#like sure but i can't imagine that because i wouldn't do well in a poly relationship so all i can think about is like
pikopiikko · 1 month
i have so many thoughts about the whole orym and will "i'll be waiting" "see you soon" exchange in the context of how dorian is also supposed to fit in the picture with orym like dUde
orym i love you and you love will and that's precious and lovely but are you gonna pursue a romance with dorian while thinking about how will is waiting for you and reuniting with him in the afterlife? like idk i get it but that just feels a little unfair...
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Being Kidnapped HC (ft. poly!Mates Bat Boys)
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Warnings: I’m on a bat boys kick 🙃 has nothing to do with the fact that i'm missing my ex and now just want a strong male (or three) to take care of me lol, blood mentioned, violence, protective boys, polyamorous, drugged reader (faebane)
Summary: Bat Boys rescue their mate
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It’s bound to happen
No matter your own power, there will always be others in Prythian who think kidnapping you will give them some sort of leverage over your winged mates
Others kidnap you to experiment on you. Why is it that the Cauldron gifted you three mates? Many wanted to know what made you different than the other fae who only have one mate
Whatever reason they had, it kept you constantly on your toes when you didn’t have one of the boys by your side.
Even in Velaris you were always on guard. You could never be too careful
Many were close calls where you were able to escape
The worse cases were when the boys had to intervene
One of Az’s shadows always accompanied you everywhere you went. Finding you was never a problem for them. There was nowhere in the world they wouldn’t be able to find you
That always set whatever worry you may have at ease
What you never looked forward to was the bloodshed that would follow
“Just take me back. Take me back and I’m sure you’ll be forgiven.” You’d try to talk your captor out of whatever plan they had in store for you. Give them a chance to change their minds.
Usually that earned you a slap across your face and vile words thrown your way
You’d have no choice but to sit back and attempt once more to pull at your restraints. Faebane still flowed in your system. There was no way you could use your magic, let alone your strength.
No way to telepathically contact your mates because of the Faebane
But you can feel the comforting coiling of Az’s shadow around your wrist
And slowly, the shadowsinger appears in the room you are kept captive
The guards assigned to watch you are easily killed by Azriel who doesn’t bother looking at them. Concerned eyes concentrated on you. “Are you alright, sweetling?” He frees you from your shackles and cups your cheeks in his scarred hands. Something dark flickers in his eyes when he spots the red mark on your face from where one of your captors had slapped you.
You could hear the sound of battle going on the other side of the. Well, mainly screams as your fae captors were torn limb from limb by Rhys and Cassian.
The splattering of blood against stone walls hits your ears. You can only imagine the carnage
They tried to shield you from most of the violence but you knew that this offense would not be taken lightly from your mates. Only seeing red and hungry for the flesh of whoever dared to lay an aggressive hand on you.
When quiet finally reined, the door opens to reveal Cassian. Wordlessly, Azriel hands you over to Cassian's strong arms. You don't care that he's covered in blood and gore. He's smiling widely at you.
"Sorry we took so long." Cassian would apologize and hold you closely to his barrel chest. He cocks his head over to the doorway. "Rhys has the boss. I'm sure he'd appreciate your help with him."
Azriel, like always, leaves you with a kiss to the cheek before he leaves.
"Shit, they really banged you around. . ." You catch Cassian curse under his breath.
"Nothing I can't handle." It wasn't the worse abuse you'd been dealt with. "Their punches were as light as a feather."
Snorting, Cassian places his lips against your brow. "You wanna go watch the interrogation?"
"Fuck yeah I do."
Just because you were accustomed to it, didn't mean you wouldn't be petty as fuck
later when they got you home, Rhysand refused to let you out of his arms. You were cleaned up on his lap. Rhysand had a few specks of blood on his face that he didn't bother to wipe away. When you take it upon yourself to reach up and clean it, he turns his face into your palm and kisses your fingers.
Safe and sound, surrounded by your bat boys.
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Marigold | ateez x reader
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Pairing: college!ateez x college!reader
Genre: college, slice of life, romance, poly
Word Count: 1251 words
Summary: After your friend ditches you to become roommates with a rich group of kids in order to live in the Magnolia Apartments, you find yourself alone for your master's program. Never fear though, a long-lost friend has a room available and eight new faces might just make it much more memorable. 
You weren't mad, just disappointed.
Your friend sat across from you, looking around everywhere but at you while you stared at her with an unamused expression as you took a long sip of your drink.
To be frank, you were a very understanding person. If she didn't want to be roommates then all she had to do was say so. Instead, she tiptoed around with another group of individuals who for some reason, did not like the best bone in your body. In your mind, you could only imagine the conversations she may have taken part in about you. 
The group was none other than an obnoxious bunch of former acquaintances who belonged to a particular tax bracket which afforded them the luxury of being able to live in the Magnolia apartment complex — the most prestigious residence near your university.
The property was a newly constructed, high-rise towering skyscraper with a shiny contemporary design. It was modelled out of excessive but opulent marble and ostentatious gold-plated fixtures, and was sprawled across a large-scale acreage with towering columns and numerous balconies overlooking the city. The entrance was beautifully decorated with a manicured garden and had an imposing entryway that was the epitome of an exclusive lifestyle that only some could afford. 
And you had a little secret…you were part of the some that could afford to live there. But you preferred not to and so, you never told your friend and hoped you would never have to.
But now here you are. You were going to end your friendship with her because you knew there was no way they would let her in if she only said nice things about you. And your friend wasn’t the most loyal person when it came to friendships.
"You should've just told me," you remarked, "It's not a big deal if you don't want to share a space."
"Well…” she answered, “I didn't know how you would react. After all, you lied about being able to afford staying there anyway." 
You grimaced and shook your head. There it was. 
"I admit I did lie, but what's the big deal staying there anyway? Does it matter where we stay? The master’s program is just two-years long."
"Yes! We had an opportunity to stay in the Magnolia apartments! Why wouldn't you want that??" 
"It's just an apartment building - luxurious and beautiful, sure, but it's not the end of the world if we don't."
"It is to me. I always wanted to stay there ever since they finished it and you knew that. And yet, you never decided to tell me that we could stay there."
"For good reason. I'm sorry for not telling you but it's not something I wanted to talk about."
"Am I not your friend?? Literally, how could you be so selfish?"
You scrutinised her with a blank expression. Selfish, a very interesting word choice coming from her. It was quite ironic that the embodiment of selfishness was calling you selfish. You planned on walking away from this calmly but that was no longer possible.
"Here's the thing," you vocalised, sipping your drink, "You could afford to stay there, can't you? But your parents refused because you selfishly and greedily usurped your trust fund to ridiculously splurge and waste it on unnecessary things. And then, you took, no, stole your brother's rainy day savings, to pay back the credit card debt you owed because your parents refused to pay for it. So now, you expect someone to pick up the pieces and help you out in maintaining your rich image, and you expect it to be me because I'm your friend?"
Your friend stayed quiet as you hit her with the harsh truth.
"That's all you ever expected from me. And the only reason why I agreed for us to be roommates was because your parents begged my mom since they can't trust you to not do stupid things."
"What are you trying—"
"What I'm trying to say is,” you interrupted, “You messed up your own opportunity at staying in the Magnolia on your own. You’re lucky your parents even considered paying your tuition. I have no interest in staying there and I won't be, and since you decided to become buddy-buddy with the most annoying group in this whole university, go along and join them, just remember don't come to me when they toss you to the side of the curb."
You got up from your seat and paid only for your drinks. 
"Have a nice life." You announced dryly before walking away.
It had been a few days since the confrontation and you spent most of the time touring apartments. Your mom mentioned that your friend had already moved into the Magnolia with the group the day after you two had it out.
You weren't surprised to say the least.
But you were surprised by the lack of apartment complexes near university. Some were...concerning to say the least, and any promising ones were about a 15-20 minute walk to campus. You weighed your options and considered the good cardio you could get out of it. But the idea of walking during the blistering sunny days and the colder months made it unappealing very quickly.
However, just when you thought all hope was lost, your saving grace in the form of an old school friend walked through the café door one Friday afternoon.
While mindlessly circling possible apartments at the back of the café, you didn't notice a tall figure approaching you.
You jumped in surprise at the voice.
Lucas Song was a longtime friend from high school who shared the same computer period as you and was your partner in every assignment. He is trustworthy and dependable, and moved cities to pursue a course in Computer Studies which the university didn’t offer.
“It’s been a long time! How are you?”
As you engaged in small-talk, you happened to mention your current situation on a whim, not thinking much of it as you conversed. Immediately, Lucas happily jumped at the idea of showing you a room in his parents' apartment complex the Marigold.
The Marigold didn't compete with the Magnolia, it was an older complex that had been around for the last 15 years and was once known as the cosy, homely safe haven near campus. You completely forgot about its existence because its structure was compact and slightly-worn down, with the paint peeling slightly and the bleak garden of wilting roses and hydrangeas making it easy to pass straight. Not to mention, it always looked like it was under construction with huge piles of sand and gravel, and numerous bags of cement scattered nearby the entrance.
But you trusted Lucas and agreed to a viewing. And it was probably the best decision you made because you were mesmerised by the beautiful interior. The rooms were cosy, quaint and efficient with a communal living room area. Lucas conveyed that you would have to share the kitchen and living room with a few others. You weren’t opposed to it so promptly, you signed the lease. 
But maybe you should have asked about your other roommates and how many of them there were. 
