#like genuinely i am sooo tired of the first
dukeofthomas · 4 hours
"Jason just needs to see things from his family's perspective and understand how much they love him (despite them never actually communicating or showing him through their actions)" is out. "The batfamily putting a single bit of effort into understanding Jason and reconciling with him on his own terms" is in.
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cussima · 20 days
i shifted accidentally for the first time last night 😭
it wasn't my first time shifting, but it was my first time shifting on accident to a reality completely unknown to me 😭 Anyway here's that (long, quite detailed) story time !! (with reaction pics of course 😋)
i was so tired last night, and i had to wake up at 7AM today, i wanted my mind to be quiet so i could fall asleep easily and not have any vivid/random dreams (they make it so i can't rest well)
my subconscious with a different plan:
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i remember being asleep here, lying on my bed and the darkness of my room, and all of the sudden i was standing in front of a white haired professor in a school in JAPAN !!!
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now I don't have any japanese drs, or am close to anything japanese for that matter (i dont watch anime, etc etc) i think maybe i thought how i'd like to go to a tokyo grand prix for five seconds yesterday but that was it 😭 there was absolutely no reason for me to have woken up in a different country AND AT A SCHOOL !! for that matter like i genuinely have no idea what happened.
the professor just talked about how i was new and my professors, and classmates, and all (i don't remember exactly what he said but when i woke up i knew it was an introductory "welcome to this school talk) and sent me to a classroom where i got way too worked up about a sexist mf, i kinda yelled at him for being sexist and the shit he was saying.
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(i didn't YELL i confronted him and told him his ideology was stupid and might've given him (thrown...ish) some stuff to him but it was on topic i promise it was more like i landed him... some trash... like i put it at his feet for him to pick up okay, let's move on)
then i left that class !! but it was just as other classes were about to begin and another guy that had been in that class with me dragged me into another classroom because he had liked me (he didn't say it but he was rlly nice to me so i assumed he liked me) (liked me as in yk he didn't hate me after the whole class confrontation, i just had so he wasn't as bad as that other mf !!, im not saying he fell in love w me just in case anybody gets confused) (also the classroom wasn't empty he just had another class and dragged me along with him)
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in that classroom he told me to put my hood on (i was wearing a black cotton jacket with a hood on it, we didn't have uniforms) and to not draw too much attention to myself (it was an all boys class, so if the professor found out im a girl she would've kicked me out and tbh idk what i would've done 😔)
and then the teacher came in, (i wanna describe her bc she was sooo,,, teacher core LMAO she had a big nose, glasses, red hair up, burgundy sweater and a white sort of lab coat thingy) introduced the class, and said she was going to play a movie, closed the class curtains and that's when i started remembering i had shifted here.
she played the movie (looking back at it now, i think they might've picked up from where they had left off in a previous class)
it was a movie with rupert grint where he was an adult and he had discovered like a magical realm, i remember i thought of harry potter (bc of rupert) and knowing that had never existed there, he had never been ron. There was also a blonde woman (gorgeous long blonde hair kinda looked like tilda swinton) and a little girl that was somehow related to Rupert's character.
I realized that movie didn't exist in this reality and that's when I sort of began panicking and remembered i had Actually shifted there
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I decided to check my 5 senses but then I realized I don't know the steps to do it....
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like i have to 5 what 4 what 3 what 2 what 1 what
so i just touched the desk where i was sitting, i touched the paper from the boy's notebooks and more stuff i can't remember, i remember wanting to touch the pencils inside the pencilcases but I couldn't be loud + those weren't mine !! and then i breathed in a couple times
and then i opened my eyes here again
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now I know that stuff really doesn't work for me it just brings me back to my dr, because im just trying to remember what the tiktok i saw on this reality about the 5 senses method said 😭
something i didn't mention is that when I walked into the second classroom, i got nervous when i realized it was an all boys class. I don't know what the class was on, i was looking around frantically, the curtains surprised me they were dark and i had never seen dark gray curtains in a classroom (what a stupid culture shock 😭)
when the teacher came in i put my hair on my eyes to FAKE A FRINGE !!! I didn't listen to her at all when she began the class, and then another guy with big blue eyes was mouthing something to me and the boy behind me, the boy i was with said "he's deaf just read his lips"
so now im nervous as fuck about not being able to read his lips and looking like an asshole that doesn't want to talk to deaf people
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all while trying not to get kicked out of this class !!
it was A Lot of information to take in 😭 no wonder i shifted back i was being silly af
also THEN i shifted to a reality where my phone had barely charged (it had a decent amount of battery after i shifted, it went from 75% at 5AM when i woke up from my shift to 25% at 7AM)
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justalia · 1 year
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this is probably gonna be my last post before i retreat into a serious break because i have things outside this manifesting world i need to sort through (i’m extra happy don’t worry about me, nothing happened!) i always say i go on break but i never actually do or it lasts just a few days but i’m for real this time!
i wanted to leave before but i felt the urge to post this cause i feel there’s a lot of doubt and confusion around this topic.
many of you still view persisting as a chore, as something you HAVE TO do or else.. something you must do or else..
many of you still view persisting as a job, tiring annoying and something you don’t necessarily wanna do if it wasn’t because you are manifesting.
this stems from a complete lack of understanding of the law.
what is persistence?
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now i want you to pay particular attention to the second definition:
“the continued or prolonged existence of something.”
to persist within the law of assumption is to continue being.
nothing more nothing less, it is to just continue being who you decided that you are.
i’m sooo sure that all of you that are just approaching the law and are reading this post are having these specific thoughts right now:
“but i can’t live in my imagination forever”
“oh but i can’t imagine all the time, i have a life”
“yeah i persist but it’s tiring, i don’t wanna do all that”
“i have to persist so it manifests but i don’t have the time or the will to imagine all the time”
“i fulfill myself and persist but it doesn’t work”
or even..
“i get it! i wanna imagine all the time i don’t wanna do my daily tasks cause i just wanna live in imagination”
news flash:
no shit you find it tiring and see it as a job if you think you have to constantly visualize/affirm to persist in being.
now i’m gonna take visualization as an example because i am a visualizer and this was exactly the mistake i kept falling into during my early days applying the law.
i thought i had to visualize my desire as much as i could, i saw imagination = visualization (for me) so to persist i must visualize all the time.
“i enjoy it, what’s wrong about it?”
look at yourself, look at your intentions: why are you doing this?
why are you constantly affirming/visualizing?
okay you like it, but why?
my assumption is that you are using imagination as an escape from what you deem reality. you still see your 3D as reality instead of a mere reflection of your state in imagination and use imagination as an escape from what you decided is reality.
you see this world of shadows, you don’t like it you think: i can visualize this!
which isn’t inherently wrong in itself but LOOK at your intentions. LOOK AT WHAT YOU’RE IMPLYING WITH YOUR ACTIONS/DECISIONS.
if that’s what your doing this means you don’t understand the law. you don’t understand that imagination is reality and you don’t understand what persisting actually is.
you’re always persisting in being
“i can’t live in imagination all the time, i want my desire in front of me!!”
well boo, hate to break it to you but when you come to me and tell me these things i genuinely think your dumb and i’m not even gonna bother replying to your question to try and help you.
why? because first of all it’s clear you haven’t even taken the time out of your day to read my posts, if not the source at least read the posts of the person you wanna ask a question to.
second of all.
what’s wrong about these assumptions is that you create them based on this world of shadows that is inherently reflecting you instead of actually allowing yourself to be and have whoever the fuck you want in this world BECAUSE YOU ARE GOD.
you look at this world of shadows that is reflecting YOU and think “YEP that is the end! that is who i am i can’t do anything about it! that’s my identity forever!”
and you’re not constantly visualizing scenarios in which you’re unloved and unwanted, are you?
you’re not constantly visualizing scenarios in which you are poor and broke, are you?
you’re not constantly visualizing scenarios in which you are unsuccessful and insecure, are you?
you’re just assuming that you are..
