#like i now have 3 albums and an EP for 1 fic
daydadahlias · 1 month
How’s the groupie fic doing bestie? So so excited to read hihi
hi bestie <3
if you actually want the insider writing tea lol, me and ashley realized the other day that the timeline we had for groupie made nooo sense so I've spent the last couple days reorganizing and editing what I have and writing a new album for the fake band <3 so that's been buckets of fun for me <3 but I've just about finished editing all I have so far and am also at work on Ch. 6. The fic is around 80k rn... might be a little bit above that. I'm still planning for an August posting date rn (most likely towards the end of the month now) and i am REALLY excited to share this one. i hope u like it :(
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hozier-is-my-wife · 3 months
Take Me To Church
A yap session, straight from my silly little brain <3
cw: mentions of sexuality and religion, but nothing too bad really lol
word count: 1.1k
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Here's the song to get you in the mood to read this yap paragraph. Warning, it is extremely long but I think it's pretty well thought out. If you have anything to add after reading it, let me know!
Also, I'm just making this/posting this as a little something to keep you entertained while I try to get the first chapter of that hozier x reader fic out. And just as a small disclaimer, some of the things may be slightly incorrect, but I tried to fact check everything. If I'm wrong about something, let me know and i will correct it <3
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Okay, so HOW did take me to church get popular in 2014 of all times? Another question is why did christians latched onto this song so HARD, despite it definitely not being a christian song? It topped charts and is even certified multi-times platinum. That is EXTREMELY impressive. But anyways, I've been thinking about this a LOT and it actually is kind of shocking. How the lyrics are written, the meaning of the song, and just the overall sound of the song are so different from all of the other chart-topping songs of that time. So how did this happen??
So to make this easier on myself and any possible readers, I'm separating this little yap paragraph into different sections. I'm also going to abbreviate Take Me to Church as TMTC to make it easier to type.
Here are the sections I am separating this into (I'll make sure to put headings so you can skip to certain places if you'd like):
Overview (just basic info)
It's popularity
The music video
The meaning of the song
The lyrics (which i will separate from the meaning)
His competition at the time/the state of music at the time in general
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Overview on TMTC
TMTC was released on September 13, 2013 and it was Hozier's debut single. It's also the opening track on his debut album, Hozier. It was first released in an EP with Like Real People Do, Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene, and Cherry Wine. The music video was then released on September 25, 2013. Still, the song didn't become widely popular until summer/fall of 2014.
TMTC's popularity
I'm putting all of its achievements (I guess achievements is a decent word for it) into bullet points to make it easier
Topped at #2 on US billboards charts, making Hozier one of the only irish singer/songwriters to top US charts
Topped at #1 in several countries (including Austria, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic 2x, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, and on some US charts)
Still appears on some charts now, nearly 10 years after its released
One of the most listened to songs of 2014 on Spotify charts
Certified multi-platinum in multiple countries
Was nominated for a "song of the year" grammy in 2015
Music Video
So the music video was actually pretty controversial for its time. It features a gay couple, which still wasn't widely accepted in 2013. Technically, gay marriage wasn't even legal in several countries at this time. So even though this is a small point, this really adds to the "how did this get popular?" question and even more to the "why did christians latch onto this song so much?" question.
The Meaning of TMTC
TMTC has several meanings. The main two meanings are sex/sexuality and violence from the church and several countries, especially against LGBTQ+ people. Hozier himself said, "It’s about sex and it’s about humanity, and obviously sex and humanity are incredibly tied. Sexuality, and sexual orientation, regardless of orientation, is just natural. The song is about asserting yourself and reclaiming your humanity through an act of love." It's also talking about how certain institutions, such as the church, force you to be ashamed of things such as sexuality.
The music video further pushes its meaning by featuring a gay couple who gets attacked after being caught together. Hozier openly talks about politics in his music, so having such a political song is completely expected from him. It was meant to make a change and it was meant to bring awareness to the hatred from several groups of people.
Now, the political aspect isn't the only meaning behind this song. It's also about love and devotion, comparing their lover to religion. In true Hozier fashion, it's about worshipping your lover in a similar way to how you would worship a religion.
I could go into more detail about each lyrics (like quite literally break down every line) but that would take absolutely forever, so this is like an overall summary. And that leads us to our next section:
The Lyrics
The lyrics to TMTC are insanely meaningful and written in a way that's comparable to poetry. The way that Hozier writes is always in a poetic way, so TMTC's lyric style is no surprise, but what IS a surprise is how people took the lyrics. Compared to popular songs of that time, not only was the overall meaning different, just the writing style was different.
Think of "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift or "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor. When you take those lyrics and compare them to lyrics such as "If I'm a pagan of the good times, my lover's the sunlight/To keep the goddess on my side, she demands a sacrifice" or "No masters or kings when the ritual begins/There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin/In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene/Only then, I am human, only then, I am clean."
Those lyrics are quite different, right? Like I mentioned, not only are the meanings different, but the overall style was so different as well.
His Competition and the State of Music in General
Imagine this...
It's 2014. You're riding around in the car and you turn on the radio. Dark Horse (Katy Perry), Happy (Pharrell Williams) , Timber (Pitbull Ft. Kesha), and Boom Clap (Charli XCX) are just a few of the songs playing on repeat. But then, Take Me to Church comes on. What a mood change, right?
That's because it was a huge change from most of the other music on the radio and on main charts. The music wasn't political and it was much more upbeat and "poppy." TMTC even sounds different, with its dark sounding piano and occasional deep sounding guitar. Even his vocals had a different sound.
So now that we've gotten through all of my points (unless I randomly decide to add more, which usually quite possible), why did TMTC get popular? With its controversial music video, political message, and different sound, how did this happen? I mean, even Hozier himself said he never expected TMTC of all songs to get popular.
Truthfully, a huge part of it going viral and becoming so popular is because of the music video. Once it blew it up, the song blew up, but I suspect there's a deeper meaning to its popularity. What's that you may ask?
Well, I suspect that people needed that change. People craved music that had that deep meaning and they craved change. At this point, politics weren't a huge part of mainstream music, even though art is inherently political. Music at this time had developed into a more fun, "everything is great!" vibe. Although this music is great, it needs to be balanced out. I mean, if everything was political, people would crave fun. It's just a matter of people needing that balance and TMTC is what gave that to them at that point. It was meaningful and had a different sound, which was what ultimately led to its popularity.
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thank you so much for sticking around and reading this entire thing, it means a lot to me. i love being able to have somewhere that i can yap about my interests (mainly hozier) and actually have people care. this may be a little messy, considering i wrote it at like 3 AM, so just ignore any typos or grammar mistakes. but anyways, that's all! thank you again for reading <3
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lordstormageddidnt · 9 months
Alfie's End of Year Rec List 2024
Out of 447,090 words and 141 total fics, this year I wrote a whole 224k and 78 fics, which is a lot more than last year. I wrote for 10 different ships this year, including 3 new ones. Yay for progress, I guess.
Anyway, to celebrate a rather productive year here at the_oncoming_stormageddon's AO3 dashboard, I've decided to compile a list of all of my favorite fics that I would reccommend :D number three will shock you!
In a shocking turn of events, I lied, sorry. This is about my graphs. It's always about my graphs. All graphs are up to date as of 12/21/2023, and there isn't even a missing word somewhere that has to be accounted for!
(Did I type all of this up, realize I had another fic to post, and then have to go back in and fix everything? ...perhaps)
Anyway. Let's start with Taylor Swift.
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As always, "Other" corresponds to fics with titles from other artists, "Non-Album" refers to titles from Taylor Swift songs that aren't on an album or are unreleased, and "None" refers to titles that weren't from any lyrics. Orville Peck and Maisie Peter were the big contributors to the "other" category this year. The second graph shows the percent of the number of fics, while the first graph is the combined word count. Also, I did have 1 fic with an If This Was a Movie title, and I categorized it under "Speak Now TV" instead of Fearless TV. Yell at me about it in the comments if you really care, since it's technically incorrect.
Last year, I had a big Fearless slice because of the Hey Stephen series, and it was kind of surprising to me to see how much I slowed down in doing those, with Fearless only having 4 fics to its name. The disparity between the number and word count of the evermore was a little odd to me, until I realized that my longest fic ever (Tuesday Night at Olive Garden, a destiel murder mystery) was named after an evermore song. One thing that did not surprise me was folklore only having 1 fic, because that is my least favorite album.
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So...the destiel thing...
The SPN hyperfixation took hold of me in Feb/March of this year and has not let go yet. Looking at my all-time graphs (where its about 33%/40% destiel/solangelo for word count), I didn't think it was that bad, but plugging in the numbers for just this year...uh, yeah. It's that bad. Sorry.
