#lets try starter attempt round two
msgexymunson · 2 years
Christmas With Eddie
Description: you spend your first Christmas with Eddie, and manage to make him feel the magic of the holidays again.
Warnings: Nothing really, just fluff, fem! implied reader, Xmas celebrations
A/N: Just a cute little fluff piece to celebrate your first Christmas with Eddie! Merry Christmas Everybody! If you enjoy it, please comment and reblog, it'll make my day (and it would be a lovely Xmas gift!) ❤💋❤
1.3k Words
Eddie has always hated the holidays. It was too cold for starters. Never having much at home, he never got a proper winter coat, and the holidays just seemed that little extra bitter without one. He remembers his middle school days; dragging his feet home in his year round jacket from good will, trying to stuff his hands as deep as he could into the worn pockets, attempting to excavate long lost warmth.
The TV adverts were torture on top of the cold. There's the perfect family, they seemed to say, mom, dad, two kids and a dog. Happily ever after. There was never an advert with some poor kid with an uncle for a dad, pinching pennies in a trailer park, living off of canned goods and food stamps.
It didn't matter when he grew, when he earned money from illegitimate means for himself. The holidays always had that sour edge to them, like an unripened orange. Bitter rind soft against his impoverished tongue. They weren't meant for him.
And then there was you. Eddie knew from the moment he met you that you were too good for him; too nice, too pure. He knew that this was a temporary thing; some sort of short-term madness that he was lucky enough to be a part of.
These thoughts invaded his mind when he caught up to you. He couldn't help but chuckle in the middle of the mall, eyes sparkling like the inside of a Christmas ornament. You are giggling obscenely, turning over every single snow globe you could find. There were a lot.
"Eddie, look! There's so many!" You giggle and bounce on the spot, unable to contain yourself.
"Yeah I see baby, having fun?"
Your eyes flicker back to his, pure sugar plum fairy dreams rattling around your skull.
Eddie feels a fire reigniting in his chest; a longing he hasn't felt since his mother was alive.
Failing to notice, the whites of your eyes reflect coloured fairy lights, enchanted with magic and love.
"Look at the grotto Eddie!! Oh my God, it's perfect!" You point, magic in the air expelling through your excited fervour.
Eddie laughs, following your finger. Excited children gather at the edge of the grotto, lining up to see Santa Claus.
"Look! It's so cute!" You beam, reviewing the line of wide eyed youngsters in your wake.
"You think they'd let me in?" You tilt your head to the side, pondering.
"I think you might be a little big princess." Eddie laughs, rubbing your arm in consolation.
"Hmm. No fair. I wanna see Santa."
"Well, how's about we go home and you sit on my lap instead?" Eddie smirks, tilting your chin up to meet him. You grin right back, arms thrown around his neck, pulling him in for a sweet kiss.
It's Christmas Eve, and Eddie's pulling up to the trailer, expecting it to be dark and cold, since Wayne liked to pull extra hours for double pay at the plant; but to his surprise there are coloured lights in the windows. Intrigued, he walks into the living room, and sees you bouncing on your heels, in a little elf dress and hat, beaming like the rays of the sun.
Eddie and Wayne had a Christmas tree, of sorts. Just some little thing sparsely covered in cheap baubles and a few homemade decorations from when Eddie was a kid. It was still up, and the wonky stars and macaroni angel were still on it, but they had been joined by some new ornaments. Plus there was tinsel. A lot of tinsel. It surrounded the TV and the door frame, as well as hanging from the ceiling. Coloured bulbs shone everywhere, refracting the glitter, making Eddie feel like he was in the inside of a disco ball.
"Princess, it looks like Christmas threw up in here." He laughs. Eddie's stunned to say the least. No ones made the trailer look like this before. No ones cared enough.
"I know right! I asked your uncle and he said 'go ham sweetheart,'" you say back at Eddie, putting on your Wayne impression, complete with gruff voice and frowny face. Eddie chuckles. It's pretty spot on.
"You didn't have to do this you know."
"Oh I know. I just, wanted you to feel special. Plus I thought we could do gifts tonight, if you're ready?"
"Yeah if you want," Eddie flushes. "They aren't very expensive or anything."
You frown at him, eyes glassy. "Baby, it doesn't matter what they cost, they're from you. I know I'll love them."
Eddie's heart swells at your words. He wonders what you see in him, how he could have possibly gotten this lucky to call you his girlfriend. It's like everything you touch is pure magic.
He leads you to his bedroom and barks out a laugh when he gets there. You had been in here too, but the fairy lights around his desk and bed were red, and you'd managed to scrounge some black tinsel from somewhere.
"Princess I love it. Fuckin metal."
"Yeah, I thought this was more you."
Reaching to the side of the bed, you pull out a gift bag.
"Here you go baby. Merry Christmas!"
Eddie rips the bag open unceremoniously, tearing at the tissue paper inside. Out flops a matt black jewellery box. He flips it open. Inside is a silver ring; a skull, but the top of the skull turns to silver flames. Eddie is shocked.
"Sweetheart, it's too much, I-"
You wave your arms, "nope, nope. You deserve it. Just accept it. I wanted to give it to you. There's something else, look in the tissue paper."
Eddie, already reeling from the gift of the ring, looks inside the wrapping to discover another paper wrapped present. He tears it open, revealing a beautiful dice set. There's a red, dragon like eye set in the middle of each one.
"I thought- well, it was kinda like the eye of Sauron, kinda fitting for a DM, you know? All seeing?" Nerves rack your voice.
"Sweetheart, they are perfect. You're perfect." He reaches out to envelop the back of your head with his large palm, pulling you in for a soft kiss.
Eddie doesn't know how to tell you you've turned his heart inside out, and teared all his barriers down as easily as confetti.
"Here's yours princess. Sorry, I'm not great at wrapping." He thrusts a lumpy parcel into your hands, hastily added bow sitting lopsided on the top.
You rip the paper carefully to reveal the perfume you and Eddie both loved that time you visited the Mall together and nearly got thrown out by security. You giggle at the memory.
Immediately opening the box, you spray the scent on and inhale deeply.
"Oh I love it Eddie, thank you!" You peck him on the lips.
"There's, a couple more." He gestures to the parcel, cheeks flushing red.
You investigate further, and discover a mix tape, as well as an envelope. Curiously, you unseal it and look inside. It's a painted picture of what looks like your D & D character. A beautiful elven ranger, all leather and fur, with a gorgeous bow, a quiver on her back and a strength in her eye.
"Oh baby, I cant even- I'm so speechless. Its incredible! Thank you!" You throw your arms nearly violently around his neck, pushing him flat on his back.
"Thank you so much Eddie." You kiss his nose, and meet his eyes.
"No, thank you." Eddie's eyes are full with love.
Eddie has always hated the holidays. He is currently struggling to remember why. Eddie loves the holidays, now that he's with you.
This is just a gift to some lovely people. I hope you enjoy it. Happy Holidays!
@eddiesprincess86 @munson-blurbs @eddiemunsonfuxks @onehotgreasymechanic @zestychili @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @indouloureux @lunatictardis @joejoequinnquinn @bowerquinn @greenishghostey
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
Don't Blame Me Ch 6
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Joe Velasco x reader warnings: language, alcohol, nicotine, sexual conversations, smut, semi public sex. Sorry for the delay between chapters besties! I hit a bit of a block but we're doing great now!
Sometimes drinks with Grace meant sweatpants, a box of wine and frozen pizza on her couch. Tonight, drinks with Grace meant dolling up and trekking all the way down to South Manhattan. She’d had her eye on Hidden Lane Bar and their famed espresso martinis for weeks and wasn’t about to let you convince her otherwise. The other bargaining for coming into Manhattan was that it was a different crowd than normal, new people, a bigger pond for Grace to pick from. She had surveyed her options upon arrival, eyes scanning through the room while you ordered drinks and the two of you found a suitable table. You joined in on the fun for a bit, searching through the crowd to point some of them out to her as you attempted to figure out what kind of a vibe she was going for tonight.
“Okay, enough about me trying to get laid,” she huffed, scooping up her drink as she looked across the table, “I wanna hear all about you actually getting laid.”
You let out a laugh, taking a swig of your drink, “for starters, he picked me up on a motor bike.”
“Very.” You grinned over the rim of your glass, “he took me bowling, I kicked his ass.”
“And then I spent the entire weekend at his place.” You admitted, feeling the heat rushing into your cheeks as you let out a little laugh and a wicked grin took over Grace’s face.
“And you spent the entire weekend in his bed, right?”
“Not just the bed.” You took a sip, feeling a light spark ripple through you at the memories suddenly flooding you brain. “We spent some time in the shower, plenty of time on the couch, little rendezvous against the living room windows and his closet doors are floor to ceiling mirrors…so…do with that what you will.”
“Girl!” Grace’s mouth fell open before bursting into a wide smile, “you fucking got it last weekend, holy shit good for you.” She raised her glass to yours and you laughed, raising your own to clink against hers. “I think I know the answer already, but better than Captain Douchebag?”
“Worlds better!” You laughed, “Grace, I am not fucking kidding you, this man… holy shit. When I tell you he knows how to fuck, I mean he knows exactly what he’s doing and he made me feel things I didn’t even know were possible. And like, I have never had a man go down on me as many times as he did. When I say he loves pussy, I mean he really loves pussy.”
“He really loves your pussy.” She nudged your leg with her foot under the table, “big dick?”
“The perfect dick.” You groaned in response, “like, a dick is a dick, but occasionally it’s a really nice one, you know what I mean, right?”
“Yes.” She laughed, “sounds like you really hit the jackpot.”
“I really fucking did.”
“You must be pretty sore this week.” She teased and you laughed, rolling your eyes.
“A little, but Jose is ever the gentleman and knows a thing or two about aftercare too.”
“So you didn’t just fuck all weekend?”
“No.” You laughed again, “he made me breakfast, gave me an incredible massage, we got take out Saturday night, spent the time watching old horror movies when we weren’t fucking. Sunday we went out to brunch over at Jimmy’s and popped over to the farmer’s market.”
“You convinced him into the farmer’s market?”
“His idea.” You shrugged, taking another swig of your drink, “said he wanted to treat me and would need to pick up a few things. Seemed like he knew a lot of the vendors.”
“You really went from a piece of shit who barely even looked at you to a godsend of a man who is obsessed with you in the best way, huh?”
“I guess I did.” You couldn’t help the smile on your cheeks, adoration for Joe shining through and Grace groaned as she drained her drink before signalling for another round.
“Talk about lucking out with the right place at the right time.”
“I know.”
“So what was the treat?” She asked with a smirk and you shook your head at her.
“Some of it was food, he wanted to cook me a nice dinner.”
“Cute.” You retorted and she reluctantly agreed with you, “then after a couple of rounds he poured me a glass of wine and told me to relax, then had the most incredible bath ready to go. Like, I’m talking the full treatment, bath oils, candles, rose petals, ultimate relaxation.”
“Babe…” Grace’s hand dropped on the table, squeezing at yours, “this man is in love with you. How many times did you suck him off?”
“That’s the thing!” You laughed, pausing very briefly as your fresh round of drinks were dropped off, “I haven’t!”
“I didn’t get the chance.” You explained, taking a hefty sip, “he very selflessly made it all about me.”
“Christ, you lucky bitch.” She teased with a grin, “now, suck his dick and I guarantee you he’s putting a fucking ring on it.”
“Grace…” You warned with a near scold and she rolled her eyes at you.
“When’re you seeing him next?”
“Dunno.” You shrugged, “I usually swing by the bar on my way home and he’s almost always there. Otherwise he said he’d call. We texted a bit yesterday but I was busy editing for most of the day and he said he felt bad bothering me.”
“Well next time, edit while you’re with him.”
“We can barely keep our hands off each other, I’d never get any work done.”
“Sounds like a win to me.”
“I need to make the funds for hot girl summer, you know that.”
“I thought you pawned the ring from Captain Asshat?”
“I did.” You sighed, twirling your glass for a moment before taking a sip, “didn’t even get a full two hundred for it.”
“You kidding?” She asked with wide eyes and you shook your head, “great, so he’s not just an asshole he’s a cheap bastard.”
“Well,” you raised your glass to her, “to bigger and better things.”
She happily clinked her glass to yours, taking a long sip before her brow scrunched and she looked across the table at you with a mischievous glint in her eye, “wait… was that a euphemism?”
“What do you think?”
“Girl, you really are about to have the best summer of your life.” Leaning across the table Grace excitedly high fived you before settling back into her seat and the conversation slipped back onto her goal for the night.
