froggieboisposts · 17 days ago
I'd like it if someone took my spine away from me, please and thank you
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moxleyhorror · 1 year ago
First Time For Everything: Otis Driftwood x Fem OC *NO SMUT*
Pairing: Otis x Fem OC
Summary: Anna has been best friends with Baby since they were little, always known about what happens at the Firefly home. One night, Otis decides to give Anna the chance at some well deserved revenge on her dad.
Word Count: 1330
Warnings: Blood, gore, mentions of child abuse
So my first time posting a fic that I am actually really happy with. I've posted 2 versions, one with smut and this one without, for the people who don't like to read smut. Only the ending is different. Hope you enjoy, and any tags that I have missed, let me know :) I also want to mention, I DO NOT CONDONE ANYTHING THE FIREFLY FAMILY DO. This is a work of fiction and that is all.
“Anna get up” Baby shook the sleeping girls’ arm, but she didn’t stir, “Bitch, get the fuck up” Baby raised her voice louder and dragged the blanket off her friend, scowling as Anna’s naked, slim and very bruised frame was uncovered, “Wow, he really did a number on ya this time didn’t he”. Anna stretched her arms in the air with a yawn, her muscles were cramped and aching, a sensation that she was well and truly used to now. Baby had snuck into Anna’s room on multiple occasions in the middle of the night, so Anna wasn’t surprised to see the blondes grinning face, her blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. “What’s wrong?” Anna swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, “Otis has a surprise for you” Baby hopped from foot to foot excitedly, “He’s waiting downstairs”. Anna picked up a t-shirt from the floor and pulled it on over her head, it fell just far enough to cover her ass, “That’s fine we aren’t going out” Baby said as Anna reached for the clothes pile again. She shrugged and combed her fingers through her hair as the two girls headed for the door.
Otis was sat on the couch in the sitting room, toying with the knife in his hand as he waited for the girls, a strong buzz of anticipation running through him. He looked up as the girls entered, his gaze drifting over Anna’s body, enjoying the way the t-shirt clung to her curves and showed off her long legs, “So what’s this all about?” Anna slumped down onto the couch beside Otis, who reached out and gently touched the dark bruise on her cheek, “Why’d he do that?”. Anna pushed his hand away, “I dropped his beer” Anna shrugged. Otis clapped his hands together with a grin, “Well this will definitely cheer you up then” he took Anna’s hand and stood up, pulling her with him.
 Anna was led into the kitchen, Otis dropped her hand and switched on the light. It took a moment for Anna’s eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness, and then her mouth fell open. Her dad, Chris, was lying, gagged, with his wrists and ankles tied to each leg of the table in the middle of the room, wearing nothing but his underpants. He looked at Anna with wide eyes, struggling against his restraints as Baby skipped over to him, leaning over his head with a grin. Otis stepped behind Anna, placing his hands on her waist and pulling her into him, “Think of this as revenge” he whispered, “All that pain he has caused you, you can now do to him” Anna’s heart was beating rapidly, sweat beading on her forehead, “I couldn’t” she spoke quietly, but even as the words left her mouth she knew it was a lie.
Since the first day Anna had discovered what went on in the Firefly house, she had imagined her dad being there, tortured by Baby, turned into art by Otis, and then chopped into little pieces and fed to the dogs. Somehow, even that didn’t seem like enough to make up for the years of pain that Chris had caused Anna. So, when presented with this golden opportunity to enact her revenge, Anna’s heart wasn’t going crazy out of nervousness, it was out of excitement. Baby was toying with Chris’ hair, wrapping the dark locks around her finger, and tugging harshly, giggling to herself, “He’s funny” she said, pressing her finger into his nose, “If you don’t want to play, then I will”. Baby pulled her knife from the waistband of her jeans, the blade shining, “Wait!” Anna put her hand up, “Give me a knife”. Baby jumped on the spot, clapping her hands together as Otis chuckled and handed Anna his knife, “This is going to be so fun!” Baby cried. Anna circled the table, weighing the knife in her hand, not sure where to begin. Chris’ eyes followed her, tears spilling down the sides of his face, “Aww he’s crying” Otis pouted, “Ya gonna piss yourself too?” he jeered, leaning against the kitchen counter.
Anna stopped beside Chris’ head and pulled the tape from his mouth, “Please Anna, sweetie” Chris immediately pleaded, “I’m your dad, you don’t want to hurt me”. Anna scowled at him, pushing the tip of the blade into the wood of the table, “Why wouldn’t I want to hurt you? You’ve hurt me, plenty of times” Chris opened his mouth to say something, but the words were lost as Anna ran the blade down his throat, “Have mercy” his voice was barely a whisper. Anna froze, “Mercy?” she rolled the word on her tongue slowly, not taking her eyes from Chris’. The stomach-churning scream that fell from his mouth as the blade punctured his shoulder was like music to Anna’s ears, along with the satisfying feeling of the knife cutting through skin, soft tissue, and bone, sent shivers down Anna’s spine.
Otis watched Anna’s face carefully, smirking as he caught the change in her eyes. Not the usual desperate break of a victim, as they realised their life was over. This was different. It was like a switch had flipped inside Anna’s mind, allowing all her nasty, grotesque thoughts to finally roam free. Otis had noticed small slips into Anna’s true personality for years, it just took a little push to set her free. A sense of relief washed over Anna as she pulled the knife from Chris’ shoulder, blood pouring from the wound and dripping down to the floor, pooling at Anna’s feet. Chris’ screams turned to quiet sobs, Anna circling him again, “Why didn’t you show me mercy?” she asked, “Like that time you broke my leg for making a mess on the carpet”, “You had to be punished” Chris stuttered, “I was four years old!” the knife plunged into Chris’ knee with a crack as it split his knee cap. The feeling was exhilarating to Anna, who quickly attacked Chris’ other knee, burying the knife so deep his legs were almost severed completely. Anne removed the knife agonizingly slow, twisting it as Chris writhed beneath her, “He’s not going to last much longer, with wounds like that” Otis piped up, “We can keep him alive a little longer if you want”. Anna shook her head, “He’s not worth the effort”. She stood at the top of the table, staring down at her dad’s face, the tip of the blade at his throat, “You wanted mercy” she said, “This is me giving you mercy”. Anna plunged the knife into Chris’ throat, his cry cut off as the blade cut into his voice box. He coughed and spluttered, sending blood flying into Anna’s face and down her t-shirt.
She did it again, and again, and again, and again. Her swings becoming more and more frantic each time, until finally, Chris’ head dropped to the floor with a wet smack. There was silence for a few moments before both Otis and Baby began to clap, “Bravo” Otis laughed stepping towards Anna who stood, staring at Chris’ headless body, covered head to toe in splatters of blood, breathing heavily, “How do you feel?” Baby said grabbing Chris’ head from the floor and holding it up. Anna looked between her two friends, a small smile creeping up her face, “That, was amazing!” she cried, “It was so exhilarating”. Otis looked at her proudly, “Your finally free”. Anna looked at him, “Yeah, I’m free”, “I like Mercy” Otis said thoughtfully. Anna looked at him quizzically, “New life, new name” Otis shrugged. Anna played with the name in her head for a moment before smiling, “Mercy” she nodded and grabbed the front of Otis’s shirt, pulling him into a heated kiss. After a moment she pulled back, “I’ve always wondered what that was like” she smiled. Otis wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her close, “Shouldn’t have waited so long mama”.
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can i just say that the term "blistering headache" is a term that feels so inextricably human. like first things first, it's a term that uses metaphorical language, it's slang basically, because it's both used in day-to-day language, but it's also not literal, it's a headache that feels like an injury. that'd already be enough even if it would be kinda boring, but it doesn't stop there, blisters are a byproduct of ill-fitted shoes where the back rubs up against your heel and causes what is basically a rash, or a burn, except it stings more than anything thus it doesn't fit under either of those descriptions, a rash feels itchy, and a burn feels lasting, but a blister is a series of little pains building up to irritation over time resulting in discomfort and a physical mark to say "get better shoes, bitch". when something blisters it's not sudden but it builds like an orgasm, except where the later would bring relief when the peak happens, when you take off the shoes that are giving you blisters, it feels like unfusing a turtles shell from it's body, and then when it's left sitting there it feels like an open wound, like it should be wrapped up in something, often times a blister happens because you didn't wear socks, but sometimes it's an issue of the socks riding too low, or the socks being too thin for the shoe, unfurling the layers when you have a blister feels like tearing off an exoskeleton.
when you're getting a headache that you describe as blistering, it's doing more for the description of that headache than simply "my head is on fire" or "everything is overwhelming" it's saying "my head is beginning to hurt, and it's only getting worse." it's your brain being battered slowly by outside means, and the fatigue from being unable to fight off one of the worst types of pain is horrible. there's plenty of horrifying ways of getting hurt, but when something is internal that's when it's the most existentially horrifying, if you have a cut or a gash, you can get that cleaned and covered and it'll likely heal if you give it enough time, you can see it, it's tangible. if you break a bone it's scarier because unless it's something that is sticking out of your body or is physically noticeable despite your skin and muscles, the pain feels like it's something you can't communicate correctly, and until you get that x-ray it's existence is entirely based around your experience of it, it's agonizing. except for something mental it won't show up on an x-ray, it can leave you catatonic for hours, it can make it impossible to hear something without it feeling like torture, it can ruin so much for you with so little effort.
And it's all something you can't see, even just comparing a headache to a broken bone feels silly because everyone is capable of getting headaches, but not everyone will experience a migraine in their time, even comparing a migraine to a headache sounds like it's trivializing it, but mental pain is just as real as physical pain, if you break a bone it's horrifying, but if you get a migraine, it's something you aren't really allowed to be scared of, if you feel the signs of something like internal pain coming on, whether it's muscle cramps, period pain, migraines, hell even psychotic episodes, those aren't physical things you can see on an x-ray, but while they all vary heavily, some can be on the same level as broken bones, pain is relative in that fashion, and it's all frightening on some existential level, because what is the cause of pain if not our own bodies betraying/helping us, often times virus's aren't the cause of our death when we catch them, it's the bodies response in trying to kill the virus, trying to save us, and yet it still betrays us in the process, it hurts us, it kills us.
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years ago
OM Boys V.S Cramp Simulator (HCs)
So if you don’t know, there’s this nifty little machine that administers electric shocks in increasing amounts to make muscles contract beneath the pads- thus simulating cramps one may get for various reasons, but mostly menstrual ones
So number 1, if periods make you uncomfortable, this is not a piece to read as references to it are made.
Also, here's a video of this in action
One last reminder- everybody experiences pain differently, and because of that and this is the Devildom- the machine is magically connected to your pain levels, so they know exactly what you go through.
Although this focuses more on an afab reader, I encourage those who find this topic humourous and won't cause them discomfort to read on.
So here's the boys reacting to this lovely little thing upon one of the boys- (you can choose your least favourite-) saying oH It cAn'T bE thAt bAd-
MC lets show these bitches- and Luke here's the control-
(Both MC and the boy is hooked up) (Also GN! reader still!)
- Wishes to understand where you are coming from, and also doesn't quite understand the extent of pain some may experience
- When it turns on, he feels it, but makes no indication, seeing as MC had no reaction to it
- He tries to keep up his facade for a while, in awe of MC as they continue to shrug it off.
- "Oh what level is at now? 50%? oh yeah this is close to my uh....second lightest day."
- Excuse me?
- Yes he's sweating but he'll be damned twice if he admits it
- "You ok Lucifer? You can be done if you want."
- He just shakes his head and clenches his teeth, not trusting himself to be able to talk without stuttering or betraying the amount of pain he is in.
- Has his hand over his mouth and his brow is slightly furrowed and he paces at 70%
- "Lucifer you can be done...this is about what it's like on my second to heaviest day. or when I get a really bad cramp from out of the blue"
- He shakes his head again he is going to try and ma- OH FUCK
- He audibly groaned and was embarrassed, MC having done no more than an uncomfortable facial expression.
- He taps out, finding it more embarrassing to struggle than not making it all the way
- Good job Lucifer, one of the few to make it above 60%, making it to 80%
- You find the next time you experience these symptoms he is more sympathetic and will help you with your homework more so you have more time to focus on yourself.
- Hypes himself up only to panic
- Won't try it until MC tries it first...I mean they've been through it before, they should be fine, right? Which means if some dumb human can handle it so can he-
- "Oi this ain't bad, I don't even feel anything." "That's because it's not on."
- Jumps and yelps a bit when it does turn on "OI OI MC TURN IT OFF-" he squirms a bit and then grabs a pillow to hug
- You laugh a bit “Oh come on Mammon, I thought you liked a little bit of pai-” “NOT THE TIME MC” “Mams, its only on 10%! I can’t even feel it!”
- Will tell you to shut up, also has Lord Diavolo on the phone or in the room so he can confirm that you’re not lying
- Really wants to show you how strong your first man is, but instead you have him groveling at your feet, begging you to turn it off at 50%
- Honestly not that bad, passing grade Mammon! Good job! 
- He cried when he heard they were doing this
- Already knows its gonna hurt and that periods suck, he really doesn’t want to, but will try so he can understand his normie a little better
- In his demon form as you attach the little pads to him, his tail quickly to wrap around your hand as soon as you’re done hooking him up and squeezing it slightly
- Oh...oh wait you turned it on? Oh this isn’t too’s no worse than when he eats too many snacks and energy drinks on gaming nights
- Which of course...isn’t comfortable, but he’s holding your hand, so he’s distracted like he would be if he was gaming
- You turned it up, impressed that he had such a lack of reaction, regretting it as he squeezed your hand tighter “Hey- woah Levi that hurts!” “S-sorry! It hurts me too!” “YEAH NO SHIT”
- He tries to relax, but you turn it up without warning and he is writhing “MC TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF-” he is laughing and crying, not a pleasant mix when you already have something contracting your muscles for you
- You turn it off and he kinda hugs a pillow and “glares” at you before pouting “ really have to go through that every month?”
- You nod “Uh yup. And you were only at 30%. Now imagine that combined with bloating, acne, bleeding-” you continue to list off symptoms
- “oh....well um..I-I don’t know if it helps...but you can use my beanbag chair and ruri-chan pillow whenever you like.”
- Was aware of the menstrual cycle and the side effects it had, but wanted to understand your pain so he would be more able to help you
- Also wants to surpass Lucifer
- Tells you you don’t have to be hooked up, he believes you and you shouldn’t have to go through it more than you already have to
- Did not expect the lowest level to already have felt something- you seemed so non-chalant about it though, but he acknowledged this may be harder than he thought originally
- He describes it as mildly uncomfortable up until 40%, he runs a hand through his hair and glances at you
- “Yeah on day three this is kinda just...the constant ache-” “Wait I thought there were breaks in the pain-” “ really depends on the person, but there’s an underlying ache that’s always just...there..and the cramps come and make it worse, but the aching is easy to ignore usually.”
- Tries to carry a conversation about the other symptoms that come with having a period, a pained groan leaving him once you got to 70%
- “You can be I was telling Lucifer this is just like cramps on my second to worst day..they can get worse, but it depends...I’ll just shut it o-” “Nope-... I want to know....then maybe I’ll be able to help you better as well” he speaks through clenched teeth
- you decided to hook yourself up at this point so you could gauge what its like after 80%, Satan begging you to just crank it all the way
- You do and holy fuck no thanks ok time to turn it off-
- Both of you groaned and you laughed afterwards- however Satan was not sitting up again
- “ ok?” “.....No...” you rubbed his back slightly “ beat Lucifer..” he raised one arm in celebration but did not move again for a while
- Nu-uh
- Nope
- MC, he has seen the mess you can become on your period, he helps ya take care of your skin as well as those nasty cramps, he does not need to feel them too-
- Oh you know what, he has to go do...a thing-
- You finally get him to agree to try it, but he’s a little pouty about it, you better pay him back MC~
- Grabs a pillow before the thing even starts, and when it does he just sighs and whines dramatically, though he has to admit 10% really isn’t that bad
- He’ll let you turn it up to about 30-40% and he gets giggly, the pain there, but not..not too uncomfortable
- 50-60% it starts to actually hurt for him, but just barely...I mean he’s the Avatar of Lust, he has to have some damn good pain tolerance by now-
- He could easily go past 80%, but cuts you off at 70%, over-dramatically draping himself across you as he fawns over how strong you are for being able to put up with that for so long, but also how could you convince him to be hurt like that MC? :/ Will very easily forgive you if you give him a bunny kiss or cuddles though-
- Wants to know how it feels because he is precious babie and just wants to help you
- And the best way he can help you is understand your pain
- However it would be a lot more effective if this tank of a man could actually feel the shocks
- He just snackin on his chips 
- “Did you turn it on yet?” “Beel it’s on 40%” “Oh...” “I told you I was turning it on...” “ chips are too loud...” “You can’t feel it?” “ yet...though I’m sure it’s still painful for you....”
- He finally feels it at 60%, describes it as “tingly”
- Sees that you’re uncomfortable and asks you to take off the machine with pleading eyes...he can’t stand to see you even just a little uncomfy MC please listen-
- You do, and as you turn it up, he starts to get uncomfortable as well. He makes it to 80% and looks at you tearing up
- “Wait Beel- Bee what’s wrong? Do you want to turn it off?” “No it’s ok...but I can only imagine what you go through....I promise I won’t eat your chocolate stash ever.”
- he chucks his pillow at you before you get close
- He is *not* interested, thanks
- “Fine, but get it over with quickly, just crank it so I can go to sleep again.”
- His idea, not yours
- There was some strange satisfaction that came when you didnt attatch it to yourself and cranked it 80% right away
Ive had this sitting in my drafts and I seriously dont think I'll ever get the braincells to finish it lmao
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multiversxwhore · 2 years ago
☾☾☾Hello! Hope you enjoy what you’re about to read, I would appreciate if you like, and reblog my work here on tumblr. Please do not share my work anywhere else, and if you see it has been, or someone is claiming the work as their own please tell me. My master list is pinned to my page if you wish to see more! ☽☽☽
Pairings: Eddie Brock x Black!oc
Genre: Action, romance, drama.
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sex scene, dark, possibly ⭐️anxiety⭐️ inducing, and a tiny bit ⭐️depressive⭐️ 18+ MINORS DNI
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Chapter 5 Home
Eddie, and Jess argue with each other about where Edeth should stay after she is discharged from the hospital.
“You’re barely home to even take care of her, which is why she can’t stay with you.” Eddie pointed out.
“I’m home enough.” Jessica claimed
“Plus you’re always drunk, and depressing.” Eddie countered. Jessica did not appreciate that last part, she didn’t see it that way at all. In her eyes depression is worse, at least she’s functional, but that doesn’t make it any better.
“Okay dipshit tell me how you really feel!” Jessica shouted from the passenger side, she would have driven the car herself, but she had run through two bottles of whiskey beforehand.
The argument got worse as time moved on, and it was making Edeth feel shitty. She couldn’t get a word in at all, and she was tired of trying to get their attention. Her whole body felt hot as she clenched her teeth, Eddie, and Jessica’s voices were starting to mix together. At that point Edeth couldn’t tell where Eddie’s insults began, and Jessica’s ended. The shouting was starting to make her head pound, and flashes of Kilgrave yelling flicked across her mind. His eyes popped open, and his teeth barred. He looked more deranged than anything, Jessica was there too, but she was dressed more feminine. Edeth felt confused because the scene is unrecognizable, she’s sure this is a memory, but it felt more like a dream. Eddie, and Jessica’s bickering didn’t stop, their voices in the background of her memory.
“I swear to god if you two don’t shut the fuck up I’ll jump out of this goddam vehicle while it’s still moving!” Edeth swung the car door open while they were moving at least 25. If she jumped out now, it wouldn’t kill her, but it would probably rip open her stitches.
“Holy shit! Are you trying to die!” Jessica shouted, she turned around in her passenger seat, and she couldn’t believe Edeth is actually holding the door open.
“Stop the car.” Edeth mumbled, both Eddie, and Jessica exchanged worried glances.
