lady0ctavia · 3 hours
When They See Their S/O Crying (2p!Allies)
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Headcanons for how I think the 2p!Hetalia characters would act if they walked in on their S/O crying.
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2p!America: "Doll? What's going on?" These would be the first words out of Allen's mouth when he walks in on you crying your eyes out. He'd gently take your chin in his hand, rubbing his thumb along your chin, looking you deeply in the eyes. When you cannot answer, he'll use one arm to pull you close into his chest, resting his head on yours, whispering to you. "Shh, it's okay babe. Just let it out. I've gotcha." If you need, he's willing to cuddle on the couch, despite not being a huge cuddlebug himself. And when all's said and done, he's ready and willing to walk out the door with his bat and find out who hurt you.
2p!England: Oliver would immediately hold your face in his hands, fussing over your tears and being just a little too demanding in wanting to know what happened. If you cannot answer, he'll go to coddling you. Bringing you to sit on the couch with him, cradling you close to his chest, and whispering sweet nothings into your ear. He'll be quiet and patiently listen as you explain to him what's wrong. Afterward, he'll make some sweets to try and cheer you up. Because food makes everything better, right?
2p!France: François has been through a lot. He knows how terrible it is to not only be trapped in a dark place, but to have to sit there all alone. And there's no way in Hell he's gonna let you suffer like he has. He'll hold you in his arms, keeping you pressed up against his chest, resting his head on top of yours. "It's alright, let it out, ma cherie." All the while he lets one hand softly run through your hair while the other gently rubs circles on your back. If you need to talk it out he'd sit down beside you and listen patiently, holding your hand through it all.
2p!Russia: "Who did this?" Those would be Viktor's first words when he sees you crying. He'd gently cup your face with one hand, wiping the tears with his thumb, gazing into your eyes. "Can you please tell me who did this?" He'd ask again. If he doesn't get an answer, he'd sigh and use one arm to pull you close, a hand squeezing tightly onto your shoulder. He'd also be the kind of person to get you water after you've been crying. Crying makes you dehydrated.
2p!China: Zao would be a bizarre mix of "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" and "Who do I have to murder?!" When he sees your tears he's holding you tight in his arms, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. He'd wipe your tears and give you little kisses on the face to comfort you before settling down with you on the couch. When the two of you are sitting there, his persona will almost change, going from comforting to serious when he begins to ask what happened.
2p!Canada: James would be a little bit awkward at first. He's not the best at dealing with emotions or comforting people, but he's not gonna just leave you there crying either. "Maple, what's wrong?" He'd ask. When he doesn't get an answer he'll wrap you up in his big, strong arms, whispering comforting words into your ear in French. He's willing to do whatever is needed to dry those tears. There's a good chance he'll decide to cuddle with you on the couch and watch your favorite movie to calm you down, letting you bury yourself in his chest as he keeps his arms around you.
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lady0ctavia · 2 days
The draft is now up to 25 chapters.
I'm still not halfway through. Be prepared. I will hurt people both emotionally and religiously.
No seriously, given the nature of the Teutonic Knights, there will be some HEAVY religious talk throughout, especially in the first half. So... Sorry if you're not into that, but that's how it's turning out.
Stay tuned~
Alright, so I'm currently drafting out my multiple-chapter forbidden romance 2p!Prussia x reader fanfic where he's a Teutonic Knight. And so far the fanfic is a total of...
Let me count here...
17 Chapters.
And I'm not even at the halfway point yet.
(I'm also considering publishing it on Quotev as well as here, but we'll see).
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lady0ctavia · 3 days
When They See Their S/O Crying (2p!Axis)
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Headcanons for how I think the 2p!Hetalia characters would act if they walked in on their S/O crying.
