#lgbt+ writing prompt
↬June 2023 - 24 Hour Challenge↫
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Hello all! For June I'm bringing back the 24 hour Pride Challenge that I put on last year! It turned out to be such a fun event and so many people participated! It was a joy to read all of the fics that were submitted for the challenge!
How it works:
I will post a prompt every other day and you will have 24 hours to write a fic based on the prompt and post it. For example if I post a prompt on Monday at 12 p.m. EST  you would have until Tuesday at 12 p.m. EST to post it. The next new prompt would then be posted on Wednesday at 12 p.m. EST.
The first prompt will be posted Thursday, June 1, at 12 p.m.
**note because of the event happening and prompts being posted every other day I will not be posting regular weekly prompts.
Days prompts will be posted:
June 1
June 3
June 5
June 7
June 9
June 11
June 13
June 15
June 17
June 19
June 21
June 23
June 25
June 27
June 29
The work has to be Tarlos centric but can include other characters.
All work must be properly rated and have appropriate warnings.
Accepted works: fic's, moodboards, fanart, gifs
The prompt needs to be incorporated in some way in the fic
Minimum word count of 500 words
Please tag the blog url and tag it with the hashtag #twppride2023
Any questions? Just ask!
*reminder that I also have a discord for this blog and if you're over 18, DM me for a link to join!
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thepromptfoundry · 4 months
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For June 2024, the Prompt Foundry is celebrating with Pride and Promptudice!
Different colors mean different things to different people, but for many the association between rainbows and queer community and pride is undeniable. Let's take some time to explore these colors, what they've meant historically, and what they mean to each of us now!
If you use this list, please tag me here @thepromptfoundry, I’d love to see your writing and art!
Feel free to combine different days' prompts with each other, or combine them with other seasonal events! Use your OCs, your favorite characters from media, your own experiences, whatever tickles your fancy.
Respond to as many prompts as you want or as interest you, don’t worry about missing or skipping any. Remember, this is supposed to be fun!
If you have any questions or musings, check our FAQ, and if you don't find your answer, shoot me an ask.
Plain text list below the cut:
1 Roses 2 Lipstick 3 Ruby Slippers 4 Oranges 5 Sunsets 6 Lemons 7 Wisdom 8 Green Carnations 9 The Forest 10 Turquoise Jewelry 11 Artemis 12 Bluejeans 13 Midnight 14 Lavender Marriage 15 Labrys 16 Sex 17 Life 18 Red Ribbons 19 Healing 20 Campfire 21 Sunlight 22 Gold Rings 23 Nature 24 Bow and Arrow 25 Magic 26 The Ocean 27 Serenity 28 The Lady of the Lake 29 Spirit 30 Royalty
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fav wlw plots? ❤️‍🩹
This is very broad, so I'm just giving story ideas I would love to read.
WLW Plot Ideas
her parents never liked any of her boyfriends, so to annoy them she gets her friend to pretend to be her new girlfriend and plot twist: her parents love her
a secret agent that often gets assigned to flirt with bad guys, gets the assignment to get close to their latest target: a lesbian hacker
the popular girl in school is expected to like the jock. but the athlete she really is into is the cute girl from the wrestling team
her friends arrange a blind date for her and she gets highly confused when it's another woman showing up, because a) she thought it was a male name and b) she never actually came out to her friends or anyone at all
they are both bridesmaids for their friend's wedding, but have never met and are now seeing each other all the time for dress shopping, bridal shower, the weekend long bachelorette party and of course the destination wedding
it's no secret that the princess is close to her chamber maid, but no one knows exactly how close (prompts)
they are both in historic positions: one is a queen who rules without ever marrying a man and the other one is her sworn shield, a woman who is the mightiest knight in all the land
Hope you like these ideas and 🌈 happy pride month to everyone! 🌈
- Jana
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Writing Prompt #2385
"And you love him more than anything?" The king looked down at his son, and then to the low-born archivist behind him.
"Enough to give up everything if I must."