“Edeth I can’t just stop-” Eddie started, but Edeth cut him off
“Stop the fucking car!” Edeth yelled, her voice breaking some. Eddie pressed on the brakes, and as soon as the car stopped, Edeth inhaled. She got out of the car, and cried. Edeth cried till her face muscles cramped up causing her more pain. People started to honk their horns, and yell nasty things out of their windows. Eddie put the car in park, and got out. Jessica followed suit, but she walked past Edeth.
“Go the fuck around asshole!” Jessica flipped off all the drivers that rode past her, a prideful grin on her face.
“You stupid bitch!” One man shouted out his window.
“Your mother.” Jessica retorted, waving back at him, when she turned around Eddie had his arms wrapped tightly around Edeth. This wasn’t Jess’ thing to comfort people, so she let Eddie handle it. Instead Jessica opted to lean on the back of the car as she sipped from the flask she had tucked away in her leather jacket.
“Talk to me, what’s going on with you?” Eddie asked her in a soft voice.
“This is a lot, and maybe it’s my fault all of this is happening. Maybe I never shouldn’t have been taking pictures of him, and now Kilgrave is after me because I was being stupid.” Edeth starts to sob quietly, her nostrils flared.
Eddie pulled away from Edeth, his thumbs swiping away fallen tears. As he whispered sweet words of encouragement to Edeth; only when her soft sobs turned to tiny hiccups did Eddie let go of her, but he still held onto her fingers gently.
“We’re all good.” Eddie called to Jessica, she rolled her eyes moving off the trunk of the car.
“God, you scared the hell out of me. Are you okay?” Jess asked. She offered Edeth her flask, but Edeth declined.
“Stressed, hungry, and tired.” Was all Edeth managed to say, she felt exhausted, a mix of emotions piling on top of her at once. Edeth didn’t understand how it all crept up on her like this. One day she was profiling unsuspecting cheating spouses, and now she is being hunted by a psychopath with superpowers.
“Okay, let’s go back to your place, and we’ll get you cleaned up. Jessica can order food, and we can talk about the Kilgrave situation at a later time when you’ve calmed down.” Eddie spoke softly, he was used to this, he’s used the same tone with Venom before. Jessica was surprised by how easily he slipped into the caretaker roll for Edeth.
“Yea, I can order lots of pizza.” Jessica offered, she was trying her best to comfort her friend in her own way. Eddie helped Edeth back in the car after Venom fussed at him to check her wound. The three of them packed themselves back into the car, and carried on their way back to the apartment in silence.
Eddie parked outside our apartment at the curb, my stitches were starting to irritate me a little bit. I may have cried a little too hard back there, but I couldn’t help it. My emotions just burst out of me, and I couldn’t stop it. Eddie came around to my back seat door opening it for me. He helps me out of the back, and when I come to stand on the sidewalk next to Eddie. A man on a bike comes racing down the street; right before he ran into me, one of Venom’s tendril whip around my waist, and pull me back next to Eddie. I almost fell over from the force of his pull, but Eddie’s hand reached out to steady me.
“Could you please stop almost dying, you’re going to give me a heart attack.” Jess said dryly, rolling her eyes as she held open the door to the apartment for Eddie and I.
“Beast before beauty.” Jessica retorted, grinning at Eddie.
“Cute, do you have a shut off button?” Eddie asked
“Unfortunately for you, no.” Jessica replied.
“Please stop the bickering, or I will jump in front of a bus next time.” I groaned, I was so tired of hearing them argue, it started the second they met each other, and it hasn’t stopped. They both quieted down long enough for me to collect my thoughts during the elevator ride up. Eddie held me close under his arm the whole time, and Jess leaned off on the other side. A surprisingly content look on her face.
“Jess, are you smiling?” I ask, Eddie snorted, and slowly Jessica frowned standing straight up. She turned her back to us as she faced the elevator doors.
“Yes, because I find it absolutely ridiculous how big Edwards' head is.” Before anyone could say anything the elevator doors opened, and she walked off.
“I cleaned up after the police were done…” Jess mumbled, my lips quickly turned upward, and then fell back down into a frown. I nodded my head moving quietly throughout the apartment, the memories of that night still fresh. I paused at the bedroom door, my heartbeat thudding intensely, as I reached out to turn the doorknob, my hands started to shake uncontrollably. My lips parted as I breathed through my mouth, a slow study breath becoming a choking sensation. That nameless man, and Kilgrave flicker in my mind. Every time I blinked my eyes, I saw one of them smirking back at me. My head was hurting so much I felt like my eyeballs were going to pop out of my skull.
Edeth. They called me, and I stepped back from the door. My ears ringing like crazy, a high pitch tone reverberating between my left, and right ear.
“Edeth.” Someone had grabbed me from behind, and I let out a horrific scream. Panicking I whipped around to see who had put their hands on me.
“It’s just me, Eddie…” Eddie held up his hands showing me he meant no harm, and quickly relaxed.
“I’m sorry, I– I thought you were him.” I murmured, my eyes finding interest in my nikes. Eddie picked my chin up with his index finger, and his other hand grabbed on to mine.
“You’re safe now, me, Venom, and Jessica won’t let that happen again okay?” He reassured me, I was still a bit hesitant, I’ve seen the things that monsters influenced can do. But I’m determined to not let him win this war, not after what he’s done to me, and Jess. Not after what he’s done to so many women before us.
“Yea…I forgot my phone in the car, I’ll be right back.” Jess spoke briefly before heading back out the door.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, a nice hot bath should soothe you.” Eddie grabbed my hand, and pulled me in the direction of the bathroom. While he ran the water for me I sat on the toilet, pants still on, and my phone out. I had so many clients to get to, but none of that is important as catching Kilgrave. I tried to think of where, who, and when he’d strike next. He could literally be anywhere, and that’s what irks me. Kilgrave could be somewhere in Manhattan, but could be using the hotdog guy in Central Park to stalk me. All these innocent people at his disposal to be used as foot soldiers, and they don’t even know it.
“Edeth, we’ll have time to plot Killgraves murder, but for now you need to just relax.” Eddie spoke softly, one of Venom's tentacles gently wipes away a tear I didn’t realize had fallen down my cheek. I let Eddie help me to stand, the stitches still itchy, and still somewhat painful.
“Do you want me to help you undress?” He asked, I nodded my head keeping quiet. Back at the hospital Eddie was the one who helped me in, and out of the bathroom. We didn’t trust anyone else to do it, and especially not another man. Eddie unzipped my hoodie pulling it down my shoulders, and past my arms. He kneeled down on one knee, and started to untie my boots. I leaned forward a bit to use his large shoulders for support, Eddie tilted his head upwards grinning at me.
“What?” I asked. He stood up in front of me, my hands wrapping around the back of his neck. Eddie pulls me in closer to him, he leans down to me so our foreheads touch. I’ve never seen anyone so close up before, well I’ve never seen anyone this close up that wasn’t behind a camera lense.
“Eddie.” I whispered to him, but he didn’t answer me. Instead Eddie unbuttoned my jeans, and tugged them down my thighs. I step out of them, and kick the denim to the side along with my boots. It’s now Eddie’s turn to peel off some of his clothes, and he started with his jacket. Then he pulled his deep v neck shirt over his head, I licked my lips letting my eyes devour him. I wouldn’t have guessed Eddie had any tattoos, his body isn’t sculpted, but you can tell he tries to stay in shape. I mean I could have figured that out from just looking at him, but to see him without the clothes in the way is even better.
I stood watching him unzip his own jeans, they come off a lot easier than mine. Eddie stepped out of them, and kicked them to the side. Now we’re both left standing in our underwear watching each other, admiring the other's body. Eddie grabbed my face with both his hands, our lips melted into each other, and intertwined moving slowly together. Just like that I stopped thinking, and I loved this feeling more than anything. No thoughts, just feelings. Eddie's rough hands feel their way around my body, his tongue caresses the inside of my mouth. My lips part as wide as they can for him, and I could have sworn his tongue got longer. It was hard to concentrate on that when I could feel one of Venom's onyx tendrils slither between my thighs.
“Mmm.” I breathed, this is by far the most bizarre experience I’ve ever had with a man, and I’ve been on some wild dates. Eddie found my bra strap, made quick work of it, and pulled it off me throwing it over his shoulder. Eddie's large hands gently palm both my breasts, my cup size isn’t too big, maybe a double D. Some of my chest would spill out of his hand, but he didn’t pay it no mind. Eddie bent a little lower to come eye to eye with my erected brown buds. One hand rested on my hip, and the other supported my soft cushion. Venom’s tentacle was still moving softly between my thighs, they pressed against me over the thin layer of cotton fabric.
Eddie slowly licked over my nipple then sucking it into his mouth, and at the same time Venom slipped into my panties.
“Fuck.” I moaned, Venom slowly flicked over my clit making the little bean throb in pleasure. Eddie switched to my other breast showing it the same love, sucking, and lapping his tongue over my areola. My hands reach down to his boxers, and at first I just grab him over the fabric feeling his thick erection. Eddie moaned into me, then I slid my hand into his underwear. His dick felt heavy and smooth in my hands, Eddie moved to fully stand upward.
“You’ve got such a pretty little mouth princess, I would love to see you use it.” Eddie breathed heavily in excitement, I opened my mouth wide so I could fit as much of him in. Eddie pushed all the way to the back of my throat making me gag a little, he continued to slowly thrust into my mouth. At the same time Venom entered my slickness, they slid into my pussy with ease filling me up.
“Edeth you’re such a good girl, taking both of us at the same time. Good job princess.” Eddie praised me over, and over. I was a moaning mess, but I didn’t even give a damn. All I knew was that it felt great, and that if I could beg for more right now I would. If this is Eddie’s way of distracting me damn it it’s working.
Eddie pulled away from me, then he took my hands and placed them in his shaft. With one hand I gripped him in my palm, and with the other hand I played with his balls feeling how tight they were. Eddie groaned in delight, and licked his lips. I watched as a delicious drop of pre cum leaked from his tip, his eyes watching me intently. I flicked my tongue over his tip tasting his saltiness, then sucking on his tip like a lollipop. At the same time I work his shaft, and balls simultaneously. All the while, Venom is still pumping into me, somehow they’ve maintained that cool temperature I love so much, a contrast to the heat between my thighs.
“You’re sucking daddy’s cock so good princess, look at you swallowing me, just like that baby girl.” Eddie grunted as I continued my assault. Venom slowly moves in, and out of me causing my pussy to throb in pleasure. My eyes fall close as lust takes over me. I was turned on before, but now it's starting to sink in what is actually happening. Eddie, and his symbiote alien companion is fucking me…at the same time.
“Fuck me please Eddie, please.” I begged, I had enough foreplay, I didn't want to have to struggle to sleep tonight. I needed this badly.
“Stand up sweetie, and turn towards the sink, we’ll take care of you.” Eddie pulled me up from my kneeling position, and turned me towards the facebowl. My heart thudded excitedly, I cant even rember the las time I had sex, but that doesnt matter.
Eddie kisses the shell of my ear, and wraps his arm around the front of me so that his fingers can play with my swollen clit. I leaned forward, legs spread apart, and my butt poked out all to give Eddie better access. The tip of his cock swipes over my lips, and slips into me with ease. He’s kind enough to allow me time to adjust to his size. I hissed in pain from the stinging sensation, but it stopped after a moment.
“I’m right here princess, I got you.” Eddie whispered in my ear, his breath warm, and his lips soft.
“Fuck you feel so good daddy.” I moaned, the pit of my stomach unraveling with each pump into me, his thrust eventually got faster.
“Please harder, please.” I begged, after the week I’ve had, I needed this. Eddie obliged me by pushing into me harder, he almost jolted me through the damn sink. My stitches stung a little from the force of his hips slamming into me, but the way my own juices were spilling down my thighs I could care less about it.
I bent over a little more to get a better hold on the sink, just then I felt Venom’s tentacle slowly push into my other hole. Not too far, but far enough as if they’re asking for permission. I yelped a bit in shock, both Eddie, and Venom froze.
“Edeth.” Eddie called to me, a gentle hand on my shoulder, but I wasn’t hearing him. I squeezed around his thickness as hard as I could, my back arched inward. I was desperate for more, I didn’t want to be able to think for the next 24 hours.
“I’m so close to coming, please, please, please…” I whined. I could feel tears brimming my eyes, frustration setting deep within me. My clit throbbing harder than before, this is not how I wanted to end, but Eddie wasn’t understanding me.
“Eddie!” I cried out, then I looked up in the mirror to see a shit eating grin across his face. Is he doing this on purpose?
“Such a slut you are Edeth, I didn’t think you had it in you– oh, I guess you do have it in you.” Suddenly Eddie thrust into me without warning, I wasn’t prepared to take all of him at once. Venom then took the opportunity to move deeper into me, I watched my breast bounce in the mirror.
“This what you want? To be filled up like the little slut you are.” Eddie whispered into my ear, I could barely talk the way Eddie, and Venom moved in on me. They would take turns thrusting into me slowly, my mouth hung open whimpering jumbled words.
“Answer me, you want to be a little slut don’t you? Say it out loud.” Eddie demanded, one of his hands reached up to grab me by the chin.
“Yes, fuck I wanna be your slut Eddie, I’m your slut. I’m your slut.” I repeated over and over, the only words I was able to say. The only thing to be heard in that bathroom is our hushed groans, harsh words, and wet flesh noises.
“Fuck I’m gonna come!” I shouted, but Eddie kept a steady pace, my heart pounding just as hard as his hip thrust.
“Do it, come for me princess, come for us.” Eddie pulled my hair back, whispering heavily into my ear, and that was what pushed me over the edge.
“Oh fuck yes!” I squeaked out. I felt a bit light headed as Eddie released me, his own liquids hot, and sticky.
“Shit.” Eddie groans, he leans against me, and I support us both in the face bowl. Both of us out of breath, but choosing to stay in our haze for a moment. Then it finally hit me.
“Oh shit Jess.” I pushed Eddie off me as I stood up right. I turned to Eddie who still looked a bit exhausted, but a knowing smirk adorned his plump lips.
“Jessica left, we checked.” Eddie said pulling me close, he swept away some of the fly away coils out of my face. As he held my face in between his large hands for once my mind was quiet, and all I could see was Eddie.
“You’re beautiful.” Eddie spoke quietly, my arms folded around the back of his neck. I pressed my lips to his, Eddie wasted no time pressing his tongue. Suddenly it swelled in my mouth, and grew past the length of what was humanly normal. Only when Eddie pulled back growling lustfully did I realize what actually happened.
“Was that Vee?” I asked, without Eddie saying anything Venom popped out of Eddie’s left shoulder blade.
“Did you just call me Vee? Is that a nickname?” They asked. His large white eyes squinting back at me, I gather that Venom doesn’t make many other facial expressions.
“Yeah, you don’t like it?” I asked slightly pulling back from Eddie, I shifted my weight from one hip to the other.
“What if I don’t like this nickname you’ve bestowed upon me?” Venom questioned. Eddie coughed uncontrollably, but we ignored him.
“You just fucked me, you better like whatever I give you.” I folded my arms, Venom grumbled something under his breath.
“Okay! I approve of this nickname, but only you may call me this. Anyone else and I will bite their heads off!” Venom shouted then they seeped back into Eddie’s body.
“Okay buddy, great job.” Eddie murmured, he placed his hand over his chest momentarily.
“I think they like me.” I giggled as I stepped into the shower. Eddie hung his head down, a goofy grin spreading onto his face.
“Yep… you’re stuck with us.” Eddie sighed, then he joined me under the hot water. He was sweet enough to wash me, and him both. The only thing I contributed to was washing his back, but Eddie didn’t complain. When we were done, he covered me in a towel, and kissed me on my forehead.
“Maybe you should go wait in the living room, and I’ll get you some fresh clothes?” Eddie offered, I nodded my head waddling off to the couch. I heard some shuffling from the bedroom, every once in a while one of Venom's tendrils would extend into the living room with a clothing option. The two of them really didn’t have to try that hard, but Eddie insisted.
“Here ya go.” He handed me a comfy two piece, and a hoodie. Eddie scratched the back of his head turning around to face the opposite direction as I dressed.
“Gosh, I guess I didn’t realize how my clothing you owned.” Eddie jokes, I can see his eyes moving around my apartment, and his fingers tapping on his arms.
“I'm dressed.” I said throwing myself back into the couch. I patted the seat next to me for Eddie to come join me, as soon as he sat down I instantly wrapped myself around him. His arms embraced me, making me feel safe, and comfy.
“Is it okay if we just sleep?” I asked in a tiny voice, a yawn escaping me, I could feel Eddie’s lips press against my forehead.
“Of course princess, I’ll be here when you wake.” He spoke softly, Eddie drew circles with his thumb into my skin, a soothing sensation luling me to sleep.
“Promise?” I mumbled half awake, my eyelids heavy.
“We promise.”
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butwhyduh · 4 years ago
For friday can you do fluff plus smut oneshot with my boo jason
You were watching a movie on tv. Okay scrolling your phone while a movie played. Currently you were reading a post that had the theory that Nightwing was an alien and it was compelling despite the fact that you knew Dick.
You heard the usual scrape of the door opening and Jason came in the apartment hours early. He was practically a puddle. “Thunderstorm. Fucking pouring. No one in their right mind is out there. I’m going to take a shower,” he said on the way to the shower.
“Okay,” you said with a smile before scrolling again. Okay it was a good point that Nightwing managed to date Starfire and no human should be able to do that. About 20 minutes later, Jason came out with drippy hair and damp skin in nothing but some black sweatpants. He sat on the couch and laid his legs on top of yours.
“God, get these tree trunks off me,” you teased, lightly pushing on them.
“Hey now! I’m sore. Rub em?” He said with a hopeful pout. You glared before putting your hands on the one closest to your body. You started massaging the skin, pressing soothing circles into the skin. Jason leaned back against the pillow and closed his eyes. “And that’s why you’re the best,” he muttered.
“No need to butter me up. I’m already doing it. Why are your muscles so tight,” you said kneading a knot. Jason groaned softly.
“Probably because I’ve been up for like 30 hours and I had to stay in a crouch for like 2 hours today,” he said before hissing as you rubbed the other leg. You shook your head.
“You need to go to bed,” you said, shaking your head.
“After you rub my legs I will,” he promised. You glared at him again before going back to massaging. Jason talked about his day quietly.
It didn’t take long before he grasped your wrist and you looked over at him. Jason’s eyes looked darker and he leaned over to kiss you. He pulled your hand to his crotch where he was already hard.
“Jason!” You gasped before giggling. “Why?-“
“Maybe because you aren’t wearing a bra. Or that you’re rubbing my thighs. Or that I just wanna fuck my girlfriend,” he shrugged shamelessly. You gave him a gentle squeeze and Jason groaned before smiling. “I doubt I’m alone, doll.”
You pulled Jason towards you to better kiss him and it wasn’t long until he was almost sitting in your lap and you certainly couldn’t handle that. Jason pulled back.
“Climb on babydoll,” he breathed and you moved to straddle him as Jason pushed your panties to the floor. He just shoved his sweatpants to his mid thighs and you sunk down on him.
“I thought your thighs hurt,” you teased.
“Bold words for a woman with my dick inside her,” he said but his breathy voice betrayed him.
“It really is,” you said before swirling your hips. You stopped moving completely. Jason whined. “Yeah. Just like I thought: Pussy whipped.”
“You bitch,” he said playfully. He thrust up and you mewled. You quit playing games and started bouncing. Jason rubbed your clit with his thumb and you closed your eyes at the sensation. But just as soon as you lost your self in the sensation, Jason grabbed your hips to still them and groaned.
Your first thought was ‘already?’ But no, he had a look of genuine pain and you wanted to hop off but that might hurt more.
“Leg cramp. Oh for fuck sake,” he growled. Jason held you still with one hand on your lower back as you bent over him and the other rubbing his thigh.
“Do you want me to get off?” You asked worried. He pressed on your lower back and shook his head. This action caused you to sink all the way down on his cock. You bit your lip to keep out a moan. It was driving you crazy to just sit on him like this. You needed to move but you weren’t going to hurt him.
