#like are u gonna put it in or what ur such a dickhead
vitospaghetta · 3 months
Well I guess your life is mine now because here's everything I've got left floating around in my head.
As per usual, these are all with OG Leon in mind.
NSFW 18+ below. Seriously.
He really really likes being edged. He yearns for agonizing handjobs.
Actively encourages his partner teasing him in general. The man wants to be sent nudes or pics of his partner trying on new lingerie when it's NOT a good time. Find a way to get him hard on his way home from the DSO HQ while he's sitting in bumper to bumper DC commuter traffic. Give him a run for his money. Make him groan and whine. Fuck him. (but also fuck him).
If his partner is also into being teased? God help them. He's real smug about it. If he ever got his hands on a remote controlled vibrator he'd be a total bastard with it.
I know I've said it before but I need y'all to understand just how much I stand by the idea that this man gets hard from eating pussy.
He loves phone sex when he's away and is super cheesy and endearingly annoying about it. He's unironically said "sooo.... what are you wearing~?" at least once.
He really likes being praised during sex because it lets him know that he's doing a good job. It also just makes him feel good about himself, obviously.
Loves frottage/pussyjobs.
Doesn't want kids but absolutely has a breeding kink that he tried to suppress and deny for a long time.
He likes when his hair is tugged or grabbed when he's eating someone out.
When I said he actually knows where a clitoris is, that's only because he's probably dry-rubbed a few labias in his day before he figured out that that's Not Right lmao.
People like to write Leon as never shutting the fuck up during sex, but I personally subscribe to the belief that he struggles to get out a full sentence a lot of the time. He'll start, but get so lost in what he's feeling that he repeatedly has to stop. It's more like disjointed ecstatic murmurs and coos of affection in the form of short, sweet compliments and praise.
Sometimes gets real needy in a way that's borderline annoying when he's drunk and horny.
Huge fan of quickies. Often.
Speaking of quick, he does NOT last long when he gets head. He's got crazy stamina with penetrative sex though.
He loves literally any form of missionary that isn't the standard. Both of his partner's feet/legs will never ever be flat on the bed; more often than not they'll be swung over him in one way or another.
There's always this specific look he'll give his partner after he initially pushes himself inside them, like a silent check-in to make sure they're okay before he continues. It's near-instinctive and a great indicator of how much he cares about their comfort, consent, and enjoyment.
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love-bitesx · 1 year
Hey, luv ur last Hobie writing it was so good! so like as a request (sorry if my wording is a bit awk ive never requested anything on tumblr b4😭) hobie x fem reader (or not gendered i dont mind) on like what it would be like putting Hobie on music as a reader that listens to a ton of genres and not mainly punk rock- like would he be open minded on it etc. and also what falling asleep w him with music in the background would be like and stuff. like a little one-shot on that (or hc’s!)
gonna hug every anon/req ever i love u lot so much <3 this is kind of just a ranty headcanon one shot. thing. i think. we'll find out. i think im physically incapable of writing a short one shot, i just love this guy too much thank u for the req!!! love u also, this is strictly my headcanon and my opinion, if there's something canon that contradicts this, my apologies!! this is just a bit of fun :)
i think he'd be somewhat open-minded, but he'd have his strict no-nos. pop music being that, or anything on the radio, he tells you it's just propaganda from the 'system'. remember, this guy is an anarchist, plus so much more.
having grown up in england, london specifically, i think he'd be partial to uk hip hop, grime, garage, alt rock, alternative music, etc. anything that sparks a bit of controversy. anything from the streets, the people. plenty of those genres stem from rock'n'roll music anyway, so i wouldn't be surprised.
you're laying in your room one night, it's dark outside, the night crawling in as a gentle breeze drifts through your open window. headphones plugged into your phone, you scrolled through a newly made playlist, brows furrowed in thought as you tried to remember anymore songs you wanted to add.
humming along to the tune echoing in the headset, you were absolutely zoned out. it wasn't until a large pair of hands grabbed your waist, did you crash back down to earth. ripping the headphones off your head, you jumped back in defense.
"what did i tell you about leaving your window open, y/n?" hobie scolded you, a playful smirk on his lips, standing up straight, looking down at you, "could've been any dickhead coming in here, y'know?"
"not just any dickhead can scale 7 floors and climb in through my window, hobie," you rolled your eyes, fixing the mess you made when you threw your headphones and phone on the bed.
"yeah," he leant down, until his face was but an inch from your own, "only the really bad ones can."
with that, and a devilish grin, he pressed his lips against yours, using his advantage to push you backwards onto the bed, climbing on, making himself comfortable on the mattress next to you, holding you close to him. your hands went to his chest, feeling it rise and fall under your touch.
"i missed you," he muttered between kisses, his piercing ice cold against your lips, sending chills down your spine.
"i missed you, too, hobie," you whispered back, welcoming his touch on your waist.
pulling back with a smirk, he reached for the phone in your hand, opening it up.
"what were you listening to so intensely?" he quizzed, but his question was instantly answered at the name of the playlist you had made.
for hobie
to say he was stunned, was an understatement. this was new to him, no one had ever made him a specially made playlist before, no one had gone to the effort. his heart swelled. scrolling through, he saw an array of artists that he hadn't even heard of before, mixes of genres that he knew you loved.
"sorry, it's really silly," you dismissed, reaching for your phone at his blunt response, suddenly feeling a wave of insecurity.
his eyes snapped to yours, shocked at your reaction, "what? no, absolutely not."
though his stomach twisted slightly at the thought of listening to lana del rey? whoever that was, he wasn't sure, but the fact you listened to it, thought of him, and thought of him so much you made it into a playlist dedicated to him? well, he'd be an idiot to refuse that.
"i love it, darlin', thank you," his smile was soft, genuine, one you only see him give to you, which is why you loved it so dearly.
"baby, who's kendrick lamar?"
it was a late night, you were exhausted from working all day, and the 7 staircase climb wasn't ideal, now that the elevator in your block had stopped working. dumping all your stuff in the living room, quickly throwing on some clothes from the dryer and a quick bathroom visit, you nudged open the door to your bedroom.
you knew hobie was crashing at yours, it was more rare when he wasn't.
what you didn't expect was the sound of mellow, soft music coming from inside. continuing quietly, you peered around the door to see your boyfriend, barely under the covers, sound asleep on your bed. eyes scanning the room, you saw his phone, open on the mattress beside him.
silently stepping over, your heart melted at what you saw on his phone screen. the playlist you had made him, shuffled, playing through the speakers on his phone.
chest warm and full of adoration for this man, you leant down to place a kiss on his temple, smiling at the way his body reacted to your touch.
he was an angel, of sorts.
though you complained about it at first, hobie would definitely need music to fall asleep to. sometimes he was so tired that the second his head hit the pillows and his arms wrapped themselves around you, he was asleep. but mainly, he played music from the speakers in either of your rooms.
the only issue with this, however, is that his music was never stereotypical sleeping music.
whilst only on a low volume, just something to keep his mind from fuzzing too much as he tried to sleep, you weren't a stranger to falling asleep to the likes of ramones, dead kennedys, motörhead, sex pistols, etc.
he loved you for it though, beyond grateful with your patience with him.
a/n: golly gosh i love this man so much
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soracities · 1 year
Ur so eloquent and i love ur posts about the societal pressures associated w makeup!!!! 💗💗💗 u put everything I feel & think about into coherent words and I so appreciate that! Also I would like to hear ur thoughts on plastic surgery bcuz I am also annoyed. If I see that smug smiley little dickhead plastic surgeon tiktoker on my FYP one more time saying “ohhh my patients r beautiful. Anyway here are all the procedures I’m gonna do to alter their ethnic nor unique features and make them look totally different” I’m gonna scream. The patronising pseudo-kindness is almost worse than when he goes completely mask-off about exploiting insecurity - like the vid he made laughing w the caption “when a 20yr old says she’s doesn’t need Botox bcuz she’s gonna age gracefully.” I’ve spent a lot of time cultivating a healthy self-esteem & generally not defining myself by my appearance - yet even I felt a flicker of my old insecurity seeing that post. I block every post referencing plastic surgery and I STILL get them. It’s incessant & so insidious - esp for poc. My 13yr old cousin (who watches lots of tiktok) told me she’s saving up for a nose job and a BBL when she turns 18 and my heart fkn broke. No 13yr old shld even KNOW the term BBL.
I feel so much for your younger sister, anon, because whatever else I may have gone through with my own insecurities at 13 (and they were profound and absolutely did a number on me), I genuinely cannot begin to imagine what it's like to cope with all of that in the age of TikTok and IG and the added pressure of beauty influencers magnifying everything.
Honestly, my thoughts on cosmetic surgery are very complicated--I don't think it's something that's ever going to go away, and to be honest I'm not even sure if it's about that. I know people who've had cosmetic procedures done and I know it was something deeply important for them and I know how much happier and at ease they felt afterwards--I'm not going to judge or begrudge anyone that happiness because the reality is, as much as it would be amazing if we all loved and celebrated ourselves and each other, everyone's individual constellation of insecurities and worries is completely different and not everyone will be able to address them in the same way.