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I had a really strong streak of posting solangelo every month until March hit. Again, destiel hyperfixation in visual form. This year, I wrote lokius (L/MMM, from the show Loki) and sterek (DH/SS, from the show Teen Wolf) for the first time. I also posted destiel (C/DW) for the first time (the bad destiel fics of middle school alfie are staying in locked docs where they belong).
As expected, I had a bit of a drop-off in the summer months, but it was surprising for me to see that it never went back up after school started again. Last year, I had a huge spike in September, October, and December, but this year stayed relatively mellow. Next year, I'd really like to see which trend I follow monthly.
Anyway, that's the end of the graphs I have prepared for you (I will spare yall from the more complicated ones). Next year, I'd really like to start finishing up some of the unresolved fics and series I have (mostly solangelo ones that got drowned in the destiel flood). I'm doing my first ever big bang (for the Professor Layton fandom), so katriana (KL/EP) will make it onto my graphs for next year, as will destiel and solangelo.
Thanks for reading & I hope you enjoyed :D congrats on making it to 2024!
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thealterscrolls · 1 year
summer reading/writing/arting tag
tysm for the tag @wispstalk !! <3
1) describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer - my brain is always juggling creative ideas and projects which is a constant struggle, but the main one i plan to work on is my oblivion fic, working title Raining Stars. it's my slightly alternate take on the main quest, following the relationship of my hero of kvatch, ambrosius rex, and martin. ambrosius is part of a DID system so i'm looking forward to exploring stuff like memory and dissociation and surviving trauma. i'm going to post some more about ambrosius at some point soon because i really do not post enough about my OCs or stories here lol
2) recommend a book - the funny thing about this is that i honestly havent finished any actual books in years. but i just got myself a library card and finished a book yesterday! so my rec is Cannibalism by Bill Schutt. fascinating read and hilarious at times. he mostly discusses examples of it in nature and debunks some myths regarding historical cases, among other briefer topics. much respect for him choosing to not write about recent criminal cases out of respect for the victims' families and not wanting to add to the long list of sensationalized media out there already
3) recommend a fic! -
for TES: i don't do as much fic reading in general as i used to but im enjoying keeping up with wispstalk's nature of fire, but you'll definitely wanna read the fic that it's a sequel to first, of course. definitely my favorite TES series atm!
for MK: haven't read anything lately but i know my homies tiptapricot and pokimoko are putting out some good stuff still so their profiles are worth checking out! they both write for other fandoms so you might find other works that strike your fancy as well!
4) recommend music! - some metal penis music for all your experimental avant-garde metal needs! now you can experience fix it felix screaming at you about criticizing consumerism and eating cops and mental illness over chaotic instrumentals! liars and therapy are the standout tracks from this ep, and if that tickles the taint of your mind, rest assured that you can enjoy their whole discography in one sitting if you want because they just have this ep, an album, and a handful of singles!
5) share one piece of advice! - If you want to live to a ripe old age, buy a weapon and as much armor as you can wear and still run from trouble. Buy a spell or two. And practice your skills. Don't practice on citizens. We call that foul murder, and we don't like it. But you can kill smugglers and bandits and other outlaws all you like. Outlaws have no rights. Plenty of adventurers make a living from killing and looting outlaws. That smuggler scum down in Addamasartus, for instance. The cave down near the silt strider platform.
tagging @tiptapricot, @pokimoko, @cheeseandstrawberrytartlover, @theoutli3r, @raechology, @fdelopera, and anyone else who sees this n wants to consider it a tag can do so because memory bad and im bound to forget some people </3 have fun!
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thistle-and-thorn · 3 years
2, 7, 12 <3
Oh thanks! 🥺
2. Highlight of Your Year
Ummmm….probably my birthday weekend? That was a really good time. Or the Fourth of July? I was with my friends and family and, like, it was almost normal lol.
7. Top Three Albums
This is hard because I feel like I listen to too many thing or just one (1) artist for like eight months of the year. I really enjoyed Olivia Dean’s EP and Brooke Fraser’s Flags album that you rec’d!! I also loved Olivia Rodrigo’s album and Sir Woman’s album (which did that come out in 2020, I have no concept of time lol) and Adele’s album was really good, too. This was also the year of Wasteland, Baby! For some reason, I decided 2021 was going to be the year that I listened to Wasteland, Baby! every single day for like nine months. Literally. I finally took it out of my car CD player and it’s been three weeks and I already want it back.
12. Goals for the new year
I have a lot this year. Like a lot. I tend to set my professional goals in June and my personal ones in January. I haven’t done these properly yet with objectives and the whole nine yards but here’s the gist of the list:
1. I want to start making plans again? COVID made me very inert in many ways and I want to be more…I don’t know…adventurous again? Trying to keep going with my life and my goals? I put a lot of stuff on hold and I want to move forward with intention again. This includes lots of areas: financial, professional, personal.
2. The forever goal of trying to be better at being a thoughtful friend and keeping in touch with people. I made some progress this year but I could always be better especially in maintaining friendships I have back in my home city and my friends who live all over the country.
3. My other forever goal of continuing to work on my shyness. I used to be pretty good at masking it and pushing forward to join things and meet people but it’s a thing that COVID allowed me to indulge. And now I live in a brand-new area and need to Make Friends and Social Connections and so I’m trying to re-learn how to not be so nervous/apathetic about meeting new people.
4. I’m doing some (safe, masked, boosted) traveling this year for work and for pleasure that I’m excited about!
5. I have a big volunteer project I just signed on for. It will be a major time commitment and is very important work, I think, so I want that to go well.
6. I just agreed to join my friend’s start-up, very part-time, so I hope that goes well, too!
7. I want to get serious about some of my personal artistic projects and I want to submit at least one (1) short story for publication. I don’t even care if it gets published, I just want to submit one.
8. Latin classes. It’s time to start thinking about graduate school, folks.
9. I have some fanfic goals this year, too! I recently listed out all my WIPs or ideas that won’t leave me alone and, um, there’s 14 of them. So I want to make some progress in those stories—like finish our praise, my cupid and psyche series, our magnum opus the Louvre fic XD XD, etc.
10. I set this goal last year to read 24 books and I’m going to do it again this year. This is a manageable goal for me because I am a Slow Reader and a Depressed Person. This year, I’ve surpassed that number but that baseline goal of reading two books a month made reading for pleasure again feel achievable even in unstable moments?
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clarawatson · 3 years
A deep dive into Quiet Birds titles!
Complete with links and things no one asked for, but I'm back on the Quiet Birds AU train and this is where it's going to take us today.
Part One: Of Quiet Birds in Circled Flight
While this title would have been PERFECT for a Jason Gideon reader insert, it was always destined for this fic. As a line from the grief poem by Mary Elizabeth Frye ‘do not stand at my grave and weep’ I was obsessed when I first read it when I was like 14. While it’s pretty clear that the poem is for grieving, the idea of someone faking their death and having it read at their funeral stuck with me. Granted, I was probably obsessed with Sherlock at the time, but it stuck with me. When I was watching Criminal Minds and saw the gap in which I could shove my own agenda into the show, following that little brain fart I had half a decade ago seemed like the smartest way to go.
Also, to be completely honest, I dedicate three years of my visual arts classes to depicting that poem in various visual ways so I probably knew the poem a bit more inside out than others, so like… yes, I was surprised when people were surprised my plot twist lol.
Part Two: Making Secrets We Can’t Keep
Originally when I planned this long haul of part two Aaron and the reader don’t tell anyone about their relationship until after Haley’s funeral (didn’t that change lol). It’s based on the song King Size Bed by Caylee Hammack because the first time I heard it on her album I knew immediately that it would be an interesting plot. Alas, I went down a weird unplotted CIA road and it is not my favourite part of my series. But the sentiment from the song still stands–they’re waiting for things to blow up because of how much they’re hiding from people.
Part Three: Burn the Shoes & Boil the Rice.
I’m going to hell, I’m about to literally give you a Glee song. Okay, okay, so at the time of writing I was watching Glee for the first time and this song was one of the ones I didn’t skip. But Getting Married Today (specifically the Glee version, sorry) made me think about how I’d put off writing the wedding so much and how Mom would be so hesitant to get married, especially after Haley’s death. So there’s that, and I’m sorry.
