#like i do think if yoo joonghyuk was into kim dokja he would start talking about 'ooc my fav isnt gay :/'
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tls12lessthan3 · 5 months ago
i feel like kim dokja has enough internalized homophobia to be at least a little weirded out by his attraction to yoo joonghyuk + yoo joonghyuks attraction him once he figures out that is indeed what it is. but i also think this is a problem that pales in comparison to the huge fucking complex he has about loving and being loved. so like ultimately it doesn't really matter. like if kim dokja were normal then you could write a whole story about him learning to overcome his fear around his attraction to men and what it means to do so in an apocalyptic world where those social norms are now inherently changed because there isnt really a society anyway. but much like kim dokja continues to wear office friendly clothing despite the fact minosoft is firmly dead there are things from that past you keep doing more out of familiarity than anything else. but because kim dokja is infinitely more afraid of the idea of being in a romantic relationship period due to his ongoing urge to punish himself and his fear of emotional intimacy, by the time theyve worked through that and kim dokja is finally comfortable enough with himself to be in a relationship with yoo joonghyuk hes sitting on the couch cuddling with him like oh fuck, the gay thing. well. whatever. bit late now!
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1800-page-not-found · 9 months ago
Helloo! Can i have kim dokja x reader where its like reader and yjh at first hate each other but over time they start getting close (slight yjh x reader if you want) and dokja starts seeing them being close and gets jealous (i love dokja being jelly)
(sorry its a bit hard to read😓 have a great day and stay hydrated !)
Yall love jealous kim dokja goddamn
Jealous Kim Dokja x reader
Platonic Yoo Joonghyuk x reader (like a sibling dynamic)
heres some father son time with kdj and gilyoung (wingman!!)
Im sorry btw if you think it's short, i struggle with writing long stories 😭😭😭
When Dokja first told you about the novel he was reading, you felt bad for the main character. But jeez...meeting him in real life? Man you just wanted to curse him out!
During one of the scenarios, you had all split up, pulling sticks to see who'd get paired with who, and you just happened to be paired with Joonghyuk. As you both walk around, an elderly lady walked up and offered some food. After evaluating it, you decided it was safe.
"We don't n-" Before he could finish, you kicked the back of his knee and made him kneel, pushing his head down.
"Thank you granny!" You smiled at the lady, "I'm also so sorry for his actions, you see, he escaped from a mental institute-"
Before you could finish your lie, he covered your mouth, the grandma laughing and walking away, talking about her youthful days.
"Seriously? Mental institute? Please, as if." He scoffed.
"Yeah you probably escaped." You laughed, before running off as he chased you with his sword.
Running around, you found your beloved dokja, and leapt into his arms like a princess.
"Dokja! Your companion is trying to kill me!" You laughed at the fuming Joonghyuk, pointing at him.
A string of jealousy tugged at Dokja's heart, his mind wandering off to what a cute one on one time you two would have had...
After settling down, you, dokja, joonghyuk, and gilyoung decided to walk together.
As you all turned a corner, a grotesque monster popped up out of nowhere.
With your heightened blood pressure, you kicked joonghyuk forward, shouting, "Take him!"
Of course someone like him faced no difficulty cutting down the monster, but it did end up with you two bickering and fighting. Man...you two had to be long lost twins at this point...
Although dokja didn't notice it, gilyoung definitely did.
"Are you jealous?" He asked dokja.
"Wha..what? No!" Dokja waved his hands in the air.
"Yes you are...You frown everytime you look at that bastard," He nods in approval, "It's okay ajussi, me too, me too. He's wasting [name]'s precious time!"
So, the cooked up a plan.
A trap was set up, in which they titled it, 'Bastard Trap.'
Both you and joonghyuk were too engrossed in fighting each other and bickering that you both didn't realize the trap. As the two of you walked behind, you blinked, and joonghyuk was gone??
On the other hand, joonghyuk blinked and he was suddenly flung into the air, far away.
You shrugged it off, this basically meant you win...the gods were really looking out for you...! You wept a silent tear.
Gilyoung too initative, grabbing your hand and dokja's smiling and dragging you about.
"This is nice, right?" He spoke, grinning ear to ear.
You laughed, "Sure is!"
Mission accomplished!
Dokja smiled at your reaction, you really were the perfect woman. His jealousy was gone now (in which said jealousy found himself in an alleyway)
He would do this again in a heartbeat.
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orphiclovers · 7 months ago
Avatar - fundamentally broken skill?
This is a thing I have been thinking about. The way powers (skills, stigmas, whatever) work in the world of ORV is fascinating in that they are not designed to help the incarnation or adjust to their bodies like a classical superpower. It's repeated many times that the Star Stream is a cruel place, so of course it makes nothing easy on them. Just look at how many times Shin Yoosung and Lee Gilyoung bleed when using their skills. Or how Anna Croft and Yoo Joonghyuk were destroyed mentally by their repeated lifetimes - don't even get me started on Regression.
And Avatar is one of the skills that is the most developed. I've talked about how manifesting it seemingly splits you in two (I recommend reading this previous meta before this post) but what does that split entail, exactly? Here's my theories.
1. Author/Character divide.
If we take 1863rd Yoo Joonghyuk as an example, it's very clear cut. The black coat wearing YJH would be the 'character' who stays and dies and the white coat wearing YJH would be the 'author' who choses to write another story. 'Character' used here in the sense that Kim Dokja would look at them and be able to see/assign them this metaphysical trait, as he does for everyone else.
With Kim Dokja, it is basically easy too. 51% is the author, while 49% is the character, probably.
Han Sooyoung is more difficult. I think since Kim Dokja looks at 1863rd and says she is already a 'character', while 3rd stays a person the whole time IIRC, 3rd would be the 'author' self, even if this seems counterintuitive and like it should be the opposite - this makes the most sense with the second part of this theory.
Technically every author (or reader - someone with the knowledge of the narrative) becomes a 'character' (i.e forgets everything) at some point as per Star Stream rules, but this has not yet happened to Han Sooyoung of the 3rd round.
Still, it's not a perfect fit. Both Han Sooyoungs write novels and neither Kim Dokja does (not that writing is 100% necessary to be an 'Author', since YJH is one and barely writes anything until the epilogue) But it's still an interesting connection to explore.
Onto the second part.
2. Does the divide into two...actually work long term, because it doesn't seem to, based on the evidence we have?
First, let's look at 49% Kim Dokja. Perhaps Kimcom would have accepted him as the real Kim Dokja, like they do with Han Sooyoung, if he didn't ACT like a wet paper towel. The detoriation in mental faculties is very apparent and jarring and soon he falls apart physically too. This doesn't happen to 3rd Han Sooyoung, who is also an avatar, so what gives?
Well, it might not happen to 3rd but definitely did to 1863rd Han Sooyoung.
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A 'probability storm is gnawing at her memories' and there's physical effects too. She says this has been happening for a while. Even though she has found a way of slowing down the effects it clearly doesn't fix the issue and eventually, despite her resistance, she might have become like 49% Kim Dokja.
(Maybe that's why she was so ready to leave her companions after the scenarios were over. If rereading stuff helps, perhaps that's also why she kept a diary of her round that 3rd YJH eventually got? Just spitballing, this isn't part of the theory.)
She names two possible causes to this detorriation - exessive use of the Avatar skill or Ways of Survival. 'Ways of Survival' probably refers to the Star Stream rule that once you reach the end of your knowledge you forget you were an author and become a 'character', which 1863 justifiably doesn't want to happen. Later, Kim Dokja comments on her 'status as a character' too, so it is related to that.
With 'overuse of Avatar' she could be refering to the way she makes thousands of them in her mind, but if we look at 49% Kim Dokja and the way their sympthoms match pretty closely, it's likely also the fact that another her - the main body/'author' - is running around in another worldline.
So for these two it checks out that one of the halves is always unstable.
With 1863rd Yoo Joonghyuk, well, it's hard to tell how it would have gone, since black coat YJH dies almost immediately. But the very fact that his avatar didn't even make it a couple minutes is also pretty telling.
As previously stated, nothing is stopping a skill from being harmful for the user. So maybe, one half of the initial avatar pair gets the short end of the stick and ends up slowly disintegrating. That's the basics of this theory.
Technically 51% Kim Dokja disintegrates into the Star Stream too but it is by a different mechanism, unrelated to the Avatar skill. First, he overconsumes probablility and shrinks into a child - this happens to Secretive Plotter too, it's just a thing.
Then, he loses his memories and if Kimcom hadn't interviewed would have become the same exact child that SP takes away in the subway, so that was just the time loop asserting itself. Like alt-1863rd YJH losing his memories when regressing to the 3rd round, or 1863 Han Sooyoung going dormant in Young Han Sooyoung's mind on the day the scenarios start. (Each of these are the looping points of the universe for yhk.)
But something about the way 1863rd Han Sooyoung in those 13 years sheds pieces of her story to create TWSA is very reminiscient of how 51% Kim Dokja disintegrates into the Star Stream on that subway. So perhaps there is some kind of connection there too.
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the1864thregression · 1 year ago
Would the ORV characters go to watch the Barbie movie with you?
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Characters : Yoo Joonghyuk, Yoo Sangah, Han Sooyoung, Uriel, Kim Dokja (derogatory)
Warning : contains spoilers for Barbie movie
Yoo Joonghyuk
YES. He'll take along Yoo Mia and Lee Jihye too. The funniest part is he'll also wear a pale pink shirt due to his sister's and lee jihye's insistence. He'll draw gazes EVERYWHERE.
But overall he would like the movie and it's underlying themes. He would also be impressed by how much effort it went into props. Definitely the kind of dude who would listen to you ramble about the movie and would put his own thoughts into your analysis in between.
Would really like the "I'm just Ken" song but will soon grow tired of it because Han Sooyoung kept singing it at every minor problem.
"Why don't you like Ken, Joonghyuk? I thought he would be relatable to you. "
"He brought misogyny to Barbieland. I would never do that."