To live in a world where we are not defined and punished for our physical differences would be an incredible thing, but we don't live in that kind of world--and so learning to be at peace with yourself in the midst of the world we do have, learning to accept your body or any individual aspects of your appearance is incredibly difficult--and these difficulties are influenced even more by gender, or race, or the culture in which you live etc., or even just the people around you. Do I wish my friends could see what I see? Of course. But I also don't know what they see, or how deeply that runs, or the impact that has on them. Because I also know that, when it comes to myself, I don't see what they see, either. I've said before that I find prominent noses absolutely beautiful--but I know that I cannot impose this on someone who has had to live their life under constant comments about their nose (or any other feature), to the point where they feel that is all they are to people. I don't condemn people for the choices they make in this, but I do condemn the structures and societal expectations that force some people into certain choices in the first place by normalising this idea that there is a "correct" way to look (and I'm not immune to it either--I have a lot of profound insecurities that are incredibly difficult to get past).
It's very similar to how I view makeup in some respects because whatever choices people make when it comes to cosmetic procedures should feel like choices to them. But not all cosmetic procedures are made equally and my real issue with cosmetic surgery (and in my mind I distinguish it from plastic surgery because they are not the same to me), more than anything else, is when it becomes a tool for upholding and celebrating particular beauty standards that are deeply gendered, politicized and racialised while claiming it is "just" a matter of aesthetics, which is deeply, deeply insidious to me. "Aesthetics" have never been neutral. Even the language we use in talking about it isn't neautral: "fix", "adjust", "improve" etc. Improve according to whom? Why do they decide this? At the end of the day, no matter what you say about the golden ratio there is nothing wholly objective about beauty because human beings are not static Ideals; you cannot distill beauty into a mathematic formula like a conch shell because beauty is not something separate from the thing it occupies. These ideals work for Plato, but we are living, breathing, moving, exsiting in the here and now. A static image of a beautiful woman in a Vogue covershoot is just that: an image. And all the rules that govern that image fall apart the moment the model moves again, the moment she becomes a person again.
And besides, nothing can be "just" aesthetics in a world with the warped beauty standards that we have. There's nothing neutral about nose jobs in a society marred with as much anti-black racism and antisemitism as ours. There's nothing neutral about BBLs in a society that fetishizes black women's (and other woc) bodies as ours. There's nothing neutral about buccal fat removal in a society so plagued by thinness as not just a physical but also a moral ideal. I read a horrifying article on GQ a few months back about men undergoing cosmetic surgery to widen their jawlines so they appear more "manly"--and a surgeon in the article casually said one of these patients also "needed a rhinoplasty" which made me see red: nobody needs their face smashed open for the sake of an arbitrary standard whose very purpose (Beauty) requires the existence, and therefore manipulation and condemnation, of its opposite in order to appear valid. These beauty standards only have value so long as their opposites have no value--but these "opposites" are not disembodied traits: they are real human features that belong to real breathing human beings who have to live surrounded with this rhetoric for their entire lives. There's nothing neutral to me about looking at a human face and dissecting all of its features, ascribing values to some, and disparaging others, as though they exist as separate building blocks you can rearrange at will. In some instances, it skirts too close phrenology for me, and I'm not saying that lightly.
These are some of my thoughts but as I said, my views on this are very complicated and I have to be careful how I talk about some of it because there are some things that genuinely make me deeply angry. Again, I don't believe the solution is to get rid of cosmetic surgery, because I don't think that will ever really work and I think it misses the point--most people will always have something about themselves they'll want to change or just wish was different and for some people more than others they will want to make that change: and I would much rather people have access to legal, qualified, accountable medical professionals when they do. But in cases like your sister, in cases like that GQ article, in cases like that TikTok surgeon (I have no words, anon, truly...), or really just TikTok in general, in cases like ethnic rhinoplasty and eyelid surgery, the fact that the number of people getting Botox has grown since the increase in video calls and Zoom meetings....in all honesty at this point I am just tired and infuriated by our refusal to have an actual conversation about the society these procedures exist in and are normalised within and I'm especially tired when influencers and celebrities make a point of not being upfront about their own procedures. I don't care what people get done or why (as long as its a freely made choice for no one else's sake but yours), but I do care when we make it as acessible as these procedures are now, when they are tacitly (and in some cases outright) encouraged, and yet talking about them or admitting to having had that work done is somehow gauche and I am incredibly tired of it!
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ca-suffit · 2 months
I really want to know why book fans get mad and up in arms when people don’t like Marius…a canonical pedophile. When I read the books I didn’t really like him at all so why would I get excited for his AMC debut? Sorry but not all of us fold on sight just because the predator happens to be a pretty white man with yellow hair.
This insistent defense squad for him feels very strange. Especially because they all seem to know what he’s hated for and yet whenever someone expresses any kind of contempt for him they run in to protect him and usually talk down to others like he’s some misunderstood teenager who we’re too stupid to understand. I noticed many Book fans tend to have Anne’s arrogant, know-it-all, “I can never be wrong because I read words” attitude as well which usually hinders any proper discussion or response. No one wants to talk to an arrogant stranger that is heavily implying that they’re stupid. But these fans continue to take that approach and then act superior when they’re not responded to.
(It’s also weird racist that from their perspective book!Louis and even movie!Louis are victims of Lestat but AMC!Louis? Well he deserved it because he was mean, ungrateful and stopped putting out. Never thought I would see people claim that because Louis made empty threats towards Lestat that they were mutually abusive to one another and yet these are common stances that I’ve seen an alarming amount of people accept with no questions or forethought attached. but that’s an issue for an entirely different rant.)
even if ppl want to remove the pedo thing from marius with whatever excuse they have, his personality is ass anyway. I think a lot of ppl who read the books started off thinking he's gonna be likeable and wise and then he's just....some dickhead.
a lot of these ppl are not ppl who can stand critical thinking or have looked at maybe their own trauma in regards to how they perceive these characters (and at what ages they read the books too). a lot of ppl in this fandom have linked characters to themselves somehow, so there's no way to talk about a character without personally insulting ppl. it's rly tiring. that's not unique to this fandom either but the level of harassment u will receive kinda is, cuz it's based on anne rice's behavior (as u noted).
a lot of this racism too stems from the same ppl who can't hear criticisms about characters like marius bcuz the whole book series is nothing but promoting white supremacy. I don't think it's something she did consciously but it's so fucking blatant (the vampires literally get whiter as they get more powerful, for one?????) and shouldn't even be controversial for adults to say out loud. so many ppl bonded to this shit at young ages tho that it's "fun" nostalgia to them and fuck anyone who tries to say otherwise. that's how we're here. ppl cling hard to this notion that something has to be "pure" to be enjoyed or else ur a bad person for liking it. idk how that's become a thing bcuz u can still like things but be critical of them, that's how most things work???
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multifanritz · 2 years
Jason Todd Headcanons: First 3, 4, 5 (you're here)
lets keep goinggg
Jason refuses to have normal names for his contacts
It started as a joke when he put "B is for Bitch" on bruce's when he was mad
but just kept doing it
The Batbros would be obvious ones like Dickhead, Replacement, and Demon Brat
Steph is "CAB" which stands for Crime Alley Bestie (it was her idea)
Cass is probably just a black heart emoji
Duke is... im not sure honestly. Maybe Human Flashlight or smth, i still dont know much about him
Alfred is just Alfie tho
Im also gonna say hes probably one of those people who will answer spam calls
and just waste their time
"Oh my god, the prince is DYING?? and he cant afford a HOSPITAL?? and you dont know whats WRONG so u need MONEY??? omg okay thats fine. okay, tell me his symptoms ill look them up on google. We're gonna figure this out dw"
theater kid jason rlly comes out with those
or he'll answer the phone and just breathe heavily into it
ur telling him he can waste a strangers time for FREE? say no more
if hes feeling energetic he'll take it a step further
"Gotham Barbecue Morgue, you kill 'em, we grill 'em, what can I help you with?"
he comes up with the weirdest shit for those
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
i’m so curious to hear more about how the haruka and shintaro relationship develops post str. bc like there’s konoha and also the mess with shinaya and shintaro and takanes messed up dynamic and i just read your thing about how takane and shintaros friendship plays out and like… i’m so curious how or if haruka and shintaro ever get back to a good place and like how much do they even interact outside the quartet and can they even have a relationship separate from takane
YEAHYEAHYEAH WOOOO WOOOO guess what. this one also got too long💗 whatever. deal with it
i think haruka and shintaro are rly quick to go back to their old dynamic!!! but erm. ok here's the thing.