Because on moving day, as you strolled in with your luggage into the living room, you were abruptly greeted by eight persons - all boys, some of them with their hair dishevelled and only in their underwear...while the others were covered in flour gaping at you with a shocked expression.
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oharabunny · 1 year
His Cheating Allegations
Description: Going off of my yandere!caretaker!Miguel idea, here's what I think of him in regards to him cheating.
Word Count: 798
Warning: mentions of sex, cheating Miguel, OOC!Miguel, obsession, delusion, not beta read, completely self indulgent fantasies of the author
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He has a past of cheating, and he's not proud of it. But ever since he met you, he knew that he would move heaven and earth, the multiverse if you will, just for you. You are literally his whole universe.
He can't really look at other women (or anyone of any gender) the same anymore. Nobody quite compares to you.
You don't really see how because you're dysfunctional and useless to him. You wonder if he's seeing someone else in you.
He doesn't, because there aren't any variants of you across the multiverse.
But still, you think you're a dime a dozen as far as your personality and looks goes. And most people would agree with you.
Which is why it's a mystery how there are still some women that want to throw themselves at him even when he's busy ogling at you through his orange screens.
Maybe they thought they could compete with you.
(To you, they probably could. They'd be more intelligent, useful, witty, pretty, and hard working than you.)
What you and them don't know is that it is going to be a huge challenge to get him to cheat on you.
He's not necessarily infalliable, yes, he can fold, but under very certain circumstances.
Such as, if he was away from home for too long and cannot keep his pent up feelings to himself. He would need the other woman to face away from him, mask on, quiet, body shaped, and skin tone similiarly to yours in order to go through with it. He has to imagine you and your face in order to immerse himself with her.
Even then, it's still not the same and he knows, and realistically, he'll stop midway because it just won't feel as good.
On top of the fact he doesn't want to hurt you. He doesn't want to give you a reason to leave him.
(He would keep it a secret to himself to the day he dies.)
Which is why he's even more reluctant to cheat on you even if he does find someone else attractive because he has to make sure they're completely clean. He can't risk giving you a disease. You're a fragile and helpless being where anything can kill you. (Well, that's just what he thinks.) Your health and wellbeing is above all else.
Plus, he doesn't really have the time to cheat. He's too invested in both you and keeping the balance of the multiverse. You think he has time to go looking around?
Even the most persistent homewreckers will eventually tire out from their attempt to break his gaze on you.
Even the desperate ones.
Here's a scenario:
Other Woman: Miguel~ I'd do anything for you. Please, just give me a chance! I don't even mind being your second wife if I have to.
Miguel: Then would you be able to bear the responsibilities of taking care of my "first" wife above yourself? You'll need to take care of our children too. Fill in for me whenever I'm not home to take care of her. You have to understand that I will always put her, our children, her pets, and her belongings before you. That also means if she doesn't want me to touch you, I won't. Also, if you and I have children, they won't be your children anymore.
Also Miguel: Wait, if I let you take care of her, she might like you more than me and leave me. Nah, fuck that, I don't want you getting in between us.
Other Woman: Okay damn! You psycho! 😥
I don't think he'd do well in a poly relationship like a triad or separate relationship either. In a triad, he'd be threatened by them taking you or even you preferring them slightly more than him in any way. He has to be your number one and only. Even if the dynamics were in his favor, he's so so into you that he's very biased to give all his attention to you since sex for him is about pleasuring you. He wouldn't be a good partner for the third person if they value his attention and care too (they'd be cucked and forgotten most of the time💀). He also doesn't have the time to keep up with other relationships.
Back to the idea of him cheating on you, another way to increase his chances of cheating on you is if you consistently reject his advances and feelings for you. He might do it out of spite and sexual frustration, but he wouldn't find any joy in it especially when he realizes you don't care and you just want to leave. He'd be busy trying to manipulate you into depending on him.
Either way.
He is a you simp through and through.
A/N: This is super self indulgent as you can tell. This will never be who Miguel is canonically nor is it super realistic, but wishful thinking yknow? 🤷‍♀️
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worriedvision · 2 years
Hi hi hello!! i originally sent this to yostresswritinggirl as an idea, and they said that this was up your alley. sooo i thought of sending you a request for the idea! here it is:
idk i just got the idea of cyno or tighnari seeing you asleep at your desk bec of all the creations you’re planning to do for them. then them carrying you to bed for you to properly rest in warm sheets. i like to imagine that the reader is an inventor. the things that the reader is best at is creating machines similar to the ones from that old robot event in-game. then them seeing you laying your head on blueprints, notes, and plans that could potentially help your lovers at their jobs. even though it’s not your forte. you try your best as it’s kinda the reader’s way of affection, ig???? like the reader knows that their creative creations can’t help the boys much with their jobs but wants to be somewhat of help to them.
it’s up to you, if you want to write for one or the both of them. have a good day and i love your works!! 💟💟
Ooh! For once this fic is actually gonna be fluffy lol, it's about time the poly couple had a happy fluffy moment! gender neutral reader.
You were known for making creations that didn't have much of a practical use, but they were popular among people who appreciated the crafty side of you. Your boyfriends did get some gifts that they enjoyed, however they didn't use these gifts very often solely because they were fully on with their work. You understood they really did appreciate the gifts, but you also knew that none of the experiments were capable of helping them with their work.
You wanted to think of something that would not only be a good gift for them, but also a gift they would use often at work. The idea of helping your boyfriends work thawed your heart every time you thought of it.
So, you got to work.
You worked tirelessly on blueprints, thinking of their work.
Tighnari had Karkata, and you had an idea - why not work on some sort of jacket for him? Sure, the machine was fine with water, but it would likely be harmed if some form of electro was to come in contact with it. You knew Tighnari didn't especially like gifts that did too much, and you also knew that Karkata had become a companion of sorts for him so you figured you may as well make something for Karkata.
Cyno, hmmm.... You can't think of an idea that would help his work, per ce...
Oh! The traveler had that Golden Seelie with them! Surely you could make a device that worked as a companion of sorts, and you could even add in bad jokes for Cyno's entertainment. You could also equip it with some sort of device to hold onto Cyno's items, and you could also install some sort of emergency callout button if something really went poor for him.
You carried out research, reading countless books for a jacket that wouldn't restrict Karkatas movements, and as well as that you research what spectre husk would be the most effective for a companion that could float.
You commissioned for someone to get you some anemo spectre husks, hoping someone perhaps had some to spare, and you ask people for their worst jokes. After you had enough jokes, you got straight to work.
Thankfully, the traveler themselves happened to see an anemo spectre, and after hearing your commission collected the husk. You pay them, thanking them before returning to your blueprints.
You forgot what time it was, and you forgot to eat and drink when you were working on these blueprints. Tighnari was the one that walked in, seeing you sleeping on your blueprints, and he scoops you up to carry you to bed.
He saw those blueprints, and he can't help but smile warmly at it. You were working so hard on these blueprints, and he knew you struggle to make some of your creations especially handy.
You wake up in your bed, your blueprints left alone, and a drink and your favourite snack there waiting to be devoured. You brush it off as you just falling asleep and sleepwalking back to bed, and you didn't see any of your blueprints out of place.
You get to work again, and you finalise your blueprints with the newly found energy.
When they receive the gift, Tighnari can’t help but feel a wave of pride wash over him. His lovely partner had gone out of their way to make a device that would protect Karkata, and they put so much effort into making it perfect!
Cyno can’t help but smile when he notices a friendly looking machine float over to him, clinking lightly as it spins before he touches it. 
I tell you, when he hears it crack a joke, Cyno nods in approval, saying he finds the joke ‘hysterical’. Tighnari and yourself look at each other, mixed emotions as you see he’s taken a liking to the machine - you feared he might use the jokes too often. When you mention the emergency call system you implanted into the robot as well as the baggage space, Cyno thanks you. He started the sentence by insisting he didn’t need it, but he still decided to show gratitude for it. 
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lunar-rcp · 6 months
could you do something with Roy being cared for by Poli. I don’t mind it being anything, I just want my favorite character to be comforted—Kidshowsarecool
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Putting out your flames of emotions
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# . . ! tags; fluff/angst (mostly on roy's part, though)
Having achieved his dream of being a recuse member, he already had his life set in stone. Saving others from unfortunate incidents.
However, the firetruck never could save himself at times. (Which was, mostly.)
And today was one of those days.
Roy sighed wearily, his gaze saddening as he closed the electrical panel after inspecting it thoroughly at Mr.Builders place. Today was quite the exhausting day, even the overworking fire truck could admit that to himself. It was one of those days where he just wanted to quit and imagine himself laying onto his bed, happy to even hear his own thoughts.
But, he couldn't. He had to please others around him, that was the goal he set for himself.
“Roy!” Mr.Builder yelled with glee as he approached the firetruck, quickly making Roy snap out of his carousel of thoughts.
“O-Oh! Erm, ah-..” Roy fiddled with his fingers, desperately trying to compose himself as quickly as possible. He couldn't just show off this state to anyone. Even his own rescue team. The firetruck despised it when anyone would worry about him. He was fine. 
Well, he thought he was fine.
“..Yes?” Which was what he managed to mutter out, cringing at his own answer. His eyebrows furrowing, pondering as to why he just didn't feel his best.
“Seems like you've finished ya work here? Well, that's great! Oh, and also–” Mr.Builder suddenly tilted his head, taking notice of how dull the firetrucks expression was. “Hey, Roy? What's with the long face? Is your day not going swell?..” Mr.Builder spoke with a concerned tone. In response, Roy shook his hands frantically.