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2p!Italy: Luciano isn't the best at dealing with people when they cry. His first instinct is to tell someone to, "just calm down!" He finds it annoying, which is something he'd have to work on when in a relationship. So when he sees your tears he has to pause for a moment to think of an appropriate response. He'd walk forward with a tissue and use that to wipe the tears away. He'll ask you what's wrong, and if you can't answer, he'll sigh and hold you in his arms, rubbing a hand up and down your back. He's trying. And if he finds the one who made you cry, they're as good as dead.
2p!Germany: Almost the opposite of Luciano. When Lutz sees you cry, he immediately grabs a hold of you, hugging you so tightly that you think you'll pop. He'll cuddle up with you on the couch with you laying on his chest, running his fingers through your hair, with the other hand resting on the small of your back. You'll lay like this for a while, him letting you cry it out into his shirt until you're ready to talk. Also, chances are he's not letting you go for a long time after the two of you start cuddling, so you better get comfortable.
2p!Japan: You think Luciano is quick to resort to violence when he sees his beloved cry? Wait until Kuro sees your tears. He'll walk forward and take your face in his hands, demanding to know who put you in this state. If you tell him right then and there, he'll whip out his katana and head out the door, telling you, "I'll be back." If not, he'll be a little more demanding, insisting to know who it was. But if you're crying hard enough, he'll instead make you some tea and allow you to rest on his shoulder. However, as soon as you're in a place where you can tell him what happened, he's walking out the front door with the katana, and won't come back until late that night.
2p!Prussia: Despite fighting as a Teutonic Knight, Gillen is a fairly gentle person at heart, so seeing you crying hurts him just as much as it does you. He'll tenderly hold your face in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumb, and asking you, "Liebe, what happened?" In the softest voice you've ever heard. If you cannot answer him, he'll hold you close and shush your cries, whispering comforting words into your ear in German. After all is said and done, and you're done talking it out, he'll recommend the two of you take a walk together to get your mind off of things, holding your hand the entire time.
2p!Romano: Flavio will be someone to quickly direct you to the couch and sit down beside you, arm around your shoulders as he lets you cry it out. He'd give you little kisses on the side of the head as you sob into his shoulder, holding your hand tight. When you get yourself together he'd go and prepare some coffee for you two (or cocoa if that's what you prefer) and will take the time to sit down and talk through the issue.
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lady0ctavia · 4 days
Alright, so I'm currently drafting out my multiple-chapter forbidden romance 2p!Prussia x reader fanfic where he's a Teutonic Knight. And so far the fanfic is a total of...
Let me count here...
17 Chapters.
And I'm not even at the halfway point yet.
(I'm also considering publishing it on Quotev as well as here, but we'll see).
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lady0ctavia · 6 days
When They See Their S/O Crying (Nordics)
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Headcanons for how I think the Hetalia characters would act if they walked in on their S/O crying.
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Denmark: Mathias isn't going to waste a second. He'd hold you tight and shush your cries, pressing his face into your hair. "Shhh, it's okay, it's okay. I'm here, it's gonna be okay." Is what he'll whisper as he cradles your head against his chest. I can also see him pressing his forehead to yours, looking deep into your eyes when he asks what's wrong. If you cannot answer him, he'll be open to lying on the couch and cuddling until you get yourself together, allowing you to rest your head on his chest, just above his heart.
Sweden: While Berwald is socially awkward, I also see him as the kind of person who wants to quickly step in and solve a problem however he knows how. After taking a moment to assess your distress, he'll scoop you up in his arms and take a seat, holding you as you cling onto him, crying into his chest or shoulder. He'd rest his head on yours, resting his nose on your forehead. I can't see him talking too much, aside from the question, "What is going on?" This is another person who'd get you water to rehydrate with.
Norway: While not the most affectionate, this will change when he sees you crying. He'd place a hand on the side of your face and use his thumb to wipe your tears. He'd look you in the eye and ask what's wrong. If you cannot answer, he'll tell you to wait a second. A few moments later he's back with cocoa or coffee. After giving you the drink he'd sit with you on the couch, hand gently rubbing up and down your back as you lean into him, probably even giving you a side hug and pressing a kiss to your temple.
