#like the main antagonists bruh
wizardpropagandist · 2 years
Y’all ever see a character and have to sit there and use critical thinking skills to try to piece together whether you WANT them or WANT TO BE them, like you gotta sit there and be like “do I wanna call them hot or is that just like my ideal me tbh”
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sunset-bobby · 13 days
“i feel like season 3 had too many side plots and wasn’t focused on Colin and Penelope enough” blah blah blah
bruh it’s an ensemble show…in season 2 there were also plenty of side plots
all of the side plots in season 3 were somewhat important
Francesca, Benedict, and Violet’s romantic escapades are all perfectly good side plots considering the show is called Bridgerton and is about all of them whether it’s their “season” or not and say what u want abt Benedict being a whore but is that not gonna make it more of a build up when he does settle down?
Cressida’s side plot is literally supposed to forward the Whistledown storyline while also making us like empathize with her (to an extent) i think it’s trying to give us like a false sense of like oh maybe she’s changing oop no she’s not but Cressida has always played a role in Penelope’s story as her antagonist
Lady Danbury and her brother I mean this ties into Violet’s story and also Lady Danbury is a main character and u should all watch Queen Charlotte end of discussion speaking of the plot for her like war against Whistledown has literally been continuous since season 1
The Featherington side plots have also been consistent since season 1 and also they’re all so silly and also it Penelope’s family ofc they’re gonna have side plot
so what that leaves the Mondrichs…at this point just say u hate black people idk. I feel like they weren’t even that big in part 2 so the complaints are unnecessary like they’re big thing was the ball being their ball which concluded their season 3 arc of joining society, Will trying to keep one foot out of it, and the ball is them officially cementing themselves as members of the Ton and also the ball does further the plot of the Whistledown story as Cressida shows up with her version of the column
i think that yea we could have gotten more Collin and Penelope..part 1 we weren’t angry enough and part 2 we were angry for too long…there wasn’t enough physical connection to juxtapose the restraint on their emotional relationship like..i saw someone say angry sex on their wedding night woulda made the like stewing anger more angsty and i agree, but i digress
their story arc was still good and i was still invested and the side plots were important to the overall story and also leading into next season so idk complain to the wall 🤷🏽‍♀️
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poggersbathwater · 3 days
can we please stop calling it helluva boss and starts calling it "the stolas show"? since stolas went from morally grey mysterious antagonist to "I am a poor nice guy UwU" creator's pet (all thanks to fandom making countless of stolitz fanarts when S1E1 came out and viv gives shippers anything they want to weaponize them against anyone who make valid points of her writing flaws),I don't understand how a silly show about killing humans for money shifted to diehard wannabe bojack horseman yaoi romance,now I want someone to make helluva boss knock off series but without weird romance drama bullshit and about business only like "helluva assassin" or something like that (but I doubt it will happen since viv trademarked the word "helluva" even though it existed before the show)
Bruh I think the show went off the rails tbh
I would've liked it to have a more episodic approach with the stolitz stuff as a side plot that takes a few minutes out of the whole episode but the show completely derailed from its main plot and I don't really enjoy it anymore. I liked the idea of both Hazbin and Helluva at first--being two businesses that run in Hell, and both shows could've been interesting but they don't really stick to their original plot.
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neemso · 2 months
Okay, time to make a post to criticise PMATGA with its inconsistencies! (Probably + other stuff)
(definitely not because of boredom)
Okay so, since it's been a while since I've seen the show, some takes might be a bit invalided due to forgetting some aspects from the show if they were ever established already, so feel free to correct me after reading!
So the first two episodes, huh...
Remember when Betrayus was menacing and threatening in these episodes? While his comedic personality was balanced well with it?
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Only for his threatening aspect to be taken away from him, replacing him only with his childish/pathetic personality instead?
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Speaking of, he implied that he was the one who murdered the yellow ones, right? The question is; why did he do it? Why did he commit a mass murder on his kind? Why and how did he become power-hungry? Was he always like this? Was it revenge? For what? What was he trying to achieve besides wanting to rule Pacworld?
And if his murder on the yellow ones was supposed to be because they were the rulers of Pacworld back then, why didn't he just murder the certain rules at the time and overtake their throne? Why did he go all out of his way to murder every single one of them just to eliminate them?
And only for all these questions to get retconned to be changed to instead of being a murder! Oh no! They only got frozen instead! Oh no! By this new antagonist we learn of in the same season!