“Oh, nono! Don't worry, don't worry! I'm just fine!”
Roy gulped. He just lied. But, he didn't want to worry anyone about his day.
His day contained of bratty children screaming at the firetruck, all because he was concerned for their safety. He also had to set out many fires, having to face families look at their now charred houses.
..But he couldn't tell Mr.Builder that.
“Ya sure? Well, can't be helped! I'm just a big worrywart, aha.” Mr.Builder scratched his head, chuckling. “As I was sayin’, could ya check out some fallen signs in the mountains? Me and my team jus’ don't have the time with the new construction.” 
He didn't want to. But, what could he say? He'd rather toss his emotions into a bottle and ship it overseas than to face a disappointed citizen's face. “Oh, of course Mr.Builder. I'll get on to it.” Roy spoke with a quiet soft sigh, saying his goodbyes and transforming into his vehicle form to drive off to the mountains. 
. . .
The police car was patrolling the road to the mountains, humming softly along with the whimsical tunes of birds chirping. 
Poli stopped his humming when he spotted quite the familiar red silhouette from the distance, it wouldn't take a genius to find out who that red paint belonged to.
“Roy! Hey, Roy!”
Roy stopped in his tracks. He knew Poli too well; and so did Poli. It would take a matter of seconds for the police car to find out that something wasn't right.
‘Pretend you didn't see him, pretend you didn't see him..’ Roy talked to himself in a whispered tone, swiftly turning around and driving the other way. To which leaving the police car puzzled.
“Huh? What's going on?” Poli raised an eyebrow, this wasn't like Roy. Concerned, Poli started to drive towards Roy's direction.
“Roy! C'mon, what's up?” Ack. That concerned tone left a bitter taste in Roy's mouth and heart. The guilt started to settle in, and so were emotions that started to bubble.
“..D-Don't..-” Roy swallowed his stutters, his voice obviously cracking. This only added to Poli's concerns. “Don't worry, I'm, u-uh.. fine.” The guilt at last has come up to the surface as his eyes were pricked with bubbles of tears. Roy refused to face Poli, not in this way. He needed to escape the situation. “U-Uhm, gotta go. See you.” The firetruck started to drive away, his tears already spilling on his frame.
“..Roy? Wait, no! Roy!” Before Roy could react, Poli sped right in front of him. No surprise for the fastest car in Broomstown. “Roy, you're acting off. Please tell me wha-” Poli stopped his rambles of questions to a halt when he saw tears bubbling in the beady eyes of the firetruck. “Oh, Roy..” Poli sighed sadly, driving closer next to his best friend, touching his tire against his.
And that was the final arrow to break the bottle of emotions as Roy started to sob. The guilt completely ate his composure away. “I'm- I..! S-So..” Roy choked on his words, only to be interrupted by his sobs.
“Shh,” Poli shushed the firetruck, softly rubbing against his tire. “It will be okay. Just spill it all out, friend.” 
. . .
After Roy finally had calmed down from this aching moment, the two had transformed and were sitting on the hills of Galaxy hill, admiring the view while Roy had finally talked out his problems.
“Ah, so that's what happened.” Poli sighed with a hint of frustration. Those damn kids.. He'll be sure to speak to their parents after this ordeal. “Thank you for telling me, Roy. But you could have told me sooner.” 
“I'm sorry..” Roy looked down to his hands. “I just, don't want to worry anyone. Everyone always has this image of me being the strongest, and I just have to keep to that expected image of theirs.”
“Not true, I don't.”
“What?” Roy was rather surprised by this answer, his mouth slightly open.
“Sure, you're the strongest and can lift an entire boulder with ease. But that doesn't mean you always have to throw your feelings way like nothing. I care about you, Roy. And so does the entire team as well. We all care about you.” Poli smiled at him, a glint of appreciation in his eyes. Roy has always protected the town with such care.
And now it was his turn to take care of Roy.
Roy's mouth was about to open to say something, but he was met by an embrace from the police car.
“P-Poli, I..” A tear formed in his eye. But this was a happy one. “Thank you, Poli.” Roy hugged him back tightly, finally finding his usual warm smile plastered on his face.
“Roy, I'll be there for you, whenever and wherever.
Word count: 1090 !
wow, this was an emotional one shot. thank you for the ask !
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straykittenidk · 6 months
Could you write something based on ambers intial reaction to see roy being flustered for the first time? or hcs on it
Imagine she doesnt expect it because roy usually puts on this cool and brave face :)
Of course! ^_^
(sorry if it's so late I was pretty busy with school)
(also it's Christmas based because I just miss Christmas and because I found such a cute Royber picture on Pinterest it's a shame not to use it)
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It was just a regular Christmas Eve at Broomstown.
A holiday awaited all year by many.
How could anyone not love Christmas?
I mean, you don't have to go to work or go to school, you can drink hot chocolate, wear cute hats and gloves, build snowmen, have snowball fights, and, most importantly,
You would get lots of presents from Santa! (Or from your closest friends, if you're not a child anymore.)
And yet, even on this day, the newly funded "rescue team" of the town couldn't relax.
"You guys, we really need your help. The current vehicle that was in charge of setting up the Christmas tree is sick! And guess what that means..."
"Let me guess: it means that we gotta do it ourselves... Yeah, can't wait."
"Well, it is our job after all. We can't be mad..."
"Our job? You mean setting up Christmas trees?" Helly asked, sarcastically.
"I mean making sure we help the town in any way that we can, including setting up Christmas trees if needed, Helly."
"We better get to work fast, then! The tree is huge, and Christmas is already tomorrow!"
"Right! Instead of complaining, we should focus all our strength on working!
"You're both so motivated it makes me feel even more unsure about this..."
"Well, it wouldn't hurt you to learn a thing or two from them, don't you think?" Poli teased with a small chuckle.
"Hey! Stop teasing me! I said I was unsure, not that I wasn't going to do it at all!"
"Quiet, you two!" Jin exclaimed, interrupting their little banter.
Then, with an annoyed sigh, she turned her attention to Roy and Amber, and said:
"I do appreciate the enthusiasm, you guys, but setting up the tree isn't all! We also need help placing all the gifts of EVERY citizen down there, and so we really need a Santa Claus that would kindly do that. Well, Two Santas, given how many gifts there actually are..."
"Oh! Well, that's not really a problem is it? We'll just divide in two groups! Two of us set up the tree, and the other two go pick up all the presents!"
"Seems like a plan."
"Ahem, two groups of two? What about me?"
"Right, well, what we meant to say was one group of two and one of three, of course, hahaha...!" Roy awkwardly laughed, trying to keep Jin from getting angry exploding like always.
Jin crossed her arms, but felt satisfied after she was included in the activity.
Without pressing on the issue even further, she said:
"Anyways, let's just make these groups and get straight to work. Me, Poli and Helly will be in charge of the Christmas tree, since Helly can fly, Poli's the strongest one in our team and I'll watch over them to make sure they're doing everything right. Amber and Roy will go pick up the gifts from the Post Office and bring them to us. Is that okay?"
Everyone agreed,
"it's settled then. Oh, and, Roy, Amber, grab these hats!" Jin said, as she grabbed two Christmas hats from her bag and threw them at the two.
"Are you sure we need to wear these? How is this necessary?"
"It's the rules, you're Santa, you gotta wear the hat! Or do you want me to get the white beard for you as well?" Jin teased with a smirk, getting a giggle from Amber.
"Haha, no, no... I was just asking. The hats are pretty cute, anyways. Right, Roy?"
Roy looked at Amber and smiled warmly at her, nodding his head
"Yes, they're pretty warm and comfortable."
"Glad to hear that, you two. Now, off you go!"
Roy and Amber quickly drove away, leaving the headquarters and heading together towards the Post Office to retrieve all of the presents.
"Jin, you know I'm not the strongest of the group, it's definitely Roy... So why did you-"
"So Roy could go alone with Amber, duh!"
"Wait, so that's... That's like... Oh... Oh! You mean it's like a secret Christmas date?!"
"Took you long enough!"
"Wait... So are the hats also-"
"Yeah, I lied. They aren't necessary, I just wanted to see them with cute matching hats."
"But when I lie then suddenly it's not okay, huh..."
"Hey! In my defense they're so cute together yet SO oblivious it makes me mad! I just want them to realize their feelings and kiss already!"
"yeah, they should really confess to each other, but it also isn't good to rush them. It needs to happen naturally, we just gotta give those lovebirds some time."
"Let's see how this date goes then! Hopefully they won't just stutter and awkwardly talk over each other like last time!"
"Oh dear..."
"I didn't expect there to be so many!" Roy exclaimed, as he and Amber looked at all the piles of presents scattered across the office.
"Well, let's start. The sooner we begin the sooner we finish."
Roy nodded, and together the started to grab the presents 5 at a time and putting them on a cart that they would have to bring to the others.
"Amber, how are you going to spend the Christmas holidays?"
The ambulance smiled slightly, without taking her eyes off her work.
"Well, I don't really know... I was thinking of just spending it quietly at home, with some friends and family. You know, the usual." She answered.
"Oh, I see. Well, my family couldn't make it to Broomstown this year, so I guess I'll have plenty of free time on my tyres..."
"oh, I'm sorry to hear that... Why couldn't they come?"
