#like the Riddler interrogation scene in The Batman
lemonandpie · 1 year
Hmm I know this is weird for this character but I need to share this with someone
I love sunshine Dick, but I love it mostly because of the horror potential
He's ethereal, smells sweet, he's warm and kind and his smile is the sun after a long winter, but there's something about him that makes you feel in danger, like something wicked and non-human is looking at your soul
He's your older brother, the guy who gives you a good night kiss on your forehead, but the horrors lurking around Gotham fear him like he's something worse, like his ethereal face and gentle smile are a bait to attract his prey, again, he's your older brother, but also the eldritch under your bed
He's really a good person, a sweet little guy, but his vibe is a biblically acurate angel telling you B̶̮̹̓͆ë̷̩̰́̑ ̴͙̓̆n̴̛̖̥o̴̱̒ť̷̹̽ ̶͎̆a̴̮͘f̷͈͗͗ȑ̷̬͒a̶̺̗̕͝ȋ̴̍ͅḍ̵̀̌
Dick Grayson's vibe is like... okay, you know those scenes where the villain dies, and as he does, he sees the ethereally beautiful woman he has been comitting atrocities for? His eyes widen, and he even has tears in them, and he smiles so wide it's like his mouth is going to split open? And then just as the vision fades he meets a horrific demise? Dick is that moment in human form.
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grayisblogging · 4 months
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“i think my most favorite is the end of the movie. the riddler has effectively realized that he has not succeeded in his journey; he’s standing in prison, he’s staring out the window wondering what’s going on. and then a little voice comes in and has a chat to him. i love the mood of that scene, and i love the fact that it sets up such an interesting arc for those characters. and it ends in a really sort of abstract way where we don’t get to see those characters too clearly. it ends up being light, flare, darkness. it feels to me a little bit like being underwater. except being in prison. it was low sun, and because of that it allowed us the flexibility to better kind of create light and flare. we’d been in the prison a few times before, we’d been in an interrogation cell; this needed to be a lot more unusual. so the concept effectively was to try and create something that was a little more heavenly. something that was a little harder to put a pin in and harder to read.” — cinematographer greig fraser on the batman
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bat-writer · 1 year
Hi! Couldn't find rules so I hope this is alright!
Could I please request Bruce Wayne getting close to a suspect just to see if she's going to be dangerous but ends up falling hard for her? She's not dangerous but she's a bit of an anti-hero and is an accomplice to a bigger villain, how's that like for him? She doesn't really do anything bad, she just doesn't do anything when the villain she's accompanying does something bad
A/N: I'm not sure if this is exactly what you were looking for but I hope you enjoy! 😭
Warnings; language | ~~~~: time skip
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 ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
"Hey Alred, how have you been since the last time?" you ask taking the tea cup he served you. Now this was not a regular visit to just a friend. No, no, this was an interrogation.
By the Batman.
Now you weren't villain but you also weren't a hero. Not your style. You just needed benefits to get by, get fed, and have your bills paid. You'd pair with villains and simply get the information they needed. Bruce's issue with you is that you knew too information. The way that he would find out information is the same way you did. Only you were faster, more detailed and you always slipped away at the last minute.
Luckily you didn't provide information that would put other people in harms way. Although sometimes you did end up stealing or blackmailing those of higher social class into benefiting those who really needed it. However, he can't hold you to any crimes since, you never committed them nor were you an accessory at the scene. It has gotten to the point however that you come to the Batcave often to be asked questions. Even Alfred and you interact and even trade secrets to house keeping and cooking.
"So batman, what do we have questions about today?" you ask as the tall stoic hero comes into the room.
"You're aiming for certain organizations. Ones that are in charge of rebuilding a school. Why?" he asked with his signature glare
"looks bats," you sigh "those organizations aren't what you'd think they were. Sure they're made to look like they're for a good cause, but in the end they're all greedy assholes"
He huffs underneath the mask "So, stealing from-"
"The corrupt rich correct." you smile "And it's not just limited to snobby rich boys, but bigger villains like Penguin, Two-face, even Riddler had a couple of dollars to take just to name a couple."
"They don't donate," he added
"I know, but I need some way to keep my rent paid and keep them from blowing shit up, causing more work for you." you smirked at him
"I'm keeping you here for a couple of days just to lighten things up" he said as he pushed the buttons on his panel to open a clear cell.
"Ugh the cell again?" you groan "Wasn't I doing what a good citizen does though Bats?" you ask as you walk along side him. This wasn't the first time you spent the weekend with the Bat. But, since you weren't a threat to society, yourself or him, he was pretty relaxed around you. He opens the door for you to enter but you stop before stepping in
"pay me a visit after you patrol?" you said looking up at him seductively as your hand slides over his armored chest. You just loved teasing the ever so strong hero of Gotham "I get lonely ya know" you smile
"For now the books will keep you company. Alfred is here if you need help." he said stepping away.
