#like genuinely actually and lovingly HOW DID I GET H E R E??
ghostsfruit · 1 month
You know that moment you realize the small hyperfixation has become a full blown special interest.
Like how the fuck did we get here-
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
Hi! Hope everything is great with you! ❤️ are you taking requests now? I have an idea for a Draco x reader fic. If you want to write. It’s ok if you’re not feeling it or if you’re not taking request ☺️
I was thinking about plot with something like that the reader and Draco are always on each other and fighting, but secretly like each other. They fight to make the other to notice them or to interact. One day the reader borrows a book at the library and made some notes in it (even if she’s not supposed to, just a bad habit that she has). She just writes some thoughts or comments regarding the book or life in general. And then Draco borrows the same book after the reader and sees that there are notes in the book but don’t know who made it. He likes the notes and decided to write his own notes in the book. The reader borrows the book again and see the notes that Draco wrote. So maybe they go back and forth writing notes in the book or even change to another book. Then I don’t know about the plot only that they end up together and it is a fluff ending ❤️
Oh. God. This request was e v e r y t h i n g, i loved it so much, thank you lovely anon!🤧
Wouldn't You Like To Know
↪︎ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Summary: draco and reader hate each other but a common interest might change everything.
Warning: none :)
Word Count: 1207
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Nothing could make you angrier than that slytherin prick, Draco Malfoy, and yet you couldn't bring yourself to loathe him. There was something just so intriguing, so intoxicating about the boy that made you forget about how much of a haughty twat he actually was.
He seemed to be always picking on you, always having to comment on your choice of clothing of the day or stating how 'immensely insufferable' you were. You obviously never backed down, taking every chance you got to talk with the slytherin, even if it was just to insult his incredibly unnatural, yet entrancing hair or his arrogant ways.
You hated the boy, but you couldn't ignore him. Even though you very much wanted to on certain occasions.
It was saturday, a moment to finally be able to relax a bit and forget about lessons for a while, but someone decided to importune you. It was way too early to engage in a full battle, so you saved your efforts, leaving him in the hallway with his clique and a snarky reply. He had a rather surprised look on his face at the lack of interaction, but you couldn't notice it.
You made your way to the library; it seemed to be the only place you could find solace in. Reading had always been a way to unwind for you, therefore it was no surprise that the library was exactly where you were headed.
You skimmed through the long shelves of books, stopping your finger on a very old-looking volume. You took it out carefully and found yourself a cozy spot in the library, near a window so that you could see the lovely morning unfolding.
It was a copy of your favourite book of all time and you could swear the vintage-like look of the tome was due only to your continuous readings. You loved that book, every time you read it feeling like the first time and successfully taking your mind off of whatever you were worried about.
You started reading it for the hundredth time, taking your time while doing so, and without even realizing it you were starting to underline certain sentences. The quill and ink in front of you on the desk seemed to be begging you to use them and that you did. You highlighted all of those phrases that struck something you, you wrote tiny notes near the words you found the most interesting and you realized that when it was too late. The damage had been done, so why stopping?
You kept reading for a long time, the sky visible through the windows changing vastly beside you until it was already past lunch-time. You closed the book lovingly and put it back where you found it, sure to be able to return later, and took off towards the great hall.
Unbeknownst to you, that was also someone else's favourite book because when you came back, more notes had been added. Tiny messages in the most elegant calligraphy you had ever seen were adorning the pages you had previously stained. What really surprised you was that most of those short lines were actually replies or simple comments to your own.
'This is my favourite line.'
'I'd argue that the best line is actually at the next page.'
'This passage, i will never get tired of reading it.'
'How could one get tired when it's the best piece of literature ever written?'
You were completely shocked but somehow your heart warmed at the gesture: a stranger liked your same exact book and took the time to reply to the silly comments of some heedless student, it sounded almost romantic.
You immediately took a quill with the intention to add more comments but froze as you dipped it in the ink. What were you going to write?
You stopped to think for a moment and the most obvious question came to mind, so you retrieved the quill from the inkwell and wrote onto the last page, the only blank one.
'Who are you?'
You let the ink dry and placed the book back in its place, planning to come back the next day and find an answer.
It was silly really, to be so excited just because a couple words exchanged with a stranger. It had no meaning either: said stranger might have had the same habit as you, writing in all the books they read, or maybe said stranger only found your comments funny and wanted to add their own.
Nevertheless you returned to the library the next morning, very early given the fact you hadn't really slept the previous night, excitement flowing freely in your veins and keeping you awake. You hurried to the chosen section and grasped the book, clutching it in your hands as you brought it with you towards your usual spot.
You opened the book and quickly browsed through the pages until the last one. A reply was there, but not the one you were expecting.
'Wouldn't you like to know...'
What now? You couldn't just keep writing there, you couldn't just change book and keep on writing on every single volume in the library...
Defeated, you stood up, book opened in your hands as you walked through the library you knew by heart, trying to decipher who your mysterious correspondent could be.
"You?!" your eyes shot up from the book to meet his grey ones, Draco Malfoy.