He took a full minute to rub the cramp out and the whole time you tried not to clench around him. Every once in a while, he would groan in pain and push on your back, forcing him deeper inside you. You couldn’t help but whimper at one point. Jason looked up at you and smirked once he realized.
Once his cramp was over, he wrapped his arms around your waist and thrust up into you and you gasped. He pulled you down to kiss you thoroughly as he slowly thrusted roughly up in you. There was something delicious about the way he moved his tongue in your mouth to match his hips. His hand went back down to rub at your clit. It didn’t take long for you to meet his hips as moans fell from your open mouth. Jason had moved to kissing down your neck and collarbone.
“I’m-“ you whimpered and he knew that meant you were close. A few more thrusts and you clenched around him as you breathed his name. He moved through your high before grabbing your hips to roughly thrust a few time to find his own release with a groan.
You pulled off of him but Jason dragged you back down in a bear hug. His lips kissed all over your face before settling with you on his chest. A blanket from the couch was pulled over you both.
“I need to clean up,” you protested and he pouted.
“Just a few minutes,” he begged and you kissed his cheek before relaxing. You could lay a little longer. He was warm and comfy.
You woke up an hour later to Jason watching the baseball highlights. His fingers casually ran through your hair. The blanket was wrapped up to your chin and you were so warm. It was tempting to go back to sleep.
“I need to get a shower,” you said.
“I’ll join you,” Jason answered suggestively.
“What about your legs? What if you have another cramp?”
“The water will help. Plus it’s worth it,” he shrugged and you laughed.
“I guess,” you said with a little twinkle in your eyes. He was always fun when he got like that.
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mywheelieweirdlife · 2 years ago
I realised tonight that I struggle telling my new partner about my disability despite him being the most loving, supportive, wonderful person and one of my closest and best friends who is absolutely amazing with my conditions and already just automatically takes initiative to look after me before I'm even worried about my symptoms... like he goes 'that's not normal and okay' and just goes and does whatever I need, sometimes only asking permission because he knows I need something but can't do it and I don't like asking for help.... because my ex boyfriend was so ashamed of me that I literally can't wrap my head around the fact my current boyfriend can love me this much.
Because I was too loud, too bouncy, too much, too weird, because people stared when he kissed the person in the wheelchair and they made comments and because I was disabled and needed help and he didn't know what to do and wasn't able or willing to do it and refused to listen.
To the point where I'm surprised that my boyfriend got me a glass of water when I was in pain and he looked at me and went 'Ashley, that's lower than the bare minimum and you deserve so so much more than that' and then I cried about it for a week.
And that tonight, he took care of me with low blood sugar, and once we got home and I said it was definitely a wheelchair night because my legs were absolutely about to go, he undid my shoes and took them off for me and set up my wheelchair and then once I was in my chair, he just stood there cuddling me and playing with my hair for a minute and told me that I was beautiful and he's so lucky to have me.
He kisses me in public, he holds me in public, he pushes me around when I'm tired and flirts with me and tells me how cute it'll be when our little polycule has kids and he makes me feel beautiful and good and I laugh when I'm with him like I haven't in a relationship since fucking 2017.
And this absolute dork of a human, who loves me and I genuinely don't think he could ever be embarrassed by me based off the chaos we are together and how much he genuinely worships me (and it goes both ways)... I can't get myself to tell him everything that I hide about my disability.
The things only my best friend knows. The things I say in-front of him to friends in medical terms bc they're also disabled and we nod and get it and we lowkey discuss symptoms, but like, how do you just tell someone the symptoms of 'I have a weak pelvic floor because of an injury that my body decided to shut down from and now half the muscles in my pelvic floor have lost muscle tone and I'm trying to learn how to use them again but my condition also just turns them off sometimes' and that 'I deal with an injury that ruined my gut bacteria so on-top of that and muscle problems, sometimes my digestive system just stops for ages but I have a hormonal condition that fucks with insulin production so I still have to have something so I mostly have liquids and occasional solids until it turns back online and that has some not fun side effects.'
Or the good old 'I have cramping through my entire body during some flares that sometimes makes me an insufferable bitch to be around because I'm in so much pain I literally can't function or breathe through them and all I can do is try to sleep for a few days until it ends and I will not want you anywhere near me or my bed during those flares.'
And that maybe some of my conditions and concerns will change with treatments, but some of these are from the physical symptoms of traumas long term after effects because even if I can stop what caused the damage doesn't mean it'll 100% fix the damage.
I might be able to stop the automatic stress response that starts creating muscle tension so extreme it literally paralyses me... or I might have actually caused some nerve damage through that over the year and some of the sensation in my body may have been lost a little or be hypersensitive because my body is terrible with limits.
Like there was a time when I wasn't ashamed or embarrassed by this, because it's human and it happens and I was hurt and this is what happened from it... but that one ex who would constantly fight with me because he was so embarrassed of me and who I am, completely broke my sense of self and my self esteem by deciding my normal didn't matter.
That my body and my disability was too hard for them so they did very little to protect or help me and even when they did, they complained about it and I felt like a burden.
And my boyfriend doesn't make me feel like that ever, he's struggled to get my wheelchair in his car, but his response to that was about working out what he needed to move in the car. I had a seizure while out, a really bad one, and he carried me to my best friend's car, carried me inside when we got home after getting me coffee and put me on my bed and stayed there looking after me and cuddling me and we played CAH with my best friend and my niece.
Like this man has never given me a reason to doubt that he would do anything for me, he held my drunk ass up in the shower at my cousins after I got a smidgen too drunk to be safe on my own. And he also reminded the entire time that I was okay and safe and he loved me and wasn't there for anything but to get clean with me and make sure I didn't fall on my ass again that night.
And I trust him with everything I've got, I've always felt physically safe with him and as we've grown older and he's grown tf up a little (because guys in their early 20's are stupid, he's a few years older than me, but like, in the 2-3yr older range, not the creepy range) we've finally matched maturity and life points really well and everything just aligned perfectly for us and we realised we were more than friends... I trust him with more and more, including some of my biggest secrets and traumas and my dramatic personality.
But I can't wrap my head around how to trust him with the full extent of my disability, not because I don't want to, but because I'm really scared to after my ex shamed me and made me so uncomfortable and embarrassed with the surface level of my disability that I don't have the words for the harder more private parts of my condition anymore.
And that just hurts. I want to let him in fully and I want someone to see all of me and all my struggles and challenges and everything that I am and that's a part of me and love me not despite or regardless, but through it and with it all.
I want to be seen and heard and loved… and he would immediately, without a single doubt, I would be shocked if he reacted in a way that hurt me because at this point I'm finally learning to not be anxious saying things that would start fights in old relationships because he'll just say he's proud of me for telling him and that he loves me and that it's okay and he's here for me and ask what he can do to be supportive during the hard times.
But that fear and the look on my ex's face when I anxiously showed him videos by another wheelchair user who created entire YouTube series on disabled living and my ex asking 'do I have to watch and know this' with a look that honestly haunts me to this day and is burned into my memory and soul because it's also the look my father has when someone mention periods or starts playing WAP... it stopped me from being proud of myself for the last 3 and a bit years.
And now I want to share myself with someone that I love and trust and I can't yet and I hate it.
It's also why I'm writing my book. Because fuck we all deserve to feel good regardless of our disabilities and no one should be hurt like this because someone said stupid shit projecting their insecurities and bullshit onto us. I want to feel beautiful and sexy and passionate and be open and honest and optimistic about sex and living and working on this book (slowly af but it's still being worked on.) is helping a bit. The rest is shadow work, my friends and my partners.
But god I wish I could be more open and honest with myself and them about my struggles.
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stanknotstark · 3 years ago
Easy Aim (Is Only Exciting Once or Twice) Pt. 5 (Loki x Reader)
Loki’s turn to be a woman in every sense. Guys normally react pretty badly to our level of cramping but I don’t make Loki react too badly because he’s a warrior and probably has felt worse pain. If anything it’s more uncomfortable for him but not enough to warrant much reaction! 
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It’s Loki’s turn to suffer. 
You hadn’t come up with a way to get back at the god but karma was a bitch. 
Loki walked into the kitchen and because of his obvious mood the team became quiet. You’re pretty sure the temperature dropped like five degrees too. 
“Who pushed you out the wrong side of bed, seeing as you haven’t had your cereal yet?” Tony asked. 
You snorted into your bite of eggs. 
Loki scathingly looked at you and Tony.
“I will piss on your mother’s grave, Stark.” Loki bites at the man. 
“Loki!” You yelled at the man. Going for Tony’s mother was off limits. Kind of like how the team didn’t ask questions about Loki’s true parentage. 
Tony waved you off with a smile. 
“Oh, you didn’t get pushed out of bed. You woke up with a big red spot on the sheets, didn’t you?” Tony says with a light voice. 
Realization dawns on you. Loki drops the bagel he had picked up and looks to you with squinted eyes. 
Loki had obviously never dealt with this when he shapeshifted. 
You quickly stand, gather Loki’s breakfast and push him out of the kitchen, with little resistance, and towards the direction of your room. Ignoring the Avengers questions and concerns. You were so worried you left your own breakfast.
When you both reach your floor. You make him set his breakfast down in the living room, then push Loki to your bathroom and have him sit on the toilet. 
It’s too silent so you start talking to fill it.
“Usually when I’m about to start I get extremely horny the week before. Then when the actual day hits I’m cramping like crazy, mostly in my lower back.” You explain as you pull out a bunch of pads from under your sink. 
Loki looks at you with something akin to fear but it’s not quite fear, when you glance at him.
“That explains the pain...” Loki whispers with realization.
“The second day is the heaviest so you’ll need to check your pad more so than usual and keep a bottle of Midol nearby because the cramping is terrible. Wait, do Earth medicines even work on you?” You ask the god, freezing your looking to look at him but continue when he shrugs at you. 
“The second day you’re also going to deal with mood swings, like, bad so maybe stay away from people?” You tell Loki as you realize you didn’t give him night pads so you search under your sink again.
“The third day it lightens up and usually my hormones balance out. The fourth day you’ll still need to wear a pad, it’ll only be spotting but it’ll spot enough to bleed through your clothes. If you feel like randomly crying at the smallest things, or even something as random as someone sneezing that is normal.” You explain to Loki. 
“Wait, I have read about periods, to an extent, but why am I having one exactly?” Loki asks.
You leave the room to find a plastic bag for all the stuff you’re giving Loki, when you come back you explain to Loki who sits there patiently. “Your uterus is shedding it’s walls because you’re not pregnant.” 
Loki squints at you. 
“How many times does this occur in your lifetime?” 
“Once a month till you hit menopause.” You tell him flippantly. 
You smile as Loki looks bewildered. 
“When do you experience menopause and when do periods generally begin?” 
“Usually around fifty and they start around twelve but can start as early as eight years old.” You shrug down at him. 
Loki closes his eyes, rubs a hand over his face with a sigh. When his hand drops he shakes his head. “And males have the gall to call presenting females weak.” 
You actually laugh at that causing Loki to softly smile up at you. 
“I uh, suggest buying some panties that you don’t care about, comfortable too, because you’re going to get blood on them whether you like it or not. I would offer you my panties but that is...gross, for some reason, even if you are in my body.” You babble out to Loki who nods at you as he stands. 
You throw the pads he holds into the plastic bag you hold, throw the nightly pads in, throw in a new bottle of Midol then hand it to him. 
“Eat with me, I’ll answer all your questions after you put a pad on of course.” You tell Loki, leaving the bathroom. You’re pretty sure he can figure out the pad. 
You sit waiting in the living room on the big couch. 
Loki comes out of your room not long after and sits next to you, pulling his plate from the coffee table and getting comfy. 
You’re shocked but Loki decided to sit pushed up against you. You wrap an arm around his shoulders which causes him make a happy noise while he chews and leans into your arm. 
“I guess this explains last night.” You say randomly thinking about the way Loki reacted to you yesterday. 
Loki chews through his honey bagel and nods. 
“It also explains why I’ve been getting wet for the past few days.” He admits without thought. 
You look down at him with a raised brow. “Oh?”
“Yes. There was a time where Steve was lifting something heavy and seeing his muscles bulge made me wet.” Loki explains, eating away, not looking at you but speaking as if he has no care about what he’s sharing. Another milestone you figure.
“There was a moment where you were laughing at something Tony said and that made me wet, I could not fathom why.” 
You laugh a little shocked Loki is sharing this with you. 
“Also, when you were hard that made me wet.” Loki finishes starting to pick at some grapes you had grabbed for him. 
“You’ll tell me you got wet but refuse to tell me you have feelings?” You ask teasingly.
Loki glares at you. 
You smile. 
Loki goes back to his food and you settle further into the couch causing Loki to further settle into your arm. 
“I thought periods last for seven days, did I read false information? Why do yours only last four?” Loki asks after he’s chewed through some of his food.
You hum. “Well everyone is different. Some people last three days, some last the usual seven, some people don’t have them monthly, some do.” You explain. “However if they don’t have them monthly that’s because of a disorder or because they’re young and haven’t balanced out yet.” You thoughtlessly explain better.
Loki is quiet for a bit but then asks. “And you did not know this period was coming?” 
You laugh lightly as your hand around Loki’s shoulders plays with your hair. It’s soft and silky. “Well, I don’t take birth control, I had a bad reaction to the one’s they gave me so I can’t really predict when they’re going to hit me. I can generalize between a few weeks but that’s it.” 
Loki hums, licking honey off his fingers. It’s just as cute as it sounds.
It’s only four hours later when Loki starts. 
You had both moved back into the general public of the tower. You had needed to eat more since you didn’t finish your breakfast then settled in the common area.
You were sitting on the couch with Natasha wrapped in your arms and Clint trying to burrow into your side when Loki made an exclamation crossed with a groan, an arm wrapping along his stomach from across the room where he was reading. 
You perk up and look at him as he looks at you with wide eyes. 
Natasha knowing what’s going on says, “It’s normal if you feel like you’re pissing yourself, you’re fine.” 
Loki relaxes and nods. 
“That’s nasty, Nat.” Clint huffs. 
“It is a natural event for a woman’s body, something they cannot control and you dare call it nasty?” Loki hisses at Clint. 
“There’s blood man!” 
“You see more blood on missions, is there a difference?” Loki points out.
You’re smiling with Natasha, looking between Loki and Clint like it’s a tennis match. 
“Well, it comes out of their vagina.” Clint weakly argues back.
“I have no doubt you’ve put your mouth on a vagina and that failed to gross you out, your arguments are irrelevant.” Loki says going back to his book.
Clint lets a pitiful noise out of his mouth and looks to you and Nat. 
“Don’t look at us, we’re on his side.” Nat says with a shrug, settling back into you. You laugh as Clint rolls his eyes. 
You watch Loki out of the corner of your eye as you converse with Nat and Clint. Loki has an uncomfortable look on his face and his arm is still wrapped around his stomach. 
You tell Nat you need to get up and she groans but allows you to. Then, she climbs onto Clint.��
Out of everyone in the tower you did not expect Natasha to be the most affectionate. 
You grab Loki’s attention and get him to follow you back to your floor, again. When you have him laying on your bed you search in your bathroom for what you seek. 
Coming out of the bathroom a few minutes later you show Loki what you have by holding it up in both hands with a satisfied smile. It’s old fashioned, you probably should just buy a heating pad, but this was given to you by your mother and you can’t let go of it because of sentiment.
“What is that?” Loki asks with confusion etching his face, propped up on his elbow. He stares at the orange, rubber bag you hold. It’s the size of a decorative pillow.
“A water bottle.”
“Are you expecting me to drink it?” He asks slowly.
“No.” You laugh and make your way over to him. 
When you’ve climbed into the bed and cuddled up to Loki you place the warm bottle on his lower stomach and Loki actually groans. 
“I understand the intended use now.” He says in a grateful voice as the heat of the bottle penetrates his aching stomach. 
You smile at him but turn your attention to putting on a movie so Loki may rest here for awhile. 
See, thing is, it doesn’t stop. The cuddling, that is.
The next day Loki comes to you and asks if he may use your water bottle. When you tell him yes and go to give it to him he holds it, looking at it like it’s the most interesting thing in the world. 
“Would you mind.....holding me as I use this?” Loki says in a soft voice, as if afraid he’s going to be rejected.
You can see tears welling up in his eyes when he looks up at you, which you blame on the period. You smile at Loki and nod. 
“Of course.” 
As you lay there with Loki wrapped in your arms, a movie playing in the background, he says, “While I am trying to keep an open mind about this whole situation, the blood clots are disgusting.” 
You laugh, causing Loki to smile up at you. 
“Have you bled through yet?” You ask him after awhile, curious. 
Loki scoffs. “Yes. I was wearing a nice pair of pants at the time. Natasha promised to get the blood out though.” He says with a frown. 
“If anyone here knows how to get blood out of clothes, Natasha would be the expert.” You chuckle out. 
“I must apologize to her. I was a bit snappy at the time because of the frustration of ruining a perfectly good pair of pants. She was close and received the brunt of my frustration.” Loki says, his fingers trailing down the side of your chest as he spoke, his eyes trained on the movie though.
Loki must not be ticklish, you absently think as his fingers drag over your sides and you don’t react. 
It happens again the next day. The day after that too, you both cuddle with the bottle and watch movies. 
When the period ends Loki still comes to your room and cuddles with you. It’s a routine now. Every evening, if there is nothing going on, Loki comes and you both relax into each other and watch movies and tv shows, casually talking or teasing the people in the movies. You refrain from teasing Loki personally until after the period has passed because you’d feel bad if you made him cry.
It’s nice, to say the least. 
What you don’t expect is Loki almost kissing you one day. 
It was a normal day, you were cuddling and watching Die Hard, teasing the actor when things were way exaggerated. You had been rambling on about how some of the action scenes could have ended had Bruce’s character did something else. You had noticed Loki looking at you with a twinkle in his eye but said nothing about it. You really looked down at him when he grabbed your chin and angled it just enough to where he could reach your lips. 
Loki pushes and crawls up, you laying beneath him, frozen. Your eyes roam his face, it’s a little weird looking at your face but you’re too invested in the moment, to invested in the switching bodies thing. His lips come to hover over yours, close enough you could close the distance in a blink but you stay rooted to the bed. You both breath each other in, eyes memorizing everything about this moment. 
Then the moment passes and Loki pulls from you. You let out a deep breath and blink. 
Surprisingly, Loki did not run, instead he cuddled back into you and continued conversation as if nothing had happened. You replied back casually, if not a little shaky from the anticipation you had just experienced. 
Tag list: @a-laufeyson​ 
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turningtummyrubs · 4 years ago
Can you please do a lactose intolerant Steve or Bucky? Maybe they eat something with dairy on accident or maybe they just don’t know, but they end up getting really really gassy and bloated and their poor tummy is rumbling so much and they’re desperate for relief but don’t know what to do to get it? I’m a sucker for the phrase “my tummy is really upset” (and can you also include like a lot of description of how upset and rumbly their belly is?) love you!!!!
Sure thing! Here:
Somehow, someway, Steve is still lactose intolerant. Wasn’t that supposed to go away with the serum? Well, apparently not, because he decided to chance some mac n cheese and found out that he can take a bullet (a bullet!) but dairy is a definitive no-go. Just his luck.
His stomach gurgles unhappily from where he’s stretched out on the couch, as painfully vocal as it’s been all evening.
The mac n cheese consumption occurred at around 12:30 PM, and then all the pain came about two hours afterward. Quite the delayed reaction, but no less potent anyhow. It still hurts like a bitch.
With a quiet grunt, Steve wraps his arm around his abdomen, hoping the subtle pressure will do it some good. Nothing else has really worked. He tried tea, which just made him nauseous. Then a heating pad, which did work, but only for about twenty minutes. And then he tried rubbing it, which felt good about 50% of the time, and pretty fucking terrible the other half.
So, Steve’s kind of out of options. (Well… death is always an option.)