"Well, they were just too busy. I mean, both of my parents work, and they have my little brother to take care of, so they just couldn't make it here for Christmas."
Amber stayed silent for a bit.
"it must be tough being so far away from your family, I couldn't imagine that."
Roy laughed.
"Well, it isn't as awful as you may think. Yes, I miss them sometimes, but I'm doing just fine here! Haha..."
Amber frowned, but didn't say anything as she placed some more presents on the cart.
She could see right through him.
"You know, you don't have to pretend like you're always okay. At least, you don't have to do that around me, Roy."
Roy stopped in his tracks, caught completely red-handed.
"W-what? I'm not pretending, I really am just fine! Look-"
Her voice turned stern for a moment, but with a soft undertone. She wasn't having any of that, and Roy could tell. He knew her well, and as it turned out, she knew him as well, perhaps even more than he knew her.
"It's okay if you don't want to talk right now, but I just..."
She stopped, as she turned her gaze from the work to her best friend, now facing him directly.
"I just worry about you, okay?"
As she said that, Amber approached Roy and gently held both of his hands, that were already cold from the chilly winter weather.
As he felt her fingers brush against his palm, he felt a shiver run down his spine, and he felt his cheeks turning a warm, flushed red color.
He blushed.
"Amber, you... you really do..?"
"Of course I do! Does it look like I don't? You're my best friend, I care about you a lot, you know?"
Roy stayed silent for a few minutes, still processing what he just heard.
She cares about him. She knows he isn't fine,
Because she cares.
She was so close to him he felt like he was about to explode.
"I-I'm... Y-you, I mean, thank you... You're the best girlfr-... Er.. I mean friend I ever had Haha.. ha... ha."
Amber looked at him with warmth, until her gentle expression turned into a smug smirk.
"Aww, are you flustered?"
Roy almost jumped, letting go of Amber and slapping them immediately on his cheeks to try and cover it up.
He really was loosing his cool, something that rarely ever happened to him before.
Roy sighed, knowing that he couldn't change the subject Anyways.
"How could you tell right away? Am I really such an awful liar...?"
"Not at all, you are a pretty good liar, I must admit." Amber praised him and patted his shoulder, as she spoke "But so am I. Liars know liars, you could say."
Roy blinked twice in surprise.
Amber, the nicest, most kindest most beautiful soul in the whole world, was a good liar?
"You? A... liar?"
"Yeah, I knew you'd be surprised. I don't like lying, that's why I rarely do it, but that doesn't mean that I don't know how to, once in a while."
"Wow, I... I never knew that about you."
"Well, now you do! You're the first person I told this to, actually."
"mhm, really."
Silence. Roy was still shaken up from earlier. He felt ashamed of being so vulnerable in front of amber, he felt weak and useless.
"I'm... I'm really sorry that you had to see me like... this." Roy shyly said, in embarrassment.
"But Isn't that a good thing?"
"You showed me the real you. Not some fearless and heroic firefighter, but the real you, so I did it in return. Now we're even. That makes us even closer than before, isn't that amazing?"
"I... I guess It is..." Roy's answers were short, and a bit repetitive, because he was so nervous he couldn't even come up with a proper answer.
Amber smiled warmly, and then she looked at Roy's head.
Without saying anything, she came closer, and without asking she adjusted the Christmas hat that was about to fall.
"And besides, I like this side of you. It's genuine, and cute." She whispered softly, as she looked directly into Roy's eyes.
Roy blushed even harder now, and Amber obviously noticed, since she let out another soft giggle.
But this time, Roy didn't cover it up.
He was flustered, but not embarrassed.
Because he could trust Amber just as much as he could trust his family, or Poli.
She was his best friend, or, maybe even something more...
Amber was so beautiful, he couldn't even think straight.
After adjusting the hat, she stepped away from Roy to give him some space, as she went back to work.
"...Oh, Amber! About my family..."
"Could I... maybe, tell you about them another time?"
"Of course, whenever you want to. I'm always willing to listen."
She smiled again, and this time, the first thing Roy thought was that she was more beautiful than all of the stars behind her.
"Now let's finish with this tiresome job, Santa! The others must be freezing while they're waiting for us!"
"Haha, I'm coming, I'm coming!"
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amourdeslangues · 3 months
i'm really confused about my sexuality rn
writing this down in order to make sense of it (which i'll probably fail at anyways, lol). if you relate to anything i describe, please let me know, it would be great to feel a little less alone in this...
i don't really experience a lot of sexual attraction. i think there's only been one person who i've actually actively wanted to have sex with. this attraction only came to be after i'd gotten to know him a bit (not that well, but i did feel an emotional connection to him) - i'd seen him loads of times before, i was peripherally aware of his existence, but i wasn't attracted to him until we started talking.
in general, i feel like i need to know someone in order to be sexually or romantically attracted to them. i've never had an attraction to a stranger beyond purely aesthetic appreciation ("they look pretty/cool/hot etc.", but never "i want to have sex with them").
but i'm not sure about that either - i haven't ever been attracted to someone without forming an emotional bond first, and i can't really imagine that either, but how do i know it's not possible?? maybe it will happen at some point???
i haven't experienced much romantic attraction either - to three people at most, all of them guys (and with one of them, i'm not even sure if that was actual romantic attraction or if it was just platonic and internalized heteronormativity made me think that any kind of attraction to the opposite gender had to be romantic/sexual).
because of this, i'm finding it kind of hard to figure out which genders i'm actually attracted to. i feel like it's easier for someone who experiences attraction to loads of people, regardless of emotional connection, whereas i have such a tiny sample size that it feels impossible to extrapolate anything from that.
if i only look at the real people who i've been attracted to so far, that would make me straight (?), but that doesn't feel right somehow?? i can definitely imagine myself being with women, wanting it, enjoying it (both relationship-wise and on a sexual level), i can imagine myself being with people in general regardless of gender or sex. i feel like non-physical qualities (like personality) are more important in influencing my attraction anyways, so i don't really care that much about which genitals someone has - based off what i find pleasurable to imagine, i think i might even have a preference for vulvas over penises, but both are fine, tbh. and i don't think gender matters that much to me either.
the labels that i keep coming back to and that seem to make the most sense for me right now are panromantic and demisexual.
but still, i'm not really sure, mainly because i'm finding it difficult to tell romantic and sexual attraction apart that clearly. i can't imagine myself being sexually attracted to someone without wanting a romantic relationship. i have wanted a romantic relationship without wanting sex before, but i think that was because i was still very young, probably too young to want sex at all, and now (i'm 18) i can't really imagine myself wanting a romantic relationship with someone and not being sexually attracted to them either.
the problem is, i also don't really get what romantic attraction even is?? how do i differentiate it from platonic attraction? i've been trying to find criteria as follows:
commitment/permanence/loyalt/intensity (i feel very committed to my close friends, even though i wouldn't want to have a relationship with them)
physical touch / sex (touch also happens in platonic relationships, and sexual attraction is different from romantic attraction and therefore not a necessary part of it)
exclusivity (conforms to what most people seem to expect of romantic relationships as opposed to friendships, but not all romantic relationships are exclusive / monogamous, there are also open / poly relationships)
this seems paradoxical because i'm throwing around terms like "being in a relationship" or "being romantically attracted to someone" without truly understanding what they mean. i find it pretty straightforward to pin down platonic attraction and sexual attraction, but i can't really figure out romantic attraction as something that's separate from the two, it feels more like a combination of platonic and sexual attraction for me (does this make sense????)
so this is why splitting up my labels into one for romantic attraction and one for sexual attraction feels kind of weird to me, it's more like i'm pan and demi at the same time??
i don't really experience romantic and sexual attraction separately, they're very closely connected for me.
i don't experience any type of attraction very frequently, i need to form some sort of emotional bond with someone to be attracted to them (as in wanting to be in a relationship, wanting to kiss/cuddle or whatever, wanting to have sex) -> demi??
when i do experience attraction, neither gender nor sex seems to be a defining factor, i feel like i could potentially be attracted to people regardless of their gender identity or agab -> pan??
i've never heard of anyone using these labels side by side or declining to make a distinction between romantic and sexual attraction, so... well, i'm confused. ofc i could just label myself as questioning or use an umbrella term like queer, but it nags me that i haven't been able to precisely figure this out about myself, like some sort of unsolved riddle lol
thoughts/advice etc. much appreciated!!!
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tesl8n · 9 months
So, what would a relationship between Kozakura & Sorawo look like? I think that's the fundamental question to figure out in order to understand what the SoraToriKoza ship looks like.
We know what it doesn't look like. It's not Accomplices - Kozakura cannot be the person going to the Otherside with Sorawo, she can't be attached for life even if they come to hate each other by their shared experiences. The fact that she can't be that is in fact the biggest detriment to that relationship.
It also can't be a Nue. I can't imagine Kozakura calmly going to the deep blue Otherside, experiencing it with Sorawo in complete and total trust, letting Sorawo change her and expose her deepest selves. Kozakura has already been changed by Sorawo's eye once, and she hated it, and she feared it, and she absolutely does not feel the same way about it that Toriko does from the getgo.
What else has the story proposed? Kozakura's self imposed role is the Adult of the group. She admonishes SoraTori for their youthful indiscretions and tries to push them to be more mature. She tries to teach them appropriate social skills and to be more future-oriented. She tries to give them opportunities to grow their relationship that they wouldn't otherwise have. This is definitely where Kozakura puts herself, though it's a weird dynamic for a romantic relationship, and one that Sorawo would definitely resent, given how much she hates seeming immature to others.