SORRY TO GET ALL ANNOYING ABT THIS AGAIN i answered this in an ask a few weeks ago BUT i am gonna repeat. it pisses me off SOOOOO MUCH that shintaro is totally normal to haruka and just a dickhead to ayano&takane. i accidentally went on a rant abt the misogynistic writing in shintaro/in general lollll and i might do it again💗 i will do it again. sorry, because when it comes to haruka & shintaro's dynamic this is SO difficult for me to get past i just can't do it so HERE I GO AGAIN:
because it pisses me off too that haruka just doesn't say anything. i WILL get to ur question i will get to haruka&shintaro post str about the whole shinaya and codependent shintaka shitshow but i need u to hear me out for a second first. YES I KNOW IM REPEATING MYSELF WHATEVER
so i know haruka not saying anything and doing stuff like Lying to takane abt hanging out with shintaro bc he knows she hates him etcetc is rather like. haruka's like theyre both my friends i hate they can't get along :( and i know its written this way because writer doesn't see the issue in question in the first place. like i said i hate how takane is always put at the level of shintaro as if she isn't defending herself. ayano just lets shintaro walk all over her + haruka is either oblivious or too spineless to say anything and takane's fighting for her life LOL like she's not stupid she knows why shintaro is a dick to her. and like damn takane was SO nice to shintaro when she first meets him and shintaro is the one to start their shitty dynamic in the hs days because he decided he hated her right off the bat without even knowing who she was. he just stood in a 2 or 3 hour line to whine abt ohh u think ur such a big shot because all these ppl think ur cool and the funny thing is that takane AT NO POINT EVER thinks this and is the total opposite, she was crying her eyes out the whole day at being exposed and having all these people here. shintaro didnt know shit. like truly what is the reason he did this other than AUUGGHH GIRLS DONT PLAY VIDEOGAMES😡😡😡 HES SO RIDICULOUS Like if he had been mean to haruka too later, I'd let it pass it'd be like ok yeah ig shintaro's wholeheartedly just a fucking asshole and who knows what his fucking problem is but LITERALLY IN THE SAME HOUR shintaro's like haruka i can teach you how to play videogames and be ur best friend lets kiss on the mouth like girl. again gay not only bc i like men but bc i hate women👍or whatever. hs shintaro i fucking hate you youre SO annoying. there is NO OTHER REASON for the treatment💗 and takane sees it and ayano & haruka either see it and dont say anything or are oblivious. ayano bc she's too awooga over shintaro and haruka because (cracks knuckles) care for internalized misogyny. sorry i know he's better than this but lollllll. either haruka is oblivious which HE IS NOT because haruka is a dumbass but in his pov he shows again and again how perceptive he is to the ppl around him. he's just a fucking spineless loser. he doesn't say anything to shintaro because then maybe shintaro will think he's lame. maybe he did say something to shintaro and shintaro was like erm whatever dude lol and haruka's like haha. yeah forget i said anything lol(sweating) but haruka isnt stupid enough not to consider why shintaro is just a dickhead to takane for no reason. sorry seriously what on earth was going thru jin's mind to write shintaro and takane's meeting like THAT 😭😭😭
yes i know theyre fictional characters and this is one of those things i could truly just ignore because it is the fault of the writer not of the, again, FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, and i do this with many things in kagepro but HERE specifically. i can't bring myself to ignore it and i dont wanna. idk, it just bothers me lol because it's an entire dynamic. you're telling me shintaro and takane had that relationship for a over a year at school and haruka just watched the whole time and didnt say anything??? he still went to be buddies with shintaro when he walked in and said all that awful shit to takane first meeting?? yeah girl im holding him accountable (as a character)idgaf. LOL!!! again erm. reminder this is written. im mad abt the sexist writing not The characters who are not real people ok? ok.
sorry maybe im butthurt because im afab🤨and reading this kinda thing is like.i wanna throw up and i get all intense. but imagine being in takane's place and ur guy friend who u think is good is like. just letting the misogynistic asshole in the friend group say shit because its not directly affecting him and ur like wow. ok then. hehe takane getting mad at haruka for always being like aw guys dont fight like she's not defending herself LOLLLL ok sorry ill stopill stop.
.........getting to the actual question. clearly i have my thoughts abt their dynamic. i think.. sorry, i just can't get past shintaro&takane's relationship in general to be able to think abt haruka&shintaro's. when i read ur ask i was like well ofc they have a relationship separate of takane!!! they're bestest friends!!! BUT... when i really think abt it... maybe not LMAOO like yeah maybe im just super like 💗💗takane💗💗 and hate the misogyny too much. and i think shintaro and ene/takane's relationship is SO titular to kagerou project that its impossible for me to ignore it??
i think generally in post str since shintaro is glued at the hip with takane who in return is also glued at the hip to haruka ofc it's never just Them two alone and takane is in fact in the middle. haruka loves hanging out with shintaro though and he loves him!! he loves when he's around he loves hanging out!! he's also excited abt shintaro and takane being besties bc at first he's like YES DREAM TEAM💥💥💥(PERCEIVES THE HORRORS) WAIT A SECOND..
i think since haruka is the one slowly talking to takane abt their codependency and etc he slowly grows to sort of. be annoyed?? at some of shintaro's behavior. because haruka tries talking to him about it the same he talks about it to takane! but while takane's all like "ummm nahhh whaaa no way ermm (holds head) OK MAYBE..." shintaro's like U THINK IM GONNA STEAL UR GIRLFRIEND UR SO FUNNY LOOOOOL and haruka's like 😐THATS NOT WHAT IM SAYING.
but like with ayano, haruka is kind of scary to shintaro. not as much as ayano, bc with her there's the whole thing abt yaki and stuff but haruka is also like. WOW he's alive huh. and also, again, shintaro is sorta pissed off at harutaka as a whole LOL 1. he's kinda down bad for both of them 2. is INSANELY jealous of their healthy & communicative & non destructive relationship in contrast to whatever the fuck he's doing with ayano. LOL!! from shintaro's perspective (subconsciously i cant stress it enough. all the shit he's doing he's rly not. on the loop(LOOL!!!)about the fact he is doing it he's rly not doing it on purpose) its comforting to know that bc of their codependency(that hes also in denial about) takane is as distanced from haruka as he is from ayano, like both their relationships suffer for it so it HAS to be normal right??
so when haruka approaches him abt it shintaro is kind of annoyed. subconsciously. at first he's like ohhh yeah of course you wanna spend time alone with ur girlfriend lol sorry man get some 👍 and haruka's like well that's not the only thing?? it's not so much about me as it is about you and takane bc this is clearly a rly bad dynamic for u guys and i think ur kind of enabling her fears and takane is really overdue in facing her reality and its not helping her to cling on u like this
actually, i think haruka is able to articulate it better to shintaro than to takane bc with takane he's terrified she'll dump him over it. because he is very worried specifically about her mental state and how she's using shintaro as a means to STILL not face her problems and the fact she is alive. but if he were to say this to her face takane would. yeah she'd freak out a lil bit so while he still does it little by little, he thinks talking directly to shintaro should be ok right!! he'll understand where he's coming from, because takane was and is dedicating her existence to shintaro for a sense of purpose while shintaro...what's shintaro's problem, haruka wonders. he acts annoyed but still stays by her. obviously he's just used to her. but it's not as extreme as it is with takane since she's DEDICATED so maybe he will hear him out!
DEAD WRONG shintaro keeps talking like omg haruka ur being just like ayano lmaooo all jealous over me and takane u guys are so funny. shintaro's so delighted he's like THANK GOD ayano and i are normal then, haruka is doing the same as her!! but haruka insists its really not so much abt jealousy at all he's just genuinely worried for both shintaro & takane. and probably grows a little annoyed over shintaro's insistence of him being jealous and refusing to listen LOL haruka: u and takane share a while understandable, deeply destructive relationship u cope mindlessly with... shintaro: u just wanna make out with her and ur mad im around :3
i think haruka even trusts shintaro with why he's telling him all this and why he struggles talking abt it to takane. so shintaro is VERY aware of haruka's delicate self worth and yeah takane too but shintaro also knows in detail abt haruka struggling to feel good enough for her and all that shit. and he feels kinda good abt it LOL shintaro's like... he kinda feels like he can have haruka under control like this. SUBCONSCIOUSLY OF COURSE AGAIN shintaro isnt a manipulative mastermind he's just GOING THRU IT.
basically haruka and shintaro do kinda have their old dynamic but now there's all this stuff abt takane. shintaro specifically keeps trying to default to their old dynamic but that's difficult bc haruka is REALLY living the moment while shintaro is still stuck in all these emotions pulling him back. so of course haruka's eq freaks him out a bit. and again pisses him the hell off that haruka and takane seem so good together while he's fighting for his life with ayano.
so when shintaro is at his wits end and hits on takane (anyone reading this out of context to my other post the anon is referring to, im sorry) it REALLY crashes down. ofc i talked abt takane's side bc that's what it was about but only briefly abt haruka. i think. i think haruka is overdue sending shintaro to hell too. from being such an asshole to both ayano and takane in highschool all the way to his fucked up relationships with both even now post str. i think that's also a nice way for haruka to step up and stop being so spineless. srry i keep calling him this but its such a perfect word to describe him. haruka is so self conscious abt everything his self confidence is so nonexistent and that holds him back from everything but i think the same way everyone is breaking by now he also has his Moment.