Part Four: The Gentle Autumn Rain
Returning to my roots of Mary Elizabeth Frye’s poem, I took a different approach and thought I’d do a story about the little girl who Aarona and Mom are determined is dead being alive and living the town over, but who she is now is vastly different from the memory of the 3 / 4 year old they knew. Alas, it was too much for my mental health which then lands us with–
Part Five: Those Little Doves Had Sent My Mind and Heart A-Beatin’
This line is from the absolute bop–Seen It All by Jake Bugg. And while I will not go into detail about ~why~ because ~spoilers~ but lets just say it works very well for this parts plot, specifically for the Valhalla Arc. But, I won’t lie to you, I only know this song because I watched the Alex Rider TV series and [before you open this link: LOUD NOISES, torture, and spoilers for ep 1 or 2 of Alex Rider] this scene gave me big brain moments for Valhalla and Mom’s little secret life between Felix’s “death” and her joining the BAU.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
just finished writing this and realized how long it got oh jeez i am so sorry. i promise it is just me rambling about nothing and does not require a lot of thought.
i made a playlist of r5's entire discography and am listening to it (in order) because there is something wrong with me. if only it had their very first ever ep on it (ready set rock ep you may have been slight garbage but i don't love you any less for it). oh god i realized i fucked up and didn't add the songs by "ross lynch and r5" from the austin & ally soundtrack. i'm already three songs into louder and they would have been between louder and say you'll stay. what do i have to do is actually one of r5's best songs and i'm pretty sure i remember ross calling it one of his favs fairly recently?? which was so valid of him. anyways. this is now an r5 song ranking. i'm bored and avoiding doing assignments. i'm going to name my top 10 r5 songs off the top of my head. source: me trying to remember every song they've ever released.
no. 1: easy love. nothing comes close. my fav song they ever made. they haven't made anything that even compares since (this is /hj. tde has some valid songs).
no. 2: wishing i was 23. what do you mean i only love this song because of my nostalgia bias no i don't.
no. 3: what do i have to do? i will not elaborate i do not know why i adore this song as much as i do it's just a cute song.
no. 4: repeating days. THE END. THE FUCKING END AFTER THE SONG ENDS THE "all i've got is cheap wine" PART ross sounds so vulnerable and him with just the guitar makes me so :(((((( it's so gorgeous that part makes the whole song and that makes it top 3 for me.
no. 5: i want u bad. THAT SONG FUCKS LIVE. I DO NOT WANT TO THINK ABOUT THE FACT THAT I WILL PROBABLY NEVER SEE IT LIVE AGAIN. (speaking of concerts i can't believe you bought concert tix and fucking forgot??? that is actually so fucking funny bella it made me laugh i will not lie)
no. 6: dark side. so so valid of them. it just fucks. it's so good. it makes u want to dance. u named a fic after a lyric from it which was so valid.
no. 7: did you have your fun? i love this song. no i will not elaborate. it is a sexy song. what's that one lyric from it that's hot. "love me, leave me, left me numb" some lyrics you love for no particular reason and for me that's one of those lyrics.
no. 8: f.e.e.l.g.o.o.d. this has alwayysss been one of my favs by them. since it dropped. some lore about it: the like crowd yelling that's in it they recorded live at a festival they played and i remember there being hype about this being an unreleased song when they had the crowd chanting "f-e-e-l-g-o-o-d" with no explanation. also another fun fact is that the final version of this is just a demo?? source: my slightly faulty memory remembering ross saying something about some demos being so good that you keep them as they are and it later being revealed this was the song he was talking about.
no. 9: i know you got away. sexy song. they released a vocals only version of it (that has apparently since been deleted?? i went to look for it on youtube and couldn't find it?? wtf r5) that has stuck with me ever since.
no. 10: loud. but more specifically the acoustic or live version. this was their encore song that they played to end every show. i MISS IT. it holds a special place in my heart.
honorable mentions: hurts good (a good song and THEIR LAST THEY EVER RELEASED VV SAD), wild hearts (fun fact almost picked a lyric from this song as my senior quote till i found out they didn't write this song), fallin' for you (YOU LIKE MISMATCHED SOCKS WITH POLKA DOTS YOU LIKE YOUR PIZZA COLD I THINK THATS HOT i never saw this song live and i'm still fucking pissed about it ok), do it again (it's such a sweet song :(((( "listen to the airplanes as we count the stars" gives me the same vibes as six feet under the stars), things are looking up (generally just a cute song!! this whole ep is just very good and very cute!! when i saw it live one time during the bridge ross was like "everyone shut up this is my favorite part >:(" and that was so valid of him) i can't say i'm in love (it's just a fun song!! it was a bonus track on sln from another country), trading time (this is the only song from the new addictions ep that i listed and u know what i'm Not sorry)
ok. i will spare you and stop rambling. other honorable mentions: if you have never listened to cool girl (feat. the driver era) by new beat fund i highly recommend. it's an okay song but it was one of the first songs released after they rebranded as tde and includes ross saying motherfucker with his whole chest. i will never again feel what i felt the first time i heard that song having listened exclusively to them as r5 whose songs they couldn't curse in because they were on a disney label.
in conclusion. i miss r5. ross saying fuck is kinda hot. i listened to the entirety of louder while writing this. i am sorry to dump this in your askbox. i still have multiple assignments to do and should probably go to sleep at a decent time. it feels fitting to finally stop writing while easy love is on. when i was 12 and this ep came out i thought "dirtbags" was a curse word and was scared to sing it. they changed it to "douchebags" live.
that's all. goodbye. have a lovely night. listen to r5's discography for clear skin thriving crops etc etc. sorry to lovepost about them in your askbox i only have (1) former r5 mutual that i still talk to (a very interesting but long story. she's the gemini bestie) and she will only lovepost about r5 once in a while. feel free to ignore my ask calling cody bellinger hot i was a different person when i wrote it i am now a changed woman. LOVE YOU MWAH - bella but she misses r5
hi hi im going to answer this with minimal thought because im tired but i dont wanna leave this sitting in my inbox forever but for the record all your r5 opinions are valid. ok lets go
1. easy love slaps ive heard it a couple times over the last few days (it played in the car today while i was driving sam n meghna to the airport) and it does fuck i can see why it's your fave
2. i do not know this song
4. oh i do love repeating days great choice i would have to hear it a few more times to get it in my head but i remember really liking it when i listened to the album it's on
5. also a banger and i'm glad my concert tickets situation made you laugh it made me laugh too imagine being this useless gldskfjgs
7. ANOTHER FUCKING BANGER this one is probably among my favorite r5 songs maybe top 5 LOVE ME LEAVE ME LEFT ME NUMB (guitar moment) DID YOU HAVE YOUR FUUUuuuuUUUUUNNNNN i feel the same way about this lyric as you
8. oh shit thats pretty cool i dont know this song tbh i cant remember how it goes i know ive heard it once or twice but. id have to listen to it again so i will keep you posted on that
9. i do not know this one either
10. interesting choice for top ten but i support you, this song fucks and ever since you mentioned it it's been in my subconscious and randomly getting stuck in my head i think i need to listen to it to get it out. it does hit ur right
11. i don't know hurts good or wild hearts or things are looking up or i can't say i'm in love or trading time well enough to say anything about them. but i really like fallin for you it's one of those cheap fun songs but emphasis on fun, and also really like do it again one day ill write a fic based on that song
i have not listened to cool girl i put it on my to listen playlist so hopefully i remember to listen to it soon ill be honest though i dont think im prepared for ross lynch saying motherfucker w his whole chest like i think itll take me out. so. anyway. i hope you got your assignments done. thank you for the r5 lovedump feel free to drop in anytime with more
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2020 year in review
Rules: answer some questions about 2020 and tag some people!
I was tagged by @unremarkablegirl, thank you my lovely!! Always enjoy answering tag games 🤍
-> top five films watched in 2020
i didn’t exactly watch many movies this year, weirdly, and most were just on netflix, so selection is a bit limited
1. The Old Guard (the only movie I remember that wasn’t horror/documentary)
2. Mercy Black
3. The Bye Bye Man
4. The Social Dilemma
5. In The Tall Grass
-> top five shows watched in 2020
again, weirdly not many, and I didn’t finish all of them, but these are probably the top picks
1. Sense8
2. The Haunting of Bly Manor
3. Motherland: Fort Salem
4. Two Sentence Horror Stories
5. Love Death + Robots
-> top five songs/albums of 2020
there are so many songs i like that i can’t fit into here so i tried to include as many albums as i could just to get the most songs
1. Covers (vol. 1) - album by Tommee Profitt
2. Direction - album by Solence
3. Houndin - song by Layto
4. Messy Mind - album by Unlike Pluto
5. Can You Feel The Sun - EP by MISSIO
-> top five books of 2020
i read a lot of books this year but the problem now is remembering what they were called
i’m gonna cheat and put two books from 2019 in here bc my brain is refusing to work
1. The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
2. Iron Heart by Nina Varela
3. Scapegracers by Hannah Abigail Clarke
4. When We Were Magic by Sarah Gailey
5. All Eyes On Us by Kit Frick
-> top five fanfictions of 2020
i’m pretty sure fanfictions were what kept me from going insane last year, there are so many fics i could put on this list, it’s hard to choose just five, but here we go
1. doing the impossible (with you) by @snowandwolves (on ao3)
2. break me in two (so we can both dance) by @bright_lights_big_dreams (on ao3)
3. into the anomaly by @delilahscrush2003 (on ao3)
4. orion by @the100clexa237 (on ao3)
5. our stars came in a packet of two by @millipop (on ao3)
-> five good/positive things that happened to you in 2020
god, this year has been a journey, of both bad and good, but i think i like the outcome, for the most part!! so here’s a few of my favorite parts
1. I’ve been able to pursue my goal of how I want to look/present myself a lot this year. I got a third piercing at the start of 2020, I got a whole ton of new clothes and jewelry, and of course, the most recent change - getting a side shave. i feel a lot more confident in myself since i’ve started presenting how i want to
2. self-discovery. this is a pretty basic answer, i know, but i’ve started exploring gender identity, i found out i have adhd (or add, still unclear), and i’ve just had a lot of time to figure myself out. now that wasn’t all good things i figured out, but now i know what to work on!!