"What? Can't even visit the library now?" you replied, eyebrows raised. You noticed he was oddly eyeing your book and slowly closed it.
"Why do you have that book?" he asked again, almost ignoring you with his eyes still set on the tome.
"I was reading it? That's what i usually do with books, you know."
"Are you sure? Because i have a feeling you write in them." your displeased frown soon turned into one of stupor.
"You?!" he nodded, smirking; for the first time you noticed a tinge of genuineness in his smug grin and the thought that maybe, just maybe Draco Malfoy wasn't the bully everyone thought passed through your mind.
You didn't know what to say and apparently neither did he for you both remained still and silent, staring in each other's eyes. It wasn't awkward: you looked into his grey orbs with longing, as if you had always known he could have been what you wanted and finally were able to see this side of him, the side of him you were in love with even if you didn't know it existed.
He cleared his throat then, making you focus back on reality.
"Although i enjoy the library, i think we should find a different place to talk about... this." he motioned to the book and your dreams completely shattered. He was probably not pleased with the discovery, one of the students he hated most exchanging notes with him. "Maybe at hogsmeade, tomorrow, at 8?"
"You don't hate me?" as relief washed over you, surprise did too.
"Not really, i actually quite like you, but i thought you hated me so i played along." you smiled at the unexpected confession and he furrowed his brows. "So, is that a yes? Because i can go back to hating you if not and forget everything."
You chuckled lightly, rolling your eyes. "Wouldn't you like to know, Malfoy..."
Taglist <3
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the-widow-sisters · 3 years
Tracing My Love
Summary: When Yelena is bored one day, Natasha asks Yelena to lay her head on Natasha's lap. Yelena is confused until her sister introduces her to a gentle activity that fully satiates the touch-starved beast within Yelena. Just innocent sister fluff.
Word Count: 2093
  “I’m bored,” Yelena whined, drawing the last word out in a much too dramatic fashion. She could feel Natasha’s gaze upon her as she looked up from the book that she had stuffed her nose into.
  “Go for a run,” Natasha suggested, and Yelena shook her head from her position on the other side of the couch, just groaning loudly.
  “It’s too hot and miserable for that,” Yelena informed her, looking at her older sister and taking in the unhidden grin spreading across the redhead’s face.
  “You could get one of those nasty slushie things you like,” Natasha spoke, and Yelena scoffed immediately in reply.
  “The store is not open on Sundays. Besides, the slushies are a delicacy. Second only to vodka,” Yelena informed her, and Natasha just grinned a bit wider, a laugh rising in her throat, and Yelena felt quite satisfied with herself for bringing such emotion to the redhead.
  “So that must be why you like them,” Natasha suddenly piped up in response. Yelena shifted her gaze to her in slight confusion.
  “What?” Yelena asked, suspicion in her voice as she noted how smug and pleased that Natasha sounded with herself. She had to admit that it was quite nice to have the privilege of hearing Natasha’s voice in such a pleasing, happy tone.
  “You must be mixing vodka in so you can’t taste the actual slushie,” Natasha told her, keeping her voice perfectly level, and Yelena narrowed her eyes a little in a playful glare. Natasha’s light greens were sparkling with mirth as she glanced up from the book.
  “Ha,” Yelena just faked a short bark of laughter.
  “There’s food in the kitchen,” Natasha suggested, and Yelena just pouted a little in response to the statement.
  “There is no sour cream and onion chips,” Yelena shot down her sister’s proposal,
  “I bought some for you yesterday.”
  “Yeah, about that… I finished the bag yesterday,” Yelena admitted with a slight grin, completely unashamed of her feat, and Natasha’s eyes widened a little
  “Seriously?!” Natasha questioned, some surprise in her voice as she looked up from her novel once again to gaze at Yelena.
  “What?! I’m a growing girl, you know!” Yelena defensively declared, and Natasha just shook her head with mock disappointment.
  “If you keep downing a whole bag of potato chips all at one time, you’re going to grow. Not sure if you’re going to like how you do, though,” Natasha commented, raising her eyebrows.
  Yelena brought her foot up, gently kicking Natasha’s arm that was holding up the book. However, she overdramatically did it, so it looked like she was putting more effort into it than she actually was. Natasha skillfully kept her hold on the book, just trading hands as she kept reading.
  Yelena groaned before scooting over closer to Natasha, her eyes locked onto the side of Natasha’s face. She eased ever nearer to the redhead, and she finally was close enough to rest her chin on Natasha’s shoulder as she lazily raked her gaze over the words inside the book, not truly reading any of it. Natasha raised an eyebrow, craning her neck slightly and looking down at the blonde.
  Yelena just shifted her honey-green eyes upward to meet Natasha’s.
  “What are you reading?” Yelena questioned curiously, and Natasha huffed a little. She delivered a swift, soft kiss to the center of Yelena’s forehead before looking back down at the book.
  “Probably nothing you’re going to find interesting.”
  “Try me,” Yelena challenged, and Natasha simply looked down at the younger girl with blatant skepticism evident in her stare.