YEAH.. shocker right?
do you or do you not understand that imagination IS reality?
did you or did you not wake up to who you actually are?
if God is within you, if YOU ARE A FIGMENT OF GOD, if you truly realized that we were put on this earth to realize our power and put it to the extreme tests to live this lovely human life to the fullest, if you ACTUALLY realized this… do you understand that you can BE AND HAVE whatever the fuck you want?
if you UNDERSTAND FULLY that this life is simply a reflection of your wonderful imagination.. do you understand that ALL THAT YOU HAVE TO CHANGE IS IMAGINATION?
you can actually create a new identity for yourself inside of imagination and stick with it because that’s who you truly are!!!
remember this:
let’s say you want your person back, how would i properly go about it?
if i wanted to use a method: i would imagine a scene that implies we are together, enjoy it fully, leaving the world outside of myself and feeling what i TRULY want to feel. i would internalize that there are infinite realities and i am just choosing the reality i would like to experience right now, i leave the outer world alone because right now it is showing me something i don’t want. i recognize it is another reality i previously created and whatever i see is LOCKED to that state, i’m not CHANGING THAT STATE, i’m choosing another one to experience that already exists or else i wouldn’t even want it. when i open my eyes i know that i am what my imaginal scene implied. i know i am that which i want to be despite the opposition of the senses because I KNOW imagination IS THE ONLY reality. this is when persistence comes in: what am i persisting in? I’M PERSISTING IN THE KNOWING THAT I AM WHAT MY IMAGINAL ACT IMPLIED. i actually am in the relationship of my dreams and i persist because that’s the only truth.
if i didn’t want to use a method: i decide/choose i already am who i want to be because i can see it with my mind’s eye, i imagine i already am who i want to be without needing to close my eyes and see it in a scene. i know i am who i want to be in imagination, it’s undeniable cause the moment i assume something about myself i instantly see it in imagination. now who did i decide to be? i decided to be in the relationship of my dreams with my person. what do i persist in? i persist in knowing that’s who i actually am now.
notice how i didn’t talk about the 3D expression. not even once.
i know that imagination is the only reality and i know that this life is SIMPLY imagination reflected, so when i put on some clothes do i go and check the mirror to see if i’m actually dressed or naked? I KNOW I’M CLOTHED, i don’t need the mirror to check if i’m naked or not.
ask me again “how do i believe imagination is the only reality?” and i’m gonna slap you across the face.
imagine something and assume that your imaginal act is FACT and not the act going on on the outside.
and when the old man tries to come back what do you do?
you already experienced all that you could experience in that state, so accept a new identity NOW.
the 3D is not your enemy. it cannot do anything on its own.
it follows your state and it adapts to you without you needing to adapt to it.
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makotafi · 1 month
Late nights
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It was late at night when you heard the familiar creak of the door to your shop. The soft rustle of footsteps followed, accompanied by a sigh. You didn’t need to look up to know who it was.
Julian let out another heavy breath as he stepped into the dimly lit room, his silhouette barely visible in the soft glow of the candles iluminating the shop . He froze when he noticed you standing by the counter, arms crossed.
"O... oh? Darling, whaaaaat are you doing up this late?" Julian stammered, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and guilt. He averted his gaze, clearly flustered.
"I should be the one asking that," you replied, arching an eyebrow. "You're late, Julian."
"Darling, dear, I'm always late," he chuckled, trying to play it off as he hung his coat on the nearest hook.
"Julian..." you sighed deeply, the disappointment evident in your tone.
"Okay, okay," Julian admitted, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Maybe I’m later than usual, but only because we had so many people at the clinic tonight. It’s been.... hectic ya know ?."
You softened slightly but kept your stern gaze. "Julian, we’ve talked about this. You’re working yourself too hard!"
He looked at you, his usual mischievous glint now replaced with guilt "I know, dear, but it’s hard to say no when people need help."
You sight stepping closer, gently taking his hand in yours. "I’m not mad, Julian. I’m just worried about you. You can’t ...haah...you can't keep running yourself into the ground like this."
Julian seemed to melt at your touch, his tension easing as he intertwined his golved fingers with yours. "I’m sorry, love. I don’t mean to worry you. I just... I guess I don’t know how to stop."
"How about this," you suggested, squeezing his hand gently. "Take a break tomorrow. We can make it a date, just the two of us.Please?"
A tired but genuine smile spread across Julian’s face. "I... haha, you know I can’t say no to you. But can we go to bed now? I am positively exhausted."
"Only after you take a shower," you teased, scrunching your nose. "You stink, Julian."
"Aww, but I thought you liked me in all my stinky, grimy glory," Julian protested, dramatically draping himself over you.
"Julian!" you laughed, struggling to keep the both of you from tumbling over. "Go take a shower, damn it!"
"Fiiiine," he groaned after a moment, dragging out the word as he stood up. "But you’re coming with me."
"Wha-" before you could protest, Julian swiftly scooped you up into his arms, carrying you towards the small washroom at the back of the shop.
"Julian!" you squealed, half-laughing, half-protesting as he carried you effortlessly. "Put me down! You’re going to hurt yourself silly !"
"Not a chance," he grinned, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten as he carried you through the door. "Besides, I need someone to scrub my back."
He finally set you down inside the washroom, the sound of the water beginning to run as he prepared the shower. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him, so disheveled yet still managing to look like the most beautiful person in the world ,the way way his hair draps perfectlyover his face ,the way his shirt draps perfectly over his paper white skin .
"You’re impossible," you muttered fondly, watching as he began to strip off his grimy clothes.
"And you love me for it," Julian shot back with a wink.
Idk how to write a shower scene lol but if yall want I can make a part 2 [after I research how to write a shower scene cus tehe <:3]
ALSO THIS I MY FIRST TIME WRITING READER X CHARACTER sooo criticism is welcome! >:3 [be nice or I'll cry jk jk ]
Also !!! Smol thanks to @wxnderdream and @blueblobbing for encouraging me to post this tehe 👉👈 [sending yall virtual kisses]
Oki I've rambled enough lol ama go sob in the corner for being cringe
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merokado · 3 months
[chronically online] profiles: art students (and atsumu)
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microinfluencer 😜😜
first and foremost an Art Student
so so wiiittyyy, BIG flirt
okay this girl lichrally knows how to do so many things like CMON y/n is a MULTI media arts student ....
liiiike this mf has had so many hobbies in the past there's like so many different craft things in her room
literal #jack of all trades (but master of none)
no money for gifts? no problem! she just makes something out of the many items in her room
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like i said, she is That Girl
sooo carefree, so spontaneous
if you search up the definition of "social butterfly", a photo of her shows up
her photography phase never went away
the day after ANY time you go out with her, you will always receive the most beautiful, jaw-dropping photos of the day before
also she literally knows every student, of course she knows about every single party
and everyone loves her!!
saeko's a Hard drinker .... loves whiskey and has a bottle opener attached to her carabiner
lipstick lesbian (with crazy masc aura)
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slutty musician
ohhhh everyone thinks he's so cool and mysterious
which he is!! but his friends know he's a geek who loves theatre
he used to be a band kid, theatre kid, AND a choir kid
his favorite musical is heathers
semi puts up the "cool and mysterious" act because growing up, he was never really seen as attractive and he was tired of that!
he somehow wants to be perceived but hates it at the same time like lol he deletes his posts and deactivates and reactivates his social media accounts over and over
always used to get called a gay theatre kid as a joke (they were only half-right, he's bi)
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okay he's in both y/n and suna's life so you know he's chismoso
very nosy boy, is always sat for tea
especially when him, y/n, and bokuto hang out,, the tea is craaazy
kiiiinda a lover boy which is shocking for a lot of people since he looks like a womanizer
token straight friend in y/n's friend group but fits right in
beats the college student meals allegations (only ramen, ever) because he's a gym boy and eats healthy ... a lot of what he eats is osamu's onigiris though
he MIGHT be singlehandedly funding onigiri miya (jk, they have customers)
always going on dates trying to genuinely find love, but is struggling
masterlist | next
☆ mera's mail ! y/n is the only one with a private account because everyone else either 1. voluntarily airs out all their dirty laundry on main or 2. they just don't care. you decide who fits what! anyway, life's been crazy! just graduated shs, i'm so back guys :D will be posting suna's gc profiles tomorrow, then some more bonus content before the story really starts. sorry i <3 Foreplay (character building)
taglist: open !
@wave2love @suitstars @momozno @cle0we0 @wolffmaiden
@phoenix-eclipses @beatr2x @kenmacrumbs @riiceandsoup
@viscoolreal @ironicallyhetero @skazewrld @sunarins
@iwnnabeurss @sonicsolos @pookiebear16 @fairywriter-oracle
@i-am-trying-i-promise @dazqa
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amygdalae · 5 months
watched the first ep of the fallout show. its not good but like i had a lot of fun being a hater and talking abt fallout lore n shit with my friend while watching it, so it has that in its favor. my biggest takeaways after the first episode are thus:
shamefully failed to suppress the urge to pog when they namedropped Grognak the barbarian like 15 seconds into the show. whole thing was peppered with references designed to invoke peoples fallout nostalgia. i wont lie it got me a few times
kyle maclachlan babygirl what are you doing here
needs to be so so much grimier
they wanted me to cream my jeans at the power armor sooo bad but they made it look kind of stupid. (and also not grimy enough). im so tired of the brotherhood of steel
i like the ghoul guy, I can live with him being too conventionally attractive i guess, but his voice is just straight up a normal guy's voice and that made me the angriest. he should at least sound like hes gargling marbles
the girl character's 'fiance' looked like if Jerma was a skarsgard brother
soundtrack was good (mostly just because it was just songs that were in the games already, but still). instrumental scoring was actually not too bad imo, seemed fitting enough
very very predictable plot beats
made me just wanna go play a fallout game tbh
I'm 100% going to keep watching it because im a disgusting bethesda shill who loves to shovel hot garbage into my mouth like a filthy hog (and because my friend's mom has an amazon subscription)
i am genuinely curious to see where it goes. goes without saying i resent the irony of a fallout series being made by amazon and dont think its something that needs to exist, but reviewing it as a show i think it has some potential to get interesting. gonna see how i feel after watching more
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mgc02 · 1 month
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Sleeping Together
Platonic!Lucifer x fennec fox Reader, slight platonic! Angel Dust x reader at the end. Let me know If you want part 2 I have some cool ideas for more
Cw: awkward situations ig, I'm aroace so I like unconventional platonic relationships, some swearing and suggestiveness from Angel
Being a small fennec fox demon wasn't easy. You were known for your small size and cuteness. So you were often seen as easy prey. But you also were so cute and incredibly soft that many couldn't resist touching you. You were used to it to some degree. But for some reason you still didn't see this coming.