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kelandrin · 4 months
BG3 Pride Prompts
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Found Family ● Plants ● Fairy
Mentors ● Contemplation ● Tomb
Gathering Place ● Siblings ● Learning
Eating/Cooking Together ● Weapon ● Silver
First Family ● Stuffed Animal ● Wisteria
Party ● Desert ● Knight
Home ● Vampire ● Field
Support ● Glass ● Lullaby
9. First Meeting ● Song ● Dragon 10. Touch ● Dreams ● Transition 11. Confession ● Royalty ● Magic 12. Journey Together ● Matching ● Shapeshifting 13. The Next Step ● Flowers ● Library 14. Happily Ever After ● Dance ● Mermaid 15. Growing Together ● Stars ● Fighting
16. Self Discovery ● Unicorn ● Underestimate 17. Victory ● Crossdressing/drag ● Birds 18. Justice ● Masks ● Harbor 19. Coming Out ● Sky ● Blooming 20. Festival ● Witches ● Child 21. Someone Like Me ● Sunshine ● Poetry 22. Escape ● Destiny ● Translate
23. Expression ● Moon ● Ghosts 24. Colors ● Ocean ● Gold 25. Clothes ● Demons ● City 26. Art ● Clouds ● History 27. Storytelling ● War ● Playful 28. Seeing the World ● Angels ● Pet 29. Leaving Behind Something ● Storm ● Forest 30. Who You Are ● Gods ● Sacrifice
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Might be a day late but it is here! You don't have to use BG3 characters for this. Just made it in mind for this fandom. The first prompt is the pride prompt, the rest are bonuses! Try to make it queer themed or just have queer characters involved. Dividers.
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touratoura · 5 months
TV Show idea: A Christian woman named Juliet moves into a new neighborhood, hoping to find a husband and have a child. After moving into her new home, she goes to meet her next-door neighbors - and is horrified to find out it’s a loud, party-girl, dirty mouthed black lesbian named Maggie Dalene and her smart, CEO girlfriend Mary (played by Laverne Cox). Juliet does everything she can to try and turn them to Christ. She does it both forward and subtle. While she does this, she also meets and falls in love with a man named Paul, and starts visiting the local orphanage to bring the kids there to faith.
The main plot points of the first season:
Juliet’s (failed) attempts to convert Mary and Maggie. They keep running into each other. Maggie goes the opposite way and tries to get Juliet to relax a little. Juliet is especially concerned when Christmas comes around and they bring out the Menorah.
Juliet meets three triplets at the orphanage named Jesus, Emmy, and Susej. Susej is the only girl. Juliet tries to get the three Jewish kids to convert, but they refuse. She also tries to get Emmy to go by his full name, Emmanuel - but he finds it stupid.
Lucifer and Abbadon (Lucy and Abby) are a gay gender-unconforming couple who have extremely random jobs everywhere. They seem to be working everywhere. Cashiers, fake-Gucci boot sellers, librarians, janitors, shelf restockers, anything. They’re there. No one else mentions it. It drives Juliet insane. She finds the idea of them being feminine men disturbing, but she can’t call them anything but Lucy and Abby as she refuses to say the Devil’s name. She also finds Abby being black disturbing.
It’s often hinted at that Susej is the Antichrist. And by hinted at I mean she’s always staring piercingly into empty space, whispering threateningly, and is always there when things go wrong. Also her eyes occasionally go black and she starts floating and speaking ancient curses. Juliet is terrified. No one else notices.
Jesus is friends with a group of 12 boys from the orphanage, named Peter, James, John, Andrew, Phillip, Judas I, Matthew, Thomas, James A, Bart, Judas T, and Simon. Jesus goes by Jeezy-boi. The others go by Peezy, Jazzy, Jozzy, Azzy, Pheezy, Jewzy, Meezy, Teezy, Jameezy, Beezy, Yeezy, and Seezy. They’re all played by 12-year-olds, except Yeezy, who’s played by a Kanye West-lookalike. It’s never remarked upon. He talks like Kanye.
Juliet tries to get Mary to turn to God. She will often compare her to her “namesake”, Mary of Jesus fame, to show her the “right side”. Mary takes none of it and points out that Mary and Jesus were Jewish. Mary is very no-nonsense when it comes to these things. Mary is heavily implied to actually BE Mother Mary as she knows things the church doesn’t.
Paul keeps accidentally calling Juliet Jennifer. She doesn’t notice. He’s often drunk and rude to waiters and retail workers. Juliet is too, mind you. He hides his phone and yells a lot. He complains about Juliet’s decision to “wait until marriage”, but doesn’t mind her being anti birth control.
At the end of season 1, Juliet gets married to Paul. He barely gets the vows right at the wedding. Mary and Maggie go out for an unknown trip. There’s a time skip of a few months. Maggie and Mary are celebrating outside of their house, because Maggie just won a Noble Prize in Chemistry. Maggie is yelling “I won! I won!” Juliet smiles and says, “No. I won.” She’s holding a baby in her arms. Maggie paused for a moment and responds “No baby, I won. Paul’s gonna leave yo ass in 3 seconds. You gon have to raise that baby alone. And who says we ain’t got kids?”
Jesus skates by on a skateboard with a cowboy hat. He tips his hat to them as he passed. Emmy is running behind him in a pink skirt. Juliet places her baby down momentarily to talk with them, as Susej comes up and starts whispering to the baby. It nods, and she smiles, before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke. She reappears behind Mary. End of Season 1.
This isn’t a prompt but I would gladly accept criticism and more ideas. And characters. I’m open.
