#like for me it’s more of an admiration for how this entity interacts with the characters & objects around
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hplonesomeart · 6 months ago
….I think about this moment a lot in my head guys….every single time I judge myself about the silly fictional men my scrambled brain latches onto without any identifiable rhyme or reason….EVERY TIME I’m reminded of this video and put in my place AUUUU
There was really no need to get a whole community called out like how could they expose us like this /j
Mr. Puzzle’s VA (Jello) is so selfaware without even trying jksjsksp. Very educated on how bizarre ace minds operate and that both amuses and scares me that they’ve got us pinned down lol. I think there’s probably something deeper to be said about it…with how being aroace (detached from those emotions and the way it’s traditionally presented IRL) leads you to emotionally attaching to non-human presenting fictional creatures instead but….nah just straight up generalizing and boiling it down to the word monsterfuckers is also fair enough lol. I don’t personally consider myself in that group of aces however I certainly can seem like it if I’m not careful
Aside from making me feel exposed, these guys are so funny I absolutely loved listening to the playthrough and how each of them just had fun together as a group of friends. Go and support them! Highly recommend watching In Stars and Time! Play the game for yourself and then enjoy the talented line delivery dub/reading here (especially for the emotional portions of the narrative/dialogue). I just love VA’s guys they are all so cool and I kinda wish I could find myself a group of people like this. True friendships goals is being able to unapologetically live out your aroace monster loving ambitions and enjoy unapologetically sharing those hyperfixations with others. Oh and play videogames while doing so I guess
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windvexer · 1 month ago
Hello. Do you think there is any way to get reliable answers from spirits at spiritualism sessions? I am contacted by entities, but I do not always have the opportunity to check their information and do not know how true it was. What should I do in such a situation?
Hi, I'm afraid this is a lot of information you're asking for.
Try Consorting With Spirits by Jason Miller for a framework of spirit communication. Especially try chapter 3 on "spirit skills."
My very short answer is that I don't currently believe there is any one single thing you can to do always accurately verify what spirits tell you. It's more like a lifestyle; a habit of how you interact with spirits, the magic you do or don't do surrounding those encounters, and the allies and relationships you build to assist you in the work of mediumship.
Via ch. 3 of that book:
If you have an experience during which a spirit appears to you or gives a message to you, the most important thing you can do is ask yourself the following questions: Is this actionable? Is this useful? Each of these questions can lead to other questions. Is it actionable? Is there any harm in taking the action? If a person I trusted or admired told me this, would I do it or believe it? Who will this benefit? Why is it good? If the message is not actionable or useful, that doesn't mean you need to reject it as false. You don't need to do anything except make a note and keep doing what you're doing. This will prevent the gross ego inflation and self-important prattling that people sometimes get up to.
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thepatristictradition · 8 months ago
A Christian's Confusion on Syncretic Paganism
Though I'm an Orthodox Christian, I am good friends with a number of serious pagans-- especially Thelemites. From them, I've observed some controversies in the online and apparently IRL pagan communities. An idea I find confusing (frankly, ridiculous) is that Aphrodite, Venus, Ishtar, Freyja etc., are merely facets of the same essential deity: the "Love Goddess."
Orthodox Christians interact with Paganism in two main ways: First, we believe in the Seed of The Word. Basically, we believe that every religion, more or less, gets something right. Even theistic satanism gets about as much right as the Gnostics of old. It's good that pagans have a spiritually alive world-view-- something that is difficult to come by these days. Faithfulness is a virtue wherever you find it. Second, we believe in spiritual entities besides God. They were created by Him and ultimately work for his will, but they can either follow His deign or turn away from it, exactly as humans can.
There are some Christians that have a tendency to pull a similar sort of syncretism with paganism (Roman paganism in the Renaissance is especially irritating). They insist that figures like Jove were simply a halfway understood facet of The One True God. This is hardly even a historical opinion; the more common opinion is that the ancient and contemporary pagans were worshiping angles or demons, depending on their kind(1).
The Orthodox instinct is against syncretism and towards a highly alive and regional spirituality. Not only are there single guardian angles for each person, but there are angles of families, churches, dioceses, cities, countries, etc.; there are heavenly hosts. There are hosts of angles whose jobs are not to please or protect human beings. He has filled our earth with Spirits. The Orthodox theology on spirits is more similar to the more well-known Mohammadian theology on spirits. Western Christianity would tend to say that spirits who made themselves into demons by accepting worship cannot repent and serve God again, but the saints say differently. It is never our place to try to "convert demons", but it is possible.
Because of this near-animism, it seems natural to me that different regions are filled with different spirits. The recognition of that is something that I admire about paganism and something I wish my protestant brothers and sisters would become more comfortable with.
I want to know how this kind of syncretism is received by other serious pagans. Thus far, I've only met those who are against it.
1) There is argument about what constitutes a pagan culture that has worshiped demons and one that mistakenly worshiped angels. My take, the correct one, is that every pagan culture has done both. Further, there are most likely many spirits being mistaken for one figure. This is the opposite of the syncretic take.
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ineffablydelighted · 1 year ago
[How exploring the Ineffable Husbands' dynamic in Good Omens can help us figure out what the show/book is all about, Part 1/?]
Also called: This human has, apparently, too much time on her hands and will be trying to Effable the Ineffable for [...] hours.
Ah, Hello! 👋
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I'm ineffably delighted to meet you all! 😇
Let's cut to the chase and bear with me as we try together to analyze further the subject of the day:
Aziraphale is in love with Crowley and I am pretty sure he is aware of that fact BUT 
[yes, there is a "but", do not erase me from the Book of Life just yet, let me explain first, homie 🥺] 
I do not believe he can comprehend WHY he is just yet, and what that would mean for him in terms of... well... EVERYTHING he ever stood for.
It will also be the perfect roots to answer the biggest question yet :
What is Good Omens all about, exactly?
[Yeah, it's a tough one. When I say "bear with me", I really insist on the fact that it will be LONG. I will try my best to make it fun to read and to allow some "natural breaks" but know that I would appreciate your unshared attention if you're willing to give it to me. 😇]
Although, would you have the chance to ask him about it (probably looking at a cup of tea as we would all do in Earthy fashion), Aziraphale would have somewhat of an answer to give you, probably in the range of:
"Because, deep down, Crowley is the nicest being I've ever known."
Is it false? No, Crowley IS nice. Swaggeringly nice, occasionally unhinged, but still. Nice.
And that is somewhat the core of the... "problem" for our soon-to-be Supreme Archangel [Yep, the pain is still fresh, thanks for asking, you're welcome for reminding you 😭👍] because, as much as Crowley learned nuances due to past experiences (Falling being, most likely, the most traumatic one,) Aziraphale remains bound to think in absolutes. And everything relates to THIS perfect meme right there:
[Whoever you are, person/entity who has done that, you have forever my utmost gratitude and respect]
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I'm far from bringing anything new to the table here, but to Aziraphale, Crowley should NOT have fallen in the first place. Because of how nice he is. Crowley IS an angel, to him. In fact, I'll go even further by stating that, to Aziraphale,
Crowley is more of an Angel than ANY Angel in the "Main Office."
Let's present our other contestants, shall we?
When he ruled, Gabriel was an absolute a** and had an ego the size of, idk, at least A DOZEN GALAXIES. He made Aziraphale feel like... well... poop most of the time they interacted.