  “I will have you know that I am very educated in the world of literary… ness,” Yelena proclaimed, her voice a little uncertain despite the bravado she forced into it. Natasha just chuckled fondly, shaking her head a little.
  “It’s Gone with the Wind,” Natasha told her, and Yelena wrinkled her nose with disgust. She tilted her head, trying to get a better look at the cover. She scoffed as she spotted a man and a woman on the front in a loving embrace.
  “Are you sure this is appropriate reading material?” Yelena asked, trying and failing to hold back the laugh in her voice. Natasha raised an eyebrow with slight confusion, not exactly understanding Yelena’s mirth.
  “Yeah. Why wouldn’t it be?”
  “It looks like it has some… adult themes,” Yelena suggestively spoke, waggling her eyebrows ridiculously, and Natasha finally flipped the book to actually take the time to look at the cover. She quickly caught on, just laughing at the younger girl. Yelena chuckled but awaited an answer.
  “No, no, none of that. Just pure romance. Not anything too out there.”
  “Ick. Sounds sappy,” Yelena blew her off, her chin still resting on Natasha’s shoulder heavily, and she noticed out of her peripheral vision that Natasha was rolling her eyes in reply to her.
  “Natashka, I’m bored,” Yelena drew the words out tiredly, unable to think of anything she wanted to do and hoping that her awesome big sister would think of something. Natasha finally put down the book on the table nearby, pursing her lips ever so slightly as she grew lost in thought.
  After a painstakingly long moment of this, Natasha seemed almost as if she had settled upon something or came to some conclusion or another. She looked at Yelena and shifted slightly so that Yelena would raise her head from its place on her shoulder. Yelena felt the need to complain about the loss of her comfy place, but she held her tongue, curious as to what Natasha was coming up with.
  Natasha looked at her for a long moment before finally speaking.
  “Lay down,” Natasha patted her lap, and Yelena started to do it without question, eager to take advantage of her sister’s offered affections. However, she quickly paused in the middle of her movements, looking at Natasha skeptically.
  “Wait… Why?” Yelena asked, and Natasha rolled her eyes fondly, nothing but warmth in her eyes.
  “Just do it,” Natasha told her, and Yelena hesitantly complied, not sure what to expect but trusting Natasha nevertheless. She was not sure if she was being lured into a tickle trap so she carefully kept her arms clamped to her sides once her head was in Natasha’s lap.
  “Relax. No tickle fights,” Natasha assured her, and Yelena loosened, hearing the genuineness in the redhead’s voice. She hesitantly slid her arms up so that they were resting on either side of her head and across Natasha’s lap.
  To her surprise, Natasha rolled up the back of her shirt, and Yelena stiffened just barely. She quickly loosened up, though, trusting Natasha wholeheartedly. Before she could ask what the older woman was doing, she suddenly felt feather-light touches raking across her back gently.
  She almost shivered from the feeling, and her eyes were open wide as Natasha’s digits tickled barely along her back, tender across her skin.
  “I’m going to trace a word on your back, and you’ve got to tell me what it is,” Natasha explained, her voice soft and quiet, and Yelena just nodded barely, worried that if she even breathed wrong that the attentions would stop. The ministrations were unlike anything she had ever felt, and it made her mind completely overload with the sensations of the most trusted person in her life touching her so lovingly and so gently.
  Natasha stopped once she had spelled it out, and it took Yelena a painfully long moment to respond to the redhead as she tried to get her thoughts back in order from the overwhelmingly kind touches.
  “Yelena,” Yelena answered softly, finding herself eager for the next word that would be traced if only to feel Natasha’s gentle fingers running across her back.
  “Good job,” Natasha softly praised, and Yelena felt her chest constricting with something that was so purely the love of an adoring little sister that thought her older sister’s praise was as valuable as the air she breathed. Of course, she would never admit this to herself, but it nevertheless was an emotion that was coursing through every fiber of her being.
  “Two words this time,” Natasha explained quietly, and Yelena almost impatiently awaited her sister’s tender touches.
  “Sweet girl?” Yelena asked, almost embarrassed as she uttered one of Natasha’s special nicknames for her.
  “That’s it,” Natasha quietly agreed, and Yelena felt herself melting even further with the love in her voice.
  It was all that Yelena had ever wanted in her life. She had just wanted her sister’s affection, approval, and love. While she felt ridiculous on one hand for finding such satisfaction and pure happiness from a silly game like this, on the other hand it was something she craved deeply.
  Natasha soon started writing again.
  “Lapochka,” Yelena affirmed, feeling a slight smile coming to her face, and Natasha chuckled warmly.
  “Thought I’d switch languages and make it a little more complicated,” Natasha told her, and her voice was filled with nothing but affection. Yelena felt herself inflating a little with the loving, proud tone in Natasha’s voice. She knew she had really accomplished nothing significant, but it was still a huge deal to her that Natasha approved even of something as dumb as guessing a word right.
  Natasha traced another word on her back, and Yelena concentrated on it carefully.
  “Rooskaya,” Yelena acknowledged, and Natasha swept a hand across her back as if she were erasing the word. Yelena closed her eyes, enjoying the contact from someone that she trusted so deeply.