like haruka KNOWS shintaro is dealing with a lot. of course he knows. so haruka isnt mean about it, he doesnt yell at him about it like takane does. i think haruka just kinda. grimaces and says he's really disappointed in him. and shintaro's like GOD ID RATHER YOU PUNCH ME IN THE FACE but haruka is just silent and thats so so so much worse. shintaro keeps begging him to just punch him and haruka's like why?? and shintaro's like cuz im ur bro and i hit on ur girl :((((( and haruka's like OHHH MY GOD. DO U EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON RN DO U HEAR HOW DEMEANING IT IS TO REDUCE IT TO JUST THAT?? ITS NOT HS CRUSH STUFF.... UR DESTROYING ALL UR RELATIONSHIPS MY MAN. shintaro's like a.
so hes like WELL...IM JUST...SORRY... LIKE I WASNT THINKING... and haruka's like apologize to TAKANE not ONLY me!! apologize to ayano!!where are THEIR apologies!! what's the matter with you!! i know ur hurting but ALL OF US are, why do u get a pass to act this way!! just stop!!!!
haruka doesn't say much else but i think only that is enough to send shintaro spiraling down + all the other stuff. he's like speedrunning destroying all his relationships its so funny honestly. and i think haruka is the one to point it out to him. he says he HAS been telling him and didnt listen and he's driven it to a point where even he needs a break from him and doesnt really wanna see him rn. shintaro's like 😐meltdown style. haruka's like Closes door on ur face cutely💗
sorry i kinda talked abt so much other stuff here but yeah. 💗👍
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My feelings about this:
Kinda strange for IQ to be reaching out after what happened at the tower, not that Im like "shes nighthaven now so she doesnt care" but this is the first time someone from nighthaven has reached out like this
We finally!!! get something about Ela and Zofia!!! GLAD TO KNOW ZOFIA'S OKAY!! Also yeah Ela WHY ARE U TENSE HM no shade on her for leaving i swear, i get why she's "tense" but like shes got a new family now (okay im still a little spicy), be like kali and worry about them yeah? (ofc it had to be smoke to make the comment)
Ram is pretty!!!! I fucking love the lil knitted tarantula keychain thing
V appropriate for Kaid to mention her being in the tarantula unit
So Thermite's mostly concerned about Redhammer, but why bring Harry into it? Yeah he's gone but like, if you mention him u gotta mention everyone. Sledge got back to work like he didnt get fucking blown up like, also "everyones gotta align" huh??? everyone is aligned, are they not? whats missing Thermite?
Vigil didnt need to put his two cents in, Ram was up against someone in a HELICOPTER what else was she gonna do??? Maybe im reckless but like?? Also she already knows she cant go apeshit again so not helpful Vigil
Amaru's and Melusi's two cents are v appropriate as well, its nice to hear from them too 100/10 i agree
Good observation Castle but i dont blame her
FENRIR FENRIR! MANS IS RIGHT, RAM KNEW WHAT SHE WAS DOING!!! Everyones like "shes so reckless omg" bullshit, 1000/10 good two cents Fenrir
Frost sweetie hunty you lay a trap how??? The soldiers at the tower were AMBUSHED and, again, by a HELICOPTER, what kind of trap could Ram have set up?? Like yeah traps are Frost's thing we get it but what??huh???
I love that Dokkaebi was the one to make this comment, also very exciting who's the backdoor??
A little Mozzie humor why not?
I couldnt agree more Nomad
A little Bandit two cents, he's right he's right
Ill be damned, Mozzie showing Vigil what its like to Not Be A Dickhead, and I absolutely agree-i guess its not too much to assume Vigil feels somewhat responsible for what happened even though he had no clue, that makes sense
And here we have Vigil being an Absolute Dickhead (yeah yeah ik he obviously doesnt understand Mozzie is trying to show his support and care for Vigil but like the dude literally said he wanted to kill Mozzie and for what?? cause he's loud-mouthed like??? sooooo)
More of Vigil being a Dickhead, 1000/10 Vigil we can always rely on u (maybe its a thing for Fenrir bc hes all Fear this and Fear that but Vigil doesnt have to call him the "Swede" like motherfucker take off ur mask and talk to ppl like a normal person bitch)
Okay I missed Ram talking about how she lost Andwae, im glad she got to say something about it and could voice how bad she's grieving rn
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kashimos-hajime · 2 years
okay okay can i just say that out of all the updates you have uploaded by far, the written chapter a few days is just my absolute favourite ever??? it is so amazingly written and paced so well and it left me wanting to tear my hair out (in a good way ofc). the tension, the ‘baby’ (not new) and ‘flower’ (very new and rly rly cute), the way u write yn watching geto dance, aND JUST EVERYTHI NG HELLO???? DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE WALTZ(?) THE KISS THE CONFESSION ASVDHSV MY HEART. and then my ‘things are going too well 🤨’ instinct kicked in and then:
‘He already knows what he’s decided: he can’t tell you. He can’t tell you the truth. Not after this.’
THIS IS GONNA KICK THEM IN THE ASS SO BAD I ALREADY FEEL BAD FOR YN 😭 i rly hope we get to see either (or both) maki and shoko beat satosugu’s asses coz ngl its kinda deserved. also BOOO SUKUNA JAILTIME IDK IF HE DID IT FOR A REASON YN MY BABYGIRL MY LITTLE MEOW MEOW MY BELOVED DESERVED BETTER
and gosh its so nice to see them together now but i can’t even relax because i’m so prepared for geto’s poorly hidden secret to get revealed girl plz go easy on us readers my heart can only take so much :,)
also username kashimos-hajime u write so beautifully i swear once school gives me a break im binging every single thing u’ve ever written i admire whatever time, skill and effort it took to complete such a masterpiece and i would like and reblog every single update a million times if i could.
this is so long i’m so sorry i wanna say more but it doesn’t seem right 😭 thank you for three amazing updates and i hope u are having ur favourite meal rn <333
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ur literally the cutest human omg. first off! i hope your finals went well!!! glad you enjoyed getting caught up :)
i really loved writing the written chapter too bc i was like FINALLY they're together 😭😭😭 i wanted them to get it together and the timing just worked out and yeah!! i think because they are so emotionally... immature (is the best way i can put it) neither of them would have the guts to be like "we are going on a date at a restaurant and getting to know each other" LOOOL
(everything every character does in this fic has a reason that isn't just they're a dickhead and mean, including sukuna ;) so we'll see)
and yeah :((( i feel like every day suguru just digs himself into a deeper hole because he finally has someone who understands him really well because yn has a better understanding what the loss of one's own self can do to someone. yn is understanding and fundamentally kind, but she also has a hubris of self-preservation, so the instant getou's truth is revealed, it won't be pretty.
thank you so much for this wonderful ask!! as always, your reviews really brighten up my day and your enthusiasm is really inspiring. thank you!!
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sleeping-lilies · 3 years
Title: I Get Tim a Cat Because It’s What He Deserves (oh and i guess a group chat 🙄)
a batfam/wayne family groupchat would literally never happen in canon but it would be so fucking funny you all don’t even know, so i will do it anyways.
the chat just kinda... starts. no one know where it came from. who added them. who??? none of their emotionally stunted asses would be caught dead making making a family chat tf? why can’t any of them leave? they smash their phones and then on their laptop a notification pops up like “you’ve joined ‘x’ group” and they’re stuck there. might as well use it ig, but for what???
“everyone who is alive type ‘i’” no one responds so bruce spends hours trying to find out where their bodies are until he finds out everyone just had the chat on mute
“why isn’t alfred on here” “huh. alfred isn’t on here and no one knows who made the chat?” “so whoever made it just left immediately?” “...” “lol anyways”
tim was trying to send a snap to the core four gc but accidentally sent it to the family chat and gets super embarrassed (of course this happens when everyone’s online why wouldn’t they if it makes tim’s life more difficult) and everyone makes fun of him. duke printed out copies and plastered them all over tim’s apartment while tim was out for something and tim nearly murders duke. after that no one puts the chat on mute because this was too funny.
no one actually, like, texts on a regular basis because they’re not like other families 🙄 they only text if it’s really important or someone’s dying.
that’s being said, “dick where is dog” “send doggy” “dog?” “send doggy” “dick when did you get a dog?” “SEND DOGGY” “i demand you send the dog this instant” “dog now.”
damian breaks into dick’s apartment to take a selfie with him and haley (or bitewing, haley is just shorter to type) captioned “she is mine this is a warning to all of you. i will not hesitate if any of you low lives come near her.” and dick is like “??? this is my dog i can’t have anything these days, siblings take everything, man—” oh ya, everyone reacts to the haley photo with a heart. also dick only lets this shit slide with damian, if jason the problem child pulled this shit it would be on sight lmfaooo
- tim: the dog is cute but, but in photography i learned you have to crop out everything unimportant, like this *crops out damian from the photo*
- in other news, tim joined the dead bats club and now only bruce and duke are left 😃🔪
bruce: check in if you are alive. *everyone’s status is online*
u don’t know about y’all, but my bruce wayne is a responsible father who keeps an eye on his kids, or at least does his best, “has anyone seen duke? he has school and i can’t find him” “i will find him... if you give me $50.” “i will give you the money jason just tell me where he is” jason sends a photo of himself and duke laying down on the floor eating pop tarts.
