elvisjahic · 1 year
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cysf · 1 year
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angeldecuir · 3 months
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Historia del Arte I BOOK ∙ 2016 José Manuel Lozano Fuentes Estructurado bajo un enfoque constructivista, editado a todo color y escrito con el lenguaje ameno e interesante que caracteriza al doctor Lozano, este libro cuenta con apoyos pedagógicos que lo hacen muy interesante y práctico para la apreciación de las artes.
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livingwellnessblog · 10 months
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Warriors: You're not ascending to godhood, you're just dehydrated!
Apothecary![Name] who just discovered a new type of poison: Out of my way, gay boy, I'm about to libarate my divine self from this mortal shell!
[Name]: h-hopital.
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lxgentlefolkcomic · 10 months
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Dialogue transcripts (thanks to @cattuladaily for the Italian translation!):
Italian translation in [brackets]
Panel 1
Irene: Re dell'abisso, affrettati…
[King of the abyss, be quick…]
Panel 2
Irene (offscreen): Precipita per l'etra—
[Collapse across the air—]
Panel 3
Irene (offscreen): Senza libar la folgore
[Do not spare the lightning]
Panel 4
Irene (offscreen): Il tetto mio penètra.
[Soak through my roof.]
Panels 5-7
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esuemmanuel · 4 months
It is enough for me with your eyes that look at the goodness in every leaf, in every bird and in every flower that lifts its petals to the wind, inviting the bees to drink from its center the honey that your lips will taste.
Me basta con tus ojos que miran la bondad en cada hoja, en cada ave y en cada flor que eleva sus pétalos al viento, invitando a las abejas a libar de su centro la miel que tus labios probarán.
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the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 2 months
watching mha season 6, ep 1-14
i may or may not have watched all this in the span of 3 days, but thats okay
Episode 1
so this is the paranormal libaration war arc i've heard so much about
not a fan of this intro
am not mentally good enought to get this, so typing it down so it sticks. we got 2 groups, endevour and edgeshot. each group does a thing and students help them
why does this have to start with plot. can we have a fun bit at some point?
"i'd never imagined he'd keep us in the loop like that" -natuso(?) about endevour
i need something fun to happen, can we get something funny to happen?
scary mic sure is something
Episode 2
"who else is gonna step in train all my useless children" dadzawa confirmed
mirko is cool
assuming nomu have basic anatomy, wouldn't they be really easy to defeat? their brains are literally exposed
kaminari/jiro ?
kaminari is cool in the last scene
Episode 3
"Nice line, you sound cool!" "Leave me alone" - see, this is why i love tamaki
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tokoyami is so small what. baby bird man
okay, so hawks and twice were having a moment, now we got dabi
so, hawks has been training to be a hero since he was a kid, he looked up to endevour (had an endevour doll) ans said him and fire don't mix. his name is also kaygo takami, and dabi knows that. hawks may also have killed best jeanist?
twice no
i'm not okay about this
Episode 4
i like fatgum, but only fat fatgum, not skinny fatgum
hawks has trauma, doesnt he (dont they all)
at some point someone has tried to have a staring contest with aizawa. no one ever wins against him.
so mic/aizawa is a thing right?
Episode 5
love how the 2 birdmen are both weak to fire (tokoyami cause light, hawks cause fire burns)
"booty incoming!" - fatgum is now on the favourites list
oh hey, makiya is doing stuff now. thats not good
Episode 6
deku and shigaraki should become besties.
deku using blackwhip is so spiderman
i'm not okay about ryukyu (i'm a sucker for dragons, what can i say)
Episode 7
shigaraki does not want to become afo
oh hey its big guy (I don't know his name)
Episode 8
makiya is the Villan ashido faced in kirashimas backstory?
impressed at how long aizawa has been going for
aizawa got shot with the anti-quirk bullet
Episode 9
hey... uh, is aizawa okay, like mentally? he was going on some rant AND CUT OFF HIS FUCKING LEG while thinking about eri?? like man. and then we get hit with the intro.
