#like the goopy guy I am
ihearnocomplaints · 4 months
I am always Goop, for I am slime.
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vanweezer · 6 months
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jims and cores and a clown. and horsies
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gooopy · 10 months
Hi hello! I’ve become obsessed with your OCs- especially Teddy and Sterling. I’m always starved for new content of these guys, just rotating them in my mind. Crushed that more people aren’t similarly in awe of these little fellows and making content of them tbh. But !!!
So with Teddy: when did he get Walter? Did he get her when she was already old, or did he know her as a spry little thing? Did she always look kinda crusty (in the most loving, affectionate way).
Sterling: despite feeling nothing for his wife and kids, I know he like. Probably makes a point about having a wife, to the point where he’d fake it post-divorce. But does anyone at his job even KNOW he has kids? If so, is it obvious they aren’t HIS kids? He’s literally the worst and I want to smash him with a mallet and I just wanna know how his coworkers perceive him too (do they also wanna smash him with a mallet? Get him fired with HR over some fake charge that’d stay on his resume to make him unemployable?)
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teddy found walter when she was a pretty middle-aged cat already, and now hes been taking care of her and making sure shes okay!! also she absolutely always looked crusty. i think before teddy found her walter was doing some crazy warrior cats shit like getting into wars. she looks fucked up because shes a leetle inbred because yknow how cat colonies are. teddy took her in and took care of her when she was hurting and now shes living out a nice retirement!!
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sterling doesnt have pictures of his kids and so his coworkers dont know that theyre ABSOLUTELY not his. he doesnt remember their names, theyre twins and he can NOT tell them apart. he got married to someone straight out of highschool as another box ticked on his 'success' checklist. next was to get a job at the company his dad worked at and have immunity based on that! its straight up plot armor to be fair. but also sterlings like got some fucked up stuff going on but hes good enough at office smalltalk that he isnt the worst, and he makes a damn good cup of coffee which helps. what also helps is mutually assured destruction! just a handy tip from him ;>
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steakout-05 · 6 months
ok as an artist i personally find traditional painting to be. really really annoying. like. i do not have the patience for it and i just find it to be really frustrating to set up and actually do and i end up not liking the results. i find that there's little room for mistakes and trying to fix them usually ends up with me making 50 other ones, paints can be so inconsistent and having to rely on availability and certain brands to continue making the paint is really inconvenient, not to mention expensive. spending a bunch of time trying to mix the right shade of paint, only for it to go down a completely different shade of colour and not being able to do anything about it is so frustrating as someone who likes consistency and having things just, y'know, not change colour as soon as it dries. plus, they all use different chemicals and can go off really easily or change textures and i am just not ok with having all my materials having an expiration date like food. lead and graphite pencils just don't do that and they can last for years, they're more reliable. every paint is drastically different and trying to find the right one is not only time consuming but, again, expensive, and i don't even see the point in experimenting when most of my materials end up not even getting used if i don't like using them. plus, i'm just.... really impatient. waiting for paint to dry sucks and is why i much prefer digital or just drawing something because i don't need to wait for anything, it just works. and then when i do want to take my time and work slowly for a better result, it dries too fast. it's kinda hellish trying to balance that time, especially considering how inconsistent paints are.
i like to use guidelines when doing art and i find painting straight onto a canvas to be really tricky because there's a lack of direction for me to actually paint. i'm at a complete loss at what to do when i pick up a brush because i can't map it out first without risking screwing up the paint. there's just so many things to keep track of and so much wet paint to avoid and i just do not have the mind for it. putting colours on a canvas and praying that it works just isn't it for me and requires a discipline that i just don't wanna involve myself with. painting is also just like... really exhausting and kinda painful. i got some pretty bad back issues and my arms tire and get sore easily and quickly when i'm standing in front of a canvas. it's a really physical activity for me and i just don't find something to be very fun to do at all when it's physically hurting me. i know drawing on a canvas has this issue too, which is why i prefer sketchbooks. sitting down and drawing something that doesn't break my entire spine every time i do it is much more preferrable than questioning if i should go to the doctor every time i make a brushstroke, lol
that's not to say that there's nothing i like about painting though! i can paint simple little things, and i like doing that. i like mixing colours with a palette knife and i find it fun and even a little relaxing. i painted some cute little chibi cardboard cutouts of the mario brothers one time and i found that to be really fun and i think i'd like to do that again! but apart from that, i just do not have the patience for it. i love the look of traditional paintings and i find many to be really beautiful, but i could never get into actually doing it myself because i hate the process. i'm content with just sketching and doing digital stuff because that's more fun to me and less stressful of a process to do. it's fun, it allows for more mistakes, it's easier to build up layers of shading and lines, not to mention using building up a figure with guidelines is super helpful with visualising what i want it to look like, and i can just erase something if i don't want it there or want to change something. it just makes sense to me.
tl;dr i dont like painting because it's inconsistent, expensive, time-consuming, directionless, frustrating and it makes my back hurt really bad. i'll just stick to drawing stuff :)
#vent#artist vent#i hate painting#i hate it so much and i just cannot understand it nor do i have the patience for it#i seriously had a crack at it and i just find it to be so annoying#there's so much preparation and i'd much prefer just whipping out a pencil and eraser and scribbling something down#to be fair though i do enjoy other art mediums that require more preparation#i find crafts to be fun and i really like working with air dry clay#using clay is just creating a little creature and i really quite like it a lot#making little cardboard guys is fun if not a bit tricky sometimes because my hands are so big compared to the tiny bits of carboard im usin#but it's very fun and cardboard is easy to get#clay is not so easy to get but you can get a lot of it and make many things with it#the only things i really dont like about clay is fingerprints and the fear of having your art literally explode when you fire it up#but other than that? fun!#painting? not fun!#paint is so messy and i don't like having goopy stuff getting stuck on me and all over my fingers all the time funnily enough#if i bump into something (which is very likely for me because i am clumsy) then oouuguh there goes all the paint its everywhere now#oh my god you know what i hate the most. i hate oil paints. i hate them so much.#the smell gives me bad headaches and makes me feel faint and it's hard to clean and dispose of and it's just more chemicals to deal with#it's just acrylic but more annoying#i don't think it's edible either which is. frustrating#it's also harder to clean out if you get stained with it (which is very likely because paint is messy)#i just dislike oil materials in general. they smell weird and they do not wash off. i still have oil pastel stains on one of my favourite-#-shirts despite the fact that it has been washed multiple times. and it took several days and so much fucking scrubbing to get-#-it out of my nails and off my hands completely. actual hellscape.#i know graphite and lead pencils would never betray me like this#pencils are so reliable and i love them <3#pencils and drawing equipment in general are just more reliable and don't expire or develop inconsistent textures (except erasers for some-#-reason) and they don't! hurt! my! back!#like i'm over here needing to do the riker maneuver to sit down after i paint my back hurts so bad
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ddejavvu · 1 year
eddie teaching venom about love languages <33
"Physical touch is," Eddie starts, shoulder bumped up beside yours on the couch, but Venom cuts in, head hovering over Eddie's shoulder.
"That is the one where we fuck her." Venom announces proudly, toothy grin aimed in your direction. You stifle a laugh and Eddie groans, head tosses back against the couch cushions.
"Yeah. Yeah, that's the one where we fuck her," Eddie drawls, exasperated, "But that's also, like, holding hands, kissing, that kind of stuff."
"That one is my favorite." Venom declares, "I do not care about the other ones."
"Yes you do," You counter, and Venom's milky white eyes turn to you again, "'Cause there's gift-giving. That's when I bring you chocolate. And chickens."
"I gave Eddie the gift of a decapitated man once," Venom reminisces, "But he hated it. Does that mean he does not love me?"
"That's not a gift, buddy." Eddie shakes his head, trying to rid himself of the gory memory, "That's- I mean maybe you thought that was a gift, but gifts are supposed to be nice things, like flowers or a teddy bear."
