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ishaans-posts · 1 year ago
It's strange to think how easily people understand your poems but they never understand your problems.
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winnininlife · 2 years ago
Check out my new Podcast on Spotify.
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trendtracker360writer · 2 months ago
Pro-life policies are shaking up discussions in today’s society, aiming to safeguard lives from conception to natural death. These initiatives enforce regulations on abortion, support pregnant women with resources, and advocate for healthcare protections aligned with ethical values. The push is to create a culture that respects all life, giving women alternatives and fostering stronger family support systems. The impact of these policies goes beyond legislation—they’re reshaping attitudes around healthcare, family dynamics, and even emotional wellbeing for women making tough decisions. In a world full of complexities, it’s vital to discuss these issues with empathy and understanding.
Sign Up to the free newsletter here www.investmentrarities.com.
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taiyejeremiah · 7 months ago
Testimony: How God saved me from having sex before marriage 😳😳😳🔥🔥🔥
#highschool #secondaryschool #bestfriend #mybestfriendsobrillantbutstrugglingwithsexualsins #sexualsins #sexbeforemarriage #porn #pornography #sleepingwithguysinschool #deliverancechurch #aguysleptwithaspiritanddidnotknow #healthissues #spiritualissues #lifeissues #sexualsinissinningaganistyourownbody #Godsayssexualsinisverydangerous #sexualintercourse #spreadingyourvirtues #virtuesinthewronghands #boyfriend #girlfriend #dating #relationship #marriage #husband #wife #sex #college #school #taiyejeremiah
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studiosjhm-blog · 5 years ago
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We hope your weekend is going great! Wait on his Work! @eljtees ✊🏾🐐🔥‼️ 11/2020 . . . #ElJTees - #TeesMusic - #Rapper - #RapMusic - #HipHop - #Poetry - #LifeIssues - #Inspired - #Bars - #Lyrics - #Beats - #BlackPower - #BlackGrowth - #BlackWealth - #HiphopCulture - #JHMRecordsLtd - #MusicProducer - #Guitar - #TrapStar - #TrapMusic https://www.instagram.com/p/CFDAXz6HXQX/?igshid=4popm3fkp1im
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hari-ar-cane · 6 years ago
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https://hari-ar-cane.blogspot.com/2019/09/the-load-of-guilt-and-regret.html #blogging #Bloggers #write2express #sharingthoughts #lifehacks #goodlife #lifeissues #dealingwithlife #Wisdom #Inspiringquotes #wordstoremember #todaysthought #thoughstforlife #readingcommunity #readerscommunity #greatbooks #bookreading #readersclub #wordstoinspire #lessonsoflife #dailyquotesforyou #thoughoftheday #lifethoughts #instaquotedaily #thoughtfulquotes #thoughtsinwords #dailymotivationalquotes #goodquotes #wisdom https://www.instagram.com/p/B2l1uOVgGUp/?igshid=1ubhrsjkxhn82
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relatablebookworm · 6 years ago
Things I want in life:
•To be rich
•To be attractive
•To be popular
Things I hate:
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hi-foxy · 6 years ago
How to find those people, who like the same things as you?
Hi, folks!
Do you know the answer to this question?
I should admit, that I don't know...
Not so far I lost my friend...no he is fine, but we lost each other. We crossed the line.
Firstly, I thought that it all was about making a kind of relationships with a guy, who (by the way) lives in a very distant country comparing with mine...Then I lost him and it turned out, that it was far much more worse...it was about friendship. That fucking friendship, that is hard to find nowadays.
No, I'm speaking frankly and absolutely seriously...I really don't know why it's so hard (for me) to find a friend now.
Is it about age things (you're growing older and starting be more aware of people, with whom you share all your daily routine...)?
Or it is just a sociopathic things...
Well, the point is: how to find this person?
By the way, do you know, from where is it necessity 'to have a friend' comes? It's a fact, that animals are free from this 'function'.