It was the middle of the night and you had snuck out of your room and crept through the hotel to grab yourself a midnight snack. You were startled by the sound of someone entering the kitchen and discovered it was Lucifer (looking incredibly sleep deprived). You apologized immediately. "Oh sorry I was just grabbing a snack" you explained. "Sometimes I get cravings at night. I woke up a couple times tonight and couldn't get food off my mind maybe cause-" you stopped after realizing that not only was Lucifer not listening but he was staring at you like he was in a sleepy trance.
Not quite aware of what he was doing he kneeled down a bit and reached his hand towards you. He began petting you on the head and behind the ears. You at first were frozen unable to think of what to do before you melted at the touch of being petted. It was a weakness of yours. Before you knew it he had you in his arms carrying you off while scratching behind your ear. He took you into his room and petted you on his bed. He could not stop yawning. You were too comfortable to question what was going on and Lucifer was too tired and distracted to realize what he was doing
You woke up cozily tucked into Lucifer's arms before memories came flooding back and you tried to wiggle free. Lucifer woke up with a moan and noticed his hold on you before releasing you in a panic. "OHHHhhh. My gosh! I'm so sorry... this is-this is weird. I've never done this before" he was extremely apologetic and embarrassed. You calmed yourself and even though it was awkward quickly realized he was being genuine. "It's alright. Let's-let's just try and pretend this never happened" you said trying to make it less awkward. "Yes. Well um... yeah that's probably for the best"
Though you guys acted weird around each other all day it seemed like it was gonna stay in the past. That is until you got a knock at your door at 3 am. You opened it to see Lucifer with bags under his eyes with a nervous expression. "Hi, I hope I didn't wake you..." Lucifer began cautiously. "Whats going on?" You asked. "Look, i know we said we'd pretend like it never happened but I actually have never slept that good in my life. I... I don't sleep the greatest. Especially not since Lilith left. I tried really hard to put it outta mind tonight but I couldn't help it. I was wondering if... if..." He fumbled and turned red with embarrassment and you of course caught on to what he was trying to ask
"A sleepover every now and then couldn't hurt" you agreed careful with your wording as to not make either of you more uncomfortable. "But, I don't want you to get the wrong idea. No hanky panky, no dinner dates" you spoke clearly and strictly. "Wouldn't dream of it. Sooo... platonic?" He responded. "Platonic" you confirmed.
"Also, let's keep this between you and me" you stated. You didn't want people at the hotel (Angel) cracking jokes and you didn't want them to get the wrong idea either. It was something better kept private you thought. Lucifer nodded "of course"
That night led to many others. You and Lucifer spent so many nights together that you started to develop a strong bond. It was an odd relationship but you were grateful for it. That was until one glorious morning you awoke bright and early (as you usually did to avoid suspicion) and you crept out of Lucifer's room so you could head back to your own but as you closed Lucifer's door behind you heard a certain someone catch you in act.
"Wow, never thought you and the big dick in charge would be a thing" Angel grinned as you sighed and turned around to face him. "So how long you two been getting frisky? Man the broads are gonna flip" you wanted to slap him but unfortunately you couldn't reach. "It's not like that" you tried to explain. "Oh please, you sneaking out of his room early in the morning in your jammies? You think I'm fuckinh dense?" He questioned and you let out a heavy sigh realizing you had to tell him the truth or things would get very awkward soon.
You relayed the whole thing onto him. You hoped he would believe you. You knew this was definitely unconventional so you weren't sure. Finally you finished telling him what was going on and how it happened. "Soo... you guys just been sleeping together bit ACTUALLY sleeping?" He sounded surprised but it seemed like he believe you. "Yes" you answered with relief. "...All because you're like... this magical cure for insomnia?" He sounded a bit off when he asked that and you weren't sure why. "Yeah I guess... I don't know..."
"Can I give it a try?"
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Hello darling! How you feeling today?
As always remember to hydrate and eat something nice! *awkwardly hands you a boiled egg*
Have you done MC telling bro she's pregnant? Not septuplets but one baby for one boy separately. If not, could you? 🥺
Love you!
Hello sugar! I’m good, bit tired but I always am lol *takes the eggs and puts it in the fridge for later* and thanks for the snack! I actually haven’t done separate reactions yet sooo let’s do it!! CW: pregnant reader and the word ‘mom’ in Belphie’s
“I’m pregnant.”
Obviously the calmest one out of the bunch.
“I see. That’s…wonderful, darling.”
He still needs a minute, but he’s genuinely excited and pulls you in close hugging you and giving you a few a little kisses.
He sets up all your doctors appointments and make sure you never miss a single checkup. Even if you just want to stay home and sleep Lucifer is taking you.
He passed out- I’m half kidding, but if he was standing up he falls on his ass. “Yer what?!”
He just stares at your belly for a few minutes thinking, “Ya mean we made a kid??” “Well, not a whole one yet…...” “But it’s in there??” “Yup!”
Mammon will turn into the ultimate househusband, constantly asking if you need anything and reminding you about doctors appointment. While setting up a nursery.
The first time he sees the baby in the ultrasound he cried-
He did pass out-
Wakes up and starts telling you about the weird dream he had and how you pranked him saying you’re pregnant, “Crazy right lolol” “Levi it wasn’t a dream.” “…………..” “Levi?!”
After he gets over the initial shock Levi’s excited, stressed out and worried!- but excited!
I saw this on YouTube- Levi will plan and make his kid nursery/room in Minecraft before starting the actual project, so he can make sure everything will work and looks good lol
“A baby?” “Yes.” “My baby?” “Yes.”
Stares at you like he can’t believe it at first. “My baby….love, I don’t know what to say.”
Immediately starts reading every book, ever written about parenthood and being a good father.
A bit lot overbearing, at first but just tell him to tone it down and he will.
Can’t stop smiling and showing everyone even Lucifer the first ultrasound!
“Really?!” He’s hugging you so tight and giggling, “My sweetheart’s having my baby! What could be better?”
He’s so excited to set up the nursery and buy baby clothes. Soooo, so many baby clothes it doesn’t matter if you have a boy or a girl there are plenty of pink clothes so they can match!
Accompanies you on every, single, doctors visit from the very first one all the way to the last one.
And he has the first ultrasound framed and hanging on the wall in the nursery.
“We’re having a baby?” “Yes.” “I hope they have your eyes.”
Beel is another one who will pull you into a hug and he’s grinning ear to ear.
Beel’s honestly worried about the size of the baby and if it’s twins won’t that be harder on you?-
Just remind him that no matter what you have each other and he’ll relax.
Pokes your stomach and says, “You better not steal my cuddles kid. Your mom was mine first.” you laugh a bit, “Belphie, it’s just cells right now. I don’t think it’s going to hear you…” “Fine. I’ll tell them when they’re born.” “Belphie!”
He’s actually really worried, but he’ll hide it.
Uses your pregnancy as an ‘excuse’ to constantly make you stop what you’re doing and lay down with him because you need more rest.
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pagannatural · 7 months
1.16 Shadow
-This is going to be long-winded
-Sam snaps at Dean for talking about a woman rather than focusing on him the case. Like REALLY snaps.
-he gives Dean attitude again for flirting at the bar and looks hurt and tired
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-Sam sees Meg and thinks That’s suspicious maybe this is a lead. Dean sees Sam talking to Meg and thinks Oh god oh no oh fuck shit shit he’s leaving me fuck it’s me or her oh jesus god no
-Sam is very focused on Meg during their initial conversation because she’s a lead. Dean misreads the fuck out of this and stares between them uneasily, clearing his throat, until Meg says Sam told her about him.