"Teddy bears are useless!" Venom roars, and you know he's only speaking out of deep-seated loathing for your own stuffed animal, which the symbiote is rather jealous of.
"I would much rather receive a head," He huffs, turning back to Eddie, "Does it mean that you do not love me because you do not give me heads to eat?"
"No," Eddie rubs a tired hand over his face, "Let's- let's just move on. Uh, words of affirmation."
"You're so handsome," You croon at Venom, who blinks as you stroke the back of your hand along his goopy cheek, "And you're a great protector, I always feel safe around you."
"See?" Eddie nods, "Just like that. Nice things you say to the person you love."
"You are very small," Venom practices, and while it's true compared to his gargantuan size, it's not much of a compliment, "And I like that you feel safe around me even though I could easily rip your head off. And eat it. You would not stand a chance."
"We'll work on it," Eddie mutters, "Alright, acts of service."
"Like when Eddie gives me a shoulder massage," You hum, stretching out the tense muscles in your neck, "Or when I wash his hair for him in the shower. That's nice things you do for the person you love."
"I am good at that!" Venom boasts, "I make you breakfast sometimes."
"Yeah," Eddie nods, voice strained, and you play along even though you know that the attending to the mess that comes with Venom's cooking is more effort than doing it yourself, "Yeah, buddy, that's good. You're right, that's really nice of you."
"I am very nice," Venom agrees, bobbing his head up and down, "Are there more?"
"Quality time-" You and Eddie speak in unison, laughing sheepishly at each other. It's Eddie that continues, "Like what we're doing now. Sitting together, talking, just hanging out and being with each other."
"When he takes me on dates, too," You chime in, your voice a soft hum, "Or when you take me around the city, big guy."
You tap at Venom's cheek and he nods, blinking once in understanding.
"I like quality time," Venom decides, the thick black ooze connecting his head to Eddie's shoulder sucking him back in until his face is nestled between yours and Eddie's. It's an odd feeling on your hair but you and Eddie hold your positions anyways, intent on drilling non-sexual physical touch into the symbiote.
"Me too," You nod, and Eddie pitches in his confirmation, "Which one is your favorite, V?"
"Mm," The symbiote hums, but it sounds more like the revving engine of a car, "I do not know. I like getting gifts, but I like sitting with you, too. I like them all."
"Too hard to choose," Eddie agrees, "You?"
"More of the same," You conclude, turning your face so that your nose nudges Venom's cheek. He purrs, not unlike a cat, sounding more engine-like than ever, and his large eyes slip shut.
"Naptime," Eddie chimes, reaching over to grab your hand in his. You smile, puckering your lips to send him a kiss that you can't press to his cheek unless you break away from Venom. He pretends to catch it where the symbiote can't see, slapping it onto his cheek and acting injured at the recoil.
"Oh," He groans while you giggle, "You throw a mean kiss."
You settle against Eddie's side, and it's odd having Venom's face in between you to where you can't rest on the man's shoulder, but he's a nice pillow in and of himself. You're only seconds away from fully drifting off to sleep when Venom's jaw moves against your face, and he whispers (terribly), "Eddie. Are you awake?"
"Yes, Venom." Eddie groans, but by the sound of his voice, he wishes he wasn't, "What do you need?"
"I decided on a favorite," Venom informs Eddie, and you listen under the guise of closed eyelids, "I like the sex one best."
You can't help it; you let out a snort.
"Nice going, V," Eddie squeezes your hand, shutting his eyes once more and attempting to get comfortable, "I'm sure that's just the answer she wanted to hear."
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leonenjoyer69 · 4 months
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Goopy and non goopy version bc idk which I like more, BUT!!!! THEY GUY!!! HARRY!! HE GOT CONTROL :3 also the "I am me" is a Chonny Jash reference (from the soul eclectic, bc as I've mentioned I draw a good few things from Soul for him)
Ngl I kinda,,, don't really like coloring, especially shading, least favorite part of the art process, but I kinda ate this up, especially once I started throwing in the gradients 🗣️🗣️ still took me forever tho lmao, I hate color theory.
(Also, tysm @lesbianturrets for hyping me up about the pose, you're so cool, ily 🫵🫵🫵)
Anyways!! Other version below the cut, along with a bit of lore drop
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So yeah, he gains control while barricaded in his office, after Jekyll mixes the wrong salts into a single vial he was able to find. Harry freaks tf out upon gaining control, though he doesn't have much time to as Lanyon breaks into the office and such. Of course the first thing Lanyon questions is the HUGE mess and the fact that Jekyll looks different, to which Harry says it was from a potion falling on him, which is quite believable in this situation. They talk and Harry eventually leaves the office to go fix everything, giving Frankenstein a sort of "I'll explain later" look. Well, he does seem to successfully fix everything, albeit a bit suspiciously, but he does it!
Anyways, I need to lore dump more on him on an actual text post later, bc I've got a lot of things I've cooked up while talking with @dustmint >:3 that'll come later tho bc I've gotta figure out how I wanna format/write all that
(Edit, very sick of my tumblr screwing up the composition of my posts 😍😍 why do you keep getting rid of my cuts and scattering my images I'm gonna lose it)
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allastoredeer · 4 months
What's is yours Hazbin hotel ships?
So, I am 100% an Alastor multishipper. I will ship him with anyone. Be it for angst, fluff, smut, or pure unadulterated crack (current favorite crack-ship is Adam/Alastor because, come on, does that not sound like the most unhinged pairing??? The most unlikely of two people to get together? I love thinking about how I can make a ship between them work 😈)
So, yeah, I'll stick Alastor with anyone because he's my little rag doll. Current favorite ships I have for him are radioapple and staticradio. I'm also getting really, really fond of radiorose (also, just recently, I found out about Emlastor - Emily/Alastor - and guys, that ship should not be as cute as it, but HHHHHHHHHH it was love at first sight for me. I saw one comic about them and I was sold, no refunds, no returns).
But as for non-Alastor ships:
Carmilla/Velvette - Favorite dynamic is Velvette developing a crush on Carmilla and acting on it in the most horrid, disaster, disrespectful ways because, as much as she judges Vox, she is just as much of hot mess as he is when it comes to having overwhelming, complicated feelings for someone.
Charlie/Vaggie - come on, this is Hazbin's power couple, how could I not love them with all my heart?
Carmilla/Zestial - they're so wholesome ^.^ (Carmilla is Zestial's sugar momma and anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong)
Lucifer/Lilith - divorced or not, complicated or not, they're a powerhouse of a couple. I don't blame Heaven for being worried. I would be too.
Adam/Lute - they're so ride or die for each other, I can't help but find it endearing.
Velvette/Vox/Valentino - the Vee's give me so much poly energy, it's insane. Love that for them.
Husk/Angel Dust - they are cute. I like them whether their relationship is romantic or platonic. While, its more of a minor ship for me, they still make my heart all soft and goopy.
As I'm writing these out, I'm realizing I like a majority of the canon ships 😂 Sir Pentious/Cherri, Husk/Angel, Charlie/Vaggie, Lucifer/Lilith, like - Hazbin Hotel really came out strong with their pairings. I haven't come across one that I really dislike. Like, there are ones that I'm kind of meh about, but overall they knocked it out of the ballpark.
Annnnnd, I think that's all of them. I feel like I'm forgetting a few, so maybe I'll add them if I remember later.