3. online friends!!! before- may, june??? i’d never really had any online friends, but since then i’ve started interacting and talking more to people online, whether it be through tumblr or otherwise, and i’ve met some amazing people i never would’ve met otherwise, so i’m very thankful for that!!!
4. i got the chance to work on improving my skills!! mainly drawing, i think, i’ve been working a lot more on learning how to draw humans, working on turning my art digital, figuring out the ins and outs of animating, just so much time to focus on what i want to, and i think that’s been good for me
5. marching band!! i joined the marching band at my school this year, and that was one of the best decisions i’ve ever made. i’ve met some amazing people, i’ve been able to work on a skill i both enjoy and am actually good at, and while seven-plus hour practices and twelve hour performance days leave me dead on my feet, it’s been nice to have something to put my energy into. and i’m actually being active because of it. believe it or not, i actually have muscle now lol
tagging @johnmurphyisqueer @alyssawritesss @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis @slytherinbarnes and anyone else who wants to!!! and if i tagged you don’t feel obligated to do this, it’s just for fun!! i hope you all have an amazing 2021 🤍🤍🤍
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thewritingstar · 4 years
I know I'm late but 1-25 end of year ask pls
Thats okay! Ask box is always open! so since this is about 2020, all my answers are based off of them, some have changed now but for the purpose of this, here ya go! 1. Song of the year? -Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Set it Off 2. Album of the year?- Taylor Swift's Folklore 3.Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? -Either Heathers the musical or Meg Thee Stallion 4. Movie of the year? - Over the Moon 5. TV show of the year? -Avatar the Last Airbender, Promised Neverland, New Girl, Survivor 6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? idk what ep number it was but the episode where zuko and aang go to the dragon place 7. Favorite actor of the year? -Grey Griffin, Tara Strong and Sara Paulson 8. Game of the year?- Kirby Star Allies, Super Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart 8 9. Best month for you this year?- 2020 wasn't a very good year in general esp for my mental health 10 Something that made you cry this year? I struggled with an eating disorder 11. Something you want to do again next year? Write more fanfic 12. Talk about a new friend you made this year- I've made a lot of friends this year in the ppg fandom and im thankful for all of them. 13. How was your birthday this year?- So I rarely have good birthdays and my 20th was no exception. since my birthday was in April right as cover hit, my friends made me a zoom birthday and that was really nice and I got to forget about stuff for a while 14. Favorite book you read this year?- tbh I haven't read a book in a while but a ton of fics 15. What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?- not a habit in a way but I developed physical tips 16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year- imma pass 17. Post a picture from the end of the year-imma pass but I look the same 18. A memorable meal this year?- I had this really good chocolate/ coffee cake and my god was it amazing 19. What’re you excited about for next year?- I moved! 20. What’s something you learned this year?-to be nicer to myself 21. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? I lived with my parents vs I live with my friend (we moved jan but still) 22. Favorite place you visited this year?-didn't travel except for like an hour from my house 23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?- bitch you got adhd 24. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?- I wanted to be better at eating, and now I eat 3+ meals a day :) 25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one.- not really, don't have a lot of os's besides kids in future fics that I use once
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My thoughts on the Sanders Sides Spotify playlists- Virgil Edition!
Note: this is Purely me saying whether or not I like the songs, not theorising about any deeper meanings. I’ve done them all, so just click on the names to see my reactions to the others: Patton, Roman, Logan, Janus
Impressions from looking through the playlist: I don’t specifically know most of the songs (I know more of the bands), but I feel like that’ll be a recurring theme as I tend to stick within my very specific music taste and only add songs to my playlists if I hear them while I’m out and about and like them enough to find them on Spotify, which means my horizons aren’t broadened very often. The ones I do know do not surprise me that much (neither do the bands, for that matter), as they feel very Virgil
1: ‘Sunrise, Sunset’, by Bright Eyes. I didn’t mind it at first? But the chorus was a bit too,,, shouty for me. Probably Definitely a song I’d skip if it came up on a playlist in the future, as much as I liked the tune(/melody?). Not surprised to find it on Virgil’s playlist though, it gives off Angst. Was very in my face as I tried to continue reading fics.
2: ‘Lets Kill Tonight’, by Panic! At The Disco. One that I have probably heard before, as while I myself didn’t have an emo music phase, an ex friend did. I liked it more, as I expected to as I tend to like p!atd’s songs. Not one that I’d go out of my way to listen to again, but has been added to my 32 hour long playlist on Spotify (not my slightly more curated 10 hour one tho, but I mostly play the 10 hour one while doing work or while others are around soo). Once again felt like it suited Virgil, (as I imagine all of them will, so I might just call out ones that feel Odd if any do.)
3: ‘Sally’s Song’, by Amy Lee. It might shock some of y’all, but not one I’ve really heard before! I live in Australia so Halloween’s not a massive thing and I actually don’t know that many people who’ve watched The Nightmare Before Christmas. Thomas is actually one of the main reasons I know that the movie exists. I really liked it, unsurprisingly, so it too made its way to my 32 hour playlist (not the ten hour one, but only because I try to keep mostly ‘normal’ songs on there so there’s not that many songs from movies in it)
4: ‘It Ends Tonight’, by The All-American Rejects. I recognised the band, but not the title. I think I’ve heard this before though- I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it. I wouldn’t skip it if it popped up in a playlist at some stage in the future, but I haven’t added it to either of my playlists.
5: ‘I’d Hate To Be You When Everyone Fonds Out What This Song Is About’, Mayday Parade. Very long title (ok, I know in emo song title standards it’s not even that long but as I said I didn’t really have an emo phase so these sorts of titles always shock me) that slightly confuses me (who’s you? why is what the songs about bad for them??), but I liked it! Is now on my 32 hour playlist. I suspect that at the end of listening to all of these it will be longer than 32 hours.
6: ‘A Decade Under The Influence’, Taking Back Sunday. Another one that I liked enough that I wouldn’t skip it in the future, but didn’t add to my playlist. I just didn’t vibe with it enough. Happened to line up with Roman having a Bad Feeling™ in the fic I was reading tho so that was entertaining
7: ‘Thks fr th mmrs’, by Fall Out Boy. This was the first song to invoke feelings of Nostalgia™ in me, and I’m kinda shocked it’s not already in my 32 hour playlist. That has been remedied. This song was played a fair bit in my childhood, both on the radio and by an older sister. I imagine a lotta people my age had a similar thing. Obviously one I Love. Got me to stop reading in favour of being a doofus by lip syncing and dancing around while lying in bed (and deafening my eardrums as I turned it up louder) during the chorus.
8: ‘Be Calm’, by Fun. This was the second song that I didn’t recognise either the title or the band for. I liked it, even though the initial warped carnival-esque tune thing made me think of Pennywise. Pretty much as soon as the singing started I added it to the 32 hour playlist. It might make its way to the shorter one one day, as I actually really like it. It’s just a bit odd, and as I said I try to keep that playlist to more ‘conventionally normal’ songs as it’s designed for me to be able to play around other people without getting weird looks.
9: ‘I’m Not Okay (I Promise)’, by My Chemical Romance. Let’s be real. I would’ve cried if this song wasn’t included in the playlist. You would’ve cried if this song was not included in this playlist. If all of their songs aren’t in their respective playlists I’ll be disappointed. This song being in the playlist prompted me to go back and rewatch that episode. so many jokes originate in that ep. also we only knew one name back then? and the dark sides were barely a blip on our radars??? how????? ok back to the song- not my favourite, but I wasn’t expecting it to be. Probably won’t skip it every time it comes up in the future, but it’s definitely not my cup of tea.