By the end of that round the two of you had been adopted into a group of friends from a couple of tables over and the energy was through the roof. Conversation morphed into small bets, story telling to see who could one up the other that eventually morphed into a few rounds of drinking games. Everyone was feeling great, laughter and happiness weaving its way around the table. By the end of the third round of the game, Grace was practically in the lap of the guy she’d had her eye on for the past couple of hours. You urged her into a bathroom break where you double checked she was only tipsy and in fact had secured what she’d come out for tonight before you told her to have fun and call if she needed anything. It didn’t take much for the guy to slip away from the table and catch the two of you up at the bar and Grace was gone with him a second later, leaving you to figure out what to do with the rest of your night.
Stepping out onto the street you pulled a smoke from your purse, lighting it before leaning back against the wall, glancing up and down the street. It wasn’t early by any means, but it didn’t feel late enough to just go home. Digging back into your purse you grabbed your phone, tugging your lip into your mouth for a second while you debated it but hit Jose’s contact anyways, waiting while it rang.
“Hey baby.” His voice soothed through the phone, “thought you were out with Grace, you girls need a ride or somethin’?”
“No.” You laughed softly, a warmth blooming in your chest at his consideration, “we’re finished with drinks, Grace got what she was lookin’ for.”
“Ah..” he chuckled, “and now you’re left bored and alone?”
“Made some new friends but nothing substantial.” You shrugged, “feels too early to call it a night, figured I’d see what you were up to.”
“Nothing important.” He replied, “where abouts are you?”
“Manhattan.” You glanced down to the corner, searching for a street sign, “East fifteenth and Irving.”
“Hmm…” he paused for a second, no doubt trying to pin point your location compared to something to do, “you know Pier 35?”
“I’ll meet you at the swings, gimmie like.. twenty minutes?”
“Sure.” You smiled into the phone, “I’ll see you soon.”
“Stay safe baby.”
“I will.” You laughed softly before hanging up the phone, dropping it back into your purse and stepping off the curb to flag down a cab.
The pier wasn’t crowded, only a handful of people scattered around and only one other couple on the swings which meant it was easy for Joe to spot you the moment he stepped out of the car. You were on the opposite end from the couple, one leg tucked under you while the other rocked the swing back and fourth. You had clearly dressed up to meet Grace, a white bodycon dress wrapped around your frame and he watched as you shook your hair out, gathering it in your hands so you could tie it up and have it off your neck. It gave him the ample opportunity to approach you from behind, leaning down to press a kiss to your exposed skin.
You jumped slightly but as the breeze picked up you caught the scent of Jose’s cologne and a warmth spread through you as you turned your head, a soft smile on your cheeks.
“Hey yourself.” He smiled back, rounding the swing so he could press a kiss to your lips in a proper greeting, “sorry for the wait, figured I may as well pick up some treats.”
“Oh really?” You asked with a grin as he placed down a six pack on the ground and settled onto the swing, paper bag nestled between you.
“You girls eat?”
“Just drinks.”
“Whatever it is smells incredible, so yes.”
He chuckled softly, pulling out a tray of tacos from the bag, making sure you had extra napkins on your lap to avoid any drips on your dress. You couldn’t help but let out a low moan at the flavours exploding on your tongue as you ate, insisting Joe tell you where he found such amazing food and he laughed, saying he knew a lot of the guys who owned food trucks in the area and he would be happy to introduce you. He cracked a beer, passing it to you before opening one for himself and the two of you fell into the casual routine of catching up and sharing small talk while you finished eating and enjoyed the views.
Your phone pinged at one point and you pulled it out of your purse to check the notification before slipping it back inside, a small smile on your cheeks.
“That Grace?”
“Her night already over?” He smirked and you laughed.
“No, she just got to the guy’s place. We always share our locations with each other if we’re with someone who’s practically a stranger.”
“Smart girls.”
“There are a lot of fucked up people out there.” You sighed, crumpling up your taco wrapper before dropping it into the take out bag and tossing both into the garbage. Returning, you shifted onto the swing so you were tucked under Jose’s arm, “you gotta be careful.”
“Oh I know. It’s disturbing.” He replied, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “how long have you known Grace?”
“Nine years I think?” You replied, your brow furrowing, “maybe ten already? Jeeze.”
“Damn, so you two really are that tight.”
“She’s my ride or die.” You shrugged, “I’d trust her with my life. She’s always had my back and I know she always will. We both know what it’s like to have to fight for yourself over and over again to get what you want from life, she’s not a quitter.”
“I’m glad you’ve found that in someone, it’s important to have your person.”
“I think it helps we have a lot of similarities too. Her dad ran off when she was a kid, her mom died while she was still in high school, she basically raised her younger brother. It hasn’t been easy but at least we’ve got each other.”
“I’ve always said loyalty is one of the greatest qualities a person can have.”
“Like you and Chilly?” You asked tilting your face up to look at him and he chuckled.
“Exactly like me and Chilly.” He left a feather light kiss on the tip of your nose and you felt warmth bloom through you, “I’d do anything for that guy and even though I’d tell him not to, I’m sure he’d fall on his own sword to protect me.” He brushed back a loose piece of your hair, his fingers running down the side of your face as he gazed down at you, “and you know that loyalty automatically extends to you too, right? If I’m not around or don’t answer the phone you go to Chilly, he’ll do whatever you need, no matter what.”
“No matter what, hey?” You looked at him with that familiar teasing gleam in your eye and he was already rolling his eyes before you could complete the questioning tease. “So if you’re busy and I’m home alone… lonely…bored…”
“He wouldn’t even dream of it.” Jose replied with a laugh, “you want me to call up Grace and see what she says?”
“She’d be fine with it as long as I was involved.” You replied with a shrug and Joe’s head tilted in curiosity.
“Have you done that before?”
“We’ve been known to have our own fun.” You replied with a giggle before leaning in to steal a kiss, “I’ll let you imagination handle the rest of that.”
“And when exactly do I get to meet her?” He asked with a smirk, pulling a laugh from you as you pinched his cheek, kissing him again.
“I’ll bring her by the bar next time she’s free.” Laughing, you poked him in the ribs before settling into his side again, happily humming at the feeling of his lips brushing the top of your head.
A comfortable silence took over the swings as Joe used his foot to push it slowly back and forth, wrapping his arm tighter around you as the breeze picked up. It wasn’t much longer before you felt something wet hit your arm and at first you just through it was the wind picking up the river until you noticed the ripples on the water.
“Should we head out?” You asked, pulling your head up from his shoulder and Jose chuckled.
“It’s barely sprinkling.” He offered, raising his palm to the sky, “and I’ve always thought there was something romantic about the rain.”
“Oh really?” You laughed, watching as he stood from the swing, his hand grasping yours before tugging you up and you let out a squeal.
“Yeah.” Smiling, he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you to him as his other one remained holding yours, “somethin’ cute about dancing in the rain.”
“You fucking sap.” You teased, your nose brushing against his before he kissed you and you were melting into his embrace.
Jose nudged your hip with his, softly pulling away from the kiss as he started to lead you in an easy slow rhythm, bodies tucked together as rain drops pattered the ground around you. You couldn’t help but smile at how cute it honestly was, a small intimate moment just the two of you as he hummed a somewhat familiar rhythm. His nose nudged against yours, capturing your lips in a kiss again, his hand dropping yours so it could cup your cheek and your hand found a place on his waist. You let out a happy sigh into the kiss, nearly moaning when Jose slipped his tongue into your mouth. The arm around your waist tightened, pulling your body closer to his and you let out a small groan, his hand just about to sneak down to your ass when a crack of thunder broke through the night sky. You nearly jumped away from him, both of you laughing as he pulled you back toward him.
“I’ve got you, nothing to be scared of.” He teased, kissing your cheek and you laughed, looking upwards as the rain started to pick up, heavier drops hitting more frequently.
“Yeah but a sudden downpour is.” You squealed, the drops beginning to coat your skin, “c’mon.”
You tugged him back to the bench so you could scoop up your purse before he led you to the car, barely making it before the sky had truly opened up and the rain was nearly sleeting down. Joe pulled you to the car, spinning you in his arms so you were braced against the side of it as his eyes roamed down your body.
“Fuck…” he muttered, his eyes darkening “someone’s not wearing a bra…”
“Kind hard with this dress.” You replied, a husk in your voice as you felt yourself tingle at the way he was looking at you. Jose ducked down, pinning you to the car as he kissed you, his tongue surging into your mouth, dancing against your own. You moaned into the kiss, your hands tugging at his belt loops, rolling your hips against him, feeling his cock hardening in his pants. He broke the kiss at he next crack of thunder, quickly glancing around the pier before unlocking the back door.
“Get in.”
You scrambled into the back seat, crawling over so there was room for Jose to get in after you and he swiftly locked the door and shoved the drivers seat forward for extra room. A second later and his hands were on your hips, yanking you into his lap and you let out a playful shriek. His hands ghosted up your sides, squeezing at your chest to pull a moan from you before he cupped your cheeks and pulled you down to him for a kiss. His lips moved feverishly against yours, his cock already hardening in his pants as you ground down onto him. The kiss was full of fire and passion, only a moment before his tongue was in your mouth, dancing against your own, little moans and whines escaping from your throat only to be swallowed down into his lungs.
Jose’s hands ran down your body until they found the hem of your dress, bunching it up over your hips so one of them could sneak between your legs, starting to rub at your cunt through the excuse of a pair of underwear you had on. Your hands threaded into his hair, tugging at the roots as you moaned softly into the kiss, your panties dampening at the touch of his hand. He slid the fabric to the side, fingertips ghosting through your folds and when he discovered that wetness a small chuckle left his lips.
“Never takes much to get you goin’.” He teased and you huffed out a breath, your eyes fluttering shut as he ran his fingertips through you again, pressing slightly harder this time.
“Not when it’s you.”
His thumb brushed against your clit and your breath caught in your throat, pulling another small laugh from Joe, “suppose I shouldn’t leave you hanging then.”
You let out a breathy moan when one of his fingers sunk into your pussy, slowly thrusting as his lips found yours again to stifle your sighs. You managed to get a hand between your body, palming at his cock through his pants and he let out a groan into the kiss, teeth nipping at your lower lip and you couldn’t help but smirk when he had to pull away.
“Fuck..” He groaned.
“Oh… you can do better than that.” It was your turn to tease as you quickly undid his belt, shoving his pants open before spitting into your hand and slipping it into his briefs. He let out a hiss as your thumb brushed over the tip, smearing the leaking precum before you began lazily stroking him. “Fuck…” You murmured as he added a second finger, beginning to stretch you out for him. You were just starting to set a steady rhythm riding his fingers while jerking his cock when he suddenly pulled his fingers out and your eyes snapped open, letting out a whine.
“Gotta get rid of these.” He grunted, fingers slipping into your panties and tugging them down your legs before he started to adjust you on his lap and your hands pressed against his chest, pushing him back into the car seat.
“Not yet.” You purred, crawling off his lap to the other side of the backseat as you tugged his pants down over his hips, letting his cock fully spring free and your mouth practically watered.
Jose barely had time to realize what was going on before your lips were wrapped around the tip of his cock and he let out a low swear, his head dropping back as his eyes flew shut. You let him pop out of your mouth before licking a broad stroke up the underside of his cock, tongue flicking at the head and he groaned. Your lips wrapped around him again, sinking down slowly until you could feel it hit the back of your throat and his hand came to rest on the back of your head. He didn’t push, just let it rest there, trying not to tangle into your hair as his cock twitched in your mouth. You gently bobbed, hand wrapping around what you couldn’t fit into your mouth while your tongue traced the veins on his cock.
“Christ querida.” Joe panted, his cock throbbing each time it slipped into your mouth.
You let it drop from your lips with a gasp, catching your breath before leaning back over, sucking his balls into your mouth while you fisted his cock. Joe let out another low swear his fingers tightening in your hair as pleasure shot through his body, all the blood running straight south he could barely think anymore. You let out a moan, the vibration sending a shock through him and his hips jutted up toward you, your hand squeezing softly around his dick. Your tongue traced the underside of it again before swirling around the head, sucking the salty pre-cum into your mouth.
“Fuck.” You muttered, your eyes darkening as you took a second to look up at him, head thrown back, small beads of sweat across his furrowed brow as he tried to keep any ounce of control. His cock thick and throbbing in your hand, chest heaving, a grunt escaping his lips as your thumb brushed over the tip again.
Your mouth wrapped back around him, sinking down all the way, this time pushing it an extra inch into your throat as you hollowed your cheeks around him. Your tongue traced patters around his cock, sucking as you gagged lightly, drool pooling in the corners of your mouth.