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nonsensical-pixels · 1 year
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are you tired of brides in white dresses and toddlers with perfect pink flower baskets? is cereal packet gameplay just not doing it for you anymore? maybe you'd like your weddings to put the 'strange' in strangetown? search no more, the ingredients for the strangest wedding in sim nation are finally here!
so, since i caught that one virus, i've been playing around a bit more with ts2 cc creation and finally had the time to work on converting a big set again. but then... what to convert? the answer came to me in the links section of a random lookbook... in a sort of fever dream. a set that captures the recent theme on my blog, families, and yet completely destroys it at the same time: my wedding trauma.
everything here is remarkably versatile. i mean, i know for a fact that people aren't just going to use that jumpsuit for a wedding, elvis needs more freedom than that! there are 9 cas items and 6 buy items for a total of 17 items in this set!
the original ts4 collaboration is complete perfection; it has just the sort of trashy, nonsensical vibes that the ts2 wedding department is sorely lacking. my conversion of this isn't perfect, i'm still learning how to do clothing and there are some minor issues mentioned below the cut, but overall i think that it came out pretty good and i hope it invokes some chaos in your game. 💥
credits go to @ice-creamforbreakfast for most of the cas part of this collaboration, and to @surely-sims for the buy mode part!
keep reading for more info, rambles, and preview pics!
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PART 1: BUY MODE (6 items by @surely-sims)
ITEMS INCLUDED ARE: 1 - Fancy Folding Chair - 1.7k polys 2 - Margarita Tower - 3.4k polys 3 - Pizza Party Banquet Table - 1.5k polys 4 - Tiki Mug - 1.7k polys 5 - Toasting Bucket - 2.3k polys 6 - Wedding Arch - 10.2k polys*
individual previews are also to be found in the download!
THINGS TO NOTE: - The wedding arch is quite high-poly compared to other objects (10k) but that is the max for the polycounts. - The collection file included in the 'Surely-Sims' folder should go in the Collections folder in Documents.
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PART 2: CAS (8 items by @ice-creamforbreakfast and 1 by @surely-sims)
ITEMS INCLUDED ARE: 1 - Brandi Dress (YF-AF) - 3.9k polys 2 - Elvis Glasses (TU-EU) - 1.7k polys 3 - Elvis Jumpsuit (YM-AM) - 4.9k polys 4 - Goopy Jacket (TM-AM) - 2.3k polys 5 - Jess Hair (YF-EF) - 5.4k polys 6 - Kelly-Marie Hair (TF-EF) - 9.4k polys 7 - Malborough Dress (YF-AF) - 7.1k polys 8 - Newport Headpiece (YF-AF) 9 - Trashleen's Cigarette Bouquet (YF-EF) note: the Jess Hair is not part of the original set but is included because the Newport Headpiece is meant to pair with it.
individual previews are also to be found in the download!
THINGS TO NOTE: - The clothing may have some bone assignment issues (especially with straps) & mild gaps. - The 'Goopy Jacket' has a mild discoloration around the neckline. - All hairs are in @skittlessims Skittles Hair System - The 'Elvis Jumpsuit' is paired with 4t2 SP01 Pointed Stud. Converted by me :) - The 'Malborough Dress' is paired with Ice-CreamForBreakfast's Jessica Shoes.
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have one final pic of the quirky couple and their patchwork family (ex-wife and dog included) 💞
this set was such a rollercoaster to work on, but also so, so much fun! i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do 🥺
for anyone who's wondering--yeah i'm back for now, requests are still closed, wips depend on whether im in the mood... but from now on releases should be less queued and have a more 'personal touch' 😏
i'll get around to posting the discord-exclusives i released while i was gone... eventually. there's a few that i'm keeping for myself x
anyway... happy simming, hope you enjoy these conversions, and have a lovely day simming! if you use these feel free to @ me, i wanna see the chaos and the cool stuff these are used in 🥰
~ Ky (nonsensical-pixels)
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rallentando1011 · 8 months
Somnambulant Soulmates (rise Donnie x gn reader)
rise Donnie x gn reader
Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Word Count: 4873
Content: movie night, fight scene, brief text messages (it was a doozy to write but still really fun!)
Chapter Artwork: Here
Waking up before noon was a chore. 
Not necessarily because you stayed up late, also not because you forgot to set an alarm, but the combination of the two made last night’s sleep enticingly prisonlike. 
You only awoke when your bedroom seemed suspiciously bright, your rest suspiciously long. Having work at noon and not wanting to miss it, you shot up in bed, frantically padding for your phone in its place beside you.
Checking the time revealed that it was a comfortable while away from when you had to be at work, not even eleven yet.
Checking your telephone also revealed numerous notifications filling up the screen.
Not that it was odd for you to wake up to a bunch of text messages, but yeah, it was.
When you opened your phone, you saw that the group chat that had been made at April’s birthday party was the culprit.
Shoot. You’d almost forgotten that it even existed. Outside of the pictures from April’s party and a few memes, not much had been sent.
That was, until last night, apparently.
You scrolled to the top of the new messages, getting to work on reading through the slew of them awaiting you.
Today 1:58 AM
Leo: so I recognize that we’re all busy people/yōkai/mutants/unspecified, but we’ve got some free time tonight if you guys would be game for a movie night?
Mikey: Yeah baby! I’m SO down!
Leo: …
Leo: we’re the ones inviting people over so this was more for everyone else, you know?
Mikey: oh. right. knew that.
Today 3:17 AM
April: I’m game! After like seven because your girl has work :))
Donnie: Aren’t you on your fifth job this week?
April: Isn’t your forehead on its fifth inch?
Raph: f
Leo: f
Mikey: f
Today 4:23 AM
Casey: *SNAKCN.
Sunita: You can do it Cass
Casey: **SNACKS!!!
Sunita: It’s a yes from me btw
Casey: Your sarcasm is not appreciated, goopy one.
Casey: Junior is with me right now. I hope you find it suitable that I have invited him along.
Leo: wait, Jr’s not in here? lemme add him rq
Leo added an Unknown number
Maybe Junior: A movie night sounds great! I’m assuming we already have plans to get pizza? If not, I’ll gladly pick some up.
Mikey: You /know/ we’ve got pizza covered, baby! All you need to do is show up
Maybe Junior: Sounds great!
As you caught up on the conversation, you thought about your schedule for the day. Sure, you had work, but only until six, and you didn’t have anything the next day. Some social interaction sounded nice, even if all of the people you were hanging out with all seemed to stay up until ungodly hours.
Today 10:48 AM
You: gosh dang are all of you nocturnal?
You: also yes, I’m absolutely down for a movie night! where at?
April: Remember that one patisserie we ate at in SoHo? Just meet me outside of there and I’ll lead you the rest of the way ;)
You: bet
With that, you rolled yourself off your mattress, slapped on some jeans, a shirt, beanie, fanny pack, boots, snagged some breakfast for the road, and started off on your way to work.
The day at work proved drudgerous.
Thankfully, nothing terrible happened, and you didn’t have many bad interactions with customers, but it was so painfully dull. It had been insipid, realistically, since April had left, but it provided a steady pay and got you by. Such is the life of a retail worker.
The boredom you experienced at work was quickly warped into excitement as your shift ended and your walk to meet with your best pal began.
After a brisk journey, you landed in front of the patisserie that you and April had visited only a few weeks prior. You scanned the area, grinning as your eyes landed on her leaning against the brick wall by the building’s entrance. No sooner than you noticed her, she did the same with you.
“Hey!” April waved you over.
“Hey!” you responded as you walked over to her, taking in the familiar area around you. Coffee shops, hot pot stops, standard commercial buildings and advertisements galore, but not many residences.
“Hey April, where do these pals of yours live anyways?” you asked, still surveilling the nearby edifices.
“Oh. About that…” she started, and you looked at her. 
She seemed nervous, almost.
“It’s fine if they live a while away. I could use the exercise.” 
She clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth anxiously. So it wasn’t that.
“What is it?” you asked, the smile you had slowly draining from your face.
“It’s nothing bad, just- let me show you.”
April slipped around the corner and into a dim, adjacent alley while you trailed her like a confused sheep. When she stopped abruptly and looked at the ground, you came up beside her and followed her gaze.
You started rethinking everything that had brought you to this point as you both stared down a slightly ajar manhole.
