#like let me raid your village in peace
lucraven · 6 months
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Fear&Hunger sketch requests- These ideas are so silly and amazing
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pholla-jm · 1 year
Please Pull Through
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In your description, being married to Mihawk was bliss. It was the perfect domestic life in your opinion. Sure, he was a warlord, but he was perfect to you. You loved the castle. Sure, it was big and can be a bit lonely sometimes. But when Mihawk was home, the castle seemed livelier than ever. It was filled with your laughter and soft music. All Mihawk could do was watch your figure with a smile on his face.
He enjoyed how everything seemed to light up around him when you were around. The love he held for you was indescribable. He just couldn’t live without you. That’s why he hated it whenever he had to go on missions or attend a boring meeting. It would take days, weeks even for him to return back. Whenever he was gone, all he could think about was you.
However, there were days when you felt lonely and bored. You swore that one day it would drive you crazy. So, while he was gone, you would travel to the neighboring island and sell goods. Mihawk didn’t like the idea at first. He said that it could be dangerous since he couldn’t protect you if needed. He also tried to reason that you didn’t need to do this because he has enough money to provide for the both of you and more. You just laughed at him, telling him that you were an independent person that knew how to take care of themselves. To ease his worries, he got both you and him a vivre card. Gave him peace of mind. That way if you were ever in trouble, he could get to you as fast as he could.
He was fortunate that he had never seen the paper burn or even light up in the slightest.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright, darling? I will be gone for quite some time. That’s why I’m offering you to come with me.” Mihawk says while holding onto your hands. You give them a slight squeeze, “I’m sure. Plus, I plan on going to the next island. I’m also gonna buy some stuff to do some redecorating.”
A sharp breath of intake came from him and the way he tenses was a sign of how he felt about that.
You laugh at his reaction, “Oh come on. It won’t be that bad. You’ll love it.” “We’ll see about that.”
Mihawk leans down to place a chaste kiss on your lips. “I’ll see you in a month then.” You say when you pull back.
Mihawk internally grimaces hearing the work month. He really couldn’t stand being away from his partner for that long.
“See you in a month.” He whispers before letting your hands go and leaving the castle. You can only stand at the window on the top floor, where you can see his figure slowly start fading away.
Once he was out of sight, you quickly started to get to work. You wanted to prepare the bedroom before placing the new decoration. You wanted to lighten up the room a little, but not too light because you knew Mihawk wouldn’t like it.
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It took a couple of days to prep and plan things out. But once everything was done, you gathered your own things and headed to your own boat. It took another day for you to reach the island that you usually docked on.
You were immediately greeted with familiar faces and friends. The island was quiet and friendly. There was never a sense of danger so there was no need to feel any sense of fear. It was a peaceful island, almost perfect.
“Hey (y/n)!”
It was one of your closest friends from this island. You excitedly waved back to your friend. Both of you decided to go to a small café to catch up on each other’s lives. The café was small and quaint, but the food was really good.
The two of you were chatting away, when suddenly a shrill shriek ripped through the small village. “Pirates! Pirates!”
At those words, everyone got up and scrambled around. This was the first pirate raid in the village, and no one really knew what to do. Most people were scrambling around, some grabbing a weapon of some sort.
You turn to your friend, “go back home and find yourself a hiding spot.” Your friend nods and runs in the direction of her home.
You run around, helping people find hiding spots before the pirates actually stepped foot into the village. However, it was too late. The rampaging stampede of pirates could be heard and soon you could see the pirates. They didn’t waste a second rummaging through things. People were crying and screaming for them to stop.
Your only goal was to stop this mayhem as soon as possible without any of the villagers getting hurt. You turn your head, spotting a child on the ground. Trying to pick up their toy. The child didn’t notice the pirate sneaking up on them. Without a second thought, you run towards the child ready to pick them up and get them to a hiding spot. However, as soon as you reached the child, you felt a sickening blow against your back.
A pained gasp leaves your lips as you fall to the ground, blood immediately filling your vision. The sounds of screams and cries slowly start to get quieter and quieter. And you wonder why. It started to make sense as you started to feel lightheaded, and your vision slowly starts to fade. The only thing that could fall out of your mouth were the whispers of your beloved’s name.
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Mihawk could feel something slightly shift in his pocket. Before even reaching into his pocket to check, he could feel that something was wrong. His instincts were right as he pulls out the vivre card with your name on it.
The paper was halfway gone. It was slowly burning away. Only meaning one thing. You were slowly dying. Without wasting another second, he disappears from the room. Not giving a single explanation to anyone in the room.
He knew exactly what island you were on, and he hated that he couldn’t get to you quick enough. It took him half a day to get to the island. Mihawk is a man on a mission, and nothing will stop him. And I mean nothing.
So, it was only natural that it didn’t take long to find you.
He was a bit surprised at what happened to the island. He knew it was a very safe island, mainly because everyone knew not to commit any heinous crimes on the island. Because if his dear partner got injured on that island, then there would be hell to pay.
It was quick for him to come up with the solution that the village was raided, and he asked around about these pirates. He would have to pay them a visit later.
When he’s shown to the infirmary, where you lay unconscious, it was like time stopped for him. There was barely any life in you. You looked peaceful though. There were machines hooked up to you, most likely keeping you alive, he concludes.
A doctor enters the room, momentarily surprised by his presence. The doctor knew of him, and he knew that this wasn’t a good situation at all. The doctor continues to tell him how you helped the village during the attack.
Mihawk could only stare blankly at you as the doctor talks. It was like you to help people, but he really hates that you have to pay like this. You didn’t’ deserve this.
When the doctor leaves the room to give Mihawk some time, he looks at the vivre card again. The paper was still slowly ebbing away. His heart clenches at the sight. He really didn’t want to think about the fact he was about to lose you. But seeing the paper burn away was only a reminder that it was true, he was going to lose you. He couldn’t do anything but sit next to your side and hope for the best.
He pushes your hair from your forehead, placing a soft kiss on your cold forehead. “Please pull through for me darling.”
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starsopinions · 21 days
The Minecraft movie........
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I've been playing Minecraft for as long as I can remember. My brother and I would spend hours on Hypixel, our survival world, and building escape rooms for each other (the exit would no doubt be behind a painting). As a movie fanatic, a film about Minecraft sounds like such a fun concept with great potential yet from the look from the teaser trailer it seems like all that potential will remain unused.
Link to the trailer if you haven't seen it yet!
Plenty of people have already commented on how it looks, which let’s be frank, is terrible. This post, however, is not about the look but the story so here is a summary: The set design is quite nice except it does not look like any Minecraft biome. The people look extremely out of place, especially Steve who is supposed to be part of this world. Last but not least, there are moving, working windmills. Anyone who has played Minecraft will probably feel the same way about this, which is not happy. This is the main problem, the makers have maybe watched 1 Let’s Play. They don’t know the Minecraft experience. They haven’t played hardcore survival and felt the pain when you die because your elytra breaks, they have never gone mining at 2 am on a rainy night or have built a beautiful base they a proud of.
Which brings us to the soulless plot. For anyone unfamiliar, this is what Warner Bros. describes it as: “Four misfits—Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie and Dawn—find themselves struggling with ordinary problems when they are suddenly pulled through a mysterious portal into the Overworld: a bizarre, cubic wonderland that thrives on imagination. To get back home, they’ll have to master this world (and protect it from evil things like Piglins and Zombies, too) while embarking on a magical quest with an unexpected, expert crafter, Steve. Together, their adventure will challenge all five to be bold and to reconnect with the qualities that make each of them uniquely creative…the very skills they need to thrive back in the real world.”
That made me throw up in my mouth a little. Minecraft is such a fun and unique game and this is what they come up with? Minecraft is a game about being creative and there are literally endless possibilities. This plot has nothing to do with the actual game and could be applied to any video game. Speaking of other games, it hasn’t escaped anyone’s notice that this is the exact plot of the movie Jumanji.
I’m secretly hoping they pull a Sonic and fix the movie at the last minute but I don’t think that is realistic. I don’t think all is lost though, Emma Myers (who plays Natalie) is, in my opinion, a great addition to the cast and is funny and talented. The rest of the cast isn’t much to write home about, unfortunately. As stated before, I do think the set has a cool look to it, it is just a shame that it doesn’t look like Minecraft.
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Here is what I would do if I were in charge:
Firstly the whole cast is going. I would make it an animated film, Minecraft isn’t a realistic game and it doesn’t come across well in live-action. Steve and Alex would be the main characters.
The movie would have an entirely different plot and would either focus on Steve and Alex trying to defeat the Enderdragon for the first time, etc. (I think this is a bit basic but sometimes less is more)
Or it could be about the lore of the Enderdragon, Endermen, Ghasts, etc. and what happened to them and how they ended up where they are. There are so many theories about this online and it’s a side of that Minecraft hasn't been explored yet.
Another option could be about the villagers and pillagers. It would be cool to see more of their history and maybe Steve meddling to make peace or something in that direction. Think about how cool raids could be in movie form.
(see how I just thought of 3 way more original and fun plots off the top of my head when the writers couldn’t think of a singular one in months)-
A MUST for me is the classic Minecraft music. It should be in the trailer, in the movie, it should be everywhere. It is so nostalgic and everyone who has ever played Minecraft knows how iconic it is. (not saying it is not in the movie right now, I obviously haven’t seen it yet but wanted to include this point)
I think it could be cool if, for example, Steve would find a new biome or a new item and then we would get it in the game in an update. It would show a real connection between the movie and the game which is missing right now. (again not saying they won’t do this but I’m not getting my hopes up)
Besides all this, it would be amazing to see jokes and references to the actual game. Think forgetting to set your spawnpoint, inventory being full, etc.
And lastly, I NEED to see Minecraft YouTuber's references. I think they might do this, I’ve seen multiple YouTubers talk about the movie and I know Mumbo visited the set, so there is a possibility. Minecraft has one of the biggest YouTube communities, not referencing it would be a missed opportunity for sure.
I don’t think this movie will be especially bad, from the looks of it, it’s going to be a whole lot of meh. I do want to say that I have not seen the movie yet as it isn’t out yet, this means that a lot could still change (please please please). I will be in the cinema on April 4th with low expectations but high hopes, I have never wanted to be wrong more. Let me know what you think and thank you for reading all the way to the end <3
As always, this is MY opinion. Feel free to disagree but remember: It is a game about blocks, it's not that important (she says after ranting about it for like 2 hours lmao).
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hellaadead · 1 month
Chapter One - One That Got Away
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Dont buy TLOU | Daily Click | Series Masterlist
Kinks/Warnings: Canon-typical violence, death, light gore, mild language, canon-typical setting
🎙️ Xan Says: Woo woo I really like this chapter actually! 😆 I did edit this late last night but for the most part there shouldn’t be many typos? But if there are, just ignore them. :p So anyways I hope you guys enjoy this! Also also, if you didn’t notice I added dialogue in from the game! I’m really proud of that but I think its a wee choppy but look past it for the love of god.
