#like killing prev tags
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coffeelouis · 1 year ago
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mishy-mashy · 10 months ago
Obviously, I can't ignore the funny pics of AFO either
AFO getting insulted for the first time on the web be like:
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He looks like his fingers would be flying across a keyboard if he were on the internet.
AFO went and made himself into a troll face, man.
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AFO's that arm being pummeled into the ground.
[All Might Doesn't Know How to Fucking Hold Back Against Kids: Case 47]
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Feat. Accidentally twink-ifying AFO to the point he's become a twig
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NEWS: AFO fails again, "Desperately trying to play it cool", All Might says, for at least the 3rd time in this fight
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AFO tried being so cool with the "Shigaraki—my other self" and failed instantly. Livestreamed all over the world. Ugggghhh. The embarrassmenttt
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Proceeds to split his face to smile, saying "I'll have to do the legwork myself".
As if to them, he didn't just go "Watch me do this. Come now, my other self. ........ I'll have to do it myself."
"Look how cool I am" *fails* "I CAN DO IT PROPERLY I MEAN IT"
He flip-flopped so hard here that if it were me, I'd give All Might the finishing blow to end me of my embarrassment. The world saw it. My life is over
AFO's ego is just so big and he's trying so hard to play it cool and keep his pride in his fight.
As if he hasn't been running around half-naked in a cape this whole time
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woodsborostabathon · 4 months ago
biggest most petty pet peeve is ghostface being depicted as like Just Some Guy. like jus some rando sexyman w no actual face behind the mask just vibes. “imagine being ghostface’s subby kitten uwu” mf WHO?? WHICH ONE??? its a PERSONA not an exclusively male entity of its own!!! u could be talking abt like (13) diff people and (4) of those are chicks!!!
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tronlightcyclerun · 23 days ago
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karliahs · 11 months ago
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our dm is a teacher, we had not played in a while, so at the start of today's session she had us list from memory the most important events of the game so far
the list is as follows:
Feste ate an eyeball
You met
Went to Underdark
Vampire missionary? Vampire sects
Fell off statue - broke a rock. Now Lolth is hanging out
Sarcophomagus - gave to the mayor of Groundharbour
Cordelia, member of the Dark Brotherhood. Bargain bin Preminger. Barovian MILF. Slug v Snail Dawn of Justice.
Snake lady. Start the tournament arc
Ah fuck
Torm gang
Back to the Salt. Fancy quest - go get the Boys from the Shadow Realm - 8 days
Fairy game - 7 days
Smarmy Von Zarovich
JAM QUEST - the secret jam that kills you. why does this jam taste weird (the devil???)
Hag - body shop
Aggressive Therapy - I am No Longer Asking
GO TO BAROVIA - the key,
Orc war - TGK
Sexy Torm Priest?
Roderigo vs Antonio
Fortunes told - dinosaurs, no key, voice in sword = bad
The Diplomacy Twins
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lesbiangiratina · 1 year ago
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alien-ally · 1 year ago
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faacethefacts · 2 years ago
Tumblr has completely stopped recommending my previously/frequently used tags. special kind of hell for me specifically
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slutforwings · 2 years ago
the insane thing about the whole 'we murdered prev tags bc the functionality is too confusing for new users to go back one reblog' is that. it came from new users. like im pretty sure it came along with a twitter migration. so what is their point even
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strictly-confectional · 2 years ago
man u_u whatever tumblr did recently in “updating” how posts look/work unmade one of the ways i navigate the site (cant open someones blog in-dashboard and go backward thru the reblog chain of a post via url at top of post anymore. just takes you to that persons BLOG not their instance of the specific POST)
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lamortwrites · 2 years ago
your tags on the ‘prev tag’ post took me out at the fucking knees, I laughed so hard I scared my cat
I live to please 😎
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blodfilth · 8 months ago
i hate mf ed online spaces like 'we're just looking for community not encouraging ppl'
makes me want to throw-up n fucking die
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tooies · 2 years ago
"i like these new features because they are finally killing prev tags" literally no they aren't people still do it it's just impossible to see them now. it has made the situation worse
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staybabblingbaby · 28 days ago
Best Friend Protocol #19 (Clurb part 2)
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[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: You're Felix's childhood friend, and you and he have been planning a visit to see him for his birthday for what feels like years now. Unfortunately, SKZ is a very busy group, and the week-long vacation you'd planned for doesn't seem possible. Until Felix decides to ask his bandmates a favor...