oh hey, its todoroki (shoto)
so, aizawa lived, he's got that going for him
okay, golem guy's name is gigantomachia/machia (had to google it)
so no one has died yet (i think, at least no one important)
is majestic important? i don't think i've seen him before, but momo knows him
also if they've been at ua for a year now, does that make them 2nd year's now? does that mean the big 3 have graduated?
deku has unlocked new quirk called float, so he has 3 now (base ofa, blackwhip and float)
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take a minute to look at this
istg if bakugo dies cause of that
Episode 10
give my guys a break, let them go to school and do normal stuff for a bit
"with no sun in sight" -i could take this places, but i wont
holding out for a shigaraki redemption arc
a toga redemtion arc would be nice too
i dont trust that old lady
Episode 11
i wonder if this episode is the dabi-todoroki reveal (its called dabi's dance so maybe)
so jeanist did not die, wonder what happened to him
bakugo lived
so we got the big reveal (dabi dumped some liquid onto his hair, which made it white and said "call me toya cause its the name you and mom gave me) so lets see where this goes
dabi, shirtless on tv "ive killed 30+ innocent people" like dude, can we just chill for a bit
whoo, explaination time! so, why is your skin like that. please tell me
dabi is not okay, like dude is going full on villain monologue
wait what's natsuo's quirk? fyumi has frost, dabi has fire, shoto has both, but what about him (googles it) okay its frost also
its best jeanist
Episode 12
i need to see a hero who does puns. jeanist does comparisons, but thats not a pun, i need to see someone make bad jokes. for enrichment
"great explosion murder god dynamite" bit long, bit violent, but hey
love how ida used his name, like he straight up used that sentance as bakugo's name
Episode 13
can we spare a minute to talk about dabi's flames, specifically the fact their blue. i dont know much about this stuff, but blue fire is alot hotter than normal fire, so yeah, thats interesting
theres something wrong with jeanist, like he's been bleeding a bunch
deku is right. we need to redeem shigaraki
also this music is sad as hell
machio reminds me of the httyd bewilderbeast.
wow alot of people got hurt
Episode 14
okay so there's a guy in a car and I think he's evil. he looks familiar but idk who he is
yep he's evil
we got a new intro
so this looks like the start of a new arc. I'll do this episode then I'll do a new post
in the intro there's a purple haired person, also young shigaraki.
so there was a summery tldr shigaraki and some nominations escaped
is the whole they said no students were there thing important? it feels important
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spare a thought for the endeavour doll just sitting there. most colourful thing in the shot
this scene, of them trying to save everyone is Something.
midnight died
"don't be a wimp. we got 5 weenies on out side" shoto should make his hero name 5 weenies. it'll be funny. but seriously, that kid though
so afo is possessing shigaraki and is getting the nomu to free his body. nice
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elevant39 · 5 months
It´s a wizard and fairy kinda thing
So... I decided to drop another post here... I am so sorry it´s so long... This time about the connection between Wizard 1 and Pixy. (I will refer to Wiz 1 as Lucan for the rest of the post) Mostly because for how little we get, the implications do have a pretty big impact on Pixy as a character (his motives to join AWWNB specificaly). At least that is what I believe. So once again I am need to reference the perfect guide: https://www.skywardfm.com/aczpg-ace-pilot-profiles Now let´s get started. Connection between Pixy and Lucan Thanks to the Perfect guide we can get a really important clue about Pixy and Lucan right from the start. And that is that they are a long time acquaintances. This on it´s own gives us a verry important info about Pixy´s idiology. Pixy most likely had anarchist views before the start of the game. We just never heard about them before Directus because well... Up until that point Pixy didn´t really have a problem fighting in Belkan war. It´s only after he is kinda forced to be part of the counter attack (aka he is on the offensive side) he starts to talk about some of his views. Mission 7 and 8: "Nuclear inspection”, huh? What a joke…"; "Hey Cipher, you hear me? Just look at the view. There’s not much difference between those countries from up here." This does kinda beg the question about how they know each other: Are they long time acquaintances because Pixy always had anarchistic views? Or are they long time acquaintances because Lucan was the one who introduced Pixy to these views? Unfortunately we can only guess because this is all