#lich king au
bluemoon1331 · 2 months
Hello, hello! Welcome to my main blog, where the DCA fascination consumes! My alt blog is @sharetheartman, go check it out if you wanna see the amazing art this community has to offer! Below is a list of my AUs that run wild both here and in my head, lmao. I hope you find something you enjoy!
Finished Works:
One Lost Star- You are a bit of a hermit, living solo off the land since the death of your grandfather. Until you draw certain godly attention, that is.
Scarlet Masquerade- The sole heir to your kingdom, you find yourself caught in the tangled web of the automaton emperor's plans. However, things are about to go from bad to worse when you catch the interest of the deadly automaton assassin sent to end you.
Dancing In Orbit- The lunar vampire is the last of his kind, a deadly plague on the Earth that refuses to yield despite the uncountable years that have passed since the last of his kin and kind died off. You, running from your intertwined past, seek to finally put an end to that, with some help from friends old and new.
Never Play Cat and Mouse With Vampires- Living alone is a necessity, your skills in hunting, magic, and evasion giving you all you need for contentment, or so you tell yourself. In your newest home you, unfortunately, find that your capabilities only draw the infatuation of three local creatures that are intent to finally capture you and make you theirs. Annoyingly, they may just get that chance. (Spice warning)
Party Crashing 101- A piece inspired by the mafia episode from Helluva Boss. Badass, protective reader ftw XD
Blooming In Adversity- You and the princesses were great friends in your youth, until you had to move away. Years later, you return, your friendship blooming anew. However, dark plots turn in the background, and it may be up to just you to save them.
Phantom Tide- You are a siren, crushed under betrayal. Sun and Moon are brothers recovering from the throes of grief. Perhaps you may be just what each other need.
Connotations- Your duties as a druid are fairly life-consuming, but you have happily devoted yourself to them. Keeping the peace is not the easiest, but you do it all the same. Unfortunately, the arrival of contesting priests threaten your efforts, setting you on a collision course to meet three of the forest's most powerful caretakers.
Embers and Ash- Ghost hunting is your profession, and you are damn good at it. Which is why you don't think twice when you're hired to cleanse an abandoned mansion of its otherworldly resident. Too bad this job is not the cake walk you thought it would be.
Cosmic Journeys- Trapped in the depths of depression, you seek an unfortunate out. The nearby land owner won't let that happen, though. Thus begins a journey of self-worth and finding hope in a world of madness and compassion, monsters, saints, and everything in between.
Burning Stars- You run your farm alone on a world teeming with aliens and humans, content with your animal family and helpful community, even if you keep the latter at arm's lengths. Until your peace is interrupted by a certain intergalactic bounty hunter, anyway.
Rosewood's Serenade- The eldest child of your kingdom, you have trained since birth to be all your home needs and more, intent to take the throne when the time comes, marriage or no. However, your parents harbor a secret, a deal struck when disaster threatened to destroy all they hold dear, and you soon find yourself meeting a most intriguing being...
Come and Go- A Megamind-inspired AU with Sun as Metroman, Moon as Megamind, and Eclipse as Titan, while you are a delivery driver caught in the middle.
Demonic- The saying of Hell is empty for all the demons are here has never been more apt. Caught smack dab in the middle of the infamous Hell-Day event, you come out with an unexpected passenger woven into your soul. Now, you secretly fight to preserve the fragile balance between mortals and the demons trapped on Earth, all while contending with the fact your new neighbors are the very ones responsible for sealing the gates, the infamous Celestial Graces. They also happen to be the mortal enemies of the one currently living in you. Fun times all around, especially with devil himself on your heels, seeking to reclaim what he lost.
Unusual- An oceanographer, there is no place you'd rather be than scouring the depths of the seven seas, studying its plant life and creatures, in particular the infamous mers, beings most of your co-workers are quite wary of. They don't seem to mind you too much, though, a fact you try not to put stock in until an encounter on the beach near your house flips your entire world upside down. Strings of fate and a battle to rule the oceans with you as the key? Ridiculous. Right?
Unnamed AUs floating around:
Lich King AU- With the three realms in shambles, cut off from each other, it is up to the most powerful warriors of Earth to fend off the lich king and his Elite army, including his own brothers. You, whom offers them a secret safe haven and relaxation when they need it, cannot deny your love for Sun and Moon, nor they you, but with Eclipse hounding for any weakness he can use against his kin, is the danger really worth it? You find the answer may be coming sooner than you would like when the two go missing after a fight.
