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just-spacetrash · 2 years ago
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burningcheese-merchant · 24 days ago
It's so cool to see CRK getting popular again, it feels so refreshing like so much new quality fan content dropping that we couldn't even DREAM about a couple of months ago, but it hurts my very soul seeing new players being interested in beast x ancient ships, in their dynamics, asking is it okay to ship it and getting slapped in the face with another "IT'S ABUSER X VICTIM IT'S A PROSHIP IT'S A DARKSHIP" (which is just not true) killing off all the fun, bc apparently enemies to lovers, AUs and what-ifs doesn't exist anymore and everything that isn't pure fluff is illegal now. "IT'S NOT ENEMIES TO LOVERS, BEASTS ABUSED AND TORTURED THEM" yeah THAT'S WHAT ENEMIES DO??? What else do you expect from a villain honestly??? Like in ANY media??? Beasts still got their ass beat in the end as they totally deserve BECAUSE ANCIENTS ARE NOT SOFT INNOCENT SMALL BABIES THAT NEED TO BE PROTECTED, they're grown ass IMMORTAL ADULTS with huge responsibilities, they rule kingdoms, they hold a huge power in their hands, they're imperfect and not innocent. They can stand for themselves, they can fight, they can destroy, they can lie and they WILL if they need to.
I can SMELL that a shit tonne of people in this fandom secretly enjoys beast x ancient as a guilty pleasure, a forbidden fruit, but they will never admit it just because they're afraid of being harassed and bullied and it's just sad how normalized it is to hurt actual people over shipping some mobile game characters, who are adults, doesn't have power imbalance between them and aren't related.
And allat coming from ME, who doesn't ship a single beast x ancient ship
It's sad lol. Sad for the Beast x Ancient community and honestly kind of pathetic for ardent detractors at this point. I've seen sooooo many Beast x Ancient fans get harassed and even sent death threats, it's not even funny (not that it ever was in the first place). Don't you have better things to do than get this mad about video games lol. Like a job or school or a hobby or something
You're right, the Ancients are not helpless widdle babies and I'm kind of sick of how often they're infantilized, in general and just for the sake of tearing down BxA. They're grown adults who are thousands of years old. Two of them are parents, whose children are grown adults themselves. 4 of 5 founded entire nations. 1 is an active ruler still (Cacao), one seeks to rule again (Golden). Let's not kid ourselves, they've probably all got blood on their hands (not to the degree the Beasts do, but still. You don't live that life without having to make tough choices). Stop treating them like porcelain dolls lol. Yes, the Beasts attacked them, but they're villains. That's what villains do. Go play Animal Crossing if you can't handle heroes and villains fighting each other lol
And then I get a laugh whenever those same people who screech about toxicity and abuse and yadda yadda turn around and ship H*llyt*ya or Sh*dowSp*ce. The former is BxA in a different costume. The latter... Man. You know. Because TWO deranged maniacs, who are fundamentally incompatible in every way and do not make sense at all and absolutely would hurt each other and bring each other down I hate that ship so damn much. Do not ask me abt it I WILL ramble and nobody needs that. Zero beef with fans though, we're coolio! Just a difference of opinion!, is such a better option, isn't it lol. Hypocrisy.
I'm sure you noticed that ep 7 + 8 brought out a whole lot of new ShadowVanilla fans. I agree w/ you, I can feel that there are a fuckton of BxA fans lurking in the darkness, waiting for an excuse to poke their heads out (like 7 + 8 lol), only hiding because they don't want to attract lunatics. Even YOU sent this ask anonymously. Most of my inbox is stuff from anons, and I look at them all and wonder, "how many of you are just afraid of backlash for expressing any joy in BurningCheese or any of the other BxA pairs?" It's ok, guys. Don't listen to them. Be you. I'm being me right now, as cringy as I am. I am Extremely Normal about BurningCheese and I'm not ashamed :) they're video game characters at the end of the day, just have fun. Why can't we all just be bros, man, what does any of this matter
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madbard · 4 months ago
The Vampire/Werewolf Fiddlestan AU is so funny to me because one of these characters does canonically dress up as a vampire… and it is not the one you’re drawing.
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beesfurbyblog · 11 months ago
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staple length has been sent to the seaside for its health
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cl0wn-tim3 · 1 year ago
I feel as though the narumitsu community does not use edgeworths fear of earthquakes to its full potential- the hurt/comfort potential the anxiety the panic attacks.
where is it narumitsu-ers⁉️⁉️‼️
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slicedmayonnaise · 4 months ago
Okay since the holidays are coming up, I need someone do to something with jovier and Last Christmas by Wham!
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sodamnbored · 2 years ago
Percy, on a quest: Incredibly, after all that, I still have my wallet on me. Who wants to stop for lunch?
Jason, looking at the storefronts: What do we feel like? McDonalds? Arby’s? Staples?
