#like James as a basketball player
I’ve recently been seeing Malakai from Heartbreak High as the new fan cast for James and as an Aussie im so fucking happy cos yes he IS James potter I will hear no arguments
Like look at him and tell me this isn’t James
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Also fanfic writers if you have the time maybe consider doing a marauders x heartbreak high au I’m legit begging please 😭🙏🏼
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tani-b-art · 6 months
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now i need a 1v1 match b/w ava and janine because janine is just as small as this child and i wanna see ava get aggressive and block her shot just like this 🤣
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steveshairychest · 1 year
5 years he's been in hiding.
5 miserable years he's had to go by a different name, wear different clothes and tell a different story to everyone he meets. He's been James, Frank, he thinks he even went by Dustin at one point. He's had long hair, short hair, he's been bald. He had a beard for a while and taught music in a small music store, but he shaved it off after a week because all he saw in the mirror was Wayne, his uncle, his family, the man he abandoned.
For 5 years, he's been everyone but Eddie Munson.
The government told him he couldn't be Eddie anymore.
"Eddie Munson is dead." They told him; they even had the death certificate to prove it. "Don't come back to Hawkins. Keep moving. There are still people looking for you." Was the last thing they said to him before dropping him off with a wad of cash in some town he's never been to before.
He'd asked for the date at the front desk of a motel, and they'd told him April 20th. Eddie had crumbled down to his knees and cried, he'd cried so hard the motel clerk asked if she should call someone, asked if he was alright.
"I'm fine." Was his broken reply. He'd taken the key for his room, curled up on the uncomfortable bed, and didn’t move for days. He wasn't alright. He'd been in a government hospital for what he thought was a few days but was actually over a month and then released into the world like some rehabilitated animal. He didn't get to say goodbye to anyone. Fuck, he didn't even know if they all made it out of the upside down. All he knew was that he was alone. And that he couldn't go home. Ever.
He'd eventually gotten over himself and made some kind of life for himself.
It took him a few tries to find something that stuck, something that felt sort of like himself. Every few months, an ungodly amount of money appears in his bank account. The formal bank statement says it's from an estranged relative. Eddie knows it's not. He knows it's the government's way of buying his silence. His expensive rent and struggle to find a job is the only reason he doesn't send it all back to them.
He's lived in his current place for a year now, which is a new record for him, but he's got no friends. Well, he has acquaintances, people he can laugh with every now and then and go out for drinks with, but no one who knows him. No one who knows why he wakes every night screaming, no one who understands why he flinches when the lights in the bar flicker, why he hates the sound of people cracking their knuckles and why his hands shake whenever anyone mentions the scar on his face.
It's late at night when he's covered in sweat and his throat is raw from screaming awake from a nightmare, that he really misses his friends, his family, the people that he went through hell with. He's not allowed to call them, not allowed to send them letters or visit. He's not even allowed to know how Wayne is doing. It hurts. It hurts so much. He can't even look at himself in the mirror anymore because he's aged, and he's slowly starting to look more and more like his uncle.
But his friends are a little harder to escape, it's like parts of them have found him and are trying to haunt him, trying to remind him that he can't be a part of their lives.
Just last week, he walked by a book store and saw a brand new fantasy graphic novel on display in the window, 'written by Mike Wheeler & illustrated by Will Byers' was displayed on the bottom of the cover in gold letters. He's never bought a book so fast in his life. He's read it front to back 3 times already.
He can't even watch the news in peace because they were doing a news story about a small town basketball player who's made it to the big leagues and is winning everyone's hearts with his skills and bright personality. Eddie had cried and wished he'd been there to congratulate Lucas, wished he could have been there to tell him how proud he was.
Even Nancy is haunting him. Her news articles get delivered to his front door every day in the paper and most of the time the articles aren't even sad, but he cries at his small dining table alone, his breakfast cold and his coffee filled with his tears.
He misses his friends. He misses them so much and it's eating him alive. It feels like he's lying on the ground of the upside down all over again, tiny little mouths ripping away at his flesh except this time it's happening from the inside. Each time he's reminded how far away he is from his friends, a small piece of him is eaten away.
He doesn't know how much more he can take.
And then something odd happens. He gets a postcard and it's addressed to him, the real him; Eddie Munson.
The handwriting is hard to read and some words have been crossed out but the name signed at the bottom of the card pulls a sob from Eddie's throat and has him almost crumbling on his doorstep.
I'm sorry I took so long. I'll see you soon.
From Steve Harrington.
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azzifudd · 4 months
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: four times paige & azzi knew they belonged to each other
rated: teen
2.5k words
disclaimer: many made up events obviously
The ball swishes through the net, nearly soundless in the empty gym. Azzi has been taking shots for the past three minutes. She hasn’t missed yet.
She had arrived at the UConn campus only 15 minutes ago, to surprise Paige for her birthday, and after nearly five minutes of hugging, that Azzi is sure Paige would’ve turned into more if her parents hadn’t been there, she had been dragged to the gym where the other girls were in recovery after a strenuous practice.
Paige had left her in the gym, promising to be back soon with the others, and Azzi had picked up a ball to pass the time. As she takes another jumpshot, one of the doors bangs open and she flinches. Her shot goes wide, bouncing off the back of the rim.
Two boys have entered the gym, and Azzi vaguely recognizes them. One of them rebounds her ball and brings it over to her.
“Hey, I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. I’m Andre. I’m on the men’s basketball team.”
She’s heard Paige mention him once or twice.
“Y’know if you want any pointers with your jumper, I could help you out.” His eyes run over her, from head to toe.
“What’s your name?” He asks, overeager.
“Azzi,” she replies, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.
“Dude, that’s Azzi. Bueckers’ girl.” His friend has come up beside them, after hearing Azzi introduce herself.
Azzi feels a flush overtake her entire body. Part of her almost wants to be offended that this boy, on one of the top college teams in the nation, didn’t recognize her. She’s the number one high school player in the nation, and it’s not even close. But another part of her, a bigger part of her, loves that so many miles away from home, a complete stranger hears her name and knows she’s Paige’s.
“Oh shit, you’re Paige’s Azzi. Azzi Fudd!” Andre covers his mouth and groans. “I was trying to teach you how to shoot.”
His teammate cackles beside him, slapping him on the back. “She’s been in three point contests with Steph Curry, my guy, I think she’s good.”
“Damn, that’s embarrassing. I’m so sorry.”
She smiles up at him, now charmed by the whole thing. “It’s cool, I didn’t know who you were either.”
“Oh! She got your ass.” His friend laughs again before turning to her and introducing himself. “I’m James.”
“Azzi.” They shake hands.
“Like I said, I know. PB does not shut up about you.” He does a quick dribble behind his back before pulling up into a smooth jump shot that swishes through the net. “We’ll be shooting around after practice and it’s ‘Oh, Azzi never would have missed that shot. She’s the hardest worker I know.”
“You shoulda seen her a few months ago. Always tapping away on that iPad, putting together clips.”
Azzi remembers the video that Paige had so proudly shown to her family. How silly, and sweet, and how Paige it had been. It makes Azzi even more excited for dinner tonight, where she will finally get to tell Paige that she is committing to UConn.
The door pushes open again, and this time it’s Paige who rushes over to them, throwing an arm around Azzi’s neck.
“Hey, these losers bothering you?” Paige asks, laughter clear in her voice. But Azzi knows that it would only take one word from her to set her off if Azzi asked.
“No, they’ve been cool,” she says.
“Well, Coach heard you were here and wanted to say hi. See you guys later.” Paige leads Azzi deeper into the facility.
And if they’re a little late to meet everyone because Azzi pulls Paige into a secluded broom closet for some alone time, no one needs to know but them.
Azzi’s sprinting around the top of the court, rounding one screen and then another, trying desperately to get open. She’s open for a split second, and that’s all it takes for Paige to hit her with the pitch perfect pass. She rises to take the three that could tie the game when a body barrels into her legs.
She hits the floor hard. A whistle blows as the referee calls what Azzi hopes is a shooting foul. She stays on the floor for a moment longer, catching her breath, when suddenly the arena erupts in noise.
Whistles blow, and she finally looks up to see a furious Paige being pulled back by their teammates as one of the referees signals a technical foul. She is spitting furiously at an opposing player. Nika is at her side, simultaneously holding her back from causing more trouble for them and firing Croatian insults at the other team.
Azzi won’t find out until someone shows her the footage after the game, but Paige had stormed over the moment she was fouled and had pushed the offending player with two hands to the chest.
The referee points off the court. Paige has been ejected.
Coach has run over, screaming as the officials struggle to get everything under control. Aaliyah runs over to help Azzi up.
“Paige! Get your ass over here, now!” Geno’s voice somehow booms over the raucous Gampel crowd.
Paige throws her arms up, shrugging their teammates off of her. Satisfied that she has calmed down, everyone begins to back off. But instead of heading off the court like she’s supposed to, she makes a beeline for Azzi, who is still slightly shaken but standing.
Paige raises a hand as if to touch Azzi’s face, but she stops, recognizing where they are. She rests the hand on her shoulder instead.
“You good?” She asks, voice hoarse from shouting.
Azzi nods, still breathing hard. “Why did you do that, you idiot.” But even as she asks, she knows the answer.
Paige smiles crookedly. It is soft despite the noise around them, tender in a way Azzi knows Paige saves just for her.
“Bueckers!” Geno roars. They know if he could storm the court for her, he would have already.
“Go,” Azzi says. “I’ll see you after I win this game.”
“That’s my girl.” Paige leaves the court with a smirk on her face, cheers of her name following her.
Azzi sinks the free throws to send them to overtime. And when they end up winning by eight, even Geno can’t complain too much.
@bueckersbuckets35 it’s bullshit that paige had to apologize. they were targeting azzi all game. bet she’d do it again in a heartbeat if she had to
Paige Bueckers liked this tweet.
“That layup you had in the third!” Paige mimes a euro step, mimics taking a shot with her left hand. “Left hand, baby, bang!”
Hailey van Lith laughs at Paige’s antics, pushing at her playfully. “I mean, it wasn’t enough to get the win against you guys, but it’s always a good time pulling up against you.”
Even if they didn’t talk all the time, it feels like there would always be a special connection between all the girls who had played together for USA Basketball.
Hailey glances around. “How’s the wifey been? I didn’t get a chance to talk with her at the arena.”
Paige grins at that. She knows Hailey means it as a joke, that they are way too young to even think about marriage, but there is always something deeply satisfying for Paige to hear someone acknowledge that she is Azzi's and Azzi is hers.
“She’s doing aight. Her surgery went well. It’s just a shit deal y’know.” There have been plenty of tear filled nights for them both since Azzi had experienced the freak injury, but now Azzi’s ready to move forward, and Paige will be there every step of the way, like Azzi was for her.
Hailey smiles apologetically. “I was really sorry to hear about it. I remember you could never shut up about playing with her.”
“Thank you.” They both jump when Azzi pops up beside them. She gives Hailey a quick hug hello before turning to Paige.
She’s surprised when Azzi wraps her arms around her waist, tucking herself under Paige’s arm, pressing their bodies together.
They are no strangers to PDA. In fact, if Paige had her way, she would never stop touching Azzi. But the younger girl is usually more reluctant around people she doesn’t know, and with Hailey’s teammates around, it is a surprise to see her so affectionate.
Paige isn’t going to complain. She tightens her arm around Azzi’s shoulder and presses a quick kiss to her temple. She catches a whiff of alcohol on her breath. That explains the touchiness.
They chat with Hailey for a bit longer, but when Azzi begins to zone out mid convo, Paige excuses them both and walks them up to Azzi’s apartment.
“She’s so pretty.”
“Huh?” Paige pauses as she wipes the last of Azzi’s makeup from her face as they stand in the bathroom together.
“Hailey. She’s pretty, isn’t she?”
Paige shrugs. “Mm, I guess so.” She moves in closer, nose pressing into Azzi’s head, breathing in the scent of her. “Let’s go to bed.”
Azzi doesn’t say anything else until they’re tucked in together in her bed.
“You were talking to her for a long time.”
“Huh?” Paige groans into the back of Azzi’s neck, already half asleep. When she finally registers the words, she replies, “Who?”
“Hailey,” she replies, like Paige should know exactly what she’s talking about.
“We were just catching up. It’s been a while.” Paige presses a kiss to the side of Azzi’s neck, ready to fall asleep.
“Do you miss playing with her?”
“Dude, what are you talking about?” Paige props herself up on her elbow, turning Azzi onto her back to face her. She softens at the look on her girl’s face.
She presses a soft kiss to the dimple in Azzi’s cheek. And then she kisses her nose, her forehead, and all over her face until she’s smiling.
“Hey,” Paige says, making sure Azzi is looking into her eyes as she speaks. “You’ll be back. Best player in the nation, baby.”
Azzi pulls her into a deep kiss that still sends Paige’s head spinning and heart racing even after they have shared so many. When they pull apart, they are both breathless.
“Me and you.” Azzi’s eyes are shining and clear.
“You and me.” Paige gives Azzi a roguish grin and lets her pull her down once more.
“Yo, where’s P?” KK asks, scanning the room. It’s Senior Night, and they’re all getting dressed for the game. Even Azzi has just slipped into a jersey, even though she isn’t playing tonight.
“The seniors are on the court already. I think they had to do a run through of the ceremony. Why?”
Azzi is suspicious. KK looking for Paige is always a sign of something potentially stress inducing on the way.
“Oh, no reason, I just wanna make sure I’m outta the way when Daddy Paige sees you in her jersey for the first time.” KK cackles, ducking out of the way of the towel that Azzi flings at her.
“Nah, we all know there’s no way this is the first time she’s worn it.” Ice chimes in.
“Shut up,” Azzi says, rolling her eyes, glad that the fluorescent lights hide her blush. Surprisingly, she hasn’t worn Paige’s jersey since they were in high school, and even though she’d never admit it to her teammates, she is very excited to see how Paige reacts to it.
The injured players head into the arena just before tip off. The place is packed with fans there to celebrate the players who have given their all for UConn.
Besides that though, the media presence is palpable. The entire basketball world is waiting to hear whether Paige is staying or declaring. Azzi has known for weeks that Paige has decided to stay at UConn for another season. She has unfinished business, and even if they won the title this season, her injuries have robbed her of too much time here.
Azzi feels eyes on her as soon as they get into the open. She has been linked to Paige since before they even came here, so everyone is clearly gauging her mood on such an important night. She could try to play it more coy, but she can’t fight the smile on her face when she sees Paige warming up.
She’s getting one more year with her person. One more chance to fulfill the promise they made to each other when she chose UConn. She’s so happy.
Azzi waves up into the stands where hers and Paige’s family sit together, all wearing Bueckers gear. Drew jumps up and down when she makes a heart with her hands in his direction.
She’s stepping onto the court when she feels it. Goosebumps pimple her skin and she turns to where the majority of the team is casually warming up.
Paige stands at midcourt, staring at her, slack jawed. Azzi smiles coyly at her when Paige takes a step toward her, only to be stopped by CD who is standing next to her with a clipboard and an eyeroll.
Azzi just laughs and goes to take a few shots near the others. She isn’t close to being cleared to play, but she misses it so much. Even just being on the court during game days can be emotional lately. Soon, she feels a heated presence at her back.
Azzi turns around and finds Paige standing close. Too close for such a public place, but she can’t bring herself to move. Paige runs her eyes up and down Azzi’s body, lingering on where the number five splays proudly over her chest.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful. You tryin’ to get me in trouble?” Paige asks, voice low.
“Just wanted to support my favorite player.” Azzi looks up at Paige from beneath her lashes, and finds those blue eyes fixated on her lips.
“She must be pretty damn good if she’s your favorite.”
Azzi watches the muscles in Paige’s arms and shoulders flex as she links her hands behind her back, stopping herself from reaching out to touch.
“She’s not bad.” Azzi smirks. “Could use some work on her shooting stroke though.”
Paige scoffs. “I’ll show you my str-”
Two arms suddenly wrap around their shoulders as KK comes barreling into them.
