#lightfury redesign
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bird--egg · 2 years ago
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An experimental little sketch of Toothless and his adopted daughter Crescent. This would be sometime in the future from my concept of httyd3, as Crescent is a preteen. 
She loves exploring and is a lot sillier than Toothless, often coming across as a little...well, stupid. She tends to affectionately chew on creatures she likes, unfortunately for Toothless here.
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dishywishy · 1 year ago
BEHOLD, MY HTTYD OPINIONS. if you scroll even further you get to also read my random thoughts about The Hidden World movie.
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My fun little thoughts about the Hidden World movie:
Generally speaking, courtship behaviors are largely instinctual in most animals. So maybe part of the reason Toothless was so confused about how to court the Lightfury because she wasn’t another Nightfury.
The first time I watched HTTYD 3 I was very much under the impression that the Lightfury had been in captive for a pretty decent amount of time. When the Lightfury is brought to Grimmel the general dudes even say “We brought your favorite bait” which implies that Grimmel has used Lightfuries to lure Nightfuries before. Which then led me to the assumption that Grimmel had been using this specific Lightfury for a least a few years.
This also explained to me why the Lightfury kept coming back to find Toothless instead of going back to the Hidden World. She’s been with Grimmel so long she didn’t know what else to do, or alternatively she didn’t want to lead Grimmel to the Hidden World. It also explained why she was almost luring Toothless into Grimmel’s initial trap.
The one thing I never really got was how they ever got a Lightfury. I’ve been under the assumption they’re entirely endemic to the Hidden World, and there wouldn’t be any real reason for them to leave.
Would Toothless be miserable in the Hidden World? He’s built for lots of flying and his main form of attack and presumably hunting is diving from up high. You really can’t do that in a cave, even if the Hidden World is big.
Also I know Toothless has the Berk dragons go to the Hidden World but what about literally all the other dragons?
After this I’m gonna redesign the Nightlights with my head canon stuff in mind. And maybe Thunder. I haven’t watched the Nine Realms but I’ve seen pictures of Thunder and HOLY SHIT HE’S UGLY IM SORRY THUNDER BUT YOU GOT DONE DIRTY
Also I definitely want feedback and opinions on this if you feel like sharing :)
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solvaneon · 10 months ago
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I made a nightfury subspecies thing heavily based on wildtype axolotls (and also gechos (I love them so much you have no idea))
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My headcanon that lightfuries are bred by humans to be cute pets but then a shit ton got released / escaped and ran off to live in the wild (kinda like pigeons) is fueled by axolotls (and pigeons)
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kingbyx · 1 year ago
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Male and female Snowfurys (with updated finless design), male is about the size of a female nightfury, and male Nightfurys are the size they are in cannon, they are the smallest. Size differences are in the end, minimal, like many real world reptiles and birds.
Also general idea for eye coulours, pale cool colours, contrasting the bright orange-red-greens of Nightfurys + wing shape (same as cannon)
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reallapiscake12 · 2 years ago
Doing a lightfury redesign but as an more aquatic version
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Primarily basing them on the giant river otter
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Headshape compared to a nightfury/toothless
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marzzapan · 1 year ago
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tin-ypaws · 5 months ago
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twigg27 · 9 days ago
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I love the original concept art for the light fury, so I decided to play around with it a bit
Pls ignore my messy color splotches
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kinblogging · 2 years ago
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its meeee~
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huttuharakka · 3 months ago
Go support my friend's httyd blog :D
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My versions of Thoothless and lightfury.
I'm not big fan of 3th movie, and some big reasons for that is the character designs. I didn't enjoy lightfury at all, and i liked her concept art design lot better, so i made her design based of that. I also made Thoothless look more like his first movie/Gift of night fury design. Hope all people who has same feelings enjoys my more cartoony versions of them. :)
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hadalzeaun · 4 months ago
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my contribution to the many many lightfury redesigns
sparked by my school of dragons lightfury, cloudcover
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solvaneon · 9 months ago
I’m working on redesigning that lightfury oc
I want to simplify it a bit so I removed his stripes
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kingbyx · 1 year ago
The Snowfury
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Im writing a bsd Httyd au, because I have an inescapable obsession with both series.