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wellnesssagaritualsblog · 3 years ago
Posted @withregram • @reshapenation We all have some kind of #Passion in our life but in the midst of chaos of our life we compromise with our passion. Many a time our different #healthissues and #lifeissues hold us back to live our passion. Meet Mir, a Passionate #Crickerlover and a fast bowler  who lost 18 kgs with the help of Reshape Nation's #HealthyWeightLossProgram and improved his #Fitnesslevel.His performance in the game has also significantly improved after losing so much weight. Mir utilised it the most in 2021 to increase his fitness level and living with his passion. Do you also want to live your passion again!! You can absolutely do it in 2022.  #Seekexpertguidance from #Reshapenation #Stayhealthy #StayFit #fitness #passion #Liveyourpassion #Fitnessgoals #Noexcuses #fitnessforever #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #cricket #cricketlove #Reellife #Instareel #actnow #startnow #motivation #Inspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/CYFAN5DJ7rq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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studiosjhm-blog · 5 years ago
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We hope your weekend is going great! Wait on his Work! @eljtees ✊🏾🐐🔥‼️ 11/2020 . . . #ElJTees - #TeesMusic - #Rapper - #RapMusic - #HipHop - #Poetry - #LifeIssues - #Inspired - #Bars - #Lyrics - #Beats - #BlackPower - #BlackGrowth - #BlackWealth - #HiphopCulture - #JHMRecordsLtd - #MusicProducer - #Guitar - #TrapStar - #TrapMusic https://www.instagram.com/p/CFDATponE7n/?igshid=1jk1wfp4oxusd
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meganutriland · 4 years ago
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Odzwierciedlenie tego co nie mozliwe czasem przeistacza sie w to co nieuniknione. Wszystko jednakze jest wbrew pozorom uzaleznione od Twojego indywidualnego podejscia do sprawy. A sprawy byly, sa i beda mialy swoje miejsce. Czerp z terazniejszosci garsciami. *** Reflecting the impossible sometimes turns into the inevitable. However, everything, contrary to appearances, depends on your individual approach to the matter. And things have been, are and will have their place. Draw from the present in handfuls. #aaproach #apperance #thematter #handfuls #positivethinking #reflection #impossible #lifeissues #ideas #conversation #rozmowy #ridzicielstwo #parenting #wątpliwości #nadzieje #podejsciedosprawy #problemy #zyciowerozterki #wspomnienia #pytania #memories #answers https://www.instagram.com/p/CNvgXALlpar/?igshid=1angeiuvv48hb
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outskirtspress · 4 years ago
Outskirts Press Presents Patrick Scott, author of Wailing Winds
Outskirts Press Presents Patrick Scott, author of Wailing Winds
Author Patrick Scott is taking his latest book, Wailing Winds on tour – a Virtual Book Tour, that is, with Outskirts Press! Technology has created a wide variety of ways to reach audiences all over the world. All it takes is a little thinking outside the box, and nowadays you can market a self-published book in a variety of affordable and impactful ways. Virtual book tours, for example, are a…
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redfoxinict · 7 years ago
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Use caution when looking at the everyday cause... #showerthoughts #lifeissues #ladytrucker #sexygranny (at Lambsburg, Virginia)
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hi-foxy · 6 years ago
#shitty days
Ohh... those shitty days...the days that you just want to finish up ASAP, but you're still at work, you're still ...you
That's an interesting thing...we are all struggling for meaning, but yet don't define what does this 'meaning' means for us... Have you faced it?
We can be truly successful and all folks will be sure in that simple thought - 'she/he is so fucking lucky!'...BUT... you 'that fucking lucky person' feel so anxious about everything you do... amazingly strange thing.
Do you know this very best book about getting more confident (in a healthy way)?
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alexanderkhatskevich · 7 years ago
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There are a lot of questions in my mind. They fly up as fireworks. They fall and fly again. I’m seeking for information, which can explain me life issues. There so simple, but there are also eternal. I know that it’s impossible to find the Truth. How you can control your desire? It lead you ahead; it lead you to understand yourself and the world, where you was born, and where you’re living now. Photo by @nastya_sergienya #headshot #photo #thoughts #dream #lifeissues #life (at New York, New York)
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