we get from their past. That being said it´s obviose that Pixy does trust Lucan, now I personaly can´t say how mutual this is with Lucan acting like a cult leader and all that. But concidering that Lucan is the only person who calls him by his 1st name in the middle of combat (a furrball no less). And this is the only time something like this happeneds in the game. I honestly wouldn´t be suprised if it was mutual (not to mention with the whole Larry thing it almost feels like Pixy is getting some special treatment from Lucan). However another factor in this is that Pixy is a Belkan war orphan who grew up in a foreign orphanage. Who after leaving became a merc pilot. Meaning that Pixy most likely doesn't have a secondary education, and might not even have primary one depending on how much access to education the orphanage he lived in provided. To tie it back, it makes sence that Pixy would probably trusts Lucan with some of his more philosophical ideas, since Lucan is described as "A deep thinker and has philosophical thoughts. Often pulls quotes relating to philosophy from books and poems." And that is not mentioning that there is 10 years between them. This leads to another conclusion. Lucan is clearly the one who has more intellectual influence in this dynamic. We can actually see this influence if we look at how Pixy talks before Stage of Apocalipse and later in Avalon. Before he is more straight forward with Cipher and PJ. While in Avalon he starts to use more metaphor and more symbolic language (like Lucan). Notebly Lucan and Pixy are the only members that talk about how they will cause a lot of destruction to create the new world. Lucan with his whole "new creation of destruction" and Pixy with his "reset to Zero". Gault 1 mostly talks about his problem how politicians are the one in control and how they never had to go through what they did, Sorcerer 1 is mostly concerned about how borders will create new conflicts in future and how getting rid of them will libare them..
Another interesting connection is that both Pixy and Lucan are the only enemy aces that will use obvious technological advantages against the player in Zero (when I say this I mean something only Belkan magic can explain). Lucan with his Black Widow YF-23 (which somehow has the power to be invisible?) and Pixy with Morgan (I don´t even want to get into to levels of Belkan witchcraft needed for that ECM system).
Now am I saying that Pixy was brainwashed into joining AWWNB? I am honestly not sure, but I would have to say no. Mostly because I think that Pixy is not a case of brainwashing but a case of slow radicalization and how his few connections and world around him as well as his past shaped him into thinking that lauching V2 was a good and moral idea (from his point of view). But that is only how I see it. With all of this out of the way I will focuse on their 2 conversations and what they mean. In game interractions 1) Mayhem Wizard 1: Wizard 1 here, the enemy has broken formation, take them out. Larry, can you read me? Pixy: Looks like you’ve still got the touch. Wizard 1: It’s happening just as you thought, it’s about time we got out of this dead-end job. Pixy: Not just yet. So this one tells us that they know each other but there is something more important. Lucan already gave Pixy an invatation before this mission to join AWWNB and Pixy is considering it. And not turning it down. Meaning that he was probably thinking about joining AWWNB before Hoffnung. That being said just look how casualy this is said in the middle of a giant furball. Implying that they might be more in contact that we think and this is not the 1st time Lucan is suggesting this to Pixy. Also notice that it almost feels like Lucan is trying to push Pixy to accept his offer. Another interesting fact is that after this conversation Pixy´s and PJ´s talks about fighting for peace takes place. If you do keep in mind that Pixy is thinking about joining AWWNB the convo creats another dimension to it. Mostly that PJ is kinda accidentally acting like an intrusive thought to Pixy, basically telling him all the reason why Pixy should join AWWNB while Pixy is trying to grownd himself with every exuse he has. 2) Stage of Apocalypse Wizard 1: Larry, can you read me? Your fairy godmother’s here, Cinderella. Pixy: How could you after what just happened? Wizard 1: [laughs] Today is your lucky day, Larry, just like your birthday. Pixy: And you’re here to pull me off in a magical carriage, huh? to hell, I suppose…
