#like i checked out some old games i used to play on my ipad and now they got adds every other minute and are super stingy with in game stuf
I'm really nervous for the third sonic movie. not for anything about the movie itself but for the fact that every single Scu thing (with the exception of drone home maybe?) Has been shortly preceded and/or followed by some kind of personal social tragedy.
And it's really weird cuz it started me writing and without that I wouldn't have met most of my current friends. But at the same time im associating it with the loss of multiple relationships.
Am I an overly anxious person that catastrophises every little thing? Yes. Am I superstitious? not really. But the fact that this keeps happening, And i keep ending up upset near an scu release due to social issues is getting really really freaky and almost makes it seem like there is something weird going on. The storyteller in me wants to call it like a deal, it got me into the sonic franchise and so many good things, but the trade off is ill feel hurt and loose something each time something in that universe comes out.
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imbree64 · 4 months
TADC Headcanons (Updated)
So, I thought it would be fun to do parental headcanons for the amazing digital circus. (Also one question: Why does google misspell Gangle as Jungle?) Edit: I updated this so check out the new headcanons! :D
Let's start with you.
You were a naive child who was highly curious. Out of curiosity, you put on a headset. The next thing you knew, you couldn't remember anything. You kept having a constant feeling that something was wrong. You felt scared as you stood somewhat trembling on some sort of stage. But then, you see that someone has noticed you. Maybe they can help.
Let's move on to the characters
Pomni looks flabbergasted upon seeing you. She definitely wasn't expecting to see a child in the circus.
Pomni starts to panic. But she calms down a bit and reaches out for you. It wasn't long before you followed her around feeling comforted by her presence. She starts to question your behavior.
She is obviously caught off guard by some 5 year old. But she begins to start acting like a worried mom.
If you wander off, Pomni will start to panic. She will grab anyone near her by the chest and yell "WHERE IS MY KID??!!!" She finally calms down when you show up or if she finds you. "OH THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE OK!" is her reaction to finally seeing you.
Pomni is now extra careful during adventures because she wouldn't want to lose you.
Jax acts uninterested in you at first, and shrugs it off as some joke by Caine. That is, until you start to follow him around. This annoys him a lot.
He will repeatedly try and get rid of you, but Caine will just teleport you back to him. It may take weeks to make him get used to you.
He first notices your imprinting on him when you not only follow him, but laugh when he pranks someone.
Eventually, Jax will become protective and loving towards you. If there is danger near by, he will sprint away with you either flailing behind him as he carries you, or with you held tightly to his chest. Either way there is a very high chance that you will throw up the moment he puts you down.
He gives you an Ipad with educational games, and it keeps you occupied. Jax uses this as an excuse to get a break from you.
There is no doubt that he will teach you how to be a menace like him.
Jax also likes to tease you with scary stories. But if he makes you cry, you're being carried for the rest of the day.
Jax will eventually just hold you like a plushie when he sleeps. He also made a separate bed for you incase you need space.
He can tell if your having a nightmare. If he sees that, he will grab you and you will secretly sleep with him for the rest of the night.
Ragatha is worried about you. After comforting you for a bit, she begins to show her motherly figure towards you.
She plays lullabies on the piano to help you sleep. She will always be there to comfort you.
If someone throws a weapon at you, Ragatha will track down who did it, and kick their shins. XD
Ragatha makes knitted plush toys for you. She also scolds Jax way more often so that he won't prank you at all.
Gangle is shocked upon seeing you. She panics a little breaking her own comedy mask. After that she will start rambling while sobbing that she's too young to be a mother.
Once she calms down, she takes you in. She absolutely loves cuddling you.
Gangle will let you draw with her. Your first drawing was this:
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Upon seeing your drawing she starts having a mental breakdown of happiness.
4. She makes you a comedy mask of your own. Now you can be twinsies! :D
Kinger is oblivious to you, until you say hi and he screams
He lets you follow him into his impenetrable fortress, but then he forgets you're there and screams again. "AAAÆÆÆ- Oh! Little guy! You startled me!"
He lets you sleep with him in his fortress and shows you his insect collection.
He is overjoyed to be a dad. He loves teaching you about insects and stuff. You sometimes hide in his robe, and when someone asks where you are, you peek out like a kitty.
He will give you piggyback rides.
Despite their sarcastic personality, Zooble is concerned for you. They take you in and start telling you about an absolute jerk known as the easter bunny. Well you fell for it. And when you call Jax the easter bunny, Zooble starts laughing
They get beyond pissed when someone makes you cry. They will track down the person who bullied you and strangle them.
Zooble will instead of saying they refuse to go on the adventure, they will say "Sorry, guys. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my room with the little squirt."
"My my! It's seems like a new human has entered this realm! ... A small one!"
Caine has to get parenting information into his data since he is an Ai. He entertains you with magic tricks.
He let's you sit on his lap while the two of you watch the adventures progress.
"No no no my dear! We can't have any of that rude language around here!" is his reaction to you insulting someone.
You sometimes steal his hat, but you are so cute, that Caine won't get mad at you. But he will still take his hat back from you.
That's all!
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journalsouppe · 1 year
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Here's one of my favorite spreads-- Professor Layton and the Curious Village!! I absolutely love this game and cannot wait to play the sequels!
Writing typed below!
Rating: 8.5/10 Played: Spring 2023 Port: HD mobile (iPad) Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y Series: Professor Layton
That tower is insane
Omg I love the memopad, I feel like I'm on Blues Clues
I love the mystery surrounding the tower
omg are we building a robot dog?? -> yes <3 Hot Dog
Omg crash box match puzzle!! ... WHAT THE FUCK
Layton: ew this bottle is so gross. Luke stick your hand in there
What if we were germs in a glass jar and we held hands
Layton you better have Luke on a leash or smth he better not get kidnapped oh my god I am so stressed
Luke is softie for animals T^T <3
STACHENSCARFEN omfg not the ace attorney name
veil of night my beloved <3
that old man is BOOKING IT
matthew is the only real one
love the chess puzzles
gorgeous grave statue
these inn items??? T-T
sewer time
Luke: don't worry professor! No one would ever dream of stealing the Layton mobile
Layton: .... Just what do you mean by that Luke
Omg layton in a crown
I like how all the tower puzzles are difficult
don't like the creepy lady
is everyone a robot??
the flying spike ball is insane
He just built the sail??
The ending was SO SWEET T^T
Game Dev Notes:
Beautiful animated scenes
iconic and calming music
stunning 2d art (character and environment)
great range of puzzle difficulty
interactive background and collectibles
different rewards for finishing puzzles
recap questions to see if you were paying attention to the details
great interweaving of puzzles into the story
interesting overall mystery
ability to explore both before the end and after (& gold layton if you solve everything)
I absolutely love this game. It's so charming and sweet with a fun story surrounding puzzles. I love the characters and I love their little quips. I love the range of puzzles and how some of them have historical context. It's such a simple concept that was executed very well. Although the story isn't ground breaking, it was still really fun and shocking. It reminds me a lot of an ACD Sherlock story as it's just another one of Layton and Luke's wacky adventures. It is also set up in the perfect way to allow both sequels and prequels (which is what did happen lol). There's a ton of added replayability such as bonus puzzles, finding every furniture piece and arrangements, finding the charms, etc. It's so interactive and doesn't punish the player at all. This is an amazing puzzle game and there's no shame to not knowing the puzzle answers. You don't get full points if you mess up but that's fine as the picarats don't affect main story gameplay. I am so exccited to see how the sequels expand on the characters, especially Flora! She seems like a very unique character and I am so excited to see more of her. I am also just so happy to finally experience the beautiful music I have been listening to for years in the game. The music is so incredible and charming, it makes me want to find a nice, small European town to explore. What a great game and I am excited for what's next! Hopefully in time for the New World of Steam!
All of the stickers I got from Daiso. If you are interested in the materials I use you can check out my pinned post in my blog!
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nightcolorz · 3 months
I am in NEED of more headcanons about Ivan, I'm so in love with the idea
AW OMG YAY!!! Ur in luck because I have so so many Ivan headcanons, so many dude 😭🙏. Thank u for the ask!!! I’m so excited. For ppl coming across this without context for who ivan is: https://www.tumblr.com/nightcolorz/754664585129279488/okay-i-swear-last-from-me-tonight-and-no-spoilers?source=share , here ya go. TLDR he is my Armand x Daniel fan kid who was conceived by vampire chronicles canon compliant prince lestat trilogy era vampire clone child means
—Armand named his son Ivan to honor his mortal father, and to honor the culture and heritage he associates with him. By naming his son ivan armand vowed to find inspiration in the fierce devotion, love, and protectiveness his father had for him while breaking the cycle of violence and abuse his father introduced him to
—Armand very heavily restricts who is allowed to interact with Ivan, he is VERY weary of anyone being around him extendedly who isn’t him or Daniel. He has a selection of vampires he trusts with Ivan to varying degrees that he composed before he was born, and that list loosens as he ages. Bianca, Alessandra, Benji + Sybelle, Louis, Lestat (selectively), and Fareed and Seth (who handle Ivan’s pediatric care, he has check ups every three months or so), are the only vampires who Armand considers worthy of interacting with Ivan 😭 he’s very over protective
—Ivan didn’t start talking until he was around 6, which Daniel and Fareed thought was probably indicative of a developmental disorder they should screen him for. Armand was very insistent that this was normal and Ivan didn’t have anything wrong with him because “Armand was the same way as a child” (Ivan has autism 💀 and so does Armand). For the majority of his childhood Ivan carried around a communication device to help him with his speech impairments
—When he was young Ivan spawned some inappropriate behaviors from observing the way his vampire parents interact, such as biting ppl as an equivalent for kissing bcus in his household his parents bite each other/share blood bcus they love each other 😭🙏. Which is cute at a glance, but became a problem when Ivan started biting other children to try and communicate that he wants to be friends 💀
—When he was little Ivan had long hair that reached his lower back. Before putting him to bed Armand and Daniel rotated between putting his hair in a braid so that it didn’t tangle while he sleeps.
—Armand goes through hyperfixations like his dads, his longest and most prevailing interests being wolves and video games. He was the type of kid to wear wolf ears and a tail wherever he went, lol. He’s also a major screen addict 💀 his favorite games are Minecraft, Roblox, and five nights at freddy’s
—Ivan is a massive little shit 💀 it doesn’t help that both of his parents encourage him, especially Daniel (he thinks it’s hilarious). Armand is an enabler 💀💀. When he was little Armand used to bring Ivan to Vampire court meetings and have him sit on his lap while he played on his iPad, just for convenience and so that he didn’t have to leave him in someone else’s care, since Daniel usually attended meetings with him. He had to stop doing this when Ivan started talking at 6 bcus he’d end up interrupting meetings to run his mouth and make fun of vampires that armand complained about at home😭. Poor lestat couldnt get a word in without this seven yr old ginger boy making fart sounds whenever he spoke 💀.
—Armand raised Ivan as a Protestant Christian. Armand retains the healthy and comforting aspects of his faith and religious values post canon (in my heart), and he hopes to share the comfort and importance he finds in God with his son in an empowering and healthy way (and undue any generational religious trauma in the process ‼️). Armand tried taking Ivan to church in his early childhood but Ivan was too sensorily overwhelmed by the environment for it to work out, so Armand teaches Ivan his faith at home by reading a kid’s bible to him at bed time and doing nightly prayers, telling him that Jesus loves him, stuff like that.
