My first time taking part in one of these tag games, so I hope this goes well.
This is a WIP fic, so it might not turn out to be the actual final line, but whatever.
Yes, this was greed; wanting to gain everything he desired and also not lose anything in the process - greed, pure and utter greed.
I nominate @heroesrest64 and anyone else who wants in
Hello and thank you for the last line game tags @hurricane105 and @amelias-calamity-quintet !!
I’m splitting out as the post was getting quite long, also my last line is a doozy:
Link's hands tighten on her breasts and a small groan escapes him.
Anyway, yeah…tagging @cyraclove @unmaskedcardinal @st0rmyskies @portraitofalinkonfyre and anyone else who wants to play!!!
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I finally started replaying Pokemon Legends Arceus (my last save got lost, but it's not like I got very far in that one, so it wasn't a huge deal), and of course, my brain demanded LU fic ideas.
My current notes/thoughts on this AU
[Name] got isekai'd when they were 15, it's been about 4-5 years since, so they are now 19-20
[Name] is in their Depression Arc because - despite having dealt with the rift stuff and "sought out all pokemon" like Arceus told them - they still have not been able to get back to their original home and the fact that they might never get back is starting to set in and they've all but given up
They try to put on a brave face, but that mask tends to slip
Rei and the rest of the cast can see that [Name] is not doing well (taking more and more time off to stay in their home, being very quiet and introverted almost to the point of misanthropy, spending the majority of their energy on long walks with their pokemon, etc.) and they are trying to help them get back on their feet, but it's practically going at snail's pace
I think that travelling with the Chain and sharing experiences will help them come out of their shell again
They are a crafting/DIY master
Seriously, they can make basically anything with the stuff that they forage
Be it potions, arrows, replacement strings for their bows, fishing rods, clothes - if they have materials, they know how to make it and make it well
Actually forging weapons and shields is a bit out of their wheelhouse, but they've basically become Four's unofficial apprentice
Also, a pretty good cook
Not Wild's level, but being out in the wilderness and having to feed an additional 6 non-human mouths forces one to develop their cullinary skills and get creative (unless you're Rulie, apparently)
But no one makes better potato mochi (after volunteering at the canteen enough times, they picked up the recipe and method) they can probably make those in their sleep
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Wouldn't it be funny if Four was like in his early to mid 20s?
The others do not expect that and he knows it. That's why it makes for amazing trolling material.
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warriors: -because you're pretty, smart and you ignore me
Apothecary!Reader creating mustard gas: excuse me, what were you saying?
Warriors: perfect
His little war criminal <3
#linked universe x reader#lu x reader#linked universe imagines#lu imagines#linked universe x reader incorrect quotes#lu x reader incorrect quotes#ta'stg#the apothecary's travel guide
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Imagine isekai reader being a huge fan of “Epic: The Musical” and sporadically singing the songs while on long journeys with the chain… imagine all the trauma it would cause Wars 😂
Admittedly, I have not watched Epic. I've heard a few songs, but not that much. Most of the knowledge I have on the Iliad and the Oddessy comes from pop culture osmosis and Overly Sarcastic Productions' videos on them.
I feel like if you don't tell them upfront that this is a piece of fiction, the chain might think that the Troan war and the things you sing about are actual history, including all the gods and monsters.
But it's still a fascinating story. Very captivating with many interesting characters, some more relatable than others.
I feel like "Would You Fall in Love With Me Again" would hit really close to home for various reasons.
I hope you're ready to become the designated storyteller for a while, because they really want to hear more stories from your world. Doesn't matter if it's about Greek mythology or history, it could be about any place or time you know about.
I, personally, would probably tell them about Kalevipoeg and his exploits.
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Recently watched the apothecary diaries
I wanna see the boys reaction to Them realizing Apothecarys dad wanted to literally buy them
We will be getting to Lakan, so I don't really want to spoil anything.
But the chain does agree that they all have him on their shitlist. Even before they learn that he has been trying for years to take you with him, they see how you act whenever he's brought up.
That face says it all.
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You say they’d be fascinated by elephants? (Not wrong, BUT!!!) *Clears throat.*
Name: “I present to you all, the Platypus!”
Totally not gonna believe this God forsaken creature is real. Tbh I’ve SEEN these things with my own two eyes and I’m still not positive it’s even real. Pretty sure it’s a made up thing Disney created for marketing.
