#like both of them are orphans and traumatized
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sa-reverie · 1 year ago
Honkai Star Rail x Arknights crossover (not ship art; just drawing two of my comfort characters ever)
Oh god they’re both orphans and traumatized
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Shalem (Arknights) child fan design by Cyanord_K (twitter)
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graveyarrdshift · 3 months ago
so i really do have cptsd, huh?
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bamsara · 1 year ago
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Some side characters/cult members for The Rehabilitation of Death. This originally was just supposed to be some light sketches but now they're all fully lined up and colored oops
Info about all of them under the cut:
All followers were designed based off of the actaul follower forms in game. Characters in order:
Bremar 🦊 (He/Him): Boy that often gets peer pressured into doing dangerous or scary things by his friends/bullies. Good heart, not a lot of spine yet.
Finor 🐰 (She/They): Elderly follower.  A devoted follower, but much too in the habit of behaving like an overbearing grandmother to those who aren’t even her kits. Comes from bearing so many in life before losing them to heretics in the wilds. Lambert found her already aged out in the forest after her husband and family were slaughtered, and she has been caring for others ever since her rescue. Stern and not a big fan of PDA, but good heart.
Cow Nurse 🐄 (No Name yet, She/Her): A nurse that works in the healing bay; takes care of the injured and sick while the lamb is gone. Stern and easily frustrated but it comes from a place of concern.
The Shrew and The Otter (No names yet) 🐁🦦 (Both She/Her): Lovers that often leave their work posts to be affectionate with each other in secret (even though everyone already knows). Eventually asks the Lamb to officiate their wedding.
Joon 😺 (Any/They/Them) (Otherwise known as 'the yellow cat' from that one COTL short): The best farmer the cult has, wasn't born until long after the bishop's defeats, and is a part of the generation that is blissfully unaware of Bishops prior tyranny. Bright but a little nervous at times, the Lamb asks them to watch over a certain 'new arrival' as their own hands are full, and Joon becomes the unaware caretaker for a certain God of Chaos.
Paazi 🐸 and her parents🦅🦇: (She/Her for Paazi, Unnamed: Eagle is He/Him, Bat is They/Them): Paazi is a orphan rescue from Anura found as young as a tadpole, later adopted by this older couple. She is the frog that fell from the cliffside and was later saved by Narinder, in which gains him her parent's appreciation.
Grekimar 🐷 (He/Him): A lumber worker who was exiled from his village in Anura, and taken in by the cult as 'all past sins are forgiven here'. Very critical of Narinder's presence, and is one spit away from dissension
Jayen 🐻 (He/Him): One of the two followers Narinder killed during his dramatic arrival to the cult grounds when Jayen was just trying to protect his leader, later resurrected by Narinder and Lambert in Chapter 2. Conflicted about Narinder's presence: grateful to be resurrected (Lamb told Jayen that Narinder helped) but still traumatized from the murder. Feels tingly in his hand and arm often. Sweet but nervous.
Tyren 🐶 (He/Him): One of the stone miners. Rescued from Darkwood. The very 'golden lab retriever' personality makes him one of the more friendlier types; this dog has a big crush on the Lamb that goes past prophet idolization.
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buggachat · 1 year ago
tbh I really like the idea of married Adrien and Marinette adopting their kids. Both because it's kind of a flex on Gabriel and Emilie (who thought that the appropriate response to difficulty conceiving was to hunt down ancient magical artifacts and then create a magical son that they could puppeteer and control...... because adoption/surrogates were apparently.... beneath them. or something.) but also because I just think it'd be really cute.
Like, imagine Ladybug and Chat Noir, heroes of Paris, adopting Parisian orphans. imagine Marinette and Adrien struggling to get on the good side of a "difficult" traumatized child who used to spend their days in the foster system fantasizing about Ladybug and Chat Noir saving them without realizing the new parents trying to connect with them rn ARE Ladybug and Chat Noir. Imagine them fostering kids themselves and just being A+ stellar parents between Adrien's patience and Marinette's attentiveness and both of their affection. idk I just think there's a lot there and it could be sosososo sweet
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the-artist-grimm · 6 months ago
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Closeup plus basic notes of the lamb's room from my Starfall comic! Anthea's got a room in the attic of the temple
Also extra notes! Placing under Read More just to keep things tidy
The One Who Waits Alter
Anthea started worshipping TOWW shortly after entering Ratau's care. The rat hadn't exactly planned on telling his freshly orphaned, somewhat traumatized ward that their new guardian was previously a cult leader, but Anthea discovered some of his old books on the lost 5th Bishop of Death one day and Ratau was left little choice but to explain. The book was an exact copy of an extremely old, likely from right before Narinder was imprisoned, text that depicted the god of death as a kind, patient being, which for the lamb whose family had died in the most violent way possible quickly became a comfort. It contrasted Ratau's own memories of a somewhat more reserved, stern god, but since it made Anthea happier he decided to let it be. Anthea hasn't missed a nightly prayer ever since, and still does it before bed despite now having direct access to the god himself. The layout was one they read from that old book, which stated that a pentagram wreath was to hang between an evenly divided four candles. Unwritten however was the reasoning-the center was Death, and on either side his siblings who ruled over Life. They were meant to be lit in honor of the siblings who took care of the mortals Narinder would eventually receive after death.
Stars and Starmap
Back when he was still alive the lamb's father, Aries, would take Anthea with him on supply runs knowing they didn't get much one on one time otherwise with their younger siblings around. They'd sometimes be out overnight so the two would go stargazing, and its something the lamb still holds dear. Their original copy of the book, 'A Story of Stars' was one of his last gifts to them which even while he was alive Anthea was super careful with it since books are hard to get, but their brothers kinda colored all over it while Anthea was out gathering supplies shortly after his death one time. The lamb played it off and shared with them after as a 'oh they're little and just miss dad its ok' type of thing, but it was kinda reluctantly, with them being secretly upset about it whenever they saw scribbles all over their favorite illustrations while reading to the kids. It burned with their old life, and now Anthea would give anything to have those scribbled pages back.
Sleep Potions and Herbs
The lamb suffers from sleep problems and often brews their own remedies. They know not to take them often since they're kinda really strong-like once they kick in they literally just pass out, but they keep them around for when nightmares get bad. They know a few other remedies from Flinky, since he used to double as both Ratau's right hand and cult medic. Antidotes, pain tonics, basic essentials for when you don't have a doctor.
The Crown
Gonna make a silly doodle comic but after an uh...awkward incident with Narinder calling the lamb while they were dressing one morning the two made a deal in regards to his being able to see through the crown-if the crown is off and facing a wall it means the lamb needs privacy and he's to try again later or until they call back unless told otherwise. Look he may be a bit of a grumpy god but Shamura raised at least one brother to be a gentleman lol
Hope Chest
In sheep culture weaving/knitting with wool was a huge thing, especially for ewes, like most learned from the time they could walk from their mothers. After coming of age most would start keeping a chest they'd gradually fill with handmade linens, blankets, ect. for their future homes after marriage, and it was something Ratau encouraged Anthea to do since he didn't want them to just drop their culture. They still got a loom over at his place since it's hard to move, though they do have knitting needles in the chest.
Books are somewhat hard to come by if you're not in one of the Bishops' cults where they have scribes so Anthea tends to collect any and all they find
Ratau's Family Crest
Given to the lamb on their 18th birthday. Rats have family crests tattooed onto their foreheads at 18, and since he'd essentially adopted Anthea Ratau thought it was fitting to give them something similar but not permanent. It fell off during their execution, but they made sure to go back and grab it after downing the heretics that attacked after resurrection. They still wear it now under their tunic
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autumn-sweet-fae · 2 months ago
Zaun Fam + Jayvik fic concept that I don’t have the time or energy to write myself.
After Viktor and Jayce vanish at the end, instead of dying like they fully expected to, they are instead sent to an alternate reality where Viktor first awakens as his past 11 year old self.
An orphan living in a group home in the fissures, Viktor does not cope well with the immense guilt of his past life, the confusion of being a child again, and the loneliness he’d be forced to suffer through for years to come. So, in his darkest moment, the boy goes and finds a cliff edge near one of the old mines.
Meanwhile, Vander and Silco were on their way back from their hide out when the two spot a kid about to jump. They both break into a sprint to stop him, Silco is faster and reaches him first, ripping him away from the edge at the last second. He clutches the child tightly to his chest as the boy tries to fight him, only to break down into tears once he sees Vander, apologizing over and over again.
Refusing to leave the kid alone, they take him home with them, and just accept that this traumatized yet brilliant kid is theirs now. It’s not easy, but parenthood never is. They both do their best to help Viktor through his worst, and to draw out the genius sarcastic kid from his quiet shell.
Years later, Jayce finally arrives in this reality, one moment accepting his death together with his partner in the astral plane, the next, being 17 years old and his mom telling him he’ll be late for school. Jayce of course skips school and instead desperately searches for Viktor.
Except… Viktor isn’t at the academy… and no one he could talk to there has ever heard of him either. Worried, Jayce tries to crossover to the Undercity, only to find that the main bridge is shut down, as it had been for weeks since the bloody riot.
Jayce manages to eventually sneak across on one of the smaller bridges into Zaun to continue his search. There, he discovers the terrible rumors, that Viktor was known in the community, but now many believe him dead after his disappearance at the bridge riot.
But there’s one man who should know the truth behind the rumors, Vander, his adopted father.
Meanwhile, Viktor is hiding away in doctor Reveck’s lab, sitting at the bedside of his other father, Silco, holding his hand as he suffers the fevers from the toxins of the river he was almost drowned in.