The pressure to his middle rockets up a dry belch, which he promptly muffles into the back of his hand. The release of gas provides a temporary respite from the cramping, so Steve pushes a little bit more deeply into his belly and almost groans with relief as he’s rewarded with another belch and brief moment of relief.
He goes on like this for another few minutes, easing out gas and moving along the dairy his organs can’t help but seize and coil around, but eventually even the comfort of that peters out, and the full force of the stomach ache rears its head again. Lactose intolerance is the bane of Steve Rogers’ existence.
His tummy, bloating uncharacteristically with the mac n cheese, gives a loud glorping noise, as if to taunt him, and then begins rumbling up a storm — overworked and upset.
Bucky gets home right around Steve’s breaking point, which isn’t great for Steve, because now he’s forced to smile and chat and pretend like he isn’t currently dying. No, don’t worry, Buck, I’m just lying down ‘cause I was taking a nap. No other reason!
He flicks on the TV, hoping the dramatic soap opera sounds will drown out the noisiness of his tummy. Pressing a hand to his middle, Steve can feel every foghorn gurgle — the contents shifting perilously. Grimacing, he rubs a gentle circle with his fingertips.
Bucky turns to the TV, and Steve thinks he’s safe, but then the cramps start to pick up in speed, and every position Steve lies in is so uncomfortable, so he twists onto his back, and then his side, and then his other side, until eventually Bucky looks back at him and says, “Stevie? You okay?”
To which he replies, “Yeah, Buck, I’m fine,” and then, after his stomach gives a betrayingly loud grumble, “Well, uh, actually… my tummy’s feeling pretty upset.”
Bucky’s brows pull together. “Aw, shit, Stevie, did you have lactose?”
Steve’s face colors guiltily. “Just a little bit… I thought it would be different after the serum!”
Bucky sighs, shuffling closer. “You want me to rub your stomach for you?”
“Oh, Buck, you don’t have to—”
Bucky works his hand beneath Steve’s shirt and massages his lower belly a little. Steve groans softly. “Oh, that’s — that’s good.”
Bucky smirks, continuing the ministrations. “I know. Remember who always used to take care of you? Back when you were a tiny little twig with the immune system of an ant?”
Steve’s too caught up in the feeling of Bucky’s hand on his stomach to respond. The heat eases the strain of his tightly wound abdominal muscles, and Bucky’s fingers are magic on the cramps. All the little stirrings and spasms wilt beneath his touch.
With the TV droning on in the background, Steve lets himself relax a little. His tummy still feels painfully sick and upset, but Bucky’s making it bearable, and the audible rumbles sound more productive now than they did half an hour ago, like all that cheese is actually getting somewhere.
“You know, Steve,” Bucky says carefully, the pace of his hand slowing a bit. Steve tries not to whine. “You could’ve told me right away. You know that, right?”
Steve tilts his head to meet Bucky’s eyes. “I know, Buck. I will next time.”
“Next time?”
Steve grins.
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jawritter · 4 years ago
His Heaven
Request: Heyy I love your ABO fics and I have a request for you. You can always say no to this if you’re uncomfortable. I’ll completely understand and I’m very sorry. Can you do one with Alpha!Dean x Omega!reader. Where the reader is on a supply run and she gets assaulted and tortured by a monster and when she gets back to the bunker somehow, she only allows her Alpha anywhere near her and refuses help from anyone else. Dean takes care of her and helps her heal.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Word Count: 2683
Warning: Kidnapping, injured!reader, ABO dynamics, smut, unprotected sex, talk tourchour, hints of a pinic attack, language, scenting, reclaiming, marking, mentions of assult, trauma induced by tourchur. I think that’s it. Sorry If I missed anything.
Beta’d by the amazing @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid! Also a big shout out to @deanwanddamons  who is currently working on our 1k binge read! You both are awesome! 
A/N: As always please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden! Hope you all enjoy this one!! 
Want more? Check out my masterlist!!
Pulling at the restraints that were holding your arms above your head you curse yourself for not having seen this coming. 
You knew that demon that escaped Dean and yourself in Kansas City would come back to bite you in the ass one day, you just didn’t think it would be this soon. Alas here you are, in a dark wet basement, tied to a pole in the center of the room with a variety of tortuous instruments that the damn thing had been using on you for the past two days strown randomly throughout the room on tables.
You knew that you were just bait, that you were nothing but a lure for Dean. The demon knew that your Alpha would stop at nothing to save you from this bastard, and you also knew that’s when the demon would try and kill him. 
You couldn’t let that happen, you refused to let it happen. You’d die trying to get out of here before you let that happen. 
Sure, Dean was your Alpha, and yes Dean was the one by nature and biology that protected you, but your biggest fear was Dean would get hurt protecting you.
Pulling on the restraints one more time you prayed with everything in you that by some miracle they would break. 
Your arms, legs, and back were littered with little cuts, and gashes; courtesy of the demon that was holding you captive, and every movement seemed to sting in new places. 
Letting your weight sag you notice that the rope holding you to your pole gave with your weight some, whereas it wasn’t earlier. So you pulled further and again, until soon more of the rope loosened, allowing you to pull your arms lower. A nail along the wall snagged the thick rope causing it frayed. 
With two more heavy pulls the rope that had you bound finally broke free, and you fell to the floor with a thud. 
Thanking Chuck that your capture seemed to have not heard you, you pulled yourself up from the floor using the table in front of you. 
The room was dimly lit by the sun coming through a window that at one point had been painted, but was now started to fade, and allow little rays of light to filter through. 
As quietly as you could, you climbed on top of the covered furnishings and lawn equipment that lay askew across the walls, and pulled at the window. To your great surprise, and relief it was open. 
Hoisting yourself up on your injured forearms you pulled your battered body through the window, and onto the grass outside. Taking only a moment to see your surroundings in order to tell your Alpha where this bastard was hiding, you break for the tree line, and away from your personal hell that you’d been in for three days.
Dean wouldn’t have even known you were missing, he had been on a hunt in Ohio, Wendigo from the looks of it, and wasn’t due to be home until today. You had gone on a supply run so that you could make him his favorite pie when he got home. You knew your heat was coming, and it was somewhat of a tradition between the two of you for you to pamper him the full week before your heat hit, since he was going to spend the following days taking such good care of you.
Dean always insisted that it was unnecessary, and he enjoyed helping you through your heats, that he was there for you, but you still felt the need to pamper him, and he didn't fight you on it much.
You never would have guessed that the demon would have jumped you as soon as you got out of the car, before you were even able to get to the grocery store. 
You also didn’t expect him to be so stupid as to not take your car keys from your pocket, and hide your car. Then again he probably wanted Dean to find it. 
You thought you were okay, you made it back to your car, and into the Bunker garage without so much as batting an eye. You had been a hunter your whole life after all, and being kidnapped and torture just came with the territory, but as you put the car in park, and set back against your seat, a whole new feeling hit you all together. 
Shaking, you opened the door to your car, and almost fell out of it onto the concrete floor of the garage. Your breath was coming in short, sparaitic spurts, and your chest felt like it had a thousand pound weight on it, that was pressing harder and harder with each passing breath that pushed through your burning lungs.
You began to try and crawl your way into the bunker when you heard the door burst open, and Sam’s heavy footsteps coming towards you.
“Y/n?” he yelled upon seeing you laying on the floor, running towards you, yelling for Dean. 
You knew that Sam would have died before he ever laid a hand on you to hurt you, but the demon that had trapped you had been an Alpha, and something in the strong Alpha scent that wasn’t your Alpha sent you reeling over the edge. 
A deep growl rumbled in your chest, and you backed yourself against the back tire of Baby, baring your teeth at him like some wild animal, with every intent of it signaling to him if he tried to get to close or touch you, that you were prepared to go as far as ripping his arms off to protect yourself. 
Cas and Dean came to a running stop right at the side of Sam, who was now backing up with his hands in the air. 
Cas held his position, but Dean didn’t hesitate in dropping to his knees, and pulling you into his lap, his scent surrounding you and comforting you for the first time in days. 
“What the fuck happed? Who did this to you?” Dean asks you, his teeth gritted and low growls falling from his chest. 
You couldn’t answer him, your focus on Cas as he made his way over to you, before he could even kneel down to check your injuries a growl ripped through your body that even made your Alpha jump in surprise. 
“Y/n, I can heal you if you let me.” Cas said calmly, but you were feeling anything but calm at the moment and wanted no one but you Alpha to touch you. 
“No,” you growled through gritted teeth, and Dean pulled you closer to his chest, allowing you to bury your face in his neck, breathing in his scent deeply. 
“Baby girl, you have to tell us what happened.” Dean said, running his hands through your matted hair in an attempt to calm you as the tears you had been holding back all this time made their way to the surface. 
“That demon from Kansas city jumped me as I got out of the car. He kept me trapped in the basement for days, a house just at the end of 11th street with a busted up white fence, Dean...I’m sorry I shouldn’t have left the bunker without you, I just wanted to..” 
Dean shushed your rambling apology by pressing his lips to yours. A peace seeped through you in a rush of relief at the close contact. 
Breaking the kiss,Dean turned to silently communicate to Sam what needed to be done. Sam in turn nodded and then got into your car with Cas, both of them going to rid the world of that asshole once and for all, and leaving you under the care of the only man you would let touch you. 
Dean lefted the two of you with ease, making his way into the bunker and into the showers with you as if you weighed nothing at all. You kept your face buried in his neck the whole way, your body trembling with exhaustion, and pain as he made slow calculated movements so as to not jostle you around too much.
Dean sat you on the ground next to the bathtub, leaving you just long enough to start the water filling in the tub before coming to strip your filthy clothing from you, or what was left of it anyway. 
You numbly let him do with you whatever he wanted. You had no fight, and you had no strength left in your body. All your fight had been used up to get back to your Alpha, and now that you were here, you had to trust him so he would protect you. You wanted nothing more than to sink into your bed, with your Alpha’s arms around you, where you knew you were safe. 
Lifting you carefully off the floor, Dean laid you down in the bathtub that he’d filled with Epsom Salt to sterilize the wounds that covered your body, thankfully none of them were too deep, but you still hissed at the burn before letting the hot water relax your aching muscles.  
Once Dean had you settled in the bath, he moved to strip himself of his own clothing, before setting in behind you, wrapping you in his arms, and cupping water over your hair as he washed away all the evidence of what was done to you aside from the cuts that littered your skin.
He took his time in silence, washing your hair, and making his way over your whole body with you in his hold. 
Once he was done he got you both dried off and carried you to your shared bedroom, putting you down in your bed before retrieving one of his flannels to slip over you body, wrapping you up completely in his scent before he climbed in and pulled you into his embrace. His lips tracing over yours in a comforting, calming way that only he could. 
“I failed you, Omega. This is my fault that this happened to you, if I would have killed that son of a bitch in Kansas City he would have never hurt you.”
Shaking your head furiously you place your lips to his as the first barely there cramp of your heat rolled through your body. Letting you know of the impending need that would surely be there by morning. 
Dean scensed the change in your scent, and pulled you closer to him, nuzzling himself into your neck and breathing you in deeply. 
“Dean, this was just as much my fault as it is yours. I know you don’t like me going on supply runs while you're not here, and I did it anyway against better judgement.”
Dean huffed, clearly kicking himself for not being here to protect you when you were captured. 
“Either way, that bastard will be dead as soon as Cas and Sam get ahold of him, and then we will never have to worry about that again.” 
The thought of the way you acted in the garage hit you, and you buried yourself impossibly deeper into Dean’s hold. Dean, sensing the change in you, lifted your chin a little with his finger, eyes searching yours. 
“I will never let anything like that happen to you again, Omega, I swear it.” 
You nibbled on your lip and nodded your head, allowing Dean to comfort and reassure you. Knowing that’s what you needed more than you wanted to admit. 
“I’m sorry that I acted like that with Sam and Cas, I know they were just trying to help,” you mumbled against his throat as his hands instinctively wandered your body, pressing deeply into your back, and pulling you closer to his warm body as another mild cramp rolled through your abdomen. 
“It’s okay baby, they understand.” 
Dean’s fingers press into your hips, and pull you closer to him, his erection pressing into your thigh as he hoists your leg over his hips, pressing himself against your bare center. 
“Right now I don’t want you to worry about none of that, that son of a bitch is as good as dead. He can’t hurt you again. You're safe here with me. Now let me make my baby girl feel better, I can sense your heat is close, and I want to make love to my girl one more time before it hits.”
You needed him, you knew you needed him. There was something special about an Alpha and his Omega. It was more than needed, it was deeper than heats and ruts, it surprised biology, it was that unexplainable bond. A bond that went beyond all reasoning and understanding, a bond that when connected could heal all wounds, mental and physical, it didn’t matter it was greater than that. It put together broken pieces, and made things that were once severed whole. 
That’s what you needed more than anything right now, to feel whole. 
Dean rutted his leaking cock through your rapidly soaking folds, your body reacting in a way only he seemed to be able to make it. The spongy tip created the most delicious friction against your aching bundle of nerves as he drove you higher and higher, grinding himself against you, layering you with his scent as his teeth grazed your mating gland, and over his mark, a shiver running down your spin, and landing deep in your core. Your velvet walls contracting around nothing as your hips start to roll with his on their own. 
“Alpha, please, I need you.” you begged him, nails digging into his shoulders as he continued to tease you with his cock. Not giving you what you need, but giving you just enough to drive you crazy.
“I got you, Omega, I know what you need.” he purs as he breaches your entrance and with one full thrust seats himself deep inside of you. The stretch of him catching you by surprise, and stealing your breath form you as sheer pleasure rips through your body. Your mouth falling open in a soundless scream. 
Dean’s hands slipped around your back and under his flannel as his lips make their way down your throat, giving you a moment to adjust to him before he started to rock his hips into you. Keeping himself buried deep in your wet heat. His knot forming quickly as the coil in your belly wound tighter and tighter with each roll of your hips with his, your bodies working together as his pelvis provided just the right amount of pressure against your aching clit. 
Before you had time to even warn him you were coming undone in his lap. Your walls clamping down around him as your orgasm ripped through your body, a scream of his name falling from your lips as your release triggered his, his teeth sinking deep into your mating gland, reclaiming you as his own, and sealing your bond deeper than you ever thought possible, your walls milking his knot as his body locks with yours, and warm ropes of cum spill deep inside your womb. 
Laying there locked together with your Alpha you let the peace that surrounded you lull you to a peaceful sleep. Dean watches over you, garding you, protecting you, like he would do until the day he died. 
He made a promise to himself to never let anything hurt you again. 
“Mine.” he mumbled into your hair, as you nuzzled into him in your peaceful slumber. 
The life that you both lived almost guaranteed that one day one would be taken from the other, but right now, with you lying here in his arms, he was in heaven, and if his battered, torn soul never made it over there, he’d cherish these moments even in hell. This was all that he'd ever need, and he’d protect you with is life. He knew it would take a while to get you over this attack that you didn’t deserve, but he’d be there with you every step of the way until you were whole again.
Tag List: @screechingartisancashbailiff @thecreatiivecorner  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624 @busy-bee-angel-misska @justanotherwinchester @deanwanddamons​ @imabitch4jensen​ @rvgrsbrns​ @bi-danvers0​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @i-love-superhero​ @akshi8278 @lyss-dw79 @magssteenkamp @lemondropirwin @squirrelnotsam @hobby27 @spnbaby-67 @mrsjenniferwinchester @defenderrosetyler 
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amazedforjjk · 5 years ago
Escape - OT7
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The gif is not mine! If you’re the owner please tell me!
Characters: Lion!Namjoon, Jaguar!Jin, Black panther!Yoongi, Cheetah!Hoseok, Snow Leopard!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, cougar!Jungkook, Serval!Reader
Summary: In a world where Hybrid protection laws are gradually strengthening, many organisations are still advocating for the complete extermination of your species. What happens when you find yourself and 7 other predatory hybrids in a truck en route to a hybrid slaughter facility?
Genre: Angst (I want to try and add humour, fluff and perhaps smut too, depending on the response to this fic so please let me know)
Warning: Mentions of abuse, blood, kidnapping.
A.N: This is my first fic ever. I got bored because of the quarantine and I figured why not. English is not my first language so please bear with me! Tell me if you like it and I’ll continue this fic!
Word count : 3.5k 
The first thing to hit you when you wake is the pungent smell of fear. As your eyes flutter open, you try to take in the sight before you. You’re in a warehouse, you can tell as much. All around you are dozens of other hybrids bunched into individual cages.
Your hands come to rest on the bars of yours, eyes widening when you finally seem to grasp the reality of your situation. Your hands are bound in heavy dirty shackles, and you can tell you certainly weren’t the first to ever wear them. The cages are not big enough for you to stand up, and you can barely move. Stray tears stream down your cheeks as the memories of the events which led to your condition ultimately flash before your eyes.
“ Come on, she’s weak.”
“We’re gonna get you kitty, stop running.”
You pant as you run. You’ve never run this fast before in your life, your heart pounding dangerously in your chest. ‘Escape’ is the only thought plaguing your mind as you hear the voices behind you. You don’t even know where you are, much less where you could go, so you just keep on running in the dark alleyways. You suddenly turn in another alley, relieved when you find the ladder of a fire escape.
Maybe they won’t find me if I climb, you think to yourself as you begin grasping the rusty bars. The voices are coming closer, and you find that there are even more than you originally thought.
A gunshot rings through the air right next to you, the bullet landing behind you in the wall. Your eyes widen and you quicken your pace, however, in your haste to come up, you fail to see the broken bar and fall off the ladder. The fall chases the air from your lungs as you try to get up.
“Too slow, kitty”, the man behind you says with a smirk.
They caught up, you think as a sob of pain and hopelessness escapes you. How long had you been running? And your siblings, had they been able to escape? You turn on your front and crawl on the ground, trying to get away from the men as much as you could, when you feel a shock of electricity coursing through your body.
“Where do you think you’re going, bitch? You’ve already caused us too much trouble, don’t think you’re gonna get off easy.” A hand grabs your hair, causing you to wince in pain. You can barely move when the man hits you square in the face with a baton, and you fall unconscious.
Your left hand leaves the bar to touch the side of your face where you remember being hit, and you wince when your fingers come in contact with the bruised skin. You glance around the room to distract yourself from the pain of your face; there must be at least 50 hybrids in cages in the warehouse, predators and prey alike. Most of the hybrids in your vicinity sport bruises on their faces, some of them sobbing, and their clothes are disheveled. All of you look as if you rolled in dust, the hygiene of the facility having clearly been overlooked. You scan the room, holding your breath, looking for a familiar face. You’re relieved to see that you knew none of the hybrids around you. It’s better that way, you try to convince yourself, unable to repress the pang of fear you feel at the thought of being alone.
Suddenly, the sound of a heavy door opening grasps the attention of all hybrids. The room falls completely silent, all of you looking on in fear as ten men make their way inside. One of them claps his hands loudly as he faces the others.
“Alright gentleman, we need to move fast”, he says in a low, raspy voice. “ Separate the predators and the prey into two groups, and then start charging the trucks, we don’t have all day.” He claps his hands a second time, and that seems to spur on the workers who make their ways towards the hybrids, muttering different variations of “Yes boss” as they reach the cages.
The boss then turns around to face the captive hybrids.
“Oh, and if any of them give you trouble…. You know what to do”, he says, his mouth shifting into a dark smirk. It seems that the threat was rather directed towards the hybrids as he leaves the room, chuckling when he kicks a cage, making the hybrid inside whimper.
One by one, the cages were separated into two other rooms, and then loaded onto trucks by packs of eight. All around you you could hear whimpers and sobs of hybrids, sometimes interrupted by the loud shouts of the loaders. Your mind is racing, desperately searching for a way to escape. There has to be a way. However, as much as the cogs in your mind are turning, you can’t help feeling helpless.