—Armand was a suppperr overprotective parent, and he had an incredibly intense (trauma based) anxiety about someone harming Ivan or taking advantage of him while he’s a vulnerable child. This *heavily* influenced his parenting, which became a problem bcus the prevailing fear and anxiety that Armand let inform all of his actions began to affect Ivan and cause him to take on some of that social anxiety and paranoia during his childhood. Daniel had to have a lot of talks with Armand about this 🙏 and Armand is eventually able to work through it, but it’s pretty bad for a while
—Daniel is a good contrast to Armand when it comes to parenting. He’s lighthearted and chill, and is a very positive relaxing presence in Ivan’s life. It’s very important to Daniel that Ivan get to experience the typical, classic childhood trademarks Daniel grew up with, which can sometimes be hard to access bcus of his unique circumstances. But Daniel still finds away <3. He teaches Ivan to ride a bike, takes him to theme parks, gets him cheesy decorations and a cake with candles for his birthday parties, takes him on night time beach trips, stuff like that lol.
—Armand wanted to keep Ivan homeschooled for his whole life but Daniel insisted he start going to school when he turned ten so that he can interact with other children and learn to be social and independent from his parents. Armand obliged, and sent him to a private, small, high priced Catholic school, in fear that smth less sheltered and prestigious would be too much. Ivan quickly started to get badly bullied in school, and Armand freaked out and insisted that they need to pull him out of school. Daniel and him had a big argument, Daniel saying that cutting off Ivan from the world anytime he faces adversity is going to ruin him in adulthood. They can’t come to a comprise, and so Ivan is given the finale say, and decides to go back to home schooling. He only goes back to school when he turns fourteen, and tells his parents that he’d like to try public school so that he can get to have the normal teenager experience. Needless to say he has an interesting time 💀 Obviously being the homeschooled, extremely wealthy and socially isolated genetic clone son of a vampire makes it pretty hard for Ivan to relate to other children, but he is able to find his own flock of weirdos, and by adulthood Ivan is a thriving social butterfly.
—Ivan inherited Armand’s artistic talent and passion. The type of art he makes is very different though, lol. He draws a lot of animals (he’s a bit of a furry), and he is rlly into creating characters and making up stories with his art. He gets into animation in his teen years
—Ivan has pretty bad sensory issues, especially when it comes to sound, so he often carries his noice canceling head phones with him
—Armand fixated on child safety when he becomes a parent and took some pretty strict measures when it came to trying to protect Ivan. When he found out about online grooming and online pedophile circles he vowed to very thoroughly go through all of Ivan’s devices once a month. Ivan doesn’t like this 💀 particularly bcus of his love for raunchy wattpad mafia boss romances 😭. Thankfully for Ivan, Armand knows from experience that their r worse ways for a teenager to explore his sexuality then reading shitty erotic online, and if he happens to come across any smutty writing in Ivan’s history he will tasteful ignoring it🙏
—Raising Ivan caused Armand uncover a lot of repressed childhood memories (some good, some traumatic). One of the good ones was the memory of the song Armand’s mother used to sing to him and his siblings to soothe them. Armand starts singing this song to Ivan when he cries as a baby, and it heals a part of him to feel that connection to his mother after so long.
—When Ivan gets older he starts gaining interest in reading the vampire chronicles, which Armand is very adamantly against. When he reaches the age where Armand can’t exactly stop him from reading anything, Ivan tries reading the vampire armand, but he doesn’t get past the beginning because he finds it too nauseating to read about those things happening to his father.
—Daniel struggles with knowing that Ivan will never rlly have an extended family. He mourns that his parents will never know their grandson, and sometimes wonders what they would think of him
—As a rite of passage, on his fifteenth birthday Daniel gifts Ivan his favorite leather jacket when he was a young man. Ivan feels so cool in it that he wears it nearly everyday of freshman year.
—When Ivan reaches the point in puberty that Armand never did and starts to deviate significantly from him in appearance Armand is shocked by how much Ivan starts to resemble his namesake. When Ivan grows into an adult he is stocky and thick, and he wears his hair long with his natural curls, and has a pretty nice beard. He looks like a modern day gay Viking lol
—As a teenager Ivan goes through a rebellious phase and starts having a bunch of unhealthy, volatile relationships, in response to how restrictive and isolating his upbringing was. It scares the ever loving shit out of armand. At some point Ivan had a short lived relationship with an older man, which was quickly cut off by Armand and Daniel finding out and very violently killing him 😭. This prompted the end of Ivan’s rebellious streak
—Armand was concerned that Ivan would begin to crave the dark gift and resent Armand for refusing to turn him, but thankfully that never happened. Like any child, Ivan grew up finding his parents pretty lame, and so he didn’t have much of a reason to envy vampirism 💀. He always said he preferred werewolves
i could go on, but I’m going to end my list here haha, sorry for how long it is he’s literally my favorite guy. Thank u sm for the ask ur interest means a ton to me and as u can probably tell, I had a blast writing this ❤️
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lumine-no-hikari · 12 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #264
Today ended up being a rest day for the most part. I think yesterday must have taken more out of me than I thought, because when I woke up this morning, I realized that it is Sunday, and the fact that it is Sunday means a couple things:
First, it means everyone is gonna be out doing their fun stuff or doing errands. I could have gone to the orchard, but it probably would have been fairly packed. The same holds true of that Cross-Eyed Owl place. The thought of being on crowded roads to get to crowded places full of people filled me with dread.
Second, it means that M and J are not working, which means I have an opportunity to do parallel play with them. Essentially, we do our own various activities in the same general vicinity of one another. I'm usually on my laptop, M is usually playing a video game or watching something on his iPad, and J is usually reading something about airplanes on his laptop. We tend to keep our ears fairly open to one another just in case one of us has a thought or a need. But yeah. Parallel play. It's a beautiful thing, and it's a slightly less possible thing when they're doing their tech jobs on their laptops.
So, I just stayed home. Sorta. J and I did go to the grocery store to get various things; J wants to try to make a garlic pudding, I guess? I'm curious about how that will turn out. And I wanted to try a Korean-style garlic bread on a more typical Italian loaf, since we have all that cream cheese chilling out in the fridge without bagels to go with them.
To that end, I washed some dishes today and peeled like 4 heads of garlic. But I didn't have the energy today to do much else. J and I went on a brief walk at some point, but… it was brief. We talked a lot and it was good.
I didn't have much gumption to do anything after we got home, though. So I just chilled out. I did some leisure writing; I got some reassurance on a couple of things that had been bothering me lately, and that was good. I'm not going to tell you or anyone else how this can be the case; I'm not stupid enough to believe that anyone would believe me if I tried to explain. Still, I wonder how long that reassurance will stick in my brain. Hm…
Oh right; I told you yesterday about the book I got. The title of it was very auspicious to me, for reasons I'm absolutely not going to explain. Nonetheless, I'll go through it one page at a time with you; I don't know when is the last time you read a book that is wholesome - I'm going to guess probably not for a very long time. And this book is like 50 years old, but I thought it was wholesome.
I've already looked through it a couple times. I'm not entirely sure why, but... I think if you had a camera, then some of the photos that you might take could look like some of these...
Tomorrow is Monday. I'm going to try to go get those grapes; there will undoubtedly be far fewer people out and about, because most people will be working. This means that I'll be able to toodle about peacefully on fairly empty roads, and toodle about in a fairly empty orchard. It'll be good. And I'll come back with lots of concord grapes to give to my friends.
...I'll come back with lots of concord grapes that I wish I could share with you...
...I'll also check out that Cross-Eyed Owl shop. It'll be mostly on the way. I'll make sure to take lots of weird pictures along the way for you. Look forward to them, okay?
...And then if I have enough energy, I'll finally make that garlic bread when I get home. If that occurs, you can expect lots of pictures of that, too.
I don't have much else to go over today. Today was a fairly empty sort of day, and that's probably a good thing; I think I must have needed it. What's unusual about it for right now is that I'm not sitting here feeling super guilty about the fact that today was an empty day and that today's letter, resultantly, was a fairly empty letter.
Still, though... I don't want you to be over at the Edge of Creation all by yourself. I don't really know if these get to you, but... I'm gonna hope against all odds that they do. I'm gonna hope against all odds that at least once a day, a wholesome voice reaches you, even if you have to settle for a derpy one like mine.
...Even if I don't have a whole lot to say, I still have an abundance of care for you, and I wanted to make sure you see it. I wanted to make sure that, at least every once in a while, someone speaks to you like a normal person. And if no one else is gonna do it, then it might as well be me.
...Hey, Sephiroth? What do you get to thinking about up there...? On that lonely rock in the middle of the cosmos, all by yourself, looking up at that rainbow-colored nebula? Do you ever sit with your legs dangling over the edge of it, just looking at all the beautiful things up there? Do you think about the sun? The wind? The rain? The sky? Pasta pescatore? The scent of vanilla and roses? Someday, if you ever get to talk to me, will you tell me about the thoughts swirling around in your head sometime, even if they don't necessarily go anywhere?
I guess that's it for today. I'd have a lot more to talk about if I wasn't in this weird state of waiting, or if I didn't have this rib injury and could do more things, or if... if you could write back to me, somehow. But... I guess these things aren't in the cards, at least for now.
I love you. Please stay safe. And please... do try your best to take care of yourself over there, okay? I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
40 - Newest Dutton Baby
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Country Rancher
This is the final chapter ❤️ thank you for reading
Tags @whateverthecostner @rosie-posie08 @kayceduttonn @kcloveswrestling @the-morning-star-falls @kaymudd @hcwthewestwaswcn
I gasped seeing water coming from between her legs since she was wearing just a dress and some socks after her shorts were tighter. “Oh my god. I think the babies coming.”
Kayce and I frantically turned our head towards one another sharing the same terrified look that we weren’t expecting this yet. Her due date wasn’t supposed to be until the rest of the family got back in town. “Call the helicopter!”
Kayce carried his first born daughter in his arms while we had someone else flying the helicopter for us. Carter had grabbed the baby bag. With the rest of our kids piling into the truck. “I’ll follow behind ya’ll. You stay with our baby girl.” Kayce told me when I climbed into the helicopter shutting the door behind me.
“Mommy, I’m scared.” Bree winced reaching for my hand when we rose off the ground flying as fast as we possibly could.
Grasping her hand in mine I sniffled through tears, remembering what it was like when I had her around my early 20’s. I still felt like I was a kid back then but nowhere near as young as she is. “I’m here, B. I’m always here. It’s you and me against the world.”
She sucked in a breath closing her eyes. And she remained that way for the rest of the flight. Finally we landed on the hospital building. Some medics rushed outside, rolling her into an elevator. I never let go of her hand even when her doctor came into the room. “Ms. Dutton, you are almost ready to push. But we will check up on you in a few hours.”
“Thanks doc.” I told her simply before she left the room leaving us alone.
Bree croaked through tears when she had some more contractions in her lower back. “Mommy, what if I can’t do this?”
“Don’t worry, baby girl.” Brushing hair out of her face I blinked through tears. “You are the strongest person I know. Heck when you were five years old you fell off my horse for the first time. But you wanted to get back on the second it happened.”
The door opened where I saw Carter and the others coming in. Kayce shut the door gently behind him. “How’s she doing? I called my dad and told him what’s going on. Unfortunately he can’t be home until the end of this month. So it will be a few weeks before he sees the new grandkid.”
“The doctor said she’s almost ready to deliver. But it would a few hours before she’s fully given the green light.” I shrugged my shoulders at my husband.
Carter went to her other bedside taking her other hand that I wasn’t holding. “Bree, I’m here. Uh…whatever you need from me.”