“K, what the hell?” Paige pushes at her as they fight to stay steady on their feet.
“Yo, mom and dad, y’all have got to tone it down.”
KK smiles at them. “Media girl is on the way for some pics and P looks like she’s about to jump you.”
Azzi flushes as they all separate.
“What would y’all do without me though, seriously.”
KK strikes a ridiculous pose, distracting the media girl so Paige and Azzi can rearrange themselves into a more platonic pose.
Azzi hopes no one can see how flustered she is when Paige whispers in her ear to keep the jersey on for after the game.
They take a few quick pictures before it’s time for tip off. It’s an easy win, everyone playing with joy and anticipation of the celebration after the game.
For a moment, Azzi feels deeply sad. She wants to be out there, next to her girls.
But then the final buzzer sounds, and Azzi watches Paige bask in the attention of the crowd who loves her almost as much as Azzi does, and forgets everything but the beaming smile on Paige’s face.
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xetswan · 1 year
Youngest Shadow- The Game
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Seven | Eight | Nine
warning: slight homophobia
Longest chapter so far with almost 4k words
Jessica and I have been practicing outside, Angela taking pictures. Only practicing since Jessica has nagged me for the past few days now. Trying to spike on me every time we do so. Eric was studying the prom fliers, “Monte Carlo? That’s our theme?” Jessica frowns at the lame theme that was chosen for this year. “Gambling, tuxedos and Bond. James- Ow!” She threw a ball roughly at Eric’s face, I smirk. 
“Oh. My. God.” Angela exclaims, who was once scanning to take more pictures is now frozen in place. We follow to where she was staring and it was just my sister and Edward showing up to school together. I hadn’t really been speaking to Alice and Jasper after the night with their family. Overhearing that it was destined for me to have a near death experience just for me to know who I was in my past lives and they knew it was going to happen. It also works because I hate attention, something I know Bella hates too. 
Throughout the rest of the day Jasper and Alice would stare at me, trying to pull me aside to talk to me only for me to ignore them and hurry off to a different area or sit somewhere else if we shared a class. But at the end of the day it was a waste when Alice came up to me, taking my hand in hers. “Hey, what’s going on lovebug?” I gave her a look for the stupid nickname and she laughs. “Sorry, but seriously why are you avoiding us?” She pouts, I lick my lips getting ready to actually say it but then something stops me once I lock eyes with her. 
“I needed some time to think about us.” I tell her, “I’m having a hard time with everything, trying to understand and I overwhelmed myself at your place I felt embarrassed.” I lied, I was fine with the whole vampire thing surprisingly. That’s not what bothered me. What bothered me was the fact that she knows I’m going to have a near death experience and won’t even warn me. I don’t understand how that’s protecting me. Maybe I’ll bring it up later. 
“Ah, that makes sense. I’m sorry it’s so overwhelming for you, my lovebug.” She moves my hair behind my ear sending shivers down my spine. It honestly made me forget how many people were around, until we get shouted at. “What the fuck?” A guy yelled, I step away from Alice and we turn to see some guy I don’t think I’ve ever seen before in school. “You guys gay or some shit?” He laughs, my eyebrows furrow as Alice glares at him. 
“Y’all should kiss!” His friends hit him in the shoulders like he did something with that. I glance over and see Jasper staring at the scene as well. “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” The three guys all laugh, I flick them off and they just laugh harder. 
“I need to go, my dad made plans. Just um, come over later.” I tell her, walking away to my bike, getting my helmet on and riding off as quick as possible due to the embarrassment I just had to endure. I ended up coming to the cafe later than Bella which meant I was super late.
There were a group of basketball players outside and I mentally cursed seeing Mike there as well. “[Name]! I didn’t know you were a lesbo!” One of the guys shouted at me and my eyes widen but I try to ignore it, heading towards the door but he blocks it. “Does her man know?” His arm was on the door and he leaned on it. I stare up at him not saying anything. “What?” You got something to say?” He asks, I take my helmet off, putting it on the ground, staring back up at him. I take a deep breath. “I asked you something.” He repeats, I take a step back. In the corner of my eye I see my dad stand up from his spot in the booth. Bella seemed alarmed. “Come on, man. She don’t deserve this plus her dad’s the chief.” Mike puts a hand on his shoulder but the guy doesn’t back up. I dip my hand into my front pocket of my jeans.
“Does your dad know you like-” I take my hand out and spray him with the pepper spray Charlie gave me. He stumbles back holding his eyes and screaming in pain. The cafe door swings open. What happened!?” He angrily asks, “Nothing, sir. He went too far, he was antagonizing her.” Mike blurts out, the kid groans outloud but the group pushes him away. Charlie turns to look at me. “What the hell was that, [Name]?” He grabbed onto my arms as I try my hardest to look away from him. “[Name] Swan, answer me right now.” 
“I don’t want to talk about it!” I exclaim, tears welling in my eyes. “Please.”
His grip loosens, his gaze softening as well. “Are you okay at least?” 
“I’m fine.” I sniffle, wiping my eyes, he lets me go and grabs my helmet for me. “I should wash my hands.” I lift up my hand that’s covered in the pepper spray, I didn’t wipe my eyes with this hand don’t worry. He sighs, shaking his head, pushing me inside. Cora the waitress who knows about my whole life from dad places a hand on my back. “You alright, sweetheart.” I just nod, heading straight for the bathroom to wash my hands quickly then going back to the booth with my sister and dad. 
The dinner ends up being a little awkward as they talk to each other but treat me like they need to walk on egg shells. I forced myself to eat so I don’t have to talk much so I just listen to them. 
After getting home I rush straight to my room where they were already standing, I shut the door, locking it right away and collapsing on my bed. Wanting to just sob and go to sleep but I know I should talk to them. Definitely not about what I heard though, I’m already exhausted from pepper spraying a basketball player. Alice sits behind me, motioning for me to lay on her. I end up just putting my head on her lap and she plays with my hair. 
I stare up at Jasper, he steps closer, wiping my cheek that had a tear fall. I noticed how his face seemed stiffer than normal. I then remembered how it hurts him to be around people still. His thirst stronger than the others. 
“I saw what happened, I’m sorry we didn’t stop it.” Alice apologizes, I look up at her and she seemes extremely beat up over it. I place my hand on top of hers. “It’s okay, don’t worry.” I attempt to assure her. She smiles gently. “I won’t go near you at school anymore. You don’t deserve to go through that.” She tells me, I sit up from her lap. “What? No, let them talk.” I grab her hand tighter even though I know she barely feels it. “But-” 
“I know how I am with attention but I don’t care anymore. Plus I have my pepper spray.” I wink and they both laugh quietly. “Are you sure, darling?” Jasper questions, I pull him closer to me, having him actually sit down now. “Of course, let them talk. What else are they going to do?” I shrug, Alice stands up, going over and sitting on my lap. “If that’s what you want.” She kisses my nose softly. I nod, “It is.”
We then sit there silently and I think about my thoughts from before. I know I’m not going to bring it up to them but I want to so badly understand their thinking. Understand why they do what they do. 
“You’re anxious.” Jasper states, I suck on the inside of my cheek not respnding. “Why?” Alice questions. “Just wondering about how that would play out.” I lie, well partially. 
“Mmm, it will be okay. We’ll be there. Also, we want to take you somewhere tomorrow. Edward will be picking you and Bella up.” She stands up from my lap, she takes Jasper’s hand but I stop both of them from leaving. 
“Wait, I want to um.. I want to try something.” I tell them, getting up from my bed, first taking Alice’s face in the palm of my hands. She smiles, automatically knowing what I’m doing she closes her eyes. I lean slowly, my heart racing as I kiss her lips longer than a few seconds. I push away after a little bit, we both look up to see Jasper watching and I chuckle, pulling him towards me and doing the same thing. 
“I’ll see you both tomorrow.” I wave them off and not even seconds later they’re gone. 
A few hours later my mom ends up calling me, I pick it up lazily knowing that either Bella or Charlie had told her what happened. I hear loud noises in the background fading away. “[Name]!” it was my moms voice yelling, I jolted away from my own hand then go back to it. “Yes, mom?” I ask, “I heard you pepper sprayed someone! What did he do?” She says, I throw my head back annoyed. 
“Mom, I’m fine.” I tell her but I knew she wouldn’t be satisfied with that answer. “[Name]” She warns me. “Mom, please.” I nervously say. “I will have your father investigate what happened if you do not tell me right now.” Of course she pulls that out, “You don’t have to do that.” I tell her. 
“It was just a guy calling me a lesbo or whatever. No biggie.” I quickly say, this happened before in Arizona, I’ve been called names my whole life. Especially for not liking guys and never having a boyfriend. “If it’s no biggie why’d you punch?” She interrogates me, I roll my eyes like before. “I was cornered.” That wasn’t a lie necessarily. She hums, still not satisfied. “Who’s the girl, [Name].” She says and it felt like my eyes pop out of my socket. “Mom!”
“Oh, come on [Name]. I know my daughter.” She laughs, “Who is she?” She repeats herself and I sigh. “Her name is Alice.” She squeals in laughter. “Mom!” I whine for her to stop. “I’m sorry! I’m just happy you found someone.” She tells me. “Well, actually it’s her and her boyfriend.” I bite my lip waiting for judgement. 
“Hey, I can’t judge your lifestyle. Two people?” She excitedly laughs and I shake my head. “Please don’t tell anyone. No one knows except Bella and that’s because they’re also apart of the Cullen family.” I sigh, picking at my finger nails. “Woww I need to see what these people look like if both of my daughters decided to date them.” She jokes, I smile to myself just happy she’s not upset with my dating life even though I know it is definitely out of the ordinary. 
“Well, I should get going to bed mom. I love you.” I say, “Oh, I love you too, goodnight!” She blows kisses over the phone and i press the button to hang up. Finally laying down for the night and going to bed. 
The next day I was sitting with Charlie as Bella came into the room. Charlie is currently cleaning his rifle, he goes to greet her but she cuts him off. “I have a date with Edward Cullen. [Name] does too with his foster brother.” She announcses and I quietly laugh at his facial expression as he glances between the both of us. “They’re too old for you two.” He responds. “We’re both juniors plus Jasper is only a Senior. Also I thought you liked the Cullens.” She says, I tilt my head agreeing with her. “And I thought you weren’t interested in any of the boys in town.” Charlie brings up, she seems frustrated. “Edward doesn’t live in town and its in the early stage- and whatever he’s outside right now.” This even causes me to stop every movement I was making like my dad just did. “Now? He’s out there?” 
“He wants to meet you. Officially.” She tells him. “Good.” Charlie cocks his rifle. I snicker, earning a look from her. “Be nice, okay? He’s important.” He nods reassuring her, she goes to the door and opens it to reveal her new boyfriend. “Cheif Swan I wanted to formally introduce myself. I’m Edward.” He extends his hand and Charlie hesitantly takes it grunting a small hello. “I won’t keep the two out late tonight. We’re just going to play baseball with my family.” He informs him also informing us because we had no idea either. “Bella’s going to play baseball?” Charlie is shocked, definitely because Bella doesn’t play sports. “Yes sir, that’s the plan.” He nods. “Well, more power to you I guess.” 
“They’ll be safe with my family, I promise.” Edward makes eye contact with him to show him he was being serious. He exits and as I get up Charlie holts both of us from following. “You both got that pepper spray- [Name] I know you do.” I laugh at his words. “Dad.” Bella shakes her head, we then both leave and climb into this massive jeep. “Your father thinks you should go to an all-girls school.” Edward says to Bella in an amused tone. 
“No fair, reading Charlie’s mind.” I sat in the backseat and I notice the baseball cap the same time as Bella. “And since when do vampires like baseball?”
I mentally cringed to that question. “It’s the American past time. Plus, there’s a thunderstorm coming. It’s the only time we can play. You’ll see why.” He explains and now I’m perked up at the thought of seeing my two play. Watch them in action of a sport I actually really enjoy. 
We finally get through the clearing of woods, it was a field and there were storm clouds erupting in the sky. The jeep comes to a stop, Esme and Emmett come over to greet us, Emmett helping me down. I look around for Jasper and Alice, “Good thing you’re here. We need some umpires.” Esme smiles sweetly. Emmett has a wicked grin caused by her words. “She thinks we cheat.” He laughs. “I know you cheat.” She turns to both of us. “Call em how you see em girls.” She pats us. I see Alice on the pitchers mound and she gives me a quick wave before speaking up. “It’s time!” Right then a rumble of thunder shakes and I grip onto Bella excitedly. We both stand right by Esme who’s the catcher. Alie pitches and Rosalie smashes the ball with an aluminum bat. It cracks loudly right when a thunder hits at the same time. “Now I get why you need thunder.” My sister says. The ball goes right into the forest, Edward running after it. 
“That has to be a home run.” Bella insists as we wait. “Edward’s very fast.” Was all she said in return. Rosalie darts around the bases, it looks like a blur but Edward rasces out with the ball whipping to home plate. Esme catches it milliseconds before Rosalie slides in. 
“You’re out?” Bella says questioning herself and I sadly nod as I was kind of rooting for Rosalie. Esme nods too. Next up is Carlisle and he hits a line drive, Emmett and Edward race for it, colliding with one another with so much force it felt like I could feel it all in the ground like a mini earthquake. They end up missing the ball anyway, Carlisle is safe. I cheer for him, everyone smiles, almost.
Jasper is up and I watch him and Alice make eye contact and I fall in awe. Jasper whacks the ball into the forest like Rosalie just did. Before they can go after it Alice gasps and they all come to a stop. “Stop! I didn’t see them!” She shouts, Jasper pulling me behind him, Rosalie coming to my side as well. “They’re traveling so quickly.” Alice says in a worried tone. 
“You said they left the country.” Rosalie exclaims. “They did but then they heard us.” Alice looks at Edward. “And changed their minds.” Edward turns to Bella. “Put your hair down.”
Alice races over, shoving a hat onto my head. “They smell you too.” She sadly says and I raise an eyebrow. I thought no one was effected by my blood?
“Like that will help. I could smell her across the field.” Edward ignores Rosalie as he arranges Bella’s hair a certain way. “I shoudn’t have brought you here. I’m so sorry.” Edward says to Bella specifically. They all turn towards the forest and there’s three vampires that emerge out. I look down to their bare feet then back up to their dark red eyes. The one with darker skin and long hair lifts his hand up to show the baseball. “I believe this belongs to you.” He tosses the ball to Carlisle who catches it with ease. He smiles politely. “Thank you.” 
“Could you use three more players?” He questions. “Of course.” Carlisle nods. “I’m Laurent, this is Victoria and James.” He introduces them. 
“Would you like to bat first?” Carlisle asks, Laurent ends up with the bat.  I stand with Edward and Rosalie with my sister near the jeep. I watch Edwards eyes lock with James. “I’m afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us.” Carlisle says. 
“Our apologies. We didn’t realize the territory had been claimed.” Laurent responds and to be frank he seemed nice and genuine but the other two… I don’t know. “Yes, we maintain a permanent residence.” The three have a shared look of surprise from his words.  
“Really? Well we won’t be a problem anymore.” Laurant quickly tells everyone. “The humans were tracking us but we led them east.” The Victoria girl says just as Jasper pitches the ball, Laurent slams it but Alice is already up in a tree in a flash, she catches the ball with a thwap sound as it met her hand. Laurent looked pissed as James smiles, obviously glad he met worthy opponents. 
James is next and it was like a power slam, he runs past first base then Edward, then us two, then wind moves Bella’s hair and before I even realize it James comes to a complete stop. His head whips around to Bella and I, his nostrils flare. “You brought some snacks.” Alice rushes over to me, clinging onto my arm as Jasper was now in front of me beside Edward. 
The Cullens now all in a position. “The girls are with us.” Carlisle says, “We won’t harm them” Laurent reassures him, trying to diffuse the situation. “Just try it.” Emmett says, practically looking for a fight. 
“I think it’s best you leave.” Carlisle says, Rosalie puts her hand on Emmett to calm him down. “Yes, I can see the game is over. We’ll go now.” He says, turning to walk away but looks back. “James.” His hand goes onto the guys shoulder finally getting him to walk away. 