Yoo Sangah
She would absolutely go with you. I just know she'll rock the barbie-coded outfit
Han Sooyoung
She might also tear up at the Barbie scene at the end, where she sees all the human memories (girl same). Her favorite character would be Barbie. You two will then go to a food court after the movie where you'll spend an hour or so discussing the movie and the layers at which it mirrors the real world.
"Do you think that Barbie was bound to become attracted to the concept of being human the moment she got named after her creator's daughter? I think that —"
She'll say smth like, "Im an Oppenheimer person " to annoy you at first but would go along with you in the end
The type of person who ends up talking too loudly during a movie accidentally, so you'll recieve some disapproving glances.
She'll. Get. Obsessed with the Ken song. She would hum or sometimes outright break into a song after the movie after some minor inconvenience happens.
Hsy : Where's my lemon candy stash??
Yjh : I threw it out. Your brain will rot even more along with that cheap sugar
Hsy : .. Doesn't seem to matter what I do, I'm always number 2, noone knows how hard I tried.. Oh—
Yjh : (tired)
She would be the one to ask you out to the movie. Her excitement would rub off on you and y'all will be positively vibrating with anticipation when the movie starts.
Would also get asked out for photos with some people because she looked absolutely "angelic" with her long golden hair and pink outfit.
You know how some people started to ship Allan with Ken after the movie? Uriel accidentally saw a fan art and immediately jumped on board with the ship.
"All of Ken's clothes fit him!— is such a boyfriend statement tbh, don't you agree (y/n)? "
"... Actually, you're not wrong about that"
Kim Dokja
He wouldn't at first get the hype. He'll just assume it's one of those pop movies that are being popular with their mass marketing and aesthetic.
He was pleasantly surprised.
Would LOVE the underlying satirical themes and the songs. He'll watch the end credits too with you.
Is the type to sometimes look at their partner during the movie and observe their reactions to a particular scene.
Would click instantly with Alan for some reason. (You're not even surprised)
"I like Alan. He's just...there yknow. I hope he leaves Barbieland someday"
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tamaharu · 1 year ago
wait i just remembered i DO have unposted orv stuff that i can post for kim dokjas birthday. 2k of hot supreme king x reader fic dont like dont read!!!1!! orginal characarter do not steal!!!!!
(or, Yoo Joonghyuk takes a pit-stop in one of the world-lines. An old friend offers to pay for dinner.)
[Ah, late, so late! I can't believe I missed my alarm! And on my first day of work too... I was so worried, when I got off the train, I started running the rest of the way to the company. Hopefully nobody would notice that I was late. I had to get a new job after my boyfriend dumped me, and I couldn't afford to live on my previous salary.
As I rushed to the building, I had to push past many people to get to the doors. In my haste, however, I accidentally tripped! When I fell, I landed against something hard. "Oof!"
"Hey," a menacing voice said. "Watch where you're going next time! Don't be so quick to touch me!" Eep!
I stepped back quickly, bowing as deep as I could. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean t..." When I looked up I trailed off, becoming even more panicked. Ah, I recognized that man!
He looked down at me with a handsomely striking gaze. "You. What is your name?"
"I-It's L/N Y/N. Um, again, I'm so sorry... CEO-nim!" I bowed again. A nose and a chin shaped in perfect angles; a pair of deep eyes seemingly carved out of beautiful jewels; soft hair styled fashionably to frame his face... His suit, too, looked quite beautiful. I really messed up this time. Not only was I late, but I ran into the CEO of the company, the powerful Yoo Jo--]
I stopped there. I didn't bother to learn the name of the poor idol whose name had been stolen for this. Why was I even reading this? Reader-inserts were meant for wish fulfillment, but they always did something that took you out of the story. For the first part, I'd pay much more attention to my surroundings than that.
I pocketed my phone again, sighing. Perhaps I was the cynical one here? They were probably just written by young girls, daydreaming about getting to talk to a beloved character or idol, and was that so horrible? Actually, I believed in chance meetings, but I felt like the one here was a little too contrived...
Many thoughts went through my head as I stepped through a convenience store. Buying dinner after work was the only good thing about my job, I should just quit. Perhaps that would get me closer to the path of meeting a handsome CEO? How laughable.
I was still thinking this when I moved forwards again. But this time, when I walked, I ran directly into a hard wall.
No, wait? I had been to this store many times, and there wasn't anything blocking the entryway the other times. I stepped back, confused, to find my 'wall' staring back at me. Ah... Perhaps I should've read that story until the end.
The man in front of me had a good face. He certainly looked like he could be the menacing protagonist. But, how do I put this? Everything below the neck ruined the effect. 
He was wearing an astronaut's spacesuit, even with the helmet tucked in his arms, but he wore a black trenchcoat over that, making his form extra bulky. At the same time, strange rips were visible against it. Not a romance protagonist, then. Sci-fi? But the coat screamed chuunibyou characterization...
"Ah, sorry, I wasn't watching, excuse me..."
The man was still staring at me, and if anything his expression grew more annoyed. What did he want me to say? Should I chastise him for standing in the middle of the walkway?
Before I said anything, or even managed to go around him, a young girl peeked out from behind his back. She was dressed more normally, in casual clothes with a fuzzy jacket, but still stood out just by being around him. When she saw me, her first reaction was curiosity, but after a moment, her eyes widened in surprise and an unprecedented amount of delight.
"Oh, it's okay! I promise his bark is worse than his bite. Hey, you're from around here, yes? Do you have some money we can borrow?"
The man turned to glare at the shameless girl instead. "We don't need money. Especially not from… them."
"Yes, yes. You're a big scary terrorist, you steal what you can't buy. Isn't that too much though? You're already beating poor authors senseless, how much crime do you need to commit before your dark heart is satisfied?"
I quickly turned on my heel and walked in the opposite direction.
"Hey, hey!" The girl's voice called out again, and I could hear her running to follow me. With a sigh, I paused and looked back at her. I didn't want someone like her friend chasing me, so it would be better to just hear her out.
"Ah, I'm sorry, you must think we're acting quite weird! But, really, we don't have any money. If you can, could you spare just a couple of dollars?"
"Mm, I don't know. If you're that desperate isn't it better to be more polite in asking? What happened, did you lose it all on a scam?" No, wait, what was I saying? I didn't want to deal with these guys longer than I had to. Just talking to them would make me stick out very badly.
Still, for some strange reason, I couldn't stop myself from taking on a familiar tone.
Her friend gave her a mean look, which she ignored, before glancing at me. After a second, he said, "We were mugged."
I blinked at him. "I see..." He gave a pained nod as if to really emphasize his plight, while the girl just smiled. When she noticed my gaze on her, her expression switched to that of grim sincerity.
I had to take a moment to step back and mentally collect myself. First off, how stupid did they think I was? Not only was their acting terrible, but who would honestly think a guy like this was attacked? And lost?
Still, there was a hint of realism in their performance. Definitely not mugged, but maybe they were actually broke?
I sighed to myself, folding my arms and looking up at the ceiling. Ah, what should I do? Most people would just ignore them, or perhaps the chosen few would spare them just enough won for a small meal.
I wasn't a kind person. No more than anyone else was, anyways. My philosophy was that it's best to go through life not making waves, and sometimes the politeness required to slip under the radar was misconstrued as kindness. Still, when the common consensus split so unevenly, that left one question: what would I, Y/N, do? After all, 'myself' was the only thing I could be.
I sighed again, much more exhausted this time. "Okay, let's go get dinner. Follow me."
The man's eyes shook slightly, reluctance evident in his expression. Still, when I started to walk out of the store, they followed after me. Damn, being followed by a guy in that outfit was truly humiliating...
The girl caught on much quicker, hurrying to match my pace. "Haha, isn't this sweet? Going out is much better than convenience store food. You're so nice... Mm, I don't think I caught your name?"
"Ah... Yes, my name is L/N Y/N."
"Y/N?" She echoed. My name sounded strange in her mouth for whatever reason. Maybe I just wasn't used to hearing people not from work use it. In fact, she had an odd look on her face, but it passed quickly. "I see. It's a good name!"
I smiled faintly, shrugging. "Thank you. Though, I guess you should be telling my parents that more than me."
"Aah, well, I'm Biyoo! And you can just call him the 'Supreme King.'"
I immediately shot back, "I am not calling him that," the same time our titular king went, "Do not call me that."
A moment of silence passed between us, as though he was seriously debating something. Finally, he spoke, seeming deeply annoyed. "Yoo Joonghyuk."
Was that his name, then? His manners were bad, but I let it slide for now. He would just have to thank me very sincerely for buying him food.
"Here, this place does cheap meal sets. Sorry, I know I offered, but it's nothing fancy..."
Biyoo seemingly paid this no mind, while Yoo Joonghyuk shot me an inscrutable look. Hey, at least I had some money. He was in no place to judge. Even if this would mean I'd be eating leftovers for the next couple of days.
The restaurant sat us down quickly. Biyoo and I pulled our chopsticks apart cheerfully. Yoo Joonghyuk kept his utensils untouched, however.
"What is it? I already apologized that it isn't too nice."
"I don't eat food made by others."
His voice was deadly serious. Who was this arrogant bastard? No, actually, both of them were rude. Why was I humoring them to this extent?
Finally, I shrugged. "Okay then, your choice. What's this I heard about you stealing from convenience stores? Perhaps I should go alert the workers there, I wouldn't want their jobs to be in danger just because some man decided thievery was better than perfectly good food, already paid for..."
He glared at me, but I ignored him, eating happily. Ah, the rice here was so fluffy, I never got it like this when I made it at home.
Biyoo laughed, which prompted me to look up. To my satisfaction, Yoo Joonghyuk had picked up the chopsticks and was gruffly taking his share.
"So, Y/N-ssi, tell us about yourself! I'd very much like to know about the person who's been so hospitable to us poor mugging victims."
"Well, firstly, you don't need to pretend to have been attacked to me. I already bought you food. I don't need your sob story."
"Aha, what gave it away?"
"Secondly, there's not much to say about me.. If anything, I'm more interested in your story."