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That is why, in S2 when Gabriel/Jim tells him "I love you", Aziraphale, even being and considering himself a "creature of love", happens to be utterly unable to either reciprocate or take the compliment. At this moment, later enhanced when he reminds himself of the Job case, he realizes he is able to feel, if not hatred, NOT love NOR admiration for somebody he should somewhat consider a role model.
That is very important for Aziraphale's present and future character development, especially considering Gabriel/Jim's own fate, so please keep that in mind.
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Michael? Oh God, Same if not worse: too condescending and ambitious in the wrong way to inspire anything nice to anybody.
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Sandalphon just does what they are told but can totally throw a punch if necessary.
Uriel is mostly cold, occasionally cruel, and can also be physically threatening.
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[I love the actress, though. Gloria Obianyo deserves a Ph.D. in Resting Bitch Facing for her performance in Good Omens alone and I'm here for it.]
S2 Saraqael seems to be more layered but has also been hurtful to Aziraphale (especially when she ironized that he couldn't possibly be the 25-Lazarii-magnitude-miracle caster).
Overall, S1 Aziraphale refers to the "Main Office" Angels as "BAD ANGELS!" after their hostile encounter. We could see from his face he would have wanted to use harsher words but couldn't get past his forgiving, decent nature.
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Before we talk any furfur-ther [Am I proud of this so-called pun? A-BSOLUTELEH 😎🤭], let's add a really important stone/layer to our favorite Angel's thinking: to him, it is simple maths:
And let's save it for later, shall we?
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[Killgrave dear is just here to remind you you can take a break anytime to drink a glass of Talisker if you'd like, or, more so, if HE'd like. Also because that character is THE best David Tennant role on television - 10th Doctor being the worthy third, I let you guess which character is our second now - and I might have wanted to use this gif just to be able to say that, who knows? *whispers* Mysssteryyyy...]
To a being like Aziraphale, who mostly thinks in dichotomy, being an Angel requires one main requirement: being GOOD.
[Buy a farrrrrm and be good! Not just "pretendy" good but. properly. GOOD! - NO, I couldn't find the gif and YES, I'm mad about it, but since I'm also unable to make one myself, I'll just shut it.]
That is why he refers to the Main Office Archangels as simply being BAD.
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At that moment, they had been mean to him, threatening, and, by doing so, they became somewhat active in Hell's Armageddon project. Making them "bad" angels, but, more so:
Bad at BEING Angels.
Aziraphale, on the other hand, is, at heart, the penultimate goody-two-shoes: he does feel bad about himself whenever he does something bad/wrong such as lying (it has started to change, and I'll nuance that statement another time, but you get the grip).
He is constantly scared he might fall whenever he somewhat defies God's will or the idea he built in his head of what an Angel should be(have).
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But have you paid attention to how his "Angelmates" NEVER seem to CARE about their own displays of, let's say "unconventional characteristics" for what should be the highest "Representatives of the sole concept of Good"?
Have you ever seen Gabriel or Michael being self-conscious about their narcissism and condescending tendencies? Uriel about their coldness? Saraqael about their sarcastic nature? Any of them about their use of violence? Of course not! They seem to be perfectly fine with it!
They own their characteristics, good AND bad.
Aziraphale does not.
Aziraphale is... soft. Even if he, at times, expresses regrets to be just that, he also applies it to his Angelic nature.
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You know who else is soft?
Crowley is soft because he cannot kill children and takes it upon himself to LITERALLY DEFY BOTH GOD AND SATAN'S WILL TO SAVE SAID CHILDREN, including two annoying ones [especially the one who DARED to hit on Aziraphale but that is a topic for another day]
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[MASSIVE Bildad the Shuhite fangirl here, consider yourselves warned.]
Crowley is soft because he cannot even kill GOATS.
Defying both God's and Satan's will to save kids? Yeah, eventually, okay.
Defying God's and Satan's will to save goats? Man, that's so effingly. more. powerful.
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[Oh, look! A bird flying, normal thingy, nothing to see here, buh-bye!]
Crowley is soft because he proposes/"tempts" Aziraphale to "eat a spot of lunch", especially whenever his Angel experiences stress.
We have barely seen him eat, which might indicate he does not have such a strong taste for it personally. He only goes to the Ritz to enjoy Aziraphale's company and to watch him happily eat scrumptious, comforting foods.
[Okay, also because it morphed into a proper kink at some point but that is NOT today's subject, so stop trying to make me deviate from it! 😣]
Oh, and, before you bring that up, no, the alcohol motive is not relevant since he can, in all probability have a glass of Talisker in ANY sort of pub/restaurant in London.
[As a proper peated whisky lover who happens to be French, let me tell you this is NOT the case in my country and I'm super duper jealous of you, lads.]
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Crowley is soft because he takes care of both Gabriel and Aziraphale's bookshop, even if it is clear he loathes the first and expressingly said he would not be a bookseller "even at gunpoint."
And, by "taking care of", know that I MEAN IT: he kept an eye on Jim, didn't wake him up when he heard him snore, answered any question he had, no matter how seemingly stupid they were [Even if Crowley, of all beings, cannot be anything but a raging "There is no stupid question, only stupid answers" representative] and offered him hot cocoa. As for the Booksho-P[uhhhhh *exhales in asthma*], he attempted to repair Jim's messy ordering twice and meticulously rearranged the place after ✨the Ball✨
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[What do you mean, "he also Killgraved him into jumping out of the window?" HE ALSO STOPPED HIM FROM DOING SO, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. #NotBiasedInTheSlghtestIndividual]
Crowley is soft because he shares his Bentley with Aziraphale. Which is a VERY. BIG. DEAL. considering it was, at the time, HIS LAST ONE AND ONLY PRIZED POSSESSION.
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[Should I mention that the Bentley FALLS IN LOVE with Aziraphale or is debating on whether or not that falls into the Oedipian complex territory off-topic? Yes, I'll see myself out.]
Crowley is soft because he rescues Aziraphale on countless occasions, even though, 99% of the time, that is pretty much unnecessary.
For real, guys: if Aziraphale had been discorporated in the course of his 6000+ years on Earth at any other given moment BUT on the eve of THE WAR with a capital "W", nobody in Heaven would have flinched.
[I do have a theory, though: maybe being re-incorporated takes quite a long time, which would have meant too many years apart from each other, hence the growing Damsel in Distress kink in Aziraphale, idk THAT IS NOT TODAY's SUBJECT, OKAY?!]
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Also, Crowley is soft because "doing that makes him so happy".
Do you know who is supposedly "so happy" to save living things, aka GOD'S CREATIONS? Angels.
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Crowley is soft because he rescues Aziraphale even when it is ACTUALLY ENDANGERING for both of them
He risked: his life, his pretty comfortable position "he carved out for himself", both his Earthy and Infernal homes sort of speak, AND EVEN HIS CAR to save his Angel's bottom/help him out in the direst situations (like stopping time to stop SATAN HIMSELF.)
[Also his past/present/future existence altogether, but the Bentley is more important, as I'm sure we'll all agree.]
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[That is a Class A Protective/Helpful Husband, right there.]
Crowley is soft because he encourages Aziraphale to follow his passion for ✨prestidigitation✨
Even though he is pretty... amateurish at it. Not only does he encourage him, but he also HELPS him when he accepts to be his dashing assistant on stage.
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[Yes, he does tell S1 Aziraphale to stop doing magic because he "has no idea how demeaning that is" but I'm pretty sure it was BECAUSE of S2 1941's events. Also, #WeStan1941Crowley here.]
