#like oh I’ll dress down this pair of fancy shoes
spookykestrel · 2 years
I like how we say “are you dressing up for Halloween” because clearly the costumes are far superior than anything you wear ona daily basis
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hqbaby · 1 year
four — not not serious
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fuck ur instincts — suna x reader & atsumu x reader
you and suna are just fooling around—so why does he care so much when you start falling in love with someone else?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.6k content. swearing, just a bunch of fluff
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“I don’t get it,” Osamu says, face pulled into a frown. “Ya haven’t slept with ‘er yet?”
Atsumu kicks his brother in the stomach, eyes trained on the screen as he pulls the lead in Mario Kart. “Fuck yeah!” he cheers. “And, yeah, ya pig. Not everythin’s about sex y’know.”
“Ya fuckin’ cheated! That doesn’t count!”
“Yer just a sore loser.” It’s Atsumu’s turn to receive an elbow to the ribs. “Asshole!” he hisses, throwing the controller to the side when he still somehow finishes first. “Serves ya right.”
The twins both lean back into the couch, the adrenaline washing away. Atsumu adds another notch under his name on the tally they’ve been keeping of their wins and losses. The score so far is 3-12 in Osamu’s favor (but Atsumu swears he’ll beat him over the summer).
“Ya serious ‘bout the girl?”
Atsumu groans. His brother has been trying to know more about you for whatever nosy reason and he finds it nothing short of annoying. “What does it matter to ya, scrub?”
“Just wanna know if I’m gonna have t’make more food at Christmas, s’all,” Osamu says in faux innocence. “So? Is it serious?”
The golden-haired twin wrinkles his nose, the face he always makes when he’s in deep thought. “It’s not serious,” he says eventually, then adds, “But it’s not not serious.”
“It’s… nice. She’s nice.”
Osamu snickers at the look on his brother’s face. He’s clearly more interested in this “nice” girl than he lets on. He already figured as much when his brother started being all quiet about it, because if there’s one thing he knows about Atsumu, it’s that he’s never quiet. So there’s bound to be something going on.
“When am I gonna get to meet her?”
“Fuck off."
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“You look nice,” Kiyoko says, leaning against the door of your room. A smile plays on her lips as she watches you fix your hair in the mirror. “That dress in particular is really pretty. Where’d you get it?”
You give her a sheepish look, glancing down at the green ensemble that is definitely not yours. You wonder if she’s noticed the shoes yet. “All my clothes are dirty.”
She rolls her eyes fondly and makes her way over to her dresser. Opening a drawer, she produces a pair of earrings with a dainty flower motif and hands it to you. “Here,” she says. “It goes with the dress. And the shoes.”
You take the earrings and launch yourself at her, wrapping her in a tight embrace. “Thank you, thank you, I love you!”
“Sure, sure, whatever.” She chuckles. “Where’s your laundry? I can throw it in with mine.”
“I will marry you and have your children and serve you every day of my life.”
She ponders for a moment then says, “I’ll settle for cake.”
You nod earnestly, holding her hands in yours. “Whatever you say, my lord and savior.”
Your roommate helps you finish getting ready. She does your hair when you get stuck not knowing whether to put it up or down and tries to clear some of the mess you’ve made in your room. You swear she’s a saint. Why else would she be this great?
“What’s with all the date jitters?” she asks eventually as the two of you sort through the pile of clothes on her bed. At this point, you can barely tell who owns what.
“What do you mean?”
She gestures at you, drawing your attention to your appearance. “You never put this much effort into dates.”
Your mouth drops into an “O” as you shrug. “I don’t know,” you say. “‘Tsumu said he had something fun planned and to dress a little fancy. So here we are.”
“‘Tsumu, huh?” Kiyoko gives you a teasing look. “That’s been going on for a while.”
“Just three weeks,” you say. “Not even a month yet.”
“Yeah, but that’s like a lifetime for you,” she points out. “When was the last time you dated someone for that long?”
You frown. “I’ve been with Rin for like a year now.”
“That’s different though, isn’t it?”
You never thought about it really. You never thought of Suna as anything like a boyfriend, but you knew he wasn’t exactly just a friend either. It wasn’t even that you fooled around with him. There was always something more there, something deeper. A genuine care for one another at the very least.
You wonder if he thinks that too.
“Text,” Kiyoko says, passing your phone to you when it buzzes.
tsumu: am outside :D 
“He’s here,” you tell her, putting your phone in your purse. You stand up and strike a ridiculous pose, one hand on the back of your head and the other on your hip, lips pouting. “How do I look?”
“So fuckable.”
“Thanks.” You grin, opening the door. “Love you! See you later!”
You find Atsumu at the entrance and he… looks nice. He’s ditched his usual clothes for a crisp white button-up and nice pants. Even his hair is styled a little better. Not that you ever thought that he looked bad, but he clearly made an effort today.
You realize you’ve been staring at him for so long that you haven’t even noticed that he’s been looking at you too. His eyes are wide as he gapes at your figure.
“Ya look…” He let out a little chuckle. “Yer beautiful.”
You feel your cheeks heat up as you look down at Kiyoko’s stolen shoes, unable to look him straight in the eye. Something inside you erupts. Well, that’s new, you think to yourself. What even is that?
“Thank you.” You smile at him. “You look great too, you know.”
Now it’s his turn to get all embarrassed. “Thanks.” He takes your hand in his and gently leads you closer to him. “Ready to go?”
You squeeze his hand. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”
The two of you make your way through the courtyard. It’s a nice summer day and people are out and about, talk and laughter filling the air around you. Some students have gone home to visit their families so it isn’t as crowded as usual, but more than a few of you are still on campus for the summer semester. Everything is warm and bright and perfect, like it can stay this way forever.
Atsumu leads you past the benches and the trees, taking a turn before you reach the parking lot.
“Where are we going?” you ask, expecting him to lead you to his car like he usually does and wondering why you went the other way.
He turns to you with a grin. “It’s a surprise.”
You end up walking into one of the buildings near your residence hall, the science building. It’s empty save for a few members of the maintenance staff mopping the floors and airing out the rooms. They don’t even look your way as Atsumu leads you up the stairs, all the way to the top of the building on the third floor.
Your brows furrow as he lets go of your hand and goes to push the door to the rooftop open. It’s usually locked (you know this because you and Oikawa once tried to sneak up there when you were wasted), but this time, it opens and Atsumu nods his head for you to step outside.
When you walk through the door, you’re met with the vast concrete expanse of the rooftop. Except it isn’t as empty as you expected it to be. In the middle of it, there’s a screen and a projector and a blanket and a bunch of pillows. You notice a basket lying nearby beside a cooler that looks like it’s been through a lot.
“What is this?” you ask, eyes fixed on the scene before you.
Atsumu shrugs, that boyish charm of his seeping through. “I wanted to do something nice.”
You peel your gaze away from the little theater on the rooftop and turn to look at him. “Something nice?”
His eyes go big, panic taking over him. Is it too much? Do you not like it? This probably wasn’t what you expected at all. He should’ve just taken you to a nice restaurant. He didn’t have to do all of this.
“Fuck, I’m sorry I didn’t tell ya ‘bout it. If ya don’t like it, we can just—”
Before he even realizes it, your lips are on his. He’s still gawking when you kiss him softly, deeply. It takes him a moment, but soon he’s kissing you back, his hands going to your waist and yours wrapping around his neck.
You pull back and he finds you smiling at him, all toothy and giddy like a kid in a candy store.
“I love it,” you tell him, pulling him into a hug. “Thank you.”
He leans down and kisses you again. “Don’t even mention it.”
When you separate, you’re still clinging to his hand as he shows you the whole set-up. In the basket, he reveals pizza from the place you kept telling him about, some popcorn, and a bunch of sweets. There’s a few cans of your favorite soda in the cooler and a tiny tub of ice cream (he tells you that he was supposed to get wine but his brother blew through their allowance for the week). You sit down on the blankets while you pick which food to eat first while he goes to set up the movie: Pulp Fiction, because you once swore he had to see it.
He sits down beside you and you give him that smile again, curling into his side. You turn to watch the movie as the sun sets around you, and Atsumu finds he can’t look away from your face. He notices the curve of your nose, the shape of your lips, the way your hair falls just right. He decides he could look at you forever and he’d never get bored, he’d always find something new and beautiful about you.
It’s not serious, he tells himself. But it’s not not serious either.
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notes. and so it begins ;)
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guitarstringed-scars · 2 months
how to lose a guy in 10 days- t. oikawa
warnings/notes: mentions of throwing up, slight mention of drinking, angst
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day eight
you spent most of the day searching for a suitable dress to wear. you’ve heard of the sports gala, a dinner put on with all of the athletes and alumni to fundraise for the sports programs in the university. tetsuro attended last year, with the reasoning of covering an important event in sports, when really he just wanted a free fancy meal. he’d be attending this year as well, again just hoping for a free meal.
the two of you stand now fighting over the countertop space in the small cramped bathroom. you are perfecting your outfit, and kuroo is struggling to make his hair look presentable.
“is this good?” he asks, turning to you with a panicked look on his face. you grimace slightly.
“i mean, it just looks how it does every day?” you aren’t sure if this is a good answer.
it clearly isn’t, because kuroo lets out a loud groan before collapsing dramatically over the counter.
“i can’t go!” he exclaims, bumping into your side.
“you literally begged akaashi to let you cover it.” you roll your eyes at him, before exiting the bathroom. kuroo follows you into the living room. his tie is a bit crooked, and koushi fixes it in passing. yui is sprawled out on the couch.
“i’m so jealous of you two! i wanna dress up and go to a gala!” she complains.
“you could go in my place. i feel like i’m gonna throw up.” you say, putting your shoes on.
“oh whatever, you’re gonna have fun.” koushi chimes in, getting himself a snack in the kitchen.
you and tetsuro wave your goodbyes and head to the gala. you meet up with toru in front of the building. he’s leaning on the wall of hotel, dressed in the same suit he wore to dinner with you, hitoka, and kiyoko. he looks just as good in it now as he did then. he greets you with a hug, and a handshake for tetsuro. then, the three of you enter the building.
tetsuro quickly splits off from the two of you, finding akaashi on the far side of the room. you and toru waltz around the ballroom, greeting alumni and other donors. toru then splits off from you to get some drinks, you are approached then by someone you approach a tall man, recognizing him as koutaro bokuto, one of torus team members.
“hi, i’m y/n, i write for the tokyo weekly.” you say, shaking his hand.
“oh! nice to meet you, i’m bokuto!” he greets cheerfully. “have you seen toru oikawa? we kind of have a bet going and i’m looking for him to check up on it.”
a bet. what kind of bet? you think, confused.
“oh? what’s the bet?” you ask, digging for information.
“well, he bet 30 bucks that he could make any girl fall in love with him in less than 10 days, and i bet him 30 bucks he couldn’t, so we picked out a girl, and he apparently brought-” you cut him off, gesturing toward the general direction you watched toru go.
“he’s somewhere over there.” you feel sick to your stomach as you escape the conversation, rushing into the bathroom.
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tetsuro finds you outside of the bathroom, and the two of you escape from the hotel, standing out on the street.
“shit, i forgot my bag inside.” he says, clutching his head in his hands. “i’ll be right back, i’m gonna run and get it. wait here.”
he rushes back through the doors, and you sit down on the side of the building. you are wrapped in tetsuros suit jacket, staring off into space, when a pair of dress shoes approach you. its oikawa.
“are you leaving?” he asks. his voice is sharp. sharper than you’ve ever heard it.
“yes.” you look back down into your lap. you feel like a child being scolded.
“so what was i? some guinnea pig? that you could just, mess around with to see if i’d fall for it?”
you stand up now, facing him.
“yeah, and i was just some girl that your friends picked out in a bar.”
“well i guess now you can use it as a twist in your story.” he’s mad. your stomach aches. you let out a weak laugh.
“hey, that’s a great idea, maybe we should bet on it.”
it’s quiet now.
“you did your job y/n. you wanted to lose a guy in 10 days, well you just did it. in a record 8. congratulations, you just lost him.” he turns and walks away from you.
“no i didn’t toru.” he stops and turns around. “cause you can’t lose something you never had.”
toru shakes his head, and fully turns around again, walking away. you sit back down at the hotel, tears starting to form in your eyes. tetsuro comes out of the hotel, his bag in one hand and stolen food in the other.
“lets get home.” he says, helping you up from your seated position.
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a/n: short and sweet!! lie of the century this is not sweet lol.
taglist: @hotvillianapologist @asapeveryday @zzzlevislothzzz @vivian-555 @theepitomeofswag
@girlkissersco @yuminako @cloooudmilk @r0seandth0rns @ilyless
@sereniteav @iluvmang @wyrcan @azharyy @kunihaver
@cherrypieyourface @walllflowerrrsss @mylahrins @ryuverse @nana7nana777
@cyenac @garfieldissocool @chris-continues @acowboykisser @iheartpinky
@idkanymorebuthere @dailyakira @neru-is-restless @wave2mia @v-e-r-t21
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zombholic · 1 year
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“dude you raided your closet for like the millionth time, you have cute things!” dina groaned trying to help you find a cute outfit for your lunch date with the doctor. “yeah but dina it’s a fancy restaurant! i have nothing fancy oh my god i will kill myself” you sat on the floor defeated.