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He’s psyched to hear this. He’s so happy Sam talked about him. Sam, however, is nervous about getting caught emotionally cheating on Dean by talking to Meg about their relationship issues when they were fighting.
-Dean starts in the second they leave the bar with “who the hell was she” which is exactly what a cheated-on wife would say. Dean is mad that Sam talked shit about him to someone else but mostly he’s scared that there’s “truth to what she was saying” and asks “am I keeping you against your will?” They’re both so desperate to be chosen by each other.
Sam reacts with genuine indignation and says “no, of course not.” He asks Dean to listen to what he’s saying and Dean finally does.
-Then of course Dean makes a series of dirty jokes about Sam being interested in her, at one point glancing openly at Sam’s dick which
like, I-
He pushes his jokes farther than he needs to because this thing with Meg really got to him. It’s different this episode than his usual teasing because there’s anger behind it. He’s fixating on Sam’s sex life and making himself a part of it as much as possible. If Dean is in Sam’s head about it it’s like he’s part of it too. There’s also an element of passive aggression, like Hey if I’m keeping you and you want to be with her go right ahead.
-This is his face at the end of their phone call later, when Sam says “bite me” and Dean says “No, bite her” which is all kinds of psychosexual and jealous and Sam hangs up on him.
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He is not having a fun lighthearted time. He’s trying to act flippant about Meg but Sam really hurt his feelings.
-He shoots Sam this jealous look while teasing him yet again in a way neither of them enjoys
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Dean you are the bad girl. You’re the sharpshooting fuck-the-police real-tough-cookie-with-the-whiskey-breath killer-and-a-thriller bad bitch in his life.
-They have their most intense fight yet this episode because Sam tells Dean that when this is over he will go back to school.
-For context, this conversation comes right after Dean tries to call John and gets his voicemail yet again. It comes a few episodes after Sam told John that Dean was dying, also over voicemail, and he never called. Sam still needs to rebel against their dad, and Dean is proposing that they all three work together. Sam is in this when it’s just him and Dean but he’s been working hard to keep some distance from Dean so that he can leave when they’ve finished their mission.
Sam really can’t join Dean and John without smothering the side of himself that needs to belong and be respected. And he and Dean can’t really belong to each other with their dad around. The three of them hunting together doesn’t work and Sam knows that. Part of that is because Dean always follows John’s orders. And maybe part of that is Sam’s too-strong feelings for Dean.
-Sam says “there’s gotta be something you want for yourself” and Dean says “I don’t want you to leave the second this thing’s over.”
Just to rephrase this exchange is
Sam: what do you want for your life
Dean: I want you to stay
and they look like they’re in another rom com
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Dean asks him why he thinks he wanted Sam with him in the first place. Sam doesn’t understand. He really thinks Dean just wanted his help to complete the mission of finding John and killing the demon.
Dean says yeah, “But it’s more than that, man.” And Sam looks at him sooo intensely. It seems like Dean is going to confess, and I wonder what Sam thought in this moment. The inclusion of John makes it seem less like they’re desperately in love, and is often the only thing making it seem like anything other than desperate yearning for each other.
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Dean says he wants the three of them to be a family again. Sam says “We are a family, I’d do anything for you.” Dean reacts with this miserable look of hope only when Sam says “I’d do anything for you.” Anything?
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“but things will never be the way they were before.” Sam says “when this is all over you’re gonna have to let me go my own way.”
This is Dean’s worst fear, and for the rest of the season at least he is operating on the belief that Sam wants to leave him.
-Sam saves himself, Dean, and John from the shadow demons. Dean and John help each other out of the building with Sam trailing close behind them. This is probably what Sam has felt like his whole life- like he’s trying to catch up to Dean and John, who are ahead of him, helping each other, and just out of reach.
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Sam tells John “I’ve got to be a part of this fight,” begging not be left behind yet again.
-It’s revealed in this episode that Dean cares about his family, and especially Sam, more than he cares about anything else, and that Sam didn’t know that. This is the first time Dean’s actually said it. It changes things for Sam because he starts to see Dean more clearly. He’s still clinging for dear life to the possibility of going back to college. Even though he never really fit in and he needs Dean like water.
-Dean doesn’t get any resolution here, and he won’t for a while.
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mattscoquette · 3 months
can u give us a lil in depth description of what they all were like/said to u?
i've never met them btw
yess ofc :)
so i met chris first- i was sooo nervous it wasnt even funny LOL i literally almost forgot to take a photo and he was like "do u wanna take a selfie?" i was like yeah sorry 😭😭 then the girl in front of me with matt was taking a bit so i was kinda just standing there and chris deadass was like "im so tired" and i was like oh are u okay wahtev and he was telling me how he literally just doesn't sleep at allll lmfao and then i wallked over to matt. chris was super super sweet and very easy to talk to, like even though i was nervous i was still comfortable talking with him.
matt was soooo sweet i asked him how the tour was going and i told him i liked his outfit. we took our photo and then we talked and i told him how one of my best friends is a triplet too. and then he was telling me how his dad is a twin and that he isn't identical with his brothers but a lot of people think they are. he was such a sweetheart like he really seemed like he was listening to what i had to say and he holds eye contact like CRAZZYYYYY his eyes r so blue irl its terrifying. then when i was leaving i said goodbye and he said it was rlly nice meeting me 😭😭😭
then when i met nick i felt like the autopilot i was on with chris and matt just turned off i was so nervous. like i literally said it out loud too and he was like "no don't be you're good" and he hugged me again. he was so sweet too like i felt like he could tell i was really nervous and when we took our photo he rested his head on mineeeee like i was crying he was so nice.
then when i met them again at the red carpet it was like ten seconds but i stood in between matt and chris and we did the heart pose and matt put is arm around me and did half the heart so i could do the other halffff i died.
i am so so so grateful i got to meet the triplets, they were all so sweet and kind and i truly wish nothing but the best for them u can tell they are genuine and caring people.
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coilserpent · 2 years
astrology observations pt. 11
*use sidereal measurements when referring to these
aries placement women would be the type to say “if i can do it they can as well what’s the deal” when in a relationship with someone, they don’t focus on having polarity necessarily because of the abundance of yang they have already within, they don’t need it from someone. it can also sound like “if you don’t give it to me, I’ll give it to myself” and it’s never personal they’re just like that.
cancer placements are so accepting of someones faults (emphasis on pushya nakshatra) that they get walked over by others sooo much, it kinda makes me angry to observe this pattern.
leo placements are going to treat you like royalty, you’ll never forget them. emphasis on magha.
saturn in pisces (UPB) will go through a lot of backtracking but it all pays off later, their success comes after a lot of 12th house work has been done, it helps if they have 12th placements as well.
ketu in the 12th have very vivid and often traumatizing dreaming experiences when they’re kids, with age they learn how to use the energy and can be good at healing themselves through meditation.
people with ketu/rahu in the 1-7 axis will be spending a lifetime balancing out the value of their place in other peoples’ lives and who they are for themselves, the main theme for both of them would be to find themselves on their own terms without putting others first so they can create genuine relationships and still being an individual, they will kind of jump from being attached to avoidant when dealing with others.
saturn nakshatras are all very introverted, especially with the moon. anuradha is in the middle usually but they would rather spend time with their close few people at most - they are picky about who they exchange energy with. pushya and uttara bhadrapada have self-isolating phases, they are into themselves but it’s really because they get tired of surface level interactions.
people with strong sun and weak sun are very easy to spot. they have very basal level characteristics in the way they carry themselves that are just there - energetically. naturally, weak suns tolerate poor behavior…like too much i am angry for you guys because you deserve better. even water suns do but they will get fed up at one point and then you’ll be completely cut out (scorpio cuts fast, cancer and pisces will drag it).
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heyiwrotesomethings · 11 months
hey hey, so trying my luck with the october request.
Since it's spooky time: halloween pumpkin carving date with they/them reader and Miroslava? I miss her. Maybe something like reader feeling jealous bc Miro spends so much time with Itsuki, not knowing that she just helps Miro planning a date she wants to ask the reader out to.
If I get in and you decide to write it: thank you so much!! <3
Carving Out Time
Miroslava Honebami x They/Them Reader
A/N: I just wanna say to the person who asked for that part two to Scholarships that I am sooo sorry it’s taking so long. I just can’t remember what happened in the manga enough to write out something without re-reading that part, but to find the energy to do it is not working out. And now sorry to this person, because now that I’m re-reading the prompt, I’m thinking this might’ve supposed to have been a first date situation and I messed up. Hope you still find it somewhat enjoyable? Sorry if the spacing is as weird to y’all as it looks to me, I’m posting this while in the car on a different device. Word Count: 1,384
“Good morning, Miro!” (Y/n) darted around the corner they had just seen their partner turn mere moments ago, somehow expecting to sneak up on her for a hug from behind, but of course, Miroslava was already staring over her shoulder, golden eyes boring right into (Y/n)’s the second they came into view.