Under neath that mask and armor was also a man who would yearn for the feeling of love. However, because of who he was, what he was - it was complicated.
"Alfred I'm heading out"
"Of course sir, anything I should be aware of?" he asks
"Nothing that I can recall. Y/N is in the cell for today and tomorrow night" he said getting into his bat mobile
"So no love affairs for tonight then?" he asks as the advanced vehicle closes with a hiss
"Keep things in control please" he asked dodging the question. This wasn't the first time this has happened. There has been playful banter, some flirting and maybe even a kiss on the cheek. Alfred would tease the hero in his own nonchalant way. And just like that, the billionaire hero skids from the cave and into the night.
"Looks like it's you and me tonight Alfred" you wave at the butler with a smile.
"I do believe there is a new episode of butlers 7 bucks tonight miss Y/N, would you care to join?" he said changing the large screen in the cave causing you to smile
"Of course I would"
Walking into the bat cave he didn't find much but you were right about villains pilling money for their own personal gain. But from the other organizations? He'll figure that out as Bruce Wayne. Looking over into the cell he sees you had fallen asleep, curled up to be as comfortable as possible.
Opening the door he takes off his cape and drapes it over your figure. Over to the next day he lets you go early since there really wasn't much more information you could give. Since you were somewhat a target for his usual villains, he'd check up every now and then to see if you were safe.
"So I'm free to go Batman?" you ask waltzing out of your cell "or is this another interrogation?"
"No more questions but I will pop in every now and then."
So every now and then he'd drop by your window and sometimes he'd stay a while and listen to you about your day. There was even one time where you had a pretty rough day and without asking you were comforted by this typically cold and quiet hero.
He held you much longer than a hug that was. You didn’t complain or push away, this felt more than a pity hug. There was want behind it, you felt his warmth. You look up at him with those e/c he loves to look into. Almost as if it were magnetic your lips come into contact with one another in a slow short kiss.
For what felt like hours staring into his eyes while his nose brushes against your own, you could feel your heart skip multiple beats. This then started happening multiple nights in a row.
Some night were sweet and innocent with some pecks or playful flirting. Some were even close to hot and heavy. Carrying you over to your countertop to enjoy your make out session as your bodies stay flush together. He’s sometimes stay a bit longer outside of your window until you fell asleep, as a precaution.
On a certain night however you were in this strange state of a passionate but also very delicate kiss. As if you had kissing for both the first and 100th time. His large hands cradling your face as he practically made you melt on the spot. You pull away to finally speak up on how you felt but, before you could even focus your vision or get your head straight he was ready to leave.
“Wait! Batman! Come on you can’t just leave like this!” You stop him
“…this Wouldn’t work Y/N. You know why…” he said trying not to sound defeated
“…i know but….couldn’t we try?” You ask teaching a hand out but drawing it back in hesitation
“We Can…but you won’t like what May come of me…” he said looking over his shoulder
“…but I could learn to like that version of you as well…” you try and plead with your eyes to him. He looks as though he wanted to elaborate on things but held himself back
“Take care of yourself, know that you aren’t in harms way” he says as he swoops off into the night.
“Ans just like that, the bat is gone” you groan as you “UGH. What am I thinking ?! This is the Batman not some guy I met at a-“ you stop as you see something stuck to your windowsill. A single piece of paper with a note
“Friday at 6. Dress nicely. -B”
“Huh, but bad bats…not bad at all” you from as you shut your blinds for the night. Tomorrow first thing in your list was to buy a dress.
I hope this was somewhat what you were looking for! -Kitty 🐈‍⬛
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cannedbeefaroni · 2 years
Ngl gang, the first time I saw Paul Dano was when the riddler’s identity was revealed in the batman, and my gut reaction was squealing and giggling and hiding my face behind my hands. I was acting like a 12 year old Jonas brothers fan in 2009. I couldn’t believe that was his fucking face. I think it’s because the whole movie I imagined what he’d look like behind the mask and I assumed he’d be some scary looking mf. But no. They got the actor with the roundest and friendliest face in the world to be a cyberterrorist. Like I was in disbelief. And then he started acting pathetic and whiny during the interrogation scene and I decided I need to be inside this man. That’s the story of how Paul dano ruined my fucking life :D fuck you, old man.
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sevicia · 1 year
I love the interrogation scene because it's the only scene where they interact directly outside of their gay little letters game (yes I know Riddler was killing people IDC) and Batman immediately starts snarling and looking at him all mad and Riddler's like :( But we're partnerrrrrssssss and then has a mental breakdown and then starts singing Ave María like some sort of freak while Batman beats the shit outta the glass and I love how I saw that and went "yeah this is exactly how it should be" and other people saw that and went "coffee shop au NEOWW!!!" and I think that's beautiful.