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sleepyjuice-juice · 11 months
Writing prompt: a world where some people are secretly designated the magic role of Cupid. They matchmake. One of these cupids is, ironically, aromantic - a person whose life revolves around something that they themself can never partake in.
Story title? Cupid’s Aro
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arielthedaydreamer · 1 month
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little--leaves · 18 days
fuck it, im going to say it. I want to run my finger over the little scar in your eyebrow. I want to trace the delicate creases on your eyelid. I want to caress the contours of your ears and I want to place a finger on the little indentation on the side of your lips.
I want to notice all the diminutive things about you and love them enormously.
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tarlosweeklyprompts · 2 years
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Week: Feb. 19 - Feb. 22
Prompt #1: It's been a few weeks since Carlos was kidnapped and he's on the road to healing, being cleared by the doctors TK and Carlos can now be intimate.
Prompt #2: "I didn't think you'd be home yet."
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
All works need to be new works.
All works need to be Tarlos centric
All works need to be properly tagged. - Additionally Please no content that contains incest or glorification of topics such as sexual assault / rape / suicide etc. (This topics may be written about seeing as Tarlos are first responders but please refrain from glorifying these acts.)
All work needs to be posted by Saturday at 5 p.m. EST. Masterlist will be posted on Mondays
Tag the blog and I'm tracking the tag #tarlosweeklyprompts
More information in our pinned posts
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undeaddirtboy · 28 days
I am Amira, the breadwinner for my family after my father's death. We were forced to flee to the southern part of Gaza after the war intensified. Our home, my university, and my workplace were bombed😢.
We are now in desperate need to escape this danger and continue my dream and educational and professional journey💔. I kindly ask you to donate or share the campaign link. Your support can save our lives and give us a chance to live in peace🍉.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart🙏.
vetted campaign
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jmnxjmnx · 2 months
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Ode to equality. Blooming. 2020
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Person A: You need to cool your rivalry with Person B, it’s getting homoerotic. Person C: I will not rest until I top him! Person A: … Person D: … Person C: Academically! Top his scores! Get your heads out of the gutter!
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toruandmidori · 4 months
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Start writing your gay life story with our  range of cool, camp, vintage journals, notebooks and diaries celebrating and reclaiming the amazingly weird and weirdly amazing art of mid-century LGBTQIA+ pulp fiction novels!
Add a little quirky, retro kitsch to your life with our new sexy notebooks, they make great gifts for wordy friends! 
Shop the full range here, individual links below: 
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kind-lion · 3 months
The Siren's Call
The Princess sat next to her father, to his left, hands clenched tightly in the skirt of her red dress. She wasn't listening to what was being said, not that anyone really expected her to, she was an accessory after all. The conversation was about her, at least she caught that much, but no more. She sat silent and obedient. She didn't want to. No, she did not.
She couldn't help her glances either. She wasn't meant to listen so her eyes strayed away, not like anyone was looking at her or noticing. Her eyes drifted to the tank installed. The banging long since having stopped, but the creature inside no less agitated. Swimming from side to side, sharp teeth bared, teeth that could tear flesh apart.
For a moment the princess wondered, what it would be like to be ripped apart.
The Siren was a gift from the fishermen of the kingdom, to their gracious king. So she was displayed openly in the throne room of the palace, a giant tank installed with glass that she could not break, to avoid any form of escape. The Siren was the king's own trophy just after his daughter.
The Princess stared. She has looked at the Siren every moment since her capture. The golden tail, scales shimmering from the light of the chandelier, enticed her to get closer and closer but she had to stay put in her throne. She wanted to know what those scales felt like, if the Siren's hair was as soft as it seemed while drifting in the water, if the Siren would speak to her.
Sometimes, she toyed with the idea of sneaking to her, to try and talk, but the Princess feared punishment, though it was getting harder to deny herself the pleasure of seeing the Siren. Her dreams weren't enough anymore, both the ones of being welcomed with opened arms and the ones that stained her skin the same red of her dress. She couldn't tell the difference anymore, couldn't say what she wanted more.
The Siren looked restless and the Princess yearned to help. The chatter beside her still going on. It sounded important, she considered trying to turn away from the tank.
Dark eyes met hers and she was enraptured again.
She couldn't look away at that. Perhaps she imagined the kinship that sparked in her that was mirrored in the other's eyes. Perhaps she imagined the heat in her veins.
Her name was called and she was pulled away from the moment, the Siren swam and Princess wondered if she imagined everything. By her Father's side she left the throne room, subtly taking deep breaths to recover.
She glanced over her shoulder to the Tank. She'd visit tonight. She can't deny herself any longer.
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omgcheez · 1 year
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Here are the prompts for #Madrigaydays2023 ! This event will be running from June 24-30. If you habe any questions, feel free to ask.
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