#gillen beilschmidt
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novodontia · 1 month ago
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me when gillen beilschmidt: (he's only technically canon and has no official design)
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ask-2p-hetaliaaa · 3 years ago
How is 2p Prussia’s and 2p Germany’s relationship?
Normal sibling shenanigans! Lutz is a little bit airheaded so his personality doesn't always clash well with Gillen's, but they love each other and know they mean well. They may bully each other sometimes, but they'd hurt anyone else who does it LOL
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bellaloward · 2 years ago
💙 "What can I do to make it better?"
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-> ✩⋆。‧₊˚⭑˚₊‧。⋆✩
• Hey! I'm NEO
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[Proship DNI]
> Tags below! ⤥
F/O list:
➼ 🌼 Flowey
➼ 🃏 Rouxls Kaard
➼ 💙 Howard Hamlin
➼ 🦖 Diego Brando
➼ 🧛🏻‍♀️ Dio Brando
➼ 🤖 Robotus Alpha-Beta
➼ ⚙️ Reagan Ridley
➼ 🕸️ Roland Edelstein
➼ ☕️ Arthur Kirkland
➼ 🍔 Alfred F Jones
➼ 🧁 Oliver Kirkland
➼ 🧨 Allen F Jones
➼ 🎸 Eddie Munson
➼ 🍅 Lovino Vargas
➼ 🍷 Francis Bonnefoy
➼ 👻 Gillen Beilschmidt
➼ 🧪 Andre Lee
➼ 🌸 Lucy Steel
> Found Family:
➼ Bucciarati's gang
➼ TF2 mercs
➼ 2p!Hetalia
➼ Inside Job gang
➼ 🛎️ Lalo Salamanca
➼ 🏝️ Vaas Montenegro
➼ 🥃 Nacho Varga
➼ 🛠️ Rand Ridley
➼ 🎤 Mettaton
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fireandiceland · 3 years ago
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moodboard for 2p Prussia in the fic I finished since I made my last moodboard (again heavily inspired by @ask-2p-hetaliaaa 's art/characterisation)
he's not that shy, it's just when he's around his crush!
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hetawrite · 4 years ago
Cuddling headcanons for 2p!Prussia, 2p!Germany, 2p!England, and 2p!Romano, please?
2p!Prussia: Klaus Beilschmidt
Never does the boy just cuddle. He has to always have his mind preoccupied at all times. Having it wonder can often lead to him disassocating or overthinking.
Giving or recieving a massage? He will be putty in your hands. Movie marathon? You can criticise it after. Gaming? Please place your minecraft bed next to his!
But it will always end up with you as the baby spoon, even though he soooo loves that position. It's just that he has a habit of chicken winging every situation. His elbows will he out, moving about constantly. He's a fidgetter and gets self-conscious and worried that if he's being cuddled, you'll get annoyed with his fidgeting. If he's big spoon he barely disturbs you!
2p!Germany: Lutz Beilschmidt
it's always naptime.
You got a break between class? Get in his arms. Just eaten lunch? Arms now. Watching television? You better be snuggling!
This boy doesn't get cold, but also never gets warm. He's always neutral with his warmth and just loves how toasty you get in his arms. He wants to wrap his arms around you, use his bicep as a pillow, and use his free hand to grab your thigh or belly.
He wants as much surface area touching at all times. I hope you don’t mind clingy, because that's what he's like the moment you’re home, waiting for you to sit or lie down anywhere just so he can pull you in.
But it will always lead to one of two things: an actual satisfying nap, or sexy times.
2p!England: Oliver Kirkland
Surprisingly, cuddling while lying down isn't that common with this guy.
Oliver is touchy-feely, loves to express himself through acts of love, but cuddlingdoesn’t happen on the sofa, and very rarely in bed. He's not touch starved, unlike many personification.
He can give long intimate hugs, pulling you in tight and burying his face. It feels like being away from someone for so long and thinking you’d never see them again. Oddly heart reaching.
The occasions he does cuddle, it's when initiated by his partner. He's not exactly a prude, but couple-y act aren't generally initiated by him in private. He wants to do all the tropes for dates and such, but he doesn't feel the need for it at home. Which is odd. He doesn't have a high sex drive, so he's not normally even trying to push things in that direction like many Second Players do. Or even the First Players for that matter...
At bedtime, Oliver gets very warm. He's the type of person that needs the window open, and after sharing the bed with Allen or James when they came knocking from a nightmare when they were younger, he always dislikes warm sticky bodies on him. The boys would have wound themselves up over their nightmares and be extra sweaty for him... Poor guys.
So he likes to hug, and sometimes cuddle, but he never iniatates them. Very odd...
2p!South Italy: Flavio Vargas
Yes, why not? It gives him time to pamper you. You can sit in his lap and he’ll paint your nails for you. It also helps him to stop you from ruining them. Can't go and waste his efforts when he can easily grab your hand and restrict you.
Surprisingly touch starved.
