#neem rambling
neemso · 2 months
Okay, time to make a post to criticise PMATGA with its inconsistencies! (Probably + other stuff)
(definitely not because of boredom)
Okay so, since it's been a while since I've seen the show, some takes might be a bit invalided due to forgetting some aspects from the show if they were ever established already, so feel free to correct me after reading!
So the first two episodes, huh...
Remember when Betrayus was menacing and threatening in these episodes? While his comedic personality was balanced well with it?
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Only for his threatening aspect to be taken away from him, replacing him only with his childish/pathetic personality instead?
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Speaking of, he implied that he was the one who murdered the yellow ones, right? The question is; why did he do it? Why did he commit a mass murder on his kind? Why and how did he become power-hungry? Was he always like this? Was it revenge? For what? What was he trying to achieve besides wanting to rule Pacworld?
And if his murder on the yellow ones was supposed to be because they were the rulers of Pacworld back then, why didn't he just murder the certain rules at the time and overtake their throne? Why did he go all out of his way to murder every single one of them just to eliminate them?
And only for all these questions to get retconned to be changed to instead of being a murder! Oh no! They only got frozen instead! Oh no! By this new antagonist we learn of in the same season!
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The Pacinator
I admit, his whole dailouge about him freezing all the yellow ones and working under someone more dangerous than Betrayus does sound a lot more intriguing! I really liked what they were going for when they chose that route! Well yes, i would've love it if they stayed on their old root with the original idea, but i guess a little bit of a rewrite wouldn't hurt? Right???? (If you know you know)
But then, here comes the questions: who hired him? Who is this bigger threat they were implying here? You can't just tell us that and never bring the Pacinator back again, or erasing the mention of this bigger threat! What got the Pacinator so invested into his job as an exterminator after the incident with his mom? Why does he enjoy it so much? Why is he never brought up again after his mysterious escape???
And that leads us the next antagonists who have been added near the last of season one, as another attempt to rewrite the disappearance of the yellow ones! Are you keeping up with this?
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The PointyHeads, specifically Apex
Tbh, even up until now i love aliens! They've always been an interest to me, so of course i ended up loving their first introduction!
I just wish they were given more episodes to talk more about themselves, and what their home planet looks like, and what's their life style like... And most of all, what their relation to the yellow ones?
When did they capture the yellow ones? Why are they experimenting on them to begin with? Yes its said the yellow ones are special, but when did they learn that? Were they in Pacworld long ago before deciding to kidnap them all? When did they learn they missed one yellow orb?
Are the yellow ones this OP to begin with?? Is this why they're all being exterminated?? (Well when you think about it this way, Pac is already too OP for his main protagonist syndrome lol)
And you know what they do about all this in the end? They literally just say F it! Let's make them in Pacworld yet again in the last episode! BRUH???
Speaking of! Let's talk about Elli's existence!
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So Elli, the (probably used to be) most disliked character due to some controversial stuff as she was the last character to be introduced in the very last episode as a last straw...
I can't think of any inconsistency besides bringing up how we don't even get to learn about her until very late in the series, and how her existence seems to be just an excuse to be a plot device, as we learn nothing about her character outside of the descriptions Sir C and Stratos brought up about her...
And of course we can't forget, one of the most reasons she's disliked in the fandom is due to her being used as another excuse to ship her with Pacster
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Remember how Rotanda adopted Pac as her grandson in her only debut episode? Remember how she mentions she was never blessed with any grandkids before the last episode of the series? Keep in mind Elliptica was mentioned in her debut to be Stratos and Betrayus' niece, making her Rotanda's granddaughter, which makes this whole shipping thing with her and a Pac being a big yikes
(i can only give it a benefit of the doubt if the writers might have forgotten about Pac's adoption completely, although it's a bit suspicious no one pointed it out beforehand)
And now for the ghosts and power berries!
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Remember when it was said no one knows what happens when a ghost eat a power berry? And it was one of the main reasons they were keeping them away from Betrayus?
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Only for it to be retconned at Captain Benshi's debut? and even Pac was smugging about it as he knew what he was doing!
I have no thoughts about it as i always forget this fact honestly, and even then i wish they kept the premise they originally went for...