“The sewers.”
“The sewers,” she confirmed grimly.
“No, you’ve got to be kidding right now. Wherever the hidden cameras-slash-film crew are, they can come out now…”  You paused. You didn’t truly expect anyone or anything to happen, but it sure would’ve made you feel better if it did. However, after a moment filled with the distant sounds of cars and people, you met her eyes again. “We’re really going in there?”
“Does it not smell like, I don’t know, sewage?”
April snorted. “Oh, no. There are measures put in place to spruce the lair up. We’re talking industrial-grade air fresheners. I helped Donnie put ‘em up years ago.”
“... So it did smell?”
“Man, just get in the sewers!”
With that impetus, you cautiously helped her kick the cover askew, then open, and tentatively placed yourself on the first rung of a ladder built in a wall. Before you continued your descent, you narrowed your eyes at your companion.
“If this is some kind of trick, I swear-”
This time April didn’t indulge you with words. One sight of her deadpan sent you carefully yet swiftly working your way down into the sewers.
Despite being underneath the ground, it was still bright enough to see in front of you, see the rungs methodically moving up as you went down. You attributed your ability to see to the light creeping in through the entrance above, so when April followed you down and worked the cover back in place, you were immediately plunged into darkness.
“Woah, it’s, uh, a bit dark down here,” you called, definitely not clinging desperately to the ladder.
“Oh, right! You’re not really used to this,” April laughed lightly.
“You could say that.”
“Here.” After a moment, a bright light shone from above you. April’s flashlight. In the now illuminated cement structure, you looked up to see her flash you a smile. You mustered up an uneasy one back at her and crept the rest of the way down.
You almost collapsed in relief at being back on solid, albeit sewer-water-dampened, ground. At least it didn’t smell like sewage, just like she had said.
April landed beside you swiftly, giving you a nudge before bounding down a tunnel. “Come on. It’s this way!”
You sighed before coming up beside her.
“Once again, I feel I just need to ask for legal purposes, this isn’t an elaborate hoax or scheme for my demise, right?”
“I promise! Look, just relax.This’ll be fun!”
You two meandered through the tunnels in a comfortable silence, the only sound coming from the echoes of your steps and the constant drips of faraway water. With how many chambers you had moved through, you contemplated confirming that she knew the way, but the confidence with which she walked convinced you well enough.
Eventually, a light came into view at the end of the passageway, and you could faintly discern the sound of indistinguishable chatter.
“Right here,” April exulted, jogging up to the exit and stepping out into the light. 
You tailed her. As you drank in the scene around you, it was drastically contrary to what you would expect of a sewer dwelling.
The room had the spaciousness and height of a gothic church, though the decor was certainly less ornate. In lieu of flying buttresses or stained glass, the architecture in the lair consisted of graffitied walls, string lights and drainage pipes, which presumably led to more rooms. For an underground home, it was very bright and comely. The most notable feature of the room, however, was the huge skate ramp in the center of the room, the deck almost reaching the ceiling.
“See? Not a slaughterhouse.” April grinned.
You playfully raised a brow. “The night’s still young.”
You took to surveying the ground floor for anyone else.
Off to the side of the grand atrium stood Raph, Casey, and some kid who you’d never seen before. You could only presume him to be that ‘Junior’ character from the group chat.
Well, maybe you weren’t giving him enough credit. He wasn’t a kid, per say, as his built physique and the stubble on his chin made evident, but his bright eyes and how exuberantly he spoke to Casey accentuated his youthful appearance.
“Hey y’all!” April called as you walked over to the three.
Raph and Casey both greeted you with enthusiastic grins, Casey additionally giving you a light slug on the arm.
The new one, however, had a much more interesting reaction. His eyes widened upon seeing you, but maybe he just wasn’t expecting to see a new person. Reasonable, you supposed.
You decided to put your best foot forward, offering a hand shake and your name.
After a moment of just staring at you blankly, he blinked himself back into the present and shook your hand firmly.
“Casey Jones. Nice to see- or, meet, you,” he smiled widely.
“So you’re Casey?” you looked Cassandra mischievously. “And you’re Casey? Are you two related or is that just a coincidence?”
All ongoing conversation stopped for all of them to exchange a look.
April cleared her throat. “Well, about that-”
They proceeded to tell you the craziest story you’d heard in your life. They detailed how when, a couple years back, the Krang invaded and ransacked the city, the kid before you had been portaled from the future by older versions of your current turtle friends. The icing on top of the cake? Casey, the new one, is Cassandra’s son.
“What in the back to the future- you’re from the future?! Dude, you are from the future. That’s the most- I don’t want to say ridiculous but- it’s the wildest thing I’ve ever heard. Did you know me? Ooh, am I cool? I hope I’m cool. Also, no pressure to answer anything, just know that this is literally the most excited I’ve been all day.”
“Yeah, I knew you,” he nodded exuberantly with a bittersweet gleam in his eye. “The coolest commander I ever knew, aside from Commander O’Neil.”
“Commander?! Man, that’s wicked! Sorry if bringing this stuff up is weird or sad.”
“It’s fine,” he reassured. “It is odd seeing you, but I’ve gotten used to it. And it’s sort of nice.”
You smiled warmly at him just as the others’ conversation caught your attention. Casey mentioned something about everyone already being in the projector room, then April brought something up about getting this movie night on the road. You couldn’t agree more.
“So, should we head over there?” you proposed.
“We’ll grab the snacks and meet up with you!” Raph flashed you a toothy grin before smirking at Casey. Original Casey, not Jr. “Race you to the kitchen!”
“You’re going down, reptile!”
The two bounded off. You, April, and other Casey stood stupefied.
“Us too, future boy!” April challenged before breaking into a sprint after Raph and Casey. Casey Jr. shook his head lightheartedly before racing after them.
Just as you thought you’d be left standing like a deer in headlights until they returned, two giggling figures emerged from the sewer tunnel you’d come through, one blue, one orange.
“Hey Mikey, Leo!” you waved
“What’s up?” Leo smiled.
“Not much- woah!” you exclaimed. Mikey had already ran up to you and was currently squeezing your ribs in a tight hug.
“Hi,” he said, grinning widely.
“Hello.” You patted his back once, twice, awkwardly. “I think everyone’s either grabbing snacks or already went to the projector room, wherever that is.”
“We’ll show you the way!” Mikey was practically bouncing. “We’re gonna watch that new JJ movie! It’s a sequel to Pluto Vacation Part 77, but a prequel to Part 4,” Mikey explained exuberantly as he all but dragged you toward the projector room.
“Arguably the worst JJ movie, but let’s not delve into that right now,” Leo muttered.
“JJ?” you slanted your head.
“Jupiter Jim!” Mikey clarified. He let out an audible gasp and stopped walking when he saw you were still confused. “You don’t know Jupiter Jim! Omigosh! Wha- How? I thought I knew you!” The box turtle shook your shoulders.
“Easy, Miguel,” Leo moved Mikey’s hands off of your arms. “It’s not their fault they’re uneducated.”
Your stupefied expression soured. “I was about to thank you for coming to my defense, but I think you just made it worse.”
“Shhh, it’s alright. Don’t you fret, we’ll get you fixed up in about 800 films, reboots, and comics. Onward!” The two brothers started back up on their way to the movie.
“What? How many?” you asked, exasperated. You did not have the time nor attention span for that.
Leo and Mikey continued walking with you tagging along. The red eared slider just shrugged. “Chill, we’re not getting through all of them tonight. We’ll marathon as many as we can, though. I think the one we’re starting on works well enough chronologically.”
“I’ll take your word on it.”
You entered the projector room. The only person who was currently there was Sunita, though you almost didn’t recognize her in her yōkai form at first. You’d only seen it one other time at April’s, and you had lost your mind when she turned into a sludgy green puddle of googlyschmootz. You’d thought that she’d spontaneously combusted, but nope. That was just her insanely cool true form.