Once they’re gone Esme collects the bats. “Get them out of here. We’ll follow them.” Carlisle says, running off with Jasper and Rosalie towards the other three. Edward scoops up Bella as Alice rushes me to the jeep. Both of them strap us in like little kids. “James is a tracker. I saw his mind. The hunt is his obsession and my reaction set him off.” The two get in and Edward whips the jeep around. As Edward explains things to Bella I look at Alice. “How come my scent effects him?” I whisper to her. “I don’t know, I think it’s like Edward said he’s a hunter.” She sits by me and holds me close to her. 
“The first place he’ll go is your house. He’ll track your scent from there.” Edward says and I jump up as Bella looks horrified. “What?! Charlie’s there, he’s in danger because of me! Because of us!” She shouts and I start breathing heavily, Alice take my hand and tries to soothe me. “Then we’ll lead the tracker away from him somehow.” He calmly replies and I just knew it was to calm Bella down but it’s not working. 
Bella bursts into the house as I sit outside. “I said leave me alone!” Bella yells. “Bella don’t do this. Just think about it please.” Edward pleads and if i didn’t know what was happening I would’ve believed this. “Get out it’s over.” She slams the door and I end up going in a few seconds later. “Bella? What happened?” Charlie asks, his face full of worry. “I have to get out of this place. Out of Forks. I’m leaving and so is [Name].” Bella runs up the stairs, Charlie follows her. My heart breaks as I have to go along with it too. Bella slams the door behind her and he looks down at me. “What happened?” He asked.
I shrugged, “Dad it’s best for us to go. You saw how people treat me.” I explain my part of the reasoning. I walk to my room and Alice stood there handing me my bag. I stand in my room for a little bit then I peck her lips before jogging back over. “I thought you liked him?” Charlie asks and I obviously missed a little bit of the conversation. “That’s why I have to leave. I don’t want this I want to go home.” Bella says. 
Bella then goes to charge down the stairs but Charlie follows her. “Your mother’s not even in Phoenix.” Charlie reminds her. “She’ll come home. I’ll have [Name] call her.” 
“You can’t drive home now. I’ll take you two to the airport tomorrow morning.” I watch his facial expressions and the look makes me want to cry. “I want to drive. I need to think. I’ll pull into a motel in a few hours I promise.” She says and goes down more steps but Charlie blocks her from going further to the door. “Bells I know I’m not around much but I can change that. We can do more things together. [Name] I’ll make sure people stop bothering you. You can go on the rez with Jacob.” He pleads with us and I just hide behind Bella, not wanting to see his hurting expression any more. “Like watch more baseball on the flat screen? Or go to the Coffee shop? Same people, same steak, same berry cobbler every night? That’s you dad. Not me. Not us.” Bella exclaims and I know it hits him hard. I glance up and his eyes focus on me. “Do you… feel that way too?” His voice was soft and it partially broke. I suck in a deep breath. “Yes. I’m tired of being treated like a freak here dad.” I frown. “Bella, [Name]... I just got you two back.” I squeeze my eyes shut having a feeling where this is about to go so we can leave and as much as I don’t want her to go there we need to go. “And if I don’t get out now I’m going to get stuck here like mom did and I don’t want this for [Name] either.” Charlie looks stunned and we take that to our advantage, pushing through him and out of the door. We rush to her truck and she drives away. 
I glance back and see him staring out of the window.
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fruitbasketball · 1 month
bro it is 8:53 in the morning why are we pissing me off
matter of fact, i’m gonna agree with you - paige isn’t who y’all think caitlin is. she’s way fucking better.
lemme break it down for you rq - paige came back from an injury and played half the college career that caitlin did, and still made the final four more times.
caitlin played four healthy seasons, and made first team all america 3 times
paige played two healthy seasons - paige has never played a healthy season where she wasn’t a first team all american. she was doing stuff in college that caitlin couldn’t do in college; winning npoy as a freshman.
caitlin is an incredible basketball player, no one’s denying that. but i’m talking about a complete game here.
the triple double is nuts. but dee never got a triple. sue never did, maya never did. am i about to run around saying “caitlin clark is who y’all think diana taurasi is??”. no, because i sound mad slow and mad disrespectful
let’s put it this way right: caitlin gets all these triple doubles, she’s filling the stat sheet with points, assists, rebounds, she’s leading the league in assists
and let’s take a look at lebron james for a sec. somebody outscores bron in ppg. somebody in the league gets more assists than him per game. more boards per game, steals per game, blocks per game, someone shoots more efficiently than bron. there’s somebody in the league that is better than bron at each individual category.
there is no one in the league that is better than him at all of them. and THAT is why lebron is the player he is.
it’s the same reason paige is the player SHE is. nobody is putting up 22 ppg on that efficiency. oh but juju and caitlin score more points!!! they also miss way more shots. oh but but!!! caitlin assisted more!!! yeah and that ato is pretty shit compared to paige’s isn’t it?? but but, caitlin makes more three’s per game!!! yeah and paige shoots the three ball more efficiently than steph fucking curry. play with ya mama.
then we look at russell westbrook.
russ has like 200 triples now. the most in league history. and rings (or lack thereof) aside, even playing field - i’m still not acting a fool, running around saying russ is better than bron. why? bc imma sound STUPID AS SHIT
take this shit somewhere else bro i am TIRED
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happygirl2oo2 · 4 months
Queer Sports Romance Books Recs For Pride Month 🌈 (all are books I've either read or currently have on my own tbr list)
Rookie Recovery (Bobcat Boys #1) by Jemma Croft and Lex Veia [mlm]
Vancouver Orcas interconnected series by Amy Aislin [mlm]
Hometown Hero (Whistleport Hockey #1) by Declan Rhodes [mlm]
Hockey Guys interconnected series by Sarina Bowen [mlm]
Prove It by Stephanie Hoyt [mlm]
Fake Boyfriend interconnected series by Eden Finley [mlm]
Caught off Guard by Catherine Cloud [mlm]
Chicago Thunder interconnected series by Jodi Oliver [mlm]
Don't Look Down (Best Laid Plans #1) by Jessica Ann [mlm]
Hockey Ever After interconnected series by Ashlyn Kane and Morgan James [mlm]
Love & Other Inconveniences by Catherine Cloud [mlm]
Time to Shine by Rachel Reid [mlm]
Relationship Goals interconnected series by Brigham Vaughn [mlm]
Light Up the Lamp by Kit Oliver [mlm]
Puckboys interconnected series by Eden Finley and Saxon James [mlm]
Hot Shot (Orlando Storm #1) by Marissa James [mlm]
Breakaway partially-interconnected series by E.L. Massey [mlm]
Delay of Game interconnected series by Hannah Henry [mlm]
Offsides interconnected series by J.J. Mulder [mlm]
Roughing (Portland Seabirds #1) by Michaela Grey [mlm]
Stick Side interconnected series by Amy Aislin [mlm]
Let's Do This (IFU Hockey #1) by Loren Leigh [mlm]
CU Hockey interconnected series by Eden Finley and Saxon James [mlm]
Back to Center (Mohegan U Hockey #2) by Ryan Taylor and Joshua Harwood [mlm]
Penalty Box interconnected series by Ari Baran [mlm]
Shenanigans (Brooklyn Hockey #6) by Sarina Bowen [m/f with a bi mc]
The Inside Edge by Ashlyn Kane [mlm]
Icebreaker by A. L. Graziadei [mlm]
Hockey Bois by A.L. Heard [mlm]
Three Is The Luckiest Number by Catherine Cloud [mlm]
Not Over You by Samantha Wayland [mlm]
Wake Up, Nat & Darcy by Kate Cochrane [wlw]
It's a Love/Skate Relationship by Carli J. Corson [wlw]
Off the Bench Duet Series by Kimberly Knight [mlm]
Twincerely Yours by Eden Finley [mlm]
Car Racing
Pole Position by Rebecca J. Caffery [mlm]
Lights Out Series interconnected series by various authors [mlm]
Fast Love (Fast Love #1) by Kerry Lockhart [wlw]
Driven By Passion (Gamble Racing #2) by Renee Dahlia [mlm]
Redline (Redline #1) by Emma Barlowe [mlm]
Furious by Jamie Pacton and Rebecca Podos [wlw]
The 7-10 Split by Karmen Lee [wlw]
The Prospects by KT Hoffman [mlm]
Batting Style by Louisa Masters [mlm]
You Should Be So Lucky by Cat Sebastian [mlm]
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes by Danielle Dawsen [mlm]
We Got the Beat by Jenna Miller [wlw]
Always More (Sports #1) by Nicole Pyland [wlw]
Roller derby
Mighty Millie Novak by Elizabeth Holden [wlw]
False Start by Santana Knox [wlw]
How You Get the Girl by Anita Kelly [wlw]
Love and Sportsball (Atlanta Cannons #1) by Meka James [wlw]
Zone Defense interconnected series by Becca Seymour [mlm]
Fence comic series by C.S. Pacat and Joanna the Mad [mlm]
One Last Play by E.B. Neal [mlm]
Coming Out on the Sidelines by Dev Hahn [wlw]
Forward Entry (Sydney Swallows #1) by Aurora Crane [mlm]
The Game (Charleston Condors #2) by Beth Bolden
Atlanta Lightning interconnected series by Riley Hart [mlm]
Fumbled Past (San Diego Seals #2) by Cecelia Storm [mlm]
Onside Kiss (Domingo #1) by Octavia Jensen [mlm]
You Started It (Fan Service Series #3) by Hinsel Meyer [mlm]
Tigers and Devils (Tigers and Devils #1) by Sean Kennedy [mlm]
Roosevelt College interconnected series by Christina Lee [mlm]
You & Me by Tal Bauer [mlm]
Crushing on the Quarterback by Baylin Crow [mlm]
Deuce (Tennyson Bend #2) by P.T. Ambler [mlm]
You Don't Have a Shot by Racquel Marie [wlw]
Everything for You (Bergman Brothers #5) by Chloe Liese [mlm]
Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner [wlw]
Pull Me Under by Zarah Detand [mlm]
The Game Changer (Denver Defiant, #1) by Finley Chuva [wlw]
I Like Me Better by Robby Weber [mlm]
Finding a Keeper (Sports #4) by Nicole Pyland [wlw]
Don't Hate the Player by Shelby Elizabeth [mlm]
Endgame by Zoe Reed [wlw]
Hotshot by Clare Lydon [wlw]
Attractive Forces by Jax Calder [mlm]
The Tighthead (Lincoln Knights #1) by Charlie Novak [mlm]
The Unexpected Dream (Sports #3) by Nicole Pyland [wlw]
Always the Almost by Edward Underhill [trans boy x boy]
Alondra by Gina Femia [bisexual girl mc]
Catch and Cradle by Katia Rose [wlw]
Tears in the Water Margherita Scialla [LGBTQ+]
Shy by Ashish Rastogi [mlm]
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Teenage Dirtbag - Eddie Munson
A/N: well, this keeps on working so far 😂😂😂 here's Eddie's story! and then is full Marauders, James, then Remus, and then Sirius! I hope you guys like it!
Request - lunamadhatter99 asked: I do have a request, my friend! I'm so happy requests are open😍 Anyway: Henderson!Reader x either Steve or Eddie (whoever works better for you), where the reader is very quiet, not necessarily shy, but still. She's targeted by the jocks too because she's the "loser" sister, you know, and maybe one day, one of their pranks went too far and she's very upset about it (maybe is the process a special possession of hers). Every time she gets bullied, Steve/Eddie helps her comfort her, especially because she doesn't want to tell his little brother, who thinks she is friends with them... does it make sense? I don't know, I'm sorry 😂👋
Warnings: mentions of sex; Billy being an asshole (also, this is kinda between s3 and 4 and Billy didn't die so Jason and Andy are his dumb friends I hope this makes sense) reader is kind of mean to Dustin (not really, she's just grumpy and a loner instead of shy, kind of like Kat in 10TIHAY)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things :) gif isn’t mine :D  
Teenage Dirtbag
'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby Listen to Iron Maiden, baby, with me, ooh
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“DUSTIN! Hurry up! Steve is gonna be here any second! We’re gonna be late!” you smashed your hand against the bathroom door, yelling for your brother to get ready. You had been feeling anxious all day. Something inside you told you that today might not be a good day and, as much as you tried not to, you took it out on Dustin.
“I’m coming! Geez, calm down!”
You rolled your eyes and walked over to the kitchen to finish your coffee and wash the dishes but you tripped over a bag full of garbage.
“Ugh! Dustin!” you yelled as he walked over to you.
“What? What did I do now?”
“The trash is your chore” you complained, grabbing the bag and handing it to him. “When I say take out the trash, I mean outside of the house. To the trashcan!”
“Maybe you can show me for next time” he laughed.
“Maybe I can give your Nintendo to goodwill” you smirked back, erasing the smirk off his face.
“Fine, sorry” he said, grabbing the bag and going outside.
“Let’s go!” you said as soon as you heard Steve’s car parking on your driveway.
“Wait, where’s lunch?”
“Oh, shit!” you said, grabbing some of the money you left near the door in case Dustin needed to order food. “Here” you said, grabbing $10 for yourself and giving Dustin $5.
“Why do you get $10 and I get $5?” Dustin complained.
“Take out the freaking trash!” you replied, mocking his exact same tone.
“Good morning, Hendersons!” Steve smiled as you got in the front and Dustin got in the back.
“Thanks for the ride, Steve” you said. “Robin still out of town?” you asked, confused to not see her there already.
“Yeah, she’s coming back next week-”
“Why are we even going this early? School doesn’t start for another hour!” Dustin asked on the ride to school. “And why do you always ride shotgun?”
“Because I’m Steve’s favorite Henderson” you smirked. “And Steve has an early shift, so I wasn’t going to make him wait for us” you explained. “Plus, I have to get together with Nancy for something about the school paper” you informed him.
“Well, I could have taken my bike-”
“Just say thank you, Dustin!”
“Thank you” he said, rolling his eyes a little.
“Hey, aren’t those your old friends?” Dustin asked as Steve drove into the parking lot. You looked to where he was pointing to see the basketball players hanging outside the school with some of the cheerleaders.
“No” both you and Steve replied at the same time.
“Are you sure?” Dustin asked, confused. He recognized some of them, although he had noticed you never talked to them anymore.
“I’m sure” you said, rolling your eyes. “Just… stay away from them, okay?”
“Okay” he said, unconvinced. “Um, are we having movie night?” he asked Steve.
“Yeah, my house” he nodded.
“Cool. I think we’re going to Mike’s after school, so I’ll see you there” he told them.
“Okay” you nodded. Dustin started opening his door but you stopped him. “Dusty” you said, making him look confused at you. You rarely called him that anymore. “Nothing… I’ll see you at Steve’s” you told him and he nodded before he got out.
You saw him make his way over to Mike, Will, Lucas, Max, and El and you heard him complain about you and all of them saying how you used to be fun and happy all the time. You let out a sigh of frustration, throwing your head back on the chair.
“You know, you could just… tell him” Steve shrugged.
“I’m good” you told him.
“Dustin’s just worried about you” he insisted. “And to be honest, so am I-”
“Harrington, I know my brother’s your best friend now-”
“That’s not true” he glared at you.
“But you were my friend first and you promised we wouldn’t discuss this with Dustin” you told him.
“I’m just… a little confused, okay? Why did you all of the sudden stop hanging out with them like, what, a year ago?”
“You did too!” you argued.
“Well, yeah, because they’re assholes-”
“Exactly” you told him.
“But, now you’re here alone, because I graduated, I just don’t want you to be alone-”
“I’m fine on my own” you shrugged. “Plus… Eddie’s my friend-”
“Oh, right… Munson. That’s another thing. I know something happened last Halloween, okay? You mysteriously stop hanging out with all of our friends, you started wearing darker clothes, darker makeup and you start hanging around with Eddie, the freak, Munson-”
“I told you to stop calling him that” you glared at him.