"I'm sure that's not true! Let's see... What do you do for a job that lets you provide for two stragglers?"
She avoided my questioning easily. Was it okay to be giving out my information like this to two strangers? Perhaps they'd kill me after we finished eating.
"I work at an editing company. You’re just lucky I can stretch my budget these days, or we’d all be going hungry. It’s not exactly freelance? But the jobs are varied enough that it keeps me engaged."
"So, you read for a living?" Yoo Joonghyuk asked, looking unexpectedly interested.
"Er, I suppose that's one way to put it... It's a lot of typesetting and indexing meaningless writing. I do like reading fiction in my free time, though," I confirmed. "Not that I have a lot of that, of course..."
I stopped short. "What was that?"
Yoo Joonghyuk asked again, in a patient tone, "Do you read webnovels?"
It felt like being caught reading said webnovels during work, even though my phone was firmly in my pocket, and this guy had definitely seen stranger things than a reader of webnovels. After all, they had to be read to be popular.
"Yes, a little bit... But they'd almost be harder to avoid these days."
Yoo Joonghyuk and Biyoo shared a meaningful look, though it appeared less like they were making fun of me, and more like they were commiserating on some unknown truth to my words.
"What's your favorite genre?"
"I don't know, maybe reincarnation? They can include both action and romance, so it can diversify. Isn't it a nice thought that after I die, I could come into a world where I could be even happier?"
"You shouldn't think like that," Yoo Joonghyuk said, and I raised an eyebrow.
"Well, it's not as if it's ever going to come true."
He carried on like he didn't hear me. "While you shouldn't completely forsake your plan for the future, nor can you forget the past that shaped you, you have to live in the present. You must live to give yourself the best life possible now, with what you have, rather than thinking things would get better if you had the chance to repeat them."
I stared at him for a long moment, surprised, before I... I burst out laughing. His face darkened, but I couldn't control myself. Biyoo giggled a little with me, patting his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, I'm not dismissing what you're saying. You're just so serious about it. You act like you've repeated your life many times." I grinned at him, rubbing tears out of my eyes. "I have no intention of dying anytime soon. It's just daydreams, anyways."
It was so odd being with the two of them, but I didn't hate it. Feeding them, telling them about my life, and Yoo Joonghyuk's heartfelt words. It made me feel as if we had known each other for a long time, even though it had been less than an hour.
We stayed like that for a while, talking and eating in a way that felt strangely comfortable. It had been a long time since I had last eaten with other people, especially with people so strange. I’d have to tell someone about this. But… who?
As we finished up, I thought about it. Without me asking, they offered to walk me home, and just for the fun of it, I decided I’d let them.
I’d tell my roommates, I realized. They’d berate me for having strangers come to our home, but then they’d laugh, and we’d keep a baseball bat by all of our beds. I’d tell my co-workers, who would make jokes about me treating them to dinner too. I’d tell my family, my mother fussing over whether I needed money and my sister calling me a liar for claiming Yoo Joonghyuk was dressed like an astronaut. There were plenty of people to tell, who’d want to hear about something so insignificant, who would just want to hear from me. How could I have forgotten?
When we arrived at my apartment building, we all hesitated for a long moment, none willing to be the first to say goodbye. Finally, I said, “You know, I should probably ask that you pay me back at some point.”
Biyoo smiled sadly. “Well, I doubt we’ll see each other again.”
“True. But just keep it in mind, okay?”
“Stingy,” Yoo Joonghyuk tsked and I shrugged good-naturedly.
“Thanks for walking me. I could’ve handled it on my own, but it was nice.” I worked my key out of my bag as I spoke, turning to the building. “I hope you two have a good night.” However, before I could even go inside, Biyoo reached out and clutched my sleeve desperately.
“Wait!” She burst. "Before you go, we... There's a story we want you to read! A webnovel, like the kind you enjoy. You definitely have to read it! Do you promise?"
I smiled at her earnestness. Wasn't she a bit cute? She almost reminded me of a puppy. "Alright, alright, I promise. What's the name?"
"That..." Biyoo pouted. "There isn't a name yet. It isn't released yet."
"Then how am I supposed to read it? Even when it gets published, I won't be able to find it."
"No, it's okay! I'm sure you'll find it once it starts getting released, and you'll definitely come to love that story. You made a promise to read it, so don't go back on that promise."
"Ahh, you expect so much from me. What do you want me to do, read every new webnovel until I somehow find the one you're talking about?" Despite my exaggerated words, she nodded, and all I could do was laugh. "Fine, fine! Is it a sad or happy story? I like most everything, but I should prepare myself if it's anything too sad."
Instead of her answering, Yoo Joonghyuk began, "L/N Y/N..." I glanced over at him, confused. His voice was full of inexplicable longing when he asked, "Are you happy?"
"Hah? What's that supposed to mean? If I say yes, are you going to tell me to get used to never being happy because of it?" It was a joke, but his expression was deadly serious. I gave a helpless laugh, but matched his sincerity when I told him, "I... Yeah, Yoo Joonghyuk. I'm happy. I wasn't for a long time, but I'm really happy right now."
He smiled. It was a smile that was forged from years of loneliness and hardship, but finding a way to live despite it all. I recognized it, because I saw the same exact smile in my mirror every day.
"It's a happy story."
"Then I promise I'll read it."
Biyoo gave me one last hug before she left. "We'll both do our best, alright? So, stay happy, for the rest of your life."
Those two were so strange. Still, I watched from in front of the building as they walked down the empty sidewalk, towards the setting sun, until they disappeared completely from view.
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oniriver · 6 months ago
FYI! Spoilers later on, (depends on what you consider spoilers tbh, but I wanna be safe). None for orv really, more so sctir considering that's the medium where I will specifically dive into a certain character's actions. I'd say the spoilers go until roughly the end of the Japanese Dungeon arc. Along with some mentions of Crescent Moon.
So there are a lot of parallels to be drawn between orv characters and sctir characters. I mean, despite having different stories, the backstories and personalities of some characters are similar between the two universes. You can talk about Kim Dokja and Han Yoojin's self-sacrificial natures, the fact that Yoo Joonghyuk and Sung Hyunjae have both had their existences worn out by a more powerful existence, etc. Now while those are definitely interesting parallels, I could probably go on hour-long rants about them, they are surprisingly not the parallels that have plagued my mind for months. The parallel that I constantly think of (unfortunately) is one between Uriel and Jellyfish. It's honestly a bit of a weird comparison, I am aware of that. However, I have come up with a ridiculous amount of justification for it in my head. (Whether the justification is good or not is, uh, certainly debatable).
So with that, please hear me out:
I want to start by saying I won't try to argue about Uriel and Jellyfish's similarities in terms of morals. I think, morally, they are very different characters. Uriel has a strong sense of justice, she is known as the Demon-like Judge of Fire after all, while Jellyfish, suffice to say, has very few morals if any at all.
Despite all of that, I will argue their similarities in terms of being an obsessed fan. Anyone who reads orv can see Uriel's love for Kim Dokja and how much she admires him, (to the point where a huge portion of the fandom looks at her and goes "just like me fr"). The real argument would come in the form of whether Jellyfish is a fan of Han Yoojin. This, in my opinion, is less glaringly obvious when presented in Jellyfish compared to Uriel.
Now, why do I think Jellyfish is a fan of Yoojin? While I could bring up her obsession with him, that isn't really concrete evidence in my opinion. One could say Diarma was partially obsessed with Yoojin, (constantly trying to catch and or kill him), however, Diarma was certainly not a fan of him. I feel that the reason behind Jellyfish's obsession with Yoojin is important and what she is willing to sacrifice to get him.
Let's start with their initial meeting. I don't really have much to say about it other than it was the start of her interest in him. Although in fairness, anyone would find him interesting considering he is an F rank constantly surrounded by S ranks.
The next meeting is the one in Sung Hyunjae's house, where Jellyfish attempts to coerce Han Yoojin into signing a contract with her. The thing is, this barely benefits her. At the time Jellyfish didn't know Yoojin was connected with the immoral people, she thought Sung Hyunjae was. So if she made a contract with him, it wouldn't matter to the immoral people (from her pov at least). Furthermore, Han Yoojin is an F rank. Not a born S rank, not even a regular S rank, an F rank. Other than his qualities as a caregiver, nothing (skill-wise) really sets him apart from others of his rank (again, specifically from Jellyfish's pov). Her job as a Filial Duty Addict is to recruit powerful people and, as much as I love him, Han Yoojin's rank does not reflect that. Yet despite that, she still takes an immense interest in him. So much so that she bends over backward, willing to accommodate ten people of his choice, some of which don't have to be S ranks, just to get him to sign her contract.
Later, in the Japanese dungeon, when Jellyfish has the chance to leverage Han Yoohyun's safety (considering Earth was about to collapse until Gyeol/Changling intervened), she no longer offers the choice of picking ten people to save. Instead, she only promises to save Han Yoohyun, because Yoojin wouldn't be willing to leave Earth without him. I think it's important to note that despite Han Yoojin knowing multiple powerful people who are special even among S ranks, Jellyfish only cared about a deal with Yoojin. She ignored Sung Hyunjae whose power was fostered by Crescent Moon. She ignored Bak Yerim who, despite not being born an S rank, was special through her water manipulation. She ignored Moon Hyun and Noah despite them also having interesting attributes (Moon Hyuna constantly going against born S ranks and Noah being an A rank who turned S rank through the Filial Duty Addicts intervention). She ignored Peace who, despite being a monster, was incredibly intelligent and loyal to one he perceived as his caregiver. Even Han Yoohyun, who Jellyfish offered to bring, was only offered a chance at survival because of Han Yoojin and not his nature as a born S rank or the fact that he constantly fights said nature. In the end, despite the fact that you could argue everyone in the dungeon was unique in some way, all she cared about was Han Yoojin. I simply find that noteworthy and I feel it reflects her thoughts on him.