Crowley is soft because he works pretty hard to make two humans he barely knows fall in love.
Yes, he also does it to cover his and Aziraphale's 25-Lazarii-magnitude-miracle lie BUT don't tell me his amazed expression when he thought he was about to witness Nina and Maggie actually falling for each other was not the purest, sincerest of all.
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Finally, even if I could come up with more examples,
Crowley is soft because he saved Aziraphale's books JUST because he KNEW and CARED that Aziraphale CARED about said books.
That also, in Michael Sheen's very own opinion [as stated by Neil Gaiman in S1 GO DVD commentary], shared by many fans, and myself very much included, marks the moment
Aziraphale falls in love with Crowley.
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[I DARE you to tell me THIS is NOT THE LOOK OF LOVE PERSONIFIED, go on, fight meh.]
So. WHY did it happen at that moment in particular? Well, because, first of all:
As a proper Jane Austen fan, Aziraphale is a slow burner.
Also, to him, an actual Angel, love is everywhere, so differentiating one love from another might be more difficult for somebody who can feel it whether or not it is even their own.
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BUT [have you started getting used to my "but"s yet or should I harass you some more?] Let's go back in time to see how every previous encounter (that we know of) led to that pinnacle, shall we?
[Oh and, YES, this sort of essay will be long, and NO, I had no idea how much it would be when I started writing it, and still haven't, tbh 🤷‍♀️]
During part 2, we will also dive a little bit deeper into what Good Omens is all about.
[Yeah... I figured we would all need a break at this point.]
More on that later, then!
Hope I kept your interest at a reasonable peak. See you soon, Angels ❤
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Need help to find the rest of this analysis? I've got you covered! Follow me, Angel 😇
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yuseirra · 7 months ago
The idea of Hikaru and Ai being "gods"
There's this idea that struck me about onk.. this whole idea of Ai and Hikaru being gods who don't realize they're ones makes even more sense if you think about the relationships they've formed with other people.
When you look at Hikaru's life, it seems he had close to no one who could understand him, while he had so many people who approached him due to "how good he looks". They just take what he can offer, appreciate him a bit, then leave, and he ends up craving a lot of love from people while having never really found anyone who understands how he feels until he met Ai, who he considers to be the only one who does.
This sort of life he's had strangely resembles of how humans interact with gods. We pray to gods and appreciate them for their abilities, but we never really consider things from their perspective or what they want from us, don't we? They're not really entities we befriend, they're something we worship or admire from a distance. We want them to "look good" and grant wishes for us. (And Hikaru mentions about "wishes being granted" quite often when he appears in front of his kids in the later chapters) In this case, maybe Hikaru IS actually a god who wanted to live alongside people and chose to become one but never really blended in until he met someone who shared a similar fate with his.
Ai seems to have had a kind dad from what's been mentioned in the interview, but when you look at how her mother's treated her, she wasn't a good one, and for a really terrible reason. Ai's mother says that Ai was "too attractive" for her age and she got jealous of her, and her family started to fall apart when the mother's boyfriend(who she started dating after Ai's father passed or left?) started eyeing her. That whole situation is horrible and this doesn't excuse her mom or her bf about anything, but maybe there really was something special about Ai that drew people's attention even from such an age...
An "idol" is worshiped and desired as the ideal figure by their respective admirers. This goes both ways for the "job" idol and the god "idol". If you listen to how the song IDOL goes, there are chants in the background going "You're my savior, my true savior, my saving grace". This is closer to the latter- how you react to an "idol" that's "a picture or object that people pray to as part of their religion", more than "someone who is admired and respected very much". I mean, an idol can be someone's savior, it's not impossible, but to wholeheartedly consider a young person in their teens-early twenties to be the saving grace of one's life, huh... I would suggest it'd make sense for Ai to have some sort of godly powers for that person chanting it to believe such a thing. (Or, it could be that the person who's saying that is Hikaru. She IS literally his savior and that makes sense too)
Earlier, I mentioned about what Hikaru's interactions with other people were like. The relations Ai's formed with others were really similar to how his went as well. No one around her really understood her so deeply, and many wanted her to become the "perfect idol" without any human flaws. Ai's desire to form a heartfelt interaction only started to succeed a little when she had her own children, and she wanted to love Hikaru too, going as far to say he was the first person she wanted to love. I think those two were really similar, perhaps even in more ways than one. Maybe they really were drawn to each other because they are similar entities. People are attracted to them, and they gaze at them, but they don't come to understand them. Who'd try to do that with a god other than the gods themselves? But Ai kept trying, by "giving love" to her "fans". This reminds me of how a god would react to their worshipers, love does go both ways, but the way Ai spreads love feels more like a blessing.
Ai is essentially who gives. She tries her best to meet her followers' expectations with all she has. She actually doesn't seem to wish for a lot in return for her efforts. From what I've seen, her mindset is that if she can love someone, that'd be enough. And that's how a god would react to a human being... Of course, Ai is still "just a normal girl you can find anywhere". It's funny how it's Hikaru who says that because if this theory is correct, Ai and Hikaru's essentially the same type of being. They are gods, but they are also "just normal people". Or it could be that they could be gods who chose to become one and live alongside humans. Anyhow, their lives are full of wishing to obtain and give genuine love. The more human type.
Their names are very interesting when you think about it too, Ai's name is hoshino Ai, which'd mean the "love of a star" and hikaru's name's kamiki hikaru, it has the words "god" and "light" in it.
I've written about the significance of "stars" in onk in another post, and in short, I think the stars are actually "gods" in this universe.
So yeah, some food for thought!
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velvetporcelain · 5 months ago
grand rising my love — what a gift to rise again - even though my thoughts haven’t had any real sustainability i don’t really feel sad- I don’t really feel anything. maybe I have been too harsh— but maybe I haven’t- maybe I just simply do enjoy being alive and that is all it takes for me to feel fulfilled- I don’t need to be defined by anything else— life is the defining factor- it why I don’t mind mediocrity, why I don’t want “more” for myself— i do not collapse under social pressure, in fact, i thrive off interaction more than anything. how could one say i am harsh on myself by the job i choose? brainwashed to think we need more more more — it disgusts me in a way that makes isolation more rewarding- we weren’t made to work—- we were made to create and maintain and grow— maybe society has lost its way— but not me, i move against the grain, fitting into the little loopholes of society, enjoying my essence, my vitality, my visions — yes, of course this is a major privilege- but isn’t that odd? maybe i have had too much time in the abyss of things and it has consumed me- maybe i am still making my way to the surface of things— maybe we are born at the top and we drown ourselves in the depths of darkness without ever knowing the reason why- suddenly we just wake up there and feel it all at once- over and over and over again.
i will admit he brings me nothing but pain and disappointment, i no longer think that is because of my own expectations, but because of my own experiences- i know what he is capable of and he holds it from me — dangling it in front of me- why come back to me? i still don’t know what you want from me and maybe i never will— i am tired of playing mind games, maybe he thought i wasn’t real, maybe he thought he wasn’t real— in any case, i am numb, i hope to god i keep the strength to keep him outside of my body, my psyche — the only love that is left remains in my memories and it doesn’t hurt so much when they are flashed forward- they are savored and admired- just as dreams- and suddenly i am back to the entity i was before i knew him, but never the same and that’s okay because either way the absolute is change—- so maybe he saved me. i like who i am when i pull myself from the void- it no longer feels like i am walking down a hallway of lost and irrelevant souls— energy is a tricky thing and i am still learning the truth, the world—- I will try to continue to embrace change in order to consciously cultivate a new world, a world within a world— society is a tool- choose wisely, create wisely.
