned 2-3 times) and then even me (hardy by the vibes and lips and hedlund cus... just look at his sad wet dog face)!!
i think that's cus i made a guy. a dude. look at him he's just a dude.
upd: recently i found a new guy (from fight or flight). this time im scared/excited/something af cus this is literally HIM. how the fuck thats even possible aaaaaaaa.
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mammalsofaction · 9 months ago
Someone pointed out to me in one of my posts that the reason Perry was SO pissed off during OWCA files was bc he's jealous Heinz was spending time with so much of his co-workers, and Ive since been thinking about this and I genuinely hate how much this makes sense.
Obviously that isn't the ONLY reason, but. This is the second recorded time where Heinz ends up working for OWCA and BOTH times Perry spends the entire episode inexplicably grumpy and pissed.
You COULD say it's bc he's wary, he doesn't trust Heinz to behave professionally as an agent when he takes so much pride as an agent himself and incompetency pisses him off (true). Also that Heinz is lumped as his responsibility, and agent Lone Wolf hates being saddled to a person.....but these arguments crumble in light for a few facts.
1. Perry doesn't have THAT much respect for OWCA, and certainly not Francis, ESPECIALLY if they piss him off. See the aftermath of Undercover Carl. Its not a respect issue.
2. Perry knows what Heinz is like. He LIKES spending time with Heinz, and as early as the events in "Come Home Perry," HE knows that he can trust Heinz to always have his back. Its not a trust issue.
3. Perry is hugely supportive of Heinz reforming, and in MML, it's HIS money being the first and foremost funds provider for Heinz to start a time travelling agency. He likes Heinz turning tide fine, so long as he doesn't shut Perry out or leave him behind. It's not a Being Good issue.
So why was he pissed off?? Well. What's the ONE thing that upsets Perry, without fail, when it comes to his loved ones that isn't them being in undeniable danger.
Sharing. Perry hates sharing.
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scarlett-fever · 1 month ago
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was overcome with the urge at like 1am to draw a bunch of total dramsters ive never drawn before/haven't drawn a lot. i get so alenowen brained like its always those three + izzy + maybe a harold if im feeling adventurous. 😭 they're my favs but like. i enjoy basically every character!!!
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crowleylesbian · 1 year ago
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Name one couples activity that wouldn’t be more fun with your former employee/guy who’s life and love you’ve threatened countless times
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joshuamj · 1 month ago
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The Links (+ a Zelda!) from all the LoZ games I've played
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souvenir116 · 3 months ago
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[tw flashing]
are you Charles making a kissy 👌🏻🙌🏻 at Max son or Max making kissy faces around Charles daughter
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 11 months ago
My biggest flex will always be how I knew Neil was the more feral and dangerous one than Andrew this whole time even before tsc and seeing the entire fandom freaked out makes me want to kiss and hug Nora and just thank her for finally finally showing everyone and I’m not just crazy
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