The other proposed answer is an Anchor. The person that SoraTori come home to, the thing that ties them to this side of the world. The thing they fight for, to make escaping the horrors and going home worthwhile, instead of the two losing themselves to the Otherside together. This is particularly interesting, because it's a role that is diametrically opposed to the other two kinds of relationships she can't take - Accomplices & Nue need the influence of the Otherside, because they're both about exploring and becoming a part of it. The Anchor, though, is about coming home, about maintaining relationships and attachments to humanity, about being the reason they don't become part of the Otherside
So, if Kozakura's proposed roles are Adult & Anchor... well, there is one character she is both of those things for. Kasumi. She's Kasumi's guardian, the Adult in her life making sure she's taken care of and growing & learning & gaining social skills and all that. But importantly, Kasumi is also someone who traverses the Otherside, much more often and with more ease than SoraTori do, and by taking her in, Kozakura is serving as her Anchor, as the person to return to at the end of the day. Kozakura has fulfilled both of the relationships the story has promised her by taking in Kasumi. She doesn't need them from SoraTori.
I think that statement is what actually kills this as a poly story - I don't think SoraToriKoza will happen because Kasumi resolves Kozakura's arc on her own. But, let's chase it anyway.
I would propose that the kind of relationship the three of them could have is Moms. Three Moms, living together to take care of their feral Otherside daughter. SoraTori can be Kasumi's connection to her Otherside heritage, and Kozakura her connection to humanity and this side. And they all three navigate that together, and fill Kozakura's lonely mansion with life together.
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quinloki · 1 year
For the kink game how about cuckolding/frottage/chastity devices with Kid, Killer, and a free space if you feel like it❤️and specifically with the first one I’d imagine Kid/Killer being each others other person but you could also write with someone else if you want
I almost, almost deleted this - because I was under the mistaken impression that cuckolding was entirely a derogatory term. I had not heard it in any context outside of someone using it to put someone else down.
Fortunately for both of us, I did a little digging and a little questioning and found that's not the case for this phrase at all.
It is, at it's core, sharing one's partner. This can come with a humiliation bent - i.e. "He can't do you right like I can." whilst the usual partner looks on. It can also have a win-back or competition vibe to it as well.
Not to rabbit hole too much (I love words and word origins), but it's an OLD ASS WORD that was basically a label a man received when another man slept with his wife (or his wife bounced and slept with other men).
Obviously, in a healthy kink setting there's no cheating/adultery involved, and there's not always a humiliation/competition bend to it either.
So anyway, now that I've sorted all that out for my own education (and yours now too if you didn't already know xD) let's get into it.
We'll toss Donquixote Doflamingo into this as the offered free space, cause I have ideas.
Eustass Kid:
Cuckolding - FUCK Yes - He enjoys the change in perspective. Whether you're riding the other person, or being ridden by them, he'll sit back with that cocksure grin and patiently wait his turn. Knowing that he already knows your body so well, there's going to be no contest (assuming a contest of sorts is part of the agreement). No matter the parameters, you're just beautiful to him in the midst of pleasure - but nothing tops him topping you and pulling all the sounds you can make from you.
Kid/Killer Cuckolding one another wouldn't work in my PERSONAL head canon, but only because if they're having that kind of thing, then what's actually going on is a poly situation. I can 100% see a Kid/Killer/(Reader/OC/etc) relationship happening very easily.
Frottage - Yes - He's not against it, but he's not going to be too energetic about it. Well, that's not the right way to put it, he's going to be into it, cause Kid doesn't half-ass anything, and certainly nothing in bed. But it's not going to be the cake. Icing, maybe, a little appetizer prior to the main meal, a way of teasing the hell out of you in public when no one's looking.
Kid's not big on PDAs, but he is 100% here for walking the line of maybe getting caught as he teases you in public. If you give what you get expect it to escalate >.>
Chasity Devices - Oh god you don't even know - No one who knows Kid would call him a patient man, but when it comes to teasing and denying he has a hell of a Long Game. He can be nearly cruel in denying you and using Chasity devices. Hearing you as a begging, shivering, drooling mess, wanting nothing more than release - that only he can provide - it's almost as good as hearing you lose your mind to back to back orgasms.
He loves to wring you dry, but letting you marinate in need is good too, and you can be sure that the Chasity pieces won't be the only devices you have to deal with.
Cuckolding - Sure - He doesn't mind sharing - whether it's a vetted hookup, or a relationship structure, he's okay with it. Well, more than okay with it, he's perfectly fine with it, but he's not a big fan of sitting back and watching or waiting. Despite his vast patience in other things, he doesn't really vibe it in this situation.
If anyone's going to make you sing in pleasure, it's going to be him, and any kind of competition vibe just makes it a little less in his mind. He'll indulge you though, if it's your kink, so long as you don't go "surprising" him with it.
Frottage - FUCK Yes - Killer's a toucher. He likes to touch you. Hugs, hand-holding, idly playing with your hair, kissing your cheek, unless you're uncomfortable with PDAs, in which case he'll hold back. But he's very hands on and very comfortable with it. This tactile desire bumps the whole concept of frottage up the meter for him. Behind closed doors, or out in public, he enjoys being in contact with you and your body. He usually leads with his hands, but he can easily rub his whole self against you.
The details are as flexible as he is, and considering his acrobatic style of fighting he is very flexible. He'll have you a flushed and flustered mess if he has leave to do it in public. No one will catch him in the act, so all the curious looks and questions will be directed at you.
Chasity Devices - Yes - Killer likes to play the long game. Not as much as Kid does, but there's still pleasure to be had in it. Usually his preference is more hands on, and not using any devices, but he can easily and happily include them.
If he's bringing Chasity Devices into it, then he's bringing other devices into it. It's a pleasure he picked up from Kid - there's just something extra about watching you squirm while he adjusts the vibrator's settings with the small remote in his pocket while you're out running errands. The added level of control makes up for the hands on feeling he usually prefers.
Cuckolding - Oh god you don't even know - There is no universe in which Doflamingo doubts he satisfies you. But he loves the idea of you either choosing someone or him choosing for you, and watching while you enjoy yourself. That itself is hot enough, being able to watch you from a different perspective, but the true goal for him is railing you better. Whether the other person sticks around or not, he doesn't care - he's not proving his point to anyone else but you (and whoever can hear you screaming your pleasures into the air.)
Frottage - Yes - I think as close as he gets to this is when he gets, we'll say, bored cuddling. His body and hands will start to rub against you, teasing and caressing all the little places that get your attention. This kink is, at most, a means of segue for Doffy. He'll certainly utilize it to tease you when others around - out in public or just around the family, but he's not going to be satisfied stopping there.
If he brings you to orgasm from it, his view on it will likely shift, at least a little. But once he knows he can, he's going to have it as his goal going forward.
Chasity Devices - Sure - Doflamingo's only plays the long game, or even teases the idea of it, if you're being punished. He's a busy man, and he wants to enjoy every moment he gets with you, so he doesn't waste any of it with the idea of Chasity. He might get you some devices to use and wear when he's not around, denying you from pleasuring yourself while he's away on business, but he's only going to do that if you've earned such frustration.
Kinky One Piece head canons
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jerzwriter · 28 days
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Thank you for the asks @maritzaldvr I feel like it's a homework assignment, lol. But that's OK - we writers like nothing more than going on and on about our crazy little characters - so thank you! ❤️
From this list.
1 - How would they handle a breakup?
Ooofh. How I hate even thinking of it - they're my forever couple. I think a breakup would be the hardest thing they'd ever have to go through - short of anything happening to one of their girls. They truly love each other, and that wouldn't stop, so there would have to be a very serious reason for the split. It's one of those "I'll love you forever, but we can't be together" events that are just brutally painful. If they didn't have children yet, I don't know if they'd keep in touch - it would be too painful. But they might because they're more open-minded and progressive than most, so they don't think a romantic relationship ending means you have to cut each other off for life. It would be difficult for them to move on and I think anyone else they'd be with in the future would have to understand, they'd never have their complete hearts.
I have written a few AU's with breakups, including Unblemished (which is a favorite of mine). They had a breakup in the AU series Friends* (another one of my favorites) and All in the Past. There are also two WIP AU's that I've really got to get back to, What's Forever For? and Where it Goes From Here. Also, I make no promises in the current AU Mono-Poly. I was going to say I need to write an AU break up - but apparently, I don't lol
13. How do they act when they’re stressed, and what are some things they do to relax?
More below...
It depends on the level of stress. In my HC, they both had a lot of therapy after the chemical attack, so they have learned how to handle a lot. Also, Tobias has a very laid-back attitude, which helps, especially since Casey is prone to anxiety. What do they do to reduce stress? 😏😏😏 Well.... lol You know. lol But in addition to that, I think they also make sure to get rest, exercise, and have frequent massages and pampering to help reduce stress.
But a BIG stressor is another issue - for example, Casey nearly dies after their third baby is born - and Tobias nearly falls apart. He does what he has to for his daughters, but he's hanging on by a string. Fortunately, he has a great group of people around him who help, but it's not pretty.
20. How do they react to getting hurt? Both in the sense of a small injury like a paper cut or a bigger injury.
I think they both blow off minor injuries; I can imagine they get a lot of smaller ones on the job, and they just keep going. I think they're pretty resolute when it comes to bigger injuries, too. They'd react as most people would, but they'd be anxious to fix it and move on - they've got things to do.