10: ‘Imaginary’, by Evanescence. I laughed when I realised this was next up, as rewatching the q&a reminded me that Virgil said they were his favourite band so I’d noted that I had to look out to see if any of their songs were on the playlist. I liked it enough to add it to the 32 hour playlist, but wouldn’t go out of my way to play it in the future.
11: ‘Soft Shock- Acoustic Version’, by Yeah Yeah Yeahs. When this started my first thought was ‘oh, I think I’m gonna really like this one!’ and my second was ‘I’m kinda surprised it’s on Virgils playlist, but it feels right somehow.’ (It made more sense as I listened to the lyrics, I think I was just massively caught off guard by it being acoustic). I hadn’t heard of either the song or the band before this, but my initial instinct was Correct and it has in fact.... made it onto the ten hour playlist!! Hell yeah!! I actually liked it enough to listen to the og version as well, which I still liked but slightly less. (Also I have heard some of their music before as I realised looking at the album this came from that my one of my sisters used to listen to them, which I’m not that surprised about as we have Similar tastes in music)
12: ‘The Good That Won’t Come Out’, by Rilo Kiley. I liked this enough to consider adding it to my 32 hour playlist, and the lyrics were interesting, I just didn’t vibe with it that much. 🤷‍♀️
13: ‘Sick Sad World’, by Nervus. The bands name feels very apt for Virgil. I liked the rhythm of this one, and it was also a Certified Mood tbh. Got added to the 32 hour playlist!! Also made me wanna hug Virgil.
14: ‘Ignorance’, by Paramore. I wasn’t expecting to love this, as I don’t remember really liking much of Paramore’s music in the past even though I know I must’ve heard some, but I didn’t hate it. Didn’t get added to either of my playlists, but I probably wouldn’t skip it in the future.
15: ‘The Ice Is Getting Thinner’, by Death Cab for Cutie. I was expecting to like this one, as one of my favourite youtuber’s fave songs is a death cab for cutie song and I really like it as well. I did like this one quite a bit, but it only made its way onto my 32 hour playlist.
16: ‘Overkill- Acoustic Version’, by Colin Hay. I didn’t mind this, but didn’t like it enough to put it on the 32 hour playlist. I possibly would like the original version more, but I can’t be bothered finding it especially given my first impression is just meh
17: ‘Under Pressure’, by My Chemical Romance. I didn’t love it as much as I love the original, but it did prompt me to check if I’d added the original to my two playlists. Apparently I didn’t, even though I was listening to a Lot of Queen when I was deeply entrenched in good omens.
18: ‘Everything is Alright’, Motion City Soundtrack. I liked this one! I think I might’ve heard It before, but it’s been a while. It got added to the 32 hour playlist.
19: ‘The Middle’, by Jimmy Eat World. I didn’t recognise the title b u t I did recognise the song. Obviously. Because I’m a gen z with older siblings. It was the second big nostalgia feels song, which was made even stronger by me not immediately recognising the title (unlike thks fr th mmrs). Was added to the 32 hour playlist as soon as I realised what song it was
20: ‘Vindicated’, by Dashboard Confessional. I knew this, but mostly from a music podcast called Punch up The Jam so hearing it in full was weird. Added it to the 32 hour playlist but wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to it again.
Final thoughts: I know I said I never had an emo phase in music, but I do actually like a lot of it even tho I was never That Kid, so I was kinda expecting to at least like a lot of these songs. My favourite song was definitely Be Calm, closely followed Soft Shock and Thks Fr Th Mmrs. 12/20 got added to my 32 hour playlist, and 2 (I eventually decided my love of Be Calm was strong enough for it to be an exception) to the 10 hour one!
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mydearjonah · 4 years
jenni’s TMA fic recs
for Elena @wellbustmybuffers but also anyone who wants it. 
i have spent a lot of time reading fanfiction, and i have read (at this point) almost everything that has piqued my interest in the tma ao3 tag from it’s inception to roughly july 18th, 2020. this is an absolutely non-exhaustive list of my all-time favorites. i tried to pick the things that stuck in my mind the best. it is also heavily skewed, naturally, by my own personal preferences.
to see all that i have bookmarked (as well as my own work), go here. i stand by all of these fics & only bookmark if i was really impressed with something. 
i marked the ones that i rec the absolute STRONGEST with a star.
☆ A Measure Outside of the Lines by Rend_Herring; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22202806  
imo i consider this to be THE scottish safehouse period fic. scottish safe-house period is a great sub-genre of jonmartin fic that i highly rec to you, elena, especially if you’re just coming off of 159, and this is my favorite and the one that i feel captures their personalities and dynamic the best. highly, highly recommend; one of my top three favorites in the whole fandom. 
Yesterday is Here by CirrusGrey; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22230022/chapters/53078617 
“Post-season-four Jon and Martin time travel back to the season one Archives.” 
extremely well-written jonmartin timetravel shenanigans pining. really, really good jonmartin content. i would describe the genre as “time travel fix-it au romantic comedy.”
take sides in divided cells by bibliocratic; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22456720 
“Martin's father comes back into his life.“ 
post-series 5 jonmartin happily ever after set-up that allows the author to delve deeply into martin’s psyche. fanfiction at it’s finest. 
Dethroned by inkedinserendipity; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22342663 
post-series take. warning for major character death. this is peak well-written yet sad & indulgent angst-y jonmartin. 
Be Your Raincoat by free_smarcher; https://archiveofourown.org/works/23479480
“It's a rainy night at the tail end of 2013, and Arctic Monkeys' latest record is everywhere - including at the pub where a young Martin Blackwood is hung up on his coworker from the Institute.” 
pre-series oneshot that i adore for three reasons. 1) the jonmartin pining is absolutely excellent, in-character, gorgeous, 2) the author has a very sharp grasp on martin blackwood specifically that i think is rare in the fandom and 3) the author PERFECTLY captured the late 2013 Arctic Monkeys perpetual AM album zeitgeist in a way that makes me specifically feel SUPER nostalgic. 
The Watford Gap by chewsdaychillin; https://archiveofourown.org/works/24886216
“a Martin and his relationship w the og three study w class/accent discourse, pet names, slang, and tenderness. jonmartin north/south power couple“
pre-series oneshot jonmartin pining that i cannot recommend enough. author has an extremely good grasp on s1 characterization as well as british sociocultural realities. this fic makes me very emotional for a lot of reasons. 
jonmartin but with heavy monster!jon (and written before s5 aired so speculative as to the endgame plot--still rec tho if you like monster!jon)
☆ ceylon, assam, and darjeeling by Sciosa; https://archiveofourown.org/works/20577347/chapters/48849719 
“People do not bring Jonathon Sims tea. Martin Blackwood, newly-minted archival assistant, has apparently not received this memo.”
i absolutely cannot express how much i adore this fic. it’s a three-parter that follows the jm relationship as it develops through the lens of martin making jon tea. the final part is the real whammy. i have read this fic repeatedly and cried each time.
Fall into the night with you by ZaliaChimera; https://archiveofourown.org/works/19851157 
“It's the end of the world, and Martin has one more thing to do before it is the end of him too. There is a calm wrapped thickly around the Institute, the eye of the storm, and Martin climbs.“
for me, this is the absolute peak monster!jon/martin. i will not lie, you gotta heed the warnings on this fic. but the end of this fic haunts me. 
lonely eyes
a note: i LOVE lonely eyes but a lot of it is really smutty or slice of life. i tried to choose the fics that i thought captured both characters the best and were smart & intentional about the dynamic. elena, if u ever go down the lonely eyes road & are interested in other recs, please let me know!
☆ Luck Be A Lady Tonight by prodigy; https://archiveofourown.org/works/20257240 
“In 2014, Elias Bouchard takes a rare trip outside of his comfort zone. Peter Lukas wastes a bunch of money. You'd be surprised how many things can go wrong for two beings of cosmic power.”
this is a black comedy casino episode lonely eyes take that is one of my favorite pieces of work in this fandom and also, honestly, one of my favorite pieces of fiction straight up that i have ever read. prodigy has an extremely sharp grasp on both peter and elias (but especially peter), and they breathe life into the world of mag in a way that is absolutely unparalleled, even at times by the original series imo. 
walled up in your kingdom with radio wires by Ronabird; https://archiveofourown.org/works/24465679 
so i’m not gonna lie i’ve never read His Dark Materials but this is a daemon au that i just can’t get enough of. it’s a short lonely eyes piece; the basic gist of it is that peter has lost a bet and now jonah gets to meet his daemon. this fic has everything that i want and rarely get in lonely eyes works: statements on both peter and jonah’s characters, and their dynamic sharply written. again, the last lines of this piece have stayed with me as well. 
jonelias (i’m sorry...)
note: none of these are terribly explicit but instead largely it is about their dynamic. 
a fish hook, an open eye by marrowbones; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22351618 
“Jon and Martin take a surreal holiday after escaping the Lonely. Everything would be fine if only Jon's strange dreams of Jonah Magnus would stop.”
this is a jonmartin fic in equal turn. set during the scottish safehouse period. essentially, jon is trying to reconcile that fact that elias is jonah while also being visited by him in his dreams. this is one of the first jonelias fics written after the “elias is jonah magnus” reveal, and i think it is still one of the absolute best. the author does a phenomenal job capturing this looming, atmospheric sense of dread. they also totally nail jonah magnus and the jonelias dynamic. 
thieves in the temple by havisham; https://archiveofourown.org/works/23287711 
“Elias wins and takes Jon out on the town.“
very short; shares a lot of the same dna as a fish hook, an open eye. essentially a dream-state meeting between the two of them during early s5. “a perfect fic.”