Spirited Away AU- You have moved to a more remote region in hopes of forgetting a troubled family life. Content to spend your time among the lush jungles of the land, you inadvertently stumble upon an obviously long-forgotten temple. Curiosity eats at you, and you cannot help get closer, initially unaware of the myriad of eyes watching you, until you spot...an icy blue leopard? It's a good thing you helped those snakes and that spider on your way here.
Harem AU- You are a villainess, a job you quite revel in, bringing chaos to the masses alongside the clan of vampire brothers you have wrapped around your pretty, deadly little fingers. The centuries come and go with you weaving stories of heroes and villains at your leisure, spending the rest doting and being doted on by your suitors. Unfortunately, things take a turn when someone invades your world, offering a weapon to your latest hero that may actually be a problem for you. Just where in the hell are your fellow Storytellers? What is happening?
Mature Works (Minors Not Recommended):
Familiar Constellations- The vampires get a bit quirky about you, especially when you egg them on. Mature. Very, very mature. Good gods they are rough, but you love it. After all, you can get a bit rough with them, too.
Along the Akesh- Blessed with visions since your youth, you were taken and raised by the temple, becoming one of the highest-ranked priests, second to only the grand heijut himself. With an awe-inspiring festival and ritual that happens only once every five centuries under way, you are eager to meet the moon god, one of the many you have had the pleasure of conversing with throughout your prayers and oracles, in person. Things take an unexpected turn, however, when the temple must pay recompense for an accidental screw up with a gift left by an old friend. You are about to learn just how intrigued you and the moon god truly are with each other.
Bleeding Feathers- You weren't supposed to go into the exclusionary zone, but that's never been a problem for you before. This time, however, you might just get more than you bargained for. Fan piece for @deceptiveshadow's harpy au! (Not TSAMS)
Color Theory- Moving back to your late grandma's cabin, you pray for things to finally settle down. Unfortunately, her myriad of secrets seek to come back and haunt you, but hey, it might not be all bad this time. You could use the comfort of an old friend. Another fic inspired by @deceptiveshadow! Their god Blood Moon this time. (Not TSAMS)
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madmanwonder · 1 year
Here is a potential idea for a AU.
Lich King AU
In this au which is self-explanatory. The muses is the Lich King of the Scourge wielding the dreaded Frostmourne and the Lord of the Scourge leading the Scourge on a campaign of conquest and destruction.
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notedgyanymore · 1 year
Danny tells the Justice league that he is thousands of years old and a powerful ancient entity. He thinks that he is lying, but little did he know that what he said is more true than not.
When Danny tells the just League that he's an ancient entity, he expected to gain some respect and authority. Unfortunately for him, that didn't happen, his appearance and maturity level and later mention of an evil adult version of him all seem to indicate that he is the teenage aspect of a multifaceted being, which leads to the justice league keeping their somewhat condescending attitude towards him after all, no matter how old he technically is he still a teen at heart.
What Danny doesn't know is that the justice league's assumption about him is actually pretty close to the truth. Being clockwork's apprentice, it's a given that Danny has time traveled a lot and for that reason, there are multiple versions of him simultaneously existing at the same time, each of them solving a different problem. In fact, Dan himself still exists as he is the angry aspect of Danny who is there to punish humanity when it goes too far and the version of him who was defeated and later imprisoned is the version of Dan that has overstepped his role.
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totallyottie99 · 9 months
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My scholar Jerry AU where the Lich (jerry) and bmo travel a winter wasteland together (a swap Au where they switch with Simon and Marceline)
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dantedemondino · 9 months
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Next Part
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shotgunnet · 8 months
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Adventure time au!! I shall explain it in depth later
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howlingday · 3 months
AU idea Salem was the one who Died of illness and Ozma tries to find a way to bring her back by becoming a Lich.
Hey, a swap AU! Let's see how bad I screw this up.
"I am Gen..." The large, blue figure introduced itself. With a smile, he leaned forward, resting his chin on the back of his hand as if the blue clouds beneath him were a mattress. "I am a being created by the Goddess of Light to aid humanity in their pursuit of knowledge. I have been granted the ability to answer three questions every one hundred years. You are in luck, as I am currently able to answer-"
"That's enough!" Shouted a familiar voice. Cinder turned to the hooded girl, who'd now shifted from sweet, innocent Ruby Rose to Salem.
"-two questions." The group stared at the small girl with red eyes. Didn't Salem say that the relics wouldn't work? If that were the case, then why was the relic working just fine right now? Something wasn't adding up. "It's been too long, Salem."