You and the seven other hybrids loaded on the truck are the last of the hybrids. You don’t spare a glance towards the others yet, your eyes locked on the loader charging the last cage next to you. The eight enclosures are in the center of a container, in two rows of four. As you were loaded just before the last cage, it meant that you could reach the loader. You are not going to go down without a fight, that’s for certain. If you’re going to die, you at least have to cause as much damage as you can. You were just about to attack him when something shiny caught your eyes. The keys!
Once his deed is done, the loader then sits on the edge of the container. He takes out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and starts lighting one. Smoke spreads in the truck, making one of the hybrids cough. However, the acrid smell is now the least of your concerns as your eyes zero in on the keys. Slowly, your hand creeps towards the set of keys. You can feel the hybrid next to you holding his breath as your hand makes its way to the keys. You are as quiet as possible, carefully holding the chains of your restraints to stop them from rattling. Once you finally grab the keys, you bring them back to you without a sound.
The hybrid on your left is the only one aware of your doings, and once the keys are stashed under your tail, you finally face him to make eye contact. His eyes are open wide in awe and you can see a glimmer of hope in his gaze. Hope, yes, I’m going to call him that. You smile shyly and glance away from his intense gold eyes, instead focusing on his body. He has small rounded ears and a spotted tail. Like you, he must be a big cat hybrid. His coal hair is dirty, falling in front of his eyes. Once he comes out of his awe stricken state, he returns you a small smile, his mouth forming a heart.
Another cough comes to your ears and you decide to look around at the other hybrids next to you. Behind you is another male hybrid. He sits uncomfortably, his shoulders too wide to be cramped in such a small cage. His face is beautiful though dirty, and when his gaze finally meets yours, you find yourself entranced by his blue eyes. His round ears are black at the tips and his tail is also spotted. Another big cat, huh? He smiles sweetly at you, though his eyes betray his fear. 
You turn to take in the small hybrid next to him, behind Hope. He sits hugging his knees, his bushy tail wrapped around him. His fur is grey with large black rosettes across. His hair is blond, his light eyes unfocused. He looks completely lost, his plump lips quivering ever so slightly. Feeling your gaze on him, he turns to face you, revealing his black eye and busted lip. You’re not the only one who put on a fight apparently. You quickly avert your eyes from his figure, looking instead at your feet.
You’re unable to see the other hybrids behind Wide Shoulders and Blondie from your point of view, but it doesn’t take a lot of thinking to figure out that the others are probably big cats as well.
A whistle shrills through the air. The loader finally finishes his cigarettes, throws the butt on the ground and grabs the doors of the container, a wicked smile on his face: “ See you never, monsters,” he spits and closes the doors abruptly. You would scoff at his remark if it weren’t for the fact that bringing unwanted attention to you would thwart your escape plans. The container is plunged into darkness, and you can sense the truck starting to move.
The start of the ride is silent, aside from a few whimpers coming from the hybrids in the front. Once your eyes start to get accustomed to the darkness, you look for the keys to your shackles. There are a lot of keys and you try one by one to open your restraints with shaky hands. Eight of them are similar, and the last one is slightly smaller. The big ones must be for the shackles and the other for the cage, you think.
Your heart is pounding in your chest, and at the sound of the keys, the hybrids in the front are getting restless. Wide shoulders, Blondie and Hope are staring intently at your ministrations, the latter the only one who isn’t surprised at your possession. When your shackles finally pop open, you can hear Wide shoulders let out a cry of victory, Blondie turning towards the others, only to utter the word “keys”. It seems however that it’s all they really need to understand and the whimpers cease.
With your hands finally free, you look for the lock on your cage, testing the keys when Hope leads your hands to the lock. You finally stand up after what seems an eternity, and every muscle in your body seems to scream in pain having stayed in the cage so much. You take the small key from the set and give the rest to Hope. While he tries to undo the restraints, you go around the enclosures to open them.
While opening the cages, you spot a badly injured hybrid. Both his eyes are black and swollen shut. From the look of his tail, you figure he must be a lion hybrid. When his cage finally pops open, you reach out to help him up, flinching away when he roars at your touch.
“Don’t worry, we’re free”, says with a low voice the hybrid next to him, a tiger hybrid you note, and both of you reach out to help the lion. You cast a thankful glance to the tiger and continue on opening the cages, finishing by Blondie’s cage.
Once all of them are out of their cages, Hope finishes going around the hybrids to rid them of their restraints. You can finally see the other hybrids, though you can’t really distinguish them due to the lack of lights. You had seen Hope, Blondie and Wide shoulders thanks to the warehouse’s lights, but it’s now impossible to identify the species of the others without being close. Not a word is ushered as the last shackles fall to the floor of the container. The eight of you are left to stare at each other (except for the lion who is resting seated against the side of the container), until a small voice is heard.
“What now?” The heads all turn towards a young hybrid, perhaps the youngest of the males hybrids. He has deep round amber eyes and dark hair falling on his features. His eyes sink to the ground when he feels the attention on him.
“We have to escape”, says Hope, looking at the door of the container. The hybrids all turn towards the door, and a small man with a black tail goes to feel the door, looking for anything that could help him open it.
“But the truck-”
“It’s either we jump while it’s moving, either we die at the slaughterhouse” Wide shoulders interrupts the tiger.
“We should be on a small road.” This time, it’s the lion who speaks unexpectedly. “They can’t move us on highways, it’s too risky, and the truck is not going at maximum speed. We should be surrounded by fields or the forest, making our escape easier. Plus, it should be night, they wouldn’t move illegal cargo during the day.”
“You’re probably right”, you say. “So this is our only chance.” You look pointedly at the tiger hybrid who looks hesitant. “ If we don’t escape now we’ll die”. At the last word, Blondie whimpers. You try to bury the fear you feel, this is not the time to be scared, we have to run.
Behind you, the dark tailed hybrid ultimately opens the door with a grunt. All of you turn towards the opening. The lion was right, it is night time, and all you can see are the passing fields in the horizon.
Thanks to the moonlight, you figure out that the black-tailed hybrid is in fact a black panther. He looks back. His pale skin is glowing in the moonlight, contrasting with his dark hair. His yellow eyes are luminous, scouring the truck.
“It’s now or never”, he says, locking eyes with as many hybrids as he can. He then goes back to where the lion is seated and helps him to stand up.
Wide Shoulders is the first to jump, and he rolls to a stop on the road. Blondie follows him closely, holding the tigers hand in his. Hope and Black panther hold on to the lion and all three fall on the road. You’re going to jump when you see the wide eyed boy behind you.
“Hey, we gotta go”, you try to urge him, but he only looks at you with glassy eyes.
The others are getting out of view, and you start to panic. You can’t leave him here, he’s going to die. You try to pull him by the hand but he stays put. He’s too strong for you. Shit!
“Please! We need to jump”, you look at him pleadingly, “we're going to be fine I promise!”
“Promise..?” he looks completely lost, eyes wide, focused on you.
“Yes, now please we have to go!” you beg, and this time, when you pull at his hand, he follows you. Both of you jump out of truck, hand in hand.
The landing is somewhat painful, gravel sinking in your hands and shin. Your arm took the brunt of it, but you don’t dare to look at it now, only getting up to run, your hand still in the man’s. As sure as you could be that the driver couldn’t possibly have heard anything over the noise of the truck, it was not impossible for them to see you through the mirrors. 
Adrenaline coursing through your veins, you get out of the road onto the high grass framing the road. You just had to find the others, and then you’ll figure out what to do next. You are still running, unable to stop, and as the hand of the young man following you slips out of yours, a thought hits you: Why would they wait for us?
You continue running, and your mind races just as much. They don’t have to wait for you. If anything, it would be safer for them if they don’t. Eight predatory hybrids in the wild is an uncanny sight. Moreover, the countryside isn’t known for its open-mindedness regarding hybrids. These hybrids are far from being stupid, you could tell by only listening to the lion hybrid. Chances are they took the safest bet and left already, every man for himself. Behind you, the once afraid hybrid is still following. At least he’ll be here, right?
However, those thoughts all wash away when you finally see the group of hybrids. The six of them are here, crouched in the grass in a circle, waiting anxiously for you. You can’t help the smile of relief when you come crashing next to Hope, the effects of the adrenaline already fading, leaving only exhaustion. Behind you, the young hybrid is catching his breath, his hands on his knees, his tail swatting around him.
“You- You waited..” you pant.
“Of course, we wouldn’t leave any of us behind.” Blondie says. It’s the first time you hear him talk, his voice is melodious. He seems more relaxed now, even going as far to flash a small smile your way.
“Everyone is here, we can’t stay for long. We have to find somewhere to rest.” It’s Wide Shoulders’ time to speak now, his tone serious but the light in his eyes tells you he’s happy to see you.
“There’s a forest not too far from here, surely we could take cover underneath the trees”, Hope says, pointing towards a patch of trees.
“Alright, everyone be careful, and let’s go to the trees”, Wide Shoulders rises, helping the lion hybrid get to his feet. In the moonlight, his injuries are all the more apparent, and he seems to be limping as well. What happened to him? The tiger hybrid gets to his side, letting the injured man lean on him for support. The small group slowly makes way to the trees, silent in the night, all senses on high alert.
You only let yourself relax when you finally reach the cover of the trees, the knots in your shoulders loosening up. You take in your surroundings, the trees giving a decent enough shelter for the eight of you to rest for now. The ground is covered with moss and dead leaves, comfortable enough for you to sleep. You decide to camp around a small stream, taking advantage of the clear water to drink and wash up a little bit.
None of you talk, all of you occupied with different tasks. Thanks to the moonlight, you can finally take in the rest of the boys accompanying you. The tiger hybrid is beautiful, with sharp features and piercing golden eyes. His hair is long and wavy, falling in front of his eyes. He seems focused on washing the blood and gravel off the side of his torso. You can’t help your gaze from falling on his small waist. 
Damn, he really built like that?
You shake your head to chase those thoughts away and focus instead on the lion hybrid already drifting off to sleep on the soft moss. His dirty blond hair is falling on either side of his face, his round ears pressed to the back of his head. The bruises on his face are purple and blue, and blood is drying around his fleshy lips and brow bone. His long hands are also bloodied, and you don’t even want to think about what could have happened to him. Luckily, those bruises should disappear quickly thanks to hybrids’ healing capability.
A reminder that he’s not the only one bruised hits you when you try to lay on your side, the pain in your arm making you grit your teeth. You finally dare to look at it and breathe through your teeth at the sight. Your arm is bloody, bits of flesh torn because of the gravel. You move to the stream, holding back a whimper to try and wash your wound when a big hand rests on your good arm. You look up to meet Wide Shoulders’ blue eyes in surprise. He flashes you a small smile.
“It looks really bad, please let me”, he says, gesturing to your arm.
Begrudgingly you let him, wincing when the cold water comes in contact with your flesh. Once he removes all the gravel left in your arm, he rips a part of his shirt off to wrap the cloth around your arm. You look at him in surprise, only glancing for a few seconds at his now exposed abs.
Oh my god he has abs?
Once he finishes to wrap up your arm, you cast him a questioning look.
“Well, it’s thanks to you we’re safe… That’s the least I can do”, he says shyly. You utter a small thank you, still shocked at the gesture.
“You should try to sleep, you look exhausted.”
Sure enough, as soon as he says this you erupt in a huge yawn, eyelids feeling heavy. You start to settle on the soft moss, casting a glance to your travel companions.
You’re not out of trouble yet, that you know for sure. But you feel strangely safer, even in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the seven hybrids. As you can see the males slowly drift off to sleep, you realize that perhaps you’ll be okay, and you know you can count on them.
AN: Please give me some feedback!
Thank you @jingabitch​ for giving me advice! 
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gaycrouton · 5 years ago
could you write a fic where scully gets really horny on her period and working with mulder certainly isn’t helping? (pre-relationship) i don’t wanna be too descriptive or anything because i trust that you’ll think of something perfect!
It was the changing levels of progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen in the system that had a dramatic effect on libido during the menstrual cycle. Scully had learned that when she was twelve and got her first period, but known it in practice officially in medical school. One day she’d be normal, the next day all she could think about was when she could get home, lay down on her bed, and fuck herself senseless.
Some things never changed. 
She squeezed her thighs together under the table as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She felt like all the blood in her body had rushed to her groin and her lips were swelling more and more each passing minute as her arousal grew. She was starting to feel uncomfortable with the fact she wasn’t sure if her tampon was leaking or if she was just that aroused. All she knew for certain was that she just wanted to lean back in her chair, spread her legs, and let her hand go to work.
What she really wanted was for Mulder to walk over here, part her thighs, and bury his face between them. Or maybe she just wanted to go over there, straddle his legs, and fuck him until his chair broke. She wanted him to know her body was his to do whatever he pleased with.
She let out a small cough as she clenched her thighs together again, glancing at the clock only to see five minutes had passed until she last looked. She knew her face was flushed red, probably matching the blush on her chest and in between her thighs, the blood pumping rapidly to keep up with her heart. It was like a tell she couldn’t conceal.
Scully wished he was as easy to read. Sure, she’d seen his porn collection by accident once or twice, she knew he had a libido, but she often tried to restrict herself from thinking about him in that light too much. Tried being the operative word. She wondered if Mulder would be the type to be repulsed by menstruation? Or would he deem it just a part of life? She remembered the criticisms of her past lovers vividly - one even fatally going so far as to compare her to a ‘bitch in heat’. It was usually the blood that threw them off. Apparently they all forgot that towels and showers exist. 
“Scully, are you okay?”
Her attention shot up to the man causing her current predicament. She always thought he was sexy, but today it was harder than normal to keep her thoughts off of that fact. His cologne smelled better, his faint stubble looked tantalizing, and his deep baritone felt like warm honey being poured on her. “W-what?”
Yesterday had been really tough. She was cramping the entire day, she felt irritable, and Mulder had gotten the brunt of it. While he clearly had been initially offended, even snapping back at her a few times, halfway through the day he’d caught sight of her pain-stricken face as she clutched her side, and became substantially more patient. His kindness and understanding had drastically improved her day, especially when he’d given her some dark chocolate he’d bought just for her. 
Today, however, that same kindness and understanding was having a different effect on her. Knowing that she was still suffering, he kept rubbing her back or massaging her shoulders gently every time he passed by her chair - which today felt like far more than he usually did. Small touches that were usually forbidden only being given under the guise of comfort.
His fingers touching her body had the effect of a match being struck. It felt like she was sucking all the oxygen from around her as her body was set ablaze. The last time he did it she even let out a little accidental whimper. 
She’d been able to pass it off as pain from the cramp, but he’d been staring at her with an odd smirk every time she caught his gaze. 
Like now. 
“I was just asking if you’re feeling okay?” he clarified.
He leaned back in his chair as he said this and started playing with a pencil with both hands. Her eyes were drawn to the skin of his revealed forearms, his shirt bunched around his elbows. Scully could see the muscles flexing underneath his olive skin as he rotated the pencil, rubbing the tip over the pad of his index finger. 
She licked her lips as she thought about what else those fingers could rub.
“Yeah, Mulder. I’m just still a little under the weather,” she shrugged, turning her attention back to the screen of her computer… which had apparently automatically shut down from lack of use without her even noticing. 
Mulder maintained her gaze for a moment before his eyes dropped to the front of her shirt, instantly darting back to his own computer as he feigned work. 
Did he just ogle her breasts?
Her brow furrowed as a result of the decidedly un-Mulder like lack of tact, and she looked down to see if something was wrong - only to see her nipples were prominently visible through the thin cotton of her shirt. Jesus Christ.
Scully hunched over in her seat a little bit, as if that would do anything to conceal her chest. She really started to feel like she might as well write ‘Hi, I’m horny’ on her forehead. 
“Um, I’m sorry. Is it too cold in here?” he asked in concern, already pivoting around in his chair in preparation of getting up and walking to the thermostat. 
“Uh, n-,” she began, before deciding she’d rather blame it on temperature rather than her reaction to his proximity. “Yeah, thank you.”
Even though she was pretending to be doing work, she couldn’t keep her eyes from watching him stand up and-
She gasped, but bit her lip to keep from making anymore noise. From the looks of it, she wasn’t the only one aroused. 
He passed by her on his way to the thermostat and she saw he was tenting. Not as bad as she’d seen him do before, but it was significant enough to be slightly visible. Was it because of her?
“Sorry, I didn’t realize it was cold,” he laughed awkwardly as he tinkered with the settings.
She didn’t say anything as she continued looking through the documents on her computer, trying to find some menial task to occupy herself with while still looking busy in case he glanced at her screen. 
God, she’d never wished she had x-ray vision more than she did right now. She’d seen it before, sure, but seeing Mulder’s flaccid penis during an exam and seeing Mulder’s hard cock after catching a glimpse of her tits were two drastically different things. Scully risked a second glance as he walked back to his desk. She could tell he wasn’t fully erect, but it was clearly enough to get her hand around. Enough to stay up on its own as she bent her head down and wrapped her lips around-
“Scully, did you hear me?”
Her eyes shot up and she realized she’d been daydreaming while glaring a hole through the desk where she wanted to see most of all. She saw a light blush had smattered across Mulder’s face as he rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I asked if this was better?” 
Now she was sitting in the same predicament, only with the knowledge of Mulder’s eager cock sitting a few feet away as the room started heating up while she felt like she was going to self combust into a ball of fire. 
“Yeah, much better. Thank you,” she smiled.
He smiled back and something about it made her feel like a hungry lion watching an innocent lamb. Did he have any idea how much she wanted to jump his bones at this very moment? 
Forcing her attention back to her computer for what felt like the millionth time today, she looked at the digital clock in the corner only to see a measly three minutes had passed since she last checked.
This was the longest day of her entire life.
She decided cleaning her mailbox would be tedious enough to distract her, while simple enough to be easily fixed when she inevitably got distracted from her distraction and messed up.
From: Dr. Lewis
Subject: Thank you for the autopsy report
From: Mom
Subject: Dinner tomorrow?
Reply: Yes
From: DCsexysingles69
Subject: You want to see this!
Her mouse hovered over the delete button before curiosity got the better of her. She clicked the link and, as expected, her browser started going crazy with pop ups. She was glad she wasn’t connected to the speakers right now, because she feared what audio was coming from this. 
Photos of sprawled out naked women and men with impossibly large erections littered the screen. She tried to hide her surprise with a cough as she adjusted herself in her seat. Mulder glanced over at her, but luckily turned back to his work.
On a normal basis, she would have been exiting out of the tabs rapidly. But there was only a half an hour left for the day and there was a brown haired man on the screen that looked brooding enough for her tastes.
Scully’s eyes travelled down the man’s exposed torso before resting on his massive erection. Every animal instinct in her made her body crave friction and pressure. If her clit was yelling before, it was screaming for attention now. She squeezed her legs together before glancing out of the corner of her eye, making sure Mulder wasn’t looking.
He wasn’t.
As discreetly as she could, she squirmed in her seat, letting her hand fall subtly on her lap before allowing two fingers to slide in between her thighs and press against her center as best she could. She bit her lip and retracted them as quickly as she could. The temporary relief felt amazing, but only made the intense desire for more even higher. 
Someone once told her the average man thought about sex once every second. While the statistic seemed like an extreme hyperbole - it felt accurate to her current predicament. Looking around the room, she took a mental inventory of everything it would feel great to grind against. The chair, the corner of the desk, the edges of the tables, Mulder’s lap, Mulder’s cock. She let her eyes flutter shut as she thought about it. He’d let her. She knew he would. If she stood up right now, walked over there, straddled him on the chair and ground herself on him until she came - he would have no complaints.
What would he sound like? Would he be nervous and timid? Or would he ravish her the first moment he got? She felt like her arousal had a heart beat and she swore she’d stand up only to see a wet spot where she sat.
Her eyes snapped open at a harsh knock resounded from behind her. “Come in,” Mulder called out.
She’d just gotten her hand to her mouse when she heard the voice of A.D. Skinner boom. “Sorry for dropping by unexpe- Agent Scully? May I ask what you’re doing?” 
She craned her head over her neck as she started rapidly clicking on the exit tabs, “I was checking my mail and spam came up. I’m so sorry,” she rambled. For every tab that closed, it felt like another opened. The seconds seemed to tick by, punctuated by the sounds of her clicking the mouse before eventually just stabbing her finger against the power button. 