So this dialogue is important because when exactly it takes place. It mostly happeneds right after the 7 nukes are set of, but more importantly it´s also probably happened in the moment that Pixy is most likely in the worst possible psychological state he can be (with Hoffnung before and all that). And right at that moment Lucan just appears out of nowhere and (at least how I read this) starts to reassure Pixy that everything will be alright now that his fairy godmother is there to make things right and pull him of on that carried to that beautiful ball in that fairytale castel that is Avalon. Just like Fairy Godmother did with Cinderella. In her darkest hour she just appeared and helps her and reassures her that everything will be right now that she is here. This is where I once again do need to get into more of a interpretation territory, from what I can come up there could be 3 explanation why Lucan appears at this moment: 1) Pixy already contacted Lucan that he would be joining Meaning Lucan was there to ensure that Pixy would be able to not only join but also to leave to AWWNB,it's just that 7 nukes worked in his favor. 2) Pixy still hasn´t decided yet and so Lucan wanted to give him one last chance to choose and it was an acident that he just so happened to arrive at the perfect moment when Pixy would be most likely to join him. 3) Lucan already somehow (most likely his connection to Gault 1) knew what will happened and just wanted to make sure that Pixy would be in a state where he will not refuse his offer to join AWWNB. Unfortunately this really is up to how you see it. It could be one of them, or a combination of all of the, or it could have been something completely different. I personally fall into a mix of 1 and 2. But this is most likely because of my own personal reading here. That being said every outcome ends the same. Pixy does accept "help" from Lucan and joins him and his organisation. Bonus mission 16: In Wizard squadron fight (knight route), Lucan does mention with his line Pixy, implying that they did talk to each other. "It's just as he said. He flies with aggression." Interesting thing is that only Lucan said this implying that Pixy might have out of the 4 squadron leaders only talk to him about Cipher. With this I believe I already said everything I could from the text it self. However I would still like to talk about some other interesting parallels between Pixie and Lucan that I found.
Parallels of this relationship Morgan and Merlin It´s interesting that Pixy and Lucan seem to mirror the student/mentor aspect of this relationship. Not only is Pixy parallel to Morgan, but Lucan does share some similarities of Merlin too, with his Nick Name “the Blue Magician”. Combine "Often pulls quotes relating to philosophy from books and poems." As well as the fact that you know he literally has Belkan witchcraft on his side (I still have no idea how you can even explain the invisible jets). Cinderella and Fairy godmother I already mentioned this connection in my dialogue 2. I just wanted to mentio it here. That being said this again goes back into the idea that Lucan is the one who holds more authority in this dynamic. Like a guardian over their and ward (at least at that moment). ACE Combat 3 spoiler START Rena and Dision So for those who haven´t playid it. I will be droping some important spoilers here so... yeah.... It´s interesting that they do seem to hold similar position in their organization respectfully. Both Dision and Lucan are leaders (well in Lucan´s case we can only believe that he is, but even then HE is the one who actually has connection to all the interview pilots so make of that what you will). That want destruction of the world Dision for his revenge and Lucan...honestly I do personally believe that he really is just that zealot and believes that is will create a new better world. And Rena with Pixy being the pilots of Super Planes (Rena being the one in charge of Night Raven while Pixy is the last plan of AWWNB with Morgan). The more interesting parallel is also that both Rena and Pixy are recruited and how.
Rena was groomed (and later even brainwashed) to join Ouroboros and be the pilot of Night Raven. Simular thing could be said for Pixy that he was slowly radicalise by war and probably Lucan to join AWWNB and was later choosen to be the Pilot of Morgan. And this is all I could find since I unfortunately have´t played AC3 fully (this is all that I could find from essays and wiki) ACE Combat 3 spoiler END
Ok so another thing my sleep deprived brain forgot to say is that there is also another parallels in how they are after Avalon and their interviews. After Avalon They are both the only members that still try to somehow continue in the ideology of AWWNB. Gault 1 is death, Espada 2 only was there because of Espada 1 and Sorcerer 1 gave up and lives a normal life (as normal as being watch by Osea can allow). On the other hand Lucan continues in his ideas same as before. Even trying to recreate AWWNB and even trying to assassinate the President of Osea. But was later lock up and turned kinda insane. Kinda going deeper into the dark both metaphorically and literally.