So in my opinion Jellyfish is a crazed fan who is willing to collapse a world or two just to get Han Yoojin's autograph. And while Uriel is certainly more normal, (though she has her moments occasionally), I think their obsession with the main character is at least slightly similar.
Thank you for reading my nonsense <3
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skylar-325 · 7 months ago
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint Read Through
Ch 101-120
Beginning: Ch1-10
note: there’s a lot of cursing in today’s update so sorry about that, was just losing my mind over this damn book
"I agree. Did you see all the stars above his head? He is a monster."
> truly horrifying
"Are you going to kill me?" "I'd like to but Master will be sad."
> lmao jihye a real one
"Did you come with Yoo Joonghyuk?" "Huh? Why does ahjussi know everything?"
> clears throat dramatically
i’ll take this dokja.
you see he’s ga-
The lieutenant lifted the man with one hand and threw him to the other side of Han River.
> lmfao HYUNSUNG?????? 🤣
> why is everyone either in love with dokja or wants him dead. and then there’s yjh…
There was slight disappointment in Yoo Joonghyuk's eyes as he replied, "You don't seem to know a lot this time."
> bitch he’s doing his best 😭
"…Kim Dokja?" The surprised Yoo Joonghyuk looked down at my fallen self.
> ah when the suicidal dokja trauma started 😭
I smiled at Yoo Joonghyuk and told him, "Hey, kill me. You usually want to kill me."
> this hurts a lot worse after dkos 😭
"Wait Kim Dokja! It isn't too late." "It is too late." "It isn't!"
Yoo Joonghyuk made an expression that I hadn't seen for a long time. It was the expression he made when he first saw me on the subway. "I can't do it."
> why must y’all do this to me
i can’t do this nahsjejsjddjdn the suicidal dokja trauma is hitting me too
My vision blurred. I could see Yoo Joonghyuk trying to stop the bleeding but I had already lost too much blood.
> ok so like i know this a super sad moment…but tell me why this is giving y/n
Then I saw a person with a fearsome aura behind Shin Yoosung. 「 "I'm going to kill you, Shin Yoosung." 」
「 "…That guy." 」
「 "He is my companion." 」
Didn't this bastard know I was going to be resurrected?
> Dokja…istfg THINK
[The constellation 'Bald General of Justice' is blushing at your companionship.]
> oh i see you fellow fujo
> trust dokja to think the death of his companion would make yjh try to earn more coins
「 "Why call him a companion? Is it because he sacrificed himself for you? Just because of this?" 」
> and cuz he’s hot. i mean the sacrifice thing too but mostly cuz he’s hot af
「 "Then what about me and the others? Jihye unni and Hyunsung oppa. Seolhwa unni? What the hell are the people who fought with you?" "I… I don't know what you're talking about."
"There is only one thing I know." Yoo Joonghyuk wiped the blood from his lips and said. "You killed my companion in this round. Thus, you will also die." 」
are you telling me…after all this time
yjh is actually a softie
wtf i’m crying
I was fooled by his acting. Yes, I read Ways of Survival for this taste. Come to think of it, I had been in tears when Yoo Joonghyuk said something similar to Lee Hyunsung.
> dokja my life my love plz stfu 😭
「 "Die. I will kill you." 」
> guys he’s so sad he’s going on a murderous rampage 😭
「 "Is it worth it for me to live?" 」 「 "Then what is the value of this life?" 」
I looked around and saw my scattered items and clothing. It was lucky that no one had taken them. I started putting on my clothes when I heard an eerie voice behind me. "…Kim Dokja?"
> uh oh
I carried the injured Yoo Joonghyuk on my shoulder and rushed towards the frozen Han River.
> he’s princess carrying him. i know i was the han river
"So you also live that way, Shin Yoosung." "…What?" "If you want, I will bear your hatred."
> oh my god the character development 😭
At least, until the voice of the intermediate dokkaebi was heard. [I'm sorry but that's a bit difficult.]
> wait
[Incarnation Kim Dokja. You are the smartest and scariest out of all the incarnations I know.]
> yesss he is
A black aura rose from disaster Shin Yoosung's body. I hurriedly shouted, "Wait! What are you doing?"
[The personality of the character 'Shin Yoosung' will be fixed to 'evil'.]
"You have failed." "Don't touch the child." I hid the young Shin Yoosung behind my back. "I won't forgive you if you touch this child." Yoo Joonghyuk glared at me. "There is no other way."
> oh god make it stop
why are things spiralling
Who could swing a sword after seeing those eyes? The woman who wandered for over a thousand years and suffered. I had to kill her now.
"…Don't worry about me." Yoo Joonghyuk spilled blood on the floor as he stood beside me with the Splitting the Sky Sword.
> “dw bout me” leaks like a kool aid box
"Do it properly, Kim Dokja!" "I'm doing it!" "Dammit…"
hey look if you got it then your mind’s filthy just as mine
Blood fell. I stared into Shin Yoosung's face. Just like in Ways of Survival, Shin Yoosung was smiling. I realized that she deliberately allowed herself to be hit by my sword.
> why am i putting myself through this again
The Judge of Destruction. 10 days later, Jung Heewon was much more restrained than I knew. She lightly patted my shoulders and moved. "Leave it to me and take a break."
The archangel Uriel chose Jung Heewon as an incarnation.
> my bby has great taste fr
> i’m so sad about this fight but holy shit heewon is so cool
Yoo Joonghyuk turned around at these words. Then Yoo Joonghyuk's inner thoughts were conveyed to me. 「 I will get revenge for you. 」
> i don’t know what to say
dammit i hate good writers. they make me feel so much
[Intermediate dokkaebi 'Paul'. You shall be arrested for violating the Star Stream regulations.]
[You will lose the achievement points of all the scenarios you have built up and will be demoted to a low-grade dokkaebi after your punishment…]
[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is looking at the intermediate dokkaebi 'Paul'.]
[The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is chuckling at the intermediate dokkaebi 'Paul'.]
[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is mocking the intermediate dokkaebi 'Paul'.]
> i love them just ganging up on fuckass paul
[Yes, the dokkaebi who reported you is Bihyung.]
> W Bihyung
[Dokkaebi Bihyung. He is a very good dokkaebi. Look at his humility. He has the integrity of a streamer who ignores everything and immerses himself in the scenarios. It is different from you and the dokkaebis who only wear luxurious clothing.]
> I…yes exactly bestie is the best. look at them gassing him up 🤩
Bihyung had a shy expression on his face. He didn't know that his poverty would help him in this way.
"I want a solo meeting with the intermediate dokkaebi Paul."
> OH I remember this
My fists descended towards the pale Paul. The damn scenarios I experienced so far passed through my head.
"I-I am outside the scenario! You can't earn coins by doing this! It won't benefit you!"
> fucking capitalist
The executive dokkaebis didn't like streamers. The executives who evolved from constellations were good at fighting but had no talent in leading the scenarios.
> upper management is the same no matter what species huh?
> the way new dokkaebis keep needing to replace official ones cuz dokja keeps messing around XD
Surprisingly, Yoo Sangah had already drank four bottles of soju.
> damn sangah heavy weight confirmed
It was clearly a face free of makeup but it was hard to find any blemishes. Yoo Sangah slowly leaned towards me. Her face was getting closer and closer.
> wait
wait wait WAIT
> fucking hell wine dude
> oh right the underworld arc
The person who died in the first scenario, Delusional Demon Kim Namwoon was in Hades' domain.
> oh no
the high schoolers back
I could see how good Bihyung was at handling things. He just slightly lacked intelligence…
> did…did he just call bibi stupid
[The king is uncomfortable with your sudden visit. That's why I thought it would be better for me to talk to you.]
> does he have social anxiety
I didn't know why the goddess of another country knew so much about Korean mean.
> maybe she’s into kpop? i know more than i should too XD
I was really confused.
> dude same. the censoring is harsher than chinese men kissing on tv
[I keep thinking this but… you look delicious.]
> she calling him a snack?
> oh never mind she calling him a meal
"You can call it a courtship." […Huh?]
> kdj just be flirting with everyone huh
is this revenge for yjh running off with lsw
[Hrmm, it is difficult. This is why males are…] "Of course, it isn't courting you but courting the Father of the Rich Night."
> this man is so gay
My heart felt pained. She must've been waiting for a long time. Even so, this child had to wait longer.
I looked at her sleeping face and recalled Persephone's image. Then my face became hot. … By the way, the Chinese dress and garter belt… it was really great.
>… ok bi king
I looked around with a sigh and saw the King of Wanderers. She was watching me without saying a word. I could see a slight smile below her half mask.
> 🙁
The moment I broke the biscuit, one side of the tent exploded and the self-styled president of Yeouido fell down with a scream.
> so fucking dramatic JUST USE THE FRONT DOOR
I thought the second one would be me so I was naturally surprised. Well, I originally wasn't his companion so his other party members might be disturbed if he called me first. He might look cold but he looked after his people. I could understand that sentiment.
> oh you poor poor thing. you don’t know how badly you fucked up last night
The confused Lee Gilyoung was stunned for a moment but he stood in front of Shin Yoosung like he made a decision.
> adorable
…Then what about me? Why was he looking at me like that? I belatedly chased after him but Yoo Joonghyuk was already gone. How long did I stand there?
> oof rejection hurts doesn’t it buddy
"Ahjussi, didn't you meet with Master last night? I thought you would be the first on the list…" "What do you mean?" "Last night Master said he was going to see you?"
> this is literally out of a miscommunication fic
"That's strange? He definitely went to find you. He was also a bit angry when he came back."
> oh my god author you’re making this too easy
[The constellation 'God of Wine and Ecstasy' is making a playful expression.]
> fucking hell dude my ship is in danger because of you
"Companions, I think I understand." Lee Hyunsung unexpectedly interrupted. "Come to think of it, I would also feel offended if I saw Kim Dokja doing that."
> hyunsung bestie wanna share something with the class?
"…Yes? Why would Hyunsung-ssi feel bad?" Lee Jihye looked like she was going to get a nosebleed.
> lee jihye i know what you are
"Um… it make sense." Jung Heewon agreed. [The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is disappointed with her incarnation.]
