#like a vegetarian butcher
gwenlena · 3 months
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general-du-vallon · 7 months
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Honestly, I'd never judge you for having any squick/trigger. Different people like different things, and just because I enjoy the fuck out of heavy content doesn't mean you have to.
But, as a person with some pretty severe triggers myself, I feel like at a certain point, it's self-harm to stay in a fandom that's particularly trigger heavy for you. Or at the very least, not enjoyable for either party.
And I'm tired of pretending the second opinion doesn't cancel out the first.
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loveydoveykirk · 1 year
forcing me to watch the jewish character in the jewish series go wild eating bacon 🧍
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afooldyedinfolly · 1 year
Something truly depraved about the fact that I, a guy who lives in Ontario, can find kangaroo meat easier than I can find mutton
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schadenfreudich · 3 months
"But what if the cute Fleischereifachverkäufer is gay." Can you stop?
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lunarpanda · 2 years
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its-monster-mash · 2 years
for the weirder asks
why did you do that?
when was the last time you ate?
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
do you say soda or pop?
how do you like your shower water?
do you have a favorite towel?
what’s your take on spicy foods?
what was the last message you sent?
Thank you for asking!! 🥺💖
Why Did You Do That?
At the time, it was because I couldn’t let him traumatize my little brother. Recently, I’ve learned that it might be just something I was born with—some kind of hereditary abnormality. It’s something I’ll have to talk about with my kid when he’s a little older.
My childhood was fucking clownshoes and I am willing to clarify further but LORD it does sound fake.
When Was The Last Time You Ate?
I actually just ate. Made biscuits a few days ago, and I can’t stand throwing out food(I tend to cook too much. I’m no longer used to living somewhere where my friends aren’t close enough to invite to dinner/offer leftovers), so I heated one up with a little butter to soften it. It was good.
Imagine We’re At A Sleepover, Would You Paint My Nails?
I would try if asked, with the warning that I’m not especially good at it. When I paint my own nails, I do so with the expectation that whatever ends up on my fingers not on my nails is going to soften up and flake off eventually when I do dishes. 😅 I can’t remember the last time I painted some else’s nails.
Do You Say Soda Or Pop?
I say Soda! Fun Fact; I used to say Pop, but in the 7th Grade I read The Outsiders, and decided I preferred the way Soda sounded. (There is a character called “Sodapop”—it’s not like he was my favorite character or anything; that was always Dally—but reading it out loud in school made me realized Soda felt better to say lol)
How Do You Like Your Shower Water?
As much as I’d like to say “Scalding”, I’m not actually picky. When I’m not being rushed and I can have whatever kind of shower I want, I like cold water first to wash my hair and face, extremely hot water to wash my body, and then I like to switch it to cold for a little while before I get out. I AM capable of taking a lukewarm shower, but I WON’T shower in just cold water the whole way through. I don’t feel clean if the water isn’t at least vaguely warm.
Do You Have A Favorite Towel?
I did, but I lost it in our last move ☹️. I like black towels because no one will bitch that I stain towels after dying my hair. Never mind that all the towels here are gross and ancient and feel absolutely horrible on the skin. (I could buy new ones, but long story short, we moved in with my Grandpa because my mom was terrified of his health with everyone being an hour away, and he would bitch up and down if I “Wasted Money” on new towels—despite the fact that it is in fact, my money. We are hoping to be accepted for an apartment opening about 15 minutes away in February, so I can be close enough to check on him without having to live here and be belittled constantly 🙃 Wish Us Luck.)
What’s Your Take On Spicy Foods?
Spicy Food My Beloved. On the rare occasion that I’m cooking ONLY for me, I love things to be fairly spicy. When I was a kid I used to eat powdered Ghost Pepper on spoons to freak out my mom’s non-spice-loving friends lol. I like hot in things that “Aren’t supposed to be hot”—when I first started hanging out with my spouse, he asked me if I could maybe NOT put chilies in the Mac n cheese I’d make lol. That said, once something is so hot that I can’t actually TASTE the food anymore, only pain, I no longer enjoy it.
