“You can say no. Saying no is an option, that’s why it’s called ‘volunteering’. There’s a choice.” 
He didn’t need to hover around, no. Except that he absolutely did, he had to prove to himself that this was an actual even that was happening, and that he was about to watch his brother dance around in a cheap, terrible animal costume. For free. 
A twinge of overdramatic offense and disgust crossed his expression as the legs animated, but he took a deep breath to steel himself enough to step closer and place a hand on his shoulder. “But we’d both know. And I don’t know if I could live with myself if I didn’t at least ask: Do you want me to take this hit, in your place?”
No, he couldn’t let Nishiki suffer this embarrassment for the sake of his own dignity. He bit down on his tongue to restrain himself from asking his brother to take his place. Again, no one would recognize him under the fluffy eared mascot head... Whatever the hell it was supposed to be. A rabbit? A dog? Kiryu wasn’t too sure. 
“Nishiki, if you don’t tell anyone I did this, I’ll buy you dinner for the rest of the month. How does that sound?” Without looking at him he replaced his gray pants with the thick material of the costume’s legs. Complete with obnoxiously huge slip on shoes shaped like enormous paws. 
He was already feeling claustrophobic with just this half. “Actually won’t have to since the restaurant owners said they’d let me eat there for free anytime I wanted.” 
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"Why must lotion be so greasy?”
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“It wouldn’t be so greasy if you didn’t put so much on your hands,” he grumbled, taking a cautionary step back after witnessing Majima coating his hands with a very generous amount of body lotion meant for his torso. 
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“I hope you realize how much of an idiot you’re making yourself to be by doing this.”
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“You don’t have to hover around while I do. It’s not my fault the store owners had me volunteer to do this.” 
Thoroughly tired of Nishiki hovering around and complaining, the Dragon of Dojima unclasped his belt and carelessly tossed it aside. Hopefully, the promise of his pants dropping soon will get his brother to leave. 
Raising the fuzzy bottom half of the mascot costume towards Nishiki, he shook them slightly, making the legs lifelessly flop around. “It’s not like anyone is going to know that it’s me in here anyways.” 
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Another 100 Random RP Starters
- does include some swearing; feel free to edit when sending in an ask to fit character’s speech
“No. No, no, no. Don’t you dare try to pin the blame on me.”
“Did you even bother to think about the consequences?”
“Listen here you useless paperclip!”
“Meerkats are murderous little bastards.”
“For the record, I hate everything.”
“Do you even remember me?”
“Did you know the guy who wrote Sherlock Holmes may have killed a man?”
“I’m going to join NASA and fling myself into the sun.”
“I hope you know what you’re getting into.”
“Please don’t. Just… don’t.”
Keep reading
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▼ “This is potential for matchin ya know. Unspoken alliance,  sooner or later they’ll start pickin up on em in the streets. No one goes fuckin’ with those boys with the big gold gators crownin the goods, ehhhh? YOU IN Kiryu-chan?” 
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“Don’t know... It might clash too much with what I wear, but I guess if the point of them is to stand out then I might consider it.” 
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[TXT] → ✉ Bro (?) || I mean, yeah, but that’s not quite as dramatic, is it? [TXT] → ✉ Bro (?) || I’ve always been a good swimmer, anyway. It’s only a matter of time before I commit fully to my destiny. [TXT] → ✉ Bro (?) || And doing things to look cool or to impress girls was a past Nishiki thing. I’ve changed. Matured. Now I only do things to prove people wrong, like a real adult.
[TXT] → ✉ Nishiki I wouldn’t know. That’s something I’ve never considered doing myself. 
[TXT] → ✉ Nishiki Yeah, now you just hand money out to them to get their attention. Which I guess is an improvement. That’s only something I’ve done to get people to stop chasing me. 
[TXT] → ✉ Nishiki Nishiki, the fact that you just said ‘like a real adult’ makes you sound like a teenager again.
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[TXT] → ✉ Bro (?) || Likely the only reason that didn’t happen is because if it did, I would’ve had to fling myself into the ocean for a month until I was capable of being seen again. [TXT] → ✉ Bro (?) || I would also love to make you that promise but I don’t think I can without lying to you. [TXT] → ✉ Bro (?) || I’m pretty sure I won’t, because that was a fuckin’ specific series of events that lead to this shit happening in the first place. But I’ve also been pretty sure about a lot of things that it turns out I was wrong about. [TXT] → ✉ Bro (?) || So all I can really say is ‘I’ll try’.