Finland: While usually quite affectionate, Tino's first instinct upon seeing you crying is to guide you to the couch and sit you down, asking intently about what's going on. If you cannot answer him, he'd be like Norway in that he'll give you your favorite hot drink to sip on as he holds you in his arms, allowing you to cry it out and eventually calm down. I also get the feeling he'd hum a low, soothing tune as you cry into his chest, patting your head and resting his nose in your hair.
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lady0ctavia · 7 days
I love your writing!!! :D I can't wait for when you open the requests, you're amazing writer keep going!!!!! <3
Thank you for your kind words. It's nice to know people enjoy my work! 🖤❤️🖤
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lady0ctavia · 7 days
When They See Their S/O Crying (Allies)
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Headcanons for how I think the Hetalia characters would act if they walked in on their S/O crying.
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America: Okay, Alfred would low-key start to freak out a little bit. He's pretty good at dealing with people in general, but that's only when they're in a good mood. He doesn't totally know what to do for someone who's crying. So when he sees your tears, he's a little thrown. His first instinct is to try and make you laugh or smile, and if that fails, he'll realize that whatever is going on is more serious and will wrap his arms around you, telling you, "Hey, it's okay. Just let it out." He really does try. It's just that, surprisingly enough, comforting others isn't always the hero's strong suit.
England: Arthur would immediately take this very seriously, reaching forward to hold your hand with both hands, rubbing his thumb over your skin. He'll look you in the eye and insist on knowing what's wrong. When he doesn't get an answer and you continue crying, he'll gently hold your head and tenderly wipe away your tears, giving you small kisses on your face. He'd also take the time to make you two a pot of tea after you've calmed down a bit, hoping to calm you down even further, as well as get you to explain to him what's going on.
France: Francis's heart will shatter upon seeing your tears, reaching forward to wrap you up in his arms before bringing you down to take a seat with him on the couch. He'd run his fingers through your hair, allow you to press your body into his, and whisper sweet nothings into your ear in French. He'd also hold your hand tightly and bring it up to his chest, as well as kiss away your tears. If you need to vent to him, he'd be all ears, willingly listening to all you have to say. I can also see him playing soft music to try and calm you down.
Russia: If Ivan sees you crying, prepare for him to become the ultimate teddy bear. He'll hug you tightly, wrapping his big, strong arms around you. He'd sit down with you in his lap, practically wrapping his body around yours. I can also see him being the kind of guy to gently sway you to and fro as if cradling a frightened child. It hurts him to see you in any kind of emotional pain, and he wants to do everything in his power to help you. He'd also make you hot cocoa and give you little kisses on the nose after you calm down.
China: Yao is surprised at first, but quickly springs into action. He'd softly grab your arm and gently guide you towards a place to sit down. He'd sit close to you and start rubbing his hand up and down your back. If you need to, he'll allow you to hold onto him as you cry. He'd rest his head on yours and allow you to let it all out. Afterward, I can see him getting you some water to rehydrate with (crying can dehydrate you) and offering to make you a special meal that night to try and lift your spirit. Of course, after you tell him what's going on.
Canada: Matthieu would press his forehead to yours, and softly ask you what's wrong. If you're too upset to answer, he'll just rub his hands up and down your arms while shushing your cries, pressing small kisses to your cheeks and around your eyes, hoping to kiss the tears away. He'd listen to your problems as he preps you some herbal tea in the kitchen. As the two of you sit there he'll take your hand in his, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, smiling at you sweetly.
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lady0ctavia · 7 days
When They See Their S/O Crying (Axis)
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Headcanons for how I think the Hetalia characters would act if they walked in on their S/O crying.
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Italy: The moment he sees tears running down your face, Feliciano's heart breaks into a million tiny pieces. Without a moment to spare he is by your side, taking your face in your hands, prompting you to look at him. He'll sit you down on the couch with an arm around you, the other one holding onto your hand. He'll ask you what's wrong in the most quiet, gentle voice he can. If you can't respond due to your tears, he'll let you cry on him. I can also see him being the kind of person to try and comfort you by making you a special dinner that night.
