squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
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request for allura domming lotor?? uhm?? thank you for asking for this @naryrising​ (and anon)
and since i did get two requests; a bonus, quick second one:
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Reference used for first one // do not repost without permission
twitter link!
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
OM! biting headcanons.
when, how and where do they like to bite and get bitten.
Warnings: 🔞 MINORS DNI · nsfw though not entirely or very explicit · some possessive behavior for Mammon, blood for Levi and Belphie & Barbatos, hc of pact marks for Solomon;
· Lucifer has found he has a weakness for being surprised by gentle kisses followed by a tender bite while he works; there's nothing to him quite as the feeling of your lips ghosting along the back of his neck only to end up in a soft nibble on the side, right where both can feel his pulse quicken, then another, and another- until he has to turn to meet you in heated kisses. It's the comfort on the act more than anything else what entices him, and probably too the way your arms wrap around his, lending your familiar warmth. Behind closed doors, though, Lucifer melts under the pinch of hard, tiny bites peppered between collarbone and chest- he bruises easily, too, but is not averse to marks as long as they are not to be visible. His own bites are soft borderline playful, along your jaw and inbetween kisses that travel up to die on the shell of your ear, or hard enough to leave indents on the flesh of your calves and thighs as his attention goes further in.
· Mammon is entirely obsessed with the idea of marking you in any possible way, but there is something about biting that gets to him on a whole different level. He is a biter, almost compulsively so, sinking sharp teeth wherever in your body and forgetting about kisses for a second because he loves the feeling of your flesh giving & the look of the marks he's leaving for everyone to know you're his. From pretending to chomp on your cheek to bites down your neck, chest, stomach and thighs; and though he has a preference for visible places, maybe one of his favorite spots is your ass to mark as his. Upon receiving bites himself, he turns into a whiny mess with the slightest pain- wherever it is your teeth are digging, he's too sensitive to take it without a sound, but loves it all the same. His earlobes are a weak spot, and so are the back of his thighs and although more difficult to get to, the spot between his wings.
· Leviathan dies with every little nibble on his body- he never expects them, no matter how frequent they become, and he's putty in your hands as you hold him the moment your teeth sink on tender flesh and follow with a kiss to the sore, bruising spot. The harder the bite, the sweeter his reactions, too: if pressing enough to draw blood, he'll whine and writhe in your arms- embarrassed to boot, yes, but without contempt for who might hear. It feels too nice, and he enjoys the privilege of having you do this to him. Levi's especially sensitive along his shoulders and neck, and chest area is almost off limits due to how much. As for himself, he'd rather not bite- his teeth are too sharp, and he'd loathe to cause you any pain, but fortunately enough he does get carried away pretty often His kisses are messy, and often end up with your lips swollen and close to bleeding, but he is also one to bite down on your shoulder in the heat of the moment to stave off the little sounds he lets on.
· Satan is one to absentmindedly give you little bites like it's no big deal. Blame it on demon behavior or just a restlessness that has him always on edge and seeking some kind of stimulation, but he'll often nibble on your fingers after a while of idly playing with them, or the junction of your neck and shoulder if cuddling, unprompted- as small kisses and nuzzling no longer does it for him.
Otherwise, your chin, throat and chest are the spots he always goes for, a well known path to him retraced between licks, kisses and the gentle tug of sharp teeth never strong enough to actually hurt. More than anything, he relishes on any sound you make as his fangs drag along your skin just before he actually bites down, or on the way your fingers grip his hair and tug as he does.
That being said, he largely prefers being bitten by you, finding the pressure almost comforting, and the fact that you are on him too. That one spot under his ear, his whole torso and especially the stretch from his lower back to the back of his thighs are especially vulnerable and tender. Nibbles between kiss and kiss along his demon markings as you straddle and massage the tension off his back are also a weakness of Satan. Watch out for his tail though, quick to wrap around you to keep you from pulling away after the first.
· Asmodeus might as well bite even more than Beelzebub himself! He's a chomper, if you will- and more often than not he gets carried away and is shameless about it. But as he is shameless, he is creative; if he's not ravaging you body almost mindlessly seeking pleasure, he'll try to mark you in the shape of hearts, for example, on your chest. Whether bruise or indent, it doesn't matter- he thinks they look beautiful on you and are always testament of just how attentive he is. Will bite you anywhere and everywhere either very gently and playful or to the point of pain. Asmo loves to go for tiny little nips up your neck, but also will bite between moans on your shoulder while doing you from behind.
And as much as he says he doesn't want his skin bruised, he doesn't mind it if it's lovebites, much less since they are yours. He'll encourage and guide you with a hand on your head so that you go just where he wants you, and then let you do. His neck and jaw are really sensitive, but please bite on the very inside of his thighs just before going down on him and he'd be writhing helpless under your mouth.
· Beelzebub, though one might think him the obvious fiend here, tries so hard to contain himself every time he kisses you or you're simply too close. The urge comes from entirely another place for him- you really smell good enough to eat and it's torture to him. You'll notice his hugs get tighter, his touch heavier- and in the end it's just his lips mapping your skin like he can't get enough of just the scent. He'll give into the impulse only ever if you want him to- if you enjoy it, too. But from there on it's all there is- innocent little nibbles that become tender biting followed by kisses like asking for forgiveness, or maybe nust permission to do it again. His favorite spot to nip on is all over your stomach and ass, but his affection will stray everywhere on your body.
Beel also loves being on the receiving end of any kind of bite- soft, hard, as long as it is you, he'll downright beg to have them. His chest is quite sensitive, he'll groan and go slack against you if you catch a nipple between your teeth and pinch just enough. His ass is all yours to bite too, and so is the whole area of his lower stomach, though he's as equally prone to giggle than to moan if you are going there.
· Belphegor is another biter by default, and your lips probably his favorite place to indulge. So aside from the gentle, needy nibbles at the side of your neck to beg for your attention as you cuddle, steamier stuff is likely to start with deceivingly soft and lazy makeout sessions. He always ends up pulling the 'can't contain myself' card and falling back in the same pattern as always, borderline violent tugs at eachothers mouths- every bite to his lower lip makes him want to get back at you harder, and by the time you pull away you can taste blood, but are unsure as of whose.
As for him, Belphie is whiny and restless when getting bitten, if anything also because he loves to fluster you with the sounds he makes. The back of his thighs are sweet spots, he'll cry out if your teeth sink deep enough; his demon markings are too, but probably where he wants you the most is down his navel, & even if it's just light nipping and teasing, it is enough to make him push you further down.
· Diavolo will threaten to smooch your cheek only to end up biting you instead, or blow raspberries on your stomach that somehow end up in a a series of tickling nibbles that go up the side of your body in a completely playful and nonsexual manner. It's almost serendipity, how he finds he's actually into it- and the way your breathing catches up when his voice becomes a growl and he bites harder than usual only makes him want it more. He'll pull away if you ever help, afraid of having hurt you, but if you encourage him, there is no stopping to it: Diavolo loves to have at the back and side of your neck as his hands roam your front, and has no second thoughts about the marks he leaves behind- who's gonna question them, him.
He lives for getting bitten, too, and will demand you straddle his lap and do with your chest as you wish; kiss, bite and mark and tug at the forgiving flesh however you please, he'll moan and angle hips to meet yours, unused to the feeling and getting a bit too carried away. Praising you in hopes of getting more of it.