W/C: 1.1K
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A loud bang wakes you from your sleep. You jolt awake, your dreams of a peaceful life fading away fast. You were familiar with the person standing before you — a new addition to the WLF that was learning quickly.
“Did you forget? We’re doing that raid on the village today. Issac told me to come find you. We have to go, now.” She said, obviously being in a rush. “Cmon, we have to go,” She’s trying to pull you up but you don’t move. “Seriously!” She stresses.
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You were reluctant to leave for two reasons. One, the raid was poorly planned. It seemed like another one of Issacs plans for more bases all over Seattle. It was so fucking stupid. You had no other information other than you’d go in, wipe them out, and take over their village — horrible in the eyes of others but a-okay in the eyes of these soldiers. Second, because you were exhausted.
The large black clock on the wall of the dingy med-bay reads 09:45:06. Why was literally anyone willing to leave right now? You could barely see anything from how dark it had been, not to mention that it’d been raining out.
You weren’t really in the mood to hear anything from Issac or anyone else, so you drag your feet towards your worn backpack, retrieving your guns and snagging a med kit before following the girl. 
Rain water sloshes underneath your feet as you step out. You pull your hood over your head before you listen for instructions.
“Listen up!” Issac barks from the front of the group. “We’re raiding that island of Scars. Don’t hesitate, take anyone and everyone out immediately. Do we understand?” His voice was full of disdain when speaking about the Scars. A resounding “yes sir!” waves over the crowd. A few people break off into groups but of course, you were stuck with Issac and his posse.
You hated every second of this. You were shivering as it became slightly windy out, the trees swaying in the direction of the wind. Leaves are spread across the ground of all different shades.
Had you have been inside right now, the rain would’ve been peaceful. But now you hate every second of the rain. 
The trip to the village was long and hard. Seraphites were in your every corner. You heard the screams from your people and theirs. It was gruesome to say the least. This overall seemed like a death mission. It was too risky — it seemed like they had more people than you and god were they armed to the nines.
You can hear bullets in the distance mixed with your own. You’d never gotten used to the kickback on this new gun you’d stolen once on lookout, but you were trying it again.
You ignored the shoulder pain and you continued forward. Whistles vary from long to short, which you’d assumed was their way of communicating. These people might’ve been trained but you knew you were better.
In terms of skill, you and Abby were on the same level; albeit not like, exactly level. But you two had skills that could get you a spot as the “best Scar killers” compared to the other soldiers. 
You’re currently ducking behind a large truck as you reload your guns and wrap bandages around any scars that were visible to you at the moment.
“How did we let this happen?” A male Seraphite questioned. “I don’t know, but we’re ready.” Another male responds. But how ready were they? This was like a two-fer. They let their guards down just enough so that they hadn’t been paying much attention to their surroundings.
You aim your gun. Inhale. You line up your shot on the first guy, resting your finger on the trigger of your gun. Exhale. You pull the trigger and the bullet flies, landing in his forehead. The other guy looks around frantically, yelling and pointing his gun in any direction.
You sneak up behind him, putting him in a chokehold. “Not a word.” You grumble angrily, grunting with effort. When life slips away from his body, you toss him to the floor. Obviously you pick up their guns, inspecting them and taking the ammo out. Slim chance any of this could be useful anyway. 
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You make your way back to your group, moving through the mainly cleared parts of the village. Boots sloshed in the mud and people screamed as your guns blazed. You switch to a pistol with a makeshift silencer. The gun, in your opinion, had been a bit faster than the one you were currently using.
“Maggie, is this area secure?” A man yells over gunfire. “It better be! We just mowed down these fucks. What’s the plan?” She responded while also firing her gun. “We’re heading to the capital. Take your team and clean the villages by the farmlands.” 
You listened to the conversation, and it intrigued you. You almost followed the woman but any ideas of that are gone as more Scars appear. “How many of these motherfuckers are on this island?” You grumbled. The bloodshed continued, more bodies dropped and weapons flew.
To the unarmed, scared people, this would’ve been a great area to snag a couple guns and whatnot from. You continue following behind Issac. For what it seems now, it was clear. Walking the streets was.. hard. Bodies of Seraphites and Wolves line the streets with gruesome injuries, blood gushing from their wounds. The sight of death always almost nearly made you gag, but you chose to ignore it.
Chatter passes through Issacs group. He was taking the group towards an old radio tower. You looked up into the distance and it didn’t seem to be very far away — maybe a few minutes give or take. You were glad that by now the rain wasn’t as hard as it was. It was quiet for a while, then gunshots rang out.
“More Scars ahead. Keep your head on a swivel.” Issac instructed. The groups ahead of you were fighting back, but it’s hard to tell if it’s a winning or a losing battle— but why would you care about that right now? You wanted to survive. Every man for himself. Horrible mentality to have obviously. But that’s just the way this crazy, fucked up world works. 
You join your team in the onslaught of killings, snapping necks and killing Scars that lunged at you. Some part of you wishes that this wasn’t so gruesome.
A gun fired. “Got one!” A guy from your team yells. Your head shoots up, looking towards him. “No! Yara!” A voice yells. You know this voice, it’s all too familiar to you. You couldn’t believe it. “Holy fuck, is that Abby?” 
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neytiriism · 2 years
۰࿐·˚ ༘ 𓆛 YOU’RE HIS PEACE ۰࿐·˚ ༘ 𓆛
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featuring. neteyam + lo’ak (separate)
wc. 746
author’s note. I love avatar and I loved atwow so why not write something for my faves🤷🏾‍♀️<33 reblogs + feedback are appreciated!!
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as the oldest, neteyam is always under so much pressure. the poor boy couldn’t catch a break. whether it be from looking after his younger siblings (mostly lo’ak) or living up to his father’s expectations, he always has some kind of weight on his shoulders. he’s meant to be the responsible one, the strong one, the leader but, he can’t always be that way. it’s impossible. he needs to be able to let loose and just be normal, even if it’s just for a little while. that’s why he seeks you out as much as he can, no matter where you are or what you’re doing.
you’re the only thing keeping him together. you’re like the calm in the middle of his storm. you see him. you see into him. you know his struggles and his pain so he doesn’t need to be this strong guy when he’s with you. he can let his guard down. you make neteyam feel safe and every time he’s with you feels like a weight has been lifted off his chest. he feels free.
when neteyam got back to the village, his first order of business was to find you. he had a particularly rough day dealing with his brother and he needed you to calm him down. he found you quickly, you were always easy for him to find. his eyes were always drawn to you no matter where you were.
“y/n!” he called as he ran up to you.
your ears perked up at the sound of his voice. “netey- oh!” you yelped.
neteyam had scooped you up in his arms, squeezing you around your waist as he spun you around. “i missed you.” he mumbled into your chest.
you smiled and patted his head. “i missed you too, nete. now put me down.”
neteyam lightly placed on the ground but his hands never left your hips. he pulled you in until your foreheads were touching and looked at you with loving eyes.
“what has gotten into you?” you asked. “i haven’t seen you this happy since you rode an ikran for the first time.”
neteyam smiled and squeezed your hips lightly. “I just love being with you.”
you leaned up to kiss his lips and in that moment he felt all of his stress melt away. he was at peace.
lo’ak is a problem child. he knows this. he’s the rebel, the troublemaker, the outcast. and his father of course doesn’t let him forget it. whether it be after a raid or even just getting into trouble with other na’vi, his father always lets him know how angry and disappointed he is in him. always telling him off and comparing him to his older brother, it feels like it’s never-ending. and there’s only so much lo’ak can handle before he wants to blow up at everyone. so when he starts to feel that way is when he goes to find you.
you were the only one that made him feel like he was good enough, the only one that made him feel like he belonged. you always uplifted him and encouraged him no matter what because you knew that he had a good heart. sometimes you didn’t even need to speak for him to feel better. you were his comfort, his home.
lo’ak stormed away from his family’s hut wanting no more than to be away from his father for a while. he was tired of the ridicule, he just couldn’t deal with it that day so he set out to find you.
it didn’t take him long to spot you under a tree near the beach, carving some new beads for your hair. you looked so calm, so happy, that’s what he needed right now.
“lo’ak!” you said happily. “how are you?”
he doesn’t say anything as he walks up to you. he only sits down next to you and pulls you into his lap, resting his head on your chest. your heartbeat soothes him, it brings him peace.
“lo’ak?” you ask.
no response. he only tightens his grip around your waist and nuzzles further into your chest.
“lo’ak what is wrong? did something happen?”
“don’t worry about that. just be here with me please.” he whispers.
you sigh and wrap your arms around him, softly running your fingers through his hair and down his back. he lets out a soft sigh of contentment at the sensation, wishing he could stay like this with you forever.
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© 2023 copyright. all rights reserved. @neytiriism.