[insert two images of the Ghost Gang and Spiral here because of Tumblr's image limitation]
Spiral i can understand, since they probably didn't know what to do with him as his existence was probably meant to be Pac's best friend (even though he's the most underwhelming character who we barely know of and wish he was given his own episode[s]), but Ghost Gang? They're literally the OGs of the Pacman franshise! They're barely given the episodes detected to each one of them! They're always given this whole role of "we need to warn Pac and help him!", it's always the "where's the Ghost Gang" but never the "how's the Ghost Gang"
Yeah we did get an episode detected to Blinky _which mind you, was literally at season two, past the time where you're supposed to build your characters to know them better at season one_ , as we learn he's a Pac-Fu master, which is a good character build up in my opinion! I just wish it was hinted beforehand that he knows something we don't know instead of it being out of nowhere when the episode decided to introduce Master Goo...
Pinky we don't know much of her besides her obsession with Pac, thinking he has something for her, and even then, one inconsistency that personally makes me and some people a bit uncomfortable to mention, was when Clyde implied in Nobody Knows episode, she dated two tenticle ghosts... Unless we have to assume they were teenagers as well as her and Pac, but we are not sure exactly...
I still wish we were given more information of her and for f sake! Not talk about Pacster every sentence! We need to learn more of her!
Same goes with Inky and Clyde! We know nothing of these two! I think we only know Clyde is one of the kindhearted ghosts to exist, and he's a cook, and the goofball of the group, and that's it. I don't think we even know much of Inky besides his sarcastic personality and wanting to be on the winning side... Just UGH!
Alr i think that's all i have in mind, sorry if it's all over the place and unorganized, i wrote this all in two nights as of now
You're free to disagree with me and correct me if I'm wrong! You can even add your opinion too! I just felt like giving some criticism to it in a public post, even though the show's been dead for a decade, haha
So hope you enjoyed it!
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emordnilap-fr · 1 year
who wants to see my dog
of course you do now look at him
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bonus: francis and neems (the cat) looking positively larval
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jitterbugbear · 2 years
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#i hadnt watched her videos in a while but i did click on the vaccine mandate rant and that was the moment she was gone for my subscriptions
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brennustheskeleton · 1 year
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Doodles of my vessel ocs interacting with Hollow. :)
Below the cut here I ramble about my ocs here and how they relate to Hollow as a character.
In reality Elder (middle) and Neem (right) would have never have met Hollow but would only have known them as the sibling that surpassed them in every way. The martyr : The Hollow Knight.
Elder is quite the opposite to Hollow, in that instead of honing his abilities with soul, he instead decided to worship and use the void inside themselves to their advantage (and construct a new kingdom of darkness to oppose the pale king shhhh). This mostly happens due to his outright jealousy of Hollow becoming the chosen knight.
Neem was literally ripped away from their heritage as a vessel to be an exotic pet. They have no negative emotions towards Hollow except that they are a distant figure of their past that they will never be able to connect with.
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villagewarlock · 2 years
I need the sun to come back so it warms up again,, please,, weather,, I need to re-pot my plants today
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shapa-likes-art · 3 years
Me: *Draws something for a personal au*
My followers: nahhh
Me: *draws something for another person's au*
My followers: hOly fUcKIgn sHIt-
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tetsuwhore · 4 years
man i love desi parents
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lesbianoikawa · 7 years
u kno when ur trying to be a better person while also trying to figure out who u even are? like im so disconnected from my own identity it fucks me up! i wanna feel at home nd my body and with myself but i cant help but feel like a visitor in my own life... an outsider lookin in
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katjiesuns · 4 years
Grappa! [March 15, 2019]
Wyn reels from his last shot of Grappa, moving to faceplant down on top of his forearms, not even sure if he was still on this plane of existence any more, before he looks up at Zeno, who casually downed the next round in their impromptu drinking competition as if it was water. "I'm outttttt....nap time...." He mutters, waving his hand at his cousin, before he rolls his head on his arm, ready to go night night, until he sees his sister coming towards him with Poppy. "Poppy...Zen...if I don't make it...quote Bart Simpson on my grave," he drunkenly mutters, moving to place a hand on his sister's face as he looks up at her and Poppy. "And tell Cass I miss himmmmmm," he mutters, before plopping his head back down, ready for sleepy town.