Eye to Eye by Dribbledscribbles; https://archiveofourown.org/works/24194554 
“In which Jonah Magnus attempts a post-apocalyptic pep talk.“
a s5 pep talk from jonah, who the author absolutely NAILS, to jon. this is not a fic with a happy ending so be warned. but it is a very satisfying read and the ending is... not quite a twist, but a really well done, dark reveal. 
heterochromia by screechfox; https://archiveofourown.org/works/21186011 
“After Jon drags Martin out of the Lonely, Jon and Elias trade an eye for an eye. Quite literally.“
post-ep 159. this is basically a jonmartinelias fic, honestly. i am adding this here because i love it SO MUCH but also it is so intensely up my particular alley. hurt/comfort/angst. also GORE AND BODY HORROR. but it wraps up to be weirdly sweet. i cry every time ngl i’ve read this fic a lot. it’s because i’m a monsterfucker i’m sorry. 
a love that tastes like spring by sugarboat; https://archiveofourown.org/works/20189953 
this is a comically well-written jonelias hanahaki fanfic. that’s it. that’s the plot. it’s amazing. it’s basically a shojo oneshot except with in-character jon and elias. this is one of the first fics i read in this fandom that totally blew me away. 
☆ The Timeline of the Theseus by Applea; https://archiveofourown.org/works/24018289/chapters/57784525 
“Jon tries to force the Spiral to send him back, but the Sprial's corridors never twist things quite the way you want them to. Back in 1996, Elias has no idea why or how the Eye made such a powerful Avatar out of an 8 year old, especially when said 8 year old doesn't actually know he has any powers at all. Clearly such a child cannot be left outside the Institute's care.”
i absolutely cannot say enough about this fic. this is one of the few works of fiction i’ve read in my life that i was so obsessed with i genuinely ruined my sleep schedule to finish. this fic is absolutely HILARIOUS. essentially, jon is an extremely powerful 8 year old w/ no knowledge of who he is who is being raised by jonah, who is completely out of his depth. also has a nice touch of gertrudeagnes & the author really nails their dynamic/the tragedy of their relationship...
☆ Scarred Ground by DictionaryWrites; https://archiveofourown.org/works/21791737/chapters/51999124 
this is a really interesting work of fiction just generally. it features a non-linear narrative, plays with a lot of unreality, and has a great deal of time wonkiness. i actually can’t explain the plot without giving it away, which i resolutely do not want to do because piecing together what is going on is a huge part of the fun. martin is the primary character, but everyone is featured. jonmartin and lonely eyes are the two ships. one of my favorite works in the fandom.
the last lines/final reveal absolutely tore me apart. i cried like a baby. 
patterns by fadewords; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22015792 
“Jon is ill and can't stop Knowing things. Daisy helps.“
long and worth it. very well-written. the author is very talented and essentially uses the world/set up of mag and the beholding to play. set during s4. everyone is extremely in character. 
out in the drowning deep by Wildehack; https://archiveofourown.org/works/21473506 
“Basira holds it together.”
basira-centric s5 speculative fic. it has since been jossed but that’s no matter. this is one of the best basira fics in the fandom imo, and honestly the only one that i’ve read that i feel really nails her character and her relationship with daisy specifically. in general as well, this is a really fun speculative take on the apocalypse written before s5 aired. 
Chasm-e-Baddoor by kashinoha; https://archiveofourown.org/works/23917396/chapters/57510853 
“Wherein Jonah Magnus gets acquainted with defeat at the hands of his associates. Repeatedly.”
lonely eyes a little but overall gen. essentially just a very well-written 3 piece suite about instances over the course of jonah magnus’ long life when he gets absolutely schooled by people within it. the gertrude piece is my favorite, to the point where i consider it canon. 
And All Should Cry, Beware! Beware! by OldSwinburne; https://archiveofourown.org/works/24623179/
“When the Eye decides to select a new Avatar, it chooses Martin Blackwood, the Poet, rather than Jonathan Sims, the Archivist.“
very unique & well-written monster!martin that haunts me. 
avatar groupchat by gayprophets; https://archiveofourown.org/works/21599185/chapters/51501598 
fun gen popular chatfic. one of the only chatfics i’ve ever read where everyone is in character. a must-read in the fandom. lots of laughs to be had. i like that they bully elias. 
this is really just the surface!! there’s A LOT that’s still on my to-read list, and also obviously a lot of new and probably phenomenal work has been published since july 18th that i have to catch up on. i hope that you enjoy!!! i love fanfiction and there’s a lot of really unique and fun stuff in this fandom
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 5 years
Notice Me!~Kim Junmyeon/Suho x Black! R&B Star! Fem! Reader {1}
Tumblr media
Parts: 1 2 3
Pairing: Suho x reader
Summary: You’re an upcoming pop star with a huge following in the US, and a huge fan of Kpop, especially of the band EXO. Being friends with Halsey, you’ve been chomping at the bit for a collaboration, hoping to do just as good as she did with BTS. She’s extremely supportive of your dream, however you come to realize that you aren’t the only one wishing for a collab, your bias band happens to want the same. What you also didn’t expect was how eager the bands leader and “mother figure” Suho seemed to be super into your music. 
Writer’s Note: Your stage name is Empress DeeDee, but your name is the insert Y/N as always. I got this fic idea from a dream where Suho was hoping for a collab with a black, US artist, but I forgot who it was, forgive me. We need more Suho in our lives, his Obsession look has been coming for my bias title for awhile now (and his other looks in general). 
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5, 142
“I can’t believe you’ve stayed in contact with them,” I say as Ashley hands me a cup of coffee, fresh from Starbucks. 
She shrugs and takes a seat on my small couch, leaving me to sit on the stool adjacent from it near the kitchen. 
“They’re real chill Y/N, and yes, I collaborated with Suga and you can’t listen to it now,” she says.
“I wasn’t going to ask,” I mumble with a quick sip of coffee. 
Ashley gave me an incredulous look, but lets whatever words she thought of go. 
Good, I don’t want to seem like a fangirl in front of her, again. She already gave me an autographed copy of BTS’s latest album, with heartfelt messages from all of them on it. RM even shouted me our during an interview, hoping for a collaboration in the future, but I doubt that. 
“Is BTS your favorite kpop group?” she asks. 
I roll my eyes as giggles and returns her gaze to her phone. 
“First of off Ash, it’s called a bias group,” I explain, “you better be glad I’m not a hardcore army, otherwise you would have gotten an earful.”
Ashley scoffs. 
“They love me and so do you,” she says with a wink. “But in all serious, tell me who your bias band is.”
“Why you ask?” 
Ashley grins. 
“Someone just shouted you out,” she says, “on Twitter–I think the band’s name is EXO?”
I nearly drop my coffee cup. 
“You’re fucking joking,” I say, “it’s a fucking joke!”
Ashley shakes her dark hair. 
“You’re trending right now,” she states, “your ep and what EXO said about you.”
I hop off my stool and almost into Ashley’s lap next to her on the tiny sofa.  She holds her phone up and away from my general direction, craning off the side of the sofa expertly. 
“Y/N, chill,” she giggles, “so they’re your bias group, eh?”
“Yes, they are!” I exclaim, “just show me, please!”
“Fine,” she groans, “take a look.”
She hands the phone over, I snatch it, but give her a soft look afterwards as I mouthed a ‘sorry.’ Under EXO’s offical Twitter was a video of EXO’s latest interview with Stacy Nam yet again, it plays rather quickly thanks to my apartment’s amazing internet. 
All six current members sit across from Stacy in their X-EXO concept costumes. Kai in his flat, green hair and eyes, Chen with his epic lip piercing and dark hair, Baekhyun with his leather and platinum hair, Suho with his devil like red hair, Chanyeol with his light pink hair and creepy eye contact, then there is Sehun with his scar and yellow suit. 