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While Pixy thanks to seeing ground Zero and help from people (and probably the fact that he no longer is in contact with Lucan) is able to reflect and learn from all of this. He realizes that V2 wasn't the solution and that to fully understand the situation he needs to learn more about why borders exist and why people creat them. He in a sence returns to light (like there is a literal shot where beams of light are shining on him his last speech)
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So yeah I somehow forgot the one thing that make me create this post..... sorry about that....
This is really the end (I hope this time), I hope that you all liked reading this brainrot of mine. So yeah... thanks for reading all of this and sorry for how long this was... and how I forgot to put the last part here Have a nice day
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rabbitprayer · 3 months
I've also been giving myself extreme whiplash again going to my super libaral church and then going home and reading Catholic theology and watching conservative protestant youtube vids.
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the libarals are changing the big mac to the he/hamburger
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roguesynapses · 1 month
Dude (gender neutral) i dont how you find those people but its wild seeing leftist people being like. "Yes! Genocide, human sacrifice and slavery, and these Two Candidates that are shit either way is the only solution to kill capitalism! Huh? You dont agree. You danmed libaral *and more 10292003983 assumptions abt you*"
I- i dont think that leftism (especially radical leftist) should be.....whatever this is. Maybe I'm naive, but when i hear people rightfully angry about our shitty global system, i expect them care about the well being of people (and other things too obvs) above any political ideology.
At least have some politeness when dealing with strangers who are also trying to find a way to help.
a lot of the time i find that "leftists" who support liberal democracy "for now" (not just in USAmerica but worldwide) are either not really leftists and only Bernie Sanders/Tony Blair type socdems who don't really give a shit about destroying capitalism but want to make it less caustic (e.g. free healthcare, expanding welfare, more housing, megaprojects, etc) OR are Libertarian Leftists (usually demsocs) who are deeply, deeply concerned about their own position in society and want to preserve it at all costs. the latter i sort of understand, especially if you're older like the person i was talking to was. you spent decades facing discrimination and through struggle the state has finally surrendered to you a modicum of rights. you want to hold onto those crumbs hard, no matter what else is happening.
personally i think that view is pretty racist and, quite frankly, naive considering the track record of states as a whole, but i can't really blame people too much for it, other than advising them to examine their own biases and consider more effective means of resistance.
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markwinters86 · 3 months
Lizr lizbard lizzzarrrr
Libar lizr liza liazarrrr
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sabakos · 6 months
Joe Biedn wont fuck u, LIBARAL
hi max yeah i thought i've well established this already on this blog but the establishment politician i want to get fucked silly by is Jeb! Bush. they do have the same initials though so I see how you could get confused
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leregirenga · 7 months
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Te vuelvo a recordar junto a mi boca, desvistiendo caricias, deseos y tentaciones que me provocan a dejarte los labios pintados en lugares donde el sol no te toca, a dejar el sello de mi lengua en tu dermis y la huellas de mis manos en cada palmo de tu piel.
Te se de memoria, aún así, creo que sigo descubriendo lunares en dónde nunca los había visto, deseos en dónde lo sorprenderte es ver cómo te retuerces de placer mi dulce amor.
Es tu carne campo para sembrar palabras, olores, sabores y flores y hueles a paraíso, tu esencia es de bosque, de paraíso y libar de lo dulce de tu aliento me quita la respiración. Amarte es mi pasión!
Leregi Renga
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fagmegumi · 2 years
bene vos bene te patriae pater optime caesar il primo augusto è morto ed anche il secondo ora sono pronto a reggere il mondo inchinati d facciamo festa dall’alba al tramonto non metterti contro o perdo il self control io non capisco qual è il problema se sono cosi immorale ho portato duecentomila capi di bestie da immolare quindi iniziamo a libare e non fatevi pare preferisci venerare il mio nome o farti decapitare scegli su bevete riducetevi tutti una porcheria che domani metre dormite faccio approvare un’altra amnistia this shit is real andiamo di congiaria e spendo tutti i miei sold
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