#like when they pull up to the bar
settsu-hyodo · 2 years
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the ikkayumi dynamic: part 1/???
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shorthaltsjester · 11 months
the mighty nein - critical role
this is a place where i don't feel alone. this is a place where i feel at home.
#also with softer vibes. i offer They#every silly little brainheart found family deserves a to build a home edit#the mighty nein maybe most of all. thats my family#also the lyrics deliciously well suited to m9.#when jester pulls that. stupid tarot card for fjord. home or traveler. and there's a carnival wagon. and veth says Thats Us! . them#i just think about . the tower is their home the xhorhouse is their home the lavish chateau is their home the balleater. the mistake.#the nein heroez. veth and yezas apartment. the dome. fjord and jesters living room floor.#a bar with a silly name on rumblecusp#also like. the song has stone and dust imagery. gardens and trees.#the inherent temporality of life and love and how that holds no bearing on how greatly people can love. im losin it okay.#ive been making this edit for days straight with my computer screaming at me for trying to shove 143 episodes of cr into a 2min20sec video.#crying becuase. theyre a family do you get it. they were nine lonely people and most of them had given up on seeing their own lives#as something that might be good. something that might make the world a better place. and in the end they're heroes.#and it doesn't matter if no one else knows because They know they're heroes. and they wouldn't've believed that was true when they met.#rattling the bars of my enclosure. to be loved is to be changed#posted on twitter and want to get in the habit of posting here too bc.#general reasons but also bc . i have noticed some of the ppl liking/sharing it are also ppl who shit on my ops by vaguing about my posts#which is in general whatever but does leave a funny taste in my mouth.#critical role#the mighty nein#cr2#caleb widogast#caduceus clay#jester lavorre#fjord#veth brenatto#yasha nydoorin#beauregard lionett#mollymauk tealeaf#my posts
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nival-kenival · 1 month
I think it's fun, when watching anything Christian Kane is in, to look for any of his songs/him singing, because he does it a lot
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julykings · 2 years
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crying poem
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tj-crochets · 22 days
Hey y'all! Weird question time again, this time about push-ups! So I have a weird assortment of health issues, which makes most exercise in general somewhere between difficult, impossible, and inadvisable, but back before I got sick I was learning to do handstands and I loved it. Long story short, my new meds are helping, but it's been more than a decade and I want to work myself into being able to do handstands again without my arms collapsing and landing on my head, so I've been trying to strengthen my arms a little at a time So far, that's mostly been pushups*, but today I tried pushups with my feet elevated and that was significantly easier than normal pushups??? I'm pretty sure it's working different muscles, but it's also closer to a handstand, so have I been doing pushups wrong this whole time if my goal is handstands??? Also, are there other exercises you'd recommend if my goal is handstands? I want to really overprepare my arms in particular, because sometimes when my blood pressure is wonky my muscles are weaker than they should be, so I can't rely on them reacting correctly and I really don't want to fall on my head
*I also have a weird headstand trainer contraption thing that's basically like a shoulder rest so you can be upside down, like a headstand, without putting all your weight on your head? idk how to describe it but it helps practice the "being upside down" and "various torso muscles keeping you balanced while upside down" parts of handstands. I have no idea what it's called my mom was thrilled I wanted to do handstands and sent it to me
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legend-had-it · 23 days
nami and zoro instantly clock eachother as gay when they meet in Orange Town and it takes luffy about a week to remember that romance and attraction exists then Also instantly clocks them
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aftons-fursona · 7 months
jr’s midnight motorist is not a fucking bar jr’s midnight motorist is not a fucking bar jr’s midnight motorist is not a fucking bar jr’s midnight motorist is not a fucking bar jr’s midnight motorist is not a fucking bar
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gingerwerk · 11 days
Writing modern day Rosie and making him an absolute menace because I think it’d be funny
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abimee · 17 days
because my SAI is just wack in general and if i open a PSD in it itll hold all my currently open projects hostage i have to be veerrrryyyy careful whenever i go opening up other drawings for refference and its comical that i live in a minefield of my own art
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kingdomoftyto · 9 months
Rotating Simon Petrikov in my mind again...........
Right now I can only envision the F&C series ending in one of two ways for him:
Simon is persuaded to permanently move to Fionna's magic-free world--a chance to live the peaceful, scholarly life he was denied by the war and the Crown. We see that he can't relate to the humans in Ooo because they're so far removed from what humans were like back in his time that they might as well be aliens, but this alternate world would be just like he remembered his old life to be, and thus more comfortable for him to settle down in. Even if it meant leaving Marceline and the others behind in Ooo, I could see this being a real possibility if Betty somehow finds a way to go with him. It would require moving on irrevocably from one part of his life, but they'd get their simple, mundane--yet happy--ending.