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unionizedwizard · 8 months ago
so. many people have already pointed that koana is sort of like an ARR alphinaud remix and while it is not untrue, i think this analysis is only superficially correct. because the salient point of koana's character is that he feels shame and resentment towards his roots & origins and therefore overcompensates with sharlayan weabooism (well-intentioned, but still unsuitable). he comes off as really weird and stuck up, in the beginning especially, where it's like. "what the fuck is this guy's problem" in a way that's rather similar to the average player's reaction to ARR alphinaud.
the thing with ARR alphinaud is that he was the Quintessential Sharlayan, both on account of his upbringing and family tree, and of his personal interests and achievements. he was (and still is) secure in his origins and cultural identity. koana's case is different, because he clearly loathes tradition and turali cultural practices in a way that comes across (and fundamentally is) really weird and destructive, which comes to bite him in the ass on many occasions during the rite of succession (and understandably so).
it all starts to make sense when you learn about his backstory though. while we know that wuk lamat doesn't remember anything of her own childhood, having been adopted by gulool ja ja as a toddler, koana was adopted at a much older age. he remembers his early years, and that's what fuels his entire vision for the future of tural. as he tells it, he was born to one of the most traditionalist hhetsarro tribes in tural, and abandoned (accidentally(?) left behind) during one of their yearly migrations, only surviving thanks to a pelupelu merchant who rescued and took him in before employing him in his tuliyollal shop. an obviously incredibly traumatic event that would shape everything about his future mindset: he's closed off and withdrawn to the extreme, highly analytical, values self-sufficiency and independence and technical innovations above all else, because that's how he survived to begin with. because his nomadic, highly traditional, presumably (from what we've seen of the one hhetsarro tribe we've met so far) tight-knit, spiritual and social tribe rejected and abandoned him. it would make sense that he'd rationalize this unfathomable violence by leaning hard into the opposite, and letting his own pain and resentment color his entire vision, turning his own feelings into a more general mindset of shame, resentful inadequacy, and complete rejection of anything "traditional"
i think sharlayan was a good choice for him because it's pretty much, indeed, the opposite atmosphere: in sharlayan culture, family ties are a lot less emphasized, while the kind of ties that colleagues, peers, teachers and students develop are considered as very important (see pretty much every sidequest and margrat's custom deliveries and all). all these relationships based on a common work and aspirations rather than origins would indeed agree with koana's character better, and his analytical skills, vision and intelligence are pretty much the most valued traits to them.
which is why it was actually such a stroke of genius to have thancred and urianger specifically support him. of course, both of them had a character development arc that echoed with koana's issues: learning how to express himself more openly and acknowledge his feelings, all that, meaning they were uniquely able to help him. but when you look more closely, they can also relate to him on a more personal level: thancred was "adopted" by louisoix as an orphaned lominsan street urchin, probably at a similar age as koana when he was adopted by gulool ja ja; and urianger's parents notably "abandoned" him to the point he was mostly tagging along at moenbryda's house and, later, at the leveilleur estate, as louisoix's disciple and honorary uncle to the twins (also worth noting that urianger and koana share the same flavor of autism).
so the rite of succession was a much-needed window into his own biases and (literal) coping mechanisms, and must have been quite difficult to deal with considering pretty much all the feats involved interacting with and strengthening tight-knit smaller communities with strong traditions and family ties. luckily, partly thanks to thancred and urianger (but not only! he did the work himself), he was clear-minded enough to realize his own failings, and well-intentioned enough to step down - because he did not want power for its own sake, unlike zoraal ja; he wanted to protect the turali people from a potential invasion by leaning hard into foreign technological advances, therefore mimicking his own personal journey and adapting his own tried-and-true methods of survival: anticipating the hardships, being as independent and self-sufficient as possible, and choosing isolationism.
and finally i want to point out that the new techniques and technologies he imported from sharlayan are all (safe, fast and reliable) modes of transportation: aetherytes, dirigibles (including the alpaca carriage adaptation), and trains. interesting choice, moreso considering that while aetherytes are the #1 sharlayan specialty, they have neither dirigibles nor trains; which takes on a whole new layer of meaning when you remember that his original tribe was nomadic and that he specifically was left behind, stranded in the desert, during one of their traditional migrations............
in this regard he truly IS green g'raha, considering that g'raha was, similarly, raised in a traditional seeker manner before being sent to sharlayan for his own (and the tribe's) safety; of course the difference is that g'raha embraced his heritage by locking himself in the crystal tower by the end of ARR, since the G tribe was tasked with guarding the remaining allagan ruins and weapons, to make sure their power would not be misused by yet another imperialist military force (he locked himself in the tower to reinforce its defenses and make sure the garlean empire would not access it to conquer eorzea)
thank you for your time 👍
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beeboopneep · 22 days ago
I firmly believe that the batfam would be a half-decent family to be adopted into while not knowing about their Nighttime Activities TM... at least in the beginning.
Lets say that Kiddo gets dropped off after the death of their last guardian (mother, most likely) and somehow the cops get their hands on a letter or something that says that Kiddo is Bruce Wayne's biological child. CPS wouldn't DNA test a child otherwise, but with some sort of evidence they may. Either way, something tells me that as soon as Bruce was notified of the possible child he would get the test done lol. While that processes the kid would end up in foster care (yikes! Gotham foster care is def rough af) whether Bruce is a foster father or not (that sounds like a problematic placement and he'd probably have to pull strings if he wanted to take care of them during this time). So, for 3-14 days an already traumatized, possibly orphaned child waits in limbo in a cesspool of a foster system. Trauma on top of trauma. And then the results come back and Yay! You've got a daddy!
So they pack up everything and go live with the People's Billionaire who they have definitely seen scandals of on the news before. Can you imagine the thoughts going through their head at the time? Are the other kids gonna bully me? Does he even want biological kids? Is he abusive? Neglectful? Pervy?? Does he really drink that damn much and fall in that many damn fountains?!?
And then they'd meet him and he'd be... stoic? And awkward and kind of cold? Which they could definitely take wrong (Bruce is emotionally inept, not malicious) and assume he hates them off the bat. They withdraw, straining themselves and the barely-there relationship more. The ink's still fresh on their adoption and they already want to leave.
Anyway, lets say things pick up. They meet Dick, the emotional center of the household, and then Jason, their caring (if abrasive) older brother, and so on. They start to find their place. Maybe they still struggle to warm up to Bruce or really feel like on of his kids, especially since everyone else seems so comfortable.
But Dick invites them to get ice cream and burgers and whatever else just as an excuse to spend time with them and make sure they're adjusting well (or enough to be expected). Jason teaches them to punch and how to finally get A's on the English assignments, and how to actually like their English assignments. He buys them fancy bookmarks and they pretend not to notice that he has the same one (they match!). Tim comes to them whenever he finds out a new fact he thinks they'll like and lets you pull coffees out of his hands without too much complaint after he's surpassed his daily limit (he only gives a grumble and an affectionate look) Cass teaches Kiddo all the best places to hide during hide-and-seek and pulls you into her side during movie nights. Cass makes sure you always have someone to eat with if them want it and brings back food whenever she's out. After some work, Damian even lets you help him train Titus!
But they still can't quite settle in because... where did everyone go at night?
If Kiddo's home situation before wasn't exactly ideal then they'd be a light sleeper, which is how they'd wake, and if not it's because they go down for a glass of water or something and see way too many bedroom doors open and beds empty on their way. Either way, after living with people for so long they'd catch on.
They notice that every single person in the household had been unaccounted for at some time. Every single one of their siblings plus both adults in the house were getting together every night to do something without them.
The realization was like a stone at the bottom of their stomach. And so, they start to pull away.
And everyone notices.
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thatonefandomweirdo · 2 months ago
People want a flawed female character and yet they can't even handle Poppy.
"Poppy is evil" theories here and "I wanna punt Poppy" there
So sad. Poppy is a traumatized kid who got experimented on over and over again, got contacted by the Prototype disguised as Ollie to find out every bit about her while they were both constantly being taken apart. So he could later use that against her. The Prototype lied to her, saying they would leave after The Hour of Joy, which is why she initially agreed, only to then be told after The Hour that they would stay there forever since leaving would have people know they exist. People would continue to hurt them and people would be experimented on just like they had been. And she knew he was right. She just misses her dad, Ludwig.
But because she disagreed with whatever experiments he and Harley were doing, the Prototype locks her inside that case for years where only we finally let her out.
Initially she just wants to let us leave, but after defeating two Bigger Bodies? Defeating Huggy Wuggy might have just been luck, but defeating Huggy Wuggy AND Mommy Long Legs? That's skill. So she decides we are her best bet against the Prototype.
She has decided the Prototype's way isn't the right way, but killing everyone would be better. The human orphans are important, they can still be saved. But the Prototype, she herself and any other toy needs to die so this can never happen again. She doesn't like it, but it's the only way out she sees. Otherwise, she will just continue letting toys cannibalism one another like the Prototype currently is.
But then everything goes up in flames. Suddenly everyone is dead, she only has us and Kissy. She wouldn't suspect Ollie of any potential sabotage. She has known him for over 10 years! Since before The Hour of Joy. The Prototype would never have manipulated her for that long. But he has. And he threatens her with putting her back inside a prison she cannot escape from. So she runs, because she is still a scared little girl that has been trying to put on a brave face
You can disagree with her actions, but it's not like she had no reasons to do them. All the kids we met were put through the ringer and trying to act like Poppy is some evil bitch rather than a scared little girl when the game has shown the lengths these kids go to time and time again? That's missing the point
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frownyalfred · 7 months ago
I came across a post where someone mentioned that Martha Wayne’s pearls were actually her teeth, but Bruce misremembered or blocked it out…
This has to be one of the most heartbreaking and gut-wrenching headcanons I’ve ever encountered about Martha and Bruce. Just imagine the scene—her teeth falling out instead of the pearls, either from the impact of the bullet or from the way she fell and hit her mouth.
The imagery is so disturbing and visceral. It adds a whole new layer of trauma to Bruce’s memory, making his recollection of that night even more tragic.