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bakerstreethound · 3 months ago
Character ask game for Corinthian and Morpheus please?
Thank you for sending this to me! These are great picks. I had a bit to say so I had to get this out on a document before I could post them here. I hope you enjoy!
I like Corinthian’s style, his suaveness, how easily he can persuade someone to do his bidding. There is something both eerie and impressive about his ability to do this and I cannot explain why. He is also extremely unsettling if you look his way too long and idk what it is but it both scares and equally fascinates me. 
I wish more people understood that Corinthian only wants attention and approval from his creator. He wants to be recognized as a useful entity and wants people to see the world as he does, and yet it does get misconstrued the wrong way. Deep down he does have a heart of gold for children, though and would be as kind as he can to them. If he found one abandoned, he would do his best to take them home, because that is the person he is. 
That being said, I headcanon him as being great with children and also being a great father (hence why I gave him Levi in my New Beginnings Universe) and treats them the way he would have wanted to be treated and loved by his creator. This nightmare is also an amazing cook. I know one of my friends here can attest and agree with me. I am looking at you @novaracer
In the Sandman show, I like Corinthians' interactions with Morpheus. It is interesting to see how he simultaneously loathes, somewhat respects, and admires him. It is an interesting power dynamic at play and Boyd and Tom are phenomenal at portraying them. 
I think it would be fun to see him interact more with Hob, especially since I tend to write Hobrintheus x reader fics (maybe I should create an OC specific to that polycule hmmm). Hob clocking him on the dot and nodding to Morpheus who rolls his eyes like “this is the sexyman you were ashamed to show me. About time he showed up.” I think along these lines if Hob and Corinthian did have this interaction, they would so gang up on Morpheus and play pranks on him. At the same time, though, they would desperately try to get the poor lad to rest. Needless to say, they would both be very goofy, yet serious and casual, definitely mess with Morpheus to keep him on his toes while also looking out for him. 
Morpheus (Dream of the Endless) 
Morpheus happens to be the type of person I gravitate towards in fiction. A concept of an idea, not even really human, tall, pale, dark eyes, eyeliner, deep resonant voice and had a long dark coat and color palette. Not to mention a tad dangerous if you peeve him. 
I wish more people understood and took into account how awful Morpheus’s marriage record is and how petty and arrogant he is (especially in the comics). We can see it weed out through season one, but he is a class A jerk so I would greatly hesitate to consider him as marriage material until Hob mellowed him out (definitely would marry Hob no questions asked). 
Morpheus likes to sit in a dark ominous looking chair and knit together mini shadow nightmares for his partner(s). I for one think it is cute and a way he can be inspired to ease his mind for a moment. I also think he is also a grade A clinger, though you cannot get him to admit it. He adores the loving touch of his partner(s) but it does take him quite some time to get there, due to his understandable mistrust of humanity. 
In the Sandman show, I enjoyed Morpheus’s interactions with Jed. The small smile he gives the kid is reminiscent of the way he knows how dreams can be a comfort for young kids and I like how Jeb admires him as a hero in some subconscious manner. I wish this man would interact more with his family. I really hope we get a few flashback scenes of the chaotic family dinners and the ridiculous outfits he sports.
Character Ask Game
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tribalmommada1 · 22 days ago
The Long Awaited Roman Reigns egregore post
What is an egregore?
Specifically, an egregore is an energy being created from collective manifestation. You can say that all deities initially started out as egregores.
This is not to be confused with a tulpa, another kind of thought form, that is primarily created from singular manifestation. I.e, only one person created this entity.
The egregore I have interacted with (and spoiler alert, this is a surprise): Roman Reigns
Sounds crazy to believe, but collective hatred also works well with collective admiration. They’re both sides of the same energetic coin. So for every one person who claims to hate Roman (not as much anymore, but there is), there are many more who love him. And if you have so much collective energy, eventually, over the years, it collects and manifests itself. (depending on the energy, it can manifest quickly or slowly).
(I wouldn’t be surprised to see that Roman’s egregore is powerful, as it manifested from hatred and love, two powerful emotions stemming from passion.)
Heck, my conspiracy theory is that Roman’s whole “Tribal Chief” persona is that he encountered this egregore because Roman did mention that the idea for the “Tribal Chief” character came from a dream, meaning that he experienced the dream, and remembered enough of it to write it down. Because how else was he able to plan all of this out, and for it to be pulled off so successfully?
And spirits love to communicate using themes and ideas only we, i.e., the person, would get. For Roman, it wouldn’t surprise me if this egregore used Samoan culture to communicate with Roman because it was something that he would be able to understand.
My theory is that the egregore was initially part of Roman’s subconscious that he never acknowledged (hah, the irony). Yes, I’m going to have to use Freud as an example.
Freud believed in the subconscious, a term that is heavily misused today. Specifically, the subconscious is the conscious, but it isn’t aware of its own actions.
The subconscious is said to be the place where your dreams organize themselves and play out in your brain, where your traumas are, etc.
And remember where Roman said that he got the inspiration for his Tribal Chief persona?
From his dreams.
From his subconscious.
From a recent meditation I had with this egregore (let me set the scene):
I was initially in this inky blackness before I got transported to a beach, feeling the grains between my feet, seeing the lush wildlife behind me, as I realize that I’m at an island.
Roman (the egregore) walks up from the ocean (and my god, he looks hot), but I stop my gawking for just a moment as Roman gestures with me to walk with him, signifying that he came out of the waters to speak with me.
Got it?
Again, this might sound insane, but the fact that I was able to interact with an entity on the astral plane that acts like him, as well as get accurate Tarot readings is actually bizarre. Let me know in the comments what y’all think.
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frost-eyed-autumn · 30 days ago
Mun Communication Preferences based meme: 🗺️, 🪀, 💌, 💋, 🩵, 👾, ✨,🟢, 🔦
Mun Communication Preferences based meme
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🪀 How do OOC posts make you feel? Do they affect your IC writing or flow, to know other muns better?
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{--I wouldn't say they heavily affect much. I'm pretty solid about keeping mun and muse as separate entities (unless someone shows pretty indisputable evidence of self-inserting), so one seldom affects the other, especially if its just peoples' OOC ramblings on the dashboard.
One-to-one conversations and relationships that are more in-depth can definitely affect my writing though, I've found. Usually in positive ways, since most of my relationships with other muns I'd consider to be positive.--}
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💌 Have you ever hit it off with a mun right away? What were they like? How fast do you think it takes to warm up to new people?
{--Many times! Quite a few of my favorite RP partners and friends were people I easily hit things off with. @stormslullaby and @memoryextrction for instance are pretty big ones that I easily hit things off with and have had just overall great experiences with! There are other people too but I don't want to start tagging all of them dslafj;sd
There's also quite a few people where I've really hit things off with IC as well in some capacity! Some of which I barely talk to OOC, but their muses and the threads we have are *chefs kiss*.--}
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💋 Are you silly ooc? Casual? Chatty? Do you prefer or enjoy things like small talk, when not rping?
