#like she really knows how to play dnd in a way that is so chaotically wonderful
romeowho · 6 months
emily axford really is brennan lee mulligan's nightmare
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baldursyourgate · 9 months
Transcript of "Baldur's Gate 3 Interview [Emma Gregory] Minthara Voice Actress" by Skycaptin5 on YouTube
What I did: cleaned up filler words (um and ah), repeated words due to automated captioning, and added punctuation.
Purpose: providing an easier point of reference.
Q: A staple I do in all interviews in order to start things off, is to ask that you elaborate a bit about your work, and this particular role for those not familiar with it.
A: Hi, my name is Emma Gregory and I play Minthara in Baldur's Gate 3. I've been an actor for a long time: I come from very much a theatre background, I've done a lot of theatre and a bit 'telly, and a lot of voice work. I do lots of audio books, for example and games and lots and lots of things but I've done a lot of big theatre like Shakespeare for the Royal Shakespeare company and West End theatre, and all that sort of thing. I absolutely love it and I love playing Minthara too. She was a great challenge, Minthara's situation in Baldur's Gate 3.
Q: In Baldur's Gate 3, you provide the performance for Minthara. Could you tell us a bit about the character and the situation she finds herself in?
A: Well it depends on which path you go down. There are millions of paths in Baldur's Gate 3. Minthara is a drow from Menzoberranzan comes from the sort of leading family of house Baenre in Menzoberranzan. She finds herself in a situation in Baldur's Gate 3 where she has been lured into the cult of the Absolute by Orin, who she has quite a backstory with. She has been brainwashed and in the game you can choose to recruit her and rescue her from the Cult of the Absolute. (...)
She is a very paranoid character, very set in her ways and finds it extremely difficult to trust people; but through the course of the game, she comes from sort of quite a chaotic background of not knowing what she was doing because she was brainwashed into then being... hopefully if you guys recruit her, being part of the party and companions, that she learns to discover she needs in many ways, because she is an exile from Menzoberranzan and having given up the worship of Lolth who is the god of where she comes from. So she finds herself an outcast, once she's not part of the absolute so she finds that she needs the companions in many respects, but of course what she would like them to do is to take over the world you know and have her rule it in many respects, possibly.
I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't played yet but I guess she's one of those characters that people might come to a little later. She is... she has a sort of reputation of being quite brutal, and she is a brutal character. One of the amazing things about her is that if you rescue her, she sorts of... once she's in the party sort of says, well you know? "Why would you do that why would you leave your enemy alive why would you not kill them?" because for her, things are very linear you know? You get rid of enemies and that's it. So she's quite interested in the fact that they've and challenges them to say well you kill when I kill it's for a purpose why are you killing? I know why I kill and I have a very clear purpose about it and I kill my enemies and that's it. They're eradicated but why, why are you doing it? So she questions the party and makes them think which I think is rather good and then also...
I'm giving you a very long-winded answer Jason, but this is her. This is the complexity of Minthara which is wonderful to play, and I hope that people really enjoy discovering her that she's not just a killing machine... she is that but there is much more to her, many more layers I think and reasons for why she is who she is.
Considering where she comes from and her upbringing which any DnD fans can read around, her background is quite brutal, so yeah.
So in the course of the game, it's interesting to see how she learns to trust people, always for a purpose and what she wants of course but there is an arc, a journey for her.
Q: When preparing to perform as Minthara, were you given any initial direction in regard to the character, just in terms of an example of prep work to get into the mindset of this particular performance?
A: No. I mean obviously it was given a little bit of background about the story, but not too much. I was told of qualities of the character by the studio, and the sort of type of voice and things that they were looking for and then the rest of it, I pretty much got from the lines I was given.
I mean I'm guided by a director obviously who I've been living with Minthara for four years so uh that's a long time to make her grow and create her; and I also had the benefit of having the most wonderful writer in Adam Smith, who's the lead writer at Larian Studios and he created between us...
We'd never met and it was quite interesting. Over the four years we'd never met at all, but we did this sort of sort of dance, where you know, I would give him an interpretation of his lines and he would take that and go "oh wow okay let's go down this path with her", you know and so between us we developed someone who we feel is very complex and layered, which is great.
We were given wonderful free reign with them as well as keeping within the storyline and what needed to be achieved, but we were very much given as actors which Larian is so wonderful at doing... They trust their actors, and you know, you're given the role for a reason, which is your ability to play it and they trust you in that. And that means as an actor you're very free, because you can bring ideas to the table as well, and for the character and that's a beautiful thing so as Minthara.
Q: You've mentioned your character goes through a bit of a positional shift as the narrative progresses you know, obviously for running the goblins to then stuff happens. Did that adjustment in your character's role impact how you approach the voice performance for the character?
A: Yes, very much so, and because it was also Al motion capture where you're, you know, you're literally in a bodysuit. And you got sensors all over you, and you're so you're able to really fully physically explore the character as well. Which I believe, you should do anyway in all voice work because it's not just acting from the throat upwards.
It's like any acting, you get into the character that you're playing, and you feel that physically because then that determines your breath and how you live and breathe the character, and that's got to come from your whole body, your whole soul.
You know with Minthara I very much felt there was a journey with her vocally. I made a decision, I suppose which... I guess everyone backed because nobody told me not to do it, but she's quite staccato in her vocal delivery and I think that very much emphasizes and shows her lack of emotional centeredness if you like.
She's not someone who delves into emotions very often, and yet, she's a very emotional character. She keeps it like a pressure cooker I guess... but I discovered as well that along with that staccato kind of delivery, there was a sort of shift we found in in movement and voice between when she's under the influence of the absolute and when she's then freed from that, and I think it's interesting for her to explore how that freezes up vocally a little bit.
Maybe not quite so tight in the throat once she was freed, you know, learning to relax a little bit, as much as Minthara can. So yeah there was a nice shifting slightly of Minthara, just slightly. I hesitate to use the word softening, but yes, softening a little bit, softening the edges a little bit vocally and physically once she's gone through that journey of being not brainwashed and discovering who she is again.
You know yeah, I thought that was actually really interesting in the game because she comes off as very... You know dark, intense, and then immediately once that's gone, I was kind of like okay there's a lot more under the surface.
Yeah I mean she'll always be dark and intense, she is, in inverted commas, an "evil character", she's not to sit and you know talk about fluffy kittens.
You know but actually she might! She quite likes animals. But she does definitely go on a journey of finding out that she needs allies. Because certainly by the end of the game, I think she's got quite a soft spot for many of the companions as much as she can have, she has had quite a few of them you know, like Lae'zel for example, and Shadowheart and Jaheira.
Yeah, so that was interesting to explore physically how she can soften, and in intimate scenes or romance scenes with her, she can play the part of being soft and intimate. Whether she's really feeling that inside is another matter, depends on who it's with, I guess. But yeah, that was interesting to explore vocally, from being less sort of rigid and staccato like during the absolute brainwashing, and then finding she's always staccato but whether there's more sort of range and colour in how she speaks once she's freed of the tadpole swirling in the mind swirling in the mind when performing the role.
Q: Were there any particular lines or moments that really stuck out to you whether that's a behind the scenes moment or something from the dialogue?
A: I gosh I love all our lines. Well I love the obvious jokes that lots of people love like that "it was a beautiful webbing", that sort of thing. I love the lines that she's given when she's explaining, you know, when she's grateful to having been rescued and explaining that, no one would know about her and all the vulnerable moments that she has when she's talking about how she feels, about... I think she's quite shocked, you know, having had the brainwashing happen to her, having been so deceived. And so, the dialogue that happens once she's rescued, and she's sort of discussing that with the player are beautiful lines, of sort of realizing my God you know I trusted this person and Orin, and I can't believe that's happened to me and also that she misses her home you know.
I think she really loves Menzoberranzan and her upbringing too but also recognizing how brutal that was too and so all of the that sort of dialogue, cut scene dialogues I think, are beautiful really lovely. And I love it when she challenges if the player decide... I think there's one scene where the player decides to go with Minthara I think it is and then Minthara challenges that yeah. Lots of different lines that I love be hard to pick one but that sort of thing and...
Actually, oh I don't want to do any spoilers but if Minthara is Romancing Karlach, there's some beautiful dialogue in that which was really moving to play, and particularly around Karlach possibly dying that's all I'll say for anybody who has not played it yet. That's certainly a player driven decisions, deeper level of role playing and choice behind Baldur's Gate 3.
Q: What are your thoughts of the mini layers to what choices players could pick and the response you would be performing in reaction to player-driven decisions?
A: Oh my gosh repeat that last bit Jason
Q: Essentially there's many choices people can make, what are your thoughts on the branching choices that could pop up? You know, this decision here this decision there and how you would have to respond to that?
A: I love the huge range and option and diversity in the game. I think that's what people are really responding to. You can be anything, do anything you want to do in the game, and I believe that's quite revolutionary in this game, quite unique. I think that's why everybody's getting such a kick out of the game because there's so many options you know. Just Minthara for example, I know I'm very aware that people are going to very often not choose her to begin with, and then they can go back you know.
My nephew for example's played the game three times you know and each time he's chosen many different paths including Minthara now and so I think that's fantastic for people to have that option that it's not rigid. It's really fluid in terms of you know race, colour, creed gender options, dark, light whatever you know, whatever path you want to go down, there's a million options for you to choose. Is that what you meant by the question? Relatively specific then give me something more specific if you want me to further answer that.
Q: No, I think it about covers it and I think we covered this next one a little bit, but let's dive into it a little further.
So Minthara has a rather enchanting romance option with the character. What was it like to bring that connection to the player to life?
A: Beautiful, really amazing certainly for Minthara who you know because that's part of her journey of discovering who she is and what she needs, and how she feels about people, and discovering relationships. I don't think she's someone who you know she's had partnerships before, but I don't think it's someone that...
She's always used them for a purpose. And I think exploring being hurt if the player makes a decision to go with someone else or the player rejects her. It's really interesting to play those sorts of vulnerabilities and colours, really. I enjoyed that, because that was part of exploring her softer side… or brutal side, depending on what the reaction is from the player because she can be quite… you know, she can dump you.
She can challenge you as well. I like the fact that the characters challenge the player you know Minthara does Minthara says well you've rescued me why, why did you do that surely it would be better for you not to have an enemy in your party you know and so I think that's one of the great things about the game is, the game makes the player think and that's you know rather than just shoot it up or kill.
If you kill for no reason, you have characters like Minthara asking you why and I think that's really interesting.
Q: Some other performers from the game have been playing the game and attempting to romance themselves, have you given the game a whirl and have you or would you try to romance yourself?