“Which you also hide from Dustin-”
“Well, I just don’t want him to think that the only reason he and his friends are in Hellfire is because I asked Eddie to look after them-”
“But you did-”
“Steve, it is too early in the morning to have this discussion” you said, rubbing your temple.
“Fine… I’ll drop it” he said. “For now” he added, making you glare at him a little. “You working today?”
“No, it’s my day off” you informed him.
“Cool, want me to pick you up after work?”
“You sure it’s not too much trouble?”
“Nah, you’re my favorite Henderson after all” he smirked.
“I knew it!” you said, kissing his cheek before you opened the door. “See you later, Stevie” you said.
“Have a good day, kid” he waved at you.
He noticed you walking close to the group of jocks and they yelled something at you but you simply flipped them off and kept walking. Steve felt a bit uneasy about it but decided he would ask you about it when he picked you up. Sooner or later, you had to talk to him.
“Hey, princess” you felt a small smile, trying to contain the butterflies you felt in your stomach when you heard that voice. You turned around to see Eddie smiling at you.
“Munson, I thought you were standing me up today” you said as he sat at your usual table in the woods, past the bleachers.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, love” he said, sitting in front of you. “What do you got for me today?”
“I forgot to make lunch, so I had to grab something from the vending machine” you said, putting your cigarette out. “So, pretzels, or Reeses Pieces?”
“You just… happened to pick my two favorite things?” he smirked. “If I didn’t know any better, Henderson, I would think you like me” he mocked you.
“Uh-huh, is that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? And two cokes?” your sked, looking at his bag.
“Grape jelly. Your favorite” he winked at you.
“Huh, if I didn’t know any better, Munson, I would think you like me” you returned the smirk.
“Wanna split it?” he asked and you nodded as you split the three things between the two of you. “So, what are you working on?” he asked, about to grab your sketchbook.
“Nothing!” you quickly said, putting it away before he could get it.
“Oh, that doesn’t sound suspicious at all” he mocked you. “Come on, show me!”
“It’s just… a work in progress” you told him. “It’s not finished yet” you insisted.
“Fine, be all mysterious” he chuckled. “Hey, did you get new colored pencils?” he asked, grabbing one of them.
“Oh, um… y-yeah” you said nervously. “There was a discount at the store where I work and-”
“Really?” he raised his eyebrow at you. “Or were your old ones… broken?”
“Um… there may have been an… incident-”
“Who?” he asked, his tone turning angry.
“It doesn’t matter, Eddie-”
“Yes, it does! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I don’t want you to get into a fight and not graduate with me this year” you told him, making him laugh just barely. “Look, it’s fine. I really did get a discount and…” you said, looking through your bag. “I got markers too” you smiled brightly at him. “Look!”
You stood from your place and sat down on the table with your feet on the bench next to Eddie. You grabbed his hand and placed it on your knee, which was not an uncommon thing for you to do whenever you drew something on him but he felt his cheeks blushing. You quickly drew a small doodle of the Hellfire symbol using different colors and you smiled when you were done, showing it to him. Eddie rarely get to see that smile on you and he loved it when it happened.
“Holy shit!” he smiled, looking down at his hand. It looked cooler than the one in his shirt.
“Do you like it?” you asked, bashfully.
“I love it, princess! This is amazing!” he said, looking back at you. “You’re amazing” he smiled.
“Um, thanks” you said, looking down at his hand and feeling your cheeks burn. You could not ignore the butterflies in your stomach any longer. You grabbed his hand and stroked your thumb against your new drawing. “Uh, a-actually, what I didn’t want to show you is um… kind of… a surprise…” you admitted, not facing him.
You saw Eddie’s hand untangle from yours and make its way up to your chin, lifting your head gently and making you look into his beautiful, chocolate-brown eyes.
“A surprise?” he asked, smiling brightly. You simply nodded, unable to form any words by the way he was looking at you. “What is it?”
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise!” you chuckled. “I just want to finish it before I show it to you” you told him.
“Okay, fine” he said, as his hand suddenly found its way back to yours and you started playing with his rings. “But… you promise you’ll show it to me when it’s done?”
“I promise. I mean, it’s kind of… for you” you told him.
“Really?” he asked, and you nodded.
“Yeah, it’s kind of… a thank you” you admitted. “For everything” you added. “Even for my brother and his friends. Thanks for letting them in Hellfire” you told him. “I know they're a bit weird but… I love them and I'm happy they found someone like you” you said.
“My pleasure, princess” he told you. “They’re cool kids” he chuckled. “Especially Dustin” he added. “Although he keeps asking me why I always have different doodles all over me” he chuckled.
“Yeah, he’s pretty smart” you laughed too. “I don’t think it’ll be long before he realizes about us” you said, without really thinking. “I m-mean uh-”
“Us?” Eddie smirked. “And exactly what would he realize?” he asked, getting up and towering a little over you, placing his hands on both your sides. “That we’re friends?” he asked, with the same smirk still plastered on his face.
“Y-yeah, I guess” you said innocently.
“Would he mind?”
“Um- I don’t think so, I just… don’t want him to think that you’re only his friend b-because of me” you explained.
“Oh, he wouldn’t think that” he assured you, as he gently brushed your hair away from your face. “And… what if he thinks there’s something else between us?”
“Is there?” you asked, as you felt him getting closer. And then the bell rang. The stupid bell rang. “Fuck!”
“Ignore that” he pleaded.
“No! We have a Math test” you said, pushing him away and gathering all of your things. “I told you, Eddie, you’re graduating this year, with me. Let’s go!” you threatened him.
“You’re killing me, sweetheart” he said, as you pulled him with you but he was stronger and he pulled you back. “To be continued?” he smirked.
For the first time in what felt like a lifetime, you smiled. It was a different smile, one that you didn’t think you had in you anymore and you could see Eddie noticed it. You leaned in and kissed his cheek.
“To be continued, Munson” you said, before you started pulling him towards the school despite his protests.
You were waiting in the parking lot for Steve. As much as you wanted, you were not able to be with Eddie alone the rest of the day. You were hoping to catch him at the end but, as a surprise to no one, he got detention, so here you were.
“Well, if it isn’t my lucky day?”
You cursed under your breath, silently begging for Steve’s car to appear any moment now. But no such luck.
“Hargrove” you sighed. “Oh, if it isn’t Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum” you smirked at Jason and Andy, standing with Billy.
“Fancy meeting you here, babe” Billy smirked at you.
“Can’t say the same” you said, trying to walk away but he stepped in front of you. “What do you want, Hargrove?”
“See, I have a question for you” he said. “Andy here, says he saw you coming out of those woods with Eddie fucking Munson” he said, getting closer to you and making you take a step back. “Is that true?”
“I fail to see how that’s any of your business, really” you glared at him.
“Well, for starters, I think Munson can do better” he said, making Andy and Jason laugh.
“Lovely” you rolled your eyes, trying to walk away again but they blocked your way.
“Aw, did I strike a nerve there? Do you have a crush on Munson?” he mocked you.
“Just, leave me alone, Billy-” you said, trying to leave but, you felt your sketchbook being taken from you.
“Oh, what is this?” Jason asked, opening the sketchbook. “Do you write your love letters to that freak here?” he laughed.
“Give that back!” you said, trying to get it back from him.
“Oh, it’s even better than that!” he said, showing your sketches to Billy and Andy who started laughing.
“Give me that!” you said as he tossed it to Billy.
“Looks like you’re a bit obsessed with him, babe” he said, looking at your drawings. “I’m guessing you wouldn’t want anything to happen to this, would you?” he said, tearing a few pages apart.
“Billy, give it back!” you yelled, but he pushed you back, making you fall to the ground, your hands aching when they hit the pavement.
“Whoops, clumsy me” he said, tossing your sketchbook on a nearby water puddle.
“Stop it!” you said, getting up and trying to get to it but Andy pushed you away.
“You want something, freak?” Jason yelled, smirking.
“Oh, speak of the devil” Billy smirked as Eddie approached all of you.
“Get the fuck away from her” he said, making his way over to Billy.
“Why don’t you keep walking and mind your business, freak?”
“You know, I gotta say, even for you, it’s pretty low, three guys against one girl” he smirked, erasing Billy’s.
“You really think it’s worth it? Standing up for that slut-?”
Before Billy could go on, Eddie quickly punched him in the face.
“You’re dead, freak!” Jason said, punching Eddie back while Billy got up, laughing.
“Looks, like you got some fire in you, Munson!” he yelled before he punched him too.
“Eddie!” you yelled, trying to get to him but Andy stopped you. “Stop it!”
“You having fun, Munson?” Billy smirked as he landed punches on Eddie before he grabbed him by his jacket. “No one tells me what to do!” he said before he pushed him to the ground again. He then threw himself at Eddie and started landing punch after punch, like a madman. The last time you had seen Billy like this was when he fought Steve and it shook you to your core.
“You really think you traded up, babe?” he smirked, looking at you. “He’s even worse than Harrington!”
“STOP IT, PLEASE!” you said, as tears started welling up in your eyes.
“Aw, you gonna cry, princess?” he said, mocking Eddie’s voice with the last word.
As if your prayers were finally answered, a car reeled in front of you, almost hitting Jason.
“What the fuck, Harrington?” he asked as Steve got out of the car.
“What the fuck is going on here?”
“Come join the party, Harrington” Billy smirked at him, finally letting go of Eddie. “Ready for round two?”
“Yeah, let me just get my friend here” Steve smirked, grabbing his bat out.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Andy said, letting go of you, and slowly walking away with Jason. You quickly ran over to Eddie, pushing Billy aside.
“Ready to go, Hargrove?” Steve said, walking closer to him as he and the other two stepped away.
“You know what? She’s not even fucking worth it” Billy said, throwing one last glare at you. “Let’s just go” he told Jason and Andy as they walked away.
“Eddie! Oh my God, Eddie! Can you hear me?”
“Do I have a concussion or did King Steve Harrington just save my ass?”
“Sorry, I’m sorry” you apologized, taking the cotton ball away.
You were now in Steve’s kitchen, cleaning Eddie up. You carefully pulled his hair up in a messy bun with your scrunchie so you could see him better. You placed your hand softly on his cheek and your heart broke seeing a big purple bruise printed on his left eye. He looked at you with his huge, deep brown puppy eyes and you had to take a deep breath to not lose it right there because you knew he needed you.
“You okay?” Eddie asked, worriedly.
“M-me? You’re asking if I’m okay? Eddie, Billy and Jason just beat the shit out of you, and you’re asking if I’m okay?”
“First of all, I’d like to think that I handled that with dignity. Secondly, you fell to the ground and that idiot Andy was hurting you” he said, grabbing your hand and tracing his thumb gently on the bruises forming in your arms where Andy grabbed you.
“I’m really sorry, Eddie” you said, coming out in a whisper and tracing your thumb against the now fading drawing you made earlier on his hand. A small tear fell down your cheek and Eddie quickly wiped it away before he cupped your cheek.
“Princess, you have nothing to be sorry for” he assured you.
“Yes, I do! You wouldn’t have gotten hurt if it wasn’t for me” you insisted.
“Hey” he said, pulling you closer to him. “I would do it all over again, love” he smiled at you.
“Hey, man” Steve said, coming into the kitchen and making you and Eddie jump apart. “Uh, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I got some clean clothes for you” he said offering Eddie a shirt and some sweatpants.
“Thanks, man” Eddie smiled, grabbing the clothes from him. “I’m uh- gonna go change and I’ll get out of your way-”
“We’re having movie night” Steve blurted out of the sudden. “We’re ordering pizza and Dustin, Mike, and the rest are coming over. If you’d like to stay” he offered.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude, man-”
“You’re not intruding. It’s the least I can do after you got hit for me” you told him.
“You keep bruising my ego, Henderson” he smirked at you. “What are we watching?” Eddie asked, interested.
“Gremlins” you told him.
“Seriously?” he asked, raising his eyebrow at Steve.
“Don’t look at me, man. It was her turn to choose the movie!” he said pointing at you.
“Shut up, you two. Gremlins is an awesome movie!”
“Isn’t that what you call your brother and his friends?” Eddie laughed. “I didn’t know that was your favorite movie, princess” he said. “Well, how can I say no to that masterpiece and pizza, I really can’t” he said, leaving the kitchen.
“So…” Steve started.
“Are we going to talk about what happened today or are we just going to pretend nothing happened?”
“What do you want me to say?”
“Well, you can choose between telling me why your sketchbook has smudgy drawings of Eddie” he said, opening your wet, torn, destroyed sketchbook. “Or why Hargrove and his friends were beating the shit out of him in the parking lot” he added.
“Steve, I don’t want to talk about it-”
“Well, tough. Look, we’ve been friends for a very long time now. I told you why I stopped talking to Tommy and Carol and all of our friends but you never told me why you did and somehow Munson knows!” he argued. “I get that you don’t tell Dustin everything because you want to protect him but what is so horrible that you couldn’t tell me?”
“You don’t want to know-”
“Yes, I do! You’re my best friend! You can tell me anything!”
“You’re gonna hate me!”
“What? No! I swear, okay? Nothing you say will make me hate you! We’ve been through enough shit that you should know that already-”
“I slept with Billy!” you blurted out.
“W-what?” Steve asked, hoping he hadn’t heard you right.
“What?” another voice asked, from another side of the kitchen. Dustin.
“Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me!” you said, feeling like you were going to throw up. “What are you doing here?”
“We all just got here, I was looking for you” he said, walking closer to you and Steve. “You slept with Billy Hargrove, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Dustin!” Steve warned.
“You know what? I don’t want to deal with this right now” you said, grabbing your damped sketchbook and walking out of the house to Steve’s backyard. Dustin was about to follow you but Steve stopped him.
“Look, I get that you’re upset but you’re not going out there if you’re only going to upset your sister more. She had a hard day-”
“Well, how would I know that, Steve? She doesn’t talk to me!”
“What’s with all the yelling?” Eddie said, coming back into the kitchen.
“Eddie? What are you doing here?” Dustin asked confused. “What the fuck happened to you?”
“Uh- I am…” he looked at Steve, unsure as to what to say.
“Okay, what the fuck is going on? And what are you two and my sister hiding from me?”
“We’re not hiding anything from you. You need to calm down and we can go sort this out, okay?”
“Fine” Dustin said, unconvinced.
“You promise you won’t snap at her like you just did” Steve glared at him a little.
“Okay” he sighed, rolling his eyes. The three of them walked outside to find you sitting on one of Steve’s pool chairs. Steve and Eddie sat next to you and Dustin sat on the edge of the one you were sitting in. “Uh, hey” he said, nervously. “Um-” he continued when both Steve and Eddie glared at him. “I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier” he muttered.
“It’s fine, Dusty” you said, sitting up and hugging your legs to you.
“Look, Dustin and I are just worried about you” Steve continued. “We don’t want to push you or anything, we just… want to know what’s going on with you” he added. You looked up at Eddie and he softly nodded at you. He really wanted to hold your hand but he figured Dustin might freak out about it too.
“Um…” you took a deep breath. “Look, I know that… I’ve kind of been pulling away” you started. “And I’m sorry, it’s just…” you sighed. “It was a stupid mistake and I didn’t want either one of you to hate me” you admitted.
“What- uh, when?” Dustin stuttered. “Um, no, y-you go” he said.
“It just happened once” you informed them.
“At… last year’s Halloween party?” Steve guessed and you nodded.
“Look, I was… really drunk and, dad had just left and… mom was kind of a mess and… I don’t know, I guess I was too” you said, sadly.
“Wait, I was there that night, why didn’t you tell me anything?” Steve asked, confused.
“You had your own shit going on” you reminded him. “With Nancy” you added. “So, after you left I got drunker and… then I don’t know, Billy was just there and… it happened” you sighed. “And after I felt so awful” you told them. “When I came down I ran into Eddie and he saw I was upset” you explained. “He drove me home and… he stayed with me and he made sure I was okay” you smiled. “That’s how we became friends-”
“You two are friends?” Dustin asked. “I knew I recognized your doodles” he said, looking at the metalhead.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you” you told Dustin. “I just… didn’t want to get into the whole thing and… it’s not really the conversation you have with your little brother” you admitted.