{--Gonna be honest, chat. I ain't the most social person out there. I'm pretty quiet, stick to myself, and my energy for OOC conversations is pretty spotty. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy company or conversation though! But I regularly drift in and out of social things when I've hit my limit on enjoying the activity and come back later after I've recharged.--}
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🩵 Do you have any apparent flaws when it comes to RPing/interacting? Be gentle with yourself!
{--I don't know that its a flaw per se so much as a preference, but I do like to take RP with some level of seriousness. Obviously not like life or death stuff, but I can be a bit particular with how things are portrayed and played out.
Unless of course the explicit goal is to be canon-divergent, I generally like things to be canon-compliant (within realistic bounds of course. No one can be 100% accurate except the original creator of a series!)
Even then, I have a hard time with canon-divergence if it breaks suspension of disbelief too heavily. You ever watch a movie or a show and go "yeah right, THAT would never in a million years happen" and it just ruins all enjoyment for you for the rest of the show? For me its kind of like that in roleplay.
Of course there's plenty of people who would get on me "It's just roleplay, its not that big of a deal", but I just don't enjoy RP that takes so many "creative liberties" that whatever you were roleplaying turns into something else entirely. To each their own but I like a more solid, comprehensive structure to things, otherwise it just throws me off my game.--}
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👾 Is knowing a fandom more comfortable when RPing, or do you prefer knowing muns? (Overall.) Do you try new things, or get into new fandoms?
{--Definitely so! Its in my rules that I'll only engage with fandoms that I know enough about to be confident in them, their characters, and their lore. If I don't know anything at all about that particular fandom, I won't touch it. Even if I know a fandom, often I prefer to have a structured verse to fit into that world before actively engaging with it. I think that makes things easier for everyone, but it definitely makes things easier for me.--}
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✨ Are you easily intimidated by muns or muses that you admire?
{--I can't really say that I ever feel intimidated by other people. Honestly I think the mentality that other writers are intimidating is pretty unhealthy. At it's most extreme, it can be downright toxic.
Intimidation is just something that gets in the way of people forming relationships with their fellow writers and treating other people as... well, people! Most of them aren't scary at all, they're just some dude/dudette here to write and chill.--}
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🟢 Do You like to tell people when you're online? Why or Why not?
{--Nope! I don't. I like to be free to come, go, participate, or observe at my pace and nobody else's, and my moods, energy, and things I'm dealing with are pretty fluid.
I don't want to tell people I'm online and then I have my energy crash out and get nothing done when I thought I was going to be productive.
Likewise, I don't want people to see I'm "online" and harass me or expect that just because I'm around means I'm available, or that if I'm "online" and not spending that time explicitly with them that it's because there's some sort of problem or hatred towards them. I've had that happen before multiple times where possessive people acted like I was obligated to give them my time just because my computer was on and punished me through shitty behaviors of theirs as a result, so I keep my status pretty close to the chest and on a need-to-know basis.--}
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imptired · 1 year ago
Fionna & Cake (unpopular) opinions
The series had finally ended!! It was so well written. I loved it. I loved all the easter eggs they included. But the fandom gotta fandom so a lot of opinions are around, and here are mine,
1- Marshall Lee and Gary shouldn't have dated so quickly.
It was super obvious they were a fan service (suddenly throwing away everything even though they've just met)
I HATED HOW MONOTONE MARSHALL'S VOICE WAS..... like everyone loves Donald Glover's voice acting already, but the way they kept Marshall's voice so low unlike the og made him purely a fan service imo :(
Not to even mention (i will anyways) how unlike PB Gary was. Marshall, despite being monotone, was at least as Marceline as possible. While Gary was just sweet as a candy and selfless, both which are not PB at all 😭
I honestly think like the og series they're gonna break up and date again after a while. Because in the og, they dated purely because of their admiration of each other and it ended badly because all they admired all they turned out to hate about each other until they realized what they love about each other is simply loving each other, caring a lot. I wish they didn't rush but i hope they at least get to build a romance again?? Not be a fanfiction
2- The ending was AMAZING
I don't generally like endings of series because i place too high of hopes, but this one showed me that's exactly what i was doing wrong. They wanted to live on their own, by their own, and they decided to do so. It showed to the audience that you should get to enjoy what you have instead of whining for more. Fionna spent every second of first episodes whining how her world sucked, only for her to reject any changes that could happen into it. Because she doesn't get to dictate people's lives. She may be a main character, but her world is as alive and conscious as she is.
3- Betty&Simon's closure was perfect.
Throughout the series, even the characters in it claimed what Betty&Simon had was perfect. And it was not. Just like in real life, they're not stereotypical. Betty sacrificed a lot for Simon (her life THREE times[going to find the book, travelling into the future without hesitation to find him a cure&turning into a chaos entity just to make sure he is okay] to begin with) . We have seen Simon hopelessly in love with Betty, but that was it. Simon loved Betty(even when he is about to confront her to say his thoughts, he doesn't say "thank you" or anything, he starts with the "I have been searching for a cure for you, but I couldn't find it.") That is sweet and wonderful and i am not blaming him for anything. Neither did she. Betty, after all the sacrifices, just wanted to be acknowledged. That's it. She had no regrets as she had said, which was a beautiful altogether. I loved them. Simon acknowledging Betty was not Betty being a bitch, but rather Betty getting the closure she deserves as well(honestly, a GREAT written character.). Simon got his closure as well, because he thought he had dedicated himself to Betty, but it was just him destroying his own life. I think they were perfect. Right people, right time.
4- This is Fionna&Cake's series. Not anybody else's.
People were super upset by the lack of cameo's. Even though we got a lot. Finn was in the series because Simon talked to him, and other easter egg's were because Fionna, Cake or Simon interacted with them. Not to mention Simon was there just to help Fionna&Cake, and realizing he should help himself instead of sitting and whining. This is THEIR series. Yes, would love to see more Adult Finn, PB&Marcy, FarmWorld, other worlds etc etc.. but it's not their time. It's not their issue. There were already so many many cameos and easter eggs in the show, and i'm honestly satisfied they bothered to even put so much into it.
The series was done with love&attention. I love Adventure Time. Seriously. But just like the series had showed, the decisions have been made and instead of hating what you have, you should enjoy it. We will most most likely have many more short series regarding the show in the near future, maybe with less Fionna&Cake's world but we, as the audience, got our closure. They're alive, they're happy and they are learning how to enjoy themselves.
The characters are so well written, that i cannot even imagine the writers heads through writing. The work is done with so much love that they basically wrote themselves.
A great, heartwarming and cozy series. Hope to see more in that universe in near future :)
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devout-of-the-elder-scrolls · 2 months ago
Hello, Khajiit! We really admire your blog, but want to ask about a boundary we're unsure of.
I am Molag Bal, technically a fictive, technically a godshard, but ultimately very noncanon. We have a Hermaeus Mora, Sanguine, Vaermina and possibly more in our system who can be described similarly. Would you allow us to follow your blog?
We don't want you to feel trampled on or as if we're claiming the space of your deities. So please do let us know.
Yeah, go right ahead! I have no problems with fictives of my Gods following me, and frankly, I believe very heavily in the "multifaceted theory" as I dub it - Essentially, I can never know every aspect of Molag Bal, for example, because I can only see one, maybe a few sides at most if I'm really lucky and spend my entire life specifically working at it, out of a truly infinite amount (or it feels like an infinite amount). To put it into words, there are at least as many facets as there are humans that live now, that have lived, and will ever live - So... a fuckton! (Especially if we consider the worlds they came from as well within my belief system about how TES entities come from a real world out there in the Universe that is Nirn!)