A: I've seen some of the others doing that, it's really interesting, it's very funny. I've watched some of their live streams.
fun fact: there were screenshots of her commenting in Lae'zel's VA Devora Wilde's livestream where Devora was trying to and eventually getting Minthara's romance scene.
I haven't yet played it, I'm very much excited to do so which I will be doing in this new year. I don't know about... I've been asked whether I'll do it live, quite a lot of people want me to do that. I don't know yet, don't know whether I've got the confidence to do that, because everyone just seems so brilliant at it. And I probably really wouldn't be, but I've looked at a lot of the game, obviously, and I just think it looks so incredible, so I'm very, very excited to play it.
I think I would play myself yeah, I don't know if I'd romance myself, that would be weird, but I've seen a lot of the romance scenes anyway, so I'm not sure about that, but I would love... I'd definitely play, I'd definitely recruit Minthara yeah for sure and that would probably be my first playthrough actually going down the "bad route" in inverted commas.
So yeah, I'm definitely going to play it and I will play me, but I don't know if I would romance myself yes.
Q: We had an interview there with Lae'zel's performer Devora and she's like oh yeah, I romanced myself. She was very, very into it.
Q: What's it like to see your voice and movement attached to a game character?
A: Oh, it's amazing it's just amazing because obviously, we don't look anything like our characters it's really, I remember being so bold over when I first saw what Minthara looked like and in any of characters I've played in other games. But that's the wonderful thing about voice acting is, you know you can do it forever there's no time set on it is a real freedom as an actor.
You can play a million parts that you'd never play maybe on TV or film or theatre and yeah, seeing your voice attached to something very otherworldly is amazing.
I love how my voice works with Minthara and also our movement and our expressions and what Larian have taken, and the animators have taken the visual artists have taken from how they've seen us. Because when you're in the studio, they can see what you're doing obviously, your morph suit and it's funny to see some of our expressions or you know obviously as well as the map come into the character and how that affects the voice, and how they've put that onto the game.
Yeah, it's lovely, it's amazing to see. It's very exciting.
Q: Is this a character you'd like, Minthara, sequel, prequel; to return to down the road if possible?
A: Oh my gosh yeah definitely very, very much so. I adore her, and I adore her because I've been allowed with Adam and Sven and Larian to explore so many different layers of her as well as keeping within her aim, her goal which is ambition and revenge and all those things.
I think her story and the Menzoberranzan story, the Underdark all of that is extremely interesting so it would be amazing wouldn't it, Jason? Let's have Baldur's Gate 4 where we explore the Underdark. Yeah, I'd live with her forever if I could, you can almost do a Minthara prequel. For sure that would be amazing, yes. Explore her childhood all the way up and how she's got to where she is now, and then also be interesting to see what happens to her after Baldur's Gate 3, where she ends up. Does she survive or you know, who does she ally with and does she go back to Menzoberranzan and take over the Baenre because there's a lot of stuff there that's unresolved.
Q: Where do you stand on the whole evil aspect of "Is Minthara Evil ?"
A: Minthara... Well, she is an evil character. I mean there's just, you know, she's not going to, there's no, there's no redemption there, I don't think, although there is... because in the long run it's going to always be for her about ambition and drive and getting what she wants: power, being in control in her in her way...
Whatever that is, eventually, but along the way with that there are people that she will gather, and trust I think, and learn to trust more, but in terms of Baldur's Gate 3 the game there are lots of other characters who do lots of really nasty horrible things, so I feel sometimes... since the game was released and I've been sort of in all of this and watching everybody's response I also feel that...
You know the tiefling bit is not the only bad bit in the game.
There's lots of other stuff going down and lot of other people making big decisions about stuff, so I think, she's not the only bad character in it. You know I sometimes find it hard to sort of understand the difference in the game between you know good killing and bad killing. You know she she's very much in the bad killing bit, it's like, well killing is bad, so you know you got to have a bloody good reason for doing it oh sorry I swore Jason sorry.
I don't know, it's hard for me Jason, because I'm inside her as it were as the actor, so I don't see her as evil necessarily, but I understand that she is labelled that, yes. Because obviously what she does is brutal, and her background is brutal and she's not going to change.
So yeah, she is evil but one of the great things about the game is that it's not just black and white, that it's, you know there are layers. There are grey areas, there are reasons for things, and you're allowed to explore that in the game. And that's what makes the game so interesting.
Q: What are your thoughts on DnD and or other role-playing games in Thoughts on D&D & Roleplaying Games Genre general?
A: I love the world of DnD and I mean my only other, a long time ago, I used to sit around with friends of a weekend if we had nothing else to do, and we would spend an entire weekend playing Call of Cthulhu. I really loved call of Cthulhu very, very much and I loved that whole experience because it for me as an actor obviously, allowed me to just sit with some characters and get into taking them anywhere I wanted to, take them obviously with whatever the games master would allow obviously, but it just fires up your imagination. You could see the worlds blah blah blah what they're wearing where they're going how they look so I really, really love roleplaying I don't do enough of it, and I should do more... And Dungeons and Dragons is an extraordinary world and I see that too in in in other worlds.
I do a lot for Warhammer and the Warhammer worlds. When I go to do recordings for them at their base in Nottingham for Games Workshop, and I pass by the area where people are going to play the actual games on tables and stuff: the kingdoms and the characters and the and the models, and the things that people are creating and the love and devotion for that, is just beautiful because it is escapism, isn't it? It allows you to leave your own troubles behind for a bit and get into a world where you can do anything you want, and be anything you want, and do things that you wouldn't do in this world, you know and that's really interesting to me or be a god or be a wizard or be a saint, or Minthara or you know. It's beautiful I love it!
I love the imaginative escapism of it and the confidence that it gives people actually, Jason, because we've had... a lot of us actors have had a lot of fabulous response from people who've got so much out of Baldur's Gate 3, where it's allowed them to express who they are to maybe in this world express who they are. It's given them a confidence to do so to be who they really are in real life and be okay with it. And that's beautiful that they identify with our characters to give them confidence.
Q: And that leads very well to my next question because I was going to ask what are other characters of viewers might know you from, and with that as you just mentioned, I understand you're fairly well-known Warhammer wise would you care to give us a taste of that in action?
A: What do you mean you mean...
Q: Perform a bit of it just a little line or something?
A: No, no there's enough out there for people to go and explore no I love I love all of those all of those characters all of those worlds and I love all the characters I've played I appreciate the fact that I've been involved with Larian before in Divinity: Original Sin one and two.
So, I've played everything for them from Minthara to talking chickens to Bears to wizards to all sorts of different to princesses or whatever to, you know, yeah that's great and Harry Potter and Star Wars and all those wonderful games that I've been involved in. I'm just really, I really love it I just love the imaginative creativity of it and yeah Warhammer! Very fortunate to be a battle sister or Celestine the living Saint, yes all of those big characters that I've played which people can go and explore in their own time, don't need me to do any of that right now.
Q: I guess that doesn't farewell for my next note where I'm like "would you mind giving the audience a brief line or "Taste of Minthara", taste of Minthara in action?"
A: [Using her Minthara voice] Jason why are you asking me to do lines there is enough in the game, Jason. You don't need me to sit here and recite more. [/end]
There you go, that took you by surprise!
Jason: Perfect, yeah you got me there. You really did.
Q: Okay and for my final question. I always like to leave a spot for you to say anything or go over anything I might have missed during the interview anything you want to pitch or whatnot, that you're working on?
A: Don't need to pitch anything, working on a lot of things but can't say what they are. This is often the way with things, but I'd just like to thank everybody again for the amazing response to this to this game and to Minthara, and to ask personally, as actors it's been extraordinary. The support has been extraordinary and I'm really, really grateful. I'm really grateful and also everybody supporting all of our other work that we've done in the past, you know before Baldur's Gate 3 and obviously in the future and yeah keep listening keep playing, and we'll hopefully, we'll and also all the people I've met at conventions and stuff like that just fantastic really beautiful the love that people are showing so yeah let's keep on doing that been really great thank you./.
Note: Gods. This took longer than I expected it to. Btw every time she said Jason (the interviewer's name) my mind just autocompletes to Jason Derulo.
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tnoy-keraxis · 20 days
What would each CC characters podcasts be about
THE QUESTION EVER!!!!!! I have developed this au so far and I love talking about it. I am going to put a cut after the background info because im going to be so annoying
So, for background, they all work for a little podcast network known in my heart as 'Bogs Hollow FM' (BHFM) <3. It was founded by Ragweed and The Narrator (David)* after their podcast was so successful that they could afford to not only expand their podcast but acquire others and fund some new ones!
*Note: I know that this mixes the two layers of fiction that we are given in CC. I know that the Narrator and Ragweed don't actually know the main characters. I know the characters are played by The Players. I know the story in CC is mostly fiction. This is just me having fun <3 Im just saying this because I would argue with myself over this.
but anyway!!! talk about the podcasts below the cut because this shit is LONG (i know you didnt ask for all the lore but i like talking)
Starting with the one that started it all, Ragweed and David have a weekly podcast called The Woodblock (this is one of the few names I'm sure of). It is just general news/guys talking. It got popular fast and good on them. It's become a huge production and most of the audience just shitposts about how they seemingly get divorced every episode. Ragweed's real name isn't Ragweed, but he refuses to tell anyone what his real name is.
Then, when The Woodblock became so successful, and they started BHFM, they acquired 3 other podcasts that were already successful in their own right and gave them increased funding.
First, The Prince (Nicholas) has a podcast which is essentially a painful rehash of alpha-male podcasts. But it did not find it's intended audience... Now it's essentially got the worlds queerest audience that just makes fun of him, but he does not notice. People assume it's a parody. It was originally just him, until he bullied Tadius into being his cohost but that's a story for another day
Then, Ella has an audience helpline podcast where she just answers questions and does general self-help/wellbeing content. We love a girl working through her trauma and helping others at the same time. She doesn't have a cohost but occasionally invites Lucy and Justine on, but they don't take things seriously enough. It is her sanctuary, and she wants to keep it as just hers. The last podcast they acquired was The Stepmother's podcast which is just an aggressive drama podcast, tragically the only way I can explain the energy is Frenemies meets Drama Alert, and I hope that gives you an idea of how horrific the energy is. Putrice and Rancilda are frequently their as well.
But when they acquired those 3, they also got handed some spin-off podcasts (which i dont have much to say about):
Rancilda has a daily riddles podcast that she is "hiding" from her stepmother (she isn't, its call "ranciriddles"). She has an audience suggested riddle every week.
Putrice has a more lowkey gossip podcast because she wants to be just like her mother but its way less toxic and tbh it's a good time.