  “I,” Yelena read once Natasha wrote and paused for a while. It was confusing to her, and she did not know what exactly Natasha meant by just one letter.
  Natasha swept a hand across her and started again. Yelena furrowed her brow as she felt the letters across her back.
  “Love,” Yelena spoke, and Natasha started writing again, her finger moving carefully along Yelena’s skin.
  “You,” Yelena finished, and she quickly realized that Natasha had written her a message. Goosebumps covered Yelena’s back, and Yelena moved her head so that her chin was on top of Natasha’s leg. She looked up at the redhead, feeling her heart overflowing with pure adoration. Natasha was looking down at her softly, her eyes warm with care.
  Yelena felt her lips tugging down at the corners just a little, and she valiantly fought the tears of love, happiness, and awe that were threatening to come over her. She moved a bit closer to Natasha, burying her face into the redhead’s stomach and wrapping her arms around Natasha’s waist slowly and tightly.
  She ordinarily would not have cried at her sister telling her that she loved her, but somehow, this time felt so much more meaningful. It was through that physical contact and affection that Yelena so craved and needed, and the fact that Natasha had somehow combined verbal and physical methods to tell her how she felt was almost more than Yelena could take.
  “Ya tebya lyublyu, Natashka,” Yelena spoke against Natasha, and Natasha ran her fingers through Yelena’s hair before gently pulling Yelena’s shirt back down over her back.
  “Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu, milaya devushka,” Natasha reciprocated, and Yelena just pressed herself against Natasha harder, feeling her body as it moved with her breaths.
  After a long moment of this and when Yelena was sure she could trust her voice again, she pulled away from Natasha and rolled over so that she was laying on her back with her head in Natasha’s lap.
  “Wait… Isn’t it your turn?” Yelena questioned softly with a slight quirk of her eyebrow, trying to convey more chill about this whole thing than she was really feeling. Natasha chuckled a little, reciprocating the eyebrow raise.
  “Sure,” Natasha replied easily, and Yelena sat up from her place in Natasha’s lap and straightening her legs on the couch so that Natasha could lay across her. Yelena just watched her expectantly, and Natasha smiled softly before laying her head down in Yelena’s lap carefully, her arms brought up so that her hands could gently hold onto Yelena’s leg.
  Yelena softly pulled back Natasha’s shirt and looked down at the slightly scarred canvas before her. She quietly thought for a moment before a wicked smirk came onto her face. She began to trace the word.
  Natasha was quiet for a moment, and Yelena finally reached the last letter, waiting eagerly for Natasha’s response. Sure enough, Natasha quickly caught on, and she spun on her side, looking up at Yelena with mock offense.
  Yelena just cackled.
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With A Little Help From My Friend - Nikki Sixx
A/N: I'm so l a z y. I need a schedule for these things. Anyways, flood me with requests, I have nothing to do. :)
L E N G T H: 922 words
W A R N I N G: Swearing, pushing, yelling 
I N S P I R A T I O N: With A Little Help From My Friend - The Beatles
Walking up to the studio where Nikki and the boys were, working on a new album, there was a lot of noise but it was muffled. I opened the door and whipped my neck to the scene of a bass guitar being flung across the room. 
"What the actual fuck is going on here?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and look towards the direction of a groaning noise, it was Nikki. He was raging,  and the boys were in the corner of the studio yelling at Nikki to calm down. 
"[y/n], thank god you came. Get Nikki to shut up," Mick said, irritated. I fully stepped in and saw Nikki grab a drum and throw it at the boys. Swiftly, I step in front of them and caught it, cutting my finger a bit, "fuck" I said to myself. 
"Dude, chill the fuck out, it's not a big ass deal," Tommy spat in irritation, but Nikki only groaned. 
"Nikki! Tommy's right. Please calm down." I inched my way to him as I spoke.
"You don't understand, [y/n]. This is between me and these fuckers Stay out of it!" he shouted.
"Have some fucking respect. These 'fuckers' are your bandmates who have put up with your rage!" I crossed my arms and looked down, taking a deep breath as he continued to smash things against the walls. 
"Nikki, stop!" I stomped my way over to him and grabbed his wrists firmly.
"Let go and leave, [y/n]. I don't want to hurt you,"
"Nikki, calm down! Talk to me, I'm right here!"
"[y/n], just move!!" he pushed me to the side harshly, I stumbled to where I lost my balance and fell onto. And he stormed out of the studio. Vince pulled me up and patted my shoulder,
"You alright, [y/n]?" he asked, I responded with a nod. Rubbing my temples, and sighing, I paced around. 
"Why is Nikki so mad? What happened?"
"Well, I commented on his playing and asked if he's doing alright and from there he just went ballistic," Vince replied. 
"Yeah, we were all worried about the dude, but he just took it too far," Tommy huffed. 
"Well, he's been struggling a lot lately and we've been on a rollercoaster of emotions lately," I sighed and shook my head. 
Tommy walked over to me and attached his arm onto my shoulders, "It's all good, we get it," he flashed me a grin.