[TXT] → ✉ Nishiki ... Don’t people draw them on? At least I’ve seen some girls at the club do something like that. 
[TXT] → ✉ Nishiki At least you weren’t doing it to look cool, otherwise it would have REALLY been a stupid move.  [TXT] → ✉ Nishiki You disappearing into the ocean though... You’d really have to turn into a fish then. 
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[TXT] → ✉ Bro (?) || A question was asked. Another one was answered, through a combination of a lighter and hubris that was not my own, for once. [TXT] → ✉ Bro (?) || I had to prove a point about something completely meaningless in the long term. You know how it is.
[TXT] → ✉ Nishiki  Well I guess in the end, neither of us were burned in the process. I thought for sure you were going to lose your eyebrows. Promise me you won’t do something like that again. 
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dragon & dog
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majima gave her the knife
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[τχτ]→✉ Kiryu-chan The fuck I don’t! You come n’bring that shit my way I’ll show you my goddamn indoor voice.
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Hmm. On second thought that wasn’t as much of a threat as he’d intended…– Oh well. Whatever. It’s all in the tone right? – wait….there’s no tone in text…..    A moment’s pause hazed over the mad-dog, absentminded he ran the spade of his tongue along the plush inner side of his cheek it until it caught an iron tainted patch. That’s right, a fading bruise lingered there from a solid left hook he took from Kiryu last week. A perk of interest drew him back to focus now, realizing the opening in drawing the dragon out of his lair.  [τχτ]→✉ Kiryu-chan|  Yeah why don’tcha drag ‘em down t’the office on site. I should be back round sundown. Usual spot. Just enough time to stage a challenge. Hell they just got those huge floodlights to get overnighters done last week. Perfect ambiance for a dramatic ambush. [τχτ]→✉ Kiryu-chan |  I’m talkin no earlier either. S’gotta be after dark. [τχτ]→✉ Kiryu-chan |  Don’t wanna be seen slingin a half-conscious sort over shoulder. Gotta be CAREFUL n’such luggin shit like that back to the buildin site. We get the sirens on our ass and it’s over. SUNDOWN. I’ll be waitin  (¬‿ x ) 
Ignoring the text tones ringing from his phone, he took a moment to pull Nishida out from where he was stuck underneath his bed frame. An extra wrinkle bridged across Kiryu’s nose at the smell of overnight sweat and alcohol clinging to Nishida’s unconscious self. He definitely won’t be putting that in his bed. 
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[TXT] → ✉ Majima  Hopefully he’ll be awake until then.  He didn’t even ask how or why Nishida was in his space in the first place.  [TXT] → ✉ Majima You better make it worth my time making me waste a couple of hours before heading over there later instead of now. I wasn’t really planning on babysitting until dark..
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I wanna be rich just so I can buy my friends the presents they deserve
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Headcanon #1 || Emojis 
Kiryu has a hard time conveying much emotion when he speaks face to face with people. After getting the hang of using a cellphone {thanks to Haruka}, he uses emoji’s and emoticons frequently. Usually, at the end of a conversation to give the person he’s talking to an idea on how he’s feeling about the discussion. 
He also sends then when he doesn’t really know what to say or just as a way for the other person to know he received their message. 
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[τχτ]→✉ Kiryu-chan  | I’ve never raised my voice once in my whole damn life. [τχτ]→✉ Kiryu-chan  | Nor do I have a secret of any which sort, what kinda man d’ya take me for haaaah? [τχτ]→✉ Kiryu-chan  |  Look if ya see ‘em kick em in the ass and let’em know we’re holed up downtown in Cafe Alps killin time now. 
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[TXT] → ✉ Majima  Majima-san, you are one of the few people I know that doesn’t know what an ‘inside voice’ is. [TXT] → ✉ Majima I don’t have any reason to kick h Before he could finish the rest of his text, Kiryu tripped over something sticking out from under his bed as he was pacing the room.  A pair of legs curled up in an incredibly awkward position and a pair of boring dress shoes.  [TXT] → ✉ Majima Wait, I found him under my bed.... Well as much as he could actually fit himself. Should I just let him sleep here or should I drop him off with you?  [TXT] → ✉ Majima I hope he’s sleeping. ( ・ั﹏・ั)
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Golden Eye-lash Viper
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