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Word Count: N/A
Notes: Wrote this @ 4am in like an hr and a half and was bored enough 2 post it as is ✌😗 enjoy 🥰 Someone remind me later to fix the links and update the masterlist, it’s hard to do on mobile and its very late rn. Fixed 'em!
As always, credit and thanks to @thatgirlangelb for at least half of the ideas present in this ch lmao
Warnings: She/Her Reader, reader is drunk
Leave me comments or questions or anything! Love hearing from folks! Additional Note: I'm always taking interaction requests. Just fyi
Masterlist | Prev Part | Next Part (coming soon!)
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Worm List: @hyeon-yi , @velvetmoonlght , @missvanjiii , @hanniemylovelyquokka , @vegetablesarefuntables , @scribblesnsketches05 , @kkamismom12 , @alexateurmom , @baribaaari , @tayla2351 , @heart-trees , @unicornwhisperer666 , @aalexyuuuhm , @stilldontknowhoiam , @brbwritingfanfic , @kaciebello , @ririzisblu , @mafiulaputaama , @kymimi , @tirena1 , @babygay2005 , @jeonginsbaee , @shinygubbins , @yoongiismylove2018 , @imeverycliche , @luvv1anime , @estella-novella , @bee-the-loser , @blckchrryy , @munecaloves , @bella-me-kill-me , @ferntv , @elegant-face-tree , @lausnotverybright , @ami01x , @peskybirdysya , @nyanamii , @luvbangchan ,
Perm Tag List: @mbioooo0000 , @thatgirlangelb , @chancloud8 , @sh0dor1 , @holdmeclosertinyrapper , @raineandcl0uds ,
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paranoiddreams · 10 days ago
Ch.1 - Spare Tire
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tags/warnings — allusions to death, grief, overall really angsty, assassin!toji, Nobara was adopted by Nanami, Yuji lives with his grandpa and big brother!Sukuna, mamafushiguro is mentioned (not sure if I want to give her a specific name yet), Toji is depressed, Megumi asks a lot of questions, descriptions of murder and killing, one allusion to alcohol consumption, not a lot since this is the first chapter hehe, reader is very confusing and mysterious rn but her side of the story is coming next!
WC — 3.48 k
a/n — oh my god thank you all so so much for all of the support that this series is getting so far!! Chapter one hasn’t even come out yet (until now obviously) and so many people are excited for this series like I am! This chapter is pretty angsty, but we need to hurt before the comfort 🥹 It’s also more of Megumi and Toji but the next chapter will be reader’s POV! I want to make this a story with heavy plot lines, but also with fluff that makes up for the hurt. It’s also a pretty self indulgent series since it’s my first on here lol.
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Nobara’s small fingers braid strands of Megumi’s jet-black hair as Yuji spins on the swing wildly next to them. His cherry blossom colored locks are already sticking up from the tiny braids Nobara attempted to put in his hair as well, but gave up after deeming it too short.
“Have you guys ever lost your parents?” Megumi asks as he kicks the rocks below his feet. The chains of the swing holding him up creak as he slowly sways, adding onto the usual ambiance of recess.
“What? Like in the store?” Nobara asks from behind him, still working on his loose braids with her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth.
“Mmm, maybe,” he mumbles, green eyes looking up into the cloudless sky as he thinks. “I didn’t get to ask.”
“Sukuna lost me in the mall once,” Yuji chimes in, his lisp slipping through when he says his brother’s name. “He told me that if I told my grandpa then he’d lose me on purpose next time!”
Nobara clicks her tongue, shaking her head disapprovingly. “You’re both stupid—my daddy always says that I have to stay by his side when we go somewhere because someone bad could try and take me.”
Megumi shakes his head slightly, wincing when Nobara’s fingers pull a strand of his hair roughly. “I was at the car shop with my dad and a woman gave me a quarter for the gumball machine,” he explains, “I got a blue one.”
“You took the quarter?!” She suddenly shrieks, as if he had just stepped on her toes.
“Yes,” he says blankly. “She asked where my dad was, and when I told her about Betty, she said that she lost her dad.” Megumi explains, trying to remember everything the woman said with all of his might.
Yuji’s gaze snaps away from a cloud he was ogling shaped like a duck, back to Megumi. “What?! She lost him?”
“Yeah,” the boy confirms.
A short silence falls over them as Nobara finishes with trying to drain Megumi’s hair, sitting on the third swing.