He likes being ear you. He is connected at the hip. He can go days without you by his side, yes, he can do work and focus down on it, but the moment the doors are closed or you’re in the comfort of his or your house, he wants to be near you, breathing in your scent.
It probably has something to do with how shitty his Grandpa Rome treated him and how he's starved for affection and someone's - anyones - love.
He doesn’t want to sleep though. He has a very specific amount he sleeps and any more than that and he feel exhausted the next day. And when sleeping in bed, he likes to sleep just like a vampire with his eye mask on before waking up like Princess Anna from Frozen.
He just wants to chat with you, discuss things, making plans out loud even if he's just talking to himself. And sometimes, just sitting in your presence in silence with the television as background noise is the most comforting thing for him. It's reassuring.
It takes Flavio the longest time to get comfortable with someone, let alone date them, so this behaviour is reserved for just his partner. And remembering the fact it's all a very vigorous and high standerd process, Flvaio vey rarely ends up with someone in his arms.
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asktheitalianempire · 6 years ago
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Not really. He knew he didn’t have much time (everyone knew) and he only wanted the best for the person he loved.
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im-still-not-dead · 6 years ago
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My 2p and 1p Prussia interps
Who still low-key need tuning
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ask-useless-german · 6 years ago
Gilen B 4!
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I’m for some reason really satisfied with this one.
It’s the “Are you shitting me Lutz?” face 
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kreuzzfeuer · 7 years ago
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Holy crap, this is finally done! This took me hours to finish! Especially all the metal parts, but it was really fun. Anyway, here’s a decent reference of Gillen. I drew him in historic clothing, because I felt like it, but actually it doesn’t fit, since I headcanon him getting that metal arm after WW2. But these clothes are just Gillen aesthetic™. Plus swords. 
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ask-2p-hetaliaaa · 3 years ago
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I’m crying what have I done
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ask-2p-hetaliaaa · 3 years ago
Who lives on memes out of the 2p gang
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Transparent version, show me your creations
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fireandiceland · 3 years ago
5 times Roland tries to ask Gillen out on a date + 1 time he actually does
I've been working on this for a few months and finished it right in time for @welovefrukmerunning's 2ptalia week :) since it doesn't fit the prompts... Free Day it is!
The characterisation and appearance of the characters is based on @ask-2p-hetaliaaa.
Characters: 2p Austria (Roland Edelstein) & 2p Prussia (Gillen Beilschmidt)
Content warning: This is a crack fic and deliberately bad. It's supposed to be entertaining and light-hearted, so don’t take it too seriously. Enjoy the ride and remember that there’s a little treat waiting at the end! <3
Summary: Exactly what the title says.
Roland wants to confess his undying love to his best friend Gillen (or at least ask him out on a date), but the universe seems to work against his plans. Gillen really likes Roland, the coolest guy of the school (or maybe the coolest guy around in an empty classroom), but doesn't know how to approach him and hopes he will maybe like him too and make a move.
Will faith ever get these two together?
Word count: ~11.3k (6 chapters)
Read on AO3
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hetawrite · 6 years ago
Hello again! Sorry I make you work so much :( Can I request some fluff with 2p Prussia? LIKE when he understands that he can trust his s/o I need my baby ;v;
No problem, it just takes me a while to have free time and write it. Does Minecraft count as fluff? Minecraft counts as fluff. Thank you for the ask.
Sitting on the floor wasn’t the best place to sit. The bed was nearby. But he didn’t want to get up. A humid rain brought you insider, and it’s what put you in Gillen’s lap. You had been playing Minecraft for what felt like hours, building up a farm. He could feel his head bobbing back onto the bed. He hadn’t slept since yesterday night. His head is extremely heavy, eyelids barely open. He can’t fall asleep. You nuzzled your head back into him, sighing before giving a cat-like stretch. You accidentally throw your hair into his face, and he takes a deep breath. How could he feel calm while his heart ached? He was torn. You smelt so good. So warm and calming. Like a long-forgotten smell from your childhood. An old blanket. You pouted the first time he told you that, but Gillen just intertwined your fingers. He begins to softly breathe, laying his head back on the bed. He could rest his eyes.
“Gil?” You nudge him. He peels his eyes open, his sight bleary. He could hear the Minecraft music softly playing and the bright screen lighting up the room. You had turned to face him, hand gentle pushing his shoulder. He looks you over. You looked concerned, but soft. Smiling gently, both of you tilt your heads. You give a small laugh before Gillen reaches forward and wraps his arms around you. He pulls you in and nestles his nose against your neck. You release a deep breath as you relax into his arms and comb your fingers through his hair. He begins to speak with a croaky voice.
“Are you finished playing?” You feel his throat vibrate against your ear so you give his neck a chaste kiss before leaning back, blindly searching for the remote. You shut down the console before going back into his arms. He sighs contently and closes his eyes. Maybe he could sleep with you.
