katjiesuns · 4 years
After Grappa [March 23, 2019]
Wyn stirs from sleep as he hears the knock on the door, seeming Way Too Loud in the moment as he feels his head begin to pound, trying to get up before he feels his stomach begin to stir. Gratefully, he finds a trash can right next to him, sorting his unfortunate business there before wiping his mouth off and taking a deep drink of water from the bottle on his nightstand, before he moves to take the trash can into the bathroom and splash some water on his face, which unfortunately didn't make him feel any less shit. Making his way over towards the door, he looks out the peephole, catching sight of Poppy there. Quickly running his hands through his hair, even though he was sure it didn't make him any less shit in the moment, he opens the door. "What's up, Pops?" He offers, before he feels his stomach begin to stir again, praying that he wouldn't be having a repeat as he tries to keep it down.
A dazzling bright smile moves onto Poppy's lips as she sees Wyn, holding up the Coconut water ginger lemonade she had made, stirring the mason jar in her hand offering the straw to him to drink, before moving to open the bag she had which contained two pieces of toast and some fruit. "Figured you need this, my go to, on those rare times, Poppy tested, and thoroughly approved."
Wyn takes in the drink inside the mason jar, along with the other gifts, a grateful expression crossing his face. "What is that, it looks so gooooood," he remarks, taking the drink appreciatively before sipping it, discovering that it tasted even better than it looked. "Bless you Popssss," he extols, before moving to sit back down on his bed, it feeling more comfortable at the moment. "I know you probs have plans, and I know I'm not the best company when I look and feel like shit, but you can stay, if you want," he offers, figuring it was the least he could offer when Poppy made something so nice for him.
"Coconut Water Ginger Lemonade, it'll help with the sickness and give you some more electrolytes naturally that you need. You like it?" She explains, a smile crossing her lips as she takes in his reaction moving into the room after him, sitting beside him, drawing her legs together as she does so. "No plans yet." She replies back, having wanted to play it by ear, "How about you? Make any revelations or strides from your crossroads?"
Wyn nods his head appreciatively as he takes another sip, his feeling of gratefulness only increasing as he hears the properties of the drink and how it was meant to help. Taking in Poppy's question, he leans against his pillow, trying to think on it before he feels his head throb again. "I...only threw up once today?" He offers, that being the only stride he made, before realizing it wasn't the most conversational thing in the world. "Gross, I know, but...life changing thoughts may have to wait until I feel less...shit."
"Fair enough." Poppy agrees, moving to take off her sandals as she moves onto the opposite end of the bed lying down behind him, opening her arms for him to settle back onto her if he so chose to.
Wyn leans back against Poppy, closing his eyes as he relaxes against her, grateful for the company. “Thanks, Pops,” he replies sincerely.
"Anytime." She replies back, gently wrapping her arms around Wyn, settling her head onto the pillow, allowing the quiet to wash over the room, softly closing her eyes.
Wyn lies back against Poppy, closing his eyes, grateful for her company in the moment.
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katjiesuns · 4 years
Grappa! [March 15, 2019]
Wyn reels from his last shot of Grappa, moving to faceplant down on top of his forearms, not even sure if he was still on this plane of existence any more, before he looks up at Zeno, who casually downed the next round in their impromptu drinking competition as if it was water. "I'm outttttt....nap time...." He mutters, waving his hand at his cousin, before he rolls his head on his arm, ready to go night night, until he sees his sister coming towards him with Poppy. "Poppy...Zen...if I don't make it...quote Bart Simpson on my grave," he drunkenly mutters, moving to place a hand on his sister's face as he looks up at her and Poppy. "And tell Cass I miss himmmmmm," he mutters, before plopping his head back down, ready for sleepy town.
