#library of ruina yesod x reader
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schizoidcel · 11 months ago
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♢﹕scenarios ∣ ♦︎﹕headcanons
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┌─ ✧.* librarians !! ───────────┐
ㅤㅤ── ᨀ head + assistant librarian :
ㅤㅤ── ᨀ patron librarians :
ㅤ─ asiyah ,,
🌙 YESOD ..
💡 HOD ..
morning? (netzach x rookie librarian!reader) ♦︎
ㅤ─ briah ,,
🗡️ GEBURA ..
morning? (gebura x rookie librarian!reader) ♦︎
☁️ CHESED ..
morning? (chesed x rookie librarian!reader) ♦︎
ㅤ─ atziluth ,,
🏛️ BINAH ..
🕐 HOKMA ..
┌─ ✧.* guests !! ────────────┐
tba <3
┌─ ✧.* others !! ────────────┐
tba <3
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ׂૢ་༘࿐ ...
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ruinaimagines · 3 years ago
Can I ask some general romantic Yesod HCs? I hope it hasn't been requested yet..
Hello! Though I have written a lot of Yesod HCs thus far, general romantic headcanons have not been requested. So here you go!
General Romantic Yesod Headcanons:
At first when you enter a relationship with Yesod, not much really changes. Sure you have the title of being together, but really a lot remains the same. This can be taken for better if you’re someone who looks for a subtle start, or worse if you prefer something more immediate.
It’s primarily because he’s very unused to the idea of being with another person and it’s something that will take time to warm up to. He does love you, of course, but it will take some time before he becomes more confident in expressing it. Considering you’ve decided to enter a romantic relationship with him this is something you’ve already come to acknowledge.
You’re probably the one to confess because though he’s a person who faces issues head-on, it’s a bit different when it comes to his personal feelings. He might think of it to be a passing attraction until it’s proven that it isn’t. 
Especially during the beginning of your time together he gets flustered really easily. If you even slightly compliment him in a loving way it causes him to fumble. He has no idea how to respond to the situation because he’s hardly ever been in a similar one. 
So you’ll see him completely uncertain on how to reply. It doesn’t feel right to just say ‘thank you’ all the time because that gets repetitive, so he wants to say something more. Problem is that he wants to compliment you back, but he has no idea what to say.
The poor man is struggling and though it’s entertaining to watch, you might have to offer some help. In his mind he thinks there’s a ‘right’ way to compliment someone romantically, or that he has to tell you something ‘equal’ to what you told him. He’s relieved when you tell him that it doesn’t matter what positive things he says because you’re going to take it well in any way. He’s also distressed because this whole time he’s been trying to follow the formula of something that doesn’t exist.
Sometimes you’ll see him just sort of pacing and contemplating something back and forth. It’s the most you’ve seen him nervous so of course you’re a bit concerned. Truth is, he’s just trying to figure out the right time to say something sweet to you because he doesn’t want to interrupt your work. 
You’ll have to offer the role as a sort of guide in your relationship. He makes things so much more complicated in his mind than they need to be, and overthinks plenty. It’s great if you can help soothe and remind him that all you need to know is that he loves you, and you’re not expecting some unrealistic standards from him. 
He’s very devoted and proud of you, and it’s clear to the people around him. Never before has he praised someone and talked about them so frequently. Even if you feel like you haven’t done enough, or aren’t particularly skilled in something, he greatly respects the progress you’ve made.
Just ask the other librarians, you are constantly on his mind. You’ll end up learning about incredibly nice things he’s done and said that you wouldn’t even know about. He asks about you a lot to others, and they speak of the small tasks or things he leaves out just to make your life a lot easier.
The only real thing Yesod cares about in return is your happiness. He’s really modest in that he doesn’t really expect something back, which is shown by the small things he’ll do for you that you have no clue about. 
While I don’t think he’d necessarily go looking for it, he’s pretty welcoming to affection! It helps him calm down a lot, and he loves the feeling of being embraced or with another person. You’ll have to initiate it though because as strict as he seems, he’s pretty shy on the relationship side.
He does become more open to affection as the time progresses. While he might not outright ask for a hug or anything, he may come on over and sit close, expecting for you to take initiative. This is his version of asking you to hold him.
He is not afraid to say things how they are, even if it's to strangers. Similarly, he will absolutely stand up for you. He won’t necessarily throw himself into situations that you prefer he stays out of, after all he isn’t brash or impulsive, but he won’t stand for your mistreatment either. 
He’ll speak up for you too if you’re a bit anxious. There’s a large contrast in how he behaves publicly and romantically. He really doesn’t fear backlash from people, and he’s a confident leader. This tends to be a bit different though when it comes to a relationship.