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The Pacinator
I admit, his whole dailouge about him freezing all the yellow ones and working under someone more dangerous than Betrayus does sound a lot more intriguing! I really liked what they were going for when they chose that route! Well yes, i would've love it if they stayed on their old root with the original idea, but i guess a little bit of a rewrite wouldn't hurt? Right???? (If you know you know)
But then, here comes the questions: who hired him? Who is this bigger threat they were implying here? You can't just tell us that and never bring the Pacinator back again, or erasing the mention of this bigger threat! What got the Pacinator so invested into his job as an exterminator after the incident with his mom? Why does he enjoy it so much? Why is he never brought up again after his mysterious escape???
And that leads us the next antagonists who have been added near the last of season one, as another attempt to rewrite the disappearance of the yellow ones! Are you keeping up with this?
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The PointyHeads, specifically Apex
Tbh, even up until now i love aliens! They've always been an interest to me, so of course i ended up loving their first introduction!
I just wish they were given more episodes to talk more about themselves, and what their home planet looks like, and what's their life style like... And most of all, what their relation to the yellow ones?
When did they capture the yellow ones? Why are they experimenting on them to begin with? Yes its said the yellow ones are special, but when did they learn that? Were they in Pacworld long ago before deciding to kidnap them all? When did they learn they missed one yellow orb?
Are the yellow ones this OP to begin with?? Is this why they're all being exterminated?? (Well when you think about it this way, Pac is already too OP for his main protagonist syndrome lol)
And you know what they do about all this in the end? They literally just say F it! Let's make them in Pacworld yet again in the last episode! BRUH???
Speaking of! Let's talk about Elli's existence!
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So Elli, the (probably used to be) most disliked character due to some controversial stuff as she was the last character to be introduced in the very last episode as a last straw...
I can't think of any inconsistency besides bringing up how we don't even get to learn about her until very late in the series, and how her existence seems to be just an excuse to be a plot device, as we learn nothing about her character outside of the descriptions Sir C and Stratos brought up about her...
And of course we can't forget, one of the most reasons she's disliked in the fandom is due to her being used as another excuse to ship her with Pacster
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Remember how Rotanda adopted Pac as her grandson in her only debut episode? Remember how she mentions she was never blessed with any grandkids before the last episode of the series? Keep in mind Elliptica was mentioned in her debut to be Stratos and Betrayus' niece, making her Rotanda's granddaughter, which makes this whole shipping thing with her and a Pac being a big yikes
(i can only give it a benefit of the doubt if the writers might have forgotten about Pac's adoption completely, although it's a bit suspicious no one pointed it out beforehand)
And now for the ghosts and power berries!
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Remember when it was said no one knows what happens when a ghost eat a power berry? And it was one of the main reasons they were keeping them away from Betrayus?
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Only for it to be retconned at Captain Benshi's debut? and even Pac was smugging about it as he knew what he was doing!
I have no thoughts about it as i always forget this fact honestly, and even then i wish they kept the premise they originally went for...
[insert two images of the Ghost Gang and Spiral here because of Tumblr's image limitation]
Spiral i can understand, since they probably didn't know what to do with him as his existence was probably meant to be Pac's best friend (even though he's the most underwhelming character who we barely know of and wish he was given his own episode[s]), but Ghost Gang? They're literally the OGs of the Pacman franshise! They're barely given the episodes detected to each one of them! They're always given this whole role of "we need to warn Pac and help him!", it's always the "where's the Ghost Gang" but never the "how's the Ghost Gang"
Yeah we did get an episode detected to Blinky _which mind you, was literally at season two, past the time where you're supposed to build your characters to know them better at season one_ , as we learn he's a Pac-Fu master, which is a good character build up in my opinion! I just wish it was hinted beforehand that he knows something we don't know instead of it being out of nowhere when the episode decided to introduce Master Goo...
Pinky we don't know much of her besides her obsession with Pac, thinking he has something for her, and even then, one inconsistency that personally makes me and some people a bit uncomfortable to mention, was when Clyde implied in Nobody Knows episode, she dated two tenticle ghosts... Unless we have to assume they were teenagers as well as her and Pac, but we are not sure exactly...
I still wish we were given more information of her and for f sake! Not talk about Pacster every sentence! We need to learn more of her!
Same goes with Inky and Clyde! We know nothing of these two! I think we only know Clyde is one of the kindhearted ghosts to exist, and he's a cook, and the goofball of the group, and that's it. I don't think we even know much of Inky besides his sarcastic personality and wanting to be on the winning side... Just UGH!
Alr i think that's all i have in mind, sorry if it's all over the place and unorganized, i wrote this all in two nights as of now
You're free to disagree with me and correct me if I'm wrong! You can even add your opinion too! I just felt like giving some criticism to it in a public post, even though the show's been dead for a decade, haha
So hope you enjoyed it!