· Barbatos chases after every little display of affection he can spare during his packed schedule. If on the clock, bites often limit to the ocassional cheeky nibble to the tip of your nose between those snake-like kisses he gives with the tips of his forked tongue, or as his arms wrap around your waist while on baking duty or lessons, a soft bite to your neck as he hums into your skin and his embrace gets tighter just before he pulls away like nothing. These are the measured displays though, because for all the control he has on the daily, if a little more time is available- in the cool darkness of his stone bedroom, his kisses turn rather aggressive and needy. It is only fair: at a given point Barbatos will take all he can get from you, and so there's a lot of messy lip biting and pulling before he moves in to ravage your neck and lower, often drawing blood from bruises, since his teeth are very sharp. Barbatos would love it if you indulged his own penchant for being bitten, though. His collarbones, hipbones, the sweet spot behind his knees as you spread his thighs and his ass are entirely too sensitive and yours to dig in as you please- the sting of your bite along the velvet feeling of caresses up the sides of his thighs, hips and waist are what undoes him completely.
· Simeon will commend you for your boldness or have a teasing remark at the ready every time you dare greet him with bites, wherever you put your mouth to- but he also moans debauched if you get too rough with him. He loves it, in short, the feeling of your colder lips compared to his too-warm skin and then teeth digging into literally anywhere on his body. & he was initially curious about the pleasure that hid in that pinch of pain, but now he's just yours, he'll say- since you seem to want him so much. Simeon is especially fixated on receiving trails of nibbles over the whole expanse of his back, but likewise enjoys to have you gently -or not so much- nipping at his hipbones until the spots darken and his back arches ever so slightly under your touch.
In turn, he will bite you unexpectedly later on, his little payback, and it's a gamble- whether it'll be soft or hard, though he mostly strives to hear you yelp. Simeon will look up at you from between your legs if only to check on your every expression while teeth sink sharp on the flesh of your stomach and thighs, his favorite spots for it.
· Solomon never gave biting much thought until he found himself constantly at your jawline, sometimes tender and innocent but soon enough nipping ceaseless as his arms wrap with a possessiveness unlikely of him around your middle. His bites come in between open mouthed kisses that give him away as starved for affection, like he's trying to convince you he's good enough with every time he sinks teeth into your neck and pressing all of his body against yours. Like he allows himself to be selfish and want, for once- and so even though he tries to be gentle, his bites are needy and end up wherever he sees you need them most. He's perceptive, and through them he only seeks to please you; though were it for him, he'd stay and mouth at your navel before going lower.
On the other hand, he adores you biting him, for a change. It's a no brainer that given how sensitive his chest is, he'll want all of your attention there, circling pact marks with much care. He looks away sometimes if you gently tug at his nipples, too, but more frequently he meets you, violently flushing, to let you know just how good you make him feel.
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
how are dragon babies made hm 👀
How Dragon Babies are made in this au: cw for talk of monsterfucking, reproduction, ovi-position(aka egg-laying), pregnancy and incubation periods involving a trans man, trans!virgil, lemme know if i missed anything!
(Minors and ageless blogs dni or i will be blocking you)
Not to get too lore heavy(edit:whoops, wrote a whole fic instead)-bc i absolutely could as i’ve spent for too much time thinking up humanoid dragon genetics for this au when it comes both to dragon reproduction and specifically reproduction with(breeding) a human like in Logan and Virgil’s case-
You need a dragon that can lay eggs(doesn’t explicitly have to be a male dragon, female dragons can do so to, its honestly up to a different gene in their biology. In this case, Logan has said gene.). Over time the dragon-kind’s gene pool has struggled to adapt to provide stable population procreation in dragon-only circles, be it too many egg-layers, or too little. So they’ve been circumventing this with a little magic and a willing human mate-preferably a human mate with a uterus as it makes the whole process a bit simpler and safer, but it is not a requirement. A little magic goes a long way after all!
The way the eggs work is that they start out soft and squishy to ensure they can be safely laid without damage, and require the very specific wet, warm, and semi pressurized environment that a dragon’s egg-incubation ‘pouch’(found in nearly every dragon that does not hold the egg-laying trait) provides to properly begin the gestation period.
With a little magic and a specially developed spell, a human’s uterus makes a near-perfect replacement- so long as the mating couple puts in the effort to be able to safely penetrate the cervix and womb, as dragon eggs aren’t small(making clutches larger than 1 egg difficult for dragons and impossible for humans to carry) and need to be deposited as deep as possible to prevent pre-maturely laying said egg. This is usually following the egg-laying mate filling the pouch/womb with their seed, so that the egg is partially-fertilized as soon as it is deposited(the rest of the fertilization comes from the dragon egg’s magic pulling/mimicking the remaining of it’s needs/genes from it’s carrier. Seeing as one carries a dragon egg for at least 6 months, the egg has plenty of time to finish developing it’s basic genetic code/ect. to be able to finish growing on its own)
The specialized spell then comes into play as it safely seals the egg inside for the remainder of the gestation period and provides an extra layer of protection to the human body that a dragon’s body is usually built to provide.
By the end of the gestation period, the egg will grow from its baseball-sized, soft and squishy starting state into a hard, thick shelled egg that is closer to the size of a watermelon, the hard shell protecting the baby inside during the laying/birth process and slowly weakening in its last month outside of the womb before it is ready to hatch and reveal a dragonling babe.
(Fic begins under this cut)
So, knowing all this, Virgil in this au is a bit of a brat. Really only enough to be playful in the bedroom and to edge Logan just enough into putting Virge back in his place, as their consensual dynamic commands. It’s honestly not hard to do unless Virgil is seeking out a way to get Logan out of his own head, rather than the other way around.
And At this point, theyve talked about how dragon’s reproduce, how Logan does eventually want to father a child, that Virgil wants the same, and is honestly quite on board with the process after hearing how it works. So they agree on ‘eventually,’ with the underlying understanding that Vee kind of wants Logan to decide ‘when’ and Logan is more than on board with that:
“you could pin me down at any time, right now, two months from now, a year from now, and just growl ‘It’s time’ into my ear and i’d let you breed and knock me up then and there. I’ll get too worked up trying to plan the ‘perfect time’ to get knocked up. I dont want to think about when, just that it will happen. Yknow?”
All it really takes to make Virge’s defiant act fall apart is a few sharp, sucking bites, a deep commanding growl, and a large clawed hand firmly rubbing between his bare legs. Even better when both of Lo’s hands grab his legs and pin them open in an iron-grasp as he rubs the massive head of his draconic cock against Virge’s cunt, catching his hole repeatedly but never quite sinking in until Virgil is begging for it.
And maybe they’ve both been a little more worked up lately, Virgil certainly hasnt been helping things with the way he whispers naughty and lewd thoughts and suggestions into Logan’s ears when they’re in public or have friends/guests over. But Logan’s been patient and biding his time, playing his own teasing game when they fuck.
He’ll work Virgil up till he’s begging, then oh so slowly sink inside, even when he knows Virgil is plenty stretched enough to take the rougher treatment his mate begs for right off the bat, bc it drives Virge crazy. Because virgil cant even buck his hips up with the firm way Logan has him pinned on his back, a firm hand gripping his hip and the other gripping his thigh, helping keep his legs spread nice and open. So all Virgil can do is beg and whine in frustration.