Zen stretches out as she takes in the incredible view, reveling in it and the warmth of the sun for a few moments, before catching sight of the boys, or at least...two of them, making her way over with Poppy to see what the deal was. "For fucks sake, piggy. Couldn't wait till the rest of us came around? Look, you just about killed the little guy." She alleges, giving an eye roll as she feels her brother's hand on her face and his crumpled form, looking over at Poppy as she hears her breath of a question, giving a vehement head shake to kill the remainder of it before she went any further, moving to sit down, clapping her hand onto Wyn's back, signaling for Zeno to pour her a shot of her own, as she relaxes back into her seat. "Don't worry kid, you'll live."
Poppy finishes her retelling of a few anecdotes of a few of her adventures in this breathtaking city to Zen, just as they arrive at the table where Zeno and...Wyn? - she wasn't quite sure if it was him, given the state he was currently in until she hears his words confirming, while also confusing her - resided giving a small wave, "Who's....C-" She begins to ask, before she catches sight of her friend's reaction, letting the question drop, as she moves to bend down beside Wyn, as the pair take a round of shots together. "Wil jy 'n bietjie rus neem? Ek kan jou help om terug te gaan na jou kamer." She softly offers, giving his back a light rub, not quite sure he should stay out here if he wasn't feeling well.
"Nooooo, I'm dying and Zee killed meeeee," Wyn groans drunkenly, before moving to clasp both his hands around Poppy's. "Yes please, you're an angelllllll, Pops, it's nighty night time for Pooh Bear," he offers, moving to try and stand up so he could walk back with Poppy.
A smile crosses Poppy's lips as she takes in Wyn's ramblings, "C'mon, then Pooh Bear." She softly insists, moving to help him, keeping her arm securely around him to keep him stable as they begin walking towards the rooms. "Why did you take a lose lose deal with the champ, Wyn?" She muses, as they continue on their way, passing the bar.
Wyn walks along with Poppy, stumbling on his way to the rooms as he takes in her questoion. "Mmmmm, dunno..." He trails off, before he feels his mind wander as he tries to focus ahead, even as the world felt like it was spinning. "I...miss when things were easier, when I just had five bucks, my cat, my friends, and...Cass...." He trails off, before slumping his head on Poppy's shoulder.
Poppy moves Wyn inside the elevator, leaning over to press the button to the floor he was on, taking in his words as they arrive at his door, giving his head a light carress. "Key?" She asks, taking hold of the card and placing it into the electronic card reader, "Tell me more about this enigmatic Cass?" She asks, as she leads him into the room, sitting him on the bed as she beelines it to the mini fridge, looking for a water.
Wyn moves to haphazardly fish his key out from his pocket, accidentally dropping it to the floor before stumbling to pick it up and hand it to Poppy, before hearing her question. "The best think that happened to meeeee and I threw it all away to be a shit with braiiiins," he groans, not sure if that was even the right phrase but his brain not quite able to pull the memory exactly at the moment. "I missssss him, I miss our friends, I dunnnoooo, Popsss..."
Poppy smiles as she takes hold of two bottles, sitting onto the bed passing Wyn his own bottle. "So, quit. Let your soul wander again, perhaps even back to him, them. Grow and try again, see where your heart, life leads you instead of trying so hard to fight against the tide." She muses, her eyes alighting as she brushes his hair back from his face. "It's your life remember that, Wyn. You get to decide what that looks like." She affirms softly, leaning to give him a soft kiss on his forehead, moving to rifle through her cross body bag, withdrawing a bottle of aspirin, shaking three out for him to take. "Try and get some rest?"
Wyn gratefully takes the bottle of water as he lies back on the bed, takign a deep drink of it as Poppy's words pass over him. "I can'tttttt though, I can't just walk away from the best thing that has ever happeend to meeeee," he moans back to Poppy, before taking the asprin, nodding his head. "Pooh bear go sleepy byeeeeeee for now thank you," he softly says, moving to take the aspirin as he plops his head down on the pillow.
Poppy moves to take Wyn's shoes off, tucking him in and turning him onto his side before sliding the trash can beside underneath him, just in case, giving him a final look, "Night, Wyn." She softly says, flipping the lights back down and closing the door behind her, making her way back down to the rest of the group, mindful to check on him a bit later on.
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