“Maybe he passed away,” She sighs solemnly. “My daddy’s mom died before he adopted me.”
Yuji gasps softly. “Yeah maybe!”
Megumi shakes his head. “No, I asked her that,” he says.
Nobara pulls one of the practice braids she weaved into his hair, an angry expression on her tiny face.
“Ouch! What was that for?!”
“Why would you ask someone that? How rude!”
Megumi looks down at his old beat up shoes, a wave of embarrassment heating his face. “She said he didn’t,” he mutters.
“Then what happened?”
Nobara and Yuji both look at him in search of an explanation; but Megumi looks as if he’s searching for one as well.
“I don’t know,” he says, “we left before she told me.”
Megumi had spent the rest of the day thinking about the woman and what she could’ve possibly meant. He knew what loss was—the concept of death wasn’t lost on him. But how else could someone lose someone else?
He even asked his dad when they got home, but he was only met with an “I don’t know kid,” before he watched him disappear into the garage to work on the car.
“Maybe you can help her find him,” Yuji’s enthusiastic voice makes Megumi wince slightly.
“Maybe my dad can,” he theorizes, looking up in thought, “he said he finds people sometimes for his job…”
Toji’s nail beds are caked with blood and dirt, as well as the material of his sweats.
“Damn it, fuck!” He hisses under his breath. He just washed them, the memory of the journey to the laundromat still present in his mind; Megumi’s stubborn attitude, the long wait, and the stares from concerned mothers and old men.
He’s only snapped out of his temporary agitation when he hears the sound of a blaring train horn in the distance—it’s nearly sunset, which is how he knows that he’s taken way too much time on this job.
As Toji walks to the back of the abandoned building where he parked, he unstraps all of his knives and guns from his body. He opens the passenger door before throwing them inside, right under the loose floorboard. His gaze drifts to the back before closing the door, spotting Megumi’s car seat still strapped into the seat. With a sigh, he slams the passenger door closed and gets into the driver’s side, speeding off before anyone could catch sight of him.
The radio in his car doesn’t work, so the drive home is quiet, as usual. It hasn’t worked for the past 5 years, but Toji’s just never gotten around to replacing it. So he’s gotten used to the silence during morning drives to Megumi’s school, or the ride back from a bloody job worth a few weeks of food on the table.
He was never much of a music guy anyways, and funnily enough, Megumi never was either.
When Toji pulls into the driveway of his house that’s never truly felt like a home, he sighs in relief knowing that Megumi is back from school. But before he opens the front door, he takes a deep breath, ready for a usual evening home. When he does walk in though, it’s just as silent as it was outside.
“Megumi,” Toji calls out, dropping his car keys onto the kitchen table. He spots papers of math equations and grammar practice filled out next to a glass of juice in his usual spot.
“I’m home,” Toji calls out again. He steps into the hallway, the sound of his steel-toed boots echoing loudly against the tile. When he’s only met with silence again, he turns his head to look down the hall towards his son’s bedroom, beams of his yellow night light pouring through his slightly ajar door. He slowly walks over to peek his head in. But all he finds is Megumi fast asleep in his bed, his Spider-Man blanket wrapped around his little body. He’s still wearing his shoes, and his hand is dangling off the end of the mattress, but he looks just as comfortable as ever; like a grown man who’s passed out after a few too many beers. A bit of drool drips from the side of his mouth, onto the pillow under his head. His black hair is a mess around his face.
Toji doesn’t know how he could’ve created something so…small and innocent. He isn’t sure how so much good came from him. But then he catches his son in moments like these, when he’s asleep, or playing outside with his friends, and remembers that beautiful face he’s tried to forget for so long.
Some days, Toji can’t even look at him without seeing her.
Megumi wakes up to the sound of his dad’s heavy work boots clomping around in and out of the open garage. He rubs his eyes with his small hand before hopping out of bed and waddling sleepily out of his room.
“Daddy?” He calls out into the empty hall.
Toji peeks around the corner, coming out of the garage. “Get dressed kid,” he says, “we’re going back to the car shop.”
Megumi pulls his hand away from his droopy eyes and looks up at his dad. He looks tired, and if he had to guess, that could only mean he spent the night sitting on the back porch drinking his ‘grown-up juice’.
“Betty’s broken again?” He asks.
“Nah, we just need a spare tire.”
The little boy cocks his head to the side, emerald eyes trained on his father to try and decipher the meaning behind his words.
“Just go get dressed and we can get breakfast after, yeah?”