> lmfao not everyone built for that fujo life uriel
I took a deep breath before saying to the King of Wanderers. "It has been a long time, Mother."
> ugh i’m not ready for this emotional roller coaster
"Do you know the book called the Underground Killer? It was previously on the Kyobo bestsellers list."
> ouch it was a best seller?
Yoo Joonghyuk stood next to me and said, "You came."
> kdj: you called
"You have a woman you love." "…What?"
> yjh: you’re straight
kdj: huh???
Yoo Joonghyuk stared at me quietly and said, "Certainly, I don't care if you die."
> you were losing your mind telling him it’s not too late when he had a hole in his body
yjh feels so much more fleshed out as a person and not just a emotion less machine is insane. god damn i love this book
previous: ch93-110
beginning: ch1-10
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orviposition · 2 years ago
one of the many things i hate orv for is making me be so dependant on yoo joonghyuk getting a happy ending— it's all kim dokja's fault i swear i wish for it so bad. the thought of this man not being able to be at peace and happy in a world where his friends and family are there without the scenarios, makes me mad with a grief i didnt know i was capable of feeling for a 'character' 🥲
(what's also funny is that yoo joonghyuk's happy ending, where his friends and family are happy and well, kim dokja is also there standing besides them. But kim dokja cannot even imagine a world where he can be together with them without 'failing' and atoning. 💀✌️) a happy ending for yoo joonghyuk would be one with you as well kim dokja you fool
aughh anon the entire content of this ask has been on my mind for months. do we have some sort of a mind link be honest. also this will have spoilers for epilogue and side story below
aghh kdj wishing for and working so hard for yjh's happiness truthfully translated into us wishing for the happiness of that sunfish too I'd say. 1863 abandoned lives and worlds existing solely to meet his sponsor and find the reason he exists, which is also linked to said sponsor, made him feel liberated and at peace. a feeling which only kdj, said sponsor, took issue with. his guilt is so huge, so strong, he cannot fathom that yjh will not resent him after having his tragedy be used as someone's sustenance.
after kdj split himself into 51 and 49 in order to atone and sustain the world in which yjh and the rest of kimcom will continue to live, he'd already started imagining how their lives would be. 49 and yjh would search for tls123, 49 would read hsy's novel, 49 would attend ljh's graduation etc. what he didnt count for was kimcom regressing to get him back.
after the group regression, yjh says that his story has already ended now that his reader is no longer there. some time later, astronaut yjh sets on a space journey to spread orv and piece kdj together except that he fully expected to die and the mission to fail because just like kdj had learned to live from him, yjh no longer knows how to live without kdj anymore. in fact before sp and 999 gang save him and biyoo appears yjh fully expects that his -- will be 'death' (as if kdj would allow that smh).
after nearly a hundred years he descends into lhh's worldline. i think most of us know that lhh is 49 kdj's reincarnation by now, what i didnt catch the first time around however was that yjh and lhh met right after lhh considered committing suicide (lee "i have no trauma" hakhyun is a fucking liar) but chickened out in the end
a few thousands more years pass and yjh returns to the 1864th worldline. he talks more, he smiles easier, he no longer cares what his -- will be. and hes let kdj choose for himself whether or not he wants to return. he has been kdj's reader for thousands of years, he Understands what it means to get the will to survive by reading someone's story.
and in the side story he wants to take that choice back. he'll bring kdj back himself. cuz hes obsessed. hsy failed so now is his turn. except that his turn hasnt started yet. so who knows.
anw tldr yeah you cannot divorce kdj from yjh's (happy) ending. if any number yjh hears abt kdj in whatever way shape or form he'll get curious abt him. 41, for example. even after excluding lhh, 41 got curious abt kdj. hsy shows him a happy memory of our yjh which included kdj and 41 fucking collapsed (i become more excited abt the side story the more it progresses) and lost consciousness. it was such a strong memory of kdj and kimcom eating yjh's cooking and kdj saying how he cooks so well and he should bring more beef next time that hsy described it as yjh dying from happiness. yjhs -- is kdj related in one way or another. kdj just has to Get It that yjh cannot be happy without him
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z-nightshade · 2 months ago
Very interesting information.
But now I can't stop thinking about how fucking funny it would be it the Strawhats did travel to the scenarios.
Imagine this:
For whatever reason the plot might demand, Cass is able to freely transport the entire ship with all the Strawhats to Korea. (Never in my life have I used such a sentence)
The Sunny just appears, Poofs into existence and falls into the closet body of water (probably the Han river)
People panic of course, sudden things like this normally mean death!
The first ones on the scene of course are the Company. The moment they see that goofy ass ship, there will be four main reactions.
"Why the fuck are the kids here (yes the old people also count as his kids)"
"Why am I even surprised?"
A pure and genuine "Oh shit." Reaction
And utter confusion for the rest of them
It gets even more confusing when the kid in the strawhat flings his stretchy self onto who should be the most dangerous of them and calls him "Mom".
Uriel has definitely clipped this moment and has it saved in her gallery.
Fortunately for Earth, what the Strawhats do best is depose tyrannical institutions.
Whatever, I'm more hung up on The Throuple parents reaction to their godlike children breaking the laws of space-time to see them again. The didn't even get to see what the One Piece was!!!!
Yoo Sangah looked at the lion? Sunflower? shaped figure head of the ship that had appeared out of nowhere.
Most had already fled the area, assuming the ship was an omen of another scenario that would kill many. It was not an unfounded fear.
Yoo Sangah does not recognize the ship from any history class she has taken, though she did think it was from history. It was too silly looking, the type of ship you'd find in a cartoon.
And then-
"Why the fuck are the kids here?" Yoo Joonghyuk asked harshly.
"Kids?" Lee Jihye parroted.
"Why am I surprised?" Han Sooyoung asked, laughing around the lollypop in her mouth.
"Oh shit," Kim Dokja said last, but there was a small smile on his lips.
The three recognized the ship, then. And given their reactions, it was unlikely to be a threat.
A blur came rocketing towards Yoo Joonghyuk.
"MOM!" The blur yelled, slamming into the most dangerous among them.
"Luffy," Yoo Joonghyuk greeted, patting the boy who was the blur on the head as he wrapped himself around the man.
Lee Jihye choked and Yoo Sangah could hear notifications coming from the constellations.
Things did not start to make more sense from there.
More people, ranging from teens looking around Lee Jihye's age to a literal talking skeleton came down from the ship, bee lining for Yoo Joonghyuk, Han Sooyoung and Kim Dokja.
A blonde man in a suit immediately began fawning over Han Sooyoung while a man with green hair and three swords yelled at him.
It was weird.
But perhaps one of the weirdest parts was when one of the younger ones walked up and silently wrapped Kim Dokja in a hug, lifting him off his feet.
Yoo Sangah could hear Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosoung hiss.
"Cass," Kim Dokja choked slightly.
"Hmm," The teen, maybe young adult, hummed, seeting Kim Dokja down on his feet but not letting him go. "You're lighter than when you disappeared. Are you eating enough?"
"Shut up," Kim Dokja scowled. "How'd you even get here?"
Yoo Joonghyuk and Han Sooyoung looked over at the question.
The rubber teen who had flung himself into Yoo Joonghyuk launched into a wild and nonsensical explanation surrounding the teen still hugging Kim Dokja.
When the rubber teen was over Cass, the one hugging Kim Dokja, shrugged slightly.
"We missed you," They said simply, a sweet smile on their face, offering no further explination.
"Right," Kim Dokja said, looking away from them. "You gonna let me go now?"
"Not until you hug me back, dickhead," Cass scowled, or more like pouted, at the man.
And the Yoo Sangah's surprise, Kim Dokja hugged them back.
She will learn later that when the trio disappeared for a week, they'd actually been in a scenario in another world, for three years in that time. The ship and the people on it had come from that world because they had missed the trio.
(No one got an explanation on the fact that Yoo Joonghyuk got called 'mom' or 'baba' by the group. Lee Jihye tried to ask but never got the chance to finish her question before Yoo Joonghyuk started scolding people on reckless behavior.)
"Honestly, I just though they finally fucked," Jung Heewon said after explanations were over.
"I mean, they probably did at some point," Cass shrugged cuddled up with Luffy and halfway laying on top of Kim Dokja. "They got married after all."
Kim Dokja is immediately getting tag teamed by Cass and Luffy to make sure he didn't retreat in on himself after reentering the scenarios
Han Sooyoung is not surprised the pirate crew that is chaos incarnate somehow broke space time because they missed their friends. But she is happy they're back
Yoo Joonghyuk is worried about Cass and their reckless behaviour with regards to forcing themself and their crew through the barriers or reality
Also, I fully believe the disaster trio would be married by the time they return to the scenarios. Luffy, as Captain, was the one to marry them. Though Cass definetly had to lead him through it
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currently-not-studying · 2 years ago
I am fascinated by the ORV look on fatherhood. For now let's just look at Kim Dokja bc this post will get too long. Later: young dad Yoo Joonghyuk and joys of parenthood of Han Myungoh.
Kim Dokja and his 4 kids (Lee Gilyoung, Shin Yoonung, Bihyo, (arguably) Lee Jihye or puppy Lee Hyunsung)
So we have this guy who thinks he is unworthy of love and not a good role model trying to save children during the apocalypse. Someone who has no previous experience of good parenthood trying his best to give them what he never got. He gives them opportunity to grow, he trusts them to take care of themselves but also makes sure they don't face anything they cannot handle. But he also leaves them behind time and time again because it's not like they won't manage. It's not like they don't have anyone else so just because they loose him (and he will come back!) it isn't that big of a deal. Or maybe he knows it is but sees no other way and he will be back so they can get angry and clingy but for now he needs them to push through (but do we trust Kim Dokja to really consider how much he is worth to them?).
We have Kim Dokja as a son of an abusive father.