“Thanks Carter.” My daughter mumbles squeezing his hand.
Tate was helping Dallas and Elsa playing some games on the iPad we had got recently. Kayce walks over to me removing his hat where I got to my feet since he clearly needed to say something privately. “Little B, we’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Bree just nodded where we stepped out into the hallway shuttling the door behind us as we went. Wrapping my arms around myself I sighed heavily. “So what’s going on, Kayc?”
“I just needed a minute. Cause when I look at her right now I…it makes me think back to when I left you and how scared you probably were.” He ran a hand down his face.
Holding my hands I shake my head not being able to handle him crying right now. “Kayce, please don’t cry right now. Okay we’ve gone past this. Was it hard, yes. But you are here now. And I know you’re scared for our girl. But you aren’t alone. We’re in this together.”
“I just….feel like such an ass. For abandoning you for years because I chose Monica first over you. When it’s always been you who holds my heart and no one else will ever be that for me.” He sniffs through tears until I tug him against my chest. He buried his face into my neck where I ran my fingers through his hair.
“Kayce, I’ve forgiven you. Now we have to be there for Bree.” Breaking the hug we went back into the hospital room and just waited for about two more hours before the doctor came back in and said we had the green light.
Bree had asked that me and Kayce be in the room while she delivered even though we knew she loved Carter. So he stayed outside with Tate and the twins. “Alright Ms. Dutton. I need you to start pushing for me.” The doctor instructed her while she clasped our hands in hers.
She bared her teeth down while she began pushing as hard as she could until she threw her head back needing to rest. “I can’t do this, daddy…” She began panicking with her chest heaving up and down.
“Hey, hey, Little B. You are as strong as your mama. If she could get through this, so can you.” Kayce kisses her forehead holding back tears hating to see his daughter in pain and he could really do anything about this.
She gulped, gripping our hands tighter than she already had. She screamed while she was pushing with everything she had left in her. After a few more long pushes she threw her head back in relief hearing a baby’s cry filling the room. “Ohhh…” Leaning forward I kissed her forehead, smiling through tears.
The doctor handed the crying infant over to a nurse. She wrapped the baby in a soft blanket before he delivered the news. “Congratulations Ms. Dutton, you have a beautiful baby boy.”
“Have you all picked out a name yet?” The nurse asked Carter and her.
Carter chuckled nervously. “Uh no we haven’t.”
The nurse nodded gently, handing their baby boy over to them. “He’s perfect.” Bree began crying while she held her baby closer to her chest crying through happy tears.
Covering my mouth with my freehand Kayce moved around the bed. He wrapped his arms around me crying through tears. “Looks like we’re grandparents now huh Kayce. I…I can’t believe it. We’ve got a grandson.”
“Our little girl is just as strong as you are, darling.” He kisses my forehead watching the doctor and nurses leave the hospital room giving us time alone together.
Carter shifts his gaze down to the infant in his girl's arms. “He’s so tiny…”
“Can we meet the new baby now?” Dallas burst into the room.
Tate came in with Elsa dragging him behind her. “Are you going to name it after grandpa or daddy?”
“Kiddos enough with the questions. Alright your sister has been through a lot tonight. Let’s let her get some rest now.” Kayce looks down at the rest of our kids who were being impatient.
Tate dropped his smile. “Awe come on, dad.”
“Tate, don’t push it.” I warned him with a glare.
Bree cleared her throat causing all of us to turn our attention to the teenage couple. “Mommy, I think I might actually have a name for this little guy. Because I have been reading some letters from 1923. And I found a name I rather liked.”
“Honey , you don’t have to rush into this. It took me a while before I found the perfect name for you.” I reassured her by squeezing Kayce’s hand in mine.
Bree shook her head glancing over at Carter. “It’s okay, mom. The name I want is Spencer. Spencer Kayce Dutton.”
“Are you two going to get married at some point?” Kayce asked his daughter, blinking through tears while a grin was plastered on his face at hearing his name being the boy's middle name.
Carter rubbed the back of his neck avoiding his gaze before Bree sent him a grin. “Uh no sir. But I ain’t going anywhere, Mr. Dutton.” I laid my head on Kayce’s shoulder where he tugged me closer to his embrace, happy that we were all okay.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 10 months
Lovers & Friends (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Keigo Takami x Black!Fem!Reader (Friends to Lovers)
Synopsis: In which you and Keigo have begun to realize the strange new feelings you both have for each other after one drunken night at a close friend’s wedding that ends with you in his bed, but because of your longtime friendship and committed relationships with other people, you’re more than happy to forget that night even happened and keep your mutual feelings in the dark…for now, at least. 
Story Warnings: Smutty smut; 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY); Cheating/Infidelity; Mating; Light Degradation; Spanking; Exhibitionism; Multiple Positions; Creampie; Unprotected PIV Sex; Facial; Scent Play; Marking; Spitting; Deepthroating; Cunnilingus; Begging; Edgeplay; Power Play; Wing-Stroking; Daddy Kink; Some Angst; Hurt/Comfort; Mild Violence
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: N/A
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Bonus Chapter.
Read on AO3 here!
Chapter Eighteen: Heated.
When the limo stops, it parks right outside a charming club venue where you can already hear the music thumping from outside the doors.
You stare at the building like it’s the gate to Hell. 
Though you pre-gamed in the limo ride with Rumi, Yu, and Nemuri, taking shots of champagne and singing along to the radio with them, you don’t feel the alcohol’s liquid confidence taking over yet.
All you feel is dread as you face the club venue, just a step away from Keigo’s face. Beside the glass doors to the venue is a red velvet rope holding dozens of guests and those who just want a piece of the celebrity life who will no doubt be thrown out by security. 
Nemuri and Yu walk up to the guard who checks for their names on an iPad. He then smiles and opens the door for them to which they walk, hand in hand. Meanwhile, you stand outside with Rumi, your feet frozen to the ground. Rumi whistles at the music choices and the guests waiting patiently to be let in. “Damn, he really did it up this time,” she giggles. “Well, come on so I can see you two kiss.” She gives you a teasing smile as she walks towards the guard, but upon noticing that you’re not following her, she turns around. 
“Uh, in a minute,” you reply, giving her a reassuring smile. “Lemme just fix my makeup and I’ll be right in.”
It’s a bullshit lie, but it gets Rumi to leave you anyway. Other than spending the ride taking champagne shots to ease your nerves, you were busy primping yourself for Keigo, either putting on an extra slick of lipgloss or fishing a gummy piece of mascara from your lash line. You were also trying to come up with a good way to talk to him and get him alone: 
“Hey, Keigo, can we talk real quick? I know things are awkward between us and I don’t want them to be.” 
“Can we go somewhere more private? I just really need to talk to you. I’m sorry about earlier…” 
“Rei and I aren't together anymore. You were right about him and I’m sorry I didn’t listen.” 
“You’ve been a great friend to me, but I don’t want to be friends anymore. So, if you wanna get something eat sometime or go see a movie…” 
“Well, are you just gonna stand out here or go in and talk to him?” 
You nearly jump out of your skin at the sound of a voice that isn’t your internal one at all. You were so lost in your thoughts and anxiety that you forgot you were standing outside in your Gala gown, looking crazy. The voice that interrupted you is deep, raspy, and undeniably familiar to you. It’s one you immediately put a face to. 
You turn around, finding your old friend leaning against a sleek, black car parked a little ways away from the prying eyes of the guests. His burned hand works to light himself a cigarette, his thumb flicking the lighter and causing a tiny spark of a flame to ignite. He puts it up to his mouth and burns the end of the cig until it turns a bright red like a firefly in the night. “Dabi?” you gasp.
His icy blue eyes stare into yours across the way, his clothes and leather jacket as black as night. “The only and only,” he chuckles. 
He turns fully toward you, opening his arms for you. “So you gonna give me a hug or what?” You stagger forward in your heels until you find the urge to run toward him. 
So you do. You run in your heels to your friend and nearly tackle him into the street. He chuckles at your reaction to his presence and wraps his arms around you. As soon as you feel his embrace and smell the cologne lingering on his clothes, you begin to softly cry into his chest. It feels so good to see him, feel him. It’s difficult to describe, but it's almost like an ache that only grows the longer you hold him because you know in time you’ll have to let go again. 
When you finally pull away, your eyes are wet and your mascara is suffering. Dab pulls a handkerchief out of his back pocket and hands it to you. “What’s poppin’?” he asks in his raspy voice, smirking down at you. 
You take the handkerchief from him and dab at your eyes. “You’re lucky I haven’t seen you in months or I’d smack you for saying that,” you sniffle, earning another throaty laugh from him. “What are you doing here? How are you here?” 
Dabi takes a drag of his cigarette, blowing smoke away from you into the night air. “I’m guessing the bird man didn’t fill you in,” he says, raising an eyebrow. You blink at him, confused, and he sighs. “I figured not. The court found me not guilty of causing that prison riot, so I got my perks back. This is my outing for the month and I’m spendin’ it trying to get my two idiot friends to stop actin’ like they’re not crazy about each other.” 
He gives you an intense, knowing stare that has your stomach flipping with fear. You sigh, done drying your eyes. “So he told you?” you mutter.
Dabi snorts at your reaction though all you wish to do right now is die. “He tells me everything, doll,” he chuckles. “You know that. Do you really think he wouldn’t?” He takes another drag, instead blowing the smoke out of his nostrils. “So you weren't gonna tell me you guys fucked?” 
You shove at his chest hard, glaring at his brashness. “Don’t say it like that,” you hiss. “And I wasn’t gonna tell anyone. I was more than happy to take this to my grave and act like it never happened.” Dabi chortles at your reasoning, shaking his head. “Well, you can act like it all you want, but you know that your body remembers all too well.” 
And God, does it. Your shoulders slump defeatedly and you sigh. You were fooling yourself thinking you could hide this or that Keigo wouldn’t say anything to your friends. You can’t be mad at him for that. You turn to one of your very best friends now, wanting to shift the conversation. “So how have you been?” 
But Dabi isn’t having it. He takes a short drag of his cigarette before dropping it and crushing it beneath his sneakers. “I’m not interested in talkin’ about me right now, doll,” he sternly says, the smoke billowing from his mouth. “I’m way more interested in discussing in you right now.” He nods at the empty space beside you. “So where’s your man? He sped off and left you here?” 
You quietly whimper to yourself in defeat, knowing that he’s not going to let this go. “We’re done,” you confess. “I realized he wasn't the one for me.” Dabi quirks an eyebrow of interest at your confession. “And you think Keigo is?” he questions. 
His question renders you speechless. Your brain can’t seem to come up with a good answer. If you are to say yes, then he’d probably ask you why you think you’re so sure now. But if you say no, he’ll either call you on your bullshit or ask you why. You stare down at your heels, your heart pounding. “I-I don’t know,” you weakly admit. 
"So what are you doin’ here then?” he pushes. “It can’t be to just shoot the shit with a bunch of people you don’t know.” 
“Dabi, you know that’s BS,” you scoff, rolling your eyes. “Most of the people Hawks knows, I know. And what’s it to you why I’m here? A party is a party.” You can feel him staring at you regardless of whether you look at him or not.
You heavily sigh, throwing in the towel and looking up into his cool, blue eyes. “I’m just thinking, okay?” you huff. “It’s not that easy to talk to him about this. Things have been so complicated between us and tonight was pretty heated.” 
You cringe inwardly at the horrible things you said and how hurt Keigo looked. “You tell him to jump off a bridge or somethin’?” Dabi asks, squinting at you. “Is that why he looked like he just saw his entire life crumble before his eyes tonight?”