What Was The Last Message You Sent?
“Y E A H”
Sorry this last one was boring lol.
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justarandomweeb · 6 days
Yandere Meat Butcher Elf Concept
Warning: Cannibalism
You would think elves would be vegetarian or at least don’t eat often, but there are rare cases where an elf consumes flesh.
Yandere Butcher Elf does all the carving and cutting of the meat, he’s used to metallic smell of blood and the sound of squelch of the meat as a result of his heroic service on wars and battles for the sake of peace.
Yandere Butcher Elf is one of the few who eat meat and sells meat. Whenever he butchers the meat and looks at you, you’d think he wants to kill you judging by his dead eyes that lost their spark.
Yandere Butcher Elf kills his rivals in cold blood, adding their bodies to the ice box. Just there like another piece of meat. Who are they to talk to you, let alone breathe the same air as you.
Yandere Butcher Elf would be annoyed that the bodies are taking more space in ice box. He thinks why no eat the bodies? There’s nothing wrong with it, its just a piece of meat. Making hearty stews, stock and grilled meats bodies.
Once you pass by his shop, he’ll give you a freebie for being a loyal customer. And you’ll soon come back for more of that special grade meat.
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sgt-tombstone · 3 months
141 Headcanons - Ghost
Has a 5 star island in Animal Crossing New Horizons. He gets really bored between missions and keeps it pristine. Absolutely no one knows about it except for Gaz, who regularly visits to catch bugs/fish (their islands are set on opposite hemispheres)
Vegetarian, or as close to vegetarian as he can get. After leaving his butcher job, he swore off meat entirely, which got infinitely easier once he moved off base and no longer had to rely on mess hall food for every meal. MREs are a little harder to be picky about, but he does his best. He pretends not to notice when Soap purposefully gives him the MRE packets with less meat in them whenever possible. He also eats so many eggs that Gaz likes to call him Gaston
When he retires, he gets a dog that has a bad habit of begging at the dinner table and he always caves. He can withstand torture but he folds like a lawn chair for puppy dog eyes (he blames Soap for this)
Can't use white or mint-flavored toothpaste after That One Toothpaste Incident (I know it's technically 09 Ghost canon but we all pretend like Roba is 22 Ghost canon anyway so let me have my fun here lmao). He's never told anyone why (he'd die of embarrassment tbh) but he uses children's toothpaste whenever he can because it's usually colored and flavored
People (Soap) always make fun of his bad driving but he's actually a really good driver because he has to be. Being legally dead means that he doesn't have a driving license, which means that he can't risk getting pulled over. He does drive often (he doesn't really have reason to) but when he does, he obeys every traffic law to the letter
Heard one too many stories about trench foot as a kid and now has a phobia of his feet being wet in his socks/boots. He packs several extra pairs of sock on every mission and changes them regularly. It's one of the only personal hygiene things that he's a real stickler about with his team while they're in the field (showers are few and far between on missions, but clean socks are a must)
Has a massive sweet tooth. Most of the time when people see his jaw working under his mask, they assume he's grinding his teeth in anger or frustration, but he's usually sucking on some kind of hard candy because he knows that he can get away with it
Soap | Gaz | Price
Edit: forgot to link That One Toothpaste Incident, but it's there now for anyone who was confused lmao
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jamethinks · 3 months
I like writing fan fiction as so I often come up with random hcs to help the fill the gaps, develop (or predict) relationships or just add an additional layer of complexity to a story. Sometimes it gets banished to the fic but sometimes it becomes so fixated it appears every time to the point you’d think it was actually canon.
