#lies told by adults
cuprohastes · 2 years
We didn't start the bullshit...
... It's always been there, jsut in different piles.
In the 80s, schools told kids that wearing a Walkman was bad because hey, we heard about this one kid who was so busy listening to his walkman that he walked in front of a car. Bam splat. Ded. Because that's what Walkmans did to you.
True story.
Brought to you by the same people who assured us that the world was just wall to wall with drug dealers who'd give you that first hit for free to get you addicted and within 3 days of snorting a reefer, you'd be injecting heroin directly into your eyeballs with a turkey baster that had been used to scratch a cow's arse or something deranged.
This was delivered by a guy wearing mostly shades of brown, who was chain-smoking something that was pretty much road tar with some asbestos and formaldehyde for flavour, and drinking something called Babycham which had a label that turned about 36% of kids into furries.
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Not that you could do much about it since the invention of the Interconnected Furry Network, a subset of which is called "The Inter- Net" had to wait for Tim "Bearness" Berners-Lee to stop messing with his Fursuit and finish coming up with an acronym to call his new network tech.
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#buddy daddies#kazuki kurusu#miri unasaka#buddy daddies 1x10#for the better right?#just had to get this off my chest#as a child who prized access to my beloved people and routines and familiar places more than anything#i would have been absolutely DEVASTATED to find out that not only could I suddenly not go back to the place I had been living#but I would never see my parental figures who had been raising me for almost a year again#and not only that but they LIED TO MIRI about it being a SLEEPOVER to get her to go!#yeah four-year-olds wouldn't necessarily understand everything that makes that situation necessary#but they deserve to know in the larger sense that they're leaving so they have a chance to say goodbye#considering that Miri has already been sent away and rejected by one parent and that we've seen her abandonment issues before#I hate that they chose to spare the feelings of the adults by concealing the truth from Miri#it WON'T be 'easier on her' to hear that her papas told her she would have a sleepover and they will never come to get her#and she will never see her room or her clothes or eat Kazuki's cooking or play games with Rei again#it's not even a clean break! Misaki said she was going to keep Miri at the same daycare!#in worrying about Miri's safety and avoiding public meltdowns the adults are hurting her ability to trust in them#it never feels good to be manipulated like that no matter what the reason#but enough about me projecting#in which I babble to the world#memes
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cerealforkart · 5 months
I know the Oak Swallows Garcia house didn’t have pets but if they did I just KNOW if Normal had a fish that died in the night it would be replaced with an identical fish before he woke up and he wouldn’t learn the truth for years
Hero on the other hand is an older child. If her fish died it was dead
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leolaroot · 5 months
made my mom cry but i got some serious bull shit off my chest oh well happy mothers day
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Contemplating the concept of "potential" when it comes to intelligence and realizing how heartbreaking Logan's "Dreams come true, that's news to me" line in the Crofters Musical.
#screaming into the void#definitely not okay today lads#i'm finding myself grieving my intelligence and contemplating if it was ever there to begin with#when i was younger i excelled in science so everyone assumed that i was a gifted kid despite my very obvious struggles in math and spelling#i was told over and over if i could just apply myself to other subjects the way i did with science#then i would do better in those subjects and reach my full potential#my identity was hung on my intelligence for me by the adults in my life none of them even considering a learning disability#now as an adult it all feels meaningless#especially having been forced into going to college where it was made very quickly and abundantly clear that I wasn't actually gifted#i was just average#that was absolutely devastating to me and it's a thing i struggle with and i want to be angry about it but i dont know how to be#i was told over and over in childhood that i could be anything when i grew up that i could do anything if i just put my mind to it#then recieved little to no actual educational support for any of it especially when i discovered writing#and i dont know if i was never as smart as i was told i was or never even had the potential i was told i had#or if i just didnt have enough support#i dont believe in myself anymore and i dont think i was ever actually believed in by the adults in my life either#i think they would have supported me better if they had#or maybe they just didnt know how to#my dad has wondered and questioned me about where my drive ans passion went and i dont have the heart to tell him that#it evaporated when he told me i wouldn't be successful as a writer when he told me that i would only be successful by going to college#when he constantly questioned everything i did and made me doubt myself over and over again#i dont know how to combat this feeling of worthlessness that comes from feeling lied to about my intelligence as a kid#i dont know how to comfort myself in the face of realizing i probably didnt have all then potential i was promised i had#and even if i did at one point have it i lacked the support necessary to nuture and grow it#how does one grieve being promised the world only to find out that was never truly an option?#how does one become comfortable with learning and growing again when it's been made to feel unsafe#and a threat to their frail sense of identity?#how does one find peace and contentment in an ordinary life when they were promised so much more?#not just promised so much more but expected to be so much more and now feel the weight of expectation on them?#i feel like i was promised the world and told that it would be easy to conquer and when it wasnt it was due to my own fault and failings
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trans-li-ling · 2 years
This event really recontextualizes Li Ling's distaste for authority and desire for justice, doesn't it? It's not just rebellion for rebellion's sake, it's also because Yun Chuan, one of the few people he truly respected who engaged with him on his level was imprisoned and (he was told) dead despite him knowing that Yun Chuan would probably never do anything worthy of imprisonment, and never being told the crime and essentially being told to just forget about it. Like, that's someone who's main interactions with authority were clearly ineffective, and when he finally receives respectful guidance it's taken away in what appears to be an unjust example of authority. No wonder he was a trouble student.