41. Are they messy or clean? How do they react to a mess?
I think they are both very neat and don't like it at all when things become messy. However, there is a caveat... Casey's morning routine leaves a big ol mess in the bathroom - make up, skin and hair care, products left all over. She cleans it as soon as she returns from work, but since she and Tobias are not always on the same shift - sometimes he's stuck with the mess and I don't think he loves it. lol That's probably a growing pain when they first live together. Also, with a cat and three daughters, they will have to become a little more accustomed to messes, but they still don't love them - and they will do their best to keep them minimal.
43. What are their eating habits?
Given that they are both doctors, they tend to watch what they eat and follow a healthy diet. That said, they know balance is key, and they indulge in foods they love, too.
47. What is one thing that they’re really good at?
Sex. I mean, sorry, but it's true! lol They're also excellent at communication.
49. How clingy are they? What do they act like?
They're very into PDA, but I don't think they're clingy. To me, clingy means they're at a party, and they can't leave each other's side. They're not like that. They love being together, but not in a toxic way. They'll go talk or interact in different groups, but they'll always be so happy to return to each other.
52. On an average day, what can be found in their pockets?
Hmm. At work? For both, I think you'd find hand sanitizer, lip balm, and maybe tissues. Casey likely has lotion and mints/gum. Tobias, a lollipop or two. I totally see him as having a thing for lollipops.
63. How important is personal hygiene to them? What do they smell like?
Very, very, very important. These two like things neat, they're into their appearances - they are almost always well groomed. Tobias often smells like Tom Ford's Oud Wood. If not, he sounds like his sandalwood body wash. Casey will smell like whatever Bath & Bodyworks scent is her favorite at the moment.
90. Do they drink alcohol? If so, what’s their favorite type of alcohol?
Yes, they do. They will often have a drink to wind down at the end of the night, but only some days. On the weekends, they definitely do some drinking. I imagine Tobias likes some high-end single malt whiskeys, and he has a wine cellar filled with everything from Casey's favorite (Bartenura Moscato) to very pricey vintages. They have beer in the fridge - likely a yummy craft beer - that they will drink during bar-b-ques or while watching sports.
Thanks so much for the asks! :)
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themightymoose · 6 days
I've been thinking about the polypets again. By pets I mean people but you know. This thing honestly works for either. Cause it's quite hard to get into a poly with six other people, right?
So the way I think it happened in the beginning was something like this -> all the canon crushes happened but none of those relationships worked out for one reason or another. So one time when they were all hanging out and maybe the atmosphere was kinda somber because all those who had canon crushes were sad cause maybe all those breakups or whatever happened recently. And so one of them jokingly said "You know, at this point it'd be easier if all of us just got together." At that time it was merely a joke that got a few chuckles.
But soon it wasn't cause that got everyone thinking. Yeah, it would be easier if they all just got together, they do know each other well, they like each other, love even, maybe even more than friends...? Those thoughts took roots in everyone's minds and started growing until everyone was like "Ok, yeah, I do actually want that. Not as a joke, I want to be with those six people romantically, they're cute and attractive," something like that.
I think the one who would take charge on that would be Zoe, I mean we do know she's not exactly shy about letting others know she likes them. She knows the chances that all of them want the same are slim, but still, she's willing to try because if not her then who will do it? She's impatient about such things too so... So one day when they're all together again she brings that up, "Remember that time when one of us said we should all just get together romantically? I've been thinking about it, and it is something I genuinely want, it wouldn't at least hurt to try, right?" And one by one each one of them admits they had such thoughts too. Needless to say Zoe ends up super proud of herself cause holy crap?! Anyway, so they a little hesitantly and unsure of everything form a poly relationship. At first they're not sure if this will survive and are lowkey ready that it won't. But then time passes and it does work! Yup, they're staying like that, everyone's happy with that.
It's at least one of the possible scenarios and one I've been thinking about. I've recently really been into all 7 of them being in a poly >///>
All of them hanging out after the breakups: :(
Anyways WOOHOO!! YIPPEE!!! HOORAY!!!! poly pet ask for meeeee :)
Uh oh everyone's sad because their love interests didn't work out. Yeah that was just supposed to be an offhand joke. Nothing serious
I like to imagine after that the others start to realize little things about each other that they never really paid attention to before. Like Pepper starts to get unusually enamored by everyone's laugh. Because, okay, she liked it when they laughed before, she likes seeing her friends laugh, she is a comedian after all. But the next time she hears her friends laugh she likes them even more. Dare I say... she finds their laughs cute
And there's more things like that. Zoe can't help but admire how effortlessly Sunil can walk in heels or how perfect his body is in a dress. Minka actually likes to hear Russell's rambling and finds it endearing. Vinnie and Penny love to stare at one another when they're dancing, Penny's infinite grace and Vinnie's rugged charm. Russell's stares at Pepper's with stars in his eyes when she gets that more serious attitude. Sunil can't take his eyes off of Pepper and Russell when they work together in a more serious way
(They all find it attractive whenever Pepper gets more serious that's just a fact-)
Within the first couple weeks I can imagine things are pretty awkward. They couldn't make a monogamous relationship work, how do they expect to keep a relationship with six people??? Be patient with them, okay? They're shy. After awhile they do get more comfortable with each other, it's just like it's always been, nothing's changed that much, except for a bit of extra kissing
A frequent argument that happens between Zoe and Pepper is about who actually brought them together. Since I imagine Pepper is the one who made the joke, she says that she should get the credit because she brought that idea to everyone's attention. And Zoe's all like "Well, you and everyone else was too shy so I'm the one who actually made it happen-"
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jiabeewrites · 1 year
Avengers Gender & Sexuality Headcanons, but cleaned up a bit
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hello hello! I revisited my old post, and it was messy af and I don't really headcanon a lot of these anymore. SO I PRESENT TO YOU:
The Avengers Being Gay As Fuck
STEEB ROGER ROGER || CAPTAIN AMERICA - ohhhhh boy... - bro is kinda not up to speed with how ✨🏳‍🌈 the gays 🏳‍🌈✨ are treated nowadays - so peter decides to teach him - and at first, he's kinda confused, esp about trans people - because hello, he was born in the fourties - it's kinda non-realistic to expect him to snap to reality just like that - anyhoo, peter ain't having the "how tf do trans people work" bullshit - he, like any good gen z kid would do, creates a shitty powerpoint presentation - after two full fucking hours of explanation, steve starts to get it - he still slips up sometimes... - but he tries his fucking best and honestly that's all we can ask of him - i don't really see steve labeling himself, but if you asked, he'd probably just steer the conversation away from that topic - would still use he/him - fuck that was long
TONY STARK || TIN CAN IRON MAN - bro has fucked and been fucked, taken and given head - by both men and women - cmon. there's no way that this billionaire playboy isn't fruity - pansexual, doesn't care about the gender of the person he loves - he's either in a poly relationship with pepper and rhodey or enemies-to-lovers with a certain stephen strange - he/him - funds the annual manhattan pride - qpr with rhodey
BRUCE BANNER || JOLLY GREEN GIANT - oh poor child - i feel like he is not one for sex - like bro practically radiates aroace energy - doesn't really feel the need for gender conformity. gender is an unknown subject and he doesn't like to meddle with it. end of story - pretty sure he's agender - i feel like he wouldn't care what pronouns are used, but if asked, i think he would answer he/they - bro is a triple a battery fr - prefers to be adressed as dr. banner or just banner
NATASHA ROMANOFF || SCARY ASSASSIN LADY - she/her. nuff said. - asexual. i will die on this hill - the red room taught her to use her body to get what she wants - but she never really wanted that - coughseggscough - i wanna say she's demiromantic & bi - clint is her biggest supporter - started the ace avengers club 🍇🐘👻🐈‍⬛
CLINT BARTON || LEGOLAS - i really can't see a queer clint. i can't - i also don't really see him being that one overinvested ally - he/him, straight, cishetallo - sorry :(
THOR ODINSON || THAT ONE THUNDER DUDE - he comes from asgard, where nobody really sees being queer as different - so when he comes to earth........just imagine his surprise when he finds out about homophobia - he found out when some dudebro was yelling at a girl who seemed like she wanted nothing to do with him - another girl was with them, and she looked like she wanted to kill the guy - thor was confusion - he asked what was going on, and the dudebro said that he caught his sister on a date with another girl - yknow, expecting thor to lash out at the girl - but thor was the exact opposite - he grinned, and congratulated the two on their relationship - WLW FOR THE WIN!! - dudebro started going off on a homophobic rampage - one glare from thor and he nearly shit his pants - and THAT is where thor got his title as protector of lesbians - he/him - tried using thunder based pronouns once but decided it wasn't for him - unlabeled. he thinks human labels are weird
JAMES RHODEY RHODES || WAR MACHINE - is he/him - gay as fucking hell oh my god - literally so gay - GAY MAN OVER HERE - k im done - i'm nearly 100% sure he's graysexual. doesn't really care for sex but if his partner(s) really want it...well, he loves them - probably has to steer tony away from fans all the time at pride - i'm also 100% sure he's down for polyamory. there's too much love for just one person in his heart - qpr with tony
PETER PARKER || SPOODERMAN - TRANS PETER TRANS PETER TRANS PETER!!!!!! - 🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧ - i know it's a really common tumblr headcanon but i FIRMLY support it! FTM - 60% sure that flash bullies peter because he's trans - i mean like it's more believeable than peter being a nerd - prob uses he/him - comes out to tony first, tony buys peter his first binder - may finds out next and she's just so happy. peter asks for name suggestions and she nearly cries - that's how he got his name :) - this kid forgets to take off his binder so often omg - like ned and mj and may MUST REMIND HIM or he'll forget - i feel like he'd be asexual but sex-neutral - doesn't care for it - bi. bi peter parker.