So here some more Spyxfamily head canons: Forgers edition
(I don’t remember what I put in the previous renditions so there might be a few repeats)
Twilight is half French (mom) half German (dad) and is fluent in both languages as well as English and Swiss (I wonder why)
After spending so much time with him, Twilight has sometimes acts as immature as Yuri (he gets so tired he just resorts to mocking)
Anya’s favorite colour isn’t pink people just assume it is and give her pink things. She actually prefers darker muted colours but is forced to dress in pastels
Anya’s hair isn’t pink or at least that’s not how people would describe it, instead they say a soft brown colour
After Twilight barely made any progress, Handler assigned herself as Anya’s godmother (a friend of Anya’s mom) and occasionally steals Anya
Becky takes ballet classes because it makes Martha happy but she sucks and hates it so she’s convinced Anya to join in torture
Twilight reads Anya detective/spy books to help improve her literacy skills
Anya was very skinny and light when she was first adopted so Twilight would carry her around like a bag of flour but now she’s a lot chubbier and he actually gets pain in his back and arm because of it
Westalians eat a mainly vegetarian diet with the only common meats being Chicken and fish while Ostanians love red meats and consider a meal incomplete without it. So when they first started living together Twilight started with a more Westalian diet but Yor almost died so he had to do more research (for the mission)
Technically Anya is Ostanian but she actively chooses to identify as Westalian (it’s what on her birth certificate)
Anya has so many toys some of them have to be stored in Twilight’s empty ass bedroom
After their parents died, Yuri and Yor were left in the custody of their aunt who mysteriously disappeared one day
Twilight practices making French pastries with Anya (for developmental purposes not bonding or to pass on culture, it’s for the mission) and she obviously butchers them every time and when they’re done they give it to Yuri and pretends Yor made them
Because Twilight’s mom was French and he pulls a lot from her when dealing with Anya (his dad was too aggressive) he ends up saying a lot of French words and phrases with her which she doesn’t understand
He calls her ma douce which (according to google) means my sweet. I chose that one because he often tells her “doucement” which means slowly/gently and eventually just started saying douce and giving up. He also calls her Cancard because she’s always waddling about
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justkillingthyme · 3 months
It’s so incredibly important to me that Luke isn’t vegan or vegetarian, and that he hasn’t ever been (to our knowledge.
Stay with me here because this is a long post.
In early childhood, around age four or so, children develop the ability to show empathy and understand perspectives other than their own. And at some point, I’d imagine almost everyone has the realization that when they eat meat, whatever it was used to be alive. Yes it’s sad, but it’s the circle of life. It’s just how it is for our survival.
To my understanding, vegetarians and vegans (for non-dietary reasons) choose it so they don’t participate in inhumane practices and support the exploitation of animals. I have also heard the perspectives that the animals don’t consent to whatever product being taken from them.
I’d imagine this would be a little different for Luke (and Clark as well), because they can communicate with the animals in questions. In this case, he has a heightened sense of empathy for them, because he can connect to the animals in a way that other people can’t. He knows the butcher, but he also knew the pig, if that makes sense.
But he can also talk to predators like Hannibal, Old Red, etc that are carnivorous (or otherwise have the ability to hunt and kill). I can imagine he’s had his chance encounters with dead prey and the like. And with that ability, he can relate.
All this to say that I think Luke was introduced at a young age to the concept that some things are bound to happen. The circle of life. Death is unavoidable and inescapable, and it will come for everyone eventually. Not that their lives are meaningless, but that it all serves a greater purpose, and that everyone has a role to fill. Things are meant to live and to die, and balance remains intact. That’s just a fact of life.
Luke, by AL, has had brushes with death before. Running from the specter, saving Melina, getting strung up five stories off the ground, etc. He’s no stranger to how dangerous being with Layton is, and he’s accepted it.
In Azran Legacy, Luke is the first to accept his death. Of all five of them, he’s the only child, and yet the first to turn to the beams. He bears such a sense of responsibility where any other twelve year old would probably be petrified. The world is ending and to save it he has to die? It’s a large burden to bare, but the others, who have year of age over him, don’t accept it. In fact, the oldest person ends up being the last to step in, and even then takes his time.