“wait, wait this is so cute! and so simple what the fuck” she held up a small, plain black spaghetti strapped dress, taking the dress for her you quickly threw your pajamas on the floor and slipped into the fitted dress “dina i look like a slut” the dress riding up your legs making you pull it down only for it to ride back up.
“bro hello? where was this damn body hiding?” looking at yourself in the mirror you turned to the side to check if your ass looked good “where was all this ass y/nn?!” dina laughed slapping your ass in a friendly way “stop being gay weirdo” you laughed grabbing your makeup bag “can you get my jewelry? just like a few rings and earrings, should i wear a necklace?” you started to apply a small amount of makeup but enough to make a difference.
“yeah wear a necklace, show your tits” she joked handing you small sliver hoops, silver rings and a necklace with your zodiac sign on it. “wow can i fuck you?” dina bit her lips and rubbed her hands trying to be seductive “girl i will kill myself” she rolled her eyes before you both bursted out laughing at her stupidity.
“ok lightskin justin beiber, which shoes should i wear?” dina told you to stand up before grabbing a pair of wedged heel boots that stopped at your shins “but wear your slippers cause i don’t need you crashing while driving in those” she handed you the boots.
“girl you got legs for fucking days” and yes you did, long legs that stood out “i’ll invite you to my wedding if you behave” you messed with her before slipping in some slipper and heading out to your car.
buzz buzz
starting your engine you checked to see if it was dina trying to be annoying.
Hey Y/n, I’m about 10 minutes away from the restaurant. I’ll see you there Sweetheart ❤️
hiii doc, im heading out right now, cant wait 2 see you! 🫶🏼
parking at the closest parking spot you could find on a saturday, you quickly slipped into your boots, grabbing your one and only expensive black coach purse that your mom got you for your birthday you threw your keys in the bag. walking into the restaurant you approached the hostess stand “welcome to vue rooftop, may i get your last name for your reservation?”
oh shit
you didn’t know abby’s last name “i’m so sorry give me one second” you moved to the side to quickly text abby.
hey, what’s your last name?
Anderson, are you here?
forgetting to respond to her question you told the hostess the last name “ok ma’am please follow me to the rooftop and i’ll show you your table” she gave you a sweet smile, guiding you to a very fancy elevator that seemed to go up for a good minute “i’ve never seen an elevator be so fancied up” you commented making the hostess giggle “i know, it’s really nice, you’re with doctor anderson right?” you raised your eyebrows surprised she knew abby.
“yeah, i am! do you know her?” “yeah! she comes here all the time but never have i seen her bring someone else” you felt something explode in your stomach, your face heating up as you tried to hide your smile. finally reaching the rooftop she guided you to abby’s table “a waitress will be with you shortly, have a pleasant day” she softly placed the menu on your side.
your heart beating fast when you see abby, “hey sweetheart, let me get that for you” she got up and pulled out your chair for you before going back to hers “you look stunning y/n” you placed your phone down by the table near your glass cup “and you look amazing doctor anderson” she chuckled at the name “you can call me abby” “i know but whats the fun in that?” you shrugged, giggling as you looked down at the menu, abby’s blue orbs never leaving you.
you stared at the menu wondering what the actual fuck majority of it says, you being you the facial expressions said it all “you look confused sweetie, what’s wrong?” she farrowed her brows “i’m not dumb i swear but-“ you whispered to her not wanting the other tables to hear “what does this even say? i can’t read it” you huffed out a confused laugh “here, you can get the same thing i do when i come here” she closes your menu.
the waitress came by to take your guys order “oh and can we a bottle of bourbon please” abby smiled sweetly at the girl before handing her both of the menus “i get to choose where we go our next date” you laughed messing around with the ring wrapped around your index finger “and where would that be?” she looked you up and down.
basically eye fucking you
“chilis, my favorite restaurant” she giggled at your choice “you’re so simple” you puckered your lips giving her a silly look “not really, not reallllyyy” she raised her brows before a waiter came by to drop off the expensive alcohol that was basically your whole paycheck.
she poured you both half a glass of it, handing you your glass you twiddled with the cup, smelling the alcohol as you tried your best to hide your ‘fuck this is strong as hell’ expression “do you drink? i’m so sorry if you don’t, i should’ve asked you beforehand” she apologized profusely “no no, abby i drink but i like very fruity drinks, i’ve never had strong liquor before” you took the smallest sip from the cup almost before pushing it away slowly trying your best to hide your very expressive face.
abby laughed even harder “you’re so cute, i’ll drink it for you babe, i’ll get you sweet tea?” you nodded preferring that instead.
the waitress came by with the bill and placed it on the table “just flag me down whenever you’re set” she smiled before walking off “i can pay half of it at least” you took out your card, abby grabbing your hand and pushing it down, shaking her head “no, i said i would pay, don’t even think about it” you huffed “ok but can i at least tip her?” she chuckled handing you the book, opening your wallet you pulled out a fifty dollar bill and placed it in the book “you think that’s a good tip?” “i think that’s more than enough ms. generous” she smiled.
after paying you guys headed back down “do you want to grab something sweet? i can show you a great ice cream place” she put her black leather jacket on before you two headed over to her car “oh my god is this a vintage bronco?” you gawked at her black car, amazed at how intact and beautiful it is “yeah, i restored it myself, i have a thing for fixing older cars” she opened the door for you to get in “oh we’ll have to come back because i parked my car in the garage” you hopped in dying at the beige leather interior.
she pulled up to this small outdoor soft serve place, waiting in line you felt yourself getting shivery and cold, feeling your nose and fingertips get colder by the minute, abby taking a notice quickly slips off her jacket to wrap around you “how are you cold sweetie? it’s only sixty-five degrees” she rubbed your shoulders trying to warm you up, you giggled looking up at her “sorry, i just get cold so fast out of nowhere it’s so annoying because i can never wear anything cute” you fake pouted “my friends like to make fun of me and call me cold blooded because i’m always cold” you two giggled.
“c’mere” she wrapped her giant arms around your frame, pulling you into a warm embrace, her hand on the back of your head rubbing your hair.
after getting your ice creams you guys sat in her car, as she heated the car up a tiny bit for you “what flavor was yours again?” you were licking up your ice cream cone making sure nothing dripped onto her car.
abby sucked in the air watching you, jaw tensing up, eyes never leaving your mouth “uh, sorry uh” she let out a breathy laugh “i got strawberry shortcake” you looked at her with your big doe eyes, confused why she was acting strangely.
“you got something on your face” she wiped her thumb slowly against the side of your sweet lips “thank you” you smiled sweetly at her “oh shit” she checked the time on her watch “work?” you questioned “mhm, i’m so sorry sweet girl, i’ll drop you off to get your car then i’ll have to head out ok?” you nod a little sad the date ended already.
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AUTHORS NOTE: yall dont EVEN my adhd is hyping me up so much im already writing part 4 SHORTIES
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shujohajohaminnie · 11 months
Pink Princess
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Pairing: Seo Changbin x fem!reader
Genre: Smut
Word Count:2302
Summary: You and your best friend have been seeing each other a lot differently lately what happens when you’re both in a situation where you can harm your friendship? 
Afab!reader, Profanity, Public Sex, Choking, Pet names, Raw Sex. Let me know if I miss anything. 
You loved your best friend, he was the person who could cheer you up on your worst days, he was the funniest person you’ve ever met. He was your other half, but you would be lying to yourself if you said that you hadn’t found him attractive. Especially since he’s been working out, you’ve always liked bigger buffer men so seeing Seo Changbin in this new light, he was turning you on. But at this moment he was pissing you off. 
“Bin I’ve told you already no” “But Chan and Minho can’t go they’ll be busy recording then” “Then go with Han” “Did you forget his arm’s broken”. Ah yes, the clumsiest and least athletic of the group was yet again injured from a sport-related event. “You have four other members you could bug” “I don’t want them I want you” he stopped in his tracks clearing his throat. “I mean I want to go to the gym with you, come on. The workout will be good” “I already do my own workouts thank you very much”. You rolled your eyes taking the empty plate from his grasp to wash it. “Oh yeah, what” He smirked leaning against the counter next to you watching you.. “Pilates… 5 days a week”  “Really pilates… that's just a fancy word for yoga, that's not effective” “I beg to differ” “It’s the truth” “Okay well if it’s just yoga and it’s not effective then let's bet on it, tomorrow you do pilates with me if you don’t feel worked out then and only then will I go to the gym with you on Friday” “Nope” “Why”  You smirked drying your hands as you looked at him. “Scared you can’t keep up” “I can keep up” He said walking away from the kitchen, now it was you following him. You trailed behind him to his bedroom throwing yourself on the bed like you always did. “Come on Binnie… you scared” “No” “The lets do it” “Fine, but promise if I don’t like it we’re going to the gym on Friday” “Pinky Promise”. He rolled his eyes shaking his head as he took your pinky with his sealing the deal. “Deal” 
“See you tomorrow princess”  
The real reason you didn’t want to go to the gym with him was because the last time you did you could stop looking at the way his arms looked in his muscle shirt. The way his muscles looked while bringing up and down the weight. The way his hips thrust up the barbell with the fascinating amount of weights. You were squeezing your thighs together the whole time, you could barely even work out. It made your mind drift. Could he fuck you like that, how would he look on top of you. You held your vibrator on your clit at the thought of him, this felt so wrong, he was your best friend. You shouldn’t be thinking of him like this. You were snapped out of your thoughts at the sound of your doorbell ringing. SHIT. You weren’t even ready. You ran to the door letting Changbin in, completely forgetting your current outfit. You were in one of his shirts he lent you a long time ago, it fit you like a dress, a lot of his clothes fit you like that. Underneath you were wearing a black thong, it was your typical loungewear for when you were alone at home. But he didn’t know that.
“Did you forget?” He asked kicking off his shoes and closing the door. “N-no… I was just distracted” You laughed closing your bedroom door quickly before he could see your dildo and vibrator on your bed. Before he could see what you were really doing moments before he showed up. “You feeling okay” He laughed putting his hand on your forehead feeling for a fever. “Mhmm, you uh” You put your hands on his arms leading him to your couch. “You wait here and I’ll get ready fast… just give me a second”. You quickly ran to your room putting on black leggings and a matching sports bra. You put on a loose khaki shirt and quickly put on your black Converse. You ran out of your room to your bathroom to fix your hair into a ponytail and apply a little bit of makeup. “Why are you putting on makeup” Changbin laughed walking over to you. “You have the hots for the teacher or something” “We actually have the place to ourselves, The owner is a friend of mine, and I asked her if we could go in after hours, just so you could have your privacy you know”. He looked at you and smiled, he felt a slight blush start to form on his face at your consideration for him and his comfort. “Okay, I’m ready let's go!” You smiled taking his hand and leading him out of your apartment before he could ask any more questions. 
The car ride was quiet, which was pretty usual since you were best friends with the loudest person ever. What was he thinking? You hadn’t noticed but when Changbin walked into your apartment he got a clear sight of your bedroom and your bed. He noticed the bright purple dildo resting on your sheets. Were you thinking of him, and why would you do that in his shirt? Why were you putting on makeup if it was just the two of you? Did you like him too? No, you couldn’t have. 
You lead him to the front door unlocking it and turning on the light. You cringed at the harsh lighting. You never noticed how bright those lights were. When you’d came to class it was during the day and the teacher always made sure to open the blinds to let in natural light to fill the space. You quickly turned the lights back off, turning on your flashlight to look around for the control of the LED lights you knew she had. After what seemed like forever you found it. “What color should I pick” “Anything” “Well since you’re a special guest I’ll put pink” You giggled pushing the pink color, with the new lighting you saw Changbin already looking at you. You felt nervous. Why was he looking at you like that?
“Okay” You broke the silence, quickly you slipped off your shirt placing it on top of your bag in the corner. You made your way to the middle of the room. “We usually use these big heavy machines but they’re already put away and I don’t wanna haul them out myself”  “Well I could help you” “Nah it’s okay… since it’s your first pilates class we’ll ease you into it was the modified versions of the workouts we do” “Modified huh” he chuckled joining you in the middle of the room looking at your thorough the mirror. “Go queens” he laughed looking at the neon sign that was hanging on the wall behind you. “Yeah… uh it’s an all-girl pilates building so you’re really special to be having a class here” There you go again calling him special, did you mean it?
“Okay so next is gonna be money stretches” “Monkey what” “Monkey stretches usually on the machine we use I’d lay down on my back and then there’s this bar where you put your feet on and what you have to do is raise yourself kinda to raise the bar with your feet, but even I think it’s complicated and I’ve been doing this for months sooooo were going to do the easy version.” Changbin couldn’t lie, he was beat with what you were putting him through, he didn’t realize that pilates took a lot of core strength, and you were only doing the modified version. “You're going to stand on this little box but with only half your foot actually on it... You’re gonna bend over forward and then this other box is gonna be under your hands to level you with your feet. The whole purpose is that you go on your tip toes and extend... you should feel a stretch on your calf... but don't bend your knees at all”  “Yeah you’re gonna need to show me cause I don't know what the fuck you're talking about” “Ugh Binnie” you rolled your eyes demonstrating for him... he looked at you, an idea popping into his head. “I'm gonna check your form” “You’re gonna check my form puh-” You stopped feeling something against your ass... something hard. “B-Bin…” “Yes, princess?” “If you wanted to fuck me all you had to do was ask” That’s all he needed to hear. In a swift movement, he pulled down your leggings and panties, not wasting any time to ram into you. You moaned, your jaw dropping at the fullness and stretch you were feeling. You weren’t dumb, you knew he was going to be big. But you didn’t think he’d be this big. He held you by your waist, throwing his head back. This was better than his hand, this was better than his imagination this was better than his dreams. You felt perfect around him. 