A rare smile creeps onto Megumi’s face and he nods his head adamantly, his messy locks falling over his eyes. He turns around and speeds down the hall towards his room, his tiny feet pattering against the tile.
Toji warms up the car as he waits for Megumi to get dressed, the garage door wide open. He hears two distant voices across the street, and when he looks up he spots the familiar blonde business man he’s lived in front of for 3 years now. His daughter, Nobara, is tugging on his coat while rambling on about something that Toji can’t make out from where he is.
Nanami’s wife walks out behind them a moment later after locking the front door. She skips over to him and kisses his cheek before picking Nobara up and putting her into the backseat of their car. The little girl’s laughter echoes through the neighborhood, along with the chirps of morning birds singing, and Toji finds himself slightly annoyed.
Does the world have to be so sunny and beautiful while he goes on feeling like he’s stuck? Did the world have to keep spinning after his crumbled right in front of him?
Nanami’s car pulls out of the driveway, the happy family waving at Toji from inside as they drive away down the road. He lets out a low sigh and unlocks his own car, just as the garage door opens.
“I’m ready,” Megumi says when he walks out in a shirt and shorts he put on quickly.
Toji helps him into the back of the car, making sure he’s strapped into his car seat tightly before getting into the driver’s seat himself. He pulls out of the driveway and into the morning sun, immediately putting his visor down to block his rusty green eyes from the rays.
“Daddy, do you remember that lady that was at the car place last time?” Megumi asks as they drive onto the main roads.
Toji’s eyes flicker up to the rear view mirror for a moment to look at his son before the face of the woman his son is referring to pops back up into his mind. He hadn’t given her a thought since that night a few days ago, when Megumi asked him about something the woman told him. But he can barely even remember what that something was since he seldom comes up for air when he drowns himself in work.
“I do,” Toji answers Megumi after a few moments of reminiscing about the woman. He faintly remembers the name y/n attached to the image of her face in his mind. “What about her, kid?”
Megumi looks out the window as he speaks to his father, watching as the traffic lights turn green and red. “I told Nobara and Yuji about how her dad was missing,” he says. “They said that I should ask you to find him for her.”
Toji’s eyes fly back up to the rear view mirror, his scarred lip twitching slightly. “What?”
“I told them that you find people for your job sometimes,” Megumi confirms, “so they said you should find that lady’s dad.”
A soft sigh fills the car, Toji running his fingers through his hair. His face is one of a father’s whose child just asked him what death is. His face carried the same expression when a 4 year old Megumi first asked him what he did for a living to put food on the table and buy his favorite animal crackers.
Toji just didn’t have the heart to tell him what he’s really doing when he’s not home. He doesn’t have it in him to look Megumi in the eyes and tell him that he kills people he only knows the names of for a couple grand.
So, he told him the least monstrous part of his profession.
“I find people.”
It was a meek response compared to the reality of things. He wishes he would have prepared more, maybe before he took the job, just so he had an answer for what he does. And maybe why. But he stopped looking for those answers a long time ago.
“I can’t just find y/n’s dad, it doesn’t work like that,” Toji says after a long pause. He doesn’t even realize the woman’s name slipped from his lips until he hears Megumi softly repeating it to himself in the back.
“Why not?” He asks, expression blank, as if the answer was owed to him.
Toji clears his throat. “Because, it just doesn’t, Megumi. Mr. Shiu gives me my…clients.”
Megumi’s ears perk at the familiar name of his father’s boss. Couldn’t his dad just save the day for once?
“Then can’t you ask Mr. Shiu to talk to her?”
Megumi just wishes that he could say anything but, “My dad finds people,” when it’s his turn to share in class. Because then, when he only manages to get confused looks in return, they ask about his mom. And he’s not sure what to say about her either.
“Can’t, kid. I only know her first name.”
Toji’s not sure why he’s even saying this; even if he did happen to know y/n’s last name he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. Not even mentioning the fact that people who don’t want to be found will not be found.
“Besides,” he adds on as he pulls into the parking lot of the car shop, “she probably doesn’t want to find him.”
Megumi’s confusion only grows.
“Daddy, why? He’s her dad.”
Toji’s hit, yet again, with another question he doesn’t know how to answer without wanting to smoke a cigarette. He turns his head to look over his shoulder at the all too curious seven year old.
“Well, she’s not a kid anymore, so there’s probably a reason she doesn’t know where he is. Some people just don’t talk to their parents after a while,” he explains slowly. “I don’t.”