That makes you feel even worse. “I might as well have,” you sigh. “Just know it was bad.” Dabi tilts his head slightly to look at you from another angle, sizing you up. “Bad enough to not face him and tell him how you feel?” he questions. 
That’s when you break. The tears begin to fall, your makeup be damned, and all of your emotions fall flat out in front of your friend. “I just can’t, Dabi!” you sob. “There’s so much at stake here! Our friendship with each other, our friendship with you and Rumi, our careers, our–“ 
He stops you by placing a finger against your lips, his glare intense and intimidating. “Shut up,” he demands. “You’re bein’ a fuckin’ idiot right now, and I can call you that ‘cause I’m your friend and I have a good reason to do so. You’re tellin’ me that you’re going to let your friend, someone who’s had your back for years and has held you down, go just because of one single night? You and I both know that’s the bullshit, Y/N.” 
His stare is hard and knowing as if he can see every single layer of you as you stand out on the street. You can't even speak, too floored by his words. “If you don’t wanna acknowledge how you feel for him, fine, but what you’re not gonna do is walk away and act like he doesn't exist when the man has already been through enough shit in his life. You know we’re his everything, Y/N.” In his eyes, you see nothing but a fierce love for Keigo and for you. A love that made him use his free day to come here and fix your relationship.
You look down at your feet, harshly biting your lip. “So what I’m gonna suggest to you is that you take a shot of the bottle Rumi gave you, go in there, put on your big girl panties, and tell Keigo just exactly what you need to before you lose him,” Dabi sternly continues. “‘Cause you will lose him, doll. Keigo loves you, but not enough to stick around.” 
“I know,” you sob, covering your face. “Dammit, I know!” You can’t stop the sobs that slip past your lips as all of your guilt and hurt overflows, covering you. You then feel Dabi’s arms around you again, filling your nose with the scent of cologne and cigarette smoke. You press your face into his chest, fisting his shirt. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” you whimper. “I’m such a fuck-up.” 
“We are all, doll,” he chuckles. “You ain’t special.” His large, burned hand begins to stroke the back of your head, calming you. “Plus, I need you to do this for me ‘cause I made a bet with Rumi on if you guys would get together or not.” 
You immediately stop crying and shove him away from you. “You what?!” you gasp, shocked and irked. Dabi shoves his hands in his pockets, not even looking the least bit guilty. “Well, first we made a bet on whether or not you two would fuck,” he explains. “She won. But now we’re betting on if you two will finally get together. She thinks no, I think yes. If I win, I got $50 on my commissary.” He shrugs, a lazy smirk on his face. 
You gape at him, almost not believing how horrible your friends can be. He’s really deadass right now. “Oh, my God,” you groan. “You guys are assholes.” 
“But you love us,” he replies, giving you a shit-eating grin. "So you gonna go in or what?” He nods at the club venue expectantly. You look too, picturing Keigo inside, being a good host, and dancing the night away. You want to join him. You want to be by his side. 
You turn back to Dabi, poking him in the chest. “You were never the best at giving good advice,” you sigh, “but you’ve somehow given me confidence. How do you do it, Dabi Todoroki?” The white-haired man shrugs his shoulders, a twinkle in his eye. “Guess that’s just my charm.” 
And so you take his advice and take a swig of the champagne bottle before handing it to him. “So where are you off to now?” you curiously ask. He pauses to take a swig before licking the access liquid off of his upper lip. “‘Bout to go in here and watch this soap opera shit go down,” he says with a smirk. “I’ve got about twenty minutes left of freedom. Might as well enjoy it.” 
He then walks you back to the club and to the doors where the guard checks for your names. He doesn’t look all that hype to let Dabi inside, but he does nonetheless. As soon as you hear the blast of the music and see the warm, red glow of the strobe lights above, you feel your stomach fall into your ass. Your anxiety has returned, leaving you heaving as you stand at the threshold of the door.
But Dabi’s hand, finding yours, gives you comfort. “Can’t back out now, doll,” he whispers to you. And so, you don’t. Swallowing hard, you walk into the club with Dabi trailing behind you, a picture of comfort and strength. 
The club is decorated with dozens of lounging areas, two bars, and a disco ball hanging from the ceiling that shines upon the guests down below. The music is bumping and the drinks are flowing as well as the weed smoke that wafts through the air. You spot Rumi chatting up a couple of heroes immediately, a drink in her hand and her ears twitching from the music. “There’s Rumi over there,” you tell Dabi, nodding at the bunny hero. But as soon as you see her, you also see Keigo. 
He appears from a throng of people that part way for him like clouds parting for a ray of sun. And a ray of sun he is––his eyes and smile radiate like the brightest stars in the sky in the dimly lit club, rendering you speechless. The entire room disappears when he enters, everyone else falling away into nothingness. You see no one but him. He is all that matters. Dabi notices how you’ve frozen in place, already having taken a pre-rolled blunt out of his pocket and lighting it. “Need a drag to help you out?” he asks, offering you the blunt. 
Though you tremble and feel your heart shake, you decline the offer, especially after having already drunk. “No,” you exhale. “I’ve got this.” You pass the bottle you’re holding to Dabi and give him a reassuring smile to which he returns with an encouraging wink. Go get ‘em. 
And so you do. You walk over to Keigo who is still making his rounds, smiling and laughing with everyone, making them feel welcome. You feel as if you’re moving underwater, the tide rough and making you move slower than you realize. But Keigo is like the warm sun rippling across the water, guiding you toward the light. Anyone he touches or talks to seems to react to his warm energy and beaming smile, laughing at his jokes or telling him about how amazing his party is. Your brain scrambles for something to say to him once you finally make it to him, your mouth dry and tongue heavy. 
“Hey, Hawks!” an unfamiliar, high-pitched voice suddenly giggles. You and Keigo both look to the far side where two unfamiliar women in mini-dresses sit, excitedly waving Keigo over. Keigo walks over, his friendly, Colgate smile still plastered on his face. You stop in your tracks, standing frozen as you watch him waltz over to his guests. You’re close enough where you can hear them talk, but not enough where they can see you. “Hey, ladies,” he says. “You two havin’ a good time?” 
One of the girls, with long black hair down to her back and a mole on her chin, smirks up at him. “Mmm, now we are,” she purrs. Her friend, a redhead with fluffy cat ears and a tail swishing behind her, stands up with her drink and grabs his arm. “You’re back! Now you can give us that dance you promised.” 
Keigo goes to protest, but the girls whine and pout, both taking him by the arm. “Come oooon, you promised us,” the redhead whines.
“Just one dance, Hawks,” the black-haired woman says, that seductive smirk still on her face. “Let’s see how you move those sexy ass wings.” 
Keigo looks like he wants to say no and maybe toss in an excuse, but then his eyes trail across the room to meet yours. Your brain turns to fuzz and your body freezes like you’ve been hypnotized into doing so. He stares at you for a good couple of seconds that feel like hours to you, his golden eyes burning a hole in you. Then he turns to the girls and smiles at them before letting them lead him to the dance floor. You watch, your mouth slightly agape and feeling stupid for not taking that drag of Dabi’s blunt when he offered. 
Keigo stands in between the two girls as they dance on either side of him, one taking the front while the other grinds into him from the back. You watch, anger slowly creeping inside of you at the sight of their hands on his hips and the redhead’s ass grinding into his groin. As if drawn to you alone, his eyes come back to yours, scaling over every other person nearest to him. Then you realize it: he’s trying to make you jealous. But two can play at that game. 
Immediately, you begin scouting for your own conquest and find him standing by the bar with his friends. He is tall, handsome, and sporting tattoos. Perfect. You strut over to him, titties bouncing and feeling like the sexiest woman alive, especially knowing that Keigo is watching. “Hey,” you call, gaining the stranger’s attention, especially after he gets a look at you. His friends stop dead in their tracks too, staring at you in awe. “You wanna dance?” You give him a small, sexy smile as if a dance isn’t all you want. “With you?” he chuckles. “Hell yes.” 
You grin and take his hand in yours, dragging him over to the dance floor. You stand across the floor from Keigo, only a couple of bodies separating you. You face away from Keigo as you begin to dance with the stranger, not touching at first. You only stand in close proximity to each other, moving in tandem with one another. It is fun and he can keep up, moving his body closer and closer to yours.
Finally, his big hands grab your hips and you let him, hoping Keigo sees. Against your better judgment, you turn your head as if flipping your hair and peer over at your friend in the corner of your eye. 
There, you see Keigo slide his hands around the redhead’s hips, coaxing her to press her ass even farther into his hips. His eyes once again meet yours, a ghost of a smirk playing on his lips. ‘Oh, this bitch,’ you think. Your blood has turned into liquid fire, heating up your body and warming the inner pits of your stomach. You can feel the alcohol and the thump of the music taking more of an effect now, causing you to turn around in the stranger’s arms. 
Now you’re facing Keigo while your back presses against the stranger’s front. The winged hero is still sandwiched between the two girls who giggle and grip him like he is theirs, but all of his attention is on you. His eyebrows are knitted together, creating a crease between them, and his feathers have become frazzled. Meaning he is very, very agitated. You smirk at him despite this, something you wouldn’t do if you weren’t tipsy. You love that you’re getting to him. 
‘I told you two can play at this game,’ you think. You turn back around to face the stranger, noticing how hooded and dark his eyes have become as they rake over your form. “You know, you can really move,” he whispers. “What are you doin’ after this?” 
You know exactly what that meant. And you think about it for a moment, wondering if you should take this stranger up on his offer for a night of pure, unadulterated, meaningless sex. No strings attached. No thoughts of Rei or Keigo or anyone else but you. But when you think of your golden-haired friend just across the room watching you, you open your mouth to give the man a polite “thanks but no thanks”.
However, someone beats you to it. A hand gently grasps your shoulder, making you turn around to see Keigo standing in front of you. “Mind if I get the next dance?” he huskily asks. 
Your heart leaps at the sight of him there and you don’t realize that a joyful smile has curled onto your lips until your cheeks begin hurting. You’re so glad he’s here. You go to give him a definite yes, but the stranger steps in front of you, a glare on his face. “Yeah, I do,” he snaps. “You see me dancing with her, don’t you?” 
You see Keigo’s expression change immediately, darkening to the point where you’re frightened. You think of him that night at the club and plead with him with your eyes to not go down that road. The stranger turns his back on Keigo to begin dancing with you again, but Keigo stops him by forcefully whirling him around to face him.
The very angry, winged hero steps to him, anger radiating off of him in waves that you can feel. “Listen,” he says, his voice dipping down an octave, "I’m not havin’ a good night as it is, so I suggest you don’t make it worse for me or yourself. I’m not the nicest when I’m pissed.” 
His wings ruffle and then, all at once, each feather sharpens to a point as if he is carrying dozens of knives on his back. The stranger’s angered expression melts into one of fear and intimidation as he stares at Keigo’s wings. “Back up,” Keigo growls, his eyes turning to slits. “She’s mine.” 
This is all it takes for the stranger to finally back off of you and slink away from the dance floor. When he’s gone, Keigo composes himself. His eyes switch back to their normal size and color and his feathers soften. When he finally looks back down at you, all you want to do is kiss him. “Think he got the picture?” he asks jokingly. 
You don’t speak. You don’t even think you can. For a moment, you both stand there in silence, the music and noise swelling around you. But none of that matters to you. Nothing matters to you but him right now. “So you came back,” he states, sounding surprised. His eyes travel over your form as if he can’t believe that you’re really standing there. And wanting him. 