MICHELLE JONES || EMJAY - is enby 💛🤍💜🖤 - ain't no way she's a girl. like ain't no way - uses she/they if asked, but doesn't really give a fuck about pronouns - bisexual with a pref for gals. callin it now
NED LEEDS || NEDANIEL - pretty sure he uses he/they because he like the pronouns - thought that they/them was cool and just decided to use it :D - sweet boi, supports mj and peter sm - buys them pride flags ✨🏳‍🌈✨ - ned literally radiates aroallo energy like cmon - CMON - aroallos are so cool and sexy actually
LOKI LAUFEYSON || LOW KEY LMAO IM SO FUNNY - is genderfluid 💖🤍💜🖤💙 - like this isn't even headcanon fuck off - will use any and all pronouns, at any given time - idk...maybe it's just me but i'm getting MASSIVE asexual vibes - probably sex positive ace - like slay queen - panromantic. like do i even need to explain this
BUCKY BARNES || BUCKET - i will die on they/them bucky hill - and you will see my corpse there - and you will know i was right - unlabeled. doesn't fully understand themself rn, labels will probably make it worse - sam is a huge part of bucky's queer journey - probably uses peter as a queer encyclopedia
SAM WILSON || CHICKEN MAN - gay as freaking hell omfg - that is HOMOSEXUAL MAN RIGHT THERE - he/him - takes bucky to their first pride parade - queer legend - ✨🏳‍🌈✨
VISION || ROBOT MAN - is undecided on gender for now - decides to just use he/him while he figures everything out - i think he figures out that he's asexual real fast. like sex-repulsed - why humans would ever want to have intercourse is beyond him - same, girl, same - but he's definitely omniromantic. he does experience love, albeit a little differently than the rest of society - don't we all...
WANDA MAXIMOFF || WITCHY BITCHY - found out she was a lesbian after a failed date with vision - neither of them felt the attraction that they had before - so yes. gay. sapphic. wlw. - i hate the term but i feel like she would be a lipstick lesbian until she falls for a butch - she/her - has girl nights with her twin - hmm gay - ❤️🧡🤍💖💜
PIETRO MAXIMOFF || SPEEDY BITCHY - they/he/she - genderfluid, is particular about pronouns - like ik people don't really headcanon it but... - cmon. pietro is LIQUID GENDER. - (this also probably stems from my belief that every single fucking speedster is genderfluid no matter what fandom) - sees a pretty dress? will buy two. one for them and one for wanda - he really does slay stilettos tho - i think she's probably gay (mlm) - stfu pietro can be a gay man if they want to - fuck you
T'CHALLA || CATMAN - gay. GAY - he/they icon - wakanda is a safe place for EVERYONE - besides, all the dora milaje are wlw - probably homosexual, like what else would he be - nakia? 99% sure nakia is trans and they're in a qpr - AROACE NAKIA AROACE NAKIA - *aroaces every single character* - fuck yeah gay t'challa
SHURI || GENIUS GIRL - she/xe - sapphic asexual - shuri x riri is the hill i will die on - leaning towards women and fem aligned genders - started first wakandan pride parade - i'm 99% sure she officiated ayo & aneka's wedding - change my mind
STEPHEN STRANGE || DR WIZARD - agender, doesn't see the point in gender most of the time, so they/them/he/him - believes there are three sexes but an infinite amount of genders - demiromantic, demisexual - fight me - is most likely gay 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 - had a qpr with christine before the incident
{\__/} ( • . •) / >🏳‍🌈
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Poly fluff alphabet with Kakekanakinji 1/2 let's go-
a = affection; is anyone more overly affectionate than the others? when it comes to physical vs verbal, who prefers what? - Out of the three of them, Kanata is the most affectionate. Kakeru gets flustered with both physical and verbal affection, but physical affection comes more easily to him than verbal. Kanata likes both physical and verbal affection. Kinji mostly does verbal affection, even if it embarrasses him a little.
b = bed; what’s the sleeping situation like? are there regular sleeping arrangements - does anyone like to sleep alone? - They don't always sleep together, but when they do, they start cuddling each other but wake up in their own positions. (Unrelated but Kanata gets the worst bedhead out of the three of them lol)
c = comfort; when someone’s feeling down, how do the rest look after them? - All of them try to talk it out, though in their own ways. Kanata is comforting, Kinji is calm about it, and Kakeru tries his best even though words don't come easily to him.
d = dates; what do dates look like? who usually plans them, or is it a group affair? - For the most part, their dates are usually somewhere simple but still romantic, like a restaurant. It's mostly Kanata and Kinji that plan them, but all three of them contribute to planning.
e = events; who drags everyone else to their family/friends’ events? - Kanata, since family is important to her and she wants to include her boyfriends. Kakeru as well, since his sister is important to him and he'd want her to like his partners.
f = fights; are arguments something that happens often? what are they over, and how are they resolved? - They're uncommon, though that doesn't mean they don't happen. It would have to be over something kinda serious. Though, neither of them can stay mad at each other for long.
g = getting together; how did it all come about? Were there any pre-existing relationships between them? - I imagine they had a quiet but heartfelt talk about their feelings. It kinda took a while for them to actually do it, but it was worth it. Neither of them had any pre-existing relationships.
h = hobbies; does anyone share any hobbies/passions? how do they include the rest of their partners in them? - So uh I'm forgetting off the top of my head if there are any specific hobbies they have, but I'm sure all three of them would include each other as best as they can. They just like to be with each other.
i = in sickness and in health - when someone falls ill, who’s the carer and who’s the germaphobe? is there anyone who resists being looked after? - Oh definitely Kanata is the carer, she does as much as she can to take care of her boyfriends if either of them gets sick. Both Kinji and Kakeru resist at first, Kinji because he doesn't think it's necessary, and Kakeru because he gets a little embarrassed. They can't say no to Kanata, though, especially when she shows that she cares deeply for their health.
j = joker; who’s got the best sense of humor? do they like to tease and banter with everyone else? - They're all mostly serious, though I'd say Kanata because she's the most cheerful one. She likes to see her boyfriends get flustered whenever she compliments them (even if it is hard to get Kinji flustered, but it can happen).
k = knowing; who can read their partners like a book? is there anyone who’s got their walls up, even around their partners? - All of them actually, though it's mostly Kanata and Kinji. As for who keeps their walls up, I'd say Kakeru and Kinji because of their introverted personalities, though eventually they come down in their own ways.
l = lavish; is there anyone who really likes to treat their partners/show them off? how do the rest tend to react - who revels in it, and who’s made shy by it? - I wouldn't say "lavish", though I'd say Kanata is the least shy/reserved about showing off her partners to others, so there's that. It makes Kakeru flustered, while Kinji doesn't seem to mind that much.
m = memories - is anyone more on the sentimental side? - Out of all of them, Kakeru is the most sentimental one.
n = nights; what’s the nighttime routine like when they’re all together? - For the most part, they sit together and be content in each other's company. Nothing special, but that's fine for them.
o = open; how open is everyone with one another? - Kanata tries to be more casual, even calling her boyfriends by their first names, though her habit of being professional isn't easy to break. Kakeru is still meek, though slowly he's getting better at speaking his mind. Kinji is still reserved, though his smile is more noticeable when he's with his partners.
p = pda; what’s pda like with them? is there anyone who loves it, and anyone who’s less fond of it? what actions/words does it manifest as? - All of them are open to it, Kanata initiates it the most. Kakeru is shy about it, but he doesn't mind it. Kinji doesn't mind, though he usually initiates affection in private.
q = quiet; who prefers to spend their time with their partners out and about, and who likes to spend it at home? - Kanata doesn't mind how they spend their time, Kakeru and Kinji usually prefer to spend their time privately, though depending on the activity, they can enjoy going out and about.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
jk in bed with jm "you're mine", then he changes room and go in tae's bed saying "you're mine". what a boyfriend (of?....i don't know, he has 2 boyfriends at this point)
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Now personally I stan a poly king, I don't know your A/S/L (that's Old People Internet for age/sex/location) but as legal adults of as-yet-undetermined but definitely not 100% straight orientation, I'd say GET OFF THEIR DICKS AND LET PEOPLE LIVE.
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FFS anon. You out here thinking Tae and Jimin wouldn't be getting it on if they wanted to? They absolutely would IF, and it's a really big IF, Tae was even into guys or Jimin was even interested like that.
But at no time before or since "get out of your imagination, it's not good there" has Taehyung EVER said he was into either of them like that. And if it was one of them it wouldn't be Kook. I MEAN SOULMATES OR WHATEVER Tae has to be all cool with everyone else but with Jimin he can let his derp face fly and let the pretty man steal his hat--
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Meanwhile Jungkook will toy with y'all because YOU WANT HIM TO SO BADLY YOU SAY THAT SHIT IN HIS INSTAGRAM AND ON WEVERSE FFS you kids left boundaries back there in 2016 well before some of y'all knew what a tumblr even WAS. Oh sure. He jokes he giggles he flirts because IT IS HIS JOB and make no mistake HE IS AT WORK answering your asses, WFH is a thing, but sometimes he has enough because y'all literally cannot simply WATCH A VLIVE AND READ A ROOM.