She was seated on the ground, eagerly staring at the projection of the menu screen of the Jupiter Jim movie on the wall. Behind her sat an orange, worn out sofa, and to the right of it was a gray bean bag chair.
“Sunita!” Mikey exclaimed, ran up to her, and took a seat beside her while Leo covered himself with a blanket on the couch and scrolled on his phone. “How long have you been watching the menu screen?”
“An hour,” she said nonchalantly, still not daring to take her eye off of it. “The score is just so good! I physically cannot look away.”
You squinted. “But you don’t need to look to hear the- nevermind.” You settled down in front of the bean bag, using the chair as support for your back.
Once you were seated, the sound of footsteps fastly approaching signaled the arrival of more people. 
Casey ran in first, bags of popcorn tucked under her arms, followed by April, with chips, Casey Jr., soda that certainly wouldn’t explode once it was opened, and finally Raph, arms full of candy. All of them were out of breath; you inferred they raced here like they had earlier. Casey boasting about her superior skills proved your hypothesis.
Raph muttered something about having the most to carry as he sulkily plopped down on the couch. Casey landed between him and Leo, still smiling victoriously. 
Casey Jr. set down the ticking time bomb that was the carbonated beverages he had sprinted through the lair with on the ground beside him as he took a seat by Mikey.
April clicked a couple of finger guns your way and sat beside you. She also decided to use the bean bag chair to rest against.
You were about to propose starting the movie before you realized someone was missing.
“Wait, where’s Donnie?” you whispered to April.
“Probably in his lab. Push comes to shove, we send Mikey to sucker him out of his room.”
“Is the lab here?”
“Yep. Just on the other side of the lair.”
“I might be reconsidering my whole stance on the whole ‘living in the sewers’ thing.”
April laughed lightly.
Suddenly, you felt the bean bag you two were resting against gain another commuter, the action bouncing you both.
You tipped your head back, meeting eyes with a nonchalant Donatello resting behind you.
“Personally, I recommend it. Technically not tax evasion if the government can’t find you,” he shrugged.
“It also helps that they don’t know you exist,” April jabbed lightheartedly.
“For legal reasons, I’m gonna pretend I heard none of that,” you averted your gaze jokingly, slowly tipping your head back down.
You heard your companions snicker, then joined them in their laughter. 
Soon, once Raph saw that everyone was present, he hit the buttons on the projector until the movie started playing.
While the movie opened up on, you guessed it, Pluto, snacks and drinks began to proliferate throughout the room and even eventually made their way to you three on the bean bag.
The movie was fairly obviously made on a low budget, as the shoddy camera direction and presence of a boom microphone for five minutes showed, but it was self aware about its campiness. Sure, the lore and character relationships were an absolute cluster, but it was still entertaining. Plus, the prosthetics used for the aliens looked phenomenal, and some scenes were genuinely eerie.
All in all, it was an enjoyable watch, made even more so by April’s occasional humorous comment and Donnie researching behind the scenes facts when something seemed intriguing to him.
As the credits rolled, you took a big stretch.
“That was a bit creepier than I thought a Jupiter Jim movie would be. Consider my timbers, shivered,” you admitted.
“I thought we reserved ‘shivering timbers’ for nautical excursions, same as ‘ahoy,’” Donnie commented. Man, he could really work sarcasm into any conversation. It was impressive, really.
“Hey, you can just drop it now, Don-Tron… That ship’s sailed.” Leo smirked.
“Wow. Boat puns. Stooping low today.” Donnie crossed his arms.
“Please, if we were stooping low, we’d bring up your internet history,” Mikey jumped in on the shenanigans. “But I’d much rudder keep this civil.”
“Continuing on,” Raph changed the subject. “I guess Pluto Vacation IV makes the most logical sense?”
Donnie and April cheered. Mikey and Leo groaned. 
“Hey!” April exclaimed. “We agreed not to trash on each other’s favorites.” She then gestured to you. “Plus, they’ve never seen it, so we’re doing this. Got it?”
“Fine,” Leo and Mikey spoke unison, the former rolling his eyes as Raph placed in the DVD and started the film.
The film started, once again, with a killer score, just as Sunita had said. Maybe she had a point about not being able to peel your vision from the screen-
Suddenly, a horrendous beeping noise shrieked from right behind your head, causing you to snap your head around immediately. 
“What is that horrible- oh wait that’s me.” Donnie tapped on the tech gauntlet on his forearm and made the alarm cease. At the same time, someone paused the movie.
“What was that?” you exclaimed, cautiously uncovering your ears.
“Hmm,” the turtle hummed. “Seems like we’ve got a 2100-47 in progress.”
Somewhere in the distance, you could hear crickets chirp.
“Oh, right, no one reads the manual. Art heist, going on right now, Hudson Street.” 
You looked around the room, wondering what the heck any of that meant, but everyone else seemed determined, ready, like superheroes.
“Wait wait wait, what just happened? What was that look?” Silence met you. “Wait, you guys are trying to fight crime? Right now? Seriously?”
You looked to April, who only smirked in response.
“Dang you guys are not slash j right now,” you remarked, gaining a small laugh from the soft shell behind you. “Do I have to stay here or..?”
“I don’t think so,” April spoke up.
“There are plenty of us. What could happen?” Leo pitched in.
“Besides, in the future, you were always able to hold your own,” Casey Jr. beamed. Okay, if you had him backing you up, the guy who knew a future version of you, you couldn’t let him down.
“Alright. I’m ready. At the very least, I’ll be moral support,” you shrugged.
“That’s the spirit!” Casey shouted. “Now let’s go!”
Just like that, your peaceful movie night turned into all of you rushing through the main room of the lair, those with weapons and masks grabbing their respective tools, and climbing up to the surface.
Immediately, Raph, Casey, and Sunita began scaling the rooftops in the direction of Hudson. Leo used his blades to form an electric blue portal, leaving a tingling sensation in the air after he leapt through. Mikey took out a chained instrument and, after latching it to lampposts, swung through the night. The mechanical shell on Donnie’s back converted into a jet pack-adjacent piece of technology with a seat, allowing for him and April to whirl off in the direction of the fighting.
You stood still. You had nary a clue what to do or where to go or- just about anything, really.
You looked over at the only person still beside you and wondered how Casey Jr. planned to get over there.
He looked back at you brightly and stepped beside you.
“Hold on!” Before you could question why, the youth revealed a grappling hook-esque contraption on his wrist, tucked the other arm around you, aimed at a lamppost, and sent you two soaring through the air.
You instinctively clung to the poor lad, who was somehow managing his own and your weight. The wind lashed at your face harshly as you dipped and soared, swinging off of every suitable lamppost or rooftop you passed.
As soon as you started to feel ill, you two landed on solid ground in an alleyway. However, the dread from that was quickly replaced by what you saw there.
Numerous goons were there, some loading crates of presumably stolen items into a large vehicle. The others were already engaged in fighting off your friends.
Their faces seemed unnatural, borderline demonic, and the fact that all of the creatures  had the same exact face did not make it any less uncanny.
The Caseys and April were steadily beating them down with hockey sticks and a baseball bat respectively. Raph and Sunita had seemed to head straight for the truck to salvage the stolen art. Donnie, Leo, and Mikey appeared to be pure agents of chaos, distracting and fighting goons with any means necessary.
“Standard goons. We’ve so got this.” Leo confidently utilized his blades, trapping one of the enemy in particular in a loop of falling infinitely to dizzy them. You weren’t so sure. There were a lot of them, and you were almost getting taken out by your own side.
“Heads up!”
You barely had time to duck out of the way of Mikey’s weapon, a ball attached to chains that were literally on fire, as it whipped just over your head.
“Heads down would be more appropriate!” you called.