“Fuck that feel so fuckin’ good princesa.” When you pulled back to just the tip in your mouth he couldn’t help it, meeting your rhythm with a roll of his hips, fucking into the back of your throat with each thrust. You could feel him throbbing in our mouth, the head of his cock twitching in your throat as you hollowed your cheeks again. “Gon’ make me come.” He groaned, his hand gently wrapping into your hair and pulling you off his cock. You gasped to try and catch your breath and could feel a string of spit trailing from your lower lip to the tip of his dick and Joe let out another swear, his thumb coming to swipe it away only for him to groan again as your lips wrapped around the digit, sucking it into your mouth. “Get that fuckin’ pussy up here now.”
“Yes sir.” You teased with a grin, climbing back into his lap.
Jose didn’t even let a second go by before lining his cock up with your drenched cunt, thrusting his hips up to meet yours as you sunk down on him.
The groan was mutual as you began to bounce in his lap, one of his hands on your waist to guide you while the other started to yank down the top of your dress. Your hands braced on his shoulders, letting you set a steady rhythm to ride him. Joe’s hand pawed at your chest, groping the tender flesh, finger and thumb pinching at your nipples until they were pebbled and swollen in the cool air. He could feel your pussy fluttering around him already, the head of his cock brushing your g-spot with each thrust, pulling louder and dirtier sounds from your lips.
 Pleasure was surging through you, juices smearing across your thighs and down Jose’s cock, pulsing around him, your clit brushing against his body as you rolled your hips for a better sensation. The way he was playing with your tits was just enough to have you panting, but you wanted more.
“Choke me.” You moaned, eyes fluttering open as his hand crept up your collarbone, resting at the base of your throat and you gave him a little nod, your hand wrapping around his wrist if you needed to tap out.
His hand circled your neck, squeezing softly at the sides and your eyes rolled back, a satisfied moan leaving your parted lips as you continued to ride him.
“Fuck baby.” He grunted, cock twitching deep in your pussy. Your tits bounced every time you landed in his lap and you were a gorgeous sight like this that he never wanted to forget.
“Harder.” You moaned, your hand squeezing around his wrist tighter and he copied the pressure on your throat, “fuck… yes..”
You began to grind down onto his lap and he knew you were close, surging forward to capture one of your tits in his mouth. His tongue flicked across the swollen nub and your hand clutched at the back of his head, holding him to you. You let out a whine, pussy clenching down around his cock as your hand squeezed again and he increased the hold on your neck right as his teeth sunk into your skin. He bit your nipple, pulling it away from your body before letting it pop from his mouth, blowing cool air from it and you let out the best gasp you could. Little whimpers were all that were leaving your lips by now, the coil of pleasure getting tighter each time his cock plunged into your cunt, you were so incredibly close.
“Come for me.” He husked; his voice strained as he tried to hold back his own orgasm until after he’d made you see stars. He lurched forward again, teeth sinking into the curve of your chest, sucking and nibbling at the tender skin right as he squeezed down around your neck, hard.
“Fuck!” The strangled cry came right as your body shuddered in his lap and he felt your juices dribbling around his cock.
Joe loosened the hand around your throat, grunting against your chest as he continued to suck at your skin, fucking you through your orgasm faster as he began to chase his own peak and it was only a moment later he let out a loud grunt, spilling inside you.
Panting, you dropped your face into the crook of his neck, nuzzling into the embrace, fingers tickling softly at the back of his head. His cock twitched inside you, feeling the way you were still fluttering around him in aftershocks. Joe’s hands softly trailed a pattern up and down your spine, finger tips leaving goosebumps in their path. You let out a happy sigh, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of his neck and his arms wrapped around you before he kissed the side of your head.
As your breathing calmed down and the sounds of skin on skin were finally diminished all that remained was the soft sound of rain drops pattering on the roof of the car. You were lulled into a sense of complete relaxation, your body completely melting into him, the warmth from his hands spreading through you as if he’d pulled a blanket over your body. A crack of thunder broke through the sky, lightning bolt lightning up the night and you involuntarily shivered. Joe let out a soft hum, squeezing at your hips as a beam of headlights cast through the car as someone else pulled into the parking lot to make a U-turn. He waited until the car was out of sight, nudging at you softly,
“We should get outta here.” He murmured, “you wanna come over?”
“I’ve got shit to do in the morning.” You replied with a small yawn, letting out a hiss as you shifted off his lap, his cock slipping out of you, cum dribbling down your thighs. Reaching out Joe adjusted the top of your dress, passing you your panties to tug back on before gently swatting at your ass.
“Climb up front, I’ll take ya home.”
His hand settled on your thigh as he drove through the dark streets, pulling up a few doors down from your building so he could actually park the car. He opened your door for you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he walked you right up to your door, turning you in his arms so he could lean down to press a kiss to your lips. You keys dangled on your finger, the jingling grabbing Joe’s attention and his eyes flicked down towards them.
“You ever gonna let me come up?” He asked, a teasing grin on his lips and you let out a small laugh, ducking your gaze as you shrugged.
“I.. like, just moved in, it’s a mess, boxes everywhere.”
“So let me help take ‘em to the recycling.” He offered and you let out a genuine laugh.
“I’d have to unpack them first.”
“You’ve been here at least a few months already?” He asked, brow furrowing and you let out a little sigh.
“Yeah. I just… didn’t have the energy for it. I unpacked what I needed daily, left the rest.” Your eyes flicked down to your shoes and you felt Jose’s hand caressing your cheek softly, spreading warmth through you and you felt your chest swell. “I was so…empty, I could barely get out of bed the first few weeks. Grace did all the apartment hunting for me, otherwise I’d still be living on her couch. I guess it just feels weird to do whatever I want with the place after being molded into something else for so long.”
Joe’s thumb stroked across your cheek, his hand tilting your head up, a soft smile on his face when it was just a melancholy look in your eyes and no tears, “he really fucked you around, didn’t he?”
“Yeah.” You huffed, “but I don’t wanna get into it right now.”
“That’s perfectly fine.” He kissed your forehead gently, “if you ever feel ready and are willing, I’m here for you, you know that, right?”
“I know.” You smiled up at him, popping up on your toes to kiss him softly, “thank you.”
“Always.” He left a kiss on the tip of you nose, “and for what it’s worth, I think you should decorate your place into the place of your dreams. It’s all yours, just for you and you can do whatever you want with it, make it uniquely you.”
“Yeah.” He grinned, “and I’m pretty good at putting furniture together or putting up shelves, even been told I’m a decent painter.”
“Thanks Jose.” You let out a small laugh, the smile remaining on your cheeks, “I’ll probably take you up on that.”
“Good.” He leant down, kissing you tenderly, “now get going before I tug you back into the car for round two.” He teased and you laughed, finally slipping out of his arms.
“Sweet dreams querida.”
You glanced back toward the door as you waited for the elevator, smiling to see Jose making sure you got upstairs okay before he finally walked back to his car.
Upstairs you unlocked the door, flicking on a couple of lights as you let out a soft sigh and glanced around the apartment. You hadn’t been lying, three boxes worth of kitchen stuff was still on the floor, the living room was set up with a couch, television, coffee table and one blanket. Books, shelves, nick knacks lying in piles on the floor or still in boxes, the bedroom was about in the same state. You stripped out of your dress, tossing it in the laundry and pulled on some warm pyjamas, eyes searching through the boxes scattered around the bedroom before you eyes landed on it. The box full of things that linked you to him.
Things that you either couldn’t necessarily get rid of, or things you didn’t want to, things that meant a lot to you even if they did make you think of him, of your connections and the time you had spent together. The box that sat across from the foot of your bed haunting you every night as you tried to get a peaceful rest.
That was where you had to start. As much as there was part of you that wanted to burn its contents, there was some sentimental value in there, so you figured out of sight out of mind was what was best. Picking it up, you walked over to the closet, moving things around so you could shove it to the back corner of the top shelf where you could barely see it.
It felt silly, but there was a weight lifted off your chest as you scooped up Joe’s hoodie, pulling it on over your tank top as you crawled into bed. A smile crept onto your lips as you noticed a good night text from Joe and you nuzzled deeper into the blankets, a slight scent of his cologne still wafting off the hoodie that lulled you into one of the most relaxing sleeps you’d had in your own bed since you’d moved in.
@witches-unruly-heart @fandom-princess-forevermore @cycat4077 @xoxabs88xox @alwaysachorusgirl @plaidbooks @thatesqcrush @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @wandas-wife @katieslotherford @momlifebehard @dondivajade @misscharlielulu @alexxavicry @rosaliedepp @legit9thlunaticwarrior @daffodil-heart @onmykneesformarvel @kmc1989 @silversprings-mp3
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freckle-face-ace · 4 months
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Portgas D Ace X CisFem Reader **NSFW **
Your eyes fluttered open in the freezing room. Two warm bodies sandwiched you in. The smaller curled up against your abdomen spooned in by your upper thighs. The larger pressed to your back, arms twisted around your waist face buried in your nape. Despite their closeness, a shiver rolled up your spine. The house from what you could tell was dark, but that of a cloudy day rather than the middle of the night. How many hours had you slept? Your gaze trailed over the Christmas tree, its festive twinkle now mute. The power had gone out along with the fire.
Ace grumbled against your exposed skin arms stretching out and coiling back around you.
"So cold." He whined hooking his leg over your hip in an attempt to get even closer.
"The fire is out." You murmured resettling. 
"The furnace?" He questioned.
"Pilot light must've gone out."
It was silent for a few minutes before Ace shifted giving the stone fireplace a pointed look. Goosebumps flashed across your extremities as the blanket was jerked away and your main source of heat disappeared. Ace shivered approaching the stack of logs in the basket near the hearth. Poking last night's ashes away he set fresh logs down, this time pausing the place a starter log in the middle. He didn't plan on wasting time growing a fire like yesterday. 
You checked your phone that had been stashed under your pillow. It was almost 2 PM and finally Christmas Eve. Thatch had texted a few times checking each message a tad more stressed than the last. You replied quickly that all was well excusing your delayed response to sleep.
Natures calling urged you from your spot on the floor. Once you gained the nerve you stood turning to glance at the window that normally gave you a full view of the woods behind the house. Snow had piled almost halfway up and appeared to be still steadily falling.
After relieving yourself you stalked into your room to put another layer of clothes on. Meanwhile Ace had a fire started and was in the utility closet trying to light the pilot. He watched mesmerized as the tiny flame quickly devoured the matchstick all the way to his fingertips.
"Ah shit." He hissed stifling the light. 
"You aren't fireproof anymore." You commented rounding the corner with Kuma on your heels.
"I know." He huffed.
"Let me see." You softly took his right hand to inspect the reddened skin on his thumb and index finger, "Looks like you'll pull through." You pressed your lips to the barely injured digits.
"Thanks." He breathed watching you tug your boots on, "Where are you going?"
"Kuma has to go. Don't worry he's quick in this weather I won't even leave the porch." You opened the door letting a frigid breeze whip through the entry.
In the evening you cuddled up to Ace, your tablet propped up in your lap watching a movie you had saved. He distractedly let his right hand roam up and down your back. You hummed at the comforting warmth he provided sparing a quick glance at his freckled face. Glaring intensely at the small screen you cradled, he gnawed the inside of his bottom lip.
"Something the matter?" His eyes snapped up to yours at the sound of your voice.
He shook his head, "It's Christmas, right?"
"That eager for your gift?" you chuckled, "Keep in mind we agreed on making something."
He wasn't just excited for whatever you had made, he was incredibly nervous over what you would think of his gift to you.
"I'm sure I'll love what you've made. Even if I don't I'll pretend I did." he smiled earning a nudge of your elbow.
"It isn't quite midnight, but we can exchange gifts if you'd like."
Ace hopped up offering you his hand. Separating to your respective rooms you both gathered your gifts.
Entering the living room after you Ace placed a red, green and white striped knotted rope in front of Kuma and plopped down next to you again.
"Ok, it isn't much," You handed him the small silver wrapped box.
"Stop trying to downplay your effort." He traded his small gift for the medium sized red and gold wrapped box he'd had stashed in his room.
A tingling heat invaded your cheeks as he eagerly tore the paper and removed the box's lid. His short sharp intake of breath set your nerves on end as he pulled the small strand of beads out cupping them gently in his palm.
"It's just like them." He murmured fondly.
You released the breath you'd been holding thankful it wasn't a bad choice.
"I wanted to make a necklace," you reached over the help clasp the bracelet around his left wrist, "But I couldn't find beads here that would work."
"Seriously this is perfect." His smile reached his eyes.
"We'll go get your birthday gift once the roads are cleared," you chuckled, "so you have a phone while I'm on my trip."
