#afo is actually a loser (affectionate)
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mishy-mashy · 10 months ago
Obviously, I can't ignore the funny pics of AFO either
AFO getting insulted for the first time on the web be like:
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He looks like his fingers would be flying across a keyboard if he were on the internet.
AFO went and made himself into a troll face, man.
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AFO's that arm being pummeled into the ground.
[All Might Doesn't Know How to Fucking Hold Back Against Kids: Case 47]
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Feat. Accidentally twink-ifying AFO to the point he's become a twig
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NEWS: AFO fails again, "Desperately trying to play it cool", All Might says, for at least the 3rd time in this fight
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AFO tried being so cool with the "Shigaraki—my other self" and failed instantly. Livestreamed all over the world. Ugggghhh. The embarrassmenttt
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Proceeds to split his face to smile, saying "I'll have to do the legwork myself".
As if to them, he didn't just go "Watch me do this. Come now, my other self. ........ I'll have to do it myself."
"Look how cool I am" *fails* "I CAN DO IT PROPERLY I MEAN IT"
He flip-flopped so hard here that if it were me, I'd give All Might the finishing blow to end me of my embarrassment. The world saw it. My life is over
AFO's ego is just so big and he's trying so hard to play it cool and keep his pride in his fight.
As if he hasn't been running around half-naked in a cape this whole time
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bugs1nmybrain · 1 year ago
Stoner Shigaraki Headcanons 🍃
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Warnings: drug use (weed), shigaraki being a loser, some x reader inclusions (fem-reader), NSFW
18+ Minors Don't Interact
Shigaraki started smoking at 16. How he got his hands on it is a question neither AFO or Kurogiri could answer tbh. All they know is one night they smelt a WRETCHED shunky odor coming from his room and the sounds of coughing
When he first started he was actually bad at inhaling, a lot. He'd cough so hard and sometimes to the point that he'd straight up puke. And then he'd go take another hit with the puke still sitting on the floor
Shigaraki's appetite varies when stoned but usually he gets munchies for junk food or bland food like wheat thins lmao
He gets sleepy when he's high and the only thing keeping him awake are his games and his babygirl
Sad Story: AFO loves feeding into Shiggy's anger right? So one day he took his weed when he wasn't there and Tomura came back fucking MAD. He kicked a dent in the wall because he couldn't find his weed. Somehow it was some test of willpower from AFO. He got his weed back tho cuz it got conveniently placed back in it's proper spot a day later and Tomura thought he was going crazy
He's so funny when he's stoned because Tomura can either be pretty chill or clearly zoinked. When he's high af you can tell cuz his eyes are red af and he shakes a bit. He also doesn't make sense when he talks and will start talking about shit that's completely off topic
Hornyyy. Gets horny when he's stoned but sometimes he's too couchlocked to touch himself
Loves pens so much
He's more of an indica girlie because it helps him with his rage. He'll smoke anything tho
You best believe the League has smoke sessions
Goes through periods where he'll be high all the time and then other times he'll be sober or on another substance for a bit. Usually, he swings around his substance use with his manic episodes (I do headcanon Tomura as bipolar and you can't stop me)
Has tried smoking resin
If you can get him to laugh when he's stoned he won't stop for a while
All you'll hear for the next 2 minutes is a nasty uncontrolled cackle
Had burnt holes in his mattress with joints he smoked when he lived at AFO's
Kurogiri tries to get him to ease up but he never wins
He let's it happen cuz stoned Shiggy is easier to manage than drunk Shiggy
I will make drunk Shiggy headcanons eventually
Will get very affectionate when he's stoned, don't you mistake it. So many kisses and he will not let you go. You'll probably get stuffed
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strawberry-sundaze · 5 years ago
I saw the matchup thing and what to give it a try!! I have light brown/blondish color hair; I’m 5’2, I’m not a big fan of crowds (it kicks up my anxiety really bad) and can get very Impatient at times; i love to sketch a lot or play video games to past the time; plus when meeting new people I overthink and feel like they are judging me (I don’t know how the matchup thing works, so have at it!!)
Hi!!!! Okay this is super exciting because I HIGH KEY stalk your blog 🙊 all the time... and I live off of all the Shiggy things you reblog/post. I’m a shameless Tomura worshiper simp, smh. I’m trying not to be biased because I know you really like Shigaraki, so I got a second opinion from someone unfamiliar with your blog (thanks @endeavwh0re) and they agreed. It’s canon. You’re stuck with Shiggy now <3
**Honestly, this is a bit of a strange combo, yes, but I picked people I think you’d be compatible with for reasons listed below. Here we go!
Starting with the (aged up!) UA Student we have...
Fumikage Tokoyami!