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nightprompts · 1 year
&. 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 (𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
( dialogue prompts taken from episodes 3 & 4 ( "tell no tales" & "the pirates are coming" ) of the netflix live action one piece series. feel free to edit and change as you seem fit. )
❛ when are you gonna stop wasting your life? it's pathetic. ❜
❛ it's our jolly roger. every pirate crew has to have one. and now we do! ❜
❛ why did i have to get dragged along for this? ❜
❛ you think you can do anything i can't do? ❜
❛ i was just... i was trying to help. ❜
❛ you got to be kidding me. that clown was worth 15 million berry. we should've stuffed his head in a bag and brought it with us. ❜
❛ who would pay you that bounty anyway? you're kind of a wanted man yourself now. ❜
❛ well, it's about time one of my sorry excuses for a supporting cast showed up. ❜
❛ arlong wants a word. ❜
❛ well, you can tell arlong... that i don't take requests. ❜
❛ how much do these cost? ❜
❛ if you have to ask, you can't afford it. ❜
❛ listen. we are going to need something a little less flashy if we want to sneak out of here. ❜
❛ you want to steal a ship? ❜
❛ a ship is not just a ship. it's a part of our crew. ❜
❛ real beauty, huh? ❜
❛ wait! wait! wait! i can help you. ❜
❛ our experiences don't define us. it's what we gain from them that matters. you learned, and you survived. ❜
❛ we've had this discussion. you mustn't show up unannounced. ❜
❛ have you come to tell me another story? i do love hearing about your adventures. ❜
❛ when are you ever going to get the opportunity to wear things this nice? ❜
❛ all this stuff. all this space. it's gotta make a person feel... lonely. ❜
❛ i know i can be a tad overprotective at times, but it's just because i couldn't bear to think what i would do were something to happen to you. ❜
❛ have we met before? you look familiar. ❜
❛ being a pirate has been my dream for as long as i can remember. and i'm finally making it a reality. ❜
❛ i'm sorry. am i interrupting something? ❜
❛ is this the best way to ask for an autograph? ❜
❛ i'm here to remind you of your place in the food chain. ❜
❛ you bore me, clown. ❜
❛ so we're friends now? you don't even know me. ❜
❛ wo what do we do now? have a sleepover? do each other's makeup? ❜
❛ i don't want your pity. ❜
❛ have you ever lost anyone close to you? ❜
❛ you're not very good at this friends thing, are you? ❜
❛ you don't think she, like, like likes me, do you? ❜
❛ if you're gonna talk about feelings, i'm really gonna need a drink. ❜
❛ i knew i'd seen your face somewhere. on a wanted poster. ❜
❛ i guess some fruit gets so bruised, it can't help but to be rotten at the core. ❜
❛ let's fight with real blades to see who's best. ❜
❛ but if you want to beat me, you'd better be ready to kill me. ❜
❛ i don't think you know what the truth is anymore. ❜
❛ i'm done running. i'm not leaving your side. not until i know you're safe. ❜
❛ if we stay here, we die. we have to leave now. ❜
❛ two swords not enough? maybe you should've brought more. ❜
❛ if you just give up, what has all our training been for? ❜
❛ let's fight every day. we'll keep getting better and stronger until one of us becomes the greatest. ❜
❛ you'd do that for me? ❜
❛ now, i need you to be strong so we can get out of here. ❜
❛ a dead pirate weighs the same as a live one. ❜
❛ let's not make this more difficult than it need be, hmm? ❜
❛ you'll never get a peaceful night's rest because someone's always waiting to slit your throat. ❜
❛ i've killed more crewmates than i care to remember. they're expendable. every single one of them. ❜
❛ being a pirate is not about raiding villages or perfect plans. it's about adventure. and freedom. ❜
❛ you gave up on your dream. no one who does that can ever call themselves a pirate. ❜
❛ i'll see you again someday. ❜
❛ from now on, it's all gonna be smooth sailing. ❜
❛ you had to open your mouth. ❜
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doodle-pops · 11 months
Sooo.. I’ve been thinking about this for a while and it’s been living rent free in my head for a while. What do you think an enemies to lovers trope with Glorfindel would be like (how could you hate this ball of sunshine, but I guess that’s why I wanted to ask)? I’m sorry if this sounds rude or if I was bothering you, thank you.
Glorfindel?! The resident ray of sunshine?! Anon, shame on you for wanting to bring hurt to our Golden Retriever 😟. Though, I can surprisely think of a few scenarios because that's unfortunately my ability as a single braincell writer 😖
Under the cut because it's A LOT. I gave two scenarios :)
Being a descendant of House Feanor
Let's give Glorfindel a sibling (and no, not Elenwe because I know lots of people headcanon them as siblings) who died on the ice while crossing. Tragic, I know 😓
As much Glorfindel puts on the façade of being cheerful, he's furious towards the House of Feanor for the ship burning which led to his sibling dying on the ice.
In comes you, whichever position you want as a Feanorian—their sibling or child—in the 2nd age where Glorfindel makes it clear that he hasn't forgiven you for your actions at Losgar and his sibling dying. As much as you attempt to settle the situation calmly, Glorfindel makes it clear that he doesn't forgive you.
Perhaps from there, the enemies to lovers troupe begin. The two of you constantly clashing despite attempts at distance yourself. Words and insults are flung at one another, more privately because he doesn't want people to witness his aggressive demeanour. And so, you begin to despise the ever fabric of his existence because he was ruining your peace you were attempting to find after years of chaos.
You are constantly left defending yourself, (whether you did burn the boats or not is up to you) because somewhere along the lines, either of you will begin to catch feelings like it's contagious. Perhaps an incident where you're missing after riding out on a trip and you went missing. Glorfindel is told to lead the search and rescue party and he's FOAMING at his mouth because you can't preform a simple task without messing it up. (Sir🤚, please stop being so aggressive. I'm a sensitive baby 🥺😭. Go easy on me 🥺👉👈)
And well, from there, it's pretty obvious how those end up. Spending days searching for you, he eventually does come across you on his own and has to fight off orcs/captors. He probably gets injured and you're left to nurse him back to health. As much as he resists, he's grateful, but tries to put up a wall to not let anything else occur. F A I L U R E. His sass doesn't cut it this time because you came prepared to handle his ass.
After spending weeks A L O N E and having to get along, ✨romance✨ is in the air and confessions are made. Not just romantic confession, but apologies as well. A little whisper of, “You're not as bad as I considered you to be.” OMG!!
And you both lived happily ever after when you returned and began pursuing each other and surprised the public.
For the other one, I can only think of enemy to lovers which is different from enemies to lovers. This one is a one-sided hate from reader's end.
Mortal reader
Reader is mortal and probably has an ongoing feud with elves in general. Maybe when one of her villages was being destroyed by an orc raid and help was needed, the elves never came. Eventually, once day reader becomes injured too close to Rivendell and wakes up in the healing wing.
You can just imagine how much confusion and disgust they're experiencing in that moment. Lord Elrond would introduce himself and attempt to calm them, and then in the wonderful moment of reassuring reader's safety, he mentions it was Lord Glorfindel who was responsible for military service that found them.
Well would you just look at how reader's blood is going to boil at the realisation of being saved by the people who they had hoped to help their village when it was under attack. Ah, yes! Reader starts hating Glorfindel before they even met.
Let's say that during their choice to remain locked up in the healing wing, Glorfindel wants to know if the mortal he saved was secure, so an unfortunate visit was made. And reader, upon learning of his identity through harmless introductions, becomes enraged that he would even attempt to visit.
Because of the orc raid, reader's family died, hence the reason for the hatred. Glorfindel, now, is confused but also saddened at the accusations being made towards him and his kin for their lack of support and care to other races apart from themselves.
Attempting to dissolve the tension doesn't go as planned because reader refuses to accept any apologies despite Glorfindel's plead to understand their reason for not coming on time to help. They were basically held back by ambush but reader isn't buying it.
Lord Elrond would inform reader to dwell a little while longer until their wounds were healed. Reader chooses to stay indoors and out of sight however, Glorfindel persists on making reader see his POV. And so the chase begins.
Reader hating Glorfindel and avoiding him while Glorfindel isn't backing down (Never back down never what?! Never give up!) and pursuing reader to be reasonable and understanding. It's not an easy task, but this is the renowned Lord Glorfindel, the Balrog Slayer. He never gives up.
Perhaps insert reader slowly having their views of the elves hospitality changing during their time there which opens up their horizons. Lord Elrond having an input when he comes across reader sulking in the gardens during a check up an ear of advice to which reader contemplates.
Then suddenly, well being prepared to face Glorfindel once again, he doesn't show up. In fact, he stops showing up and pursuing reader finally concluding that his presence was making things worse. This brings a pang of disappointment as reader was looking forward to conversing with him. Even when they search for him, he keeps things short and distances himself with an apology and bow. 😭 (I'm not okay)
G U I L T eats at readers soul because throughout the angry back and forth banter, they were enjoying it and his presence. Even as they go over their shared conversations, it makes them slightly giddy as they find themself laughing. This makes them realise where they stand on their thoughts and feeling towards him.
Eventually (after swallowing their pride), they receive help to make an apology to Glorfindel. It's not a romantic confession, but more a platonic thing at first. Something along the lines of a friendship before it graduates into romance. It's all about overcoming their hate and reasoning with themselves and not blaming others instead of being understanding.
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amadayus17 · 2 years
The Christian and Her King
*This is my first in-depth-ish smut soooo yeah. Also, it’s not proofread so there might be some grammatical errors*
The spring months always were favorable to the farmers of Wessex, mainly because the crops flourished, but it also seemed to bring the Northmen whose only goal was to raid and pillage our beautiful country. However, I try not to think about it too much. All I can do is pray to our lord and savior Jesus Christ, and hope whatever he has in store for us won’t be too bad. 
The King has sent soldiers to every village as that is the Viking's main target. This makes it hard for me to sneak out of the protective walls to get some peace outside the village. But lucky for me, there is a tree whose branches hang over the walls that allow me to climb up and over. 
My feet hit the hard earth as I grunt trying to regain my balance. Finally, some peace and quiet. I begin my short walk to a clearing in the forest where there is a rock that is shaped kind of like a chair. It’s here where I feel like myself, I don’t have to worry about the chores at home or my mother and father trying to find me a husband. It’s here where the only sounds are the birds and nature, not the noises of my busy village. 
I’m pulled from my thoughts as twigs snap behind me, I immediately freeze hoping that the rock is big enough to give me some cover from whatever or whoever is behind me. The thing behind me began to make its way to the rock, my heart pounds faster as horrible thoughts flow freely in my mind. What comes out from behind the rock is a crippled man, no older than myself. He passes by me without noticing me, thanking God I pray that he will give me an opportunity to escape from the cripple without being detected. 
My breathing picks up with increasing fear as he heads for my village, though I’m not sure if he poses as much of a threat. Nevertheless, I can’t let him reach my village. I stand up causing some leaves to crunch under my weight. He snaps his head back and his eyes show a hint of fear before they’re taken over by anger. 
The man slithers over to me, causing my fear to get the better of me I stay in place. 
“Hverr eru þú?” He says in a language unfamiliar to me. I give him a confused look as he rolls his eyes and says it again this time in my language, “who are you?”
Stunned I say nothing as I observe him tilting my head and narrowing my eyes trying to decipher if he is a threat to me. He clears his throat pulling me from my inner battle, I stay silent for a moment longer before coming to the decision that he is not a threat. 
“Agatha.” He nods his head and eyes me up and down, “and what are you, Agatha, doing here all by yourself in the forest?”
Still fighting my inner battle, I choose to tell the truth because he can’t do anything to me anyway, at least not with the legs God has given him. “Trying to find some peace and quiet, but you ruined it.”
He lets out a light laugh, “þú're kourageous.” He says once again in his native tongue.
“I can’t understand your odd language,” I state and cross my arms. He looks me up and down again smirking, “You don’t know who I am, do you?” 
I shake my head no, “I am Ivar the Boneless, King of Norway.” That’s when it hit me, the slithering and the odd language. I try to back away but trip over my own feet. Landing on my butt he crawls between my legs to get a closer look at my face. 
As he’s observing my face I can’t help to study his own. He’s got strikingly blue eyes and a very handsome face to go with them. He hums and takes a small section of my hair to twirl it in his fingers, “beautiful” he mutters under his breath. My cheeks turn a light shade of red and an unfamiliar feeling shoots through my body to his comment. 