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toushindai · 2 years
sorry I pushed aside the more dominant and expansive elements of the narrative in order to focus on the single character I’m fixated on and expand them endlessly in my mind until they are everything to me regardless of their proportional importance to the larger story. it will happen again
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hideawaysis · 9 months
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yes, because telling minors to lie about being an adult online is totally going to protect them from being abused and exploited. totally not going to make them even more susceptible as a target because if people think they're an adult they're going to treat them as such and thus will expose them to sexual content. lmao. shut the fuck up
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avatardoggo · 1 year
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soooo i was right 🫠😐🫥 the Friend like likes me and it seems e v e r y o n e around me has known sINCE FEBRUARY
#SO 👏🏾 let’s just let it be known that i’m an Obviously Silly Clown so no one needs to tel me that ik already so i already told y’all how he#said he needed to Talk to me and i was planning on avoiding him but my friends said not to bc it’s not the Adult Thing To Do and he is my#friend and i care about him so it wouldn’t be nice so i didn’t me and my roommate went to dairy queen with him after i finished braiding her#hair so we were getting out the car to go get ready for bible study at church but then he’s all like ‘VK i need to talk to you can you pleas#stay?’ and i was like KAJDJDJFJFJJD NO but on the outside i was such a Normal Girl and was like sure :)) so we’re in the parking lot and i l#left the door open bc i didn’t want to feel claustrophobic but i lied 🤥 and said it was hot so he starts out all like sorry i made you anxio#us by prolonging this talk and i was like lol no it’s fine i was busy with exams and stuff and he just kinda gets quiet and he was like sooo#i like you and i’m like#🤔😃🫠😶🫥😧 processing#and then i was like ok elaborate and he’s like i have feelings for you so i’m SHOOK BC WOWIE ppl aren’t cowards like me cause i could never#and i say well thanks for telling me and i think you’re really brave for that but i’m sorry i don’t feel the same way but i still want to be#friends but if you need space then it’s fine as well and he’s like ya i didn’t expect anything from you i just didn’t want to regret not#saying anything so i was ABOUT TO CRY BC I HAD TO REJECT HIM BC I REALLY DONT HAVE THOSE FEELJNGS FOR HIM so i left and went home and my <3#almost exploded from my chest i was on the verge of a panic attack and i told my roommate and she was LAUGHING BC SHES SUSPECTED HES LIKED#ME SINCE FEBRUARY when he paid for my pizza and aPpArEnTlY hOw He LoOkS aT mE 🙄 WHATEVER#AND THEN I TOLD MY SECOND ROOMMATE AND SHES LIKE O YA IM NOT SURPRISED#so i’m just an oblivious silly goose who doesn’t USE HER BRAIN like kajdjdjhddjd and and now i’m thinking of the things i’ve done that made#him think i like him too like i baker him a pie for his birthday and i just feel silly and need advice if anyone has any but if not it’s fin#just an update on my life if you’re interested#vk overshares in the tags
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twicecut · 11 months
thinking about diego's stutter.
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ladydeath-vanserra · 11 months
man I thought I had made it p clear that doing something you know I'm not gonna like and then not Saying something about it was lying by omission. I'm not gonna like it either way but I'd rather still know than get accidently blindsided by it and feel like it's something being Hidden from Me and done behind my back
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jayykesley · 2 years
probably sounds weird but sometimes i yearn for my front teeth gap
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im so fucking angry
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mejomonster · 2 years
Truly So many people I grew up looking up to were bi, fucking big yikes that my family still lied and insisted bi people weren't real until I was 17 learned to find bi educational sites and learned that was a big fucking lie to keep me from loving myself I fucking guess
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theood · 2 years
I love seeing my grandma interact with my baby cousin its so healthy!
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thefandomexpert · 2 months
completely new opinions being posted about lyse stormblood in my view and i’m keeping my mouth shut someone give me a sticker
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