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the-birds-they-are-here · 7 months ago
As someone who is going to go through bottom surgery next year..
Source: emmettpreciado
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atlasrainerot · 1 month ago
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Happy Aro Week!!! 💚🤍🩶🖤
Have this meme I made bc I REFUSE to believe that this is just me sksk—
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the-birds-they-are-here · 7 months ago
Next year I will be going into surgery(To cut my wiener off) and I am feeling anxious
Is it painful?
Is there anything I need to know before doing it?
Could something go work permanently scarring me for life?
Will I feel good?
Will I regret it?
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mister-girrrl · 1 year ago
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Where my freaks at?
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endlessnebula · 4 days ago
I'm so tierd of seeing this 'all trans girls are puppy girls in constant need of praise' stereotype
Some of us are cat girls in constant need of praise too lol
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crystalsandbubbletea · 1 year ago
Their name was Nex Benedict.
Nex Benedict, not whatever name the news keeps saying.
Nex used He/Him pronouns according to friends, not whatever the news keeps saying.
Nex was the victim of a hate crime. Nex's death was because of a hate crime. Nex's death was not an accident, it was a hate crime.
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mephojixx · 18 days ago
so many of those "drop the t" people make no fucking sense.
"lesbians don't want to suck dick!" and nobody is forcing you to. if they are that's just rape and has nothing to do with their transition
"it's weird!" .. okay??? and?? so what.
"well its too complicated and they talk about dysphoria and stuff instead of just your attraction to other people!!!" life isn't that simple. if somebody's identity is complicated, that is fine. and even then transitioning isn't as confusing as you're making it sound.
"it's a mental illness!!!" I heavily doubt you're qualified enough to make that statement. and, regardless, in the hypothetical scenario that it was a mental illness (its literally not), not all mentally illnesses can go away! not all illnesses are developed throughout life; a lot of them you were born with but you didn't know!
to add more onto that, if you replace the word trans with any form of neurodivergency then things show a lot clearer on how stupid it sounds. let me demonstrate
"(having autism) is so weird" "people with (adhd) don't exist, theyre just troubled and (easily distracted) people who want attention" "(npd) is just an excuse for (people) to (act egotistical), its not an actual thing!"
that doesn't make any sense and is really stupid. so do you know what else is stupid?
"being transgender is so weird" "people with gender dysphoria don't exist, theyre just troubled and confused people who want attention" "transgenderism is just an excuse for men to creep on women, it's not an actual thing!"
summary/tldr, transphobes should fuck off.
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the-birds-they-are-here · 5 months ago
Autistic and Trans and Ace
are you autistic and gay?
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lesbian and autistic perhaps?
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an autistic pan or bisexual?
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asexual and autistic?
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trans or non binary and autistic?
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any autistic member of the LGBTQ+ community?
well guess what...
you're fucken great and I love you
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ryzrood · 1 year ago
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scretladyspider · 9 months ago
so I had a conversation while getting prepped for anesthesia yesterday where I got to educate a lesbian nurse about asexuality and it made my heart very warm
I don’t know why?? but when she asked my sexual orientation (it was in patient info) I just said “asexual” (I guess I was nervous about stuff and my brain just did it) and she was like “it doesn’t list that option so I’ll put other but what is that? If it’s okay that I’m asking”
and I was really nervous but figured I had already taken the leap without looking, so I said “well it’s like… so, you have little or no sexual attraction. Like you just don’t have it. Or some people do rarely, like I’ve had it a few times in my whole life.”
I thought about talking about demisexuality but decided to just stick with the larger umbrella for simplicity.
she considered this and asked, “is it kinda like abstinence, like you don’t want to do it?”
And I explained “well anyone can be abstinent. a lot of people figure out they’re ace because they don’t want to do it. Some people are both ace and abstinent, or celibate. Im kinda neutral about it. Like… I like it but I don’t really seek it out or think about it. But you don’t have to be both.”
And she nodded and said, “oh yeah, I was abstinent for a few years once,” like it clicked for her that she had made a choice and she wasn’t ace, and there was a difference.
And I was like “Yeah! anyone can be celibate or abstinent, but, not everyone who is, is ace.”
And I went on to explain a lot of people figure out they’re ace because they don’t have interest in sex, but that that’s not the case for everyone.
And she said “reminds me my daughter told me all about pansexual, which is more about liking person than other aspects.”
And I said “well, that might be more along the lines of panromantic?”
And she asked what I meant, and I said “well like, some people who are ace might still like people that way, like, romantically, but not always?”