You stumbled forward in an attempt to catch your balance. You were barely able to prevent yourself from falling, but you managed to stay upright. No sooner than you steadied yourself, a low hum emitted from the space right in front of you. The air vibrated tensely; it reminded you of how Leo’s portal felt earlier, but that turtle in particular was already busy behind you.
Just as everything clicked in your brain, another portal tore through the air in front of you. This one was colossal, filling up the entire alleyway in its amber glow.
Your breath quickened as you cumbersomely took one step back, then another. Your wide eyes remained transfixed on the gateway in front of you.
Out of the otherworldly portal emerged a ginormous spider, about as tall as the portal itself, four legs acting as legs, the others similar to arms. Well, as similar as spindly spider limbs can be to arms. The arachnid’s six glowing red eyes bore deeply into yours, her jagged teeth curled delightfully into a wicked grin.
Perspiration permeated every pore of your being. Every limb went stiff, each muscle rendered taut. You probably would have screamed if not for fear of bile rising up your throat instead.
“Big Mama…”
“Oh, what a delectable surprise!” Big Mama delighted, her uppity, whimsical tone in such stark contrast with her imposing demeanor. “So many turtle-y boos, and- oh, this is pos-a-bubbly splendiferous!”
Her eyes narrowed in on you, but she didn’t take any action. She simply surveyed you, then the damage her lackeys had taken so far, then what all had been recovered, before they fell back on you.
“Come now, my minions!” The spider ordered coolly, almost excitedly. “We have far more pertinent prerogatives.”
Obediently, immediately, the identical servants ceased their fighting with everyone and filed through the portal behind Big Mama.
With one last nefarious smirk, she disappeared just as she had emerged: in a flash of auburn light.
All of you stood tensely. No one so much as breathed as if an action as insignificant as that would somehow summon the gargantuan spider and her lackeys again.
“So…” Leo’s lighthearted timbre cut through the atmosphere, “who’s up for Part 79?”
“Leo, not the time!” Raph corrected, and the two started to squabble.
“I think I’m gonna call it a night,” you said shakily.
“You okay?” April placed a hand on your shoulder
“Yeah. I’m all good! Just had enough excitement,” you shrugged coolly out of her touch, hoping that you were concealing your panic better than you thought you were. “I’m right around the corner so I can just walk over-”
“I could walk with you.”
You paused, looked at who had said that. Donnie. You tilted your head at him, fairly certain that everyone else was just as perplexed.
He retracted about as much as he could into his shell at the attention. “For safety, of course. Because, you know, that was a really oddly timed exit and they could be waiting nearby and-”
“I get it, I get it,” you reassured, sparing him from digging a deeper grave. “I’ll gladly take the escort.” You turned to address the rest of the bunch. “Thank you very much for having me over, guys, it’s been real. A-A little too real, maybe, but fun either way. Goodnight, gang!”
You waved goodbyes and exited the alleyway, a purple-clad turtle in tow. You walked silently, still hardly processing what you had just witnessed. His presence was still pleasant, even if no words were exchanged.
Only when you were about a block away from your home did you speak. “So, do you guys experience stuff like that all the time or is the physical embodiment of arachnophobia a special occurrence?”
“Yeah, that was pretty much the usual, but Big Mama’s just about the worst of them. It used to be Baron Draxum, the warrior-alchemist-sheep man who made us, but he’s been rehabilitated.”
“Pardon? Your dad’s a sheep man?”
“No, my dad’s actually a rat. Draxum’s just my creator, father at best.”
“Oh, okay.” You nodded along as if you grasped any of that. But if he was a turtle, then how would a rat or a sheep- oh, you were reading into it too much. It didn’t matter though, as you had already arrived in front of your complex. You walked up to the porch and turned toward him.
“Thanks for walking me back. I appreciate it.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t mention it.”
You two paused. Were you supposed to walk away? Have more conversation?
After a moment of just looking at him, you gave him a small salute. “I’ll see you around, ‘Tello-”
“Wait!” he said before speaking more quietly. “I made a prototype of the technology I told you about at the library, if you want to come over and check it out sometime?”
“Oh, would I?” you beamed. “That sounds wonderful. I’m free tomorrow morning, if that works for you?”
“Y-Yeah, tomorrow’s great.” He smiled brightly back. “Great!”
“Does eleven sound good?”
“Eleven works.”
“Cool.” He clicked his tongue, rocked back and forth on his heels.
“I’ll see you then.” You did finger guns, internally cursing yourself for it.
“I bid you adieu.”
“Right back at you. Goodnight!”
“Goodnight.” He finally made his way off the porch before shooting off into the sky with his battle shell, and you could finally head up to your place.
That was quite possibly the most awkward farewell you’d ever had. Very sweet, yes, but awkward nonetheless.
At the very least, you’d made it home in one piece. You couldn’t wait to see him- you meant, see his invention tomorrow.
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primalmagic · 5 months
Flat Pancakes (no, literally)
ashlyn is just a little bit done with people throwing pancakes at her
OR the gang gets in a food fight and it’s kind of funny
“Hey Ash!” A familiar voice causes her to sigh, “Catch this.”
Before she has any time to turn around, a wet goopy mixture is thrown onto her shoulder.
She looks down slowly at the pancake batter Aiden had just been holding, blinking unaffectedly, “I am going to kill you.”
Logan looks around nervously, “I don’t think blood and flour go together, maybe we can do that later?” He waves a hand at them to get back to work, but Ashlyn stays where she is.
“Who told you it was a good idea to throw squishy flour at me?” She mutters, because she just can’t hold a grudge on any of them.
“Tyler threw one at Ben!” Aiden tries to explain.
“That one was already… cooked…” She frowns, because what do you call making pancakes? Baking them? Cooking them? Frying them?? Whatever, that wasn’t the point.
“I didn’t think there was any difference!” He throws his hands up defensively, which causes Ashlyn to roll her eyes. Seriously, how can one person be this dumb.
“I’m going to go change, maybe refrain from throwing pancake batter at anyone?”
Aiden nods shamelessly, “No promises.”
“Fuck you,” She retorts, with no heat behind her words.
She doesn’t hear anything after his indignant squeak, which she promptly chooses to ignore.
As she ascends the first few steps, Aiden calls after her, “Wait, wait, before you go, can you flip the pancake in the oven really quick?”
“Why is there a pancake in the oven??”
“Where else would you put it? The microwave?” Aiden snorts, like it’s so obvious.
She groans, because seriously, why is she friends with these guys. “I can’t wait till Taylor gets here. Tyler, get the pancake out of the oven."
Tyler shrugs, "I can't stop Aiden."
Just then, the doorbell rings. Logan drops his spoon, and the guys freeze in their spot.
“What?” She asks.
Tyler, Ben, Aiden, and Logan share a weird look, all turning around in slow motion, before Aiden screams “LAST ONE TO TOUCH TYLER OPENS THE DOOR!”
Almost immediately, he plummets headfirst into Tyler’s chest, flailing his flour dusted hands all over him and the floor.
The other two simply shrug and go back to their work, as Aiden declares himself the winner. Ashlyn groans, sitting down and pulling out her phone.
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“Whatever, we can just ignore them. It’s probably one of those old bald guys trying to sell us solar panels.”
They all nod, except for Aiden and Tyler, because for some reason, they’re still fighting.
“Bro, what the fuck?” She hears Tyler exclaim as he pushes the blonde away.
Aiden shrugs, then turns around. He grabs the fresh stack of pancakes that Ben was plating and tries to spin them on his hand. They topple around as he moves, but he’s managing to keep them on the plate.
It’s actually kind of impressive. She thinks.
She looks back down to see if there’s a message from Taylor, and then hears Aiden whisper “oops”.
Ashlyn’s about to roll her eyes and ask what he’s done now, but her answer comes pretty much immediately. Aiden trips, and the plate of pancakes spiral towards her head, knocking all of them onto her braids.
Aiden snorts, then nervously tries to defend himself. “At least they were… cooked this time?”