“Good morning, (Y/n).” She replied a small, but genuine smile. “Did you sleep well last night?” She lightly ran a gloved finger over their cheek, “You look tired.”
“I’m just excited that it’s finally Friday.” They yawn. “You know how much I enjoy fall, and the leaves are just right so I’m really hype about spending time with you tonight!”
Miroslava winces almost imperceivably, but having a partner who regularly gambles and is getting better at reading her micro-expressions by the day, (Y/n) mood dampened.
“No way, you have plans? Again?”
Miroslava had been flaking on (Y/n) all week. Worse yet, it was always with Sumeragi Itsuki for some reason. Itsuki was fine, (Y/n) had no real problem with her, but to be put on the back burner for their partner to go off with her doing god knows what time after time made them feel more than a little jealous.
“Yes, (Y/n), I apologize, but I promise Saturday is all yours.”
“Can you at least tell me what you’re doing? Why can’t I come? I promise I’ll stay in the car this time if this has to do with the family “cleaning” business.”
Before Miroslava could confirm that it was not Bami related, Itsuki popped up looking all excited.
“Honebami-san, I got the—“ she noticed (Y/n) standing there and quickly switched gears, something (Y/n) caught and it made them uneasy. “(Y/n), hey! How are things?”
“Fine…” However, the tone (Y/n) was using was indicating that things were indeed not ‘fine’. Not when their partner was once again leaving them high and dry to hang out with the same person she had been hanging out with all week.
Both girls were quite aware of this and had the decency to look a little sheepish.
“So you’re hanging out with Sumeragi again today and I’m not allowed to hang around for a reason you keep neglecting to share with me?”
“I know it looks weird, but it’s nothing bad, I swear!” Itsuki promised.
“Yeah, I believed that excuse the first four times, but now I’m not so sure.”
Miroslava approached (Y/n), placing her hands on either side of (Y/n)’s face, staring deep into their eyes, “It will all become clear tomorrow. I’ll have a car drop by to pick you up. Can you hang on one more day, please, for me?”
(Y/n) tried to hold firm on their position on the matter, but the pure honesty Miroslava’s eyes held made it exceedingly difficult. Finally, they sighed,
“Alright, one more day.”
“Thank you.” Miroslava stroked their cheeks with her thumbs.
“It’s all going to be worth it, you’ll see!” Itsuki chimed in.
(Y/n) managed a small smile, but they still eyed the pair warily. Just what were they doing together that they weren’t allowed to be a part of, nor know about? They went through the rest of the day feeling uneasy, heart clenching jealously every time they would catch a glimpse of Itsuki and Miro throughout the day.
They couldn’t even enjoy the sweet goodbye Miroslava gave them after school that day because watching them leave school together in the same car while (Y/n) was left behind only made the uneasiness and jealousy grow.
They didn’t want to believe something was going on between Itsuki and Miroslava, because their Miro couldn’t possibly do something so distasteful, so heartbreaking, but the more time that passed by, the more the negative little voice in the back of their brain grew. They had another hard time sleeping that night, but not because they were excited about tomorrow, they were anxious for it.
They startled out of a stressful dream when their phone started to ring and they cursed when they took note of the time. They were supposed to be out the door almost half an hour ago and now Miro was calling them.
“Hi, sorry, sorry, I over slept. I’m getting out of bed right now.” They said a bit frantically, almost tripping in a tangle of covers.
“Take your time, darling. No need to worry, the driver won’t leave without you. As long as he doesn’t want to find himself at the bottom of the ocean, anyway. So just take your time, wear something comfy that fits the weather and I’ll see you soon.”
“Okay, sure, yeah, see you soon.” It was clear (Y/n) was still a bit frazzled as they began digging through their closet for something nice to wear.
“(Y/n), I love you, take your time. I mean it. It’s only fair after I asked you to be so patient this week.”
(Y/n) finally slowed their movements, heart melting at how confident Miroslava sounded when she said she loved them.
“I love you too, I’ll be there soon.”
“I’m looking forward to it. See you soon.”
“See you.”
They hung up and less frantically, but no less quickly, got ready to leave the house. They apologized to the driver for their tardiness and sat on the edge of their seat the entire drive to Miroslava’s house.
When the car slowed to a stop in front of the the lavish home, Miroslava was waiting outside in a cute cream colored sweater, sleek black leggings and cream ankle boots. She looked so pretty and comfy. (Y/n) couldn’t wait to hug her!
When they rolled up to the curb, Miroslava came up to (Y/n)’s door and opened it for them, extending her hand to help them out.
“Welcome, my love.” She kissed their cheek. “I’m glad you made it.”
They got a little dreamy look on their face and smiled, “Me too.”
“Come, there’s much to do.” Miroslava grabbed their hand and lead them through the house to the backyard.
“Wow…!” (Y/n) gasped, they marveled at the changes the backyard had underwent since they had last visited.
There were many cute decorations, but the highlight was probably the lattices decorated with orange, black and white fairy lights. There was a projector screen set up along the fence in front of the outdoor furniture, currently playing a Halloween baking show, but (Y/n) could also see an array of movies sitting nearby. The outdoor kitchenette smelled like cinnamon and sugar. On top of the granite countertop were a few pumpkins of varying size accompanied by an assortment of tools and snacks.
“What do you think? It’s not too much, is it? Itsuki assured me it was perfect, but you know I’m somewhat new to all of this…” Miroslava gestured to the set-up, a faint blush dusting her pale skin.
(Y/n) hugged her tightly. “It is perfect, this is really sweet, thank you so much. I’m sorry for giving you a hard time this week. If I had known…”
“I don’t mind, I can understand why you weren’t happy, I wasn’t happy with having to spend time away from you either. Perhaps next time I should at least tell you it’s a surprise for you instead of being completely tight-lipped.”
(Y/n) squeezed her a bit tighter, “I love you.”
Miroslava melted into the hug, holding them gently, “I love you too. Now, how about we carve some pumpkins?”
They stood next to each other talking and carving the pumpkins while the projector flickered and whirred. When the pumpkins were all lined up and lit, they washed their hands and took a big bowl of snacks to the couch in front of the projector and cuddled beneath the soft and fuzzy throw blankets, stealing a few kisses here and there. Occasionally they’d look back at the row of glowing jack-o-lanterns and chuckle at the more misshapen ones. (Y/n) would have to make sure to thank Itsuki as well for this later.
Laying on the couch in a tangle of limbs and blankets while the leaves rustled overhead and the scents of autumn and candied apple slices wafted over them, (Y/n) began planning their own special date. The fall season wasn’t over yet after all, and the apple slice Miroslava just bit into gave them the perfect idea.
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hellooo again!! i loved what you did with the dun!reader x tyler fic, it was exactly what i had imagined thank you!!:3 i’ll definitely be a regular here, you’re writing is TEWWW good not to be one 😁 id also love to be 🦝 anon if that works??
anyways id love to see an angsty fic, where reader & tyler are at an party or some sort of event and reader is spending a lot of time talking to her old childhood friend. and while tyler knows the reader would never hurt him, and that there was nothing going between reader and this guy. blurryface gets the best of him. so when they leave the party early because tyler has a “headache” and when the car ride home is nothing but silent, reader speaks up about it. and blurryface tries to argue with reader, paint her out to be this villain. but reader knows how to help tyler, she knows exactly how to save him from himself. i even if blurryface’s words hurt at first.
i hope i explained that correctly ☝️ but yeah just a angsty argument moment & once reader realizes she just has to save tyler from blurryface, she just reassures him until he’s safe.
again thank you so much for writing my request!!:) i have sooo many random ideas that id love to share with you, i truly enjoy your work soo much <3
- 🦝
Jealous - Tyler Joseph x Reader
Relationship: Tyler Joseph × Reader
Warnings: Blurryface, strong language (I did use swears lol), and Tyler being jealous - angst
Word Count: 2734
A/N: Hello 🦝! I'm glad you enjoyed the Dun!reader fic and thanks for coming back and requesting :) This was super fun to write bc I have an event with my guy best friend this weekend and lots of people that are going to be there haven't met him so I was able to take inspiration – hopefully it doesn't end up like this! Hope you enjoy!
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We’d been planning this festival for months, 17 youth bands from Columbus, Ohio were set to play in a medium sized local venue over Saturday and I couldn’t have been more excited. Tyler had promised to  come as a guest and watch the bands. I’d asked him to have a chat with a few of the kids who I knew were fans and genuinely interested in taking their music further and into a professional sphere. 
“How’s this?” Tyler stepped out of our closet wearing a black hoodie, black jeans, and a baseball cap, doing a little spin. 