“I get that but… we used to talk about everything” Dustin said, sadly. “We were always kind of a team and for the past year it just felt like… you hated me” he said.
“Dusty” you said, sitting closer to him and hugging him. “I could never hate you” you assured him. “I am so sorry I pushed you away, I was just… so embarrassed about what happened and, I kind of wanted to forget the whole thing and I guess that in the midst of it all I just… ended up pushing everyone away” you explained.
“So, what happened today?” Dustin asked, confused.
“Well, I was waiting for Steve to pick me up and Billy and his friends just started being idiots” you told him. “Eddie saw and tried to help me” you continued. “And then Steve got there with his bat and they went away” you told him.
“So, that’s why you tell me to stay away from them? I mean, I always knew Billy was a dick but… all of your friends?”
“Well, yeah. I told Billy that if he ever said a word about what happened to anyone, I’d tell everyone he cried like a bitch and he had a small dick” you said, making the three of them laugh a little. “And then, either I just stopped talking to them or they would stop talking to me and… it wasn’t just Billy, you know? You were right” you said, looking at Steve. “They were all just… assholes” you admitted.
“I could have told you that a long time ago” Eddie chuckled.
“You okay?” Dustin asked you.
“Yeah” you smiled. “I’m sorry… about… everything” you told him. “Both of you” you said, looking at Steve.
“Don’t worry” Dustin smiled at you. “I love you dumb-dumb” he said, putting his fist so you would bump it.
“Love you too, dumb-dumb” you smiled back and bumped his fist. “No more lies” you promised and he nodded, smiling.
“It’s fine” Steve said, getting up and kissing your head. “C’mon little Henderson, let’s go set everything up” Steve said, patting Dustin on his back.
“Wait, why do I have to go?” he complained, still getting up.
“Just be nice to your sister, man, she’s been through a lot” Steve complained.
“What about me? I have been through a lot too!” he said, dramatically as they went inside, leaving you and Eddie alone.
“Hey” you smiled back at Eddie.
“Hi, princess” he said, moving over to take Dustin’s place in front of you. “How are you feeling?”
“Not so bad” you sighed. “I still would have preferred not to discuss my sex life with my little brother but… it is what it is” you chuckled.
“Sorry about your sketchbook, love” he said, looking at it on the floor.
“It’s okay” you sighed, going through the damped pages. “It just… might take me a little longer to finish your surprise now” you said, sadly.
“Wait, is that… is that me?” he asked, feeling his heart flutter.
“It… was supposed to be” you told him. “I mean, your D&D character” you muttered. “I… wanted to um… I was trying to get it right and I thought you m-might like it-”
“It’s perfect, princess” he smiled at you.
“It’s ruined, Eddie” you chuckled.
“Well, then I guess I need to get you another sketchbook, love” he said, grabbing it from you.
“You don’t have to get me one, Eddie” you smiled as he scootched closer to you.
“Jesus, Henderson would you just let me do something nice for you” he smiled, cupping your cheek with his hand.
“You do nothing but nice things for me, Munson” you smiled.
“What can I say? You bring out the best in me, sweetheart” he smiled back.
“Well, in that case, maybe you can do one more nice thing for me” you said, pulling him by his shirt, well, Steve’s shirt and he pulled you gently, brushing his thumb against your cheek.
“Gladly, princess” he said, smiling before he finally connected his lips with yours. He felt you smiling against his lips as you started deepening the kiss before you were rudely interrupted.
“Hey guys, pizza’s here- what the fuck?” you jumped apart when you heard Dustin’s voice again, with Lucas, Will, and Max standing next to him, trying not to laugh. “You two are together? I thought there were no more lies!”
“Would you believe me that this literally just happened, Henderson?” 
The End
A/N: hope you loves liked it! :D
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accio-sriracha · 22 days
Could you please make a fic on basketballer Remus and Sirius drooling over his boyfriend, you're works are great
Sorry about the late reply, but here you are, my love!
Wins and Losses (But Mostly Wins)
A Wolfstar One-Shot.
"God, these games are so boring." Lily complained, walking up the bleachers to the very top row, "Why did you pick this as our extra credit assignment?"
"Quit whining, the game's gonna start soon." Sirius hushed her, sitting beside her and pulling out his drawing pad, "It'll only take like an hour, than we're free."
"Damn, I should have brought my sketchbook." She groaned and leaned back against the wall, "Can you at least keep me entertained so I don't have to sit through this alone?"
Sirius glanced up from the paper to see her signature puppy dog eyes, "First of all you know those eyes don't work on me. And second of all stop acting like I'm torturing you, it's just a game."
"Hi! Mind if we set up in front of you?" A bubbly voice asked from the court. It was the cheer captain, Pandora, her hair pulled up into a ponytail so high Sirius couldn't imagine how it didn't hurt.
"Um... sure." He gave her a quick nod and turned back to Lily, "You'll survive the game."
She groaned again and leaned dramatically on his shoulder, "I think I might actually die."
He laughed and shoved her off just as the rest of the cheer squad made their way across the court.
"Isn't that Alice?" Lily asked quietly, pointing out one of the girls in the group, "From art?"
Sirius nodded, "Yeah, some people have other hobbies, you know."
She rolled her eyes and settled into her seat, her expression nothing less than dreadful.
Sirius quietly put his things away, not wanting to miss the announcer calling the players out.
The bleachers filled up quickly, the smell of snack bar food came right along with it. Sirius' stomach rumbled at the thought. Lily seemed to be thinking the same thing,
"I'm going to go get nachos, want anything?"
"I'll take some too, thanks."
She nodded and stepped through the crowds down to the floor, making her way towards the other end of the gym.
The announcer started speaking about the game, something about emergency exits and to grab a bite to eat before it begins.
His first player announcement was the team captain for the other school, a guy named Malfoy with long blond hair, he looked like the type of person who caught ants on fire for fun as a kid. He announced the rest of the team, most of them just as sour-faced.
Sirius felt a hum of anticipation shoot through him as he began announcing the home team.
"Hogwart's team captain, number 60, James Potter!"
A tan, curly haired guy jogged out onto the court from the other direction, his expression wasn’t serious like the other team's had been. He gave a dorky smile and waved at the crowd before he reached the center of the court were the Ref stood, who's name Sirius remembered was Miss Hooch.
"Number 03, Regulus Black!"
Sirius' head whipped towards the locker room doors as his brother walked out. He had the same goofy expression the captain had on, only he never stopped to wave to the crowd. He gave Potter a weird handshake and jogged over to collect one of the practice balls from the side.
A couple names were called Sirius didn't recognize, he was too busy watching Regulus warm up with free throws. It didn't look like he missed a single shot.
"Number 29, Peter Pettigrew!" A nervous looking boy came out then, joining the rest of his team at the back of the line, he didn't seem too eager to hold the ball for long.
Sirius glanced towards the snack bar, glad to see Lily was still in line. He checked the time, the game would start in less than five minutes.
Secretly, Sirius was relieved by Lily's distraction. He didn't want her to know the real reason he picked the basketball game for their assignment.
"Number 71, Remus Lupin!"
Taller than most of the players and far better looking, Lupin jogged across the court. He had a slight grin and honey colored eyes that scanned the crowd. Sirius' heart fluttered when they landed breifly on him.
There it was.
He turned and watched the doors swing open again.
Lupin took his spot at the back of the line to warm up, shaking his tawny hair out of his face. He was, in every aspect of the word, beautiful.
Sirius felt his cheeks heat up when he realised he was staring, he quickly straightened up- literally- and glanced away before his eyes had the chance to get too dopey.
Potter saw Lupin and beamed, running over to ruffle his hair even further. Lupin laughed and pushed him away, pointing at the basket while he spoke.
Sirius couldn't tell what was said, but Potter's expression held a challenge as he ran over to get an extra basketball.
Sirius felt his heart sink along with the ball. Did Potter wink at Lupin for a reason? Did he like him? Were they together in secret? What if they were? How long could this have been going on?
Sirius didn't miss the quick wink he gave Lupin before making the shot.
He shook his head in attempt to clear his thoughts. He knew he shouldn’t down that rabbit hole, it wasn't going to do him any good.
The cheerleaders started their first chant, waving their pompoms and trying to get the crowd excited. Sirius couldn't care less, unable to tear his eyes away from number 71.
"Hey, nacho delivery." Lily's voice called over the noise as she climbed back up the bleachers, narrowly avoiding a rogue toddler.
"Thanks." He accepted the tray from her and moved his things so she could sit down beside him.
"What'd I miss?" She asked, watching the teams warm up. Sirius shook his head,
"Nothing yet, just the announcements."
The ref called for the jumpers to go to the center, Malfoy and Lupin stepped away from their teams. Malfoy had a sneer on that Sirius could see even from the bleachers.
"That guy looks like a total douche." Lily whispered, nodding towards him. Sirius laughed,
"Trust me, he is." He agreed.
"This is the coin flip right, where they decide which side to play on?"
"Welln sort of, it's called a tip off, it's based on whoever gets the ball first."
The rest of the players gathered around them at a distance, Potter looked certain they would be getting the ball.
"Why did they send 71 instead of 60? 60 is the captain right?"
Sirius nodded, "Yeah, 60 is the captain, but 71 is the tallest. They want him to jump for the ball since he'd have the highest chance to get it."
Lily frowned suddenly, "Since when do you know so much about basketball? I thought you hated sports?"
He cleared his throat, trying not to seem obvious, "I've watched a few games."
She rose an eyebrow but otherwise let it go. They turned back to the court just as the whistle blew.
Lupin did, in fact, get the ball, passing it immediately to Regulus. Regulus dribbled it across the court and passed it to the closest open player, a scrawny kid with the number 52 on his jersey, who passed it to Potter next, who scored with little resistance. The crowd went crazy at such an early basket. Potter raised a hand towards the stands, nodding excitedly and smiling as the team clapped him on the back.
"Damn." Lily laughed, "They really don't stand a chance do they?"
Sirius shrugged, feeling a proud smile tug at his lips, "Not really, no."
"You seem pretty invested." Lily commented, munching on a chip, "You've barely even touched your nachos."
He found himself watching Lupin again, the way his expression was so focused, how his hair somehow looked even better clinging to his forehead with sweat.
Gods was he a sight to see.
Even on defence his skills were incredible, he managed to block the person from scoring, passing the ball to one of his own teammates instead.
He looked down at the uneaten tray, in all honesty, he'd completely forgotten they were there.
"I'm just watching. I figured might as well enjoy it since we're here." He feigned indifference, barely managing to pull his eyes away from 71.
She shrugged, looking towards the cheerleaders, "I think they're going to do a stunt."
He had no idea what that meant, but didn't really care enough to ask. His eyes still tracked Lupin as he jogged across the court, when the ball was finally in his possession, Sirius was practically at the edge of his seat.
"And 71 scores! Another point for Hogwarts!" The announcer called. Cheers erupted once again from the stands. Lily clapped half-heartedly, her attention still focused on the cheer squad as a few of them gathered in a weird looking circle.
"That was Lupin." Sirius told her, even though he knew she wouldn't care, "The one with the ball right now, he's the captain. His name's Potter."
She nodded, not even bothering to glance at them.
"One, Two, Three, Four! Our mighty Gryffindors have scored once more!" The cheerleaders shouted, bringing his attention briefly to them when he saw a girl being lifted into the air. She held a sign that read Go Hogwarts in black and gold.
"And Malfoy gets the ball, passing it to 82, who passes it back to Malfoy... who scores! Three points to Slytherin!" The announcer called as the board changed again.
The other side of the stands cheered now, their own cheerleaders chanting about getting on the board.
Sirius turned back to watch Lupin again and noticed his attention wasn't on the court anymore, he was looking at the Hogwarts cheerleaders.
Sirius saw Potter looking in that direction too, even as the other team dribbled the ball towards their side of the court.
"What are they staring at?" Sirius whispered, Lily gasped right as he realised, the girl who'd been tossed into the air had accidentally kicked one of the other ones in the head, knocking them over.
There wasn't anyone there to catch her.
"Shit-" Sirius started to get out of his seat, but loud footsteps across the court made him realise both Lupin and Potter were already running towards her.
Potter slid on his knees with his arms held out, catching her just before she hit the ground. Lupin helped up the others who got injured.
The crowd cheered, and for a second, Sirius thought it was for them. Then he realised it had come from the other side of the gym, the Slytherins had scored a basket while Lupin and Potter were distracted.
Potter sighed when he realised, looking thoroughly upset. He still helped the girl to her feet, talking quietly with her for a moment to make sure she was okay. The coach called for a timeout, jogging over to pull Lupin and Potter back to the player's bench.
He didn't hear what was said, but he could tell from their faces they were being lectured.
Lily scoffed, "I can't believe they're getting in trouble for saving her. What he did was-" She shook her head, "This is ridiculous."
"Do you... like him?" He teased. Her face got bright red immediately
Sirius watched her, he had noticed the way she looked more than a little awed when Potter ran over to catch her. She couldn't seem to take her eyes off him now.
He knew the feeling.
"What? No! Of course not!" She hissed, turning away quickly.
"I think you do." He poked her side, wiggling his eyebrows at her, "You liiike him." He drew out the word, making a heart with his fingers.
She shushed him, putting her head in her hands, "Oh my god, you're so embarrassing."
He laughed, patting her shoulder gently, "It'll be alright Evans. I'm sure you'll have the chance to charm him soon enough."
She scowled at him and turned back to the game.
The players took their positions on the court without Potter and Lupin. Pettigrew and another nervous looking player were put in there place instead.
Sirius realised once the whistle blew that he didn't care a single bit about the game. Finding himself content to watch Lupin on the sidelines instead.
"Look who's uninterested now." Lily whispered when the stands cheered and he didn't react.
He was greatful in a way that Lily was also watching the bench, so she couldn't see his expression as Remus tilted his head back to get water from a squirt bottle.
Remus watched the game intensely, groaning and putting his head in his hands when his replacement did something wrong.
He turned to find her watching him with amusement.
"What? No, I just- I was thinking about my assignment next week."
She rolled her eyes, "Please, like I haven't noticed you watching him the entire game."
He could feel the blush on his face and looked away, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
She gasped, "Oh my god. That's why you picked this extra credit opportunity, didn't you? You just wanted to watch Lupin!"
"Keep your voice down." He laughed, holding a hand over her mouth, "You don't have to shout it."
She licked his fingers and he jerked his hand back. The smile on her face was disbelieving,
"I can't believe you've been lying to me this whole time just so you can pine for some jock!"
"Look, I can explain, okay?"
"Malfoy scores, again! Another basket for the Slytherins." The announcer called.
She shook her head, "Not another word, lover boy." She swiped his untouched nachos, "I'm taking these as punishment for your wrongdoings."
"I've gotta go to the bathroom, be right back." He told her, she nodded and gave him a quick wave,
"They really need to get them back out there, the team is drowning without them." Lily commented.
Sirius nodded, watching Regulus' furious expression as he chewed out one of the stand-ins for whatever it was he didn't do.
"Don't drown!"
He rolled his eyes, stepping carefully down the bleachers until his shoes hit the court.
"Lupin, where the hell do you think you're going?" He heard the coach call. Lupin turned around with a mock salute,
"Bathroom, sir." He retorted. The coach raised a hand to yell at him but was drowned out by the noise from the stands.
Sirius had to stiffle his smile.
"And that's it for this half folks, I am proud to introduce our cheerleaders for their half-time routine!" The man's voice came from the loudspeakers again. Sirius picked up his pace a little more, not wanting to block people's veiw of the performance.
"Lupin." He greeted when he stepped into the bathroom.
Lupin turned, tilting his head to the side as he leaned against the sink,
"Sirius." He whispered.
"We alone?" Sirius asked, lowering his volume to match. Remus nodded,
"Yeah, we're alone."