He tends to keep things more professional in the presence of others. It’s not like he turns you away, or treats you like you’re not together, he’s just much more refined. It’s usually best to express your care away from others because doing so might end up throwing him off. While it’s fine when alone, it can lead him to stumbling, breaking his composure, and being a bit embarrassed to present himself like that in front of others.
He’s not angry at you for doing that or anything, it’s not like you were doing anything out of malice. It’s just PDA is something he’s not ready for yet, and it might take a long while until then. 
He’s someone who puts a lot of thought into things, and for this I believe one of his main love languages would be gift giving. It’s easier for him to condense a lot of meaning into something and hand it to you than use words. 
These things he gives you really just shows how much he listens. Yesod is very good at picking up small details, and holds them in the back of his mind to see if he can use those details to make your day. Even if it’s something that’s ‘difficult’ to obtain, he holds it at a high priority and will do so. All the effort is worth it if you’re happy.
He will explain why he chose that specific thing, but he’s a bit bashful about it. Still, having something as a physical representation to talk about is a lot easier than nothing at all for him. It’s important to him that you’re aware of why he picked what he did, and it’s not just like it’s some random thing he grabbed.
When he does compliment you it feels often like it comes out of nowhere, cause it usually does. He may just come up to you randomly and say it, or he’ll stop mid conversation and mention it. 
Tying into his observatory nature mentioned earlier, his compliments are often really specific things. You can tell they’re genuine too, because he seems flustered himself to even say them, and hardly anyone comments on the things he does. 
You’ll see a side of him that you haven’t really before. One that’s a lot more open about his worries and feelings. He has a lot of trust in you, and he feels more comfortable sharing with you what’s on his mind than anyone else. It’s good for him too because it’s really not good to keep things locked up to yourself.
He seems like he’s so put together, so analytical, and constantly aware of what to do. Truth is, he has a lot of doubts like anyone else. He may worry that he fails to lead the other librarians on your floor well, or he’ll blame himself for things he didn’t do. It may seem like he’d always be the person helping someone keep a clear mind but in this case you are.
You’re grateful he’s willing to share this with you as well as the things he’s sorry for because no one should struggle alone. Often after times like these is when he’ll tell you that he loves you without hesitation.
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ruinaimagines · 3 years ago
Yesod with an S/O that tries hard to make him smile? They think it’s cute….
Yes you may! Also sorry for not posting anything yesterday, I was a bit busy, but I got to it now and I hope you enjoy.
Yesod with a S/O who Tries to Make Him Smile:
To see Yesod smile would be a rare sight to many, almost like a cryptid out in the woods. For you, however, it was a goal that you were set on. And you were stubborn to reach it.
Now of course you’ve made him happy in the past, but that doesn’t mean it’s just a one time thing. He constantly seems as though he’s focused, never taking a minute to step back from his usual demeanor. What’s wrong in changing that up a bit?
One way that you could achieve success would be through gifts! While spending time with you in general is lovely, it’s always a surprise that he doesn’t see coming when you have something specific in mind that you picked up for him.
Something not many know about him is that he actually has a sweet tooth. His preference is for hard candies, and if you somehow manage to find any throughout the library you will know how thankful he is.
Just saying though, you might have to restock on the candy pretty frequently. It just so happens to ‘disappear’ hours after you put it down somewhere. He says that the other librarians must have taken some, but you know that’s not the case. Nonetheless you’re just glad he’s appreciating your gift.
Do you like cooking? He really likes food that contains eggplant, and if you know where to find that then you’ll be able to give him a wondrous meal. It doesn’t matter if you’re experienced or not, he’s incredibly grateful that you went through the time to make something for him anyway. And you’ll see that small smile, it’s too hard for him to keep it in.
Not a chef? What about a gardener? In prior hcs I talked about how I think he would have an interest in growing plants. If you managed to find some seeds for one of his favorite foods, then the two of you might be able to watch it flourish.
This man is so careful when taking care of the eggplant. He’s definitely the type of person to crouch down, watch it, and maybe even talk to it. He makes sure no one’s around first though, and would be mortified if someone caught him. You did catch a glimpse though, and there was a soft smile on his face too.
You didn’t approach him about it though, and wouldn't want to scare him away from enjoying that hobby. Instead it just sits in the back of your mind letting you know that he’s probably the best person you could have given that plant to.
Another way you could go about your methods is just spending time with him before he’s about to fall asleep. Holding him close, maybe having a light conversation, and in general helping him relax at the end of the day might loosen him up enough to the point he falls asleep with a little smile.