Simon is forced to reconcile with the fact that reuniting with Betty is either impossible or not worth some terrible price. Maybe he realizes he's not willing to cut himself off from his Marceline and the little ragtag family they've built, even for a life with Betty. Or maybe accepting the mundane life for himself would also doom Fionna and Cake to a life of misery and broken dreams, and he can't bring himself to betray his new friends for such a selfish reward. Either way the result is that he returns to Ooo, to basically the same situation he was in at the start of the season, but finally free from all the regret and guilt and grief that was stopping him from moving forward and finally embracing the second chance that Betty gave him back in "Come Along with Me".
I honestly don't know which I think is more likely at this point OR necessarily which one I would prefer, because they both have pros and cons. I maybe lean toward the second one because I tend to hate "the magic is gone, and that's good!"-type endings, but depending on the buildup I could still see it working. Ultimately it'll depend on wherever Fionna and Cake themselves end up, and I have NO idea where that's going lmao
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monstersqueen · 1 year
no but do you sometimes remember how much ango loved his friends and how much he still does and how even though he knew that going to lupin could end very badly for him he still choose to go and how he expected dazai to pull his gun on him enough to unload it beforehand and yet he still shows up and you know he hoped he wouldn't
and yet dazai did and yet dazai went 'you won't leave here alive' and yet dazai didn't pull the trigger and yet dazai let him leave
do you suddenly remember the break up scene and odasaku thinking
Glasses were then gently placed before our seats. Usually, we would say cheers after that, but not this time. Perhaps that would never happen again.
I figured that was probably the last time I would ever see him.
and ango believing they wouldn't hurt him in this place and when faced with the possibility of being wrong just accepting it because
I wouldn’t want to cause any trouble here
and dazai saying 'go before i change my mind' and.
(and then you remember dazai saying goodbye to odasaku there in beast and then i need to scream)
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gu6chan · 2 months
Sometimes I think about my very short-lived experience watching Happy Sugar Life and how the only real potent "message" i got from it was through the fanbase with the realisation "wow okay so we are NOT past the 'women can't be paedophiles' narrative huh" because i remember so gleefully checking the comments only to be hit with shit like "they didn't have sex so i don't think it's paedophilia" or "given her past i don't think she INTENDED paedophilia" or the time i saw an rp blog for the mc like "I interpret it as platonic :)))" like mc wasn't dressing an 8 year old up in a wedding dress, grooming her, doing vows, kissing her on the mouth and making plans for how they'd elope and marry each other
Like okay, you're entitled to your interpretations ofc but at what point does it stop being an interpretation and start turning into cope because this is NOT the topic you want to do that with!!!!!!
#gu6chan's musings#the rp blog in PARTICULAR pissed me off (perhaps personally speaking as a mun who tries to be as BLUNT with this as possible) bc its like#some of yall really want to rp fucked up and problematic characters until they get actually fucked up and problematic; huh#like i get it we ALL have limits but MAYBE before tackling a subject so sensitive you could just..... maybe think 'this muse isn't for me'#instead of TAKING OUT THE MAIN FOCUS OF HER CHARACTER AND WIDDLING IT DOWN TO 'PLATONIC'???? do u know how insensitive that is to actual#grooming and CSA victims. maybe im overreacting!!!!! but literally; when it comes to this: do it straight or dont do it at all#it was an experience and as painful as it is im glad in a way it IS two girls because for an otherwise trashy anime it sure did open my eye#to how how high the bar needs to be set before women can be considered 'paedophiles' and not just 'awww; she's so fond of kids :)'#ESPECIALLY given the mandatory anime tragic backstory!!!! because the amount of people using that as justification as for why she WASN'T#seeing shio romantically was.... *crumples*#like yeah; right!!! bc as we all know victims don't become abusers at all and when they do theyre 100% aware of it#im just saying#y'all would NEVER have pulled this shit if it was being done with two dudes and it shows#'leonard isn't in LOVE with seere; he just made out with him in SR because he was projecting his grief. he doesnt know how to show it :('#<- how some of these bitches sounded fr#anyways its happy sugar life it's not that serious 😭 yall are still stupid tho
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magnusmodig · 2 months
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||. not me at midnight crying over the ending of 2011 again ... FUN FACT : t.h//or makes this sniff into a tiny little, strangled gasping noise because he's so in SHOCK and overcome with intense emotion over this moment and it's those kinds of tiny intricacies littered through he.ms//wor.th's performance that absolutely SLAY me
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masquenoire · 1 year
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I started thinking about something when walking back from town just now and the thought is that Roman would go completely out of his way to get ahold of a child he’s taken a liking to, even going as far as befriending the parent/s until a suitable ‘accident’ could be arranged. In swoops Roman, picking up the pieces and offering to give the child a good home, just pulling all the strings he can to get what he’s after - a heir to mold in his image.