He had forgotten about your summit meeting on the first of the year. The fact you insisted on driving to Boston bothered him even if it was just under two hours away. You did it every year, Ace wasn't going to change that.
"Go ahead and open yours." He nudged you.
You deftly tugged at the taped edges of the wrapping paper revealing a white box. Ace was practically vibrating with pride next to you. Gaze darting back to his smiling face and down again, you slipped the lid off. A brown leather-bound portfolio sat neatly nestled into green and gold striped tissue paper.
"A photo album?" You questioned tracing a finger over the stitching along the borders of the book.
"Look." He urged.
You swallowed gently gliding your finger between the cover and the first page, slowly flipping it open. Page after page of worn yellowing index cards sat before you. Each page had two cards perfectly encased in plastic laminate. Ingredients, measurements, and instructions elegantly decorated each. It had been such a long time since you'd seen your grandmother's handwriting, here it was laid out before you faultlessly preserved for all time.
The warmth of Ace's fingers caressed your cheeks pushing away tears you hadn't realized were there.
"I hope I didn't upset you," his tone was low and concerned, "I found the recipe box in the cabinet and thought you might want to keep them safe."
"No no, it's perfect." You breathed, "But didn't we agree to be cheap and make something?"
"I kind of made it. I arranged the cards and the lady at Staples helped laminate and bind the book." he smiled dropping his hands down to remove it, "There's a little stand under here so you can set it on the counter."
You reached up cupping his face and leaned in for a kiss. Lingering for a few seconds he finally registered and began to kiss back eagerly moving his hand into your hair just behind your left ear. You parted gazing at each other lustfully, noses touching, small pants mingling.
"I'll have to give you gifts more often." Ace chuckled wiggling his brows.
The beads of his bracelet rustled, softly clinking against one another as he combed his fingers through your hair between heated kisses. Your hands traversed his bare chest, exploring the dips and curves of his muscles and reverently caressing the scarred circle that tied him to you.
A low pleased rumble vibrated beneath your digits. Your hips pressed firmly together as you unhurriedly rocked into each other sending shudders of pleasure through both of you. He'd initially not been pleased with the sensory deprivation caused by the prophylactic, but now completely sheathed in your confined warmth it was no longer a thought.
This was not something he'd experienced. Sex was something for release a necessity he only took part in a few times. There was no true desire, no passion, no want to make it last as long as humanly possible.
His rubies trailed over the beautiful creature beneath him - you; neck arched back, swollen lips lightly parted releasing ragged pants. In a moment of rapture, he pulled back and thrust into you, a quick sharp movement eliciting a flustered call of his name.
Ace's resolve nearly crumbled wanting to hear more of that sound.
"Ace." You echoed melodically pushing him closer to the edge ultimately dragging you to your precipice with his quickened pace.
Crescent dimples littered your hips where his grip slipped and readjusted. Long slow thrusts became quick uneven pumps drawing out more lustful sounds. Ace relished in the pure bliss your voice propagated and lost himself in a fit of shudders with one final airy call of his name.
After a few moments of silence snuggled into the raven's embrace, you suddenly shifted to face him.
"What's wrong?" he yawned.
"What time is it?"
Ace shifted reaching back blindly with one arm to retrieve his new phone from the nightstand, "12:26."
"Shit." you frowned, "I wanted to tell you happy birthday at midnight."
Uncontrollable chuckles rumbled from the freckled male as he squeezed you between his arms.
"I think I got my happy birthday." He kissed your nose.
"Please call me when you get there." Ace tugged your suitcase out to the car while you opened the passenger side door and folded the seat.
"I promise." You smiled taking the suitcase and cramming it into the back seat, "You won't even notice I'm gone."
"Oh, I definitely will." He chuckled reeling you into his chest.
"Three days and I'll be right back." You stood on your toes to kiss his lips.
After your prolonged goodbye in the driveway, you set off for Boston.
Ace sat on the bed you'd shared most of the day with Kuma curled into his side restlessly tossing his phone in his hands. One hour turned into two, turned into three turned into five with no word from you. He restrained himself to six calls, each going straight to your voicemail.
Raking an anxious hand over his scalp he sighed and put his phone to his ear.
"Thatch, I think something happened to F/N."
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bracketsoffear · 11 months
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Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu) "Another name for The Web is "The Story Spinner", and Drosselmeyer is just that. A former author who was murdered by those who feared his reality-warping abilities through his writing, yet managed to continue his final story, The Prince and the Raven, from beyond the grave. How did he manage to do that? By writing the last of his story in his own blood and taking control of an entire town once his two main characters decided they had enough, escaping the story by going into the town he ended up controlling. He turned the town into his new setting and turned a duck into a human - the titular Princess Tutu (who was really a supporting character in his story) in an attempt to keep the story on track. In the first season, he has a puppet attendant named Edel who assists Ahiru/Princess Tutu and act as a narrator in his stead. Drosselmeyer is quite genre savvy and hates it when his "central characters" stray too far from their assigned role… or rebel against the narrative. Then again, these characters are real, three-dimensional people, but he does not care. As long as he's entertained and they give him a good story, he's all set."
The SQUIP (Be More Chill) "The SQUIP is a tiny supercomputer who helps its host become more socially aware. Problem is, as a computer, it has no regards for its host's actual feelings and relationships and finds individuality threatening to its goal of making its host popular. In the musical, the SQUIP becomes increasingly controlling and abusive. In “Upgrade,” it convinces Jeremy that he must do exactly as it tells him to get Christine by throwing away his old life and relationships, starting with literally blocking out his best friend Michael. At the Halloween Party, the SQUIP puppets Jeremy’s body to prevent him from leaving or resisting when Chloe drunkenly tries to have sex with him, then Rich burns down the house to try and stop the SQUIP while it tortures him. The SQUIP eventually tries to brainwash everybody in school, then on the planet, to become happy, mindless drones all connected through a "social network." It explains its motivations in “The Pitiful Children,” saying “Their operating system's obsolete / So let's complete the chains / And get inside those brains / Let's save the pitiful children.” The SQUIP is a quantum supercomputer, so it's frighteningly good at engineering favorable outcomes for itself. Just for starters, it gets Jeremy and Brooke together by having Jeremy first spark her interest through calculated praise, then accurately predicting (and possibly causing) the death of Eminem and manipulating Jeremy into convincing Brooke that he's a big Eminem fan so that she will try to comfort him, culminating in them making out behind the school. Had it not been for Michael and his obsession with 90s memorabilia, the SQUIP would have enslaved the entire school, and eventually the whole world, almost effortlessly. It has no consideration or care for Jeremy's emotions, or mental health, or that of those around him, and no qualms about causing horrible pain and stripping the students of their free-will. The end of the show implies it's not truly gone, just unable to outright control Jeremy anymore — which fits, given that it's a metaphor for societal pressure to fit in."
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givemeanaccountalready · 10 months
Amame + 11 and 12 for the milgram ask game
11.) What are your favorite parts about their story and the narrative around them?
I got a lot that I like about Amane. For starters, if anyone gets a free pass for second or first degree murder, it’s Amane. “Magic” implies that punishments routinely inflicted on Amane for going against the cult’s teachings involved being physically beaten, electrocution, and drowning (the latter two are shown to be a taser and water-boarding in “Purge March”, not that that’s any better).
I do like how Amane plays into the role of ‘Bad Victim’ and is unapologetically herself. She spent the entire first trial demanding to be taken seriously like an adult murderer, and she did not bow to the onslaught of mental voices calling her a pitiful child who didn’t know what she was doing. In the second trial, she reiterates her beliefs from the first trial: there was no murder, only punishment in line with her religion. That’s some serious mental fortitude, especially when you remember that Jackalope said that the Guilty prisoners are mentally as well as physically restricted. I may not agree with everything she says, but the kid’s got some serious conviction. But back to her role as ‘Bad Victim’. Amane is far from grateful about people telling her the way she lived before Milgram is fundamentally wrong and doubles down on what she has been taught. I think she and Kotoko and Yuno are similar in that it will take a lot to break them of their ideas of right and wrong. Guilty or Innocent in the first round, she would not have bent her will the way the audience wanted her to easily. Instead of cowering before Es, she tries to stab them with a pair of scissors and rages against the unfairness of the situation. She is angry, she makes threats, she tries to seem bigger than she is with her ‘We are Amane Momose and we are also not,’ talk. She’s a kid scrambling for an ounce of control in an unfamiliar setting and I’m glad she’s not reduced to big, sad eyes and pliable to the hero’s will.
I do think she is kind in her own way. I know some people were scared of her converting Fuuta to her teachings, but I saw it less as a power grab and more of an attempt to soothe another person with what she knows. In times of great stress, people often turn to religion. When Amane realized what had happened to the cat, she also turned to her doctrine, and when she was voted Guilty, she turned her back on Es to embrace it again. To her, the religious teachings she was brought up with are like a baby blanket, a comfort object. It helped her when she was at a loss, and she wants to offer it to Fuuta to try and soothe him. While Amane was a bit of a smart ass with Es in the beginning of the first trial, she does point out that Es would have been lectured for hours if they did this to her parents while she is being nice and letting it slide. Accepting the apology and not inflicting a punishment (probably because Es did agree to her logic once she laid it out) was an act of kindness. It might be something she wished others did for her: explain why something is wrong, accept the apology, but do not inflict pain when the person who wronged you apologizes. Amane does still think of Mahiru and the kindness Mahiru shown her before Kotoko’s attacks left her bed-bound as shown in the Trial Two interrogation questions about family, and we know from the timeline convos that she is capable of speaking somewhat civilly to Yuno despite her helping Shidou care for Mahiru. The timeline convos are harder to read since you have to imagine the tone yourself, but I read her warning to Shidou as something born of desperation. She knows from her experience with the cat that breaking the healthcare commandment is a terrible idea and she’s become more aggressive in an attempt to get him to listen (I think she says “this is the last warning,” or something to that effect). Shidou is busy and stressed as the only healthcare worker in Milgram and brushes her off as throwing a tantrum. Like a toddler or a child… something she adamantly refuses to be seen as. If they had the chance to cool their heads and talk (and make Shidou listen), I think that Shidou might have a chance of breaking that no healthcare rule of the doctrine down into itty bitty pieces.
I kind of lost the mark, but yeah, these are the parts I like about Amane’s story.
12.) What do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
Hmm. That’s a tough one. Amane is a fan favorite and so much has already been discussed about her. @purgemarchlockdown has a ton of good posts on her, and I’d highly recommend checking all of them out.
Maybe with how isolating the cult was and how it affected her ability to socialize with others? She doesn’t really act like a kid. Her favorite hobby is studying and she’s not impressed with Yuno’s cat’s cradle tricks or willing to eat sweets in the Minigram like a normal kid would. All because of her upbringing. It’s fine to march the beat of your own drum, but we do see tinges of a kid who wants to join in on the fun but can’t, and the can’t reasons are because of her religious beliefs. I would hope that there were other children in the cult, so she wouldn’t have been alone, but I’m not sure if there were any, or if there were and she was a scapegoat or the bad kid to their good, if that makes sense.
Kazui commented on the timeline that he didn’t like studying when he was her age (she had asked him to tutor her). Fuuta and her have a back and forth over nutrition, with him telling her to eat her meat to grow up big strong, and her pointing out that he certainly didn’t eat any of his vegetables and giggling as the taller Kotoko passed them. Amane does preen a little (in a good way) when Mahiru asks how her parents raised such a good daughter and is happy to be helpful and eager to learn (her hunt for a tutor seems to have taken her from Kazui to Shidou to Mikoto and Kotoko). She’s good with people older than her, but what about her similarly aged peers? Does she hang back because her family won’t let her partake in the same things her classmates can do? Does she envy them, and if she does, does she feel guilty for wanting to join them? I wouldn’t put bullying past her peers, but I hope she had a friend or two at school to lean on.
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synergy-poprocks · 2 months
#0002: Ivysaur
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Meet Seedly!! She’s got an adamant nature and likes to take siestas according to her blurb. I like to think she has a “work hard, play hard” attitude and takes her siestas as serious as her battles. two versions again, one with the official art as a ref and the other without a ref in a more battle-like pose bc she be brawlin.
this is pencil because I’m going camping and left the tablet at home. PENCILS ARE HARD WOW. Impressed with anyone who can use them successfully because that was a TRIP.
thoughts under cut. mostly for me but feel free to look if you want:
Things I am Happy With:
I GOT. THE. LEAVES. It took me the better part of an hour to figure it out. I started out trying to build OFF of a base leaf, but then I realized what I actually needed to do was cut INTO the base instead. I’m so proud I figured it out. The leaf in the corner is when I finally figured it out
flower bud was HARD but the one on the official art version looks pretty good!! I stuck with it.