He’s flattered that you’re listening and picking up details that he wouldn’t expect people to. I mean, when was the last time he talked about the fact he liked sweets? It’s not something that pops into conversation much, yet you still seem to remember.
He acknowledges the effort you’re putting in to brighten his day. While he may not know your specific goal, he does recognize your actions and it’s something he looks forward to.
Who knows, there might be a time Yesod ends up surprising you. After all you do for him, it only makes sense that he repays it in some way. He’s also a great listener, and really it can happen when you least expect it.
Don’t have something physical to give? That’s no problem at all! Just spend time with him and help him out where he needs it. One of his least favorite things is the feeling you have when you’re piled under miserable amounts of work, so helping him get through it will be an offer he can't refuse.
It doesn’t have to work related either. Have a hobby you want to explore? He’s willing to come along with you. He has a pretty good ability to take in a lot of information from written words, as well as read instructions. If you happen to be occupied with something, then he has no issue telling you the steps for you to follow.
It’s nice too when it might come to messier things such as art. While he personally doesn’t like the possibility of paint, charcoal, or something similar getting onto him, by helping with instructions it still feels as though he’s aiding you in some way.
You might be able to pull him into the activities though. Definitely not when he’s wearing his regular suit, if you have a dress shirt to spare that fits him then maybe he’ll consider. All in all he seems to care more about his clothes than anything else, despite the fact it could probably be easily replaced with the library’s power.
If he does join in it might take him a while to get used to the sort of messiness of it, but when he does he actually enjoys himself! If he ever got into art I’d take him as a more still life/landscape type of painter, he might try to paint the floor of technology at some point.
A lot of the time he thinks things are gonna be way more stressful than they actually are. This is one of those times, where he was expecting everything to be all over the place, but so long as you’re careful it’s actually not. It all depends on the person and how mindful they are of their surroundings, if they wanna be mindful at all.
It can bar him from potentially trying things he might have wanted to in the past. He may have an initial interest, but thinking about all of the potential problems he can stumble into makes him drop the idea altogether.
You, however, are good at convincing him to push through that initial doubt. Your persistence is something that’s hard for him to say no to, so he’ll eventually give in. And guess what? It’s worth it.
It’s easy to forget how passionate you are about something, or why you like it in the first place if you refuse to even try it out. Whether it was something he enjoyed doing that he dropped in the past because his workload wouldn’t let him, or it’s completely new, you’ll definitely see the enthusiasm in his movements.
While I’ve listed off a few things you could do with Yesod to make his mood better, the only thing you really need is you. That might sound a bit odd, but it’s really not. So long as you’re happy, you’ll find him in the same way.
Mood really tends to be infectious. If no one’s having a good time, then they’ll bring down others. Similarly, if someone is just really enjoying their time then they’ll make the people around them feel so much better.
He truly does care about you, and I guarantee as put-together he is, he tends to have his days where he’ll overthink. It’s all better though when he sees that you’re just genuinely enjoying yourself, and he can’t help smiling at that.
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ruinaimagines · 3 years ago
Naga Yesod x Reader? I want that man wrapped around me
Here you go! Also, first time writing something that’s more fantasy-esc, I hope you like the result. I decided to go with the interpretation that he wasn’t always a Naga, but became one, as that gave me more inspiration than if he always was, so I hope you enjoy nonetheless! You still get your snake hugs though of course.
Naga Yesod x Reader Headcanons:
Well, he was already nicknamed the viper in Lobotomy Corporation, guess this gives a whole new meaning to it.
If we’re going to compare the closest type of snake he is to real ones, I’d think he would take aspects from a fer-de-lance and spiny bush vipers in appearance. I believe that diamond-shaped spiky scales would be befitting of his personality.
I could also see possible influence from a cobra, but I really do think the jagged pattern of scales would fit well. He’d still keep his purple color though, of course. It has to match the theme after all.
Also by extension, he’d probably have a venomous bite. I have no idea how that would work anatomically because I’m not super fluent in snake people, but there’s probably something up with the teeth.
He’s rather silent in his movement, so long as he doesn’t bump into anything that is. Slithering around isn’t as loud as footsteps, and this allows him to accidentally sneak up on you a lot.
My guess is if this is a new thing it would be after Yesod somehow manifested some sort of E.G.O gear of his own, or similarly to the floor realizations where he took influence from an abnormality somewhere in the facility.
No one is really sure why it happened to him in specific because the realizations have only altered Roland and Angela thus far, so even if that is what happened it leaves a lot of mysteries.