T I M E   S K I P 
Once I got home, I had gotten into the bathtub to destress the long Saturday, and it worked. After finishing my hour-long bath, I had gotten ready for bed and began to read my favorite book. 
Later on, I heard the door of my house open. Setting down the book and rushing downstairs, I saw that someone was in the house. It was Nikki. 
"What are you doing here so late and how did you get it?"
"That doesn't matter right now. I need to talk to you [y/n]," his tone was serious. 
"Alright, was is it?"
 "About what happened in the studio earlier today."
"Oh, that." 
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you or yell at you... I just wasn't feeling myself. To be honest with you, I was actually kinda high on heroin..." his voice was filled with guilt and he sounded very genuine, but I wasn't surprised when he confessed that he was high. 
I sighed and nodded, "I'm sorry that yelled at you too. I just really wanted you to calm down and tell me what the issue was."
He nodded with guilt, "I shouldn't have yelled at you. I know you were just trying to help. I don't know what overcame me when the rage began." Pressing my lips into a fine line, I furrowed my eyebrows as he continued. 
"And, I know me and you are both going through tough times and our relationship is a bit rocky. I don't want us to break up. I've always masked the way I've actually feel because I feel like someone is going to criticize me for not fitting the image I portray with Mötley. And, it's hard trying to keep this bad boy image and say that you're doing fine when really you're not. 
This addition has been just eating at me and I don't know how to deal with it. Plus my emotion have gotten out of hand. I've lost some of the control. Every day, I try my hardest to control myself especially around you. ." I nodded my head in empathy. I once went through drug addiction. I know what it feels to have used drugs to the point where you view it as a human need rather than a hobby. All the money going to waste just because you needed another dose of the stuff. 
I sighed and hugged him tightly, holding him firmly. He snaked arms around me and held me as we both stood there in pain. I rubbed the upper half of his back in an attempt to calm him. 
After what seemed forever, we let go and he held my hands in his. His green eyes stared at my eyes and he let out a sigh. 
"[y/n], I think I'm gonna enter rehab again. But this time, I'm gonna stay until I'm completely sober," he declared. His eyes were filled with hope and grinned at him. 
"I'll be with you every step of the way, Nikki," I pressed my lips against his and kissed him lovingly. 
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Hazbin Hotel OC
Hey guys!! I’m back and fully recovered for the most part but I made some new friends so I wanted to talk about my new character that I made. I love this show probably way more than I should and since Addict came out yesterday I decided to redesign my OC. 
Appearance: Estelle is a white fox demon, she has bright blue eyes like she had in life. In life she was petite and usually had to stand on a ladder in order to get something from the top shelf. It was either that or Angel had to be the one that helped her get it down for her. He was a regular in her shop since they grew up together when he accidentally hit her upside the head with a soda can after she had been thrown into the trash. She has marks on her throat from when she was gripped there harshly by her deceased mafia husband. She wears a chefs hat over her ears and is usually found working hard in the kitchen if she’s not playing cards or comforting Angel.
Death Backstory: After Angel Dust overdosed and left her behind she quickly found herself slowly sinking. Her bakery was losing clientele because her sweets had gone downhill after a rival shop opened across the road. She had lost her purpose in life. Maybe that’s why she had agreed to marry the local mafia boss in Little Italy. She had agreed to the proposal to save her shop. Even though it was the 20’s she had always been as Angel had lovingly called her “different” she didn’t get engaged by the normal sexual things. In fact, she was openly repulsed by them. Every time Angel did a sex lecture she would only listen to him partially. At first, she thought that the marriage would be fine since he still had his mistresses and she didn’t think that he would ever want sex from her. She was naive and of course he eventually got interested in it with her. She remembered a lecture that Angel had given her about consent if she had ever been forced into sex. She grabbed the closest thing that she could to his head, a lamp and just went crazy on him. Accidentally, he was murdered by her and since it was the 20’s nobody believed her when she had said the truth that he would’ve raped her if she hadn’t done anything. She was hung and sent to hell for her crimes against humanity. 
A: What are/were this character’s best subjects in school? Her best subjects were math, astronomy and home economics. She was always a master at figuring out puzzles so math came more easily to her than it did to most of her classmates. The stars had always fascinated her and Angel would take her to the tops of the rooftops of New York where you could see the stars for miles around. Home economics was her favorite because she could bake for a class. She had always been a lover of baking and even though not everything turned out perfectly she still found a lot of success with the artform. 
B: Do they have any allergies? She isn’t allergic to anything that she knows of. She did make a lot of sweets that were allergy friendly was one of the first to be able to do so. 
C: Can they swim well? She is an incredible swimmer; it used to be one of her favorite things when her and Angel were kids. (Of course he was a piece of shit whenever she was nervous and would give her a push forward that was his job). 
D: How do they react to being flirted with? She’s actually used to it since Angel has been jokingly flirting with her despite women not being his cup of alcohol. 
E: How are they with children? In life, Estelle had a lot of siblings she was the go to babysitter when Angel didn’t need her for anything which was rare. She loved her family even if often she wasn’t understood by them. It was a little bit trickery for a lot of people that weren’t her best friend to understand her. 