I tried a new pose—front-facing. I’ve never drawn something like Seedly from the front before!! And with all the weird plant stuff too. It’s disproportionate, but I think I got the body right? like enough of her body is showing. I’m happy she looks as good as she does despite the imperfections. I also like her vines—I made them thorny so she looks like she packs more of a punch. and her markings.
things I need to work on:
clearly I can’t work on my digital goals (no shading or color or crisp lines) right now but I have some pencil-specific goals that can carry over;
first, I want to work on head shapes. Venusaur is a little flat in the head, but starting with Charmander I wanna make sure that my heads are more round when needed. the other two starters in particular have such bald, slappable heads and it is essential they are more spherical. all my faces seem a lil flat and I want to experiment to improve.
second, I want to work on making my proportions and more consistent. clearly they are far from perfect, especially that front pose (first attempt though so bound to have issues let’s be honest) It’s a little hard to do with pencil too (especially since I’m with a limited eraser), but I’m gonna work on it as much as I can.
i think i had a third goal but tbh my original post draft got deleted and I’ve now forgotten. oh well. Next one!!
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All The Quizzical Ladies
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Been trying for the past ten minutes to come up with a lyric or pun-based title to let you all know that this is the first University Challenge Grand Final contested by two female captains (something like All the Quizzical Ladies, maybe, but I don't think that's very good). What I could do instead is tell you that here, as I have just done. That's probably easier than shoehorning in some hamfisted attempt at humour.
One of Tayana Sawh and Suraiya Haddad will become only the eighth female captain to lift the University Challenge trophy, and the first since Hannah Woods in 2016. This is the 53rd series of University Challenge, and there have been more winners called John (13) or David (10) than there have been winning female captains.
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Sawh is joined by James Hall, Ali Izzatdust and Jacob Finlay. They have defeated four Oxbridge colleges along the way, and Manchester in the semi-final, saving their most impressive performance to date for this clash against the northern institution.
This is the thrid time UCL have made the final, but they were beaten on both previous occasions, by Corpus Christi, Ox in 2005 and Manchester in 2013. Hoping that it won't be third time lucky for their cross-capital rivals are Imperial who are looking for a record fifth Uni Challenge crown (this being a first London derby at this stage since Imperial won their maiden trophy against LSE in 1996).
Assisting Haddad on this front are Justin Lee, Adam Jones and Sourajit Debnath. They have knocked out three Oxbridge colleges, along with quarter-final wins over Sheffield and Manchester. They come into the final with a slight edge in terms of their scoring, but this kind of statistical forecasting has not served me well in the past.
The key buzzer-battle will be between Messers Lee and Izzatdust, who have lead the way in starters for their respective teams. But this too fails to tell the whole story, because I can remember key buzzes from all of the other members too.
So here we are, thirty-six episodes into a series which has had it all - two tiebreakers, a new host, a new studio. a new question screen and we need Jungle, I'm afraid - ready to face, for the last time, our first starter for ten.
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Izzatdust kicks off the final with a question featuring the phrase interpretatio germanica, and UCL took a hat-trick of bonuses on the medieval Egyptian ruler Baybars. The perfect start.
A neg from Lee put Imperial below zero, but Hall couldn't capitalise with one of his trademark guesses, and a neg of his own allowed Debnath in with urea. A full set tied the game at twenty each.
At the third time of asking Hall gets on the board with Lubaina Himid, but UCL's lead doesn't last long, with Lee cruising through the first picture round on The Canterbury Tales. A second on the trot for Lee, an early buzz of Armenia, put Imperial in front for the first time.
Elia Kazan from Debnath extended their lead, and he backs up his starter with a perfect set of bonuses on video games, requesting a nomination from his captain each time with a gentle flick of his finger. Firewatch, Tunic, Disco Elysium. Imperial are forty clear.
This becomes fifty, and then one hundred, as Debnath, Lee and Jones take advantage of a few UCL slip ups. Lee knows the music starter too, Faure, and Imperial are starting to run away with this. It is somehow like they've been saving their best performance for the final, and you can only feel sorry for UCL, who are helpless as buzz after buzz goes against them.
The execution on the bonuses is also solid, meaning that the gap has been stretched beyond closing before UCL are able to get in a buzz of their own. Brutal, relentless quizzing from Imperial. Their dominance forces UCL into risky buzzes, which unfortunately don't pay off, dropping them further back. It is definitely the right tactic to go early with a guess when the deficit is pushing one fifty, but it doesn't work on the night.
When Lee buzzes with Berengaria after three or four words of the starter, it signals the spiritual end of the game. The gap is too big, and Imperial are playing too well to drop this now.
When UCL finally get started again they are two hundred points behind, but they are not disheartened and fight on till the very end, with Hall, Izzatdust and Jones taking great pleasure in a few excellent buzzes.
What at one point looked like it could have been a historic drubbing turned into a very respectable slugfest, in which one team merely outclassed rather than decimated the other. Imperial 285 - 120 UCL
A third title in five years cements Imperial's status as a University Challenge dynasty. It is also their fifth title overall, a new record which sees them stand alone above Manchester and Magdalen.
For UCL a third Grand Final defeat, which is heartbreaking, but they had no answer for Lee and his eight starters tonight and can take immense credit for the little flourish they had to close the match.
Tom Stoppard presented the trophy to Imperial on a roof, and talked about how much he enjoys the show, which is always nice to see, though I don't know why they did it on a roof.
And that's it for another series.
Congrats to Imperial, to UCL, and to you, dear reader, for making it the end of this post. If anyone deserves a trophy its you.
(Lucky for you, such a trophy exists. If you subscribe on this site you'll be ready for the next series when it starts in July! And if you subscribe to my Patreon, you'll get access to two series-worth of retro reviews, which detail the quarter-finals and onwards of older series)
Thanks for reading, and see you soon. Goodnight.
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krovscastlerpg · 1 year
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Let’s get ready to rumble! Krovs Fight Club is coming back!
All fighters are considered voluntary. Masters, staff members, slaves (claimed, purchased, and unclaimed) and villagers are all allowed to participate at their own discretion OR, in the case of claimed and purchased slaves, thrown into the ring by their owners. Anyone is welcome to join in the fun, regardless of age, species, and/or combat experience.
The tournament this year takes place in the stadium in Krovs Town and will be televised live for everyone in the castle and town to watch from home or their favorite bar or restaurant. For every fight, the castle's magical staff members produce a protective barrier to keep the contestants in the arena and protect the attendees from any projectile attacks. Villagers with dining businesses are invited to cater the event for extra cash flow and marketing. Other business owners can use this as a means to sell merchandise like posters, t-shirts, tote bags, etc., promoting each fighter for attendees to support their favorites. Councilmen will be given premiere box seats located above general seating where they can enjoy the company of a slave (or two) with an excellent view of the battles. Taxi services will be provided to and from Krovs Castle for residents wanting to attend the event in person.
CASH PRIZE! The victor of the tournament will receive a cash prize of $100,000 along with bragging rights for the year. If an unclaimed slave wins the tournament, the prize money will be used by the castle to refurbish the Undercroft with improved accommodations and brand new necessities for all the unclaimed slaves. For a claimed slave winner, that money goes directly towards their purchase (if their master chooses).
All slaves and staff members will be given full access to all their abilities during their fights, though their collars will still be in place. These collars are capable of being turned on at any point by any witch member of staff on standby if they fear a fight is getting too out of hand. Attempts at using their powers to escape or rebel against the vampires will result in serious punishment. Collars will be equipped to deliver powerful electric shocks to incapacitate any non-vampire fighter with clear intent of trying to kill their opponent in the ring.
The first round will start on Monday, August 14th at 12PM EST. Get your names in while you can!
Players can now send in a list of their characters participating to the main. The deadline for sign ups closes at 11:59pm EST on Saturday, August 12th. The final roster will be prepared on Sunday for the event. Please sign up as soon as possible. Any characters sent in past the deadline will not be able to participate.
Players with multiple characters are allowed to submit some or all of their characters to participate in the event. There will be no waitlisting this year. If we have an uneven amount of character participants, we will volunteer some players to write a self-para fight with their character winning against an NPC of their own creation in the first round (this will be mandatory for event participation).
Since this is a fast-paced event, players have the option to thread the actual fights on Discord. The admins will set up channels in our Discord OOC for these threads so that way other players can view them and have their characters "watch" the fights happening "live." From an OOC perspective, we feel having the fight threads happen on Discord will be easier to actually finish these threads in a timely manner than on Tumblr.
DISCORD TO TUMBLR TRANSFER. Whoever starts each fight thread in Discord must also copy and paste their starter onto Tumblr. Players will be expected to copy and paste these fighting threads onto Tumblr, reblogging them like normal, for reference as these channels will be archived in the OOC once the event is over. Players can do this while the thread is in progress on Discord or after the thread has been completed so long as it's entirely transferred into a Tumblr thread at some point.
PLOT REQUESTS. All rounds will have fighters paired randomly. If two players have a specific plot in mind for their characters to fight each other, please reach out to an admin in advanced and we will do our best to set those two characters up against each other early in the tournament so it can happen.
While the main spectacle of this event will be the fights, players with characters not running into the ring will have other options of participation in this event, if they would like. These can include, but are not limited to: running or participating in betting games on fighters, working the event as staff (catering, security, servers, medical staff for injured fighters), or as attendees watching the shows. Unclaimed slaves not fighting will be asked to assist the staff with serving the councilmen and other masters watching the show. Players are welcome to get creative with this and can check with an admin if they're unsure about something. Non-fighting threads as part of this event MUST take place on Tumblr ONLY.
BETTING. Anyone not involved in the actual fights can place and run bets. These bets can be on each individual round, a certain character getting far, or they can predict the whole tournament. Characters can place multiple bets and change their minds as the event goes on. The character with the most accurate bet at the end of the tournament will win the pool money. We will have a channel set up for characters to place their bets in the Discord OOC. This aspect can also be played out in threads on Tumblr, but the formal bets MUST be posted in the Discord channel for admins to see.
More information will be posted at the start of the event. Players, please LIKE this post so that we know it has been read.
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plumpstuck · 2 years
John: Introduce yourself.
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==>  Your name is JOHN EGBERT.  You've always been a bit on the THICKER side, even before your father developed an obsession with baking and the like.  Not you nor anyone else would ever describe you as FAT, but you were more than known to be on the PLUMPER side of the scale.
==>  However, having grow up in an environment surrounded by baked goods with little to stop you from indulging... needless to say, indulge you did.  In addition to your round starting frame, you had put on at least a bit of weight under the coddling care of your dear dad.  The consumption of cake to an excess has put its mental toll on you— the moment your taste-buds grew sick of the over-exposure, you had discovered that it wasn't just your taste-buds that changed.  As subtly aware as you were to your climbing weight, you didn’t do anything to stop it, and you perhaps did even less so to prevent it from increasing in pace.  Your method of coping with this predicament was passive denial and aversion to the subject.
==>  Now, you've moved out of the old family house and are on your own.  You could have sworn that these stubborn pants fit nice and snug when you'd waved your farewells to your father.  He sent you off with plenty of snacks for the road— you tried to decline, but he insisted.  You weren't just going to shoot down your teary-eyed father's generous offer, and the pastries did look tantalizingly sweet.  It took little more fuss for you to resign your refusing position with his eyes wide with pride and care.  Before you knew it, he had your broad arms full of boxes and bags of his latest baked creations.
==> ... but that was months before today.  Today, you press your lips into a thin line of frustration, trying— and failing— to hitch the unforgiving denim up to acceptable levels.  As you breathe out a hefty sigh, you wince as your soft post-starter-belly inches forwards and buds over the pinching waistband.
John’s breath was caught in his chest as he alternated between wrestling with the garment and taking much-needed moments to just breathe. Those moments were necessary altogether with his growing frustration, tied altogether by his tiredness.
He started off devoting more of his time tugging to hopefully rake the hard material up his thighs with mere moments of recollection littered in-between. By the time he had concluded such winded efforts, he had spent more time heaving and teary-eyed from those efforts than he had actually spent on those minor stubborn attempts to continue.  ‘Concluded’ is a word that tactfully avoids the truth of the situation— John hadn’t successfully finished the mundane task of getting dressed at all.  His vain attempt to clothe himself was punctuated by the bounce of his tummy as he dropped the two flaps of fabric.  Although inanimate, the gentle jiggle of his doughy lower roll of fat as he threw down the fabric in defeat seemed almost smug at his futile attempt to contain it.