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ddruxyart · 4 months
((totally okay you respond out in the open))
BUT YOU ARE SO RIGHT THAT THE QUOTE APPLIES TO HAMUKO SO WELL like already the plot is so unfair that she has to protect the whole world but then you think about how atlus treats her and completely forgot about her for the remake and ahhhhhhhhh i get so sad i miss our girl so much she deserves everything ;o;
ourhghghghg FR and dont get me started on the fucking remake. Sorry I'm gonna enter my hater mode for a second here.
It genuinely makes me so fucking mad. the whole argument for a P3 remake should not be a visual update. < Which thats what it feels likem to me. We have three versions of Persona 3, each with its own Pros and Cons but more importantly each version of the game has content that the others are missing. People constantly argue about which version to play and instead of finally creating a definitive version, with the answer, with femc, with all of the bells and whistles that both protagonists deserve Atlus decided to essentially do a vanilla P3² again. For fucking WHAT?? just so that Atlus can do another re-release in a year called P3 Reload in Moonlight or w/e?? It makes me SOOO mad. Bc I obviously want a version where Hamuko has her own cutscenes 3D Models & 2D Animated and if they do add her in later or as a dlc then I would reward/endorse Atlus BS tactics. < Bc I would be tempted, I would be lying to myself If I said I wouldn't.
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whyisablog · 6 months
Had a dream recently where I was trying to get home from boston through the back roads (roads that obviously avoid the highway cause i hate driving on the highway irl) and driving through cities both kinda looked like driving home from work and walking through a mall/trader joes/omega mart, las vegas you know the one.
Anyway after checking a map, which was actually somewhat legible though was far too short of a distance to be plausible, me and my traveling companions passed through this coastal town that featured a salt water cranberry bog maze as it's main tourist attraction. Since we missed out on the local traveling carnival, we said fuck it, and decided to try it out.
The idea here was to go through the maze on your little paddle boat- imagine an innertube from a roaring rapids theme park ride but swan boat style -through the deep water with not only the bog spiders in mind, but also the cranberry dolphins that not only looked and acted like mini orca whales, but frequented the maze with the sole intent to terrorize patrons. Mostly because these paddle boats had open bottoms like flinstones cars and peoples feet looked like delicious, delectable swedish fish to these guys, but that's beside the point. (This was also, very much, a large part of the point.)
These dolphins immediately were the main concern over the bog spiders, as you can imagine. As soon as we found out about the dolphins, we paddled towards the exit.
The dolphins then capsized our vessel and we were forced to wade to the docks for safety.
My favorite part about this was not the burgandy psuedo orcas, but the little nature walk/dangerous jungle style signs warning us about them and the bog spiders, despite the spiders not even making an appearance, though the signs were kind of small and too far away from where the boats tended to travel to be great warnings... Also the cranberry bog looked more like an overgrown yet nicely organized saltwater marsh but taller and more jungle like.
#the visuals had me on the edge of my seat though#like the main voyage was immediately set aside for the side quest that was Cranberry Bog#also on the way to the city that had the cranberry bog there was a funhouse mirror style hall of elevators at this mall we stopped at#we were on our way down from the food court and had to use an elevator as you do#but for some reason the elevators in my dreams are incredibly fucked up#like sometimes they stop halfway or get pulled up when you want to go down#or drop through the ground instead of go a floor down like you wanted it to#anyway this hall of elevators was just#you know when you get to where the elevators are and there are like 6 elevators#there had to be at least eight on either side of this hallway and in each elevator the car was at varying degrees of stuck in the shaft#one of them was blocked off entirely because there was no car#a few of them the people inside them were stuck either half way up or halfway down and they were on their phones complaining#that they'd been stuck there for hours#this one lady said yeah I've been stuck here since 2002 i don't think you should use any of the elevators.#we ended up taking the stairs#which were also like a minecraft parkour#but im not about to get into that lol#also my dreams feature a lot of milkshake bars and im so totally into that oh my god#and driving to the grocery store#oh yeah there was also this one scene in my dream where i was walking down the street from this burger joint and i passed this guy#he was standing outside this pay to park car park selling free puppies for a dollar#and this girl walks past and she says oh i dont have any cash#just cards#and he says yeah thats fine it'll be 5 dollars.#he scams her out of 220 dollars leaving her with only 2 cents and doesnt even give her the dog#anyway haopy 2024 you guys cant wait to tell you more dreams#hey should i make a tumblr thats just a dream journal about my dreams? that would be dope#i know onetimeidreamt exists but thats not all HER dreams. im talkimg about a tumblr of just MY dreams#thats probably already been done but fuck it#sorry if the tags got a little long the dream itself had too many moving parts and i didnt want to make it too long
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