She turns around in her chair, and as she does, a pancake falls of her head, landing on her lap. Logan stifles a giggle, but looks away when Ashlyn glares at him.
“Why are you so hyper today?” She groans, gesturing in Aiden's vague direction.
“I’m not hyper! I’m just bored.”
Tyler seems to contemplate it, and then nods like it’s the wisest thing he’s ever heard. Before Ashlyn can stop him, he’s grabbing one of the still-cooking pancakes and throwing it at Aiden.
“Makes sense. That was hilarious.” He smirks, barely able to contain his own laughter. “Hey Ashlyn, you should totally try.”
“Oh, hell yeah,” She grins, grabbing another and chucking it at Aiden’s shirt.
“Hey!” Aiden squawks, running around like a cockroach. (fitting, Ashlyn thinks)
She doesn’t know how they ended up with a full blown food fight, but now they’re throwing everything around.
Sometime between that, the doorbell rings again. Nobody pays attention.
Ben is on the countertop, throwing handfuls of flour around like rain. Logan’s grabbing batter with a spatula and smacking everyone with dollops of it. Tyler’s throwing sugar into people’s eyes, and Aiden- is cutting the leftover pancakes into ninja stars? Seems about right.
“They’re stronger this way,” He tries to reason with Ashlyn when she rips one of them apart (it was an accident, but she’s not going to admit that). “They have ninja powers!”
He throws ten of them at the same time, as if to prove his point. They fall on the floor in an instant, and Aiden frowns. “Damn it, I was so sure that would work.”
“Idiot,” she smiles, barely holding in a giggle. Which is super weird, because she doesn’t really… giggle. Like, that’s not a thing Ashlyn Banner does. It’s freaky.
When the doorbell rings for the fourth time, Ashlyn groans. “That is one dedicated solar panel guy.”
They all walk to the door, because it’s all or none, obviously. Ashlyn ends up opening the door, muttering “What do you wa-”
Taylor blinks, “Um, sorry for being late? I texted you a while back but you didn’t answer. I brought-” She pauses, looking over Ashlyn at the flour-caked ghosts standing behind her.
She blinks again, “What the hell did I miss?”
inspired by the art above by the creator where they’re all going insane in a kitchen lol
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fallout-lou-begas · 2 months
"completionist, goopy goblin gamer brain"
please, please, please can everyone on this site just learn how to make their points without insulting other people? can't we just be kind?
(re: me disliking mods that add a truce between mr. house and the brotherhood of steel) oh, goopy goblin gamer brain is an admittedly niche reference to a nakey jakey video that in its original context describes his own tongue-in-cheek dislike of story-driven game elements that distract or interrupt action-packed moment-to-moment gameplay, but which has since wormed its way into my vocabulary to describe overly harsh distaste for basically any kind of in-game pushback on the player's unquestioned power or control over the game world that can't be circumvented through sheer skill proficiency, such as "story-related consequences for one's own actions" or "the obligation to make one of two mutually exclusive decisions due to incompatible outcomes or irreconcilable differences between the parties involved." goopy goblin gamer brain in this sense becomes a problem when the indignity of not having things go personally your way causes players to interpret intentional artistic choices in the game's narrative or overall design as "problems" to be "fixed."
like believe me i am an occasional sufferer of goopy goblin gamer brain myself but that's why i have my once-a-month random night of topscoring in team fortress 2 as heavy weapons guy
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sunnychuuya · 1 month
Cutely sobs knowing om nearing the end of sally face
I finished it.
Hey so guess who's looking up a toturoail
Whys the screen so fuckn dark
Me when I forget my lefts and rights do I start going never eat soggy waffles
"we are the shadows of a sleepless dream" fucking banger line??
I cannor handle seeing Diane rn I'm gonna sob
Guys I don't actually think I like the cult I kinda died cuz of them !!
having thr t
Guys this is not girlpop
-"how many loved ones will you kill to save the world. What will be Left worth saving" crying sobbing screaming throwing up
Also am I hallucinating or was that not grammatically correct
No it was
It just doesn't sound like it
"They deserve happiness after all the shit they've been through" me when the entirety of this fucking game
"Do you.. do you think anyone could ever love me like they love each other?" I'm gonna bawl my fucking eyes out sal you're amazign
Fucking damnit
Larry was sposed to move in with them.. they were sposed to be happy.. nghehhe
Hmm. Another textbook case of: I hate the characyer until they fucking die tragically
Sal no we're not defending her she still kinda ducked
Woah ghsotie arm
Cofnused as shit ngl and this music is terrfyding
oh no! Why is everyone gone!
Giving "why is boss music playing" vibes
stop. I love this. So cool.
Yea I don't quite like that. Kinda uhh sus thats like the things that humans grow in in movies
cutely Google safe combination
Wait what Jim's latter
Guys! Thats so not girlypop!
What rhe fuck!
"You killed them" NO SHIT?!
Me after game over immesirlat
Oh wow thats so cute murder great
guys oop I apparently missed the thing where u see sal get shot lmao
Its fine I already knew what happened
I just looked it up and what the florp bro
chat I hate this like they all die and they can't even live happily ever after in the afterlife its just not fair.
Hol up- lemme clean my glasses for this.
"eat mt ass, you red eyed birch!" ILY larry
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Yeah okay I knew it wouldn't be thst easy but. One can hope.
Yeee guitar blasts
I diedieidid
Chat have we considered I suck at video games
I just died 3 tomes in a row
fifth death (end me)
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Oh fuk pixem sal
Ooh chairs
Oh duck that scared me
God damnit Terrence
When I started playing sally face, would I ever have thought I would be whisper screaming "VOMIT YOUR BALLS TERRENCE!" at 12 37 am, he'll fucking no. But it happened.
This is why I am unloved.
What da fuck
Uhh I don't like how the teeth skin is closing in
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Sal really said with the power of music and friendship
wdym it don't feel like over
"Maybe we see him again someday. On the other side of oblivion. If there is such a place." then it just fades out. This game is absolutely amazing.
I love it but it also lowkey felt so incomplete
Idk the ending felt a little fast.
like very satisfying but it felt rlly fast.
But also sf2 is a thing in progress I know
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moogghost · 7 months
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i've been meaning to design these two for weeks now ever since i got hit with a vision for designs for them both.. these bosses are so creature to me i'm happy with how these guys turned out
more thoughts on the designs specifically under the cut bc i had a lot of thoughts when designing both as well as some lore thoughts since i've had them in my head for a few weeks now :3
pinging marciale-
it's a silly two headed dragon! it has two heads/faces as is, so i wanted to incorporate that somehow in the design
it can manipulate the goopy jelly bits of itself at will :3 that's how it often goes into a ball to roll around its boss arena
speaking of The Goop i am aware that pinging marciale doesn't have the more 'bony' looking jelleton bits in it however this guy looked bald without them
probably the most friendly looking of the bosses and it probably isss in a way at least in the lore rotating in my head. also absolutely the least 'orderly' of them all lmao
because its arena takes place in what i've always assumed to be a library/archive of sorts i like to think this guy is a archivist/librarian. or at least is meant to be one
also probably some sorta astronomy vibes because gestures to the constellations on the ceiling of its boss arena. do u think this guy likes sleeping under the 'stars' before its boss fights bc i sure do
one last more character central thing i think it would like drums. or play them even. this is just bc of the amen break in phase 3 of c0ld st0rage yea but also i think pinging marciale would go crazy on drums
asynchronous rondo-
i could not tell you why but this creature gave me bird vibes (actually i can it's bc i assigned rondo's boss theme to an unrelated bird robot oc of mine so rondo got assigned bird by association)
the inside of the funnel basically contains most of the goop that makes up all of rondo's faces, which it can make several (even uses some of them as hands if it really wants)
the 'eyes' of the faces themselves function as search lights!
further on the topic of the faces the mouths are also how it uses some of its attacks. like sting ray my behated
has more wheel like feet bc honestly? it felt like a vibe. rondo can skate if it wants
functions as the guard/a sort of security in the spire since. well. gestures to its boss arena
also pointing at the sushi(??) plates in the background of its arena and that it looks like a sushi conveyor belt i think rondo could cook. whether this is for the jelletons or the hypothetical prisoners idk i didn't think that far into this. ...and not that i'd imagine there's much purpose for that in the memverse but shhh let's ignore that anyways this cone can COOK 🔥🔥🔥
very quiet i'd imagine. not very talkative unless it's singing! (i know pinging marciale sings too but. i think rondo is more of a singer)
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chaosatfazbenders · 1 month
Ugly man, gross stinky man.