And now, every time he sinks in, he presses and presses and presses, slow and firm and heady as he watches Virgil’s brain slowly flicker from the frustration of his slow movements to the pleasuring ache of a deep pressure stretching his cunt open. And with every thrust Logan presses in a little more firmly, occasionally swiveling his hips to watch Virgil’s eyes flutter with sparks of pleasure, enough to feel good but not quite enough to send either of them over the edge. And, usually, Logan would eventually finish up his teasing game, and snap into action and fuck Virgil silly.
And this time he can tell Virgil is waiting for it, waiting for Lo to snap and pound him into the mattress. And every few more seconds that Lo doesnt, Virgil’s eyebrows seem to furrow, and he starts to catch on that some thing is different. Logan is waiting for something, no longer trying to get deeper(not like he really could with the head of his cock pressed up nice and firm against Virge’s cervix, making his abdomen bulge just that bit more noticeably at this angle).
“..mm, Lo?” He tries.
“…I would like.. for it to be ‘Time,’ now, my love.” Logan leans down and all but purrs, pressing a gentle kiss to Virgil’s gobsmacked expression as Virgil’s brain goes from ‘but, dont we need to prep for that?’ To ‘wait a minute- we- I am prepped for that!’ As Virgil realizes Logan’s recent mercilessly teasing games had just been a ploy to safely stretch him enough to be able to knock him up on the spot.
Well, nearly stretch him enough.
The realization of Logan still needing to fuck open his cervix and womb to breed him properly makes him clench hard around his mate’s massive cock, a whine escaping him as Logan lean’s back up, his smug toothy grin only adding to Virgil’s arousal as Virgil’s brain finished catching up with the proceedings.
“Please?” Is all Virgil’s poor horny brain can really come up with in response, trying to spread his legs wider, trying to egg Logan on as the other now has his prior and current consent.
“With pleasure, my Star.”
And if Virgil thought that Logan’s teasing from before was torture, it was nothing compared to the pressure of the pointed head of a massive draconic cock pressing hard up against his cervix. Sure, Virge had felt speared by his mate’s cock time and time again when they fucked, but having the prick of it pounding against his cervix was an entirely different experience from the feeling of it trying to penetrate said cervix.
What made it worse(or better, as Virgil’s future self will admit) was that Logan’s cock was long enough that it simply wouldn’t fit fully in Virge’s cunt as it stood. So it was a bit of pleasured torture for his brain to try and comprehend ‘how deep will it get? Will it finally bottom out?’
And then Logan’s magic seemed to spark, heat spreading like wildfire inside Virge as his cervix finally gave in to the relentless pressure. And it didnt stop there, logan’s grip on his hip tightening as he carefully rocked his hips forward, pressing even deeper and causing the heat of magic to flare in response.
Virgil grew hyper aware of the cock penetrating his womb, stretching him open with slow shallow thrusts as his cunt clenched then trembled in orgasm, his cervix twitching hard around the intrusion as the thrusts never stopped. His stomach was bulging with every movement and Virgil’s scrambled brain fed him the image of his stomach round with child as a result, thinking himself finally bred, making him cum hard a second time just a handful of seconds later.
By the time Virge was stretched enough, he’d dissolved into a moaning, trembling mess on the bed, incoherently begging Logan for more.
Its at this point Logan pulls out fully, only to flip Virgil onto his hands and knee’s, keeping one hand on the bed to keep them both balanced, and using the other hand to hook under Virgil’s upper torso to hold him up. Once settled, Logan immediately slipped back inside with a low groan, and Virgil relished in feeling the new stretch of having his mate’s massive cock sink inside-all the way into his womb- for once near-fully sheathed inside him.
That was certainly going to be a feeling Virgil was going to be looking forward to as soon as his womb was finally baby-free. Theres no way Virgil wasn’t going to try and egg Logan on into railing his fucking womb over and over after this. Not after finally experiencing this. The fact that they hadn’t tried this sooner made his brain wanna scream bc it felt so fucking good. If Virge could use his words and if Logan didnt already feel so close to bursting he might’ve tried to get Logan fuck a few more rounds in before he deposited the egg, but as it stood neither of them were gonna last very long.
Still, his legs and hips trembled from the first real thrust, even gentle as it was. His moans soon devolved into desperate mewls and choked screams as Lo picked up a rough pace. Every thrust hit deep enough to make Virgil’s eyes roll, the experience of the other’s hips slamming into his own with each thrust was foreign but orgasmic. At some point Virgil sort of loses track of his orgasms, how many he’s had or if he’s currently having one with the way they blur from one into the next.
He loses track of time, loses track of all his senses that don’t focus on the warm growling body above him or the monstrous cock breeding his poor little womb.
And then it all comes to a head when Logan’s hand-Virgil’s only remaining support to stay upright- lowers his upper half to the bed only to pin his chest there with his own. The hand that had been supporting his chest moves to keep his lower-half propped up against the rough onslaught. The change of angle has Virgil mewling anew, the overwhelming heat of magic and the cock pounding inside him almost too much to handle.
Finally after what felt like a blissful forever, Logan groans again, sealing his mouth over Virgil’s pulse point as he presses in as deep as physically possible and for a second all Virgil can feel is the remaining line of tension between them, the way Logan’s hips are pressing so firmly into his own that his own legs are barely supporting himself(not that they really had been from the start, to be fair) by being elevated slightly off the bed.
And then the warmth of actual cum fills him, and he whimpers at the way it makes him feel bloated. He almost wanted to check that he actually looked bloated too, and would have his face wasn’t half shoved into the sheets.
But, it doesn’t stop. Logan presses two more heavy loads into Virge’s stuffed cunt, groaning after each around that “You’re almost there, just a little more. You can do it my star. Do it for me.” Even as cum begins to drip out from around the cock plugging Virgil’s cunt and he feels stuffed to the absolute brim. Theres no way Virge has any room left in his womb for this egg, he’s sure of it, but it’s too late.
A thick bulge pushes its way up Logan’s shaft, it’s huge and makes Virgil shutter as it forces it’s way through the taught opening of his cunt, deeper and deeper and shoving past his trembling abused cervix and popping demandingly into his overstuffed womb. It’s heavy and burns almost hotter than the magic flooding around it, and yet it still feels so fucking good.
The strangled noise Virgil makes as it crowns out of Logan's cock and deposites heavily into his womb is no more than a gasping moan.
Another weaker gush of cum follows after the egg as it settles, and Virgil mind struggles to catch up that this egg completely fills his comparably tiny womb. And yet the magic heat stays and keeps him hot and panting as his mate slowly begins to pull out.
Cum spills out of his gaping cunt the moment it can, no longer plugged by anything nor kept in by the fluttering walls still clenching around the remaining foreign intrusion.
The spells are quickly doing their job of securing the egg and healing his body as he lays there panting. Logan returns to the bed before Virge can even realize he's left and begins the aftercare of thoroughly cleaning his mate up, rehydrading him and dressing him in soft clothes.
When Virgil eventually gets back his awareness, he'll learn that the egg already makes him look three months pregnant by human standards. And he cant wait to get to the six month mark and see how big he looks then.
(Though he likely wont be as enthused at having to give birth to a watermelon sized dragon egg that will still need one more month to hatch, but considering that he lets Logan knock him up at least twice more in their long lifetime, i'd say he probably doesnt hate it as much as you might think)
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
I'm going to take this rare opportunity to humbly request Virgil pinning Janus against a wall and marking him up, because your anxceit stuff makes my whole day 💜💛
You could request anxceit from me at any time and i would be so on board aight xD u might not know but i’m so weak for anxceit lately kskdkd i hope this is acceptable 👉👈 💜💛💜💛
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
Thinkin' about like. Romantic body-woship sort of intimacy, today being analogical flavored, apparently??