He’s understandably concerned and freaking out in his own way. He’s stumbling and making messes, something that he absolutely dreads. Also how is he even supposed to begin explaining to the other librarians when he hasn’t even a clue what happened himself??
It’s so easy to forget that you now have a long giant tail just dragging behind, it’s like a miserably long coat tail or dress. He’s really stressed out with how much accidental commotion he makes.
Isn’t E.G.O supposed to be beneficial? It gives new strength and power unique to the person stronger than casual workshop gear. So what is beneficial about altering someone’s entire method of transport?
I don’t really take Yesod as an insecure individual, at least not in terms of worrying about what others think. However it’s only natural that he’d get a bit concerned about what you might think of him now. I mean he’s covered in scales- it makes sense to do some overthinking here.
Though you assure him that there’s nothing to worry about, you love him all the same. Plus, this isn’t even bordering on some of the oddest things you’ve seen in this library.
Prepare to help this man figure out how he’s supposed to actually move. You may have to let him lean into you and guide him along to help with getting used to the change. He appreciates any help he can get.
The floor of technological sciences is off limits to anyone else at the time. Angela recognizes he’s in no shape to fight so the floor is left out of receptions for a while, and also he feels too humiliated to let any of the other patron librarians see him.
He’s learned that his new equivalent to sitting is to coil up, and the tail honestly makes a good alternative to a table. It may be a bit spiky, but it’s surprisingly a nice surface to fold his arms and rest his head upon.
You’ve noticed that over time he’s become more adjusted to the change and you’re glad. It becomes less of a burden and just something he’s come to accept. After all, stressing out over something you can’t change really isn’t going to help you much.
I think that you’re going to have to propose the idea of a snake hug. He isn’t really that much of a touchy person himself, with you doing a great deal of physical affection if that’s what you prefer.
I think that he would be a bit concerned about injuring you. He now has these claws, and his scales are prickly and he thinks they’ll be unpleasant and harm you.
After some convincing though he feels comfortable enough to embrace you fully. You’ve been shot, stabbed, mauled, being poked a little bit is fine. You’re not going to die.
And it isn’t even that uncomfortable! When he coils around you and rests his arms on you it just feels like a weighted blanket. The size of the scales are actually too large to be a nuisance, and they’re not facing outwards enough for it to stab you like a cactus.
You could probably fall asleep like this. When I said that it felt like a weighted blanket, I meant it. You’re also able to hear Yesod’s heartbeat if you lean into him which adds to the intimacy as well as calmness of the situation.
Reptiles are coldblooded and need to bask in the sun or absorb some form of heat to remain energized. With that being said, I don’t think he’d be completely cold. He’s actually on the more warm side! It’s not frigid, but it doesn’t make you overheat.
I think that because he needs to seek out heat, he might become a bit more affectionate in a sense. Not like you mind at all, it’s not often he initiates anything himself so it’s nice to break away from the usual.
It would be a little funny if you had to ask Angela for UV lamps and string them up… just a tiny bit. Yesod would not find it that funny however, and is instead furious that he has to be treated like a pet lizard.
You’ll help him try and research throughout the library on E.G.O to see if there’s some book in the library to help figure out how to alter any of these changes if possible. While Lobotomy Corporation dug into the field of E.G.O a lot, there’s still so much that’s unknown and unexplored about it. Plus, all of the gear the company had was extracted from abnormalities, this is manifested from individual people.
I think he would end up wrapping his tail around you without even realizing it. You two would just be near each other and you notice that he’s subconsciously winded around your leg or ankles.
It’s sort of like the equivalent to hand holding and you find it really sweet.
Be careful to not end up tripping on him though. Not only would you end up falling, but you might accidentally leave him tumbling too depending on just how bad the trip is.
If he ever ends up getting tangled you’re there to save the day. He often manages to get out himself, but you might have to offer your assistance. You tease him about it afterwards and he is humiliated.
You know he still loves you though.
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ruinaimagines · 3 years ago
Scenario: Reader confessing love to Yesod
Ive sent in all the Yesod reqs so far btw thank you for doing them <3
It’s good to hear that you’ve enjoyed them enough to continue sending them in! Also this one should be fun as it’s the first scenario I’ve written on the blog. Hopefully it turns out as good as the headcanons. I will say I’m not giving the scenarios fancy chapter names because I’m horrible with coming up with titles, so hopefully you don't mind that!
Reader Confessing Love to Yesod Scenario:
Out of all of the challenges you’ve faced in the library, this one was by far the most difficult. You’re capable of defending yourself against violent abnormalities who have wreaked havoc upon the facilities of the past, as well as strangers who come to the library to seek out knowledge, so why is mustering up some confidence to speak your mind so hard?