My hands begin to move on their own as they reach to touch his face. Right before my fingertips touch his cheek his hand is on my wrist to stop it. I jump trying to find the right words to tell him that I won’t hurt him. 
“Please, I am not going to hurt you,” I say as I pry my wrist from his grasp. I return to my previous task and this time he lets me touch him. For being a Viking his skin is surprisingly soft. Wanting to feel more of him I move my hands ever so slowly down his shoulders to his biceps. He sucks in a sharp breath and stares into my roaming eyes. 
Mustering all the courage and strength I could find I flipped him so that he was leaning against the rock. He froze for a second then reached for his axe, but before he could pull it out of its holster I smashed my lips against his. I have no idea what made me kiss him but I couldn’t stop. 
Clearly in shock, he stiffened before he gave in and began moving his lips with mine. After a while, I had to pull back to breathe. “I don’t know why I did that. I’ve never kissed anyone before.” I turned around with panic setting in. I just made out with England's sworn enemy, I am going to Hell for sure. I start to get up and run away when he grabs my wrist, “you’re not going anywhere.” He smirks and locks his eyes with mine. 
Ivar pulls me down to him and kisses me again. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but I’m already going to Hell so might as well make the most of this because if anyone finds out about this interaction I will be ruined. But fuck it, he is attractive so might as well. I move myself to sit on his lap moving my hands to his chest wanting to feel all of him. 
He moans into the kiss as I feel something hard beginning to form. I’ve never seen a dick before let alone touch one, but curiosity gets the better of me and I try to unbuckle his pants. He stops me and does it himself struggling a bit, I chuckle and help him pull them down to his knees. His cock springs free and I can’t help but stare at it curiously.
My hands move on their own and I touch the head. Ivar grunts in response, I’m assuming that it felt good so I close my hands around it stroking it slowly a few times earning more moans. Just as he’s about to come he tells me to stop. I look at him confused, “did I do something wrong?”
Ivar shakes his head, “no. But I’m not going to let my seed go to waste.” I look at him confused until it clicked, he wanted to have sex. My cheeks redden again and I reluctantly slide my dress up and line his cock up with my entrance. He slams my hips down and I let out a cry of pain, tears swelling in my eyes. He tips his chin up so that I’m looking into his strikingly blue eyes, “shh, don’t worry it will feel good soon.” Ivar whispers and tenderly kisses my lips while moving my hips up and down. 
I wasn’t sure I could believe him when he said it would feel good but I’m starting to believe him. Eventually, I started moving my hips on my own, the pain turning into pleasure. After a few more thrusts I feel a knot forming in my lower abdomen, “Ivar, I’m close.” I moan.
He moans in my ear and moves his hand to find my clit. He started in slow circles that turned into rapid ones. That was enough to push me over the edge and I scream out his name as he finishes, spilling his hot seed deep inside me. 
For a moment we stay in this position catching our breath. “Ivar!” I hear another voice call out in the distance and I freeze. Ivar breathes out a long breath, before the other man, comes into view.
“Líthvatr ek vitumk!” The man yelled and another man came into view. They looked at us and chuckled saying more things in their native tongue. “Ivar, who are they and what are they saying?”
“They’re my brothers and they’re saying that they can’t believe that I found a woman who would lay with me.” I look at them and glare. Ivar may be a cripple, but he is the most beautiful man I have ever seen. 
“Ivar, þú skulu share hanmeðr oss!” The older-looking brother says. I look at Ivar again and he says that they want to share me. A look of disgust covers my face, “tell them that I want you and only you.” I say and return to glaring at them.
Ivar tells his brothers and they look at me with pity after he shoos them off. He turns his attention back to me and asks me if I would go back to his camp with him. 
“As much as I want to I can’t. If I don’t return they’ll sound the alarm and send an army to find your camp.” He sighs and kisses me. “Do not be afraid my sweet Agatha, your king's army does not scare me, they can send all the soldiers and I would kill them all to see you again.” With that, I get off his lap and give him one last kiss before going back to my village.
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boonsmoon · 6 months
Request: Please more scenarios with Crimson (from ragna crimson), he weighed in one in which y/n was the past love of crimson and for some reason he died because of the dragon god (I don't know maybe a whim or something like that) and then crimson decided to betray him
Not sure I got this right, so correct me if I'm wrong! Fluff to angst? I'm not good at that stuff so pray for me
Request Masterlist Crimson x m!reader Genres:🎉🥀💞🧪
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You weren't sure how long you've been a dragon, let alone been apart of the winged bloodline. It was definitely long enough to forget your past life. The days of being human merged with dragon, sometimes you forgot who you once were, why you were here, how this all happened.
It wasn't hard to remember every time you saw your monarch though. He was as captivating as the day you first met him, what drew you into even willingly accepting to be a dragon.
At first your love could clearly be seen to be unrequited, Crimson held no care for you other than your use as a tool. It's still one sided if you ask anyone, however, you notice the glances he gives you, you notice how he pays slightly more attention to your words than others.
In your eyes, this was Crimson falling for you, no matter the lies told to cover up any emotions it was clear as day to you. The king finally started to love you back, after so many years of one sided admiration and love.
In private, it was almost as if you were a real couple, "what village would you like me to raid tonight, my love?" You would ask him.
"None, you will scout for the village with the densest population and report back to me," Crimson would respond with no change in tone or attitude to your pet name.
Around others was always different, not quite embarrassing, but almost seeming unprofessional. "Honey, there are 3 villages in close proximity to each other," you say to Crimson, "we could raid them all in one night."
"You idiot! I am no 'honey' of yours. Cease with these foolish ideas and focus on being more productive," he responds. The words seem harsh, but you know he doesn't mean them, so it's fine.
That was until the Dragon God started demanding more from your bloodline. Everyone was expected to meet his expectations, so you moved faster, worked harder, fought to become stronger.
Over time it was clear that you were overworking yourself, who knew dragons could get exhausted? Definitely not you this entire time.
Behind closed doors Crimson could easily tell you to rest, to take breaks and regain strength. But when confronted with your responsibilities after going back to reality? It must be forgotten, your life is expendable to him.
You were on your death bed, stuck in the sun and unable to move from the wounds you've been dealt. It was in your last moment you wanted to see Crimson, to have him tell you again to rest while the sun was out.
As a dragon, you couldn't be that lucky. Your sins far outweighed your wants in this cruel world. Your last vision was on a horrendous creature, one so terrifying you would've ran if you could. The aura of this beast was unlike any other you've seen.
It was after that you felt the ground move under you, that you saw it move. And with rougher movements came a deep voice that shook the earth.
"You have failed me, you have brought disgrace to your name and bloodline," your vision nearly went out completely before you heard its last words.
"Now you perish like the dishonorable monster you are."
Everything is dark. Everything is quiet. The rumbling stopped, and there was peace.
Your body was nearly gone when Crimson found you. Risking his own safety to bring you to some shade. It was when he finally got you somewhere safe, that he knew you were gone.
This broke the monarch. His resolve destroyed now that the one person he cared for was gone. None of this would've happened if the Dragon God never interfered, none of this would've happened if Crimson made you stay back for the night.
There was no one to blame for your fate than the Dragon God and himself. Crimson vowed that day to kill the 'god' and put an end to all dragons, including himself.
From now on he will never worship another other than himself. He will never love another other than himself. Only he makes the rules, and others will follow. They will know the cost of not heeding his advice if their life.
He will close his heart off to the world to save himself.
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i would like to clarify that im bad at angst, but im proud of this
again, tell me if the request was wrong bc im not sure this was what you wanted
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skolworthy · 1 year
Perfect Love Outcasts Fear
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Message from the Author: This was intended as a one shot/drabble, yet the more I think about it, the more I desire it to become a series. I will leave it to my readers, on whether or not to continue it.
Plot: Vikings have declared war on Sussex, Ragnar Lothbrok, their leader, ends up getting captured and is currently held prisoner by the English, thus the reasoning behind said declaration.. Elizabeth, niece to the crowned King of Sussex, desires for peace and harmony among both the Northmen and English. Raised as a devout Christian, she prays day and night for something to happen that will bring about that desired peace. Whatever form it may take.
Warnings: None yet, could be some violence here and there, so if it gets too graphic…sorry? There shouldn’t be any explicit content for awhile, if this even turns into a series.
It had been almost five months since the Northmen had first raided Sussex, failing in their first attempt and retreating back to the shore. From what she had heard, they were biding their time, waiting for another battlement of ships to arrive to increase their numbers. Many of their men had fallen during the first siege, yet it seemed to matter not to these heathens, battle and victory their calling card and motive for all the destruction and chaos they ensued. It almost seemed like they were eager to lay down their lives for whatever cause they had to attack Sussex, stories of smaller attacks on outer lying villages always wafting around local taverns and inns. Elizabeth had always had a secret fascination with the Viking culture, a desire to understand them better as a means to eventually make peace with them. Yet her uncle, King Thomas, did not share her views and often would shun her from the presence of good society, should she ever begin to speak about them in a manner that was anything other than hate and disgust. This did not bother her, she enjoyed being on her own and left to her own thoughts and devices. Often she would venture to the chapel and pray, usually for God to open the minds of those around her. If they were ever to survive these constant raids, would it not be wise to know the mind of your enemy more, this including their beliefs and culture? Yet, these were the times when the thoughts of a woman were not valued in the slightest. 
“Lord, if this raid on our kingdom is your will, then let it be so. Perhaps it can shine wisdom upon our leaders in how to better improve our defenses and battle strategies, or perhaps it will bring ruin upon us all.” Elizabeth said with eyes closed, head bowed and hands clasped tight together as she knelt down among the pews of the chapel. “I believe that we are all your children, some of us having simply lost our way.” she continued, a small sigh escaping her lips. “Yet I feel that there is more to this attack than just bloodshed, I feel that something is wanting to happen from this. An…understanding.” she opened her eyes and lifted her gaze to the wooden sculpture of Christ upon the cross. “Send me a sign, Lord. A sign that something needs to change for the sake of humanity’s future.” Suddenly the door to the chapel burst open and Elizabeth jumped to her feet with a gasp. A man, Northman from the look of him, stood there panting, wild eyes looking around the empty room until they stopped upon her and she froze. His eyes were the brightest blue she had ever seen, and she had her own set of blue eyes, yet they were more of a darker hue with a slight ring of greenish yellow around the iris. Nowhere near as intensely blue as his. The man stood there staring at her for a moment before the sound of shouting outside of the room and down the hall caused him to turn around quickly and shut the doors with him now inside the chapel with her. 