Lucy and Justine have like a fun little sleepover style podcast, they just play games and talk and have a good time. They once did a whole episode reading fanfic about The Prince and Tadius just to fuck with them.
Crumb and Sir Hop-a-Lot (real names Chris and Harold <3) have a motivational/workout podcast, they are just the world's most chaotic duo, no one really understands what their podcast is trying to be.
The Fairy Queen has a daily affirmations podcast that she films at 3am. No one knows her real name. No one knows who she is.
and then lastly, they have a group dnd podcast run by David with the exact plot to Cinderella's Castle. It's a mess.
and that's a basic rundown of all the podcasts. There has been a lot of drama between them all including the aforementioned fanfic beef, the several times Tadius has been locked in a storage cupboard and why the Fairy Queen records at 3am but that's a post for another day.
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cambion-companion · 10 months
Do you think a satyr and an incubus would get along? I don't really think they would because of the alignment thing, but also because it feels like they operate differently.
Incubi are fiends who use magical charm, and if that fails then threats is what they resort to. Seeing as Haarlep straight up tells the player what's going down if they don't play their game. (Which feels sort of like a game/bluff, incubi/sucubi aren't built to fight and will get absolutely bodied most times plus iirc sucubi/incubi are hurt when they're rejected, like physically or smthn. Or maybe that was retconned and he was just rally confident as all fiends are)
A satyr is a lot more pushy and annoying, they're like a drunk dude at a party who calls a woman a man if she rejects him too many times. It feels... idk icky. Which is strange, I'd expect it to be the other way around since one is a literal sex fiend from the lower planes who wants to guzzle souls like they're going out of style.
Idk, between the two I'd pick an encounter with an incubus if only because they're more interesting, scarier, and honest(?) than the nightmare frat boy from the forest.
Just wanted to know your thoughts, Haarlep is one of my favorites and I'm currently making my way through MrRhexx's videos. I got to his satyr vid and I just got really annoyed for whatever reason. I learn a lot from his videos, and one of the lessons i learned was that i don't like satyrs.
Dude. Haarlep and a Satyr would get along so well.
@sky-kiss was kind enough to educate me on how Incubi and Succubi were all once Demons. Yes, not devils. So they were chaotic and still are to a point. It explains SO much.
So, while Raphael wouldn't like a Satyr all that much, I can totally see Haarlep being totally chummy and getting a kick out of one.
Ya know, as far as dnd goes...I don't think many mortals survive an encounter with an Incubus/Succubus. Tav got pretty lucky ;)
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vixstarria · 10 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Tav Ask Game
Following this post by @spacebarbarianweird
The list of questions is from @tolkien-fantasy.
My Tav's OC lore under the cut. This is the lady in all my fics.
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Here she is being pleased with herself for being a little shit. She was not, indeed, better than those juvenile antics.
Why did you pick the race you did for your Tav?
Half-elf, for I am a basic bitch (and one who likes the idea of their character having a longer-than-human lifespan)
Why did you pick the class you did for your Tav?
Bardlock. Heavily leaning bard in HC. A bard is a lot of fun to write, but I prefer to play magic types.
What is your character’s moral alignment?
Chaotic neutral.
How did you choose your Tav’s name, if you gave them a unique one?
She doesn't use her real name. Her patron insists that she calls herself Asmodea, in honour of Asmodeus. It's meant to be ironically pompous, because frankly she's a pretty shit warlock.
What are your character’s strongest and weakest stats (strength, charisma, etc)? 
Maxed out charisma, but needs to resort to asking Str 8 Astarion to open jars for her. Wisdom is clearly not up there either, given some of the choices she's made.
What is your Tav’s origin story? 
I started typing out an essay, but will try to condense as much as I can:
Unwanted child between elf (mother) and human (father), raised by father. Doesn't know elven side of family. Was sent off for schooling as a young adolescent. Father dies, any and all traces of family fortune gone, only debts that she would now have to take over. Unable to continue studies, gets kicked out. Can't go back home. What do? Hooks up with guy, guy turns out to be bandit. Joins and runs with bandits for years. Picks up bard skills along the way. Banditry gets progressively worse, more violent and dangerous, and she eventually says "fuck this" and sneaks off with whatever loot she can carry. Keeps changing names and appearance and lives as a traveling bard for the next decade or so.
Enters pact with an otherworldly being shortly before events of BG3. Not her brightest moment, but one that kept her out of jail, at least.
Then nautiloid happens.
What was the most significant moment in your Tav’s origin story? 
I would say suddenly finding yourself penniless and roofless and having to learn how to survive was a pretty big deal.
What deity, if any, does your character worship? 
What is your Tav’s biggest priority or goal?
Part of the terms of the patron's contract is keeping them entertained, so she is, indeed, forced to live in 'interesting times', or create them personally.
If your Tav didn’t become an adventurer, what else would they be doing?
She didn't really have particular plans for her future before everything went haywire.
What is your Tav’s most used weapon or spell? 
Eldritch blast. Pew pew.
What is your Tav’s favorite school of magic/weapon type?
Realistically, anything ranged.
How does your Tav fight in a combat situation?
Poorly. Tries to stay away from hand to hand combat as much as possible. Stays close to Astarion.
Does your Tav know any other languages besides Common? 
Note: OP doesn't know enough DND lore to really say. Let's go with whatever human language is appropriate for the Sword Coast area + bits and pieces from numerous other languages that she's picked up in her travels.
If your Tav could/does multiclass, what other class would they choose?
Is a bardlock.
Which of the companions does your Tav trust most? 
Astarion because bae. Karlach because friend. Lae'zel because predictable.
Which of the companions does your Tav distrust most?
Shadowheart. She always seemed like she had an ulterior agenda that she might foresake everyone else for.
She's not too fond of Gale's bomb and all the surrounding circumstances either.
Who is your Tav’s biggest rival?
She doesn't really think of her companions in those terms. Wyll's clearly a better warlock, but she simply accepts that.
Who is your Tav romancing, if anyone?
Astarion. Of course it's Astarion.
If you’re romancing anyone, why did your Tav fall for them? And why did that character fall for your Tav?
They connected through a shared sense of humour, impulsivity, dramatics, and desire to make the world burn just to see what happens.
If you’re romancing anyone, who fell first and who fell harder?
They arguably started falling more or less at the same time. Astarion fell harder.
How does your Tav act around their crush?
They started off by putting on a show of a massive love affair as a running gag to amuse themselves and annoy their other companions, until at some point it wasn't acting anymore. Related fic.
What is your Tav’s favorite moment they’ve had with their lover?
She rather enjoyed seeing him tear out a bandit's throat with his fangs to protect her.
What is your Tav attracted to? What are their turn-ons and turn-offs? 
Attracted to humour, independence and self-sufficiency. Likes it when people are straightforward and can keep up with her.
Incompetence, neediness or just plain being boring are major turn-offs.
Does your Tav have any biases against other classes or races? 
Not any more than the average person. She's met plenty of different people on her journeys. Goblins, half-orcs and drow are, in her experience, even worse than their stereotypes. The tieflings she's met have mostly been lovely though, she doesn't understand the hate for them.
What is the most prominent color in your Tav’s color scheme?
Doesn't really stick to any particular colours as doesn't want to be too easily recognised.
What is their sense of humor like?
Inappropriate. Also finds great joy in just being immature at times.
What is your Tav’s guilty pleasure?
Horrendously bad erotica novels. A hobby she shares with Astarion, actually. They keep a running tally of each instance of "velvet-wrapped steel" they come across, and occasionally perform dramatic in-character readings at camp for everyone's benefit, when the writing is sufficiently atrocious.
How easily offended are they? How do they act when offended?
Not easily at all, or rather doesn't let it get to her. She will remember, however, and is not above enacting petty, spiteful revenge.
How does your Tav react when someone insults their friend/partner?
Usually by saying something like "no, it's not worth it, let's just go, oh no, how will they ever walk again, that sure is a broken kneecap, shame about the face, welp, there go the teeth" and not actually intervening. Astarion can take care of himself.
How does your Tav dress for different occasions, like very fancy situations?
She hasn't had a chance to dress for a fancy occasion since she was a teenager. I think she would go all out given the opportunity. A combination of practicality and allure in everyday life - her vocation does require that she presents well. And that she is able to get away quickly should shit hit the fan.
How did your Tav get their scars, if they have any?
No major scars.
What is your Tav’s relationship with their family?
Doesn't know mother's elven side, and father's dead. She's got extended family, somewhere, but they've never been close.
What is your Tav’s opinion on nobility and authority?
Fuck the police. Eat the rich. She's technically still on the run from the law, not that 'the law' is competent enough or cares enough to find her.
How does your Tav react to wearing the Wavemother’s robe? How do they react to their partner wearing it?
They think it's hilarious and argue about who looks better in it. Neither will admit, but they both think Gale wore it best.
What is your Tav’s favorite type of environment? Like in a tavern, a library, out in the wilderness, underground, etc.
Honestly, she is sick and tired of taverns and the wilderness. She craves being someplace comfortable and more refined.
What would your Tav’s Zodiac sign be?
Sigh, OP is not into this, but going by the stereotypes - Aries might suit.
What is their favorite season?
Summer. Because fuck snow, fuck rain, fuck mud, fuck cold.
Where in the world does your Tav want to visit the most?
She's never had a chance to sail and is curious about that.
What is the biggest mistake your Tav ever made?
The banditry definitely wasn't a great choice.
What animal best represents your Tav?
Some form of talking parrot that might shit on you as they fly overhead
What flower/tree/plant best represents your Tav?
Four leaf clover
What does your Tav smell like?
Honestly, not that great at the moment, but hopefully she'll find a bath soon
What song best represents your Tav?
Oh boy. Gogol Bordello - Not a Crime came to mind. It's got the energy of something she might play. And the lyrics are suitable.
What would be your Tav’s favorite music genre?
I think she would have an eclectic taste, leaning towards the more lively end of the spectrum.
What role would your Tav play in a highschool AU? (nerd, jock, bully, goth, etc)
Theater kid that's always skipping class
What is the most important item your Tav has?
It's for practicality rather than sentimental value, but she does need her instruments. She's also got numerous notebooks where she jots down notes for her stories.
Where does your Tav feel most at home?
She may be tired of them, but she is most at ease and in her element in a busy tavern.
What is your Tav’s philosophy on life?
Trust your gut. Don't ask for permission. Better to regret doing than regret not doing.
Does your Tav think more with their heart or their brain?
She flips a coin when conflicted.
What does your Tav want in their future? (domestic bliss, more adventure, a family, etc)
Some kind of stability, at least for a while. Doesn't see herself as a mother or housewife though.