It’s been something that has pestered you for a long time and left you restless. You had thought that the affection you hold for the patron librarian of your floor would simply fizzle out some time, being only a quick crush before you could get your head straight. Problem was, it never left. You waited days, weeks, and even a couple months, yet nothing faltered. It was with this you realized that this was more than just a little attraction, but full on infatuation.
It’s a miserable fate that you decided you shouldn’t have to suffer on your own, so instead you chose to ask some colleagues for advice. Whether or not that was a good idea isn’t something you’re really sure of, but it was in an attempt to garner some form of confidence.
“You know, I say sooner than later is better.” A friend of yours who worked on the same floor as you said while placing some books into the shelves, “We do kinda have no specified time when we leave… if we ever do. Might as well get it out of the way. It’s just gonna eat you if you keep it stuffed inside.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, one hand propping up your chin on the table you sat at. “I get that, but it doesn’t really make things easier. I don’t want to run the risk of some awkward period of time where we can hardly face each other because I confessed to him, and he doesn’t feel the same way. I can’t run away after that, there’s nowhere to go.” You sighed, leaning back in the chair and rubbing your eyes.
“Well..” They turn to face you, placing their arms on their sides, “I don’t know how worried you’ll have to be about that, something tells me that’s not going to happen.” They’re very obviously keeping something away from you which does not help given your situation.
You narrowed your eyes, “What are you going on about?”
There’s a slightly mischievous grin on their face as they go on. “Now, things may be a bit different as you’re looking at them because you’re not picking up on the same details as the rest of us are. It’s easy to lose sight of the signs when you’re constantly telling yourself it’s impossible for them to be there. From an outsider’s view though, let me tell you, there are quite a few.”
Your eyes widen as it begins to settle in what they’re implying. Quickly you toss them a questioning glance, unsure of their words. Yesod has always treated you like any other member of the floor of technological sciences, at least you think he has, so what is your friend going on about? “I think you might be mistaking these ‘signs’ for just friendly gestures. I mean he’s always sweet to everyone who works here.”
A dramatic but lighthearted groan comes from your friend as they pull out a seat to sit in the table across from you. “There you go again with the denial part. I assure you that these ‘friendly gestures’ are a little more than just that. Have you seen how frequently he compliments you and holds you as an example? How he almost immediately comes over to you any time you enter the room? How you seem to bring up his mood just by being there? Just saying, but I’m pretty sure I’ve overheard him freak out about not looking presentable enough before meeting you. I know it’s Yesod, but what person cares that much about what they look like in front of their friend?”
There it is. That small ray of hope, the one that flutters inside your heart. Another wave of anxiety follows soon after though. What if they’re wrong? What if you get your expectations up and it just disappoints you?
Sheepishly, you answer their last question. “I do??”
They slowly nod, “Exactly. You do, cause you have a fat crush on him. Now why do you think he reacts that way to you? See where I’m getting at?” You pause in silence, only staring at them. With one last effort they sigh, “Okay look, I’m gonna be blunt here. Your attraction to that man is very obvious to almost everyone on this floor. I say almost, because Yesod happens to be a bit on the oblivious side in terms of his feelings.”
Well you’re slightly embarrassed now. A secret that you thought was relatively well kept apparently was not, so of course you’re going to have some form of reaction to it. But your friend doesn’t stop, they continue, “But this is a bit too unaware, even for him. My best guess is he’s going through the same exact thing as you, denial and doubt. The whole floor is waiting for you two to finally come together, and at this rate if you won’t confess I’ll do it for you.”
They stand up and usher you out of the portion of the library you’re in. Even though you immediately declined their offer to do it for you, you’re actually more confident than you were before you spoke with your colleague. Of course you’re sort of being dragged around now unwillingly, but the talk was enough to raise your spirits.. For now.
All of it immediately drains when you see what she’s bringing you to though. The exact person you’re dreading talking to stands there, facing the window that peers out of the floor of technological sciences with a troubled look on his face. His arms are folded, and the light reflects on him in an almost ethereal way.
Of course it’s too late, because your friend pushes you forward and completely vanishes when you turn to see where they went. Probably a skill they picked up in the receptions. That being said, there seems to be no possible escape, for the sound of your stumbling footsteps were enough to catch Yesod’s attention.
He turns to you, a bit surprised as well as confused for your flustered entrance. “Is something the matter? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you sprint into here with such enthusiasm.” Ah well it wasn’t actually sprinting. You’d actually prefer to be as far away as possible at the moment. Not like you’re going to say it.