“Perfect,” I smiled, finishing my makeup in the mirror with my favorite music blasting from the speaker Tyler had installed in the ensuite bathroom for us. He fell back onto our bed, spreading out into a starfish position and staring up at the ceiling. “You look tired,” I laughed, looking at him through the mirror. 
“I am,” he responded, pulling down one of his pillows from the top of the bed. I grabbed my bag and slipped in my phone, keys, lip balm, and a comb. 
“Well you’re gonna need to wake up if you’re going to be speaking to these kids,” I said. Tyler sat up, letting out a loud groan that echoed through the bedroom. He opened his arms out to me, welcoming my presence between his knees. Resting his head against my chest, he pulled me in close enough that he was practically breathing me in. “I’m excited,” I smiled, knowing my hard work was finally paying off and that all of the kids I’d gotten to know over the last few months were getting the opportunity to showcase their art in front of people who truly understood them. 
“I’m excited for you,” he mumbled, his voice muffled through my shirt. His body heat felt comforting and the last thing I wanted was to step away. It was going to be a stressful day and any minute away from him would just make me more stressed, he was my own personal stress reliever. “We should get going,” I pulled away from his embrace and helped him onto his feet. Normally Tyler drove us places because I took control of the aux to play our shared playlist. We got into the car and almost immediately music started to flow around the car, the two of us singing as loud as we could and shimmying back and forth with the bass. The venue was about half an hour from our house and I’d gotten a couple text messages from the crew to let me know they were loading things in including camera equipment and the shared drum kit each band was going to use. We turned the corner and drove in through the back entrance, parking just to the side of the loading bay. Everywhere I looked there were people running back and forth carrying equipment and talking to the bands. It felt like just yesterday that Tyler and I were setting up for twenty one pilots’ shows together while Mark filmed everything. I missed it, I missed having a camera shoved in my face by one of my best friends–it was fun. Tyler jumped out of the car and ran over to my side, offering a hand for me and not letting go once I was down. We walked into the venue, music playing over the radio to keep everyone entertained during the long waiting hours. That was when I saw him–Luke. I stopped right there in the middle of the walkway, my breath caught in my throat. 
“Y/N?” he paused, his eyes meeting mine for the first time since high school. My heart was beating in my ribcage, the feeling vibrating throughout my body and straight into my hand, which Tyler gripped tightly. His brows furrowed as he looked at me with concern. 
“Luke?” Tyler tilted his head slightly. I let go of his hand and ran straight into Luke’s arms. “Oh my god, what are you doing here?” I gasped. 
“I thought I’d fly in and surprise you! I’ve been helping a bit behind the scenes with promotional stuff,” he looked down at me with a grin. 
“How long has it been?” Tears of joy started to well in my eyes. Luke was my best friend in elementary school, middle school, and even high school–our friendship lasting longer than 10 years. 
“Eight years Tink,” he said, ruffling my hair. ‘Tinkerbell,’ the nickname I’d adopted in middle school. I remember it like it was yesterday, the summer when our families went to Disney World together. Luke and I grew up on Disney movies and when we finally saved enough money to go to the parks we were so excited. Like the amazing friend I was, I forced Luke to stand in an hour-long line with me to meet Tinkerbell only to get heat stroke and have to step out of line. I cried and cried about how bad I felt about wasting his time but the whole time he sat by my side waiting for me to feel better before dragging me off to Walt Disney’s Haunted Mansion and forever cementing my name as ‘Tinkerbell’. 
“Sorry, Tink?” Tyler interrupted. I stepped back from Luke who chuckled. 
“Short for Tinkerbell. It’s a long story. You must be Tyler, I’ve heard so much about you,” Luke beamed, reaching a hand out to Tyler who shook it firmly. 
“Interesting, because I haven’t heard anything about you,” he mimicked sarcastically. Luke’s face dropped looking at me with confusion. He’d never come up in conversation, Luke moved out of state after high school, going to New York for business school. 
“We were friends at school,” Luke explained before looking back at me. “The kids are already here if you want to come say hi, they’re all super excited to meet Tyler.” I nodded, following him as he walked ahead. Tyler reached down and grabbed my hand strongly. Something was off, he was standing taller and felt more serious than he normally was. 
“Are you okay?” I whispered into his ear–he had to lean down to properly hear me. 
“Yep. Fine. Absolutely fine.”
“Tyler if you feel sick or something you can go home, I can stay here with Luke,” I began, rubbing the pad of my thumb against the back of his hand. 
“I said I’m fine,” he insisted. As we entered the backstage area where all the kids were he turned on a smile and went to greet everyone. The room instantly filled with cheers and squeals as he was quickly swarmed and disappeared from sight, leaving Luke and I alone. 
“Do you need any help with setting stuff up?” I asked, turning away from Tyler and trying to make myself useful. 
“Actually yeah, you could help me put together the gift baskets for the bands,” he nodded, leading me further down the hall into a dressing room full of brightly coloured baskets, bags of candy, drum sticks, guitar picks, and more gifty things. I jumped over the covered floor to a small square of carpet which was clear enough for me to stand. “So, what’s up with this Tyler guy? You told me he was chill but he was anything but that,” Luke spoke, kneeling down and grabbing a basket. He was right, Tyler was generally relaxed with the exception of a few work things with the band when he really locked in. 
“I don’t know Lou,” I ran a hand through my hair, “he normally is.” 
He shrugged and let out a sigh. “Maybe he’s jealous of my amazingness,” he bragged, fitting a pack of guitar strings next to the box of chocolates in his basket.  
“As if,” I scoffed, throwing the ring of ribbon to him. “I’m dating the frontman of one of the biggest bands on the planet and you’re… you,” I laughed as Luke placed a hand on his chest in mock offense. As Luke and I continued to fit each gift into the baskets we began to talk about the past. We reminisced on the make believe games we used to play, the popular girls in middle school who thought they were ‘all that’–who apparently these days were working at gas stations and malls–and that one time our math teacher talked about his couples therapy in class. I could barely breathe as Luke mimicked the teacher’s voice, clenching my stomach and gasping for air. 
“Oh my god, remember when he got on his knees in front of Kate and started praying for her to pass the exam?” I laughed as Luke gasped, continuing his perspective of the story. I could hear the thumping and humming of the bands playing as they started to roll out on stage–I couldn’t have been more proud. 
“What about Dylan, do you remember him?” Luke asked. We’d moved closer together as the empty baskets became perfectly full and were placed on the table I’d decided needed to be covered in pink paper.
“Shit that breakup was the worst. I was the a fucking mess,” I scoffed. Dylan was my high school boyfriend and for most of our relationship I was deeply in love with him–except for the day I caught him making out with Kathy from biology. It took me months to get over it, months of watching Disney movies and scoffing ice cream on Luke’s couch. It was so bad that our parents actually let us stay at each other’s houses. 
“I know, I was there,” Luke laughed, cutting the end of the ribbon he was tying. “I’m glad you’ve found your person though, he’s lucky to have you Tink.” Finishing another basket, I placed it on the table, finally able to move around the room as we’d finished about half of the job already. Just as I was about to go back to my spot I saw Tyler standing in the doorway. 
“Hey,” I smiled, opening my arms to him as he weaved his way around the baskets towards me. “How were the kids?” I looked up at him noticing he was picking at his hands–an anxious habit he’d formed. 
“Good,” he responded. 
“Are you okay man?” Luke asked, looking up from the bow he was tying. Tyler’s fists clenched. 
“I’ve got a headache, you know?” he gestured to his head. “I think we should head home Y/N.” I didn’t want to go home, I wanted to watch my hard work pay off and hear the music. 
“Oh I can give her a ride home after is she wan–”
“No. I–I–no,” Tyler interrupted. I stood up and interlocked my arm with his but he shrugged me off. I mouthed an ‘I’m sorry’ at Luke who flashed me a sympathetic look. I hated having to leave him, I’d missed his company more than I thought I had–all of the memories flooding back in a manner of hours. 
“Okay,” I nodded, placing the basket I had just finished on the table and smiling sheepishly at Luke. Tyler walked stiffly to the door and out to the car without a word. 
“See ya Tink,” Luke waved, “I’ll text you.” 
I ran out after Tyler towards the car seeing him already sitting in the driver’s seat with the engine running. His posture was perfectly straight and expression blank. I climbed into my seat and turned to him, placing a hand on his thigh. 
“Are you okay to drive?” I asked, genuinely concerned about what was happening to him. Either he was telling the truth and had a headache or something much worse was about to happen. 
“It’s fine,” he snapped, driving out of the lot. I reached for the aux cable to plug my phone in, hoping some music would help him feel better–it usually did. “Don’t. Please,” he spoke, his hands gripping hard onto the wheel. I nodded and sat in silence the rest of the way home, staring out the window. As each building passed us I felt worse and worse, an ever expanding pit of anxiety forming in my throat. Tyler didn’t say a word but as we got closer and closer to home he would occasionally let out a groan or wince of pain. We wheeled into the driveway and came to a stop, Tyler jumping out of the car and running into the house. Immediately I chased after him, catching the front door as he attempted to slam it. 