Zen stretches out as she takes in the incredible view, reveling in it and the warmth of the sun for a few moments, before catching sight of the boys, or at least...two of them, making her way over with Poppy to see what the deal was. "For fucks sake, piggy. Couldn't wait till the rest of us came around? Look, you just about killed the little guy." She alleges, giving an eye roll as she feels her brother's hand on her face and his crumpled form, looking over at Poppy as she hears her breath of a question, giving a vehement head shake to kill the remainder of it before she went any further, moving to sit down, clapping her hand onto Wyn's back, signaling for Zeno to pour her a shot of her own, as she relaxes back into her seat. "Don't worry kid, you'll live."
Poppy finishes her retelling of a few anecdotes of a few of her adventures in this breathtaking city to Zen, just as they arrive at the table where Zeno and...Wyn? - she wasn't quite sure if it was him, given the state he was currently in until she hears his words confirming, while also confusing her - resided giving a small wave, "Who's....C-" She begins to ask, before she catches sight of her friend's reaction, letting the question drop, as she moves to bend down beside Wyn, as the pair take a round of shots together. "Wil jy 'n bietjie rus neem? Ek kan jou help om terug te gaan na jou kamer." She softly offers, giving his back a light rub, not quite sure he should stay out here if he wasn't feeling well.
"Nooooo, I'm dying and Zee killed meeeee," Wyn groans drunkenly, before moving to clasp both his hands around Poppy's. "Yes please, you're an angelllllll, Pops, it's nighty night time for Pooh Bear," he offers, moving to try and stand up so he could walk back with Poppy.
A smile crosses Poppy's lips as she takes in Wyn's ramblings, "C'mon, then Pooh Bear." She softly insists, moving to help him, keeping her arm securely around him to keep him stable as they begin walking towards the rooms. "Why did you take a lose lose deal with the champ, Wyn?" She muses, as they continue on their way, passing the bar.
Wyn walks along with Poppy, stumbling on his way to the rooms as he takes in her questoion. "Mmmmm, dunno..." He trails off, before he feels his mind wander as he tries to focus ahead, even as the world felt like it was spinning. "I...miss when things were easier, when I just had five bucks, my cat, my friends, and...Cass...." He trails off, before slumping his head on Poppy's shoulder.
Poppy moves Wyn inside the elevator, leaning over to press the button to the floor he was on, taking in his words as they arrive at his door, giving his head a light carress. "Key?" She asks, taking hold of the card and placing it into the electronic card reader, "Tell me more about this enigmatic Cass?" She asks, as she leads him into the room, sitting him on the bed as she beelines it to the mini fridge, looking for a water.
Wyn moves to haphazardly fish his key out from his pocket, accidentally dropping it to the floor before stumbling to pick it up and hand it to Poppy, before hearing her question. "The best think that happened to meeeee and I threw it all away to be a shit with braiiiins," he groans, not sure if that was even the right phrase but his brain not quite able to pull the memory exactly at the moment. "I missssss him, I miss our friends, I dunnnoooo, Popsss..."
Poppy smiles as she takes hold of two bottles, sitting onto the bed passing Wyn his own bottle. "So, quit. Let your soul wander again, perhaps even back to him, them. Grow and try again, see where your heart, life leads you instead of trying so hard to fight against the tide." She muses, her eyes alighting as she brushes his hair back from his face. "It's your life remember that, Wyn. You get to decide what that looks like." She affirms softly, leaning to give him a soft kiss on his forehead, moving to rifle through her cross body bag, withdrawing a bottle of aspirin, shaking three out for him to take. "Try and get some rest?"
Wyn gratefully takes the bottle of water as he lies back on the bed, takign a deep drink of it as Poppy's words pass over him. "I can'tttttt though, I can't just walk away from the best thing that has ever happeend to meeeee," he moans back to Poppy, before taking the asprin, nodding his head. "Pooh bear go sleepy byeeeeeee for now thank you," he softly says, moving to take the aspirin as he plops his head down on the pillow.
Poppy moves to take Wyn's shoes off, tucking him in and turning him onto his side before sliding the trash can beside underneath him, just in case, giving him a final look, "Night, Wyn." She softly says, flipping the lights back down and closing the door behind her, making her way back down to the rest of the group, mindful to check on him a bit later on.