What is your Tav’s worst fear?
Helplessness and loss of freedom
Is your Tav easily tricked or deceived?
No, she's very distrustful given the amount of tricking and deceiving that she's had to do herself.
If your Tav was granted a single wish, what would it be?
Immortality. Like I said, she isn't particularly wise.
How does your Tav feel about keeping secrets, both their own and others?
She'll respect other people's secrets if they respect hers.
How would your Tav react to a love confession?
Oh I have a whole fic about that.
What are your Tav’s biggest insecurities?
Struggles with impostor syndrome generally. Can't believe she hasn't gotten everyone killed yet. Why are they following her?
What is your Tav’s favorite food?
Anything with a bit of a kick to it. Dislikes bland food as much as she dislikes bland people.
How generous is your Tav, especially to those they don’t know?
Generally, she's not. Rather, she can be generous with information, not so much with money, items or time - unless it doesn't really hinder her or she stands to benefit in the long run. No point helping those who can't help themselves. She might make an exception for children or other women - she knows how rough it can be.
If an evil character told your Tav that they wanted to change and help them, would they believe it?
This would have to be an actions speaking louder than words situation. She'll believe it when she sees it.
What does your Tav want to be remembered by?
She's documenting the current journeys, but hasn't decided yet whether to keep her name in it. Or if so, which name.
What Tarot Card best represents your Tav?
Really not my forte. Perhaps Page of Wands.
What would be your Tav’s major in college?
Does your Tav consider themselves a hero, villain, victim or something else?
A reluctant participant and chronicler.
How good is your Tav at giving advice? How good are they at following it themselves?
“She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it).”
How does your Tav get along with each party member?
Karlach is her best friend in the group. She wishes she could have had Karlach with her as a travelling companion over the past 10 years, watching her back and stirring shit up with her.
Gale annoys the shit out of her with the unrequited crush he's got for her.
She finds Lae'zel to be a breath of fresh air with how she says exactly what she thinks, and actually feels like she can relax around her.
Shadowheart unnerves her somewhat. She doesn't really trust any religious fanatics.
She would ordinarily be annoyed with someone like Wyll for the excessive altruism, but he is genuinely such a kind and openhearted person that she can't help but like him. She is NOT allowing him to co-write their adventures though.
Is somewhat intimidated by Halsin's sheer life experience.
And then there's Astarion, but you know about that.
What are your Tav’s other hobbies?
She drinks. She cheats at cards. And she writes. Whether it's chronicling their journey or original stories that come to mind. Thank goodness for that bag of holding, she's been lugging her notebooks around for years, not having anywhere to store them.
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balanceoflightanddark · 4 months
I had a fun idea, an ATLA and DnD crossover where Azula becomes an adopted gremlin child of a DnD party
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I'm just going to go ahead and combine these two asks into one since they touch on the same subject.
I just want to emphasize before we begin that I have very little knowledge in the ways of Dungeons and Dragons. Don't get me wrong, I am familiar with some of the works derived from the game. I've watched Honor Among Thieves in theaters, I've seen a few play sessions online, I've read the At The Spine of the World comic set in Icewind Dale (shakes fist at Runa for being a huge, fur-wearing, female barbarian), and I have watched a few parody videos on YouTube (the old "I attack the Darkness short, the 4th edition vids where the presenters always gets killed and/or eaten, the exploits of Fargrim the Great). That being said, I've never actually played a session (I played by myself, but that's not a proper D&D experience) and I'm not familiar with every rule/monster/setting ever put out. At least not to the same extent as some other series.
So if I get something wrong with this, somebody feel free to let me know.
I do know that one of the appeals of D&D is that dungeonmasters and players are encouraged to get pretty creative with the setting. You can either play in an established setting, or just set off on your own setting from what I've heard. Really, the various monsters, gods, and races are there as pieces for you to play around with. So you can do a lot with an ATLA/D&D crossover.
As how I'd write one, I'd perhaps go for a multiverse shenanigans where the Gaang ends up in one of the settings that plays around with that sort of thing. You really don't have to work all that hard to make them a typical D&D party, so the fun would be seeing their reactions to all the various races and some of the shenanigans they might run into whilst dungeon crawling or encountering various monsters. You couldn't convince me otherwise that Aang wouldn't try to befriend every single monster they came across (ESPECIALLY the Owlbears).
I wager Zuko doesn't make it past the first room of the Tomb of Horrors.
It's here where I wouldn't adhere the various races to the morality alignment chart. You know how there are certain races that adhere to a single morality like Always Chaotic Evil or Always Lawful Good? I'd try to avoid that here, or at least give some explanation as to why they are like that instead of "born that way". ATLA does have "nobody is born evil" as one of the core themes, so I figure that would be a good fit here.
As for Azula being adopted by a party, I could see her being weirded out by the various different races. Made even make some snide racist remarks because...well the Fire Nation WAS an imperialistic racist society after all. Though once she actually spends time with them and sees they're NOT some barbarious monsters, she could warm up to them. And if we're going to have a plot involving Azula, I would have to have it involve Chromatic Dragons somehow. First off, they're dragons which Azula is associated with. Second, they're the "evil" dragons compared to the "good" Metallic Dragons. Like how Azula is the "evil" blue dragon to Zuko's "good" red dragon. I'd like to explore the morality of the Chromatics (what makes them evil and the potential for good) and see how that relates to Azula.
All in all, there would be a few things I'd like to explore with a D&D crossover. But, I'd need to do a bit more research since I'd like to know what I'm dealing with first before taking the plunge. Thanks for asking either way.
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mizzymii · 11 months
Vanitas Headcanons
General Headcanons that have no relevancy at all but I brainrot these on a daily basis.
If you see typos— no you didn't
TW: mentions of death and some Lightly-angsty Headcanons!
EDIT: I spelt so many things wrong WHOOPS I swear I know how to english
⌛ Vanitas has itty bitty freckles all over his face, they weren't very noticeable but they're there
⌛ He is very good at knife juggling and lives for the thrill of it
⌛ Because I live for the Trans!Vanitas Headcanons and fancy ass scars; his scars oddly look like little wonky hour glasses
⌛ if Vanitas were to be in a relationship I feel like he isn't much of a PDA person; so he gets all funny when he's genuinely being shown affection in front of people.
⌛ for the Vanoè shippers and piggyback from the PDA Headcanons; I feel like Vanitas loves to just sit on the roof; he won't go out if his way to cuddle Noè or anything, but enjoys his company
⌛ for the VaniJeanne shippers; listen. Vanitas will let Jeanne do his makeup.
⌛ In a Modern-Day setting, in terms of music, I feel like Vanitas would like MCR; but also REALLY likes The Oozes
⌛ Vanitas is a musical guy because he just- radiates theatre kid. He likes the Falsettos :D
✎... NOÈ
🐱 I like to think Noè used to have a speech impediment when he was younger
🐱 Boi stims and likely has ADHD.
🐱 When he stims; he usually waves his hands around, shakes Vanitas or stomp in place
🐱 He can repeat "uhm uhm uhm uhm" for a minute straight until he remembers what he is thinking; and it pisses everyone (But Domi) off
🐱 for the Vanoè shippers, but I'm throwing in some angst. While Noè crushes on Vanitas (before a relationship), I feel like Noè tends to stare at Vanitas while on the rooftop and internally recites thousands of poems, but never speaks them.
🐱 When Noè gets Into a relationship with Vanitas, He leaves small pieces of the poems he's written around their room for Vanitas to find
🐱 For the DomiNoè shippers, I feel like Noè gives her the BEST hugs and cuddles you've EVER seen and is like her backpack
🐱 When Noè is in a relationship bc why tf not; you bet your ass he traces over ALL of his partners scars
🐱 Did I say I'm a Vanoè shipper? Well— more angst. In the end when Noè marks Vanitas, they come to a mutual understanding; but they embrace eachother for the last memory :) I can't think of anything sadder than that so that's for the softies (aka me)
🐱 Noè is a book dragon; he reads when he suddenly gets the motivation but he loves to hoard books because he thinks hell read them but never does
🌹 She loves roses; she feels like a rose girl
🌹 In modern times; She's also a theatre kid- but she loves all the niche musicals.
🌹 her favorite singer is Aurora :) and she LOVES Tomm Moore movies
🌹for the VaniJeanne shippers, She loves to braid his hair and get him all pampered up
🌹 She gets sunburned very easily
🌹She's very sensitive to STRONG aroumas so she likes the subtlety
🌹Jeanne daydreams a lot when she has absolutely nothing to do
🌹(VaniJeanne) When Jeanne is in a relationship with Vanitas; she definitely makes sure to take care of him and is constantly checking up on him and giving him constant reminders that she does indeed love him
🌹Her love language is probably Words of Admiration and Physical touch
🌹She stims as well but they're usually little whistles and fiddling with sensory objects; these only happen when she's anxious and flustered
🌹For the DomiJeanne shippers; Jeanne loves to do Domi's first date was at a greenhouse then a Cafe.
🌹 Again for the DomiJeanne Shippers; Jeanne is the big spoon.
🌹 Jeanne would play DnD and always plays either the little and chaotic menaces or the big and gentle cutie patooties
I had a bunch of things for Domi but I had a blank while writing these
🗡 Bc I am; Domi is near sighted. It isn't TOO bad but it certainly is annoying
🗡 Domi is a secret bookworm and finds it so relaxing to read with a nice cup of tea
🗡 Domi used to take fencing classes and was really good? Listen girlie wields a sick rapier she DEFINITELY had practice ((this isn't even a Headcanon tbh))
🗡 Domi used to use Noè for practice
🗡 Domi doesn't like putting her hair up but is okay with doing braids or other types of hairstyles
🗡 Domi has a birthmark that looks to have matched Louis's :)
🗡 Domi, in Modern, would ALSO play DnD but dm's for Jeanne
🗡 Domi loves PDA :) romantic or platonic
🗡 I like to think Noè is her soulmate, both in a romantic and platonic sense
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fangirlshrewt97 · 1 year
D20 - Dungeons and Drag Queens Ep 1 Notes
Hey @lurkerviolin,
My notes ran too long so I thought I’d post it as a text post 😅. I do realize some of these are incoherent, and lacking my usual amount of emojis but I typed it in my laptop instead of phone so...
Also I think i kept switching up all their pronouns cause I wasn’t sure which was the right one? 😅😅
Anyways here we go:
This theme song is already so chaotic lol
God still so strange to see Brennan all made up, but he looks great
It's so nice to see how the Queens are all so engaged. Brennan is radiating such incredible Storyteller energy right now, it's amazing.