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Thoughts on rewatch of the Batman 2022
"Ave Maria" faintly playing in the background in the beginning. Hadn't noticed that before.
Gotta look fabulous before going to beat the life out of criminals.
This movie does a perfect job of separating Batman and Bruce Wayne. How different those two people are, despite being the same person.
Another aspect I love is that this is the very beginning stages of Batman's journey. He's not the "perfect, no mistakes, flawless detective work" Batman that most movies portray. He's learning, making mistakes, still needs to improve his skills and craft. And since it's the first years and he hasn't been established as an asset to the Gotham PD yet, the officers, rightfully so, *do not* like him which makes a lot of sense than letting him run amok. (Not that that gets any better with time but you feel the difference in how they take Batman's presence.)
"The city's eating itself. Maybe it's beyond saving. But I have to try." SEE that is how you characterise Bruce, hope and endurance in the face of despair.
The narrative parallel between the death of the mayor and his son finding the body, and young Bruce watching his parents being murdered. Oh, it's so good, I'm gonna eat my hand.
Bruce saying he doesn't care what happens to his family's business and all the work they've done, equating his worth to what he does as a vigilante just goes to show how much the trauma and mental anguish has taken over his life, and now the severe depression, suicidal tendencies, even subconsciously just looking for an excuse to not live hits too close to home.
Robert Pattinson's back 😳 (I am a whore, leave me alone)
Batman fucking up the twins will never not be funny.
You've gotta be honest, our edgelord's entrance into Penguin's lair is nothing short of iconic.
I love this version of Penguin so much, he's the right amount of menacing and goofy.
THE FIRST MEETING OF BATCAT. Love-at-first-sight if I've ever seen it.
I fucking LOVE seeing Catwoman in action.
If I don't meet my S/O with us having a 1v1 and them manhandling me, what even is the point of it all.
Selina and Bruce's socio-economic background play such a big role in their reasons and aspirations to be heroes (or vigilantes). Glad this movie doesn't gloss over that.
Batsy is such a bastard in his early days. Selina should deck him.
He has so much to learn and grow, not just as Batman, but as a person. Yes, this is about him sending Selina as a spy.
Bruce Wayne looking like he's having the worst time of his life when he's in public. I love this socially repulsive man with all my heart.
Bruce seeing his child self in the mayor's son, but now with new responsibility of solving this mystery, just wow. A lot of movies, at least the live-action ones, tend to not prioritise portraying Bruce's childhood or the trauma he experienced with the gruesome murder of his parents, because at his core that's what led him down this path, it's just as, if not more, important, to him being the saviour, the knight of Gotham.
Him getting jealous thinking that's Selina with Falcone. Somebody's in love.
Riddler and his stupid love letters. Get a life.
Batman, you idiot, why would you stand with your face right infront for the bomb.
The police station scene is so funny. Poor Jim is losing it. "Great, now I got you on assaulting an officer." "You got me on assaulting three." Bad bitch energy.
"We gotta get you out of here buddy." "🥺" Gay behaviour.
OOOOOH. THE ESCAPE SCENE. Can't wait to see Batsy hit the ground and eat shit. THERE IT IS.
The fucking chase scene. Hell yeah. Emo Batman has some of the best entrances and chases in this movie. It's actually fun to watch and isn't cringe. What a refreshing change.
"Good cop, batshit cop." Jim shoving the pictures of the mutilated face into Penguin's face. I can't breathe.
Jim and Bats interrogating Penguin. Penguin roasting the fuck out of them. "No habla espanol, fellas?" "Shut up!" FUCKING HILARIOUS. Them leaving his tied up, and him waddling while cursing. THAT'S how you do comedy without breaking the tone of the movie, especially for dark superhero movies.
I know Alfred doesn't die but godsdammit I hate seeing him hurt.
Bruce lashing out because he feels betrayed but also reeling from getting flashbacks to his father's death while seeing Alfred in that bed, my boy was in the worst emotional state. I forgive him for being a little bitch to his dad (Alfred).
The heart to heart between Bruce and Alfred is such a tender and love-full moment. I needed that :,)
Selina should have just killed Kenzie before Bats came around. I support women's rights, but more importantly I support women's right to murder.
Carmine Falcone is such a sleazebag character. He gives me the creeps.
I love Jim Gordon. No particular scene inspired that statement, I just love him.
When Falcone is arrested and Penguin speaks against Carmine, I love that scene because it's a subtle indication to the end of the movie, where we see Penguin will now take over the criminal underworld of Gotham. The mighty Falcon has been taken down, the city is drowned. What better opportunity for a flightless bird to takeover?