You rutted against him interlocking your fingers with his as you stood up, your eyes rolling to the back of your head at the new position. “F-fuck… don’t don't move… wait” He moaned, he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to last long, not with the way you had been teasing him this entire time, doing stretches like downward dog, getting on your back and spreading your legs wide to ‘stretch’. You were in all the positions he only dreamed of putting you in. “B-Binnie… please” You whined trying to move against this hold on you. He slipped off your sports bra freeing your tits, and without warning he put a hand on your throat, his other going straight for your clit. He thrusted into you while his hold around your neck only tightened. You had mentioned to him before that you had always wanted to try choking but couldn’t find someone you trusted well enough. Granted you were both stoned as fuck and doubted that he would even remember that. “Say pink if you want me to stop” He grunted picking up speed on both your clit and his thrusts into you. The space around you filled with both of your pornographic moans and groans, grunts and whines. “B-Binnie… you fuck me so good” You mumbled against his restraints. He moaned at your praises sliding into you harder stroking that one sweet spot. “Fuck Binnie no one's ever fucked me this good” “Fuck Y/n” he moved faster tightening his hold on your waist digging his nails into your exposed skin. He wasn’t doing it intentionally, you know Changbin would never hurt you, But man did the sting feel good. You started to tighten around him, a sign that you were close, and the way you were praising him he wasn’t far off. He let go of his grasp on your neck. You took a deep breath your head spinning from the sudden access to air. His now free hand went down to your lower stomach applying the slightest pressure, driving you absolutely insane. You moaned your head rolling back as you came undone on his cock. He quickly pulled out cumming on your back and ass. He might've been in love with you, but he wanted some time with you alone before bringing any children into the world. 
You fell to your knees your hand going to your chest, helping you regulate your breathing. He sat next to you watching you intensely. You weren’t lying to him when you said he was the best sex you’ve ever had, no one has ever been able to make you feel the way your best friend just did. Best friend. Shit, this could’ve ruined your relationship, he probably doesn’t like you, and you’d have to end something that was great just because you wanted him so-. “Y/n… I uh. I like you, like a lot, and I know we’re friends but I want to be with you, like a boyfriend. I want to take you out, and not to just have sex with you, because it was great but I-” You cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing his lips. You couldn’t and wouldn’t be able to express the happiness you were feeling in words, you had to show him. “Is that a yes?” He mumbled against your lips looking at you with pleading eyes. “Yes” You laughed nodding your head with a smile. “Yes I’ll be your girlfriend” “Good because I want my girlfriend with me at the gym on Friday” “Excuse me sir but you look pretty worn out right now the deal was-” “The deal was that if the pilates-” “Sorry to break it to you hon but we’re in a pilates studio soooo” “I should do pilates with you more often then” 
You groaned turning over to avoid the sun seeping into the room through the blinds. Looking to your side you saw your handsome boyfriend sleeping peacefully. After you two went back to your apartment you both went at it like bunnies after he asked you to show him what exactly you were doing before he showed up to pick you up. You grabbed your phone off the nightstand wanting to see what time it was when you froze. “No fucking way” 
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Inappropriate Touches
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Pairing: Steddie x reader
Warnings: King! Steve Harrington, Personal Knight! Eddie Munson, light to heavy petting, unprotected p in v, bj's, exhibitionism, nipple sucking, fondling, cunnilingus, male masturbation, they get caught (technically), bodily fluid eating, let me know if I missed anything
You’d been married to King Steve Harrington for about six months now. It’d been sort of an arranged marriage so your family could become allies with the Harrington royal family.
King Harrington’s parents were still around, but had stepped down to allow their son to take over so they could go off and “see the world”, whatever that meant.
It’d taken awhile for you to get warmed up to the newly made king, and his personal knight who seemed to follow the king around like he was a second shadow.
Both men were intimidating. At least six foot with broad shoulders. King Harrington was more intimidating when he was dressed in all his king attire, fancy dress clothes and shoes with a flowy cape that hung from his shoulders, and often accompanied with a simple crown on his head. And the king’s personal knight, Eddie Munson. He was often dressed in full body armor, a sword on his hip, and a white cape down his back that showed his authority.
Both men seemed to take advantage of your timidness when dressed up, which was often for Knight Munson. They often backed you into a corner and or sandwiched you between them and showered you with praise while their hands roamed.
Overtime, these praises and simply touches developed into more. It was a slow process that you barely took notice of until you were on your hands and knees in your shared bed in King Harrington’s quarters, your eyes blurry with tears as Eddie shoved his cock down your throat and Steve used you from behind.
And as you got more comfortable with these inappropriate touches, the more often they came, especially outside the bedroom.
You’d been called to something important this early morning, so early that the sun hadn’t even risen yet. It was so important that you don’t really remember what it was about. And you were so tired, but you refused to go to bed cause you knew that if you undressed you’d just be redressed the next time someone needed you. So you were in the castle’s library, huddled over in a empty corner as you read a book on a rather comfy couch.
The doors to the library squeaked open and thud shut. You paid it no mind until two sets of footsteps came your way. Before you could see who it was, a curtain of dark, curly hair blocked your view.
You leaned your head back to see Eddie, dressed casually but still with his sword around his waist.
���Whatcha reading?” He asks, a smile on his face.
“Something about dragons,” You answered.
“One where the princess is captured and a knight in shining armor rescues her?”
“Sure,” You tell him, barely even remembering what the book was about cause you were so tired.
Eddie hums, standing to his full height and resting his large hands on your shoulders.
“Where were you this morning?” A voice asks in front of you.
You look up and see Steve standing in front of you wearing a loose, white shirt with some soft looking pants.
“I was called to something this morning,” You answer him.
“Before the sun rose?”
You nod.
Steve hummed, his eyebrows furrowing, “I’ll have to talk to whomever needed you so badly this morning that you were woken up before the sun.”
“Something about trade routes,” You tell him.
“Well they should be able to wait until sunrise for that, or until I get up,” The king mumbles, obviously not too happy about his wife being woken up before him.
“Well, we found you and that’s all that matters,” Eddie reassures Steve, leaning down to kiss along your exposed neck, wrapping his arms around your front to grope at your chest.
You watch as Steve crouches to his knees, sliding his hands under your dress to squeeze at your thighs.
“Oh, this is what you wanted?” You poke at the two men, making eye contact with Steve.
“Of course,” Steve purrs, hands pushing up and up. “We missed you this morning.”
You only hum in response as Eddie starts popping open the buttons on the front of your dress, stopping just below your sternum, he unties the string of the front of your under shirt as well, exposing you. The curly haired man pulls the collar of both shirts so your shoulders are exposed and he starts leaving open mouth kisses along the skin, occasionally stopping to nip and suck at the skin, groping your expose chest as he does.
Steve leans forward and takes your left nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue and sucking on it. He slowly inches his hands around your waist and gently pulls your underwear down your legs. You watch as he stuffs them in his back pocket, a sliver of the lace sticking out. The man meets your eyes, mischief dancing in his eyes before he puts his full attention back on your breast.
Steve switches over to your nipple, leaving your left one wet and exposed to the cool air.
You’re fighting hard to stay quiet, lips pressed together and hand gripping the nape of Steve’s hair. You jump when you feel two fingers venture between your lower lips, feeling the slick that’s been threatening to spill out onto the fabric of the couch. A whimper slips past your lips when Steve’s fingers easily find your clit, gently pressing against the button.
Before you can get too lost in the pleasure, both men pull away from your body.
Eddie moved to stand at the arm of the couch, blocking the view from any prying eyes of the library, and he pats the arm.
You place a bookmark in your book that you’d forgotten about and set it on the nearby end table, awaiting instruction.
“Come here,” The knight instructs. “Hands and knees, sweetheart.”
You do as told, face heating up when you realize you’re face to face with Eddie’s crotch. You glance up at him and await his next movements.
Your attention is drawn backwards when you feel your dress move. You see Steve leaning down to lay on the couch under you, scooching upwards to disappear under your dress. Before his upper body fully disappears under your dress, you watch his hands untie the knot at the front of his trousers and pull them down just enough for him to pull out his erect cock. Steve’s hands disappear down your dress once more, moving to grip your thighs and pull you down.
“Sit,” You hear a muffled order.
You do as told, vulva meeting Steve’s awaiting tongue. Your breathing stutters and you almost slip into that certain headspace but fingers taps your cheek.
Your met with another erect cock, the head tainted a deep read.
“Open,” Eddie tells.
You do, watching Eddie’s cock disappear into your mouth. He stills when a comfortable length is in your mouth.
“Go on,” Eddie nods, encouraging you to move on your own.
You start, bopping your head up and down his length. Every movements back up brings your hips down onto Steve’s awaiting mouth. In which, spurred on by your movements, he starts his ministrations and licks up and down your vulva, dipping in between the folds and flicking against and around your clit.
You feel fingers join his tongue momentarily before a hand disappear from your legs and you being to hear a wet “schlick”, you assume Steve is jerking his exposed cock, simply turned on by the process of eating you out.
You turn your attention back to Eddie, sucking in every time you pull on his cock, earning moans from him and a hand on the top of your head. You feel saliva collect in your mouth and slowly slip from your slips, soaking into the plush cushion below.
You feel Eddie start to move with you and you adjust so your forearms rest of the arm of the couch and you arms can grip at Eddie’s trousers.
The longer you three go on, the louder you three seem to get.
Steve’s moans vibrate against you, making you jerk and grind against him with every noise. With the building pleasure in your abdomen, you can’t help but let moans spill past your vocal chords, the pleasure urging you on for Eddie. And with the harder sucking and faster bopping of your head from you, Eddie can’t help but groan and moan above you, eventually gripping your head with both hands.
The more the knight’s pleasure builds, the more prominent his thrusts into your mouth are. It ends up at the point where Eddie holds your head in place with both of his hands so he can fuck your throat at his own pace.
You sputter and gag, tears blurring your vision and saliva coating his cock and puddling onto the cushion below you. You’re gripping Eddie’s trousers and grinding down onto Steve’s mouth. The moans from both men and the sound of Steve jerking himself off spur you on, and you barely sense the knot in your lower abdomen until it snaps and white hot explodes from between your thighs.
Your moans build in pitch and volume as you cum, thighs shaking and your gripping at Eddie’s thighs, pulling at his pants.
Steve eats you out with vigor and he follows you soon after, the “schlick” growing in volume and speed, breathy moans vibrating against your center. His free hands grips your thigh. You can feel his trimmed fingernails digging into your skin.
As if on cue, Eddie follows both you and Steve in finishing. His thrusts are sloppy and hurried as he fucks in cum down your throat. His moans are more vulgar, groaning and cussing to himself as he rides out his high.
Slowly, even as Eddie stills rides out his high, Steve removes himself from under you. Fixing your dress so it’s not all crumpled up at the back of your knees.
Eddie slowly calms down, pulling himself from your mouth. He gives you a moment to swallow any remains cum and saliva before tapping your lips with the head of his cock. You open and watch as he squeezes the remaining cum from his cock.
As you close your mouth and swallow, Eddie pats your cheek with his fingers and you take that as a sign to settle down, still aware of Steve not fully removed from under you.
You watch as Eddie takes a handkerchief from a back pocket of his and as he wipes off his cock. You keep watching when he tucks his half-hard cock back into his underwear, and when he adjusts and ties his trousers back into place.
Eddie leans down to clean up your face, using a clean area of his handkerchief to clean up your face.
It’s when the handkerchief is back in the knight’s pocket and when he’s in the middle of a deep sigh does a someone clear their throat from around a bookcase.
Both of you jump and whip your heads around to the person.
It’s castle staff, looking nervous and awkward and he just caught you two in a rather intimate moment. He clears his throat again before speaking.
“Have.. uhh… either of you seen the king?” He asks timidly.
Said king removes himself fully from underneath you, his face is flushed and his forehead and cheeks are sweaty. He doesn’t look the slightest bit embarrassed as he sits up and turns to face the staff member.
“Yes?” He asks.
You notice he’s tying his trousers back into place. You had no knowledge of him cleaning himself up or tucking himself away.
The staff flushes and stutters, “Your parents are here, my king. They wish to see you.”
“Very well,” Steve sighs.
He moves to pull you to him so you sit back on your legs. He kisses you on the lips for a few seconds and hums at the taste before getting up, wiping his pants of imaginary dust. Steve moves around the couch to fall in beside the servant as he leads the king away from your corner of the library.
Before following, Eddie pats your cheek and gives you a wink before trotting after the king, curls bouncing on his shoulders.
You watch for a few moments before settling back into the couch. You take a few moments before realization settles in your chest and heats up your face.
You’d just been caught by a servant with both the king and his personal knight.
You heat up some more and bury your face in your, previously forgotten, book as you try to stave down the embarrassment.