(minors dni or u will be permanently blocked from my main in addition to this one, please just respect my boundaries)
cw for: Trans!Virgil, mixed terms used for a transman's genetalia, body worship but mostly just in an adoring fluffy 'let me take care of you' way, lmk if i missed anything!
Okay so like. Analogical. I'm thinking Logan and Trans!Virgil, they have a softer sort of Dom/sub relationship bc neither of them like being too rough with the other??
But like, Logan is usually in charge, and can be a v strict but also v gentle Dom. When he wants to initiate smth and theyve both discussed it, and he's gotten the OK from Virgil to take the lead, his first favorite thing to do to start a scene is sit Virgil down and start complimenting him. Just cradling Virge's face as he admires today's makeup, whether Virgil had tried something new or just his usual look. Niether of them like parting soon after sex, so Logan makes a habit of taking care of any stray tasks before they begin, like removing Virgil's makeup(with permission, of course).
He adores the way Virge uses this action to relax and slowly trade over his trust into his doms hands before theyve even begun, every swipe of a makeup-wipe is gentle and followed by yet another compliment, praising Virgil just comes easy to Logan and Virhe finds it both endearing and entirely intoxicating.
By the time Logan has removed all of Virgil's makeup, Virgil is usually already floating, but Logan still washes his face with a damp towel before drying it, cooing at the sweetly flushed and freckled cheeks of his love.
By that point Virgil is pliant and happy to be tucked into his doms hold, ready to please and be manhandled however he's needed.
Sometimes Logan just wants to spend a night making Virge feel good. He'll pull Virge into one of his favorite nasa hoodies and nothing else and tuck Vee up against him, back to chest. He'll hook his chin over Vee's shoulder so he can whisper sweet little phrases into Vee's ear as he strokes Vee'd bare thighs.
Maybe he'll grab one of their toys and tease his little sub into begging to come, or slip a vibrator deep into his cunt on high and let his love squirm, knowing that Vee will comply with their bedroom rules of 'do not touch yourself or the toys inside you unless instructed otherwise' even when he's trembling from overstimulation, and knowing that Vee will safeword or pause the scene if anything becomes too much or begins to feel wrong.
But all the while Logan is always holding Vee somehow, be it spooning from behind or cradling his hips as he fucks Vee or as Vee rides him, tucking Virge against his chest when sinking his cock into Vee's cunt to let the other cockwarm him, or even when they do on occassion get heated enough for Logan to pin Virge facedown down by the hands to thoroughly rail him.
But tonight Logan just wants to hold him and praise him. Virge has had a rough week and he knows his anxious love is tired. The way he had near-fully dropped into subspace by the first swipe of a makeup wipe was telling enough of the other's exhaustion as is.
So Logan pulls out one of Vee's guilty pleasures, cooing about how wet his little pet is as he strokes ever so slowly over Virge's folds but holding back from dipping in. It's obvious Virge is in the mood to be spoiled with the receptive way he whimpers and spreads his legs further, begging for the other to get on with it.
Logan choses to take his time though, as he knows Vee will easily take more than one orgasm tonight.
He choses instead to indulge in one of his favorite forms of pleasuring Virge, dipping his fingers in just to get them slick before sliding them up and trapping Virgil's swollen clit between two fingers.
Vee gasps softly as Logan presses kisses to his love's shoulder, watching Vee tense and squirm as he firmly strokes and tugs at the sensitive nub.
"Do you like that, pretty pet? Do you like it when I stroke your pretty little cock?" He coos, and Vee whimpers, nodding shyly.
"Being so good for me, is my pet going to cum just from me stroking his cock? Be good and cum for me wont you, darling? I know you can, that's it. Good boy" Logan praises as Virgil's slowbuilding orgasm rises and rises, driving Vee to shyly press up into the strokes until his orgasm crashes over him.
Logan doesn't stop, though, continuing to rub, stroke, and tug at Virgil's little swollen sensitive cock to watch his body twitch and make him whine.
Maybe then Logan tug's Virge up the bed a bit so he can loop his other hand under Vee and start slowly fingering his love as well, making Vee release a creaking moan, knowing full well Logan is going to spend the night lavishing attention primarily on his little cock.
By the time Vee's second orgasm had barely finished washing over him, Logan was already shifting them around once more. The next thing he knew, Logan had sealed his lips around Vee's cock, an arm coming up to pin his hips down while the other hand returned to finger-fucking Vee's cunt and rubbing right up against the perfect spot to make Vee see stars.
Even when Vee finally began whimpering and Logan had pulled out his slick fingers, his mouth stayed put for another few seconds, carefully sucking and tongue lapping hard at the now very swollen little nub of nerves just to watch Vee's eyes roll and his body and legs twitch and tremble helplessly as his hands found purchase in gripping at the pillow under his head.
Vee just knew, with the vaugest part of his mind that was still maybe online, that that poor little swollen bundle of nerves was bound to still be swollen and sensitive in the morning. He sleepily hoped Lo would let him ride him when they woke, knowing full well he was going to get hot and bothered again because of it by the time they woke up.
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
Do you have any nsfw sketches? (It’s cool if you don’t!)
Mhm! Many, tbh. But many are unfinished still, so thats why i havent posted them lol. heres one that i drew without any context outside of it involving Fae!Logan for expression practice?
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
For the art requests
What about tall dom logan and remus sharing janus and absolutely WREAKING him?
Maybe they call jan kitten too?
Also bonus projection points if Janus is afab
Thank you so much!!!! I love your art!!
This was only supposed to be a sketch but…👉👈 i got carried away.. (i assumed by afab we were still going w/ trans janus, so hope u dont mind that i went with that if you had meant differently, bc yay projection!) and Thank you!
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
Kinktober 2021. Day 5. G/lory Hole. Remile.
All of these have been written in advance, I will not be taking ship/kink idea’s, thank you.
Notes: Involves a third party, who is unspecified.
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
Maybe some... Demus or dukexiety with Eldrich horror Remus?
-Starlight anon
Lucky for you I already have an nsfs Eldritch Tentacle Horror Remus au! Leaning towards dukexiety for that au now, hope you like it! (Maybe tap the picture for better quality tho :c )
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Uncensored discord media link here: (x)
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
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On my way to horny jail- and yes I'm still using censors because I don't want to be banned thank you very much
(don't repost my art without permission)
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
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dang, anon, you sure can
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
New Moon
an NSFS Accidentally Alpha Au Fic(finally!)
Pairing: Prinxiety
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Fic Warnings: werewolf biology dynamics(i.e knots and claim bites), knotting, consensual overstimulation/knotting(it is sort of mentioned in the fic but to be clear, Virgil has been well informed and knows what to expect and has fully consented to taking part of Roman’s Rut long before the events in this fic occur) claim bites, marking of the biting variety AND cum variety(sort of briefly for the twice that this ones mentioned but its still clearly there) Roman’s a very loving soft dom the loves to spoil his mate and virgil knows how to communicate when navigating what he wants and knows hes able to handle. Starts pretty intensely but gets very sappy pretty quickly as well. (Let me know if i missed anything!)
Fic desc: Roman hits his first rut after finally claiming Virgil as his true mate, and they've had plenty of time to talk through, understand, and consent to the process. This fic follows the start of their first night of fun.
