#leviathan fitness
franticvampirereads · 11 months
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This is super cute and fun! It’s fun and ridiculous and sweet and it didn’t take itself too seriously. I loved that the author really, really knew their audience. I can’t tell you the number of times that it made me giggle over little things. Tegan and Atlas were just so smitten with each other right from the start and it was absolutely adorable.
One of the things that I really liked was that we got some mid-sized rep in Tegan and that she was happy in the body she was in. I also liked that we kind of had the opposite in Atlas. He was less confident about his body even though he was in the best shape of his life. I liked that Tegan was the one to help Atlas find a balance and love his body in a healthier way.
I think my only complaint about this book would be the sex scenes and the dialogue choices in them. They felt flat and kind of out of character? Or maybe it’s that the dialogue felt really cheesy in a not great way, if that makes sense? Otherwise I really enjoyed this book. And it’s the kind of breezy summer read that you didn’t know that you needed. This is getting a solid 3.5 stars from me.
Reading Challenge Prompt Fills:
Shop Your Shelves: beautiful cover, drink water while reading
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willmarstudios · 5 months
Bookworm Will Review 2024 (#3)
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Title: 'Tentacles and Triathlons'
Author: Ashley Bennett
Rating: 3/5
The palette cleanser I didn't know I needed after reading Modelland!
I didn't have much interest in the rest of the series, thankfully they're all individual stories, but seeing a bearded queer monster romance was kind of an easy sell for me. Plus Cyrus (the kraken) is an artist, so another huge sell for me.
A pretty straight forward plot, training for a triathlon while fighting off feelings that you have the hots for your kraken swim coach despite childhood trauma/fears surrounding monsters. While the story wasn't ground breaking, I think it held up its end on providing some steamy spice~
Cyrus was more daddy than expected, so like I was taken a back, but I ain't mad though.... lucky Reece lmao
I kept picturing Abe from the original Hellboy movie, but with the attitude provided by monster lover daddy del toro. *chef kiss*
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softcenteregg · 2 years
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For Ashley Bennett for reaching a writing milestone! Doodle of Fallon from Muscles & Monsters.
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"am i really that old?" lucifer wonders on the train later
(you've probably seen them already but references taken from this post + the original tweet)
-> the follow-up
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devilmen-collector · 3 months
One of the devils: *looks at MC with suggestive eyes and puts a hand on their thigh*
MC: *slaps the hand away* No, it's Holy Week! Be holy!
The angels: Amen.
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broodlords · 6 months
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big bird ego thoughts for verg (red eyes are a sign of danger)
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wintrmute · 6 months
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Background under the cut because I actually really really like it www
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4belphie · 1 year
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spreading my ‘mammon gets pegged’ agenda one edit at a time
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doodlboy · 9 months
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Levi giving they/it/she rn <3333
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littlestardescendants · 6 months
Okay remember that poll I did like a week ago asking about the Pettiest Angel??
Well it was for this!!
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See Gabriel might not be above this and Mirjami is the embodiment of "I just came here to have a good time and I'm feeling so attacked right now" Meme ROFL-
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 2 months
On the subject of gotham county line and batman noel and so on and so forth it’s pretty frustrating (from a watsonian pov) that anytime Bruce hallucinates Jason being loving/ caring/helpful/compassionate towards him it’s always as robin and never as his current self
#it's ironic because Jason as robin never got the chance to become as obedient & devoted (malleable) to Bruce as he currently is#which is a result of being abused/manipulated for a more prolonged period of time#“maybe if I try harder and do it right this time he'll finally see the truth”#classic abuse tactic#no matter how well the victim fits the mold set by the abuser they’ll never acknowledge it#rather if they see you trying they’ll push harder and tell you you’re not perfect#the small shreds of affection here and there are important for motivating the victim to keep trying#kelseethe#Jason initiating the hug in rhato 27 after Bruce insinuated that those beatings will be a regular occurence bc he deems it a necessity#continuing to support Bruce even after Ethiopia and sticking around to help get Damian back#eagerly cooperating with Bruce + co in event leviathan then getting surprise pikachu faced/hurt after being betrayed#making a conscious decision to comfort Bruce in gotham war after Bruce fucked him up and left him behind#having undying conern for Bruce's wellbeing while Bruce regularly endangers his life#ex. Bruce's weird habit of committing vehicular assault on Jason whenever they're on the road demonstrated both in tfz and gotham war#point being: Jason was much more psychologically fit to be defiant towards Bruce when he was robin compared to now#he's more of a “good son”™ now than he was as robin Bruce is just too used to thinking whatever he wants and never being satisfied#the only times Jason got mad/upset at Bruce during one issue and continued to stay mad until the next#other than lost days and utrh was batman 410-411 and early in aditf before Bruce helps Jason find Sheila#so much worse has happened since then and all that just magically became water under the bridge off-panel
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odysseys-blood · 3 months
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leviathan would wait til the very last second to kill an angel trying to attack loyal and would not feel bad about it one bit (bc what's the problem? you're still alive.) their relationship is just a back and forth of this to me
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happy birthday to the three realms' most specialest girl!!! (i promise i love you even though i put you through so much)
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autism-corner · 8 months
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7er1ch0 · 1 year
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Also I feel like Levi would mainly cosplay female characters.
I also have a whole study relating to his relationship to his relationship with cosplay but you know what that's a post for another day, I’m tired. 
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the fact that carnivore is an ancients-only tertiary is my villain origin story
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