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9beautyfashion · 4 years
7 Mind-Blowing Tips On How To Cure Dandruff Naturally
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The hair on our head is probably our most defining element. Wanna pep up your boring look? Zap your hair up. Get a new haircut or for all the ladies out there, get a few strips of mahogany in your hair. And it could alter your whole countenance. But as much as we love our hair, they don’t come without issues. Sounds familiar? Yeah. There is hair fall, hair not growing, split ends, and what not! Left something out, haven’t I? You can’t even begin counting hair problems without the worthy inclusion of dandruff. It is a problem which, at some point or the other, has haunted all of us. We have a fungi Malassezia to blame for our dandruff related issues. It lives off oily materials that are on our scalp and scatters them further into elements that may ruin the scalp in one way or the other. It could be a mere white speck on some guy’s shirt or could be a whole damned fountain on someone else’s shoulder. Can’t you remember the look on Jack Gellar’s face when Chandler joked saying “oh, was it snowing out there?”.  Well if you’ve been in a similar situation, then I can comprehend how badly you’d want to reduce incoming of the nuisance that dandruff is and how intrigued you are to know how to cure dandruff. But you know, to get to the root of something we gotta find its origin and analyze how it came into existence in the first place. After all, what we know is a drop, and what we don’t know is an ocean. On those lines, There are a few factors that result in those white specks on your shoulders.
Causes Of Dandruff
Like I told briefly just now, the fungi living off oily materials breaking ‘em to other materials can profoundly disturb the skin of the scalp making it to shed that scabrous thing we all so hate, but hardly ends here. For one, maybe you’re too stressed. Yes, it is a thing, and secondly NO, it can’t necessarily be the reason why flakes are born. Not directly at least. But that surely gives a kick to those elements who could be accounted for its formation. Keep your diet proper to boost your immunity in order to shield against the dandruff-causing elements. Furthermore, pollution is all-existing nowadays, you can’t really leave them behind so I won’t be surprised to know that it is the reason for all that dandruff. Head wash is another out of the box reason why you could have dandruff. If we do clean up our hair too frequently it’d lead to dryness and doing less than required could deposit a layer of some oily substance. Another and the prime reason-- Dry Scalp Skin!! Isn’t it obvious? Dry Scalp is like the breeding ground for dandruff. It can also be an outcome of the infamous skin defect seborrheic dermatitis. As tricky and tongue-breaking the name is, you’d do well to remember it. It is bound to come out when I tell you how to cure dandruff.
How To Cure Dandruff
Well, while we’re talking about how to cure dandruff, let me say it, out loud, for once. It is a long shot. Not impossible too, but one really long tiring shot. There are a few tricks which you can heartily try playing around with. 1) Baking Soda - Not Just For Cakes? Don’t we all love how adding a pinch of soda makes our cakes, muffins, and bread rise like miracles? But would you believe me if I told you it could relinquish those flakes back to the dead, dry, and dark places where it came from? Supposedly handy at abolishing dead and dry skin, it is the term I am positive everyone has heard of is “Exfoliating”. Ingredients for the required recipe are a few drops of your hair shampoo in your upwards turned palm, a pinch of pearly white powder, whooshing it up. Don’t take my word, try it for yourself. 2) Vinegar - The Sourness helping out We all have a spare bottle of vinegar tucked in some cupboard of our kitchens. So its time you pull it out, unscrew the cap and give it a breather. Because, as it turns out, it can change your hair game for you, by knocking dandruff out for good. Just take a cap full of it, lather it up along with your hair-wash, scoop it up your scalp. For best effects, wait a few minutes before de-lathering your hair. And yeah, they actually will start feeling super-soft, even before you can see a visible change in the other department. 3) Neem - Bitterness At Work Neem. A name that we equalize to bitterness and those horrible tasting potions we were made to gulp down as kids to get rid of sore throats. That’s what we’re going to do in this step to learn how to cure dandruff. We’re going to shove hoards of garlic paste down our white-faced flaky enemy’s face. Now, to whip it up, pluck a few neem leaves. Give those fists of yours a bit of action by crumbling the leaves. Grab a rolling pin and paste them up nice and fine and Tadaa! 