"Cinder, please," Salem pleaded, "don't."
"Hey." All eyes turned to Hazel, standing close by with her arms folded. Emerald, Mercury, and Neo stepped between him and their leader. His face twisted as he considered what to say before sighing and waving a hand. "Do whatever you think is right, kid."
Cinder gulped. "Gen..?" A thousand questions raced through her mind, and yet none of them could find their way to her lips. As she looked at Ruby, whose eyes were changed from their usual silver to something more unnervingly red, one question did find its way to her lips. "What is Salem hiding from us?"
Cinder whirled in place to find Salem reaching for her. She clutched her eyes and shielded herself, but soon found no impact was to come. Opening her eyes, she found herself separated from her team, lost in an unfamiliar world, totally alien to her. As if she were dropped into a blank canvas waiting to be painted.
"Emerald?" She called. "Mercury?"
"Cinder?" Mercury called, unaware that he'd been called for as well. "Em-"
'-erald?' Neo called with her scroll. She double-checked that her volume was on its highest setting.
"Merc?" Suddenly, the world began to build itself around Emerald. Greens and browns painted a path leading up to a hill, while a voice with no body began to weave it's tale.
"Once upon a time, there stood a lonely tower..." Smoke surrounds Emerald, only to be swatted away by Hazel. He could clearly see a tower in the distance, but his attention became focused on the sound of metal boots behind him. He turned to see a man with tanned skin and brown hair, looking determinedly forward in his thick, metal armor. "...with a princess to be rescued by a gallant knight."
Cinder stepped closer to the knight.
"Named... Ozma."
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wolfandwild · 1 year
Went looking for some of the Pop Mart Warcraft figures on eBay, but these are... uhhh... very much NOT the characters I was expecting to find...
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lilsimonpetrikov · 5 months
Littles Au doodles maybe
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multiversal-madness · 11 months
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I finished Comet King’s Design!
This is how Simon looks after 1000 years under the influence of the crown.
More info about the design and Au under the cut:
The design is based half off of the Lich - the bones, gore and horns - and half off of Gunther - the tail, digitigrade legs, teeth/claws and wings (either the wings are from the underlying part of Gunther that wanted to be like evergreen or the curse ‘evolved’ and went from Dino features to bird - I just wanted wings lol).
He’s lost most of his memories, but isn’t quite as insane as the Ice King since the wish was made before the Lich really had a persona beyond evilness for the crown to copy. Though how ‘evil’ he is depends on the current state of the Lich.
When he first put on the crown, the influence wasn’t at full strength but the Lich’s essence was at work causing the mushroom war so Simon was struggling with the crown’s influence.
Then the mushroom bomb lands and the Lich is properly ‘born’, the crown’s influence is at its strongest and Simon is lucky the wish hadn’t taken full effect yet but the bomb did change something in the crown, making Simon different to the rest of those who’d worn it. It made Simon pretty much deathless.
Cut forward to when Finn and Jake first reawaken him - sometime during this Aus equivalent of the first season - he’s more himself with no strong urges to cause the destruction of all living things, he even becomes friends with Finn and Jake.
Then when the Lich is released from his amber prison, that’s when Simon falls under the crown’s influence once more.
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mynameisvarian · 11 months
Comet King AU by @multiversal-madness !
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"How old do you think it is..?"
"I couldn't pinpoint it accurately but I'd have to say that it could be some kind of relic from a past we have yet to uncover!" He said, Practically beaming at the thought of uncovering an entire kingdom lost to time.
She laughed at the antiquarian's excitement "You know, I know exactly where this will fit! Mind of you give me the honour of crowning you my dear king?"
Simon was abit worried, What if something were to happen to the artifact while he was in possession of it, He needed to deliver it to the museum-
"C'mon! You could atleast have a little fun once in a while simon" Betty added, Maybe he could just put it on real quick and then deliver it after..
The antiquarian reluctantly bowed down as Betty gently placed the crown on his head to prevent it from falling.
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"It looks great on you, King Simon" Betty said with a wide smirk, clearly knowing full well that it was how her soon to be husband joked around.. She then noticed the long silence afterwards.
"Simon? Hello..? Earth to simon??" She said, Simon's back still facing her.
"Do you ever wonder what this pathetic waste of a planet would look like being set a blaze..?" Simon had said, All the kindness and thoughtfulness from his tone was.. just gone.
"Wouldn't you also feel giddy at the thought of every single pest of good would be exterminated, Betty..?" He added.