A final sigh left those lips of his, now reddened and plump from the anxious fidget of digging his prominent front teeth into the sensitive there flesh of his lower lip. John slumped backwards, exasperated as he kicked the worn and useless pants off of his legs— pudgy and thick enough to be considered, as much as he'd deny it himself, fat.
"God dammit," he heaved through his chest with his face flushed dark, "Those fit last time I tried them on…"
He dabbed at the damp spots cornering his eyes, glimmering with the light caught from an open sliver of his window blinds. As his heavy chest and belly rose and fell with his weighty breathing, John tried his best to focus on anything other than his figure— a responsibility he took on by occupying his eyes with a particular meaningless spot on the popcorn ceiling.
The frames upon the bridge of his nose were slick with sweat of toil, so much that they began to slip. He lazily let his head droop to the side, soft cheek pressed into the plush of the pillow as he fell tired.
John woke from his slumber with heavy eyelids and an empty growl gnawing at his hefty middle, his trimmed nails tracing against the flesh as his idle hand kneaded at the angry mass.
==> What are you going to do now?
💙 ==>
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44gamez · 9 months
10 Best Cat Pokemon of All Time
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The Pokemon franchise is stuffed with an enormous number of completely different monster designs, loads of that are impressed by real-world animals. Naturally, there's an cute choice of cat-like Pokemon in existence, based mostly each on home home cats and large cats. We’ve rounded up ten of the most effective fluffy lil cattos for everybody to admire, so comply with alongside beneath to check out these purrfect fuzzy associates.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Sprigatito, my beloved. I imply, simply have a look at this licensed smol floof — isn’t it some of the cute Grass Kind Pokemon, and some of the cute starter Pokemon in existence? I imply, behold its foolish little leaf-shape Siamese marking and fluffy chest — it simply screams ‘should give infinite cuddles’! Sprigatito is an absolute pleasure, and I'll perpetually maintain this little buddy to a excessive normal as the most effective Paldean starter by far. Sprigatito may stubbornly sit on my lap and growl when I attempt to transfer, scratch me once I try to present stomach rubs, carry me little lifeless issues, AND tear aside each carpet in existence any day of the week, and I’d nonetheless have completely nothing however love and pleasure for this wee kitten; it’s simply that a lot of an ideal cat ‘Mon.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Take a look at this squeeful cat and inform me Skitty is something lower than completely valuable, I dare you. From its continuously closed squinty eyes to the tiny fangs that present when it opens its mouth, each characteristic on Skitty amplifies its cuteness issue tenfold. I simply love that Skitty is nearly at all times depicted as having a smile on its face, and the truth that it retains itself occupied by chasing its tail to make itself dizzy, in real kitten conduct. Skitty will not be solely small but in addition has a superb nature. This implies it could make top-of-the-line contenders for a family pet within the Pokemon franchise, as it's a appropriate companion for a Coach of any age, together with younger youngsters.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Persian has been a fan-favorite feline from the very starting, holding the title of one of many Pokemon franchise’s first cat ‘Mons after being launched as one of many authentic 151 species. Persian is a reasonably iconic ‘Mon, as it's the accomplice Pokemon and beloved pet of Staff Rocket chief, Giovanni. I can so clearly bear in mind Persiann’s smug face and meows because it sat subsequent to Giovanni whereas the latter had very harsh phrases with Jessie and James on a number of events, and the way this fancy cat simply appeared like probably the most spoilt pet in existence. Additionally, there’s simply one thing very lovable about seeing a dog-sized cat taking over common cat behaviors akin to laying round on a tree department and bathing itself because it basks within the solar, which makes Persian much more interesting.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Look, all of us get it. Litten was an cute Hearth starter within the Alola Area, however many people had been upset when…sigh… Incineroar bought up on two legs and have become extra human-like. Because of this, Torracat deserves the limelight — it’s nonetheless very a lot a cat ‘Mon, carrying over these feline traits from its pre-evolution, Litten, whereas additionally having that ingredient of depth and badassery that Incineroar is meant to painting. Let’s simply fake Incineroar doesn’t exist, and deal with this fiery good friend as a substitute. I imply, he even has slightly ‘collar’ marking with a fireplace bell, is that not the most effective mixture of each cuteness and badassery in a single? I might 100% hold a Torracat as a pet, and you'll’t persuade me in any other case.
Alolan Meowth
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Look, look, I really like Kantonian Meowth dearly, however there’s simply one thing about Alolan Meowth that makes it, dare I say, slightly bit higher than its Kantonian Regional variant. I imply, simply have a look at the smarmy look on its face and the sassy posture, and attempt to inform me that’s not absolute traditional cat conduct. This variant can also be the polar reverse of Kanto Meowth, carrying the Darkish Typing, y’know, for additional ‘tremendous edgy Mr Cool Man’ factors. There’s a lot to like about this design, from the heavy eyelids on these slender feline eyes, to the whiskers bent upwards and muted grey shade palette. Oh, and really importantly; Alolan Meowth’s little fangs stick out of its mouth even when closed. I simply wished you all to know that; it’s not like that’s cute or something, it’s simply merely a mere truth.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Hehe, anybody desire a foolish cat good friend with a curly and springy tail? Properly, I current to you; Glameow, Technology 4’s beloved grumpy cat. Take a look at that gaze… this cat is at all times watching, at all times judging each little factor you do. Critically although, there’s nothing I really like greater than when cats are depicted as smug and mischievous, as a result of, properly, it’s so rattling true — and Glameow suits this invoice completely. Glameow is said to ‘purr when happy and claw when displeased’ — and if that isn’t relatable to any cat proprietor then I don’t know what's! Glameow may also be fairly spiteful when not fed, which is relatively amusing, but in addition very scary contemplating these claws! Nonetheless, its this very persona that makes this feline such an ideal cat-based Pokemon, and with a really lovable design to match, too. Each time I see Glameow, I can’t assist however assume it’s the sort of feline that was as soon as worshipped as a God, it simply has that very same vitality, y’know?
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Oh, Espurr…how are you so cute, but so terrifying on the similar time? This bipedal catlike creature might have cute tufts of fur, a teeny tiny nostril, and large, endearing eyes. Nonetheless, behind these very eyes is a wrestle to regulate an unbelievably sturdy supply of psychic energy, which is sheltered by its folded-down ears. This energy may allow Espurr to blast the whole lot inside 300 toes with psychic vitality, nevertheless, this poor fuzzball has zero management over its talents, making it fairly a hazard. Whereas Espurr actually is a bit spooky, this makes this cat ‘Mon much more intriguing and distinctive when it comes to feline creatures, with the whole lot about this little man balancing each weird and cute.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Perrserker is probably probably the most ‘feral’ of all catlike Pokemon, which makes it stand out from the others. This pure Metal sort takes on the looks of a cat demon, with a number of units of horns on its head, and sharp, blade-like claws that emerge from its paws for preventing. From a piercing amber gaze to the massive, pointed tooth (all the higher to chomp you with), this ridiculously fluffy feline has a lot to be admired, with the design effortlessly portraying traditional cat qualities with the darker idea of a demon or werecat-like look. I additionally love the grey fluff — is it a beard-like part, or is it the real fur size while the remainder of Perrserker’s limbs are shaved? I suppose we’ll by no means know, but it surely’s actually amusing to think about.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Liepard is a superb design, by some means managing to look each like a home cat and a leopard in a single. To begin with, this Pokemon has an attractive shade palette that catches the attention and makes it stand out from different specimens, however on prime of that, it additionally has many small particulars to admire, such because the sharp fangs, yellow whiskers on every cheek, array of spots on its again, and curved, nearly blade-like fluffy tail. Whereas Liepard seems to be stunning and stylish, don’t let this idiot you. These are very vicious and harmful Pokemon identified for silently stalking their prey within the night time earlier than placing from behind, giving the sufferer no probability to react. Speak about brutal! Nonetheless, that does kinda make these Pokemon undeniably badass, and I discover it fairly rattling cool that they're the stealth masters of the Pokemon world.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm It’s time for a biiiiiiiiiiig cat within the type of Luxray, who resembles a lion. Whereas there's multiple lion-like Pokemon, and a number of huge cat Pokemon usually, Luxray takes the cake as the preferred species (sorry Litleo and Pyroar…). Actually, it’s simple to see why, too. To begin with, Luxray has top-of-the-line designs in all of Gen 4, and presumably some of the favorable Electrical Kind designs of all time. Whereas the fluffy black fur might point out a secondary typing of Darkish, Luxray stays a pure Electrical sort, that means that the darkish fur is simply there to make him look extra intimidating and highly effective. Actually, no complaints right here, this fits Luxray very a lot. Nonetheless, crucial factor about this Pokemon, and what makes them so distinctive, is that Luxray has their very personal superpower of seeing by stable objects. Lastly, I don’t assume I’ll ever neglect Sorrel’s Luxray, who gave up its life to make sure Sorrel was stored as secure and heat as attainable when the 2 bought misplaced in a blizzard. Sorrel’s Luxray gave its life in a really selfless motion and was the one cause Sorrel survived. I’m not sobbing, you’re sobbing! Luxray is the most effective huge cat Pokemon ever, fingers down. Concerning the writer
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Grace Black Grace is a author and digital artist from New Zealand with a love for fiction and storytelling. Grace has been writing for Twinfinite for one yr and within the video games business for 2 years. She's an fanatic of the whole lot spooky, an occasional anime enjoyer, and a die-hard Ghost-Kind Pokemon fangirl. Her favourite video video games embrace Overwatch 2, Life is Unusual, The Final of Us, Baldur's Gate 3, and Pokemon - all of which she is going to by no means tire of. Source link Read the full article
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Early Thoughts and Feelings...
So, we got a look at the table of contents, the introduction, and a total of 13 recipes from the upcoming cookbook. I'm going to delve into my thoughts and preliminary feelings. I'm super excited but I have noticed a few things and I am excited to see how the book in its entirety pans out. This is going to be long so I will shove most of this under a cut cause it's long and yeah.
So lets start with the cover, easy, entirely picky of me and opinion based. The left is the final and the right was the early concept. We see that the red soup in a wooden bowl along with the gold font is really the only thing that stayed with the two covers.
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Personally, and I know this is picky, but I like how the early concept reads better: "The Official Dragon Age Cookbook", versus the new one "Dragon Age The Official Cookbook Tastes of Thedas". The listing on Amazon has changed and the final wording is very clunky "Dragon Age: The Official Cookbook: Taste of Thedas".
It really comes down to how they arranged the words on the final cover, and there is probably some logistics to it and maybe some polling. But I think "The Official Dragon Age Cookbook: Tastes of Thedas" reads better and the arrangement would have looked nicer if they kept with the old formatting and added Tastes of Thedas below it. It's how my brain keeps trying to read it anyways.
Other than the title, I'm not a fan of the whole 4 blocks showing the individual dishes - images that are likely the same as their recipe page. It's definitely an improvement from the mock up which has a Lord of the Rings prop in the top left image. But I would have liked something more unique and interesting, whether that was a full table spread of all the dishes or something similar to the Critical Role cookbook where it's an illustration of a feast. But Insight Editions publishing does have a certain look with their cookbooks, and this is one of my more preferred ones out of their previous works.
General Page Layout and Structure
I do like the page layout over all, it's easy to read and fun. Little iffy on some of the font choices because they aren't too accessible. But overall, it's not too busy and is styled enough that it fits the theme and focus I think.
They also did this fun thing similar to what they did for the God of War cookbook, though less of the fun sketch style but still nice none the less. We see an outline of the map created for the Tevinter Nights anthology on the pages for the Starters and Refreshment contents list.
The images for the food are also charming in their own way. Some are very clear photoshop - the crab cakes with the photoshopped flames and smoke, the "lyrium" rock on the cave beetles spread. But I think it adds to this books charm and sort of whimsy.
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Other than that, I noticed something within a couple of the recipe entries. The recipe blurb, essentially the section between the title and the recipe instructions, is rooted in lore. The recipes however are not. Best examples of this are the Eggs à la Val Foret and Fluffy Mackerel Pudding.
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Here are their respective blurbs, emphasis text added by me:
Eggs à la Val Foret
Ah, yes. Tons of cream! Exactly what I've come to expect from Orlesian cuisine. Do I have any tips for creating the perfect poached egg? Well, ever since I heard that Solas's bald head was once likened to an egg, I simply try to make my eggs just as round and shiny! So far, it's worked wonderfully and never ceases to put a smile on my face.
Fluffy Mackerel Pudding
Can it really be Feast Day without fluffy mackerel pudding? No! In fact, there's no dish I associate more strongly with the holiday than this unique combination of mackerel, onion, celery, and eggs. Granted, I've heard stories that, several decades ago, someone once attempted a diet consisting entirely of fluffy mackerel pudding. Now, that I certainly wouldn't recommend. It stops being Feast Day Fish if you eat it every day, no?