4) Garlic - Kill ‘Em With Scent This small white misshaped one has been an integral part of many many medicinal stews, potions and now a handful of cloves of garlic will have you rethink all those times when you brushed it aside for what effect its smell had on your nostrils. Garlic has, not without reasons made it to our how to cure the dandruff guide. Even if we don’t take into consideration, its properties, the only smell is enough to drive the flakes down the scalp and out of the door. Mash the garlic lightly, before you toss it to the liquid to have the smell out in the open in all its glory. Then just de-lather those shiny with that garlic water. That’s it!! 5) Aspirin - Giving A Headache To Head Villain Aspirin has been our travel partner and savior on all those business and family trips. Be it that headache from that annoying relative’s blah talk or the blinding one after you have more than a few shots at the party. The next one down our list of remedies on how to cure dandruff has seen us through all of it. The Med comes bearing an acid that we can credit to slack our arch-enemy from its home ground, till it gets finally detached. So go out and find yourself Salicylic rich hair-wash, note down the name if you have to. Can’t do that much hassle? Can’t get hold of the product? Well, not to worry. Just smush a tablet of too and toss the residue into your hair-wash. Easy-peasy!! 6) Fenugreek Seeds - The ease will blow your mind Also known as methi seeds, the ingredient derives its name from methi which is a loved-by-all vegetable in our country. It could, however, be your companion to get rid of your white fiend. So ultimately we have to get it in the form of a runny but not-too-runny substance. To be able to do that, the preparation begins a day early. Keep the seeds in water for the whole night. Then along with some drops of that water, put them in a blender and then you know the drill. Blend!!  Once the mixture is done, take it out, apply it on your dandruffy scalp. Then after a good half an hour wait, place your head under running water so that all of it flows out. It can serve as one valuable tip whilst we learn about how to cure dandruff, to some extent. Take your favorite scented shampoo and wash your mane to get rid of the smell, if any. 7) Coconut Oil And Lemon - A Deadly Yet Gentle Combo Lemon and Coconut oil when used in tandem will bestow the last ever bit of encounter with the flaky little thing with you. Whilst we ramble on and on about how to cure dandruff, Let me account for it is the least demanding of ways. Get both ingredients in separate bowls. Combine them well to whip up the mixture that dreams are made of. Do your chores for the next 20 minutes or so, or watch an episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S maybe, wash your hair after the interval. Recommended articles Our Top 10 Picks Of The Miracle Remedy – Onion Oil For Hair RegrowthYour Perfect Partner For Fighting Dandruff – Best Anti-Dandruff ProductsLet’s Take an Oath to Ensure your Hair Growth Read the full article
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neemso · 3 months
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temporaryexpert-nyu · 5 years
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Drafting Designs feb/18
The draft for the neem tree is still not what I’m envisioning it to be in my head, but it’s better than the pomegranate before it. I printed out the first image, wrote the text and crumpled it a little, then scanned it again to get the second. Problems: 
Not enough crumpling, you can barely tell. The tears are also not very noticeable
My handwriting is crooked, and hard to decipher. Should probably stick to writing digitally
I did a few more rougher drafts for other entries. The first two are poisonous, the bottom two are medicinal. I’m thinking of around 10 entries in total? Along with an introduction and ‘material’s needed’ page, it seems a good number to shoot for.
Biggest concern right now is designing a map. None of the guides that I am looking at have maps. At most, they will have descriptions of where something is located or how to spot it. I need to create a minimal map of the highline and find a way to highlight a plant’s location. 
Should I organize the text of the entries into categories/bullet points or allow it to be more rambly and loose? 
The text right now is too clipped and clinical, only focusing on the medicinal or edible usage of each plant. Need to work on that too.
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that one squash is growing into a big one! i hope it actually fruits this year!!! going to try really hard! OHHH i finally found neem oil!!!! i purchased a bottle of neem oil from amazon japan and hopefully it works! is neem oil that is sold usually 100% neem oil? i'm not sure if the one i got was pure oil or if it was in the form of a bug repellent with neem oil or something. i guess i'll find out when it arrives.... on a sad note... i pulled up my snap peas because there was just so much powdery mildew on it and i was so sad because it actually had a lot of flowers and some peas forming but the leaves were infested with leaf miners, and suddenly covered in aphids, which i have no idea where they came from because i live on the 10th floor and i had zero aphids last year, and then the powdery mildew so i decided to play it safe and pull them up. and while i was pulling them up i saw all the powdery mildew floating off and now i'm worried all the spores spread EVERYWHERE (not that they didn't probably already float off to my other plants). i know there are different types of powdery mildew depending on the plant but i just didn't want it to spread. okay end of ramble haha 😅😭😨 . . . #squash #plant #plants #planting #plantbased #grow #growyourown #green #garden #gardening #gardenlovers #balconygarden #apartmentgarden #containergarden #spring #homegrown
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semperama · 4 years
They try to tell me spiders are our friends, but if that’s true, then how did my rhododendrons--which are a veritable hotel for spiders--become infested with dumb pests that are killing it? That’s proof that spiders are useless, if you ask me!!!