It had been then that Betty noticed the foul toxic glow emitting from the crown and his eyes.
I mean- I had to traumatize Simon some how-!
I may or may not have drank 5 cups of coffee.. Anyways I could not for the death of me add outlines and color them in properly! Like, I wasn't even able to put in what they're supposed to be saying so... It's gonna be in text form!
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bluemoon1331 · 5 months
Ah, yes. Hello Lich King AU. Yes, I totally have time for you in my busy schedule.
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winged-eggers · 1 year
Sus question: How capable is Magolor of raising middle finger? If yes, who does he point his middle finger to? (I mean, it's not like he has FINGERS under those gloves, right?)
hey anon why did you preface this question like that do you have something you'd like to share with the class
anyways serious answer regarding fingers status I do actually draw his species having fingers (stubby) if you look at my main Halcandran OC King Fuck of Shit Mountain he wears fingerless gloves I draw his fingers all the time. in theory yes they can all put up the middle finger i guess
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slackergami · 2 years
i do not mean this as a knock because mocap genn rules but why did they not hire a worgen for the role
my thot process (based from what little i know from WoW):
worgens = curse, curse = magic. and so all the magic will come from vfx and cgi in that behind the scenes AU and thus mocap genn is born :'))))
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simplysly · 2 months
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Firn (Finn)
Ja-ke (Jake)
Origin of why he won't ever use the hat that much anymore.
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huramuna · 4 months
even in undeath - chapter 1.
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lich king aemond x reader a 'world of warcraft' AU. prev | next
The Lich King is the master and lord of the Scourge. Consisting of thousands of walking corpses, disembodied spirits, beasts of the north, and damned mortal men, the Scourge is a terrifying and insidious enemy.
word count: 2.3k
@huramuna-fics - follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings! no taglists right now, sorry.
content: DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT, DUBCON, smut, heavy heavy angst, graphic depictions of violence, allusions to cannibalism, imprisonment, kidnapping, murder, suicidal thoughts and ideation, mutilation of corpses, obsessive aemond, dark aemond, a happy ending is not in our future. PLEASE MIND THE TAGS! This story will be pretty dark.
story playlist
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It was dark and cold. There was a faint dripping of water somewhere off to the side, but you couldn’t quite see where. The echoes of whimpers ricocheted off of the craggy walls, stinging your eardrums. 
This was the descent into madness, wasn’t it?
You weren’t sure how long you’d been chained up for— how long had it been since your village burned to the ground? Since you watched the ghouls rip apart the cow farmer from down the road. Since you watched hellhounds crunching on little Mary Jay’s bones. Since you had watched your mother and stepfather plead and beg for their lives, for forgiveness, for mercy, for absolution of their supposed sins before the death knight’s sword lopped their heads off. 
How long has it been? 
Shifting slightly, the chain tied to your throat clinked against the wall. There was no light, no passage of time to be had in the dank, pitch black cave they stowed you and a few select others in. You only had on a ragged potato sack as a dress, the sensation of dirt and grime caked on your hair and under your nails making you feel less than human. 
But— you were still human. For now. The Scourge had ravaged the Eastern Kingdoms without mercy, swiping through the North and South like a fast traveling plague, curdling and damning everything it touched. Hordes of undead zombies, ghouls and hellhounds were the first to raze the cities, driving out the people like mice from the walls. Then the banshees came, along with the necromancers to raise the dead, adding them to a forever amounting army.
Not even Quel’thalas had been able to resist it, an ancient elven city hewn in magic.
What chance did you have? 
More than most, evidently. Your mind wrought itself over and over as to why— why were you alive? Why were you still human and not merely a risen thrall? 
The clinking of armor scared you as it ascended the hallway. You pressed close to the wall and closed your eyes. 
Please don’t stop here, please don’t stop here. 
Clink, clink, clink… closer… closer… 
Then it passed, descending further away. You let out a breath, your blood still pumping in your ears. 
Clink, clink, clink. They were coming back. Clink… silence. You felt bile rise in your throat as you shook, the chains rattling noisily. You knew they were standing there, you knew they were here for you. 
A harsh tug upon your chain, your head hitting the floor— some words were mumbled, the voice sounding far away and broken. Your eardrums rang with the ferocity of your fall, drowning out any semblance of what your jailer was saying to you. Then, you were tugged upward, the cool metal of the collar biting into your skin as you were dragged like a petulant child away from your cell… 
You didn’t want to open your eyes. You couldn’t face the horror you knew was around you— corpses, living ones and dead, the clatter of bones, the heavy breathing of gargantuan abominations, bodies and faces of countless people stitched together into a new body, hewn with thread and necrotic magic until it gave way to something else entirely. Something unnatural, something made of nightmares. The dermis of those who were used to make the monsters would still twitch, reach out on its own, and if it had a mouth, it would be twisted into a scream. You swore that you heard them whispering as you were dragged by. 