Sirius couldn't contain his smile then, his eyes roaming his boyfriend's body hungrily,
"Game's not over yet." He murmured, leaning in to press kisses all over Sirius' face, "The next basket's for you, darling."
"You played good today." He walked up and slung his arms around Remus' shoulders, "You looked even better."
"You gonna point at me like they do in the movies?" He teased. Remus picked him up and turned him around, sitting him down on the counter,
"Maybe I will." He kissed him deeply, his hand reaching up to tangle in Sirius' hair.
"I spent forever working on that bun." Sirius complained when they pulled away.
Remus winked, pulling him into another kiss, "You know I'm just going to mess it up the next time we see each other."
Sirius hopped down, checking the door to make sure nobody was coming, "It seems to be your specialty." He laughed.
"Alright, go on then. Your friend will get suspicious if you're in here for too long."
Sirius perked up suddenly, "Does James have a girlfriend?" He asked. Remus thought about it for a moment,
"No, why?"
"My friend, her name's Lily." Sirius rose an eyebrow and Remus nodded.
"Got it. I'll point her out to him and send him your way after the game."
Sirius pulled Remus closer by his jersey, "You better be coming my way after the game too." He kissed him one last time, "I'll see you tonight?"
Remus nodded, "Love you."
"Love you too." He called back as he turned and made his way to the door, fixing his hair the best he could.
He made it back to his seat a few minutes later, Lily eyed him skeptically,
"Where have you been? And... why do you look like that?" She stared at his hair. He pulled it quickly out of the bun,
"I fell." He shrugged, "Some arse bumped into me and ruined my hair."
She narrowed her eyes, "Mhmm."
When half time was over the players filed back onto the court, Sirius' eyes caught Remus instantly. Watching the muscles in his arms as he practiced, the way he looked with his lip caught between his teeth, how his chest rose and fell, showing off the contours of his back beneath his jersey...
And he was staring again. He looked away, trying not to be too obvious.
The game resumed, Sirius noticed Lily was a little more invested too.
Remus had the ball now, Sirius felt his heart beat faster, watching as he dribbled to the other side of the court. He threw the ball and...
"Three points to Hogwarts! Remus Lupin with the score there." The announcer called.
Remus' eyes skimmed the bleachers, he found Sirius sitting in the top corner and pointed towards him, the most ridiculous smile on his face. Sirius couldn't stop his own smile from spreading either.
People in the crowds looks around for who Lupin pointed towards.
Lupin, the popular jock who could have absolutely anyone he wanted in the stands.
Was pointing at Sirius.
Lily gasped, "Was that to you?" She hissed, trying to avoid all of the stares from the stands. A few of the cheerleaders looked over at them too, he could hear them giggling.
"Maybe." He whispered back. Something in his expression gave him away and she gasped again,
"Oh my god. You're together?" Her voice was not exactly quiet, people around them now spoke in hushed whispers, he could see a few point between him and Remus excitedly.
Well, there goes that secret.
"How did you- When did you-" Lily started before she shook her head, "You know what? I don't even want to know."
Sirius laughed, "Sorry Lils, he didn't want to come out yet."
"Well I think he just did." Lily commented, nodding towards the buzz coming from the home seats.
Sirius watched understanding dawn on Remus' face as he listened to the crowd. They knew.
Potter looked around, confused about the amount of times Lupin's name was said from the stands,
"What's up?" He asked Remus, Sirius had to read his lips to make out what he was saying.
Remus only shrugged, turning back to focusing on the game.
The game went by quickly, Hogwarts made a lot more baskets. (Mostly thanks to Potter, Regulus, and Remus)
"And that's the game! Hogwarts won! Thank you to everyone who came out to support tonight! There will be-" The announcer went on about sponsors and other things.
Sirius didn't care. His eyes were locked onto his boyfriend.
"Oh god you're drooling over him right now." Lily pretended to gag.
He only smiled. Most people had already sort of pieced it together by now, why not go all the way?
Sirius started down the bleachers without waiting for Lily, bee-lining towards Remus before the people in the stands had the chance to get up.
Remus saw him coming, his smile was easy, he knew what Sirius was planning. He held out his arms and let Sirius barrel into them, swinging him around in a circle before he set him back down,
"You really don't do things halfway, do you?" Remus joked as all of the eyes in the gym fell on them.
Sirius shook his head, "Nope." He whispered, just before he pulled him into a long kiss.
Potter was the first to start cheering, running over to jump onto Remus' back excitedly. They were pulled away from each other as Regulus came over and wrestled Sirius into his arms.
"Dude! Why didn't you tell me?!" He called, ruffling Sirius' hair up, "Congrats!"
Sirius laughed and hugged him, listening as the students all processed what just happened.
Remus and Sirius were together.
And now everyone knew it.
The after party was a bit wild, Remus led Sirius through the crowds, dragging him around by their linked hands as he introduced him to everyone.
Sirius couldn't help but smile every time Remus proudly called him his boyfriend.
A short while later they accidentally walked in on a couple in one of the bedrooms. They were about to apologise and shut the door when they realised who it was,
"Lily?" Sirius called in disbelief.
"James?" Remus said at the same time.
The pair broke apart, both red in the face and a little disheveled.
"Sirius!" Lily pulled the blanket over them, covering things he really wished he hadn't seen, "What are you doing here?"
"Teaching you idiots to lock a door apparently." He replied.
Remus snorted, "Have fun guys."
They shut the door, staring at each other for a moment before they broke out in laughter.
"Oh my god." Remus wiped a tear from his eye, "I guess we didn't need to introduce them after all."
Sirius shook his head repeatedly, "I really did not need to see that." He groaned.
Remus tugged his hand, "C'mon, I'll get you a drink, hopefully we can take your mind off of it." He was still laughing all the way downstairs where they met back up with Regulus.
Needless to say, the five of them became very good friends, spending the rest of their time in college together.
Lily and Sirius went to every single basketball game after that, drooling over their partners and giggling when they dedicated every basket to them.
And there were a lot of baskets.
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xariarte · 3 months
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a look at the top ten men’s basketball rpf pairings on ao3
(Important Note: I collected data from 2011-2024, but in doing so I excluded five fics in the tag. The first fic ever uploaded to the tag was from 2004 (!!) and it would have skewed the rest of the charts.)
On ao3, the top ten tagged relationships in the men's basketball rpf tag are as follows:
Stephen Curry/Klay Thompson (160)
Stephen Curry/LeBron James (97)
Kevin Durant/Russell Westbrook (46)
Kyrie Irving/LeBron James (34)
DeMar DeRozan/Kyle Lowry (30)
Anthony Davis/LeBron James (30)
Pau Gasol/Juan Carlos Navarro (22)
Juan Carlos Navarro/Ricky Rubio (20)
Jaylen Brown/Jayson Tatum (12)
LeBron James/Dwyane Wade (11)
The last two pairings should be "Nikola Jokić/Jamal Murray (14)" and then "Jaylen Brown/Jayson Tatum (12)" but for some reason ao3 hasn't updated the tag (I do not know why).
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Stephen Curry/Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry/LeBron James are the most popular pairings in the tag. Ironically, the huge spike in 2022 was caused by one single ao3 writer, who uploaded 35 fics for that pairing alone.
75% Steph/Klay and 95% Steph/Bron fics were in English!
(Note: I am not the most familiar with Warriors lore, so I assume the spike in 2019 is because that year had peak Steph/Klay vibes, but I digress.)
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Every pairing other than Steph/Klay and Steph/LeBron are "rarepairs" (including any other Warriors pairing).
The maximum amount of fics for a rarepair have only ever reached twelve fics in a single year. Other rarepairs in the tag outside of the top ten have less than twelve fics in total!
Before Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and LeBron James, the tag was dominated by Spanish national team players: Juan Carlos Navarro, Pau Gasol and Ricky Rubio. Combined all together, these players have over 40 fics attached to their names!
Anthony Davis/LeBron James is mostly a foreign language ship. Out of the 30 fics for that pairing, there are only four English fics!
Lots of fics were created after the players for that pairing stopped being teammates: for ex. KD/Russ, Kyrie/Bron and DeMar/Kyle!
If you'd like to see more analysis of the men's basketball rpf tag on ao3, you can look through my #nba rpf analysis tag! ✨
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syncogon · 2 months
it'll never not be funny to me like. imagine you’re just living your life playing casual games of pickup basketball, maybe you’re a bit of an ass sometimes but like whatever, and then one day you play a game against michael jordan, except you don’t know who michael jordan is so it’s just some guy that kicks your ass and then he's like hey do you want to become a professional basketball player, and you’re like no fuck off???, and then for the next two months every time you pick up a basketball michael jordan shows up to beat your ass, and sometimes lebron james or kobe bryant too
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pairing: nba player!steve harrington x singer!reader
word count: 3.5k
warnings: oral (fem!recieving), penetrative sex
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Excitement burns in your stomach as you put the finishing touches on your hair and makeup. You were going to be sitting courtside at the Lakers game, which meant you had to look good.
But you also wanted to look good for another reason.
Steve Harrington had just been traded from the Indiana Pacers to the Los Angeles Lakers. So even though it wasn’t your first time sitting courtside at an NBA game, you had never seen the famed rookie play live.
You had been watching him play since he got drafted by the Pacers in the first round. That had been years ago, and your crush had only grown. He was on this year's All-Star game roster, playing with the likes of Lebron James and Giannis Antetokounmpo. But you were on tour at the time, promoting your latest album, and hadn’t gone.
You scroll through Instagram on the drive to the stadium, liking posts and replying to DM’s. You smile to yourself when you see Steve Harrington’s latest post, in front of the Hollywood sign as he confirmed the trade. He didn’t post much, but when he did he always looked incredible. Squeezing your legs together to quell my desire for this man, you adjust your ridiculously low-cut top as the car parks by the side entrance. Luckily there are no paparazzi and you get in unbothered.
The players haven’t come out yet as you sit in your seat, crossing your legs and making sure to keep a neutral expression as you scroll on your phone. The last thing you wanted was for people to get pictures of you smiling at shirtless pictures of Steve Harrington.
When the Lakers start coming out, you keep a small smile on your face as you clap. But when they announce the number 30, you let yourself smile a little wider. As he runs out, we lock eyes for a brief second and you swear his smile grows.
As the players start to warm up, the commentators announce your presence. It was still a little surreal to see your face all over the jumbotron, but you smile and blow a kiss anyways. At one point, one of the Laker’s balls rolls by your feet and the next thing you know, Steve Harrington is standing in front of you.
He grins at you as he picks it up. His pretty brown eyes never leave yours as he slowly bends to pick the ball up with one very large hand.
“If I knew playing for the Lakers meant you would be sitting courtside, I would have asked for a trade a long time ago.” His voice has this flirty hint to it that makes your grin even wider.
“Well, I had to come to see what all the fuss was about. I hope you don’t disappoint.” You relax back into your seat as he chuckles.
“Trust me, I never disappoint.” He winks before jogging back to his side of the court.
Your heart is racing as you watch him go. If this was a cartoon, you would be fanning your face and hearts would replace my eyes.
Once the game starts, You see something in him switch. He starts doing moves you’ve hardly ever seen while watching basketball. At the end of the second quarter, he’s got 30 points, 5 rebounds, and 3 assists. He’s panting as he collapses into his chair for halftime.
As the opening notes of the first song start to play, you perk up from your Instagram scrolling. You knew those notes. You knew that opening. It was your song.
The sexiest song you had ever written.
It was a spur-of-moment thing, inspired by a fling you had with an actor that ended on relatively well terms. But before we called it off, we shot a rather risque music video to go along with the song. People went crazy when you released it. While you were proud of it, you did not need it playing while sitting across the room from Steve Harrington.
And of course he’s looking at you.
It’s like the whole room goes quiet, and all you can focus on is his piercing gaze. Sweat drips from his hair, chest hair matted down and peaking out from his jersey. He leans back in his seat, thighs looking absolutely delicious in his shorts. The sultry vocals have you thinking absolutely sinful thoughts, and it feels like you’re going to explode.
So you look away.
As the song continues, you can feel Steve's gaze intensifying. You glance back over at him and see that he's biting his lip, his eyes dark with desire. You can't help but feel a rush of excitement at the sight. You know that he's a professional athlete, and that he's used to being in the spotlight, but this feels different. This feels intimate, like you're sharing a secret moment together.
The song ends, and you try to focus on the game, but you can't help but steal glances at Steve. He catches your eye a few times, and each time, you feel a jolt of electricity. You can't believe that you're sitting here, watching Steve Harrington play basketball, and that he's looking at you like this.
The game continues, and Steve continues to play like a man possessed. You watch him move across the court with a grace and power that takes your breath away. You can see the sweat glistening on his skin, and it's all you can do to keep from reaching out and touching him.
As the game draws to a close, the Lakers are up by twenty points. Steve has been the star of the game, racking up an impressive 45 points, 8 rebounds, and 5 assists. You can't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for him. He's not just a pretty face, he's a talented athlete with a fierce competitive drive.
As the final buzzer sounds, the stadium erupts into cheers. You stand up and clap along with the crowd, your heart racing with excitement. You can't believe that you just witnessed such an incredible game, and that you got to share it with Steve Harrington.
As the players make their way off the court, Steve catches your eye and gives you a wink. You feel a rush of heat spread through your body, and you can't help but smile in response. This turned out even better then you could have possibly imagined.
It feels like it takes forever for you to get home but you finally curl up in bed, pyjamas and skincare on. When you check your phone, your heart nearly drops to your stomach to see a dm from Steve Harrington.
‘Hope I didn’t disappoint ;)’
He was flirting with you.
Now you just have to flirt back.
‘You definitely didn’t. Better win us a ring next :)’ You bite your nail as you stare at the screen, waiting for a text back. Luckily, it comes quickly.
‘That’ll be soon. But I’ve gotta take my lucky charm to dinner first.’
That makes you practically scream into your pillow. He wants to take you dinner! Like a date!
‘Sounds like a good plan. I’ll see you then Harrington’ You really wanna play it cool, and totally not like you’re obsessed with him.
‘I’ll meet you at The Palm, at 7? I’m free tomorrow night’ This feels so surreal you can barely breathe.
‘See you there, Harrington’
You finally turn off your phone, setting it on your nightstand with a huge grin. You were going on a date.
Your closet is huge. It has to be, considering you’re “not allowed” to wear the same thing twice. But in all of it’s entirety, you can’t find a single thing to wear.
“Should I go sexy? Or is that too much?” You press the phone to your shoulder, holding up two dresses to the mirror.
“I think sexy, but not too sexy. Like that red dress you bought a few weeks ago.” Your friend recommends. That makes you drop the two dresses you’re holding, hurrying over to where you last put that.
“Oh! This is perfect! Now…I’m gonna get ready okay? Bye!” You hang up quickly, so excited you can hardly think. You have to be there in two hours so you get some music on, and hop into the shower so you can be ready for anything.
You get your driver to take you to the restaurant, asking him to stay in the area just in case you needed him. You take a deep breath before stepping inside, politely smiling at the hostess who’s jaw nearly hits the floor when she sees you.
“Hi, I’m meeting a friend? The reservation should be under ‘Harrington’?” You overthink the word friend for a second, but it’s a relatively safe choice in case this gets out to the press.
“R-right of course. Mr. Harrington is waiting for you.” She smiles widely, a little too excited but sweet as she shows you to the table where Steve is waiting.
Of course he looks incredible.
He’s wearing a simple red dress shirt, tucked into some black dress pants and rolled up. A gold chain peaks out from where it’s unbuttoned. God this man is going to be the death of me.
“Hey! You look beautiful.” He stands to gently hug you, pulling out your chair for you to sit down.
“Thank you! You look very handsome.” He grins, running a hand through his hair.
“I’m glad you think so. Figured my jersey wasn’t appropriate for a place that serves steak tartare.” He jokes.
“Oh it totally would have been. Wouldn’t draw attention at all.” You wink and you share a laugh. The waiter comes over with the menus, and if he knows who we are, he doesn’t let it show.
“So what are you thinking of ordering?” You ask after we’ve looked through them for a minute.
