#liberal government
"Canada has signed off on the final contract to buy F-35 jet fighters to replace the air force's aging CF-18s, Defence Minister Anita Anand said Monday.
The final agreement for 88 warplanes — involving the Canadian and U.S. governments and the jet's manufacturer — won't see its first delivery until 2026 and the first F-35 squadrons will not be operational until 2029, senior defence officials said during a technical briefing before the minister's announcement.
The project's budget of $19 billion remains the same as originally forecast by the Liberal government when it signalled the purchase last year. Anand and other government officials are sticking to that projection despite the likely effect of inflation — which has caused budgets for other major programs to rise dramatically.
"The F-35 is a modern, reliable and agile fighter aircraft used by our closest allies in missions across the globe," Anand said in a virtual news conference. 
"It is the most advanced fighter on the market and it is the right aircraft for our country." 
A senior defence official, speaking on background, said the F-35 will be purchased in phases and that the first tranche of four aircraft will cost $85 million US per plane.
The deal represents a dramatic turnaround for the Liberal government, which promised not to buy the F-35 and to instead purchase a cheaper jet fighter and use the savings to bolster the navy."
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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This IS BEYOND unacceptable -FU to Doug Ford and ANY politician/public figure in the Ontario Legislature who agrees with this. A keffiyeh is a traditional scarf worn by many Arab people, and people in West Asian communities. It does represent/symbolize Palestinian resistance and solidarity (among many aspects, of course), but that's not a crime -and trying to censure someone's right to wear traditional garments because you'd rather pander to zionists (as this article notes, many wear religious wear every day in office), is the real issue here -this is discrimination. This is legislated discrimination and is hateful.
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theghostwhotumbles · 1 year
Staggering toward death
Just released video shows mortally wounded tech pioneer Bob Lee clinging to life on a San Francisco sidewalk as cars drive by without stopping to help. He died in hospital of multiple stab wounds. https://billmichelmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/3lu5yn_1.mp4 Even Democrat celebrities are sick to death of San Francisco’s liberal soft-on-crime goverment following Bob Lee’s stabbing death in…
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politijohn · 3 months
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wetsocksinbed · 2 months
I genuinely forget that there are Republicans/Trump Supporters on this app. I’m so used to seeing LGBT, feminist, blm, leftist stuff on here that going through a comment section and seeing people be vehemently against Harris because she’s A) a woman, B) black, and C) Democratic, gives me such whiplash. I’m not American, so American politics are already incredibly wild and insane, but to see blatant racism and just straight up misinformation (Harris was in fact NOT a cop, and she has been strongly advocating for a ceasefire for a LONG time) is just…wild
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starryzzz · 6 months
if you guys AT ALL enjoy using the internet whether it's for news, entertainment, or communication purposes there is a bill floating around right now that has a good possibility of being passed that will influence the way we ALL use the internet. this bill is called KOSA and it presents itself as "kids online safety act" but in reality it is and will try to sensor SO much important information out there about LGBTQ+, POC communities, feminism and women's rights, and so much more. the bill targets mainly people under 17 but this bill will affect adults too. your favorite social media and websites will become highly cleansed from anything the government deems as "dangerous" to children online. one of the ways they are trying to ensure kids aren't accessing content that is "dangerous" enforces EVERYONE to upload private information or a photo of your ID to access social media apps and websites. IF YOU CARE AT ALL ABOUT PROTECTING FREE SPEACH ON THE INTERNET AND THE WAY WE USE IT TO COMMUNICATE PLEASE HELP ENSURE THAT THIS BILL DOES NOT PASS.
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truth4ourfreedom · 4 months
Please follow the link below and read this article. It outlines how the Federal government is funding the migration of illegal immigration to the US.
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Everyone needs to vote in November! We need 100% turnout if we are to have any chance to overthrow this corrupt regime! We need to save his nation for our children and grandchildren!
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heritageposts · 5 months
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nando161mando · 6 months
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kafkasapartment · 5 months
“The first step in a fascist movement is the combination under an energetic leader of a number of men who possess more than the average share of leisure, brutality, and stupidity. The next step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent, by emotional excitement on the one hand and terrorism on the other.”
“Freedom and Government” - Bertrand Russell
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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politijohn · 25 days
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mightyflamethrower · 10 months
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maddmann8128 · 4 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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When a bunch of white people (many of them white supremacists if not a majority) started a "freedom convoy" at a critical part in downtown Ottawa -and assaulted and harassed people endlessly (I know MANY people who were scared to go anywhere because of them and who were actually attacked), the cops did NOTHING. I have seen these convoy people go on lives getting up in cops faces -taunting and threatening them but screaming about their civil rights. And they did this FREELY for weeks on end (and still do their rallies without disruption). Wtf could elicit something like this? These bigoted cops.
I also heard the cops allegedly formed a protective line in front of a zionist minutes after he fired a NAIL GUN at the protest.
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An article was also released recently, and I think Amanda encompasses my exact thoughts:
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We need to hold zionists and white supremacists ACCOUNTABLE for the terror and violence they cause ALL around the world. Enough is enough.
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