Also— I feel like we don’t talk enough about what the Waynes’ deaths must have really been like…
The thought that Bruce might have been splattered with his parents’ blood, or even brain matter, from the impact. .. I feel like the writers never really specified where exactly they were shot or what kind of gun was used, which could have made the injuries even more horrifying depending on the weapon. The unease in his father’s voice—something foreign that Bruce had probably never heard before—from a man who was usually so optimistic and confident, might have been the first time Bruce saw his father truly scared. And then there’s his mother’s screams. In Christopher Nolan’s movies, Martha’s screams still haunt me to this day. The actress did an incredible job capturing that raw terror.
But what really gets me is the time. How long did Bruce stand there, in the pool of his parents’ blood, waiting for someone to come and help him? Did he try to pick up his mother’s pearls, or maybe try to stop the blood from pouring out of their wounds? That time must have felt like an eternity for him—standing there, powerless, with his parents’ blood on his hands, the smell of rot from the nearby trash, the powder of the gunshot lingering in the air, the city’s humidity, and the iron tang of blood.
And another chilling thought: what if his parents died with their eyes open? The idea of Thomas Wayne’s lifeless eyes staring up at his now-traumatized, orphaned son is just devastating.
Anyways, sorry for the ramble… I would love to hear your thoughts !!!
oh my god. yeah…..I mean, yeah. I’m getting smacked speechless by some of these anons today.
I actually saw someone knock all their teeth out once like you’re describing and it is gruesome. seeing teeth where they aren’t supposed to be is horrifying.
I think comics and movie adaptations letting the Waynes get shot somewhere in center mass, away from their faces, by low caliber bullets so they bleed out with last words is a mercy, in some ways.
modern guns could make that scene could look very, very different. I won’t go into them here but…yeah. there’s a reason they die with their faces intact in the comics and most movies, in my opinion. and with a few words or screams, maybe, before they fully die.
but yeah. there’s a world where they both get hit point blank in the head, brain and blood go everywhere, and Bruce has to sit there caked in for a while. until the cops show up, and even then, he probably doesn’t get clean for a while, since he’s covered in the decade’s most haunting crime scene.
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car-o-line · 8 days ago
Hi, I saw ur headcanons with Doey/Matthew, Kevin and Jack with best friend reader.
can you do hc’s of reader being turned into PJ Pugapillar (their favorite toy) and the boys reaction to it.
my underrated boy needs some love.
pj my pookie, I’m actually happy there’s that theory that mommy longlegs didn’t kill pj because player cheated or smth, he doesn’t deserve to die, but y’all did so where’s the difference
Doey souls with reader turned into PJ-pugapillar
random scientists are green btw
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Jack Ayers:
When he was an actual child, he met you when he was touring the factory. You were with one of the scientists while he was visiting the game station, the scientist in question introduced you to the boy.
“Ah, hello there buddy. Having fun? Great, this is Y/n. One of our many orphans who successfully has gotten adopted, isn’t that right Y/n?”
You didn’t expect to see a kid who wasn’t an orphan to this place, so you were a little surprised by his appearance in a place like this.
Jack beamed at the sight of you and waved at you happily and introduced himself to you, you said hello back and tried to do the same but sadly the scientist decided that was enough talking between the both of you and dragged you away from the little kid.
Jack was upset but didn’t mind much, you must’ve been pretty busy going to meet your new adopted parents.
Thats what all the kids thought.
Then he went into the vat room and we all know what happened next.
After being created into Doey for a while Jack eventually got somewhat used to traveling as a large blob of dough, but one day while Matthew was in charge of Doey he came across a vhs tape, placing it into the vcr which had the following script:
“This recording is a check-in on experiment 1399. Subject was recently transferred into the toy known as “Pj-pugapillar,” birth name, Y/n L/n. Subject seems confused and weary whenever scientists go in to do physical studies on them, perhaps it’s just 1399s natural reaction to that sort of stuff. Other than that 1399 seems stable enough to be brought into the Game Station, we thinks it’s the best option for now so Y/n could get a sense of familiarity within the place and their current position-”
The tape ended there, to Matthews dismay. He himself had little to no recollection of who you were. Perhaps it was just fuzzy memories of the past for him, but Jack remembered you. Your name, last name, you said both when you introduced yourself to him, maybe it was just a one sided attachment but Jack some reason felt so comfortable talking with you even if you both just met and it was for a small amount of time.
He was absolutely devastated, not only was Pj one of if not his favorite toy out of Playcare, he also believed you were safe from all this mess. He thought that you went home to a warm and welcoming family. But he guessed wrong apparently.
The whole ordeal made his emotions go out of hand, worse than Kevin even. And while, unlike Kevin who acted out of anger and hatred, Jack started to act out from grief and fear.
It was so bad even Poppy herself got concerned about Doey.
“We need- we need to find them! They’re lonely and hurt! So sorry y/n, so sorry!”
“Doey… do you need to take a break? Who’s Y/n..?”
He wanted to find you badly and tell you everything was going to be okay, but he just didn’t know where to look. Matthew brought up how Pj was always in the game “Statutes” but that was before the Hour of Joy.
Congrats you traumatized Jack a second time, dying and becoming his favorite toy :D
Matthew Hallard:
He thought you were just the sweetest when it was just an “orphanage.”
He’d always compare you and Pj alike, such as : “Oh Y/n, you’re so sneaky just like Pj-pugapillar!”
If you’ve ever asked why he always compared the both of you he always would answer “Because you’re my favorite kid here and Pjs my favorite toy here! It’s like it’s meant to be!” And then he’d stupidly ruffled your hair like if you were an actual pug(you smacked him)
But unfortunately, one day your adoption was announced to most of the orphans in Playcare. Most were saddened but none as more as Matthew, he was sad yes. But he was happy for you, he was happy that you were finally going to get a nice family. One to take care of you and protect you for the rest of your life. Oh how wrong he was.
When the time came for his turn to be tested on, or what was vaguely known as “adoption”, almost all he could think about were what happened to the children before him, Kevin, Quinn, Theodore, Marie, and you.
As Doey became well, himself Matthew declared himself as the leader of the 2 other children, he was the one who understood most of what was going on. He eventually found out what happened to said experiments and who they had belonged to now.
He only found out who you turned to be by a document found near an office near the Prison area. It described all possible subjects that could be the official Pj-pugapillar. And your name was the underlined one, scribbled with red.
He almost dropped his normally calm and collected composure. He told Kevin to take over for a bit(and to behave😐) while he just stared into the dark abyss of whatever consciousness had been left over.
After a while he went back in control and decided that it would be good to ask Poppy if she knew about your whereabouts, or even if you were still in this place.
“P..j? Oh uhh, I’m pretty sure Pjs still at the game station, in statues I’d assume. But, if it were me I’d ask the Player. I’m sure he knows, well. Maybe.”
Disappointed by Poppy’s lack of answer Matthew decided that he’d just go carry on with what his normal duties were. He wants to check the Game Station. He really does. But thinking logically the chance of your survival with no food and no guidance is basically zero.
Maybe one day when both you and him pass on into the actual afterlife, he’ll see you again, as a real kid and not a toy masking itself.
Kevin Barnes:
Not sure if Kevin is actually one to play with the toys in Playcare. But you did, that you did. Basically storing the whole collection of each and every toy Playco has ever brought into its factories walls.
Kevin wasn’t as eager as the other orphans were about your collection, but there was one toy he did really enjoy. Pj-pugapillar. Every time you asked Kevin to play with you the very first words that came out of his mouth were that he was going to be playing with Pj. And if not then he wasn’t going to play toys at all. He’d just make you play tag or hide and seek with him.
So naturally you gladly agreed to his deal, sure you liked Pj but there were other toys you were more fond of.
You both were quite used to this routine and while Kevin would rather play physical games such as soccer, tag, or kickball. He had to admit that playing peacefully with you wasn’t as bad as he thought it would’ve been.
Though, one certain day would make that all come to an end.
He was just waking up and getting ready for the day when he saw one of the caretakers standing in his doorway.
“This..might be a tad hard to accept, Kevin.”
“What? Go away if you won’t tell me.”
“Y/n has… Y/n has gotten adopted.”
“Yes. Last night to be specific.”
He was pissed ngl.
But unluckily for him, he would soon be announced “sick” by some of the scientists. His other friend, Joseph was concerned about him. But once he expressed his concerns to the scientist, it was too late for both Kevin and you.
After the Hour of Joy some of the only thoughts that Kevin had were either about Matthew and Jack, his hatred towards the factory, and sometimes reminiscing about playing with you.
He learned what happened to you through Matthew, Matthew was the most intelligent out of the 3 boys so he normally is the one to update Jack and Kevin about what happens when they aren’t in control.
So by that logic, it’s only natural for Matthew to sadly inform Kevin of where your, or what’s left of your body was. Pj.
Kevin was furious when he learned about what happened to you, Matthew knew that Kevin and you were somewhat close, but he never knew that Kevin would literally crash tf out about it.
All Jack and Matthew heard for the next few hours after he found out was screaming threats to the facility, because as much as Kevin pretended to find you boring, he adored you just as much(which is a lot)
He was so upset he almost caused destruction to Safe Haven and those who inhabited it. But in the end Kevin was comforted by an innocent Jack who had absolutely NO clue who you were, and a grieving Matthew who quietly but solemnly took charge of Doey.
But it’s fine because Kevin got his anger taken out on Pianosaurus!!😚😚😚
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stardust-poet · 7 months ago
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°•Leo Valdez Dating Hcs PT3•°
A/n: genuinely I wrote this before I finished the pt2...
Warnings: not proof read, cussing I think.
Leo definitely makes you things a lot
His love language is gift giving or words of affection
He makes you jewelry if that's your thing
Probably makes you one of those vibrating things when you tap it
Yk those TikTok shop bracelets that booktok women wish their fantasy bfs had with them?