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method-to-the-madness · 8 months ago
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@littlewritingrabbit said something about War boys doing each other's war paint, and I thought that was really cute, so here's some fanart of Nux and Slit, and a teeny tiny little fic i wrote to go along with it (below the cut, around a thousand words). It takes place on their very first trip as a Lancer/Driver duo.
Enjoy :)
Nux sat down on the running board of his car, the door open. He had black clay cupped in his hand. He used his other hand to smudge it over his eyes, hoping it’ll look darker. Darker like the Imperators. 
Something huge was in the works today. A big fight, something really major, and the War boys were buzzing with excitement, currently trapped within the confines of the garage and the barracks until they’re unleashed, feral. There was about ten odd minutes before they needed to leave, and Nux wanted his paint to be really chrome this time, since it was the first time he got to drive his own car. A car that belonged to him. The Nux Car. 
“Oi! Nux!” Slit called, and rounded the door, sitting down next to him after roughly pushing him to the side to make room. Nux grinned, and turned to him still rubbing the powder over his second eye. 
“Ready? Ready to do war?” Nux leaned forward and asked with childlike excitement. Slit leaned on the door frame and crossed his arms, kicking his feet up on Nux’s knees. Slit was starting to get taller than him, proudly taking up more space.
“Of course I am!” he said indignantly, like Nux had insulted him by suggesting that he wasn’t.  
“Good. Wouldn’t want you fallin’ off the back while I’m driving,” Nux said, smudging some paint over his nose like usual. 
“Wait!” Slit grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand away from his nose.
“Your nose.”
“What about it?” Slit was still holding his wrist, looking very revved up. He opened his choppy mouth to say something, but paused like he thought twice for once. The slices up the sides of his face were still a bit red, and definitely not healed over yet. If it were up to Nux, he would’ve done them one side at a time, so you’d still be able to eat properly, and do the second side without your hands being all shaky. But that was just his thoughts on it.
“Thought you said you wanted it all shiny today, didn’t you?” Slit asked. Nux nodded, and Slit let go of his wrist. “So don’t just do the mediocre paint you do every day,” Slit said. Nux looked offended. Mediocre? Really? Nux thought the nose paint usually looked pretty chrome. 
“What do you want me to do then?” he asked. Slit shrugged. 
“I dunno. Could do something to match these-” he carefully tapped the still-healing scars on Nux’s lips. Slit had given those to him, detailed them really sharp so he’d look like a skeleton. Nux loved them. He thought they made him look a whole lot shinier. And scarier. Slit ran his thumb across his lips, probably just checking on the healing process, but something pinched in Nux's throat regardless. 
“V8, quit smiling so wide all the time, it’ll rip the scars and you’ll get too lumpy,” Slit muttered, almost like he was saying it to himself. Nux batted his hand away.
“The paint, Slit. What about it?” He redirected. Slit nodded. 
“C’mere, give me some,” he said, and took some from Nux’s hand. With his other hand, he roughly grabbed Nux’s jaw, and pulled him close, holding his canvas still. Nux nearly fell over at the sudden movement, and braced himself on the driver’s seat under Slit's arm. “If you do it… like so…” Slit paused, and Nux felt him dragging the paint over his nose, higher up than he usually did. “Then you’ll look soo…” he trailed off and squinted, finely focused on his work. Nux’s eyes crossed trying to see what he was doing. 
“So what?” he asked. Slit finished up his paint, and pushed him back, letting go of his face. Nux sat back against the door frame 
“So chrome,” Slit said, and frowned, then pulled him back again to fix up some of the paint. 
“Glory me, you sap. Can we go make some war now, or will you keep fussing over my face?” Nux laughed, turning away. Slit’s hands chased after him, to throw the finishing touches on his paint. Nux stood up to check his reflection in the grubby side-view mirror on the other side of the door. 
“I’m no sap!” Slit protested, standing up and following him. He shoved Nux’s shoulder, sending him stumbling towards the car. 
“Cut it out! I can’t even stand long enough to see what you’ve done to me!” Nux protested half-heartedly. He bent down to look in the mirror. 
Usually he would just smear some black over his nose vaguely in a circle shape, but Slit had taken some more clay and spread it pointy up the sides of his nose like a skeleton. 
“Yeah?” Slit asked, like he was looking for Nux’s approval. 
“Very shiny,” Nux smiled in the mirror before standing up. 
“Very shiny,” Slit agreed. 
From across the garage, the Ace yelled, “WAR BOYS! MOVE OUT!” Everyone echoed it, spreading the command like fire through the garage. 
Nux punched Slit’s shoulder as a goodbye, and got into the driver’s seat while Slit climbed onto the lancer’s perch at the back. Nux opened the roof so he could hear better, and shut the door. His fingers drummed on the wheel, in time with the Doof's drums.