-“literally why do you all keep coming into my apartment” “our apartment, dick” “i pay for this apartment it’s mine, i keep living in blüdhaven for a reason, god, siblings always steal everything that’s your’s—” it’s ok guys dick simultaneously has eldest daughter’s syndrome and absent sibling syndrome, who is doing it like him? legend behavior. anyways, duke and jason left crumbs on the floor and dick beat them up lmao.
“can i have money” “dad” (theyre sent by same person just different text) “yes cass i will sent you as much as you need, $2,000 is enough for shipping with friends?” “dad can i have money too” “dad can i too” “may i have some too dad” “dad” “dad” fhdjdjsks they only call him dad when they’re dying, want something, or are tattling on each other, someone save him 😩
“@everyone the interviewer in the last segment asked me if we have a family chat and i have a feeling they will try to pry into my texts to see what we are texting, please actually send something so they don’t get even more nosy from our lack of communicating” *someone sends the bee movie script*
ok but like, as time goes on they get more comfy texting each other and acting like a normal(ish) family unit that texts a little more. like tattling.
“someone broke the vase in the hallway and if they don’t want me to tell pennyworth who did it they will buy alfred the cat a new scratching post by nightfall” damian is so funny i love him
“HELPPVHRNXKAK” “what’s up with jason?” “cass is sitting on him” “lol” “i think she’s gonna break his arm fhdjdksk” “ANDBSJ I HAT E YO U A LL” “when did you all come to the manor???”
“😂” bruce vs “lol” dick and cass vs “agdhsjak” tim and duke vs “hA” jason vs “i don’t find any of you funny” damian
“damian i am putting your lemon cake pop thingies in the last bottom shelf on the right, i put the code and everything in the safe” “how often does damian even come to your apartment, dick?” “whenever you’re being an asshole bruce” “he’s always an asshole dickhead 🙄” “exactly 🥰”
“dad guess what” “TIM NOOO” “remember when” “TIM TIM TIM” “you told duke to take the day shift” “I WILL NEVER POST YOUR SNAP PHOTOS TO A GROUPCHAT WITH THE ENTIRE SUPERHERO COMMUNITY AGAIN!!!” “and he agreed to if he did his school work first?” “MERCY, MERCY” “what did he do, tim” “fjdjxkskkz duke goes on school zoom meetings during patrol and pretends he doesn’t have a mic and camera and i was watching his helmet footage and it was so funny, the teachers just believe him when he pretends to have really bad network and can barely type in the chat” “my teachers never trusted me that much” “that’s because you made a kid cry once jason stfu” “wait how did u know that cass—“
“AHDBSNZKAJHF” “stfu duke” “what’s wrong with him where is he?” “cain came to visit” “ohhhh” “FHDJFJDJ HELLPPPXSND” “i know you’re taking a video, you little shit, send it” “no todd come here and take one yourself—or don’t, your presence is unwanted” “fucking brat”
“DAD DICK HIT ME” “DAD JASON’S LYING” *bruce wayne online* (he doesn’t fucking respond fhsjskla) (is it because he’s exasperated with them or crying because they called him dad even though it’s a manipulation tactic or both we’ll never know)
“everyone who is alive, type in chat” *everyone is online* then bruce edits the message to say ‘everyone who wants alfred’s cinnamon rolls, type in chat’ “i guess NO ONE wants alfred’s cinnamon rolls, how sad” and the entire chat goes wild lmfao
ok uhhh let’s do on a scale of 1-10 texts most vs is online the most
bruce: 6-texting, 5.9-online because he always makes an effort to text his kids to check up on them and when his kids are texting he will text as well here and there in the convo to interact with them because he never sees and interacts with them normally and he wants to do better 🥲. he get’s minus 0.1 because of that one time jason and dick were fighting and he logged off agdhsjnz
dick: 3-texting, 3.5-online because he’s the only one in this hellhole of a family that has an actual job (in this house we uphold gymnastics teacher grayson 🙏) and sometimes he won’t have energy to text. so. but he does make an effort when he can. he’s online more than he texts because he’s able to sneak looks at the fights when he has downtime during his job and wants to see the drama lmfaooo. also everything goes on in his fucking apartment for some reason, so now he gotta break up a (one sided) fight between cass and tim because someone has to be a responsible adult.
cass: 2-texting, 10-online because she watches more than she texts? she’s more content to watch what’s going on than to join in. also 8/10 she’s usually the one causing the drama that everyone’s texting about, like beating up the others, so she can’t text while beating them up. i mean she could, but she wants to put more energy in beating them up (lovingly) (cass is basically violence (loving)) and watching what everyone’s saying about her fights. she’s always online to catch a glimpse at the drama. also most of her texts are to dick to see bitewing. and ask for money.
jason: texting-8, online-4 because if cass is the one causing drama offline, jason’s causing drama online. jason wants to be chat cryptic but texts the most lmfaoooo. he’s antagonizing his siblings whenever he sees them and whenever he can’t, king shit. he’s online less because he deadass doesn’t care that much, he’ll read the texts later if he really wants to, otherwise either duke or tim will fill him in on the drama. (“jason ur in the chat too—“ “shut up, tim, now tell me how cass beat damian’s ass)
tim: texting-6.44444, online-10, see tim texts a lot just not to the family group chat lmfao, he has REAL FRIENDS 😤 uhh ya, that’s why he’s online all the time, cuz he’s either texting his friends or on his phone doing some shit. broke: tim stays up late working on cases, woke: tim stays up late texting his friends and playing video games over chat. tim just. interacts with his family, gets bullied by them, ya. that’s the life. also he and duke keep throwing hands because it’s the family curse to beat up tim and in this essay i will discuss how dick is the superior sibling because he never tried to kill tim—wait he probably pushed him down the stairs once nvm but it was totally justified, king
duke: texting-4, online-4 because he has, like, school. and daytime patrol. and is like a junior in high school and therefore has a fuck ton of homework. my boy has no time for family and he doesn’t want it because they’re annoying, obviously 🙄. if he wants drama he’ll go into damian’s room and get the drama. diy icon. he’s online as much as he texts but is so fast of a reader he’ll know the drama in time for the next episode of wayne family shit. most of his time online is picking fights with tim and roasting his siblings to a crisp. he’s so mean, guys, legend has it that one time duke told jason that his helmet looked like a shriveled up dildo and that it could never be the gay statement he wanted it to be jason went offline for that entire day in order to cry himself to sleep. at least he got sleep (allegedly) ayyy duke the problem solver.
damian: texting-1.5, online 2 because the only time he’s texting is to ask dick for photos of bitewing and to send photos of his pets back as proper payment. a negotiator ugghhh father like son. damian honestly doesn’t care about the drama he just wants to sketch bitewing (using the photos dick sent as reference) into the Family Portrait Sketch™️ of the rest of the Animal Family™️. it is an honor for damian to create such a piece, picasso the women hater quakes in his grave as such art that blows his dog shit “art” FAR out of the water is developing. anyways, he goes online for that and to throw random barbs at his siblings. like no one is online and damian just throws a “drake is stupid” in chat and just dips. he’s online more to text the other teen titans and jon because they’re better than his dumbass family (and he texts grayson on messenger so fhdjdjsks) true chat cryptic, jason envies him
alfred: 0-texting, 10-online. huh who said that
“duke take down the tik toks, tim is crying”
“who has my sweatshirt??? i will kill you all” “i have it jason” “nvm cass that’s your sweatshirt now i’m sorry for being presumptuous don’t aTTACK ME” fhdjdjsks
“guys i have the day off do you want to hear when delilah said to jonathon it’s so funny” “are those the kids in your gymnastics class?” “ya” “tell us everything”
the bats just... love hearing drama about those kids because they’re so dramatic. apparently alex threw a rubber ball at maya and she tackled them. wild.
time for a round of: WHO SAID IT?!?!
“how do i make my text bold like the rest of you?” —bruce, dick, cass, and jason at some point.
“how do i change my screen name? please change it back to before” -cass when tim changed her name to “hal jordon #1 stan” (“what is a stan” —bruce), (“i don’t like it either change it back” —bruce after finding out what a stan is)
“what the fuck is a pog” —jason
“fucking ‘tik tok’. we used to use vine when i was a teen. i was a front line soldier of great disasters” —dick on one hand lmfao dick is so old but on the other hand holy shit you used vine??? tell us more about the battles fought
“what is a dilf?” —bruce after scrolling through twitter
ok that’s all, my brain is gone.
“cass dick is turning purple get off him” “no. make him give me my scarf back.” “oh dad that’s terrible can you send a video as evidence?”
“GUYS I FOUND A CAT AND IT SCRATCHED ME AND IM GOING TO THE HOSPITAL BUT GUYS!!! CAT!!!” “drake send a photo of the cat immediately” lmfao bruce zooms to the hospital after that text
“GUYS THE CAT HAS AN OWNER I CANT KEEP THE CAT 🥲” “the one time you could prove to be of use and you fail, drake.” “wow tim, find a cat to steal without an owner next time” “timmy, timmy, timmy, i can’t believe you’ve messed up in finding a cat again” “again?” “again?” “again?” “when i adopt a cat i’m not showing any of you, i hate you all” (lmao hard version of guess who is who i’ll give you a hint dick cass and bruce are the confused ones. )ok it’s not hard anymore.