(Yes I'm stereotyping don't kill me)
He makes you one of those
And it's honestly so cute
(It vibrates SO often)
He also makes you metal flowers
Not just roses
But your favorite flower
One day he comes up and asks you what your favorite flower was
And your mind immediately goes too
'OH shit he's making another thing for me isn't he?'
And you love it be honest
I think he'd get the apollo kids to paint them your favorite color too
Because I don't think he'd have the patience to paint that precisely
(And he wants to make it perfect for you.)
He makes you SO MANY little trinkets
So one day you have to put a shelf in your cabin
To hold all of the little things
And one day he sees it in your cabin/house if he visits you
And he just. Sobs.
He really, truly did not believe you kept them all
It was one of the first times you saw him so vulnerable
And we all know he's traumatized af
And he doesn't talk about it at all
So him opening up to you for the first time felt so special
It's was probably a night where he had a nightmare
He called you (with demigod safe phones he made) at like 2am
He was sobbing in bunker 9 alone
He quickly apologizes, saying he's fine and he's sorry he woke you up.
Your immediately sprinting to bunker 9
Idc how late it is you comfort that boi
But he opens up to you that night, vulnerable and speaking between hics
You hold him close to you, trying to make him feel safer
He opens up about his mom and living as an orphan on the streets
All those cold nights in the sewers
Blowing out half melted candles on moldy cupcakes for each birthday
And at some point, you don't realize
You're crying quietly with him.
Hearing everything your boyfriend went through changed something in you
He was always so flirtatious and loud
But seeing him let go not only was heartbreaking
But also healing for the both of you.
Maybe, just maybe, you opened up too
[Insert your trauma here bc we all know you have some if you're reading this.]
And leo feels loved
He feels loved by you, and it's peaceful again
Holy shit I surprised myself with that... should I write angsty stuff?
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shima-draws · 9 months ago
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Malachi time 🥰
More info on him below the cut!
Name: Malachi (Codename: Valet)
Age: 28
Hair color: Brown (with white streaks)
Eye color: Gold
Element: Fire
The yin to Rozen's yang 😤 A lot of his story has already been shared on Rozen's post so I'll just be copying over most of that!
Malachi had a relatively normal life growing up with a family who loved him, but their lives were brought to a violent end when they were suddenly attacked by a group of rogues after their fortune. Soon after he was brought to the same orphanage Rozen was part of. Losing his parents was traumatic for Malachi; he retreated within himself and could really only express himself through anger and hatred in an attempt to deal with the loss.
Out of everyone in the orphanage Malachi butted heads with Rozen the most, finding his similar prickly personality and arrogance to be extremely irritating. Rozen viewed Malachi as a little brat and basically had the opinion of “boo hoo you’re an orphan well at least your parents loved you and didn’t throw you away like mine did”. (So, a biiiiit of jealousy there. LMAO) Malachi correctly called him out for being a total fake, knowing that his entire life was just an act. They were definitely at each other’s throats for a while!
All of this changed when Rozen got a bit too big for his britches and pissed off the wrong crowd. Surprisingly, Malachi rescued him from being beaten to absolute shit and Rozen was shocked that Malachi actually helped him. Even though he'd been through some hardships Malachi was still a kind person at heart, and couldn't just leave Rozen to get hurt (even though he was really tempted to lol). Rozen started to soften up around him after this, and slowly started to drop his defenses and show his true personality. Despite Malachi finding Rozen’s change of heart “creepy”, and his sudden personality change kind of drastic, he couldn’t help but grow attached to him too. Before long they were practically attached at the hip, and if you saw one of them you’d know the other wasn’t too far behind.
At this point Rozen was fully himself instead of the persona/act he’d been putting on for all his life. AKA he essentially has the personality of a golden retriever, is kind of an airhead (or an idiot, according to Malachi), and is a total softie. Him finally showing his kinder side helped Malachi too, and eventually, after spending two years together, Malachi was crushing on him HARD lol. Of course, Rozen only really viewed Malachi as a best friend, especially due to their age difference (being 4 years apart, with Rozen being 17 at the time and Malachi being 13). Both of them had the opinion that the other had saved them, in a way. Malachi depended heavily on Rozen, who helped him through his trauma and helped him come to terms with his parents' death. They both looked at each other and thought "there's still good in the world after all" 😭
Throughout the two years they spent together, Malachi actually grew quite close with one of the local shop owners, a lovely girl who ran a bakery. She was endlessly kind to him and sparked a passion in him, which lead to him wanting to learn how to bake. Most evenings he'd find himself in her shop learning the ropes (with Rozen mooching off of his end results lol). Malachi mused that maybe one day he could use his skills to make his own pastries and get paid for it ;)
As time went on Rozen and Malachi became more and more determined to leave the orphanage together, either being adopted as a package deal or just leaving when they were finally of age. This came crashing down when a couple looking to adopt just Malachi showed up, and despite the pair’s attempts to sabotage any sort of chance Malachi would get adopted, the couple was insistent on taking him home. This sparked some suspicion in Rozen, wondering just why they were so intent on Malachi. He soon found out that these people were connected to the rogues that had killed Malachi’s parents–they were seeking the same fortune and knew that Malachi was the key to finding it. Rozen confronted them and convinced them to take him instead, as Malachi had told him he had no idea about his parents’ riches so he’d essentially be useless to the couple. Rozen offered his services and promised he would stop at nothing to find them the treasure, as long as they left Malachi alone. The couple agreed.
Malachi, of course, was devastated to find out about Rozen being adopted (and right before he’d become of age too), not wanting to be apart from him. Rozen explained his reasoning and revealed it was all part of his plan–he’d go away with the couple and then slip back to the orphanage in the middle of the night, where he and Malachi would run away together. With a promise to return, Rozen left with the couple, leaving Malachi behind to wait.
Malachi didn't get the chance to wait, unfortunately, because suddenly the village was attacked, and the orphanage was set on fire. Desperate to get to Rozen, Malachi tried in vain to get out, but found himself trapped. He was burned badly by the fire, and right as he thought he was going to die, he suddenly awakened his elemental powers--the power of fire. Ironic that the thing to save him was the thing that hurt him in the first place. Using this gift, he was able to escape the building, and was rescued by none other than the baker girl he'd been training under. She rushed him off to the nearest recovery shelter, and after days of being unconscious, when he awoke she broke the news to him that Rozen was most likely dead. She explained that the couple who had adopted him were found slaughtered in a nearby manor, along with all of their associates, and that they were found out to be criminals. Malachi was absolutely heartbroken by the news and demanded more details about Rozen. The girl told him that Rozen's body was not found, but it was unlikely that he escaped unscathed. This was enough for Malachi, who was certain that Rozen was out there alive somewhere. Maybe he'd come back to the orphanage and was waiting for him right now!
The baker girl took Malachi to the now destroyed orphanage in an attempt to find Rozen. However, Rozen wasn't there. Malachi refused to give up and decided to wait for him. Days passed and with no further sign that Rozen would show the baker girl gently told him that maybe it was time for him to move on. Devastated, Malachi still remained stubborn and told her he would wait, despite knowing that it wasn't likely Rozen would come back for him. But there HAD to be a reason, right? Maybe Rozen was in trouble. If he had been attacked that night, maybe he couldn't make it back to the village. Maybe...
Malachi was placed under the baker girl's care, and from there he began his search. Any sort of leads or sightings of Rozen was the treasure he sought after for the next 15 years, absolutely determined to find any clues to his whereabouts. Between his searching, he continued to hone his craft as a baker, along with learning how to use his magic. Eventually he was scouted by a sort of intelligence agency, who promised to help him in his search for Rozen in return for his services. Malachi leapt at the chance, knowing that this would open avenues previously off limits to him.
After years of essentially being an agent, and now a very skilled fighter, Malachi was given a new assignment--infiltrate an underground crime organization, a gambling ring, in order to get information so that they could eventually be dismantled. After being accepted into the organization under the codename "Valet" and meeting their leader, Roi, Malachi was shocked when he was introduced to one of Roi's top members--a master of cards, a man by the codename of "Cavalier". Malachi recognized him immediately. It was Rozen!! Finally, after years of searching he'd found the person he'd been looking for. Rozen didn't seem to recognize him, but, well. Malachi couldn't really blame him, he HAD changed a lot over the past decade or so. (It stung though, just a little bit.)
Malachi was immediately ready to blow his cover and abandon the mission in order to get Rozen out; this was part of the terms he'd set with the agency--if at any point he found Rozen, or if the agency found Rozen for him, he'd be able to leave of his own volition. However, the agency refused to let him blow his cover, saying the mission was too important, and that Rozen, working directly under Roi, was likely in grave danger. (To Malachi, this seemed like an even bigger reason to get Rozen out ASAP.)
After a lot of back and forth Malachi finally came to an agreement with his agency, but he was NOT happy about it. He had to spend the next several months undercover as Valet, tortured by the fact that Rozen was literally within reach but he couldn't do shit about it. And to top it all off, he witnessed everything happening behind the scenes--how toxic Roi was, how he manipulated and threatened and abused Rozen, and Malachi was seconds away from attempting murder at any given time. All he can do is be as sympathetic as possible and try to butt into his business, urging him to break free from Roi and find a better path in life. Rozen isn’t too happy with someone intruding on his personal matters and lashes out at Malachi, causing a rift between them. Malachi only wants to help and doesn’t want to see Rozen suffer; Rozen knows better than anyone that there’s no escape from Roi and has resigned himself to his fate–and he doesn’t want to see Malachi get hurt either.
This is when Nahu and co. come in ;)
Nahu and co. are sent to infiltrate the gambling ring, and immediately things are thrown into absolute chaos. After many twists and turns (and plot), Nahu goes to face off against Roi in one final fight. Roi captures Rozen and chains him up, unwilling to let his perfect pawn go free, and poisons him so that he loses any strength to escape. While Nahu is absolutely wrecking shit fighting Roi, Malachi sneaks up to where Rozen is being held and attempts to set him free. Through the haze, Rozen witnesses "Valet" trying to free him, and sadly reminisces about Malachi. Rozen tells Malachi to let him go, to let him die–that way he can be with the only person he cares about again. Malachi yells at him and says no, he can’t die, because HE'S Malachi! Screw his cover, screw everything he'd been taught about keeping his identity secret, Malachi's been suffering for MONTHS and he won't let Rozen go now that he's so close.