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Chivalrous, daunting, and understanding, Tokoyami is a book waiting to be opened and read. Not many people are close to him or know him well, but he has proved himself time and time again to be one of the most unique people you’ll ever meet.
Much to your delight, Tokoyami is a homebody. He won’t try to drag you all around town or take you to big events; he hates crowds too. He would prefer to spend his days at home (with you). He would LOVE to play video games with you, watch you sketch, and he may even draw something for you, too. He’s not even a sore loser! “You won fair and square. Nicely done!” This is random, but I think Tokoyami might sketch really edgy pictures that seem to burn holes into a notebook, or spend his time working on an intricate scenery painting. It’s hard to say which, but he seems like he’d be artistic. That being said, he would have an eye for art and admire anything you created. No matter if it was something simple or something elaborate, Tokoyami would be your number one fan. He DOES have mad guitar skills, so there’s another fun thing to do at home.
Fumikage is one of the least judgmental people at UA, maybe even in all of Musutafu. While you may not be able to tell what he is thinking based on his facial expressions, his open, calm presence would help you feel at ease and less worried about whether or not he dislikes you. Spoiler alert though: he would really, really like you. Affectionate in subtle ways, this boy would keep you on your toes and wanting more (but never too much; he doesn’t want to worry you any because he’s considerate™️ like that).
The best part about Tokoyami is that he would not keep you waiting. He likes to be early when he is supposed to be somewhere, and he likes to plan ahead (he’ll order food to be ready at a specific time so you don’t have to wait). He’s patient when you’re impatient, although he knows and tries his best to keep you out of situations where you’d have to wait. He’d treat you like royalty, that’s just how it be. No waiting for his s/o, nope.
Alright! A pro hero for youuuu!
Your pro hero is match is...
Taishiro Toyomitsu! (Fatgum)
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He is SO damn lovable. Wow. What a guy. Where do I even start? Taishiro is a bit more outgoing than your first match, but that’s okay! Here’s why he’s such a good match for you:
He may be a hero and therefore constantly in the spotlight, but Taishiro would want to keep those he loves safe. The best way to do that is most likely by not exposing you to public events (though he’d love to show you off if he could) and keeping his circle of people who know about you tight. He constantly worries about your safety and health. Would always, always check up on you, making sure that you have everything you need and more; Sugar Daddy™️
You like to play games? So does he!!! Well... he’s no pro gamer or anything, but he’ll put forth his best effort. He’s SO down and enthusiastic about your interests. Sketching?? How amazing!! He’d love it. High key would put all your art on the wall or frame anything you drew for him, even if it was something childish and silly, like a cartoon dick.
Please, don’t ever worry or feel anxious as long as he’s there. He is honest and at times a bit blunt, but never would he ever be judgemental. He is used to being judged; why would he do that to somebody else? Actual king. The sweetest. He is also very patient. Would NOT make you wait or hold you up, and would throw hands with anyone that gives you a hard time. He cares too much about your feelings. He would also be so generous- physically, verbally, emotionally, ask and you shall receive. Cuddles with Taishiro would be heavenly. He would shower you with kisses, hold your hands, just... wow. ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・
This is it... this is the moment I mentioned several hours ago ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Your villain matchup is none other than the infamous
Tomura Shigaraki!!
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oh, you lucky, LUCKY tumblr user. SKSKSKS
The villain king himself would choose you. Maybe it’s because of how much of himself he sees in you (that just means you have things in common... calm down, Tomura), or maybe it’s because he tolerates you more than most people. Either way... buckle up, buttercup.
Tomura is not one that trusts easily. In fact, you would have to break through a figurative wall that’s *almost* as thick as the prison ones holding in AFO. But once you’re in... you’re stuck. There’s no escaping Shigaraki’s grasp. He will hold on tight and expect you to do the same.
Now, why on earth do I think you might actually be GOOD for this man? First of all, as I mentioned earlier, he could relate to you. He hates everything, but he really despises crowds and lots of unnecessary people. The fact that you feel the same way makes him kind of comfortable with you. You also are a bit shorter than he is, so he’d probably enjoy standing next to you. What? It makes him feel powerful. It’s totally not like he thinks it’s cute. Nah.
Y-you like... video games? That’s like, his only legitimate hobby aside from plotting to topple hero society. If you’re any good at video games, he’d want to play together. If you aren’t, Tomura would try to avoid playing the super intense competitive games with you to lessen the hostility he’d feel towards you if he lost. Sorry, he’s a sore loser. Good luck with that one. He would enjoy playing less intense video games, too. Minecraft? He’s down. Animal crossing? Sure. Honestly I could see the whole LoV playing something like Jackbox Games on Shigaraki’s Xbox and having a hella fun time.
You both are impatient. While it would irritate most others, you two have a special way of subtly (or not so subtly depending on the situation) expressing your annoyance *together*. It may even help lighten the mood.