Of course this is partly due to his maturity (he’s been established to show maturity beyond his years) and partly because of Professor Layton’s own burden of responsibility, some of that unnecessary guilt I imagine has rubbed off on Luke.
However, I like to think that Luke’s upbringing and experiences have a part in that. Everything must die eventually, and if his time is now, and if it will help everyone, so be it.
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motocorsas · 6 months
motogp as restaurant staff
valentino: the kind of owner that likes to occasionally show up just to sit in his office in the back and pretend to do paperwork while gossiping with managers about hiring decisions
aleix: kitchen manager (used to work the grill)
dovi: used to be assistant/hiring manager but quit </3. still shows up to chat and have a beer sometimes and ppl are always trying to give him free stuff but he's too humble
dani: used to be front of house manager. had a secret tryst with lorenzo that the entire restaurant found out about and resulted in a slow motion mega-breakup and they both got fired
lorenzo: used to be kitchen manager (see above)
marc: neurotic lead server/front of house manager who is always stressed about something but customers love him. threatens to quit all the time
front of house:
pecco: the actual best server but is always getting shit bc vale (a "family friend" who is basically his father) got him the job
joan: server who disappears for 15-30 minute increments to go have mini breakdowns
fabio: server who shows up for opening shift & everyone saw him partying on instagram last night but he doesn't seem hungover so he keeps getting scheduled for it anyway even though it is secretly killing him
bezz: server who is super popular with costumers but forgets orders more than anyone
luca: host who can do no wrong
enea: host who is ALWAYS getting shit from the servers for overseating their section but he doesn't care
maverick: lead bartender who knows how to work basically every station in the kitchen
jack: second bartender/barback who really wants to learn grill but aleix won't promote him bc he knows jack and maverick used to have a thing when they were literal teenagers & he's obsessed with playing with his coworkers like dolls. he doesn't even rly want them to get back together he just wants to see how long this weird animosity will go on for
back of house:
taka: easily the best cook but is never scheduled for more than 2 or 3 days per week. no one has any idea what his main job is, but if he's this good at his side hustle, it's gotta be something insane
morb: cook (can work grill & saute interchangeably) who never shows up on time and never answers texts but basically can't be fired because he's one of the best cooks, always helps clean and never calls out
jorge: grill cook who everyone thinks might actually be dating aleix since they go for breaks together all the time but aleix for sure has a wife and children... everyone's gathered around the backdoor listening to them chat outside trying to deduce whether or not adultery is occurring
brad: actual best grill cook and Good Bloke
alex rins: salads & cold apps. bc he's vegetarian. always shows up early to chat with aleix and stays late to help clean up but no one ever hears from him on days he's not scheduled. always claims he's hanging out with aleix and jorge but cannot substantiate it
alex marquez: king of expo who is the only one sending orders out on time. if marc is running an order they will always whisper with each other... who knows what they're discussing
diggia: dishwasher extraordinaire who desperately wants to work literally any other station
oliveira: meal prep. runs the walk-in like he was born in it and has the best gossip about everyone
zarco: butcher (derogatory)
spanish rookies (raul, augusto, pedro): the busboy brigade and ALWAYS scurrying around and it's unclear whether they like each other or if they've turned bussing into some sort of competition
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treeroutes · 10 months
what's up ! non-exhaustive list of stories featuring weird plants :
The Day of the Triffids, John Wyndham
The Night of the Triffids, Simon Clark
In the Tall Grass, Stephen King and Joe Hill