Nahu defeats Roi, and before Rozen succumbs to the poison, Malachi threatens him and says he’d better not die before he can kick his ass. Days later he finally wakes up to find Malachi beside him, and immediately bursts into tears. Malachi explains everything about his past, about what happened that night, about how and why he'd infiltrated the gambling ring, and about how desperate he'd been to reveal himself to Rozen. Malachi tells him that he hadn’t thought of anything else but finding him for the past 15 years, and now that he’d found Rozen he’d never leave his side again 🥺 Rozen feels the same way. They both realize they’re probably in trouble, with Malachi prepared to abandon his duty to be with Rozen and Rozen with his…complicated history being involved in an underground crime organization. LMAO
Luckily for them, Nahu is all about recruiting them, and they both agree to join his squad <3 Their new life together begins!! Rozen has to grapple with the fact that Malachi is definitely not the kid he used to know and has grown up, a lot. Malachi, meanwhile, has been in love with Rozen since he was 12 and is trying everything he can to properly express that. Rozen slowly comes to terms with the fact that yeah, he’s probably in love with Malachi, and things just get more interesting from there as they dance around each other for months just trying to figure it out ;)
And there we go...both of them posted and together at last <3
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xjulixred45x · 3 months ago
Yandere! Demon King! Rin Okumura x reader
Keep reading under Your own risk!!
Now, a little background because this idea came to my head when I was rereading the manga for the third season of Blue Exorcist.
Remember the alternate reality if the Maga had leaked and many of the protagonists had died? When we have the two-year Time Skip, Rin is something like a terrorist on the side of the demons(along with other Things, but this is the Main Focus).
Can you imagine what it would be like to have this Rin as a Yandere?
Obviously he's not as harmless or innocent as the canon one, not at all, if he can already kill humans without blinking on a normal day, being a Yandere for someone definitely triggers all these aggressive impulses TO THE MAX.
I like to think that the object of this Rin's obsession/adoration would probably be his partner before the whole Maga incident happened, and that he just started to develop yandere tendencies as an early response to the trauma.
reader in this case I really didn't see anything wrong with this precisely because they was also traumatized by the incident (and potentially orphaned, like many, so Rin is the ONLY person they have left. Codependency).
although I don't rule out the possibility that Rin could become obsessed with someone after the Maga incident!
I see more likely an obsession with someone or 1- that he is very innocent and correct, just wanting to isolate them from the world and protect them from the Cross. or 2- someone very competent and who has morals clearly contrary to the cross, precisely because they would understand each other better in this universe.
although it doesn't matter how Rin meets his partner, he is definitely much more brutal when it comes to protecting them 💀 you already saw what he did to the girl of the Cross (Michael), if someone tried to do something to his partner he would definitely set them on fire. or decapitate them. whatever comes first through his mind.
he is VERY overprotective, probably reader@ is isolated in some hideout that Rin has out of the reach of the Order, and they are constantly guarded by demons, so escaping is a big NO NO.
If by chance, reader, he managed to get out of hiding, I highly doubt he would get far, Rin would find them with the giant snake and take them back to the hiding place.
Ironically, the little demons can be both allies and enemies. Some are mischievous and like to play matchmaker between Reader and Rin (tangling them together, pushing them into hugs) and others genuinely don't think much of what they do.
Rin can control them to take care of Reader when he's not around, doing things like bringing them comics to entertain themself, bringing them food, even acting like house cats and asking for cuddles.
There are demons that even show favoritism towards Reader and have helped them out of hiding several times (sometimes the other demons have given them away, sometimes they haven't).
...but at this point it's just to get some fresh air. Even waiting for Rin to arrive on the porch.
The first time it happened, Rin was pretty freaked out. Then he cried with happiness and hugged Reader for an hour.
Unlike the original Rin, Demon King Rin is not as delusional and is much more aware of the situation and how bad it is, he falls more into the category of a repentant yandere but who would not let go of his obsession. He simply cannot risk it. He has lost so much already. Let him have this.
Despite everything, he treats his partner very well! He constantly brings them gifts, he cooks for them himself (he even remembers how to cook thanks to them), and from time to time they even read books/manga together!!
It is one of the few moments where he does not have to remember the kind of world they live in, and in what situation it all started.
(This Rin would definitely be more than capable of causing a Blue Night if his partner is taken away from him, do not try it).
I don't think Rin (not even this one) is capable of hurting his partner, but he's definitely more than capable of scaring them, whether it's coming home with blood on his clothes or even taking them on one of his escapades. It's not nice to hear him burn people alive.
DK! Rin has a lot of nightmares, so maybe the only thing he really forces his partner to do (aside from living and hiding with him) is sleeping in the same bed. It's almost...sad. Listening to him talk to people in his dreams and wake up crying.
Ironically he's a lot calmer when he and reader are in fields or abandoned places, he can even be convinced to get the demons out of the area and play with them.
And they probably do this quite often, when everything is too much, or when Rin finds someone from the past in the city. He NEEDS this. A moment of disconnection and comfort. A moment of tranquility...and love.
seeing the reader smile and play, having fun, smiling at you... is enough.
If you make slimes with your eyes . It is eerily domestic...
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
@trancylovecraft i think You might like this 👀
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praisethegabs · 1 year ago
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Leon Kennedy x F!Reader
synopsis: starting a family right after the incident that ended Raccoon City wasn't in your or Leon's plans, but destiny decided to bless you two with twins. Now married and with two kids to raise, life can't be better. Leon finally seems to be healing and moving on, until his job starts to take a toll on him. Again.
warnings: angst (again) with happy ending, mentions of traumas, nightmares, sub!leon and soft dom!wife, mentions of: ptsd, crying during sex, soft smut, p in v, hand job, praise kink, use of pet names. both oc's named olivia and jake as the twins.
word count: 7k
a/n: istg i needed to write something like this. idk why, but the idea felt so great... i like to imagine what was like for leon if he had kids and a normal life, so this is what i got. enjoy it, fellas
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"show me the most damaged parts of your soul, and I will show you how it still shines like gold," nikita gill
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Starting a family wasn't something you thought about in your early 20s.
But then, Leon Kennedy entered your life. You both met before Raccoon City, and you couldn't help but fall in love with those innocent baby blue eyes. At first, Leon was full of energy, completely eager and enthusiastic about his new job as a cop. You both thought that moving to Raccoon City was a good idea, and you were both happy.
You had just started a new job as an intern journalist, and it was the perfect opportunity for you since you were almost done with college. As for Leon, he graduated from the police academy and was ready to serve. For two individuals in their early 20s, it was the perfect opportunity.
Life can be weird at times.
You both never got the chance to do what you wanted. Raccoon City was in chaos with numerous casualties, and Leon came close to death while battling the Tyrant known as Mr. X. Somehow, amidst all the chaos, you managed to befriend Claire Redfield, a teenager who was searching for her older brother. Together, the three of you managed to survive that night, even rescuing a little girl named Sherry. What happened afterwards were mere consequences.
You knew from the start that Leon was an orphan, and that he was rescued by a cop after his entire family was killed. This is why he helped Claire keep Sherry safe. However, even after that living nightmare ended, the government decided to "ask" Leon to join them. He never told you what happened afterward. He never explained why he had to attend this six-month training camp.
But he was acting differently. Sure, you couldn’t blame him for being distant.
What happened that night traumatized him. He was shot in the shoulder and pursued by Mr. X, narrowly escaping death. You were with Claire most of the time because Leon thought you would be safe with her. He never told you exactly what happened, but you knew him. He changed.
Sometimes, he would wake up screaming, scared, and desperately searching for you, just to ensure your safety and well-being. You would calm him down, talk to him, and help him understand that you are safe and that nothing is real. In the mornings, you would wake him up with breakfast in bed and tend to his wound - which later turned out to be a scar. It was a sorrowful memento of that evening.
Two weeks before Leon left the house, you discovered that you were expecting a baby.
This wasn't exactly what you both wanted, and at first, Leon was mesmerized by the idea of becoming a father, but he was also very scared. Suddenly, he wanted to be at home with you instead of going to this training camp, just like you wanted him to stay. But Leon didn't have a choice. You watched him leave, and something inside your chest told you that this would be the last time you would see this version of Leon, the rookie cop you had fallen in love with.
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When he returned home, he was bigger than you had remembered.
His muscles had doubled in size, and he was much stronger, completely different from when he left. His eyes, however, remained the same. It was your Leon, the same man you had met before the apocalypse. When he saw your baby bump and realized it was his child inside, he cried. You had a baby shower, but you didn't know the gender of your baby - you wanted Leon to be a part of everything. So, one week after he returned home, the two of you got married in a beautiful, intimate, and small ceremony. Claire and Chris were in attendance - Chris being Claire's older brother - and you and Leon quickly became friends with him.
Your family lived in another country, and you had no contact with them. You were on your own, and you were glad to have him by your side.
At the end of the year, your twins were born, and Leon was there to witness the childbirth. His eyes were shining just like they did when you both first met. Her name was Olivia. Leon loved that name, and she had her father's eyes and the same blond hair. The other twin was named Jake, and he had your hair and Leon's eyes. Both Olivia and Jake were copies of Leon, and he was proud of them. After the first few weeks, he took care of all the chores around the house and looked after you, Olivia, and Jake. He always said, "You shouldn't worry about that anymore."
But sometimes, he was very scared of someone trying to hurt the three of you. So, he asked to move somewhere else, and suddenly, you didn't have to worry about work or money anymore. He provided everything you needed, and he would move mountains to ensure the security of his loved ones.