Her hands were behind her, gripping the top of the pew as he then strode over to her quickly, glanced down at her a moment before looking around the room. The sound of voices outside the door caused him to search more fervently, apparently for somewhere to hide, when he suddenly ducked down behind her, his body rolling under the pew and out of sight, though Elizabeth could feel his hot breath against her ankles as she stood there. The doors bursting open once again caused her to jump and she brought her hands in front of her and held them there as three guards bounded in, their eyes searching the room for the Viking. They caught sight of her and immediately bowed their heads. “A thousand pardons, M’lady. We search for an escaped heathen, he was captured a few hours ago but managed to escape. We could have sworn he came this way.” The lead guard lifted his head and his eyes continued to search the room, about to take a step further within. “Yes, I saw him.” she said, which caused the breathing that she felt against her ankles to stop for a moment. Elizabeth lifted her hand and pointed toward a door off in the corner, which led down a hallway and elsewhere within the castle. “He ran in here, saw me and then hurried down that hall. If you hurry, you may yet catch him.” The guards bowed quickly and then ran to the door and threw it open, disappearing down it before it shut behind them, their footsteps diminishing. She stood there a moment staring at the door before she let out a breath of relief and then began to turn around to look down under the pew, only to give a small shriek when she came face to face with the man that had been previously hiding beneath it. 
He stood close to her, enough to where she had to lean back a little to regain her sense of comfort. Yet as she did so, he tilted his head to the side and leaned forward to keep the close distance, his eyes filled with intrigue and his lips daring to begin curling into a smirk. “You helped me. Why?” he suddenly asked, the fact that he spoke decent English caused her eyebrows to raise slightly. Elizabeth stammered a moment, her mouth opening and closing as she searched for the words that were swimming around her head. The man leaned back up to his full height, his head still tilted, the smirk finally finding its way to his lips as his eyes then began to roam from her face down her body. This caused her mouth to drop open, utterly appalled at the action, yet she could not hold back the heat that began to rise beneath her cheeks. Clearing her throat, Elizabeth tucked a strand of her dark brown and straight hair behind her ear and then moved her hand back down to join the other one, clasping it in front of her body as she lifted her chin indignantly and looked up at him. “I believe the Lord sent you, as a sign.” she said confidently. The man’s eyes moved back up to hers finally, though they had been taking quite a long time traveling back up her body, then they flicked over to the statue that was behind her above the alter. “Him?” He asked, before looking back at her. Elizabeth’s mouth pressed into a thin line for a moment and she gave a nod. “Yes. I prayed for a sign that some change would come from this war, and then you burst through the doorway.” “I am a sign? Of what?” “Of change, hopefully.” She said as she gave him a small smile. 
He gazed at her intently for a moment before he then took a step toward her, which caused her to lean back a bit, the pew hitting against her backside and keeping her from being able to move away any further. He then reached forward suddenly with his hand, taking hers and bringing it upward. The man then bowed slightly, looking up at Elizabeth as he did, bringing her hand up toward his forehead and then pressed the tops of her knuckles against it before lowering it back down. “You have my thanks.” he said before standing back up. “As well as my promise.” Elizabeth’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion, unsure of what he was promising. “The next coming siege, no harm shall come to you.” She looked into those blue eyes of his, searching them for truth, clearly seeing that he was indeed showing that he meant what he said, yet she still had to ask. “How can you be certain?” He then rolled up the sleeve of his tunic and removed from his wrist a bronze bangle of sorts, when he held it up in the light of the torches around them, she noted that it was ornately crafted. The bangle itself had a corded design to it, twisting almost as it would wrap around one's wrist, at the ends of it, there were two heads that faced each other with open mouths. Wolves. She would later come to understand that this was a sacred arm ring used in Viking culture, as a means of promising allegiance or protection to someone. “Keep this with you at all times, and just speak my name. should someone ask how you have it.” Elizabeth stared at the bangle and then slowly reached out for it, freezing when he took her wrist gently in his calloused hand and turned it over, to where he placed it within her open palm. 
She looked down at his hand as it loosened its grip around her wrist, but lingered, his fingertips slowly moving down her wrist to her fingertips and then reluctantly letting go. “And what name would that be?” she asked, lifting her eyes up to his. “Ragnar Lothbrok.” he said, a twinkle in his eye. Somehow, Elizabeth knew who he was before he had even said his name, there had just been something about him that told her that he was a man of influence. “What shall I call you?” he asked after a moment, which brought a small smile to her lips. “Elizabeth.” was all that she said. It was not wise to divulge the fact that she was nobility to this man, who was to say that he would not use her as a means of leverage when it came to this war? Granted, there was no doubt that he had not noticed that she definitely did not dress like some common English girl. If he truly was Ragnar Lothbrok, then he was no fool. She had heard tales of his bravery, songs of his victories in battle and in life, yet she had never imagined coming face to face with the man. Let alone coming to find that he was extremely handsome and that there was something that seemed to draw her to him. A sense of interest and intrigue, she longed to learn more about him and more about his way of life. The sound of the guards once again coming through the hallways outside the chapel brought both of them back to attention, Ragnar looking over his shoulder at the door and then turning back to look at her. 
He moved closer to her suddenly, Elizabeth’s lips parting slightly as she looked up at him with wide eyes and her breath catching in her throat. He then lifted his hand up and gently brushed the side of her face with the back of his fingers and smiled down at her. “I do hope we meet again, Elizabeth.” he said, the sound of her name leaving his lips causing goosebumps to rise upon her ivory skin. Ragnar pulled away from her quickly and then suddenly spun around her, unsheathing a large knife and moving behind her, bringing it up against her neck at the same moment that the doors burst open once again. Instead of only guards entering the chapel, her uncle was there as well. When his eyes found his niece in the arms of an armed Northman, he held up his arms to the guards around him. “Stop, do not advance. My niece must not be harmed.” Elizabeth felt Ragnar let out a breathy chuckle at hearing that she was the niece of the King and she felt his fingertips tighten against her waist as his arm was wrapped around it. Ragnar glanced over his shoulder and saw the stained glass window and then began to back up toward it, bringing Elizabeth with him as he held her against him, the knife still poised at her throat. 
Once the two of them were in front of the window, Ragnar gestured to one of the gold candlesticks upon the alter. “Break it open for me won’t you, my lady?” he breathed against her ear. Elizabeth stared at the stained glass window and then shook her head slightly. “No. It is part of the house of God, I will not desecrate it.” She felt his hand tighten against her waist and he moved his face a bit to where it was somewhat against hers. “It is but a window, and while it is a work of art, it is nothing in comparison to this neck of yours.” he said as he pressed the tip of the knife against her skin, causing a speck of blood to appear and for her to take in a sharp breath. Elizabeth reached for the candlestick and picked it up, finding that it was rather heavy, but she managed to lift it a bit and then with a grunt, she hurled it at the window, closing her eyes as she did so, the sound of it shattering almost silent compared to the sound of her heart shattering. No sooner had the glass broken, Ragnar moved them closer to the window and then once he was within reach of it, he hopped up onto the ledge and released Elizabeth. She turned and looked up at him with wide eyes as he knelt there, then he looked over at her uncle and the guards and gave them a cheeky smirk. King Thomas narrowed his eyes at Ragnar and began to lift his hand for the guards to advance when suddenly Ragnar leaned back down toward Elizabeth, slid his hand behind her neck and into her hair and brought her face toward his as he leaned down. Her eyes went wide when he pressed his lips against hers in a lingering kiss and then pulled away, giving her a wink and then holding his hands out to the side and let himself fall backwards out of the window. 
Moving to the edge of the window, careful not to cut herself on the shards of broken glass, she leaned out over the edge, hoping she wouldn’t see a flattened Viking upon the cobblestone streets below. What she saw caused her to crack a small smile. Ragnar was lying in a haystack that was piled upon a horse drawn cart, his arms behind his head as he grinned up at her and then blew a kiss, followed by a wave of his fingers as it began to drive down the road.
@wolfy1712 @shit-i-say-shit-i-think
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autumnbrambleagain · 7 months
So IF, say, a Marlfox ended up in Qud, this is why I think it would naturally form an army of snapjaws.
Consider. Marlfox the book literally has a part that goes:
This narrative has been edited by Florian Dugglewoof Wilffachop, Actor Manager Impresario. Who insists that the entire tale is a drama, which he will be later performing as a play, hence the three parts being named as acts rather than books. We crave your indulgence for this deviation.)
Like all Redwall books, they're post-edited propaganda made to make the landlord goodbeasts look good, and the oppressed "vermin hordes" look bad.
No, the marlfoxes weren't there to steal trinkets, they were there for medicine. Their mother was old and sick and dying, and they were sent out to get stuff to keep death away? It's a metaphor. Redwall chroniclers have twisted the truth.
No, the marlfoxes weren't constantly murdering one another. That's propaganda to make the Redwallers clean of conscience. If the books were up-rated in age I'm sure the marlfoxes would be like, committing incest with one another constantly just to hammer in how ~evil~ they are and how they don't have ~morals~ like ~us.~
The water rats celebrating the marlfoxes' deaths and becoming peaceful farmers? Really? In a series where rats are biologically impelled to be evil, selfish, nasty, mean, brutish? Aha. Tell me more about how the native populations celebrated the civilizing light of the British reaching them, Mr. Jacques.
So obviously the Marlfoxes were cool ninjas, yeah, sure, probably did some bad things, yeah! They, like all other "vermin" races, have spent their lives having the arable land owned by selfish, snobbish upper-crust goodbeasts. Of course everyone wants to conquer Redwall--they control all the good land, and refuse to allow the filthy, lower, base vermin races access to them.
Okay! Established. Marlfoxes are awesome, Redwallers are all entrenched oppressors. Let's say one gets sucked into a space-time vortex and ends up in Qud.
So, after some culture shock, there's some things they'll notice. Snapjaws will be nice to them, because the law of mimicry means they'll recognize the snout and the fur and be inclined towards it. The marlfox will see another people desperately scrabbling together a hard-fought life, and, ok, have you seen snapjaws.
They get killed by equimaxes.
They get killed by horned chameleons.
They get killed by salthoppers, dragonflies, and dromads!
Do snapjaws raid peaceful settlements? Sure. They have their forts and their castles, but they're rattle-skattle things shored up poorly against the salt around them. How else can they survive but in raiding? This isn't like the goats, who dominate the land. Snapjaws are forced to the edges, and everything is their match or more.
So I'm thinking a marlfox, being clever and having been in that situation most of their life, will experience a feeling between sympathy and opportunity.
While there are peaceful snapjaw settlements, how much land is there in Qud that can support a village? This is something that's finally going to come up in Proselytize soon enough--one of the big theses of the story! There isn't enough resources for everyone to live in peace. It's just a hardboned fact. The Brambled Fae is gonna have a lot to say about it!
So obviously the marlfox would accumulate snapjaws, build a castle, and history would repeat itself. But there are no Redwallers who own everything. Each village is a small center of power at best. Yd Freehold, Ezra, the Six Day Stilt, even these centers of power don't project force externally much.