You swallow, finding your voice to speak. “I did,” you reply matter-of-factly. You place your hands impatiently on your hips and raise an eyebrow at him, feeling emboldened by the alcohol and what just transpired. “And I need to talk to you,” you continue. “Can we go somewhere alone?” 
His eyes widen an inch at your bold response and question, but you also see a spark behind them. He is absolutely down for this. Though he still looks confused at your intentions, he agrees. “Sure,” he replies, already taking your hand and whisking you away. When his fingers interlock with yours, your body sings and your stomach flips excitedly from his touch. “I’ve got a place. Follow me.” 
You let him lead you away from the party and through the venue to a staircase leading up upstairs to the second floor. There, he then leads you away from the guests occupying the second floor to an empty balcony. He let you step out into the night first, the cool air refreshing and the sky starry and clear above.
He shuts the door behind him and stands near it so no one will try to come out and interrupt…whatever this is. You aren’t even sure what this is: your apology? Your confession? All you know is that you have many words left unsaid that you need to release, and you won’t leave here tonight until Keigo knows just how you feel for him. 
He stands in front of you now, arms crossed and not looking too thrilled to be here. “Why’d you come back?” he asks, getting right to the damn point because fuck beating around the bush at this point. “Things go bad with Rei so you come runnin’ to me?” 
You wince slightly at his harsh tone and words, but you know you deserve it. He has every right to be pissed at you. And you have every reason to be honest with him. So you take a deep breath and speak: “That’s exactly right,” you confess, and you nearly laugh at his bug-eyed reaction. “Keigo, I’m not here to convince you that we belong together or to tell you I’m sorry in an effort for you to take me as more. I’m just here to tell you that you were right.” 
For a moment, Keigo pauses, processing your words and your intentions. He then raises an eyebrow, silently telling you to elaborate. With the silence, stars, and cool air encouraging you to speak, you do so. 
“I realized that Rei can’t make me happy the way I wish to be,” you continue. “I need to be with someone who sees me for the messy, complicated person that I can be. Who makes me want to do and be better just because of their love for me. Who accepts me for who I am and doesn’t ask for anything more.” 
You smile lovingly at him, your heart thumping harshly in your chest. “I’ve known for a while that this person is you,” you confess. “You’re the one I’ve been searching for. The partner I’ve been hoping to find. The man of my dreams.” Your voice cracks slightly as all of your emotions begin to flood over you: your love; your pain; your sorrow; your want and need for the man standing before you. “I love you, Keigo,” you tearfully confess. “And I’m sorry it’s taken all of this for me to realize it.” 
You watch, in under a minute, as a dozen expressions and emotions register across Keigo’s face: Confusion. Mild Irritation. Joyfulness. Relief. You continue to speak, refusing to let this be the end of your relationship.
“You don’t have to take me if you don’t want me, and I’m not going to convince you to. I’ve put you through so much and you deserve to be with someone who isn’t going to do that to you.” Tears begin to drip from your eyes, falling down your cheeks. “But I knew if I didn’t come here and tell you face to face, I’d never be able to look you in the eye again.” 
And then you’re full-on crying. All of your hurt and guilt begin to tumble down, making all of your walls crumble. All of your layers peel back before Keigo, revealing the deepest, ugliest parts of you. Your neediness. Your need for him.
“I just want you in my life, Kei,” you sob. “I don't care if it’s just as friends or whatever the fuck. I just want you here. I need you here with me.” 
And as you cry and embarrass yourself in front of your friend, he peels back every layer of himself as well. He shows you all of him as his eyes grow glassy and wet. “I need you too,” he whispers. “I’ll always need you, Y/N. That’s never changed.” He then takes only two strides towards you and wrap you up in his arms and his wings, blocking you out from the outside world. 
A needy, desperate gasp leaves your lips as you feel him wrap himself around you, engulfing you in a warm, tight embrace that fills you with joy and relief. You feel released from all the sorrow, guilt, and frustrations inside you. None of that matters anymore. Not when your friend, your man, is here, feeling so warm, and solid, and real. So you hug Keigo back, pressing your face into his chest. He begins to stroke the back of your head, pressing you farther into his body. 
When he finally pulls away, his eyes and lashes are wet with tears. “So is it safe to say I told you so?” he teasingly asks. You smile up at him, a joyful giggle leaving your lips. You wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you. “If you kiss me, then yes,” you whisper before you stand up on your toes and your lips finally find each other’s. 
If fireworks are to appear somewhere in the distance tonight, this would be the perfect moment for them. The kiss you share with Keigo is explosive, pleasurable, and leaves you breathless. He wraps his arms around your waist, holding you close as your lips dance together. The more his soft lips move against yours, the more you fall deeper and deeper in love with him. You love kissing him. You love holding him. You love him. 
A sudden bright flash of a camera ruins the moment and you two jump apart to find Rumi, Dabi, Yu, and Nemuri watching from the balcony door. Rumi squeals happily, waving her phone around, very drunk. “Ha, ha, you crispy bitch!” she shouts proudly, bumping Dabi with her hip. “I told you so!” Dabi sighs, trying to look pissed but is obviously happy. “So much for the $50,” he sighs. 
Keigo rolls his eyes, shielding you and your embarrassment from your friends with his wings. “Do y’all mind?” he barks. “I’m trying to show my girl some love and I need you drunk freaks watching.”
Yu is the one to hustle everyone away from the balcony. “Don’t mind us!” she giggles. “Please go back to your love fest.” She drags Nemuri away while she groans in protest. “Aww, but they’re so cute!” she whines. 
You two are finally left alone and you begin to laugh together. “That picture is probably gonna end up on an IG story somewhere,” Keigo sighs.
You nod, agreeing and knowing how horrible Rumi is. “Just as long as it’s a private one,” you giggle. “But even if it isn’t, I don’t care.” 
Keigo raises an eyebrow, a sparkle in his eyes that reminds you so much of sunken treasure. “And why is that?” he huskily asks, sending a shiver down your spine.
You stand up on your toes and stay a centimeter away from his lips, inhaling his cologne. “Because I want everyone to know that I’m yours,” you purr. “And you’re mine.” 
A hand then encircles the back of your neck and all words cease to exist as Keigo presses his mouth to yours once more. 
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marvelmaniac715 · 3 months
Some entertaining stories about how I got into Sims:
When I was young I watched a lot of Laurenzside videos (she was the funniest person in the world to me at one point), and I got super into her Sims content, particularly Sims 4 Meme Theme and her Creepypasta series, though I wasn’t as familiar with Creepypastas, so I asked for Sims 4 one Christmas (can’t remember how old exactly but it was before I was a teenager)
The day I got the game, it is important to understand that I had no understanding of the game’s mechanics or controls (I was very much not a gamer - before this I’d only played games on my iPad/phone or one of those kids gaming tablets like LeapFrog), so I didn’t know how Create A Sim works (for further context this was all on an XBox), so I just randomised the character until it looked a bit like me… my first ever sim was Eliza Pancakes…
I didn’t realise that there were more pages of traits or how to reach them so all of my sims practically had the same traits for like an entire year
When I first played, I had the sound on, and I distinctly remember my mother saying “You’ve set it up wrong, they’re speaking in German!” (Sims speak their own language called Simlish)
My older sister was playing with me on that first day and just sent my sim on a lot of jogs for no apparent reason
I didn’t know how to create kids or adopt them, so, uh, I stole a family from the gallery (the Pancakes) who had a toddler and deleted both parents to take the child for my own (I was like ten at the time, yet so cruel)
I didn’t realise that you could get into houses by clicking on sims so whenever I started a new household in a pre-existing house I would use a sledgehammer to remove the front walls like my characters lived in some sick and demented dollhouse
I once built an entire house but forgot to put in any doors
I specialised in houses that were all one room… I have no clue why
When a sim got pregnant for the first time, I checked Google and found out that sim pregnancies last for three days… being a child, I closed the game and played again three real world days later and was very confused that my sim was still pregnant
One of my only memories from the day I got the story-driven Strangerville pack is me loudly screaming, in an incredibly upset and shocked voice: “They took my fridge!” because to kick off the story some secret agents come and remove your fridge… I was NOT having it
My memories of my thirteenth birthday in 2020 involve me playing the new Realm of Magic Sims game pack whilst my sister was very unwell on the sofa next to me but I’m vibing because I’m a gamer girl with a little wizard family
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radicalfemimist · 3 months
Apps, like all technology, used to be good. not great, but good. When I was a kid playing on my IPad, I played all kinds of kid-friendly apps, and you know the thing is, ads weren’t nearly as common or invasive on those apps back then. In a lot of cases, you’d watch ads to get rewards— or if they were invasive (still not as invasive as they are now), you could remove them for 99 cents.
There were still some apps that were total pay-to-win cash grabs, like Sims Freeplay, but for the most part there used to be free apps that were actually free. Like you could still play them and have a good time playing them, without ad after ad after ad.
There were still ads (hence the 99 cent remove ads button), but they weren’t as bad. And the ads weren’t as misleading and inappropriate. There’s a new tactic I’ve seen from the ads, lately, as I’ve been playing Wordscapes— and that is straight up saying:
“Don’t you hate when ads are misleading? The game looks fun, but then the actual game isn’t anything like that! Well, this is a game that is exactly like the ads!”
And you check the app, and oops! They lied to you. Didn’t false advertising used to be illegal? It’s still not actually allowed, and I know that because Apple lets you report apps for having misleading ads.
And the ads are often full of misogynistic garbage. My sister said she saw one that casually used domestic violence/abuse in it; a husband throwing his wife and child(ren?) out in the cold. A predecessor to the ads where a woman and her daughter, sometimes children, beg for money as the floaty hand cursor messes up the puzzle on purpose to tempt you to play a game that does not exist.
I saw one, just earlier on Tumblr, for an app called Hero Wars, that used a lot of gross and sexual and humiliating imagery of cartoon women, even. Women being in revealing outfits and being tied up, distressed— as the ad pulled the same “we’re honest in our advertising, promise!” shit that I’ve seen Gardenscapes pull. Check it in the App Store, none of the pictures match the content (thankfully) and all of the popular reviews are talking about the false advertising— and the top reviews are 4 years old!
And you can bet I’m gonna download it just to report it, and then immediately delete it without having opened it. I might even have to report it twice, since it falls into multiple categories.