Lololol oh no Monet! "We have someone who works in identity theft" lol
Jujubee is so entranced as Brennan is describing Everdeep. Mood.
Oh my gosh the Queens are so funny. The riffing about the gem's origins.
Hmm yeah she did talk to her own mother like that ...
The way it was written by Tuna Turner! I don't know how much the Dropout people asked the Queens to lean on puns but they are doing amazing. Bob especially is SO into it.
The growl from Alaska lol
Hmm, has Bob played before? They seem more accustomed to the game play.
Ok yeah I think Bob might be my favorite so far
Jujubee is a close second, they are so enthusiastic but so lost. It's endearing. "We went to Cher's last first concert to gether." lolol
Cause they're an inch from 5' feet lolololol oh my gooood.
These interjections are such a gift. They just make the story so much funnier
Lieutenant Alvin the chipmunk lol cute!!
Jujubee forcing Brennan to narrate as Alvin was such a Mood. Yes, make him work!
Zaria Hex: Beware her death drop *I snorted, oh my god, ingenious*
"9.30" "Yeah, it's late for you Grandma" lol
Alaska's growling accent is an excellent character choice
Bob entering the bar and immediately describing what they are seeing, are we sure they are completely new to this?
Oh my god I love Kashra, look at that build!
Daggy is also really handsomely designed.
Makes sense for the two fighters to be able to down the drink no problem.
Aww two nat ones
"If your perception's a one, that means you are delusional" lol
Oh my god Jujubee is too cute, with how often they get confused.
A racotour is when you contour with a rat LOLOLOL
"Oh, he's a pimp"
This is a greatseason for newcomers to DnD. Brennan is such a good teacher
Bump is kinky! LOL
Gertrude is so clever. I love how quickly Bob and Monet understood the concept of the game.
A 24?! She is going to pulvarize him!
Lololol, just so you know when you turn 36 yourknees know when it's going to rain.
Idk who Michelle visage it, but I like how Jujubee says Brennan. Yeah he may be the DM guiding them in the adventure, but to them, he's also like a younger kid/brother-type.
I remember Raphaniel casting Detect thoughts in Ep 1 of the ravening war and just getting blasted with horny thoughts lol
"Twyla! Don't look around! Don't freak out!
Oooh Wallace... I like that idea, yeah his clasp is a different colour cause he's an undead pretending not to be. Solid guess.
Oh damn they went from initiative to beast assault. Zero to 60 indeed.
A Cat Tree??? So out of left field. God, you got to love first time players just doing the wildest moves.
Amazing Grapple. Like a To-Go container.
It's probbaly Swallace, drop the 'S', no one will know . LOLOL
This Mark Ronson gag is also so funny.
Cousin KK, incredible.
Ooh, Brennan is so good about tying far flung stories together.
Aww Jujubee really liking Brennan'sflowery descriptions! Cute.
I really like how Brenan incorporates all their random additions into his narrative. As a DM, really letting the players's additions become part of his world. It's very kind.
Lol, the caption for the guardian being "Stoned for days, Darling". All these taglines are so clever!
Oh my god, the camera jumping back and forth between Monet and Jujubee instead of Brennan as he is trying to do a play. Far more entertaining, good call Director/editor
Alaska's voice for Princess is so fitting and so funny.
"Just straight up the same one?" Judgey much, stone guy?
Brennan is so good with descriptions of what is happening.
OOOOH They look so into it in the next episode. This looks like a cool side quest, can't see what comes next.
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circlique · 2 years
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Okay, I think we do know who my favorite is after all... I gotta say I'm really happy with how this came out. The last session of Avatar DND is this Sunday, and I'm gonna miss badass characters like this a lot.
Avatar DND Masterpost
Name: Maika (Japanese, 舞 "dance, flit, circle, wheel" / 花 flower; alt Mycah, Hebrew "who is like god")
Age: 30
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (leaning, at times, into Chaotic Evil)
Highest stat: Wisdom
Bending: Air (primary), Water (including blood and spiritbending), Earth, Fire
Theme: Finale: Apex & bad apple!!
Played by: Z, the DM
Background: Last but not least, we have Avatar Maika. Once a confident, somewhat spontaneous young airbender, she trained at the Southern Air Temple as a teenager before growing disillusioned with the elders' teachings of detachment and leaving to learn the four elements on her own. She put together her own team of bending companions, who she learned from instead. When she met Juno, their goals and morality overlapped, and so she was quickly folded into the team as well (although Maika, at the time, assumed Juno was a nonbender). Team Avatar then traveled the world, solving problems in a (usually) nonviolent manner.
Then, the day came that they were to confront Dai Lee, who was trying to free the world of corrupt governments by simply taking over himself. Juno had just revealed herself as a mindbender, which sowed distrust among the team. As it would turn out, Dai Lee already had extensive intel on every member of Team Avatar--all their interpersonal conflicts, insecurities, and secrets--which he then used to turn them all against each other with murderous intent. This is not something most mindbenders are able to do. Nonetheless, Maika was forced to watch her teammates tear each other apart, and was then taken captive by Dai Lee while Juno was able to escape.
During the month Maika was captive, Dai Lee mindbent her almost continuously, trying to break her will. He also had her brainwashed with a sleeper phrase that, when activated, would supposedly make her obedient to him and allow him to execute his plan without her interference. Fortunately, Ephemeris, the spiritbender tasked with keeping Maika from entering the Avatar State, began to doubt Dai Lee's methods and found a way to contact Juno. Together, they hatched a plan to free Maika under the cover of a Fire Nation attack on Dai Lee's headquarters. They were successful, but the Avatar would never be the same. Though her spirit was never broken, her faith in humanity was.
As Juno and Maika returned to old villages where they had once resolved conflicts, they began to discover that those same conflicts had resurfaced, often in a worse state than they had originally found them. Maika, feeling that her fallen teammates' efforts had been in vain, gradually began to resort to more violent methods and "permanent solutions." After some time, she and Juno split ways over this. Maika sought out new masters, namely Xin Li and Laminar, who taught her more brutal and cruel bending techniques (unbeknownst to her, these masters were also allies of Dai Lee who had been asked to encourage this behavior in her).
At some point, she willingly entered a contract with the blood spirit Panggu, convinced she needed the extra power to truly scare the world's worst out of their evil ways. When Juno eventually caught wind of Maika's new methods of brutality, she tracked the Avatar obsessively until one day she found her (under Panggu's influence) surrounded by dead children as she attacked a school for some unknown reason. Shocked by this scene, Juno could not put off the inevitable confrontation any longer, and attempted to take Maika's bending. However, Maika, for all she'd been through, still possessed an iron will, and her spirit was unbendable, and so Juno's energybending failed.
Juno went back into hiding, but the incident served as a wake-up call for Maika. When she was alone again, she bled herself nearly to death bloodbending and spiritbending herself until she was able to forcibly remove the spirit that was tied to her blood.
Motivations: Though Maika still travels the world undercover "solving" issues of crime and corruption, she is obsessed with finding Juno and exacting revenge for her trying to take her bending. When the party accidentally disclosed that Juno was at the Central Air Temple, Maika wasted no time in flying there and tearing through both the temple and the volcano it was built on looking for her. This resulted in the dormant volcano erupting and killing most of the inhabitants of the temple. Juno survived and was able to escape with the party's help, but not without a second encounter in which Maika immobilized and would have killed her, if not for Chai Li managing to induce doubt in her at the last second. Though Maika has begun to show some remorse about trying to kill Juno, she has yet to show any about the swaths of casualties that seem to follow her wherever she goes.
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i now really want to hear more about con!cala forcing c!sam and c!quackity to play dnd with her
So the thing is- Cala could go horrible Dungeon Master mode and win the game quickly by making them be level 1 and letting them fight tarrasques. That would be easy right? But no- Cala is very fair in what she wants to do. She could rig it up SO EASILY, but she knows if she does then it would give Quackity all the more reason to do it on his end as well as Sam. So she would make it fair and very balanced.
She would definitely help with making their characters. Like genuinely help them sort it out and make sure they’re not cheating on their end as well. It would lead to her having to redo Sam’s sheet because he would make his character overpowered.
Quackity and Sam i feel would make characters that are very similar to them but not actually them- and Cala would allow that uwu
Sam would definitely be a Paladin and Quackity would be a Rogue. :3
Quackity would attempt to cheat though first session in by bringing a loaded set of dnd dice- very custom made and beautiful with the 1 being a duck and a 20 being :]
However Cala would remedy that problem quickly by saying that they have to use dice that is in the dice bucket she has. And it’s just how it sounds- a bucket full of dice.
Quackity would try to convince her and she would immediately just, “oh if you want these dice to be put Into play then i Can use them then!! :3”
That makes him use the bucket.
First session is a classic dnd quest: helping a town with their giant rat problem. It’s something simple of Cala would make them think outside the box. As well as that Cala would sprinkle some in game lore here and there, but not too much.
Cala gets very serious when she DMs. She isn’t a scary dm but she really gets into the role of telling her story. She usually would be very spacey or fidgety but it all goes away when she’s in the middle of explaining the story.
Quackity would think it’s just a one time session- all they have to do is beat this quest and that’s it— but that’s when Cala would pull in a cliffhanger of a bigger problem right at the end of the session and she just smiles and goes: “Well- that’s the first session! So same time next week?”
Quackity would immediately be surprised and ask what she means and she explains that this isn’t a one time thing- just because they passed one quest doesn’t mean they won the whole game. So until they beat basically the main storyline she made then no one has won yet.
Sam immediately would understand what she meant, and she’s right- the terms were if either of them won the game and them beating the first quest only helped a small bit with their goal. They still have a long way to go!
So they would play dnd weekly- or biweekly since Cala is busy. And Cala also made Quackity agree to the terms that neither Sam or him can torture Dream in between sessions. I feel like that would be in exchange for Cala making the session balanced. This also means Cala would drag it out as long as possible. Because she knows what she’s doing.
Obviously it would get harder the more she plays with them- she would make it more difficult; make puzzles, riddles, any solution that would be different to the actual one. And also some of the quests as well as the npcs are a bit… familiar to Sam and Quackity.
Like an alcoholic satyr who is the leader of a country that’s on the midst of a revolution.
Or a triton who loves to build and is the demigod of the sea and lightning.
Not all of them are like that, but she defintiely sprinkled some familiarity with them. They would either love it or hate it.
And if you think Cala would ignore the backstories the two made for their characters, even if they were poorly made, you have another thing coming because she would adapt those stories and manage to put them into the session seamlessly.
Cala loves to tell stories no matter what, and she does her best even in this situation where her and Dream’s lives are on the line.