“So, guys,” Stacy says with her usual bright grin, “there are many amazing artist out there, on the rise and these currently making awesome tracks now, are there any you looking to work with?”
All the members hum in thought while Suho takes the answer first. 
“I’d love to collaborate with Empress Dee Dee,” he says. 
My chest tightens at his words. He did say that, right?
“Oh! Yeah!” Chen says eagerly, “I love her song, ‘Here to stay’, from her new album!”
Kai nudges Chen. 
“That’s not even her best! Still great though!” he shouts. 
“Dee Dee!” Baekhyun calls, “you want to collaborate?”
Suho shakes his head in embarrassment while hiding his laughter.
“Yes, she’s so kind and we’ve followed her for years now,” Suho explains.
“Dee Dee!” Baekhyun yells again, “do you like EXO or X-EXO?” 
Chanyeol gives the camera a dark look and winks while Suho tries to compose himself. 
“You guys are huge fans I see,” Stacy says, “is there anything you guys would like to say to Empress Dee Dee?”
“Keep smiling!” Baekhyun says with a thumbs up. 
“Teach me how to hit those high notes!” Chen declares, “I can’t do them as well as you!”
“X-EXO better be your pick,” Sehun says.
He laughs it off as Suho shoves him playfully. 
“It’d be great to have you as our seventh member,” Chanyeol says with a grin, “since we’re missing three.”
Suho pats his knee, steadily trying to compose himself as all of his band members eyes land on him. 
“Suho hyung?” Baekhyun asks. 
Suho quickly shifts into a mode of contemplation for a brief moment prior to grinning. Even in his devil inspired make-up, he gave off a vibe of easiness. 
“We support you Empress Dee Dee!” he yells with a wave, “notice me–us!”
He gives the camera a mega watt smile then throws up the finger heart for good measure.  
The video ends there, leaving my mouth open with fresh coffee taste and a huge gulp of disbelief. I watch the screen for an entire minute: the retweets and likes cycle back and forth every five seconds almost. 
“Uh, Y/N,” Ashley says, “you ok?”
I manage a nod before she pats my thigh.
“How are you feeling?”
“This is real, right?” I ask. 
“Well, let’s see,” she says with a glint with mischief in her eye. 
She pinches me on the thigh, causing me to yelp in pain and shove her. 
“It’s real!” she yells, “now what are you going to do about it?”
I suppress my rage as an idea pops into my head.
“Tweet my support for them,” I say, “thank them, of course, express that I’m a huge fan of theirs and that I’d love to collaborate with them.”
“Damn!” Ashley says, “great job!”
She gives me a swift high five then pulls me in for a tight hug. 
“Thanks,” I say into her neck. 
“Now, please educate me on EXO,” she says, “I have no idea who they are really–sorry.”
I giggle and move to turn the television on. 
“That’s why I’m here Ash.”    
That’s part one folks! Please tell me how it is and if you have any requests. Thank you for reading! :)
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cauldronoflove · 5 years
what's your favorite: 1. fic of all time / 2. av fic !! / 3. x files episode/s / 4. literary trope / 5. place to write / 6. song right now in this moment ?? (feel free to skip/ ignore any you've already answered or don't want to answer)
fic of all time: big bird by wtfmulder its MASTER CLASS oh my GOD
av fic: if i dont say wht its like to shine then who AM i
x files episode/s:
- 1x05 jersey devil (this is like. my episode. like i feel like everyone has tht one episode of their favorite show tht doesnt have to be the best but they undoubtedly love it and jersey devil is My episode)
- 1x08 ice (this isnt just the best ep of s1 this is one of the best episodes of the entire series and i stand by tht like oh my god this is one ive seen probably as many times as ive seen the pilot)
3x22 quagmire (i think abt sitting in the car watching this ep waiting outside my therapists office and just like. falling in love again and again w this show bc of it)
5x05 the post-modern prometheus (sav. sav its a cher themed episode. it has the most tender fucking ending. oh my god this ep makes me crazy)
5x10 chinga (this ep isnt actually tht scary but i have a fear of dolls so its like a thing for me but it still ranks as one of my favorites bc *ben wyatt voice* its abt the sculder)
6x19 the unnatural (this legitimately may be my favorite ep of the entire series like. jesse l martin is there and he made me bawl and i still tear up when i think abt it)
literary trope: childhood best friends to lovers babey! thts where its at like. the intimacy of knowing someone through every piece of there life, of having been there for them through it, of growing and growing up together and still wanting to be w one another, of wanting to see every shade of life tht comes after. god thts love...
place to write: i love writing at my desk bc its a custom pieve so its set up just how i want it but lately ive come to love sitting in the corner of our sectional sofa. also its not smthn i get to do a lot but sometimes ill write in our garden or on the front porch which are both god tier but i esp love to do it when its rlly cold outside bc theres just nothing like it there rlly isnt
song right now in this moment: back 2 good _ matchbox twenty (im losing my mind to the album this is from 7 days a week but the lyrics below. GOD)
send me 'whts your favorite..." asks!!
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a-brighter-yellow · 5 years
Thank you for the tag, @disgruntledkittenface!! Love you.
You guys know I never have more than one WIP, so here’s a snippet of the Hello My Name Is Harry sequel:
He should be sprawled out on his couch in his threadbare boxers, hours deep in a CSI marathon. Or at a moderately priced restaurant, sitting across from a perfectly nice but bland accountant on a blind date that will lead to three acceptable months and not a second more. 
Instead, he’s watching Harry sign one of the diner’s ‘50s-esque visors for their waitress, who couldn’t be more than five years younger than them but is as starstruck as Louis’s students were. She whispers a thank you and a promise to be “normal” from now on. Harry winks at her, and she nearly loses her balance, only narrowly avoiding a messy parking lot spill.
“You can’t do that to people on roller skates, Curly,” Louis observes, and it comes off grumpier than he intended.
1. What’s something new you want to try writing, whether it’s a trope or a pairing, or just something you haven’t done before?
So far, I’ve been writing rom-coms that more or less take place in the world we live in. So I’d like to take a crack at either building a different world or writing something that would fit into another genre.
This answer is stupidly broad, but I can tell you more when I actually have an idea that fits into it.
2. How do you pick your fic titles and which is your favorite, most fitting one?
So far, I’ve exclusively used song lyrics. Which, yeah, it’s basic, but also I’ve been assigning songs to ships since I was old enough to HAVE ships, so it’s just how my brain works. Also, it’s the quickest route to finding something I like and I’m someone who can’t even start writing (most of the time, at least) until I have at least a working title.
I really like All My Friends Are Here, which is the title of the first fic I ever wrote: a one-shot where Louis finds out that a pub quiz has taken over his after work spot and then woos Harry, the host, with the sketches he leaves on his answer sheets. I got it from a somewhat obscure Hanson song (from one of their fan club EPs), “I Don’t Want to Go Home,” and I like the irony of it. It feels very Louis to me.
And with my WIP, the title is basically what inspired the fic. Filling out one of those memes where you write a prompt based on a song that comes up on shuffle, I got to Mat Kearney’s “Fire & Rain,” which ended up inspiring the idea for the much longer sequel to Hello My Name Is Harry (my only non-song lyric title, incidentally). When I listen to that song and the lyric I picked, “Not That Gone,” I’m like, oh, yeah. There’s the tone. It keeps me on track in a way.
3. Which fic of yours would you most want to revisit with a sequel?
Man, sequels are HARD. Especially lengthy ones. I don’t want to repeat myself but there’s also continuity to keep track of... 
I would do it again, but probably just a one-shot next time. Even though I had the ending locked down before I started writing, I feel somewhat guilty about fading to black on Niall and Shawn before they got down to business in It’s Electric. I can’t promise that it’ll be in a direct sequel to that story, because I’m not sure I have anything more to say about those specific characters, but I owe them some smut. TBH, I don’t think I can write it while Shawmila is still going on. What a boner killer for us all.
1. Do you have a strategy for writing dialogue?
2. Do you keep a note in your phone related to your fic/fics? What kinds of things do you jot down?
3. Who’s characterization do you think you have the best handle on? Does writing a particular one of the boys come easier to you than the rest?
Let’s see, I’ll tag @flicker-album @runaway-train-works @laynefaire and @lululawrence if you haven’t done it already! 