“Well I’ve heard the lobster risotto is good! How about you?”
“I was actually thinking the same thing. You’ve got good taste Harrington.” You grin and he mirrors it.
“I definitely do.”
Dinner goes by quickly, so quickly you wish for time to slow down just a little bit. Soon enough you’re both finishing up dessert and the waiter is bringing the cheque.
Steve grabs it before you can, shooting you a grin.
“You bought a courtside ticket to watch me play. Let me pay for dinner?” He slips his card in, handing it to the waiter. Once he walks away, there’s a small pause. So you take your chance.
“You know, it’s still early. Would you like to come over? I could give you a tour?” You offer with a small smile, sipping your water to hide your nerves. Luckily, he lights up at the prospect.
“Of your famous mansion? Sounds perfect.” He winks, standing up and reaching a hand out for you.
“I would hardly call it famous.” Even though we both knew it kinda was. You had recently been featured in Architectural Digest and people pretty much went crazy over the pictures.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.” He leads you to his car, a bright red Porsche with the top down. It makes you laugh and he turns to you with a mock-offended look.
“What? It’s a beautiful car!” He opens the door for you, helping you inside.
“I know it’s just…very rookie of you.” He laughs, shaking his head.
“Can you blame me?” He smirks as you tell him the address.
The drive goes quick, and the conversation flows effortlessly. Steve was just so easy to talk to. As cocky and arrogant as he seemed on the basketball court, it was clearly just a personality for the cameras. That was common in LA, but it was rare to meet someone this genuine in a city full of people ready to stab you in the back for five minutes of fame.
“So this is the famous mansion!” You joke as he pulls into the driveway. It wasn’t a crazy size, but you definitely didn’t need a place this big all to yourself. Hopefully you could share it with someone one day.
And maybe that someone was standing right next to you.
“It’s even cooler in person.” He’s taking everything in as you two step inside.
“I’m glad you think so! Do you want anything to drink?” You lead him into the kitchen, pouring yourself some water.
“Just water is fine, thanks.” He takes the glass you offer, his large hands making the glass seem smaller than normal.
“So do you want that tour now?” You ask, placing your glass in the sink. He does the same, hip gently bumping yours.
“That sounds great.” He follows as you lead him to the other rooms, pointing out small details like the artwork and decor. Soon enough, you’re upstairs and the last room left is your bedroom. Luckily you had the sense to hide the chaos of your getting ready in the closet, which is closed. Your room is clean, and smells of the honeysuckle candle on your nightstand.
“This is where the magic happens!” You joke, stepping inside.
“Magic huh?” You turn to see him a lot closer then before, leaning down a bit.
“Mhm…” You feel myself getting lost in his eyes, leaning into him.
“Good to know.” And then his lips are against yours, hands gently gripping your hips. His hands gently slide up to your face, deepening the kiss even more. You start walking backwards towards your bed. He pulls away for a second to lock eyes with you.
“Do you want to? Cause we don’t have to. I really don’t mind.” He smiles softly and your heart soars.
“I want to. Really.” You step back to lay on the bed and he’s quick to climb on top of you, propping himself up on his forearms.
“You’re so beautiful…” He mumbles, kissing your jaw. You slide your hands into his hair, gripping it as he starts kissing lower and lower. He helps slip your dress off, revealing the matching set of red lingerie you had donned ‘just in case’ tonight.
“This is pretty.” He smirks and you can’t help but smile shyly.
“I picked it out for you.” He hums appreciatively, playing with the strap of the bra. Pressing kisses to your shoulder, he gently peels it off.
“Fuck.” He whispers when the material slips down your arms. You toss it to the side, watching his reaction with bated breath. But when his eyes lock with yours, there’s nothing but adoration in them.
“You’re incredible.” He smiles, continuing his path down your body. You can’t help but feel nervous. I mean, he was clearly experienced. What if he doesn’t think it’s good? What if he’s only using you for sex or publicity?
“Hey, are you okay?” You hadn’t even noticed him settle between your legs, but he sits up to look at you better.
“Yeah I’m fine. Just-just a little nervous I guess.” He smiles, understanding in his eyes, and reaches out to squeeze your hand.
“Don’t worry. I really like you. And I’ll like you the same if we have sex or if we don’t.” That actually calms you down, and you nod.
“Okay. I’m good now.” You confirm and he nods, starting to pull down your underwear. It makes you very aware of how wet you’ve gotten and you can tell from the grin on his face that Steve noticed too.
“Someone’s excited.” He teases.
“Can you blame me? I’ve got Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington in my bed.” You wink and he chuckles.
“And now you’re gonna know what it feels like to have him go down on you.” He smirks before bending down and licking a long stripe up your folds. The feeling makes you squirm with pleasure and you tangle your hands in his hair. He gently sucks on your clit and your whole body jerks.
Of course he knows where it is.
Steve gently slides a finger inside, pumping it slowly. You moan quietly and it seems to motivate him to get you louder. He starts going faster, circling your clit with his tongue.
“Oh! R-right there!” You grip his hair tighter and he groans into you. You can feel the knot in your stomach building, pulling him even closer by his soft brown locks.
“Go ahead sweetheart.” He mumbles, slipping another finger inside. That’s what sends you over, moaning louder as you cum hard.
“Steve!” You cry out as he works you through it. When you finally relax, he sits up with a grin.
“That was so hot.” He kisses you deeply and you can taste yourself on his tongue. He pulls you impossibly close and you take your chance to flip him, straddling his waist. He breaks the kiss to smile up at you.
“What is this?” He smiles, hands resting on your hips. He looks so handsome laid out in your bed and it sends your heart through the roof.
“I wanna make you feel good now.” You start to unbutton his shirt and he sits up a bit to help you get it off.
“How about you ride me and we both feel good?” He offers as he undoes his belt. I realize with wide eyes that he’s very hard. And he looks very big.
“Y-yeah that sounds good.” You help him shimmy his pants down and your mouth practically waters at the sight of his cock. It looks the perfect size, so thick and pretty.
“You okay?” He asks, but I can see a hint of a smirk on his face.
“Very okay.” You stroke his cock gently and it makes him suck a breath in. You sit up to position his cock at your entrance, slowly sinking down. You both moan loudly, your nails digging into his biceps.
“Being so good.” He sits up to kiss you, pulling you down to lay on his chest. He plants his feet and starts fucking into you. Pleasure immediately overtakes you and you have to break the kiss to moan loudly.
“D-don’t stop!” You whine as he keeps going. He softly kisses the shell of your ear, mumbling praises as he slows down just a bit. His cock feels so deep, hitting every spot inside you.
You can feel yourself getting close again but you try desperately to hold off, to make this last just a little bit longer. You don’t want tonight to end.
“S-shit babe I’m close. Where-?” He can barely get the question out through sounds of pleasure.
“Inside!” You gasp, eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head. He doesn’t press the subject, and the second you cum, it sends him over. Warmth spreads through your lower body, limbs feeling like jello.
You both just lay there for a second, panting loudly. Eventually, you slip off of his chest and he sits up.
“Bathroom?” He asks, having caught his breath quicker than you. You point to the door on the other side of the room and he climbs out of bed. As you calm down, you start to feel a little sad. He was probably going to leave now. He’d go and you’d be alone and he might never talk to you again. Maybe sleeping together on the first date wasn’t such a good idea.
Before you can get too into your head, he comes back with a towel. You can’t even ask what he’s doing before he’s gently swiping in between your legs.
“Sorry.” He mumbles shyly when your hips jerk. He drops the towel to the ground and hesitates for a second.
“Do you want me to go?” He asks and you frown.
“N-not really. Unless you want to?” He shakes his head, climbing into the bed.
“I don’t want to. I never want this night to end.” He lays back and turns to face you. He looks so pretty like this, and so carefree.
“Me neither. You know…I’m free tomorrow morning. And I make mean blueberry pancakes.” You grin and he chuckles, arms wrapping around you and pulling you close.
“I’m holding you to that.”
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crazyyluvr · 6 months
hi! i’m mar, and i’m just here to write about random stuff because motivation strikes me at the weirdest times. my writing’s decent… i think… anyway, here’s my masterlist!
will write:
gn, male, or female reader (not that experienced in male tho, but i want to practice)
somewhat suggestive content
platonic stuff
romantic stuff
will not write:
incest themes
major character death (unless it’s canon)
dark content (yandere type thing)
request status: open!
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Marauders Era
sirius black .
The World Wants to Melt my Face Off I Swear- (If the summer heat was not going to back down, you’re just going to take matter into your own hands. And Sirius is all up for it.) — drabble.
remus lupin .
Dealing with the Problem = Breaking the Problem's Nose (You punched another student because he was annoying. Not because you were defending Remus Lupin. Totally not.) — oneshot.
james potter .
A Revelation in Potions (Not Through Amortentia, That's too Generic) (one potions class with you got james questioning his sexuality.) — oneshot.
I think James Likes Beaters! (James can’t get over his new crush when he has a Quidditch game against Ravenclaw — with you as their new Beater.) — oneshot.
regulus black .
coming soon…
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luke castellan .
coming soon…
percy jackson .
coming soon…
jason grace .
How to Anger a Demigod as a Horse 101 (one of jason's skills that he's proud of is to be able to calm you down when others try and fail to do so.) — short oneshot.
Overworked, Underappreciated (by the gods) (your urge to prove yourself can cause you to overwork yourself, so jason tries to stop you for doing so — and of course, comforting you during the possible breakdowns that could happen along the way.) — oneshot.
Stop Being Nice to Me, I'm Supposed to be Mad at You (in which Jason gets in an argument with you before a Capture the Flag game and you end up avoiding each other... until you get injured, and Jason couldn't let the previous argument stop him from checking up on you.) — short oneshot.
leo valdez .
LEO APPRECIATION >:( (Leo sometimes (always) wonders what he did to deserve you and whether he still deserved you.) — short oneshot.
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mal oretsev .
coming soon...
aleksander morozova / the darkling / general kirigan .
coming soon...
kaz brekker .
I am the QUEEN of Hearts, Don't Tell Me Otherwise (Having a blind Heartrender has its perks. For Kaz Brekker, having a blind Heartrender that can hear his heartbeat change around her has its disadvantages.) — oneshot.
jesper fahey .
coming soon...
inej ghafa .
coming soon...
nina zenik .
coming soon...
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e!1610 miles morales x reader (basketball player!miles who dedicates his points to you all the time.) ��� headcanons.
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iliketoreadstuf · 10 months
my works
all of my fics in one place for you <3
linger on your pale blue eyes: Nico di Angelo and Will Solace haven't spoken in years. The once best friends are only distant strangers after Will moved to Texas as a kid. Now, years later, Will has returned to work at the same amusement park as Nico.
Will they rekindle their friendship... or maybe something more? (solangelo, multi-chap)
because i liked a boy: James Potter is a well-known celebrity riding the high of his acting career. After breaking up with his longtime girlfriend and past co-star, Lily Evans, he enters a relationship with Regulus Black.
Chaos ensues. (jegulus, multi-chap)
sing your heart out: In a last-ditch effort to escape his parent's control before settling down at their finance firm, Regulus takes a leap of faith and auditions for The Voice, which will be coached by the four members of the Marauders. (jegulus, marylily, rosekiller, multi-chap)
boys don't cry: It all starts with a girl who doesn't know her name, a childhood board game, and the disappearance of Regulus Black.
or, the marauders if they existed in Stranger Things (jegulus, wolfstar, nobleflower + others, multi-chap)
every summer after (on hiatus): Regulus Black has never had friends, all except for his childhood best friend that moved away years ago. What will happen when said best friend turns back up as his roommate at summer camp?
or, a Bartylus childhood friends to lovers story told through each summer at camp and the letter correspondence between reg and barty during the rest of the year. (bartylus multi-chap)
stereotypical (on hiatus): Remus is a basketball player, Sirius is in Marching Band. Alternately, James is a basketball player, Regulus is a theater nerd. Chaos ensues. (jegulus, wolfstar, multi-chap)
Finished Fics:
and i'll never go home again (place the call, feel it start): Camp Half Blood holds a volleyball tournament every summer. This the first time Nico di Angelo has ever had a chance to participate, and on Will Solace's team nonetheless. (solangelo, multi-chap)
close proximity: Marauders x Holiday Season x Office Romance. Fluff. Mutual pining. Falling in love. Happy endings only. Enjoy. (jegulus, wolfstar + others, multi-chap) written with @prongsisthesun
anything can happen: after getting out of tumultuous relationships, both regulus and remus are desperate for a break. deciding to go on a vacation and switch homes for christmas, both of them find out the true meaning of love and what it takes to keep it.
or, a marauders AU set in "The Holiday" (jegulus, wolfstar, multi-chap)
second chances: when Regulus is hit with a rogue spell that sends him back to a 6-year-old, Sirius is forced to face their adversities and grow past their animosity. (jegulus multi-chap)
touch starved: Regulus can't sleep; James can't sleep. They fix this by cuddling. (jegulus one shot)
it's worse to be nothing with you: After his ex left him with no warning, Regulus has to find some semblance of normal. That is, until his ex returns 8 months later on his doorstep. (bartylus one shot)
harry vs. the homo sapiens agenda: Harry Potter has a lovely life: loving family, amazing friends. But he has a secret. No one knows that he's gay. Well, no one but his anonymous pen pal "Dragon". What will happen when his emails are found by the wrong person? (drarry multi-chap)
a real cowboy: Harry dresses up as a cowboy for a Halloween party at the Gryffindor frat house. Draco finds him. (drarry one shot)
i feel more free than i have in years: Narcissa Black has been brought up to be the perfect ballerina, but her long-time crush on Alice Fortescue seems to always take precedent over everything. (nobleflower one shot)
to me, you are perfect: What if the Marauders existed in Love, Actually? (jegulus, wolfstar, dorlene + others multi-chap)
sweeter than revenge: In the aftermath of The Prank, Remus finds himself desperate to get revenge on Sirius. And what better way than fake dating his brother and two best friends? (jegulus, wolfstar multi-chap)
sometimes it's easier to be invisible: Regulus Black hates James Potter. He's loud, egotistic, and replaced Regulus at a time he needed Sirius the most. But when Regulus gets kicked out of his home and forced to live with him, will their spark grow or die? (jegulus-centric, multi-chap)
Blinding Lights Universe:
blinding lights: Regulus is the highest-paid actor of his generation, and when his brother's band agrees to write a song for his film, the brothers are forced to speak to each other again after seven years. (jegulus, marylily, rosekiller, multi-chap)
lifeline: Years before they ever dated, James sent Regulus post cards in hopes of getting a reply. He finally does. (jegulus one shot)
keep his name out of your mouth: What happens when someone publicly drags Regulus's husband on live tv? They get socked in the face. (jegulus one shot)
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lilacella · 2 months
I wrote a prongsfoot fashion AU based on this ask, because I am having issues, apparently.
I do in fact have limited insight into the fashion world so if any of this is inaccurate, please ignore.
Muggle Fashion AU, Designer!Sirius Black, Model!James Potter
James was buzzing with excitement as he entered the building trough the back door into the bustling fitting room. He had made it. He really had made it.
James hadn't planned to be a runway model. When he was a kid, he'd always imagined he'd be a firefighter or maybe a famous basketball player. But when his agent had chatted him up on the streets of London three years ago his life had taken a sharp turn.
Since then, he had been featured on a few strips in smaller magazines, he'd even been the face of a fitness supplement marketing campaign for a while but he'd quickly found out what he truly loved was the runway. The thrill of walking, between all these curious eyes, doing his best to present the fasion the designer had entrusted him with, that was what he liked most about his new job. And now a special kind of honor had been bestowed upon him: He was going to walk for Black Sheep at the upcoming London fashion week.
The head of the independent label was renowned designer Sirius Black, who was known for being a genius when it came to cuts and fabrics but also for being the most insufferable perfectionist. He was extremely particular about who was allowed to wear his fashion, on and off the runway. A bit arrogant but deservedly so, James thought. He was obsessed with Black Sheep garments and while they weren't out of his price range - Black Sheep was actually considerably cheap for a high fashion label - the only way to buy any of the clothes was if Sirius Black signed it off personally. And James had unsurprising not made it on the list yet. But maybe this was his chance.