And she nodded and said “yeah, that makes sense.”
So feeling encouraged I explained, “like, some people like to split up romantic and sexual attraction. Like some who are ace might still like people romantically, but not always. And if you don’t have romantic attraction and you’re ace, you’d be aro ace — aromantic asexual.”
And she kinda nodded and said “oh, that’s neat.” and then, when I talked a bit about why it can be nerve wracking yo talk about, she said “I don’t get why people get mad about that stuff. Or people think I’m a lesbian because my best friend is. People just are the way they are.”
And we had a little laugh about how ridiculous homophobia is, and then she had to go, but, that exchange really gave me hope. Just… a random person at least fifteen years my senior who heard a word and immediately was open to learning about it.
I have experienced acephobia from people in medicine and I still have no idea why I just volunteered that I’m ace. I didn’t have to. I just blurted it out before my brain caught up with my mouth. But it turned out okay and now an older lesbian nurse knows asexuality exists. (And aromanticism tho we didn’t get as much time to talk about that.)
I do wish I’d maybe worded some stuff differently or been able to go into more detail, tho the time was limited, but… yeah. Warm heart. There is good in this world Mr Frodo etc etc
to clarify as I got asked about it: she did explicitly state she was a lesbian. This is summarized to the best of my ability from memory.
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sparkbirdmusic · 1 month ago
no LGB without the T (and Q! I! A! 2S! +!). people have been trying to erase us for thousands of years but guess what, we’re still here. if you break us apart, we’ll just come back newer /lyr
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tevallen · 10 months ago
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run and shout! it's our month, our colours, our lives. we are the LGBTQIA2+!
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lindsay-lust · 2 years ago
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I made this as inspiration for other sluts ♡
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otherbombdotcom · 1 year ago
Accepting that we are all going to repeatedly contract a virus that causes cumulative vascular damage, is accepting that the most vulnerable among us will die. Layered covid mitigations, starting with wearing a high quality respirator, says no to preventable infections and "acceptable" death.
Image Description: Dark grey and red text over a grey scale background. The background is an image of an N95 respirator. The dark grey text reads, "Say NO to preventable infections". Red text offset behind the grey text reads, "Acceptable death".
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mrdaddydyke · 2 months ago
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What do we think of this new "official" Two-spirit flag? 🤔
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efangamez · 4 months ago
Introducing: The EfanGamez Trans Mutual Aid Bundle!
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Hey y'all! I am a trans feminine nonbinary gamedev looking to start HRT in the coming months, and costs will be high for being uninsured AND starting new medication to help with my illnesses, so I need your help!
By reaching this goal and beyond, you can guarantee nearly an entire year's worth of HRT treatment. Anything beyond the amount would be used for housing, food, and clothing, all of which I would love to have help with. It's also my birthday this coming month, which is also an incentive, I guess!
Physical illnesses and mental illnesses have made it difficult to create this past year, and I am hoping with this big change to my life I can finally start living as my authentic self!
It's because of you beautiful people I'm still around today, so I ask you again to spread some love to Trans people and be a good ally / comrade today!
Here are some goals that I have if we reach certain goals!
$100 Goal: This will help some start up costs, including first doctor appointment and possibly first prescription.
- Reward: I'll host a game jam titled "Best of 2024" in January of next year where people can submit their best products made this year and can celebrate their achievements!
$400 Goal: This will help with going a bit beyond startup costs and can help start routine blood work tests!
- Reward: Previous rewards, and a free One-Page Wizard-Themed game will release about two months after this sale is done!
$1,000 Goal: This will really get us started on our journey, and can help us stockpile meds if necessary.
- Reward: Previous rewards, and I will release a sneak-peak of a secret cyberpunk project I have been working on for a while, and will release a BW, non-illustrated Alpha version in the next coming months!
$2,500 Goal: This amount will assist me in getting therapy alongside my meds so I can have as much assistance as I can on this journey.
- Reward: Previous rewards, and will release a setting pack for Disk Masters, my Pokemon-inspired TTRPG, that expands upon the world!
$5,000 Goal: This goal would help me thrive, assisting me with gender affirming clothers, therapy, a gym membership / personal trainer, and more!
- Reward: Previous Rewards, and will have enough money, therapy, and otherwise to make my life a better life worth living, and as long as physical illnesses don't wipe me out, should really ramp up production on the many projects I have in store!
Thank you so much for your consideration, and I hope that you can snag some games to help a Trans person out thus holiday season!
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