Mulder was staring at her with a look of pure confusion, but she felt she couldn’t meet his eye. Instead, she turned back to Skinner, clearing her throat, and said, “I’m sorry.”
Skinner looked just as embarrassed as she inevitably did, and just chuckled humorlessly while adjusting his glasses. “It happens to the best of us.”
“Is there something we can help you with, Sir?” Mulder asked slowly.
Skinner shook his head, snapping himself back to the matter and stammered. “Yeah, yeah. Uh, I just came down to let you both know I need to see you both for a meeting tomorrow to go over the case reports you sent to me yesterday.” As an afterthought he added, “Why is it so hot in here?”
“Were the reports okay?” she asked, skipping over his last question.
She gave them both a stern look as to say ‘what do you think?’ before saying “Let’s just say I have some questions. My office at eleven, okay?” he stated as he started backing out of the room. Skinner seemed to glance at her one last time after avoiding her gaze the entire time he talked, and he stopped in his tracks.
“Sir?” she prompted, feeling uncomfortable in her state with Skinner anywhere near her.
“Sorry, I just don’t think I’ve ever seen you so red,” he laughed. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
If there was a scale, she just went from crimson to scarlet. He laughed at her once more before telling them to have a goodnight as he closed the door. 
The room was silent as she stared at where he’d just been standing, not wanting to turn around and face Mulder. Apparently he didn’t need her to face him. “What did you do?” he laughed.
Pivoting in her seat, she looked at him and saw his eyes were brimming with curious amusement. “I accidentally opened a spam email and porn popped up,” she replied.
“Oh really?” he prodded, leaning back in his seat. “Was it good?” he teased, wagging his eyebrows suggestively.
“Oh yeah, Mulder,” she deadpanned. “How did you know?” 
“Because you looked like you were enjoying yourself,” he replied with a lilt in his voice.
Her eyes shot to him as electricity ran through her body. She should have known better than to-
“Kidding, kidding,” he laughed, raising his hands in the air. She looked at him pensively for a moment, not sure if he was being honest or not. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
She wasn’t one to get off from fear, so her arousal had diminished greatly within the past few minutes. Subsided, might be more correct. She let out a slow breath, looking at the clock on the wall. 4:45.
“Yeah, I’m just still feeling a little under the weather,” she nodded, grabbing her purse. “If you don’t mind I might leave a little early today. I just want to go home,” she explained, standing up. 
“Yeah, sure,” he nodded supportively. 
She stood up and started walking towards the door, her well wishes on her tongue when he called out. “I hope you’re able to find some relief at home,” he said in a joking tone.
She turned around to glare at him when she saw he’d stood up, that slight tent in his pants still visible. A smile broke out on her face as she looked up to him, a devilish playfulness gleaming in his eye.
“Goodnight, Mulder,” she said with finality.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he smiled.
I’ll see you in thirty minutes, she thought to herself, that familiar ache resuming yet again in between her thighs as she left.
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moxleyhorror · 1 year ago
First Time For Everything: Otis Driftwood x Fem OC *SMUT*
Pairing: Otis x Fem OC
Summary: Anna has been best friends with Baby since they were little, always known about what happens at the Firefly home. One night, Otis decides to give Anna the chance at some well deserved revenge on her dad.
Word Count: 1882
Warnings: blood, gore, mentions of child abuse, smut, unprotected sex
So my first time posting a fic that I am actually really happy with. I've posted 2 versions, one without smut and this one with smut, for the people who don't like to read smut. Only the ending is different. Hope you enjoy, and any tags that I have missed, let me know :) I also want to mention, I DO NOT CONDONE ANYTHING THE FIREFLY FAMILY DO. This is a work of fiction and that is all.
“Anna get up” Baby shook the sleeping girls’ arm but she didn’t stir, “Bitch, get the fuck up” Baby raised her voice louder and dragged the blanket off her friend, scowling as Anna’s naked, slim and very bruised frame was uncovered, “Wow, he really did a number on ya this time didn’t he”. Anna stretched her arms in the air with a yawn, her muscles were cramped and aching, a sensation that she was well and truly used to now. Baby had snuck into Anna’s room on multiple occasions in the middle of the night, so Anna wasn’t surprised to see the blondes grinning face, her blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. “What’s wrong?” Anna swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, “Otis has a surprise for you” Baby hopped from foot to foot excitedly, “He’s waiting downstairs”. Anna picked up a t-shirt from the floor and pulled it on over her head, it fell just far enough to cover her ass, “That’s fine we aren’t going out” Baby said as Anna reached for the clothes pile again. She shrugged and combed her fingers through her hair as the two girls headed for the door.
Otis was sat on the couch in the sitting room, toying with the knife in his hand as he waited for the girls, a strong buzz of anticipation running through him. He looked up as the girls entered, his gaze drifting over Anna’s body, enjoying the way the t-shirt clung to her curves and showed off her long legs, “So what’s this all about?” Anna slumped down onto the couch beside Otis, who reached out and gently touched the dark bruise on her cheek, “Why’d he do that?”. Anna pushed his hand away, “I dropped his beer” Anna shrugged. Otis clapped his hands together with a grin, “Well this will definitely cheer you up then” he took Anna’s hand and stood up, pulling her with him.
 Anna was led into the kitchen, Otis dropped her hand and switched on the light. It took a moment for Anna’s eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness, and then her mouth fell open. Her dad, Chris, was lying, gagged, with his wrists and ankles tied to each leg of the table in the middle of the room, wearing nothing but his underpants. He looked at Anna with wide eyes, struggling against his restraints as Baby skipped over to him, leaning over his head with a grin. Otis stepped behind Anna, placing his hands on her waist and pulling her into him, “Think of this as revenge” he whispered, “All that pain he has caused you, you can now do to him” Anna’s heart was beating rapidly, sweat beading on her forehead, “I couldn’t” she spoke quietly, but even as the words left her mouth she knew it was a lie.
Since the first day Anna had discovered what went on in the Firefly house, she had imagined her dad being there, tortured by Baby, turned into art by Otis, and then chopped into little pieces and fed to the dogs. Somehow, even that didn’t seem like enough to make up for the years of pain that Chris had caused Anna. So, when presented with this golden opportunity to enact her revenge, Anna’s heart wasn’t going crazy out of nervousness, it was out of excitement. Baby was toying with Chris’ hair, wrapping the dark locks around her finger, and tugging harshly, giggling to herself, “He’s funny” she said, pressing her finger into his nose, “If you don’t want to play, then I will”. Baby pulled her knife from the waistband of her jeans, the blade shining, “Wait!” Anna put her hand up, “Give me a knife”. Baby jumped on the spot, clapping her hands together as Otis chuckled and handed Anna his knife, “This is going to be so fun!” Baby cried. Anna circled the table, weighing the knife in her hand, not sure where to begin. Chris’ eyes followed her, tears spilling down the sides of his face, “Aww he’s crying” Otis pouted, “Ya gonna piss yourself too?” he jeered, leaning against the kitchen counter.
Anna stopped beside Chris’ head and pulled the tape from his mouth, “Please Anna, sweetie” Chris immediately pleaded, “I’m your dad, you don’t want to hurt me”. Anna scowled at him, pushing the tip of the blade into the wood of the table, “Why wouldn’t I want to hurt you? You’ve hurt me, plenty of times” Chris opened his mouth to say something, but the words were lost as Anna ran the blade down his throat, “Have mercy” his voice was barely a whisper. Anna froze, “Mercy?” she rolled the word on her tongue slowly, not taking her eyes from Chris’. The stomach-churning scream that fell from his mouth as the blade punctured his shoulder was like music to Anna’s ears, along with the satisfying feeling of the knife cutting through skin, soft tissue, and bone, sent shivers down Anna’s spine.
Otis watched Anna’s face carefully, smirking as he caught the change in her eyes. Not the usual desperate break of a victim, as they realised their life was over. This was different. It was like a switch had flipped inside Anna’s mind, allowing all her nasty, grotesque thoughts to finally roam free. Otis had noticed small slips into Anna’s true personality for years, it just took a little push to set her free. A sense of relief washed over Anna as she pulled the knife from Chris’ shoulder, blood pouring from the wound and dripping down to the floor, pooling at Anna’s feet. Chris’ screams turned to quiet sobs, Anna circling him again, “Why didn’t you show me mercy?” she asked, “Like that time you broke my leg for making a mess on the carpet”, “You had to be punished” Chris stuttered, “I was four years old!” the knife plunged into Chris’ knee with a crack as it split his knee cap. The feeling was exhilarating to Anna, who quickly attacked Chris’ other knee, burying the knife so deep his legs were almost severed completely. Anne removed the knife agonizingly slow, twisting it as Chris writhed beneath her, “He’s not going to last much longer, with wounds like that” Otis piped up, “We can keep him alive a little longer if you want”. Anna shook her head, “He’s not worth the effort”. She stood at the top of the table, staring down at her dad’s face, the tip of the blade at his throat, “You wanted mercy” she said, “This is me giving you mercy”. Anna plunged the knife into Chris’ throat, his cry cut off as the blade cut into his voice box. He coughed and spluttered, sending blood flying into Anna’s face and down her t-shirt.
She did it again, and again, and again, and again. Her swings becoming more and more frantic each time, until finally, Chris’ head dropped to the floor with a wet smack. There was silence for a few moments before both Otis and Baby began to clap, “Bravo” Otis laughed stepping towards Anna who stood, staring at Chris’ headless body, covered head to toe in splatters of blood, breathing heavily, “How do you feel?” Baby said grabbing Chris’ head from the floor and holding it up. Anna looked between her two friends, a small smile creeping up her face, “That, was amazing!” she cried, “It was so exhilarating”. Otis looked at her proudly, “Your finally free”. Anna looked at him, “Yeah, I’m free”. Anna grabbed the front of Otis’s shirt and pulled him to her, pressing her lips to his in a messy kiss. His hands went to her waist, pressing his hips into her, Anna already feeling the bulge in his pants, “I’ll wait outside” Baby said to the oblivious pair and left, taking Chris’ head with her.
Otis’s hands pulled Anna’s t-shirt up, his rough hands pawing at her smooth skin, “No panties” he said pulling away for breath, “Glad of that now” Anna pulled the t-shirt up and over her head, Otis’s hands coming to cup her breasts, kneading them, his thumbs grazing her nipples. Anna moaned quietly as Otis’s kissed her neck, trailing down to her breasts, biting and sucking, leaving marks as he went. Otis explored lower, one hand cupping her mound, “So wet for me already” he remarked, kissing Anna, biting her lower lip for entry, and exploring her mouth. Otis backed Anna up to the counter and hooked his hands under her thighs, lifting her to sit on the cold surface before kneeling between her legs. He looked up through lust filled eyes, bringing his tongue to Anna’s clit, gently at first, but quickening his pace as Anna moaned, hand in Otis’s hair to bring him closer. Putting two fingers in and curling them earned a buck from Anna’s hips as he hit her sweet spot. Otis continued like that for a minute, enjoying the moans and purrs coming from Anna’s mouth, then Anna pushed him away, hopping off the counter and pulling him by the hand into the sitting room.
She pushed him onto the couch and crouched in front of him, unzipping his trousers and pulling them down his legs. Otis’s length sprang up and Anna wrapped her hand around him, pumping slowly as she licked the tip, “So fucking good” Otis growled, leaning his head back, eyes closed. He had waited for this for a long time, and now it was finally happening he wanted to savour every moment. Anna licked the entire length of his shaft before taking him into her mouth, forcing her head down until the tip touched the back of her throat. Otis looked at Anna, the site of her splattered with blood and his cock in her mouth nearly sent him over the edge, but he controlled himself, pulling her up by the arms. Anna straddled Otis, rubbing her slick folds over his cock before lining herself up and sinking down onto him. Anna gasped, burying her face into Otis’s shoulder as his cock stretched her. Otis was in heaven, feeling Anna’s walls clamp around him made him delirious with pleasure. Anna pressed her lips to Otis’s in a heated kiss as he bottomed out, allowing herself a moment to adjust before she rocked her hips, “Fuck, so tight” Otis moaned, biting Anna’s shoulder before pulling back to watch as she moved, her breasts bouncing in his face. Anna could feel every vein on Otis’s cock, hitting her sweet spot with every movement and threatening to push her over the edge, “Fuck, Otis” she gasped, her walls clenching around him, “I’m going to cum”. Otis gripped Anna’s hips, feeling his own release building quickly, “Cum for me mama” he growled, bucking his hips up into her roughly. Anna exploded over the edge, just as Otis coated her insides with his cum, cock twitching as Anna rode out her high before falling still, head on Otis’s shoulder, breathing heavy.
Otis wrapped his arms around Anna, kissing the side of her face, “Mercy” he said thoughtfully, “I like that, you should be called Mercy”. Anna looked at him quizzically, “New life, new name” Otis smiled. Anna played with the name in her head for a moment before grinning, “Mercy”.
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troop-scoop · 4 years ago
Comfort || Steve. H
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Request: hi bb! could I request a fic where Steve takes care of reader when she’s in pain? currently havin an endo flare up and I would luv some comfort
Warnings: cramps
Word Count: 1.056 K
A/N: I’ve like never had period cramps before, only ever cramps in my calves when im trying to sleep (Those hurt like a bitch) so I can’t even imagine what that feels like, but I tried my best, and went off of what my friends and family have told me!
• • • 
Usually you could understand nature, and how society reacted to it. They usually worked hand in hand. If you had weird heart palpitations that made you feel light headed, pretty much everyone would agree that you should go to the doctor or ER. 
If you had trouble sleeping and it affected your activity, it would be common sense to everyone that you should get checked up. 
It seemed that society usually respected nature, and how it affected the people in it. Unless it came to being a girl. In which case, you were never allowed to talk about periods out loud, or cramps, or puberty. Yet it was the complete opposite for boys, who openly talked about their bodies with many people in the room. 
So you didn’t make it known to your boyfriend in the video store that you were having cramps and felt like doubling over in pain due to them. You didn’t make it known on the way to the car after he was done with his shift and both of you walked over to his car, and so far, you weren’t making it known during the drive back to his house. 
“You okay?” 
Looking from the dashboard you’d been intently staring at to try and ignore the pain you looked at Steve while he reached for your hand. “Yeah,” You answered simply, looking back to the small speck of dust you’d been staring at on the dashboard. 
But a few more minutes down the road and you were squeezing his hand, with your seat reclined a few more inches, hoping maybe stretching your abdomen would help. 
“You sure that you’re okay?” He asked upon pulling up to the commonly vacant Harrington home. 
You nodded, even if you weren’t fully selling that you were okay. “Really? Cause it looks to me that you might just be in pain.” He said in a sweet, yet teasing tone while he pushed your hair back from your face. 
Steve nodded a bit, and you could practically see the thoughts coming to his head before he dismissed them. He’d been there a few times when cramps decided to ruin your day, one time even having to take you home because it hurt so bad you felt like throwing up. It didn’t happen often, but it wasn’t a ‘once in a blue moon’ occurrence.
“Let’s get inside.” You nodded to his suggestion and sat up in your seat, getting out of the BMW and made your way to the front door, a hand over your abdomen as you went. 
He’d grabbed your bag that you absent-mindedly forgot, and followed after you, unlocking the door and allowing you. 
You practically threw yourself onto the couch the moment that you got into the home. Your were on your stomach, a hand still holding your abdomen. 
Steve placed your bag down on the ground when he came in after you, watching you lay down. He always felt bad when you were in pain like this, because there wasn’t much he could do to get rid of the pain. The most he could do was give you ibuprofen, a stomach massage that usually relieved the pain for a while and be there for you to complain to. 
He grabbed the ibuprofen and a can of soda, not wanting to put much effort into getting a cup of water with ice, - since you always refused to drink water without it - before he went to the linen closet that his mother had him organize a few years ago, grabbing the blue throw blanket that you would have taken home with you if you could. 
“Roll over.” 
Groaning, you turned your head to the rest of the living room and were met with Steve’s pant legs. Looking up an inch or two, he was holding out the can of Coke for you to take.
Grabbing the can you rolled over on the couch, wincing in pain as you did. You sat up as well and took the can and the two pills he handed to you. You opened the can and while there was still a good bit of coke after your first drink from it, you swallowed the pills, never able to swallow pills without going down with a drink.
Steve pulled your sneakers off and handed you the blanket. “I know it’s not much-”
“It’s more than enough,” You smiled up at him, taking his hand in your own. It made you feel loved with how quick he reacted and tried to help.
He smiled back and leaned down, kissing your head before he disappeared from your sight for a moment. He came back without his jacket and shoes, now left in his t-shirt and jeans.
Steve sat where your head had been and wrapped an arm around your torso, leaning his head against your shoulder. 
“You’ll be okay.” It was simple, but it was optimistic and sweet and it made you smile.
“I know.” You responded, leaning back and resting your head in his lap, holding his arm for comfort. 
He let you lay there while he turned on the tv, flipping through channels like they were magazines until he stopped on NBC where the ending of a slightly familiar intro was playing. 
Looking over you hummed in amusement at seeing the sitcom playing before another cramp came. Your grip on Steve’s arm got tighter as you tried to focus on anything else. Because the meds would kick in soon, and you could watch the stupid show with Steve.
When he pulled his arm away, you swore you were close to crying before he placed his hand on your abdomen and gently began to massage the tensing muscles like you’d do for a cramping calf.
That was probably where he learned to do it, since he had been on the basketball team and often complained of certain muscles cramping in a painful manner. 
Your hands grabbed onto his sides, with nowhere else comfortable to lay your arms. The circles that Steve rubbed into your abdomen had the cramps slowly becoming more of a dull ache instead of sharp pains.
“Bit better?” He asked softly, running his other hand through your hair and looking down at you. You nodded as a quiet response, feeling the meds begin to kick in as well.
But knowing that he was there to comfort you and do the best he could to relieve your pain made you happy, and when the cramps eventually settled into what felt more like a stomach ache, you were able to watch the sitcom with Steve, and easily go back to the first thing on your mind not being the pain. 
Add yourself to the taglist! and you can request here!
@jxnehxpper​ @willowrose99​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​ @ilovebucketbarnes​
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chiimmchiimm · 5 years ago
❝𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 !¡ 𝐸𝓁𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃 ❞
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CHAPTERS “  01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 -  11  - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 “  
The northern jail was the most dangerous in the country, social scum, thousands of criminals were locked behind their bars. Who would tell poor Blair that he would end up there because of his father’s mistake. The problem was not the lack of hot water, but that inhuman obsession that many of the prisoners had for “new toys.” Rookies had two options; be submissive and abide by veterans’ orders or suffer the dangerous anger of those disturbed minds. It all started one night when Blair had the bad idea of ​​going to shower alone. 
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Jungkookoffender au x (female: Blair). 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒:  smut.(later), offender au, fluff, angst. 𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 7.6 k 𝑅𝒶𝓃𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓃𝑔:  +18   𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔:   dirty language, lies, mood swings, spectacular bodies, jk abs, muscles, biceps, problems, very big problems, threats, future friends, jealousy, fellatio attempt, a forced rescue. 𝒜𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇’𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒:  I am sorry that it took a long time to upload a new chapter but I was really busy. Now there is a reporter in which I am free and I have time to write. I hope you accept my apologies with the long chapter. Enjoy the chapter. Many kisses...
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  A week had passed since the last time we had spoken. Uncertainty is the most overwhelming feeling a person can feel. Choking you by stealing your oxygen until there is nothing left of you. Not knowing if your way down the hall is going to end with a knife stuck in the throat, if the steps you hear are the invention of your paranoid head.
    I was fully aware, and now more than ever, of the problem I had gotten myself into. But he would not back down, Shanghai was the queen bee of a swarm that fed on the pain of others. At some point someone had to stop his feet. Was that someone me? I did not know, I did not know it. I guess I would find out in time.
What I did not expect was that this discovery would occur in less than I expected.