Riddler with his dumb ass jokes and reddit lives. What a clown. He's dangerous but I can't take him seriously.
Batman appears and he just [starts screaming] peak teenage boy behaviour. Cringe lord. Be better.
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Starting the movie with "I am darkness", contemplating if Gotham can even be saved, and ending it with Batman lighting the way, leading Gotham out of the destruction. GODS. Him coming to the realisation that Gotham, and by extension himself, need hope and change, not clinging to the past, not vengeance. That is so poetic.
In regards to BatCat, the last meeting really signifies their love story. He loves her, he truly does, and maybe in this version of the story they end up together despite all the, but Gotham will always be his priority. She wants him to live, not just exist, but live, but Bruce gave up on that idea long ago.
"The Bat and the Cat, its got a nice ring to it. [Pause] Who am I kidding? You're already spoken for." OK, Mr. Matt Reeves, why don't you just shoot me between the eyes?
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eamo2004 · 2 years
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"The only reason filmmakers made Riddler blow up the seawall at the end of the movie is because he was making too many good points. I was totally agreeing with him until the third ac-"
The Riddler initially seemed to be acting as an extreme vigilante throughout the film, a darker version of Batman, killing corrupt officials and Carmine Falcone, the mastermind behind the renewal corruption. Initially this seems like a well intentioned plot that Riddler is executing regardless of the morality behind it. However, people misinterpret why Riddler did this.
The twist of the movie is that Riddler's goal was never to make Gotham a better place. He did not murder his victims to better the city, they were simply his first targets, and he killed them for the vengeance he felt he deserved. He murdered all of them because he felt that they wronged him. He even admitted in the interrogation scene that the true reason he tried to kill Bruce Wayne was because he was jealous that Bruce got attention from the public for being an orphan and Edward didn't.
The flood was simply the last stage of his elaborate revenge plot, seeking vengeance against the people that Edward felt looked down on him. He tried to punish the entire city for the crime of having a better life than him.
The Riddler was never an extremist hero that 'went crazy in the third act'. He was a vengeful selfish psychopath. A little boy crying out for attention and throwing a fit when he didn't get it.
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kudosmyhero · 5 months
Batman: The Long Halloween #8: Chapter 8: Mother's Day
Read Date: June 26, 2023 Cover Date: July 1997 ● Writer: Jeph Loeb ● Penciler: Tim Sale ● Inker: Tim Sale ● Colorist: Gregory Wright ● Letterer: Richard Starkings ● Editor: Archie Goodwin ◦ Chuck Kim ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● the art in this series is interesting. sometimes it’s a little meh, but it has really nice chiarascuro scenes, and the people have a 1920s look to them ● of course Harvey Dent is a Gemini
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● oo, oo, is this a Scarecrow issue? ● “Then, only by cooperating can we clear the whole thing up.” - nope. get a lawyer. if you’re guilty, you need a lawyer. if you’re innocent, you really need a lawyer. not even kidding about this. ● oof, catching Bruce in a really vulnerable moment… ● must be still feeling the Scarecrow’s fear gas ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: On mother's day, Batman visits Calendar Man in Arkham Asylum and asks him about the Holiday killer. Batman wants to know why Holiday didn't kill Riddler on April Fools. Calendar Man is still ambiguous towards Holiday's genre and he tells Batman that perhaps that date was the only time that the killer took seriously, and thus he didn't murder. An Arkham Asylum guard appeared behind Batman crawling and saying something about an escape in level 4. Batman runs towards that level and finds that Jonathan Crane's cell is empty and two guards are having scary hallucinations. One of them tells Batman that Crane's mother helped him escape but Batman knows that Crane murdered him own mother years ago. After checking the cell, Batman finds straw near the window and follows the trail to the yard of Arkham Asylum, where Scarecrow is escaping on a horse. Batman tackles Scarecrow and discovers that it was just a decoy; a real scarecrow that starts to spread Scarecrow's Fear Toxin all around the yard and Batman tries not to inhale the chemical on his way out of Arkham.
Meanwhile, James Gordon and some GCPD Officers stand outside Wayne Manor, talking to Alfred, who told them that Bruce was not present at the time. Gordon wants to arrest Bruce for his involvement with Carmine Falcone. Alfred asks Gordon to consider Bruce's need for privacy in a date like mother's day.
At the Gotham River Bridge, Sofia Falcone interrogates a man about the origins of the weapons used by Holiday to commit the crimes and the man gives her a name and an address in Chinatown and she drops the man to the river.
Holiday breaks in Chong's Tea House in Chinatown and murders the man only known as gunsmith. Sofia arrives at the place too late and finds only the gun and a flower ornament for mother's day near the corpse of the man she was looking for.