F: What’s one thing they’re really bad at? If I were to label one thing that she’s really bad at it’s probably going to be directions. She gets lost really easily if she doesn’t have somebody walking around with her. Angel always had to be the more alert one of the two of them especially if it was late at night. He wouldn’t let anybody hurt his best girl not while he was around. 
G: How do they flirt? If she were to flirt it would probably be very sheepish compliments. The only person that she could ever flirt genuinely with was Angel though that might be all the couple pet names talking. 
H: What is their deadly sin? Her deadly sin would be gluttony. She has always had a really slim figure, something that her best friend has always been jealous of since her diet has a lot of sugary stuff involved. 
I: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do they love themselves?  On a scale of one to ten Estelle probably loves herself at a three. She has a lot of self doubt that manifested itself into her being a shell of who she used to be. Being forced to have sex wasn’t something that she had ever been planning to do. It wasn’t until she saw Angel again and learned that he had to go through the same thing that it suddenly dawned on her. She’s not alone, she never really has been. She’s been immensely blessed to have the most amazing best friend in the entire world. He helps get her back on her feet and gain that confidence that he’s always seen in her. 
J: What’s their sense of humour like? Her sense of humor is rather wordy. She loves puns and making jokes about the wacky antics around her. She is also super sarcastic which is a side of her that really only Angel knows well.
K: How do you know when you’ve upset them? She shuts down, it’s hard to get a reaction of anything out of her. She’s broken up inside about a lot of things that have happened to her in her life that once Angel hugs her tightly to him and tells her that everything will be okay she believes him. He’ll always have her back. It's something that she has grown to love him like a brother for. 
L: What is their favourite board game? Her favorite board game is actually anything that she can play with cards. As kids one of the first things that her and Angel started to really get into was war and the stakes were salt water taffies in their favorite flavors (He would almost always win and split them with her anyways giving her tips on how to do better next time). 
M: What is their favourite dessert? This is the hardest question in the world but if she were to have a desert island dessert it would probably be struffoli. It’s donut holes dunked in honey and powdered sugar. Her family growing up was of Italian descent and when she met Angel she fully accepted that part of her life. 
N: What do they usually eat for breakfast? Usually it’s a freshly made something that she made that morning whether it be a bagel or a croissant and a cup of hot chocolate.
O: What would it take to break them, inside and out? For Angel to fully abandon her for the sake of Cherri. She has gotten used to having her around, in fact they are so different from each other that they are surprisingly close. 
P: How do they handle money? She handles money extremely well because she had to kickstart her own business because her parents wouldn’t help her out. 
Q: Are they patient? She has had to be the patient one between her and Angel for the entirety of their friendship. He is always the first to get irritated by what’s going on around him and she’s always had to be the one that pulled him back from doing something stupid. The one time she wasn’t there he overdosed and she hadn’t been able to see him in the hospital. 
R: What are their hands like? Her hands are small and usually covered with flour because it’s really hard to get her to take a break. 
S: How stealthy are they? She is not stealthy at all mostly because she’s almost always humming something under her breath. Cherri got her into 80’s music once she arrived in hell and everything changed for her after that.  
T: Where are they ticklish? She is immensely ticklish which is her curse once she arrives in hell and finds that Angel has become a spider with arms to torment her with. 
U: What’s their voice like? Her voice is usually quiet unless she gets really frustrated with something that isn’t turning out right in the oven. 
V: What’s the easiest way to annoy them? The easiest way to annoy her is to pinch her cheeks. They’ve always been huge and her best friends have never let her forget it. 
W: Can they dance? She can dance, she was amazing at the charleston but her dance skills are a little bit last century as Cherri loves to tease.
X: What’s their most petty little secret? Her most petty little secret was her initial jealousy of Cherri once she arrived in hell. Mostly because she was so much like Angel and thought that she wasn’t needed anymore. 
Y: What is one question they’ve always wanted an answer to? Why her husband wanted to be married to her when he could’ve had anybody that he wanted quite literally. 
Z: How do they sleep? She sleeps very rarely because she doesn’t technically need it but Angel always makes her sleep when he’s with her. She feels protected around him and trust me when I say that he isn’t letting anything get to her ever again. 
Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? She does sleep with stuffed animals once she arrives in hell and Angel saw that she didn’t have any here he got her some so that she could feel more comfortable.
Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child? Once she arrives in hell she gets a cat companion the same day that Angel finds Fat Nuggets. 
Ask them to describe their love interest. Estelle doesn’t have a love interest. I decided to give her a found family love instead of having to force her into a romantic relationship because platonic love is just as important as romantic. 
Do they look good in red? She looks good in just about everything but she does have a flowy red top that Angel bought her that she loves
Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! She would give a speech to Angel about how being broken in the same way doesn’t have to be a bad thing. They understand each other better than they ever could have when she was alive. 
Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is? She will always confide in her best friends first they get first priority. She will never take advice from her ex-husband or Valentino (he gets his ass kicked once she meets him) 
Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themselves in three words. I would describe her as immensely kind, snarky and a lover of everything that is her best friend’s. She would describe herself as a good listener, a bit broken but still beautiful and an amazing baker but that’s things that she starts to believe after reuniting with Angel. 
Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?  She empathizes with a lot of her books that she keeps in her at home library. 
What age do they most want to be right now? She mostly is happy with where she is, but she has her two best friends and who can complain about that legitimately? 
They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save? Spend it on something for her friends there’s not even a second thought going through her head. Her second idea is to make improvements to her shop with what’s left over. 
Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)? She does love romance just not the one that she got. She can be found crying every time she watches Painted Veil and Angel just hands her a box of tissues. 
Name one thing their parents taught them. Her parents weren’t around for a good percentage of her life but they did teach her that hard work is extremely important a little bit too well considering that she rarely ever takes breaks.
Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? They would agree with that term because she does love things that wouldn’t be loved by other people, mostly crappy B movies that she watches with Angel just to laugh at something. 
What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work? To her lazy days are a waste of time but she grows to love them once she becomes friends with Angel. He shows her that taking time off from constantly trying to work herself to death. Taking days where you can do nothing but laugh and joke around it’s perfectly healthy. 
If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear? They would probably own more cute dresses that expressed her femininity more. At the moment it’s a skirt over leggings with a cute hoodie. 
Do they like children? She does love children!! It’s just she doesn’t want to be in a relationship at the moment. 
Kissing: tongue or no tongue? At the moment she’s pretty kiss adverse except for the platonic cheek kisses that her and Angel have. 
Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews? She was a practicer before job interviews when she was alive and she did always study before tests too because she could never be too careful. 
What do they like that nobody else does? Hmm there isn’t really anything that I could think of to answer this question. I think that between her, Angel and Cherri they have most everything in common. 
What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?  It would take a lot to eventually break up with somebody but as soon as they tried to force her into sex that was a big no-no for her. 
Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to? She does actually love pet names but mostly the platonic ones that her and Angie have. Sweetheart, hun, doll face, and eventually spider-babe and foxy.
Stability or novelty? Stability would be the way that would comfort her the most. 
Safety or possibility? She loves feeling safe and Angel makes her feel safer than most anybody out there. 
Talent or effort? Talent is the best way to go and she’s talented at a lot of things. 
Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)? Forgiveness she would forgive just about anybody except for her bastard of an ex-husband 
Would they date a fixer-upper? She would date a fixer-upper but she isn’t currently interested in seeing anybody. 
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hbostolemysoul · 5 years
Band of Brothers fluff alphabet: Ronald Speirs
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
While Speirs appreciates many things about you physically, the thing that attracts him most to you is how you don’t seem to fear him like all the other soldiers. Unlike the band of idiots (as you lovingly call them) you don’t take rumours at face value, there is more to Speirs than a scary reputation.  
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Speirs had a not so pleasant childhood. So the whole family thing scares him a bit. The last thing he wants is for his child to grow up with someone who doesn’t know how to be a father. You understand where his hesitation comes from, it also provides you a starting point into reassuring him that he is already a better man/father than his was due to the fact that he is worrying over the wellbeing of your hypothetical children.
When baby Speirs does come along it is almost comical how frightened Ron looks as you plop the tiny human into his arms for the first time. In true Speirs fashion the two stare each other down until your newborn yawns and closes their eyes. Ron doesn’t smile much, but he smiled then (even though he denies it).  
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Ron spent most of the war alone in his own foxhole due to his reputation. He got used to sleeping alone until he joined Easy and you made it your mission to unravel the mystery that was Ronald Speirs. He would never admit to cuddling out loud…but there were times when he woke up with you cuddled into his side, and his arm may or may not have found its way around you, holding you just a bit closer.  
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Believe it or not, dancing. (most would believe not).
Ron is actually a wonderful dancer, and when its just the two of you, whether in your home or at a local bar he enjoys holding your close and swaying to the music.
E = Everything (You are my __ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“you are something else…” (said in response to you accepting the feared cigarette he offered you upon your first meeting)
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Ron is nothing, if not emotionally constipated. Knowing him he probably convinced himself that the tightening in his chest when he looked at you was due to indigestion.
He knew he loved you when you found him after Grant had been shot. He was angry, and everyone had given him a wide berth after he left the drunk replacement alive, and to the MPs. You just leaned against the door frame of his room and casually offered him a cigarette. The gesture calmed something in him, the raging fury behind his eyes dying out just a little bit. Your small smile when he took the aforementioned cigarette definitely didn’t help the tightening in his chest…he also now knew that he could not blame his feelings on indigestion anymore.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Ron is an intense guy. Most things with him are fiery and passionate. It isn’t until later in your relationship (where he feels more secure) that things become gentle, yet somehow more passionate than before.  
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Ronald Speirs does not hold hands…at least not in public, and definitely not around his men. More often then not his hand will find its way to your lower back, a gentle pressure that is all too quickly removed as he continues on his way. Most might find that infuriating but knowing Ron the way you do you know it's his way of checking in on you, and letting you know he is still there.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
You were one of the first to approach him other than Winters, Nixon, and Lipton, when he was reassigned to Easy company. You were genuinely friendly, a completely unexpected occurrence considering he knew the kinds of rumours that floated around about him. To further test if you were genuine he offered you a cigarette, you smiled and accepted pulling a lighter out of your pocket and offering the flame to him as well. Speirs knew then that you would be trouble.