The year was now 2002.
He had to leave for a mission with Major Jack Krauser. You stayed at home with your twins and were aided by Claire because they would cause you a lot of trouble. Of course, Leon's job was dangerous, but he always managed to call you and the kids. He never used his ring while on duty and had no pictures of his family with him, afraid that someone would find them and harm the babies. You can be sure that no one at the agency knew he was married and a father of two.
To be honest, you didn't care. You knew that after the incident in Raccoon City, your family meant everything to him, and he would do whatever it took to keep all of you safe. Leon was broken inside, but now he had found a new sense of purpose. He loved all three of you more than anything in the world, and when he returned from the operation, he embraced the twins and showered all of you with affection. Something happened there, but you decided not to ask.
For the twins' 4th birthday, you set a small party for a few friends.
Claire and Chris were there, as always, along with a few of your friends. The barbecue was filled with love and happiness, and yet, you noticed Leon's eyes shining once more. A little reminder that life could be peaceful sometimes, without the horrors of one's job. You would look at him, with all his glorious features kissed by the sun. The way his eyes shine with happiness. He was so beautiful. You felt so lucky.
Olivia was definitely her dad's girl. She loved running into his arms and staying there. She loved it when Leon played with her or bathed her. Jake, however, was more of a momma's boy. Of course, he loved being with his father, but he preferred being with you. They used to sleep together and be each other's best friends until that day arrived.
They were growing up, and now they wanted separate rooms. They would fight sometimes, and Leon was always the reasonable person who would calm them both. He would always talk to them instead of doing something else, and occasionally, on very rare occasions, he would ground the twins.
You knew that your husband was happy with his life. It made him forget about Raccoon City. It helped him heal.
Things couldn't be better for your family. The twins were at school. You finally had time for yourself and Leon. Sex was incredible, and occasionally, you would send the children to Claire's so you could reaffirm your connection with your husband. Leon was very submissive, and you enjoyed being in control, making him beg like the obedient boy he was. You ruined him so deeply that you were certain he would never forget it. Even with two children, you still had the power to touch him and drive him crazy.
Until 2004.
“The president's daughter?" you asked him when he dropped the news about his new assignment. "In Spain?"
"Yes, honey. The president doesn't want anyone to know... that's why I'm going alone," Leon sighed, holding your hands. "But I promise I'll be back before you even have a chance to miss me."
"I already miss you," you muttered, which made him smile. His thumb gently pressed against your lips, while his hand firmly held your chin, compelling you to meet his gaze.
"You know I love you more than anything in this world, right?" Leon asked, his voice smooth, husky, and caring. You nodded in response. "I'll be back soon, I promise."
"Well, you better tell the twins. Good luck, Liv is not in the mood today," you said, playfully tapping his shoulder, which caused him to furrow his eyebrows.
"Oh, come on, honey... this is unfair!" Leon protested, but then he laughed, following you to the living room. He called the twins, and Olivia was already sitting on his lap. "Okay, Daddy's gotta go for a few days to fight the bad guys. Behave and don't get into trouble with your mom, or I'll be the one in trouble, okay?"
"Fight the bad guys?" Liv asked, facing her dad while clutching her favorite teddy bear.
"Yes, sweetheart. They need Daddy to fight the bad guys again. There's someone who needs help," Leon explained calmly, while cradling Olivia in his lap.
"Will you be safe?" Jake asked, as he went to sit with his sister on Leon's lap, hugging his dad.
"Always, pumpkin. When I get back home, I promise I'll take a few days off so we can all be together, okay?" Leon smiled at his son.
"Please, get back home safely, Daddy," Olivia said, burying her face in his neck. Her words brought a smile to his face as he hugged the twins.
You had your twins in your arms as the three of you watched Leon leave in the black SUV. As soon as you closed the door, you activated the non-negotiable security system. Leon needed to be sure that you would be safe with the kids, and you knew very well that he wouldn't be able to focus on his job if he had to worry about his family's safety.
"Why does Daddy have to go, Mommy?" Olivia asked, her eyes shining with tears.
"It's his job, sweetie." Sometimes, Daddy needs to save people so he can keep us safe too," you tried to explain in the best way you could. After all, they were only six years old.
"But what if we need him, Mommy?" Jake asked. You touched the tip of his nose, smiling.
"Well, mommy can protect both of you from the bad guys... and we also have Uncle Chris and Auntie Claire who can help if I need assistance," you reassured your twins with a soothing tone of voice.
"I miss him already," Olivia cried, and then you hugged her tightly.
“I know, baby. Mommy misses him too”
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It was the middle of the night when you heard someone deactivating the security system and unlocking the door. After three distinct knocks, you knew exactly who it was.
Leon was tired, distressed, and angry all at once. His clothes were dirty, and he felt quite miserable. His entire body was aching, and he couldn't wait to fall asleep in your bed, holding you in his arms. You, on the other hand, turned on the lights in your room and went immediately to meet him.
The moment Leon saw you, he immediately embraced you, his face completely buried in your neck, sending shivers down your spine, despite the difference in height. Your fingers ran through his tousled blonde hair, and for minutes, words were unnecessary. The way he was holding you in his arms made you think that something really bad had happened in Spain.
"Shh, it's okay... you're home, baby," you whispered in his ear, providing some comfort.
"I'm so sorry," Leon said, his voice breaking.
The last time you saw him so fragile, on the verge of tears, was after the incident in Raccoon City. Witnessing him in that state once more filled you with fear. Right after he apologized, for reasons unknown, he started sobbing and crying on your shoulder. Something was not right.
It took 40 long minutes until Leon finally calmed down. Meanwhile, you kept hugging him and reassuring him with calm words that everything was fine and he was safe at home with you. You gently stroked his hair and often traced circles on his back with your finger.
"I never told you why I left... or why I am doing this job," Leon said vaguely, his eyes focused on something else.
"I never told you why I left... or why I am doing this job," Leon said vaguely, his eyes focused on something else.
"Why does this matter now, baby?" you raised your eyebrow, sitting next to him on the sofa.
"It was because of Sherry. Remember that when Claire left to find her brother, and we attempted to locate a rescue but ended up in that government facility?" Leon asked, his gaze still fixed on something else.
The memory was still fresh in your mind. They kept you away from Leon, but they never told you why. After six years, you would have the answers to this issue.
"That day, they started questioning me, and because I possessed the skills they were seeking, they expressed their desire for me to join them. I only managed to get us out of there because of that," Leon says, his eyes cast downward as if he were ashamed. "But the thing is... they never asked me to join them."
You raised your eyebrows again, confused by his sudden revelation. You knew from the beginning that something - or someone - was being used to make him stay. He finally looks at you, his eyes shining with tears once more.
"They forced me. They said they would kill us if I didn't say yes... and I had no other choice. I asked them to leave you out of this, and I would work for them... I just wanted to keep you safe," Leon sobs again, burying his face in his hands, his voice cracking. "But this last mission... God... the things I saw and did..."
You decided to let him vent. Whatever happened, there was enough to break the wall that Leon had built over the past six years. He was finally allowing himself to feel his emotions, and you wouldn't interrupt him.
"These villagers, they were insane. Controlled by a parasite called Las Plagas, they transformed into monstrous creatures, their heads exploding and their forms becoming grotesque." Leon continued to sob, as the memories of the events in Spain flooded back into his mind. "The cult leader also infected me. He almost turned me into his pet, using the plaga inside me to torture and control my body and mind."
And then, he sobbed again. Seeing your husband hurt like that breaks your heart. Since Raccoon City, you have always been the tough one. You never showed any signs of sadness or trauma because you knew Leon needed your support. Eventually, what happened there stays in the past. But for him, it was completely different.
Gently, you embraced him once more, his head resting on your neck and his breath caressing your skin gently. You felt his warm tears on your robe, but this wasn't something that you cared about at the moment.
"I can't fall asleep... I keep seeing those things over and over again. I see Saddler, Mendez, Salazar, and Krauser," Leon sobs one more time, holding you tightly in his arms. You raised your eyebrows, surprised to hear that name after all these years. "He didn't die. He kidnapped Ashley. He was working for them. I had to fight him, I had to kill him."
"Sweetheart, none of this is your fault," you whispered, trying to calm him once more. Your words were full of assurance.
"He tried to kill Luis and me. I felt so betrayed. I thought he had died two years ago... but he was working for Saddler. He died because of power, something so stupid," Leon said, his eyes closed as he replayed everything in his head. "I just can't believe it. I thought it could be different..."
"Well, you brought Ashley home safely. You did it, and then you managed to come home for us too," you smiled kindly, using your thumb to wipe the tears from his face. "You're here with us, safe and sound again."
"I'm so tired, baby," Leon whispered to you, his eyes still closed as he started to calm down again. "It is always the same bullshit”
"I know," you said, taking a deep breath. "But I'm here, and nothing will hurt you."
You noticed a slight smirk on his lips, and both of you remained there for a while.
You knew that his missions left him stressed and tired. Sometimes he would be gone for weeks, and it always made you anxious because you were scared he wouldn't come back. But you knew Leon better than anyone else. He would always come home.
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"Daddy!" "Daddy!" Olivia jumped into his arms when she saw him in the kitchen in the morning.
"Good morning, princess," Leon chuckled, holding her in his strong embrace. "Someone missed me, huh?"
"Where's Jake?" you asked Olivia, noticing that her brother didn't come downstairs for breakfast.
"He's in his room, Mommy," Olivia said, hugging Leon tightly. "I told him to come down and see Daddy, but he didn't want to."
"Ok, I'll take care of it," Leon sighs, gently placing Olivia on the ground and kissing you on the forehead.
You smiled and nodded your head. As Leon went to Jake's room, your daughter helped you prepare breakfast. Gently, Leon knocked on Jake's door before entering. He saw his little boy lying on his bed, with his eyes closed. His room was filled with blue adhesive posters, scattered bears, and toys.