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sailorsplatoon · 2 months
heyo i have another question in your inbox and this one again is another one that has been in mind for a very long time too so
How was the great zapfish stolen without anybody seeing it being stolen??? Like I don't know about you but
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THIS IS LIKE A BUILDING SIZED FISH HOW did no one see or notice it being stolen??? Let alone three times In a row!? And also Shouldn't they have security on this thing?
Like bruh either nearly every citizen is dumb as rocks or either two of the antagonists being Dj octoavio or Mr grizz have the best heist plans dude
Sorry if I sound mad here I'm just confused ....
Dw, you don’t sound mad at all!
You make a really good point that I hadn’t thought of before. I’m going to say that some of it is certainly the citizens being very oblivious and some of it is Octavio and Grizz having good heist plans.
This actually ties in well to a theory I have about splatfests. So every splatfest battle happens at night, while every battle not during a splatfest happens in the day. My idea is that splatfest battles happen exclusively at night, and during the day time while those splatfests are going on, non-splatfest battles occur. Then, when there is no splatfest happening, the stages close at night. Because cephalopod culture revolves so much around ink battles, if they’re closed there’s basically no one outside. Which means that at nighttime there is no one to see if the zapfish is getting stolen.
So all Octavio or Grizz has to do is wait until it’s nighttime and not a splatfest and then no one will notice.
It says in a sunken scroll somewhere (idk which one it is but I know it was from the first game) that the inklings nearly lost the Great Turf War because they couldn’t get up early enough, so I assume that they’re heavy sleepers which causes them to be oblivious to the zapfish being stolen while they’re sleeping. Other species either adopt this trend of heavy sleeping, or just don’t notice that their main source of electricity is being taken away.
But this has happened three times now, so why don’t they have more security measures in palace? Well, I always got the impression that the zapfish was a living, sentient being. So they probably don’t want to put a ton of security around it for fear of making its quality of living worse. It’s already powering their entire city, the least they can do it let it be free of extensive security measures.
Thank you for the ask!!! You make a really great point here. Most of this is just me trying to make it make sense in my head, so if this doesn’t make sense to you then I’m sorry. 
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personasintro · 1 year
I honestly think that the idea of writing JK's version of Mutual Help is a good idea! Especially when it's written simultaneously with the original book like we can take a peek in JK's perspective to help clarify stuff. To be honest, I can't wait for more JK's ver update especially chapter 55 (if there will be) as I find it interesting as well. Thank you so much for working hard, Mimi!
I also love how realistic the book is, how much they blabber about what's going on in their mind. I find myself knowing Y/N too well, her mindset, her feelings. Everyone in the book has their own personality (regardless if the character gets hate from the comsec peeps) I think it just proves how they are come-to-life people with imperfections (and it's something readers should never complain abt, be thankful, bruh) In conclusion, not one character there feels like a stranger or bland, not even Ester. Like, I'm not finding a book where the side characters are only there when they need to comment or accompany the antagonist. In here, everyone gets their own character build, you can see the difference between Kiko and Maya. And I think that's what gets everyone's hook in the story!!
I want a reply, mimi aaaaa. :)))
Wow wow wow thank you so much! I’m very pleased and happy to hear you’re enjoying this story, along with jk’s pov! Since this story is detailed and long, I feel like it made sense for side characters to be more involved in lives of the main characters and overall in the storyline as well. I’m glad you like that too!
I’d just like to point out again that I won’t be rewriting every chapter or important moment in jk’s pov 😔 unfortunately it’s not about time or writing itself, I’d just like some things to be left for reader’s interpretation. It’s tough to pick which chapters to rewrite but I always ask at the end of every chapter [jk pov] which one would you like to read next, so feel free to comment and help me pick 💌 just wanted to say this since I’ve got new people here and jk’s pov was mentioned.
Anyway. Thank you for being so lovely and for the compliments! Thank you thank you 💘
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gacha-every · 7 months
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Hey, I got a carefree movie review for ya! :D
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What kind of review? Oh, well, just from someone who loves fun entertainment, gud characters, and plots! Not really a strict critic but just someone who loves any gud movies that are able to energize my inner child
So if you're also into that, feel free to read my future posts! Or even recommend some movies to me
Anyway, this is my first posted review but I always looked forward to doing this ever since, and it has increased after watching Under The Boardwalk that has recently came out but is unfortunately not given much chances of being seen
BUT ANYWAY, I just watched a new movie, and it's Sahara!!!
It's not really new tho, at least I think so, I actually have seen this before on MovieHD buuut it's in a different language, so I couldn't fully watch it
But today, on Netflix, I'm now able to! And, uhm... I give it a 6/10
The animation is great, especially with how fluid the snakes move (especially especially when they dance! DANCE! They have DANCING SNAKES, people! Fun!), alrighty characters and their design, it's quite funny, and fun in it's own way(?), has quite a gud atmosphere too I guess
But, I didn't really understand the story lol especially the love department
The set up felt sorta Romeo and Juliet, which I like, I mean, Under The Boardwalk has that plotline and I heavily enjoyed it >W< but this one didn't really had... Uhh, proximity with our love interests?