Megumi’s eyes widen with realization before he looks out of the car window, the sun just starting to fully rise into the sky. His little face scrunches in thought before he looks back at Toji.
“Will I talk to you when I’m older, daddy?”
A moment of silence passes through the car, sending a chill down both of their spines. The answer Megumi is looking for is one Toji is afraid to even consider.
The glass door of the car shop swings open, a small bell chiming as Megumi scuttles in with Toji trailing behind him. He goes immediately to the front counter to talk to a bald man with glasses, the owner of the shop, about the spare tire for Betty.
Megumi takes it upon himself to wander away as soon as the words the two men are exchanging turn into a jumble of adult words. He looks immediately for the two rusty gumball machines near the front window; and to his immense surprise, there’s already a figure standing in front of one.
He dashes towards the machines, turning his head up to look at the figure’s face. And just as he suspected, there she is.
“Oh,” it comes out almost as a question, “the gumball police are back.”
“You’re back,” Megumi retorts, pointing a small finger up at her, “y/n.”
She smiles softly, putting a hand in her pocket. “You remembered? Smart kid.”
He smiles ever so slightly, deciding to leave out the fact that his dad is the one who remembered and reminded him in the car during their conversation.
“I told my dad to find your dad,” Megumi says, tilting his head slightly as he looks up at y/n. “He said that there’s probably a reason you don’t know where he is though—because you’re not a kid, or something.”
Y/n lets out a soft laugh, a little taken aback at how much this kid remembers about their encounter just a few days ago.
“Your dad’s right, there is a reason. There’s a lot of them, actually,” she says, not really knowing why she’s explaining this to a kid. Y/n has always been a brutally honest person, but she’s never met anyone bold enough to actually match it; but now, this kid she bribed with a quarter one time knows about one of her tightly sealed secrets.
“Megumi, what did I say about running off—“
Toji, just like their last trip to the car shop, interrupts a conversation between his son and y/n, the woman who ‘can’t find her dad’.
“You again,” he boasts, as if he’d expected this, “y/n.”
“Toji,” she counters, his name falling from her lips with ease. “It is me, again.”
“You come to this shop often? Or should I be worried about you stalking me?”
Megumi looks up at his dad, a little hand tugging on his pants. He wants to ask if his dad really thinks y/n is stalking them, but when he sees his scarred lip curl into a smile, something he hasn’t seen in a while, he has his answer.
“Yeah, I’m stalking an old man and his kid,” she huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. The same subtle smirk that Toji has on his face settles on her’s as well.
“Old man? I really wouldn’t expect a girl who’s barely an adult to determine if I’m old or not,” Toji says.
Y/n’s smirk turns into a soft smile as she shakes her head. “I can assure you, I am an adult,” she says, looking into Toji’s eyes, “and a woman, not a girl.”
He only raises a brow in response, feeling a burning sensation in his chest as she quickly snaps back at him with the same passive aggressive tone as him. By now, most women would be scoffing and walking away.
“Megumi,” Toji looks down at the now scowling boy; his conversation was yet again interrupted by his dad and he is not happy about it. “Take this,” he says before reaching into his pocket to get a quarter, “and get a gumball while I get the spare tire for Betty and put it in the trunk.”
Megumi looks up at his dad for a moment, before turning to put the quarter into the gumball machine. As he turns the metal knob he hears his dad, and y/n, walk over to the counter of the car shop.
“What a coincidence this is,” Toji says once they’re far enough away from his son, in front of the counter where he was just speaking to the owner; the bald man is still in the back of the shop looking for his tire size. “Makes me think I should ask for your number.”
Y/n mirrors Toji’s stance, huffing out a soft laugh. “Really? What exactly makes you think you need my number?”
“Because,” he says in the same unconvinced tone as her, “I’ve lived here for a while now and I’ve never seen you around.”
He says this with some truth mixed in with his sarcasm; he feels as if he’s met nearly everyone in this small part of town, and never once has he seen this woman. But now he’s run into her again, and in the same place no less. He also knows that if she even has a car, it’s not here; only his, and the owner’s are parked out front.
“But,” he continues, “this is the second time this week we’ve met.”
“Via your son,” y/n adds.
“Yes, the brat,” Toji huffs. “He’s always running off…”
“Well, if you must know,” she sighs after a moment, “I grew up here. I’m back again.”