The monstrosities were one of many abhorrent creatures at the Scourge’s disposal. Hellhounds, ghouls, gargoyles, wraiths, crypt lords, geists, banshees, and other things of horrific nature were only some of the power wielded by the Scourge. It felt like it was all pulled out of a child’s fairytale, changed and twisted and defiled into what it was now. 
It all felt like a very bad dream. 
Your eyes opened on their own and you took in the image of death knights, former paladins who served a higher power, the Light— now are nothing but undead heretics, glowing eyes and gaunt stares that bored through you. 
Some of the monsters chittered as you were dragged past them, leering and looking hungry. 
‘Scrawny that one. Perhaps she will suffice for hellhounds to pick their teeth.’
‘Speak for yourself, her skin will do beautifully on a new abomination.’ 
‘She won’t be knighted. Merely a maid’s bastard, I’ve heard.’
You forced your eyes to close once more, the sudden light stinging them. You forced yourself into another time, a better memory than what you were experiencing. 
They were right, you were a maid’s bastard. Your mother had served in the royal keep for years, with you under her feet. You didn’t know who your true father was, nor did you care.
You became attached to the second son of the King— Aemond Targaryen. He was a sprightly boy with near white hair and luminous violet eyes. The two of you were attached at the hip. 
Childhood friendship blossomed into more as you grew into teenagers and young adults— you shared your first kiss together, you held hands and shared sweet nothings. As he trained by day to become a paladin of the Light, he held you close by night, vowing to never let you go. You were both terribly in love and so terribly, terribly naive. He was your first in everything– your first friend, your first kiss, your first lover. You promised yourself that he would stay your first and only.
‘You can never marry a maid’s bastard, Aemond! You’re a prince of the realm-‘
‘I don’t care! I want her, father. I’ve always wanted her!’
Your mother quit her job at the castle— moreso, threatened into quitting by some of the King’s advisors. She was given a considerable amount of coin and told to take you far, far away and to not contact the prince again. 
Heartbroken, you left him your sapphire ring, the only thing of value you ever had, which had been passed down through your mother’s family for generations. 
It was left on his desk with a note of few words but much feeling. 
‘I love you. I’m sorry.’ 
That was over ten years ago. You hadn’t seen him since, but you missed him horribly. Especially now. You wondered if he was still alive, fighting against the Scourge like his knightly vows dictated. 
Maybe he was married and moved across the sea to Kalimdor where it was safer. 
Or maybe he was dead. Dead like almost everyone else you knew. 
You heard a rumor, fleeting and without much more information, that his father had died– no, that his father had been murdered. The fall of the king, Viserys, is what started the Scourge war. Did Aemond know, wherever he was? 
You imagined him holding his arms around you, kissing your neck and fanning his breath over your skin. He liked to encompass you completely with his body when you laid together— you never could emulate the feeling with heavy blankets and pillows, as much as you tried. Putting yourself back into that memory, you wrapped your arms around yourself, willing warmth into your body. 
But you didn’t feel any warmth. All you felt was cold, cold down to your bones. They felt brittle, like ice, splintering into shards as you were thrown on the floor again in a different room. Pain bloomed in your arm as it cracked at an awkward angle. Broken. 
Your ears rang again as your mouth opened into a scream, tears of pure anguish squeezing from your eyes. But you didn’t hear a thing besides the rush of blood dampening your senses— and the sickening crunch of your broken bones. 
‘What have you done to it, Lady Deathwhisper? It looks broken.’ 
‘It’s human bones are so brittle, it was merely a slip of the hand. I cannot help that their living constitution is so weak.’ 
‘His grace will not be pleased if it is broken beyond repair.’ 
‘Worry not, Lady Alys. Most things can be mended— and if not, it can always be raised.’ 
‘Physical defects aren’t the only issue. What of its mind?’
You feel an acute sensation over your skull, reaching into the depths of your cranium. Its cold, but not stinging— like a soft caress upon your brain as your mind is rifled through like a tome. You can feel your memories being perused, all of the most intimate moments of your life flashing in your head like playwright’s prose. The physicality of your mind being invaded wasn’t painful, but the act of your memories being ripped from you was damning. Tears fell down your face on their own, your mouth opened into a silent scream.