"Hey, big boy. What happened?” Leon asked, sitting on the edge of Jake's bed, with his hand on his son's shoulder.
"I had a bad dream," Jake whispered, trying to hide under the blankets.
"A bad dream? Wanna talk about it?" Leon asked again, gently holding Jake's hand and stroking his hair.
"I saw a man hurting you, Daddy... I felt it too," his baby blue eyes then shined with tears.
"Well, Daddy's back home safe and sound, you see? There's nothing to be worried about, okay? While I'm here, no one will hurt you," Leon smiled, his voice calm and soft, as always. "Now, let's go eat breakfast, or your mom will definitely ground us."
Jake nodded smiling and Leon lifted him onto his shoulders. They walked downstairs together for breakfast, with Leon carrying his child. He placed Jake in the chair, sitting between the twins. Olivia and Jake enjoyed their pancakes with juice, while you and Leon had your favorite meal. Such a warm way to welcome him home.
"Daddy, I did something for you," Olivia said. Then, she ran to the living room and returned with a piece of paper. "I was waiting for you to come back."
"This is so beautiful, princess. I loved it," Leon smiled, as he observed the drawing she made of the family. "Thank you, baby girl."
"Jake drew too," you said, noticing that Jake was away. He seemed sad. "Right, baby?"
"Yes, I did," he nodded, then he ate another slice of his pancake. Your shared glance with Leon conveyed what words couldn't.
A few hours later, Olivia and Jake were playing in the garden, while Leon and you were casually lying on the sofa, watching the twins from the window. He was between your legs, and your fingers were gently running through his disheveled hair. His breath was calm, and he appeared tired, but at least he managed to sleep for the rest of the night.
"I'm worried about him," you sighed to Leon, your eyes locked on Jake as he played with his sister.
"Do you think we need therapy?" Leon's eyes met yours as he lifted his head to get a better view.
"I think he misses you, Lee. Let's be honest, Olivia is like your baby girl, and I think Jake feels that you give her too much attention," you said, analyzing the two.
"Right, babe. I'll fix that, I promise," Leon smirks, passionately kissing your hand.
"Take him to a boys' day or something. I'm sure he'll love spending some time with his dad," you suggested, smiling and leaning in to kiss his forehead.
"Alright, I promise I'll spend some time with Jake. I don't want to miss anything," Leon smiled again, then he leaned in to kiss you.
"Ew, that's disgusting!" Olivia shouted. Then, you glanced at your daughter and smiled mischievously at Leon. Both of you then ran after Jake and Olivia, giving them each a kiss.
2006 was a terrible year.
You knew that someday you would have to explain to the twins the true nature of Leon's job. You thought you would have time for it. Instead, his job decided to rush things, and now you have to deal with it alone.
Leon had gone to investigate something in China, and for some reason, you felt uncomfortable with the idea. Since his mission to Spain, he has completely changed again. Of course, you loved spending more time with him, and the twins loved the idea as well, but he seemed a little sad. Every time you tried to talk and understand what was going on, he would shut himself off and change the subject.
Just like what happened after the incident in Raccoon City.
You were at home when you heard about a submarine exploding and rumors circulating about the Chinese being behind the attack. The last time you had actually spoken to Leon, he was on his way to catch a submarine. Your heart sank at the possibility of him being killed, but somehow, you decided to remain positive. Leon would never leave you alone; he always finds a way to come back home.
But then, just as you were about to tell the twins, Leon returned.
This was the first time you had a fight with him. You needed to tell him how distant he was and the fact that he almost died made you freak out. He needed to open his eyes because he had been away from home since Spain, and you were trying everything in your power to make him see what he was losing.
And right after the fight, Leon attempted to reconcile and make amends.
He was more present at home, spending more time with you and the children. He was being more passionate and caring than ever before, treating you in the best way he could. Even so, he still had nightmares. One night, he woke up abruptly, his face and chest drenched in sweat, his breath labored, and his eyes filled with fear and panic.
"Babe, I'm here. It's okay, it wasn't real. It was only a bad dream," you said soothingly, hugging him tightly and stroking his hair to provide comfort.
"Shit... I-I can't sleep," he muttered, trying to catch his breath. He was very scared.
"Take a few deep breaths with me," you said, placing your hand on his chest and feeling his rapid heartbeat. Leon held your hand for support, to confirm that it was indeed real.
He never told you what his nightmare was about. You attempted to engage in conversation with him, but he mentioned something about terror and fear, implying that it would be better to avoid discussing it. Eventually, after a few weeks, he told you about Jason and what had happened in China. If Jason wanted to scare him, he successfully did that.
You hated Jason more than ever.
After the events of the Eastern Slav Civil War in 2011, Leon decided to quit USSTRATCOM for good. He told you what happened there and expressed his disgust towards the current government. He expressed his anger and stress by fucking you forcefully. Thankfully, the twins were at Claire's, so they couldn't hear your pornographic moans.
Now, he was working for DSO, and he seemed happy.
It was a very peculiar routine. Leon was called during a family quality time and was gone for weeks. When he returned, he would be exhausted to the core, stressed, and angry. The only way to relieve his tension was by using your gentle touch.
Jake and Olivia were at an age where they enjoyed spending time with friends. You didn't mind letting Olivia go to her best friend's house for a sleepover while Jake had fun with his own group. And when you had the house all to yourself, Leon would not only find a good massage but also the perfect stress relief.
"Beg to come, my good boy," you teased, slowing down your hands on his erect penis.
"P-please... let me cum, please,” he moaned so loudly that you knew your neighbors would hear him pleading with you. "F-fuck, I can't take it anymore."
"Again," you demanded, smiling teasingly as you continued to move your hand slowly. You watched as he desperately tried to find some friction, lifting his hips into your hand.
"Please, let me cum, babe,” he whined aloud, tears streaming down his cheeks as he gripped the sheets beneath him, burying his head in the pillow and closing his eyes. “Pleasepleaseplease I'll be your good boy.”
"The light is green," you whispered in his ear, biting his earlobe. With the trigger words, Leon released himself into your hands, emitting a loud moan that left you satisfied with your performance. His body jerks with the sudden release of pleasure, and he tries to catch his breath again.
“I love you,” he says. 
It was 2013, and you were at home, focusing on your paperwork for DSO since your children were teenagers, and you had time to work again. Jake was at soccer practice, Olivia was with her friends at the theater extra class, and you were alone with Cookie, the stray black and white cat that Leon adopted a few months ago. 
Suddenly, you heard the news about President Benford being killed. At the same time, someone called you. It was Hunnigan. 
She told you Leon was accused of killing the president while on a mission with Helena Harper from the CIA, and he was apparently MIA. You fell onto the couch, your heart beating faster inside your chest. You knew Leon would never betray his own country like that. Not only that, but you knew him better than anyone else. You knew what was about to happen. Immediately, you went to pick up the twins, driving them home in such a hurry that they didn’t understand what was going on. 
“Mom, is there something wrong with dad?” Jake asked, checking his phone with a worried expression. “The president died? Is all over the news” 
“I’ll explain when we get back home” You sighed heavily, your heart beating faster and your hands shaking completely. 
“Is he okay?” Olivia glanced at you, trying to find any assurance. In response, you just bite your lip. 
You said nothing. When you parked in front of your house, you took the twins inside in such a hurry that they started to get anxious. They could definitely tell something was wrong. You closed the curtains and checked the entire place, and when you found nothing, you finally relaxed. 
“Your dad went on a meeting with the president earlier, but I don’t know what went wrong, but he had to kill the president,” you finally said, after sitting with the twins on the sofa. Olivia gasped in shock as Jake remained with his Stoic expression, just like his father. “And at the moment, he’s missing in action” 
If you could protect your children from the truth and the whole world, you would without hesitation. The look of sadness on their faces, the way they leaned in for your support — it all broke your heart. Olivia was crying quietly, Jake was in shock, and once more, it was your responsibility to be the tough one. 
The three of you remained in the living room as your embrace protected the twins, giving them the comfort they needed. At any time, you knew you would receive secret agents at your door, but you had no patience to deal with them. Deep down, you knew that Leon was alive. He needed to be. 
But eventually, after a few days, you started to question if he really died. The twins were at home with you, as you decided to keep them at home after being dismissed from class due to personal reasons. The house, once full of laughs, jokes, and love, was now silent and cold. You were dead worried, waiting for any sign or call from Leon or Hunnigan. Olivia barely left her room, and Jake tried to stay positive, giving you the support you also needed. 
Until he crossed the door. 
The moment Leon walked inside the house, it was like he brought back the light. It was like the missing piece had finally found its way back. Olivia and Jake jumped on him, and for a very long time, tears and sobs were the only symphony inside the place. You were looking at him like he was your sun, the warmth and kindness that always finds a way to melt your heart. He glances at you, and he smiles.
He opens his arms, and when he embraces you, this is exactly where he needs to be.
“I had no other choice. He got infected,” Leon later said, when the four of you were having a family quality time. “And Simmons tried to blame me to cover up for his crimes”
“But you got him, right?” Jake asked, eating his popcorn and focusing his attention on his father.
“Well, kiddo, if I didn’t, I would be dead by now.” Leon chuckles, stroking your hand as you lay comfortably on his chest, smiling.
“Why do you keep doing this, dad?” Olivia asked, sighing. Leon hesitated for a moment. This was a subject never spoken in your family.