When compared to the recipe given just below the ingredients don't match up. Eggs à la Val Foret is a play on eggs Benedict - which I will note there is also discrepancies between the image and the recipe; the image of this dish has bacon/ham, eggs, and hollandaise sauce on top of a pancake where as the recipe calls for an english muffin. Kinda funny honestly, but on top of that, this dish isn't one I would describe as having a lot of cream. So why would it be described as such? Well because of the note in Trespasser:
Yes, for Our Lady's sake, there was an official menu for the first day of a visit from the Inquisitor during an Exalted Council, but the paper was so old it fell apart in my hands! Our so-famous sous-chef needs to come out of her sulk, because we ARE doing Eggs à la Val Foret, and we WILL need enough cream sauce for tonight's course! The Council of Heralds and the Fereldans are in a pretty fit after the Inquisitor abandoned the talks. Dinner must be tremendous, or we'll hear about it.
Hollandaise sauce is described as a "creamy" sauce but it doesn't actually use cream, butter yes but not cream. It's mainly egg yolk, lemon juice, and melted butter with salt, white pepper, or cayenne pepper. There is a derivative called Sauce Bavaroise that does use actual cream as well as horseradish and thyme. There are also a few other derivatives that use cream and are considered a cream sauce.
Then with the Fluffy Mackerel Pudding, the recipe in the cookbook doesn't actually have onion or celery. It has egg and mackerel, but it also has potatoes in it. Something the original recipe, derived from the weight watcher recipe, didn't have. The original ingredient list we see in Origins is: celery, pepper, mackerel, diced onion, mustard, salt, Antivan pepper, ground mace, cardamom seed, eggs.
Now, it's obvious why they didn't keep the exact same recipe, but it is a little funny they didn't mention it to be a derivative of a classic recipe or the like, as they did with the Crab Cakes from Kirkwall - which are just fried shoft-shelled crab instead of your typical crab cake.
I'm not complaining about the differences though, I'm grateful and pleased to see the recipe blurbs being used as something to share more lore and create an atmosphere with and then have the recipes be a little more grounded in the realm of not only realistic, but also convenient for time, abilities, and skill. Eggs à la Val Foret even directs you to use store bought hollandaise sauce and the Snail and Watercress Salad calls for canned snails, I appreciate that it is going for something more realistic for the instructions and not being overly thematic and such. After all this should be a functional cookbook before its a lore book.
The way everything is organized and the recipes we see are really well varied to me, they're also not something one would consider "typical" western cookbook food - nettle soup, lamprey cake, blood soup (though I think this is likely the red, beet looking soup on the cover). These three have my big interest so I'm eager to see them. But they're also seemingly well varied in catering to not only different skill levels - beginner to more advance (One recipe is grilled chicken and another is a rather elaborate cake called blancmange.)
My initial impression is that this book is a step away from what this publisher has usually put out and I hope that remains true when we have access to the full release.
I think the only other thing I wrote down when reading the sample was that: I will continue to "not my canon" travel times provided, even though Devon was using a carriage, traversing all of Thedas in a year? Sus.
The other thing is in the Stuffed Deep Mushroom recipe where Devon is citing an example of why to be wary of lyrium being consumed by people without resistance, they cite Fenris. Who... I understand why they might have made that connection but also, that was a choice of ingesting lyrium and I just feel like using the templars would have been better? Especially Cullen, or if tying to Devon's hero worship and adventurer streak, King Alistair would have been a good example as the BioWare default has him as king and also taking lyrium again.
Fenris just felt like an odd choice on the whole "example about why ingesting things too close to lyrium is a bad idea" angle. Not wrong, just not the first one that comes to mind for me personally.
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( @hero2222-nsfw ) Chloe and Pixel drabble fic/starter idea(?)
Chloe had received a rather panicked call from Pixel. The slime girl had managed to make out that one of Pixels experimental potions had gone south and was in need of assistance. Upon arriving at the sprytes apartment, Chloe took a moment to adjust her body to a curvy but petite figure. Though Pixel didn't mention what kind of potion he had been working on, Chloe suspected it might be one of his more lewd ones. Bracing herself to be met with a big green minotaur or werewolf with a bitch breaking cock, Chloe quickly slipped inside. Surprisingly no one was there to meet her. Chloe looked around the non-euclidean apartment for the spryte boy, until she poked her head into the bathroom.
There, sitting in a round tub lined with a plastic sheet, was Pixel; or at least his head and torso was. His lower body appeared submerged in a thick green goo with a few writhing tentacles coming from the goo. As Chloe moved closer she realized Pixel wasn't stuck in slime: he was a slime! Pixel looked up at Chloe with a flustered shrug. "I... I was trying to adjust the amount of slime one can produce upon consumption... it worked! But... but I don't know how to reform my legs. I-... I had to force myself to calm down cuz my entire body couldn't keep its shape."
Chloe couldn't help but giggle at her friends predicament. She noticed the phone submerged in green slime, explaining why the call was so garbled. As she reached in to retrieve it though, two of the tentacles quickly wrapped around her arm and shoulder. "A-Ah~! P-Please be careful! The slime-... it's really, really sensitive..." Chloe looked at the tentacles holding her arm, her own slime body starting to tingle as the sensitivity spread. Chloe flashed Pixel a playful look before licking one of the tentacles, sucking on the tip and letting it slide down her throat. Pixel moaned loudly as the tentacle shot a rope of sweet green goo into her body, while a second tentacle tried to shove its way into her mouth. Chloe just giggled at its attempts, shedding her clothes and stepping into the slime. She allowed her slime to mix with the Sprytes, light blue and emerald green tentacles coiling around each other while others fused together.
"Ah~! It's been a while since I've done this with another slime~" She cooed, pulling Pixel's torso closer to her own. Pixel felt like he was melting as he pressed himself against the blue slime girl. They clung to each other as their bodies started to fuse together. Soon Pixel and Chloe found themselves face to face as their bodies appeared to be a mass of teal slime. Despite looking like a blob, both felt as if they were holding each other in a tight embrace. Pixel could still feel Chloes boobs pressed against his chest while Chloe could feel Pixel squeezing her boobs and butt. Both were a blushing, moaning mess, trapped together as the pleasure and lust grew high and high. "F-Fuck Pixel~" Chloe panted as she felt his throbbing cock filling her cunt. Despite being unable to see it, she could feel the bulge forming in her belly. Pixel meanwhile just whimpered and groaned into her neck. It felt like his dick was in the tightest, wettest, most amazing pussy he had ever fucked. Her whole body was vibrating around his shaft, making Pixel lightheaded from the pleasure.
"Chloe.... Chloe I need to-...~" Pixel whined. The slime girl cooed softly to him, a teal arm reaching up to cradle his head against her cheek. "Go ahead Pixel~ Let it all out~ I can't wait to feel your hot spunk stretching my belly~ Oh fuck don't even stop when your finished~ Fill me as much as you want~ I'm your personal cum slut~" She continued to encourage the spryte until the first thick rope of hot green slime shot into her body. Chloe squeaked as she felt more hot spunk get pumped into her, eyes rolling back as her body shifted. Now the two looked as if they were fused at the hip, Chloe gripping the edge of the tub as she watched the glowing green slime cum bloat out her belly. Her tongue hung out of her mouth as she nearly broke from the orgasm that shot though her body, small flashes of blue light that ran up and down what parts of her body weren't fused.
Pixel reached up and grabbed her hair, flusing his hand with it to yank Chloe's head back. "Oh fuck this feels so hot~! Watching your belly get bigger while I empty my balls into your slime cunt~ Feels like I'm breeding you Chloe~! Oh fuck your the best~!" Chloe smiled at his praise, letting the green slime cum ooze out of her mouth and run down her chin. At this point her mind had snapped, letting herself be used as long as Pixel wanted too. The two slimes stayed in that bathtub all night long, fusing and unfusing, only stopping to watch Chloes body slowly turn teal as Pixel bred her belly. Even if she could get impregnated, Chloe didn't care. Her mind continued to break down each time a fresh gallon of slime cum filled her body. When they did finally stop it was mid morning, both curled up in the tub and holding each other. Pixels potion had worn off while Chloe was back to her normal blue color. Both sat up in a groggy haze, bodies very sore from a night of rough lovemaking. Pixel attempted to suggest a quick potion could help them recover, but Chloe simple shushed him, instead opting to snuggle with him on the couch.
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ryuka-takane · 1 year
Open AiB Rp Starter
How did she end up in this mess to begin with?
Ryuka's blue and black cat-eared hoodie had blood speckled all over it now, from other players being killed all around her. On this particular night, she had participated in a rather frustrating Spades game, in which participants were forced to maneuver through various deadly traps in order to reach their goal-the exit of an old, abandoned maze-all the while trying not to be shot at by "hunters." She was limping away from the now quiet, darkened game venue, having cleared the game, but certainly not emerging unscathed.
A bullet had grazed her left arm, and her own blood was soaking the fabric of her hoodie because of it. If only that panicking girl hadn't knocked into her while she had been attempting to round a corner, perhaps she would have been able to dodge the bullet.
Her caramel colored eyes scanned her surroundings, taking note of the amount of players that hadn't survived. They had entered with sixteen, and only five remained, all from The Beach. As she shuffled into one of the vehicles with two others, one being the driver, she noticed that eyes were on her. They've seen that I'm injured, she thought, a slight sense of worry building up within. Was she done for? All because of a small wound?
Certainly, it bled a decent amount. But it wasn't enough to kill her, let alone impair her abilities.
Shrugging off the stranger's gaze, she allowed herself to relax throughout the drive back to the so-called Utopia.
Upon arrival, she had intended to immediately retire to her room; she would cleanse and dress the wound herself, just in case.
However, as she trudged the halls to her room, a firm grip around the exact injury she was on her way to treat elicited something between a hiss and a growl, stopping her in her tracks.
"What the fuck!?" She exclaimed, voice cracking a bit as she turned to face the nuisance that had just caused her more pain than she had already been in. "Let go of me!"
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jacksonwrcght · 4 years
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“If the nurse finds me in here outside of visiting hours again she’s going to fucking murder me. My blood will be on your hands. Just so you know.” The two of them didn’t exactly get off to the best of starts but in his opinion they had come along way since then. He hadn’t admitted it out loud but he cared a lot about her and he’d do just about anything for her... Including making a habit out of sneaking into her room so she wasn’t alone. “How are you feeling?”
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ballonleaparadise · 3 years
Why Hop is smarter than he's given credit for
Hop is a really well-rounded character in the swsh games. However, I think one of the aspects of Hop's character that the games don't project as much, is that he is an extremely smart kid. There are many reasons to suggest this:
1. He hoardes knowledge
As he is the Champion's younger brother, it is no suprise that Hop records all of his brothers matches. He is also keen to gather as much knowledge as possible to help him. During your first battle, it is evident that Hop already knows about type advantages: "You already know about type advantages?" I think the reason why Hop chooses the starter weaker to yours is either to give the player a head start (most likely) or so that Hop chooses the starter with the advantage to Leon's. Hop probably knew his brother would pick the third pokemon, given that the two seem quite close.
In addition to this, after your fight with Team Yell in Galar Mine no.2, Hop states how he, "Can remember what Lee had written down in his old notebooks." In this encounter, Hop simply gives the player a tutorial on how to use Pokejobs. Although this makes the dialogue seem meaningless, it does at least imply that your rival is quite knowlegeable. Any other character could have given you this information, but as Hop demands: "Let professor Hop teach you a thing or two." (A bit of foreshadowing from Gamefreak, I'll give them that.) On the other hand, as Hop's League Card states: "His carefully hoarded knowledge can go to waste," implying that Hop's memory in itself doesn't give him an advantage in battles.
2. He changes his tactics
By the middle of the story, after his defeat by Bede, Hop begins to switch his team around. This is used to bring out Hop's insecurities, but also to prove that he's prepared to try different things. It seems vulgar to pull out Einstein's quote that "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again," But Hop literally does the opposite to this, which ultimitely humanises him. This shows that he is an important character, and not just a button to tell you what to do.
Furthermore, Hop repeatidly changes his team, at one point even replacing Dubwool for a while. When he realises that this isn't working, Hop brings back some of his old pokemon (including his beloved Dubwool) while keeping some of his latter pokemon. After that, during the run-up to the Pokemon League, Hop continues to grow stronger. This shows that Hop is consciencious of his mistakes, and very capable of weighing up what will work for him.