What are you rambling on about though? Now’s your chance! You can feel the adrenaline and heat crawling up your skin as you begin to decide what to do next. Issue is that your mouth decides to start talking before you can actually think of what to do.
“No- all is good! Actually, wait- yes I do have an issue. Wow this is getting me nowhere, uh, first, how are you! Looked like something was uh, bothering you.. Unless that’s prying you don’t need to tell me then-” You’re faltering all over the place, holding your hands behind your back to hide the fact that you are fidgeting with your hands more than you ever have in your entire life.
Before you can embarrass yourself any longer he cuts you off, “I’m well, however I’m more concerned with how you’re doing. I don’t believe I’ve seen you this mixxed up before?” Why does he have to be so composed all the time? It makes you look like a mess in comparison, even though you kind of are a mess at the moment.
It’s now or never. You take a deep breath in as you try to unscatter the thoughts in your head. “Yeah! About that.. Okay so sort of a long story. For a couple months now I’ve just kind of noticed that… uh well you’re a great friend! And I happened to just accidentally..” He’s staring at you intensely, but to be fair everything feels intense at this moment. You can’t even discern what he’s feeling. “I like you. I mean I totally get if you don’t and this is probably out of nowhe-”
“You truly do?” There’s this shocked look on his face. The words he utters make it seem like he was expecting it to be some form of prank. It’s a response that puzzles you, and you don’t know what to make of it. You nod your head slowly though, immediately quieting down and letting the air settle.
There’s an audible sigh from him as he drops his arms to his side, as if he was releasing some form of pressure. “That is.. The biggest relief I have experienced upon being awoken at this library.”
“Wait so you.. Also are interested in me?” Like the sun creeping out as morning comes, a warm happiness begins to awaken in you. It seems unreal, untouchable, and like you’re dreaming.
For once there are cracks in his stern demeanor, ones that you never thought you’d actually see. He seems to be a bit flustered by the implications as his own words come to his realization, but he does not take them back. “I.. suppose you could put it like that, yes.” He breaks eye contact and takes a step to slightly turn the angle he is facing, but you can still see the colors creeping into his cheeks.
You’re filled with excitement at the news, and can hardly contain it, but you do. “Wow, that’s.. That’s great news! If you’re free tonight, how about dinner together? Might be a good first step.”
He turns back around to answer your proposal, “I don’t believe I have anything else to attend to. Are you able to meet here after our shifts end?” You nod vigorously, a wide smile on your face that you can’t seem to shake.
“Sounds good! I’ll see you then.” You exit the room swiftly, head facing to the floor as you try to hide the joyous expression on your face.
As slightly irritated as you are towards your friend for pushing you in there without further warning, it all worked out in the end. Their hunch happened to be right, or well, everyone’s hunch.
Being with Yesod is something you’re gonna have to get used to, especially when you both can barely formulate sentences on how you feel, but hey! You made it this far, so you can make it the rest.
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ruinaimagines · 3 years ago
Yesod x a very affectionate reader!!
I have never read this much in my life up until the point I’ve started this blog and started speedrunning watching all the character story cutscenes. The wiki fears me and my knowledge. Do not take this as a complaint, I’m loving every second of it. Thank you for your request!
Also once again feel free to share any typos I might make cause I am once more late night writing.
Yesod with a Very Affectionate S/O:
Yesod is known for his stern personality and efficient work. He relies heavily on the logical side in his mind to assess the situation, coming to rational conclusions. He’s blunt, not biting back his tongue and at times being painfully honest. He’s a perfectionist and calculated with his work.
But he’s not heartless by any means, he has concerns for people and he doesn’t want others to suffer cruel fates. It’s the whole reason he’s upset that he has to work in the library, he doesn’t want to have to kill others for a job. This leaves a sense of dissatisfaction in his work.
To someone who doesn’t know him well he might be perceived as some stuck up pessimist who can never be satisfied. His brutal honesty can really be off putting to new people and easily be taken as rude, and his strict desire to stay organized can irritate those who are more relaxed.
Sure it’s a bit hard to keep up at times with the perfectionist in his mind, and you may stumble a bit and fall behind. Your effort doesn’t go unnoticed though. He values his librarians, and he’s more hard on himself and others he believes work for a selfish act.
People might think he’s a nightmare to work with when he’s actually not. If you’re committed he has respect towards you. If you struggle, he has no issue aiding you to get you back on track.
He doesn’t underestimate you, and he’s confident in his fellow librarian’s abilities. There is nothing shameful about asking for help, and he will not think of you less for doing so at all.