The man’s eyes run up and down her face, searching for any sign of dishonesty; after being in his profession for as long as he has, he’s adopted the ability to tell when someone is telling the truth, or maybe only half of it. Because humans are predictable. The people around him are all the same, morally weak, copies of one another.
But Toji can tell that y/n is telling the truth—she’s not like the people he’s used to being around, she’s unlike anyone he’s met, which he believes he could bet a lot of money on despite this only being their second conversation.
Although, he can also tell there’s something that she isn’t telling him.
The two are suddenly interrupted when the sound of the owner’s heavy boots interrupt them as he returns from the back of the shop. He lays the spare tire Toji requested onto the counter, a sleazy smirk on his face as he looks between him and y/n.
Toji huffs and stares the grimey man down as he grabs the tire, before turning his head to look at her again.
“Well, y/n,” he says with a softer expression than before. “It was nice to see you—again.”
He then turns around to walk away from her, prepared to call for Megumi, who’s now tapping impatiently on the glass bowl of the gumball machine. But he stops when he hears a soft giggle followed by y/n’s voice:
“Gonna give up on my number that easily?”
Toji turns around with an incredulous smile on his face and feels something inside of him come back to life after being dead and gone what feels like centuries.
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♡🏷️: @palmtreepanik0 @nina-from-317 @your-mum3000 @dahwcwb @weeezeerrss @just-lilita @averyjadedemerald @pinkhoneydrop @gina239 @tojisrealwifey @teacuup @cor-asomatum @newcina @deathrye @yoymii @evilari111 @sonakshrs @gradmacoco @edgyficuselastica @yourgirljasmine5 @Ivrndkoo @kaiparkerwifes @evilari111 @sonakshrs @llamatravel @ourfinalisation @aiahmwah @xoxoblueyy @1lastair @lavenderdaydream97 @imnotlurkingherepls @idkccdfnfz @amortsukii-writes @totallygyomeiswife @vehuzzzz @tinytinalifes @youngwizardfox if I forgot anyone I apologize!! Please let me know if you want to be on the permanent tag list in the comments below!
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gremlin-girly · 2 months ago
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Day 14: Winter Soup
Pairing: Winter Soldier x gn!reader
Fandom: MCU
Tags/Warnings: FLUFF, insinuation of ptsd/past abuse, ya'll are just having some nice soup :), petnames (sweetheart)
Not beta'd. I do not give permission for my work to be translated, copied or reposted or put through an AI machine.
Summary: When a strange man turns up in your home for some unknown reason, you decided to offer him some soup.
Word Count: 448
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Not many people know what to do when there's a strange man in their kitchen. The usual ports of call, according to life and TV, is to:
a. Scream
b. Call the cops
c. Hide
d. All of the above
But somehow you created your own special fifth option (hereby referred to as option e): Give him soup.
He pokes at the soup with his spoon and you watch him over your own bowl. You can't tell if he's about to burst into tears or dart off into the night. There's something about his eyes, something that tells you he's a lost, stray in need of food and probably a hot bath rather than a six foot lug of a man in tac gear.
After a particularly hot slurp of soup, doing the whole hoo-ha-ooh charade, he looks up at you.
"Sorry," You mumble with an apologetic look. "Hot."
He nods but doesn't say anything. So, he clearly understands English. You watch as he stirs his soup again before finally bringing it to his lips. The air is heavy. You don't know why you care about what he thinks of your soup, but you do.
You want to make a joke; asking him not to kill you if it's awful but you think better of it. You still don't know if he would kill you.
His hum catches you off guard and you jump, looking over at him. His eyes flutter, and you think he definitely will cry. He sniffs a few times and raises a shaky hand with a second spoonful again, before he's suddenly gorging the soup.
His spoon clatters against an empty bowl and he looks over at you worriedly and you just smile at him around your own spoon.
"Want seconds, sweetheart?" You ask gently, getting to your feet and angling yourself to the stove. You're face is blasted with the smells of basil, garlic and roasted tomato as you lift the lid from the pot. You hold out a hand for his bowl which he carefully hands to you.
Ladling the soup to the brim (thank God for Bulk Soup Sundays), you reach into the bread bin and butter two slices of bread, placing them next to his soup when you set the bowl down. Retaking your seat, attempting to finish your own bowl, you watch him curiously.
He mumbles a thank you as he tears into the bread with his teeth, and you offer a warm smile.
"No worries. Help yourself to as much as you need."
You had the strangest feeling like your life was going to change, thanks to the stranger before you. Although, you didn't know just how much.
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