“dad please get me a cat 😳🐱 haha jk 🤣😩 unless 👀😏😃🙏🥰” anyways tim named the cat starry because of her fur-hair-thingy
“they just so you all know steph just crashed in my apartment and i have work in the morning” “i will pick her up in the morning” “you mean tim will, you don’t have a license, cass. anyways”
“dick do you need help moving?” “no, bruce, i think i can handle it, donna and wally are helping me anyways, but thank you” “mOVING???” “OUT OF YOUR APARTMENT???” “DICK THAT SAME APARTMENT ON 666 HELLHOLE AVENUE???” “...ya?” “NOOOOO” anyways they all break into dick’s new apartment when he moves in, walk around it, and then leave. they just... ya... damn, these bats...
anyways that’s all. see ya.
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brucewaynesasshair · 3 years
part 6 of "i recycled some ic's and put them in batfam context"
DICK: u can't go around killing ppl Jason. it's not just against B's laws, it's against ALL laws.
JASON: u can't tell me what to do dickhead.
DICK: yes i can cuz i'm older & u need to understand ur mistakes.
JASON: omg ur such a dick. u think ur the smartest, always telling me what to do.
DICK: i'm gonna tell every1 to call me Richard from now on. Dick is no more. 4 real now enough with using my name that way.
JASON: what way?
TIM: Damian is really sick
DICK: is he alright? what's his temperature?
JASON: we didn't check his temperature yet-
TIM: -but he smiled & openly said that he loved us
DICK: oh God, my poor child is really sick!
TIM: if u don't sleep then how do u function?
DICK: i run on 3 fuels. spite, anxiety & coffee
JASON: r u ok? u look like u didn't sleep at all
DICK: i got solid 9 minutes
DICK: not consecutively but still, it's fine. ur not even that blurry
BRUCE: none of u give me respect i deserve
DICK: ofc we do!
JASON: yes, u deserve none
ROBBER: i'm going to kill u!!!
DICK: understandalbe. could u at least wait untill i finish my coffee though?
ROBBER: what?
DICK: it's a really good coffee.
KIDNAPPER: we have ur boyfriend
JASON: i don't have a boyfriend
KIDNAPPER: he made us reevaluate our life choices & now we feel rlly bad so can u come pick him up?
JASON: oh fuck u have Dick
DICK: i was born first, u have to listen to me.
DAMIAN: u'll die first too if u don't shut up.
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florenceisfalling · 3 years
ok so my main issue with the post is how it calls tommy selfish - tommy isn't selfish for having trauma, especially after dream specifically told tommy before that he was "too fun" to stop messing with so like as soon as dream got out of COURSE his first instinct was to think dream was coming for him. obviously that wasn't helped by the fact that dream DID immediately go for tommy when getting out, even if it was just to freak him out and chase him around and not actually hurt him
also like - no matter what ur stance on cdream is, he is still a bad person who's done bad things, and no matter how beat up and unwell looking he might have been if he'd just escaped from prison... that's not gonna like, make tommy want to help him or anything. tommy isn't selfish for not helping dream? or whatever IDK maybe the post is just phrased badly. tommy was hurt and traumatized by dream, he isn't a selfish dickhead for not noticing or caring about how hurt dream was and instead focusing on himself
SORRY FOR DISCOURSING IN UR INBOX. there are only two characters that i know well enough and care enough about to discourse about and that's tommy and tubbo. i care them
here is the thing tho i don't think op meant for it to be that they think tommy is selfish but that c!dream thought tommy was being selfish in that moment, since the post was written from dreams perspective
i don't think tommy was being selfish or anything and it actually makes perfect sense for him to be terrified and upset- he should be terrified and upset. bro i would be too
so yeah !! pretty sure that post was not targeted as a dig at c!tommy (if it was, i would've tagged it crit and not just neg), but pointing out how dream was acting in that scene. bc a lot of the fandom took it as "omg hot dream villain moment" (valid) or "he's so terrifying and cruel!" (true from tommy's perspective) & just kinda skimmed over a lot of the other stuff dream said that was honestly fucking Sadge™️ in that scene. it was less pointing out "damn tommy sucks" or something and more "hey guys i know you're busy using this line for your edgy dream art but can we mention the fact that dream almost actually had a vulnerable moment there talking about how hurt he was and how much he missed the beach and shit & turned that pain into just Increased Tommy Bullying™️" bc that's the kind of person dream is"
so u r not wrong !!! tommy was completely valid for being scared as shit!! and dream did fucked up things!! and wanted tommy to be scared as shit as part of his plan!! i just was really excited to see someone posting abt the exact same thing i felt in the scene bc dream's "you fucked me" line and stuff like that felt really buried beneath all the spooky art & etc
even if op didn't mean it that way, i kinda put it less in line with tommy crit & more in line with fandom crit. it doesn't matter what character you like or what they've done, they always will end up being flattened into something related to c!tommy in this fandom. so of course no one will focus on the lines that gave c!dream more depth, he's just "tommy's villain" . so it's cool 2 see something that points out dreams perspective without being like "ohoho sneaky evil man time". sorry i kinda went off on a tangent there it was a bit irrelevant but There That Is Why I Reblogged It thank u
#i also get annoyed with labeling anyone in the dream smp a ''bad person'' bc a.) i don't like doing that to real people either#& b.) THEYRE ALL BAD#like all of them are either violent & murderous or war criminals or thieves or at the very least friends with/on the side of a ''bad person#and u can argue about who's worse but there's little worth to that#i really do like c!tommy for real#he's suCHHH a fun perspective & a good egg#but so much of the fandom has kinda killed that for me#bc every character who's nice to him suddenly becomes his ''father figure'' or whatever#and it also just makes for a worse fandom experience due to how many people will tag sad tommy art with c!dream-related tags & other tags#til it's like. bro why i am not here for the little british man today#idk it's a lot#i have so many thoughts about this and so little coherency to communicate with#yknow me there's a reason i love anti so much i love reading into ''villainous'' scenes and trying to peek at the other side of things#the other side of the mask. if u will#& not to get all uwu comfort character but i do relate to both c!dream and c!tommy in two different ways#so i wish the fandom could see both as their complete complex characters#and not just ''c!tommy is soft little baby hero. c!dream is mean bad monster who exists solely to be mean to tommy''#bc the whole point of laRGE CHUNKS OF THE STORY#is dream using tommy's sense of importance like that#i ammmaking little sense now but i promise. there is meaning somewhere in my words#goobnite it's nap time#discourse#fandom crit#my dsmp bullshit
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Gotta be top 5 worst ways to wake up. It feel like last summer but shit changed I can feel it. I always choose her but she’s not gonna always choose you, y’all ain’t twin flames dickhead & u def aint soulmates. You’re the dickhead with the attachment issue to ur ex cause da more people u talk to the more numb u realize are & that’s the last time u felt something. & now u being ignored the one thing that gets to you everytime but ur not chasing her this time cause you know it’s different. Last time we had a conversation Agree’d were never on the same page, i was hesitant, became distant cause I’m scared but idk why i wouldn’t be scared. Didn’t want a relationship with me before got invested got my feelings hurt, last time other way around cause yes i fear commitment, can’t handle affection now whatever & i knew i wasn’t ready so why would i waste anybody’s time. Okay i text now i don’t expect nothing to big of it cause i know her you got options, i got options too. Bitches tryna fly me out & I’m choosing you cause under all the money, the looks & superficial shit it was always you. I always choose u because i had da best bond with you & i know we will never speak again in our life cause if i don’t take first steps it’ll never happen. No matter how much i think about u everyday, no matter how much i speak good on you, no matter how much i love you, no matter how much i beat myself up bout shit I’ve done, no matter how much i grow we’ll never speak again cause it’s the end of our chapter & that’s fine but i never expected us to end like this. I always thought it would be you & yes everyone has there version of our story. People thought of us as amazing but we know it wasn’t dips & dabbles. It was infuriating sometimes, verbally abusive, felt like you literally hated me while being with me no matter what i tried to do. Do i speak on that ? No. When i look at you do i remember the bad things ? No. Getting out the relationship made me realize that as much as im the numb one i wasn’t in the relationship. I was literally the emotional one & the chaser with an emotionally unavailable girl 100% pretty sure was depressed. I can’t cure anybody’s depression & i don’t see anybody trying to help me with mine but i tried my best to help. If I dealt with you depressed why the fuck don’t i deserve happy you 😭. I mean i don’t deserve anything, I’m not obligated to anything but why the fuck you gonna go give yourself to niggas who never fucked with you at your lowest. Niggas aint deal with the overthinking, the mood swings, the numbness, the ghosting, none of that shit but that’s what niggas gonna get Now cause what ? We free now like that doesn’t make sense. I grew & you were the first person I thought to pursue & text & that’s what i did. When you grow & do allat u aint thinking bout me, not the one who would make themselves available to u 25/8 but you gonna go fuck with randoms. I believed in you no matter what, oh ya ugliest days i still thought u were the most beautiful person ever but knowing you you’ll only remember the bad parts when they think about you cause that’s all that sticks. I did wrong, i never deny but i also grew significantly. I put in effort i said imma be better & i did get better i just ran into somebody who no longer gave a fuck & that’s life. I loved you with everything in me when i ain’t never even been loved correctly, cheated on my whole first relationship, greased right after, you tell people i cheated on you which is weird as hell cause i never did. Why i speak good on you & that’s what u tell people. & i pray to god them niggas treat you good cause i was never your type. We should’ve never been together & i deserve somebody who will choose me cause u never will. & i pray them niggas you choosing don’t grease you cause you gonna cry alone. I’m not checking for you, not nothing I’m done with you. Cause you hurt my feelings time after time & you the only person who can do this & i tell you straight up how I’m feeling, how I’m this, how I’m that & it’s funny cause the first time i texted you i wanted to know
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Season 3 notes popping off
due to my desire to not completely fail all my classes this year i made myself slow down significantly while listening to this season, and the fact that the other person i'm listening along with had to catch up. We've managed to convert several other people to start listening and its pretty great.