Once they were on the ground under the elevator, all the Drivers got in formation, every vehicle being taken filed out into the open air of the Citadel. They idled in the sunlight, buzzing with held in kamakrazee excitement. Everyone was shaking all feral-like, ready to get out on the open road.
“WE ARE WAR BOYS!” The Ace shouted from the front. 
“WAR BOYS!” they all chorused. Nux stuck his head out the window to be heard better, and felt Slit bang on the roof in tempo with the chant. 
“VIOLENT CRAZY WAR BOYS!” The Ace shouted. 
“WAR BOYS!” The ensemble screamed back at him. Nux could hear Slit on the back of the truck, and his heartbeat thrummed in his ears. It’s his day. 
“BUZZARDS!” The War Boys shouted back. 
Every driver revved his engine as the Ace climbed back onto the war rig. Nux banged on the ceiling twice, and Slit whooped from the back. 
“MOVE OUT!” The Ace called. They couldn’t really hear him over the roar of engines, but they all knew he said it. Then they took off, leaving behind dirty clouds, and spraying sand in their wake. 
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beastsovrevelation · 2 months ago
Saraqael and Furfur are both wounded veterans, actually. She was pierced through the spine by some extremely powerful weapon, and while Raphael managed to saved her life, much damage was irreversible. Furfur received a severe head injury, that's why he has dyslexia-like symptoms, and at times impaired judgement.
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darkwater-reservoir · 6 months ago
TSV posts vs the replies
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pyrosomatic-metamorphosis · 11 months ago
see now im thinking about fandom moments in time. the fucking. snapshots when everyone in the community is thinking about this or that other thing. the days of passerine, and dog at the door, and stuffed bird. none of those were very long ago. "the elections" being one specific event distinguished by the time period it's being discussed. the popularity of certain types of fanworks and crossovers that have fallen by the wayside. do you remember the robot scar. do you remember moon mania. voter fraud. fandom discussions filled with passion and excitement that seem empty now to older eyes. doesn't it ever just fuck you up.
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parkeryangs · 1 year ago
thinking about parkarthur. you were my entire world you killed me and i loved you as i was dying and do you think forgiveness is possible from beyond the grave and you never thought you would live without me but that's reality now and how are you surviving? do you even miss it? do you miss what we had even if we didn't talk about it enough? you were my entire world but i don't think i was ever yours
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nicsian · 1 year ago
Alright guys someone draw Grian if he was a gacha game character it's been long enough
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undefeatablesin · 6 months ago
Hi, I saw your last post!
It's a bit funny to me. I moved from Sonic to Castlevania precisely because Discourse made it intolerable to me, only to see that many people who produced content back in the day moved out of Castlevania for... Discourse, let's just say. But I think I still got the right timing, because not only I found a small yet tightknit community of game fans where I was free to be creative in my own way, now the game fandom is getting fed in all sorts of tasty ways <3
Anyway, my point is, while at first I didn't really like reblogging old art (which was a problem since the best art I've seen was made, like 10 years ago lol), you were one of the artists I found during my binge. I think your CV art is still striking to this day, although I have no doubts that you've improved further since then :) I especially like the way you use thick lines and bright colors, and the soft way you draw faces and the waves of the hair
(also, well, I'm biased because CoD is my favorite CV game, and you have drawn some spectacular Hector, Isaac and Trevor <3)
I think I just wanted to say that I fully understand the feeling of having to distance yourself from something you love, but still being tied to it. And if you ever decide to come back... we're using the tag "akumajou dracula" now. For Reasons ;)
Take care!
Hi there! Thanks for popping in ✨️
As someone who just watches from afar these days, seeing the paradigm shift starting to happen in the CV fandom right now has been pretty vindicating and uplifting! It is a much better time to be an active fan of the games than it was when I was participating in the community a few years ago, that's for sure.
I'm still really grateful even my old and less polished work was able to bring some joy to newcomers to the fandom though! It's been a really pleasant surprise to see the influx of engagement lately and I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by to mention it. I like to at least think my work has seen some improvement since then, so perhaps I'll put that theory to the test if I ever revisit some of my old CV art in the present 😂
Hector and Trevor are my beloveds right next to Leon and Mathias, all of which rotted my brain for immeasurable hours of my life, but they are hours I look back upon very fondly! It'd be a treat to draw them again some day with (potentially) new and improved skills and now seems like a great time to do so at that. I may not be an active participant in the fandom nowadays, but I will always be a lover of the franchise regardless 💙
Thank you for your kind words and the heads-up about the tag! I'll be sure to use it if I have anything new to bring to the scene.
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websitewizard2005 · 7 months ago
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raven in my 1st shaperaverse animatic vs. my new one! it’s crazy to me how he barely even looks like the same character lmao
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 11 months ago
you know whats really wrong with me is i havent drawn some found family ass art with a kid and some tenderness in too long. that would fix me
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