“Back in 1998, right after I met your mom, I had recently graduated from the Police Academy, and your mom was about to start as an intern. We decided to move to Raccoon City so we could start a life together, but one week before, I got a call telling me I shouldn’t go. I don’t know why I ignored that call, but we went anyway.” Leon sighed, his eyes looking somewhere else. He never liked talking about Raccoon City. “When we arrived, the city was drowned in chaos, death, and zombies. It was a living nightmare. But at least we met Claire and Sherry, a little girl who was alone. We managed to survive the night, barely escaping the city. The entire city was wiped away the next morning, and when we tried to find a rescue, we ended up in a government facility. I made a deal that day in exchange for keeping your mom and Sherry safe, I joined their top-secret program. One week before I left, your mom told me she was pregnant"
Both Olivia and Jake were surprised to hear about the incident. Sure, everyone knew, but knowing their parents were there and somehow survived was very different. Now, at least, they knew the true nature of Leon’s job and why he did what he did. But, the most important thing in the world, they knew Leon would do everything in his power to keep his family safe.
One year later, in 2014, however, things turned unexpectedly.
Leon decided to go on a vacation in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado after his entire team was killed by a mole. He drowned himself in alcohol, and he clearly was struggling with depression. After everything he went through, he was losing himself again. It was morning when you woke up alone in the hotel room, his side cold and empty. His blonde hair was now dark, he had a beard growing up, and his eyes weren’t shining like usual.
You found him already drinking his sorrows away.
“Babe, you can’t keep doing this to yourself,” you sighed, sitting on his side, holding his hand and squeezing it softly.
“I don’t know if I can keep doing this anymore.” Leon muttered, his eyes focused on his own drink and avoiding your gaze. “I had to watch them die… I had to shoot them in the morgue. I lost them all”
“And do you think drinking heavily will ease the pain, Lee? You can’t bring them back, and I know it hurts, but this wasn’t your fault. You tried, I know you did… but sometimes things don’t happen the way we want them to happen,” you sighed again, still holding his hand.
He was shattered inside. Losing his entire team in front of his eyes made him regret every decision he ever made. He was disgusted by himself and found solace in alcohol, which you hated.
“It's a little bit early to be that deep in the bottle, Leon,” you heard Chris say, getting closer with Rebecca.
You smirk, and Leon sighs. He’s going again on a new mission.
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When he came back from this mission with Chris, he seemed different. Although his arm seemed to be hurt, he was acting differently. Whatever happened between him and Chris, it worked to make him open his eyes. He enjoyed the rest of his vacation, cutting out alcohol permanently and spending more time with his family. 
He eventually told you about Arias and what happened in New York. Likewise, he told you about Maria. 
Leon was, again, healing. It was a very slow process, but he had his family to remind him that life could be beautiful and happy. He had you by his side, and even after sixteen years since Raccoon City, he was still alive, and nothing bad really happened to you or the twins. Now, he was making his dad jokes again, laughing and smiling more than ever. His presence at home was more frequent, and he definitely decided to stay more with you. 
On the weekends, he would take you and the twins to some random beach, have a picnic, or go camping outside. The family portraits were happier than the previous ones, and slowly, he was starting to show the first signs of his age hitting him. His body wasn’t the same as before, but you didn’t care. To you, he would always be the Leon you met in his 20s. 
A year later, everything was normal again. 
“Ok, slow down. I know you want to go see this prison, but I’m not Flash!” You shouted at Jake while he was speaking aloud about Alcatraz. “Liv, are you ready?”
“Mom, why do you keep treating me like I’m a baby?” Jake rolled his eyes, finally meeting you in the living room, his phone on his left ear. 
“Well, you might be sixteen, but you’re still my baby.” You teased him by kissing his forehead. 
You drove to get the boat to Alcatraz Island because Jake had been asking you for the entire month. He had this history project, and since you were the cool parent, you decided to take him and Olivia on a small trip to the island because Leon was too busy at work, and you wanted to enjoy San Francisco since their vacation was ending. 
But something went wrong. 
You three were at the cell block when everyone started to scream and run. You grabbed Jake and Olivia by their hands and entered one of the cells, locking it. Whatever was happening, their safety was your priority. You took a gun from your purse, ready to keep your children safe. 
“Mom… I-I don’t feel good,” Jake muttered, sliding against the walls. He was pale and sweating, and his breath was very shallow. 
“What happened, baby? What's wrong?” You asked desperately, trying to find any sign of a bite or any other wound. “Are you hurt? Olivia, help me lay him in bed"
But then the same thing happened to Olivia. You were desperate, and their phones were missing. Now, they were struggling against something you couldn’t know what it was, and there was no way to call for help. You sat with them, stroking their heads and whispering soothing words, fighting to keep tears in your eyes. You saw a blonde woman standing on the other side, half of her face covered by her own hair. She watched you with an awful smirk and disdain.
“Who are you?” you asked, your hand slightly reaching your gun.
“I’m the one who will make your husband pay for killing my father,” the mysterious blonde said angrily. “I’ll make him watch your children rip you apart and see him kill everything he loves. And then I’ll make him suffer”
“You’re stupid to think he’ll fall for that,” you said, smiling, but deep down, you knew you were scared. “He’ll beat the living shit out of you just because you thought you could harm us”
She smirks.
“Yeah, if I were you, I’d be worrying about my own skin by now”
“Well, if you think I’ll leave my children alone, you’re wrong. You better find Leon before I find you, because no one fucks with my family and gets away with it,” you threatened with cold, dead eyes, and she seemed to back off.
“Badass, mom,” Jake smirks, holding your hand tight.
“Don’t worry, sweetie. Dad’s coming,” you whispered to the twins softly.
You had no idea how she found out about your family, but this wasn’t important at the moment. You had calmed them both, knowing they were struggling with the infection. Seeing them suffer made you angry, and whoever she was, you would go after her and make her pay for hurting your babies. You had no notion of time, but you heard someone. It was Chris and Claire, they were also infected. You hated being the one spared, but you knew you were running out of time.
“Are you guys okay?” You asked both Chris and Claire, hearing them groan in pain.
“Yeah… how about the kids?” Chris asked you back, followed by a groan.
“They’re infected…” you sighed. “I don’t know, it happened quick”
You heard a loud thud. Two people were walking inside the cell block, and then you heard him scream your name, running immediately to you. Desperation floated in his eyes as he saw his twins.
“Babe, are you okay? Are you hurt?” Leon asked with desperation in his voice. He managed to open the cell, hugging you tight. “What happened to the twins?”
“That little bitch infected them,” you muttered, kneeling next to Olivia.
“Maria? Where is she?” Leon asked again, holding Jake in his lap. “Hold on, big boy. Daddy's here”
“Dad… it hurts,” Jake hissed, closing his eyes. Olivia reached for his hand, trying to squeeze it.
“I know, but I need you to hang on just a little bit. I promise I’ll take you home safe,” Leon said, stroking Jake’s hair and, with his other hand, holding Olivia’s.
As soon as Rebecca arrived, she injected the vaccine into the twins, Chris and Claire. Jill had to leave to face Dylan by herself. It was time to end this. As soon as the twins recovered from the infection, you sat next to them with a serious look on your face.
“I need you two to go with Claire and Rebecca. Jake, you need to protect your sister, okay? I’m counting on you two,” you said to them. “Me and Dad will be back for you when we finish. Go, now!” As they leave with Claire and Rebecca, you take your gear.
“You look so sexy when you’re angry,” Leon teased as you two walked to the armory room.
“Keep teasing me like that, and I’ll have to teach you a lesson” You wink at him, which makes him giggle.
Maria was waiting for both of you in the armory room. After an intense fight, Leon managed to kick her, impaling her into some broken metal pipes. She looked at you, and you leaned closer, pointing your gun into her head.
“I told you. No one fucks with my family,” you hissed angrily, right before she dropped dead on the floor.
Alcatraz was a terrible experience. Leon had his face almost purple after being beaten up by Maria, and the twins were exhausted. At least your family is intact again. You were with Rebecca, Chris, Claire, Jill, and Leon outside. He seemed distressed, so you hugged him tightly, kissing his shoulder gently.
“I almost lost them,” he said, looking at the twins laughing with Chris. “And you”
“We’re here,” you said to him, looking into his blue eyes and placing your cheek peacefully on his shoulder.
“I’ll quit.” Leon looks at you. “I’m coming home, and I’ll never leave you again”
You smiled, holding his hand. No matter what happens, at the end of the day, Leon always comes home.
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nowimjustastranger · 5 months ago
Does smtco Ford ever meet dipper and mabel of his dimension and by extension would Lee get to meet them too?
In dimension 419"3, Shermie died before he could ever have the child that would bring about the niblings, so Ford doesn't have a Mabel and Dipper much like Lee.
Spoilers under the cut:
Ford and Stan visit dimension Xi7 where they are too late and an anomaly killed Stan while he was protecting the kids. Stan had custody of them since their parents had died when they were toddlers, raising them as Stanford Pines while trying to get the portal online. Ford 419”3 looks into the future of Ford Xi7 and is dismayed to find nothing but static, which means that he’s dead. Basically, the twins are orphaned and traumatized.
Lee is the one who asks Ford if they can take them back to Fiddleford, and Ford is reluctant at first but ultimately agrees because he really doesn't want to leave them behind since he knows that they would be separated in foster care.
They head back to 419”3 and get the silent kids settled in, the both of them unwilling to let Lee out of their sight, clinging to him as he wipes their faces and hands to clean off the blood.
The waterworks start as the shock wears off, the two wailing as Lee holds them. Lee apologizes profusely for not being there in time, crying himself because they’re so young and have suffered such a great loss.
The Pines twins are always with Lee, following him around or doing an activity in the same room as him. Lee lets them hover, knowing that they’re working through their trauma.
They seem weary around Ford and Fiddleford, but they warm up to them after Fiddleford makes them hot chocolate and helps them process their grief the same way he helped Ford. Ford and Lee do most of the cooking since Ford is hopeless.
Ford endears himself to the children by showing interest in their respective hobbies, letting Dipper read his journals about his travels, answering any questions he has, and taking him on safe adventures in the woods. With Mabel, Ford creates elaborate arts and craft supplies for Mabel to use. Such as a new scrapbook since she doesn't want to add to her old one, glitter scissors, scratch ‘n sniff stickers that never lose their smell, and so much more.
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