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𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓷 12
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Wanda and Y/n have decided to move in together, in Wanda’s house. Though Y/n is sad to say goodbye to her apartment, especially considering who used to live there with her, her friends help her say goodbye. Life goes on, even though bad things happen. And it’s true, bad things do happen. The most important thing is how you deal with them.
Warnings (Entire Series): This series deals with mature topics, including, but not limited to: death, mental health issues, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, grief, trauma, general unwellness, illness (both mental and physical), and a most likely inaccurate portrayal of group therapy (though it’s much better than whatever was going on in TFATWS.) Please mind the warnings below.
Warnings: fluff and the end. If you spot all the references to previous chapters I’ll kiss you on the mouth.
🌻Series Masterlist 🌻
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𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐎𝐧
You walked down the aisle, your dress making you feel confident in every decision you’ve made thus far.
You felt beautiful as you glanced at the woman you love.
Looking at her made everything worth it. You continued to walk down the aisle as the music played.
The beautiful decorations still managing to catch your eye even though you’d obviously been there when they were picked out. Everything was perfect about this day, down to every second.
You were so excited to go home tonight with your favorite redheaded woman, who was wearing her own fancy dress. She looked beautiful and she smiled at you as you walked.
You hadn’t been to a wedding in a long time, especially one you were participating in.
You considered your role to be pretty damn important, considering where you were and what you were doing.
Even though your shoes were somewhat uncomfortable and didn’t fit exactly right, none of it mattered because you were happy.
As you reached the end of the aisle, you stood next to Bucky as he married the love of his life.
At the reception, you met up with Wanda again. She was wearing a beautiful dress, with a sunflower pendant necklace to match her sunflower earrings.
“They look so happy,” she smiles. “I’m glad.”
“Me too,” you smile warmly. “I’m glad we’re happy. All of us.”
She grinned, looking up at you. “We really are.”
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“You look a lot better.” Sharon said as she took a sip of her vanilla latte.
“I feel a lot better.” You took a sip of your own drink. “Thanks. For everything. I don’t think I would’ve made it out if not for your texts every once in a while.”
She rested her hand on top of yours. “I’m glad I sent them. And I’m proud of you for signing up for therapy in the first place.”
“Thanks, Sharon. That means a lot to me. It does.” You smiled.
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“I’m sorry. For ghosting you all. It was dumb of me, and I shouldn’t have just ran like that, and I’m sorry I hurt you, and—“ You were cut off by Melina wrapping you in a tight hug.
“We do not care, sweetheart.” She murmured affectionately in your ear. She then pulled away.
“We are just glad to have you back.” Alexei said, clapping his hand on your shoulder in an almost-painful way. You knew it was his way of being deeply emotional.
“I’m only kind of sorry for breaking in.” Yelena said after a moment. “But I am glad to see you again.” She hugged you.
“Yeah. It’s good to see you too.” You felt a sense of pure love fill you.
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You’d developed a new routine with Wanda.
You get up. You get ready. You eat breakfast with Wanda. You go to work. You drive home. You make dinner with Wanda and eat together. You end the night by turning on the TV to watch your favorite shows together.
You didn’t need to divide your life into two parts anymore. The world felt whole, you felt whole. Things were okay.
Life was going good.
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“Considering this is our last meeting,” Coulson began. “I’d like to talk about something special.”
“Oh, don’t do that, you’ll make me cry.” Clint laughed.
The whole group chuckled.
“Alright, alright.” Coulson grinned slightly. “In one of our earliest meetings, we played the secrets game. If you don’t remember, that’s when I had you all write down a vulnerable thought or secret down on a piece of paper and we read them aloud. I think now’s a good time to claim our papers.” He set out each piece of paper down on the small table in the center of the circle of chairs.
You found yours immediately and picked it up as the rest of the group picked up theirs.
“How about we go in a circle and read them aloud? To see how much we’ve changed as people.” Coulson guided.
When it was your turn, you read your statement out loud. “I wonder if they regret being with me,” you read from the paper. When Coulson asked how you thought you’d changed since writing the words, you smiled gently.
“I’m more sure of myself. And..I have faith in my relationships and connections now.” You explained. Everyone smiled at that.
Then it was Wanda’s turn.
“Everyone I care about gets hurt.” She reads.
You freeze. “That one—I read that one. That was yours?”
She nods, a sheepish grin on her face. “I know I’ve changed a lot since then. I’m not afraid of losing people I love. Well, I mean, of course I am, but I’m never terrified the world will just suddenly end. Not anymore.” She holds your hand as she says it.
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You walk out of therapy with your hand tightly held in hers.
Maybe there had been a point to all of it. Just maybe.
“Anyone up to grab lunch?” Tony called out as he was hopping into his car, Bruce getting into the passenger side.
You chuckled and flashed him a thumbs up.
As you and Wanda hopped into the truck, you turned on the radio. As you pulled out of the therapy center, the soft song filled the car.
Then you're left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're my sunflower.
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A/n: hoping I got somebody in the beginning. I have been thinking about that part since ch. 4 lmao.
Anyways I’m gonna start rambling about this series because it means a lot to me. I started this series in the summer (I think??), and I was in a completely different mental state. I love this series and I hope the people who read it do too. I’m glad I got to finish it.
In conclusion, it’s okay to move on. It will take a long time, it won’t be easy, and it’ll be hard. Maybe the things you deal with don’t ever go away, but they can improve.
Love you all. 💕🌻
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rustboxstarr · 1 year
🍃Things I think about🍃
Some short Eddie Munson scenarios that I think about :)
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Female plus size reader
CW: allusions to smut, talk of pregnancy, crying, reader having an OF, reader isn't stated as plus size but has plus size qualities, reader has multiple body modifications, probably more hahah
A/N: Thank you so much for the support I love you all sm!! Don't worry if your ask hasn't been answered (None of them have, sorryyyy Im a slow writer) they're in the process and will be answered ❤️
These are just small scenarios but please comment if I should do a part two or even make fics of them (if so comment which one)
Love yas!
Check out my other works!
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🍃 Waking up late in the afternoon and finding Eddie isn’t next to you in bed. Not thinking much of it you groggily get up, figuring he’s brewing coffee or just sat watch tv in the living room. Adjusting your baggy boxers that had twisted themselves around your thighs in the night. You walk out the door. Hair in a mess, curls pulled straight, frizzy baby hairs, scruffy ends. The trailer was warm last night, and there was certainly no need for anything other than those boxers. Sighing and stretching broadly, tits on full display, in your specific stretching position quite perky as you walk into the kitchen. 
It’s weirdly quiet… no coffee brewing, no tv on, that’s when you open your eyes properly to see  a picnic table set up with six kids sitting around it staring awestruck at you. Your eyes go wide and you panic and duck down behind the counter. 
“Eddieeee…” a cautious question “EDDIE!” A shriek now. Eddie stumbles awkwardly out of the bathroom. “What? What!?”
🍃Being friends with Eddie and thinking nothing of it when you open the front door after the bell rang, only wearing a sports bra and sweatpants. “Munson” you step away from the door walking back to the kitchen “Fancy seeing you here, what can I do for you?” No answer, just big watery eyes staring at you dumbstruck, still stood awkwardly in the doorway “ehe you good?…” you laugh awkwardly. Eddie clears his throat, tossing his shoes off “uhuh” is all the response you get as he swallows thickly. 
🍃 Eddie lies spread out on the bed, legs apart, you come in and lie down resting your head on his crotch. “What are you doing?”
 “you lay on my stomach all the time” you reason 
“yeah well you don’t have a dick, you’re making me hard” 
“oh really, is my face so close to your cock making you all nervous?” you tease.
🍃You on all fours in front of the mirror twerking “what are you doing?” his hand resting on his crotch “I’m bored” “continue, I’ll just be here” whips his cock out and starts stroking it PFFT 
🍃Reader dresses very formal for her job, she’s like a teacher or something. You befriend Eddie and one day forget your phone in the breakroom, Eddie who’s also a teacher finds it and brings it to your house. Instead of seeing you in a tight pencil skirt, a cream blouse and strappy heels, you open the door, hair all disheveled in a high messy bun to keep it out of your face while cleaning your house, multiple ear piercings usually hidden by your hair at work, various rings, crosses and jems littering your ears, a septum which must usually be flipped up in your nose to hide it, dressed in a baggy tank top and little booty shorts, body littered with tattoos. When Eddie first has sex w u, the formally dressed teacher he discovers your nipples are pierced as well as your navel and as if that didn’t blow his mind enough so is your clit. All body modifications fit to hide under your clothes.
🍃OMFG Eddie meeting Steve’s friend, you, and at some point your tattoo is accidentally revealed and he’s like out loud “cool tattoo, funny it looks familiar” you laugh, joking around “maybe you’ve seen me in porn or something” it’s a joke, to the others but you’re secretly wondering if he has seen you in porn, not porn but your only fans.
 🍃 your mom storming into your bedroom because Dustin told her Eddie was asleep in your bed. “Damn it’s 7 am” you say as you rub your eyes of sleep, Eddie passed out naked next to you on his stomach, you're quick to pull the blanket up to properly cover his ass.
🍃Ripping the door open to the small trailer and barging inside you find Wayne startled into sitting upright from his slouched position on the couch watching a soap opera. “Is he here?” You grit, “um he’s in his room, what’s going on???” He asked utterly baffled, he’s met you a few times, from what he could tell you weren’t together or even friends, more like acquaintances, and each time he’d seen you it was briefly, surrounded by the rest of your mutual friends or sneaking out of Eddie's bedroom at three in the morning accidentally stumbling into Wayne coming home from his night shift. 
You don’t answer him, instead you stomp down to the left, opening Eddie's bedroom door just as you had the front door, there he is, the bastard just relaxing in sweatpants low on his hips reading a comic book. “You!” You shout as you step foot over the threshold that is his dump of a bedroom. Eddie perks up surprised, putting his comic book away. “You motherfucker!” He frowns at you, you’re seething, fists clenched, stood in boxers and an oversized Magnum PI shirt, tattered and covered in holes. You hadn’t bothered getting dressed before storming out of the bathroom and running to your car. 
“You got me pregnant!” You shout, a blood red painted finger pointing accusingly at him. That’s when Eddie properly sits up, his eyes darting between you and his uncle baffled and awkward staring at you in a daze. 
“What?” He gasps “You said you wore a condom!” You continued shouting, no care in the world that his uncle was stood witnessing the whole ordeal. “I did!” Eddie was so confused and starting to panic as he stood up too fast. “Well clearly something went wrong cuz’ I’m fucking pregnant Eddie!” 
“Are.. are you sure?..” Eddie asked, stepping closer to you, carefully inching his arms closer to wrap around you. He looked over at his uncle, a small nod of his head to try and signal for him to give you both some privacy.
“Yes I’m fucking sure you idiot!” You thrust the pregnancy test that was in your grasp at his chest. As he stares down at the test you begin pacing. “I’m 19 and fucking pregnant” your eyes begin to tear up “I can’t go to fucking collage or get a good paying job now, I can’t even get a good job to pay for this stupid thing!” Eddie drops the test on his bed as he makes a new attempt at approaching you, this time successful as he wraps his arms around your arms to keep you compressed against him. 
“Do… do you want to keep it?” He asks in a whisper. “Well I can’t fucking abort it! I don’t have the fucking money for that! And neither do you!” You begin sobbing now. Grasping onto his shoulder blades in stress. Eddie hushes you, “Ok listen, just sit down, I’ll go make you some tea or something and we can talk about this, yeah?” His hand is cradling your head against his chest while you work yourself up into panic mode, the other hand rubbing up and down your back. 
“Okay..” you sniffle as you release him. Once you’re seated on the bed Eddie rushes out of the room, his heart slows from its panic slightly when he sees Wayne is already putting the boiler on. “I’m gonna go out for a bit, give y’all some privacy but when I come back you bet’r have a plan, alright?” Wayne says sternly as he deadpans Eddie. All he can do is nod rapidly as Wayne makes his way to the door, in the other room you’re crawling into a fetal position sobbing into Eddie's pillow as you comfort yourself.
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nyxindustries · 1 year
After Class | Tony Stark
Fandom: MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader, Tony Stark x Female Reader, Young Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: 18+ Minors Do NOT interact, sexual intercoirse, slight praise kink, slight rough sex kink, first date, fast burn, slight intoxication. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it) Oral Sex, V in P, (Female receiving ) Explicit Content, Explicit Language.
| Part 2 | - This is a request from my old account, that I no longer unfortunately have. Hope whoever requested this gets back to you.-
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Staring at the man in front of you, holding a rose as he got soaking wet with the rain pouring down. He held a single rose in his hand, a giant smile, a question you couldn’t bear to understand but your stomach leaped with your heartbeat a thousand times faster.
“T-Tony….what are you asking me?” You ask quietly, staring at your college classmates and lab buddy in and out of class.
“Go on a date with me, tonight. We just finish class and We both live off campus, it’ll be fun.” Tony pleads to you, making you laugh softly.
“Tony, you're getting all wet, and why should I go on a date with you? Seems like you hate me most of the time!” You jokingly say, almost thinking it’s a joke, as you cover him with your umbrella, making him smile a bit.
You’ll confess it, you love Tony with all your heart, but he couldn’t have possibly liked you back, so many girls are on him all day and every day because of his money or his looks.