“Tyler!” I shouted, causing him to stop and look at me. His eyes were red–bright red. Fuck. 
“I don’t want to talk to you,” he snapped, raising his arms to cover his head. He was trying to hide Blurryface from me. 
“Blurry come on. Talk to me,” I said. 
“I don’t need to hear you talk about him. I don’t want to hear you talk about him. You ditched me the whole day to hang out with him,” he started a path of no return, we were going to have that conversation.
“Tyl–We–He’s…We’re not…” I tried to explain it but couldn’t get my words out.
“Save it Y/N. I saw the way he looked at you, the way you hugged him. God you’re such a slut,” he seethed. My jaw dropped. The same words high school bullies spat at me were coming from the mouth of the person I love the most–the person who I’d decided to spend my life with. 
“You’re awful,” I sniffled. 
“And you’re not?” he continued to push, his eyes glowing brighter than before. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to unleash hell on him but it wasn’t Tyler speaking and I knew anything I did to Blurryface would just hurt Tyler more than he already was hurting. 
“He’s gay,” I blurted. “He’s gay, there is nothing going on between us and there never has.” I wiped the tears falling from my face. It wasn’t my thing to tell him, Luke was out and everyone who knew him knew he was gay–in fact even those who didn’t know him could seem to tell. Almost instantly Tyler’s eyes turned from the flaring fiery red to a bloodshot brown, his shoulders falling. 
“What?” I could tell he felt awful, the buildup of guilt obvious on his face. 
“I said, he’s gay, and there isn’t and never has been anything going on between us. He’s my friend Tyler.” He held his hand in front of his mouth, shaking violently. 
“Oh my god. I’m awful, I–I called you a–” he started to bawl and I pulled him in close. 
“It wasn’t you Ty. It’s okay, it’s okay,” I hummed, rubbing my hand up and down his back and tears streamed down his face. Tyler buried his face into my shoulder, his body trembling with every sob.
 “I didn’t mean it. I swear, I didn’t mean it,” he choked out, his voice cracking.
“I know, baby. I know,” I whispered softly, keeping my arms wrapped tightly around him. My heart ached seeing him like this, so consumed by Blurryface’s anger and his own self-hatred.
“I can’t believe I let him do that… I can’t believe I said that to you. I’m so sorry,” he kept repeating, guilt lacing every word. I pulled back just enough to see his face, placing my hands gently on either side of his cheeks. 
“Tyler, listen to me. That wasn’t you. I know you, and you would never say those things. I’m not angry at you. I just want to help you through this.” His eyes, still red and puffy, searched mine, like he was desperately trying to believe my words but couldn’t let go of his shame. 
“But I hurt you,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. I shook my head gently. 
“I’m okay. I’m here, aren’t I? I love you, Tyler. Nothing he says, nothing Blurryface does, can change that.” He let out another shaky breath, his forehead resting against mine. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Don’t say that. You deserve all the love in the world, and I’m going to keep reminding you of that until you believe it,” I said, my voice firm but gentle. For a moment, we stayed there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the weight of everything starting to lift, even if just a little. Tyler’s breathing slowly steadied, his tears drying as he leaned into my touch.
“We’ll get through this, Ty. Together.”
He nodded, his voice still raw. “Together.”
Requests open!
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suddencolds · 5 months
Who are your favorite artists/writers in the community?
THIS IS SO HARD, anon 😭 (but it's a question I'm curious about others' answers to too!) I have some time before work, so I'll attempt to answer somewhat coherently:
i've always admired @hachiibun, in particular for his ability to draw such a variety of poses and pre snz expressions (his somewhat recent post of h/sr snzcanons comes to mind)!! i'm continually amazed by the way he's able to capture nuances in characterization through the little visual details he chooses to highlight. i think he particularly excels at capturing like, the misery/harshness of a snz, and the all-consuming ticklishness of the build-up 😭
@mochindayo has super lovely ocs! i look forward to seeing their snz art and non-snz art alike. i love the way they draw hair in particular—it looks sooo soft and fluffy and i can tell there's a lot of care put into arranging the strands. the characters they draw genuinely look so pretty (even ruined with a cold or allergies, there's always something beautiful to them)??
i need to mention @6pmsoup bc their sketches literally always eat!! i feel like they always have such a tasteful way of like narrowing down which elements to give more dimension/detail/shading to. their art looks simultaneously so clean and engaging 😭 (cheating a bit here and i hope it's okay to say this, but i am also continually impressed by their musical ear and their compositional ability)
i really love @whiskey-tango-matcha's ocs so, so much! she has such an impressive handle on character voices and humor; when i read her fics, i really love how easy it is to get lost in the conversational flow. in particular, elijah and greyson have a super fun dynamic of like, simultaneous prickliness and concern?? it's not something i see a lot, but i feel like i could never get tired of the way they play off of each other 😭
one of the first snzfics i read which like blew me away was actually something @ithadtobesneezing posted to ao3 (i am embarrassed to say how long ago, haha). she has a very good handle on emotional depth 😭 like i feel like she writes with a certain clarity of character; her works carry like this sort of emotional intimacy and sensitivity to them, which always stands out
recently i have been head over heels in love w @vllergy's oc series. i honestly cannot remember the last time i fell for two characters so quickly 🥹 jin and vesen and their dynamic set me on fire; i have not enough words to describe how fun it is to read from jin's headspace. his character voice really shines through in the narration (and some of it is really funny too???); seriously check it out if you haven't already!
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alienaiver · 3 months
Behind the scenes
the lovely @dira333 tagged me in this and its sooo fun!! the questions are so amazing and id like to give it my best with some in depth answers, since learning these facts about one of my favorite writers here was so fun !!!!! behind the scenes of writing is so good to share!!
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Started writing: i think ive always been writing. i remember when we used to have one computer for the entire family in the early 00's and had little screentime, i set alarms to 4-5am (with no concept of what that Would Do To Me emotionally without sleep LMAO) JUST to get some time to write in peace. my first fanfictions i published was on a homemade forum page with a friend when i was 11!
Started blogging: ive had my tumblr since 2009-ish where ive been a rp'er over multiple times and published d gray man and no. 6 fanfictions in 2011-12ish. i was also active on livejournal before i found fanfiction.net !! but this specific blog was made in may 2021!!! the reader inserts came then :3
Followers: i actually JUST hit 300 two days ago!!! which is very exciting. i dont always look at the number, since it doesnt necessarily correlate with engangement, but its fun to see the uptick!!
Communication: i genuinely love love LOVE the social part of social media, and communications so important to me. theres nothing better than reblogs with comments you can bounce off of, asks, dm's and all that! sadly, my disability makes it so hard for me to have continuous contact and im 90% of the time the one to drop the ball when it comes to replying :(( thats why its extra important to me/special with the mutuals who keeps reaching out and dont have the same social expectations about replying. even if im unable to reply the day that i receive the message, it still brings great joy seeing the notif!
Likes: i dont mind them! generally its not that important to me whether or not my followers interact a lot. a like still means the world to me. of course a reblog is much better and engages so much more (+ boosts me!!), but theyre good for my soul, too!
Requests: i get very few requests :( i think i like them, but i havent gotten enough to actually get a feel on whether or not it kills my writing spirit? generally i get very excited to be able to deliver something and it gets me up from the bed to write, but i sometimes fear im not providing what they wanted! its anxiety-inducing in some ways, but i love a good little writing challenge !!
Writing: i loove love love love writing for hours at a time, hyperfixating on it. sadly, my cat snøfle is Very Jealous of both my laptop and pc. giving him a substitution sadly doesnt help</3 so my writing is often limited to specific times of day, and when he gets tired of my keyboard clack-clack-clacking, its time to put on some one piece while he naps on me! i wish i could write more works or just scenes on my phone, but it hurts my hands So Much, so i only write small one shots when im heavily inspired but snøfles in A Mood!!
genre wise im a fluffy type. maybe some hurt/comfort but always leaning towards comfort. id like to write more disability fics to spread both awareness and visibility, but i sometimes struggle with putting in my own disabilities and not make them too personal or too detailed for others to not relate. its an overthinking problem, so i often procrastinate writing them., bcos i fear itll be too niche! but i always get positive feedback (excpet for that one time with inked coffee lmao) so im not sure whats holding me back!!!
i always listen to music when i write, and it differs a lot. when i wrote the star and the earth i listened to a lot of medieval-inspired music, and made a specific playlist for that. but when i write on my modern au's or canon compliant bnha/haikyuu, anything goes!
i love putting in 'boring' every day stuff into my fics, or small scenes that dont necessarily advance the plot but just gives a feel of the characters.
speaking of snøfle ^ i am no longer allowed to write for the evening.... so ill start some apothecary diaries and enjoy a cold soda on this hot and humid evening !!! mwuah mwuah if u read this far thank you, and i love you. i love all of you <3333
no pressure tags as always but would love to hear the answers and get to know u all! @cup-of-fluff @true-deru @mirandabarma @illuminiscentboba @tetsuskei @threadbaresweater @krystalgaia @petriquors @ktsumu @moonbeamwritings @ohtokki
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personne-writes · 1 year
Rise August Art Challenge
I stumbled upon @sariphantom's Rise August Art Challenge and it really hyped me up! Sooo, here's a one-shot covering two prompts: "April O'Neil" and "Sleepover". YES, I am on time for the second prompt 😎 Enjoy!