    The cold marble in the bathrooms greeted the patella of my knees with a chilling moisture when I placed them on the floor. The small puddle of water just below me only gave rise to thinking that the pipes were full of leaks that they did not want to fix. He groaned in anticipation, the curtain of my eyes pulled down so I didn't have to see him. A heartbreaking tear ran down my cheek drawing a path of anguish. I tucked my abdomen in to prevent the retching that was beginning to threaten deep in my throat from taking shape and making an appearance.
"You can start whenever you want, for the part that you like the most." His voice was darkly inserted between the strings of lights scattered by the poor quality of the bulbs due to the habit of turning off the power generators at night. My head was still downcast, keeping my gaze lost somewhere on the floor wondering if this really was necessary. I didn't dare look at him because I didn't want him to notice how much this situation affected me. I felt disgusted with myself for falling so low, for having accepted this situation. Sweaty fingers gripped my chin so hard forcing me to look down at his horrendous perverted grimace. Her lips peeled off with a snap that made her swallow again quite nervously.
                                                                                                     24 hours before
   Cross your legs with one hand resting on my upper thigh area to support my head. The air she breathed was getting thicker, she was having an anxiety attack but she was so tired that she had no energy to run to the infirmary. My body was under so much stress that the pressure on my chest would be my companion throughout the day. Many cramps of incessant and annoying punctures in my stomach had me a little curved as I squinted by the intense rays of the sun that made it difficult to see the crowded door.
   When I dazzled his yellow jumpsuit from afar, my feet fell heavily to the ground alone. He swatted the door aside, not caring about the guard's watchful gaze. On instinct, my chin was lifted up as my eyes followed every detail of his walk. Safe and passive, in a dance too intimidating. The instant his dark eyes like night perceived my small figure in the distance, his mouth was endowed with a strange smile impregnated with mischief. She tasted nervous to me even though it was practically impossible for her to notice her hands from afar. Still, he read me with complete familiarity as if it were an open book. That was one of the countless things that disturbed me most about him, he could look at you, analyze you and guess in a second what was going intimately through your head while he penetrated you with his calm gaze tasteless.
    With your lead feet, move towards your position. On high alert, without taking his eyes off mine although it will be too difficult for me, taking the risk of stumbling over my zero attention.
Thirteen laid his back on the fence that separated the basketball court from the bench area. Then he brought his cigarette to his mouth so turtily slow. Upon arrival, I began to visualize a glow on the surface of his iris that was very curious to me. He seemed anxious and the relamer of his lips brought my theory closer to success.
    Despite the clarity of the sun I was able to visualize in great detail the cloud of smoke that it made when I exhaled. He straightened up slowly, imposing his height on purpose. I was forced to lift my neck higher to look at him. One of his hands cleared a pair of loose strands, his tattooed forearm came into view as a symbol of attraction. He wore the yellow jacket rolled up to the elbows causing the part of his biceps to widen due to the accumulation of fabric.
“Nervous?” She spoke, her voice hoarser than normal. He puffed on his cigarette again and blew the smoke aside. His well-formed jaw was exposed to my restless eyes that could not stop looking at him when he was close. I felt an overwhelming need not to miss the detail of his muscles contracting, to relax later when the smoke left his body. Where had that curiosity come from? Really, since our little talk at the gym the uncertainty had created a big question mark in my head about him.
“Does smoking kill you know?” He chided at his outlandish way of fucking my lungs. Thirteen frowned as she held the cigarette with her lips.
"Since when do you care about my health?"
"Since your damn smoke drops down my throat," he coughed as an irritating itch began to manifest itself at the unexpected intrusion of smoke. Of course, I do not understand how there are people who can find something as suffocating as pleasant. Thirteen lips parted to let out his typical mocking laugh. I was so entertained trying not to drown that I didn't realize how close I was until I felt his breath on my ear, then I was paralyzed by the brush of his wet lips.
"I know something much better to make it go down your throat ..."
  My breathing was caught in a dangerous game when I stopped controlling it. I widened my eyes when I understood his damn pun. Demanding my personal space I stepped back to meet her newly formed half smile. Hands flew to my jug-shaped waist, and my eyes frowned on his stupid mania for saying things too raucous so sporadically. He was laughing just like a child enjoying his hooliganism. My heart was hitting so hard against my ribs as if trying to run away. The nerves he provoked in me kept me fully aware of his reactions.
"Thirteen." A deep voice made us both turn to meet his soul friend; Taehyung. I discovered her real name just after leaving the infirmary. It was unmistakable before my eyes, he had such a characteristic expression, I only had to ask the nurse. Anyone would know who he is if he just described his square smile. His height gave him such an imposing figure. Not to mention his face that seemed to have been sculpted by the greatest prodigy of sculptors.
   Thirteen threw the cigarette on the floor and then stepped on it scattering a black stain of ash. Taehyung stared at me through too apparent confusion that managed to attract his friend's attention. I raise an eyebrow and pursed my lips for an explanation. So, look at Thirteen in confusion from the highest. He clicked his tongue as if he knew it was his fault and his bad memory, when really, he hadn't told them anything because he didn't want them to know.
"He's going to do the math for me, you know that was never my forte."
"Suga has always done the math."
"Suga is busy with another matter." Besides, damn, when did I ask your fucking opinion? ”He growled annoyed as he hit his shoulder as he passed. Taehyung frowned in fascination with the hypocritical attitude his brown friend was wearing. Thirteen stopped halfway and turned in my direction. Her gaze looked so cold I could even swear she managed to freeze me with it. "Come on, you little bitch."
   My features relaxed instantly leaving me petrified. My mouth opened. Taehyung sighed in relief as he shrugged at me before following his friend's steps. My stomach flinched so much when he turned around and continued on his way. But it was all my fault. My damn guilt for thinking there might be something good inside him, clearly not.
   So, with dignity touched but not sunk, I decided to take the opposite path but a jerk brutally dragged me forward. I grasped my fingers at his large, wrist-wrapped hand digging in the few nails he had while screaming furiously.
   My resistance only made him growl and drag me close to his mouth to make sure it was only me who heard what he had to say.
"It's for your own good, dammit, behave yourself."
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  Apparently the card game was the most acclaimed among the bored criminals in jail because within minutes they began to form a large circle around Thirteen and his opponent. A blue-eyed blonde with a scar on his wrist and an expression of few friends.
    I didn't understand the purpose of having me sit here with my arms crossed. He literally carried the entire game idly as he watched the deck go down the level.
  Thirteen seemed so focused and engrossed, analyzing in detail every gesture the blonde made. As if really looking at him so much solved the enigma that would give him victory. His friend Taehyung was behind him, standing, covering the letters so that no one could see them and give any clue to the ash blonde.
  Then something happened that turned the game around. The blonde smiled triumphantly as if he knew it was all done. Thirteen was still impassive, showing absolutely nothing that could give him away.
  How could he maintain so much self-control?
   There was security in every movement, so much tranquility. It all came to an end when the ash blonde unveiled all his letters. Taehyung, who had remained calm until then, began to expand his eyes to the maximum and open his mouth as if what he has just seen was not real.
"I've won," added the ash blonde to record the situation even though it was already known. Some began to bitorea the winner, others to maintain an expression of total surprise. Thirteen was the only one who hadn't shown his reaction by standing still. He didn't seem affected by the fact that he had just lost, he just didn't seem affected by anything.
 Until, in an act that surprised me, he suddenly got up and grabbed the ash of his neck until he stamped his face on the stone of the bench.
"Barbie, come here." My name is.
 I slowly get up from my place and walk on an oppressed stomach. His voice sounded so serene and so aggressive at the same time, that if he wasn't crushing a face with such intensity, he could even swear he was in a good mood. The arm that was holding her anatomy lay tensed, exposing her perfect muscles. As he leaned down, the white shirt fell slightly showing his clavicles and his thick neck where it was possible to discern how the marked vein gave a clear image of his anger.
    Really, Thirteen was intimidating.
"Take the letter out of his arm."
 The ash tried to break free but Trece tightened his grip and his cheek was literally hit harder. He groaned instantly. One of his friends, in a panic, started running out of there, but didn't get very far since Jimin intercepted him with a hand on his shoulder. Putting aside the fact that everyone was waiting for me to move. With great modesty I put my fingers inside the sleeve of the arm that Thirteen kept folded against his back. When my fingers touched something, I pulled it out.
   It was a fucking letter.
   Immediately, the ash and his friend looked fearful. The rest of the prisoners began to leave while they insulted the game and the two cheats. Thirteen smiled impatiently when he confirmed with my own hand the bad move they had tried to make. The one who tried to escape began to clasp his hands in a kind of plea but Thirteen did not change the darkness of his eyes, fire came out of them.
  Nodding towards the door, Taehyung took his place. The two friends were abruptly lifted. Then, they began to carry them around the courtyard comfortably with one arm over their shoulder. Concealing the guards who were watching the situation with too much attention.
"Wait ..." I was almost forced to stop him when I tried to get out of there. Thirteen turned around. He put his hands in his pockets and raised an eyebrow. "What's going to happen to them?"
   My sudden question seemed to cause him a lot of fun as he started to laugh, not normally, but with a laugh stained with something dark that I managed to decipher in anticipation.
"Don't worry about them. Well done."
   Then, I realized myself that I really didn't want her to answer the question. My conscience would not let me sleep at night.
   Because after all, I got the letter out. It had been part of his game.
    Did that make me a bad person?
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   The money I was hiding in my pants was dirty. It was stained with the blood of those two bastards. Because as much as I tried to convince myself that nothing happened to them, that it was just a warning. I couldn't ignore the fact of seeing his knuckles with wounds. Thirteen had assured me with a smile that they had taken what they deserved for cheats.
    Was this the price I had to pay for a little money?
    Since when had I become someone without feelings?
   I had heard something in a conversation between two prisoners as I returned to my ward. I was forced to follow my path too affected when I heard that one of them had to be rushed to the hospital, and that the other was not known if he was still alive or dead.
 In the end, I was able to sigh quietly when I saw the start of my cell.
"For your own good, you better not say anything."
  I almost fell disoriented when a body much larger than mine collided directly against me. I looked up, confused, greatly surprised when I recognized the person. Gutiérrez, he looked at me with contempt before ignoring my state and moving on. I frowned annoyed at his lack of finesse as he passed me. When I entered, I found Lucy standing in the middle of the cell, staring blankly at the entrance.
"It will be stupid," I commented as I rubbed my arm to ease the pain. Lucy looked at me immediately with a scared expression. Alarmed, she approached me in a stride full of anxiety.
"Have you heard something?"
"No. Practically she had just arrived when she rammed me ..." Her sigh of relief fills me with curiosity. Worried, I purse my lips. "What was I doing here?"
"Annoy. You know what the guards are like in this prison. They live on our misfortunes. It seems that they are paid more to screw us up."
"Yes, well ... I have the money."
   I reached into my pants and pulled out the paper bag. Thirteen warned me to bring my hands up to avoid any search. I decided to listen to him because, well ... He seems to be an expert at pretending what you are not.
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  I was never so eager to see someone. We had been waiting a couple of minutes for the Asian to appear. Minutes that seemed like an eternity. Time seemed to slow down because of the low bathroom lights.
   The door swung open. Two Asian women and the brunette who was attached to Shanghai entered and stood in front of us. His contemptuous glances did not divert me from my main objective, since when I enter Shanghai through the door. My gaze was quickly drawn to her.
"Are you bringing mine?"
  Lucy showed the paper bag making the Asian smile with her yellow teeth. I observe in a quick movement the brunette, who took the money from her almost by force. Lucy and I looked at each other in unison as if trying to calm down.
 Really, a fight would not be right now.
"There are a thousand," the brunette announced to Shanghai when she stopped counting. Suddenly, the Asian woman increased her smile. I recognized that smile, it was the same one that made me my first night, when he threatened me in the bathroom before Thirteen came. I took Lucy's hand knowing what was coming next.
"It's only fair." Lucy spoke.
"And the interests of your delay?" You know the rules, Dallas.
"I know the fucking rules but ...
 Shanghai raised his hand to silence her. So, I started to get nervous when I finally understood what I wanted.
"How much are we talking about?"
   All eyes turned to me but I only paid attention to one. Shanghai understood that he was speaking to her directly, that he wanted her to get out of the loop and would start listing all the absurd things she would claim. I felt the fear take over each of my movements clouding me for a few moments. I wondered if it had been a good idea for me to decide to get so involved in this. Of course, it was never a good idea and it would never seem so. Something inside me had changed, although I couldn't say exactly what. I no longer trembled when intimidated (or at least not so much anymore). I had learned to cope with my reactions to protect myself. I suppose he owed that to Thirteen. Because in a way, it felt like he was going to look for his memory to take out my courage by imitating him.
 Shanghai replied with a concise smile.
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"Why did you have to open your mouth? Now you're in on this too. Shit, Blair you don't know what you've done."
      Was I aware of where I had gotten into?
 I guess I would find out very soon. After getting out of those smelly bathrooms let Lucy rest in the cell. As soon as I saw his eyes closed, I shot out to look for him. I know you shouldn't do this. But really, this was going down too dangerous a path. Did that make me a sneak? In a traitor? Probably yes. But shit, there were no options. A couple of hours ago I had run out of ideas and the only one that came to my mind was too mean.
  But at the same time, so perfect ...
  Thirteen had already saved me from that psychopath once. Why wouldn't he do it with his sister?
  The guilt seized me so hard that I was hanging with my knuckles on the door of his cell. I didn't know for sure if it was remorse or fear of telling him about it that kept me from ending this. It was clear that things would not end peacefully, or at least not for Shanghai.
  Also, this was my problem, why the hell did I run for his help?
     When had I become so dependent on his protection?
“What are you doing in my cell?” A rather raspy voice interrupted my little mental gloom. Exhale a little air before turning to the person. I recognized him immediately. He was the boy with the minty hair who was always glued to Thirteen's back like a second skin. He was taller than I was if I had to look up to find his gaze sharp as a cat in heat. He wore the regulation jumpsuit, if not, it covered his entire body but you could see perfectly how strong he was despite how thin he looked. His features were too soft and pale, yet he exuded as much annoyance as boredom that any thought of tenderness was far from related to him. The menthol peeled his lips so that the silence ended with his snap. He couldn't understand why he was so annoyed by my presence. "I asked you a question." Have you tried so much semen that your neurons have collapsed?
"It's also Thirteen's cell," I replied, trying not to sound too abrupt. I was disrespecting him and in normal conditions I would have already turned his face with a slap, but really time was a factor that was against me and I couldn't lose it. My response felt like a bowl of cold water because he immediately rolled his eyes and passed by me as if he didn't exist. When the cell opened and my eyes came into contact with it I was really disappointed when I found it empty.
"As you can see he's not here." So, get out.
  Ignoring his bad tone I go after him.
"And do you know where it might be?"
"I'm not his fucking babysitter. If you want to find him so bad, you better start now." I suggest you start with getting out of my cell, girl. ”He let out low growls in a menacing tone, then collapsed on his bed. My eyes grew small when I watched him from the doorway.
"Why are you so edge?"
    I haven't done anything to him.
 My question made him jerk upright on the mattress as if he had heard the worst blasphemy in the world. Actually, he seemed surprised but he instantly disgusted me with his gaze. He placed his hand above her knee as he pulled her leg up onto the mattress.
"You are going to be the cause of all this going to hell."
Than? But what is he talking about?
"Good morning." Another voice stood in the cell, although this second one seemed much more lively than the one my old conversation partner had. Taehyung passed by me with all the happiness in the world until he saw me, suddenly stopped and looked at the menthol. He made a gesture with his hand before he dramatically dropped his body onto his bed.
"I'm looking for Thirteen," I repeated, but this time towards Taehyung. The brown-haired man frowned somewhat self-consciously. Damn, was his whereabouts so secret that everyone would think twice whether to tell me or not?
"I already told you that larg ..."
 But it was interrupted by the highest.
"He's with Jimin at the gym."
   Sighing grateful for a bit of information, I ran out of the cell, but not before, thanking Taehyung with a little tap on his shoulder. I heard from afar, as I went downstairs, the screams coming from the menthol but I didn't care too much.
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    The gym area was really remote from all other facilities (if the patio could be called that despite its terrible lack of space for all inmates). It seemed like the most protected room in all this shit of a place. Maybe because of the heavy metal-filled instruments that could transform into a weapon if your imagination was creative. He had even heard that most of the prisoners were vented in a small ring in the middle of the gym. I had only seen him from afar because I never had the courage to approach him, much less when he was being busy. It was too intimidating. The thought that faces had been broken in that place gave me great and deep respect.
  I came to think at one point that Taehyung had lied to me and that he had only told me that to accomplish what his friend had failed to do, get me out of there. It was full of prisoners training but not the prisoner he really wanted to find. When I finally gave up and spun around, a loud crash from a falling body made me retrace my steps.
    So, I found him. There. Climbed in that ring that scared me so much while hitting the protections that Jimin had in his hands.
   I fell into the serious mistake of coming to look for him when I found he was only wearing his uniform pants. My pulse quickened immediately as my unconscious caught all of my control and my eyes began to run through all of his muscles. It was the first time I had seen him like this, so naked. So exposed. The rational part of my head was screaming at me to turn around, to stop looking at him. And yet my body did not want to obey me. I couldn't stop looking at him. It was so perfect. So strong. So admirable was the attractive shape his muscles took when, in an act of outburst, he cunningly struck. His arms were wonderful no matter where you look. Long and thick, with the proportions that not many in years of training would achieve. His was genetic. It should be a crime to be so attractive. Long ago I had delighted (though I will never accept it out loud) from the broad muscles of his back. Now, he couldn't stop going down the marked line that separated his pecs, not very marked, but enough to steal his breath. Of course her abdomen was something else. The muscles lay so gracefully drawn in symmetrical squares in pairs of two.
    My lip was brutally attacked by my teeth when I was finally able to regain control of my actions and look away.
   Suddenly, the banging stopped being heard. I started to show a tickle in my stomach when I found out that he had noticed me despite not looking at him. I started to feel little cramps all over my abdomen. It is that uncomfortable feeling you feel when you know they are looking at you but you don't have the courage to do the same. A large part of me was tempted to leave, but a smaller part seemed to want to stay and keep looking.
  I knew that I had finally reached my last days when a shadow completely covered mine.
“What are you hiding from?” I whisper, leaning directly into my ear. I didn't know at what point he had gotten so close but I did know that when the wet surface of his lips brushed the skin of my ear, I turned my startled face and stared at him with wide eyes. Fortunately, she had put on a tank top that although the sweat didn't leave much to the imagination, at least it didn't stimulate so much the beginning hormones in my body.It was a damn tank top, it really wasn't that big of a deal. Removing the fact that he exposed his great arms and the wonderful details of his tattoos. I realized that it was the first time I saw them all. His right arm was full of them, it was so striking to see that in one arm he had nothing and in the other he lacked space for more. I could only look at the tattoo of a flower by the ink softer than the rest, this one covered a phrase that I could not discern due to lack of time.
   Then, having regained even the ability to speak and breathe of my own free will. I decided to look him in the face. He looked tired, well, he looked more like a damn sweaty pig. But the reflection of the lights against the drops on his face was so charming that it prompted you to dive into it again. He was disheveled, implying that his training had been moved and that he had not had many truces. Her chest moved rhythmically with up and down movements in an attempt to catch her breath. When he opened his mouth to increase the oxygen level in his body, I thought I was dumb again.
"Honey, if you wanted me to be agitated I can think of more than one way you could get him to be."
   Practically, the breath left my body when in a burst of laughter, its hoarse sound caressed my nose. She literally looked like a hormonal teenager who sighed every time she opened her mouth.
   I strenuously denied when the wires in my brain reconnected, I remembered, or rather forced myself to remember, the real reason for my visit.
"We have to talk," I said a little abruptly from the recent connection of my consciousness. Thirteen raised a curious eyebrow as he ran a hand through his wet hair to clear his splendid pearly forehead. I swallowed hard to keep the slime from overflowing from the corners of my mouth. His bicep bulged too close to my eyes ...