After the incident in Arkham, Bruce goes to Crime Alley to leave a rose on the place his mother died when Gordon and some officers approach him. However, Bruce is still affected by Scarecrow's fear gas and all he sees is Joe Chill coming towards him. Bruce runs away in fear and Gordon gives the order to follow him but to hold fire. Bruce runs to Gotham Cemetery, where Gordon and the officers find him crying, desperately clutching to his mother's tombstone.
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Fan Art: The Calendar Man (Inktober) by Nordtoemme
Accompanying Podcast: ● Bat-Books for Beginners - episode 14
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mydarlingbat · 2 years
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I'm really on the edge right now. I'm not usually like this, but people can push you, especially when they know hardly nothing about comics, and still put their cents in. I don't like when someone present me two, or three comics of the Batman wanting the Joker to die, because there's thousands of comics that he doesn't desire him to meet his demise, and that steps all over the three or four issues you found to prove me as a lair. The Joker appeared in over three thousands comics, plus televisions, TV series, movies, so what's your proof again? It's irrelevant. It's not worth digging into. It's trash. The simple fact that people all over Keep saying that Batman doesn't care about the Joker gets me upset and it's not because it's your opinion. It's because you tried to force your beliefs on others. I could give you a millions reason why, and you still wouldn't believe it, and truly i don't care, but when you tried to force me to see it your way, then I'm coming for you. Batman did mourn for the Joker, and not on one occasion but many. Injustice gods among us. Batman endgame. Batman Arkham knight. Batman damed. Batman shadows #3 Batman Harley Quinn revenge, and others i will soon mention. The fact that you come up with the lame excuses that Batman only mourns because he regards all life is just unbelievably stupid. If that was the case Bruce would be mourning everyday in his batcave. If that was the case he'd be in the cave mourning days for innocent civilians he lost to his own rogue, but he does not do this, does he? . He might be wretched that innocent citizens are dying, but he doesn't go in the cave and mourn about it for weeks, days, months?? can you give me examples of this? When penguin man died did he go in the cave and mourn for weeks, or days or even months? When the riddler died did he mourn in the cave for days? Did he stop fighting crime for months and days? He only mourn the loss of people he cared about for weeks, and days, and he did the exact same thing with the Joker. Some of bats villains has died in comics, and movies, and yet Batman didn't mourn the loss of them.
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It's not trash. It's the truth, and you all don't want to suck it up, and swallow it. Some of theses new writers suck at writing the Joker, and the Batman. Batman reptilian #3 was great, but the lack of care was too painful to read. The truth is you don't want to hear the truth. Does it hurt? You can't say that Batman sat in the cave for days, and mourn for innocent civilians, because he would be in the cave everyday. Superman have killed before, and Batman told him "you had to do what you had to do, " but when it came down to the Joker. "Don't you dare touch him" The whole injustice god among us scene in the comic ? It's not the expression Batman makes that cause me to believe he cares about the Joker. it's the way he went into hiding. You can say that Batman was upset that his friend finally killed someone, but that's not why. Superman even sees it. The truth is Batman didn't shade a tear when the Joker killed all those people, including superman's wife, but you know what Batman was doing? Interrogating the Joker. He was playing with him. BATMAN should be knocking the hell out of the Joker right now, but instead he says "This was between you and me. Why did you bring him into this?" Bruce is practically saying why did you bring someone else in our game. In our dance. This is between you and me. It always has been. Again you can say it's because Superman had just killed someone, but that's not it. Batman own son MURDERED Zassz but he didn't go in the cave and mourn him for days?? He didn't go in the cave and Stop talking to his family for other villains when they met their demise. He might have cared for them at the moment, but he never disappeared. Batman nearly falls apart when the Joker dies, but when other villains die. He shake them, and say are you alright, or call out their name, but when the Joker dies you can see his posture has change. When other villains die i barely see Batman carry them, and His whole demeanour changes when the Joker dies. The Batman looks almost heartbroken that He's dead on the second image too, but all the pictures with the Joker you can see there's emotion. He doesn't show much concern when he think riddler is dead. He just says Riddler.
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Batman just shows more care when it comes to the Joker. Also I wanted to discuss the fact that people been saying that Batman had no memories of what the Joker had done in the last knight on earth, but that's not true, because In the wiki they said that all Batman memories was restored accept for the days that was recent, so that means in the last knight on earth that Batman remembers that Jason todd died by the hands of the Joker, and he still took him with him, and let him become a ROBIN, and Bruce shows deep worry for the Joker even though he's aware of what the Joker has done.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
just wanted to say thanks for pointing out how the way Carrey portrays many of his neurodivergent coded characters is kind of uncomfortable because you're right it really is a weirdly common thing he does....particularly Ed's ending in Batman Forever and the way he acted it out always came across as really weird and ableist to me and it's a different actor but same goes for that interrogation scene in The Batman 2022 tbh it makes me uncomfortable too
YES. Carrey's portrait of lots of characthers truly makes me unconfortable.
