#officially is Standard Ostanian/Westalian German
jamethinks · 3 months
I like writing fan fiction as so I often come up with random hcs to help the fill the gaps, develop (or predict) relationships or just add an additional layer of complexity to a story. Sometimes it gets banished to the fic but sometimes it becomes so fixated it appears every time to the point you’d think it was actually canon.
So here some more Spyxfamily head canons: Forgers edition
(I don’t remember what I put in the previous renditions so there might be a few repeats)
Twilight is half French (mom) half German (dad) and is fluent in both languages as well as English and Swiss (I wonder why)
After spending so much time with him, Twilight has sometimes acts as immature as Yuri (he gets so tired he just resorts to mocking)
Anya’s favorite colour isn’t pink people just assume it is and give her pink things. She actually prefers darker muted colours but is forced to dress in pastels
Anya’s hair isn’t pink or at least that’s not how people would describe it, instead they say a soft brown colour
After Twilight barely made any progress, Handler assigned herself as Anya’s godmother (a friend of Anya’s mom) and occasionally steals Anya
Becky takes ballet classes because it makes Martha happy but she sucks and hates it so she’s convinced Anya to join in torture
Twilight reads Anya detective/spy books to help improve her literacy skills
Anya was very skinny and light when she was first adopted so Twilight would carry her around like a bag of flour but now she’s a lot chubbier and he actually gets pain in his back and arm because of it
Westalians eat a mainly vegetarian diet with the only common meats being Chicken and fish while Ostanians love red meats and consider a meal incomplete without it. So when they first started living together Twilight started with a more Westalian diet but Yor almost died so he had to do more research (for the mission)
Technically Anya is Ostanian but she actively chooses to identify as Westalian (it’s what on her birth certificate)
Anya has so many toys some of them have to be stored in Twilight’s empty ass bedroom
After their parents died, Yuri and Yor were left in the custody of their aunt who mysteriously disappeared one day
Twilight practices making French pastries with Anya (for developmental purposes not bonding or to pass on culture, it’s for the mission) and she obviously butchers them every time and when they’re done they give it to Yuri and pretends Yor made them
Because Twilight’s mom was French and he pulls a lot from her when dealing with Anya (his dad was too aggressive) he ends up saying a lot of French words and phrases with her which she doesn’t understand
He calls her ma douce which (according to google) means my sweet. I chose that one because he often tells her “doucement” which means slowly/gently and eventually just started saying douce and giving up. He also calls her Cancard because she’s always waddling about
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