Even though this man shaped the whole story we don't see that much of him. We see his echos in the ways KD thinks of himself, of his relationship with his mother. He haunts the story the same way the abusing parents often haunt their victims all the way into the adulthood. The lack of self-worth, the need to separate yourself from your feelings to survive, to hide behind a wall - it seems like it started early. And we also see KD father in the ways KD is different from him. The bar may be on the floor when we are talking about someone being better than KD father but KD goes above and beyond. Even though he struggles with it it takes a lot to choose a different mind set when you were never offered alternatives, at least outside of stories you've read.
Which brings us to the other one of Kim Dokja's fathers. Hades. The book version of a father - a stoic, but loving man offering to fight for his child with a scythe and all the glory of the Underworld. Someone who will forgive you lying to him (normal) and then offer you a legion of soldiers (less so). If KD ever read about good fathers it could be someone exactly like this. And it's not realistic in the way KD is with his kids - it feels more like a wish fulfillment of a little child. A dream of a child beaten and berated by his own father to have someone who stands up for them, who forgives them and trusts them. And who ultimately dies for them.
Because both of Kim Dokja's fathers died. And both did that because of him. That's not fair. Hades did it for him. He saved Kim Dokja just like a father should. And on the other hand we have a father that had to die so KD could live, not because of some great curse or calamity. His death was the only thing that could keep KD safe from him. And even in death his shadow was there. KD mother had to leave him, his abuse at the hand of his extended family and children from school started.
So for me Kim Dokja on some level knows what he has: an experience of abuse. And he knows that in no way he wants to repeat that with his children. So he tries. He tries to offer them support, to be there for them, to forgive them. Just like a perfect, book version of a father would. But they're not in a perfect world and he isn't almighty. He still suffers from all those beliefs installed in him by the years of abuse which started at the hands of his first father.
In the end he is human in his constant struggle to break the cycle, to give those he loves his best and also in his failures.
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teecupangel · 11 months ago
Based on @wisecloudnightmare’s tags in the Altaïr and Desmond commits identity fraud (on each other) idea:
#this makes me think of that one comic where joonghyuk keeps saying going away kim dokja and then when kim dokha really disappears #he says don't you ever leave again or I'll kill you asfghjkbijgds #ugh but altaïr with 999th joonghyuk's personality would be so fascinating too #the one where his mind is really fragile but he's still a beast to fight with. only kdj can tame him.
(Absolute spoilers to ORV underneath)
I believe you are talking about the 1863rd Yoo Joonghyuk. 999th Yoo Joonghyuk is the best boi who sacrificed his limbs and life so his companions could reach the ending even without him by making a pact with a certain Outer God (which I think would be a fun idea to play with as well).
We’ll focus on 1863rd version for this one and we’ll make it so that Altaïr is regressing over and over again and he has no idea why.
He’s caught in a time loop that starts every time he died (doesn’t matter when, where or how, what matters is he dies) and he doesn’t even have a goal to focus on.
He always regresses to the same point:
The moment he killed an innocent man underneath the Temple Mount, Malik saying the same words again and again.
Nothing worked.
Getting the Apple of Eden during this time did not help.
Saving Kadar did not do anything.
Killing Abbas before he orders the death of his family and friends did not end this cursed life.
His first life was not perfect but it was a fulfilling one.
His later lives?
He could not bear to watch his sons grow and die before him.
He could not bear the thought of that family of his from long ago become just another part of this wretched tragedy.
That’s when the Apple whispers to him of what he must do.
It never did that before.
So he agrees to it as long as the Apple promises to find a way to finally kill him without any chance of returning to that point.
The Apple only says “Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad’s greatest wish will come true in this ‘round’.”
The Apple’s instructions gets Altaïr to kill Al Mualim early on, branding him a traitor and pitting him against his own brothers. This culminates in pretty much a ‘me versus the world’ with Malik being ordered to hunt him down together with Abbas.
During one of the three-way fight between Altaïr, some Assassins and the guards of the city they are in, Desmond appears.
Desmond survived the Solar Flare but how he did it was hazy. What he does know is that something is terrible wrong with Altaïr because he doesn’t look like the Altaïr in his memories.
This Altaïr is both more savage yet also more tired than Desmond remembered.
There is a resignation in his movements even as he dodged everything. As if he had given up on life but knows he must continue to move forward, ignoring the pain and tiredness of his mortal body.
Desmond doesn’t know about the regressions until the Apple tells him that this is the 1863rd ‘loop’.
Because of this, Desmond tries to help him and Altaïr leans on him because he is an anomaly. He knows of Altaïr’s first life.
He only knows about Altaïr’s first life, reminding him about it when he himself barely remembers it.
Desmond was from the original timeline.
Desmond was the real key to end this, not the Apple.
And so Altaïr started to depend on him.
Protecting Desmond was the most important thing in this entire world because he was Desmond, the key to ending all of this and the first person to ever get pass the darkness that has clouded Altaïr’s mind for so long.
Desmond was important.
Desmond’s words were law.
All he needed was Desmond.
On the other corner…
The Apple just lets Desmond use it like it was Desmond’s personal Google.
It does, however, give an error every time Desmond asks why he’s been transported to this timeline and the truth about the loops.
Desmond knows that Altaïr is getting a bit… well…. obsessed with him. But it brought life back in his eyes and that was enough for Desmond. He’d deal with the rest as they come up. (famous last words)
The twist is the loop is an unintentional byproduct of the Reader and the Heir trying to find clues to how to save the world by checking the other unused timelines that the Calculations had also found and more timelines that the Calculations didn’t catch the first time.
They didn’t know that Altaïr’s constant use of the apple made him the closest being to them and he gets sucked into their research, but didn’t get to the Grey. Instead, he was taking over the consciousness of the Altaïrs in those timelines they’re ‘skimming’.
Time was inconsequential to the Reader and the Heir. It was not to Altaïr.
They only learned about Altaïr around the end of the 1862nd turn.
The Apple? That’s the Heir staying in the Gray and connecting with the Apple to guide Altaïr into bringing the solution into the 1863rd worldline.
Unfortunately, something happened and what he brought was an incomplete solution.
Because Desmond forgot that he was the Reader.
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lee-hakhyun · 1 year ago
today's chapter! under a readmore because it got kinda long
dkos tells lhh to hit yjh in the back of the head. he'll help him after he does this. why?? because he wants to see it 🥺 lhh questions kdj's sanity and wonders if he is just a sadistic person.
then he starts coping.
thinking about it, kim dokja's actions were all calculated... he's always planning ahead... so if he told him to hit yjh in the back of the head there has to be a reason...
he goes and hits yjh in the back of the head. then immediately regrets it when yoo joonghyuk slowly turns his head and glares at him. he didn't even manage to actually hit him, as yjh had a self defense barrier up. lhh is kind of screwed. he asks dkos what to do now. and dkos' response? "wow. you actually did it. i didn't think you'd it." LMFAOO lhh belatedly realizes that while kdj is deliberate in his actions, that kind of goes out the window when it comes to yjh
anyway, lhh is panicking. he hit yoo joonghyuk. he's so panicked that an exclusive attribute activates to calm him down. he thinks it through. he's 'cheon inho' right now, so what would cheon inho do...
equipped with the special cheon inho mode (his words not mine) he smiles the best he can. and start bullshitting. yjh's expression shifts, but then he staight up tells lhh to stop acting and that he knows he's not cheon inho. the real cheon inho would have aimed for a better vital point. whatever. lhh says he can just be a fake cheon inho then. it's not important who he is in the end. yjh sits down and looks out a window, staring at the faint traces of the great hole left after everything that happened 45 days ago.
dkos chips in then. as expected, he didn't kill lhh. he made him hit yjh as a test??? dkos says it was important to know if he'd kill you or not. you never know if you'll have to hit him in the back of the head again.
lhh and yjh start talking. yjh actually calls him 'fake cheon inho' 😭 yjh starts by asking why he stopped him from taking the absolute throne. its influence was there, but it didn't work properly. lhh tells yjh that he can't take the throne or else he wouldn't be able to see a proper end. you're a regressor and you don't even know that?
ah. oops. shouldn't have said that. yjh gets pissed at that remark. but he's not killed. dkos remarks that yjh won't kill lhh, and it's true! yjh has judged that lhh is more useful alive than dead
yjh goes on, speaking about someone else who was able to stop him. han sooyoung. she had planted memories of other worldlines into his head...
lhh is curious. how did yjh feel as he saw orv?
then yjh asks lhh if he can also plant memories of the worldline in yjh's head. he doesn't have orv's story like hsy did, but he might be able to work out something with incite... is yjh curious about orv? should lhh really tell him what happened? what will happen to this regression then?
but yjh says he doesn't care. he then brings up anna croft. haven't heard from her in a while! the final round of the seventh scenario will be with her group. yjh says that he'll probably try to kill her when she sees her. along with those words, there were some strange stories that rose from his body. dkos notices those tattoos then and figures out what story it is. doesn't tell lhh (or us) though.
yjh tells lhh to block that story, by injecting him with the memories. happy memories are the only way to stop yjh... yjh doesn't care who lhh is. cheon inho or not, his job is to stick by yjh and stop him with happy memories whenever he's ordered to.
so. lee hakhyun has secured a spot by yjh's side. the 41st regression might not be so terrible? lhh is thrilled. dkos is even more thrilled! he tells lhh to give yjh the dirt-eating memory next
ignoring dkos, lhh checks his phone. oh, omniscient reader's viewpoint updated. he had.. forgotten about it.... god damn it lhh. oh well, better late than never. he can use this to see whats happened while he was out-
there were no chapters in the 45 days he'd been passed out...
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headphonemouse · 2 years ago
Follow up to this post brought to you by @forgetme-eternally-blissfully, in fanfic snippet format because I gave up on drawing the comic (the fanfic was supposed to be a comic draft but I added too many details)
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Kim Dokja lays on the ground among the rubble of a ruined building. He twitches a little before his eyes open. The world is blurry. In the distance, he can see a dark blur fluttering around his surroundings. As his vision comes into focus, he can recognize Yoo Joonghyuk searching through the debris.