When he comes over to help straighten out your uniform it isn’t out of malice or anything, it’s because he’s looking out for you and wants you to be at your best. He prides himself on his floor and he wants the nuggets to be approached with high regard.
Yesod does struggle with communicating how he feels verbally and physically. While he has no issue telling others they did good work, it’s in a more proud boss type way.
He has an issue finding the right words, and an even bigger struggle when speaking them. He’s not one to express his care in long strings of compliment, but rather condensed words with a tone letting you know his intentions.
You’ll have to come to realize and accept that he’s not the best when it comes with words of affirmation, but instead has other ways of expressing his care. Quality time and acts of service are especially something you can expect to receive from this patron librarian.
However, this absolutely doesn’t mean you don’t have to be the very affectionate person you are. There may be some boundaries out of personal preference, but you have no issue respecting them.
He gets flustered very, very easily, and he tries to act like he doesn’t even though it’s so obvious. His face turns red, and he continues talking about what he was previously but he’s clearly stumbling over his words and clearing his throat.
Any compliment you give him, whether it’s just a genuine compliment or a romantic one will throw him for a loop.
He’s just so used to people referring to him only as professionally that when suddenly someone doesn’t it’s very unexpected. It isn’t a bad thing though, just something he’ll have to get used to.
Unfortunately if you like PDA you’re probably not gonna be in luck, at least not in a long time. Yesod struggles a lot with how he's perceived and presented to others, and it can be a bit difficult when this image he’s worked on creates is challenged.
He does love you a lot, and it’s something you’ll hopefully understand. It’s just personal preference and when it’s you two you have a chance to be a lot more affectionate. He loves who you are and I guarantee you two can find a good balance between both of your desires.
Now, if it’s just the two of you together you get to show your endearment in all its glory. I think some of the more physically affectionate actions he’d especially like would include arm linking, leaning into him, and side hugs.
I will say though touching his hair is out of the question. I don’t really think he’d like that getting messed with especially during the middle of a work day.
These actions specifically help destress him after a long day of work. He’s very rigid too, if you’re willing to give massages I think he’d enjoy them, but he’d also be super embarrassed asking for one so you’d have to figure it out yourself.
He thinks about what you compliment him on a lot. It just lingers in his mind constantly, and if there’s something you say you like that he does he will try to make an effort to do it more.
The floor of technological sciences has a truly beautiful view. The cool blue and purple lights illuminating and filling into the room give it an almost dreamy state, even though the clanking of the gears outside can grow to be a bit annoying.
I do believe that sorting things is also a method of relaxation for him. Not the kind where you’re rushing because there’s a sudden influx of books from battle and you need to get them put into place before you’re out on the field again, I’m talking the day is done and you’re left to work slowly.
These are often the times where you’ll be able to hang around one another after a long day and Yesod feels as though he can just take a deep breath. Whether or not you help him in filling the shelves, just your presence lets him know when to switch to a more eased state.
And after he’s finished with anything he needs to correct is when you have your opportunity. At long last he’ll be able to come over and you two can just lay together and talk.
While a lot of people see him only in his sort of ‘work’ mode there’s a lot underneath that goes unnoticed. He has his own hobbies, likes, dislikes, and even distant dreams or desires that he doesn’t necessarily think or know will come true, but still likes to think about.
He’s actually mentioned an interest in growing plants to you, which you thought was an absolutely precious idea. Considering the abundance of lights already, there would probably be no issue in finding something that could help the plant grow.
I think he’d prefer something edible, not necessarily to eat, but just because it’s interesting to watch grow. A bell pepper maybe? Only downside is the dirt. It’s not like he has an issue with it, it’s just the risk of spillages and messing up the floor of the library would be a nuisance to clean up.
This is the perfect time to bombard him with compliments though, and no matter how long you do and how much of a routine it becomes he will never fail to turn red at it. He claims he’s getting better and argues that it’s not obvious. You call him out on that absolute lie.
If ever you two are laying next to each other, across one another, or you’re leaning on him, or you have an arm wrapped around him and end up falling asleep he will stay so incredibly still.
That man becomes stone because he does not want to risk waking you.
Sadly you’re asleep and don’t see it, but there’s an uncharacteristic smile on his face when seeing you in such a state of serenity. Soon after he’ll probably drift off himself.
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ruinaimagines · 3 years ago
Reader trying to comfort and snuggle Yesod!!
Hello! Sorry for the lack of posting today, it’s just been a bit busy. Don’t worry though, I’m not going anywhere. Also as you said comfort I’m writing under the assumption he’s not having the best day. Thank you for your request!