(I kid, I kid.)
I mean, all of Australia feels like a fever dream.
Like what do you mean there's a plant that can cause you excruciating pain that can last for months? The gympie-gympie plant.
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I don't think Hyrule is very diverse in terms of fauna. At least, it is much less diverse than Earth. Or maybe wild animals are just rarer, while domesticated animals are more commonplace.
I mean, Twilight literally makes a comment on how he's never seen an actual rabbit.
And that's why I love the idea of Isekai'd Reader and the chain doing Creature Feature nights like it's an episode of Wild Kratts.
Elephants would blow their collective minds. I mean, typically, the biggest animals they've seen are like bears, horses/loftwings, maybe some deer. Now imagine telling them about these house sized beheamoths with tentacles and giant tusks coming from ther faces, all screeching trumpet-like ounds like someone just declared war, and they're almost as smart as people.
And, yes, Wind has seen some big stuff, but he's still just as fascinated by elephants as the rest of the chain.
Do not tell them about blue whales and they're so big that a person could fit inside its arteries (allegedly).
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Twilight: So how's your "plan" going?
Warriors: I don't know, let's see. *turns towards Apothecary![Name] in the distance* NOTICE ME!
Apothecary![Name]: NOOO!
Warriors: *turning back towards Twilight* About that well.
#linked universe x reader#lu x reader#linked universe imagines#lu imagines#linked universe x reader incorrect quotes#lu x reader incorrect quotes#ta'stg#the apothecary's travel guide
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Btw this is official art
For whatever reason the developers wanted Christianity to be the official canon religion in the Zelda universe. Obviously, that ended up being changed but remnants of that still remain, epecially in Zelda 1 and 2. They literally have the bible as an item (but due to Ninrendo of America's rules about depictions of religion in games at the time, it was translated as the book of magic).
Now I'm imagining Hyrule accidentally saying Jesus's name out loud and Isekai'd [Name] looking at him lke "how do you know who that is???"
Hyrule and [Name] when the other mentions Jesus
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You know, despite the fact that I've been writing fanfics for over 10 years, I still get Imposter Syndrome. There are many days where I feel like I'm just not good enough. That my style is weird or my dialogue doesn't flow and sounds stiff and awkward, like the characters are just talking at each other and not to each other, or I go on tangents that feel out of place and random.
But then I look at shit like this and immediately know that I am soooooo much better than anyone who does this:

This legitimately makes my blood boil.
And yes, I do, honestly believe that I am superior to AI users on every conceivable level as both a creator and a human being. Fucking fight me.
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I bougth Hyrule Warriors recently and already had to lower the difficulty on the 3rd map. Oh yeah, this is going to be great.
Me fighting Ghoma in the Deku Tree:
Fuck Ghoma. All my homies hate Ghoma.
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Should I like make a Discord for this blog?
It would be a place to more easily share our thoughts and get in touch without me spamming 'update' posts on this blog.
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A little detail that I want to go into a bit more detail with in the future is how Legend and Apothecary![Name] are both secretly much higher rank than others.
Even if we don't subscribe to the "Legend is Fable's brother" theory (I personally don't btw), he's still a part of the Knights of Hyrule by blood. The most recent update in the comic brought this up, when Legend states that he'd never become a knight.
Apothecary![Name] is the only daughter of the La family and should anything happen to Loumen or Lakan, she'd become the heir. In a way she is a "princess" (not literally, she is not going to lead a country or anything), given just how powerful the La family is.
They both have a much higher position in society than they want to admit. As a side, they definitely bond over this fact and start shit talking the nobility.
I imagine that the others would be pretty shocked to find out her real 'status.' Maybe they even end up acting slightly different around her, probably unintentionally; for example, Wild reverting back to his old ways when he used to shadow his Zelda.
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You ever think that Time would be extracareful with Reader because he saw that "someone will die" message in Wild's slate?
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Okay, but like, Rulie and Legend breaking pots in the newest update was adorable.
The Sillies fr.
Now Hyrule has found Rupees twice. My favourite boy gets what he deserves.
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Hi, I just wanted to say that I love your writing ( though I do have a soft spot for any loz/lu x reader writer😊) and I was wondering if you will write for cartoon!link aka courage/Cdi!link aka koridai. Not everyone writes for them and I wanted to know if you did?
Yes, I am willing to write for them. Can't say if I'll be very good at it, but I can try.
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