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Looking for a way to play classic Game Boy, N64, PS1, PSP and other console games on your iPhone? Look no further than iPhone emulators available on the App Store! With these emulators, you can enjoy all your favorite retro games right on your phone. Check out the App Store today and start gaming on the go! Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] In April, Apple changed its rules to allow old-school game emulators on the App Store, and now we have some popular ones available for iPhone users to enjoy. These emulators let you play classic games from consoles like Nintendo, SEGA, Sony, Atari, and more. Let's take a look at a few of the emulators that are already out there: 1. Delta: This emulator by Riley Testut supports a range of Nintendo consoles like Game Boy, DS, NES, SNES, and N64. It comes with cool on-screen controller skins and supports physical controllers too. And guess what? iPad support is on its way! 2. RetroArch: This app acts as a hub for various emulators for consoles such as Atari, Nintendo, SEGA, and Sony. It even offers RetroAchievements, which add extra challenges to classic games. 3. PPSSPP: This emulator focuses on PlayStation Portable (PSP) games and can be used both as part of RetroArch or as a standalone app. 4. Gamma: ZodTTD brings us Gamma, an emulator for the original PlayStation that promises a nostalgic gaming experience. But that's not all. There's one more exciting emulator in the pipeline: Provenance: Offering access to Atari, Nintendo, SEGA, and Sony consoles, Provenance is set to launch on the App Store soon. Currently in beta, this emulator has been around since 2016 and has garnered a loyal following. Unfortunately, the Dolphin emulator, known for its GameCube and Wii support, won't be making its way to the App Store due to compatibility issues between the PowerPC-based console games and ARM-based Apple devices. So, if you're a fan of retro gaming, you now have a variety of emulator options to choose from on the App Store. Get ready to relive the good old days of gaming on your iPhone! Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. Can I play Game Boy games on my iPhone using an emulator from the App Store? Yes, you can play Game Boy games on your iPhone using an emulator available on the App Store. 2. Is it legal to use N64 emulator on my iPhone from the App Store? The legality of using an N64 emulator on your iPhone from the App Store can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the games you are playing. 3. How can I play PS1 games on my iPhone using an emulator? You can play PS1 games on your iPhone by downloading a PS1 emulator from the App Store and then transferring your game files to the emulator. 4. Are there any good PSP emulators available on the App Store for iPhone? Yes, there are some good PSP emulators available on the App Store that allow you to play PSP games on your iPhone. 5. Are there any other emulators available on the App Store for playing games on iPhone? Yes, there are several other emulators available
on the App Store for playing games on iPhone, including emulators for NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, and more. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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dconexe8849 · 11 months
About Me
Updated May 2, 2024
こんにちは! My name is Deacon, you can call me by my gamer name D-Con, and I’m an experienced (but also somewhat beginner in terms of skill) artist!
I enjoy various series, including Super Mario, TMNT, Sonic, Bluey, Beyblade, Persona, and more. I’m kind of a nerd if you couldn’t tell.
I make most of my art using Procreate on an 9th gen iPad, but I also use Blender 3D and do non-digital arts and crafts from time to time!
Some facts about me:
- I’m from America!! Yeehaw! ‼️🇺🇸💥🔫🦅
- I’m 16. Jeez that’s old
- I play a lot of video games, including Mario Kart, Fortnite, Persona, and Super Smash Bros.
- I spend too much time in the internet (help)
- I’m a bit of an audiophile. I’m a big fan of the Persona soundtracks, but when I’m not listening to those, I’m usually listening to bands like Good Kid and ONE OK ROCK.
Hope you enjoy your visit to my page! I’m definitely waaaay more active on Instagram but I’ll try to post here as well.
Also, if you’re a big TMNT nerd, here’s a Discord server I made: https://discord.gg/HYKTuXvGbP
I made this as a hub where TMNT artists from across the internet can connect and share their art!
ok bye bye
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grazer-razor · 2 years
>be me >middle-aged parent >underqualified and unfit for the job at hand >the large majority of the reason i had kids was so i could have that sexy time with my wife >7-year old son is a sonic fan >his favorite games are sonic mania and colors >has begun taking a liking towards classic sonic >one day >taking a nap in my recliner >suddenly... >”dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad” >”what” >”i need something to do” >it’s not video game time yet and i am too tired to play “sonic and eggman” with him >time to pull out old reliable >”why don’t you go watch some sonic on youtube kids kiddo” >the kid excitedly makes a head start towards his bedroom so he can watch sonic games on his Ipad >all in a days work...
>few days later >sipping some coffee in my kitchen >kiddo is playing make-believe in the other room >he’s gotten into fits of attitude these past few days >he’s also told me that he’s been listening to his fav sonic song on repeat >take a glance over into the living room >nearly spit my coffee out, i am not ready for what i am about to see >my son is aiming a nerf gun at his GI joe’s head, making angry noises >”THIS IS WHO I AM... I’M SHADOW...” >i cannot believe my eyes, my son is acting like shadow the hedgehog >go into the living room and confront my son >”why are you behaving like this? have you gone off of youtube kids?” >”no” >timeout that wannabe hedgehog terrorist until he learns to use more appropriate apps like YTK
>i still can’t help but wonder how he first got into contact with ow the edge himself >go onto his Ipad >open youtube kids >check the history >at the very top is magna-fi’s “Who I Am”, a video uploaded by some guy named walt >at this point i am astounded, how did an edgy metal song make it onto youtube kids >i begin having a mental breakdown due to my shitty parenting skills and how i’ve lost one of my only means of keeping my offspring under control >begin drooling at the mouth and huddling in a small ball on the ground >”honey... are you OK?” >it’s my wife, whose parenting skills surpass mine by 99% >show her the cold hard facts on youtube kids >at this point i am crying because the world is no longer safe for my child >my wife watches me as i silently sob, collapsing to the floor and pounding on it, staining it with tears, fist marks, and drool >she’s not impressed >”you’re pathetic” >she leaves the room
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word stacks cheat PC 2947%
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Enter your level or your hint into the search box above. This cheat works for Word Stacks on all levels. Here are the answers for all previous Word Stack. Find out all the popular Word Stacks Answers, Cheats & Solutions for iPhone, iPad & Android. Simple search! Find all Word Stacks answers, cheats and solutions on this page. Playing Word Stacks 10 mins a day sharpens your mind and prepares you for your daily life and challenges! Would you like to relax. Word Stacks answers and cheats to all the levels with hints updated regularly. We are adding daily solutions to all the levels and updated. Its easy to play, only need focus to letters. Word Stacks will let you make brain exercise. Here we want share with you all answers to every level of Word Stacks Game. Also you can check daily answers for the Game. How many bonus words do you need to gat a bonus? What do the highlighted gold and green letters mean? Are there any setting for this game? What does the lightbulb actually do? All that happened when I tapped it was a little spyglass showing up on one of the word spaces at the top…. It lets you know what the first letter of an available word is, and also how many letters the word has. I hope I explained it ok! Please explain. We added answers for Level Also we still updating all answers and will publish soon. Thank you! Word Stacks is a really hard game. We are spending much time for solve levels. It is taking time but will publish all levels soon. Sorry for delay. I loved the background choices I had at the beginning. Is there a way I can I go back to the old menu? I find the puzzles keep repeating themselves. In addition, I went to the offers list and because I had Matchington Mansion on my phone, I chose the offer for coin rewards for completing level in Matchington Mansion. Also, why do some letters turn gold when using them? Where can I find this info? Have tried to google but with no luck. Hi Ronda. We can explain our experience with Word stacks game. Spyglass will show you first letter from next correct answer for your puzzle game in letters sheet. Lightbulb will show you first letter from correct answer in hidden sheet and you should find this letter and word between all letters. Another one feature — mix letters and will give you new style sheet of same words. If letters become gold means you will use this letter and it is correct letters for the next correct answer for the game. If you have any more questions we will try to help you. Enjoy the game! How do I get back to MY game. I am locked out after level ! Very frustrating as I love this game and am in the middle of a Touney! Please let me know how to unlock it. I asked for the rules of the game and did not find them anywhere. Please give me the details so I can understand what all the details are. Love the game. Love winning the tourney too! Am I misunderstanding the rule? Or am i missing out on points? I notice when i play the tourney some people move up by thousands of points as if they are getting those multiple letter scores. I can take a screenshot if needed. How many bonus words does it take to get points? What happens if you get not quite enough bonus words? Does it go back to zero? Yes you can change the theme. When you open the game before play right side down at the screen you can check and choose themes. Hi…I know stars are used for the tourneys but are they used for anything other than that? Why do some of the letters turn green? There is no hint.. In level challenges the hidden words give you coins…. Is this going to clear and start over at 1? I got a new phone so how to feel lost game again. How do I get back to the level I was on? Hi Peggy, my phone took a dump on me so when I logged back in with my new phone I had the similar issues you are having unless you have figured it out by now. Plus I had missing coins. I hope you got the feedback from the support staff that you was hoping for. Good luck with all…. Since yesterday I have tried to get a simple answer. I really want to play and have enjoyed the game for over a yr. It has said that for months now. Do I have to reach a certain level to release more? Now it will only give me coins instead of money. Today I came second in your Word stacks competition. Now the app has crashed and all there is is a small cross in the right hand corner of my screen I cannot bring it back. I was over. I would like to switch playing Word Stacks from my tablet to laptop and keep my points and playing level. What steps are necessary to do that? Do you have cheats for the daily ones? Thank you for comment. All that happened when I tapped it was a little spyglass showing up on one of the word spaces at the top… Reply. Please explain Reply. Hi meg, thanks for message. Propably developer changed answers. Can you share screen shot? Where are the answers for puzzles and after? Puzzle answers has an error. The first word is EMU and it is not listed in your answers list Reply. When are you going to update the solutions past level ? Can I change it? I know!!! Have you gotten chicks popping out of Easter eggs? How do I get back to MY game Reply. Please let me know how to unlock it Reply. Colleen Reply. Thanks Reply. Can I have help plz? Which level you are stuck in? How do you access the tourney? Seems to be a weekend problem which is when I have time to play. Unlocked for one game and back to locked. Good luck with all… Reply. Hi Karen, which phone you are playing with? Hi Valerie, Word Stacks not a game that you can earn money. Maybe you mixed with other games? My word stacks has been frozen for hours. Did you try to reopen?
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anyasjournal · 2 years
Death to true crime! 
 are we truly after education on criminals or is that a vain excuse for our sick fascination? 
The 21st century has brought with it wave after wave of new technology and with that came social media, endless streaming and information at our fingertips. That has made it exceptionally easy for us to get to know whatever we want, see whatever we deem necessary and occasionally what we don’t, with the never-ending scrolling on TikTok and auto play on YouTube you’ll find the usual ‘fit-check’ and travel vlog but go deep enough into the internet and you face some much darker things.  
When I was around 10, I got an iPad, it was my introduction to the internet and I spent hours on YouTube watching whatever came up, it was before parents could even think of using blockers or screen time limits. Although most of my consumption was harmless some not so much, some instilled fears I still haven’t gotten over and some I’ll never forget. Now this isn’t to scare parents away from the internet and social media it is simply a conversation I think needs to be had and a necessary reflection on my own media consumption. Most of the videos I watched were makeup tutorials I’d never follow and video games I’d never play, through the makeup videos I found sfx makeup, people able to transform themselves into terrifying things, but I wasn’t afraid, that ignited in me my love for horror, something I still hold to this day, in my family I was the one who could watch any horror film and not be scared, sleep through the night after watching something that made you jump out of your skin. And because of this ‘immunity’ to horror I dove deeper into the pit and ended up where everyone seems to go, true crime, serial killers, cannibals and more. Even at my young age I knew my limit, I knew when to stop and for a while my interest in true crime remained just that, I’d know random facts about famous killers but never anything more. 
Despite this limit I put on myself I was still an incredibly paranoid person, I still am to this day, I’d check the house before I went to sleep make sure the doors and windows were locked, made sure I had an escape if needed. Looking back, I can see that all of this was most likely a side effect of this consumption I deemed normal. For years I never was too afraid of any true crime story or any serial killer, I watched all the videos, read all about them but still slept at night, lucky me. That all changed when I took a step over the line, my immunity against fear faltered and for the first time I couldn’t sleep all because I watched an interview and that lead me to the wrong pictures. I was 14 maybe 15 at the time, thinking I was mature for my age but I was still a kid, I was watching a video on YouTube probably an unsolved mystery and then looking over to the recommended saw an interview of a killer I’d heard of before but never looked into: Jeffery Dahmer, thinking nothing of it, thinking my immunity would protect me I watched it, I faced Ted Bundy and read endlessly about the Zodiac and knew all the canonical five of Jack the Ripper so why should this scare me? But there’s that old saying, curiosity killed the cat, and in this case it surely did.  