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Boom, Henry Miller design, aka what I look like in headspace. Not our best work, but yeah, posted.
Under cut is goopy Henry (void/half black Henry) and also very first art we made of this guy.
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Creepy goopy guy, and art from… 2 years ago? Ignore the fact the older picture has other people in it but cropped badly, I’m not in the mood to properly crop it.
And yes, I forgot my shoulder pads in the newer art, I honestly don’t like them. And yes, I am very much inspired by the circus / ringmaster era then owning Fredbears era, I still remember Fredbears, but the circus was just cooler.
I might make an introduction at some point.. maybe..
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ddejavvu · 9 months
eddie and v may argue a lot, but the one thing they agree on is making sure reader is protected 🙏 !! venom using his tendrils to pull you the safe side of the sidewalk while eddie glares at any guys staring at you
"I'm a big girl," You glare sideways at Eddie, even if it's Venom you should be griping at for pulling you around to Eddie's other side. You're more than capable of walking down the sidewalk without falling into the street, even if your boyfriend and his parasitic friend disagree.
"I know you're a big girl." Eddie promises, "Venom knows you're a big girl. But that's a big car in the street, too. Even bigger than you. So if you two got into a tussle, the car would win. And then Venom would rip the doors off, and eat the driver's head, and I'd have to change my name and move to another country, and I really don't feel like doing that right now. So stay where you are."
"I'm not planning on tussling with any vehicles," You vow, trying and failing to avoid a man striding down the street past you, his shoulder knocking into yours even when you try curling it inwards by ducking into Eddie's side. The man lets out some scathing combination of a scoff and a grunt, and you're not sure if it's Venom or Eddie that makes your boyfriend's feet stop in their tracks.
"Hey, asshole," Eddie drawls, and you silently pray that Venom is the sensible one today, and that he'll drag Eddie backwards where he's planted firmly on the sidewalk, chest puffed and muscles tense. Unfortunately, the symbiote seems to be on his side, Eddie's veins flashing dangerously dark for a split second.
"Are you talking to me?" The man turns, eyes dangerously sharp. You know that Venom could easily take on any human, but Eddie is notably shorter than the other man, and you're not keen on needing Venom's help in such a public place.
"No, he's not," You promise, taking his hand and pulling him backwards, even though he refuses to budge, "He's- uh, he's on the phone. He's got an earpiece," You fib, "It's- it's bluetooth, he's talking to his... mom. We're going now."
When the standoff has been safely defused, and Eddie finally remembers how to move his feet, his scowl doesn't subside until you're at least a block away.
"You should've let us clock that guy," Eddie grumbles, "He was a douche. And for the record, I'd never call my mother an asshole."
"You say that word about me a lot," Venom chimes in, waiting for an empty street to ooze out of Eddie's shoulder, only enough of his goopy matter present to form a face, "Do you like your mother more than me?"
"I like a lot of people better than you," Eddie confirms, but you know for all he teases the symbiote, their bond is strong, "In fact, I think I like that asshole that ran into Y/N better than you."
"That is outrageous!" Venom roars, and you nervously glance at the surrounding homes, "I am way better than that asshole!"
"I don't know," Eddie hums, "You rough Y/N up all the time. He only bumped into her once."
"That is different," Venom grins, the expression somehow wolfish despite his alien features, "She likes it when I rough her up."
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evilpenguinrika · 8 days
Fuck sorry no okay I thought of something more for my Hosie Jujutsu Kaisen AU
ok ok ok so Mikaelson family are like infamous. So I think in this AU, it would make sense if they're part of the Big Three Families (like Gojo clan, Kamo clan, Zen'in clan).
The other family that would be part of the BTF would I think be the Gemini Coven (I think I'll leave them as that name instead of like idfk listen I only watched LGCS and TO bear with me here I'm so sorry) as that is the only logical thing in my mind (also, I have decided that everyone in the Gemini Coven's Domain Expansion is called Prison World--because again, iirc they're the only ones on the show that can create a prison world so it would make sense--but like each of their Prison World Domain would be different/represents the person themselves. So like Josie's Domain Expansion: Prison World would maybe have something to do with school library/studying to reflect her character from LGCS or IDK I didn't think THAT far ahead other than everyone in the Gemini Coven's Domain Expansion is called Prison World)
For the third family that's part of the Big Three Families, I think it'd be interesting if it was Malivore.
We didn't get a lot about Malivore in LGCS other than he's just a goopy goop that wipes out a creature's existence if they fall into him. So I think if I were to just make Malivore into just. A guy or more like, a powerful family (I've already made some Malivore lore for my Hosie Omegaverse fic that I haven't touched in a while) would help me figure out a better way to write this apparent Hosie JJK AU fic that I've decided I will now hyperfixate on. And it would be nice to rope in other characters and figure their story out and their relationship to the main premise of why I'm writing out this long-ass ramble about a niche AU/crossover lmao (like maybe Landon and Rafael get accepted into Jujutsu High after they experienced some deep shit with curses--kinda similar to how they got brought to Salvatore school. Landon, like in the show, doesn't know he's actually from the Malivore family and discovers this along the way with Hope and the twins and Super Squad and oh man if this supposed one-shot AU fic becomes a series I will punt myself into the sun)
And I think it would help me figure out even MORE on how to turn this AU into a Hosie thing.
Originally I was wondering--because of age--Hope would be a 3rd year while Josie and Lizzie would be 1st years, but I wanted Hope and the twins to be more of like a team. I don't know I'll try and figure this bit out. But I think maybe they knew each other when they were younger and ofc Josie has a crush on Hope since childhood because of how cool and pretty Hope is and as they grew up, that childhood crush turns into like full on Josie is pining mad hard for Hope.
Oh yeah, so, Hope would 100% without a doubt be a Special-Grade Sorcerer to reflect her Tribrid status. it just makes sense.
The twins, because I've decided that they do have curse energy but it's so fucking faint that it feels as though they don't... Maybe they'd be 1st or 2nd-Grade Sorcerers. I'll have to go back and read up on the different Grades (or maybe use this as an excuse to rewatch JJK teehee)
Anyways, sorry, back to the Hosie wow I'm sorry I am rambling anyway
So yeah, I think it's a "they fell first but they fell harder" thing. Though I do want to bring in the canon fact that Hope had a crush on Josie in her teens into this AU somehow. I mean maybe she still does. Maybe Josie continues to crush on Hope and sees how amazing of a sorcerer she is and wants to get stronger as a sorcerer so she can feel worthy to stand beside Hope and fight alongside her.
Hope probably develops a crush on Josie when Josie comforts Hope and is there for her when something happened to the Mikaelson family--or more specifically Hope's parents, leaving her an orphan. Hope appreciates Josie's warmth and kindness and maybe notices her more now (kinda also like in the show, ESPECIALLY the "quiet things heard" episode. like Hope being hyperaware and perceptive with/about Josie in that quiet way and secretly looking out for her is hella cute).
The brain bees are ruminating. I'm gonna have to really plan this out properly if I'm going to make this AU work
hopefully this will just be a one-shot fanfic but you know what. wouldn' be surprised if I end up making a whole multi-chapter fic for this.
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