It was gud at first, how the introduction was set up with our characters and their world, especially the part when Ajar and Eva disguised as each other's species which for some reason itched my brain right when they first met... But that was kinda it
They then sorta left their homes and then it went from Romeo and Juliet to Finding Nemo? Because Eva got captured and then Ajar is determined to rescue her, like bruh, you don't even know her???
I was honestly routing Ajar and Gary (Eva's brother) more, and Eva and the uhh white snake lady instead, to be honest with you XD
Because Ajar and Gary had the adventure that I thought was gonna happen between Ajar and Eva (oh and there was also Pitt, Ajar's scorpion friend that sorta... tagged along... same as Gary but he was basically kidnapped lol)
Ajar and Gary had to spend time together, same as for Eva and White Snake (sort of), and yet the main two snakes – that barely talked to each other for more than two minutes in the beginning and then meet again at the end being all swooned that one of 'em sacrificed their body and energy for someone they barely know – are the LOVE INTERESTS?!
But hey at least the ending's sorta funny
I also didn't mention the antagonist yet •>• it's just a human guy that hypnotizes snakes with a flute like blingin' Pide The Piper, he's the one that makes the snakes dance or dance fight, fun! :D
He's sorta creepily intimidating, but in the end his creepiness leveled up but in a weird way ;-; I mean, bruh, he was consistently managing to chase down Ajar to get his flute back DURING A BLINGIN' SAND STORM?! All while jumping on buildings and stuff yet managed to just pop up in front of Ajar out of nowhere?! HOW DOES THAT NOT TERRIFY AND/OR CONFUSE YOU?!
Overall tho, I was entertained, but didn't feel entirely fulfilled - so I watched Back To The Outback to make me feel better (I already seen it, but in case you're wondering, I give that movie an 8/10)
But if you want a Movie where you don't have to care too much about the characters and environment, and just watch amazingly animated snakes dance or go on an adventure, then Sahara is for you! :D
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empress-leo · 10 months
Rating each of the 88 IAU designated constellations based on how good they would be as a name for a member of the Black family because I’m bored and this road trip will take at least 2 more hours.
Andromeda: 10/10 no notes. It’s perfect disaster name material.
Antila: 6/10 I feel they would be the weird middle child of the family
Apus: 5/10 could be good as a domineering father figure, otherwise I wouldn’t want to call my edgy soft boi Apus Black
Aquarius: 3/10 would get made fun of and not taken seriously
Aquila: 7/10 perfect name for an adventurous lesbian that got disinherited yet is a total badass
Ara: 1/10 I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from thinking Ara Ara Black
Aries: 9/10 perfect antagonist name
Auriga: 2/10 just doesn’t really roll off the tongue well
Boötes: 3/10 not bad, but the double Bs knock it down a few points
Caelum: 6/10 good as the edgy second in command to an antagonist, otherwise unremarkable
Camelopardis: 0/10 horrible would only be made fun of for being named the objectively worse version of giraffe
Cancer: 0/10 do I even need to explain
Canes Venatici: 2/10 to many syllables
Canis Major: 4/10 could see this being used as the name for an older twin, but not on its own
Canis Minor: 4/10 ditto but for the younger twin
Capricornus: 3/10 maybe as a medieval ancestor, but not as a modern black
Carina: 8/10 younger sister name
Cassiopeia: 10/10 amazing
Centaurus: 2/10 this would probably offend the actual centaurs
Cepheus: 5/10 total emo recluse name
Cetus: 7/10 short and snappy, perfect for an overbearing father
Chamaeleon: 4/10 I could totally see them using this out of pure spite
Circinus: 3/10 at best a great-grandfather, otherwise horrible
Columba: 8/10 would be a soft and gentle older sister
Coma Berenices: 0/10 too many syllables and has coma in the name
Corona Australis: 0/10 too specific
Corona Borealis: 0/10 see above
Corvus: 10/10 the ultimate emo boi name
Crater: 8/10 would play beater on the house team
Crux: 8/10 definitely a middle child with something to prove
Cygnus: 8/10 a daddy you don’t want to mess with
Delphinus: 6/10 the secretive bastard daughter who has inherited angst
Dorado: 2/10 too many Os
Draco: 10/10 Draco Malfoy adopted by the Blacks AU vibes
Equuleus: 5/10 too many Us, other could be good for a grandfather
Eridanus: 5/10 if you place the emphasis on the i then it works, otherwise not
Fornax: 3/10 probably sounds cooler than the person with the name actually is
Gemini: 4/10 youngest child energy
Grus: 6/10 people would think it’s a nickname then be surprised it’s their real name
Hercules: 9/10 though it would probably end up being used be someone with extremely supremacist views, ruining the name for everyone else
Horologium: 0/10 imagine introducing yourself as ‘watch’
Hydra: 6/10 would defiantly be the younger brother of Hercules
Hydrus: 5/10 either the worse version of Hydra or the better version
Indus: 4/10 coloniser vibes
Lacerta: 9/10 absolutely the daughter that ran away from the family becuase she loved a Muggle
Leo: 10/10 I’m biased
Leo Minor: the inferior sibling of Leo
Lepus: 1/10 sound too much like Leper
Libra: 4/10 Le Bruh Black
Lupus: 8/10 Lupin gets adopted by the Blacks AU vibes
Lynx: 6/10 you think they’re gonna be all edgy and intimidating but they’re actually soft and apologetic for their crazy name
Lyra: 9/10 pure spice, I love it
Mensa: 0/10 I can’t think of anything I like about it
Microscopium: 0/10 like, BRUH, why
Monoceros: 6/10 the Uncle that’s a bit too into blood purity and duelling
Musca: 2/10 I- I mean, really?