My only exception being Trumman but even than is mostly because the writing was really good. And I say that as someone who for years had The Mask as my confort movie because while I didn't knew about the autism Ipkiss weird way was a thing I could see myself in. But I can't rewatch nowdays because I'm afraid of what I'll find (it may one of the few non-offensive Carrey portraits of nd charachters but if it's the offensive one it will hurt me a lot).
About Riddler I don't remember much of Batman Forever but I was looking for Riddler clips on YouTube and I saw the scene where he is defeated and I couldn't finish it because it made me too unconfortable.
And I do think the same with the interrogation scene in The Batman, the biggest difference for me is the fact that Forever is making fun of autistic people while The Batman is seeling our quirks as scary and predatory wich are both AWFULL.
The fact that Carrey's whole career is full of mockery of neurodivergent mostly autistic traits and it comes from someone who does see autism as something that needs to be cured makes me hate Forevers portrait more. But both are bad. It was only one scene in The Batman but still.
And the thing is I'm all for autistic Riddler and I do think a lot of unintentional autistic traits were added into his charactherization since the beggining. For instance there are a lot of moments in the 66's Batman that can be interpreted as stims and palilalia and even his low empathy in some moments can be read as autistic (for instance the scene in Unburied were he doesn't even notice Vickys grief because he is too annoyed by what he sees as her lack of curiosity seems a lot like an autistic person just not reading the room). And Gotham Riddler was intencionally coded as autistic in the first seasons (I do have problems with that coding mostly that they used the Sheldon Cooper aproach ew but still).
But the thing that makes this two interpretations bad (or in Gotham's case worse) is that the coding (intencional or not because while I want to believe it was an accident I do think it was on purpose) sends a negative mensage be that this traits should be ridicularized (Forever) or feared (The Batman).
I don't know if I expressed myself well. I'm just one autistic person and while I head some other people on the comunity complain of this scenes we are not a monolift so yeah. Also I'm glad I helped somehow. No need to thank me.
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puzzlekinq · 2 years
i liked batman (2022) but i did not think the riddler was cunty enough. he needs to be a bit more of a bitch.
i wouldve loved to see him be bitchy. he deserves it. i think he was a tad bit mean in the interrogation scene when he was like "youre really not at smart as i thought you were, i guess i gave you too much credit 😒💅🏻" but thats it. his pathetic loserboy attitude is attractive to me though personally
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 years
so my general almost non-spoilerish review for The Batman:
best depiction of Batman we've ever gotten on screen; he actually acted like a real detective and had a fantastic character arc. Some of the fight scenes were a bit awkward, but that was also clearly a purposeful choice made to highlight the fact that this is Year Two Batman, who's still figuring things out
It was extremely clear which comics Reeves took inspiration from. The movie is very clearly a love letter to Batman, the fans, and the comics people have spent decades reading, and you can tell. If anyone's interested, the most obvious inspirations were Year One, Long Halloween, Ego, and Zero Year, with some elements from Batman: Earth One thrown in as well.
I personally thought the core themes were woven through the main plotline well. There were a couple of instances of clunky dialogue, but overall, it was fairly effective at getting across the points it wanted to
Bruce's opening/closing narrations were A+
the opening scene (y'all know the one) was excessively long. That shit could have been effectively told in 2 minutes tops and it went on for 5-6. There were a couple of other scenes that felt like they needed editing down too, but that was the most obvious one
Generally, I wish Pattinson had emoted a bit more (both as Bruce and as Batman). He had some fantastic moments, but I just wanted more from him. I understand that it was a deliberate acting choice that he didn't and I understand why Reeves and Rob made that character choice, but there were several points throughout the movie (particularly during his talk with Falcone and a few of his scenes with Selina) where I was just like "come on Rob...give me something here!"
Submit the hospital and Arkham interrogation scenes to the Oscars for Pattinson's Best Actor nom. That's all.
Reeves made some interesting choices for Selina and I actually really liked most of them. I enjoyed how she was clearly the pathos and conscience of the movie, which we rarely get outside of Selina-focused comics
This is the funniest depiction of Bruce and Gordon's relationship we've ever gotten, and I'm actually obsessed with it
I'm ultimately still not happy with the Riddler. He was effective. He was smart. He had his riddles and his question marks and his obsession with Batman. Like Pattinson's emotions, I understand why Reeves did what he did. Dano's particular interpretation of Eddie just didn't work for me.