Not only that, you weren’t like that, you didn’t care for his money or his looks, at first, you didn’t even like him at all because of the way he acted, but then he became your lab partner. You love him.
“I don’t hate you…even if I like teasing you. I don’t. Ms. Y/n I like you a lot, so go on a date with me” he says, and you smile softly, staring at him with a massive smile now.
“Okay! I like you too. Tonight.” You say as you gingerly take the fresh rose that has water droplets dropping, and you smelled it, smelling the freshness of the rose making you smile more.
“I’ll pick you up from your house, we’ll go to dinner and see where the night takes us. How does that sound?” He says, and you agree quickly.
“Great! I’ll see you tonight!” He says as places a gentle kiss on your cheek and then walks away in the rain, leaving you there.
Being dressed in a cute black dress and wedges as you waited for Tony. You were pacing around your living room, nervous. You love Tony, and he asked you on a date, oh, the things that can happen on this date.
Your doorbell, sighing of relief as quickly as the negative thoughts came, they left. Opening the door as you smile seeing the young, golden brown hair standing at the door. A classy casual dress, a nice dress shirt, and nice pants with dress shoes.
“Hey, pretty lady! Let’s go!” Tony says as he reaches out his hand, and you grab it with a smile.
“You look handsome tonight!” You say and Tony laughs.
“Don’t I always look handsome?” Tony teased, and you laugh softly
“No” You joke making Tony and yourself laugh, in playfulness.
“Well, I know you look beautiful every single day and especially tonight” Tony compliments you, making you blush red.
“Thank you,” you say as he opens his car door for you, helping you get in.
Arriving at the restaurant as it was packed with customers and also really, really fancy and high-end.
“I made reservations!” Tony says, and you just looked around the glass structure and waterfall that’s in the middle of the room.
“Wow, this is beautiful Tony,” you say, and he just smiled at you as you guys waited to be seated.
“Follow me,” the waiter says, and you nod as all have you begin walking with them as the waiter took to the back of the restaurant, onto a balcony area. Your table is the only table out here.
Smiling as you look around, and it’s such a beautiful view too.
Getting seated as the waiters look at the both of you.
“Red Wine as requested,” the waiter says as he pours two cups, leaving the both of you with menus.
“Oh wow. This is beautiful, Tony! How did you do it?” You ask, and he smiles
“I pulled some strings, some people owe my father a favor,” he says, and you laugh softly
“Of course.” You say as you look through the menu, taking a sip of your wine.
Talking about the menu now as soon the both of you order food to your liking.
Looking at Tony as you smile, “so what made you want to go on a date with me? You ask and Tony chuckled.
“I don’t know, I think you're wonderful,” he says, and your smile.
“I think you're wonderful too”
The food arrived as you still talked to Tony.
Looking at the food as it looked so delicious and the wine getting a bit to the both of you. — Walking out of the restaurant with a smile and holding on to Tony's hand as you walk to his car.
“Hey, it’s still pretty early, want to go back to the place for a movie?” Tony asks and you nod, looking at him.
Maybe, The wine is getting to you because as of right now you want to kiss him. The wine scenario is also unlikely, you only had two glasses, and you had a three-course dinner tonight, plus all the all-you-can-eat bread.
“I want to kiss you,” you say quietly and Tony smirks.
“Me too” Tony whispers and you smile as you lean in kissing him as he kisses you back softly.
“Now I really would like to go to my place.” Tony jokes and you laugh softly.
“Yeah, let’s do it. “ You say and Tony nods
“You sure? I can always drive you home, but I’m letting you call it” He says kindly and non-pressuring which meant a lot to you.
“No, let's do it. Come on!” You say as the valet driver pulled up In Tony's car and Tony follows you quickly as you got into his car with a chuckle as he got in right after you.
Arriving at Tony's place as he parks quickly and got out he opens the car door, making you laugh as he helps you get out.
“My love,” he says, making you turn red as he walks up to his house steps and opens the door for you quickly as you walk in.
Walking into the living room of his single townhouse, he loved her because it was closer to the university than going all the way home to his parents.
“Wow this is beautiful Tony”
You say, and he smiles
“Thank you!” He says, as you slowly turn to him, and he helps you take your jacket off to stare at him again.
Tony kisses you softly again, and you kiss back with a lot of passion, causing Tony to deepen the kiss. Your hands go to Tony's face as you pull him in closer, and he groans in response as he grips your thighs and ass.
Making him lift you as he held you against the wall, still kissing you. Tony gets a good grip on you as he carries you upstairs, making you chuckle into the kiss.
Going straight to the bedroom as Tony tossed you onto the bed, making you stare up at him as he quickly lost his tie and shoes, and you quickly lost your shoes too.
Tony towered over you and you could his smirk as you felt his hands on your dress, the next thing you knew it was off of you, and so are your bra and panties.
“It’s all about you tonight, baby. “ Tony says into your making you smile softly
Kissing him once more, your hands went to his belt buckle and quickly undid it with a smirk. Tony gently spread your legs now as he saw your pussy, soaking wet.
Everything he thought and saw rushed down to his cock as he smirks slowly going down as he kissed your clit softly before licking a thick line down and up your pussy making you moan in soft pleasure.
“Tony” You moan out, making him smirk as he lapses his tongue onto your pussy and clit, tasting all of your juices.
Tony shoved his two fingers in you as he started displaying you no mercy, just the way you liked it.
Tony thrusts and curls his fingers in you as he keeps reaching your sweet spot he sucks, licks, and teases your clit harder with each thrust, making you moan more loudly than before.
Glancing down at him in between your legs as you moan, pushing his hair out of your face and pulling him closer into your pussy.
“Fuck, fuck !” You scream out as he begins thrusting and sucking faster as he feels you clench your pussy around his fingers. He looks up at you as he watches your face contort into pleasure, not knowing how much you can take anymore.
“Tony… Tony, I’m gonna~ Ah.” You scream out as you grip the sheets tight on his bed you begin cumming on his fingers as he slowly pulls them out, licking your cum up with his tongue with a sweet smile.
“Mm, baby, taste yourself. You taste so delicious” Tony says
As he pushes his cum covered fingers in your mouth making you lick them up and down, sucking on his fingers. Tony slaps at your oversensitive cunt, making you jump in response as he quickly flips you over onto your stomach, your face meeting a pillow.
Tony pulls his underwear down as he strokes himself slowly and starts putting himself at your entrance rubbing his cock all around your entrance.
“T-Tony please I need it” you moan out quietly making him smirk as he thrusts his cock into you.
“Mhm don’t worry baby girl you're going to get it.” He whispers into his ear, making you smile as he starts thrusting in his cock picking up a persistent pace. Tony knows the way you like it, and you like it rough. That wasn't a secret between the two of you.
Tony thrusts harder as he grabs your hair pulling you back into your knees, as he balances you and thrusts into you.
Becoming a moaning mess as Tony's hands let go of your hair, but you kept your head on his shoulder and saw his one hand go to your breast massaging then his other went to your clit, massaging it fast.
Gasping out at the extra pleasure as Tony flicked and pulled on your nipple. Kissing on the back of your neck, making hickeys in heart shape and any shape he wanted to know you belonged to him.
“F-fuck me harder" You moan out as Tony's hands met yours, and he pinned down the bed, face first. Gentle kissing your shoulder with that, started thrusting faster and harder into you, railing into you now.
The mouth is covered by the pillow you're, and your face is stuffed into, barely covering up your screams as your eyes closed tight in pleasure.
“ Ah! FUCK TONY! Fuck, Fuck!~RIGHT THERE" You scream into the pillow. You felt your hair get pulled, and your head lifted.
“Oh baby, you like that? Let me hear you say it!" Tony mutters into your ear with soft groans.
“F-fuck, please. I love it.” You whine out as he drops you back into the pillow that your saliva and sweat are now on. You're holding on to his bed frame with some mercy and support now.
Tony no longer shows any mercy with his cock as he slams into you, all you could do is moan for more. While Tony called you the dirtiest name, he could think of. The room filled with skin-slapping moans and the bed frame banging against the wall loudly.
“I’m-…. I’m…going to cum!” You scream out,
Tony finds your sweet spot again with his cock, making you moan as he slams into it, making you make noises you never made before, those noises going straight to his cock.
“I’m cumming!” You say it over and over again, not being able to say any other words.
“Me too baby, Where do you want it? Tony grunts out as he does a few more thrusts into you as started cumming all over his cock.
“I don’t care! I’m on the pill anyway!” You moan out, making Tony smirk more as he grabs your waist holding you onto his cock as he cum in you.
Tony slowly pulled over you once you and he rides the high out, making you finally collapse on the bed, Tony next to you.
“Fuck…that was amazing,” you say and giggle out as Tony smiles, looking over at you and seeing your mess, run-down makeup, and your exhausted face now.
Tony, smiling as he pushed your hair out of his face and slowly got up, putting his boxers on.
“Where are you going?” You ask calmly.
“To run you a bath, make you something to drink and eat if you'd like…then we can cuddle,” he says, and you smile softly at him.
“Good,I’m sore already. I’ve never been fucked like that” you say, and he laughs as he walks into his bathroom, starting a warm bath, and grabbing pain relief for you as he walked out, going downstairs and grabbing you juice and water with some fruit he cut up quickly placing them in a bowl for you and him.
Tony came back as he chuckled, seeing you facts asleep and a mess in the bedsheets. Tony places it down, and he gently shakes you, making you groan as Tony picks you up and wakes you.
Your new-found lover slowly takes you to the bathroom as he places you in the tub, and you smile softly at him.
“Here, pain relief and some water.” He says as he hands it to you, and you take the pill with ease with some water.
“Move up.” He says, and you do as you watch him slip his underwear off and get in the tub with you. Tony pulled you close in as you relaxed in the big tub with warm water wrapping around you and him.
“Let’s get you washed up, shall we?” He asks, and you nod slowly as Tony grabs some soap, and he washed you up and down.
Then began washing your hair for you as you relaxed into his arms even more, and you thoroughly enjoyed this as he washes your hair. Sighing out in happiness as Tony wraps you in a warm towel once you and he gets out.
“Oh, here’s your purse just in case, do what you need to do. I’m going to go change the sheets” he says, and you nod as he leaves you in the bathroom to finish anything else.
Changing the sheets and the blankets as he got fresh clean ones and fresh new blankets for the bed and pillows. Tony brings you some of his clean clothes as he smiles at you as you come out of the bathroom.
“Mm just hold me, Tony,” you say tiredly as you get onto the bed and Tony grins as he gets in next to you.
Tony pulls you close as you place your head on his chest to his heartbeat.
“I enjoyed tonight.”You express
“Me too, you did an excellent job” He praises making you smile widely.
“Tony…. I love you and I have loved you since we started being lab partners in school.” You say burying your face into his chest.
Tony laughed as he saw your cute reaction
I love you too Y/n… I feel the same way. Ever since that day too” he says, you beamed back at him making him laugh, holding you back.
“Get some rest. I’ll be here in the morning. My love” he says, and you smile as you and Tony cuddle and carry out a soft conversation aligned with you eating all the fruits and juice he got you as the both of you talk until you went to sleep in Tony's arms as he gave you soft kisses on the lips.
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welldonebeca · 4 months
it's a Bad Idea, right? (8)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OC!Betty WC: 1.2k words Warnings: Mafia AU. Secret identity au. Flirting. Fluff.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
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"Give it a spin," Wanda urged, her eyes dancing with excitement. "How come I've never seen you wearing this dress?"
Betty complied, twirling in her dress, a chuckle escaping her lips as she watched her friend's enthusiasm.
It was one of the pretty dresses she had made a while ago, nothing too fancy, but certainly something she had been saving for a nice time.
“Because it was pretty buried in my project chest,” she smirked, looking over her purse and shoes. “He’s coming to pick me up with his car.”
“Car?” Pietro echoed from outside, and Betty could just hear how he was right outside her door.
She rolled her eyes.
“Just walk in already, I’m dressed,” she called out. “Anyway, he’s going to drive us there, but I don’t know if I’ll want him to bring me back home, or if he’ll want to do that.”
Wanda scoffed, the disbelief obvious in her voice.
“He walked you home from the grocery store and walked us both home from work, why wouldn’t he bring you back?”
Betty shrugged.
Steffan seemed nice, but she’d only met him… thrice?
Phone talks aside, what if he was pretending to be nice?!
A lot of men do that!
“You never know how the after of a date might go,” she answered, at last. “I’ll keep money for the cab. And to pay for my part of dinner if he decides he doesn’t want to pay because of some arbitrary reason.”
He did say he wanted to pay for it, but, again, who knew.
"Bring some socks," Pietro suggested, taking a seat on her bed. "If you end up needing a cab and your feet start hurting in those heels, it's a handy backup."
Betty looked back at Wanda.
Well... it did make sense. She couldn’t bring a whole back with flats, but socks did fit into her purse.
“I’ll do that,” she agreed. “Thanks, Piet.”
He smiled, lying down on her bed and spreading himself.
“You look gorgeous,” he complimented her. “Where are you two going?”
She finished organising her purse, adding the pair of socks with her keys and a little pepper spray can.
“Juliette,” she told her. “We took your there for your birthday.”
Wanda looked very impressed as her eyes lit up with recognition.
"Ah, is little Miss Elize making a grand entrance?"