Norma: 5/10 the boring and unremarkable young sister
Octans: 7/10 I could see it being used as the name of an aide
Ophiuchus: 0/10 horrible
Orion: 10/10 it’s perfect
Pavo: 4/10 that cousin you only see once every few years and aren’t quite sure how you’re related
Pegasus: 8/10 kinda heroic, I could see this being used for a main character
Perseus: 7/10 same comment as above, just a weaker version of it
Phoenix: 8/10 the hot headed brother, though given that phoenixes are real it’s kinda like naming your child cheetah
Pictor: 1/10 if a black family member ever became a grave digger, it would be Pictor
Piscis: 3/10 could be worse. I imagine this child would be mostly forgotten about though
Piscis Austrinus: 1/10 the worse version of Picsis
Puppis: 6/10 excitable younger sibling energy
Pyxis: 8/10 a name for a younger sibling who reads a few too many dark magic books
Reticulum: 1/10 horrible. Absolutely horrible
Sagitta: 7/10 people would think it’s a nickname for Sagittarius, but it actually works on its own
Sagittarius: 5/10 could just use Sagitta as a nickname
Scorpius: 9/10 almost as emo as Corvus. Almost.
Sculptor: 3/10 I could see them using it as the name of an ancestor who lived before the 17th cenfury
Scutum: 1/10 sounds too much like scrotum. Anyone who would be named this would have anger issues
Serpens: 3/10 sounds incomplete
Sextans: 3/10 in the same boat as Sculptor
Taurus: 10/10 absolutely perfect for a Father or Uncle that is an amazing duellist and is mad when his son isn’t
Telescopium: 0/10 hmm yes I would like to seeeeeee
Triangulum: 0/10 triangulate a better name
Triangulum Australe: 0/10 no that’s worse
Tucana: 8/10 either an adoring mother or the youngest brother
Ursa Major: 4/10 good older twin name
Ursa Minor: 4/10 good younger twin name
Vela: 5/10 I could see this being used, but it would cause problems with the Veela community
Virgo: 6/10 but only if pronounced as Vir(j)o Black instead of Vir(g)o Black
Volans: 6/10 semi-decent, but definitely not the oldest child
Vulpecula: 3/10 any child named this will immediately become angry
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kingdarkstalker · 1 year
(sigh) alright, I've been rereading Legends Darkstalker and obviously we need to talk about the mammoth in the room that's Whiteout. Jasmine steel in the video already explained Whiteout's problems really well so I don't think I could put it to justice, but there are some examples I now remember being annoyed at when I first read that shows her lack of agency, and how we always need OTHER characters to get an understanding of HER views. So in chapter 15, when Foeslayer talks about wanting to meet Clearsight, Whiteout also says she likes her by saying "I like the way she knits!" And Darkstalker just has no idea and he NEVER bothers to think of it further. Bruh, she's obviously talking about Clearsight's future sight? There were literally entire paragraphs metaphorically talking about her gift like weaving threads in his perspective and he just doesn't think further into that at all?