And that's why it's ENTIRELY 100% CANON that my Redwall marlfox CoQ crossover OC donut steel is going to build a snapjaw empire, and bring prosperity to snapjaws everywhere. Probably at the expense of, oh, let's say, I don't know. I'll roll dice to determine who to destroy the homes from.
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bluishfrog · 2 hours
Random ideas cause I'm bored and have nothing better to do while riding the bus home lol
Diamonds to you! - Giving another player a diamond or You've Got a Friend in Me - Have an Allay deliver items to you (ignore this one) -> Them finally making peace or at least more comfy. Like showing trust
Overpowered - Eat an Enchanted Golden Apple -> that doesn't really fit so ignore what it means. Could be like one of their first face-offs against the titan
Passing the Time - Play for 100 [Minecraft] days -> filler/inturlude of sorts
Iron Belly - Stop starvation using rotten flesh -> down period/things aren't going the best
Body Guard - Create an Iron Golem -> seems pointless in this situation so maybe they go back and forth and somehow bodyguard gets brought up and the other is like "You're not my body guard. If anything I'm yours." And the other is like "You're mine?" And itd basically just teasing/flirting
I've got a bad feeling about this - Kill a Pillager Captain -> We're being attacked! - Start a raid --> they can get totems and hero of the village to trade for stuff
Cheating Death/Postmortal - Use the totem of undying to cheat death -> angst possibilities endless
Those are achievements which are different from advancements 🤡 Note: I almost missed by bus stop doing this, do I have issues?
Hot Stuff - Fill a bucket with lava -> banter
Take Aim - Shoot sometimes with an arrow -> self explanatory unless you want one of them shoot their shot but fail horribly/back out/the other is too oblivious 💀
Is It a Plane? - Look at the Ender Dragon through a Spyglass -> Look at the Titan through a Spyglass
Ok so thats it :]
- Achievement anon
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While I was sleeping, achievement anon was cooking! Love all the many ideas :D (and glad you didn't miss your bus stop)
I don't think I will go for the literal meaning of the achievements (= they do what the achievement is for) but more use them as creative guidelines and inspirations (I was going to give an example here, but then I realized, hey maybe let's not spoil the second to last chapter before I even wrote the second one, oops).
I won't have my laptop over the weekend, but you coming up with many, many ideas makes me super excited to start writing soon :D
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lady0ctavia · 1 day
As We Ponder Belief
(2p!Prussia x Reader) - Chapter 2
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Note: This story is based vaguely during the mid 1200s in Eastern Europe where the Teutonic Knights fought the Northern Crusades to try and convert the native pagan population to Christianity. As a result, this story will have heavy religious themes all throughout. It should also be noted that, while referencing real-life events and locations, I am not striving for full historical accuracy. This is for the sake of the story I am telling.
Once again, this series will have heavy religious themes throughout, including discussions of bible stories, doctrine, and scripture verses, as well as critical analysis of Christian doctrine and beliefs. So, if you don't like that, you will want to skip out on this.
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(y/n) lay there sleeping, her mind blank as her consciousness floated in an endless, dark void of nothingness. A splendid tranquility only to be disturbed by the sound of her father calling out her name.
"(y/n)! (y/n), darling! Wake up!" He shouted.
She awoke to her father's burly hands shaking her by the shoulders, ripping her away from her once peaceful slumber. Her eyes shot open and she looked to her father. He had a wild, crazed look in his eyes that almost scared her.
"Father, what's going on?" She asked, only to be answered by her father grabbing her arm and practically dragging her out of bed. After he had her standing, he once again grabbed her by the shoulders, his grip almost beginning to hurt. "Father, please, you're scaring me!"
"(y/n), listen. You need to run. Run fast. Run far. And don't stop for anything!" He insisted breathlessly, tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
"Father, what-?!" (y/n) began to insist on knowing what was happening, but the sounds from outside answered her plea.
A deafening cacophony of chaos rang out from the surrounding village just outside her home. Screams of men, shrieks of women, and the wailing of children. She could also hear something akin to a bear's roar. A battle cry. From the windows, she could see the bright, destructive glow of fire engulfing everything, as well as the shadows of figures running past. If she listened closely, she could've sworn she had heard horses thundering through the village, their hooves digging into the dirt below.
This was a raid from one of the pagan tribes. Presumably, the one that inhabited the land before they did.
"They want this land back," her father breathed heavily, "They want revenge." At this, her father pulled her along and made a break for the door. "Your only chance at survival is to run, (y/n)!"
They made it outside, standing in the midst of what can only be described as Hell. Fire was everywhere, people running and screaming before getting slain. Bodies began to litter the ground, the dirt roads, once hardened like rock, were now softened by the spilled blood soaking into the earth. The creaking of buildings coming down made it sound as though even the homes themselves were screaming. The darkness of night only added to the terror as people ran to find loved ones, only to be met with the flash of a sword or a club to the head. Every hair on her body raised in alarm with a sense of terror that she had never experienced before.
"Father!" (y/n) frantically spun around, looking him in the eye. "Let's go!"
"I will only slow you down," he insisted.
"No, I am not leaving without you!" She screamed, tears now pouring down her face.
"Well, you have to! Now run! GO!!" He screamed, pushing his daughter away before grabbing his pitchfork and attempting to run off into the fray, all in a fruitless attempt to fight back the pagans.
I can't move. I need to run. I need to go! Why can I not move?! She internally screamed at herself. But she knew why. Fear. Despite her mind telling her to do as her father said, to run away as far as she could, all her senses were shot. Her blood went cold. Almost as if a spell had been cast on her, rendering her legs useless.
That is until she saw her father swiftly cut down by a pagan warrior. Screaming aloud, (y/n) finally found the strength to run. Not away, but towards the bloodshed. She reached her father and found his chest slashed open and by his side the warrior who brought him down, her felled father's blood pooling around his feet. The warrior seemed to pause for a moment, gazing at the woman before him. (y/n), feeling his eyes on her, reached down with trembling hands and snatched up her father's pitchfork, all before dropping it.
I can't kill someone. She thought to herself. It isn't right... How can I?
Sensing her hesitation, the warrior brought up his sword. (y/n) dodged, only to finally obey her father's final wish and run away. She ran through the fires of Hell, desperately looking for Heaven. As she ran, she realized she was headed in the direction of Adeline's home. Was she alright? Oh God in Heaven, please let her be alright!
As she ran she tripped, twisting her ankle, feeling a sickening cracking sensation in the bone as she tumbled to the ground. Crying out, she tried to use her arms to lift herself up, but to no avail. Before she knew it, a towering figure stood above her. Looking up, she saw the face of a demon raising his sword with one hand. Closing her eyes, (y/n) braced herself for the worst. She screamed when she felt the blade dive into her abdomen, the searing hot pain far worse than anything she'd ever felt.
This is how I go, isn't it?
As her vision began to fade, she heard a mighty battle cry in the distance. After her vision failed her, so did her hearing, once again leaving her in an endless dark void of nothingness.
Father, I will be meeting you soon. Wait for me. Please.
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"When do you think she will wake up?" A raspy voice sounded off, each word punctuated with a Germanic accent.
"Hopefully no time soon. I still need time to operate." Another voice responded. This one sounded more calm and level, but still with that same accent.
These curious voices sounded off from within the darkness, sounding quiet and muffled, but just clear enough for her to make out what they were saying. She could feel her body begin to shift as well as her eyes barely open, the bright light above her bringing about a headache. She let out a small groan, almost a cry. Everything was dark and hazy, yet also far too bright at the same time.
"Gilbert, I need you to leave for the time being. I need to focus." The level voice sounded off.
She couldn't tell if the other voice responded with anything. The last thing she could remember before blacking out once again was the vague silhouette of someone standing over her, with blue eyes staring into her own. Her vision went black after she heard the figure speak to her, his voice still and calming.
"Hush now, and sleep."
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Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
Up there is the link to the first chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed chapter two! Let me know what you think!
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chenziee · 1 year
If I change the whole world (I can protect you)
Written for the Growing Pains anthology! It's a digital and completely free zine and you can download the whole thing here! Check it out, it came out so good ;__; Full of little traumatised OP babies!
I am so grateful I got write Uta & Luffy for this <3 I love her and I love them and in this essay, I will--
[ Read on AO3 ]
“U-T-A! U-T-A! U-T-A!”
The crowds cheered, their deafening voices echoing in the backstage and shaking the whole room. The music hadn't even started and yet, the vibrations were already resonating through Uta’s body, making her heartbeat speed up as she listened to the excitement just outside.
Soon, she would be standing on the stage, facing all those people, seeing them directly for the first time; it was exciting… yet terrifying at the same time. It had been so long since she had performed in front of so many people.
Eleven years? Twelve? She wasn’t even sure anymore.
But now, she would get to do so as much as she wanted to—as much as her fans wanted her to. She loved them enough to push herself beyond her limits. To protect them, to help them escape this rotten world for just a moment longer.
Uta loved Dawn Island. Out of all the temporary bases the Red Hair Pirates have made over the years, this one was definitely her favourite. It was calm, the shore was pretty, the Foosha Village was almost picturesque with its windmills and Mt. Corvo behind it, and she loved the kind tavern owner Makino. Surprisingly, the villagers were unexpectedly welcoming of the big bad pirates as well, throwing parties for them after every raid they made—to be fair, it was probably in part thanks to Shanks always giving them a part of the treasure ‘because he’s nice like that’.
Uta preferred to call it bribery but as long as it allowed them to stay there in peace, she supposed the name didn’t really matter.
The only bad part was—
“Shanks!! Let me join your crew!!”
—this brat.
“Luffy, how many times do we have to tell you no?” Uta asked, not even bothering to suppress the annoyance in her tone.
Luffy paused where he was tugging at Shanks’ arm to try and get him to pay attention; instead, he slowly turned to look at Uta. “As if I’d listen to a kid like you!” he announced, then stuck his tongue out at her.
Uta took a deep breath, counting to five before she hissed, “I don’t want to be called a kid by a baby.”
“You’re just two years older than me!” Luffy cried. Then, finally, he let go of Shanks’ arm to jump down to the floor and stride over to stand next to Uta.
Or below her, considering how tall the bar stool she was sitting on was compared to his short, child’s body.
“Yes. And that’s exactly why you are more of a baby than me,” Uta noted, her lips curling into a smirk as she looked down at Luffy. “And why you’ve lost to me 347 times.”
Luffy puffed up. “I’m the one who beat you 347 times!! Even though you keep cheating!”
“I’m a pirate. There’s no such thing as cheating.” Uta shrugged and this time, it was her turn to grin as she raised both her hands up to her face, wiggling her fingers at Luffy. “There he goes! Sore loser.”