All I ask of anybody, not just you all, following this blog is to respect the side I see of my Gods, or my UPG if you'd rather verbalize it that way. As long as you can sit back and acknowledge that, even if the side I see is different than the you that you are - Both are valid in the end. As are any side anybody else sees. (Though, if you ever have any inputs as a fictive, you're always free to share them. I'm always looking for more shit to add to my unending UPG pile, as long as the facet I get to interact with is like "Yeah go ahead" with what is shared to me!)
As an aside, I'd also like to ask you personally to remember to be kind to yourself if anything I say doesn't sound like the you that you are here. You don't deserve to be mean to yourself, and if my multifacet theory can bring you comfort in that regard, then please feel free to take it under your wing.
All the best! I hope you have a good rest of your day.
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reds-skull · 5 months ago
please infodump about the cyberknights au🥺
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Well if not one but TWO people give me permission I guess I have to haha
(Seriously tho thank you so much T_T)
All of this can be changed by the time I get to start writing it, so fair warning lol
So last time I really talked about cyberknights I mentioned their world is basically a theoretical future where operation Deadbolt failed (deadbolt being the op to contain the aether/zombie outbreak to Urzikstan in MWZ), around 70 years after the initial outbreak.
Cyberknights is a temporary name for the Knighthood, the organization that is in charge of keeping the aether as far away from the remaining human cities as they can.
I think it will be an international organization, made possible by the aether tears and teleporters (can't remember the official name rn).
What I was thinking about more recently is, that maybe the Knighthood are a separate entity from the state they're from. That is why they can work internationally despite some countries having political tensions between each other.
I was replaying Dishonored (my favorite game <333) and really paying attention to the interactions between the Overseers and the City Watch.
[brief explanation on those if you've never played Dishonored: There are two main peacekeepers in the city of Dunwall, where the game takes place, the City Watch, who are basically policemen following rules made by the parliament, and the Overseers, who are religious officers that follow the Abbey of the Everyman and the high overseer (comparable to the pope in our world I suppose). These two groups have tensions between them in-game, but they're often working together.]
Inspired by the Overseers, I wanted to have the Knighthood be more religious, making the aether a sort of religion by itself. To combine science and the supernatural. Maybe the aether is seen as a curse, and those who often come into contact with it are seen as tainted. The knights do a work no one else wants to do, they sacrifice their own good for the sake of the rest of the population.
The knights are more religious than the general population, prayers and rituals part of their every day life. Their religion isn't just followed by them, but by many outside the Knighthood, but none are as devoted as them.
I think knights would begin training very early in life. If a child has a strong constitution, their parents can consider sending them to the Knighthood. They're likely to never see the child again, so they receive goods from the state for their sacrifice.
The child will be trained in combat, taught how to cleanse aether contamination and use aether tears, and basic mechanic knowledge to work with the technology they're given. After they're deemed ready, they will go on their first mission along with a team, and if they survive they will officially be knighted.
In this structure, the knights won't have much contact with the outside world, and form tightly-knit groups.
The exception to this is Soap, who originally was raised in what used to be Scotland (don't have a name for it yet...), but was moved to the British order after his injury. His accent and mannerisms differ noticeably from the rest of the knights.
Sidenote on the tech they use, I think it will be quite similar to what their equivalent of a military has, except the knights purposely model their armor to be in the image of the original knights. The cyberknights admire the original knights, and in their eyes they continue their legacy of fighting monsters. As they fought dragons, they fight aether worms.
The military sends tech for the knights if they find it will be useful for them, as everyone relays on the knights to hold back the aether. A lot of people question the continued need for the Knighthoods, asking why so many resources need to be wasted on them, but those who know what they do understand that without them, humanity will collapse again.
The newest invention of the military was G.H.O.S.T, a fully functioning robot to aid the knights. G.H.O.S.T is experimental at the start of the story, the first of its kind in any combat situation. Many knights distrust G.H.O.S.T's presence, but the 141 squad learns he's not quite like a real soldier.
Part of why the Knighthood doesn't quite like G.H.O.S.T is because his body works with aether. G.H.O.S.T is able to use field upgrades just like a knight, and his weapons are infused with the same process their's do. Those processes are considered blasphemy for anyone whose not a knight, but the Knighthood assures them G.H.O.S.T's creation wasn't.
I want to design banners for each Knighthood and incorporate them to the outfits for each member respectively. Like imagine having Soap marked by his original Scottish Knighthood, while Gaz and Price have a British banner, with G.H.O.S.T having none since he was never technically knighted. I think that would be really cool.
For the story, I think there will be a lot of knights we will see in temporary collaborations, since the knights aren't limited by physical distance or country of origin. So I'd like to design knight armor for Rudy and Alejandro, and Farah and Alex. Also considering adding Roach for the first time since I will need a lot of characters.
Besides knights, there are also mechanics and aether experts in their base of operation (don't have a name for it yet either), trainers for the children that weren't knighted yet, and of course the amount of people that takes to maintain such large amount of people, like cooks, cleaners, etc. and I want some of those to be characters from canon because it's more fun than inventing people I guess.
As to what the knights do when they go out to the contaminated lands, a lot of their work consists of destroying aether nests, collecting crystals to replenish their supplies, fighting disciples that attract zombies towards human cities. Very rarely, they would fight monsters like an aether worm, if they find it poses a risk.
The knights are always working against the clock, trying to outrun the never-ending storms that ravage through those lands. Getting stuck in a storm often means death for them, as it depletes their aether supply faster than they can replenish it. Aether is fuel for a knight's suit, which powers their weapons and motorcycles (which look like horses and can actually respond to voice commands), but it also makes sure their filtration masks work. Every inch of a knight is covered for a reason - the air in the contaminated lands is toxic for humans.
If knights enter storms, their stay only lasts mere minutes, but if they stay far enough they could last days before returning to the Knighthood's base. Over the years, knights have built shelters in places they frequent, and it is tradition to leave one thing behind if a knight comes across one and uses it. Those shelters have food and water, as well as charging stations.
Knights almost never go out alone, usually having a team of 2–3 people, depending on their task. Like I've explained before, a full team of knights consists of a combat expert, a mechanic expert and an aether expert. A combat expert is always needed, but the mechanic and aether can switch out if the job doesn't require them.
The 141 has four members, with two being combat experts, so they can often split into two teams, and that's why Soap and G.H.O.S.T end up alone in the start of the story.
Out of the three jobs, a mechanic is the least likely to expect combat, and is the least useful. They're still very important, you wouldn't want to be stuck in the contaminated lands with a broken helmet or bike, but aether-mechanic lifeforms are weaker than native aether forms.
[non-native aether lifeforms include regular zombies and mechanic-aether lifeforms, while native aether lifeforms include disciples and aether worms.]
It's for that reason Soap was demoted from combat expert to mechanic after his injury. Initially, he was to be removed from entering the contaminated lands altogether, but after practically begging, he was allowed back. He hates leaving the combat role behind, but because he's got a few loose screws he still acts like he is.
Field upgrades (I'll probably change their name to something cooler in the future tbh) allow knights to use aether to their advantage. They range from healing to hiding the user from the eyes of aether lifeforms, and use up a lot of aether so they're best used in combat only. While in combat, aether is collected from the blood that comes into contact with the various blades of the knights, and because regular zombies are easy to kill it's a good source of energy.