     Dammit. Enough, woman.
  He seems so comfortable making me nervous that I'm starting to think he does it on purpose.
"I hear you."
    Buffet, to calm down a bit before speaking. I really had no idea how to start.
"Gongjunim, don't worry, I bite. Unless you want me to, of course."
"Stop, this is serious," I replied in an attempt to calm me down in the process. It didn't help to hear his damn two-way phrases. I tried to focus on the conversation. Carefully analyze in my head the possible paths this could take. Basically I came to two conclusions: The first, to help me and his ... Anyway, you know. The second (although it seems much more extreme to me) is that it can be a possibility if we consider that Thirteen is not a mentally stable person, is that he retaliates much more seriously than giving him a little money. Dammit. Would I really be able to kill someone? Well, not for a good person, he went to jail and still couldn't find out what he had done to get him put here. And worst of all, to be sentenced to a permanent sentence. So, I found that little difference between the two. While I was an open book with people I considered to be trustworthy. He was more like a safe with a key that was impossible to crack.
  But the people who keep secrets are in turn the ones that attract the most because of that aura of mystery that they give off.
  Maybe that's why I can't stop thinking about him, despite how badly he treated me the first few weeks.
  Did you really want to be the cause of another transfer to the hospital?
 Because if there is one thing that can be made clear from the poker episode, it is that Thirteen is so terribly unpredictable that I am even afraid that he will change his attitude towards me again. I started to feel pretty bad. My head began to fill me with pros and cons that I did not know how to differentiate.
  There were two paths and for once I would take the easy one.
"I need money." I was aware of how overwhelmed my voice had come out, at the time, and emphasizing how nervous I was, I opened my mouth to cut the uncomfortable silence that had begun to reign. Thirteen raised his eyebrows in an act that I think could be a mixture of surprise and confusion. Slowly, he unraveled the smile until it became a straight line. There was an air of disappointment in his eyes. Why was you disappointed when you found out you were looking for him for money? Why would I look for it if not? And why the hell is my heart beating like it just ran a marathon?
“What did you do with the one I gave you?” Ignore the fact that its natural tone had been modified on a deeper level by the recent exercise. I was also forced to ignore how quickly she had recovered because I began to feel empty realizing that it hadn't affected her as much as I thought. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised because Thirteen is a good teacher in controlling his emotions.
 Will you ever let me see what you really feel?
"I need more," I added, trying my best to change the course of the conversation. But I really underestimated him too much.
"For what?"
"Personal business." My answer seemed to bother him a little because his shoulders tensed. Let's see, mine were also too tense from the pressure but obviously it was more intimidating in him. I started to feel the sweat on the palms of my hands when the nerves started to block me too hard. I had spent so much time thinking about how to tell him what had not fallen into the small detelle that I was obviously going to ask for explanations. I should have told him the truth but it was too late to back off. Looking a little anxious, I resumed the conversation as I could. "I need an advance. Come on, Thirteen, don't tell me that nobody has ever asked you for an advance on ..."
"Well no, they don't have the eggs to ask me. And the truth is, if I am intrigued enough what the hell did you do with the thousand dollars I gave you yesterday."
"I don't have time for this." Damn it, I really didn't. "I've only asked you one question. If your fucking ethics stop you from leaving me, well, that's fine, I'll manage on my own."
   Try to run away from there before I will be discovered or I would be the one to give you away in a panic attack. But his hand caught my wrist and held me tightly in place. Instinctively I looked down at our union, feeling a little strange to feel tickling from the area that stuck to my skin. The heat it transmitted was so comforting that when I took it off when I realized what I had just done, I left my body in such a way that I felt an innate anxiety to feel it again.
“Are you in trouble?” There was so much concern in his tone that I completely knocked down my defenses. I was about to fall. Really nothing. But the fear was stronger.
"What? Why are you saying that?" I tried to sound stable enough to convince him. But Thirteen was also a master of lies.
"In jail you only ask for more money for two reasons and I certainly don't think you pay someone to satisfy you sexually. Do you owe someone money?"
"No." I whispered.
   But he tilted his head, showing me how unconvinced he was about it.
"Tell me who it is." Truthfully, she wasn't quite sure if it was worry or anger camouflaged with some warning. I rolled my eyes to get more of his attention. Clearly, my bad performance did not help him to give up. I cross his big arms imposing the strength of his great anatomy, I felt small next to him. How I grasp my faithful intentions to keep quiet. This time it was he who rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue in exasperation. "Hey ..."
“Why are you trying so hard to help me?” I asked rather confused. I didn't want to sound as harsh as it sounds but really this thing made me very nervous.
"Gongjunim." His voice was so grainy when he changed languages.
"No, it's just that I really can't understand how suddenly you behave so well with me. That you want to help me ..."
  Thirteen closed her eyes and pulled her neck back as she blew hot air out of her mouth. His Adam's apple was exposed before my eyes leaving me completely unarmed. When I straighten her head she looked at me with an expression so tired, dull and depressed that I decided to let her speak.
"You are like a sister to Lucy, but you are also like a little sister to me."
You're like a sister to me.
  Why has my chest tightened so much when he called me sister? Is that really your reason to protect me or just a damn strategy for you to let your guard down and get the answer you wanted?
   Damn it, and why did it bother me so much to know that in her eyes she was just a child? His look confused me so much ... I did not know the origin of this discomfort nor did I understand how it was possible that with just one sentence I could lower my self-esteem in that way.
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"Blair London go to address."
   Actually, I was never more grateful to a stranger. That voice had saved me from a situation from which there was no viable way out.
  The principal's secretary greeted me with a smile. I appreciated that he will be so gentle with me without caring that he was wearing the prisoner jumpsuit. Knock on the door. When the director indicated with a calm voice that it could happen, I did.
 I entered the office being quite disturbed by the strong aura change. The contrast in the perfectly carved custom furniture was not comparable to the dining tables littered with splinters and randomly scattered stains of moisture. I could even swear that the sofa at the end of the room with a small table in front of glass and two armchairs next to it, would be more comfortable than the moldy mattress where I tried to sleep every night.
"Normally these privileges are not usually given but considering that your behavior has not given to talk. I have decided to make an exception with you."
 When the director's voice broke the silence that I had imposed on myself when I entered, I looked towards her, completely abandoning my little sporadic exploration. The woman smiled, but it was not a sincere smile like that of her secretary, this was full of commitment. In a pathetic gesture, he tried to hide a black bag under his legs. I stifled a sarcastic laugh when I realized that her small gesture had been bought.
  He leaned his well-painted red fingers to pick up the phone from his drawer on the side of the desk. Then she slid it across the table causing him to continue his movement with a frown.
"You have two minutes."
 I didn't understand what I was looking for him to do until a number suddenly came up on the screen that I recognized instantly. Of course, accept his little trick. Although I must admit that when the screen of the device cooled the cartilage of my ear I began to wonder if I had really done well.
"Blair ..." My eyes were automatically closed at his sweet voice assaulting my tranquility. Of course I met her instantly. Who would not recognize his mother's voice? Although I admit that my stomach sank when I heard it so ruined.
"What do you want?" I swallowed to suppress a sob. "No, you better not tell me what you want." I really don't want to hear it.
"Honey ..." I deduced from his trembling tone that he had begun to cry. And shit, that completely disarmed me. "How are you?"
"It's jail, mom." Make your own conclusions.
"Blair ...
A screeching noise causes the audio to begin to distort. I pay much more attention to the background noise, hardly realizing that I was in the car when I heard from a distance the voice of my mother's driver arguing with someone.
"Mom, what's up?"
"Nothing, love. A man who started cleaning our windows when we stopped at the light. Jorge has kicked him out right away, I'm fine."
   I don't know why but the uncertainty eats me up inside.
"A man? What man?"
"An Asian with drunken pints. Don't worry my love, I'm ...
"Mom, come home right now and don't go out in a couple of days."
"Honey, you're scaring me." Something happens?
  I grab the bridge of my nose when anxiety keeps me from controlling my tone and end up screaming at the top of my lungs.
"Do what I say."
   I hang with my heart popping out of my mouth.
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  My chest was swelling too quickly as I circled around the room. It had been more than half an hour since I had put my hands to my head and I couldn't get them down. I stopped for two seconds and began to hysterically observe the bars on the door. Perhaps it had been a coincidence, that is, there are many people on the street who are looking for money in order to survive. Maybe he was just a drunk as my mother had originally thought, or maybe ...
  When I thought I couldn't get any more nervous, I began to imagine the impression on my mother's face. I brought the nails to my mouth and started attacking them with my teeth.
“Do you have the money?” Lucy's unmistakable voice distracted me a little but not enough for me to let my ride go round. Apparently he noticed the scared face he was wearing that he deduced the result of his answer. Immediately, his shoulders dropped level and his chest began to destabilize like mine. "We can ask for more time ...
“I don't want to sound pessimistic but Lucy would be really naive if you really think that that psychopath is going to take pity on us and give us more time.” I am aware that right now my pessimism is the last thing we need, but the language It comes loose on my own when I get nervous. Lucy collapses into her bed too depressed. And shit, I can't stop thinking that this really is my fault ...” Lucy she doesn't want you ...” I immediately gained her gaze. “She wants to fuck me because I didn't want to be her fucking camel when I arrived.”
"I suppose he's going to do it now. Fuck us, you know ...”
  I sighed too exhausted from holding all the shit that was piling up on my shoulders.
"Damn what a nice word to express yourself, right?"
  Lucy turned frightened towards the door finding the owner of the voice. The black mane I saw on my back gave me the answer I needed. I also turned around and faced her with a serious look.
"We still have twelve hours."
 Lucy was speaking to her but she kept her eyes on my body.
"Let's be honest among women." We know you are not going to get me the money. I've come to an agreement before the situation gets uglier ...
“What do you want?” Lucy sounded too hysterical compared to the calm in Shanghai's voice. When I noticed that his gaze did not detach from me despite everything, I knew what he wanted.
"Lucy come out, please." The girl looked at me too confused. He raised an eyebrow worrying about the neutrality of my voice but finally he nodded and left the cell. When I was sure no one was listening, I told him the real reason for all this shit. "You want revenge on me, don't you?"
  The dramatic snap his tongue exudes only makes it clear that I was right.
"Thirteen told me you asked him for money," he says, laughing slightly as he tries to keep his tone steady. I frowned. Senti, an unpleasant sensation that pressed against my stomach when it got in the way of our conversation. "That is very pathetic, Barbie." What's more, did you really think he would give it to you?
   I grab the bridge of his nose as he deepened a laugh that was too high-pitched, and too excruciating. I closed my fists accordingly. In less than a second I was breathing erratically through my nose. I didn't know very well if I was losing control of the situation because he was belittling me, but it had bothered me a lot that he thought I was taken advantage of. Although in a way, I started to feel that way.
"Do you miss me so much that you have to be watching every step I take?" Oops, Shanghai I didn't expect you to be so cute.
"I didn't need to watch you." You see ... - after sighing in a longing scream began to haunt me like an animal waiting to jump for its prey. I felt cornered between his prickly gaze, yet I kept my constants steady and my chin erect. "... men after orgasm become very touchy."
    My gaze stayed embedded somewhere on the scratched floor. I felt bad. I was disappointed. An accumulation of strange sensations began to nest in my chest when I understood his damn answer. I tried to make it so I wouldn't be noticed but I hadn't counted on the Asian woman dropping the bomb because she knew how she was going to react. I knew he had done it to cloud me, to distract me from the real turning point of the conversation. And yet, knowing it consciously, she had let me take me down the path she herself had marked out for me. Was I really going to believe him? Also, Thirteen could do whatever she wanted with her body since it was hers. I didn't have to be mad, then, because my hand was shaking when images of the two of them in a bed began to drill into my head?
“What is it you want?” I dialed an aggressive tone, finding myself having so many turns and swampy phrases.Shanghai left his route and ended up placing himself where he was initially, in front of me with his gaze fixed on mine.
"I want you to avoid the terrible act of having to kill your mother because you weren't strong enough," I whisper reassuringly, imposing checkmate. He had me on the ropes and he knew it. I swallow hard, wrapped in rage that forces me to channel. Then, taking a step towards me, I end up placing his fine mouth on my ear. "Tonight. Where it all started.”                                                                                                                          
"Open your pretty mouth, bitch."
"Come on!"
  Unbearable screams coming through my ears. He kept his eyes closed accentuating the other senses. He felt, his hands flooded with sweat. Cold, clammy knees on the wet floor. I bit back an arcade when one of her hands grabbed my wrists to bring my hands to the elastic of her pants.
"Yes ..." he groaned delightedly. I opened my eyes knowing that I would not like the image I would have to observe. A tear rolled down my cheek on a salty path to my mouth where I savored it. Notice the sweat on his big hands as he covered mine to make them pull his pants down. Observing the string of bushy hairs that ran down her skeletal abdomen was and an unpleasant image. I felt the nice cold in one of my hands when he stopped pressing it. However, the released one went to repair at the beginning of my hair to comb it back, bathing my hair with its filthy sticky fluids. His chilling voice rang out in a happily anticipatory howl. "You're going to eat all of my cock until your jaw drops ...Yes, shit. And then...”
    But the banging of the door swinging open caught his attention. My eyes snapped shut at the scare. I was only aware, when I opened them shortly after, of those dark eyes and that vein in the neck.
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squidofthedeep · 4 years ago
Trend Setter
Chapter 1 / 7
Summary: Virgil agrees to a bet with his best friend to surprise each of his boyfriends, certain he's not going to get the response from them Remy insists he will. Self-esteem issues are a bitch, but one best friend and four adoring boyfriends should be enough to fight them back, right?
Pairings: romantic DLAMP; platonic sleepxiety; background romantic remile 
Warnings: swearing, discussions of sex and nudity (but none happens in this chapter)
Virgil wiggled his foot and scrunched his toes, his nose following suit, trying in vain to get the blood flowing again as the pins and needles began to set in. As soon as he started moving though, the rest of his leg yelled unhappily, sore and hot close to the crease of his hip.
Groaning, he slowly dragged himself upright, uncurling from his previously comfortable position, and dropped both feet to the floor to stretch against the back of the couch. His left foot was still feeling like a static-filled television screen, and a dull throb was pulsing through his thigh, but at least he was no longer in danger of a muscle cramp. A snort caught his attention from the other side of the couch, where his best friend was laying with his back braced on the armrest, looking up from his phone.
“You’re a pretty shitty cryptid if you can’t even hold a position for more than a half an hour, Vee,” Remy teased, reaching out blindly to grab his mug from the ground next to him and taking an obnoxiously loud sip.
“Fuck you,” Virgil retorted fondly, shoving one of Remy’s legs off the couch as he stood. “You know I have shitty hips, asshole.” Bracing the heel of both hands against the back of his hips, he leaned back until a satisfying series of pops and cracks traveled up his spine. Straightening, he leaned one way, then the other, easing the stiffness from his body. With a relieved sigh, he turned to pluck the now empty mug from Remy’s hands and dropped it out of the way on the coffee table. “And if you tell anyone, I’ll let it slip that you drink tea, not coffee, nerd.”
“You wouldn’t dare, brat!” Remy gasped with a dramatic hand to his chest. “I suppose I’ll just have to keep you quiet then.” He reached out with ridiculously juvenile grabby hands. “Come lay on me and stretch your hips out so I don’t send you back to your boyfriend harem broken.”
Virgil snorted, but more than happily sat between Remy’s legs and lay back against his chest. The position let his hips sit at a slightly different angle, and his legs lay straight over the couch, as he snuggled in, comfortably surrounded by his best friend. He hummed as Remy wrapped his arms around him closer and held his phone so they both could see the screen.
“Mindless social media scrolling time!” Remy declared, opening up Tiktok with a flourish of his thumb.
“Yaaaay,” Virgil deadpanned. Still, he let himself carefully relax on top of his friend, exhaling slow and deep through his nose as he allowed the shenanigans of idiots on the internet distract him from his pain.
Virgil wasn’t sure how long they lay like that, a tangle of limbs and sarcastic quips, while he cycled through his breathing and felt his discomfort creeping away inch my inch. He was paying a small amount of attention to the phone when Remy started scrolling through videos with a very similar premise.
“What the hell are we watching now?”
“Gurl, with how much time you spend on the internet, I don’t get how you’re always behind on trends.” Swiping up to another video, Remy tilted his phone so Virgil could see a little more clearly. “It’s a couple’s challenge, where one partner walks in totally naked and films their partner’s reaction.”
Virgil scrunched his nose. “That’s stupid.”
His pillow lurched as Remy gasped again. “It is not! It’s endearing! Look at how these boys smile when they turn around! How they run into their love’s arms! Even an edgy emo like you has to admit that it’s cute as fuck.”
Rolling his eyes, Virgil turned to bury his face under Remy’s jacket. “Okay, fine,” he groaned, “it is maybe, somewhat, kind of adorable. But!” He cut in before Remy could start squawking a victory. “There is no way at least some of these aren’t faked. And besides, I bet all of these people are like, drop dead gorgeous, or something. I’ll bet you couldn’t get that many reactions from someone who looked like a normal fucking human.”
There was a suspicious beat of silence before Remy spoke, his voice unusually careful, like he was actually thinking before opening his mouth. “What about from someone who looked like a raccoon dragged through a grunge concert?”
Virgil froze, squinting at a piece of garbage poking out of a pocket on the inside of the leather jacket. “What are you getting at, Jeremy.”
Remy swatted the back of his head. “Don’t you use my full name, mister. I promise you this is gonna work in your favour, just hear me out. You think that this many people couldn’t be realistically overjoyed at seeing their regular ass looking partner, right? Well, you just happen to be even more attractive than a regular ass looking mother fucker, and you have four boyfriends. Why don’t we put your theory to the test?”
Sitting up, Virgil directed his suspicious squinting at Remy directly, now accompanied by an unimpressed raised eyebrow. “So you want me, arguably the most anxious person you know, to film myself, totally naked, walking in on each of my boyfriends?”
“You got it, hot stuff!”
Up went that eyebrow even further. “Why the fuck would I ever agree to that?”
“Because.” Remy grinned, sitting up now too, his knees still around Virgil who sat crossed-legged between them. “If - and when! - they react like the smitten fools they are, I will personally pay for every concert ticket you want to go to for the rest of the year.”
Both eyebrows shot up towards his hairline. “Remy, what the fuck? Seriously?”
“Dead serious, babes. You need a worthwhile motivation, not to mention a serious dose of body positivity and a reality check if you actually believe those boys wouldn’t lose their minds over you. I promise you, V, you really are a good looking man, and your squad of handsome bitches would agree with me.”
Virgil crossed his arms, but his defenses were crumbling. “And what if they don’t react like you say they will?”
Remy frowned, squishing Virgil’s cheeks with both hands. “If even one of those fuckers doesn’t respond like you are a god walking down from Olympus, then I am definitely still buying you concert tickets, but you’ll also have to help me hide a body. I won’t let any of them make you think you’re anything less than fucking amazing, babes.”
“Remyyy!” Virgil whined, shoving his friend’s hands off his face and hiding behind his own. “You’re such a fucking sappy loser, you know that? What would Emile say if he heard you talking like that to another man?” He teased.
“I would say you’re both adorable, and I’m very glad you have each other as friends!” A third voice cut in, causing the pair on the couch to jump and knock their heads together.
“Ow..,” Virgil groaned, rubbing his forehead. Glancing up, he saw Emile darting into the room, a ghost of a giggle on his lips as he fretted over Remy.
“Oh dear! Are you two alright? You didn’t hit too hard, did you?”
Remy tried to bat his hands away, but quickly gave in to bask in the attention as Emile cupped his cheek. “We’re alright, honeysuckle. This hard head was just about to agree to something, though.” He looked pointedly at Virgil.
Sighing, Virgil dropped his face into his hands. “Fine. You’ve got yourself a deal,” he groaned, ignoring Remy’s whoop of victory and Emile’s questioning look. What had he gotten himself into?
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