The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig', William Hope Hodgson
The Man Whom the Trees Loved, Algernon Blackwood
The Red Tree, Caitlín R. Kiernan
Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer
The Willows, Algernon Blackwood
The Nature of Balance, Tim Lebbon
'Bloom', John Langan
The Ruins, Scott Smith
The Wise Friend, Ramsey Campbell
'The Green Man of Freetown', The Envious Nothing : A Collection of Literary Ruins, Curtis M. Lawson
The Beauty, Aliya Whiteley
The Ash-Tree, M.R. James
Canavan's Backyard, J.P. Brennan
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Jack Finney
The Hollow Places, T. Kingfisher
'Reaching for Ruins', Crow Shine, Alan Baxter
'Vortex of Horror', Gaylord Sabatini
Hothouse, Brian W. Aldiss
Vaster than Empires and More Slow, Ursula K. Le Guin
Odd Attachment, Ian M. Banks
Deathworld #1, Harry Harrison
The Bridge, John Skipp and Craig Spector
'The Garden of Paris', Eric Williams
Apartment Building E, Malachi King
The Seed from the Sepulchre, Clark Ashton Smith
Rappaccini's Daughter, Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Nursery, Lewis Mallory
The Other Side of the Mountain, Michel Bernanos
The Vegetarian, Han Kang
Sisyphean, Dempow Torishima
The Root Witch, Debra Castaneda
Semiosis, Sue Burke
The Wolf in Winter, Charlie Parker #12, John Connolly
Perennials, Bryce Gibson
Relic, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
Gwen, in Green, Hugh Zachary
The Voice in the Night, William Hope Hodgson
Ordinary Horror, David Searcy
The Family Tree, Sheri S. Tepper
The Book of Koli, Rampart Trilogy #1, M.R. Carey
Seeders, A.J. Colucci
Concrete Jungle, Brett McBean
The Plant, Stephen King
Anthologies/collections :
The Roots of Evil: Weird Stories of Supernatural Plants, edited by Michel Parry
Chlorophobia: An Eco-Horror Anthology, edited by A.R. Ward
Roots of Evil: Beyond the Secret Life of Plants, edited by Carlos Cassaba
The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest, edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
Sylvan Dread: Tales of Pastoral Darkness, Richard Gavin
Evil Roots: Killer Tales of the Botanical Gothic, edited by Daisy Butcher
Weird Woods: Tales From the Haunted Forests of Britain, edited by John Miller
'But fungi aren't plants' :
The Fungus, Harry Adam Knight
Growing Things and Other Stories, Paul Tremblay
The Girl with All the Gifts, M.R. Carey
Mexican Gothic, Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Fruiting Bodies, and Other Fungi, Brian Lumley
'The Black Mould', The Age of Decayed Futurity, Mark Samuels
What Moves the Dead, T. Kingfisher
The House Without a Summer, DeAnna Knippling
Mungwort, James Noll
Fungi, edited by Orrin Grey and Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Trouble with Lichen, John Wyndham
Notes :
all links lead to the goodreads page of the book, mostly because i like to look at book cover art ;
list features authors/books that i love (T. Kingfisher, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Ursula K. Le Guin, the collections from the British Library Tales of the Weird, etc.), but also a few that i don't like and some that i have not yet read ;
if upon seeing that list the first novel you check out is by Stephen King's you have not understood the assignment ;
not all of those are strictly horror stories, some are 100% science fiction (Brian W. Aldiss' Hothouse for instance).
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
The women of Iran are dancing. Women blinded, with one eye, or one arm, are dancing. Iranian Kurds are dancing. Across Europe, Iranian dissidents are dancing. Iranians – often, relatives of the regime’s victims – are drinking to show their joy. The daughters of Minoo Majidi, a mother shot dead by security services during the 2022 protests, shared a video of them raising a glass to President Raisi’s death. 
Dark humour – the jokes of an oppressed people – are circulating. “Mr Raisi, you surprised us. We have no tapas for our drinks,” chuckles one Iranian in a celebratory video on social media. There was the gag about how a Mossad agent called “Eli Copter” had caused the crash. People have handed out cakes and sweets in public squares – an act of symbolic importance in Persian culture, often associated with joyous events. Celebratory fireworks filled the skies in Iranian cities.