The first real signal that something was up was the quietness of their shared den.
Even on quiet days, the two-story cabin Logan, Patton, Roman, and Virgil shared was never this quiet. Even when Logan was curled up with Patton reading a book, Roman’s lovely voice would carry through the halls with ease. So it was very strange for Virgil to not even hear the barest of hums coming from his love upstairs while he shuffled around in the kitchen making the rest of breakfast.
Patton and Logan had eaten their share earlier and absconded back upstairs to do whatever alphas do(cuddle, probably, it was Sunday after all), and Roman had yet to come downstairs to dramatically whisk his mate into his arms for goodmorning kisses as he usually did every morning.
At about half past 10 am, much later than his love usually took to wake up and get ready for the day, Roman quietly trudged down the hall and into the kitchen. His movements were slow and sleepy, matching his ruffled hair and rumpled pajama pants, which only added on further to his worrying behavior.
Was Roman sick? He'd been fine just yesterday, if a little out of sorts and a great deal cuddlier- if the latter was even really possible with Roman- but Virgil had chalked it up to a long day working at the theatre.
Instead of greeting his love verbally, he instead looped his arms around Virgil and slumped against him slightly with a deep sigh. The shorter of the two had half a mind to be affronted about his love also chancing getting him sick as well until Roman began nudging his nose into the recent, now permanently placed claim bite on Virgil’s neck. A low, pleased rumble reverberated through Roman’s chest and into Virgil’s as Roman began to mouth over the mark, gently tugging the skin between his teeth.
The sudden attention started sending Virgil’s brain into a scattered frenzy as the claim mark pulsed its own Very Clear signals of 'Heat, Mate, Alpha, Bite, Claim, Good,' as Roman continued his suddenly heady onslaught of affection downward. His arms drew Virgil closer, his chest bare and warm as Virgil practically melted his back against it, baring his neck to his Alpha on instinct.
It took Virgil a few breathless moments of strict bliss where Roman continued to mouth a few sharp hickies around the claim mark to remember that they were both still in front of a still very hot element and startled back into control.
He barely had seconds to get his voice to work as Roman’s hands attempted to wander right down into his sleep shorts.
“R-Ro, Ro? Hnng, Roman! Back off for a sec, Ah- I’m still w-working on breakfast. We can’t just spring into action in the middle of the kitchen, Ro.” Virgil huffled, now quite flushed and ruffled as Roman finally backed off a bit with a put-off pout.
With an annoyed whine, Roman reluctantly removed himself and huffily plopped into one of the kitchen' breakfast counter stools, resting his head in his crossed arms.
The distinctly supernatural point to his ears that only ever came when the Wolf side of Roman was active, displayed proudly alongside his sharper fangs and golden-green eyes, not that Virgil could really see much but a sliver of said iris when Roman’s pupils were blown so wide.
He didn't immediately comment on the fact that those heated, dilated eyes were fixed solely on him, keeping a locked gaze with Virgil when he turned his head to glance back occasionally. At this point Virgil knew something was definitely up, seeing as Roman was always particular about sharing his strictly more sensual affections with Virgil only while away from the chance of public eyes.
“So shameless with your staring today, Wolf. What's up?” He asked, finally finishing up breakfast to set a plate in front of Roman before beginning cleanup. Roman hummed a soft thank you, poking around at his food a bit as if he wasn't really hungry before he began eating anyway.
“My Rut finally started,” Roman rumbled, his voice deep and rough and slow, “S' not hard to figure out, ‘Cause all I wanna do right now is pin you to the counter and knot you over and over.”
Virgil’s thoughts stuttered a bit as he made a choked sound, certainly not used to his boyfriend-mate-husband?- being so forward with their sexual escapades outside of the bedroom, and he’d certainly never mentioned the want to knot him so bluntly before.
Cleanup abandoned, Virgil whirled around to face the other, whose face was now flushed a bit from the obviously naughty thoughts and images of fucking and knotting his mate on the kitchen counter swirling in his head, a lazy, toothy smirk pulling at his lips.
“Right. Um. Okay. Definitely sounds like you’re in Rut. Which means we’re gonna have to move to the Isolated Den sometime today. Uh, preparations, preparations, what do we need?” His mind spiraled a bit, more than nervous that this was finally happening. He was ready to take the next step, yes, but they weren’t actually physically prepared for the whole ordeal.
Roman whined, his ears twitching a bit as he reached out toward his mate, clearly smelling the anxious distress in Virgil’s scent.
This itself was also technically new, though not really a Rut thing, as it had begun when Roman had finally placed his claim mark. Roman had almost immediately been more sensitive to Virgil’s mood shifts and internal feelings than before, and while Virgil could not quite match that skill from a distance, he could do so as well when in close proximity.
Slowly he stepped into Roman’s arms again, and let the other guide him into a more comforting hold after being pulled into Roman's lap. Now back in close proximity, Virgil could clearly feel the heat radiating off of Roman’s whole body, his bronze skin was slightly flushed and clammy, his breathing a little heavier than normal. He could also feel the simmering arousal just underneath Romans skin that remained at bay to comfort his mate.
“Trust me, mi Luna. I won't do anything you don't want me to, you don't have to spend my rut with me, even. Just say the word and everything stops. I spoke to Logan last night, and he assured me that the Heat Den is already set up with plenty of necessities, whether you chose to join me or not. All we'll need is a few changes of spare clothes, and perhaps our phone chargers. There's a tv set up, food stocked as well as the.. Other supplies, and all that jazz so all you need to worry about is feeling good and safe, and I'll take plenty care of that.” He purred, nuzzling his tiny love affectionately.
“Okay, okay just.. um. Let me take a shower and get my stuff, and I’ll meet you in the den? Yeah?” Virgil received confirmation in the form of a nod and a soft clinging kiss.
Unhappily, they separated for a brief bit. Roman took some time to set up some extra comforts like Virgil's favorite of Roman's hoodies and shirts and familiar blankets in the isolated heat-den for Virgil while waiting for his smaller love to get ready.
Virgil gathered up his things into a backpack before taking some time to really clean up, even spending a few minutes preparing himself in the shower, just enough to take Roman's cock when the other would inevitably grow too impatient to wait to fuck his brains out.
He squirmed with nervous excitement while trying to avoid keying himself up too much, knowing that he’d be pinned under his large lover and wrecked thoroughly soon enough. Especially considering the fact that Roman had never actually fully knotted him before. That was an experience he was very excited to soon have.
When he finally got out of the shower, he examined himself in the mirror, taking the time to admire the claim mark and new scattering of hickies that rested where his shoulder and neck met. He already looked like he'd been thoroughly debauched in a fit of frenzied sex, he could only imagine what he'll look like when Roman actually gets the chance to ruin him.
This was his life now, a whirlwind of beginnings. And to be perfectly honest, Virgil was so fucking excited about it. Nervous too, yes, always, but he loved Roman so much, wanted to spend the rest of his life with him, and he was over the moon about finally getting to.
He pressed gently at the claim, a soft smile tugging at his lips as this mark reaffirmed the truth of that future.
The moment Virgil closed the front door to the Heat Den, he found himself pinned to it. He almost wanted to chuckle or tell Roman off about his lack of patience, but then Roman sucked hard at a sweet spot just behind his ear in a place that he knew would make Virgil's knees buckle. Bag immediately forgotten on the floor, he gasped, keening at the sharp spark of pleasure that licked its way down his spine and settled heat into his stomach.