A sharp pain coming from his side causes Kim Dokja to let out a groan as he struggles to push himself up to a sitting position. The sound catches Yoo Joonghyuk's attention and immediately he starts making a beeline in Kim Dokja's direction.
As Yoo Joonghyuk approaches, Kim Dokja takes note of Yoo Joonghyuk's tattered coat, his bloodstained body, the wounds on his face, hands, legs. None too serious though some deep enough to inevitably leave scars later.
Yoo Joonghyuk is getting closer, kneeling down, reaching his hand out towards Kim Dokja's face, making a move to pull Kim Dokja in when Kim Dokja decides to open his mouth.
"You're not losing your balance and having trouble standing are you? I'm not going to carry you on my back this time."
"Shut up," is all Yoo Joonghyuk says as he wraps his arms around Kim Dokja's shoulders. His grip is tight, one hand on the back of Kim Dokja's head, the other circled around his upper back.
There is a gash in Kim Dokja's side that throbs with pain. Blood loss has his head spinning and his vision blurring again. From where his face is pressed into Yoo Joonghyuk's shoulder, Kim Dokja can smell blood, sweat, smoke. Buildings continue to crumple in the background and the sound of something falling pitters in his ears. His hands tense and untense, relax and remain by his sides.
Kim Dokja lets out a breath and leans into Yoo Joonghyuk, just slightly. Just enough so that Yoo Joonghyuk can tighten his hold by a hair.
Author's notes (what would normally be my image caption):
I said in the referenced post that Kim Dokja has no trouble reciprocating affection once someone else initiates, but I think Yoo Joonghyuk is the exception. Always exceptional, that one. At least during the Scenarios.
Kim Dokja can read his movements, see what Yoo Joonghyuk is aiming to do, can read his mind, dammit. But he can't comprehend his actions. Yoo Joonghyuk acting in a way that Kim Dokja doesn't know about is something that happens more and more often as time goes on, and serves as a reminder of the wall that exists between a protagonist and a reader, but also the wall that exists between two normal people. Because at this moment, Kim Dokja is still struggling to see Yoo Joonghyuk as his own person instead of a protagonist or a 1863x-regressor-to-be. He's blinded by what he knows and has seen in his own past, which he assumes will be Yoo Joonghyuk's future. When he looks at him, does he see those ghosts of the future flickering superimposed over the shape of the man before him? This is the sort of wall that exists between them.
So when Yoo Joonghyuk acts outside of Kim Dokja's expectations, Kim Dokja tries to push them back on course with banter. "Yoo Joonghyuk is getting closer, kneeling down, reaching his hand out towards Kim Dokja's face, making a move to pull Kim Dokja in-" Kim Dokja sees all of this, takes note of all of this, knows what's to come of it. Doesn't understand it one bit. He's not oblivious. It's more like, "Why? Why me? Why would someone feel this way about and want to do these things with me?" He KNOWS the effect he has on people. He intentionally calculates how much he interacts with Jung Heewon and Lee Hyunsung to ensure their loyalty towards him in the early scenarios (not so much so after like Scenario 5-ish so we're talking early-early scenarios. After that point he more supports them in the direction they want to go (when that direction is the direction he already wanted them to go anyways. something something picking teammates because he knew they were already loyal and righteous by nature, nurturing them so that they would be able to carry out their justice no matter the adversary. He chose them because he knew they were loyal and strong, but they weren't loyal or strong at the time. But they would be in the future. But they wouldn't have been without him. But in another time where he didn't exist they were strong anyways see this is how he is able to have ultimate faith in his party members and know the kind of support he has given them while still being unable to recognize his own value in the grand scheme of things. Because they would have been fine without him, he's SEEN it. This is another wall between him and other people, another future ghost)). So he knows how much influence he has in other peoples' lives. But he values himself so little that he is blind to the emotional, sentimental weight he has to these people. No matter how much he knows he's done for them, he won't see himself as worthy of genuine praise or recognition, affection, love.
So this lack of self recognition extends to his perception of all of his companions, but especially so to Yoo Joonghyuk. Yoo Joonghyuk is probably the person whom Kim Dokja is the most strict about characterization with. Kim Dokja knows him the best, it's true, but he also doesn't know a damn thing about him as a person instead of a character and that makes him feel a certain way. Vulnerable, I think. Lonely. That childish feeling of betrayal when the characters walk off the page without him. There are sides to people and characters that you will never know simply because they weren't observed. And there are sides of people that you have no right to know. It is by becoming a person instead of a reader that you must abide by those rules and give up omniscience. Part of being a person and recognizing another's personhood is to willingly not know everything about them.
Anyways. He's not there yet. Not by Hug Attempt #2. This was supposed to have 3 parts with the last one set after the epilogue but we'll see if I ever get to it.
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orphiclovers · 11 months ago
Do you think the MIA side story is actually the "original timeline" cause if not, I'm thinking about what would have happened if kimcom (well sys & lsh) didn't intervene
i actually have so many thoughts about this jahdjkdh STRAP IN LONG POST AHEAD
first lets talk about what the 'original timeline' is. the simplest way to define it is the story written of in the original 'Ways of Survival' 3149 chapters, that happens without Kim Dokja's (or hsy's) direct influence. ergo, Secretive Plotter's 1863 regressions, but also the unrecorded history of his life as an outer god.
that leaves round's 0, alt-1863, 1864, 1865 as worlds that were directly influenced by kim dokja and part of an 'altered' timeline, and I would make the claim that they happen to a different, alt!yjh too.
if the 'original timeline' is written by 1863!hsy in the novel 'Ways of Survival', lived by the Secretive Plotter and brought to life by the Oldest Dream; then the 'altered timeline' is written by 'our' Han Sooyoung and 1864!Yoo Joonghyuk (+kimcom) in 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint,' lived by Kim Dokja and brought to life by us.
for me, all confusing time paradox, alternate universe stuff makes sense in the context of these two timelines.
Secretive Plotter, when he becomes an outer god and starts observing his own past regressions, mistakenly starts to believe that he can intervene in his own past because he seemingly successfully did in the 999th turn- but actually, that was the only way it could have ever gone, because that was what was written in WoS and what he had already lived. it was an exception and the only exception.
(the alt!1863 world-line was always different from his own past 1863rd regression, unlike with 999, because he would have remembered it if it had happened to him; he only decided to intervene in it bc the alt!3rd turn existed, which in turn was created because he intervened in the alt!1863 turn etc etc the end result devours the cause etc we get it)
SP knows the universe is a closed loop intellectually but he doesn't ever comprehend it fully- because he is a character, he cannot see past the fourth wall even when he learns of its existence (he very literally cant break past the Final Wall). but his story wasn't about that. as all Yoo Joonghyuks do, he wondered about the meaning of his existence, and the conclusion he eventually arrived at was that he existed for the Oldest Dream- he accepted this answer, made the oldest dream a reality and went off to live in domestic found family bliss with little kdj and 999th turns outer gods. thats the way he escapes being a 'character.' (good for him)
on the other hand 'our' yoo joonghyuk / alt!yjh is on a totally different trajectory than Secretive Plotter.
his story starts (as much as anything has a 'start' in orv...) at the end of the alt!1863 world-line when he chooses to live / regress to meet Kim Dokja. he only knows to do that because he literally sees his own story written on the Fourth Wall- hes already very locked in to the truth of the universe from the get-go. then, he sacrifices most of his memories to create that world he saw, the quote 'world-line above the Wall.' he does the impossible and escapes from being a character with his own fervent willpower.
and this YJH is the one we read about in ORV, whose fundamentally different from SP in various ways but most importantly in his...complete self-awareness of the fact he is a character in a novel, not intellectually, but like, existentally?? he is constantly not breaking the fourth wall exactly, but seeing the edges of it intruding on his experience of reality in cosmically horrifying ways (he reminds me a lot of that one tumblr post about eldritch madness).
yma side story yoo joonghyuk is the alt!yjh through and through baby!!!! he is:
directly impacted by kim dokja's existence (through kimcom)
living through events not described in WoS (but that are described in ORV)
existentially aware of a (fourth) wall dividing reality in two (to the point of madness/psychosis- he literally sees this wall in a psychic vision!!)
and to answer the second part of your question...its hard to say what SP thinks about his pre-scenarios life, but I think it might be along the same lines as every other character does. he knows he was a pro gamer, can vaugley reminisce about it, but it isnt relevent to the plot so he doesnt think about it very often. (heck, he might even assume he has parents and a childhood!)
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cittielinks · 2 years ago
spirited children au
Fom a mob’s perspective. 
It was gradual at first but he noticed how Kim Dokja was spacing most of the time. the boy was silent and was always hunching over his books.
He never had friends, Kim Dokja that is, and being the president in the class he needed to focus on all his classmates, especially those trouble maker. Kim Dokja, well he wasn’t a troublemaker per se. Rather Kim Dokja was a sweet child, kind, and was just… not there.
A bit gloomy but he could not make fault. His classmate has been through a lot. Constant jabbing, curses, and murmurs about how he was the murderer’s son its no surprise he was aloof. 
He tried to stop the bullying of course but over time it was tiring to fight off these people
So he stopped. 
It was around the fall nearing winter. He noticed the sudden change in his classmate, Kim Dokja. For the most part, he was still unresponsive whatsoever. 
But he noticed him spacing out, grinning, and smiling when he thought no one was watching.
then he noticed Kim Dokja giggling and talking near the flowers in the garden. He thought maybe his classmate find comfort in flowers and is trying out gardening. 
It was weird. He would always hear bells ringing whenever Kim Dokja is near. His eyes, oh dear his eyes, they hold nothing
there was no shine, the stars that his eyes used to hold were not there. Not anymore, instead, there was a cloudy murky inside his eyes. 
So he began to check on him, he would try to ask about him gradually. It was not easy, even in this state he was still avoiding people. slowly by slowly, he tried to pry inside Kim Dokja's tiny space. 