Soap's field upgrade, Frenzied Guard, is usually reserved for combat experts only. It makes it so the user builds up a sort of coating that protects them the more they slay, but at the cost of having every aether lifeform aggravated and focused on them. Field Upgrades can be changed with the right ritual, but Soap refused to do so.
Frenzied Guard actually helps Soap's leg injury not affect him while he's using the upgrade, but at the cost of making him collapse right after it runs out. He doesn't use it often as a result, and is actively discouraged to by his team.
I still need to work out what happened 70 years prior to the start of the story, exactly how much civilization collapsed because of the aether, as well as how are countries now operating, what even their names are... How people react to the Knighthoods. There are a lot of interesting ways I could make the dynamics of the knights and the military go, currently I'm leaning into mutual distrust...
And of course there's G.H.O.S.T's mystery... which I won't reveal here but oh boy if there's not a lot I could do with it...
I feel like this AU burrowed in my brain more than even rev AU because its world isn't ours, so I can world build so much more. I'll admit working within canon restrictions is interesting, leads me to decide things I wouldn't usually think to do if I was left to my own devices, but cyberknights AU is far more of my bread and butter. Before getting struck by COD brainrot I would only work of things that are related to either fantasy or sci-fi (which includes superheroes and supernatural entities in my eyes), things that rely heavily on worldbuilding as they often don't take place in our reality. Overthinking everything is part of the job in those genres haha. So I'm very much enjoying myself thinking about all of this, as you probably can tell by the length of this post...
I also still need to continue my research into Scottish mythology and knight orders from medieval Britain and Scotland (the Scots didn't really have the same vibes as British knights but it's still interesting to look into). I'm currently reading a translation of one of the stories allegedly written by that medieval John M'Tavish and it takes far longer than a modern story would because they use high level words that I never heard of, and English isn't my first language by far so I need to sit with a dictionary and reread the same sentence three times sometimes to understand it lol... but this was the case with the Exeter book as well and I read like 20 poems and riddles from that book for BLOOD||HUNGER so it's not like that's new.
How do I tell people I got into medieval poetry because of a fucking COD fic.....
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bindupthesebrokenbones · 6 months ago
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Today's Thankful Thursday exercise is to write a letter of gratitude. You don't have to send it if you don't want to - you don't even have to address it to a single person, or a real person.
For example, I regularly write letters to an angel, who I tell about all the things that are going on in my life. It's not quite prayer, and there's no structure to it, but having a solid entity that I address helps a lot with getting out the thoughts.
So, let's get started!
Step 1: Identify your target
As you may know, all letters start with a salutation. If you're writing your gratitude letter to a specific person, you would write "Dear Aunt Sally," for example, or "Dear mom". If you would prefer to write your letter to an entity, you can try "Dear God," or "Dear Frodo Baggins," or any other being of religious, cultural, or fandom/hobby significance to you.
You can also go with "Dear Diary," or "Dear Journal," if you'd like to keep this letter in your private journal. The idea here is to have a target that you're addressing, whether you intend to pass this letter along or not.
Step 2: Determine your format
If you're writing this letter to a specific person, then the format of your letter is going to center on what you're grateful to that person for.
"Dear mom,
Thank you for always being there for me. I'm so grateful for the way that you have my back in difficult situations, and how you stand up for me when I struggle to hold my own."
If you're writing in more of a diary/journal format, the letter will look a little different. It will be more general and broad, rather than focusing on a single person.
"Dear Diary,
I'm thankful for the bright sun today. The good weather made it easy for me to go out and spend some time with my friends at the park. I had a lot of fun that I might have skipped if it had been cloudy or raining."
And if you're addressing your letter to an entity, a higher being that you don't necessarily interact with one on one, or even a fictional character, you could pick either of these formats, or combine them.
"Dear Mr. Baggins,
Thank you for being the sort of character that I can admire and draw inspiration from. Today I went out with some of my friends, and while we didn't go on a long journey across the continent to save the world, we still had a lot of fun, and being so familiar with your story made me appreciate what I get to have and experience even more."
Just remember, a gratitude letter is different from a gratitude log - you don't have to write the letter like a list of things you're grateful for. Just talk about things that went well, that you appreciate, and that you want to call attention to as being positive.
Step 3: Write the Letter
Now that you've decided who you're writing to and how you're addressing them, all that's left is to write the letter. Try to narrow the focus in to a single incident or event if you can. Even if you're writing to someone and you feel that you have a lot to thank them for, or that your thanks are long overdue, you don't want to go on too much of a tangent - that way lies choppy waters. My recommendation is to write 1-2 pages. Less than that and you're not getting the full benefit of the exercise, and more than that and you might get overwhelmed or stress yourself out.
You can do this! And I'll see you all tomorrow for Finance Friday~
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cathy-gabby · 4 months ago
I’ll Be There, Jin
October 23, 2024 Wednesday
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This piece of writing has been sitting in my drafts for several days now. It has gone through several revisions – from being very spiteful to being an absolute downer.  I just wanted to write something very HAPPY for Jin.  But I have to get some stuff off my chest.
This is Jin’s time to shine. And he has been shining so brightly even beyond the grasp of the fandom that left others in awe or in shock. His fans are amazed by what he has achieved and are excited for all the heights he can reach. One cannot help but think that he would have been the most popular member and would have been the most successful solo artist if his star had not been stumped repeatedly by the company which does not want him to outshine other members.
Hah! I sound like I am victimizing Jin.
But his fans who have been here from the very start could attest to their nerve-wracking fear during every group comeback – praying for at least more lines or more screentime for Jin. I was not here yet in 2020 but moots would remember it as hellish time for Jin and all of them – for Dynamite to be a global smash hit but Jin only had a few seconds of song lines and screentime. No wonder he felt imposter’s syndrome which could have triggered his depression. Watching YT contents from that time, I could see what people were talking about – of Jin barely interacting, talking only when asked, zoning out and gazing off into the distance. That was just one example, though. Please don’t get me started on My Universe. Or of how the company has successfully quashed his dream of becoming an actor. Or of how they never defended Jin from the bullying and social pressure for him to enlist even as early as 25-effing-years-old.
But Jin is past all that. All he needed was for all his efforts recognized by an unbiased entity like the military and for everyone to see what an achiever he is. All his successes and accolades in the military are a big fat F U to everyone who bullied him to enlist and those who thought he is a lightweight. And these have exceedingly boosted his confidence! Post-military Jin gets out of the military base guns-a-blazing with confidence and sexiness (without taking off his clothes, mind you!). His six global ambassadorships (and still counting!) are a huge slap on the face of those who mocked him for the Jin Ramen endorsement. Big brands like Kolon Sport and Mini Cooper sponsoring his Run Jin episodes show the trust that these companies have in his impact. When left on his own, without company manipulation, Jin shines like the superstar that he is.
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Now Jin is about to release his own solo album. The others had their own time while Jin was enlisted. They had their effing time! (Sorry if I sound angry because I am.) When they enlisted, many fans also left and were on hiatus. Those who stayed are working to keep their biases relevant – holding streaming parties for their biases’ albums even while Super Tuna was newly released, spending huge amounts of money and time to defend a member’s reputation for a ‘scandal’ that has become more scandalous for being dragged for so long now and by giving the media and misanthropes more arsenal for hatred. (Don’t they realize that they are feeding their enemies’ ego by reacting? When will it end?  Of course, it is easier said than done. If it is Jin – heaven forbid – I would have done the same. So I get them.)