ep 81: what does it even mean to be chosen by one of them? And if he was chosen by the eye. we know Gertrude wasnt? Because she cut the eyes out of the magazines?
ep 82: elias lmao. I understand why people like him so much bahshdhdk i thought he was gonna snitch on Jon but he didnt so he's fine. Ok but how do we think he knew all that stuff. Idk probably just institute connections. I love the fact that the recorder just wants to record stuff randomly bjahsjdhd. Elias feels a lot like Michael in the sense that he knows more than he should and talks in a way that implies he just wants to wait and see how things play out for his own benefit. I understand him knowing the things that happened but his description of her emotions implies something paranormal. Maybe he's connected to one of the entities. Which one I cannot guess.
ep 83: did a file get delivered randomly to the place he's staying at? Probably elias lmao. He thinks the mannequin is related to the stranger. Idk I would believe it.
ep 84: worms? I know he says earth worms but idk. Again? Is she making gordon golems out of trash? Martin popping off. You can tell the statements get to him more that they get to Jon. How come martin is so mad about it? I want to assume he just doesnt want her to get stuck there but idk. Jude Perry. The calliope organ. Jon heard a circus in one of the last episodes
ep 89: he's talking to perry? Like jude Perry? He says ... God? Is that what it is? Lmao. The Desolation. Jon is tired of ppl being vague and not telling him stuff lmao. Oh God Jon is so confused. Compel her? Is she assuming he has some kind of power? Does he have powers? Hmm. im agreeing with jon here please jesus christ why does everyone have to be so cryptic. Just say what you mean. "maybe you get an itchy eye" bahasjkdfklsjdf girl what. Agnes saved her? Oh this is the girl from the cafe story? So theres the Cult of the Lightless Flame? They worship whatever entity this is? The Desolation? Why do they all seem like they sorta worship her then? Is Gretchen gonna die oh god. fuckin michael. a different michael aaah. i see. dont do it shes gonna burn you. sir. please. sir dont you dare do- WHAT DID I SAY what did you think was gonna happen hhh.
ep 90: try to make it less obvious you're trying to get fired big T. Elias that doesnt sound like the most healthy thing to do. oh dear is this gonna be triggering for me. uuuuuh. uuuuuuuuuh. doesnt seem like it ok gonna keep listening. Jared. hmmmmm. Ok we've seen Keay and hotner or whatever his name was.
ep 91: Michael Crew. Oh is this the lightning scar guy. Mister jon sir did you just die. No? God everyone is so fuckin cryptic. Say normal things please. They all just like to go on about pain and agony and j e s u s c h r i s t we get it you got hurted by whatever thing. So theyre avatars? question mark? Jude Perry is an avatar of The Desolation? hhhh fractals. thats a spiral thing innit. Yup. messing with your perceptions. God they all talk about feeding their god and feeding that which feeds them and. hh what does that meann. Leave big J. please. uh oh. is it daisy? how come he has the web lighter still? the tape recorder just turns on sometimes you know how it is. So he can compel people? not that he knows it obviously but. a bit wack. powers go brr i guess? If the eye just wants knowledge i guess he feeds it by getting the statements? b/c i doubt it wants him to murder ppl or whatever.
ep 92: elias you all knowing fuck what do you know. (i guess all given what i just said) Lukas. Heard of them before. Mordecai Lukas. Loneliness. The lonely even. Jonah Magnus. Elias ur sounding like a bit of a dickhead rn. lmao jon's just like "i dont care" elias what is ur deal. Why does he want to tie her in. ohh i see. lmao theyre all just like "elias why" The Unknowing lol seems very much like something the eye wouldnt like. lol elias is gettin all philosophical. what does it really mean to be human. this still doesnt answer why gertrude wanted to destroy the archives tho.
ep 93: bahsjdfh he seems so dead inside rip. awww admiral. i love him already. ghh breacon and hope. purple mold. doesnt sound like anything we've seen so far. I think the funniest explanation for breacon and hope is that they dont actually serve the stranger they just kinda happen to be a random neutral party that cart around random spooky entity related stuff. ooooh. when we hear the slight static of the tape recorder it's cuz he's compelling ppl.
ep 94: the end! listen man they were all just grayed up for 4/13.
ep 95: the end also? death but also savagery/ animalistic shit. aww martin. lmao becerra. she's just been chillin in the corner.
ep 96: return to sender. haha minecraft go brr. prediction: breacon and hope? yup there we go. jon why is there an echo. are you in a stairwell? is he gonna eat it- yup. how did i call it. unsure abt what theyre talking about but ok. they kidnapped someone? Sarah Baldwin. ooooh that guy.
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ok im just putting this here so i have notes for when nicholas gets to this part. It seems like (from jon's conversation with jude perry) that the desolation and the eye are kinda at odds with eachother? like i guess not directly but it seems like they dont really vibe? so how could be with both. Cuz if he has the heat powers and shit then we know he's an avatar of the desolation. but then why does he have so much eye imagery. also he got burned intentionally? like jude did when she went on her monologue about the feeling of burning? but then why did he wear the eye pendant. it stops him from being burned all the way which seems like he's not fully accepting the fire or whatever.
Nooooo I lost like a bunch of my notes rip. I keep forgetting to save.
Ep 104: tim gives a coherent statement without jon even being there. Ugh. Fucking robert smirk. Dont like him. Joey. Dont recognize the name. The show must go on. Clown. The spooky circus?
ep 105: total war... shogun 2? jon is just understanding languages again. "if i understood mandarin or cantonese" are you sure you dont big man?
ep 106: havent we heard this one already? mans in space? oh no this is just another episode in space. fairchild... uuuh. cant remember. oh! this is related to that! this is one of the ppl from the other side. sounds like a Vast thing. oh he's the one that the dude saw? but that guy didnt have a face... she's sorta like jon. wanting to dismiss the statements. lmao i love the workplace gossip. ace jon for the win! oh cmon elias dont be a dick. sunny meadows or whatever. thats the place we heard about.
ep 107: oh great is it jude perry again. Third Degree. bahahsdkfj she was arrested. sorry but imagining this old british lady getting arrested is funny. she was trying to resurrect him. using the skin book. he's not feeling well. jon take a nap. i wonder if this is what happens when he uses his powers too much. He gets into The Zone when he reads statements lol. didn't we have a burning train car in anothre statement? is it julia fairchild? bahahahs "kidnapped. Again." poor jon honestly. julia... about her dad. daughter of the murder shed guy? hunting like your dad liked to hunt or normal people hunting. oh hunting vampires!
ep 108: melanie has been suffering. poor martin peter lukas why do you have to be like this. can he not just use the front door? does he have to bother the ppl doing statements?
ep 109: how come he cut her off? kinda rude tbh. its either jon's influence or there was smth he didnt want her saying. is it gerard on the table? this sounds kinda like smth from one of the university episodes. is it the closed eye on the hand? yup. he's like one of the students! if the thing listening in is elias then... he can do that without the tape recorder yknow. plus who's to say it wont just turn itself on again
110: who wants to bet its a leitner?
111: Lukas related to The Lonely. I used to not like Gerard that much but i like him more now. but i thought there were 15? ohhh thats right isnt flesh newer? gerry for the win honestly. finally telling jon things.
112: lol "again" no one ever tells any of these ppl anything. tim and basira are just out of the loop constantly. music, like the war episodes. The hunt or the slaughter? probably the hunt. so Daisy is related to the hunt right? basira likes the reading, she's doing fine at the institute. daisy's getting worried...
113: it just turned on randomly. what is it lol. explossives! oh boy. why do they always assume he turned it on intentionally. melanie youre not making me like you that much. which entity is this about i cant tell. lol he was disappointed it was just the end. The title Breathing Room made me think it was gonna be about the buried but i guess not. So many of these entities deal with death but the end is one that deals in just death. it has no need for fancy deaths, just death is enough
114: more hilltop road statements? the tree. oh boy. ok the tree has 8 arms obviously theres the spider parallels. was she taken into an alternate universe? oh no. jon tries to phrase things so he's not asking questions. thats honestly good. "sometimes i was kidnapped" oh dear. they got gertrude. daisy ur so odd lmao. who wants to bet they dont know the tape recorder's running?