Betty rolled her eyes at the nickname,
‘Miss Elize’ was a title Wanda had given to her whenever anything French came up.
"Oh, hush," she chided playfully. "It's a cozy spot with familiar cuisine, perfect for a first date."
Steffan didn’t know she was French and she wasn’t eager to telling.
While with Poland, she could imply she was from the side occupied by Germany, mentioning France would be like painting a target on her back. She already had one target to deal with; she didn't need another.
Her phone vibrated, and Betty eagerly snatched it up, her heart racing. A text from Steffan flashed on the screen.
"He's here," she gasped with excitement.
Pietro chuckled.
“You really do like this guy,” he teased her, raising himself on his elbows with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Betty shot him an exasperated glare, her cheeks turning ten degrees hotter.
No, she didn’t! He was just nice.
And hot.
And charming.
And she really wanted to do unspeakable things to him.
"Shut up," she snapped in response, trying to hide her embarrassment as she walked away.
"Have fun," Wanda called out cheerfully. "And don't forget to send us your location."
Pietro couldn't resist adding his own quip, his protective instincts kicking in, though there was a touch of annoyance in his tone.
“I can pick you up if he gets handsy!”
She left with her phone still in hand, tucking her charger into her purse and quickly texting Wanda her real-time location for the next 24h, and rushed down the stairs with her high heels in hand, stopping by the mirror at the entrance and fixing her hair before putting her shoes on and walking out, proper and pretty.
Steffan was waiting right there, and oh, he looked very good. He was cleanly shaved like always, and was wearing a crisp white button-up short under a navy blazer that just made his muscles pop out. It matched his jeans, too, the whole assemble.
"Good evening," he greeted her with that signature charming smile. "You're positively stunning tonight."
Betty couldn’t help the big smile on her face.
"You clean up quite nicely yourself," she remarked, playfully pointing at him with her free hand.
Steffan responded by taking her hand gently, bringing it to his lips, and planting a delicate kiss on her knuckles. It was an old-world gesture but it sent a delightful shiver down her spine.
Oh, dear.
“Let’s head off, it’s almost time for our reservation,” he suggested;
Betty nodded, and followed him to his car. Not that she was good with them – she lived in New York, having a car wasn’t too useful around there – but it looked like a nice car. Not too shabby and not too expensive, and it was tidy. She had seen the model around quite a bit in other places, so it was easy to suppose Steffan wasn’t a car-guy – he probably just wanted something to get around, and she quite liked that.
Her mid twenties had showed her that convenience was much more important than appearances when one wanted a peaceful life.
He opened the door for her, and closed it too, and she had just buckled the seatbelt when he walked in too.
Her eyes widened for a moment at the sight of him fully sat, and, good grace, that man was big. It made her feel tiny, being in that little space with him.
It made her whole face feel hot. Steffan was making her feel like a teenager who had just figured out she liked boys!
Betty observed the city passing by through the car window as he drove, the journey brief but pleasant. Her face lit up with a smile every time Steffan glanced her way, his eyes making her heart flutter with each exchange – and they hadn’t even started their date officially!
When they arrived at the restaurant, he once again showed his gentlemanly manners by opening the car door for her and later the entrance to the restaurant itself. When they were shown to their table, he pulled out her chair and pushed it into place before taking his seat.
“Do you come here often?” he asked, unbuttoning his blazer.
"Only on special occasions," Betty replied, her fingers tracing the edge of the menu. Oh, it looked new. "The staff here is exceptional, and the food, well, it speaks for itself."
Steffan’s chuckle warmed her belly.
"If a waitress is giving praise to the staff, I'm all ears," he teased, offering a playful wink. "Should I follow your recommendations for our dinner?"
Betty squinted at him.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
Steffan didn’t seem bothered.
“You are the one with experience,” he smiled charmingly, his eyes fixed on hers. “I trust your judgement.”
She couldn’t help biting her lower lip as she reached for the menu, her heart fluttering with excitement.
“If you say so...”
“it’s a Bad Idea, right?” was posted on my Patreon in September 2023 and is fully finished. To have early access to it (and lots of other stories), consider subscribing to my page! It’s just $2 a month, and I know you won’t regret it!
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​ @amythyststorm33​​ @shaelyn102 @yknott81 ​​@maximofftrash​​ @kgbrenner​​ @thefridgeismybestie @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke​ @shadowhunter7​​ @musicalcoffeebean @megasimpleplan4ever​​ @deemoriarty @05spn18​​ @malindacath @kdcollinsauthor @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @widowsfics @frozenhuntress67​​ @averyrogers83​​ @notyourtypicalrose @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega
Marvel forever tags: @its-daydreamer23​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112 @tayrae515? @indecisiondecisions? @afanofmanystuffs @patzammit @thevanishedillusion @widowsfics? @alexisshoto​ @princess-evans-addict​​ @dreams-of-feysand​​ ​@dragonqueen0606 @izbelross @isabelle-faith
Bad Idea: @peaceloveancolor
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The Punk and The Suit 5
After a few lunches of proving Kristoph can at least stand on a board without falling and getting glares from Eric and his cronies, Kieran and Kristoph make plans for a Saturday.
“So if you are actually going to ride the board, you are going need clothes you can get dirty and shoes with some actual give in the soles that you won’t mind getting scuffed.”
Kristoph just looks nervous and nods.
“You do have other shoes right?”
Kristoph pursed his lips and shakes his head, “Dress and golf shoes for meeting with some clients that refuse to meet in the office.”
Kieran rolls his eyes, “Well we can go get you some cheap skate shoes.…….you got clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty, right?”
Kristoph refuses to meet his eyes,
Kristoph turns back to Kieran with a pained face, “Pajamas?”
Kieran stands up, “Are you fucking kidding me!? All you own are suits?”
Kristoph tries to defend himself, “No, I own Polo’s too, that’s not a suit!”
“That is just weekend suit, causal suit, this mother fucker!”
Kristoph trying to get back on skating, “I have seen people go skating in pajamas.”
“And I bet even your pajamas have ties.”
Kristoph looks away.
“No! No Way!”
“It’s only one pair! It was a novelty gift I got for Christmas. It’s not even a real tie. It just on one side of the shirt to look like a tie when you button it up.”
Kieran is laughing hard to himself, “Motherfucker got ties and buttons on his pajamas.”
Kristoph tries for a good comeback, “They are a high qualify material and they feel nice. Probably nicer fabric than anything you wear.”
“Since I usually sleep naked, yeah, I bet the fabric is.”
Kristoph was glad he was already blushing or else it would be obvious were his mind was going.
“Whatever, I guess we just got to take you on a small shopping trip.”
Kristoph huffed, “Fine but we should get you a suit while we are at it.”
Kieran reacts shocked, “Who says I don’t have a suit?”
Kristoph looks him up and down, “Whatever suit you do have, if you have one, doesn’t fit you well. Was probably bought at some budget store, black slacks and blazer with a white button up. If there is a tie, most likely that is black as well or high school colors. Fits you loose, wore once, that you bought out of necessity and never wore again. Or is some family hand-me-down that gets passed around when needed. And the way you and Patrick act, my guess is the only time you wear a suit is to get married, get buried, or to go to court. Sounds about right?”
Kieran laughs and flips him off, “WOW. I didn’t know you could be a dick, Kris.”
Kristoph laughs quietly, “I am in Marketing. My whole job is to study people and try and learn what they like and don’t like to try and get them to buy our product. The product of that is sometimes you get pretty good at reading people.”
“Oh and that gives you permission to be a Pissy Krissy?”
“That means I can call out people on things sometimes that they might not know themselves. For example, people will almost always get the taller cup, even when the shorter cup can hold more, because the taller cup looks like more. And since you were giving me a roasting me about my closet, thought it was fair to send a few embers back at you.” Kristoph grins
Kieran laughs, “Well you’re not wrong. I do only have one suit. It does fit like shit. I have worn it more than once but only for weddings and funerals, so yes black with white button up. Bow Tie because I am fucking fancy.”
Kristoph snorts at the bow tie comment, “I would like to see you in the bow tie.”
Kieran leans into Kristoph, “No other clothes, just the bow tie?” and begins to laugh. “Fine, we will get you some NORMAL clothes to skate in and I’ll get a good suit since I have the art thing coming up. My manager has been bitching about showing up in my normal attire. Stated I needed to dress up for the press anyways.”
Kristoph smiles, “It’s a date then?”
Kieran, “A date. Especially if our families ask.”
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victorluvsalice · 4 months
Sims 4 Valicer Outfit Fun III -- Dark Academic Crystals Edition!
Time for another "I've been fucking around in CAS making outfits for Victor, Alice, and Smiler" lookbook post! This time focusing on outfits created in response to me getting the Crystal Creations stuff pack recently! So, without further ado --
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This is Victor in the outfit I most wanted to put him in ever since I saw the previews for the clothing you got with Crystal Creations – that vest and shirt combo is PERFECT for a slightly more casual Victor. :) The black pants aren’t bad either, and I rather like the little boots. Another Valicer In The Dark look, I think!
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While normally I’m all about the blue with Alice, I really liked the forest-green swatch for this particular dress, so here it is. :) It’s a very pretty outfit (though looking at it, I can understand why some people were like “some of these clothes look like they should have been part of Realm Of Magic”), and I like it in combination with the patterned tights, and the other new set of boots.
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Back to traditional blue swatches with Alice here – I had to try this dress on for size as well, and I think it looks pretty on her. Though I suspect this is something I’d be more likely to give a “teen” Alice over a “young adult” one... Maybe if I ever do that save file where I have Alice, Victor, Victoria, Emily, and Smiler all grow up together. :p As I had this outfit replace one of her formals (hence the fancy necklace and bright white stockings), I decided to pair it with the fancy crystalline shoes you get with the pack too – VERY cool-looking. :)
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Okay, this is an amusing one – I was using Smiler to hunt down new clothes that I hadn’t clicked on yet from any pack, having thrown them in one of the comfy sweaters that you get from Crystal Creations (in the black swatch, because obviously it doesn’t have a good yellow one – dark academia is not know for its bold colors, after all) – and I stumbled across a pair of ripped leggings from Werewolves that I had apparently never properly clicked on. A pair of leggings –
That came in a “one yellow leg one black leg” swatch that was perfectly Smilerish! :D So yeah, I had to show them off – with a quick pair of mini-shorts thrown on to help hide Smiler’s, uh, bulge a bit better. XD But yeah, don’t those look very them? I’ll have to find a “real” outfit to use them in, instead of this monstrosity. :p
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Here's Smiler in some real pants to make a proper outfit for them -- and honestly, I rather like the combination of the yellow slacks with the nice loose black sweater. :) Probably should have gone with black shoes over the yellow ones, but I was literally just messing around in CAS with all the new clothes I could find, so... Oh, and you may notice that Smiler's got something around their neck?
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Yeah, it's the new double-strand necklace made in conjunction with Simmer arethabee! You see, I also used Smiler to clear out some of the stuff in the “head” section of CAS (including all the new hairstyles from all my new packs that I hadn’t looked at yet – let me tell you, Smiler does NOT look like themselves if they don’t have this specific weirdass haircut), which meant that Smiler got to be the one to show off this cute little necklace! I rather like it – and not just because it comes in Smiler-appropriate colors. XD It’s simple without being TOO simple, you know? And it does look like something Smiler might wear. Or Alice, come to think of it. I’ll have to play around with it a bit more.
Enjoy this handful of new looks! And be prepared for a few more in the future, because I also did some playing around in CAS in response to the SDX "new swimsuit stuff" drop last week on 5/14. XD First though, another Chill Valicer Save update -- see you then!
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ascendantking · 10 months
;; The Finer Things
Pairing: Jaron/Imogen, Amarinda of Bultain/Tobias Words: 1047 Chapter: 1 [ Complete ] Summary: Post-war peace after The Shadow Throne. – The kids enjoy a relatively quiet moment and some indulgences as the dust settles.
The three boys sat around the hearth as the flames happily crackled over the firewood it was fed. It danced and played in their eyes while they held their hot cider unflinchingly, waving its hand in front of the vacant stares taking in its performance. Tough crowd, it thought–if fire could think–but it would be remiss to turn away the attention, no matter how meaningless.
A shuffle of skirts brought life back into the still room as Amarinda dragged Imogen in. “Have you three not moved since we last left?” Amarinda asked, raising an eyebrow at those gathered. Her shoes clacked against the floor when she leaned her weight to the side.
Slowly but surely, three sets of eyes pulled themselves away from the captivating display in the fireplace. Tobias thought to save the group as he swallowed for the first time in what felt like months. “Well–the–”
Continue reading below or on AO3! ( Link on blog. )
“So, you haven’t,” Amarinda said with a quirked grin pulling at her lips. She went to haul Tobias up to his feet while he struggled to keep his drink from spilling, his knees creaking beneath him. 
Tobias blinked to himself, shaking out his foot that had fallen asleep as he leaned against Amarinda. She stole a sip from his cup, puckering her lips suddenly. “It’s only cider–”
“Was it supposed to be hot?”
“Well, it–”
Roden took a sip of his. He pursed his lips, nodding to himself slowly. “I’d say it’s still hot.”
“Hot enough,” Tobias finished, tipping his hand from side to side. 