‘She is the one— I saw it. You are lucky that you did not break her mind completely, Lady Deathwhisper.’ 
‘As are you. You do not have a deft hand when it comes to memory perusal, Lady Alys. I am surprised that it still has a brain in its skull.’ 
‘Shut up and bring her to him. He will be pleased she is still alive. Barely.’ 
You felt yourself being moved again, still reeling from the invasion of your mind. You tried to put yourself back into the safe haven of memories, but they were… locked. Locked behind an iron door with no keyhole. They were lost to you. 
What were you trying to remember? 
Flashes of white hair and violet eyes flitted behind your eyelids, soft caresses and kisses, heavy breathing and love filled promises, the sensation of skin to skin… 
Your eyes opened, vision bleary. A helmed woman followed behind you, wings outstretched. You could see the glint of green eyes under her helm. Val’kyr. The woman behind you was a Val’kyr, a spirit guide who defected to the side of the Scourge. They could move between the realm of living and dead as simply as taking a breath. 
“The little human is awake,” she mused. “Your mind isn’t broken after all? I do see a glint of intelligence behind those eyes. Keep them on me, you shan’t wish to look upon Lady Deathwhisper.” 
You didn’t want to speak, words caught in your throat like food stuck in your craw. A val’kyr was basically an angel of death and talking to one must mean you are dead. 
You wish you were. 
The chains scraped against the floor, which was no longer stone like before, but rather, hardened ice. You were ascending upward, it seemed. The architecture of the building was nothing like you’d ever seen— dark metal was plated upon the walls, inscribed with glowing runes. The runes looked… familiar to you, somehow. But the memory that contained them was locked away, or mayhaps stolen by the Val’kyr, Alys. 
The temperature was cold, you were being lofted upon ice, of course, but you didn’t wholly feel it. You were partially numb, heat radiating from your broken arm. You knew you should be feeling pain— but you were just… numb. 
Your escorts stopped in front of two large doors, inscribed with the same glowing runes. Against Alys’ advice, you glanced at ‘Lady Deathwhisper’. She was skeletal, floating upon the ground with no legs to speak of. Her robes were purple fabric, molded around an incorporeal body. She spoke in a language you didn’t understand, the scratchy voice of hers coming out of a bone skull, but the mouth wasn’t moving, maw open as the words came out. 
You should have listened to Alys. 
The door opened with a rumble, opened by ancient magic, likely imbued by the runes, as they flickered and flitted above your head as it opened. The room beyond was open and bereft of almost anything, except for a throne. A throne forged of ice and swords. 
Someone was sitting upon it in a lazed position, one plated gloved finger tapping on the arm of the throne.
“We’ve brought her, your grace,” Lady Deathwhisper growled, shoving you forward. You skidded across the floor, which felt slick like grazing atop an ice-capped lake. “Alys confirmed it is her.”
The clinking of armor caught your attention, the sound of metal grazing against ice. It was irritating and made you grind your teeth. As whoever was on the throne got closer, the force was oppressive. Whimpers and tiny cries were ripped from you as they walked towards you, the aura exuding from them causing you to fall flat to the ground, feeling as if someone was sitting atop of your chest and not letting up.
The steel plated boot was in front of you now and your hair was grabbed rather harshly, pulling you up. 
Don’t look, don’t look. You cannot look.
“Look. At. Me.” the voice growled. It was quiet but commanding at the same time, rattling in your bones and making a home amongst the marrow. It felt familiar… so… 
You lifted your bloodshot eyes, not out of your own volition, but from the authority of the voice.
“Hello, little dove.” he mused.
It was him. It was… it… Aemond. You knew him so well, even with ten years gone. His chiseled jawline and chin and the dimple of the tip of his nose… 
But his eye was missing, a jagged scar bisecting it. In its place was a sapphire. The sapphire from your ring, grown into something to make home in the socket.
You felt everything and nothing all at once, your stomach flipped and flopped like a fish hoisted from the sea, sputtering for air. You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t–
Your best friend, your lover, the one you vowed to never forget, to never forsake.
Aemond Targaryen. 
Aemond Targaryen was the Lich King. A defiler, a mass murderer, an unholy being in his own right.
“Now you won’t be able to leave again, will you?” Aemond murmured, his violet eye roving you. It was glowing slightly– his skin was a pale gray pallor, cheeks sunken slightly. He was undead.
Your eyes rolled back in your head, vision going black.
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