The only reason why Kim Dokja was talking to him was because Kim Dokja needed to drink more water and he had an extra water bottle. 
it was then he noticed the air around the boy. Even around winter, the boy was dry, hot, it was as if his entire space was still in summer. He asked Kim Dokja if he was okay and even tried to force him to the clinic to ask for medicine for the cold.
It started to get even weirder when one of their classmates saw him walking behind the school where the forest was located.
The forest was a no-go. Of course, it was, apparently a student died there. 
No one scolded Kim Dokja, who would? he’s a nobody and probably a future murderer following in the footsteps of his mother.
Out of the blue, Kim Dokja mentioned how he got a new friend. 
“A new friend? Who is he,” He asked genuinely curious and a tad bit concerned for Kim Dokja’s safety. 
Kim Dokja giggled like a love-sick fool and sighed dreamily.
 “He’s a bastard! but he’s my bastard.”
“Do I know him?” 
Kim Dokja shook his head. “He told me that he used to go here.” 
“An alumni then?” 
“Maybe, I didn’t ask. He showed me the forest at the back of the school!” 
“You know it's bad enough that you keep going there. It’s prohibited”
“Who cares? Hyukie will protect me anyway!” 
“Hyukie? is that his name?” 
“Un! His name is Yoo Joonghyuk, he’s a pro gamer apparently! he said he will show me his game today” 
Yoo Joonghyuk. A name he quite knew but can’t seem to remember.
for days and days Kim Dokja would talk nothing but this Yoo Joonghyuk every single day. And when he asked to let him meet the guy bc he was worried for Kim Dokja. He would change the topic and then the initial question would be forgotten. 
At some point, he would think that this Yoo Joonghyuk is not real
and that Kim Dokja’s just a delusional lil guy who made an invisible friend ( crush?) to cope up with loneliness. 
It wasn’t until Kim Dokja mentioned that Yoo Joonghyuk doesn’t like him and that he should stay away from Kim Dokja. 
At first he laughed it off and jokingly said to Kim Dokja that Yoo Joonghyuk was just a wuss and that if he was given a chance he would steal Kim Dokja from Yoo Joonghyuk. 
Then the next day, he was pushed by the stairs and managed to sprain his ankle a bit. He then noticed a strange note on his pocket. 
It said, ‘Kim Dokja is mine, Stay away from him”
Clearly shaken he told Kim Dokja to be careful but even then Kim Dokja just laughed it off. 
He was acutely aware about what happened to Kim Dokja’s surroundings as well. 
His bullies never bothered him anymore, their classmates and teachers simply act like Kim Dokja didn’t exist not that it matters to Kim Dokja
It was around the time that Kim Dokja said that he will be meeting this Yoo Joonghyuk person at the forest again at 11 PM that he knew something was about to happen. 
He can’t shake the fact that this Yoo Joonghyuk is not..real and that he is here to take Kim Dokja away.
so he tried to look up “Pro Gamer Yoo Joonghyuk” on the internet. 
He pressed the first article from 3 years ago. 
“Future Professional Gamer Yoo Joonghyuk…
assumed dead at the age of 16. Body not found.” 
His hands shaking, his heart racing. No way is this the same Yoo Joonghyuk from Kim Dokja. No way. 
A sharp inhale, he read the whole article.
Yoo Joonghyuk, age 16 studying the XX Highschool was missing 2 days before his final competitionat XX Arena. 
The School had file a missing person case 24 hours after his initial disappearance when he allegedly did not call his mentor back.
As of writing, it has been well over 5 days since Yoo Joonghyuk disappeared he was last seen behind the school’s forest.
A great loss for South Korea’s future Pro Gamer….” 
Then there was a picture of Yoo Joonghyuk… he has the same description Kim Dokja mentioned to him before.
Always scowling, a scar in his angled eyebrow, wearing a black jersey… 
He quickly called Kim Dokja’s phone.
“The number you have dialed is not availa—“ 
After what seemed to be hours Kim Dokja finally picked up the phone. 
“Class pres! Do you need anything?”
“Where are you?” 
“I’m with Joonghyuk- ah! Here hyukkie say hi!” 
There was silence. And eerie one then he heard giggles from Kim Dokja.
“You’re so funny, hyukkie! He’s my friend seriously.” 
“Sorry! Yoo Joonghyuk was in a silly mood. Anyway—“
The call was suddenly cut off. His hands started sweating then he decided to call the police. He should’ve done it first. 
He ran out trying his best to be in time. His friend is in danger
He should’ve warned Kim Dokja before, stupid stupid. 
He saw the police car in front of the school gate. He screamed,
“Please help me! My friend, my friend is missing! In the forest please my friend is in danger”
“Please calm down! We will find your friend”
They began to search the entire school ground and the forest. The teachers and parents began to show up and help with the search. 
Series of shouts “Kim Dokja!” could be heard. And yet there was no reply.
He can’t shake the bad feeling and decided to take a short break before searching again. 
Then he heard the ringing of the bell. 
A bell? 
A familiar ring.
It’s the same sound he heard whenever Kim Dokja was near. Fearing of losing the sound he ran towards the sound, a police officer saw him running and followed him thinking that he might be lost as well. 
The ringing of the bell seemed to grow louder and louder
And then.
He screamed.
Flashes of lights, voices overlapping, and clicks of photos were taken and yet it didn’t seem to register in his mind. 
Not when he saw his dear friend below the cliff dead. his hands holding the skeleton hand of what seemed to be Yoo Joonghyuk’s bones,
Kim Dokja looked serene as he lay there together with the corpse. It look like he was sleeping soundly as he was surrounded by moonflowers 
So eerie yet so beautiful. Maybe it’s the reason why Yoo Joonghyuk decided to take him away.
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randomgarbagecan · 2 years ago
ORV Fic Rec I
so i have read my fair share of orv fics and i’ve been thinking it’s time to share my favorites out to the world. not sure how many of these i’ll make, but i thought i’d keep it short and sweet and list out just a few of my favorites if anyone wants to give them a read.
No Pairing/Gen:
Home Invasion - misoriri
Rating: G Word Count: 3,178 Chapters: 1/1
Kim Dokja’s covers are flung back. He looks up to see Yoo Jonghyuk scowling at him, his blankets in one hand and a bag of groceries in the other. He wishes it was a thief instead.
Kim Dokja gets sick.
Notes: does not take place during the scenarios, but contains no spoilers. It’s a super cute sickfic and i loved it. i read it a few times already haha.
here it’s safe and here it’s warm - Lizhly
Rating: G Word Count: 7,446 Chapters: 1/1
It hadn’t been a big deal, Kim Dokja had thought, when he started feeling a little under the weather. It’d just been a sneeze. A cough. Maybe a bit of a runny nose. It still wasn’t a big deal when he’d gotten the fever later. These things happen. It’s not like he’s spent how-ever-many years taking care of himself and somehow never run into a cold. He’s made it work, dragged himself to work, and has done so multiple times over the course of his life. Shocker of shockers, he’s never died even once throughout this entire process. He can take care of himself.
Kim Dokja’s Company doesn’t seem to think so. Notes: post-canon/post-epilogue fic. beware of spoilers. another sickfic... ok but listen, i live for any type of hurt/comfort found family trope, although there’s not really any hurt, mainly just fluff and comfort.
conversation in a lull in the war - stuffandsundry
Rating: T Word Count: 1,175 Chapters: 1/1 The Great War of Saints and Demons is slowly getting started. Sooyoung and Joonghyuk talk, as they wait. Notes: canon compliant, spoilers up to the Great War of Saints and Demons arc (i believe ch 387?). SO good tho. i love this fic, it gives insight on yjh and hsy’s relationship and ugh, it’s a good read. pls try it
Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk
Waiting for These Eyes to Open - KatcadeCascade (DreamWings231)
Rating: G Word Count: 2,004 Chapters: 1/1 He finds himself reaching the 73rd Demon Realm with an archangel, taking ownership of an industrial complex in Kim Dokja’s name, and confronting Asmodeus.
Yoo Jonghyuk could not see himself ever doing this for anyone, mostly because no one else would get in this much trouble. But for some reason he did this all.
All to see Kim Dokja again.
And that rat bastard is sleeping.
This is all exhausting to think. Thankfully, there’s a chair nearby.
Notes: spoilers up to ch 226, canon compliant, missing scene. fuck i love this one, it’s just. hh. kdj/yjh pairing makes me go insane.
precipice - oronine
Rating: T Word Count: 4,871 Chapters: 1/1
“I want to kill them.”
Yoo Joonghyuk looks tired. His sword is drawn but unable to draw a line in the soil. In this world, he is the most powerless being. “I hate them.”
Kim Dokja is sprawled on the ground, head in his hands. There are footprints and blood all over his shirt and the ground; he wishes he could meld with the grass and never wake up. “I hate them too.”
Trapped in a scenario, Kim Dokja is forced to relive his past with an uninvited guest. Notes: please do read the tags for this one. the romantic relationship isn’t the main focus, but wow is this such a gut-wrenching read. it hurts so good.
the pros & cons of caramel - sunwarmed
Rating: G Word Count: 5,398 Chapters: 1/1 “What’s in this,” Yoo Joonghyuk demands.
“Peruvian dark roast.” Yoo Joonghyuk looks as if he’s about to commit a crime, so Dokja takes pity on him and continues, “And sugar, ice, whipped cream, cookie crumbles, caramel, hazelnut syrup, chocolate, and a little bit of almond milk. Really, I put a ton of work into making this, and you’re not even thanking me.”
Yoo Joonghyuk’s eye twitches — once, twice, three times — before he takes the cup and squeezes it so hard Dokja’s a little afraid the drink will fly everywhere
.[or: 5 times kim dokja makes yoo joonghyuk (the wrong) coffee & one time yoo joonghyuk returns the favor.] Notes: coffee shop AU. holy shit this fic lives in my mind rent free. i think about it all of the time. it’s just. they are idiots and it’s so cute.
I certainly have MUCH MORE bookmarks than these saved, but i figured i’d start off with just a handful and see how it goes. if you have any fics you’d recommend OR if you have any fic rec requests, my ask box is always open ;)
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