"Name?" blurted a tired looking assistant at him.
"Potter, James. Uh...model."
The young man checked his list, nodded and then pointed at a long line of people forming at one of the walls of the hall.
"Queue up, Mr. Black will fit you once it's your turn." The man turned to the next person but James stopped him.
"Wait, he is fitting us personally?"
The assistant rolled his eyes.
"Yes of course! Is this your first time?" He didn't wait for an answer and started questioning the woman behind James. Reluctantly, James made his way over to the other models and got in line.
"Next!" a different asisstant yelled and James quickly entered the sectioned off area, where the clothes were assigned to the models. And there he was. Sirius Black, in the flesh. Up close he looked even more intimidating but James was simply too fascinated to care.
The tall man with the long black hair turned towards him and raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. His olive skin highlighted the intense grey of his eyes. He stepped closer and examined James from head to toe. Then he nodded approvingly.
"Give him the suit. He'll look good in it." Mr. Black snapped his long fingers at the assistant who hurrydly fetched the desired garment from the clothes rail.
The suit was gorgeous. Geometrically cut and oversized, fashioned from a thick red material, strategic parts covered in golden pailletes, which James would have found tacky on any other garment but here it worked.
"Put it on," Mr. Black commanded.
James obliged and carried the suit behind one of the changing curtains. When he stepped back out, Black mustered him skeptically.
"What's your name?"
"James Po..."
"Where are your glasses James? You wore glasses."
"Oh. I took them off so they wouldn't be..."
Black stepped over to the changing cabin, picked up James' glasses and placed them gently back on his nose. His fingers brushed lightly against his cheeks while he did it.
"Wear them. Wear them on the runway too. They are part of you. I want you to present my clothes with all you've got."
James was a bit taken aback by that statement and still somewhat stunned by the touch, but nodded, dumbly.
"Right, let's see." Black approached him with a handful of safety pins and a note pad. He thoughtfully plucked at the garment in different places, pulling it closer to James body, pinned here and there and mumbled something under his breath. Everytime his hands pressed against James' body trough the fabric he found himself holding his breath. Black looked so good. His lips looked so kissable...Black finally looked up at James, right into his eyes:
"Looks good. Now walk for me please."
James felt an unfamiliar tingle under Blacks intense gaze. Was he nervous? He was never nervous.
He grabbed his glasses and walked a couple lines for Black who nodded contentedly.
"Lovley. You will make a great show stopper. Look forward to seeing you walk tomorrow, James." He winked at him.
James eyes widened in surprise.
"Show stopper?" The final model to walk, the one to close the show, the ultimate final impression. He'd done this before but he hadn't expected to do it for Black Sheep.
"Did I speak italian? Now take the suit off and give it back to Martha. I'll see you tomorrow. Keep healthy!"
The show was a full success, at least for James. His walk went perfect, the suit felt as if it was made for him. He wore his glasses and was surprised that hair and makeup didn't complain about it with one word. Maybe Black had given them a memo about it. The whole time James was backstage, he couldn't take his eyes off the busy designer who was hurrying through the crammed space, yelling instructions, fixing garments and to James biggest surprise talked gently with every model that seemed just the slightest bit stessed.
One of the women for example, a curvy redhead that James would have sold his soul to date back in high-school, couldn't fit into her shoes and was worried she'd roll her ankles. After being roughly brushed off by the assistant who dressed her, she called out to Black as if he was an old friend.
"Sirius! My shoes don't fit!"
"Lily dear, what's the matter?"
"They're too small."
The asisstants head went bright red.
"I'm so sorry, I told her to shut up..."
Black glared at the other woman until she shut her mouth and then turned back to the model.
"I will find you some new shoes, love. I think someone over there looks like hers are too big." He sighed. "Do I have to do everything by myself?!" He grabbed the heels and wandered off into the crowd.
When it was James turn to walk down the runway, he felt a pat on his shoulder and a low voice wishing him good luck. He only realized after his walk, that it had been Sirius Black.
When the show was over and James took off the suit, the asisstant from the fitting, Martha, appeared.
"Take the suit."
"Excuse me?"
"Take the suit. Mr. Black said you should have it." She left before he could ask any questions. The redhead, who caught his questioning eyes just shrugged.
"You should wear the suit," Remus joked.
"Well mate, I'm not sure they'll let me in like that," James laughed at his roommates suggestion. They were planning to go to a club, something he rarely got Remus to take part in, and James was rummaging trough his wardrobe to find something to wear. But the Black Sheep suit was considerably to special to wear to the club. It could get ruined! Actually it might be to special to wear it anywhere.
Remus lifted up the dark red jacket and inspected it closely.
"I really can't get behind why someone would wear this. It looks a little ridiculous if you ask me."
James rolled his eyes.
"It's fashion, Remus. In fashion you have to take risks!"
"The risk to look like a twat?"
James grinned.
"For example."
Remus put the jacket back down but then suddenly frowned.
"Didn't know they put tags in these..."
James turned around to see what he meant and indeed. At the lining, someone had sown two lighter piece of fabric. Curiously James folded them apart and then stared at it for a moment, trying to comprehend what he was seeing.
"Who's number is that? Is that a fashion thing as well?"
It wasn't.
James contemplated the number for days. Who's number was it, indeed? Could it be Sirius Blacks? But why would he put it there? Did he maybe do that to all his garments, in case they got lost, the same way parents wrote their kids names into their stuff before sending them off to elementary school? Maybe it was a number of a dry cleaner, because Black was so particular, that only certian people were to be trusted with handling his garments?
James had searched the internet for the number, of course, but nothing had come up. So one evening, after a couple beers, he decided he'd just call it. What was the worst that could happen?
He typed in the number and hit call. It rang. The periodical beeping seemed to go on forever, until he finally hung up. Weird. But he wouldn't give up so easily. His curiosity had been stirred and he wouldn't let go until he had an answer, no matter how disappointing it may be. So he opened his messenger and texted:
You: Hey. This is James. I found this number in my suit. Could you tell me what it's for?
He didn't really expect an answer, though he really hoped for one, but just a few minutes later his phone dinged.
Unknown: Hello James. I am glad you texted me, I had begun to worry if I had been too forward. Please don't feel compelled to interact with me, if you don't want to.
Unknown: Also, I'm sorry I didn't pick up earlier. I didn't know it was you.
James stared at the text in confusion. Could it really be...he squashed his hopes immediately. It was probably someone else who worked with Sirius, trying to get with him.
You: No worries 😄 Who is this though?
Unknown: This is Sirius black.
James stared again. His heart was beating faster. This had to be some sort of prank.
Unknown: the designer from fasion week?
You: I know.
You: I know who you are. Why did you give me your number though.
The other took a couple minutes to answer this time.
Unknown: I felt like we had a connection.
James frowned.
You: we barely talked.
Unknown: sorry. I guess I misunderstood.
You: misunderstood what.
Unknown: it's fine, you don't have to keep texting with me. Don't worry i am not easily offended by being turned down.
Turned down? So he actually was flirting with him. James hands had become sweaty. He ruffled his hair. What should he do?
"So do I get this right: You think that guy is hot and you have been crushing on him from afar for ages and now he texts you, and you are not sure what to do?" Remus looked at him puzzled. "James, since when do you get nervous when it comes to flirting?"
"I'm not nervous!" James protested. "I just wonder what he wants from me."
Remus raised his eyebrows.
"Isn't that obvious?"
James rolled his eyes.
"So what do you think? What should I do?"
"I think you should meet him and shag him, that's what I think."
James snorted, blushing a little bit. The thought of sleeping with Sirius Black was more than exciting. But maybe he was - a little - nervous.
Sirius had made a reservation at a fancy restaurant for 6pm on Friday. So on 6pm on friday, James climbed out of his taxi, in front of the fancy restaurant. He usually would have taken the tube but he was wearing the suit. If there had ever been an occasion for it then it was a date with Sirius Black himself.
They had texted back and forth for a couple days and - after his initial reaction - James had had to do some serious convincing that he was indeed interested in meeting Sirius and not just in a job opportunity. Finally they had agreed on meeting today.
James could no longer deny his nervousness. Eventhough Sirius seemed pretty nice and easy going over text, in James mind he was still the bitchy, aloof designer that the fashion world loved and feared to equal parts.
And there he was. Clad entirely in black, looking incredibly handsome and sleek. James swallowed hard and approached him.
Sirius turned and smiled when he saw him.
"Hi. You showed up."
"Yeah sure I did. Wouldn't miss out on that." James grinned.
"You wore the suit."
"Yep. Looks good doesn't it?"
Sirius laughed.
"Let's go inside shall we?"
The restaurant was one of those that made you feel incredibly out of place no matter how much money you had. James had been here before and hadn't cared much for this type of cuisine, but he would pull himself together for Sirius. This was a first date after all.
They were seated and when the waiter had taken their drink orders and vanished, Sirius sank into his chair with a sigh observing the people around them with a bored disdain.
"Not your crowd?" James asked.
Sirius looked surprised.
"That obvious?"
"Kind of, yes. You don't really look like you want to be here."
"I do, actually," Sirius said and leaned towards him looking right into his eyes now. Goddammit. He was so attractive. "I wanted to see you. You really impressed me. You've got an interesting attitude. I like it."
James laughed, taken aback by the blatant compliment.
"Well, glad to hear that. You have impressed me way before we met, so I say I come out on top."
Sirius smirked.
"We shall see."
James blushed hard but grinned. He hadn't intended the innuendo but he also didn't mind it. Sirius brushed a strand of his silky hair behind his ear. God, he was gorgeous.
"So, James, is modelling your only occupation?" He crossed his slender arms in front of his chest.
"Currently yes. I used to study engineering but I had to put it on hold. Just too many modeling jobs."
"You are sought after then?"
"Can't complain. Since I walked for you I've been getting a lot of calls."
"Glad to be of assistance. So engineering then? What did you engineer?"
James was surprised. Usually people weren't particularly interested in his boring uni past.
"I was specializing in air and space craft."
"So, real rocket science?" Sirius tone sounded like mocking arrogance but James could see how his eyes glimmered with genuine interest.
"Sort of, yes."
"Did you ever see a rocket up close? Have you been in one?"
"Once, on an excursion, yes."
"That's so cool," Sirius mumbled under his breath, then looking a little startled. "Did I say that out loud?"
"You did. It's alright many people find me cool," James joked.
Sirius snorted a laugh but relaxed visibly. His expression had changed from cold cockiness to something a lot friendlier.
"During the show I saw how you got one of the girls different shoes. That's not something that happens often. Never actually. Are you always this nice to your models?"
"I am nice to everyone!"
James raised an amused eyebrow and Sirius chuckled in defeat.
"Well, to everyone who deserves it anyways. You need to have elbows in this industry."
The waiter turned up with their drinks.
James noticed a couple people staring at them from other tables. Sirius didn't seem to notice.
"So what do you do when you don't design the clothes of the year?"
"Pretty busy with that, to be honest. I don't get out much." His eyes met James' again and he could feel the tension between them as they both raised their glasses to their lips. Gorgeous lips. The dim light of the restaurant made Sirius' fine features appear even more ethereal. His slender hand was resting elegantly on the table.
James couldn't hold back any longer, he had to touch him.
His hand reached out and covered Sirius' before he could make a conscious decision against it. He should have been worried about Sirius' reaction but found that he wasn't. This felt right.
Sirius didn't break eye contact, just his lips twitched lightly at the touch. His fingers brushed up against James' palm. James smirked.
"I told you, I'd come out on top," he said lowly and watched with satisfaction how Sirius cheekes reddened just the tiniest bit. It looked good on him.
Sirius had just opened his mouth to respond something, the air between them sizzeling with attraction, when they were rudely interrupted by the posh looking woman who had stared at them earlier.
"Mr. Black? Is it really you? I am sorry for interrupting but I am a great fan of your work. Sadly, I've never been able to buy anything, so I thought..."
"No," Sirius interrupted her harshly. His eyes narrowed and his face had become icy and unattainable again. "I decide who is granted access to my clothing and when, and you certainly didn't heighten your chances by interrupting my private dinner." His voice was sharp. Nothing compared to the mild snarkyness that James knew from him.
The woman recoiled. "I am terribly sorry, but..."
"You should be," Sirius replied coldly and turned back to his drink. As the woman took off he rolled his eyes.
"God, I hate this."
James bumped his foot against Sirius' underneath the table.
"I know we haven't eaten yet but...do you want to go anywhere else," James asked, already spotting other people eying Sirius with interest. Sirius laughed in surprise.
"Oh you think I'm that easy? Not even started dinner and you already want to take me home?"
James felt hot. That had not been what he'd meant, but he also wasn't complaining if that's what they'd end up doing.
"I...No I just thought that you might want to get out of here specifically. To get some peace?"
Sirius contemplated his proposal for a second, then decidedly signalled the waiter, asking for the check.
They were sitting on the rooftop balcony of Sirius apartment and enjoyed the sunset. After leaving the restaurant, Sirius had called them a cab and directed the driver here, only stopping once to pick up take away. Now they were both unceremoniously munching on their kebabs. (James had changed into a sweat suit, Sirius had given him. No need to risk his fancy clothes.)
"I hope you're not too disappointed that you don't get a fancy dinner out of this."
James laughed.
"I didn't want to say anything earlier, but I actually hate this kind off fancy food. There is never enough on the plate!"
"Right!? Finally someone understands me! Everyone always raves about the 'exciting' and 'creative' flavour combinations, that it's basically like an art experience but noone ever considers that you leave these places still hungry! I mean what's the point of going to a restaurant when you have to get a full 'nother meal afterwards."
James laughed.
"Then why did you suggest it?"
"I thought that was what you expected," Sirius said. James frowned.
"I don't expect anything from you. I just hoped we'd have a good time."
Sirius looked at him with genuine surprise, his gaze suddenly so soft and vulnerable that James almost felt like he could see right into his head, to read his thoughts.
Kiss me. He didn't think much about it and leaned in.
The kiss was a little messy, since their hands were greasy and they both smelled of garlic but it was still the best kiss James had ever had. They snapped together like puzzle pieces, long separated and now finally back in place. His hands found their way easily around Sirius body, as if he'd known him for years and Sirius melted against him, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck like he had nothing left to loose.
When they laid in bed after, bodies only covered by Sirius silken sheet, looking into each others eyes, hands gently playing with each other, James knew that this was more than just a hook up. This was more than anything he'd ever had and he knew Sirius felt the same. This was more than love. This was fate.
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kdsburneraccount · 5 months
reasons to root for every team in the nba playoffs (or not) western conference edition
pros: they're young they're fun maybe they can make something happen in the playoffs
cons: maybe some other team should have a turn, basketball timothee chalamet
pros: jamal and nikola need to renew their wedding vows
cons: repeating champs would be a little boring, Michael porter jr
pros: again, small market team finding success! very cool
cons: their vibes are a little off it doesn’t seem like everyone is friends with each other 😭
pros: plz can russell westbrook get a ring, the clippers franchise in general has suffered a lot
cons: james harden? Not a con to me but i understand if someone feels that way.
pros: luka is a good player, idk what’s going on w maxi kleber and dwight powell but it makes ppl on tumblr happy
cons: mavs fans do have a certain vibe to them (must be the Dallas aura, which is not as bad as say the Cowboys but that’s bc historically the mavs haven’t been good). Kyrie lowkey but he’s been on good behavior lately so hm.
pros: i would like beal to beat the statpadding allegations actually
cons: kd still hasn’t paid his karmic dues from winning in golden state after leaving russ in okc. booker is a little annoying. Best case scenario is that beal is the best player on the team during the playoff series (doubt)
pros: omg postseason lebron idk how much more we’ll get of that
cons: it's the lakers... they already have had a championship in the past five seasons.
pros: a new team in the playoffs, maybe they’ll figure out something in the postseason
cons: no zion for the postseason, also they are kinda just there
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