I feel like Sam and Quackity would have a guilty pleasure of doing this- like they enjoy it but they’re salty that they are. Quackity would try and rig the game up and Sam would try and intimidate Cala but she usually doesn’t take their shit.
It would genuinely be a 50/50 on if Cala would win or Quackity at the end too- but she would make it fun and make it last as long as possible.
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margridarnauds · 5 months
i would love to give you an excuse to ramble about kitrye and raphael! (i don’t even go here, but they delight me.) my personal favorite way to play with my assorted blorbo barbies is to dump them in as many sandboxes as my brain can hold - do you have any AUs you’re especially fond of for them? or, conversely, an AU that you think would Make Them Worse to be dropped into, for the drama of it all?
God. The Blorbos (one of whom only exists in my head + the game files). God, so when they first meet, it's important to understand that Kitrye is TERRIFIED. She hadn't been back down to the Underdark in over two hundred years, and there she was, back in this place that caused her so much trauma, hoping to find a cure because a parasite's been put in her head that won't just kill her, but will transform her, painfully, into something Other. And THAT was when Raphael decided to make his appearance, so she pulled her sword at him, to which he basically went "nuh uh" and poofed it away.
But over the next two acts of the game, they developed this odd dynamic -- a level of fondness, physical attraction, and respect mixed with apprehension and caution on Kitrye's end. She serves a morally good goddess who is chaotic, YES, and does genuinely care about her followers, but probably wouldn't like Kitrye...just...making eyes at a devil. So, the push and pull continues. Because, DESPITE that, they...get one another. In a way that her companions don't get her, because they're so wrapped up in their own issues (which are, admittedly, big issues), that they don't realize that Kitrye is very much Not Okay, or even really...know her. While she and Raphael have shared interests in art, literature, and music. (Their second meeting was Raphael stumbling on her practicing the lyre and listening to her play, as he started to realize there was more to this paladin than he'd thought.)
It's also vital to understand that, in DND mechanics, high level paladins' souls are RIDICULOUSLY alluring to devils, because they're worth more. So as this dynamic develops, Raphael ALSO becomes increasingly interested in *her* soul -- he wants her to give him the Crown of Karsus, yes, which would give him the power to (maybe???) take over the Hells, but he ALSO takes a *particular* interest in corrupting her, all while remaining oblivious to how hooked he really is....
Right until the point where she breaks her oath. Because he had given her the (actually true!) information that a vampire lord was going to try to sacrifice 7000 souls to the Archdevil Mephistopheles (aka Raphael's father, who he hates), she stopped it, but the way she went about it was a case of "either stay true to your oath or stay true to your morals", and she chose the latter. Raphael has the possibility for a perfect victory -- he's managed to deprive his father of 7000 souls, he has his paladin in his clutches, practically BEGGING him to take her pain away, to take her soul...and he refuses. Because he realizes that he doesn't want her like *that*, he doesn't want to break her.
At the end of the day, she is someone who, despite appearing very cool and collected on the surface, albeit something of a loner, is actually EXTREMELY love-starved and depressed, with a hint of survivor's guilt; he is someone who, despite appearing cool and collected on the surface, has EXTREME abandonment issues and a tendency towards obsession (and a corruption kink). It's shocking but also kind of inevitable that they'd latch onto one another. She has someone who, while he's aloof and distant in public, is OBSESSED with her and makes her genuinely happy, who protects her from Lolth, the main figure in the Drow pantheon who really, really does NOT like when Drow defect to the surface world (and likes to do *fun little things* to Kitrye like, say, give her nightmares of being eaten alive by spiders -- the first peaceful rest she's had in over two hundred years was the first time she slept with Raphael). Meanwhile, he has someone who adores him, who accepts his obsessive love, who will never leave him, and who is able to match him -- she's just as sharp as he is, she's just as interested in culture as he is, she can keep up with him. And they're both half-one evil DND race, half-one good DND race -- Kitrye is half-Drow, half-Wood-Elf; Raphael is half-Human, half-Devil, which means that both of them is AWARE of what it's like to not fit into one world or another, with one incredibly abusive parent and one dead parent (Kitrye's mother sacrificed her father to Lolth after she captured him, Raphael's father is...a literal archdevil who might or might not have had Raphael unconsensually, from DND lore around Mephistopheles and the Cambions he produces.) Kitrye is the only member of the party who GETS *why* Raphael is the way he is, even when she doesn't AGREE with it...because in another turn of events, maybe she would have become him. Or he'd have become her.
And then, at some point, she realizes that it's either her morals or Raphael's life. Because he's done too much and, frankly, doesn't WANT to be redeemed. It isn't that he's passed some arbitrary point of no return for redemption, it's that he doesn't *want* it. And they were broken up at the time, after a truly massive argument. And Kitrye knows that the moral thing to do would be to either kill him herself or let someone else do it, but...she can't. Because that would mean things were *over* and she can't do that. In the same way that he can't be TRULY mad at her over the breakup, even though every law of the Hells says that him showing her that level of deference is a sign of weakness. Which is what subsequently makes him marry her.
By the time of their endgame, after killing or otherwise debilitating no fewer than one elderbrain, two gods, and one archdevil, they're very formal and dignified in public, for the most part, but very quietly affectionate couple in private who still enjoy bantering with one another, who enjoy exploiting the various clauses in their 500+ page long marriage contract as a way of toying with one another, who enjoy teasing one another and dancing around one another while, on occasion, embarrassing their daughter with how in love they both clearly are and scandalizing the Nine Hells. There is an active rumor in the mortal plane that he abducted her, mainly because the truth is too difficult for people to come to terms with (once again, people liking the IDEA of Kitrye more than the extremely broken woman she actually is, clinging onto a heroic version of her who...IS Kitrye, yes, because she STILL advocates for souls that Raphael has bartered for as much as she can, but also doesn't capture the nuances of who she is BEYOND that.) She's the only being in any plane of existence that he truly, fully loves, and that means that he is very, very protective AND possessive of her...which suits her perfectly well, because she has no interest in anyone else.
So, for AUs:
Some of my friends have been very valiantly putting up with me talking about an academia AU for them -- which is part academia AU, part "Let me rant about all the power imbalances that occur in academia." It's still a fantasy setting, just a modern day one instead of Vaguely Medieval, but there's a Lot as far as the way that women are treated by academia, the way that women are presumed to be sleeping their way to the top if they get into a relationship with a senior male professor and then achieve success, the "soft" labor that female academics are expected to perform, the way that male academics are allowed to be "eccentric" in a way that female academics aren't, the way that some female academics develop a tendency of...tossing their female colleagues under the bus to prove their toughness and worthiness, the power dynamics that can exist between students and their supervisors, the emphasis on things being Proper VS them being Right, etc. All of which. Is in NO WAY. For LEGAL REASONS. Based on ANYTHING. I have personally either experienced or observed. Kitrye is a grad student, Raphael is a senior scholar from another university. He isn't her supervisor or even on her dissertation committee, but it still IS scandalous when they get together and MORE scandalous when they get married shortly after her graduation.
Another one, in a canon timeline, would be the "what if Raphael had met Young Kitrye two hundred years before the events of the game?" Some part of me says that it wouldn't have ended well for her, because he had no reason to maintain his interest in her, but some part of me still wants to see Young Kitrye falling head over heels in love with a devil and going "That one. I want that one." The two of them running away together, causing romantic ballads to be written about them. It's great for business for Raphael. What would a Kitrye who had never been as fully influenced by her goddess be like? That would have been two hundred years of being a loner that she wouldn't have had.
Another is "What if KITRYE had found Young!RAPHAEL" -- this is something Kitrye actually wishes for, and it's even murkier since we know less about Raphael's backstory, but Kitrye does sometimes wish she could go back to him before he was as strongly influenced by the Hells and try to reach him. He doesn't believe it would have been possible, Kitrye does -- of the two of them, I trust her more than him, but, again, what would that have led to? Who knows. Maybe Mephistopheles, in an attempt to get Raphael to embrace his destiny, would have fridged her.
Another canon-verse AU is the What-If for Kitrye dying at some point and her goddess having to go to the Hells to ask Raphael for her soul back, so that she can be reincarnated, which Raphael, grudgingly, agrees to, and then their reunion in the modern day. (Please note: Raphael. Will NEVER. In canonverse. Allow her to die. He is in full "I will dig up your grave and then defy every natural law in order to bring you back how DARE you die on me" gothic antihero love with her.)
One that I discussed with @antiqua-lugar (I am. So sorry to you. For having to get through the block of text. To get here) was one where Kitrye had actually MARRIED Gale following the events of the game...only for Raphael to show up. And because it's ALSO a Soulmate AU, things getting really, really messy really, really quickly, which leads to Kitrye ultimately going to Raphael after Gale, in a fit of insecurity, makes himself into a god, which functionally kills whatever love Kitrye felt for him...or guilt over having an emotional affair with Raphael. Which becomes a physical affair soon after because...well...her husband is a GOD, that HAS to count as a functional divorce.
Then, there's the Soulmate Goose of Enforcement AU, which is just me...having Raphael get chased by a Goose. Until he is willing to come to terms with his own feelings. (Yes....this is a real thing. No, I have no excuses.)