Germany: "H-Hey, what's wrong?" Is what Ludwig will ask as soon as he walks in on your crying spell. While he's not the best at comforting others, he does know what it's like to have to cry on his own, and he doesn't want you to go through that. He'd gently place his hands on your shoulders and look you in the eye, calmly insisting to know what's happening. If you cannot answer him, he'll take you in his arms and gently sway you side to side. He'd allow you to cry into his chest for as long as you need. And when all is said and done he'll be getting you some water. Crying does make one dehydrated.
Japan: Kiku would immediately reach for your face and begin wiping your tears. "Sweetheart, what is wrong? Why are you crying?" His voice is as gentle and sweet as always. He'd sit you down on the couch and hold onto you, wrapping a blanket around you. He'd allow you to lay on him, with his fingers gently running through your hair or just patting your head. He'll shush your cries and allow you to gather yourself before pressing forward with questions as to what's the matter.
Prussia: Gilbert won't even say anything initially. He might just be surprised for a second before immediately wrapping you in his arms, holding you tight as he runs his fingers through your hair, even nuzzling into the crook of your neck. He'll whisper comforting things into your ear and, similar to his brother, gently rock you side to side in an effort to calm you down. When you're ready to talk he'll softly take your face in his hands, looking you in the eye with the most worried look you've ever seen. And again, like his brother, he will also be getting you wanted to re-hydrate with.
Romano: Lovino would be surprised and unsure of what to do initially. He'd pause, as if trying to assess the best thing to do. He'd gently grab your shoulders and make you look him in the eye, insisting to know what's wrong. He'd sit down and bring you to his chest, letting you cry into his shirt, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. When all is said and done, he'd recommend doing something to get your mind off of what's troubling you. Painting? Gardening? Taking a walk? He's all yours. There's also a chance he may try to phone Feli for some advice.
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lady0ctavia · 7 days
Hetalia PDA Headcanons (2p!Nordics)
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Headcanons about how the 2p!Hetalia characters would feel about PDA with their S/O.
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2p!Denmark: Markell tends to be reserved with PDA, but not so much so that he doesn't emote or do anything. He'd let you rest your head on his shoulder or lap in public whenever you're tired. He'd also be the kind to occasionally pat you on the head, offering a rare, small smile as he does so. He's also fine with hand-holding and secretly loves it when you hug his arm. To be honest? His PDA is basically a heavily subdued version of PDA from his 1p! counterpart.
2p!Sweden: Watch as this man practically drags you all over town showing you off to everyone you meet, keeping an arm around your waist and proudly displaying you like you're the greatest prize he's ever won. He won't only shout from the rooftops how much he loves you, he'll show it by holding your hand, kissing your face (literally anywhere on your face), and dancing with you in the town square. Very similar to Feliciano, now that I think of it, albeit a little more possessive. He's not afraid to hold your hand around town, but if a man gives you a moderately flirty look, he's gripping onto your wrist and dragging you back home. Again, yandere.
2p!Norway: Loki is very big on hand-holding. He loves the feeling of your hand in his, interlocking your fingers or even clinging onto your wrist. This is not only to send a message to others, but to keep you nearby. He doesn't want you wandering off. If the two of you are sitting down he'd lazily swing an arm around your shoulders and pull you close, pressing kisses to your head now and again. Occasionally he'll even pull you into his lap, holding you there with his arms around you waist, resting his head into your chest.
2p!Finland: PDA doesn't exist for this man. The most he'll do is offer you his arm when the two of you are out and about, but only at night when shady figures may be around. If the two of you are sitting somewhere where there's a table, like a restaurant, he'd be willing to hold your hand under the table where nobody can see. But if he's drunk he becomes a mess of a man, lazily throwing his body on yours as he begins to pass out.