I clicked the video, it was a simple interview but Dahmer's eyes, his eyes terrified me, I didn’t know yet what he had done, he spoke to the interviewer calmly, eerily, I could feel my heart race, I needed to know, no I wanted to know what he did so as anyone could I looked it up, I saw the articles read them then I saw the pictures, pictures that I still see today in the back of my mind pictures I wished I’d never seen. My heart beating out of my chest my hands shaking I closed the tab, all the while the video playing the background, Dahmer's monotonous voice echoing in my brain, I couldn’t bear to hear it anymore, I felt nauseous, I felt afraid.  
After that I didn’t dare watch anything like that for a while, the occasional video or documentary crossed my path, but nothing could make me go back down the hole I’d fallen in. 
So why is it that I become so interested with true crime? Why did I fall down that hole? And if I came swimming back up gasping for air, how long till you do too? 
Often people claim their interest for such disturbing things comes from a simple need to know more or to educate themselves on true crime cases. But to me that argument is silly and wrong why would you want to educate yourself on the tragic death, torture or rape of a person, it isn’t because you need to know more it is because you want, this morbid curiosity has become so normalized its concerning. There are websites dedicated to leaked crime scene and autopsy photos or murder victims that people can look at without any censoring the links to these websites are shared in comment sections on TikTok, which is an app marketed to teens. Labelling this as just curiosity is damaging and could be seriously harmful it shouldn’t be taken lightly, and it shouldn’t be so normalized. 
Again I'm not saying any of this to scare people off the internet or shame those who are interested in true crime, it is simply something to think about or reflect on, looking at the actual crime scene photos or autopsy reports or even watching interviews can seriously affect you and your mental health, as much as we like to believe we are above it we are not, and if you're reading this thinking you aren’t afraid and I'm wrong true crime has no effect on you, you're probably the person this applies to most.  
If you see nothing wrong in the continuous consumption of morbid media and even illegally leaked photos or information, if this leaves you feeling nothing maybe you should really reflect because those photos are of real people who had families friends dreams jobs, they loved and were loved and you're looking at a photo of them dead without feeling anything, you are using the deaths of these people as entertainment to satisfy your so called curiosity, to put it simply t is wrong.  sure, maybe the photos are interesting and teach you more about the killer, they are still completely unnecessary to look at, there are hundreds of harmless documentaries thousands of articles and YouTube videos that you could watch to learn more but instead photos of dead mutilated bodies are what is deemed interesting, what is used to learn, that in my opinion is wrong. 
But you don’t have to listen to me, I'm no one to you but maybe just look at what you consume and how you react to it, look at who it affects and think of the people you are looking at yes, they are victims of your ‘favourite murderer’ but they were people who deserve to be remembered as more than just a victim, they deserve respect over your curiosity. 
It is no surprise the internet can be a dark place, I've been told that as long as I've been on the internet and I have no intention of stopping being on the internet and I'm not implying you should either, all I'm saying is watch what you consume it may not all be as surface level as you think there are lives affected by it beyond your screen. 
The morbid fascination and normalisation of true crime, especially in its extremes can lead people to much darker things and the consumption of such morbid things should be monitored or limited, I learned the hard way but I'm glad I learned. Again, I'm not saying you can’t be interested or curious but please be cautious and be respectful, the world is bigger than the internet bigger than our phones and we must remember that.  
There is a lot more I could say about this topic so there might possibly be a part 2 but if you have any of your own opinions, please let me know 
Thank you for reading.  
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Can you Keep A Secret
TITLE: Can you keep it a secret?  CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 3 of 4
AUTHOR: ValarieRavenhearst2 ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine working with Loki in some way but you keep your distance because you have a massive crush on him and you tend to always embarrass yourself. Alas you find yourself in need of his help as you need his magic and he’s the only one for the job.
  All the incubators in the lab make it feel like a sauna today, with so many new species needing direct heat, we’ve had to give them their own room. All my specimens look healthy and well after yesterdays’ sampling and I record their status on my iPad. After working by myself for half an hour I make the easy decision to take my jumper off before I start to sweat. As I start to wiggle out of it by easing it over my head, my shirt begins to rise with it and I make that awkward wiggle to try and magically make my shirt fall down without putting my arms back down. Whilst in the midst of my struggle I can hear the keypad being used to unlock the lab door and instinctively I throw myself to my knees to hide as my shirt has risen over my bra. Instant regret. I quickly correct myself on the ground as I hear Dr Banner and another botanist talking idly. The side of my abdomen stings viciously in warning as the material of my shirt goes back over it. I quickly flip it up again to inspect a small scratch now etched over my ribs, ending just under my bra. I hiss quietly in annoyance at my own stupidity as I stand calmly to inspect what I could have scratched myself on.   Dr Banner greets me in surprise, obviously questioning what I am doing on the ground.
“Good morning.” I give them both a greeting smile, “I just dropped my jumper.” I wave it at them as proof and they go back to their conversation whilst I look at the plant specimens in front of me. This odd, black looking orchidaceous plant looks awfully ominous with its long bristly thorns of an olive green hue. It must have been the culprit as none of its neighbours have any type of protruding bristles. With a slight panic spiking in my veins I try to examine it’s ID card but it’s information is mostly blank as it hasn’t begun rigours testing yet. Shit! What if it’s poisonous. Surely it would be in a covered incubator if it was known to be poisonous and over in lab 2 with the others.  I try not to act concerned as I question if the other two know anything about it and the other botanist, Swanson? I think. Says that the whole table is due for testing today by his team. I just nod in acknowledgment and calmly exit the lab. I mean, I feel okay, right? I don’t feel faint and or woozy.  I canter off to the bathroom after throwing my jumper over my chair; I quickly raise my shirt again in the mirror to get a better look. It’s not that bad … I suppose. The thin red slice is only about six centimetres long and it doesn’t look like there’s anything caught in the wound. Honestly, what an idiot. I can’t believe I was so reckless. If bloody Branson found out he’d have my head and he’d carry on for eternity how right he was about me. Oh the ridicule! He’d have me on desk duty till he dies. No one can know! I’m breaking every safety protocol we have but if I am to die from it so be it. I’d rather die quietly than admit my fault to that grumpy old git. After a quick rendezvous with the first-aid box I should be fine. I’ll just have to spy on the other team later to see if they come with anything concerning on the evil looking sucker. Ugh! I can’t believe I just did that.   As I exit the bathroom mumbling curses at myself, adjusting my skin tight black turtleneck, a wisp of black enters my peripheral and I know that the god of mischief has returned to the floor. His eyes find me as I cross the open bullpen to my desk and I let go of the hem of my shirt and make an effort to make the concern vanish from my face. Draped in a navy Asgardian attire, he is what my high school best friend would call a snack. I briefly notice accents of gold and olive lining the leather but I am quick to advert my eyes and look busy. I suppose he would be a nice distraction from the sting in my side but I needn’t the extra embarrassment on top of my slightly spiked anxiety. I can hear Branson’s old decrepit voice engaging with that sultry sirens call as they wander by my desk but I make myself continue typing on my computer as if my life depends on it. As soon as he’s passed me I can smell his cologne lingering to tease me. Do Asgardians even wear cologne or is that just him? I shake my head, determined not to let my thoughts distract me.   As I continue to work at my desk for the day, every time I stretch and move around I check on the other team working in the lab and notice that pointy little sucker is still out in the open so my panic levels have been low and every time I go to the bathroom I check my side; gently peeling off the large non stick plaster to inspect the fading mark. The redness has reduced so much that I have to strain myself to notice the mark.   I steal glances with the God of Mischief throughout the day as he wanders from station to station. I smile politely whenever our eyes meet and always breakaway first to continue working, which I notice earns me a sly grin after the fifth time. See, I knew that tricky bugger was up to something. I just know he purposefully loves to get under my skin. But I am not giving him the satisfaction of watching me blush today. Two can play at that game. Danny surprises me at lunch by bringing me a latte and childish teasing. He sits on the edge of my desk and immediately notices Loki working in the adjacent Lab in clear view of my desk. Trying to be noticeably subtle he continuously taps my shoulder whilst cooing in excitement like a giddy school girl. I shush him and punch him hard in the leg whilst acting like his antics haven’t phased me. I’ve been doing an amazing job of ignoring his presence all morning, he is not going to trick me into actively swooning now.
“Oh he looking.” Danny murmurs whilst turning his head away, tapping my shoulder again.
“Shut up!” I mutter back as I briefly glare at him in warning before retuning my attention to my computer screen.
“Girl he’s definitely checking you out.” He rearranges himself as he opts for standing behind me and leaning over me like he’s studying what I’m doing.
“I’m going to kill you.” I swivel in my chair so that I’m facing away from the Lab. “You’re such a trouble maker.” I hiss and jokingly shove him so not to make a big scene. “Don’t you have work of your own to do?” I question as I make an excuse to walk out of sight by taking my drink bottle to fill it up. Danny follows, chuckling evilly to himself.
“Yeah but this is more fun.” I threaten to throw water on him. “But seriously, he’s definitely watching you.” I could feel it! But I ain’t playing into Danny’s game.
“Yeah right,” I scoff as I begin back to my desk with Danny in tow, “what for? A good laugh if I stumble?” I take my seat but swivel so I’m facing Danny and away from Loki.
“Well no ‘cause I don’t think he’s ever laughed when you’ve embarrassed yourself.” Danny leans against the empty desk adjacent to mine and I gasp at him with forced hurtfulness.
“Are you saying I’m not funny?” I question mockingly and his face grimaces fiercely as he shrugs in agreement.
“Well, either he’s attracted to you or just pities you.” He deduces with his great sleuthing skills. “Which would you prefer?” I scowl so hard at him that he might burst into flames yet his shiteating grin is till carved into his face. I don’t answer, not diving into this ridiculous conversation (not to mention unsafe when he’s so close). With a steady, yet annoyed breath, I exhale loudly before turning back to my computer and turn my concentration up to a hundred and ten percent to block out Loki’s alluring figure in my peripherals.
“I have work to do and if you’ve only come to tease me you can piss off.” I purse my lips together in my best passive resting bitch face before flipping him off. Honestly what an arse – breaking basic friend 101 rules. Don’t joke about the crush in front of the crush.
“So touchy today.” He laughs and kisses me on the cheek before stepping around my desk before I can clock him one. “I’ll see you later.” He teases before leaving and I can feel myself being watched and it is so tempting to look to where that burning urge is coming from but I just know if I make eye contact I’ll blush several noticeable shades. I’ll remain strong, purely out of spite.   I finish all my paper work earlier than expected and manage to send off all my reports just has mid afternoon rolls around. Spite is a good focuser. As I’m scanning through my emails to see if I need to reply to any I get a page from Clint to say that he’s on his way up to check out his new arrow heads. I beam excitedly in remembrance, jumping up from my desk and heading over to Lab 2, where I had been storing them in the cool room at the back of the lab. I had been experimenting and developing  new knockout gasses and combustibles and I thought adapting them to Clint’s arrow heads would be a more challenging task then the standard grenades. Thus far the little project has been a success, they just haven’t had any field time yet.   I notice Loki watching me through his lashes as I swipe into the lab and punch in the code. We’ve already exchanged pleasantries for the day so there’s no need for me to make any form of acknowledgment as I enter. As I enter through the double doors he straightens himself, most likely in expectance that I had entered to speak with him since it’s only he and another botanist in the Lab. But I just walk straight through without a glance which gives me such a surge of power, knowing how  much confusion I was causing him even though his poker face is exceptional. After punching in the security code on the fridge I gently pull out the draw with the arrow tips and remove the tray, taking it with me. I have to make eye contact on my way back since focusing straight ahead would be too obvious and the key is subtlety here if I want to be one up on his intimidating behaviour. My lips curve pleasantly at him but I don’t say anything as I head back to the door. Clint is already at my desk and is glancing around for me. He waves happily when he sees me and opens the door for me so I don’t have to.