Such courage is all the more impressive given how little Raisi’s death is likely to change anything in this closed prison of a society. It may somewhat alter the succession, since he had been one of the men tipped to succeed Khamenei, but the Ayatollahs retain their stranglehold. The bravery of anyone involved in any celebration or act of civil disobedience such as removing a headscarf, is astounding. Those letting off fireworks or handing out sweets are risking their lives. 
History will remember Raisi as a squalid tyrant who took a twisted pride in human suffering. He was involved in the torture and extrajudicial murder of thousands of political prisoners held in Iranian jails and the mass killings of opponents in 1988, when as many as 30,000 are believed to have lost their lives. As Mariam Memarsadeghi wrote in a chilling article for Tablet magazine, “virgins were systematically raped before their execution, to circumvent the Islamic prohibition on killing virgins and to prevent women and girls from reaching heaven”. 
And yet, the BBC posted about “President Ebrahim Raisi’s mixed legacy in Iran”. You can imagine the 1945 headlines about the mixed legacy of “motorway-builder, vegetarian rights enthusiast and dog-lover” Adolf Hitler, or that of “inspirational plus-size influencer” Hermann Goering. Reuters described how Raisi “rose through Iran’s theocracy from hardline prosecutor to uncompromising president, as he burnished his credentials to position himself to become the next supreme leader”. 
Reading such things you would think Raisi was, at worst, a slight renegade. A cheeky chappie in a kaftan whose loss will be felt by light entertainment for generations. They tweeted like he was Rod Hull – rather than, you know, someone nicknamed “the Butcher of Tehran”. But in the real world, faced with the real consequences of the regime he ran, people are dancing. 
It wasn’t just the BBC in its classic “tightrope walk” mode, either. Things were getting a bit Candle in the Wind at the UN, as the entire Security Council (including both the UK and US representatives) stood to observe a minute of silence for President Raisi. Goodbye Tehran’s rose. 
European Council president Charles Michel tweeted out his sincere condolences, while the “European Commissioner for Crisis Management” committed the EU’s Copernicus satellite system to help locate Raisi’s helicopter, in the name of “#EUSolidarity”. 
Lest we forget, Johan Floderus, a young EU official from Sweden, has been incarcerated at Iran’s notorious Evin prison for more than two years. We don’t see much “#EUSolidarity” coming from the other direction. Not to be undone, President Higgins of Ireland channelled the spirit of Eamon de Valera c.1945, by offering his “deepest sympathies” upon the death of a tyrant. 
Such statements go well beyond basic diplomacy. Nobody asked anyone to gush; they chose to. The message it sends is a slap in the face to those bravely putting their lives on the line for freedom. But it’s par for the course in what is (sometimes optimistically) termed the “international community”. 
Speaking of which, on Monday, the International Criminal Court put out joint bids for arrest warrants for the leaders of Hamas and the prime minister and defence minister of Israel. Given that the ICC has no jurisdiction, nor power of its own to arrest anyone, there was something bleakly comic about the manner of the announcement. Chief prosecutor Karim Khan delivered his statement flanked by a couple of glaring bureaucrats. The ICC appeared to be putting on its best “don’t mess with us” face. It looked like a geriatric version of Bugsy Malone.
The ICC application refers, pointedly, to the “territory of Israel” and the “state of Palestine”, which makes it clear which side its bread is buttered. It notably ignores Hamas’s use of human shields, surely a factor when assessing the civilian death toll. It even holds Israel entirely responsible for “closing the three border crossing points” after October 7. 
Yet Hamas destroyed the Erez crossing, murdering its operators and blowing up the barriers separating it from the Gaza strip. Small wonder border checkpoints weren’t up and running immediately. Condemning Israel for this is grotesque; gaslighting on an international scale. 
The timing is also telling. We have known about the crimes of October 7 from day one, thanks to the body-cams Hamas terrorists so proudly wore to document their butchery. Yet the ICC waited until May 2024 to condemn both Israel and Hamas on the same day. The effect is to suggest a moral equivalence between a democratic state and a genocidal terrorist group that says it wants to repeat the atrocities of October 7 indefinitely. You don’t have to believe Israel is above criticism – and nor should we – to recognise this. 