Roman's hands immediately spun him around and hooked under Virgil's thighs, lifting his love and effortlessly pinning him up against the door. Virgil's stomach flipped with butterflies at the position, feeling Roman's hard-on through the way he'd used his hips to help pin Virgil's to the door.
Roman licked his way into Virgil's mouth with little preamble, groaning at the way it made Virgil moan. The heady slide of their lips mixed with Roman's insistence to keep his tongue behind Virgil's teeth left the smaller of the two gasping and mewling with heat.
It didn't take long for Virgil to lose himself, hands threading into Roman's mussed locks to simply hold on as the other kissed the breath from his lungs. He moaned Roman's name against his love's lips with every stuttering breath he could, filled with a pleading reverence that Roman sought to match.
On a particularly hard nip to Virgil's kiss-swollen lips, Roman finds the hands in his hair tug a little sharply in reaction. The feeling makes him growl, breaking the kiss to lean down and headily sink his teeth back over the claim mark on Virgil's neck.
Electricity jolts up Virgil's spine as he yelps then arches with a keen at the feeling, sharp echoes of Roman's assertive arousal now mixing with his own and pooling into his overwhelmed senses through the claim. It makes him dizzy with heat, desperate to be good and feel good and make his mate feel good.
The moment Roman releases Virgil's neck from his bite, Virgil's body goes from being strung tensely like a live-wire to pliant like silk in an instant. His pupils are blown wide and dazed, his parted lips plump and bruised from attention; his skin flush with a pretty pink that crawls down past his neck and pairs with Roman's hickies nicely.
"So pretty, my pretty pretty mate is being so good for me." Roman purrs lowly, a hand coming to cup Virgil's cheek. He smiles warmly at the way Virgil leans into it, his mate's smaller chest stuttering with breath at the sharp contrast of the suddenly gentle treatment.
With his patience wearing thin and his inner-wolf howling demandingly to claim Virgil intimately, Roman pulls away from the door to carry Virgil to the nearest bed.
"Cant wait to knot you, wanna fuck you so badly with it, wanna lock it inside you and cum deep inside," he growled. The moment Virgil's back hit the bed Roman was scrambling to pull their clothing off. Virgil was quick to help, and piece by piece was added to a pile on the floor(likely to be forgotten for the next few hours, if not days).
Once they were both fully naked, Roman wasted no time in pinning Virgil's hips and taking his cock into his throat, all the way down to the hilt.
In an instant Virgil was squirming and moaning, keening at the way Roman swallowed around the head. His hands instinctively threaded into Roman's hair once more, barely tugging and simply holding on for the ride.
"Ro, Ro! Fuck, ah, this is-Mmh! Gonna be over re-really quickly-ah!" Roman slowed his menstrations but did not actually stop, reaching out blindly for something on the bed before finding it, coming back with a bottle of lube. Virgil watched dazedly as Roman slicked his fingers with lube before tossing the bottle aside once more.
In a move Virgil should have been expecting but nevertheless hadn't, Roman took Virgil back down into his throat the moment he pressed two testing fingers into Virge's hole.
He keened, his hips bucked upwards, only to immediately be pinned to the bed with a strong grip and a low growl that did nothing but drive Virgil even more crazy.
Two fingers quickly turned to three as Roman realized Virgil had already prepped himself, the stretch burning only slightly with Roman's barely contained impatience. Virgil whined, dizzy with arousal, panting weakly with relief when Roman pulled off of him to nip at his hip.
"Naughty boy, touching yourself without my permission. Did you stretch yourself for me? Thinking I'd be too impatient? Or was it your own impatience, desperate to have my cock inside you as soon as possible?" Roman hummed lowly, his fingers finally crooking just right into the spot that made Virgil shout, seeing stars as he came. Due to their position, Virgil was embarrassed to note most of it had gotten on Roman's chest and neck, but Roman seemed downright aroused by it.
"Love being marked by you, knowing I'm making you feel so good," Roman growled as he added another finger, running his tongue gently over the tip before pressing at the slit, making Virgil keen as overstimulation set in.
"Ro, Roman, fuck! Need you, please? M'ready, so ready, please please please," Virgil tugged again at Roman's hair, his voice weak and pleading. He wanted Roman inside him so bad, wanted Roman to take and knot him already and prove his claim on him.
Roman let out a low groan, licking his lips as he carefully sits up, only to pause for a moment to admire the openly debauched image of his usually strung tight mate.
Roman's heated gaze slowly melts back into the familiar adoration Virgil is used to seeing every day, the thumb of the strong hand pinning his hips down rubbing soothing circles into the sensitive skin.
It's wildly intoxicating to be in such a vulnerable position under his usually loud and flamboyant lover, to be gazed at with a pure reverence that Virgil had never known could be directed towards someone like himself before he'd met Roman. It fills him with butterflies, the kind that make Virgil want to smile and chuckle bashfully, trying to hide behind his hair as if it's their first time together again.
It makes him tug down gently on his lover's hair, needing to be closer and hold his love closer. With begging eyes like that, how could Roman refuse him?
Their lips meet once more, softly and full of love and trust. Roman's free hand comes to cradle Virgil's jaw as their tongues mingle slowly. A moment of peace in an otherwise intense scene.
The spell ends when Roman gently crooks his fingers again, pulling a moan from Virgil as he gently tugs his love's bottom lip between his teeth.
The passion that had ebbed to give room for comfort washes back over them in gentle waves as Roman assures them both that Virgil is ready to finally take him fully, knot and all.
"How do you want me?" Virgil asks, gasping softly when Roman removes his fingers from his hole.
"You could ride me? Or I could pin you down on your back and take you. It really doesn't matter what position so long as I get to see your face or bite my claim when you finally take me," Roman purrs, pressing a sharp kiss to the corner of the other's jaw.
Virgil shuddered, it all sounded good but.. Roman had once mentioned the knot would last much longer than a typical human orgasm. He wasn't quite sure he'd be able to handle the others' intense gaze for that long without his anxiety ruining his own orgasm.
"How about, um, I get on my hands and knees? That way you can pin me down and bite me all you want, and we can let gravity do the work," It still sounded intense, but less anxiety inducing and more helplessly arousing.
Roman just nodded, pressing a clinging kiss to Virgil's lips before leaning up and flipping Virgil over, getting little more than a surprised yelp from his smaller love at being easily manhandled. He then took a moment to reach over and pick up the discarded lube and slick up his cock, eager to sate his instincts and finally knot his mate.
Virgil was quick to situate himself on his hands and knees, feeling after a moment his lover's breath ghost over his shoulder before a strong hand gripped his hip and pulled them flush with Roman's, Roman's legs situated between Virgil's own to keep them open nice and wide.
A few gentle kisses were peppered over the claim mark on Virgil's neck, making him a little dizzy with happy endorphins, before feeling Roman line up and begin to push in.
It didn't take long with how much prep they'd done for Roman to fully seat himself inside, making Virgil groan softly.
"Good?" Roman purred, stroking over Virgil's stomach teasingly as the other nodded weakly, giving Virgil time to adjust.
No matter how many times they'd done this, it just made Virgil feel so unbelievably full when stretched out on Roman's cock. He couldn't wait as well just to see just how full he'll feel after having finally taken Roman's knot.