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ask-2p-hetaliaaa · 3 years ago
✏️ with any of my ask-2p-hetaliaaa characters 🥺
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I hope I don't get shit for the cross, I don't want 2015 flashbacks
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asktheitalianempire · 6 years ago
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1700 Family event
With how openly hostile Luciano has always been to both Austrias and how he yelled at Roderich he was definitely going to take his siblings away as soon as he heard Flavio moved to his place... it wasn’t exactly simple to organize a peaceul meeting, especially considering everyone knew about Luciano’s bad temper and habit to snap.
It’s worth noting Luciano actually listened (more or less) to Prussia’s opinion on things back then. Not that he often followed their advices but he did listen to both him and HRE.
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nonbinaryyandere-blog · 8 years ago
Could I have 2p Axis reactions to the innocent s/o from the last ask?
2p!Italy/Luciano Vargas:- He thinks you’re cute- but he’s still cautious (he’s a man of high power. He can’t go around trusting every innocent person he comes across).- So he starts ‘testing’ you. Putting you on the spot to see just how sweet and innocent you really are. It becomes game to him.- But the fun stops when he makes you cry.- He feels bad, but won’t admit it.- And then you forgive him…?- And suddenly he’s much more attached to you. He won’t say why tho.- He gets mad at you whenever your sweet personality gets you into troublesome situations. You need to be more aware of what you could be getting into!- When Luciano’s not around, you’ll get the feeling you’re being watched, and you might notice a few reoccurring people throughout your day.- He wants to kidnap you, but he won’t unless you push him over the edge. So be careful.
2p!Germany/Lutz Beilschmidt:- He doesn’t usually associate with people like you.- He’s nice and all, but you’re not really his type- until he sees how sweet you can be and you become his type.- You’ll most likely be the one to initiate some form of friendship with Lutz (probably through dogs. everyone bonds over dogs like really).- And while everyone thinks the combination is extremely odd, Lutz comes to love it.- You’re like a breath of fresh air in his life- and he loves teasing you by making you blush or seeing how you react to dirty jokes. - Eventually he becomes pretty protective of you, which graduates into possessive.- And you won’t realise it because he’s craftier than you take him for.- If you ever try to leave him, he’ll become manipulative. You’ll always stick around so long as Lutz can keep reassuring you with his honeyed words.
2p!Japan/Kuro Honda:- He really doesn’t like you.- If he doesn’t immediately walk away from you, he’ll intimidate you with a menacing aura until you go away. Probably shoots you a quick glare too.- You’ll need to do something for him before he shows even the slightest interest in you (try saving his life, that might work).- After that, he won’t be as cold when you’re around. - The kicker will be when he sees you doing something absolutely adorable, like snuggling a bunny or something.- His heart will go doki-doki (and he’ll want to rip it out with his bare hands).- Soon he’s hanging out with you and it’s kinda scary but also kinda nice.- You’re very kind to him, which he doesn’t fully understand because he used to be so rude towards you? Why do you like him now what even- Soon he realises he’s in love with you and it’s horrible but also kinda nice- Kuro will confront you as if you’ve maimed him and he’ll scare the hell out of you, but he’s just looking to try and establish a relationship (he’s new to this give him time).- This can go one of two ways: either you say yes and everything is a-ok, or you say no and Kuro just walks away very quietly. And after a while when you think he’s disappeared and you lost your new friend, he’ll do something fuckin psycho because he still loves you and it’s all your fault. 
2p!Romano/Flavio Vargas:- You are SO CUTE.- He just LOVES you SO MUCH.- Always pulling you in for a selfie with him.- Everyone thinks you two are a couple because many of his selfies are with you, which he loves because you get so bashful and he teases you relentlessly about it.- Flavio encourages you to break out of your shell every now and then, but sometimes he’s gotta drag you out.- He loooves being the centre of attention, so he gets a little jealous when you focus on anything but him- he won’t admit it tho. - He’d hint that you two should officially get together, but if you laugh it off, he will too. - Flavio wants you to come to him, and he’ll wait until that happens (unlike his brother, he’s pretty patient).- He won’t let anyone get in the way either. So you’d better take the hint before more people “disappear.”
2p!Prussia/Gillen Beilschmidt:- He’s so in love.- He’d like to approach you, but he’s so shy.- For a while, Gillen will stalk you, just watching you go about your day. He likes seeing what you do and how you react to situations. - Like him, you’re pretty shy, but you have such a kind heart. When he sees you showing that kindness to others, however, he feels a sharp pain in his chest. - While watching you, his imagination takes over and he can see a bright future. Just you and him, together, happily in love. It perks him up a bit.- Okay so after a lot of pep talk, he’s finally gonna talk to you (go get ‘em Gill!).- He’ll probably grab a flower along the way because he’s just so sweet like that.- He walks around the corner with this little flower in hand and… finds you talking to someone else.- They make you smile. And laugh.- … *the flower wilts*- Gillen wants to turn around and go home to wallow in his sorrow forever, but… he can’t just brush you away. You’re supposed to have a wonderful life together! He needs you!- So he makes a new plan. After it’s all set, he’ll approach you again and take you to a place where he can live out his fantasy with you. He knows you might be a little… apprehensive, but he promises you’ll get used to it.
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