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1600 words, no particular warning needed
"Pass me the screwdriver, will you?"
Donnie lets his hand open in the air for a couple of seconds, then another, before wiggling his fingers. When, still, nothing comes, he increases the volume a notch. 
No answer. 
Not bothering to pull his goggles off, Donnie tears his eyes away from the Turtle Tank radio system to look at the figure standing beside him. 
Leaning against the desk, April has her eyes locked on her phone, expression bored. 
Shrugging, he makes a few steps to get the tool and gets back to the matter at hand. He is deep into focus again when she suddenly decides to talk, distracting him. 
"Do you think I'm weird?"
The question is simple enough, and April’s voice is nothing but neutral. In reaction, Donnie's chuckle is immediate and genuine. 
"Oh, that's a good one," he grins, amused, putting his welder down on the table. 
"It is?" April asks. 
"I don't know, April, you tell me!” he says as he tugs at a few wires to test them. “You're the one attracting extraordinary situations like a magnet." 
"Right," she says, and something sounds off. 
Lifting his goggles over his forehead this time, Donnie turns to her and notices the slightest frown on her face. The social behavior studies he despises must have gotten something right, because surely enough, Donnie feels himself frown in return. 
"Oh snap," April jerks when her phone pings, "is it Wednesday already?!"
"Wednesday, August 16th," he provides absentmindedly. 
"CRAP!" she shouts, straightening up and walking away in a rush. "My English assignment! Gottagobye-"
"See you later," Donnie calls after her, and stares at the empty doorway for a second or two. 
Later that day, the atrium of the lair is the theater of an impromptu brainstorming session. 
"We wanted to go for another Sewer Tire Ride. Why not bring her along?" Raph cheerfully suggests. "Those are always fun times!"
"Except when some of us get separated from the group," Leo mumbles as he fiddles with his skateboard's wheels. 
Mikey shakes his head with energy. "Guys, there's no way April will want to swim in the sewers." 
"Plus," Donnie adds, "it's not exactly an activity I'd call normal."
"But she ain't exactly normal either," Raph remarks. 
"Sheesh, Raph, you can't say to a girl she's weird," Mikey jokes, and misses the way Donnie flinches. 
"Well, it's not the first time she frets about this stuff," Leo points out, holding his chin. "She could probably use something classic, for once."
"Aaand we're back at the beginning of the conversation," Donnie sighs in defeat. 
"Let's focus for a second," Mikey says, holding one hand up in front of him, rubbing between his eyes with the other. "What's a thing we do that's both enjoyable and normal?" 
The silence that follows is so dense they can almost see it with naked eyes. 
"Okay then," Raph pushes, "what's a thing humans do that's both enjoyable and doable for us?"
"That eliminates everything sewers related," Donnie thinks aloud. 
"And Turtle Tank related," Mikey adds. 
"And heroes related," Raph pouts. 
Leo snaps his fingers. "Ooh ho ho, I think I know just the thing!" he says in his best I'm-awesome-and-I-know-it voice, which makes everybody subconsciously tense. He flips his mask tails before making finger guns at his self proclaimed twin brother. "Donnie, you're loaded, right?"
Donnie cringes. 
He doesn't like this. 
He doesn't like this one bit. 
April’s conception of normality might be a bit skewed. 
“I found Mayhem in the streets,” she’d told her parents when she’d first brought her new pet home. It’s a mutant dog thingie I picked in a mad goatman’s lab, she hadn’t said. And it also teleports, she most certainly hadn’t added. 
“I’m going for a sleepover at my friends’!” she tells her parents now as she leaves with her backpack. You know, the giant turtles living in the sewers, she doesn’t say. Whose father is a rat formerly known as an action star movie, she definitely doesn’t add. 
On her way to the nearest manhole, she tries to take a guess at whatever the plan might be, knowing full well it’s a lost battle. The boys have been rather vague with their invitation, like they often are. Hey, you should come over for pizza night, they say before dragging her in a maze of death. Yo April, wanna come see Leo make a fool of himself as a basketball mascot? they ask and then end up playing against a full team of mystic monsters. Not that she minds, really; she’d die before admitting it, but that maze pizza might’ve been the best she’s ever had, and she finds herself having fun all the way with whatever situation they get themselves into. 
The thing is, there’s nothing in there that she can bring up in casual conversations with her classmates, which leads to her barely sharing any of her personal life at school. Which leads to her feeling like an outcast, at times. 
April’s nature being what it is, she doesn’t mull over it. Right now, she’s quick to shake the blues away, and she’s excited as ever when she reaches the lair. The boys greet her with a glee she’s delighted to see, and they start speaking all at the same time, explaining they’re actually going out for the week-end. That’s hardly the first time something like that happens, April thinks, not reading too much into it - okay, maybe she’s getting a little suspicious over the Hamato family’s growing agitation. Raph’s hands are stimming, Leo and Mikey keep on interrupting each other, Donnie has his sacred board shorts on and Splinter is carrying an honest-to-God suitcase. With wheels. 
She can’t help but squint skeptically when they leave the Turtle Tank in the garage and get in an old-school van instead - probably a rental car. Raph makes himself as small as he can to fit at the back of the van, and Donnie hits the road as soon as everyone’s settled. April’s wariness is short lived, though, with how easy it is to vibe with the pop music blasting on speakers; how funny it is to take sides when Raph and Leo fight over which song to put up next, how good it feels to join Mikey and Donnie as they sing their lungs out, or how amazed she is at the way Splinter recognizes the landscapes around them as they get out of New York. 
April half expects their destination to be some kind of yokai residence, or maybe something along the lines of a mystic cave. She’s actually surprised when they pull up in front of a cute, cozy, perfectly typical little cottage next to a pond, lost in the middle of nowhere. 
The boys jump out of the van like the seats have been burning their butts; April reminds herself they’ve probably never been driving for this long before. She’s glad to stretch her legs, too, and the excitement takes over her once more as they go exploring their house for the night, bickering over who gets to take which room, making “whoops” of victory with every new discovery in the closets and whistling in appreciation at the size of the bathroom, which looks like it can handle even Raph. 
If April wasn’t so thrilled, she would marvel at how casually the whole week-end flows, at how domestic and relatable this sleepover is. She’s too busy hosting a cannonball competition in the pond to think about how different it feels from their clandestine dives into New York rooftops’ pools. Too busy decorating her homemade pizza to realize how common the ingredients are. She’s so focused on her Monopoly strategies to try and remember when was the last time she played board games with anyone, and she’s too captivated by the local frogs’ loud singing at night to bother with any kind of late evening existential questioning. 
Her sleep is so sound that the rays of the sun aren’t enough to wake her up the next morning; she gives a silent nod to her past self for putting up an alarm and sneaks her way downstairs, fully intending on making breakfast for everyone. She revels in the way the smell of eggs and bacon wakes the whole house up, laughs at Leo’s repetitive yawns, puffs up at Mikey’s praises on her cooking. She smiles as Donnie instinctively checks his phone, forbids Splinter to wash the dishes - that’s the least she can do to express her gratitude - and joins Raph for a little morning jog around the pond. When they pack up again, each of them seems lighter than they had before the trip. 
It’s only on their ride back to the city that it dawns on her. There are a lot of things they could’ve done differently this week-end. They could’ve gone to a mutants-friendly place, or gotten some fancy Hidden City pizza. They could’ve traveled with the help of Leo’s portals, or stayed in the lair for a movie night like they usually do. She knows how sincerely she would’ve enjoyed each of these options.   
But the truth is that she’s glad for the road trip. She’s charmed with the cottage, and baffled with the simplicity of it all. 
This is definitely something she could tell her classmates all about, if she wanted. And maybe she will, when the opportunity presents itself. 
Right now, though, she’s just content to lay her head against Mikey’s shoulder and to drift off, lulled by the sound of Leo’s bragging about some imaginary victory at RISK and by the smoothness of Donnie’s driving. 
From then on, they pick a new place to spend the week-end at least once a year, and they all look forward to those moments just as much as the Lair Games. 
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