Meanwhile, Perconte and Luz visibly froze in the background. Shooting fearful glances at each other as they watched in horror as you accepted without a moment’s hesitation. Speirs shot them a look soon after you left, it was in those few moments that both Luz and Perconte decided that this was a story that didn’t need to be shared after all.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Yes. Definitely yes. Will he admit to it? Hell no.
When you go out he is always touching you in some way, a hand at your back, or around your waist. It's not that he doesn’t trust you, or think that you aren’t capable of kicking ass should someone not understand the word no. It's more a reassurance to him. Ron is used to being alone, an outcast of sorts. He has a lot more insecurity than anyone (except you) may know. You can feel the way he pulls you a bit closer when other men look your way, you’ve learned to just lean into his touch and reassure him that you aren’t going anywhere.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
He did. The war was all but over, and in classic Easy fashion a majority of the men had been drinking steadily most of the evening, Ron included. You had taken over a shift at the medical station, so Roe would finally go get some god damned sleep. Speirs found his way in, made eye contact with you and just walked over and kissed you. You could taste the champagne on his lips, it was intense, but come to think of it most things about Ron were. When he broke away he just stared at you, gauging your reaction for a few moments. You just smiled, grabbed him by the collar and initiated another mind-blowing kiss.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You do. You were being sent back home with some of the other guys (not by your own free will mind you) the army had been grateful for your service, but the idea of having a woman in war any longer than absolutely necessary put the higher-ups on edge. Ron had been avoiding you since he found out. He could be frustratingly elusive when he wanted to be. It took you almost an entire day before you tracked him down on some stupid balcony, the look he shot you was guarded. While things with Ron had been relatively new, he had opened up enough that you knew he had been distancing himself so it would hurt less when you “inevitably left him”. What he didn’t realize was that while you were physically being shipped back home, there was no way in hell that you were ‘leaving’ him. The speech you gave him was nothing short of inspirational. It took a lot to learn how to “operate a Speirs”, but you had finally cracked the code as he visibly relaxed as you pulled him into a gentle kiss. “You know I put up with your moody crap because I love you right?” you said half-jokingly, he just smiled and pulled you closer. Perhaps whispering the words into your hair as he did so.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
You waiting for him at the train station as he finally arrived back home. While he thought you were always beautiful, it was something else entirely to see you out of uniform and in civilian clothes. He never truly felt like he had a home before, but having you there waiting for him with watery eyes and a big smile changed that. You were his home.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Speirs had a habit of ‘collecting’ shiny things while you were together in Europe. It's safe to say that you were only slightly exasperated when packages of silver plates and other things began arriving to your home during the months that you were separated.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
White. Like the snow in Bastogne when he first met you. Even now when it snows Ron can still picture the way the soft snowflakes would find their way into your lashes and hair as ‘forced’ your way into his foxhole.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Ronald Speirs does not do pet names…until you are married, and the words ‘Mrs. Speirs’ being lightly rasped into your neck bring about a whole new meaning.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Ron likes the old-timey silver lighters. He has an old one he found over in Germany that he carries with him to this day.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Bed. He likes to stay in bed, more specifically he likes YOU in bed with him.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Ron doesn’t do emotions. So the first time he saw you cry he had a bit of internal panic. Is it safe to touch you? Should he get you a tissue? Does he need to go hurt someone? It isn’t until you grumble to him to just ‘get over here and hold me’ that he finally starts to figure things out. Safe to say he can now pick up on your moods quite easily, and whenever possible already has you in his arms before the tears begin to fall.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
He is more of a listener. Comes from a lifetime of being a loner you guess. But he loves watching the way you light up and get animated about certain things when you talk.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
He smokes. Which he knows he should try and quit, especially with baby Speirs around. It’s worst for him at night. You often times find your bed empty in the middle of the night, but the gentle snores (plural Daddy Speirs + baby Speirs) coming from the nursery put at ease. When you first started noticing his absences you would go looking for him. You would always find him in the nursery, the baby held gently yet securely to his chest as he softly spoke to them, sometimes there would be tiny baby coo’s in response.  
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Now that you have ‘domesticated your Speirs’ he isn’t all that showy. But you’ll be damned if you ever forget how he would smile cheekily as he wandered around Germany carrying as much silver as possible.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
It would be small, probably a courthouse thing. He isn’t close to his family, and yours lived so far away that it didn’t make sense for them to travel so far. Regardless your family sent their blessings for you and Ron. It wasn’t some fairy tale wedding, but it suited the both of your just fine.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Maps- (covered by Freya Ridings)
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yep. Small and to the point. Ron honestly would have been okay with a big wedding if that is what you had wanted. All that really mattered to him was that you wanted to be his wife.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
You get a cat. Mostly because your nosey neighbors hate them, and Ron hates your nosey neighbors.
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