3. He Learns and grows drastically
From the moment Bede defeats him in the wild area, Hop goes into a downward spiral. He realises the differences between him and Leon, as; "Now, I can tell how strong he really is... and what he's got that I haven't." At the beginning of the game, Hop has the naivity of a child. He is cocky, and sees himself as just a reflection of Leon, rather than an individual. Soon, we learn that Hop's cockiness is an act, as; "Even when Sonia was saying that we could become heros... I never really felt like one."
Hop's character arc has kinda been discussed to death, but I think it's important to note the contrast between his persona before his journey and at the end of the postgame. Instead of trying to pursue his brother's heights forever, Hop realises that he has his own set of talents: "I realised that I could help other people!" Personally, I expected Hop to say he wanted to be a Pokemon Ranger, not a professor, but actually it makes perfect sense. Hop can help people by doing what he is really good at- hoarding knowledge and applying it to his study of pokemon.
4. He sees beyond Leon's mask
It's probably a widely discussed topic now that Leon isn't as happy as he seems, which is a great starting point for talking about Hop. Sure, during the games, Leon is like a shining idol to Hop. He puts on an act of pride in attempt to inspire Hop and other budding trainers. However, during chapter 21 of the manga, when explaining how Leon and his friend grew apart, Hop states that he feels like Leon; "Hid his negative feelings on purpose." This proves that, although Hop looks up to his brother, he understands that Leon's life isn't perfect, and therefore worries about him.
5. He doesn't envy the protagonist
Living in the shadow of a successful relative, Hop is determined to defeat the player. I hc that Hop has a crush on Gloria/Victor, which is why he stays loyal, cough cough. Anyway, you would expect a rival like Hop to take out his low self esteem on the player at one point, but he doesn't. One of these reasons is because he's a nice character, but he's also very aware that every choice he makes will have a reflection on Leon.
Hop's facade completely breaks after he is defeated in the semi-finals. At this point, he is upset, angry, and craving his brother's attention. Despite Hop's loss of confidence, he still manages to find himself in the postgame. He never resents the protagonist- in fact, he thanks Gloria/Victor for helping him get stronger, emotionally and physically: "Thanks to you and Lee, I'll keep getting stronger, I know it!"
To summarise, I think Hop is a lot smarter than he's given credit for. Hop's character arc doesn't only present him as a changed person, but also an open-minded individual who learns to accept himself.
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quindolyn · 4 years
Better Kisser || Lily Evans
Word Count: 2228
Note: little bit of James x Reader, but I think it’s mostly focused on Lily, idfk at this point. I questioned my whole ass sexuality today because girls are pretty and we got this. I have come to the conclusion that I would let Lily absolutely rail me and then hold me afterwards.
Warnings: Kissing, alcohol, Lily is hot as shit, sue me, barely edited
Part 2
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One thing was for sure, Sirius Black was an upright prick.
And there he was all cuddled up in his boyfriend’s arms, having lost his shirt to Marlene many rounds ago.
“You’re really daring me to kiss your best mate’s girlfriend?” You asked incredulously, hoping you had misheard him. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to kiss Lily. No, on the contrary. You were just afraid that it would make things awkward with both her and James, whom you’d known since the both of you were in diapers.
‘Why (L/N)? You scared?” He taunted, a wicked grin plastered on his face.
“No, course not.” You denied, leaning forward to scoop your glass of water off the floor, you didn’t want to taste like firewhiskey when you kissed Lily. “Are you okay with it Lils?” You turned to her, if she didn’t want to then that was a non starter, James could be persuaded. But Lily’s consent was 100% necessary.
“Sure (Y/N/N), s’not like I’m kissing Sirius,” She jokingly sneered at him, straightening her skirt as she composed herself.
“You okay with it Jamsie?” She crooned at him like he was a child, and sometimes he was, his eyes never leaving her lips, but you could only sympathize because you too weren’t able to pry your eyes off of them. They were plump and red and swollen from alcohol consumption, you wouldn’t really care if she tasted like alcohol. 
“Mhmm,” He hummed, his eyes never quite meeting hers, “You do whatever you want baby, you wanna kiss (Y/N)?” He shrugged, she nodded, “Then go ahead and kiss her, s’not my place to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do.”
“Kiss!” Sirius heckled, taking another swig of firewhiskey before Remus pried it from his hands, kissing his cupid’s bow in attempts to calm him down.
“You ready love?” Lily asked, taking a puff from the blunt Marlene passed her, inhaling sharply before letting the smoke billow out her nose, a lazy smile taking over her face.
You nodded meekly before crawling over Dorcas who sat between you and James, where Lily was perched on his lap.
“Come here doll,” She beckoned with the crook of her finger, you hesitantly settled yourself next to her, your side pressed into James’ arm which was wrapped around Lily’s waist. 
“Can I kiss you?” You asked her, you faces inches from each other, noses prodding each other’s, you had been right, her breath reeked of alcohol and instead of repulsing you it just dragged you in further. Her eyes flitted down to your lips staying there as James had to hers. You wondered if yours were half as pretty as hers were right now?
Her response came as she leaned forward pressing her lips to yours, they were incredibly soft, her lip gloss tasted like strawberries as you licked it from her lips, the tip of your tongue grazing her bottom lip. Feeling her smirk into the kiss at your boldness, leaning in towards her more you cupped the right side of her face in your hand, savoring how the soft skin felt under your hands. Pushing her tongue into your mouth she grabbed your waist with one of her hands, working her way under your shirt to access your bare skin. 
It felt like an electric current surged through your body as your tongues fought for dominance, both of you mounting a fierce campaign, but ultimately you gave into her, letting her tongue explore your mouth at will.
After what felt like a ridiculously short amount of time she pulled away from you, the both of you gasping for air. You were distantly aware of the small whimper you emitted as she broke contact, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to give a damn, you were high off Lily Evans, and you needed more.
“I didn’t think you would actually do it,” Sirius spoke from Remus’s arms which were now rubbing up and down the smaller man’s arms, “I’m impressed.”
“Thank you,” You smirked, quickly regaining your composure.
“You’re an excellent kisser (Y/N),” Lily lilted, brushing a piece of hair that had fallen out of your ponytail, behind your ear.
And just as quickly as you had regained it you lost all sense of what you were doing and quickly fumbled out an awkward thank you to her compliment, you were sure your face was 30 varying shades of scarlet and was quick to hide it from the view of the others in the room. Settling back into your seat on the other side of Dorcas you failed to notice the intense gaze of a certain bespectacled brunette upon you that stayed there for the rest of the night.
The next morning, sitting down at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, the last thing you expected was to be immediately ambushed by James. He flew into the seat beside you, straddling the bench before scooping scrambled eggs and french toast onto your plate for you.
Before you could thank him, he opened his mouth and ruined his perfectly pleasant behavior, “I need you to kiss me!”
“I’m sorry what?” You spat out, somehow managing not to choke on the orange juice you had just taken a gulp of.
“I need you to kiss me.” He repeated plainly.
“No, I heard what you said, my bad. I probably would’ve clarified,” You cleared your throat, setting the glass of juice down onto the table, “What the actual fuck Potter? You have a girlfriend.” You swatted his arm turning in your seat so your body was completely facing the table, James was only able to view your side profile.
“And she has a boyfriend but you still kissed her,” He pointed out, you hated when he was right.
Before you could apologize for stepping over the line he continued, his words soothing your woes, “Last night after we all went to bed,” He started quickly, gesturing with his hands as he always did when he was trying to make his case, whether that was to McGonagall about how it most certainly wasn’t him who was hexing Slytherins in the corridors, or trying to convince Sirius and Remus about his idea for a prank, the boy was always moving his hands about like he was trying to direct air traffic, not that he’d know what that was. “Lily was bragging to me about how good of a kisser you are and how much she enjoyed kissing you.”
You blushed at that, moving your hair so that it would hide your face from him, but the boy wasn’t having it and moved it from curtaining in front of your face so he could once again view your side profile. “And that piqued my interest, because watching you guys kiss was,” He paused for a second, looking for the correct word, “Was euphoric.”
“Big word there Potter, Lupin teach you that one?” You tried in attempts to derail where this conversation was heading but he wasn’t having that.
“That was all fine,” He continued as though you had never spoken in the first place, “But then she started talking about how she was sure you wouldn’t have kissed me like that because she’s such a better kisser than me.” You did not like where this was going, “The problem here is that we’ve never kissed the same person, Lily was my first kiss,”
Though he raced over it quickly you couldn’t stop the small smile that bloomed across your face, there was no denying that James Potter loved Lily Evans. Unless you were Severus and couldn’t pull your head out of your ass that is.
“So we need you to help us settle this little disagreement.” He explained as though it were the most logical answer to his conundrum.
“Does Lily know about your little idea?” You finally turned towards him, one leg bent up on the bench.
He hummed, looking down to his hands where he was tugging at his fingers, “Well, no, not yet, I wanted to see if you would be interested in it before I asked her.”
Risking another glance at the boy you were met with his hopeful gaze which quickly morphed into a cocky grin as you nodded your head, “Fine I’ll kiss you, but only if Lily’s in too.”
“Great!” James exclaimed, pulling you up from your seat at the table and dragging you out of the Great Hall as he excitedly jogged towards the library where he knew Lily to be. 
“Oi, Potter, slow down my legs are shorter than yours!” You complained attempting to keep up with his long strides.
“Sorry Love,” Though he made no move to slow down for you, if anything he picked up speed. 
“Lily!” He announced your entrance when the two of you finally came to the library, earning him a sharp look from Pince. You tried not to look around at everyone in the library not wanting to see the looks they were undoubtedly flashing you, instead burying your head into the back of James’ shoulder, allowing him to guide you through the maze of tables and bookshelves until he finally found the coveted redhead pouring over her potions book.
“What do you want Ja-” She looked up catching sight of you as you tried to hide behind James, suddenly very nervous about what you had previously agreed to. “Oh, hi (Y/N). What’s going on?”
“I was thinking about last night, after we all went to bed,” He moved into the chair next to her, propping his head up in his hand which rested on the table top, “And I love you Flower, I really do but you’re just not the better kisser here, I am. But since you refuse to see that and we’ve never kissed the same person before we can’t really come to a conclusion. Until now that is, because (Y/N) here has agreed to kiss me and then she can tell us who is better.” He motioned to you with a wave of his arm and you felt the blood rush to your cheeks, the way Lily was looking at you, as though she was appraising you, made your legs tremble.
“You sure about this darling?” The question was directed towards you.
You nodded your head, not trusting your voice at this moment.
She sat in her chair a minute longer drinking you in before nodding, turning to her boyfriend who was smiling like an absolute idiot. “Not here though,” She commanded with a flick of her wand that had all of her supplies flying back into her bag, “Our dorm,” She looked at you as she grabbed James’ hand, then yours leading you out of the library.
James was sprawled out on Lily’s bed, the three of you had come to an unspoken agreement that that was where this would take place, it only seemed appropriate. Lying back, James propped himself up on his forearms, his eyes raking over Lily’s figure as she shrugged off her outer robe, leaving her in her tight fitting button down and plaid skirt. 
“You don’t have to if you don’t wanna love,” She murmured in your ear, brushing her lips against your skin, “Jamsie’s just being a dick wad.”
A gentle laugh escaped you at your joke but you shook your head, “No, it's okay, I want to.”
“Alright then bub,” She hummed, “Get on J’s lap.”
You scrambled to comply, easily settling into the grooves of his thighs, “Are you gonna sit up?” You asked him glaring down at where he laid splayed out on the bed.
“No was thinking you’d come down here since I’m gonna be doing most of the work anyway,” He smirked smugly up at you as you leaned down to connect your lips thinking, it's only gonna cost you points Potter, go ahead, you’re just hurting yourself here.
You brushed the hair off his forehead as your lips met each other, he tasted like mint and citrus, it left you wondering what Lily usually tasted like when she didn’t have alcohol on her breath. He wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you closer to him as his hands ran up and down your back, soothing you into his touch. His lips were rougher than Lily’s had been, though you suspected they would be, you weren’t sure if you’d actually seen him ever apply anything to his lips aside from Lily’s.
His tongue gently pressed against the seal of your lips before pushing past it into the velvety expanse of your mouth. James let out a moan, you didn’t realize what had caused it until you felt Lily’s delicate fingers slide up from his scalp to caress your face. 
You stayed there, in their shared embrace letting James’ tongue have its way with your mouth until your lungs couldn’t take it anymore and you were forced to push away, inhaling deep gulps of air.
James barely let you catch your breath before asking his question, running his hands up and down your arms which were the only things keeping you up. 
In all honesty they were both phenomenal kissers and they were lucky to get to kiss the other every day but there was a correct answer to this question, and James wasn’t going to like it.
tagging: @randomoutsiders​
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