Multinational organisations like the ICC are often held up as moral arbiters in themselves, when they will only be as virtuous or corrupt as their component member states, and reflecting the same biases. The World Health Organisation has long excluded Taiwan from its membership due to Chinese pressure. A ruinous decision, when Taiwan’s early warnings about the risks of human-to-human transmission of Covid in late 2019 were ignored. Something is rotten in the state of many international bodies and moral courage is in short supply. 
Given such a clear-cut case of evil as Raisi, the mealy-mouthed global response does not bode well. For genuine bravery, we can look to the people at the sharp end of such regimes. Because still, in the midst of it all, the women of Iran dance. 
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how does blanche pay his bills 😔😔
no fr tho where does this guy earn money ??
Tw: gore, violence
Despite having a mostly vegetarian diet, Blanche is scarily good at butchering animals, especially mammals. He knows where all the joints are, the right places to cut, and the correct technique to extract all the pieces whole. You thought that he obtained his skills from eating his chickens, but he would rather let them die from natural causes than slaughter them himself. It was rather strange to see him opening up a bag of store-bought raw chicken whenever you told him you were craving for some, while you knew he owns a coop full of those noisy fuckers a few minutes walk away.
He has no qualms about killing and butchering rabbits if you're craving for them. Blanche sees them as pests, munching on his precious lettuces and cabbages, it is scary how he has no hesitation while impaling those fuzzy little creatures with a kitchen knife. You wouldn't know this fact without having a suitable personality for it; as in, you will have to be cold and uncaring towards cute critters in general. If you have a big heart and a tendency to cry when living beings are hurt, you wouldn't know Blanche is a bunny killer.
Similarly, if your humanity is still intact, you wouldn't know that he is a serial killer and an organ harvester. The victims that he didn't beat into a bloody pulp are cut up into individual pieces and have their organs prepared and preserved in wet ice. Blanche's knowledge isn't only localized to creative endeavors or gardening, he also has a deep reservoir containing all things biology. Especially humans. He also has a good grasp of the value of organs in the black market, negotiating with his usually desperate or depraved customers to give him the highest payout possible.
How he sells them is interesting to learn; he would sell them through the internet. Blanche is well-versed with this shiny new modern toy enough to evade authorities for decades. Those who tried to trick him and lure Blanche into a trap were turned into piles of fresh organs for him to sell. And there is no shortage of those idiots who tried to best Blanche at his own game. Well, it isn't really a game, all he wanted was to make some extra cash for him to spend on you. He isn't in it for the power, notoriety, or anything.
Back then, he would have done his business through word of mouth, or even through phone calls. Getting a solid customer base was much harder but easier to hide from the law since Blanche had a lot more experience in pre-internet days. But he has enough luck and skill to become famous yet undetectable in cyberspace.
He understands his market very well. The majority of his sales come from patients who are willing to do anything it takes to get that transplant, but there is a handful who buy them for personal consumption. Blanche would sell organs that aren't as fresh or somewhat diseased to the former, as they're desperate enough to take almost anything. Cannibals would normally demand the best quality, Blanche isn't one to complain. They have the funds to afford them.
All this while you thought he earned his money through back-breaking hard work from his youth. You asked him what he did for a living back then, he described a life with no fun, only becoming a slave to his numerous employers, doing jobs that are as menial as paperwork, or as life-threatening as hacking a tree with a blunt axe until it falls. It made sense how he has this much money until now, it sounded like he doesn't even go home to sleep, eat or sleep. He does that at whatever workplace he was in at the time.
While there are some truths to that, he cannot deny that his organ harvesting business was what bought him the comfortable and romantic lifestyle he could only dream of achieving in his early years. He wasted away years being tormented by constant work, but that wasn't what allowed him to garden, knit and bake freely to his heart's content. Blanche's horrific crimes did.
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