I can't believe some critics are calling this movie humorless. I was stifling laughs every time Penguin was on-screen, and there were some just Grade A-level puns baked into the script. I guess maybe they didn't like that it was tasteful, smart humor and wasn't just quippy one-liners every 5 minutes?
the soundtrack: A++++. Batman's theme was appropriately forbidding and it feels like you're watching a Big Cat stalking his prey every time it plays
if this movie doesn't scream "Harvey Dent will co-star in Batman 2" I simply don't know what movie you watched, but it wasn't the same one I did. Whether he'll appear as Two-Face or not idk, but Batman 1 was literally the perfect set up for Harvey's appearance and that's WAY more than I expected to get
Finally, fuck the critics who were like 'the third act is weak.' No, the third act was NOT weak, that was peak Batman cinema you cowards. The flare scene, my beloved...................
Basically, I have some issues with it, but overall, an absolutely solid movie. Absolutely thrilled to see where Reeves goes with Batman 2.
Also...get this absolute disaster of a man a Robin!!! If there's ever been a live-action Batman who desperately needs a Robin, it's DEFINITELY Battinson.
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imposterogers · 2 years
Yeah Matt Reeves really did call it "almost a love story" and also said that when Batman started insulting Edward in that interrogation scene it was "a terrible rejection" for him, and that he was "certain he would be embraced" because he thought Batman and him were on the same wavelength...so yeah, really sounds like whatever infatuation he has was in some way romantic and that's just such a funny choice and funny enough also entirely in line with what Riddler's character is like in the comics (which is: bisexual (since v recently) and in some kind of one sided romantic coded obsession with Batman)
Marvel really should start doing this with their storylines too just let everyone fall in love with the hero regardless of what side they're on
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Things I realized upon second watch of the batman 2022: [S P O I L E R S]
- Edit: had to add that i somehow thought nirvana's something in the way was non-diegetic music. Then he TURNED IT DOWN, it was diegetic after all, how I missed the biggest emo evidence astounds me
- bats takes 17 secs to pick that last letter bc he's afraid of rats (thought it was only a christopher nolan thing) (yeah I outed myself as a pretty casual movie watcher, tho one gets to dream to be a movie buff)
- he does not actually change clothes in two secs. He just throws on a rlly oversized hoodie and a helmet and calls it a day moto ride
- eyes are bloodshot to all hell after nights and nights of hud contact lenses and kohl in/around them, and no sleep
- jaw twitched when nashton said his real name in arkham
- the beginning holds a parallel for the end bc the victims and those who didn't wish to be criminals feared him the same as the criminals. in the end there is still fear until he actually becomes a protector and not an avenger. That's only when they feel safe
- batman only speaks at length with gordon and selina, while bruce only speaks with alfred. He actually sounds kind of normal too. With others he's submerged in silence, or speaking in a graver voice
- bruce felt completely hurt and invalidated by riddler in that last interrogation scene, but paralyzed bc he thought riddler knew who he was. He was trapped in guilt UNTIL he realizes nashton doesn't know the most hated and most idolized people in his eyes are the same person. This therefore frees bats from that frightened state straight to fury. Because he's triggered. And so he snarls back all the bitterness that nashton directed at bruce (esp when nashton regretted that they couldn't get bruce, when alfred almost died in that incident instead), and was almost maliciously cruel. Trauma ain't pretty fellas. We just witnessed an emotional flashback and THEN a breakdown from nashton. Riddler was at least right in understanding that both are very broken with skewed senses of justice. The difference is bruce learns. Edward does not.
- Bruce was at the lowest point when selina contacts him. He decides to see her only because he seems to be allured to her or to care for her, against his better judgement/bitterness/distrust/jealousy/whatever he feels that makes him lash out at her that scene. Perhaps it was also the guilt of what happened to Alfred that caused him to project. But what dawned on me was that he melts like BUTTER under her touch as she asks him who he is, because he was so lonely, especially without Alfred, and because the legacy of his parents was being questioned and unraveled, which was tearing down his entire sense of meaning and identity. Add in the attraction and touch starvation and mental illness and insomnia, and you see a broken man trying not to break down at a loving touch. Fuck.
- bruce tells her to take care of herself bc shed been trying to convince him she can the entire movie, how did that not sink in
- all the parallels of orphans, from martha, to mitchell's son, to nashton, to selina, to bruce himself. I love how suffering is portrayed in all of them, always valid, always showcasing how something so horrid destroys or hollows people out, and how while privilege makes things easier (for mitchell and the waynes) it never, never erases the trauma. To invalidate that pain simply bc one is white or male or rich is so tone deaf. I love that they handled that while also portraying that the systemic oppression of the poor, the women, and the poc is very real and needs desperately to be fixed, since it only causes retraumatization and less opportunity to heal (look at how maria kyle, annika, and almost selina died, strangled, by the same man. Selina didn't have much chances but to stay in that horrid place, she needed the money.)