Whiteout's way of talking and thinking is *always* viewed as completely bizarre, foreign and alien to everyone including Darkstalker in a world where he has a girlfriend that can SEE the future and he can read people's THOUGHTS because of MAGIC MOONLIGHT. The story provides paragraphs of character depth and exposition for all three main protagonists, and other characters or antagonists- from major villains like Arctic to background characters like Pearl get to establish their personalities by making their own appearances and talking when they choose to, not justwhen another protag is there, but doesn't even bother to allow us to try and understand Whiteout? She's not allowed to have more than 3 lines and only relevant if they the protagonist finds the 'cute', tolerable or sad enough. Whiteout, an obviously autistic coded character, is not seen as a person- she's seen as a cute alien pet for other characters to take turns looking after. Steel wasn't exaggerating when she said that Whiteout serves the same purpose in the story as glory's pet sloth- it's LITERALLY in the books. The ableism of this and her ending I could spend hours unpacking.
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newtafterdark · 1 year
*RUNS INTO YOUR ASK BOX* bruh…it’s still pride month and to get my obscure blorbo fix I gotta ask the probably most unhinged question you have ever gotten: LGBT+ hui buh headcanons? 👀
Ooooooo! Alright, here's the thing though - I even thought about head canons like that back in the day when I saw the first movie, even when I didn't have the words for it yet!
So here you got the specific queer thoughts I've had for the main gang for a while:
Julius - That man is so bi to me. Genuinely, the way he and Charles interact with each other is so important to me. Like, it always felt like "We understand each other on such a deep level and we are so comfortable with each other", especially in the second movie. Julius is a disaster when it comes to instantly falling in love with every woman he meets, but with Charles everything is unshakable. Charles - Gay as can be. Yeah, he's already written as a flamboyant character... but I can only again point at what I wrote above. Konstanzia - This is based on absolutely nothing, but she is bi to me. She should've had the opportunity to interact with more female characters who are not antagonistic just to see what the vibe is there, you know? I am simply saying she would've had the same reaction to the Witch Queen in the second movie as her husband Julius had. ANYWAY, yeah these three are in a polycule in my brain. Very much Konstanzia going "This is my husband Julius and his boyfriend Charles! :>" Hui Buh - This man is important to me (to no-one's surprise), because he's several hundred years removed from when the movies happen due to being a ghost for so long. Sure, he'll learn new words for concepts, but... well, it didn't really matter back when he was still alive. Still, if Tommy or Ophelia ever asked, he would probably settle with panromantic. Sexuality wise... he's internally unsure. The new words still don't feel right, even as he gets used to hearing them. He's the kinda guy who'll say "I'll take anyone who'll have me!" and that's just genuinely how it is. So, technically, this man is full pan, but he just doesn't use the word. Queer though? He'll happily call himself queer! Hell, aside from all the romance, you know he has some fun stuff going on with his gender too!
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fuckmelifesucks · 2 years
For those who still call Elain useless cuz of her rescue from hybern and Gwyn a fearless girlboss cuz she survived the blood rite. Lets get our facts straight, shall we.
First, let's see both the situations. Elain was kidnapped by the cauldron, aka the god type thingy of the acotar world and taken to the hybern camp, to the main tent of king of hybern where the cauldron sat. She faced king of hybern, aka the main antagonist of the og trilogy.
Now, Gwyn. She was taken from her bed along with her two friends Nesta and emerie to forcefully participate in the blood rite, the test for illyrians to become proper warriors. She had to face the illyrians, aka not the main villians the book.
People say that Gwyn didn't need az protecting her like 'someone else'. Y'all need to realise that the situations were completely different. Like day and night different.
Elain was kidnapped by the cauldron from a war camp in the middle of a world changing war. She was in the domain of the king of hybern. Gwyn was at the blood rite.
Yes, both situations were dangerous as fuck. I agree. BUT Gwyn was in the blood rite along with only illyrians not some retarded sick fuck dreaming to take over prythian and the fucking cauldron.
Yes, the illyrians were brutal and shitty but they weren't as depraved as the king of hybern who tortured people for fun. The illyrians knew their limits. King of hybern had none.
Next, Gwyn was NOT ALONE. She has Nesta and emerie with her. The three were together and i know that at the beginning Gwyn was alone but she was safe in a way. Was able to keep hidden from prying eyes. And she had good amount of training with two of the most feared illyrians before. She knew how to weild weapons. She was a Valkyrie. A trained warrior (as many like to point out.)
Now for Elain, who apparently couldn't even defend herself. Y'all should remember that elain was ALONE in the hybern camp. All alone in a camp full of monstrous creatures who were torturing innocents for fucking entertainment.
They were brutalising the humans cuz they were bored and had nothing better to do. She was all alone with probably no hope of having someone to help her there. She could only pray that her sisters came to rescue her. And she didn't not have a headstart unlike Gwyn to be able to hide herself. The cauldron brought her directly into the heart of the hybern camp, in the king of hybern's tent. She probably didn't even have time to process what had happened given she was lured by the cauldron.