Virgil figured his arms wouldn't hold him for very long once they got started, so he slowly lowered his chest to the bed, deciding to cross his arms in front of him to cushion his head and muffle his sounds when he inevitably got too loud.
"Virgil?" Roman cooed, his clean head reaching up to card through Virgil's soft hair.
"Figured this would be where I ended up soon enough so might as well, also might put less strain on our arms this way too. S'That okay?" Virgil shuttered as he felt the werewolf lean a bit more of his weight over him, their shoulders touching as Roman effectively pinned him in place, sucking eagerly over the claim bite on his neck and using one hand to grip at his hips.
"This is perfect." Roman purred.
And then the other pulled his hips back partially, before thrusting back in rather suddenly, ripping a moan from Virgil's throat.
Roman set a quick, hard pace, fucking Virgil in a manner unlike what Virgil was used to from his usually gentle mate but it felt nonetheless heavenly anyway.
Roman's seemingly infinite stamina had always thrown Virgil for a loop, as the other was often content to please Virgil to the edge of orgasm for hours if given the chance before letting even himself come. Sex with Roman had always been a slow and heady, yet thorough and exhausting venture that often left Virgil near-mindless and high on pleasure at the end, and it was easy to see that it was always on purpose.
Roman himself got off primarily on the act of pleasuring Virgil, as he loved to watch his mate fall apart by his own hands, piece by loving piece.
So, suffice it to say, Virgil's trained libido was not prepared for the fast, hard, and rough treatment he was now being given.
Oh, but it still felt good. It burned hot and pressed in places just right and it felt really fucking good, actually.
And Roman was still fully there despite his rut, heavy and solid and hot, he still knew full well how to thoroughly pull Virgil apart through the frenzied haze of lust, and it was obvious that he was trying to do exactly that.
Virgil was just not prepared for just How fast Roman was able to do so.
Virgil felt dizzy from the sensations, the hot burning mouth of his mate sucking over the primal claim that connected them beyond human understanding, the rough deep thrusts of a large cock ramming over his prostate at every other interval, the large hand stroking his cock in time with Roman's thrusts. It was so much, almost too much to take, honestly.
"Ro, Ro! Fuck, Roman! I-I Can't-!!" All at once Virgil felt like he was going to come, and just as the band felt like it would finally snap from the rough treatment, Roman's hand gripped tight around the head of his cock and effectively put a pause on the orgasm. It made Virgil practically writhe in confused pleasure.
In the same moment Roman buried himself nearly down to the hilt, and that's when Virgil felt the growing bulb of Roman's knot at his entrance.
"Last Chance to back out of taking my Knot, Luna," Roman growled lowly, a slight strain to his voice as he held in wait for consent. Virgil keened sharply, suddenly dizzy and desperate for that relief. He wanted Roman's knot, so very very badly.
"Please! Please Ro, do it, please do it, 'wanna feel all of you inside me, please," He whimpered, weakly pressing himself up against the other cock in encouragement.
Roman groaned at the feeling before removing his grip on Virgil's hard leaking cock to grip once more at his hips. He shuffled his other arm around to be able to take one of Virgil's hands into his own while still keeping most of his weight off of his smaller lover. He spread his legs a bit more to force Virgil's to do the same, before leaning over and positioning his teeth over the claim bite.
All at once came the pressure, and oh boy, the pressure. Virgil whimpered helplessly as he realized Roman's four large fingers had only just barely prepared Virgil's hole for his knot. He'd seen it time and again, even given it a nice squeeze a time or two to drive Roman crazy mid-orgasm, but..
God, it felt so big, now. Was this a rut thing? Virgil hadn't thought to ask, nor could he remember if he'd ever been told if Roman's knot was any different during his rut.
But the discomfort didn't last long, not when Roman's teeth sank right into the claim mark once more, and the dizzying signals of 'Mate, Knot, Claim, Breed, Yes! Good!' fogged up his brain immediately in response.
Pleasure seemed instead to bloom where discomfort had been, and now with every extra bit of pressure came a wave of eye-rolling bliss to follow it.
It was intense, how fuzzy Virgil's brain had gotten, only able to fixate on the pleasure of his hole fluttering helplessly around the large intrusion.
It felt like it took an eternity before Virgil could even process much more than pleasure, and this was only because he could suddenly feel Roman deeper than ever before. And yet his hole was still fluttering infuriatingly tight around the knot, he hadn't even taken it all in yet. Fuck. It was so close.
"F-fuck, fuck, please, Ro, Roman, c'mon, mm! Just a little more? So close, fuck, so close. Please. Need it, need you," Virgil found himself babbling, his eyes rolling with every shift and twitch of his body that tugged at their connection.
His words must have held some weight, because the next thing Virgil knows is feeling the pressure double, Roman pressing harder to just fit that last bit in.
Virgil feels his peak returning and mentally curses, now obsessed with the idea of coming on the other's knot, so close, so close.
"Baby, fuck, Ro, so close. Gonna cum, wanna cum around your knot, please, fuck, hurry! mmh!" Virgil mewls, gripping at the sheets with his free hand as he tries to relax.
With a low impatient growl, Roman adjusts himself a bit, squeezing Virgil's hand and gripping his hip hard enough to leave bruised finger imprints later.
In one controlled yet rough thrust, the knot wetly pops all the way into Virgil's hole, and all at once Virgil's brain short circuits.
He lets out a silent scream of pleasure, his peak slamming into him hard and long enough to make his whole body tremble with pleasure. His eyes roll and his hole flutters uselessly around the slightly shifting knot as his cock twitches with each pulse, making a mess on the sheets and purely unable to care.
Roman groans above him, his own climax intense as it begins even as Roman knows it's just the start. He keeps his and Virgil's hands entwined, but releases his bruising grip on Virgil's hips to reach down and carefully stroke his cock.
Virgil mewls at the touch, hypersensitive and squirming as his orgasm ends but Roman's hand doesn't stop its firm strokes, keeping Virgil hard and whimpering.
Roman let's out another growl as his hips shift, his cock spurting shot after shot of cum deep into his love, emptying everything he's got into his mate to fill him up nice and full. Every twitch and flutter of Virgil's hole around his knot just spurs his arousal on and intensifies his orgasm, leaving him to rock his hips slowly to keep Virgil stimulated as he continues to stroke his mate's oversensitive cock for mutual pleasure.
Virgil's back was pressed flush up against Roman's chest, his legs spread and eyes rolling and fluttering, instinctively trying to escape the overstimulation and whimpering helplessly as he found himself being worked back up to orgasm quicker than he'd ever been able to before.
He moans, words failing him as Roman presses closer, releasing the hold he had on the claim bite to press a sharp kiss just behind Virgil's ear.
"Feels so good, fuck, Virge. C'mon, cum around my knot again mi Luna, it'll feel so good, I promise," he grunts, pressing down even more against Virgil's twitching hips to get as deep as possible. He can feel his love trembling with the added pressure, mewling and moaning and crying mindlessly with pleasure. He firms up his strokes a little more, slowing them down and thumbing under the head to really drive Virgil over the edge.
He feels it before he hears it, the tight fluttering pressure around his knot and the cum dripping down the fingers wrapped around a twitching cock. Virgil lets out an endearingly stutterty moan, his body strung tight for the long few seconds that Roman takes to stroke him through his orgasm before finally slowing to a stop.
He lets Virgil's body unwind underneath him, shaking and trembling from the intensity of two very strong and overwhelming orgasms, lets Virgil sink his head back into his arms as he rides out the high.