To summarize without many spoilers (incase I ever do finish any fic in the series instead of just planning to write them), ADA are dragon riders, they love dragons, dragons love them, basically the main riders from Httyd in RTTE. Their island is just covered in rescued dragons. PM are dragon hunters who, under Moris guidance, have learned to ‘tame’ dragons through fear and abuse. Chuuya is not in the PM, he’s off being awesome and thinking everybody he loved is dead you know how it is. Atsushi (since Chuuya is not the main charcter even if I love him in this au) is a guy, who, through a series of unfortunate events, ends up with the ADA. His dragon, his bestest friend (Named Byakko, after his ability), is a lightfury (and Akutagawa had a Nightfury names Rashomon of course)
The problem with this is that I have a bit of a problem with the Lightfury. Her concept was cool, and some fanart of her is so nice! But her canon animation was just, eh, and overall I feel like her design could have been better. Some parts just don’t make sense, and really I think they could have done the ´sleek, feminine Fury species that is similar but very different than the nightfury’ idea without having her look,,,, squished. And oddly fem for a DRAGON. I always thought she felt out of place in the world of HTTYD.
So, in my efforts to slightly change her design so I could have a lightfury in my au without using the full canon design, I got carried away and now here we are, I made an entire species, for some reason.
Allow me to explain.
Lore/General Info
The ‘Lightfury’, actually known as the ‘SnowFury’ by the groups that live around them. Though even they don’t see them much. ´Lightfury’ is a term used by cultures who do not naturally have these dragons, as they mistook them for ´daytime NightFurys’ instead of arctic dragons. The dragon eye lists them as SnowFurys, but as artwork of them was limited due to their stealth, few have made the connection between the ‘two species’.
Snowfury’s share a common ancestor with the Nightfury, but evolved in an entirely different environment. While NightFurys are known to prefer forested habitats, preferable near lakes, beaches, rivers, etc, Snowfurys are found only in the snowy wastelands far to the north and far to the south. Though they are now nearly extinct in the south, that is where they were originally named aswell, and no humans are known to inhabit the north.
Just like NightFurys, they are few and far between. In the south, hunted to near extinction (perhaps they truly are gone?) and no one knows if they live in the north. Perhaps they fled there, perhaps they all died in the journey across the ocean, perhaps they have existed there forever and we will never know. Perhaps we are wrong entirely, and they have simply become even better at hiding? Some have heard they can turn invisible, not just blend in, but truly invisible
This will be explained further in the design details, but Snowfurys are larger and bulkier than NightFurys, and though still one of the fastest dragons, they fall just slightly short of the Nightfury. They have a layer of not-quite-blubber, it keeps them warmer but isn’t quite as squishy or heavy, as they still need to be sleek to fly at such high speeds. They can swim in freezing water and walk through blizzards barely noticing the cold.
Their shiny white scales make them nearly impossible to make out within the snow and ice, during a blizzard they are even more deadly. They are known to dig burrows in snow, both as nests/dens and for hunting/stealth purposes.
Changes I made and why/ cool design element of the species
No blue/pink undertones, their stark white but slightly sparkly coulouring is an amazing camoflauge, they are deadly in the snow. Though I couldn’t portray it well (can you tell ive never edited something before and am not at all an artist?), similar to the NightFurys faint stripes, they have a faint rosette pattern, almost like a snow leopard.
Not sure how visible it is, but head is less squished. Proper muzzle for fishing! And carrying babies! All those good things!
Their tail fins do not split at the end, they are known to use it almost like a shovel at times
Their claws are longer thicker and sharper than a NightFurys, they use them to grip onto ice and climb mountains with minimal effort.
Their eyes range from various blues, light teals and pale purples, nothing too vibrant though, they have very pale eyes (while nightfurys have more vibrant eyes, in bright greens and yellows and organes, even red perhaps)
Again, they are bulkier and stronger. Sacrificing a tiny bit of speed for higher strength. Still the second fastest dragon though, just slightly behind NughtFury. This extra bulk not only keeps them warmer but allows them to power through blizzards and scale icy mountains without blinking, they can swim in freezing water without getting cold and walk through deep snow. I made the Snowfurys legs a bit propertionally thicker, aswell as their neck.