Shig: “I never should’ve asked that bozo to run an errand for me. Next time, I’ll do it myself. He’s taking far too long.”
Y/n: “Yeah. I’ve been sitting here starving while he’s probably trying to schmooze one of the waitresses. Dabi can suck a lemon.”
Shig: “...huh?” Confused Tomura is slightly less irritated. Good job :)
Show 👏 this 👏 man 👏 some 👏 love. Please. He honestly needs it. Shigaraki would never say it, but he would probably love some affection. Just a little. Kiss his face and touch his hair; give him a hug or two million. He’d be really careful when it came to his hands, but after he gets all buff™️ and has wardrobe upgrade, he doesn’t have to worry about it as much. After that, you can expect him to grab you more and touch you more in general, and his hugs would feel so full. If you continue to follow his lead as his trusted companion, then maybe someday, he’d trust you enough to rule by his side.
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bugs1nmybrain · 3 months ago
Honestly I've been so busy that headcanons are probably gonna be easier than fics for a while.
Fem Shigaraki x Reader Headcanons Pt. 2!!
Warnings: fem reader in mind, cisnormative genderswap, wlw/lesbian themes, shiggy is super bpd coded, some headcanons aren't relationship related, NSFW 18+ (Minors don't interact)
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Shes giving me Catra vibes tbh
I full heartedly think she's a female gooner. Like she's at it everyday, at least once. Even during shark week 🩸. She might even stand the chance at outgooning most guys.
I think she could be prone to hypersexuality too. So just episodes of time where she wants you so bad that she get sore ovaries!!
It's like she's going through heat or something. Ovulation for Shiggy is wild.
But if it's you who's horny, she's so funny
She's always got some smart ass thing to say
"Ovulating all by yourself, sweetums?" 😈
She is a tiddie girl for sure. Hand them over!!! (..but be careful. It's Shiggy after all).
Her physique feels boney yet tough at the same time. She's a very strong girl, literally and figuratively. She will impress you!!!
She's a cuddle bug but won't admit it and seldom is the one to ask for snuggles. But when you do, she's instantly saying yes and so excited for you to hold her. She enjoys your warmth so much. You are her home.
She is honestly giving me juggalette vibes all around
Red flag gal for sure. But with patience, she has the potential to be pretty caring actually
She's not great with communicating. She can be very brash at times. She's not always good at communicating her needs either. So she may get upset over things you had no idea about every now and then. Often it's just because she's afraid of pushing you away by being vulnerable, she also sees it as weakness, and in turn she sabotages shit and may push you away anyways.
She loves dates!! And loves the small things. Even if you just listen to her ramble about games she loves, make her a sandwich, or tell her how pretty she is and mean it, she's going to melt eventually.
Acts of service are definitely a strong love language for her
If you take her shopping, you'll discover that she's much more of a fashionista than you would assume. She often wears scrubby clothes, but she does enjoy looking nice sometimes. Makes her feel attractive and powerful. She'll drag you to hot topic or somewhere edgy looking. Definitely encourages you to look nice too, she likes eye candy.
She's a very funny girl. Always has a witty comment to say and punchlines in her ammo.
"Kill all men? When?"
She's terrified of rejection. But like I said before, she'll sabatoge relationships to protect herself. She's afraid you'll do it first and she knows she can't handle being the recipient.
Very sensitive to criticism, but this gets better with time. She'll start to see it as ways to improve rather than taking it personally. But she'll likely still take it personally at times.
She often has tangles in her hair. AFO didn't teach her much about grooming. Doesn't really know how to style it either, so she just tosses it up into a messy bun when necessary.
I have an idea that she would've started her period young. About 8 to 10 years old range. Girls who grow up in severely traumatic environments often develop faster. Sometimes it's opposite, but I even noticed canon Tomura started looking and sounding older quickly after he was taken in by AFO.
This is obvious but she loves playing games with you!! Animal Crossing and Minecraft are her faves if she's playing with you. She enjoys cutesy things more than she'll ever admit. AFO raised her to be tough but she's still a sweet girl at heart.
But, she's a meanie. She'll bully you affectionately often, but not because she means it. Just terms like "loser" or "cringe" in a humorous way. In Tomura's language, it means she thinks you're amazing.
She's just a sassy gal.
She paranoid by nature and has intrusive thoughts about being victimized. Hypervigilent af, and this happens both at home and in public. It's a trauma response though. Being a woman comes with inherent themes of feeling overpowered by male society, so she's always on alert and thinks many people are out to get her when she has no proof.
Plz give her vitamins and take her outside!!! This girl is definitely anemic af and very vitamin deficient. She'll complain and groan and moan but once you get her outside she'll start to admire how nature or the city looks. She's adorable in moments like that because it's likely one of the only times she seems peaceful.
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