“Uta~,” Luffy whined, glaring at her with a huge pout on his lips. 
“Uta, Luffy. Don’t fight,” Makino tried to placate them but to no avail.
Luffy put one hand on his hip, pointing at Uta with the other. “Fine! I challenge you to a match!”
“So you can lose again? Sure,” Uta said casually before she easily jumped off her stool. “What are the rules?”
Luffy crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes as he hummed, his face twisting into a deep frown as he thought hard. Uta could swear there was steam rising from his head  and she had to bite her cheek to keep herself from giggling at the sight.
Finally, Luffy’s eyes snapped open and his face split into a wide smile. “We’ll have a singing contest!”
Uta blinked. Did he really just—
“Is that a joke?!” Uta cried with wide eyes, staring at Luffy as if he just spoke the words that would bring down the sun upon them and destroy the world.
Actually, he might as well have.
“Shanks, did you let him drink your sake?! Or did he go insane all by himself?!” Uta accused, pointing at Luffy while she turned to her captain to demand answers.
Shanks, however, only laughed. “I can’t wait! Dibs on first row seats!”
“Hey, boss! No fair!” Roux called from the back of the tavern.
Uta clicked her tongue. “You really want him to burst your eardrums from up close?” she scoffed before turning back to Luffy. He was still standing there, positively beaming at her with a proud look in his eyes and Uta sighed. “You do realise I'm the Red Hair Pirates’ musician, right?” she asked, just to make sure Luffy didn’t hit his head and lose his memory or… something. Because this was nothing short of stupid, even for him.
“Yeah!” The idiot nodded with that annoying bright grin. “Are you scared, Uta?”
“Excuse me?” Uta’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re on, you brat.”
Taking that as a cue, the Red Hair Pirates got up as one, clearing the tavern of chairs and tables to create Uta’s very own stage. Allowing her to spread her wings, to make her stage into whatever she wished. To show everyone her world, painting the floor, walls, and ceiling with her words, building props with musical notes—creating a world for herself… and for everyone she loved.
And Uta… sang.
She sang, the words flowing out of her mouth, her chest, her heart. She sang, letting the music envelop her, to dance around her as she commanded. She sang, guiding everyone around her to join her in her world. The stage was hers and she was the stage; they were one, always would be, and she hoped that one day, she could lead everyone to this place, to show them how beautiful the world inside her songs could be.
She sang until she felt the exhaustion pulling on her and her eyelids started feeling heavy. She wanted to go on but since this was a contest… a little taste was enough to show how superior she was to—it wasn’t even enough to call Luffy an amateur. A joke, more like.
As the last note faded out and the song came to a close, Uta closed her eyes momentarily, taking a deep breath before she looked around herself to take in the faces of everyone who had watched her performance. A wide smile pulled on her lips at the sight of everyone’s dazed expressions turning into ones of excitement as they cheered loudly, a round of applause soon erupting around the tavern.
Uta giggled to herself, spreading her arms wide as she spinned around before bowing to everyone deeply.
However, the calls for an encore were cut short when Luffy jumped up, his fists raised up in the air, and he called, “My turn now!!”
Rolling her eyes, Uta backed away from the centre of the tavern to make room for the boy who was already running over to take her place, undescribable excitement in his impossibly bright grin. He took the stage and inhaled deeply.
“The islands~ in the south~ are warm~”
“Oh god,” Uta let out immediately, at the same time as her hands flew up to cover her ears and protect her from the horribly off-key screeching.
“Heads all a-swoon-swoon~”
“Make him stop!” she cried desperately.
Unfortunately, he didn’t stop as the other Red Hair Pirates simply laughed and clapped, some even slapping their knees in a fit of hysterics. Uta had no idea how they could find this… atrocity funny but she sure as hell wasn’t going to stay to try and understand it.
“They’re all fools~!”
Hands still on her ears, she bolted out of her chair and out of the tavern, running far enough to get out of earshot—and even then, she could do nothing but drop to her knees, her hands never falling to her sides; she just continued clutching at her head in a vain attempt to get rid of the dreadful echo ringing in her brain.
It was only minutes later that a large, comforting hand came to rest on her shoulder and Benn Beckman’s deep, soothing voice asked, “You okay?”
“No,” Uta replied, her fingers curling in to grab onto her two-coloured hair.
“I suppose Luffy won in a way, huh?” Benn said, barely suppressed laughter in his voice.
Uta only groaned and gripped her hair tighter.
“Uta, come on! You’re gonna get lost!” Luffy called triumphantly as he charged forward, sprinting through the forest behind Foosha Village.
“Excuse me?!” Uta cried. How dare this brat suggest she’d get lost?
Gritting her teeth, Uta picked up speed. It didn't take her long to catch up to Luffy; she threw a smirk at him as she overtook him, taking his place in the lead. “Right back at you! See if you can catch me before I get to the cliff!”
“Loser has to tell everyone the winner is a better pirate!” Luffy announced.
“Sounds good to me!” Uta agreed, a new wave of determination coursing through her veins.
As she weaved her way through the trees, she stopped paying attention to her surroundings. She simply focused on her goal and on her feet, dancing over the roots and rocks as to avoid tripping and giving Luffy an advantage. She felt light, almost as if she was flying, the swishing of the wind around her headphones only enhancing the impression. A grin was pulling on her lips and she almost startled; was she… actually having fun? With Luffy?
At the alarmed shout of her name, Uta’s eyes snapped up from the ground only for her to come face to face with a man—a tall, muscular man, dirty and ugly, but carrying more weapons than any of the Red Hair Pirates ever did. Because none of them are weak enough to need ten guns and twenty knives, her mind readily supplied… but that didn’t change the fact she was 9 years old, unarmed beyond her voice with no one but Luffy to help her and she wasn’t stupid enough to think they stood a chance.
She froze, her heartbeat speeding up as her eyes went wide while she stared at the man, who she could only assume was a mountain bandit. He was staring back at her without moving—obviously just as surprised to run into two little kids as they were to run into him—and Uta prayed he would let them leave without a fuss. After all, they had nothing but their clothes on them, there was nothing to gain.
But of course, Luffy, the idiot, had to go and throw that chance out the window himself. “What do you want, bandit?!” he shouted at the man in a shaky voice. “Leave Uta alone or I’ll beat you up!!”
If Uta wasn’t so scared, she’d have groaned and face-palmed but as it was she could barely just force herself out of her stupor to move. She gulped loudly before she took a deep breath—and bolted, crossing the small distance that separated her from Luffy to catch his wrist in a vice grip.
“Run!!” she yelled while she yanked on his arm.
They didn’t make it further than a few paces before they noticed something charging at them and Uta threw herself to the side, dragging Luffy with her; just in time to avoid being run into the ground by two… children?
“Sabo, hurry up or the hag will catch us!” a boy’s voice shouted impatiently.
“I know,” another boy replied just as he slid on the ground right by Uta, missing her by apparently carefully calculated inches. “Wait, Ace! Bandit ahead!”
“Oh, you two—! I’m taking you to boss Higuma for what you did last time!” the bandit Uta and Luffy had been running from growled as he pulled one of his larger guns from behind his belt, taking aim.
And then, Uta could only watch with wide eyes as the two boys—neither much older than herself—exchanged a single glance before they moved in perfect sync, using the pipes in their hands to knock the giant man to the ground, rendering him unconscious and swiping a few knives on their way. They made it seem so easy that Uta felt like her jaw had hit the floor. She would have expected no less from her family but two young boys like this… It was almost enchanting.
“Out of the way, asshole,” the dark-haired one muttered before he took off again.
On the other hand, the blond stopped for a moment, a confident, easy smile on his lips as he glanced at the bandit… then at Luffy and Uta.
Before either of them could say or do anything, an angry female voice carried over to them. “Ace!! Get back here you shitty little brat!!”
Somehow, the boy’s smile only widened. “See ya!” he called… and then he was gone, leaving Uta to wonder to whom exactly the words were addressed.
Uta and Luffy sat there in stunned silence for a few more minutes as they gathered themselves enough to finally run away before the bandit woke up and decided he’d take his anger out on them.
By the time they made it to the shore, neither Uta nor Luffy remembered there was a race—nevermind what they were racing over. They were just glad to be out of the forest, gasping for breath, laughter on their lips from the relief that washed over them as soon as the sea came into view.
“I could have beat him too,” Luffy said defiantly after a long while of them simply lying on the grass.
Uta rolled her eyes. “Sure you could.”
“Just you watch! One day, I will be the strongest thing on this island—no, in this sea!” Luffy announced, and Uta could basically hear the pout on his lips.
With a small huff, Uta’s lips curled into a crooked smile. “And what then, Mr Strongest?”
Luffy hummed. “Then I'll become a pirate and leave this island and become the strongest!”
“Weren’t you trying to leave with us?” Uta asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, that’s what I was saying,” Luffy announced as if it were obvious and Uta…
Uta couldn’t fight back the laugh that bubbled out of her chest.
This brat just cowered and almost cried in the face of one bandit and he was already talking about becoming the strongest in the East Blue before the Red Hair Pirates left? How cute… and hilarious. How long did he think that was going to take? A week? A month? It wasn’t like they were going to stick around for ten years or more.
Suddenly, Uta stopped laughing.
They were going to leave this island for good soon, weren’t they? She should be happy about finally being rid of Luffy… But somehow…
She couldn’t even remember what life was like without his annoying laughter and stupid bright grins and cries of ‘Shanks! Lemme onto the ship!! I wanna be a pirate!!’
…actually, how did she even for a second think she was going to miss him?
“You really are a kid,” Uta said instead of voicing her thoughts.
“Hey!” Luffy cried immediately, rising on his elbows to glare down at Uta, who only stared back at him impassively until Luffy’s face twisted in frustration over her lack of reaction and he threw himself back to the ground next to her. “What about you? Don’t you want to beat all the stupid bandits up?”
“I’m a musician,” Uta replied simply. “I will use my voice, not violence like a stupid monkey.”
“Okay but is your voice going to protect you or the people you love when someone comes at you with a gun?” Luffy asked with genuine confusion.
Uta laughed, the sound a happy chime around them. She could almost see the musical notes dancing in the air. “Music is my power. I can bring a new genesis with my voice and I don’t need any help. No bandits can stand up to me.”
“And yet you ran away screaming,” Luffy piped up.
Uta smiled at the memory; it had been so many years and yet, she could still see the scene as if it were yesterday. She wondered—where was Luffy now? Was he still on Dawn Island? She would bet he really was the strongest one there by now.
She shook her head, trying to get rid of her thoughts. It wouldn’t do to get nostalgic now. She had a job to do, songs to sing, fans to meet. A world to change. She couldn’t get lost in the memories of her carefree childhood and long for the simpler, easier times when she had not a single worry in the world.