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hello world!!!
so hi!! we are a system with 20ish alters! you can always call us whichever one is fronting or just axce/kaeso/kae to refer to the body! since we're plural you can use the fronting party's pronouns or just honestly any pronouns you want, mainly neopronouns! i'm quite excited, sorry :D
to see our original thoughts you can search the tag "#kae post" for that!
check out our simply plural for alters (trust me i'll have a link out soon)
i'm your local nyc street rat coming out of his cave to tell you strange tales of the world around y'all (and maybe i'll make this an ARG but I Really Have No Clue)
we will often use plural pronouns, bad grammar/weird spelling, leetspeak, numbers, alternate caps, and other stuff so be patient plz
diagnosed: autism adhd ptsd DID dyslexia and potentially bpd (aka haha we're fucked up)
taken so plz don't hit on me!
stardew valley
queer history
riot grrrl punk
horrorcore rap
pop punk
crust punk
will wood & the tapeworms
penelope scott
the theorist channels
unus annus
memey music from the early-mid 2010s
prehistoric creatures in funny looking jars
lemon demon
tally hall
jack stauber
analog horror
old cancelled kids shows (shirt tales)
helluva boss
doki doki literature club
the binding of isaac
bass (not the fish)
stand up comedy (john mulaney and bo burnham)
animal crossing
south park
poppy playtime
vita carnis (analogue horror)
the boiled one phenomenon (analogue horror)
the man in the suit (analogue horror)
the mandela catalogue (analogue horror)
the fnaf vhs tapes (analogue horror)
bosivert (analogue horror)
vocaloids (especially miku)
sanrio (mostly kuromi and kero kero keroppi)
musicals but especially heathers
early 2000's dcoms (the OC, 90210 (the remake), one tree hill, etc)
early 2000's sitcoms (parks and rec, the office, gilmore girls, etc)
the hunger games
special interests:
political science (i'm an athiest but still Praying For Our Country Cause The Fucking Election Is Going To Doom Us All)
kandi (the Cool Rave Bracelets)
insane clown posse (icp)
ace ♠️ - 11, thankfully gave up host role, the body's first resident, gender-fluid bisexual demirose and greyrose. kind of chaotic and also an autistic child with ptsd so be nice. just split into ace and axce recently so sorry if you're confused. mostly just a traumaholder now. pronouns are he/they/she
axce ❤️ - ur average coolkid. dave strider (homestuck) and nick nelson (heartstopper) kin. the normal one for the most part. is now a host!!! yay!!! likes stand up comedy, pop punk, and his bf. trans and bi. pronouns are anything but she/her, he doesn't give a fuck.
ada ⚠️  - 6, old self, ptsd, autism, and bpd. trauma-holder. constantly causes problems but also shouldn't be attacked, she's really fragile. pronouns are she/it
??? ⚰️ - ??, demonic entity/personification of trauma/body's schizoaffective. doesn't front but can be detrimental to other's mental states. pronouns are ????
mori 💀 - 10-15 year old (we don't know) non-binary/agender thing who likes dnd, journaling, cosplay, mcyts, and old tech. your average white frog non-binary stereotype. autistic. only wears sweaters. pronouns are xe/mori
alex 🎤 - 19, trans gay stand-up comedian. likes anime and rap. kinda basic white boy (can't cook). dyslexic and dumb. he hates it here. chronic pain and fatigue. doesn't front much but can cause he's a dumbshit and doesn't know how most of the time. pronouns are he/him
apsen 🔥 - 15, ur average punk juggalo who likes to break shit. he is nice, though! he is a kin of foxybro/young micheal from fnaf. keeps making way too many damn battlevests. pronouns are he/him
amara 🌺 - 16, feminine friend to the littles who likes flowers and the outdoors. transfem and aroace. likes to play stardew valley. cooks a lot. pronouns are she/her
mara 🌼 - 15, quiet introvert who's really good at video games. talks in a really high voice and is super calm. really smart and good at remembering things. panromantic ace demi-girl. pronouns are they/she
ara 🌸 - 14, sassy babysitter who has no concept of math. trans bisexual aromantic girl. this girl has all the adhd. she really likes fruit smoothies and taylor swift. seems like a trashy white girl but is really self aware and punk. someone showed her an ani difranco concert and she got so excited she shaved her head lol. pronouns are she/xe
ash 💥 - 7 (a little), creative and fun! one of the main fronters, surprisingly! androgynous bi-gender little who wants to be an artist! plays a lot of video games and draws with crayons! uses many exclamation points! kins sun (fnaf), nepeta (homestuck) and ash (pokémon)! very dyslexic and dyspraxic and has unmedicated ADHD and bad sensory issues! likes pokémon, minecraft, fnaf, and homestuck (it is too old for him but he learned about it through ace and can't stop reading it) and their fandoms and fansongs! pronouns are he/she/ze/sun/ash
dave 💿  - fictive of dave strider from homestuck, 14, trans and bi, uses any pronouns
sun ☀️ - fictive of sun from fnaf, protector/caretaker of the littles. rarely fronts, almost exclusively co-fronts with greg or ash. 16, genderqueer, pronouns are they/he/she/sun
elizabeth 🍦 - fictive of elizabeth afton from fnaf. super loud and obnoxious. 8 (a little), transfem, pronouns are she/her
evan afton 🧸 - fictive of evan afton (crying child) from fnaf. trauma-holder. completely nob-verbal and non-communicative. 6 (a little), pronouns are he/him
gamzee 🎪 - fictive of gamzee makara from homestuck, 17, trans aroace, pronouns are he/they. one of the main fronters for some reason. skitzoaffective and autism. mostly mute other than saying completely crazy shit (voicing intrusive thoughts). really hates school. pities his friends. 
mituna ⭐️ - fictive of mituna captor from homestuck, 4 (a little), trans, uses any pronouns. super creative and loud but non-verbal. makes a lot of noises and tries to communicate in crude ASL and his own sign language. really bad sensory issues.
sollux 🌟 - fictive of sollux captor from homestuck, 17, bi-gender and bisexual, pronouns are he/she/bee. token older sibling who is so tired and annoyed. looks constantly hungover. addicted to tumblr.
gregory 🍕 - fictive of gregory from fnaf. most people call him greg. one of the main fronters. the only competent one in the system, wstg. really loves his source. 14, trans and aroace, pronouns are he/they
vannessa 🐰 - fictive of vanessa from fnaf. a protector. 19, trans and aromantic aplatonic. pronouns are she/they.
rude people
creepy peeps
people i've blocked
anyone who just doesn't like what i have to say if it's harmless (i'll take criticism but if you're gonna come to my blog to be an asshole for no reason then Screw You, Man!)
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autisticempathydaemon · 10 months
Have never done anything like this before but I wanted to participate because why not!
Hope I'm doing this right- this is for the RedactedAudio Match-up :)
1 - Ok so I have 2 song fixations, first one is "Used to the Darkness" by Des Rocs and the other is "Morning Coffee" by Chevy and Nalba
For Used to the Darkness the specific verse is the chorus, it's a bit long for tumblr but I'll give my reasoning. I've always loved this kind of rock because it reminds me of the 90s rebellion kind of era and this verse strikes me as 'society has forced me down by its standards and is leaving me in the dust because I've "made a mistake", but I'm going to fight because my life hasn't started yet and I'm too young to simply give up'. Every time I hear that chorus it gives me a second wind of sorts and reminds me to just keep going, to keep being stubborn and to keep being me unapologetically.
For Morning Coffee there is no specific line because I resonate with the whole song lol. I'm a very big coffee addict, like I need coffee or tea every day to make it feel right. The reason being is that it's a small comfort treat to help me feel better especially when some days just aren't the best and I need a pick me up to feel better, even if it's a little bit. I listen to this every morning on my commute and every afternoon on the way back home, it's such a big comfort song that I keep on repeat.
2 - 6! (subtype sp) 3 - I love a good video essay! My favourite ones are a bit niche but I especially love SovietWomble's essay about "The Forest" because it's a deep dive critique and explanation of what happens when lore is added to a game post-release and why it's so important to develop it as a whole rather than doing it in bits as it can be the difference of an amazing or completely underwhelming experience. As someone who writes for fun and loves to play games soley for the lore sometimes, I found it useful to develop and hone my skills in world-building and making my stories more coherent. Also because he did a face reveal at the end BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT!
4 - Gosh I haven't talked about my imaginary friend in a bit, her face evades me but I remember she would always help me sleep or play with me when no one else did (so everyday basically). She always wore a yellow dress and had her hair up in pigtails. I never gave her a name because she never needed one, I just called her 'friend', I miss her
5 - Put on a redacted audio vid and fall asleep to that lmfao (usually a david vid)
6 - I honestly don't know what I'd change my name to, sometimes I just wish I didn't really have a name because my self identity fluctuates so much
7 - Favourite redacted audio, hm, tbh any of David's audios. I find myself always returning to one of his videos but I think I like his camping one the most, I cry every time but hearing the stories makes my heart so full and like I genuinely want to comfort him.
8 - Huxley maybe? I love his pairing with Damien but I've never really liked or gotten into his story much, might just be a me thing- but hey he's gay so that's fun
9 - RWBY! Specifically volumes 1-3 because they're so iconic, love the entire series though, I quote it a lot to myself.
10 - Guy, he's as much as a dumbass and gremlin as I am and I THRIVE off of the chaotic energy so much. Plus he can make me pizza while we hang out so that's fun!
11 - Memes, I will start quoting memes. Either that or "Which character would win in xyz situation? A or B?" 12 - 7-11 hot chocolate but instead of milk I put a latte in it
13 - Karu's "How To Train Your Dragon" orchestra cover playlist 14 - smutty audios... idk I just find it fun to scour for a good audio on reddit lmfao
15 - I'm very argumentative and will debate anyone on any topic (I've been a debater for years), but I'm also very much a people pleaser because I like to give people gifts and do acts of service. Uh- does a plushie addiction count as something that'll tell you who I am? I like dnd and Critical Role
Thank you!
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Ooh, I love you; you gave me so much information to work with! There were a good amount of possibilities I was working with, but if you’re an argumentative Six, who else can I pair you with but Avior?
You’re both similar in a lot of ways- a love of debate, prone to Acts of Service, Type Sixes who are loyal, thoughtful, and reliable. It’s these similarities but also the differences that make me think you’d be compatible. Avior and his sarcastic, sharp nature would be good at keeping your people-pleasing chaos in check. Your love of storytelling and narratives would be new and so refreshing to him as he’s never put so much thought into fantasy and fiction. He learns to accept your gifts graciously because he wants you to be happy even though he’s not used to it.
Your life together would be so fun; you’d make his life so fun. Avior does not understand your plushie collection, but he tolerates it and comes to terms with their watching eyes every day because he loves you. He also doesn’t understand any of your memes either; he pretends he thinks they’re insipid and pointless, but he actually thinks they and you are cute and silly when you quote them. Also, you’re totally coffee/tea addicts together, and you’ve got the best stocked caffeine cupboards in all of Dahlia.
Just tea for two and two for tea/ Me for you and you for me alone/ Nobody near us/ To see us or hear us/ No friends or relations/ On weekend vacations/ We won't have it known, dear/ That we own a telephone (oh, I hate telephones) (yeah, me too)
I couldn’t help it; you gave me a coffee song, so I had to give you a tea song in return! I also like it for you, because it’s cute, it’s sweet, it’s singable. It’s not just about tea but love and being together, having tea side by side for the rest of your lives. It’s the kind of song you could sing at Avior, and he’d have to try really hard to not be charmed.
If you’re a DnD fan, I’ve got to give you Lasko as a runner-up; my brain would not allow otherwise! The two of you could write together and be so cute. Asher is your other contender because you’re similar in a lot of ways that would be really fun but more in a platonic, best friend way than romantic like Avior.
note: thank you so much for waiting~! I hope you like your match-up!
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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captainsspnanon · 2 years
C3E49 reaction
A very VERY enjoyable episode.  It’s been a while since we’ve had one where there’s so much conversation and RP and it’s a breath of fresh air.