Amarinda looked between the two of them and then at Jaron who didn’t bother with the argument; he sat his cup on the table, pushing himself up to join Imogen. His eyes never left her. “Is this a new dress?” he asked.
Amarinda clapped her hands together, smiling at him and then at Imogen. “I told you he’d notice!”
Imogen ducked her head down, chuckling into her hand before she pulled her braid over her shoulder. She twirled with the end of it. “It–is. Amarinda said that maybe I should splurge given… who I’m with now.” She smiled gently at Jaron who took her hand in his. 
He looked her over appreciatively, grinning back at her. “Gotta say, Drylliad looks good on you. You should do it more often,” Jaron said, nudging her side playfully. “I’ll put it in as a necessary expense.”
And she could only laugh, hitting his arm lightly. “Oh, don’t do that, you already fight with the regents enough–and after everything…”
Jaron put his hand to her cheek, tilting his head. “Imogen, the kingdom will heal itself in time, a few fancy dresses here and there won’t hurt Carthya, no matter how silly it may seem. It gives the tailor something to do! That’s one person helped!” He grinned at her, running the fabric on her sleeve between his fingers. “Besides, the regents wouldn’t be caught dead in last week’s fashion, even if the dust is still settling–and I think if they have a problem with it, we can enact a silk tax. I think they’ll love it. I have been getting bored.” Jaron caught Roden’s eye as his general grimaced, pushing himself up from the floor.
“If I find another assassin in the castle, I’ll kill you myself and they can take notes on how it’s properly done,” Roden grunted out at him.
Jaron laughed. “Great! Professional on the job training! We’ll save the job market one assassin at a time, won’t we?”
Roden hit him with his shoulder as he passed. “If that’s what we’re calling it these days.”
Imogen grinned, stepping back with Amarinda as Jaron continued to poke at Roden. “Thank you, really,” she said, looking up at her.
“What for?” Amarinda asked after blinking out of her thoughts.
“For one, you’re not like…” Imogen trailed off, gesturing broadly as she watched the two boys rough house while Tobias tried in vain to pull them apart, claiming outrageous things like don’t put pressure on a broken leg and if you don’t rest, you can’t heal. Right, like that meant anything. Imogen snorted, biting her smile back.
Amarinda cocked her hip, crossing her arms with a chuckle. “I mean, I can certainly make an effort…” 
Imogen laughed, leaning into her. “I think it’s nice to have someone reasonable around here that’s our age.”
“You don’t want to gossip with Mott?”
Imogen raised an eyebrow. “Amarinda, you have not gossiped till you’ve gossiped with Mott–overhearing even a little bit of what he knows would have the saints in a tizzy.” 
“Is that so?”
“Trust me. At Farthenwood…” Imogen trailed off, shaking her head–letting nostalgia mask over the uglier parts of her time there. “Let’s just say you wanted to keep your name out of his mouth.”
Amarinda laughed. “Him? I’d never guess!”
“He had to know everything going on there, it only made sense.” Imogen chuckled, taking in a breath as Tobias finally got Roden and Jaron to sit down once more. “But… it really is–nice to have a friend here–someone who likes these…” she paused, pulling at the dress with a snort, ”girly things. I can’t exactly go to one of them.”
“I don’t know… Tobias has taken pretty well to the finer things,” Amarinda said cheekily.
Imogen laughed. “Okay, let me rephrase, someone who already knows what they’re talking about.”
Amarinda smiled at her, sighing. She nodded slowly. “Then I should thank you too–because it’s been nice to talk about petticoats, blouses, and even shoes again rather than… war strategies and the memories of those we’ve lost.” She took in a breath, her expression evening out as her thoughts drifted for a second time.
Imogen put her hand on her arm, smiling at her. “Then let’s indulge. Jaron’s right. We can’t live in mourning forever or be scared to enjoy the life we fought for.” She chuckled. “You live so long conserving and protecting what you have, too scared to ask for more, but it… it is necessary, isn’t it?”
Amarinda took her hands, squeezing them. She grinned back. “Then let’s go make sure our sacrifices meant something.” She pulled her out of the room again, leaving the boys to their quips and lukewarm cider.
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Welcome to Sapphire Falls - chapter 14 ❜┊˚̥۪͙۪◌
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Basketballer!Chris Evans x Abigail Syverson (plus size!ofc) & Farmer!Syverson x Livia Darmandi (Asian ofc)
Summary: Abigail is Chris' plus one and loves the benefit... Until...
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: None
The Advent Calendar (a.k.a. the masterlist)
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Why did I say yes to this? Didn’t I promise myself to not let Chris get close again? I curse myself as I take off the twentieth dress, I simply had nothing to wear. My excitement slowly disappears as I take another look in my closet. I have tried on every fancy dress I own, and I own quite a few. Every time I see a fancy dress, I somehow convince myself that I have to buy it, because what if there is an occasion where I have to dress up? That leaves me with approximately ten fancy dresses, however none of them are good enough. Everything looks awful. 
All the things I don’t want to show are visible. Every lump, every bump. Nothing looks flattering, I just look big. And the heels I wanted to wear make me a giant. Damnit. 
Why did I tell Chris I wanted to go to events? 
Okay, because I want to and I’m actually excited to go. 
Leaving now, be there in 10. I read the text from Chris. Luckily my hair and makeup is done and is looking quite well. Maybe I’ll just wear the good old black dress, the one I look like a nun in. 
Wait a minute, black dress. Suddenly the gears in my head start turning. I bought a stunning black dress last year. How could I have forgotten about that one? Oh, right. Because it’s very sexy and it shows a lot of skin. 
I slowly walk into my closet again, and in the very back, very well hidden, I find the garment bag. As I pull down the zipper, the dress appears and it is still as gorgeous as I remember. 
Once it’s on, I stare into the mirror. It actually looks quite good? Somehow this dress shows parts of me I don’t mind showing? It has a deep V neckline and high slits on each leg.
‘You look amazing,’ Chris says, standing in my doorway all of a sudden. ‘I am speechless to be honest.’ 
‘Dammit, Chris! Do you have no decency? Ever heard of knocking? You scared the shit out of me!’ My heart is pounding in my chest, I never heard him walk in. ‘You really think so?’ I throw another look in the mirror, and I feel more and more comfortable in the dress. I glance at Chris, and he looks so charming and sexy. He is wearing a white shirt, with a dark gray jacket and trousers. His striped tie loosely hanging around his neck, I remember he hates wearing them, therefore puts in on correctly as late as possible.
The color gray should not look this good on someone, but it does on Chris. It’s a good thing this dress is airy, because I feel myself heating up.
‘Abi. you look gorgeous. But you’re gonna need some shoes,’ Chris smiles pointing at my bare feet.
‘Oh, fuck, you’re right.’ In panic I look around the room. It’s an absolute mess with dresses and shoes everywhere. Not only had I tried on every dress, I also tried on every pair of shoes. 
I reach for the most basic, and ugliest, pair of black flats I own. ‘You’re not wearing those.’ Chris looks at me like I’m an insane woman. ‘Here, put these on.’ He hands me a pair of clear slip ons, with a two and a half inch heel and straps. 
Heels. I can’t wear heels. I’ll be just as tall or taller than him. 
Chris sees me hesitating, and he cocks his eyebrow. ‘You need me to help you put them on?’ he says playfully. 
‘Fine, fine. Give them to me.’ I sit down, and slip into the heels. You might not say it by the look of them, but they are quite comfortable. 
Chris offers me his arm, and he helps me stand up. He moves us in front of the mirror again, and I can’t take my eyes off him. 
He has gotten so much broader over the years. His shirt tight over his chest, his thighs filling out his trousers. I look a little higher, and catch his eyes looking at me. A soft smile on his lips. He nudges my shoulder with his and asks: ‘You ready to go?’
I want to say yes, but then I notice our height. ‘You sure I should wear these heels?’
‘Why wouldn’t I be?’
‘Because we’re literally the same height Chris. You cannot slouch, or I’ll be taller.’
Chris visibly sighs. ‘So? What kind of man would I be if I cared about that? You look amazing Abi, okay?’ He reaches for my hand, and our fingers intertwine.  
With my heart beating overtime, I'm just hoping I can get through the night, without my heart giving up on me.
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The benefit was everything I dreamed of. It is crowded and there is so much happening at the same time, meaning there are also so many people to watch. Chris obviously knows them, therefore is constantly talking to at least three people. I love watching him talk about his sport, his career, things he’s passionate about. 
Sy and Livia are there too, and they look beautiful together. They belong together, but they need to figure that out on their own. One thing I learned with Sy; don’t tell him what to do, because he’ll just do the opposite. 
Being with Chris all night feels natural, weirdly enough. In high school we knew each other through and through, and even after all these years it still feels like that. With one look, one squeeze; we know what the other means. 
‘Why don’t you wait over there, while I’ll grab us a drink?’ Chris suggests, pointing at a standing table. 
‘Sure,’ I smile. He hadn’t left my side the minute we set foot in this place, always making sure he held my hand or touched my back, I could survive a minute alone. But I wouldn’t mind getting used to it. It feels nice. His attention, him looking after me. It would be nice to have someone by my side. And the idea of the person being Chris, brings butterflies to my stomach. 
Chris walks away, and I turn my attention back to the crowd. Bickering couples, ridiculous hairdos, I could stand here all night watching everyone. Noticing things no one else notices. Things only a photographer sees. I wish I had brought my camera because the photographer who is present, should not call themselves a photographer. . 
The poor boy is incapable of taking pictures. He looks hardly 20 years old, and he has no idea how to hold the camera. 
At first I stayed back, but now I can’t simply witness this atrocity. With everyone here looking like a million bucks, they deserve to have nice pictures taken, but this fella is doing everything wrong.
I walk towards him, when I witness something, or better said someone, out of the corner of my eyes. 
I recognize her instantly. Bethany. Chris’ ex-fiancée. And here she is. Her legs are long and on full display thanks to the short dress. I believe I can see her underwear from here. She wraps her arm around Chris and it looks a little too comfortable for my liking. 
I can’t hear them from where I’m standing, but my heart sinks to my stomach. Bethany whispering something in his ear, Chris smiling. No, no, no, no, no. This isn’t supposed to happen. 
Before I can let the hurtful, negative thoughts in, I decide to give Chris one more chance. With a deep breath, I walk towards them. Once Chris sees me, he looks a little, how do you say it, caught? While my heart had already sunk to my stomach, it has now reached my feet. 
Her lanky body is still wrapped around him, and he isn’t even trying to remove her from him. 
‘Abigail, this is Bethany. Bethany, this is Abigail, my date,’ he says with the smallest voice I ever heard him speak in.
‘Date?’ Bethany cackles. ‘She is your date?’
The atmosphere in the room changes, it feels like the temperature has dropped to a freezing level. I feel cold, and chilly, and it seems like everyone is watching me all of a sudden. I never knew how quickly you can feel uncomfortable in a situation you were very comfortable in, until now. I want to leave. I want to run away.  
Chris looks a little sheepish, taking a moment too long to say anything. He still isn’t trying to remove her arms, instead his own arm is resting on her hip. Bethany looks daringly at me. She even has the audacity to press a kiss on the corner of his mouth. 
‘Why don’t you stay here with her, uh?’ I spit out. Not being able to stand there for another second, I storm out. 
This is what happens when I open my heart for Chris. No matter what happens, I’ll inevitably get my heart broken. 
I can’t believe this happened. By the time I’m outside, the cold air of the night engulfs me in a painful hug, but all in all, I don’t necessarily mind. What the hell happened back there?
First I’m Chris’ date. Then I am enjoying myself, together with Chris. And to top it all off: his ex-fiancée is there, acting like there is no such thing as being Chris’ ex-fiancée. 
And now I’m outside, on the verge of crying. 
‘Abigail, wait!’ Livia yells from behind me. I hear her fast paced footsteps and I’ve got to give it to her: she can sprint awfully well in those heels. ‘Are you okay?’ She shakes her head as she stops in front of me. ‘Stupid question. Wait, here is your coat.’ She hands me the fancy coat I wore over the dress and adds: ‘Let me ask another question. Do you want me or Sy to kick Chris’ balls back up? I can totally do that.’
Somehow I managed to mutter out the words: ‘I just need to go home.’
‘I understand.’ Livia reaches out and holds my hand. ‘That was a shit move,’ she says. ‘You look gorgeous, you are wonderful and have so much more to offer than… whatever that was.’
Sy walks out, his fists balled. ‘Chris is nowhere to be found,’ he says, his jaw still clenched.
In other words: I couldn’t find him to murder him. 
Livia squeezes my hand. ‘We’ll kick his balls up another time and while we’re at it, I’ll yank those eyelash extensions from her eyelids, one by one, make her scream in agonizing pain and regret everything she did tonight.’
‘I prefer to deal with Chris myself,’ Sy grumbles. ‘How much time do you have to do for murder around here?’
Livia smacks his stomach. ‘Do you want to go home, Abigail?’
All I can muster out is a nod. 
Sy and I aren’t the type of siblings who comfort each other, however I feel his arm around my shoulders as he escorts me to his truck. ‘Chris is a stupid son of a bitch,’ I hear him say, to no one in particular I suppose. 
And that is one tiny silver lining of the evening, because I have to agree with my twin brother.
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panjakes · 2 years
Hello again! Can I please request another Ahn hyo-seop x female Ghanaian reader? Thank you.
