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4dr14nn · 6 months ago
Argghhh 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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modernrifle · 1 year ago
it's crazy how few people talk about how clearly codependent anakin & obi-wan were - they were two halves of the same whole, so without anakin, obi-wan cannot exist as a complete person, and without obi-wan, anakin cannot exist as a whole person either, because in order for him to be himself he needs obi-wan as, again, they are part of eachother. their two identites are so comingled they cannot be separted and be how they were, because a huge part of who they were was eachother. obi-wan will always be anakin's and anakin will always be obi-wan's so they both had to become someone new. because jedis' relationships, on a deep level, are practically nonexitent they had to be everything for eachother, neither of them had anyone else to fill the roles of their lives. obi-wan was - had to be, wanted to be - anakin's master, his teacher, his father, his brother, his best friend. i mean, they are even potrayed as light/dark, and we both now the light cannot be without the dark, and vice versa. they even failed to excavate eachother from their focus as reformed individuals - vader obsessed over obi-wan, was only able to show glimmers of his past self when in his presence, obi-wan was so dedicated and devestated by anakin's change/fall/perceived death that he literally locked himself in a desert simply to watch over what remained of anakin (his children), thought about him 24-7, at least in the novels, and actually hallucinated him as some twisted manifestation of guilt, love, grief. obi-wan, the perfect jedi, forsaked his vow to form no attachments simply because he loved anakin too much to do otherwise, his one flaw was always and will always be anakin, and his pure, simple, unadultered love for him, despite everything. anakin latched onto obi-wan and obi-wan never found the strength to pull him off. the loss of eachother destroyed the both of them (though of course anakin was also destroyed by padme, in his mind). even before the betrayal anakin would always want obi-wan to simply stay when he had to go on missions, and obi-wan could not act the same and constently thought about anakin when away - he even in a novel offhandedly mentioned that it was super strange to not have anakin fighting with him, like he forgot he needed both hands. their bond, affection, was deep enough that even after anakin was knighted they stayed close, became closer than brothers, even after death they both sought eachother out. obi-wan gave his life and death to anakin, and anakin the same. obi-wan's death belonged to vader, as the last part of anakin that he needed to kill, and anakin's entire life was centered around obi-wan. this is PURE MADNESS.
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memesandtvshowthings · 1 year ago
Alya is literally the fandom.
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2dlovley · 3 months ago
asking my father if for 'El olimpo& and Los dioses mas locos' book, wish me luck.✌️
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la-grenouilles-posts · 6 months ago
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Dh’eyoeodgnwg’stjdt’stn I fell of my chair, he is sooooo fucking handsome!!!!!
+ bonus
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tardis-stowaway · 4 days ago
Did you mean to reblog the Atlantic article like 15 times
NOPE. :(
So sorry for everyone who had to scroll past my big accidental spam. The tumblr app seemed to be frozen on the reblog screen, so nothing appeared to be happening when I hit post and it also wouldn’t let me just go back to my dash. When I closed and reopened the app, it turned out that every one of my increasingly frustrated attempts to reblog had in fact gone through.
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devils-reign · 11 months ago
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glitterfartsprinkle · 1 year ago
uh oh... he got the munchies
GORE !!!!!!!!!!!! beware
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boar eating some random elsen !!! get ur slob my gnomes
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4dr14nn · 6 months ago
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lemon-wedges · 9 months ago
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vspin · 29 days ago
watch me change my mind on the ending >.<
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boyfeminism · 10 months ago
this job is so stressful to me like. im doing okay im doing better than i started but ive basically been put into a pseudo management position with very little real responsibility other than "fix it" and "advocate for it" and even less power to make it happen but like. i Hate management and i have a hard time sticking up for myself and keeping a cool head when doing so, which means when someone who i Know doesnt do his job is giving me bullshit numbers its hard to know where to give ground and where to be firm. and this kitchen is a disaster but like other baking jobs have Such a high standard that like. would i even manage a job where the kitchen Wasn't a total sinking ship? ive got less than a year of baking experience, mostly in bread, and everyone wants pastry. a chef from corporate asked me if id been to culinary school and it was both flattering and made me feel like kind of a fraud. a sous chef (who i really liked but her last day is tomorrow) asked the same and when i said no elaborated that i carry myself and have the attitude of someone who did (in a good way) which was Also flattering but like. she sent me a pastry position she found online that wanted someone who knew how to do laminated pastry and it just. i feel so small!!! this is something i like a lot and the new head chef of the baking department says he can tell i have talent and im eager to learn and he knows i can do this and that im doing a good job so far but its genuinely so stressful i think about work constantly ive never worked a job where ive had this much expectation put on me.
plus its so insulting when they tell me my product "doesnt look good" bc theyre 1) premade frozen bullshit and 2) packaged poorly bc we have no other options. fuck off dude you come and make these shitty turnovers, asshole. i know how to tell when a cookie is done. fuck off. like i am the First to tell you when something ive made is not up to my standard, not in a self depricating way but in a constant effort to do better. i Know when the cookies are too dark. I know when the turnovers didnt get egg washed. i know when the batter was overmixed. i know when something is Off but i dont know the cause and know when to ask someone who should know more than me. i dont need you to tell me when something is off, Especially when like. it isnt lmao
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jellykyunnie · 2 months ago
Who wrote ch4 of poppy playtime? I need to strangle you I'm sobbing
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angelcheugy · 7 months ago
You made me feel alive.
You still do.
Please fix yourself and never leave again.
For me.
For us.
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joffyworld · 3 months ago
casts a spell
oh uh
oh god??
what did that do im scared :3
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goldentangerines · 3 months ago
i'm so fucking excited for the witcher 4 it's unreal and soo stupid because the cinematic trailer just dropped yesterday which means this game will take anywhere between 3 to 10 years in development (my prognosis since cyberpunk 2077 took almost 9 years from announcement to release and they'll use unreal engine 5 so that might delay it for quite a bit) so where am i supposed to go with my excitement in the meanwhile. by the time this drops i might actually have my phd finished the fuck
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