I’m a bit disappointed in Matt for not having the leylines as a projection in the background.  I would have LOVED seeing that get slowly stronger each long rest - or even just only being able to see it once it was ‘full’.   But speaking of leylines, props to Matt for acknowledging the fact that Chetney HAS seen this, two or three times.  I know he didn’t plan for it, his descriptions were very much the ‘this is the most magical thing you will ever see in your life’, but he kept true to the fact that Chet is old as balls.
Good choices all around for the Sendings.  Big fan of Ira being brought back into play, because I feel like he’s definitely going to fuck shit up for the party in one way or another.  He’s powerful, but he’s very much on his own side and I like the dynamic that’s bringing in.
Honestly I am LOVING the dynamic that Laura is playing here with Imogen and her mother.  Imogen knows realistically that her mother is on the wrong side, but there is the emotional desperation to have Mother Know Best and Be Loving and Be Right, so Imogen rationalizes based off of her emotions and craving for connection.  Consistently she has described her mother as needing help the past few episodes, where to the audience it seemed pretty clear that Lilianna was where she wanted to be.  I wouldn’t mind seeing Imogen turn during the battle, not the Dark Imogen like I keep seeing around, but just a daughter desperately wanting to believe in her mother.
I suppose I really should finish EXU Kymal - was this stuff with Opal foreshadowed in it?  I only saw the first half of the first episode and then never got around to actually finishing it.  EXU was not particularly to my tastes (much like how I struggle with some of the one-shots, it was just so CHAOTIC that I couldn’t.  Orym held the only braincell.)
Sam’s faced when FCG flipped the coin for the Changebringer’s alignment!  Laughed so hard I cried and had to go back to actually see the expressions.
I don’t know what I took away from the Ashton and Laudna conversation, except that I’m glad they had it, and I hope they have more.  I don’t think it changed the way I viewed either character, but it has the opening to.
Fearne & Orym!!!!!  Look, I don’t care how small the moments are.  Liam and Ashley have been my desperately wanting scenes of them together, whether Caleb and Yasha, Vax and Pike, or now C3.  I EAT ALL THESE CRUMBS.  BEST FRIENDS FOREVER.
Yeah, we all knew D was Devexian XD
Also a fan of the mini shopping session we got.  I enjoy the shopping sessions as long as they don’t take a whole episode, and they definitely got some good loot.  A 19 con necklace??  DAMN good.  Hope the gold gets shuffled ‘round in the party though.   It’s hard for me to compare how dnd-poor they are compared to the Mighty Nein.  I’m sure critrolestats has the actual gold amount.  I just feel like the Nein was more poor, accurate or not XD
As much as a short combat would have been fun, I’m actually quite pleased that we just got a few storms and a very short encounter ending with a goldfish.  I have a sneaking suspicion that Matt’s random encounter chart was kinder than usual, more designed for poor rolls to delay rather than destroy.
I’m....not a fan of the message bloom.  I actually went and rewatched the moment where Orym got the seed, and it was this quiet serious moment and he was told “you are an Ashari, are you not?  Make it grow.”  and then it’s just a longer one way one time sending?  Pretty big of a let down, tbh.  (though I, much like Orym/Liam, completely forgot about it.)
Keyleth coming in.  How do I feel about this.....  it’s really hard to say!  I think I’m more okay with it because they didn’t ask her for it.  They gave her a status update, but also very easily accepted when she said she was busy - and I don’t see the party changing their minds and trying to push harder, in or out of character.  Keyleth coming to join was very much a Matt decision here, which is why even though I’m a bit iffy about it, I’m more willing to accept.  I’m HOPING that it’s more that she’s fighting Just Off Stage Left the entire time, dealing with The Army That The Bells Hells Would Have Snuck Around Anyway, or something like that.  Have a show of power, have it work for the story, but not actually have it change how the narrative would have gone, if that makes sense.
EDIT: how could i have forgotten to mention the Imogen/Laudna scene???  Shockingly, I’m still not shipping it?  Even with the declarations of I love you, it still feels non-romantic to me.  I’ve seen people say ‘who says I love you to friends?’  um, me.  I have told friends that I am not interested in romantically in the slightest that I love them, and they have said it back to me.  ‘who cuddles with their friends?’ early 20s? me again.  also, fearne and orym cuddle every night.  BUT, I will say that if we get more conversations like this, I can see myself getting more comfortable with the ship.
Very happy that the solstice is going to be likely the next episode (maaaybe one or two more if we have heavy combat/sneaking/etc), because I am so ready for what Matt has in store.   ....though if they do stop it, that’s going to be a hell of a lack of payoff.  I have a strong suspicion (as I think basically everyone watching does) that the Keys are going to work no matter what the Hells do.  On to episode 50!!  (omg are we like halfway through the campaign?  it still feels like it might be a shorter one to me, I can see it only lasting 100 episodes)
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localcryptidsteg · 9 months
Spirit Guide Au tidbits:
- Spaces around the relics can warp over time, turning what would otherwise have been a quick walk into a gauntlet of corrupt spirits, or turning gravity on its head, or stretching a space into a maze, etc.
- The Rot God equivalent is just Macaque, so there are no little rot sprites that lend the kids their powers; instead there are just ordinary minor deities that can be tapped into at any time, assuming a spirit guide knows how. The power they lend takes the shape of the guide's soul; Mei has a green dragon, whereas Mk's is fluid, never really settling into one shape and instead cycling through forms.
- On a related note, Macaque still isn't a god himself, hes just an equivalent to the corrupt rot god. He got too close to the heart of the infection and when he died, he was the closest thing available so the rot latched onto him. He effectively has full control of the rot layered on top of his shadow powers. He will not cop to this, nor will he use it for anyones benefit but his own
- There is a decent amount of past Shadowpeach in this but currently, they arent ok with eachother. Like, not even remotely. Despite the fact that Wukong and Macaques spirits have had to coexist the entire time, they have spent the majority of the last 300 years trying to shred eachother to bits on sight either literally or verbally. Wukong is more ok with Macaque than vice versa but theres still active hostility there
- Macaque in this: He's largely very monotone and calm, but that can flip to feral and impulsive on a dime. Hes more JTTW compliant than LMK compliant and I will stand by that (you cannot impersonate Sun Wukong that well unless you are EXACTLY as chaotic as Sun Wukong by nature). Hes a powerhouse despite his own assertions that there are spirits with much stronger magic on the island than his.
-Mei: Shes headstrong and highly energetic but it hides an amount of frankly brutal fighting intelligence. Likes to play the loose canon while actually having a pretty solid plan. Shes been a spirit guide for a fair bit longer than MK (currently 23, started training at age 6). Shes feircely protective and does not hide it. Tempermental. Has cuteness aggression to a threatening extent
Mk: Hes nervous but dedictated. While his first instinct is to run, it gets increasingly easier for him to bury that under (largely founded) bravado. Stubborn but kind. Where Mei excels at the martial aspect of being a spirit guide, Mk is a prodigy in the magic aspects of it. Hes been training since he was 9, and hes currently 18. Hes a lot better at reading people than Mei is.
Wukong: Actually more similar to Mei than Mk in many ways, he likes to play the fool but is hiding a good deal of strategy behind it. Unfortunately, that strategy goes right out the window if he panics. Hes a bruiser who struggled to become a spirit guide due to his hubris. Because hes dead, he no longer has access to most spirit guide techniques, but he can still tank a hit and throw a punch just as well as ever.
- While spirit guides do use a form of magic, its different from what those inherently capable of magic use. Think warlock vs sorcerer, if youre familiar with dnd.
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disastersteps · 1 year
Oh honey you KNOW I gotta ask you questions in return so here we go for Neets : 20, 23, 7, 9?
okay really late answer but thats bc i slept gsdjhghjs-
send me sidestep asks and i will answer!
20) how do they feel about death?
Anita used to never let it bother them in the past, and usually tried to ignore it when they were Sidestep. But Heartbreak incident had made them feel uneasy at the thought of someone they care to die, and just the thought of someone die by hands of them is even worse. But what can they do when they literally choose to be evil, even if the purpose is well intention?
But yeah they just... uneasy, numb, and just a guilt of unable to save someone (Themmy).
23) how do they feel about possessing people?
If you ask Sidestep!Anita, they will laugh uneasily and looks at you questioningly like what kind of question is that? Of course, it's invading, might not be a great feeling.
And now that they do... They feel they had no choice but to use it.
Yes, it's wrong, but they were in such a dire situation- fucked up even, and it was the only way to 'push' people away from them, it was the only way to fit into the glove, and make their heads turn away as Anita pass through.
They don't possess people a lot unless it is within their own reasons, such as Aoyun (Anita's puppet) or just need a backup, or just to be caution when they're not in their armor (they had used a bellboy in rebirth to get the cube, but they made sure the bellboy get back to work before his boss learn he left the hotel). Or to stop them (the guards in the museum) and make them move away (the innocents that went to the casino), and so on.
Yeah, they may be a villain, but it doesn't stop them to use it to avoid further bloodshed, at least a piece of Sidestep is still with them.
7) what is their dnd alignment?
...So I'm more or less familiar with alignment despite I knew what is it, so asked a friend (who played D&D a lot) to help me with Anita's.
Anita is neutral good! They want to break the rules, but they also play by the rules at the same time, and are considered good aligned.
They're neutral because, while they're not chaotic despite being a anarchist, they know the rules way better for it. They're not a idiot to not break too many rules, while at the same time, they will risk if it is needed.
And they're good, because. while Anita would and will hurt people, they made exceptions for civilians and anyone who are innocent. The people they would absolutely hurt is their targets only, beside it made them remorse if they hurt the innocents, civilians and anyone who had nothing to do with it (or, you know, Ortega and Chen who they knew personally from the past and just. Yeah.).
And, because they're a anarchist, they want the best for LD in the end. Hence being good aligned!
9) how honest are they?
Sidestep!Anita is half lying half telling the truth, and all the lies they have to come up for Julia and Themmy to 'get to know' them became truths more and more, and they really believe it because it backfired them. turns out all the half lying facts they have to make up? It end up something they actually enjoy and like. And they just. embraced it because it meant they did get to create their own life with their own choices.
Harby!Anita is... a mix of bags. They lie when they have to or when they realized they don't have the baggage to even admit it so they lie. They also lie to avoid dealing with it because they don't have time for this, they have things to do. Even if sometimes, it did ended up getting dragged on for too long.
They still half tell the truth. Yes, they literally told a half-truth to Ortega, thinking she will back off (but had no idea it had made Jules to be determined to even help them further or you know, keep a eye on them out of concern lmao)
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