“Hey,” he smiles at me and I pass him the tray, “you sure these work?” He questions mockingly.
“Have I ever failed you before?” I coyly quirk my brows in rebuke.
“Want to test them with me?” He nods his head at the door for me to follow him and I do with a skip in my step. I did archery as a child but I got nothing on him. I take my time to relish in the fact that Loki hasn’t taken his eyes off me as I exit through the corridor and I even dare a cheeky, subtly seductive glance over my shoulder just to make sure. Oh it feels good to be bad .. no wonder he loves it.
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frostedfaves · 4 years
Repercussions (13)
Pairing: dark!Natasha Romanoff x dark!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: Wesley performs at-home surgery on you, and Natasha and Wanda remind you who’s in charge from the other side of the world.
Warnings: dark themes, mentions of stitches, poorly written medical stuff, mild injury, implied nudity, smut 18+ ONLY (cyber sex, implied masturbation and overstimulation, sex toy use and penetration)
A/N: let’s not even talk about the fact that I fully intended on not ending another odd numbered chapter with smut and then did it anyway. but also feel free to thank me, as this is (possibly 👀) the last time I’ll be able to include any smut at all so...
Previous part
The ringing of a phone broke the silence of the room, and you groaned against the pillow when you realized it was your iPad. Adjusting the covers and rolling over to one of the nightstands, you attempted to wipe the sleepiness away from your eyes before answering the FaceTime call.
You grinned as Natasha and Wanda appeared on the screen, waving and laughing a bit when they waved back with even bigger smiles.
“The most beautiful women in the world! I see that you’ve landed safely.”
“Yep. Just got in the safe house and this one couldn’t wait to see your face again.” Natasha teasingly nudged Wanda’s shoulder, chuckling when she rolled her eyes and pushed back. “But I’m thinking she’s not the only one missing a girlfriend. Is that my shirt?”
“And Wanda’s scrunchie.” You lifted your wrist for her to see and Wanda cooed at you.
“That’s adorable, baby. So how was yesterday? No trouble with Wesley, right?”
“It’s been incredible! We got to play our favorite card games and watch one of our old shows, and today he’s going to make my favorite omelette!”
“You have a favorite omelette?”
“Wes makes his just like my favorite diner in my hometown. I don’t know how he does it, but it’s amazing every time.” You shrugged, relaxing your shoulders as you exhaled in the form of a happy sigh. “I can’t thank you both enough for bringing him here.”
“We just want to see you happy, printsessa,” Natasha told you with a soft smile that faded as she yawned. “Now if you’ll excuse us, we should get some sleep before we need to get out there in the morning.”
“Wait!” Wanda cut in before you could respond, her lips forming a smirk. “Let us see you.”
You playfully rolled your eyes with a shake of your head before standing up and propping up the iPad against the lamp on the nightstand. Stepping back to bring your full form into the frame, you made a big show of slowly stripping away Natasha’s sleep shirt as they cheered, even louder once they realized you weren’t wearing underwear.
“I kind of regret this now,” Wanda sighed, and you laughed.
“At least you have someone! I just have a room full of fun stuff that I’m not even allowed to use,” you pouted.
“Maybe we’ll change that in a few days. Maybe,” Natasha emphasized when you gasped. “Okay pretty baby, we’ll call again soon.”
“Okay, love you!”
You hung up before either of them could respond, shifting over to Apple music and playing the most rated R and sexual playlist you could find, wanting them to assume you were thinking of them in the shower. You were also hoping it would set the mood, leading them to tire each other out and sleep longer.
You could barely hide the proud smile that appeared on your features when you found out through the bugging device that your plan worked.
“Hey, kiddo!” Wes called as you entered the kitchen, hugging you briefly.
“Hey. Is that what I think it is?”
“You mean the special breakfast you specifically requested and threatened me over?” He raised his eyebrow and faced you as you climbed onto the counter, both of you laughing after a moment. “So how’d it go? Sleeping yet?”
“Like babies. We can head down after we eat.”
The two of you made your way to the basement after breakfast, and you led Wesley to the game room first to give him an overly enthusiastic tour of the space, grateful when he caught on fast and played along. You then pulled him away from a pinball machine to bring him to the TV area, pushing him toward the couch as you grabbed the remote from the entertainment area.
“Can’t believe you dangled a pinball game in my face just to snatch it away,” he joked.
“We can go back, dummy. I just had to do that because they know I’m pretty attached to that part of the house,” you told him as you looked for a movie to distract yourself from what was coming, which wasn’t easy with Wesley pulling a satchel of tools from his oversized hoodie in your peripheral vision.
“I know this is not the easiest thing to do, but just relax. I brought some numbing cream to help with the pain.”
You leaned against the armrest of the couch to bring yourself in view of the camera, trying not to react to the coldness of the ointment and really attempting to hold it together when he got started on removing the tracker from your leg.
“Would it be easier to just amputate from the knee down?” you grunted, huffing out a breath when he shook his head. “Yeah, I figured.”
It felt like days passed as you gripped a pillow hard enough to break it to deal with the pain that wasn’t numbed, when your cousin finally broke the silence between the two of you.
“Okay, I’m done. How does it feel?”
“Painful,” you mumbled as you examined your stitched skin. “Damn, you’re good.”
Wesley handed you the tiny baggie holding the even smaller tracker, and you slid it in your pocket. He moved to get up and you stopped him.
“Where are you going? Let’s finish the movie.”
“Not ready to walk, are you?” You shook your head this time and he laughed. 
When it ended, the two of you made your way back to the game room, choosing one of the racing games so you didn’t have to stand very long. After he beat you in a few races (quite easily, but you wouldn’t admit it to him), you made your way back upstairs to grab a football and head outside.
You were able to walk pretty normally and even lightly jog, but you were dying to relieve the burning patch of healing skin, so you staged a fall as quickly as you could without seeming suspicious. Wesley fussed over you appropriately, helping you into the house to the point of halfway carrying you, and you sighed in relief when you finally got an ice pack on your ankle.
“I’ve never seen someone so happy to fall.”
“Shut up.”
It was nearing midnight when you heard from your girlfriends again, being sure to hold an excited smile on your features as you answered the call.
“Good morning! Or is it afternoon?”
“Late afternoon going into early evening but who cares?” Wanda shrugged with a little laugh.
“What are you doing up so late, printsessa?”
“It’s only 11:58,” you replied after checking the time. “And I was hoping you’d call tonight.”
Natasha frowned at the sight of your pout. “Did something happen with Wesley?”
“Yes, but it’s not his fault. I fell in the yard and hurt my ankle, but he helped me inside and keep ice on it all day. He even helped me up here so I didn’t have to strain much on the stairs.”
“Oh baby, you gotta be careful.”
“I know, Wan, I’m sorry.” Your eyes watered a bit while your pout stayed. “I feel a lot better, though! I just wish it didn’t happen. I have so much energy right now and nothing to do with it.”
You frowned when Natasha and Wanda shared a prolonged look, sighing a little so they’d turn their attention back to you. Wanda offered you a smile while Natasha seemed to be doing something in her lap, and she nodded at Wanda before turning to face you again.
“What’s going on?”
“We think we have a way for you to burn all that energy,” Natasha told you while Wanda sat beside her looking like a kid in a candy store. “Check the nightstand on your right.”
You moved over to investigate, pulling the drawer open and frowned when you only spotted a small key, picking it up with a curious gaze.
“It’s just a...wait.” You picked up the iPad with wide eyes. “Is this to the special room?”
Natasha nodded and you squealed in excitement, jumping to your feet and making sure to wince a bit when your left foot made contact with the carpet.
“Careful baby, please!” Wanda begged. “You’re going to give us a heart attack.”
You made your way down the hall and unlocked the door, stepping in and closing and locking the door behind you as they instructed. The iPad was placed in their preferred spot so they could watch you strip again before telling you exactly what to pick out. Their object of choice was a big, sparkly dildo meant to be attached to a flat surface, the headboard of a king sized bed in this case.
“This one is kinda big,” you remarked as you knelt beside the dildo to examine the length.
“But baby,” Natasha began with a falsely sweet tone that you’d grown accustomed to hearing in the bedroom, one that had you squeezing your thighs together immediately. “Don’t you want to be good for us?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Good girls listen. Are you a good girl?”
“Yes, Natty.”
“Then you can take it.”
You took a deep breath and positioned yourself, reaching for your clit between your parted legs and trying not to gasp in reaction to what you felt.
“You’re already soaked, aren’t you baby?”
You nodded and closed your eyes as you kept working your middle finger across the sensitive nub, slowly backing up onto the erect length and whimpering as it filled you up.
“That’s it, baby,” Wanda called out breathily, and you didn’t even need to raise your head to know she was touching herself, as was Natasha. “You’re so good at this.”
You paused for a moment when your ass bumped into the headboard, giving yourself time to adjust to being stretched open like this on your own. Pulling your hand away to rest both of them on the bed in front of you for support, you glanced at the iPad to see both of them watching you, and you stifled the moan that left you when you realized they were getting each other off.
“Like what you see, baby?” You nodded in response, your eyes glued to their crossed arms just barely moving. “Then get going, or we’ll turn the camera off.”
You began to move your hips in a slow back-and-forth motion, hissing and moaning each time the toy hit a spot that one of your girlfriends usually got for you.
You obeyed immediately, gradually speeding up to a pace that had the bed shaking a bit under your movements, but you couldn’t find it in you to care about the safety of it all when you were this close to the edge. Your climax came faster than you expected and you managed to keep somewhat of a rhythm through it, slumping forward and panting as you came down.
“Again.” You looked to the screen in disbelief, biting your lip when you noticed Wanda’s head thrown back, her hands holding onto Natasha’s arm that seemed to move much faster now. “I didn’t stutter. Fuck yourself again.”
So you did, and another time and another time until you finally tapped out, sliding away from the toy and falling forward onto the bed. You lifted your head to see your fully naked girlfriends smiling at you, each of them a bit flushed from their own activity as they watched you.
“You were such a good girl tonight,” Wanda praised, smiling when you simply whimpered in response. “I can’t wait to get back there and fuck you myself.”
“Goodnight, baby. We love you.”
The call ended as you rolled onto your back to catch your breath for a moment. When your legs were no longer shaking uncontrollably, you stood up the best you could and grabbed the dildo after slipping on a robe, dropping it onto your pile of clothes as you grabbed that too. Once you were back in the shared room and the toy was cleaned, you slipped it into the bag you’d hidden in the closet. You were going to miss sex with them, and something had to take their place.
Tags: @littlegasps @imnotasuperhero @nat-km-mh @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @creepingwolfberry @bebe404 @seventeen0 @buckmesidewaysandcallmesteve @becka107 @muted-stoneheart @its-a-long-way-to-ba-sing-se @wannabe-fic-reader @messuhp @mjaudrey @emilyprentisswife @cherrieloco @fayhar @trikruismybitch @sxphiaswitch @beforeoursecrets @want-to-watch-it-burn @just-a-normalpersons @multi-images @witchxaf @natashadeservedmore @haiiiloeee2 @darkangelxoxo @sakurat123
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