Still less ear nubs, but i added a third set. They are shorter but wider than Nightfurys, it’s cold!
Back fin is rufflier and there is a smaller one on head, I mostly just liked the look. The fins on legs and back/head/tail help with aerodynamics, and swimming. They are surprisingly durable, as they need to hold up against freezing temperatures and crazy wind.
More scale definition, though not as muh as a NightFury. They have thick protective scales, but retain a smoother look, not only are they better swimmers than NightFurys but it makes them even harder to spot against the smooth shiny snow.
I made the other two tail fins larger to match the main one
Other little bits
Female Snowfurys are larger than males, and male Snowfurys are about the same as Female Nightfurys if a bit larger and male night fury’s are smaller than female nightfury’s
They have all the same ability’s as Lightfurys, retractable teeth, plasma blast, invisibility, you get it.
You could just say the Lightfruys don’t exist in this au, and Snowfurys are an unique species, but they are still called Lightfurys in most places (Americas, Yokohama seas, United Kingdom’s, etc. Only the southern frozen islands (where Fyodor and Nikolai are from in this au btw) call them Snowfurys, but they found them first so it’s the ‘true name’. It is also what’s in the dragon eye.
Do canon Lightfurys exist? Maybe, how am I supposed to know?
They swim very well as I think I mentioned, better than Nightfurys but not quite like a true tidal class dragon. They eat a lot of fish like Nightfurys, though they will eat basically anything, this would have one day perhaps included humans, but any living ones are sure to avoid humans now
They’re basically cold proof, on land and in water. They can do it but aren’t usually fans of extreme heat, since they have a natural layer of fat (not quite blubber but close) meant to keep them warm. They get hot quick and retain that heat well, they have never been seen in a warm place, though who knows if they go there or not. You rarely see them anyways,
They basically have the same reputation as Nightfurys, but since they don’t live most places even more mysterious. Nobody really knows anything about either species, even the Dragon Eye has rather vague drawings, though it’s still more info than anywhere else. It’s believed that more detailed records exists, but either nobody has found those lenses or the information wasn’t put on a lense
I’ll probably make a more detailed ref sheet with wings (same as canon LF,smoother than Nightfurys and a bit shorter and broader) and eye colours and stuff someday
Pack orientated species, just like Nightfurys. Though adults almost always hunt alone for stealthyness, they always live in groups, it’s important. They are social!
No I will not tell you what is in the north, that is a SECRET! Yes it is awesome and plot relevant and angsty but fluffy at the same time and I will make my readers cry when I write it!
I Hope this was at least somewhat coherent, I’m tired but brain won’t sleep until it gets to share its thoughts.
Will i ever actually write this? Yes probably but like, I’m currently on my avian au, Ranpo bad things happen bingo (I’m on prompt 15/25 now, whoo!) and that unfinished SKK au I’m writing (it’s like, 10k and I’m not even at the main plot what am I doing?? It’s based on a one of my favorite movies ever and includes wolves and feral woods child Chuuya btw). Someday, I will write Httyd au, eventually.
Any ideas for rider dragons are lovely,,,, you know incase you want to. I have most but there’s a few that I’m just, aaaaaah
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reallapiscake12 · 2 years ago
i forgor to post this earlier
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i’ll def draw more for the lightfury remake i’ll probably try to make a digital version for this ref
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bitchin-tubs · 1 year ago
As I have previously stated im a hating ass bitch and yknow what I hate even more than most things about helluva?? HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN WORLD !!!!!!!
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I HATE this babybutt smooth scaleless eyeshadow wearing ass dragon
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I HATE how stupid he looks and acts just to make a point about the domestication of wild animals that mind you that's a process that takes GENERATIONS to accomplish
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I HATE how the original message of friendship and understanding was thrown out just to have dragon romance
And yknow what? Ive BEEN a redesigner this are my old redesigns of the lightfury that I hold very dearly to my 15 year old heart
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I call her Toothpaste🩵
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