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At this point if you're NOT picking up what the Jeon-Parks are throwing down EVERY TIME YOU SEE THEM then I honestly have to assume you are a virgin, stupid, or so repressed you can't see daylight. It's more than obvious to literally anyone who gets laid on the regular, goes outdoors and has friends. And it's beyond incomprehensible if you still don't get it. Honestly it's Theatre of the Absurd. Jungkook has to truly believe you're joking. HE HAS THE SUN (or perhaps a sunflower) TATTOOED ON HIS ARM WHERE A TIGER USED TO BE FFS. Like
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do wish that Hangul made an all-caps version BUT IT DOESN'T AND WHY NOT I WANT TO KNOW but I digress. He did say this. Again. Fourth time in a row kids. And you don't think he gets fifty million Tae questions every time he goes live? He does. He only answers them when there has been a Meeting about Keeping It On The Low While The Exemptions Are Still In Legislation. Y'all think I'm kidding. I am not kidding. That happened.
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Meeting or not, though, Jungkook is the man to tell you. Jimin is HIS. Not his, not heh-heh-that's-cute his, not we bffs casual his, HIS. Loudly. Dude bout yelled the airpods out my ears. And then goes on to play a little, flirt a little, give the fans what they want but eventually he has had enough. I mean y'all might not have noticed but THE VIDEO ENDED ON HIS TELLING PEOPLE OFF like damn, sir. We understand you are an adult. We got it. You're GROWN OKAY.
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... And some of this fandom needs to get out of these men's assholes before they can't even get a proper colonoscopy because there's too many raging solo stans up in there telling a guy how to live. .
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Request: poly!mikaelson imagine where the reader still lives with the mikaelsons even tho they broke up, they miss each other but pretend like they don’t
Time for some angsty fluff
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Protective Mikaelsons,
The break up was kinda of messy, Y/N wanted a family and to be married, the Mikaelsons just wanted a lover and to not settle down. Then Hayley entered the picture falling pregnant with Klaus's child which lead to a fight causing a break up. Y/N still lived with them as their live in witch since she was powerful while everyone outside of the family was amazed that they all kept it friendly it was a lie.
Finn buried hisself into protecting the family and books missing the witch in his arms in each passing moment and knew his siblings wasn't doing any better. Elijah may have been seeing Hayley at the moment but she was someone to keep his bed warm as Elijah wanted Y/N in his bed. Klaus focused on Hope and his art doing murders here and there.
Kol and Rebekah were pulling an Elijah finding people to keep their beds warm too missing Y/N terribly. Their possessiveness and protectiveness got worst when Erik entered the picture Y/N's new lover, a wolf.
"Glare any harder and he'll catch fire." Hayley teased her lover wrapping her arms around Elijah's arm as the Mikaelson Christmas ball was going off without a hitch. Y/N was laughing dancing with Erik and of course the witch looked breath taking, dressed in a deep red backless dress.
"I wish you would have told me that you introduce her to Erik."
"Elijah, Y/N is your ex lover....one you shared with your siblings. Why does it matter?" Hayley questioned looking up at Elijah who narrowed his eyes seeing the wolf kiss those soft lips he missed.
"Because she is still family. I want nothing but the best for her."
"Well her dating one guy should slow her down. Can't imagine why you shared her, a little bit slutty if ask me."
"Yet you pulled a Katherine and hopped between my brothers. How is to have both between your legs like some common whore?" Rebekah said her tone sharp making Hayley flush with embarrassment. Elijah looked to Rebekah as a warning to behave as the blonde rolled her eyes. Since the break up two years ago the siblings were a bit more hostile to one another.
"Ouch Rebekah, I forgot how scary you could be." Kol said smirking with Finn following as they glared at Erik too seeing how their gorgeous witch looked at Erik.
"But you do agree though Kol?"
"A bit. Sorry Elijah, I am surprised that you are even dating the hybrid as I figure she wasn't your type." Kol says a glit his eyes that Rebekah caught on as Hayley raised an eyebrow.
"Well Elijah has tastes that most women turn away from. And let's just say Y/N could handle it all." Rebekah said as Hayley glared at them while Elijah narrowed his eyes warning his younger siblings.
"Elijah doesn't have those needs anymore. I can satisfy Elijah without him needing to do all that."
"Keep telling yourself that." Klaus says smirking looking at Hayley and Elijah before looking at Y/N and Erik with a glare.
"You look so gorgeous tonight." Erik said looking at Y/N making her flush, normally Y/N wouldn't date werewolves but Erik got his way into her heart. Y/N had decided to start dating tired of see her ex's happy and she wanted to happy and to push away the feeling of missing them.
"Thank you. Are you sure you are okay being here?"
"Yeah, I mean just how scary can the Originals be?" Erik teased leaning in kissing her softly and pulled away. Y/N smiled at the wolf while she cared for Erik, her heart would always belong to the Mikaelsons.
"Sweetheart, dance with me?" Y/N heard Finn ask and the witch looked at Erik who nodded not minding.
"Sure." Y/N answered letting Finn lead her to the dance floor flushing as Finn laced her fingers with his pulling her close. Y/N flushed looking up at Finn seeing how close he was as she remembered just how much she missed him and the others.
"I forgot to tell you how gorgeous you look."
"Thank you. You look great too." Y/N said softly as Finn leaned down brushing his nose along her neck taking in her scent. Y/N flushed trembling feeling her heart skip a beat when Finn leaned in to kiss her.
"I'm sorry. " Y/N said pulling away and quickly walked away leaving Finn alone making frown angry with hisself for almost giving into his needs. Y/N went to find Erik stopping seeing him kissing a witch he had pressed against a wall. Y/N walked to the bar asking for a glass of bourbon as Rebekah sat next to her noticing the drink choice.
"What happened?"
"Erik is shuffling his tongue down some witch's thoat." Y/N said downing the drink before asking for another one. Rebekah frowned before the vampire smiled moving closer joining her for drinks and it didn't taking long before both were drunk and Rebekah got Y/N in bed. Y/N was panting face flushed as Rebekah kissed her hand and placed kisses along the witch's spine.
"Are you regent this?"
"No....to be honest I've missed you all." Y/N looking at Rebekah with a sad smile as Rebekah took her hand.
"Can we start anew?"
"I would love that Beka." Y/N said squeaking when Kol had pouncing on her as Rebekah had gotten up to shower chuckling.
"If Rebekah is dating you again then I want you back too." Kol said kissing Y/N as she moaned softly against his mouth. Kol pulled away seeing her flushed as he leaned in kissing her neck.
"Don't be selfish Kol." Finn said walking over cupping the back of her head kissing her deeply. That night Y/N and the four worked out their problems but her and Klaus really worked on their problems.
"I'm sorry for pushing what I wanted on you."
"No love.....I shouldn't have slept with Hayley and hurt you." Klaus said kissing Y/N's hands as both enjoying the quiet. It didn't take Elijah long to notice his siblings were spending a lot of time with Y/N making a spark of jealousy settle in his chest.
"Kol....stop." Elijah heard Y/N squeal with laughter and saw Kol tickling Y/N as they were watching a movie. Elijah felt jealousy fill him again seeing Kol now pepper the witch with kisses.
"Since when were they close? Erik said Y/N broke up with him for no reason." Hayley says sparking a deeper jealousy in Elijah before going off to find Rebekah for answers.
"Turns out Erik is a dirty cheater." Rebekah answered Elijah watching her brother frown as he watched Y/N leave the Abattoir with Finn.
"And you all getting closer to our witch?"
"We just worked things out is all. More so Nik and Y/N had really worked it out." Rebekah tells Elijah watching the noble vampire hide his jealousy as he was now with Hayley while it seemed his siblings got their witch back.
"That's......great. I am happy for you."
Hayley could tell something was troubling Elijah as they both lay panting in bed after four rounds. Elijah was a bit rougher than normal as Hayley reminded him in-between rounds.
"Want to talk about it?" Hayley asked Elijah watching him get up to shower seemly still upset about something.
"I am fine Hayley.....sorry if I was too rough again." Elijah said walking into the bath as Hayley frowned when Elijah didn't kiss her and just headed for the shower.
"Klaus what did you do?"
"What are you talking about Hayley?" Klaus questioned looking up from his drawing pad from sketching a sleeping Rebekah and Y/N as both were asleep on the couch in the middle of a movie.
"Elijah has been tense lately and taking it out on me."
"It could be that we are dating our little witch again. Camille has been a big help with working on our problems." Klaus said as Hayley was surprised then left going to confront Elijah.
"Are you still in love with Y/N?" Hayley asked Elijah as they had the Abattoir to themselves as the others went out with Y/N.
"Yes." Elijah said being honest knowing there was no need to lie to Hayley. The hybrid stood angry glaring at Elijah.
"How could you! I thought you loved me!"
"I told you Hayley from the beginning. That I won't be able to love you like you do me." Elijah said calmly as Hayley got even more angry.
"So you still decided to see me."
"Yes....I wanted to get over her and I apologize for hurting you. I shouldn't have." Elijah said looking at her meaning what he said but Hayley didn't care.
"Bullshit Elijah. I hope you realize she is just a witch and not worth your time." Hayley said coldly leaving the room as Elijah let out a shaky breath knowing Y/N was worth it but like his siblings....they would have to work on their problems too.
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