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lady0ctavia · 9 days
Guys, you have no idea how much my brain has been swimming and bursting with ideas for the 2p!Prussia x Reader fanfic I wanna write.
Prepare for angst and, because of the nature of the Teutonic Knights, a LOT of religious talk and criticism (all of this coming from a Christian who was raised to look at the Bible critically).
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lady0ctavia · 10 days
Hetalia PDA Headcanons (2p!Allies)
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Headcanons about how the 2p!Hetalia characters would feel about PDA with their S/O.
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2p!America: Are you kidding me? This man lives for PDA. Hand-holding, having an arm around your waist, resting a hand on your hip or shoulder, occasionally groping or smacking your behind in public, kissing you straight on the lips, having you sit on his lap... The man has almost zero shame. Almost. The only thing he might hold back on are full-on makeout sessions. Mainly because those usually lead to being intimate, and regardless of how bold he is, he isn't about to do it in public or do anything that might directly lead to it. However, he's no stranger to makeout sessions in the back of a movie theater, just make sure you two keep it in your pants.
2p!England: Oliver is the kind of guy who will hold your hand in public no matter what you're doing or where you are. He interlocks his fingers with yours, swings your arms back and forth as you walk, and maybe even twirls you around, only to pull you back into his arms before peppering your face with kisses. Needless to say, Oliver is practically the opposite of his 1p! counterpart when it comes to PDA. If anything, I can see him putting an arm around you and shouting about how much he loves you for all to hear.
2p!France: François doesn't have any strong opinions about PDA. It's not something he thinks about, partly because it just doesn't come to mind, and also because he spends so much time indoors. He also largely believes love is a lie, so whenever he sees PDA from others he can't help but roll his eyes. It just seems shallow to him. But this starts to change a little if he falls in love and gets into a relationship. I mean, he's still the same old François as before, cynicism and all. But with the added bit that when you're in public he'll lazily sling an arm around your shoulders or even hold your hand or perhaps give you the occasional kiss on your temple. This is primarily to signal to other guys that you're taken.
2p!Russia: Viktor isn't one for PDA. He's not comfortable with showing affection out in public, along with the fact that he's just not a very physically affectionate man to begin with. As such, the most PDA you'll get out of this man is him offering you his arm as the two of you are walking down the street. That's it. Or if you're extremely cold and need a hug to warm up. He'll reluctantly agree to that, though internally he's blushing and smiling.
2p!China: Weirdly enough, Zao is way more flirty with you in public than anywhere else. He likes seeing you get all blushy and awkward, as well as showing everyone that you're his. He'll hold your hand when out and about and has no problem letting you cuddle him in public. He's also the kind of guy to pull you close by your waist and give you a kiss, leading into a makeout session in a busy street, much to François's disgust.
2p!Canada: Similar to his father in that he's not huge on PDA, but this is moreover because he's fairly reserved rather than having an aversion to love. James will gladly hold your hand, rubbing his thumb over the skin. He likes pressing a small kiss to your temple or on the top of your head to let you know you're loved and also enjoys it when you rest your head on his shoulder. But most of all, he likes to have an arm around your shoulders. Whether you are walking around or sitting, he loves the feeling of having you close. It not only makes him feel like he's your protector, but it's also a way of keeping you close by in case something where to happen.
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lady0ctavia · 13 days
I hope your hand will heal soon! Please, take care. And thank you so much for writing such beautiful things in this fandom <3
Aww, thank you! That's so sweet of you to say! ❤️❤️❤️
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lady0ctavia · 13 days
2p!Hetalia Headcanons - Their Favorite Spot to Kiss their S/O (Axis, Allies, and Nordics)
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Includes: Allies, Axis, and Nordics.