And y'all need to remember that elain was just newly made fae whose visions had just stopped and who was still grieving her human life. She didn't have training for shit. She was still going through her trauma of being forcefully turned into fae. And she was lured to the same male by the same cauldron who took her human life away from her and violated her. And she was tricked by the face of the same man who she'd been in love with. Who'd dumped her without a thought.
Elain didn't have any weapons to weild or any friends to rely on. And we are talking about hybern camp. Even feyre and az were heavily injured when they rescued elain. Az who is one of the strongest fae warrior and feyre the first high lady with the powers of all seven High Lords.
U really expect elain to be able to up and walk out of the hybern camp on her own? Think bruh! The girl was alone, probably petrified and thinking she was not getting out of that camp alive and in one piece.
Gwyn had some hope with her friends but elain was all alone. Stop making elain out to be weak just because she was rescued from a situation that meant CERTAIN DEATH.
So yes, elain had to be rescued cuz otherwise she'd be dead. Because there was no way of her getting out of that camp alive on her own. She is not useless. She is strong. She kicked the fucking Naga hound in the face to get it off az for fuck's sake. She did so while she was still bound, holding onto another person, briar, as az tried keeping them airborne.
Saying that elain was useless because she needed rescue is like saying Gwyn was useless when az rescued her from the temple from the hybern men when she was violated.
If Elain is weak for not being able to save herself from hyber than so is Gwyn.
For me, both girls are strong in their own respective ways. There is literally no reason to compare the rescue and the blood rite. No logical reasoning, at least.
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prisonguards · 1 year
Shipping ask Treebark & (idk the shipname ) Magical Mountain duo?
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1- hmmm. I could not tell u exactly cause I watched Rens pov after I was deeply into fandom stuff already so probably just.. the fandom?
2- LOYALTY AND DEVOTION AND SACRIFICE AND FORCED KILLING… also jesus fuck. the post/drawing abt how Martyn doesnt know how to mourn Ren right cause hes never had to before? unmatched. good lord. anything revolving around Martyns feelings about Rens absence in limlife. BRUH… unguided hand like…. Martyns insane for that one fr
3- shrruug I dunno? theyre not the main characters of 3rd Life but theyre like… the good guys of it. like Scar atleast is always the villain to me. even tho treebark can have this over exaggerated villain kinda feel I wanna take that as like.. just cause the story is ‘meant’ to be scarians pov so theyre scarians antagonists yaknow?
Magical Mountain
my god I looked back through my messages to see when I went crazy abt them and it was like… DL ep one when I started watching Joel proper? I was like “woah this dynamics so antagonistic but they allies in LL?” and then I watched all of Joels LL in one afternoon and immediately got Magical Mountain And Smallidarity pilled at the same time
2- ANGST!!!! the incompleteness and emptiness and inability to stay together through cruel circumstance and all the try try try again despite that… theyres a mess and Id love to see them ally again, esp now that Scars actually a very imposing presence
3- again, theyre important to eachother and people neglect that EVEN WORSE for Magical Mountain since their alliance is so rocky, buy thats never been THEIR choice. theyre always trying, its just fate gets in the way.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Just because your main or fave is back doesn't mean that NRS cares.
Look at mileena. Prime example.
Shang is once again a pre order dlc
A major villain and antagonist staple.
Bruh like everyone looks the same. I mean it. Everyone has same face syndrome. Fr! How is that not a problem for you people?!
Fr people you guys are so damn gullible.
It's painful to look at.
They'll bucher your faves. I guarantee it.
It doesn't fucking matter if rain,smoke,cyrax is back.
It mens nothing if the game is shit gameplay and shitty writing.
Like ffs how are people this dumb not to see it?
I give up. I give up trying to tell people why this game is bad. And why this shit pisses me off.
I'm gonna go enjoy my mk content that actually is fucking good at this point and ignore everything canon. It doesn't exist to me anymore.
"Wow guys i can't believe they haven't made a mk game since forever huh? Crazy. Oh mk9-11? You mean that spin off? Yeah that was a cool SPINOFF NON CANON FUN GAME. 12? Mk "1" reboot? Nah fam that was a different game series. Not mortal kombat."
Yeah that's exactly how im treating mk from now on.
The real mk1(1993) - mk4. Is the only canon games. Anything after is a spin off,what ifs,alt aus,and non canon.
I will continue to live in bliss ignoring canon and substitute it for my own.