Reader Comforting and Cuddling Yesod Headcanons:
As much as he might have improved on himself from the days in Lobotomy Corporation, Yesod still holds a set of quite unrealistic expectations on himself. Failure to reach them can end up disrupting his entire schedule for the day and leave him disorganized and stressed.
He’s not the best at communicating it either, even though he’s certainly improved. It’s less of him having too much pride, and more of the fact he genuinely thinks he can take everything all at once. His very methodical way of doing things is messed up, and he’ll try to get things back on track which only adds on more to handle.
Usually this happens when facing a particularly difficult challenge in the library, and/or when his thoughts are preoccupied with a previous reception. You can never fully understand how a battle will go, and focus can be shifted for so many reasons leading to the death of allies. Even if the particular fight was successful, he still holds a disappointment on himself as it could have gone better.
It’s times like these he just needs someone to help pull himself out of his own reality. That’s where you come in, being able to see the amount of pressure he puts on himself.
It takes a bit of convincing for him to snap out of it. He’s very stubborn, but so are you. Pull him away from what he’s doing, tell him that being distressed is only going to make things worse, that he needs to focus on himself first before he falls apart.
He trusts you a lot and values your judgment, so he decides to step away as you advise even for just a moment. It’s not like he’s the only one keeping the floor of technological sciences on its feet, and he’s helped fill in for others when they were struggling. Why wouldn’t they understand if he needed a moment for himself?
You let him know that no one is upset for any stumbles he made, they will just happen at times. He wasn’t angry when others might have messed something up, after all.
Not to mention, the other librarians on the floor including you had a life full of combat experiences in Lobotomy Corporation, he had to adapt quickly not only to a new body BUT also fighting. Even with the power that the library grants them, it’s unfair to hold himself at such a high expectation when he hasn’t had as much experience in the field or knowledge on threats.
When you two cuddle I can see him being the type of person to lean or lay on you as you wrap your arms around him. I think he specifically feels safer when he’s smaller and you can just hold onto him.
It’s kind of like how armadillos curl up into a ball, he’ll do something similar where he’ll just fold up his legs and cross his arms and hold his head down. When he does this it makes him especially easy to embrace, and you’ll often pull him into your lap and just let him lean against your chest.
He might close his eyes to help focus on his breathing, and he’ll sort of sync up with you. It’s actually a bit loveable the way he just seems so focused and asleep at the same time.
Should you make a comment on it, his eyes will snap open and he will become flustered and start to refute your claims. It might seem like a negative thing to make him embarrassed, but it actually helps distract him from why he was stressed out in the first place.
He also does this little curl up thing if you’re cuddling in bed too. Whether he’s facing away or to you, you’re likely going to be the one holding onto him tightly.
I think that he gets pretty cold rather easily so he actually lays rather close to you. There’s little distance between you two which is a bit entertaining considering him being less physically affectionate.
It also helps him feel more secure. In the same way that he feels vulnerable when he has too much skin showing, or his appearance is unruly, he knows that he can’t really do anything to defend him when he’s asleep.
It’s not as though he’s paranoid that he’s going to be attacked or anything, there’s practically no way for outsiders to specifically find his room anyways, but there’s just this innate fear in his mind.
It’s sort of like how some people are scared of things being in the dark, even though they’re perfectly aware nothing is there. I don’t recommend asking too much about it though, because he finds his unease to be a bit childish and contrary to his logical thinking, and he’d probably be a bit embarrassed the first time it’s brought up.
Sometimes when you two are just huddling together he might actually grab onto you as well. It’s not as big as an entire giant hug, but he might grab an arm or leg and just wrap his own arms around it.
You notice he especially does this when he starts dozing off. The sight just makes you have the biggest grin spread on your face as you’re filled with so many warm feelings.
I think that he’s quite the light sleeper. Almost any noises can wake him up, and a lot of the time he actually just struggled to get to sleep in the first place. However this problem has improved ever since you started to accompany him.
When he wakes up and isn’t fully aware of his surroundings it’s actually just so… for lack of a better word, adorable. I mean he’ll have this slightly confused look on his face as he tries to figure out what’s going on, and he can barely form coherent sentences.
If you greet him good morning he’ll just murmur something back, stretch his limbs, and rub his face. If you were to compliment him or say something sweet he wouldn’t even realize until it sets in minutes later, and it’s a pretty funny experience.
You notice that after you help comfort him and bring him to a better state it takes almost immediate effect. He’s much more composed and prepared to approach tasks, and it helps him get back into a steady flow once more.
If it’s something you can actually help with yourself then he will definitely accept your assistance. He might have to ease back into his quicker way of working again, but you can tell that he’s a lot more present at the moment.
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