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newsflashuk · 7 years
Obasanjo knelt down for Ghadaffi, used me against Atiku, Makarfi – Fayose
The Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose, has made some of the most far-reaching revelations yet about the years in office of former President Olusegun Obasanjo.
Mr. Fayose said in the current edition of ‘The Interview’ that Obasanjo used him to wreck the presidential ambition of former Vice President Atiku Abubakar and the chance of former Kaduna State governor, Ahmed Makarfi, becoming the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, presidential candidate in 2007.
He said in his naivety, Obasanjo also used him to attack former Abia State Governor, Orji Kalu, among other political foes.
In a statement, the MD/Editor-In-Chief, Azu Ishiekwene, described the edition as “a window on a dark and troubling past and a must read for any important political figure who has crossed Fayose’s path in the last 18 years.”
Mr. Fayose told The Interview that the scale fell off his eyes when on a trip with former President Obasanjo to Tripoli, Libya, where Obasanjo had gone to ask Moummar Ghaddafi to support his Third Term bid, the former Libyan president treated Obasanjo like a serf.
Recalling the encounter, he said, “It was such a pathetic scenario, so shameful. Obasanjo was speaking rapidly like a parrot. I was shocked beyond words. I never knew Obasanjo would be that humble.
“He was on one knee till the end of the conversation. Ghadaffi kept quiet and was just watching Obasanjo. When Obasanjo stopped rambling, Ghadaffi said, ‘Have you finished? Just know that I will not attend that meeting. I have other engagements.”
He also revealed how on two major occasions when he went to visit then Vice President Atiku Abubakar at the height of Mr. Obasanjo’s Third Term bid, security details promptly reported him to the former president, even before he left the venue, leaving him feeling spooky and vulnerable.
On the Obasanjo-Atiku saga, Mr. Fayose said, “Obasanjo told me that when you capture a general and you don’t kill him, he’ll come back and kill you; that since Atiku tried to stop him and failed, he must pay for it. And he (Atiku) is still paying for it.”
In a statement that could reverberate beyond Nigeria’s shores, Mr. Fayose said he knew, as an insider at the time, that Mr. Obasanjo betrayed former Liberian President, Charles Taylor to induce U.S. support for this Third Term bid, after promising Mr. Taylor safe haven in Nigeria.
He revealed how the current chairman of the PDP, Ahmed Makarfi, was sidelined in favour of a sick and stubbornly reluctant Umaru Yar’Adua and his role in it as chairman of the Presidential Selection Committee.
Mr. Fayose warned Orji Kalu against “selling” the Igbo down the river “for cheap politics” and blamed President Muhammadu Buhari’s government for making IPOB leader Nnamdi Kanu popular.
He also spoke on his attempts to reach President Muhammadu Buhari directly; former governor Kayode Fayemi’s relationship with APC leader Bola Tinubu; and futile attempt to discourage former governor Peter Odili from accepting Mr. Obasanjo’s dummy that he was heir apparent.
Also in this edition, the Executive Director of Neem Foundation, a not-for-profit NGO, Fatima Akilu, said she foresaw problems even after the shooting war with Boko Haram.
Ms. Akilu, a psychologist, warned that except there is a plan to deal with post-war stress and build inclusive communities, the gains of the military campaign could unravel.
The edition also contains interviews with the first Nigerian in the Belgian parliament, Collins Nweke; conversations with poet, Dike Chukwumerije, and inside information in the corridors of power in Interview Confidential, among others.
The post Obasanjo knelt down for Ghadaffi, used me against Atiku, Makarfi – Fayose appeared first on Newsflash247.
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neemso · 7 months
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