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linos-teeth · 5 years
i got tagged
in the 50 questions and the about me tag by @chngbok ty browse!! these are a lot of questions and idk who i want to bother with them (unless you wanna be bothered then consider yourself tagged) but in case you wanna know some random stuff abt me there’s a lot of that under the cut!
what takes too much of your time?
currently, fic writing for sure
what makes your day better?
uhhh ideas, music, skz (except lino bc he literally just makes me cry)
what is the best thing that happened to you today?
lino in the victory song dance practice? (wow there's a theme already)
what fictional place would you like to go to?
hmmmmm the arbor wilds, the crossroads, the forge, h-047c, watford
are you good at giving advice?
do you have any mental illness?
uhhhh not theoretically (as in not diagnosed oops)
have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
luckily not
what musician inspired you the most?
boy i rly can't say, usually it's writers or games that inspire me and music not so much?
have you fallen in love?
most likely yeah
what’s your dream date?
idk man surprise me like...going out exploring and doing things i haven't done before that don't include any drugs or stuff also movies are good
what do others notice about you?
my hair (it's long)
what is an annoying habit that you have?
biting my uh...the skin next to my nails? and my lips? i guess?
do you still talk to your first love?
ha nah
how many ex’s do you have?
how many songs are in your playlist?
i have 685 deezer faves
what instruments do you play?
piano, idk if recorder counts, used to play the oboe but...not any more
who do you have the most pictures of?
myself XD, my da/me chars, also random idol pictures for reaction memes
where would you like to go before you die?
uhhhhh a lot of places like...there's a lot of cities in europe i still wanna see and i wanna go back to paris and london and i also would love to visit like 294503 national parks in the us also maybe a desert (bc stars) and somewhere far north (for northern lights)
what’s your zodiac?
do you relate to it?
what is happiness to you?
just like...a content feeling? like...idk words for it but when you just stop and go like fuck this is rly good i'm rly comfy rn and not sad??? like just being good in your own skin?
are you going through anything right now?
not more than usual
what’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
i made a few sucky time management decision throughout my uni time and still am so i guess that
what’s your favorite store?
what's a store
what’s your opinion on abortion?
i don't rly think i get to say much abt it while i'm not in a position where i can talk yknow? you should be allowed to but i imagine it's tough as shit too
do you keep a bucket list?
do you have a favorite album?
A FEW there's wildness by snow patrol and mania by fob and wild world by bastille and miroh (that's currently tho that shit changes a lot)
what do you want for your birthday?
my birthday isn't happening for a while and what i want i kinda need before so xD for my birthday i wish i could be with my family but i won't be able to :/
what are most people’s first impression of you?
uhhhhh awk i guess which is right, also rly smart and like...organised which is wrong
what age to you seem according to most people?
apparently like 16, i always get asked when i finish school
where do you keep your phone while sleeping?
on my bed next to my pillow, stuffed under some plushies
what word do you say the most?
idk honestly i don't talk much probably some expletive
what’s the oldest age would you date?
idk man i'm not rly attracted to ppl much older than me never have been if it ever happened they'd prolly be like 2 years younger oops that's like the norm with crushes
what’s the youngest age would you date?
oh uh see above i guess like...currently i'm 23 so like? not younger than 20?
what job/career do most people say sould suit you?
they don't rly say anything abt that xD
what’s your favorite music genre?
uhhh rock? alt stuff? i love some folk and some pop too and i'm a slut for lofi
if you would live in any country in the world, where would it be?
here tbh
what’s your current favorite song?
u h h probably still chronosaurus! doesn't look like it's leaving that spot any time soon oops
how long have you have this blog for?
a bit over a month now?
what are you excited for?
how pathetic is it if i say my summer course? idk just...smth new i guess i'm looking forward to it (not to being away from games and photoshop)
are you a better talker or a listener?
what is the last productive thing you did?
i finished vacuuming the house today
what do you want for Christmas?
s h r u g
what classes do you get the best grades in?
language stuff, music
on a scale of 1-10 how are you feeling right now?
a 4? maybe?
what can you see yourself doing in 10 years?
idk man i wanna go into speech therapy so?? that? or research even? but i gotta get into the masters first rip
when did you first get your heartbreak?
oh dear. probably like...in kindergarten when my crush was an absolute ass (so far, 80% of them have been there's a theme) i was pathetic
at what age do you want to get married?
idk man i guess in like 100 years when someone finally decides they rly want to put up with this mess
what career did you want to have as a child?
florist, author, actress
what do you crave right now?
hugs? and drawing skill
1. How tall are you?
i'm jisung-sized
2. What color are your eyes?
3. What color and style is your hair?
uhhhh dark blonde would be the accurate desc prolly? it's like...blondebrowngoldish and too long and i usually braid it and i have a super messy fringe
4. Do you wear glasses?
5. Do you have braces?
luckily not!
6. What’s your fashion sense?
casual and basic with a dash of experimental and sometimes a bit cutesy
7. Full name?
Tumblr media
8. When were you born?
long, long ago, too long ago
9. Where are you from and where do you live
10. What school(s) do you go to?
no more school for me, i'm going to university
11. What kind of student are you?
the one that kinda gets by far too well for procrastinating so badly (all i have to say in my defense is that i'm anxious as shit abt everything)
12. Do you like school?
i used to!! like...the last 3 and first 3 years were chill
13. Fav subject?
music, history, english, latin
14. Fav TV shows?
i rly only watch b99 but i would be careful calling it my favorite since like...3 eps ago
15. Fav books?
my current fave is less by andrew sean greer (aka it was my fave last autumn and i've read like 3 since and they weren't super great)
16. Fav pastimes?
uhhh writing gaming music and lately, giffing too!
17. Do you have any regrets?
a couple
18. Dream job?
i mean i do still wish i could just like...do smth artsy like be an author or an illustrator but i'm bad at writing and literally cannot draw at all so
19. Would you ever like to be married?
yes absolutely
20. Would you like to have children?
kinda yeah?
21. If so, how many?
22. Do you like shopping?
only for a limited amount of time
23. What countries have you visited?
denmark, norway, france, the uk, spain, italy, austria, slovakia, we also drove through switzerland like twice
24. Scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
uhhhhhh basically all of the end of the world/war scenario dreams i've had?
25. Any enemies?
does myself count
26. Do you have a significant other?
27. Do you get along with your family?
yeah? we're not super close but we don't hate each other
28. Do you believe in miracles?
29. How are you?
not terrible
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over-the-pink-moon · 6 years
Only If you want, but since the show ended, would you mind sharing your story on how you started watching Soy Luna, what were your thoughts, how you got into the fandom and how are you feeling right now? ♥
i am feeling emotional so here comes my longass story 
1. how did i get into it?I am sure i saw first time Soy luna super long ago, it had to be probably when the first season was literally just started airing in poland and i by accident came across it at disney channel. I havent watched Violetta cause i founded it as some new trash, a disgrace for our old childhood classics and when i saw now dc got some pathetic Violetta wannabe oh god i was so hating on it. I saw like few minutes of first open and my only reaction where, why these two guys are attracted to some underage, why are they even here (i meant of course luna and nina) and also the fact they were singing in spanish totally killed me. So then I realized there was something like Soy luna going on.Last year i was with my friends on vacations and we got super horrible weather and me and one of my friends were watching some random clips from old disney channel shows and then i said „omg misia, we need to check this trash that they currently air”. So we turned s01e55 i think? it was Ambars birthsday. And we were so freaking lost, like gastina and lutteo happening wtf, so we were bored and decided turn on first episode. It was so cringy. Oh god we were so laughing at the first ones and especially Simon and his valiente without words only na na na XDDD But suddenly it came first open and when we saw Mambars performance, we were dead, ultimately dead and in love. To cut story short, everyone started to hate us cause w started to marathoning it like crazy. Together we watched most of s01 and it was so beautiful. 
2. how did i got into fandom?i had a tumblr since many many years, and always loved reading fanfics. The first ones was I remember skygirls, and then from them i suddenly found akkars bitch and there are evidences of me sending my friend akkars fics with countless omggg read it. So i read the fics, then I ended s01, understood there is no s02 for me now (last year, i couldnt speak a fucking uno palabra en espanola), i got post show depression and went on holidays with my family. It was the time of ficweek 2 and i was soooo reading it. Then s02 part 2 started to air and i began to watch small clips of it in english. Barbara was the first one i talked to, then i got into fake SL accounts (that was the biggest fun of my life really) and thats how it went down and i suddenly founded myself one day in the middle of berlin with @ac-ars next to fucking pasquarelli
3. how am i feeling now?
i have literally no idea, watching the last part of sl3 was a mess, cause i was the whole time away. I watched the last ep and most Journey at the airport and only thanks to freaking one hour delay. However, I dont feel like this is the end. I think i always was here more for the memes, cast dramas, good music, fics and great people than for the plot itself. I truly cant wait for ruggeros album and chiaras ofc, i will be watching Bia (hehe or aileen) and cande still will stay here so hard not to trash self, so its a sad comma not a dot for me. (omg such metaphor)
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