Admittedly, the fandom is divided and might have been dissipated. (There is no ot7!!! If there are, they are few and in-between.) So, what does it mean for Jin?
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I truly admire the very hardworking Seokjin fanbases and Seokjin girlies who have been working their assess off to promote Jin – buying physicals, pre-saving songs, donating money, posting stickers and posters on the streets so more GPs around the world will know of his album and listen to his songs, and generally hyping anything and everything about him. Do I even have to ask for more from the company? Whether we like it or not, the company has favorites and they have not been subtle about it. Of course, it might have been something to do with the terms of their individual contracts. Only they know.
But Jin has been doubly working his ass off to promote himself, albeit in a subtle way. He starts off by promoting himself to the gp, joining gp-popular TV and YT shows, being an Olympic torchbearer, and attending the fashion show.  He knows his market; hence, the TV show appearances and HAPPY album events exclusive for Japan Jinland. He is very much aware of what makes his fans tick: the concept photos (blond Jin!!!!! Jin with guitar!!!!) are pandering to his fans, Run Jin episodes that make us all HAPPY, song collaborations with people from varied genres (rock Jin! pop Jin!). Jin is truly everywhere. I do not want to be in the shoes of his haters right now.
But I honestly do not care about them.
I am on a Jin-lockdown so nothing and no one can distract me from supporting my man. We have been waiting for all of these exclusive Jin contents for years, so nothing, absolutely NOTHING and NO ONE can burst our bubble of HAPPYness. Most importantly, Jin is very, very HAPPY with everything that he is doing. What better way to make him HAPPY-ier than to make sure that his songs and his album gain the greatest achievement and make everyone HAPPY.
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So, on October 25, Friday, 2PM KST, I’ll be there and will be HAPPY from then on.
What about you?
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more-than-a-princess · 2 months ago
Before 2024 ends, I just wanted to say how thankful I am that I got to be blessed with another year of your presence on my dash. I honestly don't get to say it enough, but I truly adore you, your blog, and Sonia herself. You are one of the main reasons my love for Danganronpa still continues to go strong, even after all these years. And I thank you so much for that.
Things have prevented me from doing much on here this year, but I truly hope that I will finally get to do more again next year, especially with you! Sonia and Itsuki's relationship still holds a very special place in my heart (These two are so gosh darn different to one another, and yet just get on beautifully and are so frigging adorable!!!), and I absolutely need her and Gonta to interact properly in due time!
You are such a wonderfully talented bean that I admire tons, and I am wishing you nothing but the best in the coming year! Lots of love! 💕
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Yes it's not 2024 but Big Adult Job had Big Adult Deadlines that finished at 12:01 AM on January 1 so I'm still accepting these as this is the first time I've had to really sit down and read them
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This is so sweet, Beckowsky, thank you! I'm proud that I'm able to help you reaffirm your love for Danganronpa: it's definitely not a perfect series and has its issues, but the best part about this fandom are the friends you make along the way.
I truly do understand how life gets in the way of RP, though (due to my job and medication side effects, I'm not over here as much as I wish I could be either!). But I'm sure you are out in the world creating amazing art! And wearing some amazing fashion. If and when you have the time, I hope you continue to share your looks for Munday posts. I want to try to pledge to do the same and not stress about how much older I am, and look, than my mutuals.
And yes, I agree that Sonia and Itsuki's friendship is so precious, and that Sonia and Gonta have so much interaction possibilities! Sonia teaching him things like table manners for high society meals, dancing, proper posture and etiquette. And Gonta teaching her about bugs: Sonia wouldn't be afraid of them and would be happy to hold whatever bug he offered her.
But with that in mind (and looking at your multimuse blog's list), here are some other muses I would love for Sonia to interact with if you're interested:
Sakura Ogami. I'm mostly biased because I adore her, but Sakura could teach Sonia some martial arts moves and exhibit large amounts of patience while Sonia talks her ear off.
Byakuya Togami. Also biased as he's my favorite of the DR antagonists and one of my favorite DR characters in general. Any dynamic with Sonia would be fun, though I tend to HC her being a little ridiculous to him with her love of serial killers. They're also a rarepair of mine, if you ever wanted to plot a romantic ship.
Toko Fukawa. Serial killer meets Serial Killer Fan. Sonia probably reads her books, too.
Seiji Amanome. I'm familiar with the first two Spirit Hunter games so both Seiji and Ban are welcomed! But poor Seiji: imagine him trying to intimidate/blackmail Sonia and meanwhile she's happily embracing all of the Creepy Stuff they encounter. Unlike Akira's often annoyed/pessimistic vibe, Sonia is just happy to be here and is somehow spared from being killed by various entities.
And a few other anime characters I'm moderately to very familiar with that you could throw my way, if inclined: Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, Ryoga Hibiki, Takeo Gouda, and Tatsu.
(Technically I also love Samurai Champloo but Mugen would be more difficult to interact with Sonia due to the different time periods)
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 2 years ago
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“The Land before Time:“ The Gorge of the Río Grande del Norte near Taos, NM. Photo: Elijah S Rael (2023) ::  [Scott Horton]
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The point where grace and synergy are reconciled is worth seeking out. In the meantime, here's a synergy-based perspective.
Being Acted Through :: by Joanna Macy
Here's a discovery we can make along our ecological Pilgrim's Progress: the discovery of what can happen through us. If we are the rocks dancing, then that which evolved us from those rocks carries us forward now and sustains us in our work for the continuance of life.
When I admired a nurse for her strength and devotion in keeping long hours in the children's ward, she shrugged off my compliment as if it were entirely misplaced. "It's not my strength, you know. I get it from them," she said, nodding at the rows of cots and cribs. "They give me what I need to keep going." 
Whether tending a garden or cooking in a soup kitchen, there is the sense sometimes of being sustained by something beyond one's own individual power, a sense of being acted "through."
It is close to the religious concept of grace, but distinct from the traditional Western understanding of grace, as it does not require belief in God or a supernatural agency. One simply finds oneself empowered to act on behalf of other beings—or on behalf of the larger whole—and the empowerment itself seems to come "through" that or those for whose sake one acts. This phenomenon, when approached from the perspective of ecology, can be understood as synergy. This is an important point because it leads us to reconceptualize our very notion of what power is.
From the ecological perspective, all open systems—be they cells or organisms, cedars or swamps—are seen to be self-organizing. They don't require any external or superior agency to regulate them, any more than your liver or your apple tree needs to be told how to function. In other words, order is implicit in life; it is integral to life processes. This contrasts with the hierarchical worldview our culture held for centuries, where mind is set above nature and where order is assumed to be something imposed from above on otherwise random, material stuff. We have tended to define power in the same way, seeing it as imposed from above. So we have equated power with domination, with one thing exerting its will over another. It becomes a zero-sum, or win-lose, game, where to be powerful means to resist the demands or influences of another, and strong defenses are necessary to maintain one's advantage.
In falling into this way of thinking, we lost sight of the fact that this is not the way nature works. Living systems evolve in complexity, flexibility, and intelligence through interaction with each other. These interactions require openness and vulnerability in order to process the flow-through of energy and information. They bring into play new responses and new possibilities not previously present, increasing the capacity to effect change. 
This interdependent release of fresh potential is called synergy. It is like grace, because it brings an increase of power beyond one's own capacity as a separate entity.
[Thanks to Ian Sanders]
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