Taking a deep breath, Uta closed her eyes, ignoring the painful pang next to her heart.
Luffy, are you watching? Though it doesn’t really matter. Not anymore.
With a final, slow exhale, Uta opened her eyes and took a step forward, one last whisper lingering in the backstage before her singing voice drowned it out.
“A new genesis is the future.”
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randomnameless · 9 months
The only time I felt a major arc in Boruto(anime wise. The manga is its own can of worms)was genuinely bad and didn’t make sense was the Mist Village vs Eco Pirates, especially as they threw cycle of revenge BOTH SIDES in even though the Eco Pirates were legit insane and their arguments don’t make sense that one of them sought ReVeNgE because his sister was hurt when Boruto protected himself in SELF-DEFENSE and killed herself in a hospital room by taking off all the tubes giving her fluids and KEEPING HER ALIVE! She was such an irrational spiteful human being who killed herself out of hate but clearly it’s Borutos fault! That he didn’t let her kill him!
Even the oldest son of the Eco Pirates leader who had been raised to believe his father was the only way to protect their clan realized his father was insane and was murdered by his father when he tried to make peace with the Mist because his father was just a spiteful mosnter and their mom was an idiot that died in battle on board a ship when the pirates were RAIDING MIST SHIPS. It was just genuinely stupid.
I think stuff like Naruto’s failings leading to things being worse in areas, like letting the Mist collapse despite being so physically close in location to Konoha and the Fire Country, or him not trusting people the way he does Kakashi or Sasuke, especially as he had no real answer to making things better in Naruto itself, makes sense.
The "both sides uwu" or "cyle of hatred sad uwus" argument, especially how it is depicted in this general verse really pisses me so much and is one of the reasons I vastly prefer 1st gen to the fuckery that was shippuden, and later, as you pointed out, Boruto (I haven't watched those episodes, but reading the wiki about them makes me puke lol)
At least, in the 1st Gen, when Gaara wants to "hurt" the world because his crap dad tried to kill him, Gaara is only 12 and not in the best mental state thanks to Shukaku being an ass, and is proven wrong, which prompts his change.
Nagato got his uwu moment to justify his "both sides" plan, because his random parents died in a war so in return he will bring "Tru Piss" to the world even if it means leveling a village full of randoms bcs he's pissed at Tsunade telling him to stop acting like a fucking brat and starting more conflicts that cause more and more senseless random's deaths.
(and then the dude nukes the village, including Ramen Guy and his daughter, to make a point or something)
but everything is alright uwu, since he rez everyone and we're supposed to follow Naruto's mindset, about the guy having had a point or something and the "uwu cycle of hatred that somehow includes killing people who haven't done a thing to you because they exist and it's not your fault if you had to slaughter them :("
(that's why, despite its own faults, I think BC is vastly superior, at least with this scene - Asta doesn't kill Patry when he reveals his tragic backstory and despite emphasing with him, he still punches him bcs dude, you killed a bunch of randoms who never asked for anything in your stupid plans)
Madara was the best example with his "wah wah, Hashirama y u kill me, i thought we could understand each other, see u and I are the same we kill because we can't understand each other :'(" after repeatedly attacking the Leaf, and all of its randoms, with Kurama many times.
As for those episodes you've mentionned -
Iirc Kagura was supposed to be the next Mizukage?
And lol @ his randoms friends for apparently wanting to ditch and betray him after they heard they would only get a 3 years reduction of their sentence, that they got, iirc, from the previous arc where they killed randoms and attempted a coup against the Mist???
Again, it's the general trend within that crap verse of giving more fucks to the perpetrators than to the victims - you can't fucking kill people and expect to get away with a slap on the wrist ; 1st gen Gaara understood it and swore to protect the people of Suna, as the Kazekage, to make up for what he used to do and what he used to be, which ends beautifuly with his final scene in the Deidara battle, and is corrected when he "wakes up" - aka his entire village loves him now (even if the later chapters of Shippuden try to retcon this in a Naruto wankering fest).
Anyways, iirc, one of those random dude in this filler killed Kagura by stabbing him after taking him hostage? And Boruto'n'co effectively dropped their weapons to comply to the dude's demands?
And then Boruto apparently goes in "rawr revenge mode" by pummeling randoms and nearly killing a kid, because that's totes how revenge works, I mean have you seen the old Chiyo pummeling Sakura to death because she comes from the same village as Sakumo? (and I'm pretty sure she was faking trying to attack Kakashi during her "senility" scene, because she didn't use any of the techniques she uses against Sasori!!)
Forget trying to build up or shoehorn an "uwu cycle of hatred uwu BaD uwu" with third rate characters in a third rate filler using a convoluted plot on how "killing terrorists BaD because their families will hate you afterwards :("
Why don't we have any samurai going to Konoha and having a beef with Sarada because Sasuke killed some of them during the land of iron arc? Like Pedro the Samurai's daughter, or niece, or grand-daughter ? I legit thought the samurai girl character would be something like this, but no, she's just pure filler material.
It's not a fair comparison at all, but I was re-re watching FMAB a few days ago, and I vastly prefer the "cycle of revenge" and Scar's general arc to whatever Kishimoto and whoever the fuck works on Boruto tried to give us.
Kishi's world is stupid enough to apparently make everyone accept Naruto's decisions even if those same decisions, if they were made by anyone else or during the Shippuden Era (or even the first gen), would have declared several wars or have been criticised to oblivion.
At least, the later manga reveals he is a shit hokage, even Shikamaru shits on him - and he receives the worst punishment ever, being fridged with "the woman who makes diner in his home" lol
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liminalpebble · 2 years
The Refugee: Chapter 2
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“Rude! Shockingly rude!” said Loki, feigning offense with a hand to his chest and wide eyes.
Bea rolled hers. “Come on! The same disguise every time? What a lack of creativity from the god of cunning! So, are you here to make me relocate yet again with your obnoxious conquests? I heard your armies are gathering again, gaining territory.”
He looked at her with a bit of pride in his eyes.“You know me so well Beatrice, after all these years...and I like you. That's why you always get these little warnings before all hell breaks lose.”
Bea sighed, “It'd be nicer if it didn't mean I have to close up shop every now and then and pick up in another village. You just help me beat the crowd.”
“Come on, Bea! It can't be that hard to find business when you deal in the world's oldest profession. It has staying power for a reason. And besides, think of all the travelers, refugees, soldiers. You'll have loads of business right here if you weather the storm this time. I did give you a century of utter peace once.”
“Do I have your promise of protection for this establishment this time? If the raids come down, promise me this place and my girls are safe.”
“Of course they'll be safe. Anyone can be safe as long as they kneel to the Laufeyson Empire. It's all that useless fighting back that makes it messier, and needlessly so. I'd always rather assimilate a culture than destroy it. It's a horrible shame to waste art, culture, knowledge, civilization.”
Bea stared at him with suspicion and a little resentment, paused and then nodded in Lea's direction.
“You destroyed her civilization. Did you know that? This, here, is the second time she's had to rebuild her life because of your ambitions. I'm determined to make it so that nice girl never has to run again.”
He looked at Lea a moment studying the distinct cultural markings on her earrings and necklace. “How touching,” he said, in a monotone which indicated it didn't touch him remotely. “She's Morhari? She's far from home.”
Bea nodded. “Don't see many of them anymore, do ya? Wonder why that is?”
Loki rolled his eyes. Behind the playful exaggeration of boredom, was the actual hidden resentment of a bruised ego. “I told you Bea. Peace has always been available to those nations who submit. The Morhari fought back...hard. It was actually admirable, but terribly foolish...all that history gone.”
“Doesn't surprise me. She seems shy and sweet but she's a fighter, too. In her own way. Smart as a whip too.”
It was Loki's turn to be unsurprised. The Morhari have a reputation for remarkable intelligence, bolstered by the highest quality of education in the arts, sciences, and weaponry. Her jewelry was made of an odd violet metal, laced with gray and black veins. Her earrings and small pendant were given to citizens when they completed their decades of education, the marks and inscriptions unique to each graduate's achievements.
“Then why, for gods' sake, do you have her wiping tables, pouring pints, and presumably getting fondled by drunks, when she has a mind like that?”
“That's not all she does, you ass. And I don't let them touch her. I'm no fool. She helps me keep the books. She can translate anything, which is good in this trade. She works hard here and I've given her a roof over her head and fair pay.”
“And how much does she earn in the brothel? She doesn't seem the type to succeed at sex work.”
“Why?” Bea teased, “are you considering using those services for once? You never have before. Why are you asking after this one?”
Loki scoffed. “Beatrice, a king need not stoop to the crassness of paying for his pleasure. Simple curiosity...”
“Since when has your curiosity ever been simple.”
He couldn't help chuckling at her wit this time. She certainly had the jester's privilege; permission to spar and speak truth to him that few dared.
“She doesn't work in the brothel. God only knows how she made it through with her body unviolated, but she did. She fears it...has nightmares about it from her time fleeing. Poor thing. I could never ask that of her, and like you said, I couldn't see her having those skills. She's indispensable otherwise, though. Oh! And if you're here this evening you'll get to see her dance in the cabaret.”
He perked up at this, genuinely surprised. The Morhari were also known for their unique performance arts but he never had the pleasure of witnessing it.
“Huh. What a puzzle you are Beatrice! Running a brothel with a virginal scholar for a barmaid, and a warlord for a casual drinking buddy,” he said as Bea rounded behind the bar pouring two shots for them both.
“To odd friends, enemies, and bedfellows who are occasionally all those at once,” Bea pronounced.
“To that indeed,” he replied with his trickster's grin.
They toasted and downed their shots.
Hello all 3's of you who are probably reading this. : ) This is my first fanfic and I'm incredibly nervous to post it, so please be polite and constructive in your critiques. I have many chapters already finished (or mostly finished, bar some perfectionistic tweaking and polishing) so I plan to post regularly if this goes over well. Also, be aware that I am playing very fast and loose with a lot of aspects of the original material and canon for the sake of the story, so please take it with a grain of salt.
P.S. I mention sex work and sex workers but I intend to so with respect and positivity towards their profession. I have tried to avoid any problematic words or descriptions, but please let me know if any exist and I will do my best to fix it.
On who I would cast for the major roles: Loki is obviously the Hiddleston Loki of the MCU. Magnus (original character) is very specifically Domhnall Gleeson in my mind. I imagine Queen Nadia (original character) as Lashana Lynch. Have yet to settle on casting for Lenora herself or Beatrice (OC).
CW: Non/dubious consent. slow burn to eventual smut. violence and torture. Loki is very unambiguously bad, morally complex but bad, and does bad things.
(Thanks for the love and encouragement @lokisgoodgirl @goblingirlsarah @lokisprettygirl 💛💚 feel free to share. )
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