115: silaca? or whatever? antique man? meat grinder... related to the meat is meat episode? oh wow. they buy antiques from him. maybe dont antagonize this creature which can kill you?
116: lol theyre all just so done with elias. music? is it like the one band that if you hear them you die or wtvr. oh its chess? i am very much confused. mmm stranger go brr. gorilla skin? oh shit the dance. woah. this is so good. this is so gender. the words are wonderful. "you can just say tim" lmao trying to fool elias never feels like a good idea.
117: except elias lmaoo. oh shit. leitner getting some use for once idk. bruuh poor melanie she has been thru so much shit. martin you can just say youre worried about jon. lol he's so accurate in his jon impression. lol who was that. was that daisy? lmaoo. oop hi tim. oh god i hope tim doesnt die. i feel like i wouldve heard about that? but im not sure. destroying the source of knowledge is gonna be hard for jon. yay jon! you did a good thing. let him rest.
118: go off martin lmao. awww poor martin. oh god the tape gets that squealy quality and its awful.
119: woah. lots of things happening. uhh. POP OFF TIM!!
120: lmao elias giving a statement about jon's dreams lol. damn jon doesnt even get his own dreams? has to stay Watching even when he's asleep? f in the chat this man goes thru so much shit. oh boy its peter. lol martin my beloved. idk i dont trust peter.
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heartachebf · 3 years
1, 13, and 20 for the fandom questions -Batz 🖤💜
fandom asks
1. 3 of your headcanons for [insert characters] u didnt specify which character, so im gonna go w my current fav, stan marsh :D
1. hes nonbinary n uses he/they pronouns ^_^ (he also enjoys being an eensy bit feminine sometimes bc its fun and bc they always have lots of fun whenever wendy helps him w makeup n such) 2. hes autistic :DD some of their special interests over the years have been football, playstation, terrance and phillip, animals in general (though his favorite to talk about will forever be dogs), music (specifically hes really interested in what goes into writing instrumentals), and the denver broncos (if u need to know smth about john elway, stans ur guy!!) 3. he always has writing all over his arms bc they always get different song or poem ideas while theyre out n about so he just! writes their ideas all over their arms!! (and when he runs out of room on their own arms, they just write all over kyles arms bc kyles a silly little gay person n would gladly let him)
13. worst plot twist oh jeez um.. i think the only thing that comes to mind is kyles dad being the one who was trolling ppl in season 21 ish? it Was certainly very shocking, but i dont rly like how much it changed geralds character. he went from being jus a silly, chill dad to being like. a major dickhead. n i dont much care for it!!
20. thing you would ask [insert character] id ask richard tweak "do u put meth in the coffee tweek drinks ^_^ be honest or i Will start attacking" but then ill attack if he says yes
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shikaal · 4 years
sobs while thinking about anyone falling in love with akali... poor souls...
anyway gonna put the rest here bc it was a tag ramble but ??????
seven said smth like she’s here for a good time not a long time yesterday and im like wow ur so right...
akali loves really hard ? but then u question whether or not that’s love because it’s always temporary . it’s never ever permanent because she stops herself at the point where it looks like she’s about to actually commit to someone . she’ll stay for the honeymoon period or like a couple of years but then it gets like 3-4 years in and it’s like ok then what ? are we gonna keep messing around and acting like a new couple forever ? other people have responsibilities and she refuses to take any aside from u know protecting ionia but doing it in her own way . she insists on being independent and settling down and committing to a lifestyle that doesn’t let her disappear into the sunset for weeks scares her honestly ? she’d break her own heart just to continue being free and yeah it’s probably a mistake at times but it’s what she wants and at the end of the day her own number one is always gonna be herself . not only that but she wouldn’t want anyone else to have to ‘deal with her’ for that long anyway ? she’d want someone she cares about deeply to settle down with someone who’s ‘good for them’ because she can’t consistently be there for them in a healthy way . like even her own parents weren’t really that good to her aside from you know giving her encouragement but like... who pushes their kid into shinobi training u know like those kids start so young and barely get a childhood it’s just so much that i can’t see mayym and tahno ever like... being the best parents ? like sure they cared but it was... in their own way so akali is just gonna repeat that pattern tbh . she probably has a better family relationship with shen after she left the kinkou than she ever did her own mother bc like... as a child she was always training and then as a teenager she was a rebellious little dickhead so she never got that chance to grow into an adult and just be on good terms with her mum . but yeah anyway akali never wants children she never wants to expose kids to her lifestyle and that would put off a good few potential partners i guess ? 
anyway case in point akali has commitment issues and most of her relationships with people would last 2-3 years at most
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notkodanymorebye · 4 years
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bonsoir ! my name is sam, its 5:30 am as im writing this, and im a mess. i use she/her pronouns and im from aus – hence the being up at 5:30am for opening and still being late smh. i have a habit of rambling so sorry for this intro in advance lmao. but thats more than enough about me, let’s talk about the other and more important mess, reed’s token aries:  K O D A   R E I D  
tws: mentions of divorce, drugs, and ya know the murders
full name: dakota reid
best known as: koda
age: twenty five
gender + pronouns: non-binary, they/them
occupation: waiter/bartender at salvatore’s steakhouse, aspiring podcaster
hometown: reed, virginia
star sign: aries
traits: jovial, creative, adventurous, confident, detached, cruel, impulsive, lazy
drink / smoke / drugs: yes / yes / yes
born and raised in reed, they’ve honestly left the area maybe a handful of times. not for a lack of wanting to, they certainly have wanted to and still want to, just a lack of money and time and motivation to plan anything “””big”””” (leaving ur town is not big but koda is lazy) in their lives
im gonna try not to get too into it bc i will go on forever but two important things to mention as far as their childhood. the first, when koda was sixteen their parents went through a really fuckin rough divorce. and like any sixteen yr old whose parents are getting divorced it pissed koda off. they have a moderately better relationship with them now but at the time, it was messy. at first, koda was very outwardly emotional about it, but as their emotions were just used as a weapon for their parents to use against one another they shut that shit down immediately. only showed their emotions in a way that was more of a nuisance to their parents: graffiti, petty shoplifting, being a dickhead in school, flunking grades (though they werent great to begin with), sneaking out all the time, all that bs
which leads to thing two: koda was a dealer towards the end of high school/the start of young adulthood. nothing big, bc they were a dumbass teenager in a small town just looking to piss their parents off. but because they were a dumbass teenager in a small town i assume theres a good possibility that if ur character is from reed: koda was their dealer. eventually they stopped bc people figured out they were just a sometimes v annoying middle man for the much easier to deal with guy that koda bought from + too much work. like most things to koda, drugs were meant to be just a fun past time, not a full time career.
after barely finishing high school they had absolutely no want to go to college. even at local reed college it was a lot of money to put down and for what???? for koda to do an arts degree they dont really care about and then do nothing with it ????? instead they just worked more. they’ve had the job at salvatore’s since they were fifteen and its really a staple in their lives. 
when they are not at salvatore’s, they’re still being a menace tbh that did not end with high school or even the dealing. they’re usually skating around (would also be driving around and sometimes they are but its illegal because they recently had their licence suspended), probably spray painting some fence, maybe takin some photos on their barely working dslr, partying, drinking, stealing shopping carts from the local grocer, being a dickhead, u know the ~usual
despite being the local, so far they’ve not had any close connections to the parkway victims and thats unfortunately made them pretty insensitive about it. they’re far, far more interested in figuring out what the fuck is going on than they care about u know the loss of life and danger to everyone else in the town. in stats i mentioned they were an aspiring podcaster and thats because, u guessed it, koda wants to start a podcast about the murders they’re a piece of shit we already know this
and since this isn’t showing in the tags anyways: here’s a link to their pinterest board
housemates –  koda is a broke mf, i want this connection to be with other broke mfs that are leasing a shitty house and probably have one too many people in it, but like: it works yk
childhood friends –  obv koda has lived in reed their whole life, they’re from a very working class family, can be a connection through family or just through school im down for whatever
actual friends – this is probably gonna be limited to like a couple bc koda is so closed off lmao. while they’re friendly and enthuastic with just about everyone, theres not many koda actually considers genuine friends, these are the exceptions
co-workers – koda is confirmed annoying most of the time but they are at their peak annoying at work so if anyone else works at salvatore’s a. im so sorry b. lmk lets plot
party people – do u do drugs and other reckless impulsive bs at house parties? then this might be the connection for u bih – bonus if they’ve been partying together for fuckin ever
an easy thing – literally just the song easy thing by dom ferra. an easy romance, very much in its early stages, prob not official at this point, kinda learning what being in a relationship should mean together. only open to f/nb sorry lads
then just everything idk i need to start getting ready for work but pls hmu if u would like to plot ✌️ 
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