But Roman doesnt let go of his cock, simply content to hold it and let his teeth graze slowly over still unmarked skin in worship. His own orgasm is mostly finished, and watching and feeling Virgil flutter around his knot had been a purely orgasmic sight on its own, but he's not quite done, and doesn't want to give Virgil the time to come down from his high just yet.
So he adjusts his grip once more, tugging both of Virgil's hands into his grip as he slowly traces the sensitive head of Virgil's cock.
"Shh, shh, we're almost done mi Luna, I promise," He cooes lowly when Virgil lets out a confused moan, pressing soothing kisses to the others shoulders, neck, and nape as he continues to tease the slit. He's not really aiming to rile his love up again, just keep him quaking in the aftershocks long enough for his knot to deflate.
Virgil simply whines, his hips and legs trembling, his cock just barely twitching in response to Roman's touch, though there really was no way Virgil was going to be able to cum again so soon.
A shame, really. They'd have to work on that soon, Roman knew just what Virgil was capable of with a little bit of training, after all.
After another minute or so of the torturous oversensitivity and squirming, Roman's knot finally began to deflate enough to pull out.
He took a moment to admire his handiwork, trying to ignore his inner wolf's smug reaction to Virgil's twitching hole and the absence of his cum leaking out in this position. Virgil had taken him so well, his cum stuffed so deep that it wasn't even spilling out yet. It stroked a primal inner part of himself that told him he'd claimed and bred his mate well, and he shoved it aside in fear of getting aroused again too soon.
From the looks of it, Virgil likely would not be able to take his knot again for a little bit. That was fine.
It gave him plenty of time to soothe, spoil, and compliment his exhausted mate who'd taken his knot so, so well.
It was going to be a long few days, but something told Virgil and Roman that they'd enjoy every second.
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
Obey Me 18+ Headcanons: “You’re My Favorite”
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Y’all have been warned! 
Scenario: Things they would say after you’ve told them “You’re My Favorite” in a spicy situation.
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
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Thank you so much! I hope you like these. Also, thanks to @lusus--naturae for the original idea!
Prologue: The demons had assumed humans had a heat cycle too, but were severely disappointed to find out they don't. But wait...is MC offering to help them through their heat...? 😏
Humans don't...have a heat cycle?...Oh, how disappointing. He had hoped for some 'pleasant times' with MC,and prepared in advance, but sadly, they can never come.
Bastard doesn't let his disappointment show though. He hides it behind a pokerface. But wait...is the human offering to help him through their heat....?
Demon heat cycles/ruts leave the mating pair exhausted and spent, but here is MC offering him aid....they truly don't know what they are getting themselves into.
Lucifer smirks, finding this this both endearing and arousing. MC, ready to help him if needed through his heat, well, he can't say refuse such a generous offer, can he?
Be prepared, MC, because his heat cycle is an intense one..
Humans don't?! Ugh! His disappointment is immeasurable and his day is ruined. He had longed to be their mate, but dammit! Why do human and demon anatomy have to be so different !
He frowns and mutters curses under his breath. Chances for him to be closer to MC are gone. But is his human offering...to help him through his heat...?
Oh no, Mammon is overheating, judging by the redness of his face. He sputters and tries to save face by mumbling how they would want to spend time with the Great Mammon, but we all know it is a failed attempt.
But who is he to refuse? Mammon may have ended the conversation with his signature words of MC wanting to be with him, after all, but when the time comes..and his rut overpowers his thinking...
He is going to go feral.
Humans don't ? You mean, the months of preparation trying to convince himself that MC would want to be his mate have blown away with the wind?
Leviathan's forehead may be covered by his hair, but his eyebrows are furrowed together in frustration. Wait...is MC offering to help him..through his heat...?
Sputtering and noises of surprise can be heard as he falls off his chair. MC, offering to help him through his heat, offering to mate with him ? Him ? A worthless otaku like him?!
The conversation may have been stopped by Leviathan falling on the floor, but he will remember. He will remember every single word.
Because, when MC is dragged into his room, he IS going to take up their offer after MC agrees.
Satan should have known, out of all his brother. He, who claims to be knowledgeable on various topics-physics, astrology,magic, failed to know that humans don't have a heat cycle ?
He huffs, crestfallen as he looks away. Now he can't have MC as his own....but,hold on, is the MC offering their assistance to him during his heat ?
Satan blushes as he hides his face behind his hand. His kitten, willing to help him through his rut..Oh, how generous of them.
All he does is offer a small smile with a muffled thanks as he hurriedly walks away to his room..thinking about their offer all night long...
Satan is going to remember MC's offer, and he WILL need their aid.
Oh, come on ! Such a spoilsport ! He had hoped for some fun and more..intimacy with MC, made intricate plans, but all that goes into the gutter now...
Asmo pouts as he whines, cursing the anatomy of humans mentally. All that stocking up on rations is going to be wasted....but wait..is MC offering their help through his heat...?
He grins widely as he pinches MC's cheeks...such a pleasant surprise ! His brain is already planning intricate ideas and ways....a part of him swells in pride.
Asmo never refuses, and tell them the expected week for when is heat is due. He is thinking of gifts for MC, for their selfless offer, to have him as their mate.. Preparation is key, after all~
Better be ready, MC.
Oh no...humans don't...have a heat cycle.
Beelzebub frowns as he stares at the floor, with that kicked-puppy look. He was hoping they'd choose him as their mate, although a small part of him was worried for their well-being earlier, as Beel is big in many ways.
But wait....is MC offering to help them through his heat...? To be his mate ? To be his partner?
He blushes as he looks at them, and smiles shyly. MC is truly a helpful and generous person, inside and out. He wants to hug them...
Beel takes up their offer with hesitation, and needs a bit of convincing and affirmation from MC, as he fears he may harm them.
Beware MC, all concern gets thrown out the window when Beel goes into his heat.
Such a disappointment.. Belphegor had hoped to be their mate, and secretly prepared for it...but all that goes to waste now, doesn't it ?
He groans as he tries to hide his displeasure, peace will have to be made with the new fact that has come to light...but wait...is MC....offering themselves...?
Offering to be of assistance during his heat... Belphegor blushes as he hides his face in his pillow. MC, offering to be so intimate with him..
He is never going to refuse, though. There's no going back now, because Belphegor is already planning..
MC, best to stock up on food and water..
Humans don't...have heats..? They truly are a peculiar species...
Diavolo's disappointment is evident in his voice as he replies, because the months of planning have been futile now...hold on....is MC offering aid during his heat....?
He blushes as he laughs nervously, because his heat is an intense one, and MC doesn't know what they are getting themselves into..
But their offer is too irresistible to refuse, and Diavolo is going to have blankets and spare sheets stocked in his room after they leave...
Better tell the brothers that MC isn't going to be in the House of Lamentation for quite some time.....
He already knew it, as a flashback came when he was serving dinner to the Young Master. Still, that does little to soften the harsh disappointment.
A glint of a frown can be seen as Barbatos quicky corrects it. One chance, this was the chance he had to have MC all to himself, without others intefering..all gone now..wait...the MC is offering their aid..?!
He blushes as he takes in their words...MC offering themselves...how truly kind...
But he knows he isn't going to refuse, because his powers tell him so.....
Better be prepared, MC...
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squidofthedeep · 3 years ago
The Demon Bros: Waking up from their first sex dream about you
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