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(Fun fact(or not) when I was looking for pictures of Hyeoseop, when I scrolled down on the one on the left there were only pictures of black women under them✊🏽✨)
It was culture day at the office. You for an advertisement company. You enjoyed it, really you did, but it kind of operated like a high schools “spirt week”.
Every other month, a flyer was posted and there was something for everyday of the week.
Monday-Pattern day: wear plaid, strips, zigzag, etc
Tuesday-Disney day: wear something Disney inspired
Wednesday-Hat Day: Wear a hat of your choice
Thursday-Collage day: wear and support your favorite collage
Friday:Culture day: wear something from your collage
Today was Friday, and as the proud Ghanaian women you were, you got dressed in your best. Doing your hair and makeup. Just as you slid on your dress(example).
As you were applying your lipgloss Hyeoseop woke up walking into the walk in closet looking for you. He stops in his tracks seeing you at your vanity
He looks you up and down before walking over to you
“Goodmorning baby how’d you sleep?” You asks
“Fine. Where are you going?” He asks making you laugh
“Work” you say chuckling. You stand up from the vanity chair causing his jaw to drop
“Dressed like that!?” He asks making you frown
“What’s wrong with I have on?” He asks
“N-nothing your just…beautiful! How come you don’t dress like this when I take you out?” He asks making you chuckle
“Uh I don’t know” you say shrugging
He walks over to you pulling you in by the waist
“You get off work early today right?” He asks
“Yes, why?” You asks
“Cause we’re going out. You look to amazing to just go to work for four hours” he says making you laugh
“And where are we going?” You asks
“I don’t know yet, but I’m picking you up so you better get going before I make you late” he says smirking
“Oh really?” You say returning the smirk
“Yes really” he says bitting his lip at you
This wasn’t his first time seeing you in your cultural clothes but it had been a while since he had seen you like this
“Which shoes?” You ask holding up a pair of white and black heels
Hyeoseop looks at the two pair of shoes before pointing to the white ones. You look at them then him before nodding
“You dear husband have taste” you say expecting him to pick the black ones
“Thank you my darling wife” he says winking at you. You chuckle before hitting his arm
“I do not have time to play with you, messing around with you I’ll be late for work” Yn says walking past him to get her purse
“Don’t forget! I’m coming to get you!” He shouts
“I won’t!” You shout before walking out the door
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“Ms.yn, your husband is in your office”
You look up at the clock. You didn’t clock out until 30 minutes he just couldn’t wait. You nod thanking the girl. You finish your copy’s and head back to your office
“You just couldn’t wait huh?” You ask opening the door
“I could. I just didn’t want to. I’m a very patient” he says making you scoff
“Patient my ass. Your a lot of things but patient isn’t in your pedigree” you say making his laugh
You peek over at his choice of clothing. A suit. He looked good enough to make you drool. But he’d never know that
“A suit? Where are we going?” You ask
“Somewhere fancy! You look to good to go to work and back home” he says getting up from your desk to walk over to you placing a kiss on your lips
“Is that so?” You ask
“Yup! Look so good I want to skip lunch and dinner. I want dessert” he says smirking
“Well very patient man, Dessert can wait” you say smirking
“Ah, but I don’t want to wait. We can get to dessert right now” he says running his hands down your curves
You smirking grabbing his hands putting them on your shoulders
“No touching” you say
“Why no touching?” He asks
“Because you don’t know how to just touch. You always want to do something else” you say raising a brow
“You can’t hold that against me…hold your body against me” he jokes. You chuckle pushing him away from you
“You are something else” you say shaking your head
You walk over to your file cabinet,putting the papers you just copied into them. When you turned around there stood Hyeoseop with a big ass bouquet of red and white roses
You smile from ear to ear at him
“Now how much did this cost?” You asks
“Doesn’t matter, my beautiful wife deserves beautiful roses” he says smiling
“Well aren’t you sweet” you say taking them from him
“Not as sweet as you” he says winking at you
You giggle for what had to be the 45th time today. Grabbing your purse,phone and flowers you head over to your door
“Ready for lunch husband?” You asks offering your arm
“Of course I am wife” he says linking his arm with yours.
With linked arms you two walked through the office and took the car where you tried to open the door.
Hyeoseop bumps you with his hip so he could open the door for you
“I just know you aren’t trying to open the door?” He says with a raised brow
“My bad.” You say shrugging
He opens the door still glaring at you
“My bad my ass…get your beautiful ass in the car” he says taking the bouquet of flowers from you. You chuckle sliding into the passenger seat.
He puts the flowers in the backseat before walking over to the drivers side and getting in
“Off to lunch we go!!” You say
“Yeah, just don’t put a hole in my pocket” he says
“Oh baby that’s exactly what I’m going to do! I’m ordering steak, salmon, shrimp!” You say making him sigh
“Ya know…I could go for some salmon too. Good choice baby” he says nodding
“Thank you” you say smiling
And with that you two were off to your fancy restaurant date.
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kaizoku-musume · 10 months
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Entry #4 in @xxsycamore’s Visions of Temptation kinktober event.
Fandom: Steam Prison
Pairing: Cyrus x Ulrik
Word count: 1.6k
Prompts: Sex toys/object insertion | Glove kink/uniform kink
Other content warning/tags/notes: Yes, the sword is used exactly how you're imagining it based on the title and prompt.
Cyrus eyed herself in the bathroom mirror, smoothing a hand over her uniform, admiring the way the bright red stood out starkly against the black. Her sword was strapped to her waist, and Ulrik had insisted on her coat despite the likelihood that it would just get in the way. As soon as she stepped into the bedroom, the scene would begin, so Cyrus took special care to make sure she was fully prepared, both physically and mentally.
With one last deep breath, Cyrus left the bathroom, slamming the door open to announce the beginning of the scene “Stop right there!” she called out, adopting her best police captain voice.
Ulrik, rifling through the bottom drawer of their nightstand in the best representation of a thief they could manage given the location, jumped up and whirled around to face her. “W-well well,” he was blushing already but he stuck to the bit and leaned against the nightstand casually, “if it isn’t Ms. Goody-two-shoes, showing up right on time. I’m starting to think you’re obsessed with me”
“I’ve had enough of you running amok, breaking the law,” Cyrus awkwardly followed their script, “If you can’t get your act together today, I’m going to have to take drastic measures.”
“Oh yeah?” this came more naturally to Ulrik than the smooth-talking he attempted earlier, his contrarian, challenging nature coming out in full force,” I’d like to see you try. You can dress up fancy all you want, but that means nothing if you can’t back it up.”
As one, they ran at each other as they acted out a pre-planned spar, carefully balanced to be vigorous enough it was semi believable and immersive (and enjoyable, too, because why not) but still fulfilling its purpose. And that purpose was for them to wind up on the bed, Cyrus perched on top of Ulrik’s chest while pinning his arms over his head. “I’ll give you one more chance to repent for your crimes and make the right choice,” Cyrus commanded.
“Make me,” Ulrik snapped back on instinct. It wasn’t quite in character, but it was true to his bratty temperament and Cyrus loved it too much to try to guide him back on track.
“Very well then, I will,” Cyrus shifted to grip both of Ulrik’s wrists in one hand as she retrieved a pair of handcuffs from her belt. Ulrik made a valiant-if fake-attempt to break free, but Cyrus kept him pinned flat to the bed. In one swift motion, she looped the handcuffs through the headboard and snapped them closed around Ulrik’s wrists.
Ulrik yanked on his restraints, testing them under the guise of pretending to break free. “Is this your brilliant plan to arrest me?” he goaded, “How are you going to get me to jail if I’m stuck here?”
“I don’t need to bring you to prison to instill some values in you,” Cyrus said. With a certain amount of relish, she tugged Ulrik’s pants and underwear all the way down off his legs.
“What the-hey! What are you doing?!” Ulrik made a passing show of trying to kick out at her, but Cyrus manhandled each leg in turn, using his discarded pant legs to tie his feet to the headboard, effectively trapping him with his ass bare to her, his legs spread out and raised almost straight up, bent inward toward the headboard in a gorgeous display of his flexibility. The blush on his face as he sputtured, “Are you crazy? Let me go!”
“And have you go right back to your criminal ways? No. Today, I’m going to teach you a lesso,” Cyrus pointedly swiped a thumb across his exposed hole. He was positively drenched in lube and more than sufficiently stretched out from earlier-given what they had planned, Cyrus didn;t want to risk anything bad happening and went maybe a bit overboard when preparing him. Just to make sure he was still loose and ready, Cyrus dipped the tips of her index and middle finger inside him.
Ulrik squealed and tried to angle himself away, but with the position he was in, he had no leverage: all he could do was wriggle around a bit. “W-wait wait wait! You’re not-you’re not actually gonna fuck me, are you? I mean, you can’t, right? You don’t even have the right parts,” There was honest nervousness in Ulrik’s voice, knowing what was coming. This was his idea, but he’d been reluctant to admit any hesitation on his end purely out of pride. Wordlessly, Cyrus unstrapped her sword from her belt and brought the hilt between Ulrik’s cheeks. “H-hold on!” he blurted out, “You’re not seriously gonna-? We can talk about this, okay? You don’t have to do this!”
“I’ve tried everything to make you behave,” Cyrus teased the pommel up and down his crack, “You waste the chances I give you, break out of prison, trick all of my colleagues. So now you’ve left me no choice but to punish you like this.” And with that, she slipped the pommel into Ulrik’s hole.
“T-this is a crime!” Ulrik cried out in a last-ditch attempt to dissuade Cyrus, “Are you okay with that? You’re going to get in trouble for doing this!”
Cyrus, whose roleone she took seriously-was a cold, domineering captain, shot back, “And how will anyone find out? Are you going to walk into police headquarters and submit a report?” Ulrik had nothing to say to that, teeth clenched together against the onslaught of Cyrus’ words and her driving the hilt of her sword deeper and deeper into him. Cyrus wasn’t planning on fitting the whole hilt into him; just half. She had currently worked almost a quarter into him, his body struggling to accept it despite the girth being smaller than the fake cocks Cyrus usually fucked Ulrik with.
Ulrik bit his lip, trying and failing to stifle his grunts. His eyes were glued to what he could see of the guard drawing closer, and he could certainly feel as cenitmeter after centimeter pressed into him. Cyrus had avoided touching her sword as much as possible, handling only the lower half of the hilt, so the metal was cold as ice as it entered him, causing him to squirm.
Cyrus loomed above him, looking powerful and confident in her crisp uniform. She was focused on her efforts of fucking her sword in and out of his ass, hand held tight around the grip right above the guard. Ulrik turned his head to the side to bury his face in his arm, one eye peeking out to keep watching her. When he suggested this, he didn’t expect it to be so overwhelming. He thought, because the hilt was slim, it would be easy to handle. He didn’t know the molten heat of his body would contest so sharply with cold steel, or that the weird, slightly bulging shape of the pommel would feel so large and encumbering within him. The shape reminded him of a plug, and occasionally butted up against his prostate in the same way.
“Hey,” Cyrus gripped Ulrik’s chin, nudging his head to face forward again, “You’re going to look at me while I fuck you. Take your eyes off me again and I’ll feed you the sheathe instead.” She sped up her movements in punishment, rocking the hilt into him at the same pace she would normally fuck him. Ulrik whined as he obeyed, clenching around the hilt, legs attempting to twitch closed. Cyrus softened the blow of her words by stroking his hip with her free hand. She’d be a surprisingly good actor were it not for the small ways she blew her cover, but then, that’s what made her a good girlfriend.
Cyrus started regularly aiming for his prostate, empowered by the moans and whimpers leaving Ulrick, the jerking of his limbs, the way his eyes kept roving over her, snagging on different parts of her uniform. She took his cock in her hand and squeezed lightly, causing him to jolt. She pumped him rapidly, fingers pinching the tip every now and then because it seemed like something her character would do. Ulrik certainly seemed to appreciate it if his wailing was anything to go by. Once, she broke off to lightly tap his balls, scraping her nails ever so slightly across the thin, delicate skin. She did it again when Ulrik shouted, head tossing and turning on the pillow but gaze still dutifully caught on her. “Please, please,” he begged.
“Please what?” Cyrus prompted.
“Please, captain,” Ulrik said, surprising Cyrus and sending a flash of heat through her, “I’ll be good, I swear I’ll be good, just let me come.”
Cyrus gulped, more aroused than she expected to be. She wasn’t even trying to deny his orgasm, and yet here he was begging for it-properly. “Well, if you mean it, I suppose I can take it easy on you. But if I catch you breaking your promise, next time I’ll make it worse for you.” She stroked Ulrik’s cock with more care as she dragged her sword directly against his prostate.
Ulrik cursed as he tipped over the edge, clamping down on the hilt, eyes fluttering madly as he obeyed Cyrus’ order to look at her. When it was all over and Ulrik was left a sticky, sweaty mess, Cyrus carefully slipped the sword out of him. As she began untying his limbs, Ulrik, still half out of it, giggled at the thought of Cyrus thoroughly cleaning her sword later. She would probably be upset if she knew, but part of the reason Ulrik suggested this whole thing was because now, whenever she used her incredible swordsmanship skills, she’d be thinking of him in this moment; no matter how much she cleaned her weapon the memory of him would stay imprinted with her forever.
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