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asahikuns · 1 year
Oomfie boomfie. What are ur thoughts on itachi 🎤
moral compass wise i think what he did was wrong like he killed CHILDREN in that massacre bruh. i understand the circumstances but he could have bargained to spare the little kids or something. i dont think we have seen him trying to use words with the uchihas like he went straight to espionage + plotting with the leaf. and he did unnecessary damage to sasuke as a kid (making him watch the massacre on loop for 24H using the tsukuyomi was unnecessary cmon)
character wise hes one of the best character and best story line ever written. i think this is why hes a constant fan favorite. hes not the main antagonist but arguably the most intriguing one. also not the strongest but his fight scenes are always interesting because hes so smart and mysterious
also as you said, his non binary swag and constantly coughing up blood makes him cooler and more relatable
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sakuraswordly · 2 years
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Knowledge 13.1
introduce characters:
Exeller original idea from Sonic.exe: The Spirits of Hell Round 2 (is the official sequel to Sonic.exe: The Spirits of Hell(Warning: Sonic.exe is part of a genre of online horror stories known as creepypasta. For someone who doesn't like or hate horror, bloodshed or creepypasta. Please don't search!!)) In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Exeller will appearance as the main antagonist in Season 9(Final judgement).(Don't worry Tsubasa of Phantasia doesn't have any of contains mature content that may include coarse language or graphic images which may be disturbing or Creepypasta(but content violent). (Because I don't have the talent to draw or paint like that and I really hate Creepypasta, it so cruel.) But I need to accept this game that is good and the story of Exeller is also good too. (He also said, "Jeez, Your PC Name Sucks!"^^) I knew Sonic.exe: The Spirits of Hell Round 2 from Mastered UI Kostas from youtube.
Epic! Sans is a character from Epictale, an alternate universe created by Yugogeer012. In Epictale, He loves to say "Bruh" often, occasionally replacing words with it. But in Tsubasa of Phantasia, he doesn't say "Bruh" if the situation is getting serious or spying on something. In Epictale, He is generally lazy and casual, similar to classic Sans. He gave himself the title of "Epic!Sans" just because it sounds cool. If in the right conditions, he can become a nerd comparable to that of Alphys.
And About The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception have a mysterious role to play in Type-Moon(Source gif: https://naotoryougi.tumblr.com)
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In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception had different information from Type-Moon. Example from this source:( https://www.cbr.com/type-moon-mystic-eyes-death-perception/) True Ancestors is some of the most powerful beings in the Type-Moon universe. At night is when they are at their strongest, with the lines of death being completely absent, as shown in Melty Blood when Ryougi enters a fight against Arcueid from Tsukihime. But in Tsubasa of Phantasia, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception can be able to kill True Ancestors.The power of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception in Tsubasa of Phantasia there are only three characters who have this power because only the god of nothingness can have this power. Even though Shiki Ryougi can make an appearance in Tsubasa of Phantasia, the power of Mystic Eyes won't be the same anymore. Don't forget this is an Alternative universe AU story.
About the power of Mystic Eyes, I will explain later another Announce.
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raveneira · 3 months
Bruh cant believe I just made that post calling out how bad the writing is for the timeskip so far only for the spoilers to just prove my point even further 😭 like what type of foolishness is this?
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Boruto is literally the only character that has made any progress over these 3 years, the ONLY FKING CHARACTER that did any training and got stronger while everybody else just sat on their ass the entire 3 years he was gone.
Even if you excuse the rest of the cast, their irrelevant ok lets say thats true and they dont matter, that doesnt fly with Sarada, Mitsuki, and Kawaki who ARE relevant
But ok I'll be generous, lets say Sarada and Mitsuki are also irrelevant, lets just say thats the case for the sake of the argument, WTF IS THE EXCUSE FOR KAWAKI? he is literally the secondary MAIN character, the MCs rival, the future antagonist, Boruto's final fight/conflict to overcome, WTF IS KAWAKI'S EXCUSE? absolutely NOTHING!!!
Even if being as generous as possible you argue everybody, EVERYBODY else is irrelevant, you cannot make that same argument for Kawaki, so at the very least HE should have been the MAIN one thats made TONS of progress over the years right next to Boruto, especially since he has the biggest goals out of everybody, KILLING ALL OTSUTSUKI yet your telling me he didnt train one bit over these 3 yrs KNOWING the type of power he's up against? the same guy who said THIS!?
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Kawaki saw the value of training, even tho Jigens methods were brutal and cruel he UNDERSTOOD that the only way he'd get strong enough to put up a fight and kill him was to EMBRACE the harsh training and thats when he started rapidly improving, its the whole danm reason he tried to pressure Team 7 into sparring in the first place! because thats what he knew WORKED!
But you tryna tell me Kawaki would just settle for having karma and not train his combat skills at all? the guy who wants to KILL ALL OTSUTSUKI wouldnt be trying to gain more power to achieve that!? the same guy who said he embraced the cruel training Jigen was giving him so that he could get strong enough to kill him!? THAT GUY!? foh man
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