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2p!Italy: Lips or jawline
2p!Germany: Lips
2p!Japan: Lips or neck
2p!Prussia: Hand or forehead
2p!Romano: Nose
2p!America: Neck
2p!England: Cheek
2p!France: Temple
2p!Russia: Top of your head
2p!China: Lips
2p!Canada: Temple
2p!Denmark: Forehead
2p!Sweden: Lips
2p!Norway: Lips or neck
2p!Finland: Lips or shoulder
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lady0ctavia · 14 days
Hetalia Headcanons - Their Favorite Spot to Kiss their S/O (Axis, Allies, and Nordics)
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Doing something real quick while my hands heal, and to give you guys a little something. You know, keeping you fed and all. <3
Includes: Axis, Allies, and Nordics (except Iceland, see pinned post as to why).
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Italy: Lips or nose
Germany: Forehead or cheek
Japan: Cheek
Prussia: Lips
Romano: Temple
America: Lips
England: Hand
France: Lips or neck
Russia: Top of your head
China: Cheek or hand
Canada: Nose or the spot between your eyes
Denmark: Lips, jawline, or shoulder
Sweden: Top of your head or forehead
Norway: Nose
Finland: Nose or cheek
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lady0ctavia · 16 days
Hurt my hand recently, so I can't write. I'll post again some time soon (hopefully). Just wanted to let you guys know why I'm not posting right now.
Stay tuned 😉
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lady0ctavia · 20 days
Based on this post.
(I honestly have sooooo many ideas).
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lady0ctavia · 20 days
Hetalia PDA Headcanons (2p!Axis)
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Headcanons about how the 2p!Hetalia characters would feel about PDA with their S/O.
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2p!Italy: Luciano may not be as loud and expressive as Feli, but he still isn't afraid to show the world that you're his. He'll give you kisses on the hand as a greeting and farewell. He'll also have an arm around your waist as you walk through town, keeping you close. These gestures are the norm for him, except for moments when you attract the attention of other men. Jealous, Luciano decides to be a bit more bold when this happens to send a message. He'll use one arm to grab you tightly by the waist and pull you forward into his chest, landing a passionate kiss on your lips, his other hand in his pocket, gripping a knife (just in case). Afterward, he'd turn to the man and smirk, as if to say, "This one's mine!"
2p!Germany: Lutz loves PDA. He loves kissing you in public, holding you tightly around your waist, his hands maybe deciding to grope your behind. He also likes to smack your behind once in a while, laughing when he hears your little squeak of surprise. While he's always gonna want the option of kissing you in public, regardless of how you feel about it, he may be a little more open to the conversation of whether or not you're comfortable with him getting handsy in public. When you are sitting down, Lutz pulls you into his lap, holding you against his chest as he rests his head on your shoulder.
2p!Japan: Kuro tends to be far more reserved about affection in public, even more so than Kiku. The most he'd do is offer you his arm, allowing you two to be linked together in public. This is primarily so you don't get lost. But another reason is that this is his way of showing you off to the public, including friends and family. He low-key considers finding a person like you to be an accomplishment, and he wants people to see the high-quality partner he's acquired.
2p!Prussia: PDA? What's that? Gillen doesn't know of such a thing. Okay, that's a lie. But Gillen is definitely one of the most reserved when it comes to PDA, especially being as religious as he is. The most you'll get in public in terms of kissing is a quick goodbye kiss when he's about to ride out on another mission with his Teutonic Knights. But every now and again, when the two of you are out, he'll gently hold your hand, covering it with his cape to not draw too much attention. Or perhaps just letting his hand brush lightly against yours. The most affection you'll get from this man is in private.
2p!Romano: Flavio's PDA can be pretty unique in that, as a fashion designer, he likes to dress you up in his newly designed outfits and show you off around town. The two of you will stroll through town, arm in arm as he shows you off to others. You'll receive kisses on the cheek and an arm around your waist, pulling you close. I can also see him wanting to dance with you in public, just as long as he doesn't get the clothes dirty. And he's similar to his younger brother if, should another man try to steal you away from him, he'll dramatically pull you into a deep kiss and loving embrace. All before smiling cheerfully at the man and explaining that you're taken.
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