- bats and bruce both ask "do you know who I am? [...] I wanna see [insert mafia boss]". These bouncers rlly couldn't put two and two together
- I believe the shock impact of the shotgun hurt him a Lot even tho the armor is bulletproof. I sincerely wondered whether he was wounded the first time, whether the bullets can penetrate slightly or completely upon such pressure
- sunsets and sunrises are showcased when hope seems to be involved. A promise of a new day. A promise right before the darkest hour where fear abounds. Even after the flood, because he's there, helping however he can, we see the sunrise. And when he and selina kissed the first time in the sunset, it was a window of opportunity to end a kind of loneliness for him
- finally, the obvious: i somehow didn't notice the first time, but the way Bruce winces at sunlight like the vamp he is, and cringes a failed smile at the ppl that call for him right outside the funeral the moment he leaves his car. GREAT acting choices rob
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shine-of-aldhani · 3 years
Cool things I noticed on second watch of The Batman:
- Batman investigates a scene while police is present 3 times. The first time everybody is hostile and Gordon has to vouch for him multiple times. The second time almost everyone is cool with him until someone frets over the chain of evidence. The third time Gordon isn't even there and the other cop actively helps Batman investigate
- He visits the Iceberg Lounge 3 times: forcing his way as Batman, knocking as Bruce and finally gathering stealthy entrance as Batman
- Gordon and Alfred are terrible enablers. TERRIBLE.
-The son of the major mirrors young Bruce is more ways than one. In fact, the movie takes place on 20th anniversary of Bruce's parents deaths, and both sets of parents were killed during their political campaigns. The moment Alfred notices this connection he stops being a hardup to Bruce and starts actively helping him solve the case.
-Bruce being Batman both saves his life and prevents him from stopping Riddler, so it's a win some / lose some situation. If Bruce weren't Batman he'd be dead from the blast. If Batman weren't Bruce, he wouldn't have panicked in Riddler's apartment and solved the last riddle before the bombs went off.
- Both Batman and Riddler "lose some" in the interrogation scene. Riddler had failed to realise Batman=Bruce and Batman had failed the last riddle.
- Both Riddler and Batman write in journals and are seeking vengeance against the exact type of criminals they think personally wronged them (corruption / street crime). Riddler was "inspired" by Batman, and wants to "inspire" his own followers in return.
- Batman makes perfect eye contact with people he interacts with. Bruce is terrible at eye contact, he either looks to the side or through people.
-The moment Batman thinks that Riddler knows his identity, he reverts to his Bruce persona even while wearing the mask. He instantly loses all eye contact with Gordon and never establishes any eye contact with Riddler until he's confident that his secret is safe.
- The scene where Bruce seeks out Falcone in the Iceberg Lounge is a direct parallel to the first scene where Batman enters the crime scene. In both cases, he's very obviously stared at by the underfoot policemen/thugs like he's some , and it's very noticeable how uncomfortable Bruce is without his mask on.
-When Batman shines his flare to help people get out of the water, he's kind of shying away from his own light.
- After the flood, the narration talks about the crime in the city just as in the beginning of the movie, but the action shows Batman ignoring criminals and helping the victims instead.
- Bruce and Selina playfully riding side by side on their bikes for a little while before parting ways is the cutest thing ever.
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falllpoutboy · 3 years
scenes i really liked in the batman
selina calling out the white privilege of those in the power. god i know thats the exact scene why ben shapiro and others didnt like the movie
bruce being a cringefail in the gliding scene escaping from the gcpd building i love how it subverted the superhero landing expectations and looked more like a scene from ridiculousness instead
the batmobile car chase scene with the penguin!!!!
just all of the penguins scenes
gordon and batman being an iconic duo
bruce and selina having an iconic dynamic within 1 minute of meeting each other when she burst into the ex-mayors home. selina being the smol and bruce being the tol 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
when bruce found out his civilian identity was being targeted and rushed home speeding and trying to get alfred to pick up the phone
bruce and alfred making up and affirming their love and trust for one another
when riddler kept saying brrruuuuccceee waayyyynee to batman in their interrogation scene and we could see bruce tense up and immediately die inside after thinking his identity has been exposed and then implicitly relaxing after riddler shows that he doesnt know (OR DOES HE?2!2?)
bruce and the ex-mayor son. recognizing himself in him, protecting him as both bruce wayne and batman…. it was Too Good
the ending scene where he saved the mayor bella and others and lead them out of the flooded stadium… him realizing and becoming a symbol for hope instead of a synbol of fear and vengeance… very powerful scene
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